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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 112 KB, 480x272, MikiIsASlut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2252275 No.2252275 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys,
Currently trying to extract script files from iM@S SP.

This guy in the Noah porting thread figured out the structure of YUM files and posted a program to unpack it into files here: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/2245776#p2248828

Here's what we figured out so far:
The files with the email data (the emails people send you ingame) are really easy to figure out. They're just plain SJIS text in files 4823.bin - 4834.bin (4823 has some unrelated data at the top, I wonder if files can be split into subfiles), they're in plain text and there's offsets for each email at the end. Really easy to write a repacker for them (pic related), too bad they're mostly irrelevant.

There are a bunch of files with valid WAV headers, but they're all unplayable. I'm guessing they use some kind of non-standard compression inside. Not a big deal, since we don't need to mess with the audio to translate the script.

The real problem is the script files. The guy who posted the unpacker was right, some files are compressed using LZSS compression. I really can't figure out the structure of the script files, though. The first part seems to be script text compressed using LZSS, then a bunch of data that most likely isn't compressed at all, since it generates a bunch of random repeated text if uncompressed. Script files are probably split into subfiles as well.

>> No.2252277

(field too long)

Here's a bunch of files if you want to take a look at them, but you can just compile the program from that other thread and use that if you have the ISO. They're from Perfect Sun, but they're pretty much the same in all three games.
0776.bin is a script file uncompressed, dec0776.txt is that entire file decompressed with LZSS (containing a bunch of bogus data at the end), dec0776-2.txt is what you'd get if you trimmed 0776.bin to remove the weird data at the end before decompressing.

If someone with a bit more experience at this could give it a shot, it'd be awesome. I have zero reversing skills.

>> No.2252286

Figure out how to do it and I'll help translate for you.

>> No.2252307

Thanks, Anonymous!

It doesn't seem too hard to figure out the format for script files. I'm just posting this because I haven't done anything like this before, so someone who has can probably figure it out way faster than me.

Right now, all I can do is edit the emails, which is the easiest part.

>> No.2252308
File: 361 KB, 1280x720, 1236081457889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iM@S SP translation project

>> No.2252317

Go cut your wrists, Chihaya.

>> No.2252324

Which version?

>> No.2252330

This is Perfect Sun, but it doesn't really matter at this point, since I'm just trying to figure out how to unpack/understand the script format properly and it's the same for the three games.

>> No.2252332
File: 93 KB, 340x428, 567374564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2252333

Anon who posted the tool here.

You're right about files being split into subfiles. I put in the pack table struct because I *believe* that table was for subfiles. I never fully figured out the table, and I know that later in the table it lists some huge filesizes (possibly just bad coding on my part, I didn't look) but the first few thousand split just fine.

The WAV files are most likely AT3 (Atrac3, a not too uncommon codec used on the PSP). Again, I didn't care to look into this.

I'm interested in seeing how this turns out so I might follow it for a while. :)

>> No.2252343

hey OP, could you write some program which extracts the ingame created "photographs" from the memorystick?

>> No.2252377

I can take a look at it, but I don't have any photographs right now. I took a bunch, but then my illiteracy in Japanese made me not save them. It looks like answering はいい to everything doesn't work very well.

Yeah, I saw the packcount struct you put in and realized that's what it's probably for. I'll take another look at the WAV files as well. Thanks for all the help.

>> No.2252538

>>2252333 again
I just updated the program to support the pack table thing. I had a facepalm moment as to why it wasn't working last night. :\

Usage has changed a little.
To extract all files (both packed and seperate):
yum.exe YUMFILE_2.BIN -all

To extract only the packed files:
yum.exe YUMFILE_2.BIN -bin
yum.exe YUMFILE_2.BIN

To extract the seperate files:
yum.exe YUMFILE_2.BIN -sub


There's 58k files in the file I'm using. Have fun.

>> No.2252662

Awesome, many thanks. I'll go give it a try.

Also, the sound files seem to be regular AT3 files that the PSP uses. They're the exact same format as the SND0.AT3 file that shows up in every single PSP game. Most people out there use Goldwave + some shady ATRAC3 codec out there in order to deal with those files, didn't have much luck, I must be doing something incredibly retarded.

>> No.2252701

I'm in

>> No.2253037

Oh God so many files.

Are there no filenames whatsover in the YUM file structure? I'm pretty sure I've seen stuff inside the files that reference stuff that look like filenames.

>> No.2253114

Nope, the header doesn't contain names. The reason you're seeing referenced names is because POM files list the filename at the end of the file, or something like that.

There's not much that can be done.

>> No.2253126

Hey, I'm definitely willing to help translate any of this. I do translations for a few certain animu-type magazines in the US for cash. Whoever is leading the project send me an e-mail and I'll help out for fun.

>> No.2253156


>> No.2253204

Well, crap. It's going to be impossible sorting out all these files without something you can use to sort them logically like filenames.

I took a random script and decompressed it with LZSS, there's no junk at the end anymore, but it does have weird bytes in the middle of the strings. 0x80 seems to be some sort of separator? The mail files just used \r\n for line endings and that was about it.

Thanks for the help! There's really not much going on, though, we're just trying to figure out the technical issues on how to tackle this whole thing. I will mail you if we ever get somewhere with this.

>> No.2253204,1 [INTERNAL] 

Open http://www.easymodo.net/imas/dec0776.txt and search for 数が少なくてXgもあ. It's like 100 times in there and whole page where this text is found is same (100 times). Maybe you have some kind of problem with lzss decoding (or they're using something modified)? File dec0776-2.txt seems to be some kind of fixed version, but sequence of  bytes still seems to suspicious, and unbalanced parentheses too - 「・(依頼のあったスんだ??」.

