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22320843 No.22320843 [Reply] [Original]

I’m leaving for Gensokyo in a few days, and the only belongings I can bring with me are the things that I’m holding moments before my body dies.

So what essentials do I need in order to survive out there?

>> No.22320916

Remember Outsiders are not protected under the contract. You should stock up on talisman and other exorcism weapons to fight (hopefully doesn't happen) your way into the Human Village or Hakurei Shrine. Also try teaching yourself ESP much like Sumimi.

If all else fails, find a fairy to fuck before you die.

>> No.22321037

Just bring a few plastic bags filled with bottles of alcohol, most youkai will probably accept a drink, especially a new one they've never had before, in exchange for your life.

Also you may want a plan for when you get there; my advice/plan is 1. get to the human village (if you find someone like Mokou or an incident resolver, you can try to use hand gestures but be ready to give up if you make no progress)

2. find Suzunaan/Kosuzu, make a gesture like writing, or just write in the dirt, get a writing implement and paper, now you can communicate with her as a translator.

3. your best bet is to start a new life in the village, possibly going to keine's school to learn the language yourself, or step 4

4. get escorted/have someone deliver a message to the SDM and offer to become a servant, as long as you do your work you will likely be kept alive (especially if you are entertaining to Remilia) and have your food, shelter, and bed provided for, plus they actually know English, at least enough to write invitation letters.

>> No.22322306
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Vodka, condoms, and a gun, a shotgun if you can and some ammo to go with it. A can of Monster Zero to stay hydrated.

Aim to reach the human village first, shooting a few rounds should be enough to deter the weak youkai you would encounter on your way there. Then try to befriend some of the friendlier youkai and donate to the Hakurei Shrine often. When you're starting to integrate well use knowledge acquired on Gensokyo in the real world to become a big wig and get invited to the SDM parties.

>> No.22322571

Fucking GUNS, camo, cucumbers, booze, and every remotely spiritual weapon you can find. Crosses, talismans, ofudas, etc. You’ll want to look like an international larping priest, or else you’ll get your anus ripped out by nitori.

>> No.22322680
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Don't do it faggot, just take revenge on who did something to you. If it's someones fault, he/she must pay.
That or be the one starting a revolution against the deep state, if you achieve to kill George Soros and his family I will pay you a simulated Gensokyo in Bahamas with 10 underage jap virgins, 10 futas and 10 +35 yo big titted milfs.

>> No.22322689

Shovel for Arisu!

>> No.22322710
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Copious amount of lube for all the anal sex I'm about to have with the girls!

>> No.22323551

Please do not kill yourself. Why do you want to commit suicide?

>> No.22323565

Purisu fuck off to Reddit, killing oneself is part of /jp/ culture and legacy.

>> No.22324880


you guys know that most youkai are basically immune to bullets right?

>> No.22325143

but what about reisen

>> No.22325151

gensokyo doesn't exist anon..
beyond this life is, well, only heaven and hell.

>> No.22325179

Gensokyo existing is as believable as hell and heaven existing

>> No.22325278

Excuse me, but I prefer the idea of reincarnating into a sea cucumber when I die.

>> No.22326708

that's a different case seeing as she uses magic bullets fired from either her own finger or some weird bunny megaphone.

>> No.22326872

What’s inherently wrong with suicide anyways? Most people mind their own business but the moment someone wants to kill themselves, other people think they have the audacity to know what’s best for that suicidal person.

>> No.22326892

the most prominent religions on the planet see it as a bad thing, and it directly goes against our biological programing.

>> No.22326925

Most prominent religions also see being gay as a bad thing, and it directly goes against out biological programming to reproduce.

>> No.22326956

It's archaic tribe/city-state mentality.

When your citizens happen to be killing themselves, indulging on sodomy, or any other sort of activity that doesn't strengthens the community in the long run, weakens and exposes you to others who would kill you and your brethren for your shit.

>> No.22326958

It is only "wrong" if your family and friends care about you, because then it would be selfish

also, i think most people don't like the idea of others dying, that's why most people will tell you not to kill yourself

>> No.22326970

yes and?

>> No.22326981

Frankly speaking, I don't think religion has anything to do with it. I mean it is one reason, but then there are also atheists who's against suicide, so... yeah.

>> No.22326993

Being gay in today's society is seen as acceptable and trying to put a gay person through conversion therapy is heavily frowned upon.

Meanwhile if a person wants to kill themselves, everyone tells them to stop, go see a therapist, and probably take meds. There aren't many options available for assisted suicide.

>> No.22326996

The reason for that is that more often than not, the culture they live in says suicide is bad, and I don't care where you live, you cannot say that your culture is completely separate from the major religion of the population.

