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22419961 No.22419961 [Reply] [Original]

Taisho Alice edition


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Previous Thread: >>22319904

>> No.22420017

Thanks OP, I was afraid I was going to have to revive us again.

Anyway, how can you even convey the difference between hiragana and katakana into English?

>> No.22420053

No, but but you shouldn't 1:1 translate it anyway. A translator job is to change thing when needed to they fit the original author's intent.

>> No.22420134
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>Kawase was better at sex than MInakami
Sure, he's more experience and has a strong opening, good with fingers so he knows how to make it good fast, but you need to re-read the sex scene if you think Tamamori wasn't enjoying getting rammed against the pillar by Minakami over using Kawase as his human dildo. Minakami literally destroyed any tsun left, at that point Tamamori was full dere and literally dropped any pretense. He probably would have accepted marrying him on the spot.
Meanwhile he was still doing his usual bantz when Kawase was taking him from behind and blushing with his usual tsun as he rode him.

Help I'm obsessed with this stupid porn game and I need more people to talk about it.

>> No.22420160

>You be Alice and I'll be ALICE
Really simple solution which makes their initial decision even more baffling, but whatever it was obviously a money laundering scheme in the first place.

>> No.22420791


So it's a re-translation from JAST instead of that random scammer? I heard the Switch version had new content though, too bad those can't be added in.

>> No.22420839

That's good this isnt another mtl job. Still skeptical over the decision to split it into episodic releases for no reason and that Jast will take 500 years to release the rest.

>> No.22421089

i was hoping kawase would be the sex/pandering route but it's pretty tame so far

>> No.22421602

Brosisters, why have you been talking about the same game for the last 7 threads? Is it the holy grail?

>> No.22421662

Was recently translated and people play at different rates.

It's also the "newest" BL game to come out in English for a long time. Most people who give a shit about Sweet Pool played the unofficial patch years ago, and anything forthcoming won't be out soon. So it's Hashihime or bust.

That said, the main route is the pinnacle of VN romance. Would highly recommend playing it with the caveat that the rest of the routes decline in quality as you unlock them.

>> No.22421697

Your taste is as flawless as your logic. Break the tsundere > half-hearted dom/sub play.

It kind of felt like the authors were too afraid to go all the way in the other routes. Especially Hanazawa, if you're going to have rape just make it rape.

Maybe it's just my opinion but Hakase's was very strange. It should have been the kinkiest one but all that happened was dildos, feet, and a little dom/sub. Either they were too successful in reining in the author's fetishes, or they were writing something they had 0 experience with.
Like only heard about it on the street and thought it would be a good idea to implement tier of experience.

>> No.22421965
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So at first they thought about making a KOF idol or school game but turned those ideas down (thank god), and KOF2002 UM is the license they have to pull guys from. Ash never ever?

>> No.22422355

>KOF can't make it as a fighting game so they're going to make otome games instead

This is an interesting timeline.

>> No.22422602

>Is it the holy grail
Perhaps, actually.

We have discussed it to death, and it still hasn't gotten old.

>> No.22422660

Of all the VNs I've played, it's the first to linger with me so long. I actually want to do the main route again just for that catharsis at the end. It's something I'll look forward to forgetting the details of so I can experience it like almost-new again.

Kind of helps that Hashihime doesn't try to get the guys together ASAP. It tells it's story without rushing to the sexy time and the (main route's) romance feels natural instead of something that's expected to earn the BL tag. I'm not going to say it's the best thing I've ever read, but it's definitely my favourite VN.

>> No.22423313

>It kind of felt like the authors were too afraid to go all the way in the other routes. Especially Hanazawa, if you're going to have rape just make it rape.
I "liked" Hanazawa sex scene because usually rape scenes are either violent or involve handcuff and shit which are a bonerkiller for me, the whole dissonance between Tamamori's actions and his words, combined with the calm atmosphere was pretty sexy.

Which is not to say the whole route wasn't retarded or the way he's basically forgiven because LUV after it isn't stupid, but as a scene separeted from canon is fappable.

>> No.22423452

If only the rest of the routes measured up to the first one, then it would be kamige without a doubt.
Has anyone checked out adelta's first game by any chance?

>> No.22423480

I don't think routes' quality is a problem too much, unless you don't have routes like Fata most praised VNs have shit routes at one point. The problem is that you go through the true/best route first and the game ends with a shit-tier route, one of the worst endings I ever saw.

>> No.22423490

I agree with what the others said, but to add to that I imagine that once everyone has finished Hashihime and something new comes out the thread will shift to that for a while unless it's garbage. Though aside from Lucky dog, Taisho alice and the slutty isekai princess otome I can't remember right now what other thread relevant game is waiting on its english language release right now.

>> No.22424259

Nitro+CHiRAL's back catalog (Togainu no Chi is next), Slow Damage (assuming it's not vaporware), and Room No. 9 (nukige by the NTY group) are all "coming soon". And I guess it might be true if you compare to the rate at which fan translations come out. But it's not like anything is expected to drop before mid-2020.

>> No.22424501
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>Is it the holy grail?
Yes, but to be honest most discussions are about the first two routes and in particular the first one (Or the last and why it is so shitty)

I can't quite explain what I liked about Hashihime's main route, the best thing I can say it's that it caught me by surprised, I was expecting your usual "pick your favorite boy" VN, I was 100% into the setting and premise and the art-style were my jam. So when I started playing and I slowly found out the game was actually more interested in telling a story rather than excuse to have the character fall in love and fuck I was genuinely impressed. It was a story first and it features two characters who are dudes and discovered they were in love, it was like any other story but at the same time you couldn't swap the fact the characters were dudes because the story wouldn't make any sense. As the other anon said, it felt natural.

Also the main pairing is really good, while they clearly written under seme/uke stereotypes to some degree, it felt like they were also written as people first. The sex scene is so good because it's a nice subversion of the usual stereotypes and didn't throw away their personalities (Minakami willing to self-sacrifice and put the other first, Tamamori's arrogange and neediness for the other's attention, etc) also there was some realism to Minakami's issues which made the story feel more real or natural?

It's a shame the last route is so bad, even putting aside the whole lol everything is a dream and yet it wasn't which felt like a "fuck you" to the reader , I'm not one bothered by PRUBLEMATIC content in fiction or anything, I mean every character in Hashihime is fucked up anyway, but I feel like that trope is really off limit unless you intentionally portray it as bad or insane or it's a porn doujin on ex with the appropriate tag. But also it's so different from everything that came before, like it's not like it was a particularly fucked up VN up to that point, Hanazawa is probably the most messed up character and it's generally portrayed as a an awful person and a mess.

>> No.22424667

Are there people even interested in TnC in 2019? Feels like the game was only good when it was basically the only know BL.
No.9 seems fap worthy but not sure about the story.

>> No.22424704


Oh seems like their new work will have a new pairing for each route? Seems like an answer to Hashihime's main issue, I wonder if she dislikes writing multiple pairing for the same MC. Also damn, Minakami's VA doing the bottom for the third route.

>> No.22424919
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>Minakami's VA doing the bottom for the third route
Oh jesus

>> No.22424943

>Second uke is Tamamori's VA
>Kobayashi is Hakase
Holy hell, I'm excited.

Akira's voice is extremely unexpected. Also, I can't seem to access the second seme's voice samples.

>> No.22424954

Please, please, please let this get translated. I want another BL that eschews BL nonsense.

>> No.22424993

>Minakami's VA doing the uke role

God exists and He is kind.

>> No.22425001

>Not having Tamamori or Kawase voice the seme for that role reveral
Missed opportunity.

>> No.22425016

On the bright(???) side, Bitou Hideyoshi is voicing an uke.

>> No.22425051

Damn, maybe the time to prove Dekinai-chan wrong has finally come.