Scripts seem to be in chunks, each starts with \x80, is followed by \x00-\x7f (which seems to be something like opcode) and then arbitrary number of bytes, but none of them forming sequence \x80[\x00-\x7f]. (At least this way it disassembles nicely).

Here is a "disassembled" script:

>> No.2253204,2 [INTERNAL] 

I should have read the thread first.

Anyway, I'll play with this a little more when I get home.

Imas translate3d would be fucking awesome.

>> No.2253204,3 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, I know.
> The first part seems to be script text compressed using LZSS, then a bunch of data that most likely isn't compressed at all, since it generates a bunch of random repeated text if uncompressed. Script files are probably split into subfiles as well.

See >>2252538, it now extracts subfiles. Though in order to repack the files back into a yum file we need to modify it to make it generate some sort of log with the number of subfiles each file has or make it output subfiles into separate directories.

22:47 <Nagato> 0x800A, 0x8010, and 0x800F seem to be constant
22:47 <Nagato> possibly
22:55 <Nagato> bah. i don't feel like figuring out all the byte codes and stuff
22:55 <Nagato> if you want to do it here's a list of things i know:
22:56 <Nagato> 0x800A <- has 2 bytes following it
22:56 <Nagato> 0x8010 2 bytes (character idea) then the name
22:56 <Nagato> 0x800F text that belongs to a character i believe
22:57 <Nagato> 0x8001 continuation of text (should be found with 0x800Fs)

>> No.2253204,4 [INTERNAL] 

Bumping for progress status.

>> No.2253204,5 [INTERNAL] 

Hey AoRF, how far are you in writing a parser (or something of that kind) for the script files?

Are you figuring our what the bytecodes are for?

>> No.2253204,6 [INTERNAL] 

Hey AoRF, how about doing something actually useful with the archive and set it to record /ck/

and maybe some other board that actually matters like /fa/ /fit/ /an/ /g/ /tv/. Prioritise on /ck/ though

>> No.2253204,7 [INTERNAL] 

If you like /fa/ and /fit/, you're a god damn faggot (or a girl) who cares about what other people think of him. /an/ is for furfags in denial. /tv/ is for normalfags who watch live-action shit. /ck/ is useless because you can look up and recipe on google.

A /g/ archive would be fine though. A /mu/ archive would be fine too.

>> No.2253204,8 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck is your problem? Why do you criticize everything? Go have sex with OoC or something.

>> No.2253204,9 [INTERNAL] 

And if you like /a/ you're an underaged retard anime fanboy and if you go to /jp/ you're dismal western wannabe otaku, right?

Don't be stupid people have different interests. Anyhow, some of the slower boards are definitely worth to archive and they'd take next to no bandwidth.
I'm personally only interest in /ck/ since I'm a regular in there there.

>> No.2253204,10 [INTERNAL] 

You're asking the wrong guy, this is AoRF's script, but Eksopl's server.

And get out of my iM@S thread.

>> No.2253204,11 [INTERNAL] 

Well, Ekslol, can you archive /ck/, then.

>> No.2253204,12 [INTERNAL] 

It's called a troll.

>> No.2253204,13 [INTERNAL] 

>Hey AoRF, how about doing something actually useful with the archive and set it to record /ck/
/ck/? Fuck off you annoying cunt. /jp/ is the only board that matters and AoRF/Eksopl only host /a/ because it gives them nostalgia.

>and maybe some other board that actually matters like /fa/ /fit/ /an/ /g/ /tv/. Prioritise on /ck/ though
/fa/, /fit/, and /tv/? Are you shitting me? Normalfag much? Why are you even on this weeaboo ghost board? I think a board like /r9k/ would be better suited for your normalfag taste.

>> No.2253204,14 [INTERNAL] 

And how did I critisise anything again?

A mere suggestion, you utter cock.

>> No.2253204,15 [INTERNAL] 

Go back to kitchen, bitch.

in b4 lol kitchen ur so original

>> No.2253204,16 [INTERNAL] 

What a miserable twat.

How on earth would archiving low-volume board like /ck/ harm anyone. It's not like they are going to stop archive /jp/ if they add other boards.

>> No.2253204,18 [INTERNAL] 

Well golly gee, I thought archive was meant for meta discussion.

I'll stop posting furtherly if you put up a board for /ck/, okay.
Do that for me, okay?

>> No.2253204,19 [INTERNAL] 

Enjoy your 4 versions of the rival's theme. Song name is Overmaster, but I leave it to you to figure out who's singing which. 154 is the three rivals, 157 is Takane, but I can't tell the difference between Miki and Hibiki.

>> No.2253204,20 [INTERNAL] 

Oh tatari please do tell me how you decoded at3 files!

I have a decoder and encoder for scripts working (ie decoding a script and encoding it again gives the same file for all scripts), going to write yum packer soon too (should be fairly simple).

What program did you use to make an iso?

>> No.2253204,21 [INTERNAL] 

Uh. Well. I didn't do anything fancy, I just used HiMdRenderer with SonicStation installed and it converted the .at3 fine. So I'm afraid I can't really help you with your iso thing. Sorry for getting your hopes up.

>> No.2253204,22 [INTERNAL] 

Meant SonicStage, not Station.

>> No.2253204,23 [INTERNAL] 

I can't even play them with SonicStage. Shows length 00:00 and that's it.

>> No.2253204,24 [INTERNAL] 

Don't play them with Sonicstage, rename name to whatever.at3 and convert them with HiMdRenderer. Sonicstage is only there for codecs apparently.

