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File: 143 KB, 600x852, 1401849220263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22626615 No.22626615 [Reply] [Original]

For Christmas, all I want is justice.

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>> No.22626618

I shall be the King of the BleakFalls Barrow. With all my Draugr, Skeever, and Spider wives!

>> No.22626619
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The bully squad is out in full force!

>> No.22626620
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Soft zombies are for cuddling!

>> No.22626621

what the fuck is the difference between light red and pink
I need to know for drawfag reasons

>> No.22626622
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Whaddya offer Santa?

>> No.22626628
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Big cuddly dogs!

>> No.22626635

Revolver Ocelomeh

>> No.22626636

They're both girly colors, why do you need to differentiate?

>> No.22626639

Is it okay to make your own zombies?

>> No.22626645

my waifu is one but not the other, that's why
please do not do murder

>> No.22626648

>please do not murder
To life, to life I bring them

>> No.22626652

Maybe google the colors?I can't see any difference with my toxic masculine gaze.

>> No.22626654

How much your brain haywires between red and white.

>> No.22626670

I guess already-dead is OK, just be careful of upsetting any extant family members
skeletons are generally safer bets, at least if you're worried about that kind of thing
Ok, that makes sense now. Had trouble visualizing it before

>> No.22626672

I'll sing a song!

>> No.22626684
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A better christmas is a fluffy one

>> No.22626706

>tfw no hellhound christmas
This one actually hurts. Goddamn.

>> No.22626762
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I have a head cannon that "prostitutes" are fairly common in MGC, but all of them are basically just gonna marry whoever "buys" them.
I dono, I just like the role play/idea of it. But actual prostitution is kinda eh.
For all 3 pages, see https://imgur.com/a/b5is39I

>> No.22626780

Thats actual canon though. Kejorou, Unagi, and Jurou-gumo are all known to do it to get husbands. Funnily enough Black harpies have never actually been stated to do it, but the original shit translation sorta stuck with them.

>> No.22626808


>> No.22626811

It is fucking hot

>> No.22626834

Story I threw together about a fairy into femdom:

>> No.22626841

I like fairies and I like femdom, that's swell of you.

>> No.22626844

Big Butt Mutts

>> No.22626901

Is it really easy to obtain a monstergirl wife in the world MGE? One of the many super easy ways is simply outright begging or even act depressed and super sad and the only way to be happy is to have a monstergirl take you as her husband, correct?

>> No.22626912
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You don't need to even do that. You'll be raped three steps into the woods. Unless you stumble on these girls, they won't rape you.

>> No.22626918

Yes. the world is huge, but assuming you really want a monstergirl wife, than you would be like a beacon attracting your favorite monster to you.

>> No.22626931

Getting a monstergirl wife at all is easy. The challenge is if you don't want to marry something like a low level slime or mouse, and even then there is some variety when it comes to MGs that aren't powerful or rare.

>> No.22626972

By KC canon it's less a built in radar and more the hand of fate and writer bullshit at work but yes invariably if,IF, you go out of your way to seek down your one true waifu you will meet them.
From the outside it might look like a manticore rape ambush when you said to yourself you wanted a unicorn but give it some time and you'll find out it was always meant to be.
As for targeting you magic users have a super easily castable spell called a Mana Marker that usually is just to mark a place with mana for one reason or another but can be encoded with messages or even specific types of mana and only other magic capable individuals(witches, wizards, mamano, etc.) Can pick up on it and "read" them.
Schiesty types can make the marker give off a "I'm single and vulnerable" message shout to only mamano in a large radius for example. Another more useful example is to make you ping as a mamano yourself which makes them avoid you because 2 lone mamano in the wilderness would have to compete for any man they find and because you aren't a man, according to the mana signature, they have no real reason to check you out visually.
The only species to have a legit radar for men is elves because elves are and always will be the whoriest of whores but their superiority complex prevents them from consciously recognizing it but they'll inevitable travel in the direction of the nearest male regardless of distance or obstacle they just won't really know why or that its properly occurring they'll just feel the need to head that way.

>> No.22627040
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Threadly reminder.
Do NOT respond to red oni posters.
They are subhuman trash. No pun intended.

>> No.22627068

Not really my thing but it was still really hot, the premise was creative, and the prose was relatively well-written. Great job, bud!

>> No.22627196
File: 667 KB, 810x1080, 24355246354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna find the biggest red oni warlord and pamper her!

>> No.22627200

Buff girls are for cunnilingus.

>> No.22627212
File: 115 KB, 1111x1736, YAoGOEiP_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big buff girls are the best

>> No.22627217

built to be given back rubs, ab massages and foot rubs, among other forms of pampering

>> No.22627228

What about ab job? I heard its pretty good

>> No.22627257
File: 201 KB, 407x600, 1539793892159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get brought to the demon world for breaking a contract you didn't even know you were part of
>Arrive in a room with a stern demoness, who is obviously very horny, holding a riding crop
Demons aren't very fair!

>> No.22627358
File: 594 KB, 1600x1044, 1537370049001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big and buff yetis

>> No.22627361

even though fairies are for kidnapping and stuffing into your pants i will read this gladly

>> No.22627394

>tfw a herd of minos hold you down to see whos abs make you come the fastest

>> No.22627410

All zombies are for impregnation, I must impregnate the undead

>> No.22627418

I hear raccoon city is full of em. Maybe even a few rare variants of undead. Although be careful with those. Some of them can be real tyrants.

>> No.22627461 [SPOILER] 
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Blessed image.

>> No.22627468
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>> No.22627486

Fuck off back to /trash/

>> No.22627499

What does anal with an alraune feel like?

>> No.22627514

That was a good doujin. I hope it gets a sequel with the birb getting dick and more kissing.

>> No.22627557

My virginity!

>> No.22627630

Milk and cookies.

>> No.22627646


>> No.22627647

>come the fastest
Will they take turns or all at once?

>> No.22627656
File: 294 KB, 1200x1200, EMZbm-CXkAAOSIa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ceiling Cheshire is watching you masturbate.

>> No.22627659

a little bit from column a and a little bit from column b

>> No.22627666
File: 177 KB, 807x1000, sample-95d00d771e3220ed181f2ad5da337702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frog girls are cute

>> No.22627719
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Fully erect! Artist?

>> No.22627725

which is why we must destroy the globalists to save them

>> No.22627728

And if she gets down here I won't need to.

>> No.22627748

Gonna impregnate the loli wight and her adventuring party!

>> No.22627787
File: 117 KB, 850x552, What+a+fun+game_75fac6_7455836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to take art classes with Cheshire-san.

>> No.22627802
File: 161 KB, 1000x1000, 1529977336817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up in the middle of the night
>see your momster looking at you like this
what do?

>> No.22627818

just let it happen. Honestly surprised she has speared herself on my cock yet.

>> No.22627835

i like it anon. I hope to see some more.

>> No.22627841
File: 95 KB, 877x1179, IMG_20191220_233137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how muscle Monster Girls would feel about having their abs licked

>> No.22627852

Worship the muscle Tiger!

>> No.22627860

No trespassing at the Dear wife’s tea parties! Invite only! And all are invited! You couldn’t trespass if you tried!

>> No.22627861
File: 117 KB, 600x706, dragon ab licking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragons would love it.

>> No.22627870
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>> No.22627873

Pull her in for a kiss and ask her what took her so long.

>> No.22627884

licking your hellhound's abs after cooking steak on them is a must

>> No.22627891

>powerful athletic body
>slippery and slimy
>best kissers
Is there anything they are not good at?

>> No.22627902
File: 150 KB, 1200x1200, 1569116425520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can officer cheshire expect me to take her seriously when she wears such a silly hat?

>> No.22627907

Wearing silly hats is a crucial part of all public offices.

>> No.22627913

Would tongue-wrestle her

>> No.22627916

they would expect it

>> No.22627920

That's a crime anon! The punishment: 200 creampies!

>> No.22627922

>Chuffing intensifies

>> No.22627927

I want to fall asleep on a CC foxes lap.

>> No.22627939

She should common down and join in!

>> No.22627943
File: 1.36 MB, 1150x1050, 46A680FF-084A-4997-A885-E22680D18EA6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon, he gets it! An intelligent observation!

>> No.22627951

What would happen next anon? What if you come?

>> No.22627962


>> No.22627967

Drip, drip, drop... drop, drop, drop it low low low!

>> No.22627974

Do you think hatterfag is made to cum in his wife's hat before she puts it on her head?

>> No.22627988
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>> No.22627989

Let me ask him- yes, yes he thinks I does! With the changes brought by mamano mana, Id make enough to completely fill it to the brim and then get to watch her casually put it on, rubbing it oozingly all over her body as her spongey skin absorbs it and keeps her looking young!

>> No.22628007

Level drain is a spell only available to high level monsters, right? But is there a list of naturally high level monsters? We know Demons and all of the monsters the seek heroes for mates can do it, but what about things like Night Gaunts, who have the same type and family as Demons?

>> No.22628019

I would personally assume all chaos monsters are of a higher than average level due to their otherworldly nature! Personally I would believe that Shog, Gaunt, Flayer and Nacha can do it! Perhaps not Wendigo.

