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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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22508701 No.22508701 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

>> No.22509171
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I may have bitched a lot about Xmas ReZero on the previous thread, but I still do hope to get any one of them from the daily free rolls.

>> No.22509491

Tfw finally got limited equip which I wanted from gacha but only got trash on character gacha.

>> No.22509589

Yeah, getting stuff from free rolls is always nice.

But I also won't mind too much if I fail to get any, since if I wanted 'em that bad I'd be rolling more than the freebies.

>> No.22509818

Imagine moving to /jp/ but still falling off the board for several hours

>> No.22509975

0-5: Waste more gems since there is gems spent event
6-9: Start saving for New Year and anniversary next month

>> No.22510160


>> No.22510239

Is Renri ass good?

>> No.22510348

95 on meme rating site. She looks like a better fire slash character compared to Aldo 5*.

>> No.22510409
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What is your MOTY?

>> No.22510485

A tie between tagameme and kusoneko.

>> No.22510501

I meant from games that have come out in 2019...

>> No.22510523

maybe if you had posted a cute picture instead of that

>> No.22510547

QooApp Cue installation won't budge, what gives?

>> No.22510557

It's so tempting to just drop the materials to 5* a mage in Another Eden but I need to raise the welfares first

>> No.22510651

please help

>> No.22510747

working now

>> No.22510855

>Persona 5 Collab in Another Eden won't be limited and is Permanent content
>Basically confirmed that they'll be doing collabs with more stuff in the future

That's interesting

>> No.22510877


>> No.22511075

Surprisingly it isn't Chrono Trigger collab.

>> No.22511078

How many pick tickets has JP had so far? Seems like a really good deal in a game like this so I'm surprised they have some

>> No.22511149

I don't remember how many aside the one from gacha scandal and the one anniversary this year. JP mostly does paid gems gacha instead. Current one guaranteed any of the four 5* healers.

>> No.22511272

I'm really looking forward to manifest weapons hitting global AE because I want the cute chuuni to be good and I don't have her AS version

>> No.22511481

I hope we get an Etrian Odyssey collab if that's the case. It's not as popular as Persona, but I think the main icons like Teach for it are easily transferable. The game already has FOEs anyways.

>> No.22511487

Game certainly has a strong lack of little girls so an Etrian odyssey collab would be perfect

>> No.22511490
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>Summer Caleen and Tika are back
>got two Bride Evelysse
Aw. Saving for Christmas/New Year is not an option now.

>> No.22511541

>Eve, Caleen and Tika banner
Of fuck that make me want to reroll since i lost my account last year.

>> No.22511574

they'll never get a Chrono Trigger collab.

Even SquareEnix mobages never got a CT collab after all these years.

>> No.22511626

Dragon Raja
Girl Cafe Gun

Spent 39k crystals getting both anniversary characters, no more banners for me until Episode 3 rolls out

>> No.22511666

So what do you guys think of the flower boss in GCG? It's a nice idea, but the latency is pretty bad.

>> No.22511835

I like how they keep trying out different stuff, with this and all the other events. And I think this format is a lot more interesting than the normal multiplayer, with a single shared target and everyone able to bring their full teams in.

The fact that it'a remotely playable at all is also nice, compared to multiplayer when it first got added. Back then I had to just let it full auto and hope I was being useful, since on my end I was trapped in an invisible box and couldn't see my own shots firing. Fortunately, they improved that some before exploring other multiplayer event styles like this.

>> No.22512693

New Banner for Ash Arms when?

>> No.22512760

No anon don't say it like that.
More to the tone of, New fucking AIR UNIT banner when?

>> No.22512782

I just want a burger banner

>> No.22512794

When is the current banners ending?

>> No.22513089

Any good upcoming mobage that doesn't have male characters (this has turned me off of Arknights) and prefers to tempt me to ruin my wallet rather than forcing it?

>> No.22513110

I don't know if I like ash arms. I don't get how to become stronger without autistic grinding or chinese levels of botting.

>> No.22513137

I don't think there is a happy medium
If you play 30mins to an hour a day you barely get anything outside of dailies, but if you autistgrind for frags and mats, you run out of cubes and hardly play the game.
I really want this game to do well, because no one else has done a plane gacha.

>> No.22513156

>you run out of cubes
How? I've never been even close to running out of cubes. Are you farming like 8 hours non stop per day?

>> No.22513177
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I really really wanted a 5*
lvl 57 btw

>> No.22513181
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and I'm still 11 short

>> No.22513425

>play an absolute shit ton
>complain that the system that's supposed to limit your play is limiting your play
I guess by "autistgrind" you literally meant autistic grinding where you're playing the game your every waking moment. Stamina system exist to limit how much you can play. Considering you don't know what a gacha is I assume this is your first mobage with a stamina system. I honestly recommend just taking a break or playing something else that doesn't have a stamina system.

>> No.22513840

How's the event schedule in JP GCG? I'm on the CN server and the first event just finished up, am wondering how long until the next event starts. Not sure what to do in the meantime as I'm not strong enough to farm the last stage of character exp for the purple exp drop.

>> No.22513853 [DELETED] 

>I'm on the CN server
stupid roach

>> No.22514154

How do I become mobage

>> No.22514486

reroll your life

>> No.22514579

I'm not complaining. Just pointing out that it is really feast or famine in terms of advancement. You either slowly plug along on dailies and do the same story maps over and over or you grind hard to LB your units only to end up without enough cubes to play what you grinded for.
Explain how you intend to gather 120 frags for a 4* LB so you can do anything outside of the A-maps. You have to grind.
>Considering you don't know what a gacha is I assume this is your first mobage
No need to pull shit out of your ass here, anon. Go pick a fight in /vg/.

