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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 58 KB, 600x450, www.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2246619 No.2246619 [Reply] [Original]

Summer break is on the horizon. I guess this is time to say goodbye. Unlike my previous summers on 4chan, I have no intention of sifting through post being a culture janitor. Some may say I'm running away from the battle, but this eternal battle is one that cant be resolved with mere/blind persistence. And to the veterans, janitors, moderators, and culture janitors that are planning on staying - I wish you the best of luck. If you forget everything you've just read, remember this one last thing: We fight to protect our culture. There's nothing wrong with newcomers; we just don't like the people that attempt to change our ideals, beliefs, and way of life. Just be glad it's not an eternal summer (i.e. /a/, /b/, and /v/).

As far as I know, 4chan's userbase is the only Internet community that lives up to my standards. That alone makes it worthy of the effort.

>> No.2246830,1 [INTERNAL] 

I believe these sort of threads are more harmful than anything. It only serves to lower morale and instill the idea that the board is already past the point of no return, besides of distributing the "holy war siege" mentality.
It doesn't work that way. People give up because there's no fight, and meanwhile the idea that leaving is acceptable just sinks the place lower.
It's a self fulfilling thing.

For contrast, look at /co/. They have problems of their own, but with two grand differences.
>Differing opinions are acceptable.
>/co/ is love.

Instead of forcing hivemind mentality into every single poster, they acknowledge different opinions and grow from them. But the biggest thing would be the morale boost from the "we have a great board, we should be grateful" line of thinking.

The more we think of weekend as being shit and that summer will be awful, the bigger are the chances that this becomes true and we have to jump ship prematurely.
/jp/ is not bad right now, except for the spam and invasion attempts, which we can shrug off. I'm not willing to let what happened to /a/ happen to us again, and it doesn't involve fighting some perceived menace, but changing ourselves.

tl;dr, don't complain, as it only makes the problem worse. Focus on the good threads and ignore the invasion and shit without even mentioning it.

>> No.2246626 [DELETED] 

As long as I get to talk about lolis, I'm good.

>> No.2246632

Row Row Fight the Power?

>> No.2246635

I still don't understand why new people don't lurk.

>> No.2246636

moral-faggotry, etc.
Also, what are you going to do during summer then?

>> No.2246645

>what are you going to do during summer then

>> No.2246649

Well, I'm not staying, and I doubt any veteran will.

>> No.2246651

We will miss you. In all fairness, even with the recent /b/ invasions, /jp/ is by far the best discussion board on 4chan. Sure, within one or two years it will succumb to the rampant stupidity of /a/ and /v/. For now though, it should remain somewhat pure until at least around November.

>> No.2246652

Good bye anon.
I hope things won't be worse when you come back

>> No.2246658

I've been lurking for a few months now. This is actually my first post. Not everyone is the same.

>> No.2246663

Be of good cheer at all times.

>> No.2246666

> !FaggotnMIA

>> No.2246668

Oh? a newfriend?
those are rare these days.

>> No.2246673

>Sure, within one or two years it will succumb to the rampant stupidity of /a/ and /v/.

Or we could fight so that doesn't happen.

>> No.2246674

>internet superhero thread

>> No.2246677

Welcome to /jp/

>> No.2246681

Cool story, bro.

>> No.2246682

That's the spirit
Now join or cause

>> No.2246688

Because defending the last good message board on the Internet is being a superhero, amirite?

>> No.2246700

Why are you answering a troll?

>> No.2246707


>> No.2246712

so dramatic

>> No.2246714

I'll protect /jp/'s loliculture

>> No.2246716

Yes. Yes it does. Also, only newfags think they can change things on the internet.

>> No.2246721

If the amount of shitposts on /jp/ increases by 1% every day.
How soon will /jp/'s quality be halved?

>> No.2246728

In 50 days?

>> No.2246731

flee after new people have actually appeared.
They MAY just stay at the more popular boards, and it isnt that bad if they come here to discuss pocky.

>> No.2246738


>> No.2246739

>if they come here to discuss pocky
We could tell them to go to /ck/.

>> No.2246744

like thats not what you do anyway

>> No.2246749
File: 72 KB, 640x800, 1896122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eye don't know why eye'm wrong

>> No.2246750

>Or we could fight so that doesn't happen.
It's good to know that some of my fellow /jp/ers are willing to stand and fight so that /jp/ will not become another /a/, /v/, or /b/.

Newcomers should blend into the board's culture; not shape the board's culture.

>> No.2246753

I know how you feel, but the idea of simply leaving and wait for things to settle down hasn't worked for us in the past. It's how we lost /a/, and the biggest reason why weekends are increasingly unbearable.
But I respect your wishes. It's a ungrateful job, to try to steer the board into what it should be, and the endless noise storm from "not /jp/ related" is really harming us.

