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File: 121 KB, 384x448, 1201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2235228 No.2235228 [Reply] [Original]

How can you touhou fag survive this shit?
Heck, even marisa kill me good

>> No.2235232


>> No.2235234

bomb. use it

>> No.2235235

We dodge the bullets

>> No.2235236

I dodge the bullets

>> No.2235240


>> No.2235244

You graze them.

>> No.2235245

I put on my apron and witch hat.

>> No.2235247

Is it better to play with keyboard or gamepad?

>> No.2235254

Once you play it enough times you'll get used to it.

Otherwise, see >>2235234

Also, Yukari is pretty easy as far as Extra bosses go

>> No.2235255

> namefag
> asking stupid question
drop the name bro

>> No.2235259

with arcade stick.

>> No.2235260

Hey dawg, I heard you like bullets so I put bullets in the bullets so you can dodge while you dodge

>> No.2235261

I prefer keyboard

>> No.2235263

I can't even complete normal without using most of my continues. Never mind that.

>> No.2235266

I use an N64 controller with its awesome joystick.

>> No.2235268
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>> No.2235269

with buttons, be it keyboard or gamepad, as long as you don't use the analod or dpad it should be fine.

>> No.2235270

My keyboard won't let me move to diagonal angle

>> No.2235271


Easy Modo

>> No.2235278

I use all my continues and don't have enough time left after reisen
In normal mode

>> No.2235280

keyboard == stick > pad

>> No.2235282

I move and shoot.

>> No.2235286
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>> No.2235288

You can't have an extra in easy modo

>> No.2235295

I'm most comfortable with the keyboard, though I suppose I could adapt to using a stick given enough time.

>> No.2235300

Fuck, I believe you can't do it either

>> No.2235307

Marisa bullet is a fucking asshole
How in the world I can dodge those stars
Bitch won't let me pass

>> No.2235310

Don't mind the trolls, brah.

>> No.2235311

I've always used the keyboard, and I've cleared Extra in every Windows Touhou. I don't see a problem with it.

>> No.2235317


One trick to know is that some of the bullets have hurtful parts that are different from what seems obvious. Stars are among those - only the center part of a star kills you. The "spikes" are okay.

Also, those huge ring-like bullets with an empty part in the middle - only the empty part will kill you. The ring itself won't.

>> No.2235318

Take deathbombing out of the equation and she's the hardest Stage 4 boss (save for possibly Satori, depending on what character you're using). I don't care what you niggers say about the Prismriver Sisters.

>> No.2235321

You can't get good endings if you use continues anyway, the only proper way to beat the game is on 1 credtit.

>> No.2235322

>as long as you don't use the analog or dpad it should be fine.

No analog, no D-pad, so what else am I supposed to use on a gamepad? the shoulder buttons?

>> No.2235324
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>> No.2235325


The face buttons. You move with the four face buttons.

>> No.2235326

The four buttons on the right of a PSX-style controller work well.

>> No.2235333

Yet, despite the difficulty, she is also (for me) one of the most fun fights with some of the prettiest danmaku to look at. To me, the beauty of the danmaku helps in determining how enjoyable a fight is, so I love the hell out of Marisa.

>> No.2235335

1 credit clear

>> No.2235336

Well, I'll give you that. She is fun.

>> No.2235339
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Me as danmaku boss fucking when

>> No.2235340
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I know what you meant bro.

>> No.2235343


>> No.2235346


>> No.2235352

The easiest way to know whether you ready or not for touhou games
Beating Cirno in lunatic
Anyone that can't get all her spellcard is not worth for danmaku

>> No.2235355

Aya is not a danmaku hero tough
She's a reporter

>> No.2235356

One must reach Touhou Zen.
There are no bullets, just the space between the bullets.

>> No.2235357

Really? But how is that an improvement over keyboard? The reason I'm trying gamepad in the first place is so I can move diagonally more naturally.

>> No.2235359

Nobody is born ready bro. If you're willing to play it enough, anyone can beat Extra or 1cc Lunatic.

Although obviously the people who grew up on N64/PSX generation of games (or later) are going to have a harder time.

>> No.2235363

>Really? But how is that an improvement over keyboard?

It isn't. Keyboard is the best way to play, it gives you perfect accuracy. The face buttons are an option for those who just have to use a pad.

>> No.2235364

But it's the only time Suika appears as a danmaku boss. The only other thing close is Satori's mimicing of her danmaku in SA.

>> No.2235368

I always use the stick on my controller to move around.
Using the dpad instead I can understand, but using the face buttons is no better than just a keyboard.

>> No.2235369

So does stick. Though I personally prefer keyboard because I'm more used to it.

>> No.2235371
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You guys fail at keyboards.

>> No.2235372

Do you mean those ancient games is way harder than today's?

>> No.2235376

I prefer my shitty gamepad, but maybe thats part of the reason i can hardly beat normal.

>> No.2235377

It isn't, pads suck. Some people with shitty keyboards might prefer it though as there are no aliasing (that's what it's called, when you can't press too many keys at the same time, right) issues.