>> No.22514600

The scheduling can be a bit weird at times, but for the most part it's 2-3 days of downtime after an main event ends, followed by a week of x2 exp/LB material for the color of the next main event & gacha, with the occasional random sub-event lasting a week squeezed in or overlapping somewhere.

>> No.22514610

>99999 difficulty quest in Rays new event

>> No.22514990

>Explain how you intend to gather 120 frags for a 4* LB so you can do anything outside of the A-maps. You have to grind.
This is definitely required but also definitely doesn't require you to grind to the point that you run out of cubes. You say there's no middle ground between doing dailies and your autistic grinding and there definitely is. I only grinded Heuschrecke to 4* and have nearly completed all the B maps and have never dropped below something like 2k cubes. Only reason I haven't done the few last maps left is because I haven't felt like it and because there's no real reason to.

>> No.22515013

How far did you get in the event?

>> No.22515049

>I'm not strong enough to farm the last stage of character exp for the purple exp drop.
I didn't really pay much attention to exp daily to start out, events and starter stuff gave me enough to get my SSRs done. Daily missions also give some all-type ones, so make sure to do those.

I'm definitely coming up short now that I've been working on my SRs for full on-element teams, though, so I probably should have started doing more of my exp dailies earlier.

>> No.22515144

Somewhere at the halfway point of hard episode 3. Kind of lost interest since the rewards aren't very good.

>> No.22515381

Not him, but pre-nerf I got up to Normal Chapt 3 final boss, but got filtered by the cocoon.
Post-nerf I made it to Hard mode Chapt 4 and stopped because I got what I wanted from the shop, which wasn't much. I just hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass.

>> No.22515393

>Managed to get enough gems but only got trash from the rolls
I guess it's time to start saving for New Year and anniversary.

>> No.22515425

>trying as hard as I can not to spend more than $30 on trying to get the Eves
>have literally everyone in this gacha besides the two Eves at this point
Should I just kill myself

>> No.22515431

time to break out the credit card instead

>> No.22515534

Holy shit this nip is farming 80~ nightmares with 44 of the fuel shit

>> No.22515646

No link?

>> No.22515705

no need, I can tell you. All you need is a grille and hurricane both 5*

>> No.22515720

That's crazy. Is he autoing?

>> No.22515731

yea. I forgot which map exactly but his grille kept crit-ing 2 columns of 4 resetters and a hurricane sniping the only flyer.

>> No.22516013

I wonder if I can pull off the same with M8 and XF2M.

>> No.22516075

>Didn't get any mirror in NY gacha rerun free roll
I already had all four of them somehow anyway.

>> No.22516149
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Time to pull out your secret weapon, Gebel.

>> No.22516506

Are we not getting a town expansion in shironeko? I was really hyped for it...

>> No.22516808

>Use keys for a dungeon in AE
>Have the wrong skill set-up because I was doing something else

This sucks

>> No.22517082

No, but Dragalia is having a really cool event right now. Come play!

>> No.22517089

What if I want to play a mobile game that is actually a mobile game and not trying to be a MMO with touch controls where you need a static and several hours of practice to even attempt entering the endgame?

>> No.22517122

Because it's far more engaging than rolling for the most recently released unit and facerolling all the content in kusoneko?

>> No.22517130

>Far more engaging
If I wanted a MMO I'd play a MMO? I'd rather sub to FFXIV or whatever my friends are playing at the moment and run it with them over having to roll for the most recent powercreep in dragalia, practice for hours and have to rely on pubs or get a static to farm the same fight hundreds of times. Then repeat for every element and weapon type.

>> No.22517150

But that's still far more engaging than rolling for the most recently released unit and facerolling all the content in kusoneko? Why play kusoneko at all then?

>> No.22517163

Because you play mobile games for casual, stress free fun and not to become an absolute slave to the grind? Much worse when said grind is in co-op and has you rely on 3 other people to do bullshit fights where you get oneshotted if you mess up

If masochism is fun to you and grinding for 24 hours then that's great but don't expect everyone to enjoy granblue levels of autism on content you can't mindlessly grind or auto.

>> No.22517209

as opposed to not rolling for the most recently released powercreep and getting NG'd out of endgame rooms? or having people dodge you because might filters so you're stuck with total shitters and newbies just because you don't spend every waking minute grinding your stuff? maybe you just enjoy taking ages to find one room that will take your off-meta character and actually clear because you didn't roll the meta char everyone's using because that sure is engaging

>> No.22517273

Using new characters every 2 weeks is one of my favorite parts of Shironeko. The classes feel different enough to play that the game stays fresh even after playing it for years and I like being able to use old characters to make content harder for myself if I choose to. I hate when games force you to use the same characters for months, it always ends up feeling like a chore when I'm stuck doing the same stages with the same characters all the time.

>> No.22517311

Too easy

>> No.22517323

Is fantasy life online any good? I liked the 3DS one

>> No.22517329

>i was only pretending for replies
i'm so sorry normal discussion is beyond you

>> No.22517808

Anyone playing disgaea one? Seems like low star like prinny are more reliable in long run due to dupe evility upgrade rather than unique unit like laharl that expensive to build

>> No.22517845
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Is Tsukiha any good?

>> No.22517895
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How's your Hangar/Garage looking, /mbgg/?

>> No.22517904
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Now I know why Priconne restrict your daily character shard farming. I prefer priconne way of doing thing

>> No.22517915

auto or macro?