I'm gonna catch up with VNs and do some original content. Hopefully, the place will still be here when Fall comes.

>> No.2246754

and they would redirect them back.
Seriously, i cant imagine that ''newfags'' could be so bad here. Ok, moralfags against loli could be..

>> No.2246755

Go back to /b/

>> No.2246756
File: 206 KB, 600x565, flowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will protect /jp/'s horticulture.

>> No.2246764
File: 52 KB, 480x480, seriousgreenhairedgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will save /jp/.

>> No.2246765

Okay, guys we need 10 janitors here.

Apply now, faggots.

>> No.2246774
File: 859 KB, 2256x1600, thirty_56-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2246777

Not that I'm fit for the position (or know anything about being one), but why would I come here if I wanted responsibilities?

>> No.2246781

How will any of us "save" anything?

>> No.2246786

That's well and good, but sage doesn't really do anything, other than allow you to post without bumping a thread.

>> No.2246790

I would gladly

Also, I'll finish all the smirks and one day just post them all.

>> No.2246800

~Haruhi1994 for mod~

>> No.2246805

>I know how you feel, but the idea of simply leaving and wait for things to settle down

I wouldn't call it retreating. I'm really just taking a vacation. I've lost count of how much times I've stayed on 4chan during summer playing the role of the culture janitor. This summer I plan on taking it easy and catching up with my /prog/ tutorials.

Original content will be the thing that saves /jp/. Hopefully I'll have a few /jp/ related games coded by winter.

>> No.2246820

>Okay, guys we need 10 janitors here.

You mean "culture janitors" right? I.e.The veterans that teach newcomers the Dos and Don'ts of 4chan.

>> No.2246821

Fighting newfags would require janitors. And we all know moot hasn't even looked at the applications sent out a year ago.

>> No.2246825

That dude is hilarious.

>> No.2246828

So /b/ is still here?

>> No.2246830

I was planning to make a "How to post in /jp/" guide but I always think this would generate more trolls

>> No.2247133,1 [INTERNAL] 

I like the way you think

>> No.2247142,1 [INTERNAL] 

>I believe these sort of threads are more harmful than anything. It only serves to lower morale and instill the idea that the board is already past the point of no return
You misinterpreted my post. This wasn't a complaint thread. This thread was nothing more than a simple goodbye. I still don't know how/why it dissolved into a meta thread. It's good to know I'm not the only culture janitor on /jp/.

>/jp/ is not bad right now, except for the spam and invasion attempts, which we can shrug off.
I agree. /jp/ is good for another two years. Complaining about it right now is only a waste of time. But here's where we disagree. In my opinion, meta threads such as this are a necessity for rallying our base. We need to let other /jp/ers know about the importance of preserving 4chan's culture. We need to work together to shape 4chan's culture into our own image; not the image of others.

>> No.2246842

If I became a janitor expect:
no more roleplaying tripfags (/b/ shit - roleplaying)
no more shitposting tripfags (/b/ shit - offtopic and spamming)
no more shitty /a/-like meme-images with threads full of them (/b/ shit - offtopic and repeated spamming)
no more 3D (go to /s/ or /mu/ or whatever, who thought it would be a good idea to mix 2D-loving weeaboos and 3D pretentious faggots)
no more dolls (/toy/)

>> No.2246844

One of the most annoying things is newfags who sage posts they don't like while saying "sage for" or just saying "sage"
Are they really that fucking stupid?

>> No.2246851
File: 53 KB, 800x538, Yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Original content will be the thing that saves /jp/

Most anons doing that end up like all /jp/ projects.

>> No.2246852

>no more dolls (/toy/)
You get banned in /toy/ for posting dolls and figs.

>> No.2246863

Figs belong in /jp/, bro. moot said so.

They tried having fig threads in /toy/ on the first day it was up, resulting in mass threadbans, if I recall correctly.

>> No.2246864

>implying that smirks are original content

>> No.2246865

Do it and put it on the archive for future reference.

It could have things like:

Don't make "Why does Japan like x" threads.
Don't post /l/ doujins without the source. Otherwise you'll start a "sauce requesting" shitstorm.
Always use proper grammar and punctuation.

>> No.2246869

>no more dolls (/toy/)
Fuck you, Kordox is the only good tripfag here.

>> No.2246870

I'd vote for you.

>> No.2246885

An example of what we must get rid of

>> No.2246887

Drop the tripcode first.

>> No.2246888

OK I will do it later, (I might accidentally include some of the things I don't like but people like in general, correct me if I do this)

>> No.2246890

I think he was talking about the cosplay dolls. I don't think he was talking about figs.

>> No.2246896

Those are horrible but are also /jp/ content.

>> No.2246898

Is it wrong that I'd prefer to just delete /b/ posts on /jp/ all day since I don't have anything better to do with my time?

>> No.2246899

You have to vote?

