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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 379 KB, 1309x2004, EISAgwHWkAUlFW2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22427320 No.22427320 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>22410228

>> No.22427331

I can't beat the lv 60 daily bros...

>> No.22427335

Alcore is fucking impossible. These adds aren't helping. Her normal attack just does so much damage and dodging it is actually really hard with the delta.

>> No.22427496

I think the upgrade material one is a lot harder than the rest, ganbare.

>> No.22427518
File: 199 KB, 1280x720, 44aa1cd578b657b040b5e1c266fd3ebb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a Chinese Action RPG mobage called Source Contract that went into beta a day or two ago and it looks really good so far. My friend who studies Chinese was also quite please when she saw that the game is even voiced in Chinese. Most Chinese weeb games are voiced in Japanese.


>> No.22427582

Rate-up is a lie, 8 10 rolls and still no KV-2. Fuck this game.

>> No.22427669

I found the level up material harder while the rest I can set to auto without worrying over losing S rank.

>> No.22427717

>voiced in Chinese
Hard pass.

>> No.22427726

Wow 2 free 10 rolls in gun cafe girls, when does the dark event start?

>> No.22427972
File: 384 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20191115-125023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally a gold yellow implant. I'm gonna make my Maus a fortress.

>> No.22428152 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.22428162 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.22428391


>> No.22428632

>lilia as a 5* from the first 10 roll
I was right to trust my dick.

>> No.22428661
File: 350 KB, 1920x1080, 58272472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new big event coming up

>> No.22428671
File: 276 KB, 486x576, 1560265438856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New burgers I hope. Tired of krautshit

>> No.22428690

I thought she'd kind of suck because she's a support character but her field generates SP and her damage is better than I expected.

>> No.22428712

>When Stuka is the event poster girl
You are getting more Krautshit.

>> No.22428715

Damn I didn't notice that was Stuka. She looks really pretty in that art style. Think I prefer this over her usual art.

>> No.22428734

>Finally got my AD up to 64% crit damage
I'm ready whatever comes my way

>> No.22428737

How are you guys doing with cubes? I'm starting to run low and the 180/hr doesn't seem to be doing anything. Help?

>> No.22428740

Ash Arms btw

>> No.22428743

I let it hit the cap because I wasn't farming fast enough to actually make a dent and beat the 180/hr regen. Try farming with a solo base 1* team that costs like 6-10 alloy a run if you're having trouble with managing alloys.

>> No.22428755
File: 1.97 MB, 1334x750, FBC152CB-0DBA-467A-A84B-26321C0128BE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post stuka to celebrate her event

>> No.22428760

>Both of them are gold SS+ on Famitsu
What. I'm still skipping because Chaguma soon (tm) and only have 250 gems now.

>> No.22428770
File: 43 KB, 224x205, 1573405102613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Showing off
Nice try anon I'm on to you.

>> No.22428780

>Game has a streaming download to allow you to play the game early
>Turns out it's a lie and you need the full download

They should leave these features for MMOs and PC games that can actually get them to work

>> No.22428785
File: 20 KB, 384x384, 1563198642115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maus finally strong enough to tank hard B
Finally my endless grind is showing results

>> No.22428859

I am going to grind 370 kv-1 frags!

>> No.22428872

imagine 9 stukas laughing at you from above

>> No.22428949

Same, she looks really elegant.

>> No.22429007

How fucking much are you farming to run out of cubes? I'm constantly over even with playing 2-3 hours per day with a 60 cost team and spending on useless mass constructions.

>> No.22429017

I really really wanted F4F wildcat and I still have to 5 star her.

>> No.22429019

Is there any gameplay reason to care about leveling up Stuka?

>> No.22429077

Nice passives and G has a double attack.

>> No.22429277

>Both of them are also red SS on .me
>Didn't get either of them from 2 10-rolls
>Somehow got Gramps from 1 10-roll in FGO and 2 Halloween Precis from 1 10-roll in Star Ocean after that
I hate my luck.

>> No.22429290

It doesn't look like my alloys are increasing actually. I took a snapshot before I fell asleep and I have the same amount of alloys then as I do now.
Do I have to actually collect it somewhere?

>> No.22429294

You're over the softcap.

>> No.22429304

What's the softcap? I'm level 20 and I have 6564.

>> No.22429320

2k plus agent level * 100. It's pretty hard to stay under it with weeklies and daily rewards so don't fret about it.

>> No.22429327

Thanks. I was up in the 10ks with the event bonuses I guess I just got used to having a lot.

>> No.22429337

With enough upgrade G variant can delete single non-boss B hard squad with the cost of 5 cp, has ok AA and she has one of the fighter doctrine if you want her to melee those pesky air squads or want to use single air overwatch that react to enemy movement instead of normal dive bomber air overwatch that only activate when enemy shoot one of your side. She still has her ground double attack in her fighter doctrine btw.

>> No.22429448

Frontloading everyone with Stuka frags I see when combined with Halloween. Everyone is going to have her at 5* by the end of this event.

>> No.22429467

That'd be nice, I hope the rewards are good overall. Gibe gems.
I wonder how hard the event will be.

>> No.22429490

Probably B map level at most. Maybe hard mode if they give some extra mode.

>> No.22429510

Are fighters supposed to die to those sky whales or am I just bad?

>> No.22429522

Fighter supposed to melee those whales anon. Whale, long gun wielding air mob and beam shooting triangle can be instakilled by lv1 fighter with melee

>> No.22429549

yeah, but in 4A-6 she melees 1 and dies to the other one. Maybe I should bring 2 fighters.

>> No.22429557

If they're on the same lane you can also use the doctrine that melees multiple. Though I like using two fighters overall.

>> No.22429568

Which one is that? The Zigzag(Interceptor)? I only know the shapes.

>> No.22429611


>> No.22429623
File: 50 KB, 618x345, 1452185419465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No shapes
How the hell am I supposed to tell which is which?

>> No.22429669

Look at the kanji retard. Even kindergarteners can play spot the difference, surely you can too.

>> No.22429709


>> No.22429740

It's all greek to me.
Sorry, I know that's a lame joke.

>> No.22429756

>Somehow got the new PoTK collab character in Tagameme from 1 10-roll just now
What. I will never understand how luck and gacha RNG works.

>> No.22429757

Are there any good Another Eden wikis or resources? To check up on what 4* characters are good and stuff like that.

Game seems pretty fun so far but was interested to know what people use to look up stuff in this game.

>> No.22429764

I think this is the only English wiki. There is JP wiki on Altema.

>> No.22429776

>million arthur clone

was doom from the get go

>> No.22429786

Too bad the English wiki only lists 5*, I was more interested in the poverty options like the 4*'s to know which ones are nice and which ones really aren't.

>> No.22429822

This would be a god-tier wallpaper, if there were no text.

>> No.22430070

Hype. Looks like it could be a raid battle.

>> No.22430074

>3 piece of shit corals chilling with stormy weather
Literal hokke check battle.

>> No.22430081

>raid battle
Where did you get that from? What does a raid battle even mean in this context? The tweet just looks like it says that this'll be the first large event.

>> No.22430172

Is there any way to make your ground forces move first in Ash arms? I wanna mark enemies before I attack them or prevent AA overwatch.

>> No.22430205

My first 10-roll yielded Corne. Damn sweet. Her beam is the same WoH1 Luca's, it's quick-cast and consequently has monstrous DPS.
My damage output is pretty much the same as this guy (same equip set and negligible difference in stats) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuW7cGVDhiA
It's weird though that the beam can hit as high as 590m but never reaches 600m. Anyway, I'm glad that I now have an alternate daily driver aside from Baal since I'm kinda getting bored of using him tbqh.

>> No.22430256

Turn order is tied to the reaction stat, so unless they randomly gave a ground unit 70+ reaction, no.

