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2234514 No.2234514 [Reply] [Original]

Can I know of some more VNs with awesome protagonist? Getting kind of tired of the "loser guy with no special qualities yet still has girls fawning over him for no particular reason" type.

Pic related. He wasn't perfect, but at the same time, wasn't a total loser. Shiki had his good points and his weak points without being "completely" unbelievable.

>> No.2234521

Wanko to Kurasou has some kind of sex robot as a protagonist

>> No.2234529
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try FS/Niggers

>> No.2234531


Sadly, Keiichi in Higurashi is a pretty shitty protagonist, but Battler is awesome.

>> No.2234534
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>> No.2234536


>> No.2234543
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Already played F/SN, thanks.

>> No.2234547


I found Yuuichi to be boring as shit.

His emotionally crippled outlook on most things was painfully dull to read some times.

>> No.2234552
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>> No.2234564


>> No.2234566

Popular VN male protagonist order

Shirou > Shiki > Battler > K1 > Tomoya.

Feel free to add to this.

>> No.2234568

I for one am getting tired of the forced badass VN main characters.

>> No.2234573

...They are usually indecisive losers more than badass.

>> No.2234585
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>forced badass

That's kind of why I chose Shiki. I never felt like the writer tried too hard to make him seem like a total badass.

I liked that even though his ability technically allowed to kill anyone in the world, he still had to try his hardest to keep up with the otherworldly beings around him. It wasn't like he was blowing through everything with ease. Same case with Shirou.

Until Nanaya kicks in anyway.

>> No.2234587

It's the norm.

It seems everyone wants to have a badass main character too. This soon will turn into generic character archetype just like tsundere and yandere.

>> No.2234590



What VNs are they from?

>> No.2234592


What do you mean forced? Its not forced if its written that way, thats just how it is. This is just like /a/ spouting "forced drama" shit, it doesnt hold water.

>> No.2234594

Shiki isn't badass.

Nanaya is the forced badass. Typical cool anime villain that likes killing because he's cool and he likes killing and that makes him cool.

>> No.2234600
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I always liked the Junker

>> No.2234606

The loser type protagonist is actually pretty rare these days.

>> No.2234610

Using old and rehashed character archetypes with the help of plot to make your character looks cooler out of nowhere. It's like "hey guys look I'm cool because I'm badass" and then kids will quote whatever he says and post comments like GAR and ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER.

It's not something people thought while reading, it's a definite marketed image with sure hit to make people believe it's going to work. It feels artificial and uninspired, that's why.

>> No.2234613


I would agree with you if it weren't for the fact that Nanaya only shows up about once or twice in the entire game. If it were something that Shiki busted out at every chance he got, then it would feel forced.

Besides, he was a trained assassin, how else would you expect him to act?

>> No.2234618

Seagulls and Cicadas. In that order.

>> No.2234623

Battler is from Umineko, and K1 is from Higurashi.

>> No.2234626

This is basically FSN in a nutshell.

>> No.2234629


I see your point, but i still wouldnt call it "forced". I would call it generic and unoriginal personally.

>> No.2234631


Hardly. Either you dont know what the fuck you are talking about or you are a troll. An obvious one at that.

>> No.2234632

Not really, no.

>> No.2234635

Nanaya is simply a plot gimmick, he wasn't supposed to get the spotlight.

But people look at him and hype the shit out of his characters because he's killerz cold blood murder and this totally rad. Basically it's market Type-Moon is most successful.

>> No.2234639

Because saying no proves me wrong.

lol no

>> No.2234646

Nanaya was given a personality in KAGETSU TOHYA.
And he is a completely different character.

In Tsukihime, it's just when Shiki acts like a machine for his survival, aka instincts over logic.

Nanaya 'Cool Killer' has nothing to actually do with Shiki and is regarded as a different guy altogether.
Thus, retarded argument is retarded.

>> No.2234654

The trolling is strong in this thread.

>> No.2234655

Well, you didn't construct an argument.

You just took a trope someone mentioned and doesn't even apply properly to the fucking series the guy referenced (TTGL) and say it applies perfectly to F/SN, where just the direction and pace do not match at all.

>> No.2234663

>In Tsukihime, it's just when Shiki acts like a machine for his survival, aka reason and instincts over emotion.

There you go.

>> No.2234666
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>> No.2234685 [DELETED] 

No, not reason over emotions.
He stops thinking and executes an order.
Even if it results to his fucking arms getting ripped.
Machine-like assassin instincts=! Nanaya character.