>> No.2246906

That's what a good mod does

>> No.2246909

Criticism is now bannable offense? Seriously smirks are hardly an "original content" and have nothing to do with NEET otakus. From my PoV they look like a bunch of schoolkids found a new toy.

>> No.2247142,2 [INTERNAL] 

The real reason why I made this thread was to say goodbye to my separatist bros. As a self-described programmer, I've been procrastinating for 5 years. This year shall be different. I shall spend the rest of this season training. Maybe then I'll finally surpass Anonymous of the Russian Federation. And to all the programmers that lurk this board: you better be training too, I'd hate for you to become rusty. Hopefully I'll have some original content by winter.

I'll probably stop by every once in a while to see what you ghost bros are up to. I guess that is all, bye.... (who am I kidding, I'll probably be F5ing this thread till it gets bumped off the front page).

\( ´∀`)/

>> No.2246912

I guess that's what the current janitor is trying to do
But real /b/tards just remake their thread, and janitors can't ban so yeah
We need a mod

>> No.2246915

it wouldn't make sense for him to say /toy/ if he was talking about those

>> No.2246918
File: 115 KB, 690x530, 1235923526088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/a/ is like that all the time now, I stopped going there because the whole thing just became a gigantic cesspool of newfags and shit. Not to mention the mods are on strike.

I'll wait until /jp/ and the other places I browse get bad before I leave, but I have a feeling I'm going to kick the 4chan habit if it gets bad enough.

Pic related, I want the mods back.

>> No.2246919

Fucking signed
ORIGINAL content is original for a reason

>> No.2246927

You'd be a shitty janitor, the only things that need to be quickly deleted are /a/, /b/, /trv/, old /n/, and /lang/ posts.

>> No.2246933

But if their posts get deleted the second they show up, wouldn't that be almost the same?

>> No.2246937

I think /jp/ would be better at modding than most other boards.

>> No.2246941

/jp/ is also about /a/ stuff. I agree with this but deleting a discussion about Spice and Wolf, Bokurano or other stuff that they can't be discussed in /a/ is idiotic. Otaku stuff include anime and manga.

>> No.2246943

Well I guess it does. But there are still some of that taiko faggot's threads in these 10 pages.

>> No.2246952

This thread shows exactly why nobody on /jp/ should be allowed to mod this place.

>> No.2246954

If I were a janitor I would delete this thread, since it has nothing to do with /jp/

>> No.2246970

Let's add some details to this.

- Don't sagebomb.
- Don't respond to trolls (under no circumstances).
- Take it easy.
- Don't make trend threads. Instead make original threads. The following is an example of trend threads:
-Post ending in x.
-Image reaction threads.
-If x you must post in this thread.

Another thing people need to stop doing is trying to force a new trend, meme, or "epic" thread. Everybody tries too hard to be remembered for something that noone cares about.

>> No.2246977

Well, it's a janitor's duty to deleted those
That's why we need more

>> No.2246986

It shows why you shouldn't

>> No.2246989

>- Take it easy.
It's like I'm really in pooshlmer!

>> No.2247000
File: 11 KB, 247x242, 1236446699472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread shows exactly why nobody on /jp/ should be allowed to mod this place.

Everybody shut up about being a janitor. Your only job as a user is to be a culture janitor (a person that sets a good example for newcomers).

To be a moderator/janitor is to be a machine. It doesn't matter if you like/dislike /fig/, /lang/, /a/, or /b/ threads. If moot says it's against the rules you would have to delete. Likewise, if moot said it wasn't against the rules you would have to leave it.

>> No.2247007

That was the worst mod action ever. Mods like that are the ones we don't need. After that happened, Lucky Star threads started moving into overdrive, with the most annoying shit popping up right around that time. "MODS LIKE LUCKY STAR" as a justification for posting inane crap all over the place killed /a/ for weeks.

>> No.2247008

r u rorchach

>> No.2247044

>r u
Get out

>> No.2247048

Be happy that at least the Hirano troll is gone.

>> No.2247051

What the fuck would be left?

>> No.2247058

I suggest forced anon.
Maybe not coded in /jp/, but so that we will ignore any namefag and/or tripfag. Actually just ignoring the tripfags might do. Those that are willing to use names without a tripcode are gonna get trolled anyway.

>> No.2247098

/jp/ is still okay.

>> No.2247133

I'm running away. Forever.

>> No.2247142
File: 26 KB, 138x205, Prinnyart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll help protect /jp/ dood!

(I've been getting sucked in by Disgaea 3, I haven't had any time to play any VN's, but the hybrid VN/SRPG factor of the game is too much for me to resist. I'll be around though.... dood.)

>> No.2247189 [DELETED] 


Sorry for attentionwhoring my site but the text is too long.

I can't think of anything else,somebody do a grammar check, and feel free to correct discuss anything.