>> No.22430396

dang so what's the strat for dealing with AA units with overwatch?
Holding back planes until your artillery deals with?

>> No.22430452

Pretty much. Alternatively, you can clear things in the way and send light tanks to beat them up. It's another matter if that tank will survive whatever's in the air though.

>> No.22431269
File: 257 KB, 900x470, EJT8kM9UEAAW6dX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New character in JP Another Eden. Earth attacker who actually does AoE which is rare in the element. Update also has manifest weapons for Cetie and Cerrine.
Huh? The Wiki lists all characters. It even has filters for said characters if you so desire. This applies to both the tier lists and the character list.

>> No.22431289

As a Chink myself, this is fucking retarded, and no thanks.

>> No.22431496

As your President Xi Jinping your social credit score has been reduced by 100 points

>> No.22431575

Are there any city builder mobages in the direction of Anno games?

>> No.22431711

>Genshin Impact clone when not even the original is out yet
Mihoyochads cant stop setting market trends

>> No.22431712

As a SEAnigger myself I disagree

>> No.22431714

Usually the last one

>> No.22431788

>Has ignore defense skill
>Has AoE atk, int, speed and earth resist reduction for enemies
She looks really good. Too bad her gacha "rate-up" is shared with fucking Cetie.

>> No.22431875

Nice, I missed every character in last banner and managed to get two lilias in my first roll

>> No.22431899
File: 791 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20191115-165657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which do I pick? The beret looks cute. Does it matter?

>> No.22431962

You don't need another artillery when Grille and Heuschrecke is a thing.

>> No.22431969

M5 is a light tank
M8 is artillery

>> No.22431979

What makes Grille good? Also why do the scorpion faggots get to mark all my ground units from thousand lanes away and then ambush melee Heuschrecke even when she's got the lowest threat?

>> No.22431981

>actually using krautshit
It's like you want to lose the war or something

>> No.22432050

Son of a bitch, I love those 1 hit beams. I'm tempted to roll for her after seeing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pxc3Nc3SAF0 but it's too close to Chaguma to get baited into it.

>> No.22432068
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>Needing artillery at all
>Not just sending your beefiest tank to melee everything to death

>> No.22432212

>The current kusoneko gacha will end on the same day when they are going to stop giving the current batch of jumbo tickets
I wonder if next gacha will be a new collab or Chaguma.

>> No.22432273

Is spending 100 gems on 1000 fuel retarded?

>> No.22432295

Yes, 100 gems is 120 yen. If you were willing to spend gems on fuel you should have just decided to spend money and gotten the daily gem passport for 980 yen and get the 1000 fuel a day from that.

>> No.22432386

The leaked schedule seems fitting so I'm believing that until they spring Chaguma on us out of nowhere. That and the New Graduate gacha was followed up by the Gintama collab so it'd be funny to me if they followed this one up with a collab too.

>> No.22432589

>followed this one up with a collab
To be fair, kusoneko has been doing at least one new collab every 3 months since February 2018 except on August 2018 which they did ReZero rerun although Onsen 3 event is also theoretically a collab.

>> No.22432616

can you do 10 rolls with tickets in Ash Arms?

>> No.22432650

Yeah but they're two different kinds of tickets.

>> No.22432694

They only lost the war because the Jewish elements of the SS were selling info to the US

>> No.22432736

Yeah, if Onsen 3 doesn't count then the next gacha should be when they'd do their quarterly collab. So it should be one of these
>chaguma>christmas event>new years
>collab>christmas event>new years chaguma
>collab>christmas chaguma>new years
The supposed leak says it'll be the second, which is what I'm betting on. Knowing kusopl I'm expecting it to be another share house so they can get away with putting out another Christmas Tina and bait the fujos with someone like Nemo or Judah.

>> No.22432817

I hope they rerun the first sharehouse. I need those french fries

>> No.22432874
File: 33 KB, 197x445, unknown-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shapes are in

Stuff like pics or menu guides aside, is there anything else in particular that people really really want to see in the sheet

>> No.22433020


>> No.22433114

I'm not gonna play a NTR game

>> No.22433146
File: 177 KB, 1280x720, EJZ8v1bVAAAd5_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New event soon.

Or soonish, I guess. Probably still some wait time between event update and event start.

>> No.22433149

Fortunately Girl Gun Cafe is thriving and doing better than many kusoge overrated around here

>> No.22433269

Anyone figure out root reroll for wotv yet?

>> No.22433347

The global wiki tierlist has a in-depth description and analysis of every 5* but it has nothing on what 4*' are good or worth using, that was what I was talking abou.

>> No.22433355

Because all of them suck and the only ones you would use are healers if you don't have mariel. The stat difference between 4* and 5* is huge once you get to past arc1 content

>> No.22433371

Then where are you supposed to pull out an army of 5*'s with these rates and super slow currency gain?

>> No.22433373

You upgrade story characters and the 3 recruitable 4.5

>> No.22433404

Sounds depressing if nothing below 5* is usable outside a few welfares and the good characters the game expects you to have are behind gacha then. Not like a single player JRPG at all.

>> No.22433410

Beating everything with 6-7 story characters is literally what single player JRPGs are about my guy.

>> No.22433483

wasnt another eden that kusoge where there was a huge fiasco over jewflyer messing with the rates and them having to send out gigantic compensations to the players?

>> No.22433494

Why even bother when Gumi will powercreep harder then TAC?

>> No.22433498

tagatame was great before it got gumi'd

>> No.22433528

It lasted over a year at least. That's impressive by SE standards. It would've been a little better if the gameplay wasn't so dependent on playing with the same 5 people (and literally being flooded with chinks). Also Squeenix will never figure out how to not make 3d models look ugly, I guess.

>> No.22433568

It's basically the same as launch tagatame already. Need over 500 shards to max LB someone which was around what tagatame needed until they nerfed it.

>> No.22433603

She's so very easy to use that even low-skill players like me can still solo kill the crab even after wasting time with 2-3 deaths.
>but it's too close to Chaguma to get baited into it
I cannot even convince you to hold off since my fragile self has fallen for the bait so hard.

>> No.22433727

Does Genshin Impact look like it can be decently big? It already has decent amount of hype from its visuals and sony chimpout incident.

How's Mihoyo as a dev?

>> No.22433744

>How's Mihoyo as a dev?
They're great at putting out cute girls and fun gameplay but utterly suck at the gacha part of the game and should just make console/handheld games instead. Genshin is probably going to be really pretty, really fun and reeeeeeeeeally P2W if Honkai is anything to go by.

>> No.22433752

You can rush them down with your big tank and melee their asses most of the time. You're guaranteed to take damage though which is the shitty part. Heus basically reduced my ground repair fees to zero and whatever my 306 dodge zerosen can't dodge in the air.

>> No.22433762

>How's Mihoyo as a dev?
As far as Genshin is concerned, I think they're out of their minds, cooking up this game not only in mobile and PC but also PS4.

>> No.22433767

Genshin would be pretty hype if it was PC/PS4 but mobile is there so you know its going to be some sort of abomination

>> No.22433781

Regardless of the quality outcome, that's still 4 platforms they have to work on. Sorry to use this meme but isn't Mihoyo just a "small indie company"? Are they really gonna be alright?

>> No.22433789

>How's Mihoyo as a dev?
Greedy as fuck and utterly shit at balancing.

>> No.22433798

>utterly shit at balancing.
Just get good bro totally a skill based game
Nevermind that these couple meta characters are hilariously overpowered and so ahead of the others that there's no reason to use anyone else

>> No.22433816

>totally a skill based game
It's not a rhythm game though

>> No.22433834
File: 66 KB, 1080x540, f5d8813b0aa0fcbc977d8ed532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The genshin closed beta registration survey was pretty funny.

