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File: 802 KB, 630x902, ch2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22480921 No.22480921 [Reply] [Original]

Ch2 out :

>> No.22480944

I miss Aya

>> No.22480967

Art-wise it's a lot cleaner than last chapter. Though that may be due to the lack of background pieces.
Still leaves a lot to be desired, but baby steps.

>> No.22481000
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>> No.22481088

Lovely Orin.

>> No.22481089 [SPOILER] 
File: 524 KB, 575x581, 1574669229964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then read her new Komachi manga. It's on the same website as Chireikiden. New chapter is related to WaHH ending.

>> No.22481152

God bless ZUN for letting a grade schooler draw an official doujin for him.

>> No.22481155



>> No.22481201

tfw your boss hire a new kunny

>> No.22481322
File: 45 KB, 607x284, 1573493859308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole manga is girly to the max. I love it. Patcho with earrings looks cute as hell.

>> No.22481336

Based on what?

>> No.22481472

This reader is so bad. I think I ended up somehow getting all pages to display on mobile, but can't seem to do that on PC. My Japanese is shit enough as is, don't need small fonts making it worse

>> No.22481502

Based on others' uncredited work, because ZUN is a hack!

>> No.22481581

It's not canon though

>> No.22481705

I bet Succuya got possessed by this 3rd hell water boss from nugame.

>> No.22481755


I only count 1 here.

>> No.22481957

Gotta start somewhere!

>> No.22482028

Too flat for a succubus

>> No.22482251


>> No.22482273

go back you crossie faggot

>> No.22482312

a koakuma isn't a succubus

>> No.22482542

Koakuma is a stylish girl, she likes to change it up every once and a while

>> No.22482619

The art does look noticeably better than last chapter's.

>> No.22482730

Please elaborate on this fan theory.
Kinda confused why sometimes there are two Koakumas on MMD videos as well (with the other one having Misaka's hairstyle for some reason)

>> No.22484058

It’s cause “koakuma” isn’t a name it’s a title (little devil) and there’s been koakumas depicted with long hair and short hair in official materials. Her sprite has long hair.

>> No.22484111

One of my fave Touhou doujin is Patchy getting doubled by two futa koakumas so finally that doujin is now canon.

>> No.22484148


>> No.22484420

What's the source

>> No.22484479

There's only one nameless assistant, retard

>> No.22484619

Sad to see how scared this guy is.

>> No.22484627


>> No.22484960
File: 107 KB, 750x223, 4444F5A5-F9EA-4B00-AA54-1EF3777F2676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again.

>> No.22485008

It's just honestly surprising to see how completely asinine and ignorant EoSDfaggots are. Nameless stage 4 midboss always had short hair. I cannot believe that you thought that shitty nameless eosd stage 4 midboss had long hair. That would mean you consider fan art to be canon.

Kill yourself kudasai.

>> No.22485028

You must be pretty new if you think that means anything.

>> No.22485200

Its giving me an error
(no it's not the panda)

>> No.22485210

oh forget about it, the entire site is giving me an error

i'll try to fix it later

>> No.22485252

First time in three years.
Try again.
Your “fan theory” was written by a schizophrenic.

>> No.22485311
File: 4 KB, 86x145, koasprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's impossible to tell how long it is in the back from the EoSD sprite.

>> No.22485331

Yep, you can't tell if it's long or short since it goes past her shoulders and you have to see her back, but I kinda see a shade of red under her wings.

>> No.22485348

She is clearly wearing a helmet

>> No.22485474

Can't she just have gotten a haircut.

>> No.22485501

Frontal bangs

>> No.22485502

Haircut? In Touhou? Preposterous.

>> No.22485792

Koakuma is not even an actual character you moron. For all we know Patchi can have several devils acting as library servants.

>> No.22485818

Reimu and Marisa get them.

>> No.22485850

So it really was Sakuya, huh? I think she's gonna be in that basement with Flan for the whole manga.

>> No.22485894
File: 101 KB, 753x1000, Aya despair9 maybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22485907

Please don't be mean. Koakuma kunny is real.

>> No.22485931
File: 34 KB, 275x352, Screenshot_20191126-020501_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at them go

>> No.22485964

Ay yo you better flee hops or get your head flown three blocks. Reimu keeps youkais hearts pumping like reeboks.

>> No.22486059

I wonder what they're gonnil spend their time doing down there, haha.

>> No.22486424
File: 597 KB, 1200x1722, chireikiden2_0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Flan is acting weird. She's got to know something about this incident that nobody else does.
Also she made a weird hint about wanting to eat Sakuya but the maid has something "missing" from her that doesn't make her smell as delicious.