>> No.22517921

Macro. I don’t really mind if my account get nuked though. I just want to see what happen if priconne doesn’t have skip ticket

>> No.22517955

Now she is. Having crit on the fire double slash you'll be spamming makes her way better than before.

>> No.22517973

>5 star KV-1
That's gross desu

>> No.22518375

These kind of games really need a balance between too easy / too hard to get stuffs.

>> No.22518529


>> No.22518552

Try it and see?

I remember at least one anon being pretty hyped for it, at least.

>> No.22518563

The grind is a bit too much for me compares to tagameme or kusoneko.

>> No.22518633

Ok will do
Kusoneko grind is pretty nasty, it's just something you can't do all day everyday for the most part. I mean, I suppose you could but it's very gated.

>> No.22518685

>Rezero whale boss has instant kill attack which bypass DR MC invincibility buff
What. I guess the Hell quest is going to be awful.

>> No.22518702

Nips on 9db are saying Mystery Land 2 for the next shironeko gacha. I wouldn't put too much stock in it but I've seen them call other gachas like the the Karen/Dean one this early before.

>> No.22518721

I was able to avoid it by dodging with Corne.

>> No.22518777

This coop rune is useless aside for the useless stone slab. Maybe I should have used 2x scroll instead of 5x book.

It's just impossible to dodge when you are doing skills which can't be canceled mid-animation and that attack still chases the characters and waste a few seconds.

>> No.22518847

It definitely punishes skills with longer animations like the successors. I tried some other things like using the fist loli with Ruby's motif and using a DA immune ability and it instant kills through those. Running away seems to be the only answer unless Rem can face tank it.

>> No.22519012

I really hope the next Cafe event is an actual shop exchange.

>> No.22519029

Heh, I pity all the Cornelets in this coop.

>> No.22519048

You know something is wrong when a non-collab character is better for the collab coop.

>> No.22519172

so how much money have u nerds spent across all gacha combined

>> No.22519282

I'm only paying for the internet connection. Spent 0 so far on the games themselves. I was thinking to buy some paid gems to get guaranteed SSR in a game but then they announced that they are killing that game about 1 month after that so I guess I dodged a bullet.

>> No.22519287

About a week ago? She was mediocre. Her numbers on her skills made her very clunky to use. After the patch like a week ago that buffed a bunch of people including her? She's one of the best fire supports in the game providing -90% fire resistance for 3 turns while also having a chunky XL AoE for clearing trash in dungeons too. -50% physical resistance on enemies for 3 turns is really nice to have too.

>> No.22519373
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>> No.22519724

Anyone else dead in Arknights CN on the iOS? They're enforcing real name verification, guess I'm out since I'm unable to do it..

>> No.22519887
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"your little sister calls me oniisama as well"

>> No.22519890

tens of thousands

>> No.22519935

I'm afraid to count for fear of a mental crisis.

>> No.22520025

Do you need a phone number or an ID number? Both can be pretty easily faked.

>> No.22520037

I just go full f2p for the most part, but I did end up dropping a couple hundred on PAD back when I was playing that.

>> No.22520199

so what's the final verdict on World Flippers ?

is it top tier like Priconne ?

>> No.22520278

doesn't work on emulators = trash

>> No.22520323

people that can't afford a decent phone = garbage

>> No.22520425

Has it's own general that you should fuck off to tier

>> No.22520436

Do they buff characters often?

>> No.22520478

What's the best free VPN for my phone?

>> No.22520575

Kinda weird how people still play Another Eden, I thought it would have fallen out of flavor by now.

>> No.22520608

Why would it fall out of flavor?

>> No.22520648

It's hard to say, usually JP buffs things every half a year or so. EN is a bit special in that they're randomly throwing in the JP buffs and changes at random times so the buffs are coming in much quicker than they usually would. The changes from last week for example didn't happen until 2.1.5 in JP but EN got them now and it's not even on 2.0.0 so it's roughly about 3-4 months ahead of schedule.
The game itself plays out like an actual JRPG and it's entirely single player to boot. No shitty clan battles to grind, no forced PvP and/or co-op modes to slog through, no forced timed event grinding, just pick up and play whenever the fuck you want. For that reason alone I enjoy it enough to consistently play it. The solid story, great art and excellent soundtrack are the icing on the cake for me personally.

>> No.22520744

Good moment to remind everyone that global (And JP too apparently?) are doing a 1k free stones campaign that makes it easier to reroll in it when it's normally horrible or plain impossible to reroll in it. Lasts until next month so there's lots of time to reroll.

>> No.22520836

I really like the story/stories too. The character stories are great, the main story is nice and the side stories are good shit too.

The only downside is that a character' 4th story is locked behind AS and I don't want to spend an eternity grinding those treatises to read the 4th story for the characters I like but at least it motivates me to keep grinding I guess.

>> No.22520943

Also worth noting for the dolphins there's a pick ticket available which are rare and can help the reroll process. Find waifu, ticket Mariel or vice versa would be a good start for a small investment.

>> No.22521038
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Rerolling for Mariel might be absolute suffering considering she's not on rateup so a F2P with zero intentions to buy the ticket might find it easier to reroll for Melina AS because she packs some heals and is 5* instead assuming they don't manage to land themselves a better healer like Yuna or the legendary Mariel herself.

Though 2.0 and beyond should have better banners to (re)roll on anyway.

>> No.22521143
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Why the fuck do you have a fish as an SSR chara? Do this game appeals this much to furries?

>> No.22521594

It's a lizard and no. Also that character is grindable.
An incredibly mediocre roll if it wasn't for Katarina, consider Sudoku.

>> No.22521861
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I pity them in general.

