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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 83 KB, 1024x576, op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22551855 No.22551855 [Reply] [Original]

H-Games General #1136

gatekeeping edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of 2D/3D H-Games/ Eroge/ Nukige/ Hentai RPG/ Hentai Action Games.


Use web OCR to get kanji of error messages:

Please pay your respects to our matron saint, Julie d'Aubigny.

>If you have to ask, it's not translated.

>Please REPORT and IGNORE blatant shitposting


>Machine Translation Guide:

>Recommended Games:

>/hgg/ Nukige Catalog:

>/hgg/ Gotw Catalog:

Previous thread:

>> No.22551857

Games pending release:

>[CLOCKUP] 健全!変態公僕のツトメ - 2019/12/20

>[Guilty] 孕女 ~精子を欲しがる淫らな教え子~ - 2019/12/20

>[CHAOS-R] 神聖昂燐アルカナルージュ~白濁と触手に穢されし魔法少女たち~ - 2019/12/20

>[ルネ] 巨乳女戦士・土下座催眠「ちくしょうっ……アタシはお前の思い通りになんか、ならないからな……!」- 2019/12/27

Games recently released:

>[bootUP!] みつあね - 2019/10/25
DL: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2837003

>[ANIM Mother&Wife] いつまでも息子のままじゃいられない!5 - 2019/10/25
DL: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2837136

>[ILLUSION] AI*少女 - 2019/10/25
DL: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2837182

>[ORC SOFT] 種付けおじさん異世界へ ~孕ませ士種蒔権蔵、エルフの里へ流れ着く編~ - 2019/11/01
DL: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2841861

>[WAFFLE] いかにして俺の妻は孕んだか…… - 2019/11/29
DL: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2868850

>[Miel] 無能転移者でも巨根なら勇者母娘と魔王を孕ませてハーレム魔王軍を作れる - 2019/11/29
DL: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2871491

>[アトリエかぐや B&B] ままごと ~ままとないしょのえっちしましょ~ - 2019/11/29
DL: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2868248

>[わるきゅ~れ] 魔王の娘と外道勇者~紅の瞳と白き淫濁~ - 2019/11/29
DL: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2868832

>> No.22551909

Reposting: The futanari mega.

https://mega.nz/#F!4dlxGYqC!1lnRnZ_FZXkCfDLItAS79g Any trouble just tell me.

>> No.22552030
File: 244 KB, 700x2048, C02a_wiora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute elf rogue

>> No.22552261

Really hope she breaks.
Narrus not breaking until basically the end made me mad.
So far at least she seems to have better scenes.

>> No.22552562

Her feet look bad. She needs a pose that shows her heels, not just the front of her feet to make her look like she has hooves.

>> No.22552669
File: 273 KB, 1600x900, vlcsnap-00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me on otorena, anon. I wanted some assertive girls and I got them but MC-kun keeps crying all the time and once h-stuff started, comedy content dropped suddenly. Also what's with japs and not referencing male voice actors?

>> No.22552797

Do you have any list of when you added things to this? It's showing 19/11/2019 for everything but I see a bunch of things in there that I didn't get when I went through it on the 27th.
Mostly I just want an easy way to avoid getting the things I already deleted from last time since I didn't take much note of the names.

>> No.22552949

Males dont matter.
A spriteless one time female is more likely to get voiced than a recurring male character relevant to the story.
Appreciate any voiced male character you come across to.

>> No.22553220

>any voiced male character you come across to
Most of those are traps.

>> No.22553252

Oh shit, never mind, I'm retarded.

>> No.22553261

>once h-stuff started, comedy content dropped suddenly
That's how all nukige work, anon.

>> No.22553348

99% of traps voiced by women. Fraternite is only game I know with male VA for a trap.

>> No.22553411
File: 182 KB, 500x380, idunno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the problem I have is knowing where exactly I should get the game, I know vndb lists dlsite
And I also know about dlgetchu. I'm not sure if it they are both exclusively for Nippon buyers or i as a burger can register and shop myself a digital copy since I see Visa there. Looking for translation patches is also in the vndb page of the games I suppose if did my investigation right, what can you tell me?

>> No.22553449

>i as a burger can register and shop myself a digital copy since I see Visa there.
I don't remember how getchu works specifically, but yes, visa works. You may have to specify a shipping (Japanese) address when registering an account. For that you should use the address of the forwarding company that you use to get goods from Japan. Or just make one up, if you only want digital, at shich poin you should just pirate them. Fuck paying for megabytes and pixels.

>> No.22553761

I added the RJ to some names, but the new games should be in the "New games" folder.
Yeha nobody reads the name of the of the folders or bothers to search the name of the game or the RJ in google.

>> No.22554768

dlsite and dmm accept gaijin credit cards on their jp sites and dlsite has an english site but it isn't as complete as their jp one. and if you plan on using a CC use one with no or at least a low foreign exchange fee. and learn japanese, it'll improve your life significantly

>Fuck paying for megabytes and pixels.
who needs tons of garbage taking up space when you have a digital alternative? i can support the devs i like because i'm not a poorfag and not get stuck with trash that's just going to end up in a landfill

>> No.22555441

Is the translation for this still crap? I'm wondering if I should buy it in English or Japanese.

I guess I'll just get it in Japanese.

>> No.22555588

if anyone's curious, this is one of those games where which DLSite version you buy doesn't matter. Probably obvious if you've pirated it...

Anyway, bought

>> No.22555680

>Take off the tops.
>I need to take off?
You really need to ask?

>> No.22555718

Precious things are only precious because you know they won't last forever. If you truly love the devs you should want them to starve and die.

>> No.22555762

Hey man, the OP could be from an old version of the game, I have no way of knowing

>> No.22555871
File: 339 KB, 738x446, Game_2019-12-09_20-35-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah this at least doesn't SEEM like a mess

>> No.22556231
File: 188 KB, 960x641, MGGW0227_story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really hyped for the new Marine game desu. I'm going to miss their previous artist, but the new one's work doesn't look bad and the choice of cover art is 10/10.

>> No.22556332

Middle lady reminds me of that girl from Toshi Densetsu Episode 3.

>> No.22556381

It would be awesome if Satsuki Imonet did artwork for a nukige, to be honest.

>> No.22556408

Since fucking when is hgg on jp and not vg?
Why the move?

>> No.22556420

>Thread created yesterday.
>15 unique posters total.
I wonder why.

>> No.22556464

/vg/ was too fast for this small dick community to keep a thread alive.

>> No.22556956

Because vg is a gacha central.

>> No.22558219

Mostly this, if /vg/ weren't so overridden by a million shitty gachas, it'd probably be slow enough for hgg to live in.

>> No.22558238

Don't think so, the other hentai games thread is fucking fast.

>> No.22558254

Yeah but for example, hgg2d it's just full of a bunch of circle jerkers and the same 3 dudes fighting over NTR, male vs female mc , etc. No one really discusses games.

>> No.22558430

Not anymore. Even with the shitposting there is more game discussion than here.

>> No.22558455

You could have set the things right by playing Black Lilith gatcha.

>> No.22558529

Anyone ever have a problem where only some text in a sentence is hooked? This is the first time I've ever seen anything like this. Like the beginning part of the sentence doesn't get hooked and then random characters in the rest of the sentence gets left out. Can't find an H-code online and Textractor didn't really find anything that work.
It's very strange. And yeah, I set the text speed to max.

Could it be a difference in text hooking software? I gotta admit I don't really remember stuff like that anymore, things usually just werks in vnr. I think both textractor and vnr use ITH? Maybe I should try AGTH then.
To be honest this game doesn't seems very good anyway....

>> No.22558636

What game? What engine?

>> No.22558674

Not sure about the engine

>> No.22559121

They are currently powered by cunnyposts.
Its like they got invaded by infinity and tv posters.

>> No.22559993
File: 265 KB, 1000x1000, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll never see saggy-chan ever again.

>> No.22560016

All because of shitposters 'gatekeeping' this general when they don't even fucking use it.

>> No.22560086

Well that's the way of jaypee.

>> No.22560159
File: 42 KB, 885x1222, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22560980

All legitimate discussion went to /hgg2d/ years ago with the whole Illusion debacle, and when /hgg/ tried to pick up the pieces after those guys left to form their own general, all they had going for them were nukige VNs.

The number of people who are actually decent enough at nip to play dialogue heavy titles constantly are pretty low, and they're all better suited to other threads. So all you get here are MTL monkeys, but you don't have the easily accessible RPGmaker shit as a welcome mat. Instead, you have a few dozen people all talking about completely different games, with no sense of cohesion.

Between this, and the translation beggars in /hgg2d/, I'm honestly not sure which is worse. But I guess over there at least, you can actually occasionally discuss games.

>> No.22563361
File: 840 KB, 658x548, The-pleasure-of-being-cummed-inside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well im surprised by Bare&Bunny latest game.
They gave the harem route (Well more like threesome routes) a good chunk of scenes as well as actually including all characters unlike their other games where only the main 3 getting in the harem (And downgraded to 2 in neesan game).
Then the fact that there is no "side heroine only gets one page/1/4th worth of scenes " thing (LovexHolic being the worst offender.). You can argue that the daughters are but again they get more than 1 page of scenes.
Then everyone getting pregnant in their ending conpared to previous games where they usually gave a pregnant/marriage/non-marriage endings for the 3 main heroines.
Too bad that i dont like the heroines design that much. Really hope that LovexHolic gets an indirect sequel and hopefully give that one the mama game treatment.

>> No.22564687

I mean, the harem stuff makes sense since having oyakodon content in a mom-focused game is a no-brainer, really. I still get the impression that they intended for Shigure to have more scenes in Nee-chan no Susume but ran out of time. The website for the game showed four CGs for each girl, but only three of hers were released, and they left the last one blank. Her route also feels the most disjointed of the lot, like they were piecing together the stuff they had. Her being half-assed didn't seem like a deliberate decision, and the reason the daughters in this got a satisfactory amount of content is probably just the result of them better understanding their limits and planning accordingly.

I'm willing to bet the next B&B game will be an imouto-focused one going by the pattern of the last couple of games.

>> No.22565091

Doubt it will be an imouto one, then again HTP making imouto game was out of nowhere so it could happen i guess.
Plus choco already has a loli game under their belt so it could happen.

>> No.22565494

Taimanin Yukikaze on Steam!

And the trial for Asagi is already out.

>> No.22565547

I honestly don't know why anyone would actually get excited about this.
These games have been easily available in English for years

>> No.22565869

Asagi 1 had a shit translation.

>> No.22565916

How long for these games to be take down?

>> No.22565921

What game is this

>> No.22567131
File: 604 KB, 473x589, the pleasure of being peed inside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least on /hgg/ we used to have bumping and botamochiposting.

>> No.22567143

on /vg/*

>> No.22568018

Did they censor Sakura uniform?

>> No.22568472
File: 43 KB, 339x435, www.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22568607

imperial gatekeeper

>> No.22570076

what's botamochi anyway?

>> No.22570911

Is there a game where you treat girls as pets? Not like, 1 scene here or there but a whole game where the point is to treat girls as pets.

