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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1000 KB, 750x900, OP_collage33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22459834 No.22459834 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>22384204

>New? Start here:


>E+ Changelogs:

>Elona Custom Release Thread:

>Elona+ Custom-G Release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona+ 1.93 (2019-11-03)
>Latest Custom:
E+C 1.90.4 (2019-06-02)
Elona+ Custom-G (2019-10-20)

>Omake Overhaul English Release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona Omake Overhaul EN (2019-06-17)
Omake Overhaul EN Hack final release (2018-12-14)

>Elin's Inn

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to Windows 7.
Using GIMP to create a sprite or PCC? Select "do not write color space" and save it as a 24-bit BMP.

>> No.22460214

jojo is garbage and you should be ashamed of yourself

>> No.22460285
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>> No.22460364


Za Wizardo!

>> No.22460599


>> No.22460866

>オナホ妖精 playthrough

>> No.22461372

Hey, I need help please
I installed a graphics mod and now there's no music anymore

>> No.22461702

Check the user/music folder. Are the music files there? Does the name and extensions match the ones referenced on musiclist.txt?

>> No.22462257
File: 2.47 MB, 1758x1322, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-anons please teach me your money making tips

>> No.22462419

Which version?

In plus, use tailoring to mass craft clothes early on.

Build up a ranch with either chickens, or triceratops, depending on your tolorence for fatening up your chickens. Sell the eggs, cook 'em if your up for it.

Then finish with yaca banks collecting interest in act 3.


In vanilla/omake you can cargo trade between noyel and port kapul using the teleporting shack trick, (store your cargo at home and keep rebuilding your house)

Later you can catch a bubble and fatten it up to a 200s corpse with blessed milk and bread. There's a magic height you should aim for with milk before feeding bread, but I forgot what it was. Then just sandbag it and grind corpses all the live long day. Do this in your shop to minimize hauling.

Finish with wizard's harvest loop.

>> No.22462464

uh picking that non violence feat really fucked me over,i may need to redo my character

>> No.22462600

You can get a pet to do all the work for you, it just means you can't do anything for yourself.

But, if it's going to annoy you, best to fix it sooner than later.

>> No.22462896

Or you can still go around killing everything exploiting the pacifist trait to always be on bad karma
But i doubt anyone here role plays the edgy MC

>> No.22462976
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ya see,about that. . .

>> No.22463003

you really hate yourself eh anon ?

>> No.22463035

my reasoning was,"if pets will do all the work why would i need to fight or hit anything at all? rather take the feats"

>> No.22463041

Where do you get those sprites? Looks neat

>> No.22463045

Is your character black?

>> No.22463085
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I just used the 1.22 beautify

>> No.22463571
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>1 of the Liliths is already dead

>> No.22463674

She will be fine,the bell had to tank that chaos fort mage boss while the other three pelted with shurikens

Sadly the same trick doesnt work with utima and frisia...

>> No.22463704

I think, the earliest way I had of killing ultima and frisia was with potion bursting. Though it was definitely harder with frisia since the massive speed burst at around level 30 is still slower than her. Don't remember how much you need to maintain 2k+ speed.

>> No.22463729

I havent used alchemy in omake at all,gotta search what it does and the benefits of it

>> No.22463757
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oh well if you didn't build for it, it can be a bit tedious. If I recall correctly, at +30 pots (which is around 15 alchemy), you can get the 300 turns of +800 speed, but alchemy is something that you need to be steadily building up a stock for, and unfortunately potions aren't available to affect every parameter, just speed, PV, STR, VIT and maybe one or two more.

I think the stat boosters at around level 15 alchemy give out +200 stats? Would have to check the reference site for it.

>> No.22463781

I am gonna throw an arm and say this gets morrowind tier of busted pretty fast?

>> No.22463792

Well it's kept in check because you need to grind alchemy, and gather pots to combine them (buy them from shops or whatever). It's nice to have especially early and mid game, but omake has a lot of broken things like this, so I dunno where I would rank it.

>> No.22463825

Being EOP is suffering. I can't tell if this is some serious thing gone wrong or it's an intentionally lewd RP.

>> No.22463871
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>Need mining or cant traverse dungeons with blocked paths

>> No.22463978

You can still mine. It just takes forever.

Which reminds me, tip for omake players. Keep a pick on you, it speeds up mining.

>> No.22464158

There's no need to dig through. You can just hold "s" to unravel the hidden paths on those type of map. Magic map makes it easier to pinpoint the obvious fake walls.

>> No.22464339

I had no idea this existed,will test tomorrow and hope its not a prank anon

>> No.22464392


>> No.22464709
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It's funny seeing people still use that clock straight as is.

>> No.22464956

First post spot on, as usual.

>> No.22465599

So your character is an incel?

>> No.22465860
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>> No.22466108

How do I kill Raizel? He just keeps using mana burst and gets me down to -7k hp

>> No.22466627

He takes part in a mission with you near the end of act 3. You could take that opportunity to backstab him as he tires out fighting enemies. Mana burst eats your mp reserves fairly quickly.

If it's too late, or you don't want to wait, you can summon some monsters near him and attack once he can't mana burst no more.

>> No.22467025

Does someone have a list of the unique NPCs who don't respawn?

>> No.22468054
File: 267 KB, 1285x793, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe the three optional bosses in south tyris dont appear anywhere else when killed (Swamp,machine fortress,gravity dinosaur)

What do i wish for? i already have seven boots and aurora ring,do i wish vindale cloak or a happy bed? i aint sure from where i got this wish rod

>> No.22468141

Dungeon Deed. It's Wish only.

>> No.22468338 [DELETED] 

In E+ you can buy them, the shopkeepers at the tax building can sell them.
I recommend shift cores as the can used even into late game and they can only be gotten through wishes.

>> No.22468519

In Elona+ it can also be sold by the embassy, no idea regarding omake

>> No.22468543

Anon look at his screenshot, he's playing oomsest. Dungeon Deeds are Wish only in the omake branch.

>> No.22469015

In the vanilla it's mostly unique random bosses like Goda, the mad scientist and Isca. Also, the ragnarok guy at vernis (if he died outside of party events)

Dungeons can hold lots of items and serve as another return point. You can't use return for cargo trading but it should be handy.

>> No.22469219

North tyris seems like a bad place to live in just by the towns alone
>Vernis,palmia and yowyn are sorta ok
>Port kapul,Derphy,Lumiest and larna seem like shitholes

>> No.22469529

What's wrong with Lumiest?

>> No.22469612

Suicidal artists, bards being slaughtered in the streets, lulwy worship, slime infested sewers, suicidal rentons, etc.

>> No.22469625

The bards stuff is in every city though,AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH LULWY WORSHIPPERS

>> No.22469654

According to Mani, she's pretty forgettable.

>> No.22469656

shut the fuck up mani you are just good for exploits in omake

>> No.22469693

What exploit?