> S: I'm sorry for waking you up.
> S: It's too early.
> F: It is. But it's okay.
> F: Something delicious woke me up,
> F: but I smell something missing...
> S: Forgive me my lady, but it seems that the fairy maids forgot to garnish your soup with truffles

>> No.22486431
File: 621 KB, 1200x1722, chireikiden2_0017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(next page)
> F: I don't mind.
> F: I don't like truffles anyway.
> S: Eh? Since when?

You're seeing what I'm seeing, right?
- Flan hints at something off about Sakuya
- Sakuya, the perfect maid, forgets such a thing

The woman in there with Flan is NOT Sakuya.

>> No.22486516
File: 134 KB, 800x800, 1566185159783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I have you to do my thinking for me because I'd spend 5 minutes squinting at the panels looking for a bowl of soup.

>> No.22486536

How'd you get the chapter files? Just grabbed them from media or something else?

>> No.22486548

I thought this site was common knowledge.

>> No.22486556

sakuya being a perfect maid is just a meme though

she's actually kind of ditz, although i don't remember that much off the top of my head except the cup she broke on cola ten million years ago

>> No.22486569

I see. This was what I used last time, but I thought it was just the site from the OP I guess.

Well thanks for the small education, the link in the OP sucks balls

-opens window in space ship
-doesn't seem to understand some basic things, or understands them bizarrely
-general air outside of absolutely serious matters is "light and airy". Like really, she's usually quite pleasant
-makes bad tea for stupid reasons

Though it's worth keeping in mind that Sakuya MAY BE a semi-Yuyuko. Sakuya and Yuyuko both seem to actually just be trolls, though Yuyuko is *much* more dedicated to the act of a ditz, and will basically ALWAYS maintain that front. Sakuya puts it down at times, and at other times it's obvious that she's fucking with you. It's also just genuinely unclear how much of her airheaded antics are legitimate or just her messing with people. Yuyuko's ditziness is basically a 100% act mixed with a genuine love of fucking with everyone and everything.

>> No.22486582

Sakuya seems to be genuine airhead to me but she learnt but how to maintain her persona and just go with it.

>> No.22486616
File: 1.16 MB, 1200x1600, Curiosities_of_lotus_asia_04_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stuff like her biting comments, her snide remarks, her understanding of others, and her tea cup breaking incident suggest she's not a total ditz, and is at the very least quite the troll.

The tea cup thing wasn't a matter of her breaking a cup, it was a matter of a cup being broken and her purchasing a broken cup in order to 1) save money 2) swindle Rinnosuke and most importantly 3) be a step ahead of Remilia

Remilia broke the cup and asked Sakuya to get a cup like Reimu's to replace it (it was Reimu's cup, broken in while they were alone, by accident). Sakuya straight up says, when Remilia sees the broken cup she bought, that she knew if she bought a *whole* cup, Remilia would have told her "this isn't like THAT, Sakuya", because it wasn't broken. Furthermore she bamboozles everyone by stealing a whole cup using her time powers, then using those powers she replaces the cup that was broken with a proper cup, as if she's reversed time. She thus gets a new cup for hardly anything and leaves Rinnosuke with broken merchandise and a note saying "sorry, lol"

Keep in mind while buying the broken cup she seems completely weird and Rinnosuke is baffled, and she maintains this weirdness all throughout her presence in Kourindou, even though secretly she's performing and undertaking mad schemes. I particularly like how her "sorry" note is a call back to earlier in that Marisa had broken something and left a "sorry" behind. Sakuya calls it "an expert's appraisal" and when asked by Remi how that makes sense she says "It is an ‘I could not appraise it.’ appraisal"

>> No.22486697
File: 113 KB, 850x602, 1464482294506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suggest she's not a total ditz, and is at the very least quite the troll
But that's the thing. What's the difference between a clutz with perfect acting and a troll. We may never know, kinda like Andy Kaufman. But at least it's fun to speculate.

>> No.22486779

Andy was a pure troll. Basically if they never break it ironically becomes clear that they aren't legit. If you're in deep like that you're a Yuyuko, and Yuyuko is literally always aware of everything, she just pretends she isn't.

Like I said, I can't tell with Sakuya because if it's an act, she doesn't always maintain it

>> No.22487807
File: 1.17 MB, 1200x1041, neet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume that Satori is chasing a doppleganger youkai or something, and that's like the main plot of the manga as a whole. Or that Patchouli is lying about the culprit for whatever reason.