>> No.22570939
File: 392 KB, 2046x1447, What the fuck the sign says.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys deal with not knowing Japanese
>Get stuck at X part
>Have to look for a guide or hope for a translated version

>> No.22570963

Miel has quite a few games like that, one of their games is entirely about turning a school in to basically a farm, and all the girls are being kept as livestock. They also have pleasure pets which is about keeping a mother and daughter as your pet dogs.

>> No.22570965


>> No.22570985

Holy flying fig newtons

>> No.22570993

Brute force before I started learning. My Japanese isn't good at all and my progress is slow, but it was definitely worth it for me.

Do you play stuff in Japanese often? Learn at least kana if you do - it takes about a day of effort to learn and all those loan words or words you've picked up can help you in your endeavors.
>What the fuck the sign says
Japari animal hospital

>> No.22571023


>> No.22571147
File: 300 KB, 1024x900, A_TSUMA3_Character_1257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22571862

new alicesoft ntr when

>> No.22572390

when i fucking say so ok

>> No.22573061

https://vndb.org/v22445 is on sale in PS store. The version is labeled as 17+. Does anyone know what that means?

>> No.22573499
File: 216 KB, 960x1280, MGGW0223_story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just realized that SW Ep 9 is a week away, but the only thing I'm hyped for this month is Lune's knights.

>> No.22573540

Adult situations, sexual discussions, no sex.

>> No.22574562

Dont forget Miel Maou's game.
Who is the fallen angel Lucifer.
Making Lucifer into your onahole seems like a fitting gift for Christmas.

>> No.22575078

It alraedy looks better than Tetsu to Ra.

>> No.22575374
File: 161 KB, 1024x768, ev_0680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22576602

Yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to turning Lucifer herself in to my personal meat urinal.

>> No.22576636

I just use
I screenshot the stuff I don't get and paste it there. Normally speaking most of the games I have played are straight forward, the hardest part is figuring out the menu and not accidentally wiping my saves

>> No.22576981

Is it possible to make a text hooker with an OCR option that uses Google or Yandex OCR?

>> No.22577006

Sure, but you would have to make it yourself, good luck.

>> No.22577038
File: 12 KB, 500x200, iw031z86si811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, so where can I get these pixels and megabytes downloaded without consent of legalities ?

>> No.22577133

The page was updated.
Shame her butthole is behind a paywall.

It has given me great TLs for the most part.

>> No.22577189

I use ShareX and set up a hotkey to run OCR over the specific area where the textbox is, works well with games I can't hook.
The OCR it uses isn't Google or Yandex but it's still pretty accurate.

>> No.22578978
File: 130 KB, 800x450, ELpw1WkU8AEwLqz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Guilty game next year 28 Feb


Seems like femdom or Taimanin

When is Motion for other cruise rape?

>> No.22578988

Also pricing is half of the usual full game, so probably either shorter scenes or only these 2 girls.

Also likely more DLC.

>> No.22579907

probably Taimanin, femdom is a dying genre..

>> No.22580339
File: 1.51 MB, 1789x591, Custom Order Maid Breast Chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could use a breast chart on VNDB if anyone can help. My efforts are so so

>> No.22580829 [DELETED] 

that's a lot of effort for little gain. i hope you guys realize 2 important things which are that artists and companies sometimes seemingly give arbitrary cup sizes and measurements that don't align with perception and that can vary wildly from company to company or artist to artist. also, in japan cup sizes are a cup smaller than in the west, so a C cup in the USA would be a D cup in japan. there aren't any real international standards and everything is a fucking mess so good luck. beyond that if you're going just by visuals then there are plenty of girls who for example look like a C cup in one CG but look much bigger or smaller in another CG so it's probably going to be one large rabbit hole

>> No.22580871

that's a lot of effort for little gain. i hope you guys realize 2 important things which are that artists and companies sometimes seemingly give arbitrary cup sizes and measurements that don't align with perception and that can vary wildly from company to company or artist to artist. also, in japan cup sizes are a cup larger than in the west, so a C cup in the USA would be a D cup in japan. there aren't any real international standards and everything is a fucking mess so good luck. beyond that if you're going just by visuals then there are plenty of girls who for example look like a C cup in one CG but look much bigger or smaller in another CG so it's probably going to be one large rabbit hole

>> No.22581142

You realize we know that. In fact the whole reason for this is that cup sizes are already in the database so an apparent breast size is desired.

>> No.22581353

>Play the latest Miel game.
>That scene where by using magic MC can hear Carla's egg getting all aroused while it is fecundated and ahegaing from semen-sama hotnesss.
How can you hate Miel man? They make the most hilariously erotic scenarios.

>> No.22581515

sure but the database uses official sizes, if you want to make a separate scale on user opinions then you're probably going to end up pushing up against those official sizes or you're going to have retards complain about why some loli who looks like a "medium" C or D cup is labeled an A, the different tags are going to end up contradicting each other eventually

>> No.22582120

guys is there any setting for vndb notify you when some artist, producer, etc you like has released a new game?

>> No.22583178

Any game with pantyhose fetish where you make only a small hole in the important part without ripping it?

I thought it's a common fetish but strangely I didn't come across any

>> No.22583669

There is one game from Overdose focused on it and i guess Ero Appli. Mainly the black haired childhood friend.

>> No.22583677

This image makes me wish there was something like cup sizes for butts.

>> No.22583870

gentle sasaki made another similar to the one from overdose https://vndb.org/v5443

>> No.22583967

Now, this thread is not where I expected to pick up a new English word.

>> No.22584662

maybe one day buttbras will be in fashion

>> No.22585200

Someone ought to make ISO for bra size already.

>> No.22585336

>Shame her butthole is behind a paywall.
I guess they gotta do something for their ci-en supporters after all. Also I hope she gets onsen enema'd by the MC during that scene as well.

Carla being used as a toilet in a public square was pretty hot indeed but when the fucking ovum started talking out of nowhere it complete threw me off, some things are just too silly.

>> No.22585421

>asagi's VA retired
I guess that's why they went with young asagi for the game(s)

>> No.22585442

The advantage of being an esl and learning the words from ny native language that translate the closest toits english counterparts.

Maou game looks really good. It doesnt seems its isekai this time and i dont think the artist does ahegaos that much considering his past works being femdom so im looking forward to see how they look.
Is silly and hot, also quite unique. Miel scenarios brim with originality, or at least they arent dime a dozen.

Hope that one retires too. Im tired of Taimanin shit. The capeshit of eroge.

>> No.22585535
File: 14 KB, 1024x576, 1571663331880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're tired of Taimanin shit which is fine however then you're praising Mieltrash?

>> No.22585702
File: 31 KB, 181x163, 1558205557647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no further info on Exs-Tia 3

>> No.22585755

Asagi's replacement VA is absolutely atrocious, I couldn't even fap to her scenes in TABA because of how bad her voice is.

>> No.22585761

She didn't retire, they fired her. Well, I guess they said "We will no longer be working with you." and then she retired. They're going all in on their new all ages mobile game, and they don't really want any eroge VAs in there anyway. Just look at who they got to voice all the new characters.

>> No.22585784

>They're going all in on their new all ages mobile game
They surely can't be that delusional.

>> No.22586220

Looking for Msize's Hentai seiheki dominance - Femdom of paraphilia. Gonna play it myself.

>> No.22587132

That's the state of Lilith for ya.

>> No.22587142

>and they don't really want any eroge VAs in there anyway. Just loo
I thought young Asagi's VA in the mobile game was the one that worked on TA:0?

Also you're wrong on the mobile part. It's pretty much confirmed they're working on a hitotzuma game. Possibly Yukikaze 3 hinted 1-2 years ago.

>> No.22587221
File: 26 KB, 250x300, 101865[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you lads think about my wife?

>> No.22587283

I did her.
She is a good fuck

>> No.22587306

Good thing I'm a man that loves ntr while she loves bbm.

>> No.22587567

anyone know about dungeons and prisoners and how to get access to it?without paying for patreon?

>> No.22587799

There is a link in the /vg/ thread.

>> No.22588422

So apparently Illusion recently pulled all of their older games from DMM, DLsite, and Gyutto.
Probably thanks to Windows 10, which runs old Illusion games at like 5 FPS on an RTX 2080.
Direct3D 9.0 was patched to be more "secure", which ruined performance in certain games.
Just venting because I was excited to buy some of these games after years of neeting it up.
Guess I'll have to move to Japan and buy used copies. Until then, Alicesoft gets my money.

>> No.22588778
File: 185 KB, 795x1000, D-CY9RbUEAA2m-Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you preorder her daki?

Also wished there were more scenes of her cosplaying.

I prefer Nao sensei since her prequel game.

>> No.22589151

What makes you think Illusion deserves your money in the first place?

>> No.22590025

Does someone have a link for Rinetta's adventure 0.47, or that's what Yandex/Google translate it as. The dev is "craft beer" something which is also possibly mistranslated.

>> No.22590357
File: 370 KB, 509x485, crazydaughterbuhibenki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my daughter, say something nice about her.

>> No.22590479

I'm more of a ntr guy if you know what I mean hehe. So I like to keep her as a close wife, but she is free for the bbm guys to have fun with her :)

Also her daki is pretty expensive, 150 euros is a lot, but you know, I could change my mind

>> No.22590536
File: 106 KB, 698x1000, D99ZRlxUcAAnU69 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So kind of like the antagonists in the game.

I lean both way (the more the merrier, just no guro/scat and minimal torture play).

Sadly the betrayal by Nanami hurt alot for the other routes.

Was expecting Nao to be assisting the villains judging by her dominatrix outfit preview, but for the former to already be corrupted after a few dickings was a surprise.

>> No.22590585

Tbh with you lad, I didn't even paid much attention to the story, besides Aina's route. But I'm gonna do a more relaxed playthrough this time and see how everything ends. I didn't see much of the game yet, but I felt love at first sight when I saw Aina :) She's one of the best drawn characters I've ever seen.

>> No.22590616

I plan to do a review myself before the end of the year since I have some criticism and comparison with Guilty other games.

Have you played the other Toriko games?
Cos if you like Aina I can suggest some of the CG artist other characters.

>> No.22590631

>Have you played the other Toriko games?
I have not lad, but I plan to. My fetishes are manly about violation involving a group of not so much beautiful guys, the uglier, the better you know.
>Cos if you like Aina I can suggest some of the CG artist other characters.
Go ahead, I still got lots of space left on my vn hdd

>> No.22590651

Very stylish nosehook

>> No.22590712
File: 125 KB, 576x1024, evc001cm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just do a rundown by the artist (Saimon)

>Shirabe (the original/prequel to Refrain, animated motion VN)
Riria can be considered proto Aina as she too is a foreigner. Only has one male sexual partner sadly if I recall.

>Kusari (has hentai anime adaptation and animated motion VN)
Yui (fav and pictured) is a popular character due to her swimsuit (in fact Aina and Nao DLC has them wearing it). Also was featured in the adaptation with extra scenes (though I'm sad they cut out some). Gets dicked by 2 and more later on. Apparently her asshole is her g-spot.

>Shizuku (has adaptation by Murakami of Taimanin Asagi fame, but a let down in my opinion)
Miho is the first time Saimon gets to have his character as MC. Is either a toy for one or multiple partners depending on route choice. On a side note you may have seen me and others talk about a Motion release since this one is speculated to be next and we are eager as the DLC patch (besides the CG) is no where to be found except maybe Mikocon VIP section. So if the motion gets released, the DLC will be included.