>> No.22433944

there's people playing it that pretend it takes skill, especially in the general.

>> No.22434105
File: 27 KB, 80x92, 1556300776859.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro.
Maybe just faction logos along with the abbreviations.
Nothing essential, something to make it easy to identify at a glance.
No complaints as-is though. You're doing good work.

>> No.22434124

They are the chads of the industry

>> No.22434161

If an obscure chink dev like mihoyo known for their P2W practices is a chad then Nexon must be gods of the universe

>> No.22434178

Why put all this effort in to the excel instead of inputting all that shit into the wiki where it's easier to search through?

>> No.22434187

Rhythm games suck if you weren't that guy showing off your expert/master clears back when you were at school
If I couldn't do it then when I was younger then I certainly can't do it now

>> No.22434190
File: 574 KB, 1666x1534, IMG_20191116_103349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I pick up Iron Saga JP or is it too late? Basically I'm curious how the game treats newbies and if there's a good time to reroll.

They opened pre-regs for global.

>> No.22434280

I always flopped hard at difficulties beyond the easiest in rhythm games on PC or in the arcade but mobile rhythm games are a lot easier for me.

>> No.22434337

What emulator are you guys using for Ash arms?

>> No.22434366


>> No.22434394
File: 1.10 MB, 2160x1080, Screenshot_20191116-195922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this upgrade worth it?

>> No.22434395

>Onsen 3 event is also theoretically a collab
It is, but not the kind one usually thinks of at first. Maybe if we got a playable hero Matsuri at least, but I'm not sure if mainly irl collabs count towards their schedule for collab gacha characters.

>another share house
Would they do two consecutive winter sharehouses, though? I'd like to believe that there's not so many Sharehouse events yet so that they'd be forced to repeat seasons. Though I guess if it was for NY, that's different enough from other winter stuff.

>> No.22434406

>cave after reading your post
>had to go all in but i got her
I only really cared for Ciela this year so fuck it. Thanks for shilling her, I can already tell I'm going to get a lot of use out of her.

>> No.22434453

Yeah that was what I used to do but three were too many for my maus. If you can't get to them quick because of ground effects eating your AP the damage increases fast since they debuff defense and mobility too.

>> No.22434463

I personally never use my Maus to actually shoot things so I'd save it for some other ground unit, but the explosive shell is just a straight upgrade if you have the resources.

>> No.22434478

What role do you guys put on Maus? Please help a newfag out

>> No.22434489

dick polisher

>> No.22434537

They still haven't did Fall/Autumn themed sharehouse. S1 is Spring, S2 is Summer and S3 is Winter.

>> No.22434541

Guard if you need her to take hits while the rest of the team kills shit

Striker if you need her to get rid of swarms of rushing shits

Don't pick Firepower

>> No.22434756

First one also had an illustration with swimsuits if anything, but I think the seasonal aspect wasn't very strong anyway. It was more like a Sharehouse introduction. Second was summer enough, but winter/Christmas definitely wins for how much it fits the season.

As for autumn, they missed their chance for that. It won't be good time for autumn stuff when current event time frame ends, and we already got Fresh Graduates Reskin in Buggy Dungeon: feat. Soul Eater. Or that's my impression of it at least, haven't read it yet.

>> No.22435315

ded again. do i remodel maus first? also who should i focus on getting from the candyshop

>> No.22435358

>2 hours since last post
Go back to /vg/
>also who should i focus on getting from the candyshop
No one unless you can figure out a way to travel a few weeks into the past.

>> No.22435379

>Go back to /vg/
Sure, are we making another thread there again? Someone should fix the OP this time.

>> No.22435383

cake farming event when

>> No.22435417

do it bruh

>> No.22435466

That thread couldn't even last a day and there are fewer anons playing now than back then.

>> No.22435675


Huge compensation 2 years ago, before global came out.

Game is still jew with gems though. haha.

>> No.22435783


>> No.22435811

you'd think they would be a little more generous after that but apparently not, maybe they really want people to whale for those 5*'s

>> No.22435836

Game just sounds depressing to me from what I've heard here, I can't imagine having one 10-roll a month at shit rates and an endgame that needs those elusive 5-stars. Are you supposed to just not exist if you're F2P?

>> No.22435887

What's even more depressing is having currency and there not being any good banners to roll on.
Like edging except not hot.

>> No.22435893

just be a luckchad and start the game with 5 5* anon.

>> No.22435909

I don't mind that, I feel safe having a huge hoard in games where I can guarantee myself a character or basically guarantee myself a character because good rates.

What I hate are those games where you'll really rarely get to roll because they are almost always guaranteed to be shit if not always guaranteed to be shit. People try to sweet talk you with the meme of being able to clear 99% of content with lower ranked units but conveniently leave out that 1% of the content is the end game you want to be doing or want to be farming and it sucks, I really hated games like Honkai for doing that.

You'd get bored of them eventually. Even if you started with a full max rarity party in a game, they would either get powercreeped or you would still get sad at not being able to roll absolutely anything.

>> No.22436027

>that 1% of the content is the end game you want to be doing or want to be farming
I don't play mobage just for the endgame, personally. I find the journey just as important, especially considering I'll often have lost interest and quit or started slacking off before I get to that point anyway.

Not that I generally make those comments. I usually get into a game based on character design and such, and then deal with whatever the game balance is.

>> No.22436030

Being able to roll a lot can save shit games, just look at stuff like Epic7. But the opposite also works and having to treat 10-rolls as this rare gift from god and the developers can really ruin good games.

>> No.22436041

I used to play just for the early game because I would pick up every fotm that came up, try them for a while then lose interest and pick up whatever is the latest and newest hotness. Now I just want a few games I can keep up with and enjoy so the end game and if I can continue playing a game without hating myself is pretty important for me.

>> No.22436074

>Nexon must be gods of the universe
No, that would be Tencent.

>> No.22436085

Nexon is getting bought by Tencent anyways

>> No.22436105

I skip most of the new ones and stick with just a few, too.

Just a difference in perspective, I think. If I already enjoy a game, then I don't mind if I'm not absolutely minmaxing everything. If I can't enjoy it without having the best of everything and being able to do everything, then I won't enjoy it enough to bother getting to that point anyway.

I'm going to be taking it easy either way, so I'll usually just stick around if it's a game that allows for that.

>> No.22436127

It's not about min-maxing stuff. It's about being able to do content, being able to get charaacters and being able to max characters.
I personally hate games where getting that character you want might as well be an unreachable dream because of rates/currency gain or in games where maxing that one character you like is extremely hard or needs gacha shit.

Games where I can get who I want and then proceed to max them without having to spend months working on them are the ones I'll be most likely sticking to while games where you only get one 10-roll a month and have to save for months or grind for months are the ones I'll usually end up dropping or won't even bother playing because it feels like those are really just interested in making easy money instead of making a proper game.

>> No.22436143

>stick with games where you can get who you want
>drop games where 10 rolls are super rare
Fair, I don't disagree with any of this. Can't imagine anyone does, really.

I'm just saying I don't have as much of a problem with the "fine for 99% of the game" meme, since I tend to not bother much with that 1% even on the games I stick with.

>> No.22436251

The 99% usually happens to be story content, daily stages and that trash content you can auto with anything so it's not necessarily wrong. The issue comes when you want to do the hard content, the boss stages, you know, the actual content of the game so if I like a game then i'd like to be able to play it instead of be locked out everything outside easy mode stages and early game stuff because I'm not a whale willing to dump money on the game.

>> No.22436254

I actually got sick of some "generous" games recently, because I realized I was ignoring how boring the game is just so I can get instant gratification and roll whatever I want. Not saying 1% games are better, but the most important thing about a game is to enjoy it, not just the gacha.