>> No.22521872

>Did a 10-roll in 5 different mobage
>Only got trash in 3 of them and got trolled by non rate-up SSR in the other two
Kill me.

>> No.22521891

It's a low maintenance mobage.
An actual jrpg-lite.

It'll survive the long haul, until they announce a sequel.

>> No.22521908
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Oh my

>> No.22522252

A solid 4K burgertickets.Maybe 4.5K. Mostly on FGO, a good chunk on AL and the rest on miscellaneous mobages, some 200 on Ash Arms. This is across 4 years, so it's not that bad, I think.

>> No.22522848
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Post-Houkai Records (tentative translated name), previously known as Houkai4th, has been officially announced. All playable characters can be unlocked for free by playing the story. The stages feature dynamic lightning and destruction effects. Gameplay is open world and fights feature airborne combat now. They're going full DMC this time.

>> No.22522870

That thing must at least be amphibious so it's a fish.

>> No.22522871

I fucking hate mobages

>> No.22522907

Not an Argonian

>> No.22522940

Is it going to have painful P2W methods and worse timegates than granblue like 3rd too?

>> No.22522946

I see space bar / wasd so I assume it's already gonna be on PC release as well. I only hope that I can play with a fucking controller instead of keyboard and that stam won't be as limiting.

>> No.22522977

Pretty nice, lack of jump and airborne combat was one of the reasons Honkai felt like Bayonetta lite. Based mihoyochads always improving their game

>> No.22523075

My favourite part is that I can spend heaps of money to roll for ingame goodies!

>> No.22523157


>> No.22523231

When should I start farming the otherlands stuff in Another Eden? The requirements for the 2nd and 3rd chests seem pretty rough and I don't think i'll be able to hit those anytime soon.

>> No.22523381

I'd personally download the AE Fishing Bot + LDPlayer and get Rill weapons instead which have the same stats aside from missing the additional effect from Otherlands weapons. Focusing every single key into boosting Amy's light value should be a top priority as the new dungeon asks for 360 light and that's the standard going forward. Having a pillar with 255 light in your group makes that number much more attainable.

>> No.22523509

In Ash Arms does it matter who I send to pick up the boxes in recon stages?

>> No.22523591

there's some theories that luck has an effect

>> No.22523627

Nothing aside rerun with free single meme roll everyday. New 500 floor dungeon event thingy. Next stream on the 12th.

>> No.22523653


A well implemented collab that is more than a few JPGs? Neat.

>> No.22523708
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There's some parameter boosts to go along with the triumphant gachas again and some free 10 rolls as well. I believe we get 1 right away and the second is from clearing events? This time we get tickets for the single rolls and it's always a 3* or higher with the rates for 4*s increased to 15%. The free 10+1's don't use tickets so they should still be 10%.

Parameter boosts are pictured, Chaguma Judah and Liam don't get one but Rebecca and Eremej will receive one along with the first group. A Christmas event with Shironeko characters will be next.

>> No.22523738

>rates for 4*s increased to 15%
Read: Higher chance to get 4* project dupes.

>> No.22523751

Beginner mission in Cue requires completing a "Daily Lesson". Where can I find "Daily Lessons"?

>> No.22523797

Hey I have faith in my ability to pull characters that I already have from the gachas I wanna roll instead of 4* projects. Also, I'm not sure there's any significance to it but Sharehouse 3 isn't listed along with all the other Christmas events that they're going to rerun.

>> No.22523840

Nothing much to expect from these param boosts. I can only count on one hand the ones that I'll actually use.

>> No.22523851

when you go to lesson screen, there are 2 tabs on the lower left.
the other one is the daily lesson

>> No.22523855

Tfw I got 2 4* project dupes instead and trash so far from the free single rolls on ReZero.

>> No.22523905

Thank you. Is the Clover Quartz screening party event ever going to come back? I only completed chapters 1 and 2.

>> No.22524193

Maybe, if the game managed to be alive for a long time. This is just the 2nd event of the game.

>> No.22524479

The lizards in Romancing SaGa 2 live by a volcano. They're more fire- than water-elemental.

>> No.22524956

>just cheat bro
Is there even any point in botting it when the pools refresh every hour instead of every 30 minutes like the mining sparkles?

>> No.22525280

You're more than welcome to spend your time fishing if you want, I don't care. The bot exists and is there to use if you want it. I went from 1 to 30 using the bot and got Levia within a week of casual usage letting it run overnight while I slept. I didn't get banned or punished nor has anyone else. The fishing bot is nothing more than an elaborate macro, it's not even "cheating".

>> No.22525370
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>not posting the groups
I didn't catch what they said about any additional 10+1 rolls past the first one, but I'm going to use them all on Swimsuits. For singles, I managed to finally get a lot of who I wanted the last time they did reruns or from tickets, but there's always others to attempt for.

>> No.22525697

What's your opinion on the new SAO game?

>> No.22525789

They only mentioned that there's gonna be one from clearing some in game event so far. I'm figuring one of the blurred out rewards for the 12/12 stream will be more rolls too since they already have a weapon/chara 10 pick ticket listed.

>> No.22525797

>botting isn't cheating
>it's undetectable bro nobody will ever get caught

>> No.22525850

The game-exclusive voiced anime cutscenes are good. The rest of the game however really went for cheap. The gameplay itself really feels like a chore and some attack animations are needlessly long.

>> No.22526305

The flame eater fight is bullshit

>> No.22526352

Best mobage


>> No.22526377

Is there a release date for the english version?
I recall hearing there was going to be one.