>> No.2253204,25 [INTERNAL] 

Haha, it works!

Bad news is that only songs are stored in at3, not character speech.

>> No.2253204,26 [INTERNAL] 

Come on, where's the /ck/? Put it up already.

>> No.2253204,28 [INTERNAL] 

That's true, after lzssing I always get smaller files. I don't think this would be a problem though. If bad comes to worse, I'll just write them uncompressed, there is a field in yum files for that. Deflate on cso files is better anyway.

I changed text in script, repacked it back to yum file, made an iso, ran it, and to my greatest surprise, game displayed original text. This is cosmically weird.

>> No.2253204,30 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, the int unk1; // 4 bytes - 0x08 Always null? is 0 for uncompressed files and size of uncompresses file for compressed ones.

>> No.2253204,31 [INTERNAL] 

size of uncompressed file*

>> No.2253204,32 [INTERNAL] 

This shit is depressing. I replaced all lines in script that seems to be the one ran when game starts (same lines) with word lol, and game still displays original text. I replaced all lines in all scripts with word lol and game still displays original text. God damn it.

>> No.2253204,34 [INTERNAL] 

ITT crackers on steroids.

>> No.2253204,35 [INTERNAL] 

I'm unpacking modified YUM from iso and getting my lols.

>> No.2253204,37 [INTERNAL] 

How far in the game do you get mail?

>> No.2253204,38 [INTERNAL] 

After you bang one of the idolmasters.

>> No.2253204,40 [INTERNAL] 

Is that you idea of a joke?

Eksopl, same question, are you suggesting me to debug the game?

>> No.2253204,42 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, gee, umdgen does not replace files in umd images. It justs leaves old file and truncates its size. Funny.

>> No.2253204,43 [INTERNAL] 

Now that you both are in this thread, consider the possibility of making the /ck/ archiver as a part of this site.

>> No.2253204,44 [INTERNAL] 

What are you going to cook for your beloved hazubando?

>> No.2253204,45 [INTERNAL] 

Oh god this shit is so useless. Creating ISO... 280%.

>> No.2253204,46 [INTERNAL] 

Don't be fooled AoRF. I'm almost positive that AO is not a female. AO is probably some underaged troll that got permabanned from 4chan. AO's behavior doesn't fit the mold of a female user. I've talked to many females on /ic/ and none of them behave like Meru/AO.

Proof that you're a female, otherwise you're just a troll. Normally I'm against seeing camwhores, but you're going to have to prove you're a female. And because I know you're too insecure to show your face it doesn't even have to be a picture of your face. Just show us a picture of your hair, hands, legs, or chest (and by "chest" obviously not talking about your bare chest).

I wouldn't be surprised if you're that Colombian tripfag.

>> No.2253204,47 [INTERNAL] 

> Just show us a picture
Impossible, women do not have the mental capacity to operate delicate equipment such as cameras.

>> No.2253204,49 [INTERNAL] 

Oh look, it's the female expert of 4chan. You better learn to search the archive if you wanna see my picture.
Anyhow, everyone would appreciate if you'd just shut up already since this whole endless speculation is getting ridiculous. Poor Raul does not even want to post here anymore because of you guys.

Hey thanks for the /ck/ and all. *_*

>> No.2253204,51 [INTERNAL] 

It's written, but I can't insert modified file into iso.

>> No.2253204,53 [INTERNAL] 

Right. 4.0 is broken, 3.0 works fine.
I'm doing this right now.

>> No.2253204,54 [INTERNAL] 

Well, all right, game hangs when opening script. This still needs more work.

>> No.2253204,55 [INTERNAL] 

Posting in this thread to bother Eksopl.

Why are you guys ignoring us? We're your guest, shouldn't you be giving us more attention. I thought our love went beyond Idolm@ster. Btw, what time do you guys go to sleep?

>> No.2253204,56 [INTERNAL] 

Because he wants to focus on the thread topic, which is actually working towards a good cause for the /jp/ community, unlike drama you can dwell in on any other thread.

I'm waiting for the day that Eksopl and AoRF will go all brimstone and fire on us, tired of seeing the ghost side ruined in less than a month.

>> No.2253204,59 [INTERNAL] 

I'll try to write the script properly uncompressed (when I get home), and if that doesn't work, I'll try to figure out what causes incompatibility instead.

>> No.2253204,60 [INTERNAL] 

It's not like he's bothering you, is it? ``Please don't make me start deleting posts in the archive.'' makes you sound irritated. You're not irritated, are you? You're taking it easy, yes, we all know.

>> No.2253204,61 [INTERNAL] 

Dear Admin

Please delete every post!

by Anon

>> No.2253204,62 [INTERNAL] 

It's times like this that make me wish I knew the first thing about translating or programming.
I can offer moral support, though.

>> No.2253204,63 [INTERNAL] 

Blimey! And I was wondering why there were spaces in such inappropriate places in uncompressed files. Initial buffer in lzss implementation I was using was filled with spaces and in game it's filled with spaces. I didn't have problems encoding files -- only decoding.

>> No.2253204,64 [INTERNAL] 

And in game it's filled with zeroes*

>> No.2253204,65 [INTERNAL] 

I looked in dictionary and zeroes can be spelled as zeros as well. Why the very similar word hero can only be spelled as heroes then?

>> No.2253204,66 [INTERNAL] 

American english ruins everything.

>> No.2253204,67 [INTERNAL] 

>Why the very similar word hero can only be spelled as heroes then?

Because American English is the mongrel language of the world.

>> No.2253204,68 [INTERNAL] 

> moungrel
Fixed that for you.