>> No.22628033

I thought all monsters could do it they just have to be intelligent. Thus any smart species could do it. For example gremlins could do it.

>> No.22628037

>Perhaps not Wendigo
Poor awawawa.

Are there any lists for the high level monsters anywhere? It would be helpful for later writing.

>> No.22628042

Good to hear!
That is so expectantly lewd. So much cream covering her entire body. I wonder if any other of her wonderlandfull friends do the same? Although I dont think they would be as dignified as your hatter wife to put it in a hat first.

>> No.22628046 [SPOILER] 
File: 105 KB, 850x1020, 1577030165052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comes home after a long day
>your shoggoth wife greets you in R'lyehian.
>Cahf ah nafl mglw'nafh hh' ahor syha'h ah'legeth, ng llll or'azath syha'hnahh n'ghftephai n'gha ahornah ah'mglw'nafh

What do?

>> No.22628053

Klaatu Barata Niktu at her

>> No.22628062

I am pretty sure no concrete list exist for strength beyond lilims being the strong magically and baphos being the strongest physically. Other high tiers are dragons, arch succs, wights, high tier angels when released, cupid's and valkyries (mid tier angels), Angel's and houri, pharoahs, genie, most of the lamia family, dark mages and witches, etc...

>> No.22628067

I don’t know if there’s any set list so far- the profiles themselves usually do a good job of saying which are the more rare and high level ones! Ultimately it’s up to you though! Let a mere kobold be a master Mage!
I’m sure they would, but I agree none would be so refined and classy as my dear wife in application! She’d never admit it, but she’d smugly smirk internally knowing her dear husband makes so very much for her! She’d even ask for more on days where no tea party is planned, straight from the ‘showerhead’!

>> No.22628076

>anon ends up joining the party of a bunch of level 1 loli monstergirls
>the wight knight, salamander warrior and dark mage.. mage are all complete novices, better at looking dangerously good in their revealing fantasy outfits than at adventuring

>> No.22628087

It always makes me smile with how much you are willing to do for your hatter wife. Truly shows how much you love her. Especially being able to provide her enough to cover her body all over and extensively.

>> No.22628100

>Level 99 Anon has to pull the whole party.
Would be fun, although I guarantee they'll be pregnant before level 10.

>> No.22628104

That’s very kind of you anon! I think I mesh really well with her because we’re both so very lewd minded! I’d even fill an entire bathtub with my thick incubus cum for her to swim in and masturbate while submerging herself!
Because I know she’d do the same for me with her milk and shlick herself as she watches me do so!

>> No.22628113


>> No.22628118

>second spoiler
Now there's a good argument for all-Holst harem.

>> No.22628119

I can definitely tell! You two are like peas in pod. When the portals comes she is going to be gunning for you instantly to make good on those promises.

>> No.22628129

Oh before I (>>22628119) forget to mention
Those sound wonderful as well! I wouldnt mind doing the same for my own wife and having her do something similar in return.

>> No.22628140
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>> No.22628150

>Don't do nightly SE payment to Shog for one day
>Today she has transformed her maid outfit to one more like that of a french maid outfit
>She keeps following my into rooms and bending over in front of me to "clean the ground"
How do I fix this? I already told her I will double her payment tonight, but she won't stop.

>> No.22628149

I will touch the marshmallow cat.

>> No.22628156

That would be wonderful! A fine way for them to show their love!
Indeed! She’d spare no expense to make sure I fall through the first mirror I come across to bring me to her! And she’d fiercely duel with saber and pistol any Monstergirl who tries to get to me before her!
It’s a fantastic expression of love! I’m sure your wife would be dripping with excitement at you suggesting it, and her body would subconsciously start producing whatever it is you’d prefer excessively to prepare~!

>> No.22628162

That is a lot of mofu, but be warned: too much mofu can lead to dangerous side effects, like mofu fibrosis in the lungs.

>> No.22628164
File: 110 KB, 471x334, 1514598611805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she just see?

>> No.22628167

Her nsfw on the internet.

>> No.22628168
File: 195 KB, 900x1387, Mofu pillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lies and slander.

>> No.22628170

Anon's Bionicle collection.

>> No.22628178
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>> No.22628184

See for yourself.
While this article is talking about animal hair in general, it most likely applies to mofu as well.

>> No.22628187 [DELETED] 

Make Love to the Loli Babas

>> No.22628188

Remember shoggoths operate on different timelines and scales to humans. One day of missed payments may very well feel like a month to her! You should thus start paying her back now and not stopping until you normally would at night.

Fierce and loyal! Such a good mistress of cream!
Indeed! Once I tell I dont think she will stop leaking until her breasts are squeezed dry and pussy is plugged. And when I fill up it up for her then I am sure she would figure out a way to absorb it all and even get pregnant from it!

>> No.22628193

Make me.

>> No.22628197

What happens if you missed her payment for a week?

>> No.22628209

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Mofuthelioma you may be entitled to some compensation

>> No.22628222
File: 918 KB, 1024x1085, 77770929_p6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make Love to Loli Babas

>> No.22628225
File: 84 KB, 894x894, dz9NovAo_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either ditches the maid outfit in favor of dominatrix clothes, or pick related happens.

>> No.22628227

The only thing worse then the seven long years and counting was the gaping void in her very soul from missing your essence. You may not be alloed to leave her milking machine of a body for potentially a month. How long that month takes is unknown.

>> No.22628231

I want to see the Shog-dom

>> No.22628238

salamanders suck!

>> No.22628241

She was happy about getting her payment, but refuses to switch from the french maid outfit. She "likes the way the master's eyes move to her features, and the lewd thoughts that come with it."

>> No.22628242

>Dominatrix shog
Oh yes

>> No.22628248

She knows exactly what silly mastah needs and knows how to provide it perfectly. She has such sights to show you...

>> No.22628252
File: 885 KB, 2894x4093, Camilla Dragon 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you keep posting FE3H? I my self would like to monsterize everyone women in the game, but its odd how much its posted without much more context. Especially without visible monstergirl images.

>> No.22628254
File: 100 KB, 600x574, 2b29b8200a61c3c229e693b74353c588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go on a seven day Zen meditation retreat with my mystic lilim waifu. The other waifus wouldn't want to go though.

>> No.22628266 [SPOILER] 
File: 129 KB, 704x707, 1577032990126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to basement
>sees this

What do?

>> No.22628267

Damn right my wife sucks. Would be wrong for a monster girl not to give her husband a blowjob.

>> No.22628272

what if i don't have anything i treasure?

>> No.22628279

She will take my incomplete comic collection in exchange for a complete comic collection?
I see no downside here. She's very nice.

>> No.22628281

This is your daily reminder to look at the outside of a cave in the desert before going in, or you might be victim to a new sandworm technique for acquiring husbands.

>> No.22628282

I bet they bully Anons by sitting on their facea

>> No.22628285

Just think of all the mass she’d put on from absorbing it! Her lewd Slime sounds wouldn’t stop enticing you to just fill her more! Indeed a very wonderful endless loop could ensue between you two as her Slime gets so big it can fill a room! What fun!!!!

>> No.22628296

It's not necessary they should give those to [YOU].

>> No.22628307

Do monsters like it when their husbands wear kilts? It provides easy access to the m e a t .

>> No.22628311

That sounds terrible! Having their wonderfully smelling pussies humping your face. Tasty Juices leaking straight through their panties. Who would want that?

I never considered the true consequences, but your right! We might end up infecting the whole town and filling our entire house with slime! I can't wait to get started!

>> No.22628334

She will find a way

>> No.22628338

>ywn be a young Scottish lad getting his kilt flipped by a shortie centaur

>> No.22628342

Burn the basement.

>> No.22628352
File: 101 KB, 1279x719, 1576374046182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we ok with prostitution?

>> No.22628358

Yesss~ spread the lewdness through your Slimey debaucherous love! How would your wife react to such a sensation as her Slime burbling and seeping through the doors of your place? I can’t imagine how good she must feel in such a moment!

>> No.22628368

It's hot.

>> No.22628403

Stuffed! Both from my cock filling her pussy and from the amount of cum she absorbed. The slime unable to keep up and divide fast enough. The pleasure of that feeling would definitely cause her to nearly overload even making her stuffed in that sense.
As for spreading the lewdness? That was her entire goal from the beginning. To bring her slime and gods to the women of the town. Although now we will both be having to show the new ones and their own husbands how to deal with the new situations. Unsure if I should warn them of the potential errors a repeat of our stuffy fun might cause.

>> No.22628407

Only if it's fake mge style prostitution or for some very select cases. Although this is just me as no one speaks for the thread and only faggot's use "we".

>> No.22628439

What the fuck did you just call me? You’re a niktu.

>> No.22628442

Ah, there’s simply nothing more Wonderful than a loyal MG wife insatiably wanting more than even her own body can contain! You get it, Pslime Anon, you truly get it!

>> No.22628443

Auntie Kitsune is so nice. I wonder what I should get her for Christmas?

>> No.22628446

Imagine your monster waifu/monster you really like is outside your house.

How do they get your attention? Do they knock on the door or something else?

>> No.22628449

Dragons don't knock. Dragons light up the night and write my name in fire.

>> No.22628455

>On the second day of Christmas, my Wendi gave to me,
>wawawa-wawawawawa tree.