>> No.22526770

Since I see there's a local romasagafag here, I saw they were having an anniversary going on, what is the endgame focused on? I'm tired of coop and pvp oriented endgames

>> No.22526800

>today's boss in SOA
You can tell he's an old boss by his HP. Every other boss is so bloated and he just melts. Better farm today, tomorrow's boss is Twin Eclipse's annoying final boss.

>> No.22526905


>> No.22527282

CODE:SEED launches in a few hours for mobile and PC DMM.

>> No.22527355

Is it being made by the same team that's working on Genshin? If so, I wonder how they're handling the development of two games at once.

>> No.22527369

I thought that launched already? Its called Evolution Girls.

>> No.22527486

I wish I were a cute girl

>> No.22527624

there's medicines and operations for that these days

>> No.22527638

Trannies aren't cute.

>> No.22527639

no there isn't

>> No.22527647

They're just people that held a similar wish except they went and did it

>> No.22527679

>Grasta system being added to global Another Eden
>Healer scam gacha and attacker scam gacha

What does that system do?

>> No.22527974

>Want xsaber Setsuna
>Got Towa instead
I guess it's better than nothing.

>> No.22527996

I wanted Setsuna and got nothing so enjoy Towa.

>> No.22528091

I accidentally rolled my shit on WoH2. My dumbass self thought I was rolling on the meme ticket gacha. For better or for worse, I got nothing new on that 10+1.
Son of a bitch I really wanted to save those rolls for the swimsuit batch.

>> No.22528211

most of these parameter boost characters i've tried have been underwhelming except for rain and yona.

>> No.22528296

>Wanted cute blonde
>Get setsuna

It's all about tricking your desire sensor.

>> No.22528392

It's not the kind of game where you play for a month and reach some kind of endgame grind. The whole game is an endless loop of grind and plateau, you usually surmount each peak with a mixture of grinding and cunning (reading the wiki and trying to use pleb units in weird team comps because you don't have xxx unit) only to find you can't fucking get further. But there's always hope either grinding or theorycrafting a team.
The best thing to do is play it and see if you like it, if you don't like it after a week or two then don't expect anything the game ever has to offer you to be something that will change your mind.

>> No.22528401

Oh but the grinding isn't like auto xxx battle for endless cheap exp. Characters only gains stats when they take on moderately challenging enemies, so you constantly need to keep working out how to move up or abuse a battle.

>> No.22528420

Can I save my Shironeko ticket for later gacha reruns or do we get one for each? Also, if it's the latter then what the fuck do I roll on??

>> No.22528717

I think there is an expiration date for the ticket.

>> No.22528726
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>> No.22528781

Got リーリン, I can't complain
She is very cute

>> No.22529235

Expires at day change, it's a new way of doing the daily roll. It's also one for any of them, not one for each.

Roll for whichever has someone you wanted but didn't get.

>> No.22530282


>> No.22530506

I hope the alloy cost of that train shit they're gonna implement in ash arms goes down it looks really costly for shit rewards

>> No.22530541

Grasta is an additional equipment slot for characters that allows you to augment them with additional stats that you can customise to quite some degree of depth. Basically you'll be wanting MP regen on everyone and from there usually the setup is stacking the biggest elemental damage % you can get. In a future update they will allow you to trade 10 5* books (or 5 AS books) to upgrade their VC to provide a significant increase in potency.

Here's a list to give you an idea of what they do:

>> No.22530891

Are the grastas hard to get? MP regen sounds really great on the characters that suffer from MP issues

>> No.22531134

Any good places to complete the LT vz-38 missions? I've been busy so I haven't started it yet. Usually just been clearing dailies

>> No.22531209

It's kind of weird that 1.9 had more fanfare and special stuff in AE than 2.0 proper

>> No.22531423

btw this is not a new game, its honkai3rd again muh new """open world""" with dmc gameplay

>> No.22531447

That's a 3rd update? What about the "All playable characters can be unlocked by playing the story"?

I thought they were going to try to make a better game instead of having the players roll a compu gacha for a character, their weapon and their special 3-piece unique equipment that only works on them and is shit on everyone else.

>> No.22531461

maybe the gacha is gear only we don't know yet how they going to squeeze you out every penny

>> No.22531491

Why would anyone want to come back to the regular game after tasting the DMC style gameplay?

>> No.22531530

who knows what mihoyo is thinking im not playing their game anymore

>> No.22531625

It's an expansion to the base game, a more complex open world with its own storyline, characters and mechanics that don't carry over to the main game. A game within a game you could say.

>> No.22532204


>> No.22532863
File: 281 KB, 791x641, d9982073-2cb4-313a-a5cb-04814a9978ea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another goken and the commander got their 4th board and looks like they're making some changes in the gacha next Tuesday. My moon is severely lacking but would be grateful if someone could translate.


>> No.22532925

They seriously skipping over Heishishōrinken?

>> No.22532956

The only thing she has going for her is her special ability and debuff skill. Heavy sords are complete dogshit in tenka the only way I see them getting any better is if they allowed them to reach a higher damage cap than regular sords.

>> No.22532968

>Heavy sords
Super wrong, switch to them in the boss battle

>> No.22532992
File: 618 KB, 2311x1242, 4FCCCBE8-6149-495B-A4DA-D06736B68F59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to spin2win more + dat ass

>> No.22533035

>Literally a new game
>Put it inside the shitty P2W game instead of making a separate app for the new game


>> No.22533050

>Global will also get free Joker and Morgana 5*'s at the same time as JP

wtf I love jewflyer now???

>> No.22533060

what makes you think they won't make it P2W if it's a new game?

