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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2262561 No.2262561 [Reply] [Original]

How different is a Japanese McDonalds from a American McDonalds in flavor? If you bought a kids meal in Japan would it taste a lot different or almost the same?

I know this isn't the best topic on /jp/ right now, but it's something I've always wondered.

>> No.2262571

In Japan Ronald is a scary mother fucker.

>> No.2262573

It's really not hard to search for things that you know will be available widely.


>> No.2262570

It will taste different as I have tried non-American McDonalds before. Probably taste less like lard.

>> No.2262589

I read that, but it didn't explain the differences between burgers available both in Japan and America.

>> No.2262595

>topic discussing the taste of food somewhere in Japan
I wish there were a board for questions related to traveling to a foreign country and staying there for a little while, partaking of various foods and shopping at various stores. We could call it travel, and abbreviate it /trv/!

>> No.2262598

Well, think about it. It's McDonalds, not some smaller local chain. They probably have worldwide processing plants and worldwide locations where they get beef from then they distribute it. Even if the Japanese vs American markets used beef from different areas, I doubt that it would make much of a difference.

Dammit it's just a stupid hamburger, who cares what the difference would be.

>> No.2262599

I'd rather not leave /jp/ and this isn't really a good /trv/ question.

>> No.2262601

Femanon of /jp/, I love you!

>> No.2262608
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>> No.2262609

Femanon of /jp/, I hate you and I think people like you are great examples of why women should to be allowed on the internet.

>> No.2262619

I have a crush on another tripfag.

>> No.2262621

Hands off; I've been stalking her ever since she first started posting.

>> No.2262618

If only they had In&Out Burger in Japan: There would be an In&Out Burger-tan.

>> No.2262641

Oh, you can keep Femanon of /jp/. I'll stay loyal to the #1.

>> No.2262647

Instead of "femanons" I prefer to call them girlbros, because they are girls who are also our bros.

>> No.2262653

...and that's why you'd fit right in at the GAY!bar.

>> No.2262667

Who, if I may ask?

>> No.2262683


I-it wasn't anyone who posted at the same time as I did.

>> No.2262787

I don't know about the differences in flavor, but there are differences in what you can get from a Japanese McDonalds and what you can get from American McDonalds.

Googled, and found this thing:

And they have Donald instead of Ronald, that must mean something.

>> No.2262811

>>2262598 They probably have worldwide processing plants and worldwide locations where they get beef from then they distribute it.
What the hell? You should try thinking before posting retarded shit.

Teriyaki Burger is god tier.

>> No.2263278


This evidence clearly shows that Japanese McDonalds is superior.

>> No.2263287

Japanese one generates more memes.

>> No.2263679

Remilia, you're the only reason why I spend time on /jp/. I love you. But I know the cruel fate will keep us separated, my destiny is to be on the other side of this planet, far away from you. I will still keep dreaming about you, and wish that some day, we can be together, and I will be your loyal servant.