>> No.22326997

Most people see it as a hasty decision brought upon by many unfortunate event on the person.
If you tell someone you're gonna rob a bank because you need the money, then people will try to stop you even if you have no intention to kill anyone, no?

>> No.22327005

replace the big titted milfs with small titted tomboys and we have a deal

>> No.22327033

The difference is that being gay doesn't affect anyone other than the person being gay, and it might not even affect them negatively, but killing yourself affects every person around you like your family and friends in a negative way

>> No.22327038

Then there's those people that spend years or decades just not wanting to live. None of us asked to be born, so it should make sense that we should have the option to quit living whenever we wanted.

And the act of robbing a bank has the goal of trying to obtain money but the consequence for failing would be jail time. Telling someone to stop if they were going to rob a bank would be essentially warning them of that consequence. Meanwhile, a suicidal person's goal is to try and kill themselves. Maybe it'd be more fine giving a warning to suicidal people of the potential drawbacks for a botched suicide instead of just flat out saying they can't kill themselves at all.

>> No.22327044

The problem with suicide is that people will miss you

>> No.22327059

There is always that one armchair psychologist. Where do these people even come from.

>> No.22327061

Then the problem is how society and people perceive suicide in general. Families decades or centuries ago would ignore and disown their children for coming out the closet. People in Saudi Arabia today are even beheaded for being gay. Back then, the act of being gay had a negative impact but in modern times our attitude towards that has changed.

Suicide is basically the same thing. It's really no different than packing up everything, leaving for a different country, and never contacting your family or friends ever again. The only thing that needs to change is the mindset of the people you leave behind. They just have to learn to accept your decision instead of forcing their wants and feelings over yours.

>> No.22327078

>The only thing that needs to change is the mindset of the people you leave behind. They just have to learn to accept your decision instead of forcing their wants and feelings over yours.

Or your own mindset, because you know, that's something that you can do.

>> No.22327086

yeah i guess you are right, most people that say "don't kill yourself" are trying to help tho

>> No.22327108

Back then when being gay was socially unacceptable, you can force a gay person to change their mindset. Having other people's decisions override your own wants. Now it's bad to do that.

But now people want suicidal people to change their mindset. Having other people's decisions override your own wants. It's apparently okay to do that?

>> No.22327116

having sex with men is very different than killing yourself

>> No.22327146

Homosexuality and suicide in a vacuum are neither good nor bad. It's only until people put their moral standards on it is when it changes.

Having sex with men is the equivalent of an execution in Nazi Germany. The death of someone who didn't want to die. Meanwhile a 70 year old man that's content with life and just wants out is forced to keep living against his wishes.

>> No.22327162

>The only thing that needs to change is the mindset of the people you leave behind. They just have to learn to accept your decision instead of forcing their wants and feelings over yours.
"they just need to change their mindset to accommodate my wants"

>But now people want suicidal people to change their mindset. Having other people's decisions override your own wants. It's apparently okay to do that?
"WTF, Why should I have to change to accommodate them?!?"

You're just a selfish prick whose death would be a net positive for all of us.

>> No.22327165

People aren't stopping you from killing yourself, they just don't want you to kill yourself because they will miss you if you die

>> No.22327188
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I feel a great amount of room cleaning in this thread.

>> No.22327193

The original argument is my view that the needs of the individual are more significant than the needs of other people.

This applies to all facets of life such as a person picking their own career instead of want their parents desire. Or if a woman has an unwanted pregnancy, they should have the choice to undergo an abortion instead of society or religious institutions dictating that she can't. If a person wants to kill themselves, let them. We don't hold some moral high ground that has any right to interfere with what they want to do with their life.

In all these cases, someone is going to be upset because of that individual's own decision. But I'd much prefer that instead of taking away someone's freedom of choice.

>> No.22327207

Some ancient people in the past were extremely butthurt and angry over their child being born gay. If they felt that way today, we'd tell them to suck it up and deal with it.

Same thing applies if a person wants to kill themselves. The people who miss them have to deal with it.

>> No.22327210

>the needs of the individual are more significant than the needs of other people.


>> No.22327213

No one's really stopping you (see Chester Bennington, Robin Williams) unless you're the kinda guy who needs to do it in public or announce it, in which case you deserve to get kicked back into life.

If you want to die, then die quietly. Because otherwise you're just an attention-whore.

>> No.22327233

There is no cure for homosexuallity tho, but you can help people who are depressed/etc that want to kill themselves

i agree

>> No.22327236

Asking "why" at that point is just personal belief. The Individualist vs The Collectivist viewpoint. Seeing that this is /jp/ though, I'd assume it's more common here to have the responsibility to appease other people.