>> No.22628462

What momster is the most difficult for other monster girls to impress? I'm thinking Dragon because I doubt she would be willing to part with her most precious treasure AKA her son easily.

>> No.22628470
File: 552 KB, 2380x2412, Cy6H7hZi_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a perfect christmas gift.

>> No.22628471

>sound of fresh fish hitting my window

>> No.22628474

Damn them and their cute animal pocket cosmetics!

>> No.22628480

Is dango actually any good?

>> No.22628481

Is it possible to manipulate the "filth" mana released by the body? If monsters can sense a man's mana, a man could cover up their scent by preventing the mana waste from being released, right?

>> No.22628485

that one lady that use to be sexy on naruto got fat on them so i imagine so.

>> No.22628496

Considering it's just magic, yes.

>> No.22628499

Any ex delinquent momster really. They’d either always call your gf ‘weak’ or if they showed some fight she might train them to become the baddest delinquent in MGC!

>> No.22628502
File: 385 KB, 656x928, 1542472762031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little Wendi got Ice Queen a beanie and mittens because she thought she was cold wearing only a light dress, even though she doesn't need them she'll wear them around the house because Ice Queen's husband thinks they're cute. Ice Queen gives Wendi-chan a headpat for the present and sends her on her way, Ice Queen's husband a little bit smug because he can see the twinkle in his wife's eyes

>> No.22628508

MGE zombie harems are overrated. The way zombies work in MGE means you can't use a homemade zombie horde to overrun the world and make it all yours.

>> No.22628514

why would you need to cover it up?

>> No.22628517
File: 494 KB, 1115x1200, BlackHarpy_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black Harpy hooker you've been frequenting everyday for the last two months offers you your choice from the board for free as a Christmas gift
>After your usual quick shot she extends the free offer to an overnight fling, whatever you want until sunrise

>> No.22628520

It figures that only in Wonderland do they still use £sd

>> No.22628528

My Dear wife would politely knock, then proceed to grow a mushroom chair to casually sit on and wait. If she were in a rush, she may press her breasts against the glass and hurry me up be seeing them smoosh and rub around, but I’d never keep her waiting that long!

>> No.22628529
File: 2.42 MB, 1280x1324, yfttu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how prostitution can't be benevolent.

>> No.22628543

It'd be funny if a shota were to place an online order for something and then the payment processor gets it mixed up and instead what shows up at his door is a fully paid for monster wife who quickly wins over his parents.

>> No.22628546

"Mixed up"

>> No.22628548

It would be useful for graverobbers who want to find a Pharaoh's room without being attacked or a dark mage's spy who needs to steal another monster's magic studies without being caught.

>> No.22628551

The long con, slowly revealing that you were her only customer all along.

>> No.22628558

Imagine your monster/wife wants to use your lap pillow? Would you say yes? How would you react?

>> No.22628565

Sure, of course. Our daughteru would do it all the time so it's only fair that she gets to as well.

>> No.22628569

>have fuckhuge muscled Oni/Jinko/Hellhound waifu
>she loves to sit in your lap but is always self conscious because she doesn’t want to hurt you

>> No.22628572

Is it possible to prevent a pet from turning into a sith? I just want to train a dog to bark at and chase Cheshire Cats that enter my property.

>> No.22628575

Either knock or fly out to my window.

>> No.22628595

It’s a perfectly normal thing for my Dear wife to use my body as any kind of furniture! Though she’d usually prefer my face as her pillow!

>> No.22628596

Wait till I leave the house at night and grab me and fly away with me. Although I would never want her to come to this world. I want to go to the MGE world.

>> No.22628597

They would most likely ring the doorbell ~14 times per second until I open the door. Then she would complain about long I took to open up the door until I put my meat in her mouth.

>> No.22628601
File: 549 KB, 1280x960, 1505684805323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throw snowballs at the window until I open the curtains

>> No.22628602

Eh, virgin or not, I don't really care if she had other customers.

But what I find hot is the idea that a monster girl hooker doesn't want to marry a pathetic quick shot. So, she fucks him, giving him demonic energy to make him last longer, and after awhile, he's able to last a much longer time and has bigger cooms as he comes closer to becoming an incubus. All he can think about is her as his tastes are warped to only prefer her and vice versa. She starts giving him more discounts, freebes, and overnighters. And finally, she proposes the idea of becoming a proper couple. She moves in, and they live happily ever after as husband and housewife!

>> No.22628606

She would knock on the door when she’d tell me her real name I’d open up the door to my beautiful Lilim waifu.

>> No.22628608

What would a handjob from a Harpy be like?

>> No.22628612

Very carefully done.

>> No.22628617
File: 398 KB, 753x1100, 38a3a501441c50f9b423e6eccd077978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet frog girls give the best blowjob

>> No.22628622

So just the premise of ‘Pretty Woman’ but replace Julia Roberts with a cat girl?

>> No.22628624

Soft and feathery.

>> No.22628633

That frog just looks like she secretes a potent aphrodisiac through her sweat.

>> No.22628642

That's oddly kind of hot.

>> No.22628647

Shit, I don't know. I've never seen that.

Fuck man, I just want a black harpy housewife who's got a questionable past. And my best shot a landing any monster girl because of my extreme social awkwardness is hiring a monster girl hooker. That just sounded like a good idea in my head. Still does. No way in hell I just stay home and wait for some devil bugs to raid my pigsty of a home. Jet black, harpy feathers > stinky, hard chitin

>> No.22628670
File: 543 KB, 2000x2000, 1440098180497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine how wet her pussy if her tongue and body are already like that

>> No.22628677

then comes the calcium, FOREVER!

>> No.22628682

Nee san!

>> No.22628692

Where does this meme that black harpies are prostitutes come from? No where in the official entry says that.

>> No.22628699

Mistranslation and a crappy story.

>> No.22628706

Gelbooru. Someone even before the MGU era took KCs art and made up his own fake "translations" full of eating souls and gangbangs.

>> No.22628749
File: 527 KB, 918x1400, 1571050894726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something different about Ice Queen, I think she got a haircut

>> No.22628751

It doesn't help that they dress and look the part too

>> No.22628771

It's almost xmas and your wife/monster wants to buy you a present. What kind of present would it be? How would you react? Do they manage to surprise you or fails miserably?

>> No.22628787

>What kind of present would it be?
a fancy cowbell to match hers

>> No.22628803

Because they look the part to that one anon. That's it.
The Gelbooru translation doesn't make them out to be prostitutes at all.

>> No.22628820

The original one might have been deleted but it implied they fucked a different man each mating season and kicked him out when they were done.

>> No.22628823 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.38 MB, 220x200, 1577040772762.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, Snow harpies are legitimately dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.

Lest you fall to the fate of those lost in the icy mountains.

>> No.22628856

That is the origin but it's seems it's been removed finally.

>> No.22628858
File: 121 KB, 725x1020, EMU_xEVVUAA7Xp4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22628886

My Dear Hatter wife would get me a very rare tea (honestly more of a potion) of permanent alteration that when used would allow us one hour to make irrevocable changes to my body to make it as close as possible to my ideal of self-sexiness and I would get her one of the same for herself!

>> No.22628906
File: 579 KB, 972x1068, 1455758993458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new robe. Hers must be at least 300 years old at this point.

>> No.22628914

New minis for one, the other gets me a bunch of sabbath products to shoot for a pregnancy.
I'd be pleased with either.
Probably not surprising but welcome nonetheless.

>> No.22628934

i bet lots of monsters are scantily clad and 90% naked in public because they can't afford clothes

>> No.22628947

If you want to be the one to try and explain the concept of money to an ushi oni go ahead.

>> No.22628949

>not buying your monsters warm clothes for the winter.
>letting them be 90% naked in the middle of winter.

>> No.22628954
File: 363 KB, 967x1400, with clothes is sexy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22629010
File: 408 KB, 1200x983, 73726722_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolfu butts drive me nuts.

>> No.22629012

You should fuck them more carefully, and only impregnate after the party has retired from adventuring with all the riches you've carried the group into getting.

>> No.22629015

She doesn't seem very comfortable

>> No.22629040
File: 833 KB, 1240x1754, Luciela (246).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I rescue my waifu from her shitty and horrid game?

>> No.22629043

Add her to other games.

>> No.22629044

No promises will be made, especially with the size of Wight-san's butt.

>> No.22629105


>> No.22629108

I mean for example I've modded my wife into Elona and Minecraft.

>> No.22629125
File: 158 KB, 1200x843, dat mane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manes make cat ladies better.

>> No.22629129

Commission her with ever so slight changes and say it's her if she was born in MGE.
I've put my wifes into Koikatsu but I only use the creator and studio, never touch the main game. I need to get better at creations to do them justice.

>> No.22629135
File: 596 KB, 640x1000, 1723d2d74c457ded4402f3be522f2080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More fluff is always an improvement.

>> No.22629148

Would other monsters be scared of the "grotesque" form a night gaunt's husband has? Or would they be curious to see what sensations are given by the mucus, tongues, and tentacles?

>> No.22629245
File: 755 KB, 492x1483, pure and innocent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing to see here, just a wholesome kobold being cute.

>> No.22629247

>almost christmas
do you really had to remind me?