>> No.2247203

>>2246805 Original content will be the thing that saves /jp/.
OC = Jesus

>> No.2247208

/jp/ - we don't want to be /jp/

>> No.2247214

Somebody edit it into an imagefile too MSPaint failed me

>> No.2247220

You know, something like this will only be used like those Japan pictures used by those reporters. It won't make a bit of difference, but would instead just add to the spam.

>> No.2247228

Add that we don't like tripfags too.

>> No.2247239

List is pretty good, but he's right, there's a good chance it'll just be spammed in the same manner of the report not-friends' current image. "Rule 6 is broken, this thread is reported, invite everyone to do so, close in 5 seconds", ect.

>> No.2247245


Don't post an ambiguous /h/ doujin without the source. Otherwise you'll start a "sauce request" shitstorm. If you don't have the source, then please specify it in your post so that you'll save your fellow /jp/ers some time by not having to ask you for the source.

>> No.2247257


>> No.2247260

But... I miss Remilia.

>> No.2247269

Never said they were but Ransmirk
But since there's only 10 smirks left to make, I can't just stop now and I won't.

>> No.2247270

>nobody here was born with a silly hat, a frilly dress, and the ability to dodge bullets.

I beg to differ.

>> No.2247285


>> No.2247288

How many hours?

>> No.2247300

If we had more stuff like this /a/ wouldn't have died.

>> No.2247329

Add that Kana knowledge and basic Kanji are considered a given.
Also add that while correct punctuation is needed, not all posters are native English speakers.

>> No.2247345

It won't make a bit of difference. It's just a list of unenforceable rules that people won't really care about. In addition, most of them are repetitive and can easily fit under "take it easy".

>> No.2247583,1 [INTERNAL] 

I couldn't agree more. /jp/ is still good. Every night I manage to find interesting and amusing threads to post in, and I genuinely like talking to some of the other /jp/ anons. Complaining that the sky is falling isn't going to help anything, it's just going to foster a worse board mentality.

>> No.2247384


If all else fails, we still have the ghost board.

>> No.2247395

What do you propose we should do?

Oh, and for the record I'm not talking about current /jp/. I'm talking about /jp/ two years from now once the entire board goes to shit.

>> No.2247649,1 [INTERNAL] 

I wouldn't say rules, more like guidelines for peaceful posting.
We can't expect to be enforcers, but facilitators of a better board.

>> No.2247433

I propose responsibility. Be responsible for what you post because that's the only thing you can do as a user (as opposed to janitor and moderator).

You don't like threads devolving into shitstorms, don't acknowledge them. If you want, you can try to bring the thread back online by replying to on-topic posts. You don't have to catch the bait everytime. Don't even do the "sage for x" because that's a waste of a post. Sage is just for non-bump posts. If you really hate it, explain why you hate it (actual "discussion") and then add email:sage.

For normal posting, quickly skim through your post before submitting to make sure it's up to your standards. Don't post for the sake of posting. If you want to bump a thread, add something instead of just saying bump. If you want a source, request one time instead of annoying everyone else with constant "sauce" and just follow the thread. Use /r/ too.

If you're going to make a thread, make sure there's not a pre-existing thread already. It's better to reuse a thread with an ongoing discussion, then to start from scratch. If you're lazy, look through the first three pages to make sure. When making the thread, use the subject field to make it easier for watchers. If someone is actively trying to troll you, ignore them and continue servicing your other patrons.

To sum up, "take it easy". Fight the problem by not becoming the problem. It's the only thing a normal user can do. So yeah!

>> No.2247449

Your post has been saved for future reference.

Ask AoRF to put it on the archive.

>> No.2247684,1 [INTERNAL] 

Then he can rename it into thewayofthejp.txt!

( ノ´∀`)ノ

>> No.2247465

Then it's best not to talk about it here

>> No.2247473

Use your university skills to rephrase it. It's to embarrassing for me in its current state.

>> No.2247475

Ignoring posts is something that everyone should learn / sadly no one bothers to do most of the time.

>> No.2247484

>Rule 4:Keep your memes in your board- we aren't meme fans keep your memes in /b/,


>> No.2247492

It's true

>> No.2247498

If I became a janitor, I'd probably be so strict, I'd be the only poster in /jp/ left.

>> No.2247502

You can ignore master trolls like us forever. Your ignore button can only do so much. Also you're curtailing freedom of speech when you act like you're masters of /jp/. Your mastery is an illusion. The trolls won't stop, I won't stop. Don't think you can tell us what to do. We are the real ones in control. We have been in control since the beginning of /jp/. Don't cross our path again.

>> No.2247506

>You can ignore master trolls like us forever.

Awesome. I will continue to do so, too.

>> No.2247509

Trick question.
/jp/'s quality is zero, so it can't be halved.