>> No.22327241

>They just have to learn to accept your decision instead of forcing their wants and feelings over yours.
Don't know your situation and never will, but there's a problem with this logic; to most people it'll be seen as just a sudden thing. They'll always think, unless you're open with it, that you just woke up one day because of something and went "maybe I'll kill myself because something bad happened today". They'll think your dog died or something and its just a temporary thing, so of course they'd try to stop you. Since if you're planning to kill yourself just because of one bad thing then yes, that might pass and then you'd regret it if you actually did off yourself. Whatever friends you've ever had in your life, you'd probably do the same for as well. If it's a long lasting thing that's different but most suicidal people don't actually tell anyone that, as I'm sure you know.

That being said, I'm not your psychologist and I can't really do anything specifically to help you. I don't even know if you'll off yourself and never will since you're just an anonymous poster, but even though we're strangers I hope you don't kill yourself. Maybe it's just self-serving to say that, but still. As a NEET with no future even I have things I want to do in the future, even if it's just something as simple as getting a BLT or playing a game. You've gotta have something and cling to that.

>> No.22327375

It is a question of property rights. If I want to build a shed on a piece of land, and you want to build a pond, but we both agree that you own the land, then you have the final say.

A person's body, and their time, are things that belong to themselves (or, at the very least, to no other person) under most systems of ethics you can think of. Saying that your needs matter more than another person's in the matter of that person's suicide is the same as asserting ownership over that person. Such a thing is considered despicable by most.

Religious objections are based on the same idea. If there is a entity/system/etc. that has moral ownership over people and has stated desires, then it is immoral to act against those desires.

Even in highly collectivist societies like Japan, it's rather extreme to say that anyone owns a person except for themselves. The situation of "I saved your life, so you belong to me now" is the classic example.

Now, it may be considered rude or inconsiderate for someone to act in a way that inconveniences others, but morally it's similar to building a pond when the neighbors are clamouring for you to build a shed. Doing so may be inconsiderate, but it is within one's rights. For a neighbor to actively oppose you would be orders of magnitude worse.

>> No.22327417

If you were a member of a family, on family owned land, and you built a pond where they were building a shed, are you not at fault?

>> No.22327500

Right, but the bottom line would be to stop them and talk them out of it either way, correct?
If you told people things they don't want you to be doing, don't be surprised if they assume you're not of sound mind. They WILL commit to stopping you under the impression you're making a mistake.
And if you are of sound mind you'd know better than to Iet anyone know you're kys. Unless you're doing a double suicide, but that's a different matter.

>> No.22327532

>Or if a woman has an unwanted pregnancy, they should have the choice to undergo an abortion instead of society or religious institutions dictating that she can't. If a person wants to kill themselves, let them.
Oh yes, muh freedoms to kill others.

>> No.22327553

Don’t drag this thread into a debate about when human life starts.

>> No.22327570

Have a safe trip, I hope I get to see you there one day.

>> No.22327627

That's exactly my point: you're describing a situation by describing who has what rights over the things in question. In your example, there are questions to be asked (does the land belong to the family head? does it belong to the family as a whole, perhaps with conditions on necessary agreements regarding its usage?), but in real situation, it's much more straightforward. An adult's friends and relations do not have any moral right to his life.

It may be completely correct to say "Anon was very inconsiderate to kill himself. He wasn't suffering that much, and now we are all deprived of his company", but that depends on the circumstances. The circumstances would have to be highly exceptional to correctly say "Anon had no right to kill himself, because this person/group of people had the rights to his life".

>> No.22329610

If you kill yourself you'll no longer enjoy things.
Why do you no longer want to enjoy things?

>> No.22329742

Discard your phone immediately. If the inhabitants of Gensokyo find out you've been phone posting they will kill you again, and you will be reincarnated into this world.

>> No.22329747


>> No.22330848

But there's no reception in Gensokyo.

I agree.

>> No.22330903

So OP did you kill yourself yet?

>> No.22331045

Mang my suggestion is not to do it because youkai are damn good at sensing cowardice, this is why yukari takes people like you as food/livestock.

>> No.22333766

Yeah. I think I got ambushed by a Youkai from behind when I was grumbling to myself, having just found out there really was no reception in gensokyo (why the fuck do some 2hus have phones then?) and when I came to, I was back here.

So I guess this world really is hell, after all.

>> No.22334054

>(why the fuck do some 2hus have phones then?)
The only 2hus that own a phone are Hatate and Sumireko. Both don't really use it as anything more than a glorified camera.

>> No.22336005 [DELETED] 


>> No.22341060

But where do they charge the batteries?

>> No.22341262

>they should have the choice to undergo an abortion
That's murder.

>> No.22341361
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Don'tcha know? The kappa of Genbu Ravine Inc have it all!

>> No.22346125

A gun.