>> No.22425104

This thread seems way more full of EOPs than it used to be.

Though I guess back then you could count the number of translated BL and otome games on your hands so it makes sense.

>> No.22425192

I can see it doing well among people who like edge, but I certainly don't feel like buying it. Back when I played it Rin's route was the only one I really enjoyed because it felt like the only route where Akira was actively pursuing the guy he would end up with. Of course that being said the mindbroken cumdumpster ending in Shiki's route was still pretty hot.

>> No.22425452

Are the other routes even particularly romantic? I think they fuck and don't even mention it after it or something?

>> No.22425563

Maybe the childhood friend's route was, after he stopped being yandere, but it's been a while and despite being into childhood friends this guy didn't really click with me.

>> No.22425631
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Anyone read this stuff? Seems interesting. I can't quite make the part about the author's impression, seem to shed some light about her thoughts on the last route.

>> No.22425658

Uh It mentions that its existence is meant to be "different from the other route's Kaoru" I think. Also the beads he's wearing come from Minakami. Can't read it to well.

>> No.22425857

It's aesthetic is so of it's time that if theres ever a nostalgia boom for edgy early 2000s nu metal type shit it might get interest again.

>> No.22426039 [SPOILER] 
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This one is more interesting. Tons of lore info, a shame my Japanese is so bad.

>> No.22426219 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.75 MB, 4300x3036, 1573764720028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll upload it later in case anyone is interested.

>> No.22427181

I wish I could read Japanese. Maybe it's time to finally commit to it.

>> No.22427307

Haven't even read through the vn yet but please upload it.

>> No.22427315

It's not that hard. Unless you really want to learn as fast as possible you don't really need to spend hours a day on anki reps and such once you've got past the basics, just find VNs you're invested in and will keep reading even if it's kind of a chore at first. You'll pick up enough vocab eventually that you'll only need to look things up every few paragraphs.

>> No.22427336

Any BL recommendations? I tried once with my basic JP and a text hock to look kanji I dind't know, but it became so much of a pain I had to stop every 5 seconds because I didn't get enough sentences.

>> No.22427852

Just read manga or something.

>> No.22428104

I'm still mad nearly every character song but snow's sucked

>> No.22428215

Really? My favourite was Alice's, but I also liked Kaguya's.

>> No.22428911

>looks the same at 32 and 58
what's his secret

>> No.22429246 [SPOILER] 
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Here you go. There is another Q&A which is free, but this one should contain all information anyway.

He's 2d. Also has a bit of more lines at 58.

>> No.22429349
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>Drawn such a DILF
>Do nothing with it
Now I'm imagining 50 years old daddy full dere Tamamori being mating pressed by 50 years old Daddy Minakami.
Should be a fandisk scenario.

>> No.22429968
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One day we'll get the ojiisan game we deserve.

>> No.22430900

Thank you!

>> No.22430975

>the main route is the pinnacle of VN romance
i keep seeing people say this but i didn't find it particularly impressive
like...oh wow. guy goes back in time multiple times to save the dude he loves
is that all? or did i miss something while reading

>> No.22431079
File: 187 KB, 1920x1080, hashihime_2019-10-21_23-46-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but I liked the way it came together as well the fact that it was a romance between two dudes that didn't fall for the usual BL stereotypes but at the same the fact they were two guys was deeply ingrained in the story.

Like the way a lot of details start to make sense once you become aware of the characters' feelings from all sides such as why Tamamori is a writer in the first place, or why he does simple things like avoiding puddles. Minakami is the designated "seme" character, but the way he's emotionally vulnerable is usually more attributed with "uke" characters, like when he did stupid things like trying to capture the other's attention by pretending to go to uni because he thought the other would lose interest in him.
Also the fact that Tamamori was in love with him all along instead of him just falling from Minakami along the way and just the usual "It's OK if it's you". They were meant to be together, but at the same time it was a doomed romance without the help of his future self. The characters felt human and fully realized to me.

Also it isn't just Tamamori who traveled back in time, Minakami did it 23 times as a kid and the shopkeeper himself is basically re-arranging and traning his past self so him and MInakami could actually get together instead of him realizing too late and dooming their romance. I personally really love this trope and Hashihime has reincarnation romance too.

>> No.22432215

I went in not knowing anything about the game. I had low expectations due to previous experience- that it'd just be a Taisho-era flavoured pick-your-boy-and-shallow-drama simulator. But the fact that it had a story to tell and didn't compromise it for more sex/fuwa fuwa scenes really impressed me.

Pretty much what this Anon said >>22431079.

I really appreciated Tamamori as a character too. He's an unusually shitty person for being the MC- strongly defined in a number of real, negative ways (not that "hates vegetables" as a character flaw shit). And he grows a lot but not past the point of believability. The things that make him a shitty person are still there at the end, but they're softened and re-shaped by love and having experienced true loss. No heel-face turn into a meek and crying uke like one could expect in about any other VN out there.

>> No.22432281

>No heel-face turn into a meek and crying uke like one could expect in about any other VN out there.
Yep. Also he was the one doing the "chasing" into the relationship pretty much when you look at the actual development. The scene had the cinema in which he talks with Minakami for the first time about everything that happened, he's not the one getting emotional. Or even the scene in which they share the umbrella.

>> No.22432628

I couldn't much get into the other ones, admittedly. But I liked how Snow's progressed, felt very dreamy.

>> No.22432906

Nice, they'll give us access to both nip and eng text

>> No.22433239

I want to FUCK Minakami sexually.

Who determines what gets translated professionally anyway? Do translators working with a company say "hey I think this is good, let me work on it"? There's a ton of /blog/ stuff out there these days but it seems like there's still a fan translation mindset of "cool thing I like" rather than "popular in Japan" when it comes to bringing stuff over.

>> No.22433974
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well this is an interesting localization. I wonder what it says in the original.

>> No.22434138

> Do translators working with a company say "hey I think this is good, let me work on it"? There's a ton of /blog/ stuff out there these days but it seems like there's still a fan translation mindset of "cool thing I like" rather than "popular in Japan" when it comes to bringing stuff over.
It's been mentioned before but this does feel accurate with how Good haro seems to be the main influence in bringing over NTY and Room 09 even though most people don't seem to care much about it. Though with JAST it's just nitro+chiral stuff being popular and the company having connections to Nitro+ to begin with.

>> No.22434625

Hi, /blog/, how talent production companies work? Recently, YouTube recommended this video out of nowhere, and I really, really like him, Hozumi Yūya: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcLqwO-p6h8

How do I find talents with aesthetics like him? (Babyfaced bishie talents)

>> No.22434647 [DELETED] 
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>I want to FUCK Minakami sexually.
It's weird, Mikanakmi is hot but I don't want to see him do anything but sweet love to Tamamori.

Anyway looking at more Q&A the author reveals a bunch of stuff like

>The Professor dies in Kawase's route Great Earthquacke, since trying to save him would have gotten the army's attention
>The reason Tamamori in Kaoru's route couldn't jump back in time was because he was trapped into the shopkeeper's illusion, similar to how they were in the end of Kawase's route
>In Minakami's route, if Kawase were to found out about Minakami's situation, he would keep quiet and hide them from Hanazawa but he would still serve the man. He would die years later in the great war.
>A lot of random shit, like how they got a boner first. Hanazawa in a wet dream, Minakami got it while playing with Tamamori or something lol Kawase's part was a bix too complex for my japanese
>Part of the reason "Rainy days rule" exists is because Tamamori is still a bit afraid that Minakami could go away and would like for the Hashihime to come back
>Kawase got raped by his dad as a kid, but not Ikeda who was only into little boys and too old to pop a boner. I think she said he wanted Kawase to fuck little boys for him or something? The reason he killed Ikeda was to protect Katou-kun since he know how horrible pedos are
>When he tried to save Tamamori, Minakami initially tried to talk to him as a kid but it never worked, so he resolved to hilm down with his body in the end
>The reason he gave Tamamori new shoes was partially because he wanted to avoid him falling randomly into a puddle and disappear
>The Hashihime can indeed move to animal
>The reason he sees Minakami as a fish during fever is because it's a memory of a past life

>> No.22434662
File: 95 KB, 775x389, C7ux2MpUwAAxgjq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to FUCK Minakami sexually.
It's weird, Mikanakmi is hot but I don't want to see him do anything but sweet love to Tamamori.

