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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 169 KB, 966x543, 1565078407557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22500802 No.22500802 [Reply] [Original]

いいことがあるのサイト: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/
今より前の時のスレ: >>22491191

>> No.22500804


>> No.22500807
File: 60 KB, 800x495, bnhnnng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22500811
File: 15 KB, 800x433, flash card supplement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22500813
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>> No.22500842

when i remember that poor innocent imouto might be tryin to read my incomprehensible shitposts to learn eigo i worry im not bein the best oniichan i can be

>> No.22500843

man しゅじん and じゅうにん fucks with my head

>> No.22500845

Is this achievable natty?

>> No.22500854

homoge is all we have left

>> No.22500858

read shit like 住所 and 主体 more times

>> No.22500874

Lol well done

>> No.22500880


>> No.22500881
File: 81 KB, 640x720, anki for r_tards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have an old shitpost

>> No.22500890

how many of you spent thanksgiving alone

>> No.22500891

i honestly cant comprehend why women want to wear the pants in the relationship these days

>> No.22500954

what a waste of time you’ll still have to look up the word anyway

>> No.22501011

how does it feel still being N6

>> No.22501159

Fuck off American subhuman.
Hiro really needs to block North America and Europe.

>> No.22501265
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>> No.22501320

need to start meditating again. ever since i stopped my mental state has been completely destroyed

>> No.22501340

How do RTK friends read 美人局?

>> No.22501358

ものだ =/= だもの

>> No.22501713

Japanese people are terrible with piracy
Scanlators are petty faggots and won't release raws

>> No.22501714


Every beginner must learn this song hehe

>> No.22502102

ull probably 潰す ur own 夢s on ur own.

>> No.22502435

>i think i'll watch that show someone recommended yesterday
>pic related
must have dropped it already, why does this keep happening to meeeeeeeee

>> No.22502439
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>> No.22502776
File: 58 KB, 1200x892, foot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scan this with your ass

>> No.22502844
File: 105 KB, 225x225, 1566524042270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished this. decent concept but ended up being yet another 4/10 show. the MC was once again another super genius that can do nothing wrong but on top that he was an emotionless, boring husk.

the girl on the right is also an emotionless, boring character whose entire characterization is completed in the first quarter of the show and can be summarized as "she does the right thing". girl on the left has no characterization other than cocklust over mc. the best part about her and the show in general was that her voice acting was extremely arousing and half the reason i even finished this. none of the other "characters" are even worth mentioning.

plot was interesting at the start but lost steam fast and went out with a boring whimper. it was also exceedingly convoluted which is to be expected somewhat given there is a form of time travel in the show but it felt needlessly slow. whenever they tried to introduce anything remotely heady narratively or dialogue wise or also fell flat.

maybe i should have rated it lower since i cant really think of anything i enjoyed about it. wouldn't recommend watching it. anyways stay tuned for the next installment in anon reviews boring ass average anime.

>> No.22502896

i can bhop and gain some speed but it feels like i cap out after only like 3 hops so wtf am i doing wrong

>> No.22502911

this guy was a super unique MC and i'm so glad i watched his show

>> No.22503007

Use this to bhop

>> No.22503116

read inganock.

>> No.22503118

why the fuck would you do any jlpt other than if u need n1 for employment?

>> No.22503119


>> No.22503126
File: 543 KB, 640x606, readtime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22503220

i didnt know what shonben was but from kurosu and his shit eating face i managed to guess it so this is the power of context koko made to wa na

>> No.22503295


>> No.22503351

honestly i am getting the sense that u are a bit nervous anime godfather will actually make it after all the bullying youve done

>> No.22503366

he's already posted here before
he got mad at us because we made fun of him and he posted like six videos ranting about how hard djt sucks on youtube

>> No.22503404

idk who you think you are givin frying bitchi the same score as sakurada reset and yagate we cant be friends but i can respect you

>> No.22503447

oh shit

>> No.22503458

i still can't believe nuke was qm all along

>> No.22503474

who is qm

>> No.22503477

founding father of japanese learning, achieved native level fluency in a year

>> No.22503492

go change your adult diaper oldfag i bet that thing is full of diarrhea

>> No.22503494

what if i couldn't pass n3 but i still don't care about jlpt whatsoever and am aiming for a level far beyond n1

>> No.22503522

why isnt he?