>> No.22487898
File: 1.97 MB, 1200x1722, v13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real good news of this chapter is it finally puts to rest that whole 'sakuya can't stop time' argument to rest

>> No.22487991
File: 93 KB, 437x1024, 1574787133849m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22488162

To whom it may concerned, the translated version.

>> No.22488651

This changes absolutely nothing, it always looked as if she could stop time, even though she actually doesn’t.

>> No.22488821

Aya has wings

>> No.22488871

I hope it leaves out action and the supernatural entirely (outside of everyone being vampires, youkai, etc) and stays a weird shoujoish whodunnit with the usual cast

>> No.22488889

Fuck off

>> No.22489145
File: 1.28 MB, 1200x2260, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you...

>> No.22489378

meiling didn't gave a shit about what she said. it should have been something like "oh, really? I'm sorry."; but it felt like she knew that wasn't true.

>> No.22489439

what is satorin planning to do on those servers?

>> No.22489656

Is Meiling enjoying this?

>> No.22489691
File: 122 KB, 537x233, Sakuya and the three kingdoms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good discussion, I think Sakuya is a bit of a goofball, but she is also pretty smart. I think she just pretends to not know much just to have fun.

I did it all the time as a kid, I would ask something and pretend to not know it and enjoy it when someone would give me a nice explanation about it.

>> No.22490091
File: 1.43 MB, 1200x1722, v15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno. Meiling is too cold here to be honest and it bothers me.

>> No.22490284
File: 109 KB, 531x596, reimu has a cumstain on her eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda get what you mean, but IMO she looks like that because of the way this artist draws expressions.

>> No.22490312

I'm pretty sure it's the whole "slamming the door in Sakuya's face and locking it without responding to what she said", but yeah the expression needs work too.

>> No.22490357

The art is subpar, especially in comparison to the Suika manga, but it's fun.
Silly premises like this is one of the things that set Touhou apart from everything else.
Meiling didn't exactly act of what I expected of her, but I suppose that's what happens when you've interacted with too much fanon. Either that or she's just acting to Sakuya coldly because she's upset at her for a betrayal of some sort.

>> No.22490448
File: 1.95 MB, 1200x1722, v5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why'd Meiling flinch?

>> No.22490514

Meiling might not have been fully convinced Satori could read minds in the last chapter. Maybe she's reacting to the next panel and wouldn't have been truthful if she'd known Satori had to be next to her to read her mind.

>> No.22490548

Meiling is the real culprit. Calling it.

>> No.22490562

Hey I still do that too

>> No.22490569

This, it breaks the mold

>> No.22490612
File: 2.21 MB, 1200x1722, 1570029375366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin seems awfully surprised by something she saw while lurking outside the mansion's windows.

>> No.22490646

Thank you, anon!

>> No.22490655

I like that the punishment for hurting Patche is to be sent to Flan's rape dungeon.

>> No.22490679

Godsaka pls come back!!! ;~;

>> No.22490704
File: 1.88 MB, 1426x5968, this manga is cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's just a callback to Meiling's nervousness in the first chapter.

>> No.22490719

Jesus christ Flan, enough bows on your hat?

>> No.22491008

so meiling thought satori could read her mind from there?
meiling-sama is so dumb!

>> No.22491059

Remimi really likes to collect trash in her house
Meiling is lazy and dumb
Patchy is useless
Sakuya is a backstabber cunt
Flan is fucking insane

>> No.22492472 [DELETED] 


>> No.22492622
File: 16 KB, 124x109, 1553222845075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the beer, Rin?

>> No.22492786

Please be patient. Flan has the stupid.

>> No.22493428

Did ZUN come up with this manga in an attempt to destroy as many fan interpretations as possible?
Is alice going to show up and be a total asshole who really doesn't care about Marisa for the most part?

>> No.22493942

i sure hope so

>> No.22493963

>be a total asshole who really doesn't care about Marisa for the most part?
Isn't that how she canonically is? At least they aren't as buddy-buddy as canon tend to portray.

>> No.22494530

>Is alice going to show up and be a total asshole
Stop it. You’re giving those faggots who think middle finger Alice who swears like a sailor is the canon Alice fuel for their shitposting.

>> No.22495584
File: 24 KB, 293x208, reimoo_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so flandre is still locked in the basement
what the fuck remilia

>> No.22495639
File: 992 KB, 1536x2048, EKNI2LaVAAAAJc--orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She likes it down there, though.

>> No.22496439

In the other manga pal

>> No.22496468

They literally sleep together in canon.

>> No.22496497

Alice only said she'll stay for the night. For all we know Alice slept on sofa.
And people like college students sleep on acquintance's place all the time especially during group assignment, but they don't have to be close buddies. Alice and Marisa are kinda like that.