>> No.22469931

Is installing oomSE similar to how the Plus variants are installed or do I just install only that version?

>> No.22469953

If you're using the megaupload link, it just needs to be copied on top of vanilla (both exes will be in the same folder).

If you're installing it from scratch, there's a few more steps. The pastebin should have it.

>> No.22470024

Material Mining.

>> No.22470402

That's basic knowledge, dude.

>> No.22470417

Is there a way to change your class name in omake oomest akin to e+ business cards ?

>> No.22470526

Beyond cdatan edit? No, you'll have to join a guild before you can officially change your class and gain their class-specific special actions (if any).

>> No.22470900

I care more about the name than getting a special action , calling myself whatever or the chosen one helps to immerse better

>> No.22471068

Just edit the cdatan file on your save folder with a notepad then.

>> No.22471072

Thank you anon

>> No.22471400

Hi, could anyone advise me on what version to Play? I want to make a fairly companioncentric playthrough and am wondering whether to get custom with its scripts or just use the newest version of plus. Can I become a proper commander in 1.93?

>> No.22471423
File: 45 KB, 620x412, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does the trick of picking bejeweled chests in a low level dungeon and opening them in chaos fort work in omake?

>> No.22471648


Omake lets you create custom classes and you can change class at each guild master, or at the cyber dome.

Add a new entry to oo_class.csv in your data folder. If you only want a new name you can copy the tourist entry. Set guild to '4' and you'll be able to change to that class at the cyber dome.

If you want to further customize your class their are some resources available on what things you can custom make. (there are other ones, but I've not got the links handy)


>> No.22471698

Plus has more options and facilities to costumize your allies. There are more npc varieties too (for better or worse).

>> No.22471825
File: 230 KB, 800x600, nobkljqjrox31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are going a mainly pet playthrough in plus I highly recommend sticking with custom.
The custom ai is just too good for making defined roles in a party.

>> No.22471828


Assuming you mean 1.90 custom vs 1.93 right? Custom does make pets a lot more useful. So, I'll recommend that.

However, there are still some things you can do with plus. Leold lets you change attack range, learn some basic healing and attack spells, and alter attack style ie, range/melee/magic. It's not quite at the level of custom but pet's aren't useless either.

However, they do feel more like pets that do their own thing, than minions under your command. Even oomsest lets you give better control with it's system.

>> No.22472169

Hello adventurers. How to get more hotkeys past the 0-9. I WANT ALL THE HOTKEYS!

>> No.22472180

There are also hotkeys for Ctrl+0-9 (which it displays as 10-19)

>> No.22472252

TY! That helps a lot. Any other options just in case?

>> No.22474007

It's a mock Isekai where Kiritan is killed and reincarnated literally into Elona's world as an onahole fairy with no stats but charm or whatever. It also contains a link to the data to make your own in the info section.

>> No.22474311

>read wiki about investing
>need 500,000 gold after rank 183 or something to invest ONCE
>shops start getting nutty at rank 1000+
so uh,what exploit i am exactly expected to abuse here to deal with this jewery

>> No.22474373

Once your reach ~150-200 invest stops increasing in cost.

And, if you're in plus shop rank barely matters past 200, and soft-caps at 120. Blacksmith and black market still scale into the thousands.


If you're in oomsest, print money with wizard's harvest.

>> No.22474676
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>Focus solely on the merching aspects letting pets do all the combat for me

>> No.22474722

It'd be nice if you could man your shop directly, with a recette-like mini game.

>> No.22475753

Chaos fort's dlv is actually 25. The 666 level on the map is just there for flavour.

>> No.22475968

Am I gonna like omake/oomsest if I've been playing plus for years?

>> No.22476121

Depends on what part of Plus kept you playing for years

>> No.22476275

Omake is more like vanilla extended. If you've gone far with plus it might be hard to cope with the slower grind and the smaller scale of the game. On the upside though, it has way less bs and "No fun" features than plus by default.

>> No.22477325
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>both are empty
why is it called south tyris edition if south tyris barely has anything? seems like i rushed zeome for no reason at all

>> No.22477589
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What's happening here?

>> No.22477606

Whats wrong with it?

>> No.22477613

Eat it

>> No.22477699
File: 331 KB, 1283x803, WHAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont recall shopkeepers having death squads in Customg

>> No.22477727

Is it worth adding limbs for martial arts?

>> No.22477745

How exactly do I get Acidproof Liquid?

>> No.22477749

in dungeons or from magic vendors

>> No.22477920

what is the 'smiling witch' event in omake? i found no info about it

>> No.22477928

Is it so hard to fucking google?

>> No.22478331

Plus its different flavors of enemy bullshit with crazy spacts,Omake is statcheck bullshit

>> No.22478518
File: 2 KB, 48x96, hello friend let's see those hps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean it's not like Plus doesn't have a bit of that too.

>> No.22478545

South tyris is stuck in development hell. They are getting close to release and planed to release an initial build of ST around nov-dec, but it's almost December, so who knows.

>> No.22478912

this, I'm a homely cheesemaker wizard protected by his loyal Guardian wife

>> No.22479092
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>> No.22479394

Accusing named NPCs of being werewolves just to get their weapon drop >:)
Just got ragnarok at lvl 14 lol

>> No.22479423

And what do you pretend to do with it? the PC cant really use it

>> No.22479431

Of course you can. Don't fear the end of the world, it is but another tool in your griefing arsenal.

>> No.22479469

Well, he had like 5 votes already so just pushed him to his death. I think ragnarok procs with allies too so I can't give it to them for my own safety

>> No.22479496

Ragnorok procs from everyone. You'll rarely get an enemy in a dungeon who generates and triggers it. It happens all the time when fighting the gods.

>> No.22479986
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>Use perform piano on my ranch
>the rabbits shower me with rings,cloaks and furniture
How did that ended up in their inventories?

>> No.22480158

Are you a sinner, anon?

>> No.22480170

Yes,i always start as a whore succubus

>> No.22480343

Rabbits are thieves and murderers

>> No.22480359

Should i get all the skills that will let me do quests first? Gardening,cooking,performer,etc?

>> No.22480458

Well, sounds like you really ... suck, ba dum tsssss
In the eyes of the gods you've done no wrong or evil. Go forth and ... spread... the joys of life!

>> No.22480472

>Gardening is useful right off the bat, harvesting crops trains all of your stats (except magic and charisma).
>Cooking has practical uses beyond quests. It takes time to train and you'll still get crap most of the time due to its randomness though (especially early on).
>Performing is completely optional. It's a good way to earn money and enchanted items later but it's a pain in the ass to train and it will led to public execution if you failed the skill check.

>> No.22480536

Gardening it is then i guess,thank you

>> No.22480803

Cooking is also essential to preserve foods and gain more bonuses from corpses, don't neglect it. Performing is simply fabulous and great for RPs.