>> No.22503543

this lmfao

>> No.22503545

hed pull out his pocket rtk 3 from his cargo shorts and look up the kanji for divorce

>> No.22503571

what was the point of learning this language? Everything is already translated and the translated content is much much easier to get then the untranslated content

>> No.22503583

today goals: 8 episodes anime jap subbed, 4 episodes anime no subs, 2 hours reading light novel

>> No.22503654
File: 29 KB, 736x314, 20383211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first this guy failed. then calvin. and then mary. how do we stop this?

>> No.22503661

i'd probably do ljpt just cuz why not but you need to go there like 3 or 4 months earlier to register fuck that

>> No.22503666

the questions are the same. if you live in the UK you can cheat because chinese people will post answers by the time you take it here lol, i know this for a fact

>> No.22503683

wait is it しょっぱい ぴー like sour PEE?

>> No.22503702


>> No.22503728

lol how can it be standardised if people have different versions you literal brainlet

>> No.22503785


>> No.22503786

this is a really dumb post and no standardised tests actually work like this in reality because if you aren't taking the exact same test then it's not completely fair. there's always going to be minor differences in difficulty between questions no matter how hard you try to make them all the same

>> No.22503787

blame yourselves for your own shitty ass thread, niggers

>> No.22503899
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>> No.22503901

what is djt
a miserable little pile of flashcards

>> No.22503906 [DELETED] 
File: 2.53 MB, 608x1080, 160619 트와이스 (TWICE) Cheer Up (치어 업) [사나] Sana 직캠 Fancam (반포한강공원) by Mera-62m0tyYf0PI-[00.28.945-00.33.033].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22503929

eh but japan sucks

>> No.22503952

thanks for ruining my day by reminding me that will never be me

>> No.22503955 [DELETED] 

that girl behind her is like why the fuck am i doing this lmao

>> No.22503960

call it cope but the reality is that its more likely than not that ur gf would be ugly

>> No.22503962

ya but at least you got to imagine it

>> No.22504003

what next life lmfao

>> No.22504019

guys im breaking down at 1120 kanji

>> No.22504032

how do i avoid burning out so i dont end up like quiz

>> No.22504042

user ur mouth as a public urinal

>> No.22504044

try actually enjoy and use japanese

>> No.22504133

ok so i will stop at 5000 then

>> No.22504145

choosing the next anime to watch is so hard

>> No.22504164

just watch the entire run of sailor moon
that'll keep you going for a while and be way better than 99% of sol

>> No.22504184

nothing wrong with smoking weed a lil marihuana never hurt any1 despite wat jamal says

>> No.22504202

hes right though u just fuckin open somethin up and try it
life isnt the problem here its u

>> No.22504210

no probably something else did it like lack of sleep or sum

>> No.22504217

matt doesnt even like anime anymore hello

>> No.22504219
File: 175 KB, 720x540, 名探偵コナン 第345話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a wild ride, definitely the climax of the series up to this point

>> No.22504223

yeah he likes it so much that he watches chinese animes now

>> No.22504232
File: 1.10 MB, 540x540, 1562722459508.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22504238

youre either a fag or a girl and therefore cannot be cool

>> No.22504257

okinawan monkeys deteike

>> No.22504263

crime drama is a genre for women

>> No.22504266

why even live

>> No.22504295

can't. society has rules and shit and will punish you for breaking them.

>> No.22504308


>> No.22504316

i'm not against it for moral reasons i just find it utterly fucking disgusting and genuinely want them to die or disappear or something.

>> No.22504328

imagine how proud and accomplished ud feel as a parent if ur raging dependent neet son attacked u because he thought ur vice is disgusting

>> No.22504334

Give me an update on Mashiron

>> No.22504340

weed is like alcohol but way better since theres no hangover

>> No.22504342

i don’t know if you remember me jamal but i met you in a past life you told me “ i wanna see nirvana “

>> No.22504358

yea i don't really take it personally anymore.
only time i get mad is when they suddenly message me again after like 2 months as if they didn't fucking ghost me.