And it doesn't suddenly make him stronger or anything.
Shiki jumps back 10 meters on pure reflex.

It';s just that while normal human acting on instict don't achieve much mroe than usual, Shiki can do shit properly.

>> No.2234698

So you say FSN wasn't basically a work based on marketing tendencies? I guess all the shonen elements were there because it's really good not because it sells. Shush. I heard it before.

New we guess why FSN is most marketed VN in story and why it's the best seller of all time.

Face the facts or suck the cock of your favorite companies, choose your weapons.

>> No.2234718


>shonen elements

gb2/a/ faggot

>> No.2234721

Shonen is not a genre.
Action elements, pace and storyline focus are vastly different than most action series.
Characters archetypes barely apply in most of the ones that appear.

It wasn't marketed and promoted from the very start.
People liked it, thus ports and adaptations came out.
It's the road of success.

Whether F/SN it's good or bad, the smartass bullshit you try to sell does not apply. Even if F/SN follows tropes, it does not follow the ones you claim.

>> No.2234725

...Paraphrasing a bit?

>> No.2234731


Personally, I think Shiki is far more "rad" than Nanaya anyway. But then, I'm weird in that being an evil asshole makes you *less* cool in my book, not more. I guess I'm a bit of a moralfag.

Either way, I personally liked Shiki, even if the dude had enough plot armor on him to build an aircraft carrier if you melted it. He was a pretty nice dude.

>> No.2234736
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>> No.2234737

Just the bad ends and the amount of healing he needs do not apply much for plot armor.

>> No.2234741

I liked how Shiki tried to invite Akira something to eat., but his wallet was empty

>> No.2234742

There are a few badass characters, none translated though.
Romeo fits the lazy going-my-pace badass type, Shitman is some kind of Kyon meets eroge without the caustic attitude and more enthusiasm (no originality here because Sumaga is a parody of eroge clichès), the main of Akatsuki no Goei is supposed to be badass, Also Sprach Zarathustra is FSN with Nazis.

>> No.2234744
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So how about Zwei?

>> No.2234746

Nanaya appeals to angsty teenagers.

>> No.2234748
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>> No.2234752

So Fabulous Evil Bastards that like to cut up kids only appeal to angsty teens?
...Something does not click here.

>> No.2234760

A gun would beat the shit out of Shiki.

Zwei is superior.

>> No.2234762

The cool killer that disregards morality types have huge popularity amongs angst teens and emos in general.
Maybe they identify.

>> No.2234767

Amoral and knife psycho?
Not the same thing.
And I doubt emos as a collective really share teh taste, but who cares.

>> No.2234770

Nanaya appeals to people who only play MB and don't realize he's not an actual character.

>> No.2234774

OP here.

When I said "awesome" I wasn't necessarily talking about a super edgy guy who kicks his way through legions of enemies while being completely badass and banging the girls along the way.

I meant it more in the terms of a character who doesn't just have the universe fall into their lap. They had to work for what they had and have several redeeming qualities to them that makes them appealing to the potential love interests.

>> No.2234777

>It wasn't marketed and promoted from the very start.

huh... wat?

Shit got promoted even before Nasu started writing FSN.

FSN has the highest hype of the visual novels story.

>People liked it, thus ports and adaptations came out.

Ports and fan disks come even if people hate the game, it just needs to sell well and FSN did. Tell that to Da Capo II.

>It's the road of success

It's the road of the mass marketing. Just like KyoAni did with Lucky Star and Jump is doing with their manga for years. We're in for the money, and some might even think it's good.

>> No.2234779



>> No.2234780

>Amoral and knife psycho? Not the same thing.

You and I know that. The average teen only sees a character being all "badass", flaunting, and being willing to kill anyone and everyone, for the lulz even. And that attracts them.

>> No.2234781

Well this VN seems pretty generic and bland I don't get what all the fuss is about.
Holy shit these girls are beautiful broken flowers.
Jesus christ this protagonist is fucking awesome.
NANACA ;____;

>> No.2234784

Sure man, it's only corporate.

>> No.2234785

Plus, Tsukihime is not targeted at teens and I doubt they'd enjoy it...

>> No.2234796
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>> No.2234800


>> No.2234815


Sounds awesome.

Which probably means it isn't translated.