>> No.22496632

Finally ZUN has destroyed fan interpretations like “Meiling is lazy and dumb.”

>> No.22496695

Sorry, I mean "reinforced"

>> No.22496704

For a manga named after her, Satorin doesn't show up a whole lot.

>> No.22497309

Do you really think Sakuya did it? That wouldn't be a very interesting mystery if it were solved in the first chapter.

>> No.22497869

There's definitely more to the case, as it seems. The most significant part being Sakuya somehow mistaking Flan's dislike of truffles. Her surprise doesn't seem to be made up too.

>> No.22499422

Sakuya was always actually a double-agent working primarily under Yukari & Co. and was working for Remilia for many years under self-hypnosis to not mistakenly blow her cover. She had orders implanted into her mind and sealed off, to be released by Yukari when neccessary, to assassinate anyone in the SDM who'd threaten the order of Gensokyo. Either Patchy was doing something really fishy or Sakuyas conditioning was inadequate, causing her to attack inadvertently.
The Sages have agents such as her planted amongst all great houses of Gensokyo, and Satori found out about it. Now she is staying in her palace, trying not to rouse suspicion and also to plan her next move.

>> No.22499601

This manga is so out of wack that I don’t know what’s happening anymore. This art is distracting.
The only other being capable of copying another beings appearance is Mamizou and she’s more than capable given her mysterious presence. That’s the only other thing I can come up with given >>22486431.
It’s not like the norm at the SDM for the gate to be wide open, but why go through the gate if you can fly? Unless you knew someone was watching or wanted to be cautious and not raise suspicion?
I’m gonna read this chapter again.

>> No.22499633
File: 615 KB, 1426x2047, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this going to be first Touhou manga without new character?
Then again, introducing new character in this artstyle would be too underwhelming.

>> No.22499650

No. After reading again, the only real stretch would be tying the newhu into it. All of the theories going around makes it likely.
Just an headcanon but if Sakuya really wanted to, she could have killed Patchouli quite easily. She doesn’t seem like the type to straight up assault you without thinking of an alternative way to do so that would make things less messy.
Satori should get off her ass and go outside for once though. Koishi goes where she pleases.

On a side note, kudos to the artist for making Flan seem like a fucking freak with just one panel.

>> No.22499656

>All of the theories going around makes it likely.
Meant to link >>22484122 here.

>> No.22499689

I doubt it.
If anything, she’s probably pissing herself considering all that happened.
If it’s the work of an outside influence, she’s going to be chewed out for sleeping on the job again since it may be something preventable

>> No.22499769

Even if the art is QUALITY, this mystery and having more character interactions is fine for me

>> No.22500373
File: 480 KB, 553x442, Sakuya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sad for Sakuya. She is locked in the basement, gets talked down by Meling of all people and Meiling even slammed the door in her face. I though Sakuya had a tiny bit of respect around the SDM.

>> No.22500393

Don't forget that the case has to do with the underground somehow

>> No.22500400

Backstabbing cowards deserve no respect.

>> No.22500408

She does. Remi spoke as if she wanted to bring Sakuya back once Patchouli confirmed Sakuya wasn't the culprit. I guess until then traitors ought to be treated as traitors

>> No.22500416

Their basement is not bad. Plus she still got someone to play with.

>> No.22500489

>once Patchouli confirmed Sakuya wasn't the culprit


>> No.22500503
File: 833 KB, 1369x611, firefox_2019-11-29_12-48-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, reread what I said. I know, I'm saying Remi was expecting that Patchouli would name a different person

>> No.22500570

My bet is on fairies. Organized by Flan.

>> No.22500635

It’s possible with how absurdly stupid that is. The three fairies of light can’t be that proficient in their abilities to bend light and fool the senses of someone like Patchouli in such a way that they can appear as someone else and act on top of it all.

>> No.22500641

Akyuu please

>> No.22501050

finally the Total Recall based story touhou so much deserved!

>> No.22503471

She looks so sad

>> No.22503489
File: 1.88 MB, 1920x1920, Polish_20191128_222831837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Meiling so mean now?

>> No.22503504

This scene broke my heart, its my fault for reading to much fancanon

>> No.22503516

Didn’t you hear? She’s Chinese. She has no soul.

>> No.22503520
File: 714 KB, 954x1369, 68748817_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't underestimate Sunny! She is a smart and capable girl who could very well develop that sort of power!

Maybe she admired Sakuya, and now her heart is broken after learning that the maid is not perfect and elegant, but an evil traitor who cannot be trusted.

>> No.22503601

What if flan is behind all of this?