>> No.22504405

it doesn't happen until you enter your mid twenties unless you drink a lot

>> No.22504410


>> No.22504411

well here is a detailed opinion on these tests that isn't just head up my ass humblebragging.
the jlpt N2 and N1, and even JCAT which for some reason is more respected here but its the same type of shit, can't measure if you can produce natural japanese from your own mouth. and they can't measure if you can understand all japanese text written by natives because there is a lot of vocab, expressions and slang that will never be on those tests. but they can measure whether or not you can comprehend a pretty good amount of modern japanese written and spoken language and vocab. especially if you pass with a high score. it proves you have some kind of decent foundation in the language. but there are still many language skills that no standardized test can measure. that's why you can have two people who both passed N2, one who can consistently produce pretty natural japanese in conversation, and another who struggles just trying to describe their day. whereas if you slapped an excerpt from the japanese newspaper in front of both their faces they'd probably both be able to read it and give you a decent summary of what it said.

>> No.22504442

who gives a fuck about your stupid "decent foundation" if it doesn't let you do what you actually wanna do in the language? that's why everyone here dumps on it you moronic shit for brains. enjoy your n1 and only being able to understand 70% of anime.


>> No.22504447

thinking that studying for a test is a good way to get a foundation lmfao

>> No.22504536


>> No.22504540
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>> No.22504547

i don't any company would wanna hire a guy like me who has shitty coding skills, neglible social skills, and can't speak japanese despite being able to identify 祠

>> No.22504554

should i put down the fact that i once passed the n2 discord readings quiz by sheer luck on my résumé?

>> No.22504556

whats it called when an asian company hires a baka mayonigger to sit around so they can seem oshare
something monkey or whatever
you could probably be that

>> No.22504561

my 肌 is 茶色 af so no chance in getting hired as some company's 外人 spokesman

>> No.22504563

honestly i passed n1 just by being a massive anki drone and not knowing any japanese i literally never read a full book or even watched more than 2-3 anime before i took it i just knew the grammar and vocab well enough to barely figure out the answers

>> No.22504582


>> No.22504586

i hope you changed your ways

>> No.22504590
File: 288 KB, 855x878, 1555606974701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is u, rite?

>> No.22504628


>> No.22504647

yea i did lol don't know why id lie about being a dumbass
yea ive started getting a lot more actual input and not just textbook shit

>> No.22504668
File: 35 KB, 367x360, 125334612634541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22504687

>implying i'm not a retard pretending to be a retard

>> No.22504745

the face says it all

>> No.22504749
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example 1/4

>> No.22504753
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>> No.22504757
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>> No.22504773


>> No.22504777

whats ur fuckin problem

>> No.22504781

with that sentence might as well just make it a vocab card

>> No.22504784

My parents want to know the same thing.

>> No.22504813

true manga cards have the manga picture on the front

>> No.22504828

go back to r*ddit

>> No.22504831

のみ [2] 【蚤】

>> No.22504850

has qm ever watched or read berserk?

>> No.22504851

coz you have terrible taste in writing and music.

>> No.22504855

how do i mine 40 words per day without consuming input that is so hard that it's not enjoyable

>> No.22504859

just do premade decks

>> No.22504868

nice but kind of annoying that it doesn't work with all my 10k other cards though.

>> No.22504907

what if he got good at japanese because of an autistic fixation on it?

>> No.22504916

knowing readings =/= knowing the meaning

>> No.22504955

shit show people just don't care to realize it yet

>> No.22504958

actual retard

>> No.22504960

solid 9/10 show desu

>> No.22504961

no u

>> No.22504962


>> No.22504972
File: 100 KB, 286x288, 1560299616206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22504975

especially depressed today.

>> No.22504976

it’s actually the least boring show i’ve ever seen you guys must have some mental incapacity there is no other explanation

>> No.22505030

龍が如く6 has taught me the difference between time leap and time travel
prolly nobody will watch the vid

>> No.22505033

man i just hate gay dumb teenagers discussing gay dumb shit shows.