>> No.22629267

>not some sneaky degenerate KDF jape
>but the whole butt is furry
So close.

>> No.22629319

Lazy Lion.

All Kemono Friends art that makes certain characters like Lion and Moose huge is wonderful.

>> No.22629323
File: 236 KB, 809x1200, Kobold11a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how Kobolds are.

>> No.22629324
File: 741 KB, 1281x1500, 5c17716142de56180d8436ceea0c1d5c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her deft mastery of her threads allows her to have levels of fine manipulation that other meidos could only dream of.

>> No.22629331

I'll always give KDF credit for making his girls that furry.

>> No.22629336

Can she make some fancy clothes?

>> No.22629339

Red dead redemption 2

>> No.22629345

It would be ironic if she was afraid of bugs

>> No.22629351

Of course she can.
I mean, any good maid can sew, but she makes them "from scratch."

>> No.22629352

Spider-maid, spider-maid
Does what ever maid can.
Cleans a house, any size.
Catches stains, just like flies
Look out, here comes the spider-maid.

>> No.22629383

God but it would be terrifying to see her running after you.
Nothing spooks me quite like seeing spiders in motion, much less one my size or larger.

>> No.22629413


>> No.22629437


>> No.22629442
File: 718 KB, 1300x1040, 74114467_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You stop that.

>> No.22629459

Gonna high five that Yeti!

>> No.22629484
File: 70 KB, 393x390, 1477434666001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was an NTR story from Neibelfader where two Black Harpies fuck with a man and his dragon, a pretty shitty translation, and people misconstruing them dressing like prostitutes when they're more like itty bitty goth bird titty.

A Kejorou is more of a prostitute than a Black Harpy. Partly because just like the Hari Onago, Kejorou would fucking eat young men who either returned their smiles or came into physical contact with them while posing as either oiran or just random pretty ladies.

>> No.22629486


>> No.22629494

There was the shigydigy story too.

>> No.22629502
File: 301 KB, 987x1265, 1565494078094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human boy butt cheeks are made for spanking and groping!

>> No.22629559

Fuck monkeys.

>> No.22629589

That's how KC handles quite a few of the beast girls, anon.

>> No.22629628

i bet she gives good head

>> No.22629645

>Vampire mistress saving you from an awful impoverished life in Order land
Undead girls are a blessing.

>> No.22629654

"Your offer doesn't make any sense. The thing that I want most is ALSO the thing that I treasure most. You should probably leave before my wife finds you."

>> No.22629665

Fuck off with your NTR obsession faggot

>> No.22629671

what happens if your waifu ate a bowl of raging mushrooms

>> No.22629689

Then she better be a small girl.

>> No.22629690
File: 788 KB, 1679x995, 1567839207855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want for Christmas is my waifu.

>> No.22629691

>You wake up and realize your dick is about to get milked in the most largest and famous demon realm region prison

>You're convicted for a crime you didn't commit so now you're trying to survive in prison without getting raped and/or hack and slashed with demon silver weapons by the inmates

what is your endgame, anon

>> No.22629703
File: 282 KB, 403x423, 650eaea5dfc366a60fe5bc43ba3f3238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get into the warden's pants.

>> No.22629724

I figure they just ship nonviolent offenders to wonderland or notaustralia

>> No.22629727

Jesus fucking christ all I want for Christmas is a monster girl to drain my balls empty I'm begging whatever God there is. Give me waifu just for a night.

>> No.22629734

Base entirely off of the flavor text for a race and not the looks, what would be your favorite Monster Girl? Mine would be the dormouse, as the idea of being manipulated through some means to violate one while she sleeps is fucking hot.

>> No.22629738

carefull what you wish for

>> No.22629744

I can't help it. I'm at the end of my rope.

>> No.22629746
File: 141 KB, 779x1334, 1536016170182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apply for the Christmas Daki Program and receive a cuddly girl for the night, just leave your doors unlocked at night or don't, she'll break in anyway and you'll wake up to a warm snuggler hugging you in your bed!

>> No.22629752

Gonna ask that monster on a date!

>> No.22629766

After some time of thinking, I'd have to go with the march hare, myself. A couple bonding over double entendres sounds somewhat appealing for some reason. I just try not to think of the face; for some stupid reason, the expression on the MGE pic just screams 'fran drescher voice'.

>> No.22629784

Does she fuck

>> No.22629786
File: 384 KB, 500x800, 1575780334401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure I woke up in the MGE Robot Asylum for being considered too chaste by the Demon Realm courts.

>> No.22629803

You are going to be relentlessly milked by a bunch of kuu robot girls

>> No.22629808
File: 163 KB, 500x500, SHAKE SHAKE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if I can prove to them I'm not a robot!

>> No.22629818

Big robot thighs!

>> No.22629823

I wonder how /hbg/ is dealing with holiday blues.

>> No.22629826

>tfw no bara in a red and white outfit sliding down your chimney at night.

>> No.22629832

Probably Will-O'-The-Wisp if only because after several brushes with death in real life varying from my appendix nearly bursting to death from debris falling out of a contractor's truck I'm past the point of caring about this body of flesh and bone.

>> No.22629845

Undead girls will liberate you. They are great like that

>> No.22629849
File: 1.57 MB, 1204x2108, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to beat off to p'orcs
>No new good art of them in over a year
>Already have a super small gallery compared to other girls
When will you fags get good taste and start drawing/commissioning them?

>> No.22629857

I ask for good ideas for commissions sometimes and nobody ever brings up p'orcs.

>> No.22629865

p'orcs don't look beefy...i wish they looks as beffy as those non-mge red oni girls

>> No.22629867

This, I need the BIG PIG.

>> No.22629872

Then draw/commission them like that

>> No.22629876
File: 55 KB, 490x357, Yetea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already like them, but Yeti are comfy as hell and they would still be lovely if they looked completely different.
We need more pregnant P'orc art, for one.
Also this.

>> No.22629883

When there's good ideas to draw for them.

>> No.22629890

i don't feel like drawing anything for some reason and i wish i had the money for that.

>> No.22629891

They get talked about a decent amount. Plenty of ideas you can pull from that

>> No.22629896

Why don't you do it

>> No.22629898

I didn't even think other people cared for Orcs when I commissioned that from Ittla. A bit tied up with financial responsibilities otherwise.

>> No.22629899

Of course P'orcs aren't beefy. They're porky.

>> No.22629903

I've been a fan of them long before that piece was made

>> No.22629908
File: 170 KB, 600x800, 1569458360667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present, exhibit A, as to why not.

ratas have next to no nsfw artwork.

>> No.22629912

They've got an entire doujin that's been leaked

>> No.22629913

Guess I could do that since porcs are top tier and worth it

>> No.22629917


>> No.22629918

Which one? this one? https://exhentai.org/g/1312729/15278a6889/

Shit is just a ripoff of another loli doujin, and isnt even translated to english yet.

>> No.22629919

I wonder just how damn good monster pussy is

>> No.22629924
File: 356 KB, 1071x1051, 1558482032126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard baphos have the best of the best.

>> No.22629930


>> No.22629933

Yeah but what possibly sets it apart from 3D, is it just the mamano mana?

>> No.22629941

Lies. Old fox pussy is the best. Like a perfectly aged wine.

>> No.22629943

Does Cerberus-chan have three heads, or is she just a scruffier looking kobold with three personalities in her head?

>> No.22629944
File: 2.16 MB, 1100x1628, w33454765847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Orcs are for love, even the greenskins. Elves a shit.

>> No.22629954

She looks a bit like a human. I suggest more dakka.

>> No.22629958

I have a snu-snu one but it's even more westernized than that image so I will refrain.

Think of a Chimera but with three canine head pauldrons. The logistics of doing anything past Orthos for multi-headed girls is kind of a pain in the ass. Even that one Tiamat image that was commissioned had sort of a Voltron color scheme due to five heads being hard to rationalize on a human body.

>> No.22629968
File: 409 KB, 399x406, yeti warning.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't say you weren't warned.

>> No.22629976

Nothing better than spurting your thick hot cum all over her pale fur and brown skin.

>> No.22629981

I don't mind getting addicted to a yeti's hugs. Though I would prefer getting mindbroken by a lilim hug

>> No.22629986

I'd rather be gangcuddled and gangraped by some hot, horny, sweaty p'orcs

>> No.22629991

I'd rather be caught up in a P'orc WAAAAAAAGH!

>> No.22629992
File: 112 KB, 890x1158, Anubis671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wikifag here.
I'm done with Frosticle's twitter.
18 images have been gathered, they have been added to the New Files Gallery.
You can start viewing them from this point onwards. http://imgbox.com/JEiXDDu8

>> No.22630000

>you will never get a orgasmic naked hug by some powerful mamono, with your dick sandwiched between her delicious thighs
And then you start cumming uncontrollably

>> No.22630005


>> No.22630011
File: 185 KB, 1168x550, 1500010326817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22630017

>look up hentai on your Shog computer
>all of the doujins depict only you and your Shoggoth
>vanilla, anal, paizuri, oral, all with both of you
>both femdom and maledom are there
>loli, shota and MILF doujins show you and her with ages changed to fit
>different body types too; short, tall, slim, thicc, flat, busty, there's even some depicting her as a massive female bodybuilder
>looking up different monstergirl species shows her morphed to imitate the given MG's looks
>too worried to look up really bad stuff

>> No.22630024

Why not? Are you saying she won't sit on my face?