>Yuugami (no motion release, but DLC patch can be found on a sadpanda comment)
Shion is Saimon second MC (before he hands MC right to the new artist as seen in Refrain). Has a more tragic backstory and same one partner or multiple depending on route choice. CG and plot feels a bit weaker with duplicate scenes and draggy dialogue.

Saimon did not had a hand in this one but it has multiple rape partners and they are under Yakuza so it is still a nice game.

>Chigiri (has anime hentai adaptation and motion VN)
No character focus since all 3 girls have equally good scenes but I lean more towards the nurse since I have fetish for nurse in pantyhose.

Guilty also has a vanilla series but it is just one guy and not really rape (except one spinoff)

>> No.22590729

Hey, thanks a lot for your effort lad. I will be sure to check them all out. Thank you. Also, I'm looking forward to your review.

>> No.22590932

Hey lad, don't be mad at me. I did enjoy the girls, but I think I'm much more into "hardcore" stuff, like dilf, bbm etc. But don't get me wrong I checked out everything you sent me on sad panda and the stuff is great, just not really my type. I think 虜ノ旋律 Refrain was more for me because of the humiliation stuff, like the scene where Aina is being fucked by a ugly fat guy. But thanks again for everything. This game was the best I've played this year. Hope to find more stuff similar to that.

>> No.22591503

>What makes you think Illusion deserves your money in the first place?
Thanks to the hentai games community's love of repacking games to "uncensor" them and "make it easy to install", I am willing to pay a premium for unadulterated pristine copies of hentai games.

>> No.22591531

She deserved more scenes. Group ones would have been nice too.

>> No.22591535

Not him, and I don't really care if you want to give Illusion money or not, but you do know there are plenty of untouched ISO uploads out there right?
I completely understand what you're getting at. I hate those garbage repack/all-in-one/etc. bullshit too.

>> No.22591549
File: 291 KB, 642x428, 88326-e5ff7f4500adac20f21c3beec343a2fa1016ac79_642x428[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>miel's cumshot

>> No.22591648

Is there a father/daughter Miel game?

>> No.22591704

>you do know there are plenty of untouched ISO uploads out there right?
Yeah, but I've been burned before by failed hard drives, dead links, and shares/torrents with no peers. Plus people are lazy, so pristine rips almost always lose out and people stop re-seeding and re-uploading them once a "quick and easy" repack gains traction. And P2P networks like Share are pretty hit and miss, especially for older and more obscure releases. Plus it's not always easy to tell whether something is pristine until you've downloaded it. Overall, the time spent looking for pristine downloads is almost the same as the time spent earning the money to simply buy the game.
Although to be fair, I don't think legitimate digital copies of games like AG3 include stuff like the privilege disc, so that's not a perfect solution either. I guess the best way is probably to go for used games.

>> No.22591752

Nope. It's a shame, I've always wanted them to do a proper incest game for once, but the furthest they've ever gone is some NBR sisters and moms. I wouldn't expect it to change anytime soon, but a man can dream.

>> No.22591924

Yeah I feel you. At least her mother is in her first scene holding her down so that the MC can rape her, but yeah, group scenes with her would've been nice. I assume the reason why there really weren't any is because she's drawn by a different artist than the other two.

>> No.22591943

That being said, Sara still ended being my favorite heroine and onaho, her design and VA were really good, and I really like her young, spunky and eager personality in contrast with the other two.

>> No.22592605

Its strange.
You have games like the last T-28 game with inherent Oyakodon stuff.
Then you have Harem Gakuentoshi where there are no threesome scenes involving Rio and her daughter Mayu.
But then Tanezuke Gakuen have the one of the main heroines mother, a side character, having an Oyakodon scene.

>> No.22593511

I don't get it

>> No.22593841

with hongfire still dead where am I supposed to get mods for 3d h games? the threads on /h/ are fucking useless and I refuse to use pisscord.

>> No.22593904

So Miel updated the game's page.
Nice scenes can be glanced in the game's cover.
The video shows a few hot scenes such as defloration and horn holding fuck.
Kinda worried we dont see an scene of the angel, hope she at least has a pregnant and threesome scene with Luci. The angel is likely Michael given that he was the one who threw Lucifer from heaven.

>> No.22594088


>> No.22594223

is this a real site? it sounds like somewhere with malware ads.

>> No.22594546

I recall all except maybe Shizuku have at least a BBM gangbang.

As for ugly bastard dilf, only Refrain has a giant one so far (and funny how they balance with a shota). You can try Ran Sem, Helter Skelter and Toriko no Hime, though they may have trouble running on Win10.

>> No.22594657

It's a russian site, i have yet to see a single virus.

>> No.22595348

>Its strange.
As I said, it's probably just because they were two different artists for the characters.

>Kinda worried we dont see an scene of the angel
They said that the angel would be a sub-heroine so I'd expect Lucifers game to be mostly a single heroine game except for maybe 2 or 3 scenes with the angel.

>> No.22595522

think I got locked out of hana in this game
in the second city mission list it says to meet her in the first city but I already did that
wonder if the game is broken

>> No.22595620

You will meet her again after playing the 5th stage.

>> No.22600302

unironically, discord

>> No.22601675
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>> No.22602570

it's a sad day when this is true

>> No.22603544

Does anyone have a working link to a relatively recent translated copy of Jack-O-Nine-Tails? The wiki even acknowledges the links it has are dead

>> No.22603618

isn't the magnet link working for 1.7.5?

>> No.22603620

Should I download these and "waste" more space in my hdd?

>> No.22603817

>Minori is not in the cover of their Harafure Parabook novel.
What bullshit. She is best girl!

>> No.22604224

I was actually a bit more of a fan of Kirari and Aika. Minori's okay, but her CV reminds me of a knock off of Igawa Sakura's voice actress, which can be good but also kind of meh sounding. I think her CV actually does older heroine roles better than younger ones. Kirari is the one that makes it her objective to create a harem for protagonist. It's hard to think lowly of such a great girl. Misaki's up there too because it's her wealth that allows the entire harem to flourish like it ends up. She's the one that bought that special ovulation drug as well so they'd all get 100% pregnant.

>> No.22604788
File: 205 KB, 800x600, 35582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK IS GOING ON!?!?!

Anyone really familiar with Sakuranbo Shougakkou games?


Like, what the fuck. Did they steal all their music from Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch?

>> No.22604861

What's her name?

>> No.22605006
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>> No.22605015
File: 309 KB, 1012x1400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This art is absurdly high quality and way better than what this thread deserves.

>> No.22605053

I missed Saggy-chan and her frens.

>> No.22605406
File: 224 KB, 626x939, you know what to do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you can join them anytime

>> No.22605944

>hope she at least has a pregnant and threesome scene with Luci.
Looks like your wish got granted https://www.miel-soft.com/gouman_maou/05.jpg

Still I don't expect the angel to have more than 2 or 3 scenes in total, I hope there is a scene where Lucifer uses her devil powers to help the MC rape and corrupt the angel though, that'd be a pretty fun scene.

>> No.22607698
File: 57 KB, 600x800, image-800 (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked Minori more since she was the pacifist of the group and she is one of the few girls who constantly expresses her love for the protag.
I also liked her scenes more, her cheerleader scene and her pregnant sex scene were the best, the cheers of the former and her desire to be bathed, inside and outside , by MC's semen in the latter were great.
Misaki was okay but the only scene i liked was when she cosplayed and her utter disdain of pandering to Otakus, it really drove the point that MC cock is far too good to discard.

Based Hacker anon.
If the angel is Gabriel, I can see the scene being of Gabriel being confident but then being beaten by Lucifer because the protag impregnating her increased her power level.

After this one there is the Akira Ishii solo heroine game. Really looking forward where will Miel go from there.

>> No.22608700
File: 324 KB, 1280x960, 100197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Koukan no Toriko-tachi... and absolutely fucking loved it. What are the best swinging games?

>> No.22608785

I've heard people say this was pretty good: https://vndb.org/v9972

There is also:

>> No.22608812

Damn, all those look good.

>> No.22608831

KabeTsuma is without a doubt The Kamige of swapping. It's NTR-swapping, though.

人妻交姦日記 is also a good one.

>> No.22608851

How is swapping NTR? Does his wife leave him at the end of all routes?

>> No.22608898
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>> No.22609282

NTR goes beyond that simple definition of yours, the girl doesnt has to leave the lover, heck the most popular NTR stories end with the heroine either girl and bull fucking behind the husband's back or the husband having to supply for his wife and her bull.

>> No.22609344

That makes sense. What I don't understand is how it can be both NTR and swapping. I thought swapping was I'm fucking your wife while you're fucking mine.

So, in Koukan no Toriko-tachi, which I just finished. The MC fucks his best friend's girlfriend with permission from his wife, his best friend, and of course the girlfriend because she's afraid that she's not a good lover and wants to try having sex with someone more experienced who can teach her. Then after the second time he fucks the girlfriend his best friend admits that while he was fucking his girlfriend the best friend was fucking his wife.

This then allows for a choice, keep going, or stop. If you choose to stop you all go back to only fucking your wife while your best friend only fucks his girlfriend and the game ends. If you choose to continue then all 4 of you agree to rules for fucking each other's partner and the game continues.

I don't consider that NTR although your wife cheated with you once while you were fucking the girlfriend, basically because it's a swapping game and it's expected that while you're fucking your friend's partner he should be allowed to fuck yours. I've only gotten one ending though.

So I'm just confused why KabeTsuma could be both NTR and Swapping unless there's some ending where the wife leaves you? Oh, I guess maybe the wife is cheating BEFORE the swapping starts?

I just don't understand. That's all. Sorry.

>> No.22609415

NTR is used as a catch all term for Netorare, Netorase (Cuckolding) and Netori.
So basically those games where the protag lets others fuck his girl, even if he gets other girl to fuck or he is tag teaming his girl with other dudes, its considered NTR.
Also in these kind of eroges usually there is a route or its the main topic, where either the MC has doubts and then regrets it or the guy he is swapping with takes the girls for himself without the MC in the picture.

So basically letting others fuck your girls its considered NTR by some while it isnt for others, which can lead to hot debates.

So dont think it too much.

>> No.22609455

They should do more /ss/ gangbang stuff.

>> No.22609500

Ahhh, okay. That's cool. Yeah I bet there's endings in Koukan no Toriko-tachi like that too. Probably one where your best friend steals your wife and an ending where you steal your best friend's girl. Won't upset me like straight up 'Hahahahahahaha, I'm fucking your wife and your kids aren't yours asshole' while your wife laughs at you for being a cuck.

I fucking hate those games.

>> No.22609511

>I don't consider that NTR although your wife cheated with you
how can someone be this dumb. even if something is the main premise, like for example swapping, that doesn't mean it simply ends like that. if you have multiple endings then obviously the chance of it not ending as simple swapping are high, iirc toriko tachi has a bonus DLC where both girls cheat on MC with his friend behind his back. i think the gf also points out how the wife is cheating behind his back during the normal game too, and it's mentioned many times how the friend has some issue that allows him to keep fucking longer than MC and how the wife likes sex with him more. if that doesn't set off your NTR alarm i don't know what will

>> No.22609978
File: 35 KB, 500x500, SaDistic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's ready for some vampire guro kino?