>> No.22481818

I hate the fact you cant even do party quests until your perform level is about 30+ lest you get stoned to death

>> No.22481962

Love potion works, it's kind of a waste though.

>> No.22482052

Good to see the OP images are back. I remember a couple of years ago an anon got really annoyed by them and they stopped being used.

>> No.22482114
File: 922 KB, 1920x1200, PC learning swimming in Elona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the fastest way to grind swimming skill?

I built a dungeon 1 tile north of Port Kapul and designed it's second lowest line of tiles to be shallow water tiles that I could walk on in a left and right movement. I made sure Port Kapul's inn keeper and trainer got in to a little bit of an accident and resurrected them near the north entry point of Port Kapul. This way whenever I get hungry while running in the dungeon I can quickly enter Port Kapul and tell inn keeper to feed me and when I gain a swimming level I can make the trainer increase my potential.

Using this method and keeping my swimming potential above 300% it took about 6 minutes to raise swimming skill from 109 to 110. If the swimming skill cap is 2000 and assuming that gaining swimming skill doesn't get slower as I level it up, it would take around
7,9 days (1890*6/60/24) to get swimming to 2000. And assuming speed increase from swimming = swimming/2 that would give me 1000 speed. So I'm not really interested in grinding this for 189 hours to gain only 1000 in speed. Is there a faster way to train swimming?

>> No.22482224

It'll slow down 'till about 300, so multply that number by 3.

It's much faster to train swimming with traveling, but even then you'll probably beat the game with it in the 200 range.

If you really want to power level swimming, you'll need to burn skill points on it. Grind ap/levels in awakened dungeons and pump swimming that way. I'd recommend saving it for after you get your main combat skills up.

Getting levels (outside of version 1.90) effectively requires you to fight enemies at a higher level. This means void or awakened dungeons. However, once you beat the main quest you get an an item that lets you change dungeon levels (if you haven't entered them) So you can easily reach the 6666 Monster lvl cap with normal and awakened dungeons. Herb your stats up, get meteor to lvl 300+ and you should be able to spam levels from the staircases of these monster dungeons. When I did my skill point power grinding in my last character I was getting 1 skill level every 10 or so skill points, and getting 10-50 levels (I think, been awhile) per awakened dungeon. You can get better returns on skill points if you use plat to raise the potential before spending them.

>> No.22483420

Is there any reliable way to get meteor aside from scrolls of wonder?

>> No.22483507

just started playing elona recently, why would people hate the op imaged? it's hilarious

>> No.22483518

someone being a fag, I guess

>> No.22484630

Where can I download the newest version of oomSEST? The discuck attachment thing on the wikia seems dead. Do I just download 1.22 or 1.16 and paste the oomSEST stuff on it?

>> No.22484646

Just download vanilla Elona 1.22 and the Easy Setup MEGA download from the pastebin.

>> No.22484655
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>> No.22485220
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Fucking knew this would happen.

>> No.22485283
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Holy shit
That's the best dumb dog death™ I've ever seen.

>> No.22485744

Because it's yet another shitty Jojo reference.

>> No.22486663

Jesus, awakened dungeons give so much xp and ap

>> No.22487028

Are pure passive characters viable? no combat skills whatsoever,just money making

what is the best between carpentry,alchemy,gem making and tailoring?

>> No.22487082

Yes, that's doable but where's the fun in that?
As for those crafting skills, they require materials that can only be gathered in the dungeon (that'll require you to be strong enough to not be killed by the resident mobs) AND the appropriate skills (gardening, mining, fishing, gene engineering) for each type of sampling spots.

>> No.22487197

Elona combat is not exactly it's forte

>> No.22487212

What's a good way to max resists for everything?
Just using artifact fusion?

>> No.22487231

Fairy race,eat corpses then resists on gear

I am just assuming fairy is way easier to play now in custom due to being able to make gear lighter via blacksmiths

>> No.22487421

In the newer versions of plus you can do a 'pacifist' run using talking feats based off charisma or negotiation I think.
They deal sp damage and once the enemies sp drops low enough they just leave. Unless they are uniques and bosses in which case they kill themselves (so you can get cards and statues/standarts)

>> No.22487652

Allright, so I just build my dungeon in oomsest. After I gathered a few people from the random dungeon suddenly my head maid acts like she's hiding something. What happened?

>> No.22487813

Kek. You have to wonder what that dog's life was like for him to run away from home and then become suicidal when you try to bring him back.

>> No.22487855
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After various splats, i decided to finally make an Heir to make it in my quest: to get a mutant to have 27(twentyseven) slots total, by reaching South Tyris (aka winning the game/the first act) while being always Lvl 1 or 2.
How do you do it you may ask? Well, you pray the RNG gods and jew it up of course, and luckily that's what i do best! (too bad i suck ass at the actual roguelike part); all while draining XP before levelling up by waiting with a piece of "It disturbs your growth" gear (it's as tedious and challenging as it sounds).
I'm on Elona+ Custom-G and in Loss mode (it'd not be a roguelike otherwise), and i've turned on just quality of life tweaks like bashing all fruit in one go and the advanced AI for the final boss.

I went Pianist before (and was stoned to death), this time i'm earning my living as a Farmer, please don't mind the cringeworthy Alias and race and the extremely based backstory.

>> No.22487863
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Here's what we've got for the run.
Since i don't want to cheat it and keep it still a big challenge, i've only passed on the very essentials (and what i had on hand on the previous character) to at least have a slim chance of making it. There was also a pope robe with "it disturbs growth", but it also had random teleport at a million pips, so i chose not to pass it on (one piece is enough, it'll just be even slower)

The Sniper rifle is the key: It's got the "It disturbs growth" enchantment; only two pips, but since even just waiting can proc its occasional xp drain, if i'm dangerously close to level up i can just wait (a LOT, i expect many expenses in food) until all xp is drained and then keep playing.

Only 3 potions of descent because the damn things are super rare and it was all i've got in my previous save. They are there just to not throw away a run just because i got distracted. 3 fails and i'm out, sounds reasonable. Kinda related question though: best way to try and get more? Zombies don't drop them anymore AFAIK.

The robe is the first randart i've found, it's kinda bland except for "it floats you", which is super useful against one-shotting traps.

Happy bed is the only other boon i've given this character. I've got to be careful to sleep on it while not too close to lvl up though, since good stuff here can actually be detrimental and push me to the other level.

The rest is just storage (i like neat stuff) and random shit i forgot on the other character. Secret of Lumias is unfortunately useless since Mutants have no Neck slot for the unique Beggar's Pendant.

I've also got some money, and i need another 4k to reach the 10k required to buy a Deed of Heirship and actually get the stuff i've inherited. We'll see if i'm able to make that money and reach the Embassy without dying once more.