>> No.2253204,69 [INTERNAL] 

Ok guys, here's a yum unpacker.


It decompresses files, too.

Packing unpacked archive will produce the same file.

If not running windows you'll have to compile lzss.c

Scripts seem to more difficult though, changing one letter in text (without breaking sjis) seems to break the game.

>> No.2253204,70 [INTERNAL] 

I've never seen a Russian say blimey before.
It warms my heart.

>> No.2253204,74 [INTERNAL] 

Everything's fine with line endings. Decoding a script and encoding it again results in same file.

For compression see lzss.c; This is why lzss sucks. Deflate would be too simple and efficient for you elevens, would it?

>> No.2253204,76 [INTERNAL] 

If someone wants to experiment with extracted scripts, here's another program to insert files inside yum archive (since building yum from scratch and then building iso from scratch takes way more time than I want it to) - http://archive.easymodo.net/imas/isoyum-inject.pl.txt

Just do something like perl isoyum-inject.pl i:/ISO/imas.iso YUMFILE_1/script/1694.script and will write your modified file to iso, fast and simple.

>> No.2253204,78 [INTERNAL] 

Well, changing kana to kana works, changing kana to ascii produces empty letters (ie replace いよいよ with いZZいよ, and game will display いいよ). Changing lengths of lines produces unpredictable results.

>> No.2253204,80 [INTERNAL] 

Long time no see ghost bros.


I've returned to help you with your Idolm@ster project:

Okay, so maybe not. Well, see ya later.

>> No.2253204,81 [INTERNAL] 

Hi Meru.

>> No.2253204,83 [INTERNAL] 

Why... am I... kissing Meru..?

>> No.2253204,85 [INTERNAL] 

No, I think it's that robotech guy, not her.

>> No.2253204,86 [INTERNAL] 

Why don't I ever see you outside of ghosttown, Eksopl?

>> No.2253204,88 [INTERNAL] 

Why would you do that.

You've got quite the reputation around here.

>> No.2253204,91 [INTERNAL] 

Why is this on page 2? Did you guys give up on the project?

>> No.2253204,92 [INTERNAL] 

I wholeheartedly endorse this endeavour.

>> No.2253204,93 [INTERNAL] 

Idol master is boring (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

>> No.2253204,94 [INTERNAL] 

any luck?

>> No.2253204,95 [INTERNAL] 

Eh, I can't seem to decipher scripts. Not that I'm trying very hard, I have some pressing issues I must attend to, but the situation is not very good. Even if we finally find out how to reliably modify scripts, font in game is still monowidth. We'll either have to have text l i k e  t h i s, or go reverse engineer game to make it have variable width (which is by no means an easy task).

>> No.2253204,96 [INTERNAL] 

Hax the font and use dual-tile encoding.

>> No.2253204,97 [INTERNAL] 

bump because this is probably the only way this will ever become playable to me that doesn't involve me learning a new language.

>> No.2253204,98 [INTERNAL] 

The current state of the project eerily reminds me of another stalled translation project that never managed to get off.
I'm referring of course to Kumatanchi. They found the wall of font width hacking to be insurmountable. And so, we remain without a patch for it.

I don't want this to happen, but it seems it has come to that. Variable width is a bitch...

>> No.2253204,99 [INTERNAL] 

Well, I figured out picture format, but there doesn't seem to be one huge picture with 2000 japanese characters cooking spaghetti, which probably means that they're using sony's font renderer and normal characters are just not included in the font. This needs to be investigated more.

>> No.2253204,100 [INTERNAL] 

Hey, same programmer anon that was posting before.

Files relevant to your interests:
00030.bin - 2dm_font01.pom
00031.bin - 2dm_font02.pom
00032.bin - 2dm_font03.pom
00033.bin - 2dm_font04.pom
00034.bin - 2dm_font05.pom
00035.bin - 2dm_font06.pom
00036.bin - 2dm_font07.pom
00037.bin - 2dm_font08.pom
00038.bin - 2dm_font09.pom
00039.bin - font_emoji.pom

>> No.2253204,101 [INTERNAL] 

Gee, if you knew how to decode pictures, why didn't you say so from the beginning? I spent two fucking day trying figure that shit out.

Well, modifying poms and inserting them back works, I have font generated and inserted, all that left is to insert modified script and hope it works.

>> No.2253204,102 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2253204,103 [INTERNAL] 

I didn't know the format, though. What I told Eksopl (not sure if you heard from him what I said?) was a combination of 2 hours of halfassed research before I went to bed. :S

>> No.2253204,104 [INTERNAL] 

Don't You Forget About Me
Don't Don't Don't Don't
Don't You Forget About Me

>> No.2253204,105 [INTERNAL] 

Duke Nukem thread?

>> No.2253204,106 [INTERNAL] 

We never claimed to release it soon, your (you're!) analogy is dumb.

>> No.2253204,107 [INTERNAL] 

Is it true that there's going to be a demo out soon?

>> No.2253204,108 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2253204,109 [INTERNAL] 

Wow. Awesome.

>> No.2253204,110 [INTERNAL] 

Did AoRF design that?

>> No.2253204,111 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2253204,112 [INTERNAL] 

* Download imas-patcher program from [1].
*Download iso from: http://deadfrog.fapis.com/entry.html?id=13909
* Put iso you downloaded on your PSP.
* Run the program; choose iso you downloaded.

Wow, I don't know why I'm so shocked to see the hacker/cracker actually using a wiki to link to a pirated copy of the object he's hacking. Usually when somebody accomplishes something like this they tend to get all anal and tell people to buy it. I guess AoRF is truthfully a next-gen programmer.