Might as well save jpegs on your PC if you're performing a repetitive task for hours without enjoying it.

>> No.22436274

I think every game locks you out of some content if you're a beginner because your characters are too weak, except rhythm games.

>> No.22436292

Getting locked out of content because you're a newbie is fine. Getting lumped with newbies because you didn't luckshit/whale a bunch of meta max rarity units isnt one bit fun.
Or worse, when newbies are better than you because they luckshit/whale the required stuff and you didn't.

>> No.22436315

Well yeah, you need to enjoy a game first. It doesn't matter how many QOL features or generous campaigns a game has if you have no interest in it or like it.
If a game you do like really treats you like a player even if you're F2P and has ways for you to obtain currency/characters then that's great and most likely a keeper. If a game treats you like a subhuman that should just uninstall for being F2P then that's nearly guaranted to be a shit game not worth anyone's time.

Plus, if I'm really enjoying a game and feel like I can enjoy it even without spending then I'll be more tempted to spend or buy some deals over the games that try to force you to spend if you want to play.

>> No.22436323

is another eden really that jewish? I was considering trying it out whenever some nice opportunity to start showed up

>> No.22436710

>I actually got sick of some "generous" games recently
That seiyuu raising game?

>> No.22436772

Rerolling is hell when not in a special event like the anniversary was a few months ago, you wouldn't get past the reroll phase

>> No.22436786

>if I'm really enjoying a game and feel like I can enjoy it even without spending then I'll be more tempted to spend
I tell myself this. But then I end up not spending anything on any games, because the ones that I would need it I'm not willing to, and the ones I'd be kind of willing to I don't need it.

But that's less of a problem, and more just an observation on my own habits.

>> No.22436809
File: 3.71 MB, 1624x750, B8E80992-2CEA-4B04-8122-43B787265E92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit not gonna make it am I this boss is horrible to fight

>> No.22436829

Did Genshin announce another beta? Would be nice to try it out

>> No.22436835

Could try to squeeze some points out of the easy bits with those last 4 runs.
I've got 36k on the normal mob fights, which has me at 19% for now even though my Alcore score is a bit worse than yours.

>> No.22436869

i said whenever a nice opportunity showed up anyway so i was just wondering if the actual gacha in the game was as horrible as rerolling in the game because theres no point spending days rerolling if youre just going to get cucked when trying to get more characters outside your reroll

>> No.22436880

Oh I'm sorry, didn't catch that bit. The gacha is terrible, but if you reroll well enough you can manage through most of everything

>> No.22436890

>most of everything
Is it one of those "You can do everything except the endgame content that matters" cases?

>> No.22437088 [SPOILER] 
File: 127 KB, 640x480, 1573943543792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potential Shironeko collab leak. Quality is horrible and it's just a photo so it could very easily be fake. If it's real then it's ReZero again

>> No.22437116

Easy skip if it is those 3 again. Give me Priscilla and Reinhard and I'll roll.

>> No.22437426

Take a look at tier lists. The free characters are actually some of the best the game has to offer. Mariel is important, that I wont deny. But Aldo is pretty solid. Amy is amazing. Azami is absurdly strong. Cerrine is pretty good. Saki AS is pretty good too. Levia is good. Gariyu is excellent and his AS makes him even stronger putting him at the top of tier lists. Ciel/Miyu are pretty acceptable and Bivette is actually pretty strong.

If you clear the story including all side stories and even throw in a few hours of fishing you will have thousands of stones, enough for at least a handful of ten pulls. You'll more than likely get a little something for Christmas/New Years too if I had to guess. Mariel AS banner is in like a month or two with OG Mariel on rate up too. You may even pick up Hisumena while getting Mariel who is also one of the strongest characters in the game which makes that banner even more amazing. Mariel + free/story characters is more than enough to combat any content the game has to offer. If your luck is above 'complete garbage' then you'll be able to spend on another banner or two after that too, or just save for Myunfa.

To go back to your original point though the wiki has tier lists, both of which show the lower rarity characters. https://anothereden.miraheze.org/wiki/Tier_Lists#Altema Click 4* and there you go, it's easy to work with. It may not be in depth but it serves the same purpose and gives a good indication on who is trash and who isn't. Most of them are.

>> No.22437676

How the fuck did the 4-10a boss one shot my maus. Whats her skill?

>> No.22437700

If you mean her melee, it's just a regular melee attack that you'll most likely lose because boss stats. She usually uses it if you don't move your ground units closer. The fight is literally free for air units, by the way.

>> No.22437752

weird I could have sworn it was here ranged attack.
Really? I dont have any of the good ones only hurricane, zero and la5. The boss' AA stat is still pretty big even if it is one of the lowest (I think)

>> No.22437775

She completely ignores air units.

>> No.22437816

Maybe I shouldn't have said regular melee, hers is ranged and hits the whole line. It's functionally just a melee, though. And yeah, despite having an AA stat she'll never attack planes. The only risk for going full air comp is you'll instant lose on turn 8 if you don't finish her by then.

>> No.22437827

>and even throw in a few hours of fishing
What is this? FFXV?

>> No.22437859

ah, that's good to know. Thanks anons

>> No.22437975
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Assassins Pride - 02 [720p]_snapshot_00.09.43.000_[2019.11.16_21.38.46]_subs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If your luck is above 'complete garbage' then you'll be able to spend on another banner or two after that too, or just save for Myunfa.
I just started recently and already wasted two 10-rolls on the Suzette banner with nothing to show for it. I fear that I might be speeding very quickly towards "complete garbage territory" and end up as the guy who has to roll pure poverty 4*'s if he wants to clear stuff because I don't know how much currecy there's left avaliable to me with all this above discussion about how the gacha is so horrible and how the game isn't one bit generous.
I already read that article but I want the opinion of a player, are there any non-story 4*'s that could actually be called good or nice instead of total trash? And can the story freebies really compete with the gacha stuff?

>> No.22438101

Regarding Ash Arms, what's a good map to farm for first grid materials that also gives fragments for good dolls? I've been doing 5-4 but I don't know if there's a better one. Also, I would appreciate if someone could give me some good pointers to auto said map.

>> No.22438142

I'm actually dreading the day when PTD gets it closure announcement. I know it's coming soon. Probably early next year.

>> No.22438163

Tfw did 5 10-rolls each on Onsen 3 and current one but didn't get any new characters.

>And can the story freebies really compete with the gacha stuff?

>> No.22438194

Everybody uses 1-2 to farm that basic red rock which only requires one fighter and one bomber to farm. Also nets you a ton of PzII fragments to get to easy 5*

>> No.22438209

Is 1-6 the best place to farm for Hurricane fragments?

>> No.22438269

As I say the story characters are amazing, it just takes a while to get them there as some are encounters (Azami, Gariyu, Cerrine, AS Saki) and some require 5* unlocks which will come over time. The biggest issue currently is that the story healer is a) unlocked after the initial main story (C26, I believe) and b) they don't have a 5* unlike the rest of the cast (yet). Until then you're stuck with Pom, Prai or Riica who aren't that good but better than nothing.

If I were you I'd save up and keep progressing until Mariel's banner appears then try to get her and life will become much easier. Depending on whether they give a free IDA character like they did in JP it could make rerolling viable then too as you could potentially get Hisumena, Mighty or Asuka from that. If it coincides with Christmas/New Years and you get freebies in your inbox too then you could autist reroll for Mariel+Hisumena. Global update schedule is on crack so it may appear around then.
The game has a fishing system that you can dump many hours into. After like 20+ hours of fishing you end up fighting lake lords which drop items to craft weapons with the highest ATK in the game. Once you fight 4 specific lake lords you fight a mega boss which then unlocks a free 5* character, Levia. https://anothereden.miraheze.org/wiki/Levia

I used LDPlayer and downloaded a bot for it and ran it for a week while I was sleeping.