Anyway looking at more Q&A the author reveals a bunch of stuff like

>The Professor dies in Kawase's route Great Earthquacke, since trying to save him would have gotten the army's attention
>The reason Tamamori in Kaoru's route couldn't jump back in time was because he was trapped into the shopkeeper's illusion, similar to how they were in the end of Kawase's route
>This means he chose to not use his power and keep living for Kaoru
>In Minakami's route, if Kawase were to found out about Minakami's situation, he would keep quiet and hide them from Hanazawa but he would still serve the man. He would die years later in the great war.
>A lot of random shit, like how they got a boner first. Hanazawa in a wet dream, Minakami got it while playing with Tamamori or something lol Kawase's part was a big too complex for my japanese
>Part of the reason "Rainy days rule" exists is because Tamamori is still a bit afraid that Minakami could go away and would like for the Hashihime to come back
>Kawase got raped by his dad as a kid, but not Ikeda who was only into little boys and too old to pop a boner. I think she said he wanted Kawase to fuck little boys for him or something? The reason he killed Ikeda was to protect Katou-kun since he know how horrible pedos are and he may be actually fond of kids
>When he tried to save Tamamori, Minakami initially tried to talk to him as a kid but it never worked, so he resolved to hilm down with his body in the end
>The reason he gave Tamamori new shoes was partially because he wanted to avoid him falling randomly into a puddle and disappear
>The Hashihime can indeed move to animals
>Kawase is not going to become an army doctor in his route anymore, but would like to become a pediatrician like Hanazawa's father
>The reason he sees Minakami as a fish during fever is because it's a memory of a past life

>> No.22435413


That's not our forte. We don't deal with real people except for scrolling archives to find them.

>> No.22435663

>Do translators working with a company say "hey I think this is good, let me work on it”
I’m not sure about the VN publishers but the American manga translators definitely got away with that in the early/mid 2000s.

>> No.22438006

What's people take on norn9?

>> No.22438278

It hurt to see Tamamori fucking other guys as I went through the other stories. Normally I don't really care about the routes past which guy appeals the most to me personally, but Tamamori and Minakami are the real deal. Anyone else is a bad end.

ADELTA seems to be into one main pairing above all else. Makes me excited that their next game is going to have multiple pairings instead of one MC with many options.

>> No.22438985
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If Otomes are either starteing be or feel like shit or dont seem "good enough" for you and your tests...

Reminder that there are good alternatives out there that are unisex. Especially a recently popular vidya game.

>> No.22439051

But why would I want more Chinatsu art? I hate it desu.

>> No.22439178

Can't stand the battle system.

>> No.22439527
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>It hurt to see Tamamori fucking other guys as I went through the other stories. Normally I don't really care about the routes past which guy appeals the most to me personally, but Tamamori and Minakami are the real deal. Anyone else is a bad end.
I never thoughts I'd get mad at homo NTR but here I am.

>> No.22439561

So is MG going to announce anything?

>> No.22440182
File: 456 KB, 1024x576, スチル 21-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Kawase popularity comes from the fact it's more easy to ship him with yourself.

>> No.22440804

ah too bad, I thought this is the most relevant place to ask. any other thread which is more relevant?

>> No.22440807

That's part of it, but it also helped that Parade was a sub-branch of CLOCK-UP, an already-existing partnership with Mangagamer. I can't say I know how they approached ADELTA (they are a doujin company after all), but having a relationship already established with a company makes it a much smoother suggestion to push. And Haro's personal love/bias + an excuse to merge a desire to translate with some semblance of pay and way to support the original team legally.

Lucky Dog is another situation where it seems like it was a "fan translation first; hmm maybe we should see if we can acquire the license" deal however. With standard eroge, Mangagamer seems to stick mostly with the same handful of companies. With BL being so niche and published by separate developers, I think the pool of considered BL is smaller if new negotiations have to be made each time.

Even JAST only published two BL titles from the same developer (Langmaor) and just recently acquired Nitro;Chiral. A whopping two partners. I think it will be some time before we see different BL make it over. What big titles are EOPs looking forward to?

>> No.22440992

Damn, Kawase had a hard life. It's a miracle his personality isn't worse than it is.

>> No.22441544

Are there any VNs with gay romances that aren't written for women? I've tried to read a few BL games and it's quite obvious I'm not the intended audience.

>> No.22441569

No thank you was supposedly "written" for men, but body hair and thicc men aside, I thought most of romances were incredibly dull and fuck him until he likes basically which you see in dozen of yaoi. Though they didn't feel very romantic in the first place except one route, most of bottoms barely enjoyed sex. May want to check Hiro's route at least.

I thought Hashihime's main route was particularly relatable despite the characters getting emotional and they even call out homosexuality in-universe which was refreshing, instead of the usual "If it's you it's OK".

>> No.22441575


>> No.22441601

I find it strange that the only gay media that's actually targeted at men is exclusively about bears. You'd think there would be something to appeal to people that like twinks, such as the sort of character designs you'd get in BL material. I mean, I really doubt the interests of Japanese gays are that narrowly focused.

>> No.22441613

Honestly, I know plenty of gay men who enjoy yaoi anyway. Sure, a lot of them are written by women for women, but a lot of decent writers exist anyway that can make it enjoyable in the first place.

>> No.22441708

>No thank you was supposedly "written" for men
Isn't that something MangaGamer made up to make it look special

>> No.22441711
File: 155 KB, 1600x900, nothankyou_2018-10-19_00-22-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, but given the options and the body types, I can see it.
Either way it failed at it, unless you were looking for porn, but even that was pretty dull.

>> No.22441713

Among the nip fanartists I follow, the gay dudes that want twinks will just consume BL and don't appear to have a problem with it.

>> No.22441780

Drawn by a woman, for women, but according to her she wanted to get away with a more "masculine approach"

>> No.22443143

It's a shame he's basically wasted on the game given the main pairing.

It's rare to find a sadist who are dickish but never would cross the rape line but instead know what's right and wrong.

>> No.22444031

N+C stuff for sure. Outside of that, I actually haven't heard any buzz. Most likely because unless a moon speaker shares the news with EOPs, very few will hear about it. And even if they do the chances of it being translated are incredibly small.

There's also the fact that a tiny, extremely loose-knit community is difficult to market to. I didn't even know about BL stuff getting official translations until I visited /blog/ on a lark and saw people getting excited over Hashihime. I thought it was still a fan translation situation where EOPs basically checked in every 7-10 years to see if something good was given a decent effort. Now I see it's a situation where checking in every 2-3 years might yield results. Much better than how it used to be, but it makes me wish more ambitious stuff got instead of N+C's back catalogue that's been out for years already.

>> No.22444080

He's not wasted, per say, since his route is viable in it's own right. And I thoroughly enjoyed watching him toe the line without ever crossing it during his sex scene.

In terms of routes, if you want maximum feels and catharsis, Minakami is the way to go. If you want to be on the edge of your seat with anticipation, Kawase's the better of the two. Both have merits that let them be great stories. Minakami is still best boy though.