>> No.2247510

Well, it's not like you need to ignore posts all the time, especially during late night when the viewership drops to the single digits (doesn't actually happen, but it feels like it and people get bored). It's best to just ignore things you don't like, but if you happen to like Nippon-Corea shitstorms, then by all means, go play along. Just stay out of it if you hate it.

>> No.2247511


Ah, but if you troll so far, there will be nothing left worth trolling.

>> No.2247520

Go ahead. Just use new material. If you're going to troll, do it tastefully.

>> No.2247523
File: 217 KB, 512x512, flan_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are these unofficial rules of /jp/ going to be enforced?

>> No.2247528

They're not. That much is obvious.
I'm adding you to my list!

>> No.2247536

>Imagedumps- Yes, we all know about the boorus and google imagesearch but we aren't going to stop posting imagedumps just because you don't like them
Way to walk back on the whole idea of unofficial rules in the first place.

>> No.2247541

This is an intresting way to troll,
but you could do better
because as you see noone is getting angry.

>> No.2247549

this is a good troll

>> No.2247559 [DELETED] 

Don't get your hopes up. A retard that believes he's something that matters 'cause he trolls and babbles LOL WE ARE LEGION XD bullshit won't troll any harder than 'overrated shit' threads.

>> No.2247558

Does /jp/ have any janitors from Europe here? It looked pretty bad here earlier today, I really wished I could have had the power to delete quite a few threads/posts here.

>> No.2247573

Don't get your hopes up. LOL WE ARE LEGION XD trolling isn't really better than 'overrated shit' threads.

If this' the future of trolling, then there's nothing to worry about.

>> No.2247882,1 [INTERNAL] 

I-I didn't know.... I just wanted to make a guide for the newbies.... ;_;

>> No.2247583

Is it just me or is this thread a tripfag collector?
Talking about posting quality, why can't you just post like everyone else does? You feel a primal need for self-assurance and you post with a trip?
Take a look at /a/. It's more like a typical forum now. Can't you keep the anon posting trait 4chan has? And no, "Anonymous is a legion" is a shitty response. I don't post anonymously to act like a mob, I respect the value of anon posting in that you have to say everything you need to say in one post. Plus no need for self-defense and topic derailing if people start to quote the hell out of you.

>> No.2247882,2 [INTERNAL] 

You did a good thing

>> No.2247598

I don't understand why people care about others having names or not,
for me a name is nothing important not even in real life.

>> No.2247882,3 [INTERNAL] 

Nobody will read it and it will simply pass off as an attempt at being some kind of content celebrity.

>> No.2247599

Who cares?
The people who post as anon are the same as those who use trips.

>> No.2247882,4 [INTERNAL] 

That is the best I can do to help the board I love.
I guess it's our destiny to turn into /n/ews

>> No.2247604


You just broke one of the unofficial rules. Even when "XD" is used sarcastically it still has the potential to cause some harm. Keep in mind that the average newcomer probably wont be able to distinguish sarcasm from non-sarcasm; consequently, they might end up emulating said sarcasm.

So if I was to say: "lol XD" to mock someone's stupidity, who's to say a newcomer wont emulate my sarcasm. Using faggotry to combat faggotry only creates more faggotry. This is basic mathematics. 1+1 = 2. But I'm one to talk, I've been using gaia ridden sarcasm for years.... It was only a few months ago that I stopped using taboo sarcasm on /jp/.

tl;dr "XD" shouldn't be used on /jp/ period. Not even in a meta-physical way.

>> No.2247605

I like trips. It allows me to filter out the really bad ones that do nothing but shitpost. I wish I could do that with anon.

>> No.2247612

I don't think it's the name that's the problem (despite what people say). It's the accumulation. If Yufi#yufi decides to say something stupid today, those stupid points will be added under the name. Eventually, Yufi#yufi will have accumulated so many stupid points that people will eventually associate Yufi#yufi with stupidity. For Anonymous, nothing is ever carried over. It's a fresh start each time.

>> No.2247614

People, don't start quoting rules.
That's probably the lamest thing you could do.
Focus on not acting like asses, even if you are following said rules, don't mention them.

>> No.2247616

Almost every tripfag is an attention whore. They are shitposters. Most of them derail threads just by being there. Those who aren't are actually pretty helpful guys and they don't make a big deal about it.
The basic problems with tripfaggism is the "Oh, he told something bad about my post, I have to defend myself" and the "But I've already said that I'm 'that'/'there'/'done that' don't you remember?" which is like watching a sitcom. If you want better quality, start from the tripfags.

>> No.2247617

Wow, you sure are stupid

>> No.2247618


>> No.2247624


>> No.2247632

/jp/ is still a good board. I don't know what you guys are complaining about. The only thing that annoys me are the /trv/ and /n/ threads, which are usually started by outsiders. Sure, some of the regular /jp/ posters might be shitposters, but I think the ratio isn't that bad, especially compared to other boards.