>> No.22438302

I already have Mariel and a handful of 4* characters but no luck with 5* characters so far which is why I was interested in learning if any non-story 4*'s are good. I was rolling for Suzette because I thought she was cute from when you see her first in Elzion and even more later after learning she's actually good but apparently the gacha just wanted to shit on me and not sure if I should continue trying or if i'll even have crystals to continue trying with what the people above were saying.

>> No.22438317

Do you have any 4*s that upgrade to 5*?

>> No.22438385
File: 317 KB, 1280x720, AE team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I was told, only Ciel and Miyu do but not a big fan of traps. Akane and Reina apparently have an "Another style" form but it would be easier to roll them from the gacha than unlocking them for free from what I hear which made me a bit sad.
Been running this team for story and haven't had issues or anything so far (The ogre rancorem fight nearly wrecked my shit though) but I don't really have confidence in my luck or ability to pull 5*'s.

>> No.22438514

Well if you wanted to invest a little you could just get the guaranteed 5* for the month. Since you only have a singular 5* the chance of getting a dupe Mariel is super low. Otherwise just keep going, the further you progress the more you'll have to spend when a banner comes around. Hisumena is great, Myunfa is broken and Nagi AS is super good if you wanted some strong 5*s upcoming.

>> No.22438565

Any good characters on the smaller size? Like chest, height or both. And I don't think I'll be spending on this so I'll be going full F2P.

>> No.22438761

Why can't Gungho just make Puzzle and Dragons 2 already? It would literally save their company.

>> No.22438890

Why make a game to kill off their own game?

>> No.22438917

Just rename it Re: Puzzles then

>> No.22439242

>except rhythm games.
Based. Why even bother with any other genre of games?

>> No.22439621

Playing rhythm games in public transport kills your combos.

>> No.22439628

That's why people learn to be good with both thumb play and all finger play. You do the former outside and the latter at home.

>> No.22439931

Because not everyone is a fan of rhythm games and can play them well. Not really fun when the game wants you to farm the same song x1000 for an event but you're so shit at rhythm that you're stuck on regular and it feels pretty fucking bad.

>> No.22440180

>close to enough medals to buy 100 tiger fragments
Do it or wait if they change the lineup?

>> No.22440266

Personally I don't think crafting the base of any unit is worth it. Just means you're increasing the chance of getting dupes from the gacha which means you used 100 medals to get 30 or fewer fragments or however many a dupe SSR gives you. That being said, if you by some miracle still don't have a heavy tank then go for it.

>> No.22440335

You're probably right. Sitting on all these medals is boring though.

>> No.22440486

Get fragments for LBing

>> No.22440515

What's good to lb?

>> No.22440556

The lineup is bad, only Stuka feels worth it and the event might give out her frags.

>> No.22440569

Who are you using? Many people are leveling Heus for her long range skill, and it's usually recommended to have units at LB3/4 before getting into B maps.

>> No.22440606

Wirbelwind and Panzer II have strong unique skills, the rest not so much

>> No.22440694

>base 3* fragment drops from maps in Ash Arms come in stacks of 10
That's a nice surprise.

>> No.22440943
File: 367 KB, 924x1300, D-8Zsb6U4AA86WF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't say you missed much as there are barely any limited content in this game other than the collabs. You missed Dangaioh and Zeorymer but can still make it for Ultraman, Gurren Lagann, Mazinger Z and Gridman.

Recently made a new account to test how new player friendly it is and I would say it's hard at first but you can make it through content with the right composition (a team of A-ranked Achilles). Pilots are long-term in terms of getting them as it is possible to get all from the bar if you don't do the pilot gacha. Mechs are your gacha hell, granted some of them can be farmed if you are patient enough.

A good time to reroll would be when they give out the free roulette rolls (spin the wheel and get x number of rolls). Other than that, you can just casually join the game and go at your own pace. There's really no need to rush as most of the nodes in the events have pre-made teams. It is highly recommended that you aim for the event mechs as some are really good for beginners.

Diamond gain may suck at the beginning of the game, but as you level your player level up, you will unlock more chances of getting gems (such as weekend random arena and limited arena).

Today is Slokai's birthday fyi.

>> No.22441042

It's not really a lolige. Melina is young. Lovely is a dwarf. Mana is small too, I think.

>> No.22441055

I was talking about small/flat chested or young, doesn't necessarily have to be loli to meet one of those or both.

>> No.22441465 [DELETED] 

You guys are all coomers

>> No.22441561 [DELETED] 


>> No.22442337
File: 21 KB, 599x100, team building.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look up an another eden teambuilding guide
>just slap all your 5*''s on your team dude, you did roll some right?

How do I increase my luck stat? Seems like it's the most important stat in life.

>> No.22442356

Reroll my dude.

>> No.22442362

But I can't reroll the kusoge known as life

>> No.22442368
File: 592 KB, 640x853, 1571627701665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the joke

>> No.22442442

So is the first repeatable 10 pull in Ash Arms designed to only give you one 3* max?

>> No.22442453

Just shit rates.

>> No.22442509

No people have gotten up to 4

>> No.22442538

Seen a 5 on day 1 5ch thread, another ingame log and one in some random screenshot on twitter

It's possible but odds are jackpot tier. Most people start with 3-4 but it really doesn't matter since all you need is ad-1/b-24 + a heavy tank

>> No.22442572

>shit rates
5% for the highest rarity is fine.

>> No.22442602

It's definitely not 5% in the tutorial gacha.

>> No.22442620


>> No.22442636
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1571223991778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zero has 45% crit rate
>She rarely crits
What's up with this game

>> No.22442645

Basic probability.

>> No.22442662

How did you calculate her crit rate?

>> No.22442681
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2019-11-18-05-52-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well after god knows how many tries I got my first >1 3* pull.
Please tell me I can start now

>> No.22442691

Nope. Maus is good but two heavy tanks is worthless. That combined with no good 1*s or 2*s units and even two dupes means you keep rerolling.

>> No.22442723 [SPOILER] 
File: 76 KB, 1334x750, 1574028264798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blogspot has a post about it, apparently it's from some program that aired and is legit? They're really trying to bait the Remfags with a christmas outfit like this

>> No.22442742

Those can get you through Normal A maps, but if you want to rush the higher level stuff you need better than just Maus.

>> No.22442751

>2 heavy tanks
You only need 1 friend

>> No.22442906


The hell? Panzer/Metal Waltz is still alive and getting EN language for Asia and a separate NA server as well? I thought it died.

>> No.22442980
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2019-11-18-06-59-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp I'm sticking with this I just want to play already.

>> No.22443004

Fantastic start

>> No.22443011

You'll be fine, stay defensive on the ground and let Skyraider blow shit up.

>> No.22443035

>b-24 AND ad-1
Also is zero stilll up for grabs?

>> No.22443076
File: 408 KB, 495x495, 1573102123698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22443118

She is if you prereg'd

>> No.22443123

You didn't need to prereg for that. Just log in 7 days.

>> No.22443354

Inb4 it's for Tennis. At least it's an easy skip for me unlike the current one assuming it's true.

>> No.22443360


>> No.22443412

>sword of the tyrant combines into random instead of upraded versions
God fucking damn it, does the hard mode give out the higher tier versions?

>> No.22443426

What tier did that happen at, because mine went up to II like normal.

>> No.22443430

I didn't want to try. So it does upgrade directly? Nani the heck why does it say it turns into random then

>> No.22443431

The boss frames I've combined said random in the preview but upgraded normally.

>> No.22443435

Yes, all boss frames tier up on trade-in. They just display as random for whatever reason.