>> No.22445168

>Now I see it's a situation where checking in every 2-3 years might yield results. Much better than how it used to be, but it makes me wish more ambitious stuff got instead of N+C's back catalogue that's been out for years already.
This is part of the reason why I just started learning japanese. I haven't made as much progress in these past few years as I should've cause I'm self-studying and I'm bad at disciplining myself outside of small daily exercises but I've been considering trying to read a simple game like some high school SoL stuff to see if I can expand my vocabulary that way.

>> No.22445206

I like Kawase because his character is pretty good, but it's whole route felt "what if Tamamori never faced himself and his feelings" as well a way to explore what would have happen if things didn't follow their correct course. It's not a bad route but it feels more like a side story.

Plus it's kinda cruel when you look at the narrative in the broader sense, Minakami is his reincarnated lover, Kawase is just "one of the many guys".

>> No.22447702
File: 60 KB, 640x494, 8c1082eb-9018-4a7c-a962-1c5db9b1a341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just see Souma with shark teeth. HE is not even trying with these new guys.

>> No.22449060

Who needs to try when you get thrown money at either way.

>> No.22452029

I started playing Taisho Alice. I don't want to look anything up in case of spoilers but does the boy Alice from the start get a real route?

>> No.22452654

>Characters formed a new group in Blackstar so their old cards will be removed from gacha
>Need 4 copies to read all of their card stories
Fuck Donuts. I'm not sure if I want to continue playing this now despite the songs aren't that bad,

>> No.22452745

>Kawase is just "one of the many guys".
That's part of his appeal though, he's kind of fighting the whole fate/star crossed lovers and suppressing his feelings throughout, because you can tell he's always really into Tamamori but always goes with mixed signals because of Minakami.

>> No.22453045
File: 36 KB, 1024x576, EHuI25UUwAAk0NP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess, but I can't help to compare Hashihime to to other similar love stories and it would feel incredibly "wrong" if the reincarnated lovers didn't end up together and needlessly cruel for the one left out. The difference here is that we don't know their pasts and only Minakami is aware.

I do wonder how the relationship between Kawase and Tamamori would evolve. Minakami and Tamamori are easy to imagine and the SS shows Tamamori getting some more development and stopping being a lazy bum.

>> No.22457268
File: 70 KB, 1080x800, EJ0Xn8fU8AAH5Aj.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish they didn't overplay Tamamori's tsun so much in fanart.
Also they fuck on snowy days?

>> No.22457296

Only on rainy days, in case of mishaps.

>> No.22457400

I wonder if Minakami's closed eyes existed because he's the original Hashihime and the end ending CG.

>> No.22457848

Sad. At least they can spoon under the kotatsu.

>> No.22457857

It's more likely that it was an apt character trope to include- you see anime characters with perpetually closed/squinty eyes all over the place; they're usually the calm and somewhat mysterious characters with a big secret. So it suited him perfectly. The CGs with his eyes open were a little extra special for it but it's not something to think too hard about.

>> No.22458061
File: 289 KB, 960x880, 73071436_p49_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tamamori and Minakami don't fuck. They make love.

>> No.22458311

I forgot how frustrating Donuts is. They have some enjoyable games but they're all managed so terribly.

>> No.22458878
File: 2.30 MB, 4882x2847, Loki.Laevatin.full.1656252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit, he's a borderline yanhomo but he's also my fetish

>> No.22461732
File: 381 KB, 1200x675, ss5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to bring your wireless headphones with you when you get isekai'd.

>> No.22461975

Releasing the game stories in Blackstar as events is also a weird idea imo.

>> No.22462061

Though I'm going at a goddamn snail's pace, I finished Professor's route last night.

I liked it. I like him. He's my type, unfortunately. As for the actual route, there was one part where I had no idea what was going on, but it was still fun. Definitely better than Hanazawa's, at any rate. There was one thing that I both liked and hated though, and that was when Tamamori absorbed his older self's memories and realized that he loved Minakami but knew that his present self wanted to save Professor even more. And then when Minakami came out and said that he's always loved Tamamori, but the Tamamori who he's speaking to is not "his." My heart broke, slightly.

The sex scene was hilarious. It wasn't unexpected at all, but still, what a pervert.

I agree with that one Anon saying that it felt more like an outline than a fully fleshed out route, but I enjoyed it well enough.

>> No.22462090

Now all you have to look forward to is the basement tard.

>> No.22462659

i've seen nip fags say they liked omerta

>> No.22463295
File: 155 KB, 377x634, 1501287557361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That route was so weird
>So you want to fuck the professor
>But please, let me remind me he will never love him as much as he loved this other dude from the other route.

>> No.22463481

Finally a kgk patch.
Fuck you gaijins though, because it's in Chinese

>> No.22463596

The teeth would be cute on another boy though

>> No.22464268

Yeah, it's not easy unlocking all of the stories based on the missions. And it doesn't make sense to have two 'events' running concurrently like they did with Halloween.

>> No.22464896
File: 164 KB, 1024x768, EJ9EJ38UYAAoq55.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iroha-hen is finally out after being stuck for 4 years in development limbo

>> No.22465332
File: 282 KB, 1200x630, ogp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Glad this is finally getting regular coverage.

>> No.22466106

>Is it the holy grail?
no, that's Paradise for me

>> No.22466950

wtf don't call him that

>> No.22467163
File: 83 KB, 302x389, 95VGYAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Groomed murderer/sex toy then?

>> No.22467174

there's never enough moaning in bl games
feels shitty seeing a line like "I kept desperately calling out his name like an idiot" and all you hear is the bg music
in galges the girls never shut up

>> No.22467257
File: 302 KB, 476x465, 147001582645555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find porn scene with a huge amount of characterization and written dialog in it way hotter than moaning.

>> No.22467343

This. Excessive moans just make me think "wew the VA sure is trying hard" and kill my boner.

>> No.22467360
File: 49 KB, 450x650, 1525165477185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the more I read about the last route, the less it makes sense. Like the Shopkeeper being a Tamamori from Minakami's route that went through a bad ending and decide he had throw away all his character development and become a worse version of his original self. Also even the original shopkeeper despite being a literal sociopath managed to understand fucking your mentally challenged child is wrong.
The final Tamamori feels like a completely different character. Because I guess he is in a sense, but what the christ.

>> No.22467475

kawase's route is better than minakami's
minus the whole friendship copout.and that it's ending so abruptly.

>> No.22467564

That's been the opposite of my experience.

>> No.22467592
File: 350 KB, 1000x1100, 73071436_p27_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are not friends.
Also I don't see it. Everything was significantly weaker. The main twist is essentially obfuscated and the climax barely touches the main plot points. The ending is not as powerful and the sex scene was worse.

The romance is significantly weaker especially the reason the characters are into each other in the first place, it felt like Tamamori sorta randomly ran into Kawase and stuck with him, while the relationship between Minakami and Tamamori is central to the story and its themes, starting to the reason he writes his stories in the first place. The only thing they don't have is as many scenes together displaying their chemistry, but that's because they are already in love in the first place, you are meant to look back at the story and realize how many interactions were hiding their fondness of each other and how much Tamamori refuses to acknowledge the harsher realities.

>> No.22467640

Isn't the last route confirmed non-canon?

>> No.22467648

The game operates under parallel universes so nothing is canon but everything is, but it's an AU yes. It's not the true ending/route.

>> No.22467919
File: 113 KB, 630x780, EJ5UMf5UYAAW69D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute girls(?)