>> No.2253204,113 [INTERNAL] 

It's a "development version."

>> No.2253204,114 [INTERNAL] 

They're not getting anal; they're just doing the right thing. Downloading stuff for free is okay. Telling people that downloading stuff for free is okay is terribly(!) wrong, it's what's going to kill industry if a lot of people would do it. I do realize that what I'm doing is absolutely unacceptable. But doing otherwise would be betraying everything I stand for, so it's not like I have a choice.

I wonder how long will it be till wiki guys remove the link. Since none of them have PSPs, I guess I can claim that this version is crippled and only works for a limited amount of time, so it's not actually ``stealing''.

>> No.2253204,115 [INTERNAL] 

When are you going to apply these hacking methods to the x-box idolm@ster? The entire western otaku audience would experience a unison orgasm the day the x-box one gets subbed. The PSP one has similar developers, so maybe it would be easy to...I don't know shit about hacking video games or l33t assembly based coding. (But sometimes I like to pretend like I do).

I recall asking this question before, but I wonder if you've given it a try.

>> No.2253204,116 [INTERNAL] 

>x-box idolm@ster
Impossible to do so.

You can't run unsigned code on the 360. Hell, this is why you can't even play iM@S on a non-Japanese 360, even if it's modded.

>> No.2253204,117 [INTERNAL] 

I don't have xbox(360?). Is it worth buying? Is it possible to feed it isos from hard drives/flash disks (because burning a cd every time I make a small change is out of option)? Any good games other than Imas? I guess I could buy one as a birthday present for my brother, but I'm not sure if it would be worth it.

>> No.2253204,118 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2253204,119 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, after giving it a second thought, I realized how impossible it is.

Disregard this, I suck cocks.

>> No.2253204,120 [INTERNAL] 

In terms of games, it has the PS3 & Wii beat by a longshot. And this is coming from a Sony/Nintendo fanboy.

>> No.2253204,121 [INTERNAL] 

Now that I think about, when have we ever heard about somebody being capable of hacking an untranslated game on a next-gen console? It's almost unheard of. People are still struggling to find ways to boot pirated games on the next-gen consoles, let-alone being able to hack them. Hacking a game on a next-gen console must be the equivalent of reinventing the wheel or something. We'd be better off waiting for them to port/license Idolm@ster. Maybe three or four years from now once we've learned more about the nex-gen consoles people will be able to hack them.

But getting back to Im@s PSP, I went and asked some more translators to work on it and they gave me the usual: "I'm too busy with my other projects" response.

Which begs the question, how's the translation going?

>> No.2253204,122 [INTERNAL] 

You the man, Andrey.

>> No.2253204,123 [INTERNAL] 


Needs more seeds.

>> No.2253204,124 [INTERNAL] 

Andrey is seeding at like 10 KB/s, I'll seed when I finish.

>> No.2253204,125 [INTERNAL] 

It seems that the 3 new idols from Dearly Stars are getting their own manga, drawn by 3 different mangakas.

>> No.2253204,126 [INTERNAL] 

Amazing. Those faggots at tlwiki have stripped me of rights to edit my own talk page.

>> No.2253204,127 [INTERNAL] 

Not really sure what's going on, but they're being secretive about it.

They either struck a deal with JAST and JAST is going to use what they have translated so far or this is some sort of elaborate trolling.

>> No.2253204,128 [INTERNAL] 

>Support JAST USA's official localizations of Nitro+ games!

>Support JAST USA's official localizations of Nitro+ games!

>Support JAST USA's official localizations of Nitro+ games!

Uh, what?

>> No.2253204,129 [INTERNAL] 

TLWiki took down all of their Nitroplus projects and put that text everywhere.

>> No.2253204,130 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think they are this retarted so you may be right about first

>> No.2253204,131 [INTERNAL] 

Why the fuck would they stop the port of Noah? Do they honestly think JAST is going to enter talks with 5pb and port it themselves any time soon? I don't even want a translation, I just want to be able to play it on a PC.

>> No.2253204,132 [INTERNAL] 

Actually, from the looks of it, it's not TLWiki. The translators are the ones that are doing it. The bold Support Support Support is just the Russian being cute.

>> No.2253204,133 [INTERNAL] 

You fail at reading wiki history.

Projects were all taken down with that message, so AoRF felt like spamming the same message some more.

>> No.2253204,134 [INTERNAL] 

21:34, 7 July 2009 TinFoil (Talk | contribs) (6,777 bytes) (Support JAST USA's official localizations of Nitro+ games) (undo)
21:34, 7 July 2009 Moogy (Talk | contribs) m (805 bytes) (undo)

What am I reading wrong? Am I incorrect in thinking that Moogy and TinFoil are the translators? The Support Support Support on the IM@S is just the Russian being cute.

>> No.2253204,136 [INTERNAL] 

Ah, I see now. I still think 'felt like spamming the same message some more' is the same thing as being cute.

>> No.2253204,137 [INTERNAL] 

Do you think what they're doing is okay? Just take projects down, yes? The whole hosting a wiki thing is about people trusting you, trusting that some day you won't just decide to take project a lot of people worked on down. Spamming the annoying message is the least I can do. Maybe idolmaster translation needs new wiki as well. I'm dumping translated scripts, just in case.

>> No.2253204,138 [INTERNAL] 

Moogy, TinFoil and I are not translators (we're TLWiki admins). The translators of the projects being taken down (yes, that includes GCKC Asatni) know what's going on. Please calm down and wait for an official statement.