>> No.22443442

fuck me, I've been had! Thanks anons for clearing up my confusion

>> No.22443640
File: 286 KB, 1157x752, 20191118_101833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I get pic related? I just want to see KV-2 big fat tits.

>> No.22443673

I farmed the map 4 boss for them

>> No.22443715
File: 43 KB, 948x255, unknown-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They only come from boxes so either farm those from bosses like the other anon said, or buy it with candy if you have any left.

>> No.22443720

Boss maps or X-5 maps. Make sure it drops the ground container and not the aerial ones.

>> No.22443769

>map 4
I can't even do map 2 easily. Are the difficulty the same in map 2 3 4 5?

>> No.22443786

Map 2 have lots of aerial enemies so if you don't have AA it can be tough. It's best to try the other maps if you are stuck in 2.

>> No.22443792

2A to 5A are about the same difficulty but different terrain and enemy types can make some of them feel more difficult. Like maps with a lot of overwatching enemies or forest maps where ground units move very slowly.

>> No.22444181

A two day countdown started on https://www.arknights.jp/
I'm guessing that's when their pre-reg finally starts.

>> No.22444243


>> No.22444284

JP really took its sweet time compared to KR and EN

>> No.22444388

So soon? Yostar released epic seven japan just 10 days ago

>> No.22444406

they know epic shit wont keep interest for long with how bad the game is

>> No.22444478

Just watch and see if KR, JP, or EN give a release date. I'd think they'll all be at the same time.

>> No.22444486

The actual release is probably still months off.

>> No.22444531

>check Ash Arms wiki
>that one anon is still plucking away making entries
He seems dedicated.

>> No.22444548

Hey man, someone has to do it for the wiki to be remotely useful. I'm a worthless NEET anyway so I have plenty of free time.

>> No.22444559

Chance to learn and gain a useful skill while building something you like if you keep improving the wiki format to make it look really nice.

>> No.22444706

Cafe maint extended. Compensation soon.

>> No.22444855

Why does the coop lobby shit the bed if you try starting when everyone hasn't hit ready yet. Add a fucking kick button colopl

>> No.22444871

>Moon and Hime both get another 4*
Where is Rita's 4* dammit.

>> No.22444978
File: 54 KB, 600x338, a5aa23a498c72e9285512b8b9a751242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow I couldn't even tell that was Moon

>> No.22445120
File: 992 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's gooooo

>> No.22445158

>Best card is three star
Fuck yes, dont fail me now RNG.

>> No.22445247
File: 1.60 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her buffstacking is insane I popped her to max awakening instantly

>> No.22445360

Can't imagine keeping BEST ANIME GAME going takes much money. It barely had any content upgrades years ago and I doubt it has many today. Still looks ghetto as fuck.

>> No.22445362

>Can't imagine keeping BEST ANIME GAME going takes much money.
Why did they kill off the true best anime game with the MINNA-SAN community manager then?

>> No.22445366

There's also a google sheet and a google doc that gets updated regularly. There's some real effort put into the sheet especially. Why there are three sources of information updated by three individual people instead of one updated by three is beyond me though.

>> No.22445375
File: 1.90 MB, 1263x947, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry there can't be two BEST ANIME GAMES and Panzer Waltz claimed that title years ago by themselves as the game's subtitle. I can't believe they're still using the same god awful "screenshots" that don't look anything like the actual game on Google play.

>> No.22445382

Her name is read as "Yuki".

>> No.22445384

Why does the ash arms twitter keep retweeting shitty fanart, is it really dying so fast no good art is being drawn?

>> No.22445451

>Elemental changes in kusoneko today

>> No.22445555

Never played an unpopular mobage before?

>> No.22445660

I tried using an off element character for 20* coop and it became a slog so I guess we're back to elements mattering again. Not looking forward to the next hell quest.

>> No.22445693

>tfw using Corne in 20* Yaminabe
I understand that they're trying to kill off blacc succ and grampa, but Corne only came out literally just a few days ago. This is the most cruel powercreep yet.

>> No.22445734

I dunno, her s1 does an obscene amount of elemental damage. Every character gets fucked hard by this but I can't think of a better character that I'd want to clear lightning maps with and she can still make full use of Oscroll's motif.

>> No.22445864

The problem is, she cannot be an all-rounder anymore. Yeah, she's the best character to use at 20* lightning coop, but I literally don't care about that stage because dark coop is way easier and faster to clear.

>> No.22445911

You can easily increase your luck, goy.

>> No.22445922

How does this is going to affect characters like Tina which has 3 elements on their skills?

>> No.22445935

Oh yeah, there's also Riran and the upcoming blessed 2-sword quests too. I was expecting she could cheese all the 12 quests with her crazy DPS and all, but now things are looking pessimistic.

All typeless characters are basically kill now. That includes Tina and Sheryl.

>> No.22446145

I logged on SoulWorker mobage today cause I was bored and noticed that Iris is now playable.

>> No.22446160 [DELETED] 

I'll never not be amazed at how bad korean voice acting sounds. Almost as awful as chinese.

>> No.22446255

>Full mileage bar for a non-event SSR
Oh well. At least maid Jimyu seems like a pretty solid roll in general. Self cooldown reduction on her own skills, plus she lets me use that 4* handgun for team cooldown reduction.

>> No.22446396
File: 570 KB, 676x482, EJpotfuU4AEnnhg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New official Action Taimanin tweet showing the animation of kicking down a door.


>> No.22446419

>Door is labeled "EXIT"
Does it count as making an exit if the exit door is kicked out?

>> No.22446436
File: 2.44 MB, 1100x6828, PTD pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck? How the hell is PTD planning to stay alive for it's 3rd anniversary?

>> No.22446454

Which mobage has the best usage of AR? I like to be able to take pictures of my waifus placed in the real world.

>> No.22446500

Girls Frontline.

>> No.22446530

Best AR I've seen has been Starlight Stage. Seven Deadly Sins mobage and that SMT mobage, if it's still around, had pretty good AR too but the games themselves were pretty ass.

>2D sprites
>good AR
What are you smoking? Might as well take a picture and just slap the character sprite on it.

>> No.22446536

>Doesn't get the AR joke
Hint: Girls' Frontline is a gun girl game and someone asked for a mobage that uses AR effectively.

>> No.22446570
File: 82 KB, 1200x849, EJW-YeKU8AAs81M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually don't pay attention to their twitter.

>> No.22446578

Would be an easier joke to get if GFL didn't have in some places a near fanatical fanbase that fails to see faults and a very poor augmented reality function, but I get your point.

>> No.22446622

When does sword of the tyrant skill activate? I don't think I ever seen the implant activating its skill ever.

>> No.22446647

Should be when the girl has 5 or more platoon units remaining.

>> No.22446726

I hadn't noticed but I turn off retweets because I only care about their own tweets.

>> No.22446745
File: 25 KB, 800x450, y9rxlvnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F4F Wildcat is the cutest unit in Ash Arms.

>> No.22446940

It's basically THE /ak/ mobage so I'd be surprised if it didn't have an obnoxious fanbase.

>> No.22446956

>Chapt 4A boss just rushes over and brutalizes all my ground forces
>Turn 1

>> No.22447064

Use air units. She doesn't target them.

>> No.22447081
File: 136 KB, 615x340, 1573938816090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing to hate about Another Eden is the updater. This thing is the worst I've seen and doesn't tell you that you had a connection error when you have one and will instead choose to tell you at 99.99% because the files got corrupted due to spaghetti coding.
You can't even see how big the file you're downloading either so all you can do is sit there and wait as the bar moves slowly and hope it completes in one go this time.

>> No.22447088

So is it impossible to get an S? I beat it, but you can't enter a map without at least ground unit.

>> No.22447102

Weird i never had any issues with the updater and i played both JP and global.