>> No.22533070

gotta give them the benefit of the doubt or maybe it'll be good at the start before they shit it up

>> No.22533091

new characters actually puts me off it because the only good thing in 3rd is the characters

>> No.22533150
File: 1.20 MB, 1600x900, 4236128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone for Fantasy Earth Genesis?
English release was just recently: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.asobimo.FantasyEarthGenesis
The graphics suck because it was an extremely old PC game, but the battlefields are pretty massive, even if half of the player count are most likely AI mercs.

>> No.22533159

I wanted to keep playing their game but both the game and community just makes you sad

>> No.22533167
File: 801 KB, 960x540, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new 3* light fighter, P-47B, and the expedition train mechanic in the next patch tomorrow.

>> No.22533193

>More light fighter.
Wake me up.

>> No.22533208
File: 52 KB, 297x170, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's another tank, actually

>> No.22533233

It better upgrade into the thunderbolt 2

>> No.22533237

Ash tanks and fighters.

>> No.22533247

shironeko singles fucking suck

>> No.22533292
File: 1.05 MB, 960x540, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might not be the banner people wanted but I'm rolling at least a couple rolls for these cuties. When the fuck is the next limited barrier though?

>> No.22533314

They go on long enough that I usually get a few new characters by the end of it but I prefer the jumbo tickets. I haven't even seen a 4* project yet from any of these free rolls and I need star runes desperately, shit sucks.

>> No.22533350

It does though. Nox and bluestacks 64bit versions.

>> No.22533364

Dam I want to play AE again, but I hate that there's no auto or any qol. How do you guys not burn out running AD's over and over?

>> No.22533397

I started recently and I've dealt with it using AOE so far. It's much comfier when the trash waves die turn0 to your AOE.

>> No.22533561

god fucking damn it all

>> No.22533580

I dont think they can release another fighter comparable to zero, why did they make a freebie so good?

>> No.22533581

CN GCG swimsuit event tomorrow. Anything we should know of JP Bros?

>> No.22533702
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>burger banner

>> No.22533742

Is the stuka skin in the event shop worth it?

>> No.22533770

I'm bored with the laggy tank chink game. What games are you all looking forward too? I think I only got the urge to play Loveplus in two weeks, and that is that unless AK comes out soon.

>> No.22533839
File: 162 KB, 518x335, Screenshot_20190520-160419_ --.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon faster sords can delete super bosses way faster than any heavy sord.

>> No.22533870

Not true anonsama, try it out

>> No.22533883

>3000 points for the base skin sans stockings
If you have nothing else to buy and like her sure.

>> No.22533891

fucking serious? I should have known when the preview looked the same. Unless I'm a total baka and I can already view this skin? I don't have stuka either

>> No.22534006
File: 184 KB, 1334x750, mainpage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im hooooome.

>> No.22534068

you can see all the skins in the same menu where you change the model of a unit.

>> No.22534156

Same, waiting for arknights.

>> No.22534157

At least next banner won't be another fighter. I just hope it's not another tank banner.

>> No.22534364
File: 326 KB, 776x437, fc1c86c22325c7c4d47a5aef84173d35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taiwan version AGA will start BGHS collab from December 12.
Pre-Reg for 1000 gacha points and special push notification in game before the event is available.
Additional gift available after sharing designated post on official community
Special live stream will be streamed on the night before collab start.

>> No.22534853

Why is thunderbolt a maid?

>> No.22535151
File: 2.24 MB, 900x1294, 05181926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compass has been updated - no new content today unless they've kept it hidden in the files. Daily free gacha is still going on until the 8th.
Next season will be from the 12th ~ 22nd, theme is the third anniversary. The card is the usual 100% team heal, but there's no limited costume this month.
Anniversary stream on the 8th!

>> No.22535272

There's a reason why all the people that do the super boss each month use medium or light sords and that's because they can shit out crazy damage like this


When it comes to normal bosses then yes heavy sords are fine but when it's the end game shit you're better off using a medium or light sord for crazy dps.

>> No.22535308
File: 693 KB, 408x232, EHZqfglUwAAQmI9.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something goofy on twitter was someone saw a resemblance between the drop ship in some brief Action Taimanin preview footage and the drop ship from Halo.


>> No.22535381

Master Chief confirmed

>> No.22535537
File: 560 KB, 1866x2239, sec1_p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iron Saga gets released in English in a few days. Is it any good?

>> No.22535591


>> No.22535646
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Why yes, I only use SU units, how could you tell?

>> No.22535826


>> No.22535861

Clearly the newest recruit among us.

>> No.22535874

wow the girls are cute, I know that now

>> No.22535964

I do the super bosses with heavy swords just as quick?? I'm sorry you invested so heavily in swords that get you worse times due to their nature

>> No.22536083

It is great. Slokai best girl.

>> No.22536146
File: 160 KB, 1000x525, ELAUX48U4AImRR7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gabriel Celeste's Feather is a pretty good accessory. Base +5AP and can inherit two factors from whatever fodder accessory you feed it. To craft it we need 1000 feather pieces. The amount of drops depends on damage dealt to him. Even as guests in multiplayer we need to pay an entry fee but items are only consumed when you get to the result screen so a bad run or disconnect won't waste them.

>> No.22536198
File: 199 KB, 428x589, 1574185066627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna press X to doubt but post your medals for level 100 and I'll shut up. Also the pre Christmas give away is up.

>> No.22536278

>Kasumi died in the first 5 seconds
>Narukami somehow died 20 seconds later
>Tika lasted 3 minutes before dying
What a mess was my first run. God bless Elphelt. Even holding aggro it's pretty easy to survive with her, Gabriel's attacks are telegraphed hard so I can just dodge to the other side of the screen while proccing her HP regen. At least I reached the 100m milestone, could had been worse.