>> No.22487872
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Would you look at that, aside from a single putit rank 1 encounter we made it safely to Palmia, and our first escort quest gave me exactly what i needed for the deed of heritage. Now to the embassy, i hope i don't level up when buying the damn deed and after going back home...

>> No.22487881
File: 572 KB, 1280x768, 9 EXP from breathing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOW THE FUCK does buying an expensive as fuck piece of paper give almost 2k XP? I bet fucking negotiation did this, curse my jewish tricks.
I'm afraid level 2 will be hit as i reach home, i'm tempted to literally go home naked so that i don't train light armor or some shit while i return home. At least i haven't got Traveling and never will, that would have been a nightmare to wait out and planning trips without overlevelling.

>> No.22487897
File: 552 KB, 1280x768, Sleep is for the sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES, "need sleep" status saved my sorry ass (it makes you gain no exp when it's red at the cost of losing stamina each turn AND no hp/mp regen). Now it's a matter of waiting a fuckton of time while my Sniper rifle leeches the EXP out of my anus.
>inb4 not enough money to pay for food
I already vomited once from the damned breadsticks, but the wait shouldn't be TOO long; while procs are random, waiting it out is very quick IRL, and in-game it usually takes a whole day of pressing 5 to lose all the exp back to 0.

Then i'll finally be able to play the fucking game (or rather, play it and wait for the xp to fuck off, but that's life when you aim for the stars)

>> No.22487934
File: 539 KB, 1280x768, Ain't a farmer for nothin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10k later from rich madman events, we've got all our equip heirlooms and some storage.
But we can't live off of crazy millionaires, i have to become one myself. And what better way to reach the top than farming?

If i don't die to the crabs and rabbits protecting the fields that is, but my waifu should be able to cover my ass while i do the sweaty work.

>> No.22487952
File: 533 KB, 1280x768, Farming during summer, draining xp during winter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUUUUCK, that was close. I guess we'll have to rotate our crops as the farmers of old; but instead of crops i rotate between sitting my ass in this shithole of a country and wage-slaving for seed and pocket change.

>> No.22488245
File: 428 KB, 1280x768, A farming life for me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, a farm of my own! Now the good times will surely flow, but no true farmer can be called that without his good seeds and kumiromi.

>> No.22488287
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I realize that maybe i'm bumping the thread needlessly, if you think sharing a run is more suited for /rlg/ i'll only post there.

Anyway we reached Kumiromi without a scratch, now it's time to get to the real business.

>> No.22488364
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For the sheer amount of seeds i have, i'd probably need another couple farms to be as productive as possible, but that shit costs money. Money we'll get from... not vegetables for sure. At least that's the good shit Kumiromi needs to give us his goldy gifts.

Guess it's back to questing to gather the necessary cash. I'll also need to train Magic Devices to 20+, since Gardening is already at 30+, so that i can level up, gain the Violent Garden and Rod recharge skills, then use one of my 3 potions of descent.

Any insane skill i should also grind before levelling up? Am i missing some op thing you get with 30 in fucking Magic Capacity or some other shit? It'll take a long time before i get there, but i'd still rather know before i use the potion rather than after.

>> No.22488646

Man, being a wizard in vanilla Elona (or Omake) is so damn hard, spellbooks cost like 5000 each and it's so hard to get money...

>> No.22488735

Spellbooks are dirt cheap,spell stocks being limited is what scares me off mages,like,one dungeon floor and I ran out of magic dart casts

>> No.22488806

In Elona+ they are, but not in vanilla. I think spell stocks are also smaller in Elona (as in, stock per read and higher stock consumption per cast) so it's hellishly hard to survive. Elona+ and Custom is a fucking joke compared to vanilla with its fast levelling, dirt cheap training, easy potential bonuses, easy money, etc.

>> No.22489073

feels good to be a dumb muscle not having to think about spell costs

>> No.22489112

have fun getting cucked by enemy mages

>> No.22489328

for now i'm not having any problems cause good resistance and a nice ranged weapons, i'm curious how in the long run

>> No.22489408

>dumb muscle
>ranged weapon
which one is it

>> No.22489501

being a dumb muscle prevents you from using magic, not ranged weapons

>> No.22489663

Pet Slime event, eventually it'll progress.

>> No.22489889

>pets can arena unlimited times daily
>player just once
why this game favors pets so much

>> No.22489946

Yeah that's the biggest reason that I don't bother with Arena.

>> No.22490879

For putit arena? Also, can recruitable town NPCs appear on puppy cave?

>> No.22490947

We did it, Reddit...

>> No.22491261

What's the point of leveling cooking above 200 if it's capped at giving 3 dishes?

>> No.22491338

Not for putit arena. It's a separate event exclusive to the dungeon town, short thing that doesn't really do much other than give you the Putit as a resident mascot. I don't think NPCs ever appear in Puppy Cave, you need like, a minimum level of around 20 or 30 (Dungeon level) to start seeing NPCs semi-regularly.

>> No.22491531

I tried resetting a dlv 3 dungeon multiple times and I managed to get a cleaner, a healer and a wizard out of it. It took almost an entire night to get them though.

>> No.22492440

Pets are harder to train (in the non-plus version at least. Ano just limited it to three times per day it seems).

>> No.22492557

How does omake leveling compare to plus essential mode?

>> No.22492679

what gears should i shoot for in general? or can i make equipment better than dungeon drops?

>> No.22492843

>go through cradle of chaos
>get a cutscene with a dogshit translation every 2nd floor

>> No.22492868

(sorry this text is untranslated)

>> No.22492872

>His movement is sealed! Interrogate him!

>> No.22494523

Shadow step circumvents range issues, more so in custom where they undid the sp cost nerf.

>> No.22496066

Roughly closer to vanilla, stats and skills grow slower but they have more weight in return.

>> No.22496441

When I was doing some testing for the dungeon town, basically what I did was use Opatos to refresh dungeons, then when a good dungeon came up close to the town, I'd go in and reset floors until citizens came up.

I found that higher levels tended to have more and accumulating citizens wasn't too much of an issue, but it's very likely that much of it was anecdotal. I don't remember if the putit slime event and the alien queen event were things that just took time to pass or you needed certain numbers of citizens.

>> No.22496826

Even if it's true that higher level dungeons generate more citizens, I feel uncomfortable every time I'm entering a new floor on those dungeons knowing that the squishier NPCs might get one-shotted a few steps in on the other side of the map.

>> No.22497017

If i buy a ranch and put a goose or cute fairy there, will the offspring also produce platinum/seeds once per sleep?

>> No.22497063

Yes, but they have a breed power so shitty that it's not worth doing it

>> No.22497136

As in offspring takes an eternity to be born?
Because if the only downside is that it takes lots of time, i can wait.
Unless there's a shitty cap on how many geese/fairies i can have at once?
Or do they also produce eggs/milk at a terrible rate as well?