>> No.22447129

You'll never have any issues if you have a fast and stable connection. You'll curse the family of whoever made this thing if you don't because this thing doesn't have a download manager, just a simple download bar.

>> No.22447186

Which intelliframes do you use?

>> No.22447211

You can.

>> No.22447212

You need a really beefy tank to S rank it just come back later when you've powered up.

>> No.22447228

I'll do that. Thanks for the help.

>> No.22447241

my guess is the meta is going to have at least sword intel for most light units and one raging current

>> No.22447264

Jap wiki comments say tyrant sword only activates for the first two turns which would suck. Some frame activations are also opposite of their descriptions, what a mess.
Right now I'm using mostly the attack debuff and victory pursuit since my units are all just 3*.

>> No.22447266

>but you can't enter a map without at least ground unit.
You should try shit before claiming it's impossible.

>> No.22447269

It doesn't let me.

>> No.22447281

nevermind. I was clicking back instead of going into the map which kept resetting my team.

>> No.22447284

Probably because you have no aerial units in place. Can't have a completely blank squad.

>> No.22447303

This too.

>> No.22447333
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>I was clicking back instead of going into the map which kept resetting my team.

>> No.22447337

>Iron Saga EN was released by accident before shutting down
Nice. Makes me wonder what's gonna happen on actual release

>> No.22447344

>unlockable equipment stats look worse than the default
Ash Arms, why?

>> No.22447347

>>Iron Saga EN was released by accident before shutting down
What do you mean?

>> No.22447355

I didn't even know there was going to be a EN version.

>> No.22447361

I have no idea what I'm using since I can't into moon.

>> No.22447400

Time to spend years learning it then be bitter about the people that didn't enjoying things like everyone else like everyone else

>> No.22447408

I've yet to see any where all stats are lower. The ones that have many that are lower usually have some sort of skill. Equipment isn't about direct upgrades but about choosing what you need based on trade-offs.

There are so many tools for EOPs like Google Translate that help if you don't know japanese. Also there are multiple sources of english information for Ash Arms talked about in this thread. Really the only things stopping you from knowing this shit is laziness.

>> No.22447420

I didn't know until I saw someone mention it several threads ago

>> No.22447433

>Official discord
I hate the age we live in

>> No.22447494
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Flames on Stuka since I use her to snipe annoying artillery enemies at the back.
Battle Ready on Zero, she's usually tanking the fliers on turn 1.
I don't know what to put on Wirbelwind so it's Firepower here, maybe Pursuit would be better.
Immovable on Tiger for obvious reasons.

>> No.22447606

Have you tried protector on tiger? Feels like that worked better than immovable for me on tanks.

>> No.22447674

You may be right, I just haven't gotten a high level Protector frame to try yet.
My other concern is Protector will be obsolete after LB4 unless you run an undersized solo tank on purpose, which seems dicey with how many hits they're potentially taking from those later swarm mobs.
Though it's hard to say one way or the other until someone figures out the damage formula and how armor and damage reduction works.

>> No.22447786

I was not aware Iron Saga EN was going to be a thing and already played a few hours in JP. Oh well, will play both because why not.

>> No.22447833

Even Riran takes forever to kill the dark plant on Yaminabe, either they forgot to decrease the enemy health to compensate or they did it on purpose because it was the level everyone ran.

The change to weapons also fucks over a lot of characters that relied on motifs of a different element. It effectively kills off weapons like Ruby's gloves and Melidias' sword for all but a handful of characters and weapons with no elements at all like Tina's gun become pretty worthless until the meta shifts back to white damage. The biggest hit is for characters like variants and berserkers that relied on ingot weapons or ones like Sheryl's.

The timing for this is very suspect since it's happening right before Chaguma. Maybe they're trying to preempt Aisha from taking over the game again after they buff her by killing huge white damage and the Skull Magna for a while. It would also explain why Corne was so amazing since she's another fire/slash character. I can't wait to see what crazy ability they give Chaguma Eleanor now, knowing Kusopl her attribute will change based on what weapon you have equipped to her.

>> No.22447993
File: 21 KB, 221x76, but what does it mean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of a tossup since they both have pros and cons. Protector is nice since it's permanent and guaranteed, but the one unit requirement and needing to actually take an attack first for it to activate makes it seem a bit sketchier to use for high level stuff. Immovable probably scales well once you have good implants and a complete board, but loses effectiveness if you're pushing forward a lot or enemies have knockback. There's also the fact that protector requires green implants and what luck does is still vague.

Letting us view buffs mid-turn somehow would clear up a lot of things, like how the damage reduction skills that say (for this attack) seem to last the entire turn and stack. More explicit percentages would also help a lot. For the most part though, it seems like sources of damage reduction stack additively. At least based on that player survey they did they seem to acknowledge more clarity regarding buffs as likely future QoL.

>> No.22448179

Anyone figured out how that annoying as fuck buff works on some enemies like the 3A-10 boss and some of those big artillery/AA bug enemies that makes them take 0 damage from most sources? It wears of eventually sometimes but it doesn't seem to be a threshold you need to break or some sort of barrier that recharges or not even some immunity to certain bullet types. So fucking sick of all the shitty evasive and defensive buffs these enemies get. Especially when even the standard enemies have better offensive skills like passive counters and multiple units that hit both air and ground at obscene ranges compared to the the player units.

>> No.22448228

you have to hit it with a counter attack, miss or hit

>> No.22448239

Why does it end at some point even if I don't counter it?

>> No.22448265

>3A-10 boss
If you attack her first it nullifies a certain number of attacks (6 iirc). The buff wears off after she drops below 95% hp.
>big artillery/AA bug enemies that makes them take 0 damage
It's a buff they have that has a low chance of triggering for 1 turn when they're attacked.
>passive counters
So do you.
>hit both air and ground
I don't remember if there's any enemies that hit both air and ground at the same time. Maybe a boss?
>at obscene ranges compared to the the player units
This is true.

>> No.22448286

yea what anon said above. Either hit it a number of times or counter attack it to put her hp below 95%
Ganbare anon!

>> No.22448289

Which girl has the Patroller skill?

>> No.22448318

Patroller is the enemy overwatch skill, right? So most of them?

>> No.22448334

I don't think it's overwatch. Patroller activates even if they do other actions on their turn. It even has the little gear icon next to it.

>> No.22448361

I think he means the ability to fire aoe attacks on both ground or air which the corals and big bugs can do at 1-3 range iirc.

>> No.22448365

Besides what others said, explosive ammo has flat damage attached to attacks that doesn't get reduced, which helps drop the 3-10A boss's HP below the 95% really quick. One attack from my 4* Heus is enough to drop her HP enough.

No, Patroller is the triangle Levitating type's passive that makes it counter any regular attacks against it. You're supposed to melee them if you don't want to get fucked.

>> No.22448373

>If you attack her first it nullifies a certain number of attacks (6 iirc). The buff wears off after she drops below 95% hp.
So it's basically a massive time waster or you need to manual it. Fucking love it. Makes farming her a bitch.
>So do you.
Which units? I'm not talking about the 99 overwatch skills. I'm talking about how some of the enemy planes, the duckbill looking shits, shoot back at you when you shoot them even when they're not in overwatch. Hence passive.
>I don't remember if there's any enemies that hit both air and ground at the same time. Maybe a boss?
I didn't mean at the same time. I meant that there are multiple units that can switch between the two and have fuckhuge range.

And god I hope the next thing they do is improve the auto AI and I hope they do it fast. I'm sure that's number one on all the lists and in their survey. I'm so fucking sick of my bombers just sitting back for absolutely no reason when there are ground units and 0 enemy flyers or units that can hit air. Ridiculous too that the AI can't use special abilities even if they're just a fairly standard attacks like Flak 88's or Stuka's double shot. Melee too. Just make it so that they use it if it's a green check or they're low health like the AI already does. I think somethings fucked with the altitude switch too because while AI does change altitude, it makes no god damn sense when it does and it can't seem to figure out to do stuff like switch altitude based on what enemies are left.