>> No.22505050

there’s not many teenagers here those ones get filtered very fast

>> No.22505080

come on man i'm in my mid twenties

>> No.22505095

there's some stuff i can understand but absolutely none of it was interesting because it's inherently boring subject matter.

>> No.22505107

wtf i love kyoani now

>> No.22505115

>it's inherently boring subject matter.
brainlet cope

>> No.22505117

what would you say was the main theme

>> No.22505121

idk i think it was to bore me.

>> No.22505129
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>> No.22505252

nice card

>> No.22505254
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>> No.22505270

its not bad but u have low standards

>> No.22505281

no i don’t that’s why i watch kyoani anime

>> No.22505288

hyouka honestly looks so boring i can't even bring myself to download it

>> No.22505291

rip btw

>> No.22505293

i don't have autism btw

>> No.22505295
File: 534 KB, 1920x1055, 1561447038461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, just tested this outside of preview in the context of an actual review and it turns out I didn't downscale the image enough.

Fixed version:

>> No.22505310

the animation is absolute kino though

>> No.22505314

it is. check out fruits basket if you want some girly emotional shit. i thought episode 24 was good.

>> No.22505317

ok take this and give us your score

>> No.22505340

22 i guess its time to go to the loony bin

>> No.22505355
File: 8 KB, 425x134, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think i have autism. i just have extreme neuroticism which has forced me into isolation in my basement for a decade so my social skills aren't sharp.

>> No.22505369

i got a 21 (ciaran)

>> No.22505401
File: 32 KB, 633x195, enlightened RTK furry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22505405

Disgustingly normie aside from my anxiety and depression

>> No.22505411

nah we don’t want you

>> No.22505420

no i mean i'm >>22501340

>> No.22505423

just sharing a relevant image on rtk

>> No.22505431

oh ok

>> No.22505433


>> No.22505436

wish i was autistic then i could be a neet

>> No.22505438

only 2 guys above 30?

>> No.22505445

rtk is the core of learning japanese

>> No.22505447

someone got more kills than me in tf2 because my team sucked and it pissed me off.

>> No.22505448

were all too weird to be normal too normal to be weird chads

>> No.22505464
File: 734 KB, 1280x720, baka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22505485

the latter pretty much, what else to do when rotting away in a bed than learn nihongo from scratch

>> No.22505510

i have a mental illness does that mean i can be a neet? i’m in school but don’t want to work when it’s over

>> No.22505538

what about gettin out of the hamster wheel

>> No.22505540

being a neet owns tho i was forced out of neetdom cause my parents wouldn't support me anymore but i miss it

>> No.22505542
File: 158 KB, 750x878, 39D70BDF-071E-4E35-8F19-A46A638ED556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s the future whether you like it or not

>> No.22505547

>Let me teach you about your problems.
They're trash DESU

>> No.22505548

let me in ur fucking country

>> No.22505549

>each person
i'm gonna be pissed if this also applies to the 1%

>> No.22505567

thats the part i aint about

>> No.22505578

weedfags btfo

>> No.22505583

i remember starting regular no faps because some anon posted his video on it

>> No.22505598

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.22505604

automation needs to be at least like 85% in order for this to sustain itself

>> No.22505619

never @ me again you fool

>> No.22505689

why? it would be more expensive to make sure it's not going to certain people than just giving them the money

>> No.22505707

tuned into meg's stream for the 3rd time and laughed out loud. what is this weird bitch even doing. i get the "don't comment about my huge titties i'm putting on display but i secretly love the attention" thing that some women like to do but just why? in this case it's so blatant and she's literally just laying there doing nothing

>> No.22505710

because he's a butthurt little zoomer that is consumed by envy toward those that have more money than him

>> No.22505724

titty show is against tos but its just harassment so channel is safe forever

>> No.22505736

damn guess her brains almost as big as her tiddies

>> No.22505739

Japan aren't the first to trial it. The fact that no country which has trialled UBI has actually adopted it tells you all you need to know about how well it works (or rather, doesn't work).