>> No.22610268


>> No.22610288
File: 230 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot this came out
Did anyone play it?

>> No.22610327

Sounds like a fine yuri game with some guro.

>> No.22610989


>> No.22612312


>> No.22612319

Netorare is only Netorare when it fucks the relationships though, no? It's in the name.

>> No.22612334

Because it's swapping. If I'm fucking my best friend's girl and he goes and fucks mine that's fair, not NTR.

>> No.22612466

Suzukuri Karin-chan is out

>> No.22612649

Why do they have horns now?

>> No.22612705
File: 214 KB, 250x353, pos_01_thumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to play new Kenzen tomorrow.

>> No.22612730

Any chances of a "The Motion" version for 虜ノ旋律 ― Refrain ― 調律される処女たちと女教師? It would be great to Aina in action for real. Also for the lad who recommended me some of the other Guilty games, I've reconsidered my actions and I'm now downloading 虜ノ旋律 ~淫らに喘ぐ処女セクステット~ (Shirabe) to see if I like it.

>> No.22612823
File: 33 KB, 600x400, song_Ly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice lyrics.

>> No.22613020

but if both girls think your friends dick and technique is better than yours and rather fuck your friend, that's NTR. and 99% of the time that's what ends up happening

>> No.22613164

that's true but just because it happens most of the time doesn't mean it's the same thing

>> No.22613216

funny how the entire H-RPG catalogue is either you playing as a female character getting raped or a male character only getting h-scenes for losing and then getting raped
this shit is fucking gay

>> No.22613231

NTR is an umbrella term that covers netori, netorare, and netorase (swapping/sharing). netorare basically covers netorase too so nips just use that instead, pretty much every game with swapping of any sort is labeled as netorare for a reason

>> No.22613244
File: 232 KB, 929x834, _20190903_105740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rape is never gay

>> No.22613391 [DELETED] 

Man after level 95 you really start to feel a slight burnout. I'm impressed people can keep playing a single build all the way to 100.

>> No.22613566

because they're very horny

>> No.22613848
File: 364 KB, 1120x1008, slave fighter sara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about Slave Fighter Sara.
What is the bad end and what was that thing on her back in the good ending?

>> No.22613926
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>> No.22614301
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, SaDisticBlooD_trial_2019-12-10_16-25-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in for the artist. The demo was barely half an hour long, but it looked to be very fast action paced, basically what I'm looking for in a vampire/vampire hunter story. The first vampire lesbian sex scene shows up after ten minutes of playtime, nipple blood sucking included, which also helps to keep the interest.

>> No.22614511

>tfw obscure smother fetishist
>tfw find a VN where a girl chokes a guy unconscious with her breasts for teasing her
>tfw never find another game like that again

why bros

>> No.22614594

>game is released
>cgs are ripped
>game itself isn't uploaded
This wait always fucking kills me

>> No.22614854

I wonder if https://vndb.org/v24591 is full on protagonist having sex with a gyaru that has a boyfriend or not. Just casual cheating sex with a gyaru makes for a fun scenario.

>> No.22614892

i mean the title literally says that

>i can't read nip
ok but the tags also spell it out

>> No.22614923

I searched it up via tags too. I really just wanted to have more confirmation. Will have to get that title sometime. OjisanxGyaru is the top tier of sexual parings.

>> No.22614946

>Netori 3.0
>Heroine in Relationship with Other(s) 2.0
what more confirmation do you need? if it helps, judging by the title i wouldn't be the least bit surprised if oji-san ends up fucking her infront of her bf at some point

>> No.22615165
File: 58 KB, 702x482, 1537324885564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stealing someone else's gyaru

>> No.22615462

Suzukuri Karin is uploaded. I'm really looking forward to it so I hope its good, the trial was promising.

>> No.22615546

How can one midget vampire be so smug.
Also really dig the black hair/red eyes combination.
Too many white/blonde hair vampires lately.

>> No.22615913
File: 227 KB, 1330x622, Sluts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gib sluts.

>> No.22616221

Brainlet here, just spotted a torrent for Venus Blood Frontier "International", is this the translated one that was announced a while ago or is it something else ?

>> No.22616337

I'm actually curious how they did they handle certain UI elements like the unit info panels in the english version.

>> No.22616389
File: 42 KB, 150x150, sss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any games with a big focus on big titties and paizuri?

>> No.22616394

paizuri fiance

>> No.22616405

Thank you, though I'd rather have "games". I don't have the attention span to play VNs.

>> No.22616430

then you're in the wrong thread

>> No.22616445

>Welcome, this general is for the discussion of 2D/3D H-Games/ Eroge/ Nukige/ Hentai RPG/ Hentai Action Games.

>> No.22616469

alright then buddy, good luck

>> No.22616529

If you were to average the cup sizes across all scenes, what would it be? For example, if there are five scenes with B cups and twelve scenes with G cups the average would be roughly a DD cup game.

>> No.22616608

They changed race kanji to icons properly.

>> No.22616653

game name

>> No.22616659

What about skill names? There's no way they can fit those into 4 letters amount of space.

>> No.22616671


>> No.22616676
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>> No.22616685
File: 183 KB, 909x103, 1550681491513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute race icon.

>> No.22616688


>> No.22616901

is venus blood worth it even if I don't like tentacles?

>> No.22616953

Do you like SLG and min max autism? If so then give it a try.

>> No.22617122

Report back on why they have horns.
It is important.

>> No.22617712

>Kenzen not out yet

>> No.22617769
File: 183 KB, 1024x576, 121525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not alone anon.

By the way I'm kinda surprised that previous Kenzen didn't get much discussion compared to Meikoku. Or am I remembering it wrong?
Both games are drawn by Butcha, both have plenty of gangbang scenes, both have nymphomaniac theme going on(though it's a bit more complicated in Meikoku). Are many people repulsed by Kenzen's setting and the fact that all heroines are sluts? Or is it something else?

I remember there was a lot of salt when anons realized Meikoku isn't exactly a pure waifu impregnation nukige like Jutaijima.

>> No.22617913

>I remember there was a lot of salt when anons realized Meikoku isn't exactly a pure waifu impregnation nukige like Jutaijima.
Yeah fuck Meikocuck.
Hope Butcha stays at Clockup doing slutges.

>> No.22617946

I wish he made his own game, he had some interesting concepts. Too bad they were for April Fools.

>> No.22617970

It's up bros.

>> No.22617982

thanks muh man!

>> No.22618161
File: 541 KB, 1400x2000, bibleblack art 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's doing a Lune or a doujin game next people think it may be super hero'd themed.

>> No.22618403
File: 1009 KB, 848x1200, 73511345_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>super hero'd themed.
I know Butcha is a big fan of western comics and super heroes, but he's also a big fan of strong women getting overpowered and turned into nikubenki. So I wonder whether it's going to be that or some kind of a "weird fetishes based on girls' super powers"-nukige.

>> No.22618405

Am I blind or there is no crack?

>> No.22618438

Nevermind, found serials on animesharing.

>> No.22618560
File: 474 KB, 495x700, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lilith's Bloodlord was translated.

>> No.22619287

Cry more.

Meikoku was his own game. He was the one that came up with the concept and plot for it.

>> No.22619356

The reason they have horns is in the fucking website synopsis. They are demons.

>> No.22619360

>superhero themed
please god be aku no onna 3

>> No.22619448
File: 122 KB, 960x500, top65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New game coming?

>> No.22619487

Looking at those skirts I guess it's gonna be older girls, maybe another Niizuma.

>> No.22619562

Please no. Keep ButchaCuck out of Aku no Onna.

Wonder if it will be a Cation game given that Niizuma was a series send off.
It could go natural vacation or Yuuwaku.

>> No.22619568

I'd rather have a butcha-u aku no onna than have the series be dead forever. Of course I like him.

>> No.22619687

Id rather the series dead than let a cuck touch it.

>> No.22619700

You're aware that the artist for the original game is literally Gentle Sasaki, right?

>> No.22619772

Who doesnt do cuckshit other than the cuck teams.
Butcha made a Team Bitters tier game for the main brand.

>> No.22619776

He wasn't supposed to know that anon. How will he carry on his narrative now?

>> No.22619812

awesome I was waiting for this. too bad my eroge backlog is massive. how do you even finish a game when you can only play for 15 minutes to an hour at a time?

>> No.22619819

My point is that you're a moron for your comment about "letting a cuck touch it" when almost all of the artists and writers that worked on the franchise work on NTR games all the time. Gentle Sasaki is one of the most prolific NTR artists out there. Butcha doesn't do NTR at all, he just does sluts.

>Butcha made a Team Bitters tier game for the main brand.
You're retarded my dude. None of the scenes in the evil route in Meikoku have an NTR vibe to them. The point of that route is that everyone becomes nymphomaniacs because you embrace the Meikoku, but at the end of the day every scene is still written with the girls loving Asada's dick more than anything. There's also only less than a dozen gangbang scenes in the game, making up like 10-15% of the scenes. I don't know how you could play the game that literally has 12 vanilla romance endings and 3 evil ones where you still end up being the guy the girls lust after and think it's comparable to the Bitters games. I honestly refuse to believe you even did play it. It's really not any different from what most eroge were a decade or so ago before this stupid standard of "NO BAD ENDINGS AT ALL" came into fashion.

Finally, it's worth noting that what brand a game is published under means jack shit. They're the same staff, writers and graffickers. It's literally just a case of choosing what logo to slap on the box. They didn't give it the Bitters one because it's not a game that leaves a bitter taste in one's mouth and even the evil route still has a victorious tone to it. You're the moron for thinking Lune made some kind of promise to you about not having any scenes whatsoever with anyone other than the protagonist.

Also, hate to break it to you, but Butcha already said he'd started planning for his next game with Lune.

>> No.22619824

Lune is making a Aku no Onna gacha game. I like the series, but I doubt it's popular enough to sustain a gacha for a long time. Butcha Aku no Onna 3 would be a nice fallback.

>> No.22619853

>Lune is making a Aku no Onna gacha game
please be fake

>> No.22619855

how new are you

>> No.22619859

By edging for a couple of hours instead.

>> No.22619860

nothing is ever so stupid and terrible sounding that it has to be fake in this clown world

>> No.22619862

Unfortunately it's real, check their site. It includes characters from the first game and new original ones. But I wouldn't mind it existing if we got a Butcha drawn Aku no Onna 3, who knows what will happen though.

>> No.22619874


>> No.22619879
File: 149 KB, 957x1286, EMN6E2jUEAAND4X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My point is that you're a moron for your comment about "letting a cuck touch it" when almost all of the artists and writers that worked on the franchise work on NTR games all the time. Gentle Sasaki is one of the most prolific NTR artists out there. Butcha doesn't do NTR at all, he just does sluts.
Which is moot since he was at the helm of that game so id rather trust the prolific NTR artist who hasnt made a cuck game for the main brand than the one who did.