>> No.22468186

i enjoyed it more. i mean, it was neat watching kawase beat the whole 'star-crossed, fate-destined lovers' thing and be honest with himself on tama. though i've always been a sucker for tsun types.

the route seemed to be about tama repairing his fucked up friendship with kawase, all while maturing into a better person (which i'd say is a big point of this vn), so i never got the feel their love was ~random~. not from kawase's side especially, he made it pretty clear that he's been harboring feelings for tama for a loooong time/been watching minakami pine after him for a while, without any real idea on what to do.

what "main plot points" did you feel went undiscussed? the stuff with the hashihime/military?

also the sex scene is WAY better imo

>> No.22468223 [SPOILER] 
File: 142 KB, 1920x1080, 1574462092879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kawase changed a bit but I feel like a great part of his personality is that "he'll always be himself" which is OK, I don't mind.

>what "main plot points" did you feel went undiscussed? the stuff with the hashihime/military?
Pretty much everything with the shopkeeper, the military, etc. Which of course the route didn't touch because you already went through it in Minakami's route, but it makes Kawase's route just feel accessory to Minakami's route.

>also the sex scene is WAY better imo
Well, this is pretty subjective, but Kawase sex scene was your typical sex scene. Tamamori still act largely tsundere toward him even at the end he rode Kawase he still super tsun and whanot. Meanwhile with Minakami you really feel like he was into it and completely melted toward the end.

>> No.22468394

The clothes for this game look so plain and bad so far compared to TMGS3 and it was nine years ago! I'm worried about the mc clothes

>> No.22468602

Are there any spoilers out yet?

>> No.22468638
File: 66 KB, 500x375, 1465415982184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know how weird is for a Boys Rabu game to be translated?

>> No.22468687 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 400x562, 1574471055962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the 5th route. My job is at last complete.

I did not like it. Seeing everyone gathered at the Ikeda mansion, all of them having fun and talking about goofy shit like who'll play the female lead, and then poof. It was all a dream. All of the time that we spent with those characters? Worthless. Absolute ass, and also out of character for Tamamori.

The whole thing about Tamamori having sex with his adopted son was uh, how do I put it? Not it? Weird as hell? Which sucks because I think Kaoru is adorable.

At least it was just an AU.

Overall, Minakami was the best, of course. I liked Kawase's route, but I liked Professer better as a person. Hanazawa's route was nonsensical, but at least he was handsome.

I'm reading the supplementary materials now, and there's some pretty neat stuff in there.

>> No.22468717

Pretty much exactly what I thought too honestly. I should learn moon so I can read the extra stuff.

I can only like the last route if I think of it as an example of the type of novel that was popular at the time- the type that fucks everything up in the last few sentences so you are left with a "what the fuck did I just read" experience. Not always pleasant, especially with the tard son fucking in this case. But not all stories need an ending that makes sense and/or feels good.

>> No.22468751

Are people actually hand-wringing over the mc fucking his adoptive son? Kek

>> No.22468770

>Are people actually hand-wringing over the mc fucking his adoptive son? Kek
>Eroge has incest in it
Alert the press. In term of fucked up stuff a 30 minutes AU of non blood related incest sex is pretty low when it comes to "what the fuck" content, half of this genre protagonists have sex with 12 years old little girls who are also their sister. Tamamori didn't even raise Kaoru and they are actually the same age.

Plus it's not even the same main character from the other routes. Not saying is good, but Hashihime is like 30 hours long and the stupid shit limited a stupid route not connected to the others.

>> No.22468789


I have kinks that even porn considers shameful and disgusting- not even a single N+C game has featured some of them. But fucking the mentally handicapped is a big turn off, personally. I was kind of surprised Hashihime went there after being so restrained in all the other routes. You're telling me I can't get real rape in Hanazawa's route, but I can witness a retarded adopted son fuck his dad like it's no big deal? Bad deal.

The only good thing I can say about it is it really drove home how this Tama was an AU version instead of the real one, much like his gold digger self in Hakase's route.

>> No.22468808 [SPOILER] 
File: 217 KB, 1920x1080, 1574472874658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The highest rated Eroge of all the time features the protagonist having sex with his two blood related daughters, one whom he raised, and it got a remake recently that got ported on Switch and PS4. Literally no one seems to have issue with it and you normalfags on twitter shilling their mega incest game.

Just to put things in perspective. I personally think the last route is disgusting, but I treat it as I treat the fandisk scenarios eroge usually have where protagonist get to sleep half of the cast. Yeah, it's fucked up and I'm not sure why the author even went that route, she certainly seem to know her stuff going by the first route, but it doesn't ruin my enjoyment of the first four routes and especially Minakami's ending.Tamamori is also largely not the same person, we are show even his original self despite being an utterly broken person who couldn't quite love Kaoru like a good father wouldn't go Usagi Drop route on him.

I honestly had worse stuff in Japanese media with that twist. Like fucking Rakugo or Usagi Drop and in those case it's not even an AU.

>> No.22468823

Nigga, I just finished Fata Morgana and half of that novel is told from a pedophile in love with a 12 years old girl, this fake incest shit is weaksauce.

>> No.22468827
File: 26 KB, 500x326, maaarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>much like his gold digger self in Hakase's route
I wish we could've seen more of that, honestly. It sounds funny, and I kind of like seeing Tamamori being scummy.

I just want more Hakase in general, actually.

>> No.22468828

>a pedophile
wait, what? are you talking about the second fata morgana or

>> No.22468844

Requiem and Reincarnation. The first one features 22 years old Jacopo being in love with 12 years old Morgana and the second features Jacopo and 16 old Morgana getting a lot of shippi scenes like them sleeping in the same bed or her walking around without pants.
Last route wouldn't be so shocking if it was a N+C game, but since the first two routes are so good and actually have good themes, the game going full potato eroge comes as a surprise and tone-deaf.

>> No.22468854 [SPOILER] 
File: 542 KB, 621x555, 1574473607088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're telling me I can't get real rape in Hanazawa's route,
eh? anon this is definitely rape.
i mean, unless tama starts loving it halfway through...? but that seems unlikely

>> No.22468858

Are you the Kawaseanon? You read fast.

>> No.22468867

Do people realize Kaoru and Tamamori are the same age and he didn't raise him, right.

>> No.22468872

It's rape, and Tama doesn't enjoy it for sure.
But the fun adventures in ancient times epilogue also takes out a lot of the bite the scene should have had. It's like all those shitty yaoi books where the protagonist is raped in Ch1, forgives the rapist and falls in love by Ch.2, and everything is k by the end because it's romantic or some shit.

>> No.22468920

>It's rape, and Tama doesn't enjoy it for sure.
Psychologically for sure, but his body was drugged and turned into a horny animal.

> But the fun adventures in ancient times epilogue also takes out a lot of the bite the scene should have had. It's like all those shitty yaoi books where the protagonist is raped in Ch1, forgives the rapist and falls in love by Ch.2, and everything is k by the end because it's romantic or some shit.
Yeah, I agree. Kinda lame. Though I guess being the only two people in the worlds probably helped. Though the author went "Always think of me as a brother and we can fuck" and then "By the way, I'm going to hide this incest story about two brothers in love there."

>> No.22468968

i tend to skip all audio outside of intense/funny lines and h-scenes.

>> No.22469019

According to the supplementary materials book, the reason why Umebachidou is called Umebachidou is because Minakami loves dried plums, and the shopkeeper thought that it would make Minakami happy, and also that it would catch his interest.

>> No.22469025

I feel like you could lure Minakami into all sorts of situations just by uttering the words "new books" and "Tamamori".

>> No.22469094

Not that Jacopo isn't a retarded piece of shit which I like, but wasn't that the norm back then?
Japan also doesn't mind 16 olds being in relationship with older guys

>> No.22469106

I don't really care about that part, I'm more bothered by the fate of other characters in the route and by the fact that the said adoptive son is literally retarded. Porn between mc and someone mentally challenged isn't really my thing

>> No.22469159

Even Jacopo comments is not normal for a 22 years old to feel that way for a 12 years old girl. Plus you still spend a lot of time in his mind and have to with this 22 years old dude who wants to get the little girl when she grows up.