>> No.22505758

actually the guy who made that tweet had no source and seemingly made it up but it would be cool if they were trying it. though there are lots of ways to go about it and different ways to pay for it plus there will be more automation in the future it would be silly if you are meaning to say it can never work

>> No.22505761

it probably doesn't work that well but that's because impoverished people are too low IQ and genetically fucked to properly allocate their funds so it's better to give them specific benefits for multiple basic needs instead of a larger blank check. god i wish we had some sort of voluntary eugenics program.

>> No.22505770

if u guys are that desperate for money i will pay you 500-700 dollars to use your mouth as my personal toilet

>> No.22505775

disgusting offer
make that a 800

>> No.22505779

make it 1k and youre not allowed to eat indian food

>> No.22505782


>> No.22505785

wtf just watched a video of ai ueahara going to africa and fucking random tribesmen or some shit. this bitch is crazy as fuck.

>> No.22505793

how did that make u feel

>> No.22505794

pick both

>> No.22505801

honestly i'd suck anyones dick for 300k

>> No.22505804


>> No.22505806

desu i just skimmed the video and ended up busting to some shitty uncensored yui hatano vid so nothing much. she's a worthless whore though so i doubt id have felt anything regardless.

>> No.22505831

i meant >>22505806

>> No.22505834


>> No.22505838

nah 300k is good money since you could quit working and go live on yield alone

>> No.22505846

why would that make me feel anything? inb4 muh niggers muh pol
where do you think you can live on 10-12k a year?

>> No.22505852

first you gotta dasu that kane by subbing to my patreon

>> No.22505859

i'm already living on 8k neet bucks also your question hurts my brain

>> No.22505876

must be a third worlder

>> No.22505886

i meant the whole situation u described

>> No.22505892

i dont get it

>> No.22505897

desu if you can still get hard from porn im gonna have to ask you to go back to whatever normalfag site you came frome

>> No.22505898

not gonna answer this truthfully because i think you are projecting stuff at me

>> No.22505906

low t fags like u can't learn japanese

>> No.22505913

if u cant even feel for what u bust to uve ruined ur brain
also this

>> No.22505918

its not about testosterone its about having built up 100 percent tolerance to porn only wet behind the ear yungins still get off to that shit

>> No.22505924


>> No.22505926

im not projecting anything dude not sure why you are confused. 8k is just a very small amount of money for any place other than the third world.
the original question was how i felt about ai uehara fucking black tribesmen in africa though

>> No.22505932


>> No.22505951

are ssris the only way to fix my fucked dopamine? no fap didnt work

>> No.22505959

its for life

>> No.22505960

theres no such thing as fucked dopamine

>> No.22505979

all u gotta do is find things in life that u like again
like some sickな eroge or a good anime that makes u cry

>> No.22505996

>by being a massive anki drone
>i just knew the grammar and vocab well enough
you memorized all the grammar and vocab that would likely come up on the test, of course you knew enough to pass you fucking retard. stop pretending like it didn't take you hours of grinding and studying to make that japanese comprehensible.

>> No.22506016

>scanlated two chapters of a super unpopular manga back when i was a newshit that barely knew any japanese
>always kinda wanted to go back and finish the series since it's only two volumes anyway
>just saw smut of the mc on my twitter, just him getting his huge dick jerked
i don't really know how to feel. kind of ftw honestly

>> No.22506020

get off the internet completely for a full 24 hours and they will become re-sensitized

>> No.22506022

not sure why you called them a retard the seemed cognitively capable

>> No.22506045

>on episode 20/25 of berserk
please tell me there's more exciting stuff similar to this

>> No.22506066


>> No.22506070

you're watching the best the medium has to offer and it's downhill from there.

>> No.22506077

you're watching the worst the medium has to offer and it's uphill from there.

>> No.22506079

thats it u little shit if berserk isnt the best anime ive ever watched im going to make a real fuckin mad post

>> No.22506105
File: 89 KB, 500x484, 1410510864146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of reading things phonetically and piece by piece. I just want entire sentences to enter my brain in an instant with full comprehension like they do in English. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.22506122

learn to identify words through kanji & do reading + listening practice for hundreds of hours

>> No.22506134

read more

>> No.22506140


>> No.22506149

read less
itll force you to read more efficiently

>> No.22506151

why u think im tryin to be funny ?