>> No.22497236

There's no cap, it just takes really long

>> No.22497330

Should pets that come with 2000 speed INI be resetted? or do they don't need AP at all?

>> No.22497645

What's a good way to max speed after spending all AP on it?
Hermes bloods are expensive and speed uppers are so slow

>> No.22497667

Isn't it just herb feed?

>> No.22497878

Is harvest time capped at 11 difficulty or is that a bug?

>> No.22498569

Oddly enough, generally speaking, they don't die, and I'm not sure if it has to do with faction tags or just enemy prioritization. I've had floors with swarm types before and the NPC just sits there until I check them.

>> No.22498927

What is the harvest loop exactly?

>> No.22498989

In Omake eventually wizards harvest can sustain itself indefinitely I believe

>> No.22499265

And doesn't work in plus because?

>> No.22499393

I'm on the 3rd act of Elona+ now. I don't think that I have seen a single scroll of gain attribute during my play through. Should they only appear on Goods Vendors? My Magic Stores on North Tyris are on level 1000 and I have 1 Goods Vendor in Palmia that is on level 2000. Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.22499408

Just checked my Goods Vendor's and their on level 1000 aswell expect for Palmia's

>> No.22499642

In my experience most my gain attribute scrolls came from floors 50 and below of the void.

>> No.22499807 [DELETED] 

The output of the spell got nerfed.

>> No.22499815

The output of the spell was nerfed in E+ so that Wish Staffs stopped popping out, and the whole point of Harvest Looping was originally to farm Wish Staffs.

>> No.22499964

So the only cap is how many pets a ranch can hold? (Is there any? If so, what is it?)
The wiki says about breeding power
>Creatures with low breed power will also have a lower maximum ranched offspring, whereas breeders with high breed power can nearly fill up the pen area.
Is the wiki wrong or is it referring to something else?

>> No.22500045

I just had a sailor almost beaten to death by a squirrel yesterday. Also, I spent hours resetting the dungeon for a female shopkeeper but it turned out that it's easier to wish for sex change on one of my two male shopkeepers to change his sprites and portrait to that of female shopkeeper's.

>> No.22500114
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>> No.22500485

Damn, that sounds pretty hot desu. Really wish Elona was an H-game.

>> No.22500585

It is with enough imagination

>> No.22501978

I wish ranch animals wouldn't count against the pet limit

>> No.22502179

Only the breeder counts,no? how many ranches do you need

>> No.22502403

I got 8 ranches and have one shop, so that's already 9 slots

>> No.22502521

but why so many? at tops I have two or three,one for food one for Gene engineer and one winged snail ranch

>> No.22502532

Because I have a food shop and use it all for making money, I guess I could replace or remove them at this point tho

>> No.22502561

Can derphy prostitutes breed on ranch?

>> No.22503760

Nobody knows?

>> No.22504725

Does monster level affect breed power?

>> No.22505070

any way i can transfer anything from let's say elona+ to other versions?

>> No.22505371

If it's a upgraded version number maybe yes,if it's to another like say omake it will probably break

>> No.22506008


Not so much for the already hard to breed monsters like bells and god pets.

>> No.22506078

Like,say,1.88 removed oblivion palace level down option and I was a suckerfor wing snail shade breeding,but to make him appear it's RNG and I rather find him early than say at lv100

>> No.22506817
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Did anyone ever backport Plus's graphical cleanups to Vanilla+mods at all?

>> No.22506866

I'm an alchemist. I just throw high level silent potion.

>> No.22507361

How hard is it to copy and paste plus' character.bmp file to vanilla?

>> No.22507509

Not hard. You literally only need paint and autism. I copy and paste several bmp before

>> No.22507582

Man, the one one the left is overflowing with soul.

>> No.22508341

The guy who added hydration and pissing needs to seriously fuck off. Imagine making people have to wait for 3 different patches (plus, custom and custom g) just because a dipshit wanted to add his mentally ill fetish to the game.

>> No.22508745

>Reverted the change Ano made to the Oblivion Palace, so that you can still lower a pet's level before putting it on a ranch.

>> No.22508788

Oh shit I never saw that change,guess 1.90 customg it is,thanks anon

>> No.22509178
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>> No.22510868

Are the fusion necromancer units that strong that need to be temporary?

>> No.22510972

You can re-make all 5 every floor (or time they die), so it's not *that* temporary. But, they are god-race so their stats and skills are all pretty OP.

Here's the unit dead queen you fight right before the act 3 boss: https://elona.fandom.com/wiki/Unitdead-queen

>> No.22510979

er, *all 4" there's not 5.

>> No.22511452


1.94 is out

>Shift cores still require 100% gauge to use, but no longer use up that gauge.

>> No.22512136
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>> No.22512899

>This changes their balance quite a bit.
>Decreased the selling price of watermelons
>Speed rings and aurora rings are always harvestable
>When harvesting a rod, it has a low chance to turn into a rod of wish or rod of domination.

>> No.22513907

>ate my stash of herbs day before update

>> No.22514034
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I'm playing oomsest and I got a few questions:
>How do I acwuire a well outside of wishing?
>How do I join the younger sisters guild and have oniichan/oneechan as my god?

>> No.22514184

How do I survive stuff like level 3k awakened dungeons? I can do lvl 1k ones, but 3k kicks my ass.

>> No.22515221

Use bigger stick

>> No.22515241

At this point you just have to grind and eat a bunch of herbed herbs. You should have a couple of farms for this. Honestly at your point bullshit bosses and abilities is the main thing holding you back. Most people don’t get anywhere even close to where you are.

>> No.22515263

You can probably just steal one.

And, depending on what you need a well for, you can buy toilets from mirial for a some medals.

The only way to worship oniichan/onechan is to be the younger sister race. You might be able to change race with a wish, and I think there's a mechanic where you can eat a little sister corpse (the bioshock one) and it can change your race. But I don't know to which race. You might need to enable it in the settings.

>> No.22516175

What does the little sister God does anyways? I mean passive,rewards...

>> No.22516346


The onii/oneechan god is the PC, so it does exactly what you do. If you worship yourself, you get a nice lotta nothin', with a side of narcissism.

Mechanically, they just replaced eyth with oniichan when you have the little sister race, and all little sisters default to that god.

>> No.22516367


>> No.22516455

Not sure what you were expecting, older siblings never do anything useful.

>> No.22516459

>he doesn't want to be worshipped by cute imoutos as the god onii-chan

>> No.22516481

they hit harder than rogue pirate groups
can confirm,I am middle sibling

>> No.22517060

what's the name of the material gathering ear rape sounds? i want to delete them

>> No.22517185

That might cause a crash or something. Are you playing Custom? Custom-G changed the gathering code so that sounds are only played once instead of once per material.

>> No.22517361


I've removed music before and it didn't crash, so it's worth trying at least. But, I've no idea how you'd go about finding the sound files, everything's all crammed in there, in one giant pile. Maybe check if beautify has replacements for the sounds, or check the smaller sound files first?