>> No.22630028

I want paw-ed monster girls to sit on my face and play with me with their feet

>> No.22630077

Spotted the fag.

>> No.22630093

God, I just want to die surrounded by sweaty, SOFT P'Orcs. Smother me in all that woman meat and let me die.

>> No.22630100
File: 89 KB, 454x640, 1532370012182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder what would happen if you try to look up "how to propose to shogg"

>> No.22630110

what doujin? I've never heard of this until now

>> No.22630112

>Door slams shut
>Hear it lock

>> No.22630135

I'd look up "good present for shoggoth".

>> No.22630153

Being the leader/slave of a p'orc tribe gives you the benefit of always having plump porc bodies that'll constantly want to press their bodies up against you. A large harem of girls that you can lay down with and have surrounding you like a blanket.

>> No.22630187

>all of them smooshed against you, bellies and boobs smashed and rubbing against your face
>they grunt and guffaw as they snarf on big chicken legs, potato dishes, and all sorts of other things
>groping, greedy hands tug and pull you around, each girl a selfish pig wanting you to stay deeply pressed against their pink sweaty skin
>before long they’re forcefully tugging your pants, eventually tearing them off
>they start treating your dick just like they treated your face, tugging it around, smashing it against their tits and tummies
>some even use it to garnish their dishes with your oozing precum
>eventually the food-orgy turns into a regular orgy, the girls unrelentingly using your meat stick to satisfy all their needs

>> No.22630215

>guy alps
>still keeps its very masculine name

>> No.22630234

>spiked high heels clack on the floor of the ballroom as a gorgeous looking mamano with tits and ass in overabundance jiggles up to the bar with her husband wrapped around her lovingly
>”Prepare us a fantastic drink, bartender~!” She laughs before kissing her Amman deeply
>the bartender dutifully nods, and asks for a name to know whose tab to put it on
>the woman smiles and casually states-

>> No.22630257

Absolute perfection for porcs with an everyday feast of food turning into a feast of porc buns. Since it'd all be one big tribe there'd probably be 20+ different horny piggies in there that you'd have to please too. By the time you finish with all them it'd be time for the morning feast and the whole process would repeat again.

>> No.22630263

Hey wait, what happens when you have sex with a Shog, but she already replaced much of your insides?

>> No.22630272

Sex with chaos girls is perhaps more mysterious and non-Euclidean than with other girls.
You join with Shog in cosmic chaos!

>> No.22630275

something not meant for mortal minds to comprehend

>> No.22630278

But if most of my organs have been lovingly replaced with Shog counterparts, wouldn't that amplify the chaos of the sex? Like hundredfold?

>> No.22630285

i shouldn't get attacked for not doing anything or avoiding it beforehand. monsters should do good deeds instead of bad ones like sexual assault

>> No.22630286

It is a good pain

>> No.22630287


>> No.22630290

Monsters have always been predators of humanity, it's just sexual now.

>> No.22630296

Is shoggy always a sperg?

>> No.22630297

Silly meido.

>> No.22630300

I headcanon she is, because it’s really cute.
>Shoggy enters a room, stops suddenly, looks left, looks right, slowly turns 90 degrees, then back, then turns around fully and leaves without a word
Cute autistic spacemaid.

>> No.22630306
File: 30 KB, 274x298, FairyCrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this look like a predator to you

>> No.22630313

I want to date an alp that's really confused about the whole "being a girl part" outside of sex.

>> No.22630317

yes, she's gonna prey on your wittle cocky wocky in her unsuspecting van!

>> No.22630321

>Death by starvation
>A brutal way to die

>> No.22630327

Creampie a horny wock

>> No.22630331

It is a strange your poignant kind of hot imagining a 11/10 succubus in a lewd outfit sitting in a super casual man-spread position on the couch, belching after downing a can of beer and scratching her perfect flat tummy while watching some rapeball.

>> No.22630332

Ryu are better.

>> No.22630337

>"Ugh, do I really have to wear a bra all the time? Can't I just let everything hang loose?"
>after a day of her big tits bouncing around, she wears a bra every day

>> No.22630340

That's kind of cute and also very sexy.

>> No.22630362

How would it go if due to magical shenanigans you experienced a temporary personality swap (not a full on mind swap) with your waifu for a week?

>> No.22630367
File: 219 KB, 1400x991, EMTpDaMUEAIy1iQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22630379
File: 870 KB, 1154x1200, 1573256058914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a cheshire to wake me up by teasing me with her feet and paws

>> No.22630387

Well becoming kuu isn't that big of a problem to me.
Just kind of weird and annoying for everyone else.

>> No.22630406

>”Ah! My gorgeously handsome Dear Human Husband! Whatever you want to do today, please let me provide whatever it is you’ll need! My body is entirely yours to use whenever you want!”
>”Mmhm, a warranted thanks provided presently to you, dear wife. I believe today I shall sit at the head of the table whilst you provide pliant plushness to my personage at my pleasure~”
>”Oh of course my dear human husband!!! Of course someone as noble as you can use my lewdest parts as your serving tray and stress relief! It is my most ecstatic joy to do so!!!”
>”Quite Quite, Dear wife. That’s enough speech saying for now, if you please to please. I shall presume to prompt if I wish to peruse more of your provisions.”
>”A-ah, yes my dear human husband! I shall not say another word should you not ask! I shall-“
>”That’s enough, Dear wife, but thank you.”
>she smiles beamingly whilst practically bouncing on her toes wanting to be ordered while I calmly sip tea and gracefully waltz out to the garden with her bouncing along behind me
That sounds fun!!!

>> No.22630422

Tight pussy

>> No.22630427

I want a fluffy-footed wan to step on my bits!

>> No.22630453

That's gay

>> No.22630463

Do people get annoyed by me talking about my dear wife like here >>22630406? I realize I can be a bit much or get carried away and I hope it doesn’t make people clear out or anything and apologize if it does

>> No.22630467

It actually gave me some insight into your waifu's personality if anything.

>> No.22630469

I certainly don't anon, I think it's nice.

>> No.22630470
File: 47 KB, 594x594, 5RN-bCuiyCo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about what anons on the internet think
But if you do care so much then I'll let you know I think it's cute

>> No.22630471

You're welcome to your flight of fancies.

>> No.22630474
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x1660, f1ed7a704485a2b1a5150d1cfc22049e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see why people could find it annoying, but I personally don't mind.

>> No.22630482

Thanks guys, you are good friends for accepting me and I really appreciate it.

>> No.22630540

I wish I found it that easy to gush about my wives in the thread. I'm okay doing it in other settings but always feel self conscious about going into detail here too often.
Keep on being yourself hatterfag, it's nice to see.

>> No.22630597
File: 553 KB, 2048x1464, it's a definitely a shog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only 85% certain this is thread relevant but the maid manga by the Jahy-sama mangaka got serialized.

>> No.22630625

That's a demon tho, she got horns.

>> No.22630642
File: 676 KB, 1065x1532, suspicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Shog/Kiki behavior to me, and between the two Shog seems the obvious winner

>> No.22630652
File: 155 KB, 850x1190, Ran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never get BOYA'd by an older monster

>> No.22630664

Cute BOYA Time

>> No.22630669

What about a Kiki butler?

>> No.22630675

I am not gay

>> No.22630680

Cute girls cross dressing is nice though

>> No.22630683

She's a demon to dust and unwashed clothes!

>> No.22630693
File: 181 KB, 439x316, 1476228865283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i shouldn't get attacked for not doing anything
Yetis only hug you if you're cold and only fug if you get erect from their hugs, you did make sure to wear a warm enough coat outside right? You're not a pawslut are you?

>> No.22630695

i'd rather dress in a sexy dress with my demon waifu in bed so we can fuck while looking like cute girls doing it together. she can dom because then i won't feel bad as a man

>> No.22630697


>> No.22630720

>Anon is a promising young master but had bad experiences in the past and distrusts monsters
>Joins the human supremacist faction despite being an upright and honorable person
>Only hires male servants to prevent monster infiltration
How convincingly could a Kiki even crossdress in the first place? She'll have to fool him at least long enough that when she's discovered she has become too indispensable to fire.

>> No.22630726
File: 2.72 MB, 3000x1710, 2019-12-21-frugert-scylla-legs-3-alt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is critical, need-to-know info. Spread the good word.

>> No.22630733

The butt should be made of tentacle desu

>> No.22630736

Oh right: SCYLLA. Good to include the monster you're sharing in a post so all the Ctrl+Fers can easily find good content through all the bullshit.
Absolute bullshit like this, for example.

>> No.22630743

Sodomizing a cross-dressing woman is only like 17% gay. 17% isn't a big deal.

>> No.22630746

Those are dedicated maids, so of course a maid would seem like them. She is still a demon tho.

>> No.22630765

>"only like 17% gay. 17% isn't a big deal."
>famous last words before alping

>> No.22630769

Pretty sure have to hit 50% at least for any real risk of alping.

>> No.22630783

I love it hatter! Hearing about your waifu is always excellent! I would be quite sad if you ever stopped. My only gripe is you not having any images of her yet!