>> No.22536401

Does it ever become easier to hoard exp in Cafe? I feel like I'm always behind.

>> No.22536593

I will post for the next boss, if you promise to take care of your heavy swords when I do, they deserve love

>> No.22536718
File: 370 KB, 1363x360, Screenshot_20191205-190011_ --.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon just post your medals since you've claimed to have done it before. If you don't have any just say it dude it's not like I'm gonna do anything to you.

>> No.22537020

How does the train work?

>> No.22537060

I'll let you know if they stop with the damn maintenance extensions

>> No.22537064
File: 69 KB, 680x383, 1567465309340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me do my recons please.

>> No.22537102

Why don't you want to make the promise?

>> No.22537108

Info posted on the anon sheet

>> No.22537118


>> No.22537172
File: 8 KB, 306x265, 1556018875881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you want post medals to prove heavy sords aren't completely shit? At this point I just think you're lying about having done super bosses with heavy sords since you could've easily posted your medals to prove me wrong. It's not like I have anything against heavy sords since they require less equipment to reach the damage cap pre 4th board. I just wished they let them go beyond the current damage cap to make up for their lack of attack speed.

>> No.22537236

sugoi anon, thanks for the fast updates to the sheet

>> No.22537290
File: 160 KB, 1000x1000, voidoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a new voiddoll costume that's part of a collab. https://mall.nhn-playart.com/smartphone/news.html?date=20191122175711
buy a keychain and get a code for the costume

>> No.22537527
File: 1.45 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2019-12-05-22-50-34-786_jp.colopl.wcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get Riichi and Charlotte in the same day

Somehow I'm still alive for some reason.

>> No.22537643

Is Punishing Gray Raven good or should I stick with the masters of hack and slash Honkai?

>> No.22537655

How do I become a mobage

>> No.22537673
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2019-12-06-13-41-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone TL the update notes ingame?
Also expedition currency is another way to farm frags looks like

>> No.22537714

>250 for 5 frags
Seems like another wait one month to LB one unit deal.

>> No.22537758

>most you can get is 80
>it takes 10 hours to complete
>it's gonna take 32 hours to gather 250
What the fuck are they thinking?

>> No.22537761

Don't forget the alloy cost. Ash Arms could be so good but it's allergic to being not shit.

>> No.22537767

You could just run the short ones that don't cost any alloy at all, and it would just add up to 80 medals as the 10 hours one.

>> No.22537774
File: 12 KB, 480x360, You've got my attention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still can't find the faction filter for Ash Arms
fucks sake which section is it in? None of the option have the names listed on the spreadsheet.

>> No.22537779

I'm not sure you can.

>> No.22537812

There is no faction filter except in the unit index right now

I'll add the faction icons to the sheet later, didn't bother before since they barely showed up anywhere

>> No.22537821
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Some anon a few threads ago said to find it in the filter menu, what a dickhead.

>> No.22537833
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>Christmas fox on step up
Fuck I'm tempted

>> No.22537838

Yeah, one 0 alloy stop completed and I can't do it again.

>> No.22537851

So it might take more than 32 hours since you gotta wait till reset to do another run. Seriously how the fuck do they approve of this shit?

>> No.22537857

Just wait for the complaints from the nips like usual.

>> No.22537864

You can send out 2 trains out at the same time at maximum, so you won't run out of stops.

>> No.22537868
File: 1.38 MB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20191206-021139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 300 diamonds from the banner. Who should I LB?
>Still no Sherman

>> No.22537875

Nice, congrats.

>bee boss is strong against slashing and magic damage

>> No.22537879

Ignore anyone that says B-24 she became completely useless to me because of her move speed.
>Zero is able to dodgetank all the aggro while AD obliterates enemies
>Maus is able to tank everyone while cat crits like a machine
>By the time B-24 gets to the other side of the map most of the enemies are dead

>> No.22537887

That's what I said when the game released. B-24 is too slow, just by having 1 extra AP b-25 has more chances of outshining her.

>> No.22537911


>> No.22537916

>masters of hack and slash
it's just gacha gear checks

>> No.22537923

She's fine early game but by the time you get to late game she's outlived her usefulness. Surprisingly flak is still extremely useful despite everyone claiming she falls off too.

>> No.22537934

From how they adjusted the event difficulty I'm not expecting much.

>> No.22537944

I really wish I can stomach farming 5B for her.
Fuck forests

>> No.22537964
File: 1.21 MB, 1127x691, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the bili event I'd highly recommend you guys save up your draws for the next event if you have a strong blue team from last event or just the SR light units.

The event after this is obnoxiously hard and you will want as much help as you can. This one's pretty much a giveaway

>> No.22537968

>already december and no sign of arknights
wasnt this supposed to release before 2020

>> No.22537970

Winter 2019 ends early next year

>> No.22537982

I already have a 5* X2FM, is multiple fighters the meta? I wonder if maybe Mustang could work

>> No.22538013

Fighters have all around decent stats for dodging and dealing with light ground units. I just mentioned Zero since she's really great at dodging and her unique can clear the sky in a turn

>> No.22538023

Oh okay. I think I'm gonna go with Mustang. Zero isn't my kind of girl.
That skill is disgusting though. Blatant pandering.

>> No.22538030

She barely does any damage on higher difficulty so that skill isn't as busted as you think.

>> No.22538072

What's the general difference between Light, Medium, and Heavy units?
Aside from squad numbers.

>> No.22538082


>> No.22538085

AP per turn and team CP per turn

>> No.22538114
File: 323 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191206-175626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grunier's skill is so aesthetic

>> No.22538116

I'm guessing Heavy=more CP?