>> No.22506164

>those flashbacks and delusional visions
fuck that shit is good

>> No.22506302

>learn to identify words through kanji
the fuck do you mean by this

>> No.22506327
File: 156 KB, 1280x1808, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are u using ur japanese for

>> No.22506330

very underrated advice but it works. find a sample of text that’s around 20 sentences long and around your current level. read it once a day at a pace that feels comfortable and not rushed. read whatever you want outside of that. you’ll gain confidence and speed
change the practice sample every two weeks

>> No.22506332

sounds like placebo effect

>> No.22506343

same thing as everyone else here

>> No.22506408


>> No.22506433

which j-vlogger knows the most japanese?

>> No.22506444

first amongst caucasians is probably rennehiko

>> No.22506450

>googled rennehiko
>only 3 results

>> No.22506454

chris abroad he got the N2 (fluent) like years ago

>> No.22506463

he is that weird looking cuck with the glasses and the scuffed sounding japanese

>> No.22506479

it's actually spelled renehiko
i added one extra n by mistake

>> No.22506488

that guy's fucking retarded and can only impress 出来ないs and やらないs

>> No.22506534

he didn't get the N2

>> No.22506547

he's that guy who claimed n4 is fluent, so i doubt he really knows japanese

>> No.22506592

wow did togashi make the 2 manga which would go on to be the 2 greatest shounen anime ever i don’t understand. it must be a gift from the gods

>> No.22506630

wtf is her problem

>> No.22506685

going to bed soon cya guys tomorrow

>> No.22506688

mata ashita

>> No.22506708

trying to have more compassion for humans

>> No.22506723

trying to have more compassion for myself

>> No.22506792

finna acquire さえ

>> No.22506977

Man, I feel mentally exhausted whenever I try to read for more than two hours. When will this horrible feeling go away so I can read more?

>> No.22506987

2 hours is enough

watch more anime

>> No.22507311

Once upon a time the learning of language in schools privileged the aural over the oral. A great deal was accomplished through learning by rote. Hearing and repeating. Although it is perhaps impractical to hope for a return to this virtuous procedure, it is important to realise that it does make a very great deal of sense. Everything that one learns, with respect to language, one learns via ones ears and eyes (by virtue of what one reads, sees and hears). One learns absolutely nothing by means of ones mouth.

>> No.22507405

what about the muscle memory required to instantly produce correct sounds in the language

>> No.22507456
File: 50 KB, 500x600, large_3d332049-e8b9-4b85-bef8-b68bde1108e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.22507528

wat up bro

>> No.22507625

im mad

>> No.22507719


>> No.22507778

What does the な in sentences like "そうだな" signify? The only thing I can find on な as a particle is as a very commanding command form.

>> No.22507782

done this like 20 times in the last year and it didnt do anything lol

>> No.22507784

read more and consume more anime

>> No.22507791

That doesn't help me when I can't make it comprehensible by finding out what it means though?

>> No.22507795

a more masculine or casual ね

>> No.22507798

watch goblin slayer

>> No.22507805

>Tae Kim shut down
Can you not???

>> No.22507808

Sorry I don't watch くそ anime
I only watch うんこ JAV

>> No.22507832

What happened?

>> No.22507839
File: 105 KB, 1234x364, 1557913403165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22507845

Please refrain from posting such cringy shit a day before jlpt. I need to keep my sanity

>> No.22507847

fuck you and ur useless jlpt uppercaser

>> No.22507849
File: 35 KB, 572x380, 1428645454087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22507883


>> No.22507902

Dunno, it's up again. False alarm!!!!

>> No.22507904

>another dumbfuck gets charmed by 建前

>> No.22507919


>> No.22507999

good time to post this

>> No.22508023

>The big stereotype for Americans though is that we’re fat. What japan doesn’t take in consideration though is that they (females) are actually extremely underweight and it’s considered normal. I’m about 140lbs right now (I need to work out a bit) but that is normal for someone who is 5’7” (170cm). We do have obese people in America, but to generalize us all as fat is kinda sad.

>> No.22508042