Not to mention that using XD sarcastically has just gotten fucking annoying. It's about as bad as the real thing now, even putting aside any effect it might have on new posters.

>> No.2247633


I'm to start quoting these like an asshole every time someone does something remotely related.

>> No.2247630 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 500x571, 1212560309216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is reminding me of a certain Yama.

>> No.2247634
File: 68 KB, 500x571, 1212560309216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is reminding me of a certain Yama.

>> No.2247637


>> No.2247640

Please change Rule 11 to "sion and Remilia Scarlet are massive faggots".

>> No.2247641

I'm left in despair by the /jp/ of 4chan.
You people are the ones shitposting daily, and claim to be a solution.

>> No.2247643


>> No.2247957,1 [INTERNAL] 

I understand your pain. All we can hope for is that we can survive our given two years.

Although, I would prefer to ignore these sort of discussions. It's easy to misinterpret it as unwarranted elitism and the efforts of a handful of posters to shape the board to their strict views.
We're in a constant state of flux. To fight the stagnation, we must be open to new fields of discussion, while rejecting the low level trash that destroys boards and communities. Part of that are meaningless shitstorms in place of proper discussion where posters are willing to learn from the opposing point.

The rules should be just a single line:
Take it easy, /jp/ is love
We're very fortunate of having this place, but we can't go all serious business on it, lest we ruin it. So, stop worrying and learn to love the board.

>> No.2247646

This. Seriously.

>> No.2247647

They would be the same way even without the trip. There are plenty of anonymous attention whores and shitposters. Even anons feel the need to defend themselves at all times, which I've always found odd. Why would you try to defend your ego or reputation when you're posting anonymously? Yet people always do it.

>> No.2247648


Rule 14: Grammar and spelling - Type coherently. Firefox has a spell checker, there's no excuse. Also use proper capitalization and punctuation. Yes, we actually care about that.

>> No.2247649

Hopefully Eksopl will leave that up till summer ends.

>> No.2247650

Please stop using "newfriends". It's equally, if not more, annoying as"newfags". Can't you just say new posters or something?

>> No.2247655

>really? I use firefox for years and know nothing about this

>> No.2247656

All seems accurate.

>> No.2247657
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Yeah, it's equally annoying alright. It will come down to the sarcastic use of "XD" in no time.

>> No.2247659

Ugh. You made me remember of that post count bullshit. If something like that ever becomes official, THAT will be the end of /jp/

I can't speak for everyone else, but in my case the trip is a whim. Nothing more, nothing less.
If it bothers you that much, you could use a forced anon FF extension.

>> No.2247661


Why should I have to go out of my way to remove something that you shouldn't have in the first place? That's like saying I should drive around the block if I don't like to look at the prostitutes on the street corner.

>> No.2247662

/v/ - Died.

Strike 1.

/a/ - Died.

Strike 2.

One more strike and we're out. Wow, people are actually attempting to create ways to prevent /jp/'s collapse rather than simply complaining about it.

We need to have more discussions like this, but next time let's have it on the archive.

>> No.2247670

>Sat Feb 14 22:25:21 2009
You're just pissed the archive shows you're new to /jp/.

>> No.2247671

In real life most people avoid things they don't like, why can't anyone do this on the internet?

>> No.2247672

So that new poster becomes the next newfriend and so on?

>> No.2247682

Wow pretty good. Too bad no one will ever bother to read them.

No one here cares about post counts. We're not /a/.

>> No.2247684

>If it bothers you that much, you could use a forced anon FF extension.
In the same sense, if there are non-/jp/ threads on /jp/ just hide them and if there are shitposters in a thread just ignore them.
It's a right way of thinking, I accept it, but wouldn't just be better for all if those things tune down a bit?

>> No.2247686

Uh, why shouldn't I have it? I mean, there's a field called 'Name' and it's enabled and everything.

If I want to fill it, then I'm free to do so. Do you yell at random people to take off their clothes if you don't like what they're wearing?

>> No.2247699


If it counts for anything, I think you're a dumbass too.

>> No.2247701

Flawless logic
You're an idiot

>> No.2247704


What did we say about defending ourselves?

>The basic problems with tripfaggism is the "Oh, he told something bad about my post, I have to defend myself" and the "But I've already said that I'm 'that'/'there'/'done that' don't you remember?" which is like watching a sitcom. If you want better quality, start from the tripfags.

>> No.2247709

You see, the term "new poster" is an actual term. "Newfag" and "Newfriend" are a brand new word. We don't need those to describe anew something that we can already describe.

>> No.2247711

I do, but nobody ever listens to me.

>> No.2247713
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Thanks. If AoRF has any problems with it he'll have to take it up with me.

>> No.2247718

Well, to be fair, a fire cannot exist without fuel. Following the "take it easy" mantra, if you don't like it, don't contribute to it. It'll eventually go away on it's own so yeah!

We should all do our part.