>> No.22469245
File: 180 KB, 984x548, jade1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I think of it, even Maria made fun of him for being attracted to a child.
But he already was a wife beater and someone who directly caused Morgana's tragic death and sufferingso it's not like he had any reputation to begin with.

>> No.22469363
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>> No.22469440
File: 141 KB, 919x172, horrifying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. yeah

>> No.22469456
File: 23 KB, 250x250, 4_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on this note..somewhat..hanazawa wrecking tama physically, emotionally, and spiritually was so, oh so satisfying

>> No.22469487 [DELETED] 
File: 377 KB, 491x495, dead_homo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That design wasted on the worst character/route

>> No.22469496 [SPOILER] 
File: 377 KB, 491x495, 1574482569467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That design wasted on the worst character/route

>> No.22469685

Shame we didn't get a CG of him splitting Tama's asshole apart. Does ADELTA have a "one dick per picture" policy or something? Because the seme's dicks are described but never shown, sadly.

The utter destruction of Tama by way of Hanazawa's dick was pretty good; shame the lead up to the moment was shitty. I wish more rape scenes focused on the emotional devastation.

>> No.22469694 [SPOILER] 
File: 192 KB, 1920x1080, 1574486803871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shame we didn't get a CG of him splitting Tama's asshole apart. Does ADELTA have a "one dick per picture" policy or something? Because the seme's dicks are described but never shown, sadly.

The second part of the sex scene ha no CG though, kinda stingy.

>> No.22469698

I'm talking full on frontal with the raging erection, Anon. The base is nice but the whole package would be better.

>> No.22469812
File: 389 KB, 686x990, 74154276_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The author probably doesn't like to draw dicks.

>> No.22469827

These two must have the most vanilla gay sex ever.

>> No.22469922

Ditto. Play more ero ones.

>> No.22470355

I'm surprised that their isn't much sperging regarding the relationship between those two. I've seen a lot of people say that Michel is trans. But no bitching yet regarding Jacopo and Morgana's relationship Either way, the author confirms that he would still fall for her regardless of her age or gender because he fell for her because of her spirit and not her physical appearance, though her being really young is still enough to bother him so he's would wait at least 4 years.

>> No.22470694

Something should be on twitter. There were several fusetter tweets when I was looking the game tag up for fanart. Pre-ordering early was a right decision because now everything is sold out.

>> No.22471358
File: 1.03 MB, 622x936, 1496900348650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm surprised that their isn't much sperging regarding the relationship between those tw
It's because it's not graphic. It's the way the last route of Hashime both comes out of nowhere and the graphic and explicit nature of it that takes it to the next level, but when it comes to "amount" of fucked up content in the plot it's actually fairly limited and disconnected to the main plot.
It doesn't help that the route itself is incredibly bad even if you take out the whole retarded son fucking.

>> No.22471699

if fata morgana were popular, there would be

>> No.22471745

Fata Morgana got a lot more popular in recent months due to a very strong word of months. Even got the Vita/PS4 porting in English.
You are underestimating the amount of fucked up stuff in VN. Jesus christ, Saya no Uta is recommend as one of the first VN to many people.

>> No.22471755
File: 106 KB, 980x737, 1569850558915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are underestimating the amount of fucked up stuff in VN
are you confusing me with another anon

>> No.22472232

Is Minakami's fetish Tamamori reciting him his novels passages during sex?

>> No.22473034

Like others here, my problem with that route was the part where the son was retarded. I'm even into blood-related brother incest as far as doujins go, like Karna and Arjuna from FGO, but banging retards is just off-putting to me.

>> No.22473074

Personally even if he wasn't it would be a nono. Parent/Child incest shit is creepy outside of porn doujin. Even if they are not related like in this case.

>> No.22473164

I hope you'll share your impressions here, anon

>> No.22474249

Canonically you can just throw a new book at his feet and fuck him while he picks it up and reads it like in those timestop/hypno stories.

>> No.22474295
File: 135 KB, 1024x1614, EKCuW-hUcAAOonB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches love this 36-y.o. Looks like his route is starting pretty soon after his chapter 0 after all. How will Arakida fans recover

>> No.22474374
File: 76 KB, 960x544, 2019-11-24-012343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hashihime's Vita Exclusive CGs. Enjoy.

>> No.22474406

What kind of unusual/crazy shit would you guys like to see in otome/BL games?

>> No.22474421
File: 136 KB, 689x681, Y2M0FfZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the music associated with otome franchises but it's always such a pain to find

Where do you go to find music from these franchises?

>> No.22474427

I want to be the yandere.

>> No.22474450

Consensual sex between two adults.

>> No.22474564

This. Very much this.

Sex without crying would be great too. Normal, happy sex where both parties want it and are into it without a ton of emotional baggage.

>> No.22474623 [SPOILER] 
File: 76 KB, 960x544, 1574562794250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh this is fucking cute.
>Get to Kaoru's last pic

>> No.22474648


>> No.22474765

Wow, thanks Anon.

Sad there's no context since I can't into moon but the art is cute. Minakami is so best it's not even a contest, though the last Hakase picture is a treasure.

>> No.22474790 [SPOILER] 
File: 110 KB, 960x544, 1574565112105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh heart

>> No.22474809

Kawase's unexpectedly has some of the funniest shit in it

>> No.22474814 [SPOILER] 
File: 114 KB, 960x544, 1574565608802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try running a google translate on the SS, Minakami's is simple enough that you can get an idea of what happens.

Also her art really improved.
Madam getting him drunk as a punishment before he goes to spend the night with Tamamori was some funny shit. She really ships them together.

>> No.22475016

Are there any winter/christmas themed /blog/ games? Or even any with a good winter/christmas scene?

>> No.22475393


>> No.22475588
File: 122 KB, 800x800, 5ce7cafe54dc9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gross character design

>> No.22475833

Hatoful Boyfriend Holiday Star after you've played Hatoful Boyfriend.

>> No.22475923

One of those monster girl games where you're raped upon defeat except it's BL.

>> No.22476043

Extreme guro.

>> No.22476096

oh you

>> No.22476221

Same as >>22475923, except it's otome.

>> No.22476988
File: 73 KB, 305x400, 1424492845921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pairing turned me into a vanillafag. I don't think it was possible.

>> No.22477077
File: 63 KB, 960x544, 2019-11-24-150111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed kid Hanazawa and kid Kawase CGs have a mistake in them, I fixed it, whoops.


>> No.22477125
File: 33 KB, 480x360, 1551854882501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hanatsubaki twins

>> No.22478182
File: 75 KB, 674x546, tamamori vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do they really?

>> No.22478478 [SPOILER] 
File: 72 KB, 960x544, 1574621771548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minakami's route spoilers Why does the shopkeeper like to bully him so much?

>> No.22479037

My problem with the relationship is I don't think Tamamori improves much compared to Minakami's route, even in his SS he's trying to improve even more so he can be a good partner and take care of Minakami but I can't see him becoming anything but a lazy bum who leeches his crazy rich doctor boyfriend forever which is lame.
Feels like he just kinda stumbled onto Kawase and stuck with him. Also it feels wrong and weird given both the Shopkeeper and himself had feelings for Minakami for all their life. Like borderline NTR.

Kawase has crazy charisma and an A+ voice actor, though.

>> No.22479138

I don't remember seeing this cg in Mina's route

>> No.22479274

It's from the SS.

>> No.22480459


>> No.22480740
File: 97 KB, 800x450, EKIpUDoUcAEJA32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Show By Rock's getting a new game made by Square Enix.