>> No.2234817

Type-Moon is the Squaresoft of VNs, they noticed cool characters sells more than actual story and decided to appeal for every king of fan out there not just the ronery hipster that cries with dead lolis. In counterpart, the quality material decreased and everything turned out to be the coolest character propaganda, nobody gives a shit if the character sound realistic or he has a real motive, make it evil give him a katana and long hair and girls will buy it out of spite. But if you say that to FFVII fangirls they'll you're stupid and can't understand the story, FSN fanboys will pretty much do the same.

>> No.2234823

...This post makes no fucking sense.

>> No.2234825

Yeah, right. It's deep for them lol.

>> No.2234830

It has nothing to do with deep or not.
Do you truly believe the format , the pace and initial focus on the story will appeal to most teens?

>> No.2234839
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I spent about half the game going "where the hell have I heard this voice before?!"

>> No.2234855
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So, back to great leads.

>> No.2234862


The best stuff never gets translated.

>> No.2234866

It's a pro, whining with that voice actually manages to be badass. I went all og god this is awesome when he started complaining how he gets always blood, vomit and shit on his taxi seat.
After taking a bullet to the head and being totally fine.

>> No.2234877

Why not? It's got vampires, murder and cool shit. Oh and teens love porn.

Let's not forget Nasu got the idea of Tsukihime when he was still a highschooler.

>> No.2234891

Nasu is not what I put for common denominator, and I think the inspiration for Tsukihime came AFTER F/SN and KnK, regardless of actual execution.

And just having these elements, it's not enough.
Over exposition and slow pace would put most people off.

Twilight, now that's a teen and emo hitter.

>> No.2234909
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He's also a schoolgirl.

>> No.2234913
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So how do you explain the hype between Naruto and Gurren Lagann fans? ADD people at best.

Picture taken from /a/, the filename is a joke.

>> No.2234921

...I'm not sure what your question is and how it's relevant.

>> No.2234930

Random picks from my program folder...

Amatsukaze, 11eyes, Umineko, G Senjou no Maou, Alicematic, Eien no Aselia/Seinarukana, Baldr Force/Bullet, Yumina

Special mention: Only You. Manliest protag ever.

>> No.2234940


>> No.2234948

...It's not about the content, fucktard.

>> No.2234960

Sure what you say would probably seem pretty likely, however I must say that I honestly don't think that you are right.

I base this on that TMs greatest hits "Kara no Kyoukai" "Tsukihime" and "Fate/Stay Night" are all based on stuff that Nasu did when he was still in school, I doubt he was thinking of mainstreem marketing back then.
Kara no Kyoukai is actually far from cliche or mainstreem or any of the sort (it is quite slow though).

Even the settings of the three works are alike and not really mainstreem at all in my honest oppinion.

You know calling a company that is relativily young (yes they were a doujin circle up untill recently) company with about 3 good hits the Squaresoft of VNs seems quite odd if you ask me.

I belive that Nitro+ is alot more like the "Squaresoft of VNs" if you ask me.

>> No.2234963

>Only You.
what's the original title? Can't find any eroge with that name

>> No.2234969

Only You's protagonist is incredibly manly.

>> No.2234974


It's Only You

>> No.2234982

True story: teenagers do not know how to read.

>> No.2234991

As expected of the protag of G Gundam the eroge...


>> No.2235032

Try Chaos;Head.
Takumi is the manliest protagonist ever, I know you will like him.

>> No.2235049

His manliness was truly awe-inspiring. Might even outmanly Archer.

>> No.2235365

Manly and awesome isn't just a plot device (Nanaya) who only exists because Nasu wanted there to be something edgy and cool for a few scenes. Being manly is silent strength (ie, hiding his own problems while helping others), preserverance, nobility and kindness. Being awesome is kicking ass, either physically or mentally.

>> No.2235374
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>> No.2235396

Battler is more awesome than Shiki or Shirou because his abilities dont come from bullshit plothax and convenience.

Battler builds up his skills through sheer willpower and determination, which is why even after failing multiple times he never gave up, and has gotten much better at the witch's game.

I'm not saying Shiki or Shirou are bad characters (well maybe Shirou...), I'm just saying their uncanny ability to become god awesome when they need does not show them to be awesome characters in my book.

>> No.2235412

Dread of the Grave is now playing in your head.Manually.