>> No.2247721
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>> No.2247723

Why are all the angry people always late?

>> No.2247728


We're too busy yelling at other things.

>> No.2247729
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>> No.2247733
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>> No.2247735

A hijack of sorts? It's a good manga so don't soil its good name with your immaturity. It's already on its way to page 10.

>> No.2247737

>Summer break is on the horizon.
But the spring just kicked in yo!

>> No.2247741

Maybe you should try to take it easy.

>> No.2247743

> Rule 2 :Don't respond to trolls
> Rule 2 :D

tee hee

I still think that people who are going to reads this already know all of it.

Still, it's very nicely written, with a lot of pleases and no FOLLOW RULES OR GO AWAY.

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> would be nice, too.

>> No.2247747
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But this thread is so godawful that it cannot get there faster.

>> No.2247751

On the same line, the whole thread is pointless because if you don't like non-/jp/ threads and posters you can just ignore them. No need for rules and code of behavior. That's my whole point. If you want to "change" something, enforce a rule or anything, start from the tripfags.

>> No.2247755
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>> No.2247756
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Just hastening the autosage with some image replies and sharing the fact of it's existence with a certain population of posters at the same time. Take it easy.

>> No.2247757

Mmmhhh, but how can you differentiate between a normal reply and a defensive reply? I want to reply to people whom I think have made a point or I believe they're wrong.
I ignore senseless replies like >>2247701 but I really don't want to make a single post and leave the thread forever.

>> No.2247758

I like how the newbies are so mad about the old posters trying to save the board they started to hijack the thread.

>> No.2247763

Why does everything look a thousand times more prettier on the archive?

>> No.2247767

Old poster here, this thread is absolute shit.
You are the new people, and your pretentious shit is ridiculous.

>> No.2247769

>I believe they're wrong.

That means you're defending yourself from their claim. What did we say about defending ourselves?

>The basic problems with tripfaggism is the "Oh, he told something bad about my post, I have to defend myself" and the "But I've already said that I'm 'that'/'there'/'done that' don't you remember?" which is like watching a sitcom. If you want better quality, start from the tripfags.

>> No.2247770

Are you talking about the /l/ theme? Good times.

>> No.2247771
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>> No.2247773

How exactly you know who is new and who is old poster? Just saying. People can have different opinions you know.

>> No.2247778
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>> No.2247784


>> No.2247785
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>> No.2248068,1 [INTERNAL] 

Disregard that, I suck cocks. Upon reading this thread it makes me regret leaving /jp/. /jp/ might be the first board on 4chan that is collapse-proof. With this much like-minded individuals working together to prevent another collapse, I doubt /jp/ will ever become a new /a/.

Cool website bro.

>> No.2247789

new+poster=newposter, you know it's coming

>> No.2247796

If this reaches autosage I will make another thread.

>> No.2247798

I agree on the rules being silly bit. My whole point, however, is that if you want change, then it's best to start from yourself.

The world may be rotting, but if there's a seed of hope, then everything will be fine.

>> No.2247800
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>> No.2247801

I have been here since before /jp/ was created,

why do you think that change will destroy everything?

>> No.2247803


>> No.2247806


I wasn't serious.

>> No.2247809

This is just a spelling mistake. By that sense, New fags is much more appropriate than new friends. We are not friends. We just share common interests...sometimes.

>> No.2247813

This is what people need to learn, change yourself before you tell other people to do.

>> No.2247814


I thought we were bros, anon.

>> No.2247817

I don't believe that change can destroy anything, I believe that giving oneself unwarranted importance, acting like the holder of absolute truth and trying to force thing upon other people destroys things.
Making this place a better board is everybody's effort, but it is a personal effort.
Making threads where 4 people circlejerk about being the paradigm of anonymous posting does not contribute to board quality.

>> No.2247819

Using "newfriends" means you adhere to Cirno's school of thought. Using "newbros" means you're a ZUN!bar follower.

That's about it, really.

>> No.2247821
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>> No.2247822

But how can we have meaningful discussion threads without... y'know, discussions?

Polite sage.

>> No.2247826

>I like how the newbies are so mad about the old posters trying to save the board they started to hijack the thread.

Some how this makes me more mad than anything else on /jp/. What's so bad about defending our e-community? If you count how much hours the average veteran has wasted on 4chan it would be equivalent to 1/2 a year. That's 1/2 a year out of my miserable life that I'll never get back. If I've spent that much hours on any given subject, you're damn right I'm going to try to defend it. And who are you to tell me I shouldn't.

>> No.2247829

Now it's going to be like the /jp/ theme song. Even if this whole effort is somehow good, it will descend to shit fast like this.

>> No.2247831


>> No.2247832

How about newacquaintances? It's a bit long, but I think it's dandy!

>> No.2247840

You guys just need to take advice from that guide and take it easy.