>> No.22630793

Gonna marry a deep sea sahu

>> No.22630819

pelvis smash!

>> No.22630825

>"Keith, that may be unbecoming of me to say, but I have never had such a valuable friend like you before."
>"Thank you, Master, I am very grateful. Forgive my question, but do you have plans to find a future wife?"
>"It will happen when it will happen, I'm just going with a flow. You know, with how thinks are going, I think maybe you'll be the one to get married before me. Hehe, I still remember the looks you were getting from the women in that shop when we were picking new curtains and towels, I wish I had that effect on the ladies."
>that shop was secretly owned by Gyoubu Danuki who all instantly saw through "Keith's" disguise and were confused as hell

>> No.22630836

what monsters would you fix and how would you fix them?

>> No.22630841

i would just take all the loli ones, and regular sized ones, and make them bigger. Also maybe give them laser eyes but thats an afterthought

>> No.22630847 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.03 MB, 1600x2560, 1577073870991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the two most obvious ones that come to my head right now.

>> No.22630853

Nice try, monsters, but I drink five glasses of holst milk a day. My pelvis is unbreakable.

>> No.22630860

>all beastmen
>give them smaller, more humanoid paws.

>> No.22630864

alps. i'd make them extremely tomboy succubi that love doing guy things and being best bros with her husband instead of being a men turned into succubi, that would make them my favorite monster species among the 216 species.

>> No.22630870

That's less of a fix and more of a deletion of alps in favor of something you can already have.

>> No.22630876

women naturally hate doing guy things psychologically. alps would be biologically ajusted so that they can favor guy stuff like beer and and classic rock CDs

>> No.22630880

Succs don't think like normal women, though. They'll thoroughly study the man they like, and if they find he's into that type of girl with those interests, she'll become just that in order to please him.

>> No.22630887

Cait Sith is fine as is, though. She has merit based on the fact that furries are attracted to that kind of shit. Doesn't mean you personally have to want to fuck one. For all you know going to Cat Kingdom would net you an Ocelomeh or Jinko or even a nice Nekomata.

>> No.22630891

Never fear! January is a three paycheck month, I’ll be sure to have enough for a commission then!!!

>> No.22630892
File: 110 KB, 700x715, 1517780449450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I really hate this dragon design. The fuck is with the random retarded looking claws on the sides of her tits and hips? I hate it.

>> No.22630895

but can they magically turn into a complete tomboy and leave behind all traces of femininity in their personality?

>> No.22630906

Trolls by making them pregnant.

>> No.22630908

Shes a wyvern tardie.They are dragon harpies.

>> No.22630914

Good to hear! Do you have a plan for an artist you would use?

>> No.22630915

if they made a dragon centaur?
or a dragon slime
or a dragon mermaid
or a dragon arachne

>> No.22630929
File: 90 KB, 818x578, 1576879150994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Treat your potatoes well and they will treat you well.

>> No.22630933

got drunk and wanted to try writing a short, fairy-tale-like story. probably going to regret this in the morning, so i might as well post it now.

>> No.22630934

No, I’m going to be much more open than when I looked before as I just want to get a nice good character sheet done. Someone who is fine with doing a character with my dear wife’s exaggerated hourglass features and wont make a fuss, otherwise I will not be picky.
If you or if any of the other resident waifufags have any suggestions I am very all ears!

>> No.22630940

I don't see why they can't. They probably don't even need magic to do it. Don't underestimate a succ's resolve to get that D.

>> No.22630943

Reading through the hatterfag's posts have inspired me to talk about a bit of a side project I have been doing.
>See someone talk about using lucid dreaming to interact with their waifu
>Try a couple different methods, and find one that works
>Start to visualize Wight, she eventually able to act on her own after a couple nights of practice
>Spend lucid nights inside her mansion
>Even if I just spend my whole time with her talking, she looks happy, and I feel amazing when I wake up
I have been able to solve a lot of problems in my life just by bouncing ideas off her. The only problem left is that I feel kinda empty inside whenever I think about her during the day.

>> No.22630955

Raven Harpy

>> No.22630965

Bullied by Crow Harpies.

>> No.22630975

Kookaburra harpies are no laughing matter, no matter how much they cackle at other's misfortunes.

>> No.22630984

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, make sure that you have a bed big enough for you and the wife/wives.

>> No.22630986

man, i;m so bored from lack of new monsters and lore. i just want a new monster to love

>> No.22630991

Bed's big enough for the Weredingo and her baby.

>> No.22631005

>not having a wife big enough to lay on as a matress and another to lay on you as a blanket
not gonna make it

>> No.22631008

I’m happy you have been able to do so Anon! It sounds like a lavish experience! Just be healthy, your dear Wight wife would want you to be so!

>> No.22631018

Sounds great anon! Glad you were able to figure out a way past them! I know a lot of people are not!

>> No.22631019

I’d do it

>> No.22631020

Happy Hanukkah anons!

>> No.22631031

>Happy Hanukkah anons!

>> No.22631034
File: 418 KB, 1280x1024, GyoubuDanuki3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right back at ya!

>> No.22631048


>> No.22631054

Mofu Mofu Doof Doof!

>> No.22631059

A mamono will know you're lying if you say you're married but aren't.
But what if you say you're married to your work? or to justice.

>> No.22631067

That sort of passion will only make them hornier.

>> No.22631077

That quite literally doesn't make the random claws look any less garbage.

>> No.22631114

Your work is pleasing her and her pussy is justice. You will belong to her.

>> No.22631124

How would a titania handle a trip to the museum? True, the dinosaur bones and artifacts of ancient cultures would be interesting, but how would she handle the implications that the artifacts have? If she realizes said implications at all?

>> No.22631128

Feeding a Lava Golem some hot sauce. Can Lava Golems taste spicy stuff?

>> No.22631130

Is cute, but I was expecting something involving a dryad, not some Momotarō shenanigans.

>> No.22631131

I gave one mayonnaise once and she had to eat some ice cream afterwards.

>> No.22631157

I thank you heartily for your deli’s and baked goods.

>> No.22631169

Can you elaborate? I’m married to my work and don’t have the imagination to figure out how my wife would court me or vice versa besides tackle and rape or manipulation, both of which aren’t appealing

>> No.22631175

She knows that things eventually have to go away, sometimes forever, but that just means you shouldn’t waste time worrying over silly things and should enjoy the happy times you have now!

>> No.22631210 [DELETED] 
File: 471 KB, 2560x1440, FBI_in_Raid_BOII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Police raiding a Sabbath Compound to apprehend Pedophiles and Lolicons

>> No.22631212

clean pure yummy vaginal fluid can be as white as a man's semen. reminder that you shouldn't be alarmed when you see it squirting out of your waifu when she's cumming from you eating her out! same for your daughteru, momfu, auntfu, neighborfu, teacherfu, bossfu, and grandmomfu

>> No.22631217


>> No.22631253

>Eldest, there is not enough room on the bed for all of us.
>Perhaps, Second One, you should retire to your own quaters.
>Third and Fourth have taken a liking to them. They are too incomplete to hold form. I do not enjoy their company.
>Whatisthis whatisthis~? Do the New Ones join Mastah and I for his respite~?
And then anon was Shogpiled by clingy slime daughters.

>> No.22631258

my wife has a pristine and very delicious cunny! she's quite a sexy loli!

>> No.22631265


>> No.22631270

What's the next size up from king? Gonna need a reinforced on to fit me and my three big strongfat wives without it breaking under all that MEAT.

>> No.22631281

i wanna fuck a gazer so bad. she's so evil and i want her to take over my life

>> No.22631308

That but manticore

>> No.22631345

I miss magus anon

>> No.22631395 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 1200x874, 1577084315517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys get any cool MGs yet?

Hell have you gotten any recently?

>> No.22631398

I want to give those squids, kids.

>> No.22631399

Ignore that attention whore

>> No.22631404

I want a genki cheetah monster girl. There’s something so cute about those black marks on their faces

>> No.22631409

I post the cool squids and ask if you have any new MGs like once every few weeks.

Is KC dead or what?

>> No.22631411

>Avatarfags posting 2 random thots from /v/
Ok retard

>> No.22631424

He is making a game and a new world guide. Probably won't get any new girls until he finishes the game.

>> No.22631437

I want to battlefuck a mai shiranui hinezumi.

>> No.22631441
File: 480 KB, 1536x2048, 75477445_p11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gremlin booty is good,damn i want a gremlin booty

>> No.22631464

Yeah, it'd suck to be part of an entire country that got dragged off to the demons because your idiot rulers signed a treaty with one of those demonic quills and then broke it.

>> No.22631466

Unless you are talking about the vaguest mentions that the scholar was going to mist and may have fell into the abyss from the last world guide there has been no talk of a new book. He is 100% dedicated to his new game right now.

>> No.22631481

Are Demon Contracts binding even if you didn't read them?

>> No.22631482

Yeah what I assume would be WG4 in the abyss. I thought I heard something about him doing a book but that might have been related to the recent side that was released.

>> No.22631483

If it's signed with one of their quills or pens, yes. You don't even have to be the one to sign them. If your leader signs a treaty with one of those implements and then breaks it, the entire country gets taken.