>You're retarded my dude. None of the scenes in the evil route in Meikoku have an NTR vibe to them. The point of that route is that everyone becomes nymphomaniacs because you embrace the Meikoku, but at the end of the day every scene is still written with the girls loving Asada's dick more than anything. There's also only less than a dozen gangbang scenes in the game, making up like 10-15% of the scenes. I don't know how you could play the game that literally has 12 vanilla romance endings and 3 evil ones where you still end up being the guy the girls lust after and think it's comparable to the Bitters games. I honestly refuse to believe you even did play it. It's really not any different from what most eroge were a decade or so ago before this stupid standard of "NO BAD ENDINGS AT ALL" came into fashion.
Literally "she fucks all the guys in the school but im the one she cuddles at night with her. Who won?" the post.
Also i dont give a shit that its optional, when the girls are willing to fuck anyone but MC or he allowing it then the girls are already shit and their "vanilla" routes are also shit. Most of the most prominent NTR games have the NTR being optional so Mekocuk is still a cuck game.

>Finally, it's worth noting that what brand a game is published under means jack shit. They're the same staff, writers and graffickers. It's literally just a case of choosing what logo to slap on the box. They didn't give it the Bitters one because it's not a game that leaves a bitter taste in one's mouth and even the evil route still has a victorious tone to it. You're the moron for thinking Lune made some kind of promise to you about not having any scenes whatsoever with anyone other than the protagonist.
Again he literally was at the helm of Meikocuck and the main brand its important, otherwise there wouldnt be label in the first place. Its common to make games that the main brand doesnt usually do in the main ones.

Nah fuck him. Get whoever is doing the art of the original Aku no Onna for the gacha.
Leave Butchacuck to cuck up brand new IPs.

>> No.22619889

Its real.
But it isnt that bad. Means more CGs of our favorite Aku no Onna girls.

>> No.22619894

my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

no one is going to do a scene port of this like taba
if it has to exist i at least want to read it without shelling out thousands of dollars in a gacha

>> No.22619916
File: 956 KB, 746x1106, Dark Lunatemis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if it has to exist i at least want to read it without shelling out thousands of dollars in a gacha
Well the other alternative is no new art of them so its something.
Happened with Eiyuu Senki too and so far im enjoying seeing new art of the ES girls or even girls who didnt have one get them in the gacha.

>> No.22619917

>Well the other alternative is no new art of them so its something.
the other alternative would be a new vn actually

>> No.22619979

Lune almost never does 3rd entries.
Specially of 1 which already got a fandisc so it wasnt ever likely.

>> No.22619983

i wouldnt have said an aku no onna mobage was likely either yet here we are

>> No.22619992

Well, for the people who like the Aku no Onna 1 cast the gacha seems to be the only place to get new official art for them in the foreseeable future. Maybe a viewer will be made for it like the Taimanin gacha.

But that does not preclude a Aku no Onna 3 from being made at some point with an all new cast and setting.

>> No.22620018

>Which is moot since he was at the helm of that game so id rather trust the prolific NTR artist who hasnt made a cuck game for the main brand than the one who did.
Meikoku isn't a "cuck game". You can keep saying it, but it won't make it any more true. Again, you're literally getting mad because of the logo on the box of the game. I can't think of anything more autistic. You do realize they take the same amount of resources to make either way, right?

>Literally "she fucks all the guys in the school but im the one she cuddles at night with her. Who won?" the post.
Okay so you didn't play it. He doesn't cuddle with them. The whole point of the game is that Asada chooses between the good route, where he protects them from the Meikoku and forms relationships with them, or the evil route where he stops giving a shit about them and just wants to create a world of sex. There's no romance in the latter one, and he isn't interested in them romantically except for bearing his children so he can bring Satan into the world.

>Also i dont give a shit that its optional, when the girls are willing to fuck anyone but MC or he allowing it then the girls are already shit and their "vanilla" routes are also shit.
Again making it really clear you didn't play it. The Meikoku is the cause for this, not the girls themselves. None of them willingly go along with it, but Asada forces them to until they can't resist anymore. The only time you ever see them enjoying gangbangs is with glowing pink eyes because they're corrupted beyond saving. Whenever they're in their regular state of mind (ie: the good route), they're explicit about loving only Asada and wanting nothing to do with anything else. The evil route isn't proof that they're willing to fuck anyone else, it's quite literally the opposite because the whole point is that it takes the interference of the underworld fucking with their minds to make it happen.

>Again he literally was at the helm of Meikocuck and the main brand its important, otherwise there wouldnt be label in the first place. Its common to make games that the main brand doesnt usually do in the main ones.
Dude, speak English properly if you're going to post here. Anyway, the purpose of Bitters is to market games to an audience that likes NTR. Everything else goes under Lune, and they've published all sorts of games under the regular Lune brand in the past, from kutsujoku games to mind control, to vanilla, to all sorts. Meikoku is also far from the first game under the regular Lune label to have gangbangs anyway. You're sorely mistaken if you think the regular label means protagonist-only; it just means not NTR, since that's the only other label distinction they have. Meikoku isn't published under Bitters because nothing in the game constitutes NTR and you need to find a dictionary if you think it does. Marketing that game towards fans of NTR would be moronic, so they use the label they use for everything else.

Finally, I just want to thank you for the comedy gold. There's nothing I find funnier in this general than the seething of people like you over people other than the protagonist appearing in games. Especially when they start calling non-NTR games NTR because they're so upset by it. If you're so insecure and obsessed with self-inserting that a game that treats the protagonist like a literal god having a couple of optional gangbangs triggers you, you are beyond saving. I can't wait for your tears when Butcha's next game releases.

Also, learn to quote, holy shit.

>> No.22620053

Well this is a desperation move.
The previous mobage died and they have said before that they NEED one to survive so they are banking on one of their most popular IPs to make one (While still releasing dakis and figurines of their other popular ip, Sukebe Elf) and substain them.
Re-releasing Aku 1 wouldnt really help them in that case.

Yeah it isnt likely at all. Hell this whole Aku from Butcha only happened by an anon mentioning a long known preference of him.

>> No.22620114 [DELETED] 

>Meikoku isn't a "cuck game". You can keep saying it, but it won't make it any more true. Again, you're literally getting mad because of the logo on the box of the game. I can't think of anything more autistic. You do realize they take the same amount of resources to make either way, right?
Im mad because the resources were wasted on 2 cuck games, a normal non-cuck game could had been released instead but it didnt.

Okay so you didn't play it. He doesn't cuddle with them. The whole point of the game is that Asada chooses between the good route, where he protects them from the Meikoku and forms relationships with them, or the evil route where he stops giving a shit about them and just wants to create a world of sex. There's no romance in the latter one, and he isn't interested in them romantically except for bearing his children so he can bring Satan into the world.
Romance is inconsequential.
Its all about not being a cuck, and he choosing to be one fucks up the "vanilla" route, because it sets the narrative that in his personality there is cuck traits. Even if you go "vanilla" its stablished that he would allow others to fuck his girl.
BISHOP games arent about romance and I dont mind so long as he isnt a cuck (Which gladly were dropped from MK3 onwards).

Again making it really clear you didn't play it. The Meikoku is the cause for this, not the girls themselves. None of them willingly go along with it, but Asada forces them to until they can't resist anymore. The only time you ever see them enjoying gangbangs is with glowing pink eyes because they're corrupted beyond saving. Whenever they're in their regular state of mind (ie: the good route), they're explicit about loving only Asada and wanting nothing to do with anything else. The evil route isn't proof that they're willing to fuck anyone else, it's quite literally the opposite because the whole point is that it takes the interference of the underworld fucking with their minds to make it happen.
Its actually proof they will fuck anyone if there are still vestiges of them prefering the MC but also enjoying the others cocks.
This whole "They fuck the whole town but they still prefer the protag" is classic cuck cope.
And again the MC allowing this also fucks up the "vanilla" route.

Dude, speak English properly if you're going to post here. Anyway, the purpose of Bitters is to market games to an audience that likes NTR. Everything else goes under Lune, and they've published all sorts of games under the regular Lune brand in the past, from kutsujoku games to mind control, to vanilla, to all sorts. Meikoku is also far from the first game under the regular Lune label to have gangbangs anyway. You're sorely mistaken if you think the regular label means protagonist-only; it just means not NTR, since that's the only other label distinction they have. Meikoku isn't published under Bitters because nothing in the game constitutes NTR and you need to find a dictionary if you think it does. Marketing that game towards fans of NTR would be moronic, so they use the label they use for everything else.

Finally, I just want to thank you for the comedy gold. There's nothing I find funnier in this general than the seething of people like you over people other than the protagonist appearing in games. Especially when they start calling non-NTR games NTR because they're so upset by it. If you're so insecure and obsessed with self-inserting that a game that treats the protagonist like a literal god having a couple of optional gangbangs triggers you, you are beyond saving. I can't wait for your tears when Butcha's next game releases.
Nah they used to do that but they dropped it once they realized pandering to cucks in their main brand hurt their games reception just like how BISHOP did once Kagami started to fuck off.
Meikocuck its basically a team bitters game but since ButchaCuck is popular they likely had to compromise to get him on board so if their plan was say, give him the Aku reigns he would cuck it up too so nah keep that cuck away from Aku no Onna.

So you sound like just one of those cucks enjoying cuckshit but they hate to be called cucks so they try, in vain, to keep the NTR term as specific as possible while ignoring the plethora of cuck games proving how wide the NTR umbrella spreads.

>> No.22620124

>Meikoku isn't a "cuck game". You can keep saying it, but it won't make it any more true. Again, you're literally getting mad because of the logo on the box of the game. I can't think of anything more autistic. You do realize they take the same amount of resources to make either way, right?
Im mad because the resources were wasted on 2 cuck games, a normal non-cuck game could had been released instead but it didnt.

>Okay so you didn't play it. He doesn't cuddle with them. The whole point of the game is that Asada chooses between the good route, where he protects them from the Meikoku and forms relationships with them, or the evil route where he stops giving a shit about them and just wants to create a world of sex. There's no romance in the latter one, and he isn't interested in them romantically except for bearing his children so he can bring Satan into the world.

Romance is inconsequential.
Its all about not being a cuck, and he choosing to be one fucks up the "vanilla" route, because it sets the narrative that in his personality there is cuck traits. Even if you go "vanilla" its stablished that he would allow others to fuck his girl.
BISHOP games arent about romance and I dont mind so long as he isnt a cuck (Which gladly were dropped from MK3 onwards).
The MC could treat girls as onaholes meant only to fuck like in Miel too, so long as he is the only one fucking them.

>Again making it really clear you didn't play it. The Meikoku is the cause for this, not the girls themselves. None of them willingly go along with it, but Asada forces them to until they can't resist anymore. The only time you ever see them enjoying gangbangs is with glowing pink eyes because they're corrupted beyond saving. Whenever they're in their regular state of mind (ie: the good route), they're explicit about loving only Asada and wanting nothing to do with anything else. The evil route isn't proof that they're willing to fuck anyone else, it's quite literally the opposite because the whole point is that it takes the interference of the underworld fucking with their minds to make it happen.

>Its actually proof they will fuck anyone if there are still vestiges of them prefering the MC but also enjoying the others cocks.
This whole "They fuck the whole town but they still prefer the protag" is classic cuck cope.
And again the MC allowing this also fucks up the "vanilla" route.