>> No.2253204,139 [INTERNAL] 

We've only taken down projects with consent from the staff members. If you'll notice, we didn't touch Jingai Makyou or Gekkou no Carnevale because we've had no contact with their staff about the matter.

Try again later.

By the way, I have daily backups of the entire database stored in multiple locations and I've taken special care to preserve all four deleted projects.

>> No.2253204,140 [INTERNAL] 

So is it deal with JAST or just trolling?

>> No.2253204,141 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not at liberty to say at the moment.

Interpret that how you wish.

>> No.2253204,142 [INTERNAL] 

Have they really stopped porting Noah? That sucks. I don't need a translation either, I just want to play it without buying a Japanese Xbox

>> No.2253204,143 [INTERNAL] 

I also think that deleting everything Nitro+ related thing might be a slightly bit exaggerated. I mean how possible is it going to be, that JAST also going to translate Saya for example, or Chaos Head (which doesn't even have ero, hence contradicts with their whole speech about licensing erotic natured VNs), after a huge part of their customers already played it through? Quite a risky investment in my opinion, and I imagine they won't bother with such a unpromising thing either.
And since JAST haven't stated they are planning to buy translations, that's possibly aren't the cause to withdraw everything (I hope I'm not offending anyone, but I don't think you guys would do something like that).
So anyway Moogy, now only JAST is permitted to translate all the Nitro+ titles in the future, and all the fantranslations are prohibited in the future? (At least at the TLwiki I mean)

>> No.2253204,144 [INTERNAL] 

TLwiki has nothing to do with all this... it's just where several projects happened to be hosted - and not 'everything Nitro+ related' was deleted as Moogy points out.
Well, let's just wait and see how this turns out.

>> No.2253204,146 [INTERNAL] 

If any of you who downloaded iso would want to try it out, get a new version of program, it has some (even more) cool features.

>> No.2253204,148 [INTERNAL] 

I don't really like visual novels so this is not good news for me. One C&D was all it took for them to move from welcome-everyone-GPL to proprietary.

>> No.2253204,149 [INTERNAL] 

>All rights violated.
>Copyright "FUCK THE POH LEECE" 2009

( ˃ ヮ˂)

>> No.2253204,150 [INTERNAL] 

I can't get the ISO provided to work. It displays the splash screen fine but goes to a black screen when I try to load it, and if I press Home > Exit Game I get some error message (in Japanese obviously) and can do nothing but hard reset my PSP.
Anyone else got this problem?

>> No.2253204,151 [INTERNAL] 

Did you change something or it happend to the very iso you downloaded?

>> No.2253204,152 [INTERNAL] 

On a related note:
Does anyone know if Ever17 for the PSP has been translated, or if the iso can be translated?

>> No.2253204,153 [INTERNAL] 

First thing I did was dump the untouched iso in my Root > ISO folder and try to load it; black screen.
Then I used the patcher program and changed 1694.txt successfully and tried again, same result again.

>> No.2253204,154 [INTERNAL] 

Can anyone confirm that the ISO provided works?
I've tried all sorts of different CFW and no luck, just want to make sure it's a problem I'm having and not a general one.

>> No.2253204,155 [INTERNAL] 

Some people in imas-project forums have it working; I've just put the file I'm seeding into psp and it worked as well.

>> No.2253204,156 [INTERNAL] 

What file?

>> No.2253204,157 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2253204,158 [INTERNAL] 

Which is where?

>> No.2253204,159 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2253204,160 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks, also, putting all the translations on txt is a real pain in the ass.

>> No.2253204,161 [INTERNAL] 

There's a program to download the scripts from TLWiki.


>> No.2253204,162 [INTERNAL] 

What ``ISO provided'' provided were you talking about then?

>> No.2253204,163 [INTERNAL] 

Dammit Russia, why do you like Perl so much?

>> No.2253204,164 [INTERNAL] 

The one at http://deadfrog.fapis.com/entry.html?id=13909.. I've downloaded it twice now and it loads to a a black screen whenever I try to play it. Must be a problem on my end if other people have it working.

>> No.2253204,165 [INTERNAL] 

Forgive my ignorance, but how does this work?

>> No.2253204,166 [INTERNAL] 

I guess I should have included some sort of readme; this file was not for public use in the first place.

You need to install ActivePerl and make (from http://www.steve.org.uk/Software/make/ for example, just put the executable from the archive into same directory as Makefile). Chdir to where Makefile resides and type:

make - to download all PS script
make update - to download scripts that changed on wiki
since the last time you downloaded them
make user=... pass=... commit - to upload scripts you changed to wiki (you
obviously have to replace ellipses with
actual information)
make user=... pass=... resolve - to upload conflicting scripts (the ones that
both you modified locally and some person
modified on wiki)

>> No.2253204,167 [INTERNAL] 

Because it's easy on programmer. I don't think anyone likes to write a lot of unnecessary code (apart from maybe python users, but that's because they are homosexuals).

>> No.2253204,169 [INTERNAL] 

>FIOC ... unnecessary code
Doing it wrong

>> No.2253204,170 [INTERNAL] 

mod_perl does that.

>> No.2253204,171 [INTERNAL] 

It gives an error

>> No.2253204,172 [INTERNAL] 

Well, the ISO does work, although it gives me corrupt data error when loading my save file.
And what's up with the mif files being too big?

>> No.2253204,173 [INTERNAL] 

And crash when entering a lesson.

>> No.2253204,174 [INTERNAL] 

Formatted my memory card and it's working now, no idea what the problem was.

No joy with this, though.

>> No.2253204,175 [INTERNAL] 

What error message?