>> No.2235379

I mean that the N64/PSX generation is where games gradually started becoming easier (with some exceptions, obviously). Olderfags who played on arcade machines/Atari/NES are used to the kind of difficulty that Touhou has.

>> No.2235380

>games is

>> No.2235382

> Touhou
> difficult

>> No.2235388

I hold shift for focused movement.

>> No.2235390
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Come on guys. It's really not that hard.

>> No.2235391
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>> No.2235392
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>> No.2235394
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>> No.2235395

Left not working

>> No.2235398

I can do that but not up-left or down-right.

>> No.2235399

So did I tell you guys about the time I tried anal beads with my girlfriend?

We had been going out for a few weeks, and she had told me she was an experimental type. So anyway, she invites me to a hotel one night, and when I get to the room she's in, I see a bottle of lube with some anal beads. She tells me to rub her ass up with the lube. So she lies down with her ass wriggling, and I rub the lube around it. She then tells me to put the anal beads in, so I do so, each one going in smoothly. So after that, she asks me to fuck her, and I do so, and we're having a good time for a little while, and she then asks me to pull the beads out. However, she doesn't specify to pull them out S-L-O-W-L-Y, and I pull the end like I was rip-starting a lawnmower.

She yelps in pain after I get it all out, and there's a shitty smell coming from the anal beads. Her ass pulsates like some kind of anime demon egg for a few seconds, before shit starts practically gushing out of it, all over my dick and onto the bed. Lucky for me I had taken my clothes off, so I only got shit on my dick and a little on my legs.

I'm just sitting there in disgust, the shit slowly sliding down my dick and into her pussy, and she's all "That fucking hurt you jackass!" .

I'm just about ready to throw up, so I just pull out, with some shit still in her pussy, and going around to her face, I slap my now rapidly shrinking dick in her face, and wipe the other side of it on her back before she can react.

I wipe off what's on my legs on the edge of the blanket, and she screeches in horror, like a banshee in an old horror flick.

I just say "This is over." while putting on my clothes, and getting the fuck out of that room.

>> No.2235403

Use four fingers.

>> No.2235408
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>> No.2235417

It's because the keyboard locks, I still play with keyboard anyway. Just don't really use diagonals.

>> No.2235418

Thank God the Shit missed your hitbox.

>> No.2235422

I can't believe I actually lol'ed at this

>> No.2235425

Learn to stream and learn not to look at your ship/girl.

>> No.2235426

Get a new keyboard. One with short key travel. I'm happy with my Logitech Ultra X.

>> No.2235431
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What you need is a hug.

>> No.2235436

If your keyboard locks, get a better keyboard or use a pad (or arcade stick if you have one). It's that simple.

>> No.2235441

Thanks bro.

>> No.2235443

I'm using a fuckin laptop
How am I suppose to change the keyboard

>> No.2235445

use a pad (or arcade stick if you have one). It's that simple.

>> No.2235447
File: 12 KB, 300x348, XD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a desktop.

>> No.2235448

Carry on reading, clevertits.

>> No.2235449

Don't use a fucking laptop

>> No.2235450

Same here, bro. Could get a USB keyboard, if you care enough. Or a stick.

>> No.2235459
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On a side note, props to ZUN for breaking controller support in SA. Super job.

>> No.2235460
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>> No.2235462

Use a fucking keyboard you coon.

>> No.2235463
File: 237 KB, 400x500, toho_007371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> playing Touhou on a LCD

>> No.2235466

Get a laptop that isn't shit.

>> No.2235467
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>> No.2235469

Agreed, use a normal one

>> No.2235471

Fuck you, slut. I want to use my fucking stick.

>> No.2235480

You can use your stick with a keyboard. I 1cc'd Normal on SA with my penis before.

>> No.2235483

ITT: touhou gag troll each other

>> No.2235486

Sounds sexy.

>> No.2235491

Pic or it didn't happen

>> No.2235492

No, just no
Please don't post a penis in touhou thread

>> No.2235495
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>> No.2235498

SA is easy. I had the flu and had smacked my head into a metal staircase on accident just before I played the game, and I still managed to 1cc it on normal. I never even practiced any of the stages. Hell, I didn't even study any of the spellcards. Don't freak out and you will be fine.

>> No.2235500
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Anyway I'm just bitching, this alternative works fine. It's just funny ZUN managed to break something that he's had implemented correctly since the beginning of time.

>> No.2235501

there is no penis in gensokyo

>> No.2235506

Oh, and turn on slow shot.

>> No.2235508

Commencing mannosuke

>> No.2235514
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>> No.2235516

No point playing on a stick if you're going to avoid getting RSI

>> No.2235526


>> No.2235531

Where's your broom
Got stolen by the UFO?

>> No.2235556

I can't even beat EoSD on normal, but that's probably because I'm expected to use bombs.

>> No.2235568
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No. No bombs. Fists only.

>> No.2235593

Hotkey remapper
Shit's so cash

>> No.2235609

Not the person you're replying to, but I tried that, and my laptop is still useless for playing Touhou - it seems ANY 3 keys causes it to lock, no matter what they are.

>> No.2235620

Which four? Do you use your thumb for the down key?