>Dude, speak English properly if you're going to post here. Anyway, the purpose of Bitters is to market games to an audience that likes NTR. Everything else goes under Lune, and they've published all sorts of games under the regular Lune brand in the past, from kutsujoku games to mind control, to vanilla, to all sorts. Meikoku is also far from the first game under the regular Lune label to have gangbangs anyway. You're sorely mistaken if you think the regular label means protagonist-only; it just means not NTR, since that's the only other label distinction they have. Meikoku isn't published under Bitters because nothing in the game constitutes NTR and you need to find a dictionary if you think it does. Marketing that game towards fans of NTR would be moronic, so they use the label they use for everything else.

>Finally, I just want to thank you for the comedy gold. There's nothing I find funnier in this general than the seething of people like you over people other than the protagonist appearing in games. Especially when they start calling non-NTR games NTR because they're so upset by it. If you're so insecure and obsessed with self-inserting that a game that treats the protagonist like a literal god having a couple of optional gangbangs triggers you, you are beyond saving. I can't wait for your tears when Butcha's next game releases.

Nah they used to do that but they dropped it once they realized pandering to cucks in their main brand hurt their games reception just like how BISHOP did once Kagami started to fuck off.
Meikocuck its basically a team bitters game but since ButchaCuck is popular they likely had to compromise to get him on board so if their plan was say, give him the Aku reigns he would cuck it up too so nah keep that cuck away from Aku no Onna.

So you sound like just one of those cucks enjoying cuckshit but they hate to be called cucks so they try, in vain, to keep the NTR term as specific as possible while ignoring the plethora of cuck games proving how wide the NTR umbrella spreads.

>> No.22620179

>because it sets the narrative that in his personality there is cuck traits.
>Its actually proof they will fuck anyone if there are still vestiges of them prefering the MC but also enjoying the others cocks.
Legit how can you be this insecure? It's fucking porn dude. They're drawings. Use them to get off and stop getting this fucking serious over whether or not these lines of ink want to bang other people or not. Either way you aren't the protagonist in the first place. Self-insertfags are pathetic.

>Meikocuck its basically a team bitters game but since ButchaCuck is popular they likely had to compromise to get him on board so if their plan was say, give him the Aku reigns he would cuck it up too so nah keep that cuck away from Aku no Onna.
It really isn't. Have you read NTR? The tiny bit of group content at the end of the evil route would not satisfy NTR fans. It's much closer to a regular kutsujoku-style game, which Lune have published under their regular label in the past, but don't make enough of them to have a label of its own. Again, you are mad about this precisely because of the false image of Lune you've created in your head. Well, that and because you're an autist that spergs over a few scenes of fictional girls getting gangbanged.

>So you sound like just one of those cucks enjoying cuckshit but they hate to be called cucks so they try, in vain, to keep the NTR term as specific as possible while ignoring the plethora of cuck games proving how wide the NTR umbrella spreads.
Uh, no. I'm perfectly happy to admit I enjoy NTR. I honestly don't care what I fap to, so long as it's erotic. The simple truth is that the small amount of gangbangs in Meikoku just aren't NTR and you'll find this sort of content in countless other games, none of which are marketed as NTR. Releasing the game under Bitters alongside games like それでも妻を愛してる would be moronic, imagine marketing a game as NTR only for it to turn out that only 10% of the game even features other men and even then the protagonist is still in contro. Publishing it under the general Lune label makes far more sense since that's where they publish everything else. It's not like they tried to hide the fact this content is in the game either, you can literally see pictures of the evil route on the website. The vast majority of the game is vanilla scenes with just the protagonist, and anyone who wasn't autistic enough to get triggered by bad endings would be able to enjoy it.

If I had to pick a counterpart to Meikoku's evil route, it's closest to Liquid games like 黒獣, and only a fool would try and argue those are NTR. The focus of the evil route is breaking in the girls and creating a world of chaos and orgies. Frankly it's a pretty novel structure for an eroge that has the potential for the protagonist to go down two polar opposite approaches in responding to the situation. I find it far more interesting than making the same game over and over like countless other modern eroge devs are doing.

Good job at managing to actually get worse at quoting by the way.

>> No.22620327

You're arguing with a self insert autist of the highest caliber. He's too sick in the head to bother seriously responding to him. It's best to ignore him and move on.

>> No.22620330

>Legit how can you be this insecure? It's fucking porn dude. They're drawings. Use them to get off and stop getting this fucking serious over whether or not these lines of ink want to bang other people or not. Either way you aren't the protagonist in the first place. Self-insertfags are pathetic.
Cucks are more pathetic. Pathetic in real life and pathetic in their porn games.

>It really isn't. Have you read NTR? The tiny bit of group content at the end of the evil route would not satisfy NTR fans. It's much closer to a regular kutsujoku-style game, which Lune have published under their regular label in the past, but don't make enough of them to have a label of its own. Again, you are mad about this precisely because of the false image of Lune you've created in your head. Well, that and because you're an autist that spergs over a few scenes of fictional girls getting gangbanged.
No, that image is one they have nurtured along the years when they stopped adding cuckshit options around 2009. Then comes Meikocuck and destroys that image. Not even their 3rd Valkyrie game, a series from where they had cuckshit, had that shit (Other than no name girls, the main trio is MC only).

>Uh, no. I'm perfectly happy to admit I enjoy NTR. I honestly don't care what I fap to, so long as it's erotic. The simple truth is that the small amount of gangbangs in Meikoku just aren't NTR and you'll find this sort of content in countless other games, none of which are marketed as NTR. Releasing the game under Bitters alongside games like それでも妻を愛してる would be moronic, imagine marketing a game as NTR only for it to turn out that only 10% of the game even features other men and even then the protagonist is still in contro. Publishing it under the general Lune label makes far more sense since that's where they publish everything else. It's not like they tried to hide the fact this content is in the game either, you can literally see pictures of the evil route on the website. The vast majority of the game is vanilla scenes with just the protagonist, and anyone who wasn't autistic enough to get triggered by bad endings would be able to enjoy it.

>If I had to pick a counterpart to Meikoku's evil route, it's closest to Liquid games like 黒獣, and only a fool would try and argue those are NTR. The focus of the evil route is breaking in the girls and creating a world of chaos and orgies. Frankly it's a pretty novel structure for an eroge that has the potential for the protagonist to go down two polar opposite approaches in responding to the situation. I find it far more interesting than making the same game over and over like countless other modern eroge devs are doing.
>Good job at managing to actually get worse at quoting by the way.

Except their first game didnt have any cuckshit in their previews, luring unsuspecting users into the false expectation that it was another Jutaijima.
Then they go and for some retarded reason retconned the cuckshit of 1 and then triple the cuckshit in the sequel.
Again i dont care that its optional, the fact of the matter is that protagonists are not blank slates like silent protagonists who dont have any personality. If he is willing to be a cuck in one route that means its part of his personality and therefore he is a cuck.
So yeah it should had been a team bitters game, as it has more close ties to them than what Lune games are currently known for.

And i have come across enough ntrfags to come in and try to say their brand of ntr is not ntr when there are doujins and such which proves otherwise.

>> No.22620438

You can stop using "cuckshit" as a synonym for "things i don't like". You clearly don't understand anything about what you're talking about.

>No, that image is one they have nurtured along the years when they stopped adding cuckshit options around 2009.
Uh, no. They consistently released a game with this sort of content approximately every couple of years. 恥辱の女騎士 released in 2014 and has plenty of gangbangs. Meikoku 1 came two years after that, and 2 came two years after that. Butcha didn't change their company's brand or frequency at all. Team Bitters existed since 2005, but they consistently continued to release games with gangbangs under the main label. The games released under Bitters had very little sex with the protagonist and bad endings where the protagonist loses the girls. Meikoku and the other Lune games that were released under the normal label don't fit that style at all. It's in the name: "Lune Team BITTERS". They're not called "Lune Team Any Games With Men Other Than The Protagonist".

>Except their first game didnt have any cuckshit in their previews, luring unsuspecting users into the false expectation that it was another Jutaijima.
Mainly because the bulk of it hadn't been made yet, and the little gangbangs it had were at the very end of the game. They did state that the content was in the game on their twitter, as well as in the magazine inserts for the game that announced it in the first place. They also probably didn't expect there to be any retards that get triggered because of some optional scenes, because why on earth would anyone expect people that stupid to exist?

>Then they go and for some retarded reason retconned the cuckshit of 1 and then triple the cuckshit in the sequel.
Yup, thanks for proving you didn't play the game, or you can't read Japanese. They didn't retcon it, dipshit. Go play the game and see if you can work out what happens for yourself. Don't waste my time with your uninformed opinions you made by looking at the CG rip.

>If he is willing to be a cuck in one route that means its part of his personality and therefore he is a cuck.
What a stupid conclusion to come to. There's zero evidence that suggests the choices are determined by Asada's personality and not that he's simply shaped by the choices the player makes. Not to mention the game itself has specific flags you need to trigger to unlock the evil route and you can get locked out of it, which implies that under specific circumstances it's actually not part of his personality to take that route. But seriously, who the fuck could possibly care this much about the existence of other routes? Only a self-insertfag would go to extremes this stupid to decide whether they can or can't get off to something instead of just fapping to what's erotic. I pity you, it must suck to miss out on fap material because it doesn't fit your buttfucking retarded guidelines on how it has to work.

>So yeah it should had been a team bitters game, as it has more close ties to them than what Lune games are currently known for.
So are you going to even bother trying to argue why this is the case? Because I've just highlighted in my post specifically why this is totally normal by Lune's own release standards and use of labels. Play the game and you'll realize that the evil route is designed like your standard kutsujoku-style game, which newsflash, is not NTR. Let me reiterate from my last post, do you really think games like 黒獣 are NTR just because they have gangbangs? If anyone has a lack of understanding of what NTR is, it's you, so don't act like you're smarter than everyone else. The irony of all of this is that you believe it's others who are twisting the definitions of genres to feel better about their taste in porn, when that's exactly what you're doing.

Yeah, I'm done wasting my time. The good news is that all this talk about Meikoku's made me want to go back and replay some of the scenes again. I think that's going to be a better use of my time than replying any more to this moron.

>> No.22620451

>They did state that the content was in the game on their twitter, as well as in the magazine inserts for the game that announced it in the first place.
There in lies the rub, anon. The self-insert autist doesn't know Japanese to begin with.

>> No.22620565

I honestly can't understand people who want to play big 70+ scenes game where girls fuck only a protag. It's just so fucking boring and repetitive. You never read doujinshi with more than 1 male too?

>> No.22620578

>Uh, no. They consistently released a game with this sort of content approximately every couple of years. 恥辱の女騎士 released in 2014 and has plenty of gangbangs. Meikoku 1 came two years after that, and 2 came two years after that. Butcha didn't change their company's brand or frequency at all. Team Bitters existed since 2005, but they consistently continued to release games with gangbangs under the main label. The games released under Bitters had very little sex with the protagonist and bad endings where the protagonist loses the girls. Meikoku and the other Lune games that were released under the normal label don't fit that style at all. It's in the name: "Lune Team BITTERS". They're not called "Lune Team Any Games With Men Other Than The Protagonist".
Meikocuck does fit the label of team bitters more than the main label as its their new perception their main brand had shifted. In the same way that you couldnt argue using Elf games pre and post the NTR shitstorm.
So yeah Meikocuck having gangbang cuckshit makes it closer to Team Bitters than the average Lune game which have none.

