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2235951 No.2235951 [Reply] [Original]

Have you nuzzled your onee-sama today /jp/?

>> No.2235955

dont have one, you're looking for Misaki-Chan is Mai Waifu.

>> No.2235956

Don't have one either.

What do I do now?

>> No.2235959

Tohru and Kisa are not of that nature

>> No.2235979

Kisa... how i miss her ;_;

>> No.2235988

No, I didn't nuzzle her, I did my duty as man of the house and bent her over and took her sweet ass all for myself, showing who's in charge around here.. I consider that a greater accomplishment

>> No.2236012

Didn't know where else to ask this but.... My sister is going through a hard time in her life /jp/. She's graduating from high school, but she didn't get into a college, and she has very few friends because she's so shy. Our parents were basically disgusted with her and said she'd have to start paying them rent to stay at home, so she decided to move in with me. I rent an apt next to the campus I attend.

Anyway, I hear her crying at night, and she's always so miserable when I leave for class and so happy to see me when I come back. I think she's really lonely and vulunerable right now, and I've started to think of less as my little sister and more like a woman, especially when she's showing skin around the house. Its getting harder and harder to keep my hands off her, so I want to know what I should do.

How do you suggest that I ask my sister to pay me "rent" even though she has no money?

>> No.2236019

No, get her in a college, you asshole.

>> No.2236021

This sounds awfully familiar. I call copypasta.

>> No.2236026

Convince her to go to community college.

>> No.2236028

Let her pay with her body.

Do it now.

>> No.2236032


Why am I an asshole?

>> No.2236035

Make sure your sister gets out of the house for something. You don't want her to develop some sort of co-dependency, even if you'd get sex out of it. Also, don't sleep with her.

>> No.2236039

Because you don't seem to encourage her to try again.

You fucking asshole.

>> No.2236046

Also, ask her to not show so much skin.

>> No.2236043

Why are you being such a moralfag? If he wants to fuck his sister what's wrong with that?

She gets to stay with him and he gets poon and loses his v (I'm assuming). Everyone's happy.

>> No.2236058

hug her often and stroke her hair.
listen to see if she masturbates while calling your name.

>> No.2236060

I'm not talking about his sexdrive, which is
pretty obvious from his first statement.

>> No.2236067

>If he wants to fuck his sister what's wrong with that?
Only on /jp/
This is why I love you guys

>> No.2236072

Don't charge her.

Push to convince her to attend a community college, some of them offer scholarships that will take you to a college if you do well enough. Convince her that you'd rather see her go to college than pay you anything, it'll be better for both of you in the long run, provided she bothers.

>> No.2236073

I <3 my sister's dildo

>> No.2236079

Because he'd be ruining her life.
Getting sex is all fun and giggles, but it won't bring her happiness when she grows older.
Having a diploma will enable her to get a job other than working in a brothel.

>> No.2236081

I wasn't referring to charging her, more, different kind of charging. With her body.

>> No.2236083
File: 28 KB, 251x251, AWW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like where this is going.

>> No.2236086

It is.

>> No.2236087

She, supposing she exists, is obviously in a really bad situation. She really doesn't need the complication of a brother demanding for sex.

>> No.2236095

Dress her up as Reimu and post pics afterwards
or don't show your face around /jp/ ever again.

>> No.2236092

Women were put on earth to please men. Anything else is secondary.

>> No.2236094

its different if she wants it

>> No.2236096


If the brother is ronery, why shouldn't he take advantage just like all normal guys do to all normal girls?

>> No.2236105

Rape is a serious matter, young man!

>> No.2236112

What does she need a job for? he can support her, and he gets a free waifu who'll give him sex and dinner. It's a win-win.

>> No.2236115

Because he is a nice person that cares about his sister.
Having sex with his sister is okay, but he has to get her in college.

>> No.2236122

She probably isn't thinking straight, what with being depressed and all. Having sex with her now would be abuse.

So you consider yourself the moral equivalent of a drunken frat boy?

>> No.2236124

And making retarded babies isn't an issue either,
since he obviously knows what he's doing.

>> No.2236126

She'll get pissy after awhile and he won't want to live with her anymore, women are like that.
So he might as well make sure she won't come to him begging for cash later.

>> No.2236138

>Having sex with her now would be abuse.

Even if she consented in that she agreed she should pay him back in that way?

>> No.2236145
File: 247 KB, 550x806, 1230986141162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-What's that supposed to mean?

>> No.2236183

Don't fuck your sister anon, please.

>> No.2236185

Yes, and if you can't see why demanding sex from your emotionally troubled relative in a situation where she can apparently choose from that or living on the streets is abusive, I feel really bad for you.

>> No.2236197

I don't have an older sister. Does a childhood friend who kinda acts like a sister count?

>> No.2236194

Having sex with your sister is a gift from Amaterasu.

>> No.2236204

For those who are pressuring sex, you guys never had a sister did you?

Encourage your sister to go to community college or retake courses to upgrade her marks. Talk to her daily and be the support she needs in place of your parents.

>> No.2236205

Women are meant to be enjoyed.

>> No.2236214

Having sex with your sibling is considered improper behavior !!

Burn in hell, infidels !

>> No.2236215

I understand the concern of those telling him not to fuck his sister. But equally if she started seeing guys that tried to exploit her, shouldn't he stop her from seeing men altogether? Or at least playing an active role in that side of her life?

>> No.2236223

Haha, moralfag, it's her fault for fucking her life up. The only reason she isn't on the street is because of her brother. He has every to have her pay him back.

>> No.2236224

Guys, >>2236012 is copypasta, and it was probably fictional when it was originally posted too.

>> No.2236233

He should just focus on helping her.
/jp/'s imouto fetish is all nice and all but she's a woman and he wouldn't stand her very long.

>> No.2236244 [SPOILER] 
File: 41 KB, 253x247, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually told him to let her pay with her body and
made two posts consisting of insults towards his
desire of making love to her.

I'm probably not the only one.

>> No.2236255



Don't fuck her, but dont let any other guys near her either. She's your property.

>> No.2236256

Doesn't matter, the question is rhetorical and deserves discussion.

>> No.2236274

You know, most people would consider making someone your property objectionable.

>> No.2236283

Women exist by design to be men's property. It's not his fault for doing what biology and mother nature intended.

>> No.2236291


Who gives a shit? Moralfags already admitted she isn't in a right mind frame to make rational choices.

Men own women so that we can protect them for the advances of bad men.

>> No.2236389


I'm living alone, and am not close to her.