>> No.22517433

You can narrow it down to the wav files since the rest are all BGM tracks. Doesn't take long to listen to them all. Pretty sure dig1.wav and dig2.wav are used for gathering as well as mining, and maybe fish_cast.wav for pools (which also doubles as a fishing sound, obviously).

>> No.22518431

Giving a living weapon to a pet that can handle himself is a good way to get it leveled up quickly

>> No.22518595

Only for the rewards, they can train in the ex arena forever.

>> No.22519486

just wondering if anybody knew since i'm sure it's hated by everyone, gonna try deleting them

>> No.22519908

Is there a way to change the race? I keep getting murdered sometimes because enemies randomly put me into unconscious.

>> No.22520376

Do you play any other roguelikes beside elona? for some reason I keep coming back here despite trying other stuff,I am a sucker for customization

>> No.22520390

Only in oomsest (maybe oo) you can wish for it.
In plus you can change the race name, but you'll still be the same race.

However, if you just get a bunch of sound resistance you can resist the dim/unconscious effect if that's what you're struggling with.

Otherwise, make sure you have the main immunities on your gear, fear, sleep, paralysis, confusion, blind, maybe poison. The buff spells usually remove+resist at least one of these, gem counters blind for instance, and hero counters fear. So you can use those as a crutch in the mean time.

Super armor also gives immunity to dim, exactly the same as golems, if you have heavy armor and are past act 2.

One final note, there are sources of dim that can't be resisted even by golems, such as eating snow when traveling on the world map.

>> No.22520523

>However, if you just get a bunch of sound resistance you can resist the dim/unconscious effect if that's what you're struggling with.
That's it, I had no sound resistance, I didn't know that sound resistance helps against it.

>> No.22520776

Changing races in oomsest didn't do anything. My fairy still can't wield anything above 0.9s.

>> No.22520811

You can gain new race feats, but you don't lose the old ones. So you can be a fairy-golem with dim resistance, or a fairy-mutant with 12 extra limbs, or a fairy-spider that can walk through webs. But you'll keep the fairy race feat forever.

Additionally, not every races's abilities will be granted by changing into them, so you can't become metal and get element immunitiy and 90% reduced damage. It mostly just gives you their race feat.

>> No.22521016

every goddamned floor my black cat dies, i really need her to float

>> No.22521049

Use the clearly Superior and prettier black angel

>> No.22521346

All god servant pets should have float innately.

>> No.22521703
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Not the Golden Knight, because Opatos is always grounded, even when he isn't. Opatos is the anti-float.

>> No.22521745

He just uses floating continents, like irva.

>> No.22522186

Opatos has to have the weirdest pet ever,at least the others follow some kind of theme with their God to connect the dots,golden Knight is so weirdo

>> No.22522206

She's a weight lifter servant of a weight lifter god. What more you want?

>> No.22522934

i'm using both

>> No.22522992

how many god servants possible in elona+?

>> No.22523023

15, with enough faith and charisma.

You can store more in the dojo/discarded ranches.

>> No.22523035

so that 2 pets only is for vanilla elona only, tsk now i have to switch gods again

>> No.22523110

Has the town management update hit yet?

>> No.22523113 [DELETED] 

What is the damage formula for meteorite? Does Oil status increase it's damage? How about "It enchances your spells" equipment attribute? Does "Magic Equip" add to the damage?

2nd question. I'm planning on grindind levels on high level dungeons with meteorite? What are all the things that the player level affects?

>> No.22523120

What is the damage formula for meteorite? Does Oil status increase it's damage? How about "It enchances your spells" equipment attribute? Does "Magic Equip" add to the damage?

2nd question. I'm planning on grindind levels on high level dungeons with meteorite. What are all the things that the player level affects?

>> No.22523170

magic * spell level * spellpower modifiers = damage

Oil, enhances spells, magic equip, fury, resistance, and anything that affects stats will all change meteors damage.

Magic control does nothing. Charge only affects the first hit, so 1 charcter might take 10x damage, but the rest won't. You'll probably be the first hit.

Player level affects random world map spawns (these cap out at lvl200, as that's as high as npcs can spawn normally) ie. ambushes, hp/mp, exp to next level, exp gain from npcs (in most versions low level npcs give 1/100th exp), level of npc you can astral pen. That might be it, I can't think of much else.

>> No.22523321

Thank you very much. If something else regarding levels comes to mind (for anyone reading this), please mention it.

>> No.22524457

Any exciting ways to play a thief?

>> No.22526372

Dual wield-shadowstep-crit on plus
Shortbows since they run off tactics on oomsest

>> No.22527793

can you send ur character sprite?

>> No.22528088 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 128x192, 1575445357641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PC? Here, just convert this to .bmp and use a mirror in-game to hide the equipment display.

>> No.22528523

Can Spellbooks of Wizard's Harvest and Wish be ordered in the Mage guild? (I guess not)
Where or how can they even spawn, especially the book of Wish since it also cannot be wished for?
Do i need to be a certain PC level or dungeon level? Or is it just dumb luck drop from any monster, even if i'm level 1?

>> No.22528583

I see these threads every once in a while and get curious, then when I click any link I have flashbacks to SS13 and dwarf fortress, then I get out of the thread

Such is life

>> No.22528677

This game is nowhere near complex as those two,trust me

>> No.22529273

I tested in Wizmode, and spellbooks of harvest always generate with one charge only.
Is there a way to get one with more or are they always 1 charge only even when bought/found with no way to increase them?

>> No.22529732

hello I want to try this game out.
What options do I need to change in the config file? The "New? Start here" says there are numpad exclusive funtions I need to rebind. Are these the ones underneath (keyboard movement)?

>> No.22529795

Where's Itzpalt?

>> No.22529885

is there a way to reinitialize Your Home without having to buy another deed? i want to redesign, and moving my furnitures is a chore

>> No.22530036

He's the kiwi, it' a joke from the japanese vanilla version. When he wasn't implemented, wishing for him would summon a kiwi.

I've definitely seen them with more than one charge, but that might have been in oomsest. I don't know why plus would have changed it. You can't recharge it, and you're better off using wonder scrolls to get harvest stock in plus.

>> No.22530120

So both Spellbooks of Wish and of Harvest cannot be recharged period? Or is it because they can explode/having 1 charge means they disappear after one use?
I guess the Harvest loop was possible because you could wish for another Harvest book, so the only way to have consistent stocks in them is trough scrolls of wonder? I was hoping to achieve chains of Wishes or of Harvests with enough investments, no matter how huge in Plus.

>> No.22530150

Pretty much. There's no real way to do a harvest or wish loop in plus, the books won't let you recharge them, investing has little if any affect on the books showing up to buy, etc. Very high level dungeons do have them more often, but it's still pretty rare.