>> No.2247880

Take it easy. We are not angry. We never said don't discuss this, we say that we don't agree with it. Unless a meaningful discussion for you is a person saying something and everyone answers with "Oh yeah!""I agree.""Good point" etc.

>> No.2247882
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Well, this thread was fun while it lasted. Then this >>2247767 guy started to take things too seriously. Now it's been reduced to /a/ level quality.

Thanks again Eksopl for hosting the unofficial rules page. I think this is the right step towards preventing another board collapse.

4chan is a place where the culture is shaped by the userbase. Instead of complaining, let's find ways to prevent another /a/.

>> No.2247895
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>> No.2247923

Abandon the ship I say. You can't fight idiocy.

>> No.2247940
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Bravado is cheap.
The fact is the ship is sinking and there isn't a damn thing anyone here can do. There's too many shepherds and too many cats and the whole thing has gone to hell anyway.

So, my advice to you would be to just sit back and try to enjoy the twilight of /jp/.

>> No.2247946
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>> No.2247949

Needs some bold text, among other things. Overall it has to be more friendlier to the eyes of the average lurker, otherwise they may not read it.

>> No.2247957

Imagedumps are retarded.

>> No.2247968

The problem with the terms "newfag" and "newfriend" is that they're both used very condescendingly, and as an easy way to reinforce something you're saying without having to prove it. "You disagree with me, so you must be a newfag!"
If you actually want to seriously reply to threads like "Why do we have two weaboo boards on 4chan?" instead of just shouting out "gtfo newfag", you could post the screenshot of the first sticky, or simply hide the thread instead.

In b4 "gtfo newfag".

>> No.2247978

>Abandon the ship I say. You can't fight idiocy.
The whole point of this discussion was to prevent/counter idiocy. Amazing how a gathering of like-minded veterans was easily hijacked by one butthurt troll. I guess this is just a testament to how futile our battle is. If we cant win while we're in the majority, how the hell are we going to win when we're in the minority?

>> No.2248003

It's silly to fight something you have no sway over.

>> No.2248012
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>> No.2248015

I don't even know why you bothered posting that. This is /jp/ we're talking about. Words such as GAR, EPIC, and newfag are taboo here.

>> No.2248020
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>> No.2248023
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>> No.2248068

I'm a bit late to the discussion. I should have quoted:
I'm saying that instead of using any fixed term, it's better to just speak naturally. "Are you new here? You should lurk more before posting" etc.

>> No.2248068,2 [INTERNAL] 

>it makes me regret leaving /jp/
You're still here with us, aren't you?

>> No.2248068,3 [INTERNAL] 

Welcome back
Now go make some original content.

>> No.2248068,4 [INTERNAL] 

>You're still here with us, aren't you?
No, leaving means leaving. I'm going to block all *chan related websites with my firewall (that unfortunately includes this archive). I really need to catch up with my studying. This is the first time I've ever gained enough courage to say with confidence that I'm leaving the Internet. One year ago I would have never been able to say stuff like this. I guess with the passage of time, everything becomes repetitive/tedious. This ghost board was a breath of fresh air. When I come back from my vacation I will be a completely different person. I'm going to show /jp/ the true meaning of the words "original content."

tl;dr This season I shall be taking it easy. Again, I'll stop by every once in a while to see what you ghost bros are up to. Thanks again AoRF and Eksopl for this ghost board.

>> No.2248068,5 [INTERNAL] 

Goodbye, I hope you do well.

>> No.2248068,6 [INTERNAL] 

Well, now I'm depressed

>> No.2248068,7 [INTERNAL] 

I give him half a week at most.

>> No.2248068,8 [INTERNAL] 

That's longer than I could last. Earlier this week I tried to stay off of /jp/ for a day so I could work on a term paper and I couldn't even manage to do that.

>> No.2248068,9 [INTERNAL] 

The secret is to go somewhere where there is no internet access.
I can't work at home, for one.

>> No.2248068,10 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ ia a pile of crap

>> No.2248068,11 [INTERNAL] 

much like your posting

>> No.2248068,12 [INTERNAL] 

Oh? So this was RTG's 'flouncy' post? (I missed it because I took a 3-month vacation from /jp/ beginning at the end of February '09.)

It's incredibly ironic he thought of himself as a culture janitor. Such an obnoxious person; I'm glad guys like him and Furukawa Akio left.

>> No.2248068,13 [INTERNAL] 

What have become of you, Suigin? You have changed so much,at least your email is still the same

>> No.2248068,14 [INTERNAL] 

still better than your will ever be

>> No.2248068,15 [INTERNAL] 

at sucking dick maybe
not as posting

>> No.2248068,16 [INTERNAL] 

yea at posting
you just mad cus im so much better than you

>> No.2248068,17 [INTERNAL] 

at sucking dick lmao o4l

>> No.2248068,18 [INTERNAL] 

lol owned