>> No.22481318
File: 123 KB, 512x512, 1574602168474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh, nah nah nah BRUH listen imagine like imagine bruh you side with the psychopath warmongerer launching a personal vendetta based off of misinformation fed to her by the people that abused and traumatised her
Just fuckin 'magine it mang, starting a war that breaks 300 years of peace and ravaging the continent for 5 years
Outlawing religion
Killing The Goddess's child
And then, bruhhh, THEN
She don't even publicly marry yo ass till YEARS LATER

>> No.22482597


>> No.22482727
File: 73 KB, 1022x547, IMG_20191116_111159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how you spell Hitotsurugi.

>> No.22482888

for bl...and all this is rather tame but still:
i want more shota characters (think ciel or honey-senpai)
i want more siblings too. or a vn where your dad is a romancable option
half the fun of visual novels is doing the pursuing as well--i haven't played many bls (since not many are translated) but in galges and eroges you're not just stumbling into interactions with the girls, you're actively slamming them against walls and pulling them close
i want that with bl. or at least an option (being able to play top/bottom on any given route would be a+)

>> No.22482959

>but in galges and eroges you're not just stumbling into interactions with the girls, you're actively slamming them against walls and pulling them close
I guess it's because I mostly play moebuta shit but it doesn't happen as much as I expected.

>> No.22483077

>identity death in professor's route
oh this hits

>> No.22483183
File: 118 KB, 750x1333, EKEK18YVUAA_QVT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Subaru!

>> No.22483228

I'm not sure this is even rap anymore.

>> No.22483613

You seem to be under the impression that BL games are for self-inserting.

>> No.22483668

Nayrt, but none of that seems to imply anon wants to self-insert. More variety is a good thing.

>> No.22483702


>> No.22484073


>> No.22484301

All of that, but for otome too.

>> No.22484306

I'm just glad it's still alive. They hsd some good songs and boy rock groups

>> No.22484317

For the whole route, hopefully. I often see it as a bad ending and only when things go south.

>> No.22484411
File: 151 KB, 560x600, 1568510260906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm finally done with hashihime, so i'll post my rankings.

kawase > mina > kaoru > prof > hana

kawase > hana > kaoru > prof > mina

>> No.22484449

It counts as long as you say the lyrics a little faster than average,

>> No.22485165
File: 196 KB, 600x405, it is a mystery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, what do we think about this?

>seme mc, youngest of the group
>serious wafuu fantasy
>amemiya doesn't even know how to pronounce the title

Dude on the far left looks like he's gonna be best boy.


>> No.22485174

There'll be info about it in the Cool B that goes on sale in a few days. That same issue will also have more info on the new ADELTA game.

>> No.22485259

it looks cool

>> No.22485288
File: 20 KB, 768x431, 1567052812240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw prefer the art in BL way more than in Otome but BL does nothing for me

>> No.22485372

I don't agree, but I respect that.

Kawase's VA did a lot for me honestly. Otherwise Hakase would have been second instead.

>> No.22485607

Going through some of my old otome/BL magazines and I'm finding a lot of lost relics. I found a special on Ouka Otsu (rip in piss) and also on Gusha S no Kyuusai (also rip)

>> No.22485618

speaking of ded games, rip Tenrin no Guneval too

>> No.22485739

I want to FUCK Rei


>> No.22485933

>kawase > hana > kaoru > prof > mina

>> No.22486067
File: 49 KB, 101x262, 1520283803390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kawase > hana > kaoru > prof > mina
Emotionally charged consensual sex between two childhood friends with the tsundere literally begging for it and melting with the power of the dick over retarded groomed sextoy with no personality
Is that your fetish or what?

>> No.22486074

Hopefully this time if they intend to write like 10 sex scenes per route at least they'll both parts of the pairing into it.

>> No.22486275
File: 34 KB, 800x650, EKRzA1DVUAEVlSi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP in pieces old game.

>> No.22486484

Inb4 good Haro shills this as another second coming of chirst and it turns even worse than nty

>> No.22486933

I hope it's not just a boring nukige with extra frills.

>> No.22487164

I mean, if it gets translated, I'll fucking play it. It doesn't have to be amazing, it just has to be
1) not ugly
2) from Japan
3) in English

Good Haro can claim it'll cure cancer and isekai you into the game's world to get lovingly gang-banged by the cast and it wouldn't matter.

>> No.22487304

I'm just annoyed by how bad NTY turned out to be after it was hyped so much.

>> No.22488020

i enjoyed watching a depressed old man give into his son's dick after years of denying he liked it is all. also kaoru being so desperate on making the guy feel good

>> No.22488027

I hate this trend. It was annoying when it was dumb teen girl shit, and it's just as annoying when it's self-aware, if not worse.

>> No.22488041

See >>22488027

>> No.22488057

Into the trash it goes.

>> No.22488097 [SPOILER] 
File: 71 KB, 831x719, 1574792563121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait they are straight?

>> No.22488103

read the image.

>> No.22488105

> depressed old man g
He's only 32, and they are about the same age. Also Kaoru barely understood what it was done to him.
I'm not one of those people who think fiction has to be safe or anything, but the whole trope was pretty uncomfortable to read.

>> No.22488231

Sums up how I feel too. Write what you want, fiction is unlimited. But I personally dislike retard sex and father/son incest.

Otome has some of the most fucked up shit though. BL could learn a lot from the suffering of MC-chans.

>> No.22488284

>they are about the same age.
no they aren't.
tama's about 10 years older than kaoru at the least. he found him as a kid
and the scene was constantly juxtaposing tama's age with kaoru's youth

>> No.22488288

Personally I don't have any problem with any doujin/fanficitn/whatyouwant doing crazy shit or work that sell itself as crazy in the first place, I know what I'm getting into. But Hashihime was pretty much restrained up to the four route, then it Utasi's dropped on me.

>> No.22488320 [SPOILER] 
File: 212 KB, 1920x1080, 1574795439871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tama's about 10 years older than kaoru at the least. he found him as a kid
He didn't, he found 18+ years old Kaoru that came from the future with the shopkeeper as a 20 years old. Kaoru is born in 1941 anyway and found in an air raid in 1945, he can't exist as a kid in Japan in 1920. Kaoru possess inhuman strength, sense and vigor as well can see ghost. Tamamori isn't even as old as the shopkeeper, he's only 32 years old.

Pic related is the exact moment they meet.

>> No.22488332

In the materials book it says that Kaoru is over 30 in his route. He just looks young.

>> No.22488352
File: 19 KB, 203x209, 1433151464846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, but why? Not to mention ALL of them?

>> No.22488363

>not liking corruption
You're all gay.

>> No.22488382

>All four guys need to be corrupted by the dick
Yeah, pass. Plus it reminds me how half of NTY were just dudes taking it and not doing anything.

>> No.22488403
File: 117 KB, 960x720, WdJwZyJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another dead fish cast and anal sex primer for beginners

>> No.22488408
File: 18 KB, 228x226, 1701911222337431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22488480

Corruption is fine in moderation. A whole game of fucking unwilling dead fish doesn't sound very appealing though, no matter how nice the art/premise.

Some of them should be at least bi-curious to make it interesting.

>> No.22488504
File: 222 KB, 661x716, blog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone come out and tell me if they made this? If not, I'll be forced to conclude that I made it myself and unconsciously blocked the memory of doing so

>> No.22488505

It's just another variation of the age old "b-but we're both guys" crap old BL series pulled, only deliberately predatory instead of merely ignorant.

>> No.22488533

I want a Yurika alter in my head to bully me

>> No.22488534
File: 183 KB, 602x720, 1494782430451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enzai should still be an obligatory trial by fire VN for every fresh off the boat EOP fujo/fudan.