The best way I can think of to farm wishes is getting magic farms up and running in fall. A full farm can probably get 0-5 wish rods per season, so once you've finished herbing you can re-purpose your farms to try for wishes.

>> No.22530155

I've seen that Gwen the Innocent can only be gotten with an Astral Pen in Act1: anything else (npcs, items, quests) that can be gotten in specific acts only otherwise are lost forever?
I know most unique NPCs (like the story ones who die) can be met again somewhere else, but i'd like to know all the exceptions to avoid having to start a save all over again just to get them all.

>> No.22530204

Gwen shows up in the void, so you can get her later. I've heard ungaga the minituar king stops showing up in the void in act 2/3, but I'm not sure.

This page has a fairly old list of what should show up in the void:

Most lact2 and 3 bosses show up in the cradle in act three:

Again, that's an old-ish list.

ATM the chaos child you fight after enthumesis also disappears, but I'd assume you'll meet them again later in act 4.

>> No.22530237

Ragnarok I think? Since Bethel changed his weapon during Arc 3

On an unrelated note, is there a way to reliably kill Enthumesis? I'm a lv 245 warlock, should I just forget the way of the warrior and go full pet master?

>> No.22530241

Does she appear in her Innocent form even after act 1?
In the wiki it says Ungaga appears in Amur-cage, but what does it mean when it says "the following NPCs POTENTIALLY appear"? Is it random each time you visit? Or how does the place work in general?
If Gwen/Ungaga/whatever NPC appearsin the void or in Amur-Cage, is the copy you get with Astral Pen the same you would have gotten back then when they actually appeared? (level difference aside of course).

I know it's too much to ask for a complete list, but aside from this Chaos Child am i safe in terms of NPCs and esclusive items/quest that are "get now or never"?

>> No.22530357
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If you can make walls around her and have a prevents teleport item you can easily cheese the fight.
If you build a box around her, with one of the bottom corners removed, you can get into just the right position that Enthu's ai will break.
You can just see and use bolt spells on her, but her ai will only attempt to draw you in or regenerate. Nothing else.
How my level 70 Firefox brother pet solo'd her with custom ai and crystal spear. Only, 100~ in stats.
He just stood at the corner and spammed the hell out of crystal spear for a couple hundred turns.
I was boxing her in to try and think up a plan, and his ai I set him with just found that spot.
I move him and fired some spells of my own and she was still too stupid to summon chaos or fight back.
Pic related. I had my other pets just stay away and do nothing.

>> No.22530401

Yeah, she's in her innocent form in the void.

The amur-cage is choc full on npcs, from bosses to their minions, they just stand around for the most part. It's the same one you would have gotten had you grabbed them before. Same for figurine and card.

I'm not sure what they mean by "potentially", I've never had any trouble finding things in there. Maybe they mean those npcs aren't added yet but might be later? I know ano has a general design goal to avoid missables, so if anything is missing it's probably either an oversight, or just hasn't been added yet.

The only exceptions I can think of are where you're given a choice, ie, you can't get the ninja's weapons from the cradle of chaos without permanently killing them. Or you can fail to save that one guy who gets turned into a statue if you kill his daughter, or don't fight the undead squad. They also have unique weapons you'd have to permanently kill them to get.

>> No.22530495

>I'm not sure what they mean by "potentially"
The wording may be confusing, but it simply means that the NPC won't spawn until you kill it first, making it potentially not appear depending on your progress.

>> No.22530983

Doesn't Ninja Girl from Act 2 convert into a different NPC after her quest, would that make her a potential missable.

>> No.22531014

Maybe, she has 3 forms, her first one, her new citizen form (treated like an npc), and her fashionable form.

In that regard pael's mom also has 2 forms, before and after mutation.

Vanity has 2 forms too, bet his first form lurks in the void, so it should be fine.

>> No.22531290

Thanks for the very useful info, that's why i'd like to know beforehand: so that i can first pen then, then kill them for their drops.
Should i just check every quest in the game to find out all these cases? Or is there a way to check out all npcs with different forms who somehow don't appear again?
Case in point: once Pael's mom transforms, can i never get her base form again? Or does she, like Gwen, also appear somewhere else if you help her commit suicide or kill her? Or do these transforming characters respawn in their base form if not caused by quest progress?

>> No.22531382

I think pael's mom and the ninja's base forms are gone forever. The new citizen form shows up in party time quests frequently, don't worry there. She's also in back in the city on the far left pier, after act 3.

The daughter and father pair I think reappear near the adventure merchant after beating the game, so you should be able to get their weapons when you clone them. It works for getting the god servants weapons that don't have quests yet. You can also use a bio-printer to get their corps/card/figurine without killing them.

You can copy the unit-dead by just summoning them with necromancy, and astral penning/bio-printing them. So you don't need to wait on that fight either.

And, in act 4, there's a graveyard on the left of the map with unique things in it, I don't think those ever re-spawn or show up anywhere else. Don't kill 'em. The oblivion palace in act 2 has similar npcs that I don't think show up anywhere else.

The only other choice I can think of is when you are in act 2 and have to collect ether from the ether generator, you can sneak through with incognito and finish the quest without killing everyone. Leave your pets behind. The generator shows up in amur cage even if you don't kill him, so there's no gain from going in guns blazing.

>> No.22531399

can you use potion of evolution on pets?

>> No.22532320

No, pets are immune to all mutations, good or bad. They are also immune to either disease. Potions if evolutions are best for passing along to a new gene or taking them yourself.

>> No.22534577


>> No.22534641

>Mozilla the Firefox

>> No.22534689


The numpad is just used for moving mostly. It's other functions are already mapped to other keys.If you have other arrow keys you can use those, and hold alt to only move in diagonals. Otherwise, those are the keys you need to remap. The config file tells you every key there is, just look for any that are bound to numpad.

You might also want to set your resolution to 1440x808, it's the highest resolution that can display all the tiles without cropping. You can go wider if you want, but that's close to the vertical cap.

>> No.22536161

it annoys me i need a pet for gardening else the bats will annoy me,I AM A INDEPENDENT FAIRY THAT NEEDS NO ONE

>> No.22537218

Cast magic dart like 5 times and you're golden. The only enemy’s that appear during farming quest max out at like level 8.

>> No.22537952

Well, I just found out that while the dungeon town shopkeepers inventory refreshes as usual, the golds that they carried didn't. You can't sell too much stuff on them and you have to keep the bards away from them as a result.

>> No.22537992

I think, their gold stock refreshes differently, but I'm not sure since I just pumped their ranks up and used them to buy random shit, so I wasn't really keeping track of their gold count.

>> No.22538394

Are there ways to unidentify items and make them revert back to their black names? ("A dirty pendant" instead of The Beggar's pendant)

>> No.22538434

If i use healing magic or buffs on my pets, do i gain exp from their kills?
Or do i hain exp from kills only if i trid to attack them? Or if i acrually hit them at least once?