>> No.22631492

I want a lawyer.

>> No.22631502

U gt wurm

>> No.22631509

Sorry. The only lawyers are Demons, and there are no conflict of interest laws.

>> No.22631515

>Q. すみません、次の世界ガイドの主題は何ですか?
>What will be the theme for the next World Guide?
>A. まだ確定ではないんですが、次回のワールドガイドはコートアルフでも名前が出てきたカジノ都市がメインになるかもしれませんね
>It's not confirmed yet, but the 'Casino City' that is also mentioned in the new book may be featured (KC)
He said something about a casino city in the last Q&A but no book is actually announced. I doubt he will have time for anything until he releases some form of his game.

>> No.22631521

>Lust and Love in MG Vegas

>> No.22631531

Not even Tanuki lawyers?

>> No.22631532

You're a few short steps away from Tulpamancy anon, if you REALLY want her with you during the day time

>> No.22631538

They're just crooked merchants.

>> No.22631540

You'll get a court appointed lawyer from Wurm, Wurm, Wurm, & Warm LLP & Associates.

>> No.22631545

I haven't browsed this general in a few years.
Can I get some writefag story recommendations?

>> No.22631546

>Ms. Wurm handles Anon's case perfectly.

>> No.22631558
File: 163 KB, 507x655, 4WAeuaEh_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well of course. She's a professional after all.

>> No.22631607


>> No.22631610

Why doesn't Seven Seas translate the damn world guides already?
But the Encyclopedia had plenty of lolis in them, some way more detailed than the world guides Barring the third book

>> No.22631612
File: 219 KB, 796x1080, EfiQJNS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a dragon mermaid
>a dragon slime
although not actual dragons, the slimes in Dragonia are mutated by the dragon-mana
> a dragon centaur
That could work for qilin/kirin
> a dragon arachne
didn't KC say yowie would be a dragon-bug-hybrid?

>> No.22631617

No tail
Four ears

>> No.22631774
File: 149 KB, 1252x956, 1577085425237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22631780

While it is very nice of her when a Hellhound gives you a large bouquet, that still doesn't entitle her to get in your pants without your consent.

>> No.22631803

>dragon slime
I want to bully her by telling her she’ll never be a real dragon
You didn’t read the card that comes with the flowers? It says if you accept them then you provide consent

>> No.22631854

That dragon slime looks cute! Now I just need a slimed dragon!

>> No.22631958

>One day you see several battalions of armored demon soldiers marching into the capital
>weeks past and your country is actually doing pretty well. The demons are strict about their rules, but they are efficient rulers and administrators
>The capital has become the main hub that links the demon dimension to this world
Good end

>> No.22631991

You say that until you are apart of the body tithes and taken with other young virginal men and women. The women being brought to get fucked into more demons and the men to become husbands.

>> No.22632061

Iron beast

>> No.22632065

Demons are pretty good at propaganda so at that point it would be an honor probably. Also I don't think a lot of people would go back to the inferior order administration anyway.

I can't decide what kind of government system a demon ruled country would use. Maybe ruled by lawmakers/a council of elder demons, with two human representatives

>> No.22632244
File: 427 KB, 979x1070, 1574122773060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish I could cuddle a girl with big hard muscles.

>> No.22632306
File: 233 KB, 950x575, 1460868422713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best monster for hatesex?

>> No.22632333


>> No.22632356

>Roommate is a dick to you
>He alps
>Turned out he just had the hots for you and didn't know what to do
>Now he's a 11/10 succubus
>Hatefuck him while making him apologize for everything he did

>> No.22632367
File: 249 KB, 1280x721, 1572816928839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying you won't be a blabbering mess instead and he takes the dominate role

>> No.22632376

I want a powerbottom alp.

>> No.22632393

I just want monster girl pussy in my face. Doesn't matter what species she is: alp, baphomet, holstaur, jubjub, sandworm, succubus, or whatever. I just want my face to smell like her pussy. I want my dick to smell like her spit.

>> No.22632418

I usually don't think of them, but if I had a Jubjub, I'd make her sit on my face as often as possible.

>> No.22632443

Christmas sex with the Hellhound. The harder she fucks the harder you return the favor.

>> No.22632465

This. Alps are built for being lewd powerbottoms, urging you to ruin their pussies with your dick as hard as you can.

>> No.22632504

Personally I'd put up no resistance, beg her to go harder on me, and keep saying I love her.

>> No.22632512

Big Yetis with thick muscles and even thicker Russian accents

>> No.22632567
File: 163 KB, 900x959, 1539721010198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22632594

I want Pharoah's snakes to keep me and her bound together balls deep after and intense breeding session.

>> No.22632600


>> No.22632613
File: 418 KB, 659x912, ApophisExtraArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna assist apophis in graping the pharaoh.
Gonna marry the apophis.
Gonna enslave the pharaoh.

>> No.22632690
File: 582 KB, 680x950, 1510499917985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what y'all getting?

>> No.22632752
File: 149 KB, 756x694, tama_the_tyrant_short.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A short story featuring Helga, a QT underweight unconfident heckpup will be out on Christmas. Don't worry, it has a happy ending. Not sure if the second illustration will be done in time, but the first already is and I'll make sure to update the file once the second is completed.

Look forward to it, MGG. Ganbatte.

>> No.22632758

Dude is getting illustrations for his stories? This is next level shit right here

>> No.22632772

Pregnant wives.

>> No.22632822

>underweight unconfident heckpup
I feel bad for her and I haven't even read the story.

>> No.22632825

Looking forward to it, I love healing

>> No.22632857

That’s amazing how the field has grown. I remember when the only other game in town was Greenworm, Sandworm, and WurmWurm

>> No.22632867

I really want a dragon centaur.

>> No.22632897

Underweight MGs need to eat, and eat and eat! Ask the P’Orcs!

>> No.22632908

>Underweight heckpup goes to P'Orcerers
>Ends up porky.
Its pottery.

>> No.22632929

Both clearly signs of an incomplete disguise spell. Be on the watch out, not just for monsters trying to hide among humans, but deviant humans trying to emulate monsters!

Imagine a human girl dressing up as a monster transforming into that species haha.

>> No.22632936

I can't wait to read it! Especially neat about the illustrations.

>> No.22632970

Halloween costume stores offering tainted costumes to women. Side effects monsterization into species picked.

>> No.22632974

>runt heckpup getting bullied by the mean kobold and werewolf girls as they shove her scrawny form around when she sticks up for her friend anon
>six months of P’Orcer’s diet later
>huge happy plump Helldawg hipchecks her small-in-comparison former bullies into the wall with her massive hips while picking her boyfriend anon up and carrying him off for some happy heavy sex
Just what do they put in that food?!

>> No.22632983

Ancient P'Orc secret.
Adds some mass, gives girls an ass.

>> No.22633007

A frequent stop for that sexy gluttony demon who keeps forcing herself into my house...

>> No.22633018

Minotaurs, demons from the level of gluttony, other P'Orcs, Salamanders that are bulkan, and the occasional wendi.

>> No.22633031

My kinda company.

>> No.22633039

Just beware.
Taking your wife there is a good way for her to be THICK for a while.

>> No.22633049

>short nerdy hellhound with a fat ass
I like this.

>> No.22633055

Well, no one can say she's scrawny anymore, even if her panties show/are tighter than before.

>> No.22633062

Will she stay that way if you take her there enough times?

>> No.22633067

>occasional wendi
Is that how you level up one from awawa to ara ara?

>> No.22633071

I would love to take my Dear Hatter wife there! Though her style of eating politely with refined utensil usage and table manners might look silly compared to other girls just pigging in and chowing down, she’d be delighted at the resulting effect on her figure, and I’d be delighted to explore it handily!

>> No.22633072

Bulkamanders seem relevant to my interests.

>> No.22633078
File: 538 KB, 1290x1821, EMdR4I3VAAAyfgH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unsealing ancient evils seems like a fun hobby

>> No.22633088

Very much so, though you will want to cut back if you want to prevent a more unfortunate figure.

Yes, a wendi needs to eat a meat quota to successfully level up from Wendi to Wendigo

Would be a good way to get some extra curve without the permanence of alchemical goods.

Sometimes a salamander wants to bulk up on her muscles.
Sometimes they do it wrong and end up strongfat.

>> No.22633091

It’s certainly one of the quickest ways. That’s how you get a Bigdigo.
The Mino gym right across the street ensures they can maximize their gains!

>> No.22633095

Bearmode Salamander wrasslin' Grizzlies!

>> No.22633099

>porc meme
>feeder shit
Is this a competition on how much dumb shit you can fit into one conversation

>> No.22633109

Pretty much.
Then she's telling said grizzly how she's finally ready to take on Anon while the bear picks herself up from the ground.
Somewhere, Anon feels a growing sense of dread.

>> No.22633111

Then I shall take her to this place! I shall have my big wendigo!

>> No.22633118

Then in that case, I’d hope they’d open a branch at least near an entrance to Wonderland!

>> No.22633124

Alas, the Bulkamander forgot that DEX always beats STR.

>> No.22633136

She'll be the biggest!
Just beware, Wendis need/can eat quite a bit.