>> No.22503658

I wouldn’t be surprised. She’s alone 24/7 years ith the exception of meals so naturally she would want a friend or two.

>> No.22504863

meiling did it

>> No.22506740

Makes sense.
Newhu offers Meilong a drink, she slips in after memory alteration on Meilong and slips stuff into the tea since Fairies are dumb as shit and it gets delivered to patche who takes a sip and is attacked soon after she’s alone. The attacker is altered in memory and in the confusion the newhu slips out and leaves the gate open, or goes an alternate route, being one of the possible reasons Orin is spook’d outside the SDM.

>> No.22506893

It could be Koishi doing it. She can go into anywhere without anyone notice and Satori got a reason to involve if it was her. It could also be Marisa who was caught stealing book by Patchy. It could also be Okina who wanted to flex her muscle a bit.

>> No.22507014

Why is everyone in the SDM even listening to Satori like she has any idea what she is talking about?

>> No.22507714

>Ability to Destroy absolutely anything
>Destroys everyone's trust in the Maid
That would be pretty mean.

>> No.22508752

Because they are worried about Patcho. They will easily latch onto whatever solves that problem.

>> No.22508766

But Poncho is a cunt. She treat SDM staff like animals.
I wish Sakuya really did her in.

>> No.22508862

Patcho is just shy and antisocial. SWR showed her behavior to be rude to strangers but different to Remilia. There is no reason why would she treat her servants like trash.

>> No.22509259

Speaking of throwbacks to EoSD endings, one aspect of the canon lot of people seem to forget is as mentioned Sakuya loves to troll Remi. Like one ending had her straight up giving Marisa Remi's afternoon tea and she just ignores Remi flipping her shit next to them.

Then there is the other Marisa ending where instead of kicking her out Sakuya actively hides her whilst lying to Remi to hide Marisa and making a fool out of Remi & Marisa with her remarks. Its a far cry from the fanon depiction of edgy Sakuya trying to murder Marisa on the spot when they're actually quite friendly with each other.

>> No.22509524

I forget the exact details of the first ending you mentioned, but for the second one I think you're a bit off. Remi and Sakuya were both teasing Marisa together as I recall, with Remi mentioning smelling a rat and playing a bit of a Jack and the Bean-stock routine.

>> No.22509811

How is it a debate? Why do people say she can't stop time?

>> No.22510330

Autism based around a WaHH panel. She's an explicit Dio reference, of course she can stop time in a similar sense.

>> No.22516545

That shit proves nothing.

>> No.22517098

It could've swung both ways, but the point is Sakuya could've easily chosen to just straight up say Marisa was there or attacked her on the spot herself and she did neither showing her playful side.

>> No.22517169

She said that she can only stop time for herself and not give other people the ability to stop time, and compared it to moving really quickly. This led to people saying that she doesn't stop time, just moves at the speed of light, despite mentions before that she can manipulate space as a side effect of being able to manipulate time as well as make multiple copies of something exist at the same time e.g. Deflation World.

>> No.22517187

A single panel doesn't really invalidate any mentions or instances of her ability to stop time either, yet here we are.

>> No.22517216

I feel sorry for Sakuya...

>> No.22517362

I felt sorry for her until I realized she's in the perfect doujin scenario. Getting the cold treatment from Meiling just to get thrown into Flan's rape dungeon.
SDM, more like BDSM.

>> No.22518888
File: 528 KB, 995x906, __izayoi_sakuya_and_flandre_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_roke_taikodon__10f26d74feb7a494e451b58e1aedc6af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakuya is too lucky. Even when she's punished she still gets to spend all her time with a loli vamp!

>> No.22519035

I feel like these pages are supposed to be a joke. Sakuya looking like a prisoner being held in a cell, proclaiming her innocence while a stone-faced guard leaves her meal at the door. The punchline being she's not actually in a cell, she's just in the (rather comfy) basement with Flan.

>> No.22521800

Next chapter when?

>> No.22521851

About three and a half weeks

>> No.22524873

Patiently waiting.

>> No.22524892 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22524906 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22526716 [DELETED] 

What the fuck is this reply

>> No.22528888 [DELETED] 

Meido refuses to remove it despite being reported as spam

>> No.22534546


>> No.22537453

Thiscould be the point actually.
Explains why the sudden rudeness.

>> No.22541345 [DELETED] 


>> No.22548355

Remilia did it

>> No.22554448

Patchy did it to herself. She's just too embarrassed to admit it.

>> No.22557866

No spoilers

>> No.22558268


>> No.22558319

Because life in Gensokyo is fucking boring and any excuse is good enough to break the monotony