>> No.2253204,176 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not the guy who reported an error message, I believe that it's my own ineptitude that's stopping me from getting this working. I'm really not at all familiar with Perl or any type of coding/programming.

>> No.2253204,177 [INTERNAL] 

Sorry, went to sleep.

process_begin: CreateProcess((null), perl wiki.pl get Idolmaster_SP:PS:1690 scripts_ps/1690.txt, ...) failed.
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
make: *** [scripts-ps/1690.txt] Error 2

>> No.2253204,178 [INTERNAL] 

You're missing the folder with the original scripts, they should be in the zip file.

>> No.2253204,179 [INTERNAL] 

Which zip file?

>> No.2253204,180 [INTERNAL] 

By the way, the iso only works with the umd mode on m33 driver.

>> No.2253204,181 [INTERNAL] 

Mif files were handled incorrectly, it's my fault, sorry, you'll have to get newer version of patcher (http://imas-psp.googlecode.com/files/imas-patcher-1.2.rar)) and iso without broken mifs (if you lost it you may resume torrent download from corrupted one, it will replace changed parts). This caused came to crash when entering a lesson as well.

Tried this? (on the page you downloaded make from):
>Windows Specific Errors
>If you receive the error messasge 'CreateProcess( "" .. blah, blah) failed' then you should add the following to the top of your Makefile:

Also, I though this would be obvious, but now that I think of it, it's not: you must install some modules before running the program (by typing this into console):
> ppm install MediaWiki-API
> ppm install JSON
> ppm install WWW-Mechanize

>> No.2253204,182 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks a lot, don't mind the mistakes.
Also, about the saves appearing a corrupted, why is that?

>> No.2253204,183 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah uhhhh.....is this normal?

>> No.2253204,184 [INTERNAL] 

Er, no...
It seems to work fine for me.
This didn't happen with the previous version, yes?

>> No.2253204,185 [INTERNAL] 

Previous worked fine, and this is definitely happening when it loads a certain mif file, everything else works fine. It happened when applying the files of course, and the iso worked fine even though it failed at 80%, some of the mif files that couldn't be loaded were in the iso and worked fine, however the mif the goes with the schedule image was missing, so it was probably the problem.

>> No.2253204,186 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, I thought it happens when you start a program.
To replace contents of mifs the program must first read them iso first, and it can't do that because they are corrupted now (although runtime error is definitetly not what should be happening). You must get clean iso to make things work again.

>> No.2253204,187 [INTERNAL] 

> read them from iso first*

>> No.2253204,188 [INTERNAL] 

I always keep a fresh copy for testing, same error.

>> No.2253204,189 [INTERNAL] 

What number?

>> No.2253204,190 [INTERNAL] 

Well, after 2 days of fucking around with Active Perl, MAKE and .tar files, I am officially giving up and waiting for someone who knows what they're doing to write an idiot proof guide to making dancing lolis talk in a language I can understand.

>> No.2253204,191 [INTERNAL] 

Sorry. That program was not for public in the first place, I just wrote that to keep Sumaga scripts I was working with in sync with wiki. Main program does not need neither perl nor make.

>> No.2253204,192 [INTERNAL] 

No need to apologize. I'm just glad that there are capable people working on this.

>> No.2253204,193 [INTERNAL] 

Same as >>2253204,183
And apparently there's at least 3 mif files giving problems, 57606.mif.png, 57849.mif.png and 58071.mif.png. Confirmed working is 58.mif.png. All tested on fresh copy.

>> No.2253204,194 [INTERNAL] 

(Late) Quarterly bump.

>> No.2253204,195 [INTERNAL] 

It kind of stalled. We could really use another dedicated translator.

I thought iM@S had tons of fans? How come this is getting so little attention?

>> No.2253204,196 [INTERNAL] 

Is AoRF going to pull an AoC on us?

>> No.2253204,197 [INTERNAL] 

He did his part, and then some more.

He's not a translator, though.

>> No.2253204,198 [INTERNAL] 

>Eksi posting from mobile phone

>> No.2253204,200 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2253204,201 [INTERNAL] 

So, the board that must not be named mentioned activity?

>> No.2253204,202 [INTERNAL] 

I don't understand this idolm@ater project. If even 10% has already been translated, how come they haven't released a demo yet?

>> No.2253204,203 [INTERNAL] 

I, too, am easily confused by progress.

>> No.2253204,204 [INTERNAL] 

after the main screen i cant get aniwhere

>> No.2253204,205 [INTERNAL] 

Is the project still continuing? Idol master SP has disappeared from the "active Projects" Directory in tsukuru.info/tlwiki

>> No.2253204,206 [INTERNAL] 

Nothing, value, etc.
This project seems like it was dead on arrival.

>> No.2253204,207 [INTERNAL] 

oh god, fuck NO!

I want this fucking translated at all costs, I would even pay for translators!

>> No.2253204,208 [INTERNAL] 

I agree! but it's still alive!. the progress for script translation of Perfect Sun raised to 47.8791% since the last time i checked


>> No.2253204,209 [INTERNAL] 

It's been like that for months. Our only active translator left us and went to translate My Girlfriend is the President.

>> No.2253204,210 [INTERNAL] 

Demo translation patch, where?

>> No.2253204,211 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2253204,212 [INTERNAL] 

People just translated pieces and bits of stuff. Even if the percentage on PS seems high, if you actually tried to play someone's route, you wouldn't get too far.

>> No.2253204,213 [INTERNAL] 

I am now very sad. Their are people that still haven't given up right? find more translators!

>> No.2253204,214 [INTERNAL] 

there is still shining hope that this will continue!