>> No.22538516

Anyone know where I can find a link for elona+ 1.90.4? Or does custom work with 1.94? Been looking for like an hour and can't find shit...

>> No.22539185
File: 25 KB, 622x373, I can't tell whether you mean Plus or Custom so I highlighted both of them.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22539214

Do pets ignore the yearly limit of wishes from fountains? do they make wells go dry from drinking?

>> No.22539659

Only the static artifacts like the beggar's pendant that you mentioned. You can reroll its additional enchantments with superior material scrolls and any material kits. If it's a weapon the unidentified name will be displayed when the artifact's sure hit effect procs.

>> No.22539693

How to get potions of descent in plus beside wishing?

>> No.22539779

There's not normally any xp sharing for the pc, you only get xp if you land the last blow. But, there are same ways to share xp. In plus if you are tagged with an npc you share all xp with them. This works for you or anything else in a tag.

In vanilla/omake, killing things doesn't give xp. Everyone shares the same 0 xp equally.


There's no way that I know of to keep the unidentified name displayed. Re-rolling it's attributes doesn't revert the name and doesn't work in plus.


No. Yes.


They very very rarely show up in shops and dungeons. And, the most recent versions give them as awards for getting enough wins in the arena.

>> No.22539785

>do they make wells go dry from drinking?

Yes. If you have a big party, they'll suck them dry in no time. Not sure about the wish limit, but I doubt it.

>> No.22540154

any reliable place to look for rachel's books? or am i stuck in puppy cave for that

>> No.22540313

They're more expensive than other books, so they show up more often in the void, and other high dungeon levels.

>> No.22541603 [DELETED] 


>> No.22543077

Is there any way to gain magic res from corpses in omake?

>> No.22543169

You can gain resistance from eating gear with resists on it, and mithril always has magic resist. You just need the eat anything mutation to eat it.

>> No.22543384

Was it chance based like corpses or accumulative? Can I gain ungrindable stats like life, mana and luck that way?

>> No.22543822

i'm doing a cute girls only harem party of pets, with no gene mutations on everyone, how fucked am i gameplaywise

>> No.22544914

Can your home item box eventually crash if you just let it store stuff for years and years?

>> No.22545034

It has item limit: 200 or 400 - don't remember exactly. Excess items simply lost.

>> No.22545246

Yes and yes.


You won't be worse off than someone going with no pets. It'll just take more time.

>> No.22545252

..er, yes to it being chance based like corpses.

>> No.22547330

Can i rod of alchemy a rod into wishing, or wish a rod of wishing from a well?

>> No.22547413

I believe ano removed the ability to do the former in plus, and wish rods are treated as precious, irc, so you can't wish for 'em. I think the game even has a snarky message about wishing for more wishes.

>> No.22547447

checked the wiki, i always forget that you can't wish for rods of wish. any rods of wishing from quest or just luck out on finding them on dungeons then

>> No.22547517
File: 268 KB, 573x437, raid party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was like oh fu, then i realized those were neutrals, kinda nice to see a raid party doing dungeons

>> No.22547605

where to get pot for fusion?

>> No.22547698

Dungeons, general shops, occasionally world maps.

Just keep running puppy cave till you have all the utilities items. Alchemy kit, leash, etc. Or check the general shops in every town. It'll all show up eventually.

>> No.22547709

about to start martial arts run
which special skill should i aim for

>> No.22547716

Strings assassin to pull ranged npcs in. Gravity for he buff. Either cheer or kokou if you want pets or not.

>> No.22548024

whats the best sprite and portrait mod on the pstebin

>> No.22548169

Just try everything. It shouldn't take too long.

>> No.22548764
File: 840 KB, 1280x790, jure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a couple of talk tone files I created if anyone is interested.

Female Exile - https://pastebin.com/rUeX4ux5
Kunoichi - https://pastebin.com/7hEG8dyJ

>> No.22549075

pls make a talk tone file of a pregnant yougner sister or a pregnant gwen the innocent. thank you

>> No.22549263
File: 72 KB, 287x344, A_Blank_.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want you to know that I really enjoy these

>> No.22549723

its been 10 hours sicne i posted this and theres not a single fusion pot anywhere in my town or dungeon
is there any place i can just picpocket this shit

>> No.22550104

I have come to the conclusion that performing is shit

>> No.22550641

General vendors, fences and Moyer often have them in stock.

>> No.22550897

What does it mean if a furniture has fire resistance bonus? Do I get extra fire resistance by simply having it in my inventory slot? One of the koma-inu's in Doujyou has fire resistance in my game.

>> No.22551084
File: 17 KB, 542x357, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's happening here, can't do the maid quest

>> No.22551242

uh. . .i have literally never seen this before,is this a ruse anon?

>> No.22551271

>when derphy sells you one for 12,000
you are being scammed son

>> No.22551365

>still no feat that makes cargo trading easier or something

>> No.22551431

this is elona+ she has the same genocidal psycopath noyel dialogues except she sells for 200

>> No.22551472
File: 16 KB, 521x340, nukelona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah nvm it's just south tyris being unfinished af, bought the maid mansion

>> No.22551704

That's just the material innate, in means nothing. If you could equip it you'd get fire resist, but you cant.

>> No.22552209

I got one from a rank 100 magic shop. Cost me like 2700 gp lol

>> No.22552213

Anybody know if time stop items stack the enchantment power or actual time stop chance? Apparently time stop has a 4% chance to proc, and enchant strength determines the number of turns. If I have two items, will I have more chance to proc?

>> No.22552258

I did a bit of testing and apparently the enchant strength does NOT stack. Using Nightmare (as ranged weapon) and Rankis, shots with Rankis proc'ed 5 turns, Nightmare did 4 turns (as their individual enchant strengths indicate). This means that dual wielding these items most likely stacks proc rate making for absurd amounts of damage.

>> No.22552259

Each weapon will try to proc the 4% separately, on each hit. The strength of the weapon that lands the time stop determines the length of time stop. In plus this is hard-capped at 4-5 turns IIRC. Other variants have no cap.

>> No.22552278

So if you have multiple hits in a single turn, (Furthermore, deals xx damage...) doesn't that mean you have like a 30-50% chance of triggering time stop with a 4-handed dual wield pet with 4 time stop weapons?

>> No.22552288


However, when you run the numbers time stop doesn't add as much extra damage as you'd think.

Say 5 turns of free damage. You can't crit in timestop, and crits are worth ~3x damage.

So it's only 1.5x as much damage (at endgame, early on it'll be closer to 5x as you won't crit as much)

4% of 1.5x is 6% extra damage. 4% of 5x is 20% extra damage. So there is an opportunity cost in not having mare damaging enchants.

>> No.22553584

new thread?

>> No.22553626

Sure, but you make it.