>> No.22488819

It's been a while since I played NTY, but Hiroshi wasn't a dead fish was he? At least I remember him actively liking it.

>> No.22488872

enzai is pretty good honestly, the anime sucked though

>> No.22488895

I enjoy seeing straight men give into dick. Besides Room no.9 was fun enough for me

>> No.22488905

It's been ten years and I'm still disappointed there wasn't an Io route.

>> No.22488995

Pray that Sanrio gives Square a big enough budget so that they don't make another kusoge

>> No.22489033

IIRC he eventually came around, but he wasn't really into it at first. Which is fine, but when the rest of the options are also variations of rape until they (don't) like it, it starts to feel samey.

>> No.22489039

It honestly looks mediocre- neither awful nor good. Is it worth experiencing if someone's already played other shit?

>> No.22489241
File: 103 KB, 1018x720, EJ-HGI9U8AAa9sB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hire artists to draw release commemorating art that looks better than the actual game's art

>> No.22489245
File: 218 KB, 829x1125, EI8ATsvUYAAZ8GM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22489403

These 2 new boys in the KgT gacha are cute, but my moonrunes are too rusty to read their names..

>> No.22489602

The description the translators made of the game sounds way more interesting than its actual content.

>> No.22489888

Io is just for bullying.

>> No.22489906

It's actually quite unique if nothing else. It's not like you have a lot of translated BLVNs to read anyway.

>> No.22490156
File: 1.20 MB, 636x900, EKWCWsUXYAAgc6S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard will ranking be?

>> No.22491851

It's worth it for the novelty I guess. I remember laughing hard reading a rape scene and coming across the line "rampaging stick of meat."

>> No.22492643

God I fucking hate Itaru

>> No.22493220
File: 128 KB, 700x394, 13232213625dde1291a8b860033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is disappointing for me compared to their previous games.

>> No.22493419

Who is your fav, anon?

For me it is Itaru and Sakyo, those guys are best boys. I'm still thinking about the 3rd place, as I haven't read all of the backstage stories.

I wonder why I prefer playing silly mobile games in English, when I have no problems with Japanese and would rather read VNs in their original version. I remember the awful translation of Period Cube, though the game itself was bad.

>> No.22493901
File: 52 KB, 1024x576, IMG_20180617_071711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Minakami's lame fashion sense

Kurosawa gets a lot of questions about Minakami's disastrous fashion sense and I love every single answer she gives.

>> No.22494229

Hotaru because he's weird and fun, carefree attitude. Masumi is also nice because he feeds my yandere needs.
Sakyo is actually cool too because of his cold attitude and shittalk. I need to get through more bcakstages though to get to know the others better. Itaru's attitude in the mainstory and backstages was annoying.

>> No.22494264 [SPOILER] 
File: 140 KB, 960x544, 1574891760281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even get from where this meme come from, he looks fine. Tamamori doesn't have suspenders and his shirt is slightly open, nice detail.

>> No.22494535
File: 104 KB, 960x544, 2019-11-24-021833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went through a bunch of Hashihime Q&A and put up a summary of the most interesting ones

For those interested:


A lot of questions are missing, but I felt like filling it with the most interesting ones. Seems like a lot of stuff about Ikeda didn't make it into the game and a lot of people were confused about Kawase's past abuse.

>> No.22495007

Who's the best Taisho Alice boy?

>> No.22495277


>> No.22495335

Bless this post.

All these leftover tidbits are a sign of good editing, honestly. Not every idea can make the cut. And it's interesting to me to see all the background/foundation info that doesn't directly get presented in the story itself. The more notes, the better the writer (usually).

VNs don't get editor treatment usually so a writer that can reign themselves in is a treasure.

>> No.22495728
File: 122 KB, 960x544, siscon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22496263

has anyone managed to play collar x malice on their pc
or code;realize

>> No.22496266

you can play them on youtube

>> No.22496292


>> No.22496308

LP's don't count.
I don't think a Vita emulator exists.

>> No.22496592

thank you

>> No.22496845


>> No.22497118

Name a better BL/Otome VN if you can.

>> No.22498048
File: 75 KB, 960x544, 2019-11-24-021643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels like Ikeda's plot could have been better told/had more info to it in the game. It's definitely not a translation thing because a lot of questions were about it and even the issue with Kawase's virginity is kinda confusing.

>> No.22498242

>KOF doesn't VPN anymore (at least now) for some reason
I wonder what makes them decided to change it.

>> No.22498525
File: 276 KB, 1024x785, CcOIXqPUYAAvKhy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy birthday, asshole.

>> No.22498543

Half the shit I was waiting for is now either canceled or MIA. Jesus Christ.

>> No.22498564

>see ken ga kimi on steam
>think rejet has woken up to the $$$ of gaijins
>it's in chinese
I see..
Is there at least one AU where is isn't suffering

>> No.22498573
File: 629 KB, 982x576, sCG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*he isn't

>> No.22498580

They changed it a few days after release. It was probably an error. Your phone's time zone needing to match Japan's for dailies probably won't be fixed though.

>> No.22498811
File: 350 KB, 354x711, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one

>> No.22498819

If you haven't played Hakuoki yet then it's a no-brainer.

>> No.22498820


>> No.22498824

Psychedelica desu.
Is anyone unironically playing western otome games?

>> No.22498890

Psychedelica or Hatoful.

If you end up getting Hakouki you have to give us your opinions.

>> No.22498939

Hatoful for the holiday spirit

>> No.22498971
File: 62 KB, 478x720, 125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hakuouki because it's great.

>> No.22498972

Only ldm is worth your money

>> No.22499178

So, here we are on the proper Taisho x Alice's release date. Who's getting it?

>> No.22499233

Hatoful Boyfriend

>> No.22499627

>sequel never ever

>> No.22499737

Is what u get for not buying Karen's games :^)

>> No.22499813

I might do just to support the further translation (and for Akazukin) even though I've played it in Japanese anyway.
I'm also curious as to see how it's been translated because of all the puns and wordplay in the original game.

I would absolutely reccomend it to any curious EOPs hanging around.

>> No.22499840

Going to buy it next months since I went over my budget in november. But I hope someone posts about the quality of TL

>> No.22500255

I think I'll get it. But I'm going to play it in Japanese

>> No.22500273

Chiming in to also suggest Psychedelica, but with the warning that the latter part of it sucks. Worth playing regardless.

>> No.22500397
File: 277 KB, 1280x720, EKR9bMIVAAAEdjO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another isekai

End this meme

>> No.22500432

Probably going to buy it this weekend if I can; releasing close to Black Friday in NA is an odd choice.

>> No.22500453

I'm ready for the next shitty popular setting. Feels like isekai has overstayed it's welcome.

>> No.22500856

I want a historical chinese setting. Just let me romance long haired men and pretty ladies, that's all I'm asking for

>> No.22500994

Do we have isekai idols yet

>> No.22501977

Idol Fantasy (RIP in piece)

>> No.22502947

>Minakami's cat has the Hashihime, so Minakami kept him around in case something were to happen to Tamamori and he accidentally were to disappear
I fucking knew it was something like that.
But I also thought Tama might be a/the cat himself.

>everything about Ikeda
>Kawase's father
jesus christ

>> No.22503153

>But I also thought Tama might be a/the cat himself.
It's probably symbolic, since Tama is sometime associated with a cat in the game and the only cat we see has the Hashihime. Meanwhile, Minakami is associated with a fish, and Tamamori is taking care of a dying fish.

>> No.22503362

Goldfish are also associated with Prof depending on the route though. But yeah.

>> No.22503763

I just ordered the new Cool-B, so I'll let you guys know what's inside when it comes.

>> No.22503802

Does this have gameplay? Kind of interested, but none of the SSR cards are that appealing to me.