>> No.2253204,215 [INTERNAL] 

So this isn't being continued anymore? I could certainly help translate and proofread, but if it's useless I don't want to waste my time..

>> No.2253204,216 [INTERNAL] 

It is being continued, it will certainly be completed eventually.

We're just currently missing an active translator. If you can help, that'd be great!

>> No.2253204,217 [INTERNAL] 

e-stalking target confirmed

>> No.2253204,218 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2253204,219 [INTERNAL] 

It's been about a year since this project started and PS has almost hit 50% Will it take another for the other 50%? Translate guys!

>> No.2253204,220 [INTERNAL] 

I can wait as long as it takes. Because I believe.

>> No.2253204,221 [INTERNAL] 

Still waiting patiently

>> No.2253204,222 [INTERNAL] 

It's been awhile since I checked up on the progress and it's at 0% for everything. What happened?

>> No.2253204,223 [INTERNAL] 

Most likely [spoiler]ragequit.

>> No.2253204,224 [INTERNAL] 

Are you just assuming that? I doubt they would just delete all the progress they did as that is dumb and pointless. I heard alot of shit happened at the TL wiki so maybe something happened.

>> No.2253204,226 [INTERNAL] 

Why is AoRF-kun such an enterprise hacker.

>> No.2253204,227 [INTERNAL] 

ah nevermind, it's all still there

>> No.2253204,228 [INTERNAL] 

This is one PSP game I've always wanted to get my hands on, too bad my knowledge of moonrunes is so small time

>> No.2253204,229 [INTERNAL] 

You can still play it with no knowledge of Japanese(I'm playing it). Unless you mean buying it which would be better if you get it on CFW.

This guide helped me:http://whitefox284.livejournal.com/75999.html

>> No.2253204,230 [INTERNAL] 

Can you guys please work on this

>> No.2253204,231 [INTERNAL] 

How much are you willing to pay?

>> No.2253204,232 [INTERNAL] 


Are you just asking or are you serious here?

>> No.2253204,233 [INTERNAL] 

Since I'm too dumb to do insert the scripts and pictures myself:

Can someone upload Perfect Sun with 50% of the scripts translated?

it can be a "demo" I guess

>> No.2253204,234 [INTERNAL] 

Why no love for Missing Moon? Guess I'll have to teach myself japanese and either help translate it or play through it.

>> No.2253204,235 [INTERNAL] 

I'll be waiting. No matter how long it takes ;_;

>> No.2253204,236 [INTERNAL] 

i too, would enjoy having this

>> No.2253204,237 [INTERNAL] 

This project is dead... DEAD!!!!!

>> No.2253204,238 [INTERNAL] 


It's not!

>> No.2253204,239 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you have to play with my feelings like that, Anonymous?

>> No.2253204,240 [INTERNAL] 

It got taken off the active projects.

>> No.2253204,241 [INTERNAL] 

But there were translations done as early as last month, I even did a couple scripts last month.

>> No.2253204,242 [INTERNAL] 

It would of been nice if the translators all focused on one route instead of spreading the work out. Maybe re-release PS with that one route translated and it may get more attention.

>> No.2253204,243 [INTERNAL] 

I've had problems with the tools and some of the scripts working in the game, but didn't know how to fix, and it always annoys me every time I see 'Echo' instead of Hibiki. I don't think there is really anyone left interested in translating though. It might be nice to spread some awareness. I mean, it's already 51% done.

>> No.2253204,244 [INTERNAL] 

I'll keep waiting for this project... forever...

>> No.2253204,245 [INTERNAL] 

Don't worry bro. I'm currently meeting my quota of an average of one line per day. Should be done in no time.

>> No.2253204,246 [INTERNAL] 

I'm waiting too.

>> No.2253204,247 [INTERNAL] 

Translate a real raising game instead, like Princess Maker, and not this 3D idol crap.

>> No.2253204,248 [INTERNAL] 

How far are you?

>> No.2253204,249 [INTERNAL] 

But I like my dancing and singing lolis

>> No.2253204,250 [INTERNAL] 

Idolmaster only has two (three technically, but the twins are basically the same person with different haircuts) lolis and they both have rather large breasts in-game.

>> No.2253204,251 [INTERNAL] 

Alright then, I like the girls, the songs and how you interact with them

>> No.2253204,252 [INTERNAL] 

So.... This project is dead and I should just go learn Japanese?

>> No.2253204,253 [INTERNAL] 

Help me translate when you are done learning.

I'm waiting bro

>> No.2253204,254 [INTERNAL] 

Yea, then you can skip right to im@s 2.

>> No.2253204,255 [INTERNAL] 

Sounds fun. I'm more interested in that game anyway. I haven't heard of anyone fan translated a XBox 360 game yet though.

>> No.2253204,256 [INTERNAL] 

i tried to patch as you said but it say something like "1946 Not enough space". I use win7 - 64bits

Can you help me fix that, i really want to play this game.

>> No.2253204,257 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone still here? I'm a translator who has been working on this for a few months. I wanted to create a demo patch, but when inserting some of the lines, it complained that they were too long (IE the translation took up 28 bytes when the original JP was 26).
It's not inserting lines that are "too long" like that.
Do we need to edit all the translations in the Lines section to fit the expected size limit, or is there some kind of bug? I'm on Win7 - 64bit also.

>> No.2253204,258 [INTERNAL] 

You might get better answers if you head over to /jp/ itself.

>> No.2253204,259 [INTERNAL] 

there's still people here?

just want to say that the common script file No 56680.txt is redirecting to the sript file 5459.txt
can someone fix that? :3

>> No.2253204,260 [INTERNAL] 

So did everyone give up on this?