>> No.2235420


>> No.2235472

So they fact that they are eaten, cut up, and spend nearly half their respective stories being told 'you can't do shit, stay wheer you are', and they keep being cut up till they manage to do somethiing and protect what they can, and usually only at the very late stages where they have some experience they actually ACCOMPLISH something, usually also with outside help, is 'ridiculous godhax that makes them uninteresting'.


>> No.2235484
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>well maybe Shirou

and so the trolls continue to troll. Its like i really am in /b/

>> No.2235497

In a way, that sounds like Umineko too.

>> No.2235499

They're beaten up? Sure shirou is a lot but of course he doesn't die because he has a magical regenerating power! Oh and Shiki is killed but of course he's brought back by his sister!

And then whenever they get into a particularly dangerous fight, they pull out some trump card (LOL I CAN PROJECT CALIBURN!) and turn their 1% chance into a 100% chance of success.

I understand comparing the universes is kind of moot, since even when Battler loses a game to Beato hes able to come back because of lolwitches, but even then at least hes totally defeated and has to come back and rebuild. I never got that sense with Shiki and Shirou (ESPECIALLY SHIROU).

>> No.2235511
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>and turn their 1% chance into a 100% chance of success.

>> No.2235513

So, seeing your body cut in half, feeling the pain as the bones set in again, being humiliated and utterly defeated and being told 'Just stay put' until you FINALLY apply powers you always had, and not even then it's 100% success (look at the bad ends alone) is not good enough for you.

You have weird standards.

>> No.2235515

Except that Battler fails at the end of every game, either submitting or coming very close to it. His only successes tend to come early on, where he manages to win a few battles with the witches, only to lose the war.

>> No.2235538

>bad ends
Great argument there bro.

>> No.2235548

There is a reason they are there, and so many of them.
While not conclusive as the routes, they offer different conclusions and perspectives, not just Sudden Endings.

And even if you disregard them, they really, really do not have an 'easy' path to victory.
Not fair comparing them to Battler though. Battler is the ultimate fail case since he hasn't even won yet and is still in Limbo and sees his other selves fail. Only Guts can compare to that.

>> No.2235559

That's because Shirou (and to a lesser extent Shiki, though he's mainly just mindfucked through the story and not really beaten up) makes stupid decisions like "charge fourth and help saber!" so he gets what logically happens. It's like saying someone's tough because they shoot themselves in the foot and then survive. Shirou invites the kind of situations he gets into due to his stupid decisions.

Also bad ends don't count.

>> No.2235572

He gets in trouble in many more occasions other than foolhardy saving escapades (though not wanting to endanger other and suffering for it should still be included).

And the bad ends serve as a perspective, they are not just there so 'Oops, you have to try again, nothing to see'.

>> No.2235600

I agree that bad ends offer other perspectives, but they shouldn't be counted in all the "suffering" the characters go through, since one can assume that the characters always get the "true end" at the end of the day.

>> No.2235621

Or certain 'NORMAL' endings where they die, or other conclusion in the end of the story like 'Sparks liner high' or killing the sister...

>> No.2237906

Shirou is an awesome character because of his ideal and morals, well that and because he is the sterotypical gentleman that we don't see much these days.
"being a gentleman means treating others, especially women, in a respectful manner, and not taking advantage or pushing others into doing things they choose not to do. The exception, of course, is to push one into something they need to do for their own good, as in a visit to the hospital, or pursuing a dream one has suppressed."

Shiki is awesome because of his thoughts on responsebility and the way that he tries to take responsebility for his(and nanaya's) actions.

Weather or not they are like superman or even more hax is compleatily irrelevant to them being awesome or not.

Awesomeness is not messured in powerlevels.

>> No.2237970 [SPOILER] 
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Don't get me wrong, Battler is incredibly fucking awesome and he provides WAY better FUCK YEAH moments than Shiki and Shirou, but I kind of like Shirou's entire package more. That's not really fair though because Umineko isn't finished yet.

Seriously when Battler fucking shows up in the tea party in episode 2 and SMASHES BEATO'S FACE INTO THE TABLE FUUUUUUUCK YES BATTLER.

And then Kyrie and Rudolf in episode 4 fuuuuuuuck Umineko has such badass characters.

>> No.2237989

Slice up your cow tits and make me a sandwich.

>> No.2237995 [SPOILER] 
File: 100 KB, 639x480, deliciousmaria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would've actually had a chance to happen if Battler and Maria were alive in Ange's future. ;_;