>Mainly because the bulk of it hadn't been made yet, and the little gangbangs it had were at the very end of the game. They did state that the content was in the game on their twitter, as well as in the magazine inserts for the game that announced it in the first place. They also probably didn't expect there to be any retards that get triggered because of some optional scenes, because why on earth would anyone expect people that stupid to exist?

Or Butchacuck decided to ignore that such fans exist and just decided to make his cuck game no matter what since he is used to cuck fans.
Their main page of 1 doesnt shows anything which is where most buyers wouod get their info, the rest is second hand info.

Yup, thanks for proving you didn't play the game, or you can't read Japanese. They didn't retcon it, dipshit. Go play the game and see if you can work out what happens for yourself. Don't waste my time with your uninformed opinions you made by looking at the CG rip.
They did when they announced it. They even dropped the whole save data carry over pitch they advertised from 1.

>What a stupid conclusion to come to. There's zero evidence that suggests the choices are determined by Asada's personality and not that he's simply shaped by the choices the player makes. Not to mention the game itself has specific flags you need to trigger to unlock the evil route and you can get locked out of it, which implies that under specific circumstances it's actually not part of his personality to take that route. But seriously, who the fuck could possibly care this much about the existence of other routes? Only a self-insertfag would go to extremes this stupid to decide whether they can or can't get off to something instead of just fapping to what's erotic. I pity you, it must suck to miss out on fap material because it doesn't fit your buttfucking retarded guidelines on how it has to work.

The player is inconsequential as they dont exist, the narrative does so thats why choices are shaped by the protagonist personality, choices dont exist on a vacuum unless the MC is entirely shaped by the player choice or he has zero characterization.
When choices are locked they are just basically just hidden from the player, but not from the protagonist, just how true end routes might be locked from the player but the narrative from it still exists. Only a cuck would try to downplay cuckshit.

>So are you going to even bother trying to argue why this is the case? Because I've just highlighted in my post specifically why this is totally normal by Lune's own release standards and use of labels. Play the game and you'll realize that the evil route is designed like your standard kutsujoku-style game, which newsflash, is not NTR. Let me reiterate from my last post, do you really think games like 黒獣 are NTR just because they have gangbangs? If anyone has a lack of understanding of what NTR is, it's you, so don't act like you're smarter than everyone else. The irony of all of this is that you believe it's others who are twisting the definitions of genres to feel better about their taste in porn, when that's exactly what you're doing.

You just made my argument stronger, the fact that gangbangs exist, at all, makes them closer to Team Bitters which actually have them.
So a game with optional gangbangs is closer to the label that has optional gangbangs rather than the one which doesnt has any.
As far as i know Liquid games are all about girls getting gangbanged so the evil route, if it has a route at all, are more fitting for their brand so its a false equivalent.
Know whats funny? Is that NTRfags loves NTR but somehow try to act like their brand of NTR isnt NTR while ignoring that people who makes their NTR proves them wrong every time. And will always get shat on by normal people.
Now go back to Meikocuck.

>> No.22620590

>They did when they announced it. They even dropped the whole save data carry over pitch they advertised from 1.

Are you just shitposting or really just retarded?

>> No.22620598


this mad about nippon jack-off games

how horrible

>> No.22620599

Eroges are more about wish fullfillment than other porn media.
Thats why eroges still stick to faceless male protag while doujins only use them for the when they draw many males.
Im not saying that you cant enjoy them but really keep them in their own games instead of shoving NTR in harem games

>> No.22620606

There's more than enough harem games with no other men out there. There's nothing wrong with some games bucking the trend and not forcing themselves to inhibit their content because some autists get mad. Have you considered the existence of people who don't actually give a shit and just play these games for the porn? Not everyone's a wish-fulfillment self-inserting loser, and you need to step outside of your bubble every once in a while and realize that.

>> No.22620624

It's not about not making people mad, it's about selling. If the majority of the audience wants self-insert faceless protagonists then that's what's gonna get made, if different stuff isn't being made then that simply means there's not enough demand for it in this medium, your personal feelings about it don't matter.

>> No.22620648
File: 841 KB, 1152x434, ev_kiy3_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eroges are more about wish fullfillment than other porn media.
My wish is to live in the world where all women (and men) are slutty sluts fucking anything that moves no matter where it moves.

>> No.22620752

Okay, I know I said I was done but I can't resist this level of stupid.

>Meikocuck does fit the label of team bitters more than the main label as its their new perception their main brand had shifted.
But their main brand never shifted. They put out games with gangbangs just as frequently now as they ever did. They've been doing a combination of different genres for more than a decade, and every couple of years is a game with gangbangs. Meikoku was that game for 2016 and 2018. Stop acting like this is some crazy out of character move for them, because it really isn't. Also, I don't know if you've realized this, but Butcha is definitely not the one who chose what label to release it under. Lune will have decided that themselves. They're also the ones who decided to make the game in the first place, Butcha just proposed it.

>They did when they announced it. They even dropped the whole save data carry over pitch they advertised from 1.
No they didn't. Again, if you replay the game and actually read the text this time you'll understand how those endings connect to the second game. The game also does let you carry your save data over. There are outright two scenes you miss out on otherwise.

>choices are shaped by the protagonist personality, choices dont exist on a vacuum unless the MC is entirely shaped by the player choice or he has zero characterization.
The choices are determined not by the protagonist's personality, but by the possible actions the protagonist can take. The protagonist's personality is then influenced by the choices the player chooses. It's a fair statement to say that the Asada in the good route is not the same Asada as the one in the evil route, because both made different choices under the same circumstances. Thus it's stupid to apply actions taken by Asada in the evil route to the one in the good route and say that they are reflective of his personality. The player is the one that determines whether Asada makes one decision or the other, and that changes Asada's personality to fit the character the player determines them to be through their choices. You would have to be extremely insecure to be this worried about this sort of shit, and also just a fucking pathetic self-inserting moron to care in the first place.

>When choices are locked they are just basically just hidden from the player, but not from the protagonist
You don't have jack shit to support this argument. It's a much more reasonable conclusion to come to that the reason why certain choices aren't present if the flags haven't been triggered is because it wouldn't be a reasonable in-character choice for the protagonist to make given the prior choices they have made. This links back to what I said about choices shaping the protagonist and how the Asada in one route and the Asada in another are fundamentally not the same person due to the divergences in personality that their choices have caused.

>Only a cuck would try to downplay cuckshit.
And only a delusional self-insertfag would get so insecure about the existence of optional gangbang scenes that they cry about it this hard.

>So a game with optional gangbangs is closer to the label that has optional gangbangs rather than the one which doesnt has any.
Lune have released plenty of games with gangbangs under their regular label. Team Bitters was established in 2005, and they continued to release kutsujoku games with gangbangs under the regular non-Bitters label after that. The qualification to be a Bitters game is not simply to feature gangbangs; it's to specifically be NTR. There is a distinction and marketing a game like Meikoku, 恥辱の女騎士, or 電脳侵犯 キサラギ参事官, or any of their other games of this caliber to NTR audiences would leave them sorely disappointed, since it's far from the focus of the game and makes up a small fraction of the content to serve more as a bonus to those who like it, while remaining optional and not being a big enough part of the game to stop those who don't like it from enjoying the game. The only people who are bothered by it are people like you, a retarded minority.

>Is that NTRfags loves NTR but somehow try to act like their brand of NTR isnt NTR while ignoring that people who makes their NTR proves them wrong every time.
I love NTR. I'd love it if Butcha made an NTR game, and if he did I would absolutely call it what it is. But he didn't. Meikoku's not an NTR game. You're a moron that wants to call it cuckshit and NTR because you're an autistic self-insertfag who doesn't understand the difference between kutsujoku and NTR. The purpose of the gangbangs in Meikoku is not the infidelity or jealousy; it's the depravity and the corruption. In Team Bitters' titles their purpose is the infidelity and jealousy they cause.

Again, it's hilarious to me that you're so proud to point out that others will distort the genres of games because they don't want to admit the truth, but you're blind to the fact that's exactly what you're doing.

>> No.22620877

>But their main brand never shifted. They put out games with gangbangs just as frequently now as they ever did. They've been doing a combination of different genres for more than a decade, and every couple of years is a game with gangbangs. Meikoku was that game for 2016 and 2018. Stop acting like this is some crazy out of character move for them, because it really isn't. Also, I don't know if you've realized this, but Butcha is definitely not the one who chose what label to release it under. Lune will have decided that themselves. They're also the ones who decided to make the game in the first place, Butcha just proposed it.
They shifted though.
You can see that when you compare from elf futago hime onwards.
You can see this in say that before 2009 their ninja game had other ninjas fuck the girls while in the post 2009 ninja game only had MC or the aforementioned Valkyrie trilogy which had girl sharing options for the main heroined in 1&2 (G version only had 1 i think ) while the 3rd one no one touches the main heroines.
The only post 2009 game to had girl sharing were the VR, Fighting game parody and Orc no Onna Kishi games while their entire hypnosis series, Aku no Onnas and the other one off games dont have them. There was a shift similar to what BISHOP had.
So Meikocuck were the exception and thus would be suited better for Team Bitters (There is no normal harem ending in Meikocuck, basically the only games).

>No they didn't. Again, if you replay the game and actually read the text this time you'll understand how those endings connect to the second game. The game also does let you carry your save data over. There are outright two scenes you miss out on otherwise.
Okay i will concede this.

>The choices are determined not by the protagonist's personality, but by the possible actions the protagonist can take. The protagonist's personality is then influenced by the choices the player chooses. It's a fair statement to say that the Asada in the good route is not the same Asada as the one in the evil route, because both made different choices under the same circumstances. Thus it's stupid to apply actions taken by Asada in the evil route to the one in the good route and say that they are reflective of his personality. The player is the one that determines whether Asada makes one decision or the other, and that changes Asada's personality to fit the character the player determines them to be through their choices. You would have to be extremely insecure to be this worried about this sort of shit, and also just a fucking pathetic self-inserting moron to care in the first place.
Of which said choices are still based around the protagonist personality, it all begins from the first choice that allows to get into the 2 paths, of which his personality allows. The fact that any of those choices lead to 2 paths, that defines that the protagonist is willing to let others fuck his girls if the situation call for it, because the narrative doesnt gives him the resolve needed to stay off that path. Someone who abhors killing wont kill no matter the situation, he will only do it if his personality allows him to overcome that and kill at which point that character doesnt abhor killing as much as he claims. You could choose not to kill but the fact that he is willing to kill in a given situation means thats part of his personality and thats something that will stick with him.
So when the option for the MC to be evil or good is present, that character is established to have a personality that allows for both.

>You don't have jack shit to support this argument. It's a much more reasonable conclusion to come to that the reason why certain choices aren't present if the flags haven't been triggered is because it wouldn't be a reasonable in-character choice for the protagonist to make given the prior choices they have made. This links back to what I said about choices shaping the protagonist and how the Asada in one route and the Asada in another are fundamentally not the same person due to the divergences in personality that their choices have caused.
They are locked because of gameplay reasons, you are meant to see the protagonist react to different situations to get the gist of his character or other characters which relies information needed to piece usually the whole history. As i mentioned before the fact that such choices/paths are allowed means that his personality allows for it.