>> No.22538117

No, light units get all the good stuff.

>> No.22538121

The opposite, most Heavy units reduce your CP. Check the spreadsheet for numbers.

>> No.22538142

Wow, heavies really are useless.

>> No.22538150

You only ever need 1 heavy on your team and it should be your tank.

>> No.22538156

New Honkai clone that gets everyone outside of here riled up, is anyone going to give it a go?

>> No.22538175

What is it?

>> No.22538181

iOS being cucked again with the account setup. Feelsbadman.

>> No.22538182
File: 183 KB, 500x250, fucckkkkkk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already have Spitfire and Zero as light fighters
>slowly working towards F4F but she's still only 2*
>really want to roll in the new banner just get something new because I haven't rolled since the KV-2 banner
>every sensible bone in my body is telling me not to roll on a bunch of non-limited units especially when I already have other fighters

>> No.22538186

Fuck I rolled everything, like 10x10 rolls in. Am I fucked?

>> No.22538189

Christmas is around the corner don't roll anon

>> No.22538199

>New Honkai clone
I wish they would stop making those Honkai clones with bare bone contents which everyone just forgot about them after a week.

>> No.22538202
File: 16 KB, 180x192, thumbscat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah didn't even think of that. Still hasn't settled in that it's already december I guess. That makes it a lot easier to keep myself in check. Thanks anon.

>> No.22538228

>Diamond costs go up every 30 frags
wtf absolutely jewish

>> No.22538247

elaborate please

>> No.22538253

Just have fun with the train expedition, it's nowhere as bad as some anons complained when you have to factor the fact that you need over 1k diamond fragments to 5* your Mustang.

>> No.22538337

The next event is infamously hard where you have to fight a very high rating boss 18~20k almost all red only WHILE dragging along a useless npc that has low health, can't dodge and goes full retard sometimes. It is by far the most obnoxious event in the game and I highly recommend you have a godly team ready for that, especially the gacha SSR grani

>> No.22538345

I like footjobs

>> No.22538422

Is Sherman gud?

>> No.22538444

Is there a decent resource to see future stuff?

>> No.22538481

Not in the game and certainly not IRL

>> No.22538484

I am confused now. I've been hearing that Ash Arms is too easy grind through. So which is it. Too hard or too easy?

>> No.22538503

>too easy grind
where the fuck did you hear that from?

>> No.22538611


This is the JP version. We're going at it with an accelerated schedule.

>> No.22538686

It's easy if you bot it and the stuff you want to grind for are in the drop table

>> No.22538699

New version of qooapp ash arms apk doesn’t work for me. Does anyone else the same?

>> No.22538710

What phone/emulator?

>> No.22538712


>> No.22538787

No I don't the same

>> No.22539025

Welp looks like the maid is another useless fighter.

>> No.22539114

works on my machine

>> No.22539313
File: 1.30 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2019-12-06-09-50-06-726_com.nhnpa.cps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw the luciano couldnt one shot you

>> No.22539359

So, is like a more edgy version of Honkai Impact with a little more depth to the combat. Variation of characters are quite noticeable, even higher rarity of same characters got a whole new set of gameplay, like Honkai.

Is kind of aimed for you to self-insert as the captain (shikikan), and you control this special mission squad.

It has dudes in the gacha and playable characters, so if you dislike husbandos, maybe stay away. But it got some top tier girls. If my ear are not messing with me, the main girl is voiced by 2B VA.

Gacha is like Honkai, full character, shards, and costumes. But the currency to roll seems to more plentiful for now.

Is not a game to afk play though. I can't find the auto, but the combat is fun.


>> No.22539525

Is this one of those games where I need a Chinese bili account?

>> No.22539604

.me is still recommending Corne for the bee hough.

>> No.22539822
File: 995 KB, 2220x1080, アッシュアームズ_2019-12-06-13-10-02[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I need to do Ex-10 again for the cross. Wish I had more upgrade mats.

>> No.22539836

Does it have cute little girls too like Honkai?

>> No.22540050

What's your team anon?

>> No.22540061
File: 399 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20191206-131233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you can get more medals than what is shown

>> No.22540069

Yeah, the supply wagon gives a bonus to rewards.

>> No.22540142

A dolphin team: 4* Maus, 4* AD-4, 4* Flak, 5* Hurricane, 5* Heuschrecke and 3* Zero

>> No.22540213

>Gacha is like Honkai, full character, shards, and costumes
No weapon/stigmata gacha?

>> No.22540270

Is hurricane really that good? I see a lot of people running her.

>> No.22540277

she's the easiest to 5* considering the past events we've had. Plus some not shit skills

>> No.22540288

Easy to farm, cheap to field and mass produce.
Basically an ideal, expendable fodder you can throw at enemies to keep them busy while your heavy hitters do their work.

>> No.22540314

She's an easy fighter to grind(map 1-6)and she is a decent cheap evasion tank.

>> No.22540398

How do Yuna and Mana compare to each other in another eden?

Can you replace Yuna with Mana if you don't have her or is she not good enough?

>> No.22540461
File: 301 KB, 686x1000, 77971292_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As of right now there's only 3 solo clears of it and she's destroying everyone else even with the handicap. Might just be that most players didn't feel like farming it to 9999 yet though.

>Corne 0:53.54 

>Tetra 1:38.18 

>Lancer Charlotte 1:43.09

>> No.22540786
File: 650 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20191206-162242_ --.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't resist

>> No.22541168

How do I get stronger in ash arms? I don't get it.

>> No.22541172

Use a macro to grind for days.

>> No.22541343

LB and upgrade the grid of your units.