>> No.22448404

I see what you mean now. None of your girls have a passive overwatch skill as far as I know. But it is functionally like your overwatch skills and it doesn't trigger every turn either. I don't think there are enemies with infinite counters like your dolls can do.

>> No.22448407

I just hope they teach the AI to melee stuff. Especially fighters. Easy 2-turn clears turn into 5 turn shootouts because they AI refuses to use Air Superiority's Melee.

>> No.22448432

I see, I think I just never noticed cause I'm always using air counter on them or meleeing them asap without letting the skill trigger.

>> No.22448482

Is Disgaea out yet? What about that Love Plus mobage?

>> No.22448492

Love Live is dead, anon

>> No.22448564

I'm not talking about Love Live

>> No.22448586

Love *Plus is dead, anon

>> No.22448634

So is there a place to read about these enemy skills and what they do?

>> No.22448646

>Let players set a number of skip tickets they want to use

Imagine taking until 2nd anniversary update to add this.

>> No.22448654
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The comments on the Twitter post are a gold mine. Can't believe the Chad Successor is getting shafted like this.

>> No.22448750

Air unit rate up fucking WHEN

>> No.22448932

What? You want another tank? Right on it

>> No.22448943


>> No.22448980

Please play Last Cloudia!

>> No.22449019

please explain why

>> No.22449279
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Probably be a while. The next rate is most likely going to be VK1602. Like everyone has been going on and on about how they want her.

>> No.22449403

After getting all tomes what should you use red keys for in Another Eden? Grinding light for Amy (and eventually Azami) seems like the next logical step but is there something more worthwhile that I'm forgetting?

>> No.22449444
File: 240 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20191118-223839_ANOTHER EDEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leaving before she finishes her introduction
Wow, I didn't know the MC was such a bully

>> No.22449486

Astral Chronicles > Another Eden

>> No.22449504

>Astral Chronicles
Is this game even still alive? I was playing it at launch until the day they decided to adjust free crystal changes. Before that my server was already slowly dying anyways because of the lack of actual content.

>> No.22449525

Enabling chuunibyou is not healthy. Aldo knows this.

>> No.22449568
File: 83 KB, 469x625, 1526081111899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onimaru and kino finally getting their 4th boards
>Inb4 they don't give them the damage cap upgrade
I hope next month they have the rest of the goken with their 4th boards

>> No.22449583

holy shit that's fucking hot
>light tank
what are their roles in this game?

>> No.22449633

Being dodge tanks
Marking enemy units for long range fire from heavier units.
Back stabbing melee.
Fighting hoard units due to their large unit count.

>> No.22449648

P2 has one of the best skills in the game by far and large.

>> No.22449699

What's her skill?

>> No.22449772

Getting more tomes to upgrade their VC.

>> No.22449870


>> No.22450065

Very large debuff to hitrate, evasion rate and ground evasion for 3 turns.

>> No.22450189

I wish I were a mobage

>> No.22450192
File: 98 KB, 1283x721, アッシュアームズ_Screenshot_2019.11.18_23.05.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally, after 121 rolls

>> No.22450196

Why hasn't Japan yet made a Brawl Stars clone?

>> No.22450200

Thank you for keeping the server alive.

>> No.22450224

specifically square enix mobage?or maybe nexon?

>> No.22450245
File: 240 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191119-165934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the format of the recent Cafe events, but it's such a pain to actually grind them for rewards.

>> No.22450274

I should have tried another eden before, this is really nice.

>> No.22450325

I feel like I’m missing something on this current event the rate I’m going on it doing the hardest level has a disgusting grind, do I rush the boss or delay it

>> No.22450397

Rush it. Each combat stage gives a set amount. Completing the run gives a bonus 100. There's a chance to open coins from the random chance cards too. Optimally 20 stamina for 100+x + 100 completion for boss finish or rolling a few cards in a row. Avoid normal combat missions since you want to end the run as soon as possible

>> No.22450402

Did you get all other units in the progress? At least you probably have enough to get her to at least 4* if not 5*. 121 rolls is a lot and makes the 300 rolls for the spark just seem ridiculous.

>> No.22450425
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But it’s normal?

>> No.22450436

>300 rolls for the spark just seem ridiculous.
Just your industry standard, set up by the beloved Cygame.

>> No.22450449

300 for a spark is fair considering the currency gain but keeping it at 300 on a game with lower currency gain is just nuts

>> No.22450461

Currency gain may change, for better or worse, as the game grows, back then when GBF just added the spark system, they didn't hand out as many free rolls as they do nowadays.

>> No.22450513

"Normal" would've been to get at least 2 KV-2s in 121 rolls with the rate being 2%. You got pretty unlucky.

They're probably not going to change rates though and you're pretty unlikely to not get what you want in 300 rolls with the rate up draw rate being 2%. Deresute for example has 0.75% rate ups with the "standard" 300 spark. It would make sense if the 300 got you a pick of any 3* but being limited to just rate up units makes it seem pretty worthless even for those whales that are likely to spend enough for 300 rolls. I guess the tokens do get converted to standard tokens as far as I know but even that way you're just getting a random 3* that I'm assuming can be a dupe. Just doesn't seem like a useful feature and I think they should cut the spark amount by at least half so it's more in line with the rest.

>> No.22450520
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>Decided to waste 1k gems anyway
"Rate-up" is a lie as usual.

>> No.22450536

Would you recommend resetting when you get three non-boss battle stages?

>> No.22450540

I wish I could toss 1k gems and pull 5* too

>> No.22450569

How do I

>> No.22450577

Rate-up is exactly what it means. It's not a guarantee retard

>> No.22450588

What games are you basing your standards on, exactly? Because pretty much everything about this game's gacha is bog standard. The fact that your leftover points not spent on a spark build toward a guaranteed 3* is even a step up compared to games where the points either just disappear or get converted into random trinkets.

>> No.22450627

I'm not basing my standards on anything. I don't have a "standard" because that's retarded and I don't think there should be a standard. I'm looking at Ash Arms and how it's built and pointing out that the current spark system doesn't make sense in how it plays together with the other systems.

>> No.22450868

>rate up
>get the equivalent of 10R 1SR
>every single fucking roll
More like rate down. I literally get better rates in the normal gacha banner.

>> No.22450871

All games with "Love" in their names are dead.

>> No.22450939
File: 27 KB, 500x514, 1549785918894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a drop list for Ash Arms?
I'm using https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I7bc4bYJKUxjnqIHyeLP8mD9V9_u0CvFfPAOGhGs3o0/edit#gid=0
but it's SEAmonkey cancer and is incomplete.

>> No.22450948
File: 320 KB, 1920x1080, Cocoro Magical FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no better feeling than finally FCing a song that you've been struggling with for hundreds of attempts, though. Besides, you only need to get a high score once.

>> No.22450953


>> No.22450970

One posted in this thread. If you're not SEAmonkey cancer yourself you'll find it.

>> No.22451030

Well, if you're not SEAmonkey cancer you wouldn't post in this thread.

>> No.22451184

Bros, please play the new SAO game

>> No.22451403

Why does it looks like a flash game?

>> No.22451427

They want the FGO audience

>> No.22451438

But it looks worse than FGO and i didn't know that was possible.

>> No.22451536

But that's the newest strategy from game freak

>> No.22451562

You mean releasing games that aren't finished?
Isn't everyone doing this nowadays?

>> No.22451635


>> No.22451781

More like releasing a shitty looking game because you have the franchise power to back the game, though I guess that's just every anime mobage.
Also aren't mobages essentially just an unfinished games?