They may situate it in Wonderland, just don't know who the staff will be.
More P'Orcs with suit tattoos maybe?

The power of Anon using run is not to be underestimated.

>> No.22633142

What if she has superior stamina though?

>> No.22633156

Local siren has a beautiful voice but is only confident enough to sing one traditional song about how you are the ocean's grey waves.

>> No.22633157

So a slow but continuous Sally that's marching after him?
Could be terrifying...till he gets on the bus and she's too far away.

>> No.22633161

Hey that's not how a man fights.

>> No.22633175

I didnt even think your waifu could get any curvier! She is going to be such a bombshell! Easily able to milk you of all your cream!

I know that's why I hope they are ready to serve her! Although who knows maybe they can actual fill a wendis unquenchable hunger for meat.

>> No.22633189

Sally really hasn't been paying attention.
She thinks Anon tiring her out via running has been how he fights.

Anon, you're going to get the strange, and sad, sight of a little Wendi that wants to eat the meat on the plate before her but can't due to a stomach ache.

>> No.22633221

It’s all on the path to that eventual future as the Countess of Cream! I can’t and would never say no to more wonderful curves of my dear wife to be milked by!

>> No.22633337
File: 79 KB, 287x287, JPEG_20191223_072635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of big Wendis, I just got this done up! Great job by hotkeke! I hope you all have a merry Christmas and if you don't celebrate well have a great day regardless.

>> No.22633363

Find a husband for the graped Pharaoh so she can rape him 24/7 and not interfere with the Apophis's rule

>> No.22633365

It's okay to like things, Anon.


>> No.22633376

Oh no! I can't handle that! Especially when she becomes a big wendigo!

True. It is only natural for that to happen.

I like it. Your waifu is sexy as always.

>> No.22633378

How sinisterly delightful! Such a domineering girl! You’re very lucky!!

>> No.22633382

Yepa a cute. Have a good Christmas wendi guy.

>> No.22633385
File: 373 KB, 990x1400, xawga-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bully the shorties.

>> No.22633402

>under clothes fondling
I love this way too much.

>> No.22633405

Do Shota's find onee-chans under their tree or vice versa?

>> No.22633407

Then you get a BEEG, meaty wendi that is pouting cause she's eaten her fill of meat but wants more.

>> No.22633412

i wanna try to fix dorome but you just can't work with mud

>> No.22633423

>Rapey hellhound reduced to a drooling, embarrassed mess
I like this take on the character type.

>> No.22633440

It really is a great thing. I love to imagine my self fondling my waifus tits as she does her mass. Maybe even move aside her oanties and start fingering her as well.

>> No.22633445
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>bully short heckpups


>> No.22633464

Puberty's gonna hit her like a freight train.

>> No.22633477

At least it wont be hot her harder than she will hit her best guy friend anon afterwards.

>> No.22633481

I've thought of fondling one wife in a meeting at the castle and another wife in front of her Sabbath. Clothed stuff in general is a nice fetish.
I'm okay with this influx of heck pup.

>> No.22633540
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>I'm ok with this influx of heckpup
Why wouldn't you be?

>> No.22633555

>Implying she's not going to be permanently stuck in this delicious state

>> No.22633558

You can say that again. Also while my own waifu isn't a loli, fucking one in front of her entire sabbath sounds wonderfully lewd and debauched!

>> No.22633628
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Stretchy Meat.

>> No.22633653

I wish to bully a hellhound while she's a teen so she can't fight back.

>> No.22633657

The great meat heist! Hopefully Pally sitting one seat over scoops up the boy and Wendi and teaches them a lesson about theft

>> No.22633684

Wendi-Chan has such expressive eyes when they peek through her cowlick bangs.

>> No.22633689
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Cute fish girls

>> No.22633691

Wait a second! thats a fake wendi!

>> No.22633699

>Street rat except the words are awas

>> No.22633732

Little Wendi has a childhood friend!

>> No.22633813

Papa Wendi must be so happy knowing his daughter can makes friends and they are interested in wendi culture.

>> No.22633843

Does WendiDad ship them hard. How about Wendimom?

>> No.22633870

Yes. Someone that's actually her age makes me feel very relieved. Her mom is just happy her daughter "hunted" a male while she is so young. It took her over 200 years after all.

>> No.22633922

>Someone that's actually her age makes me feel very relieved
what if its someone whos only her mental age?

>> No.22633945

yowies are beastman
also i don't know why bunyips are fluffy lamias when they're seal-dog-panther-horse things

>> No.22633959

This is not even relevant to good art, but would MG wendy's be Wendi's

>> No.22633979

>tfw I can't see any mamono loving me

>> No.22633990

Awawarby's, they have the Meats

>> No.22633998

Anon that's basically a mating call to any monster in the area.

>> No.22634008

I can see mamono lusting after me, but not sincerely loving me.

>> No.22634056

So, what would you do when your MG behaves like other monster due to the father being a haremfag


>> No.22634094
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>"If you won't fuck my ass, then I'll just have to fuck yours. Your choice."

>> No.22634109

>implying I wouldn't eagerly fill a cute plant's holes with my seed
I can easily see the lewd, I just can't see any mamono desiring or forming an emotional connection with me.

>> No.22634126

painkillers, baileys cream, rum, coke, idk what else.

>> No.22634142

A dark elf rogue who is your rival. Or do the lawful good hero vs lilim

>> No.22634155

like a childhood bully?

>> No.22634164

I bet demon society is very tradition based with a lots of rituals, along with all the law stuff that is. In that sense they are pretty religious, though not in the same way as the Order.

>> No.22634174

Atlach-Nacha are literally made for hatesex.
Cheshires and Jubjubs are good, too.
Also (Dark) Valkyries, depending on which would be more likely to "oppose" you.

>> No.22634176

I worship my lolibaba pharaoh. She will rise to greatness!

>> No.22634179
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>> No.22634189

>Live with Dark Priest wife
>She usually performs marriages
>"Honey could you put the kettle on and get my good chair? The new bride is tsundere and it's going to take her like an hour to say "i do"

>> No.22634201

Resist the Pharaoh! Rise up in revolution! Anarchy in the desert!

>> No.22634203

This is why most priests know a Cupid they can call upon if things get stupid.
>Get on with it!

>> No.22634208

Living with a dark priest wife in a small mostly human village sounds pretty comfy

>> No.22634214

irc seija says the opposite of what she really means, like bizarro but less retarded.

>> No.22634215
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>traditional demons
Now I imagined a bunch of demons holding meetings every sunday, sharing cooking recipes, helping each other with tips how to raise children, and talking about books they read, and they dance with men around a bonfire in nation specific clothes.

>> No.22634216

Anarchy in the desert sounds like a good recipe for a lot of dead people.
There’s a reason desert societies always had powerful leadership positions.

>> No.22634224

Mamono would marry the desperate men and monsterize the desperate women. Nobody would die. Everyone would sustain themselves through mana.

>> No.22634230
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>> No.22634232

Yeah that is probably the some of the more "homely" ones though I like to think they have plenty of the more otherworldly rituals too. Many of them holdovers from ancient times. And they still take them very seriously. Demons are all about structure.

>> No.22634239

From KC's Q&A
>4) Will there be Australian monster based on Rainbow Serpent, Bunyip or others?

> Yes. Bunyip will be a mamono that is compound of bird, snake, and beast. And there will be also Yowie that is compound of insect and dragon. They will be comparatively ferocious species.


>> No.22634256

Even then, monsters still like to have food. Plus it’s kinda hard to fuck when you’re in the middle of a sandstorm.
The three choices are pharaoh leader, snake leader, or incubus khepri king. Anything less is going to be lost to the sands sooner or later.

>> No.22634263
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>> No.22634264

I bet a Zombie would make a perfect nanny. Her basic instincts are on full display, including her maternal instincts!

>> No.22634267

Pathetic ears.

>> No.22634308

>grow up with a vampire momster and zombie nanny
That's a lot of physical contact

>> No.22634315
File: 200 KB, 1024x316, timeō lōlis et dōna ferentīs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22634323

Sounds good, sign me up.

>> No.22634331

Don't forget the Dhampir older half-sister.

>> No.22634338


>> No.22634344

Ha, a monster will never trick me like that. Now if you'll excuse me some nice older ladies say they have some cookies and videogames for me in a nice unmarked white van.

>> No.22634366

>Cactus Alraunes
>Tanuki caravans
>Undyne oases
There are options. And married mamono will be able to subsist on their husband's cum. Also
>Implying you wouldn't marry a sandstorm elemental

>> No.22634370

Classic rock is great, but I don't like beer. Now, if they had some prog rock and coffee, it might be a different story.

>> No.22634382

KC probably wanted to avoid making yowie too similar to yeti in appearance (like with wendigo).
Seems like he took the inspiration from jrpg:s
I don't know if it's a mix-up due to similar name, or if they are just different versions of the same myth, but they seem to be based on whowie.

>> No.22634383
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>> No.22634385

Dhampir make better older than younger sisters.

>> No.22634401
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is something the mater anon?

>> No.22634413

Christmas time always leaves me stressed out.

>> No.22634424

Prove it.

>> No.22634427

Imagine a dhampir mom with a vampire daughter

>> No.22634439

We're reaching page 10, can we get new bread?