>> No.22620900

Lune have released plenty of games with gangbangs under their regular label. Team Bitters was established in 2005, and they continued to release kutsujoku games with gangbangs under the regular non-Bitters label after that. The qualification to be a Bitters game is not simply to feature gangbangs; it's to specifically be NTR. There is a distinction and marketing a game like Meikoku, 恥辱の女騎士, or 電脳侵犯 キサラギ参事官, or any of their other games of this caliber to NTR audiences would leave them sorely disappointed, since it's far from the focus of the game and makes up a small fraction of the content to serve more as a bonus to those who like it, while remaining optional and not being a big enough part of the game to stop those who don't like it from enjoying the game. The only people who are bothered by it are people like you, a retarded minority.
Again they used to but ditched that and that doesnt happens unless it impacts their game somehow, be it reception or sales, so that minority wasnt such a minority if such a shift had to happen.
TB was created for hardcore NTR and now that the main brand no longer adheres to pre 2009 games a game like Meikocuk is more suited to the TB label than the current brand does.

>I love NTR. I'd love it if Butcha made an NTR game, and if he did I would absolutely call it what it is. But he didn't. Meikoku's not an NTR game. You're a moron that wants to call it cuckshit and NTR because you're an autistic self-insertfag who doesn't understand the difference between kutsujoku and NTR. The purpose of the gangbangs in Meikoku is not the infidelity or jealousy; it's the depravity and the corruption. In Team Bitters' titles their purpose is the infidelity and jealousy they cause.
Meikocuck is an NTR game just like how a Netorase game can be called NTR too even if jealously never factors in it, the fact that the girl is fucking other guy makes it NTR. This fiction that NTR only involves jealously is as old as the fiction that the girl must be stolen or the protagonist has to find out he is being cheated on is.

Im not the one here trying to keep lie myself that letting the harem fuck other guys isnt NTR just because you focus on the corruption aspects when you have many NTR works proving you wrong.

>> No.22620903

And there are more than enough games about watching women take as many dicks as possible for you to enjoy.
Its almost like people ignore the recorded instances of NTR or otherwise happy games having dark content hurting companies.

Good for you, just keep that off the harem games.

>> No.22620934

>the purpose of the gangbangs in Meikoku is not the infidelity or jealousy; it's the depravity and the corruption.
This sums it up pretty well.

There's usually a clear difference between a plot involving girls being or becoming sluts and a plot about a cheating wife/girlfriend. Wanting to see a girl being a slut and wanting to see a girl cheat on the main character are different fetishes. It's not about partners, it's about lust and depravity.
But I guess it's all the same "NTR shit" to people who prefer loyal relationship scenarios.

>the fact that the girl is fucking other guy makes it NTR
Remember that Asada only started having sex with girls under the premise of helping them cope with effects of the nympho-mist. It's not like they started out as healthy romantic relationships.
I don't know about you, but when I first saw Meikoku's poster, its plot description and the fact that Butcha is the artist I already knew what to expect. I was more surprised by Jutaijima being so vanilla, to be honest.

>> No.22620942

>They shifted though.
They grew. Their output of games with gangbangs is the same as it always was. The exact games changed, and they've started doing a lot more games, but they never stopped, and you're the moron for thinking they did.
>So Meikoku were the exception and thus would be suited better for Team Bitters
Nah. You've made up your own rules and are performing a wealth of mental gymnastics to try and explain them. The truth of the matter is Lune created the Team Bitters label for a specific type of game, and continued to publish games with gangbangs under the regular label. Team Bitters is exclusively for NTR. Meikoku is not NTR no matter how triggered you get by it.
>(There is no normal harem ending in Meikoku, basically the only games).
Congrats, this is the first legitimate thing to be upset about with the game. Everything else is pure autism and you should be embarrassed to have posted it. At the same time, it makes sense for the themes of the game. The evil route is basically turning the world into an eroge fantasy, with all of the bad stuff that comes with it. The good route is about the antithesis of that, with a lot of the enhanced effects of the Meikoku being lost, and with you having to settle down. Asada has to go back to being some random janitor who doesn't have a super dick and unlimited stamina, and that Rio's family is responsible for his family's death. If anything, a harem ending would cheapen a lot of that and weaken the weight of the sacrifice, but ultimately it comes down to whether you think story matters to an eroge or not.

I'm not even going to bother with the rest of your post because I'm just bored and frankly one would need to actually buy into this retarded notion that the actions of the protagonist in other routes mean jack shit to even bother reading it.

>Again they used to but ditched that and that doesnt happens unless it impacts their game somehow, be it reception or sales, so that minority wasnt such a minority if such a shift had to happen.
>TB was created for hardcore NTR and now that the main brand no longer adheres to pre 2009 games a game like Meikoku is more suited to the TB label than the current brand does.
Stop with this pre-2009 nonsense. 恥辱の女騎士 was released in 2014. Meikoku 1 in 2016, and 2 in 2018. They've never stopped. You've merely convinced yourself they have. Meikoku fits the regular brand just fine since it's always been a smorgasbord while TB has remained explicitly NTR. Stop pretending to be more qualified to determine which label fits than the people that made the fucking labels. You're just running around in circles at this point because you don't want to admit that you're beginning to realize what a fucking retarded complaint "muh labels" actually is.

>Meikoku is an NTR game just like how a Netorase game can be called NTR too even if jealously never factors in it, the fact that the girl is fucking other guy makes it NTR. This fiction that NTR only involves jealously is as old as the fiction that the girl must be stolen or the protagonist has to find out he is being cheated on is.
Dude, the protagonist isn't romantically involved or even interested in the girls in the evil route. He literally says he sees them as tools. All that's on his mind is bringing orgies and satan into the world. You couldn't make it more clear you didn't play this game. He outright rapes the girls in this route. NTR has to have something being "taken," (it's literally in the word), and there's nothing being taken in Meikoku. It would be a stretch to even call the girls sexfriends at the start of this route. It's no more NTR than in a kutsujoku game when the protagonist lets his servants rape his slave - which, if you're not clear, is not NTR.

>Im not the one here trying to keep lie myself that letting the harem fuck other guys isnt NTR just because you focus on the corruption aspects when you have many NTR works proving you wrong.
Dude, you can keep this going as long as you like. It really isn't NTR though. I implore you to play the game. Seriously, it'll be an eye opening experience for you, since you clearly haven't already. I've got no reason to lie and pretend it's not NTR. I've already told you I enjoy NTR just as much and happily admit that the NTR I enjoy is in fact NTR.

>> No.22620966

>There's usually a clear difference between a plot involving girls being or becoming sluts and a plot about a cheating wife/girlfriend. Wanting to see a girl being a slut and wanting to see a girl cheat on the main character are different fetishes. It's not about partners, it's about lust and depravity.
Exactly. I love both, but there's a very big difference, and to plenty of others, selling them a game like Meikoku and calling it NTR would be a huge blueball. In the same way that selling それでも妻を愛してる to fans of kutsujoku games and calling it one of those would be. You can tell this is just some self-insertfag throwing a tantrum from all the 'meicuck' shit and his desperation to remind us how much he hates NTR.

>> No.22621111

>I implore you to play the game. Seriously, it'll be an eye opening experience for you, since you clearly haven't already.
I think his problem is that his MTL can only get him so far and he's too much of a pussy to fuck up and land in a choice where the girl he's aiming for ends up fucked by other dudes. So basically he's a fool.

>> No.22621341

>New Kenzen's MC got bullied as a kid because he had a huge penis and couldn't get laid with girls his age
I guess in a world where everyone gets laid you have to come up with some ridiculous excuses for bullying.

>> No.22622531

Looks interesting

>> No.22623462
File: 423 KB, 1280x720, Deviant Dungeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regarding the Norn/Miel isekai's where a man ends up in a world with only women who get gifted daughters by god and he impregnates multiple women will that mean that he eventually turns the world into a normal world populated by men and women? Or do the women he impregnate still only give birth to females?

>> No.22623930

Kids bully kids for the dumbest reasons, anon.

>> No.22624111
File: 58 KB, 369x351, 01f-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Webpage is up, seems to be actual sister nuns in training exorcising "demons". Can't be sure if it will delve into supernatural.

>> No.22624120

I'm really glad they're trying out new shit that's not vanilla. The art is still rather bad but still

>> No.22624207
File: 111 KB, 613x479, 1438204-7d1b793a95-00000603-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Noba is Guilty resident artist since 2012.

I like his afterglow/rape face of his girls that he has done in recent works, but understandable that not everyone praises his works.

>> No.22624223

Ahhh, so he's the one behind this masterpiece

>> No.22624240

can you recommend me some games with sexy kissing scenes?

>> No.22624432

You guys really need to shitpost more
Reinvigorates the thread

>> No.22624457

pretty sure vndb has a tag for that, if not sadpanda does, be sure to report back your findings

but we don't need bumps anymore so it's just pointless

>> No.22624725

please post suggestions for the upcoming games list

>> No.22624749
File: 374 KB, 672x960, EMI-NQXVAAIDY_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22624759

For the people that want some tentacles and monster rape.

>> No.22625027


>> No.22625038
File: 339 KB, 867x720, B01A_0601_01H.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong that I think, if Lune wanted to do a gatcha game, then Junketsu would have been a good choice? Think of all the Gods/Goddesses they could work with, and the sprites would be easy to change as you level up your relationship

>> No.22625077

Does Windows 10 hates VNs or something? I started getting BSODs as soon as I try to open some.
They're not even that old to warrant it.

>> No.22625317

Where is OP's pic from?

>> No.22625329

No it's not. A lively thread is always nice

>> No.22625443

imperial gatekeeper

>> No.22626016

I had this problem with some nukiges too.
They work just fine on Win7 and it's not even bitdefender shitting itself over a false positive crack.
The BSOD message was also something really vague like "bad header", googling it doesn't help much.

>> No.22626061

What VN are you trying to open? Also are you running locale emulation or is your pc set to japanese?

>> No.22627115
File: 921 KB, 1221x758, 1547486095442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exs-Tia 3 page finally up. Back to Marina as main heroine I guess.

>> No.22628132

I haven't played Miel games in a while, but from what I remember the characters never really bring up the childrens' gender.

>> No.22629041
File: 702 KB, 2048x1571, EMNNk8eU4AAH7bT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you guys can help me. are there any infos about GranEnde III? will it be made? are there already screenshots or anything like that?

>> No.22629061

Check the ci-en for the developer.

>> No.22629081

checked, looks like he's working on it and it has a new main character

>> No.22629755

Only females.
Seems like only God is a man while his army is female and its a femape only world so.

>> No.22629764


I might be wrong but seems like a game where a male protag NTR and turn lesbians into his cock sluts.

Talking of this Loe said he is going to release a bug patch soon for Junketsu.

>> No.22629794

First time on this general. What game is this?

>> No.22630018


I'm updating the translation to be narrated in the first person present tense, rather than first person past tense, and an update should come after that's done.

>> No.22630122

Wait up
The taimanin action game releasing tomorrow is just a plain action gacha without any ero?

>> No.22630152

It's releasing on both apple and google's store, what do you think?

>> No.22630761

Is it going to be like one of those card games where all the women are scantily dressed or almost naked but there isn't a single tiddy in sight?

>> No.22630834

imperial gatekeeper

>> No.22630979

new thread: >>22630976
