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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 165 KB, 960x560, Ash Arms Release.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22315160 No.22315160 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>22296437

>> No.22315166


>> No.22315193

Not enough of us Ash Arms players to survive there.

>> No.22315225
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2019-10-25-20-30-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22315229

Please janitor let us stay.

>> No.22315274

>struggled through to hit 3k gems hoping I'd get some form of fucking AA
Guess I'll reroll for thee 3*s this time.

>> No.22315277

who are you quoting?

>> No.22315291

You could avoid Part 2 for now. The other parts are actually the same difficulty just different units.

>> No.22315302

Yeah when the game becomes good

>Can only save up 1 10-roll or one and a half per month
>Can't get anywhere in competitive PVE if you don't have key characters geared up
>Gearing up characters takes fucking months as a F2P player saving up, waiting for their gachas and then rolling on them
>Gotta roll for character, weapon AND unique 3-piece stigmata set that's only good on them
>Literally fuck you if you want to complete more than one character because of how long it takes to save up to finish gearing one character

Girls are great and gameplay is enjoyable but holy shit the game is such a headache that thinking about it just makes me upset

>> No.22315340

Ash Arms needs x3 speed or at least remove that pointless zoom in when the units are passing turns.

>> No.22315346

I considered it, but by the time I finished all of 2-1 I was absolutely sick of the strategy that involved having Liberator countering all aircraft and hoping that she could kill them all before she died.
Enemy aircraft countering all normal shots from your fighters is fucking awful design, my fighters tickle them and then eat fucking 100+ damage if they use anything other than melee.

>> No.22315349

Are missions borked right now? When I click the red button I see the loading circle appear and then nothing happens. I was able to do missions earlier before the reset but am unable to do them now.

>> No.22315396

As in the 3/3 missions? It's a time zone bug. If you're USA, you'll have to wait till early morning your time or switch your time zone to JP to fix it.

>> No.22315420
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Remember to check your inventory for boxes to open to get materials.

>> No.22315430

Have you tried using the 4th doctrine?

>> No.22315490

What are materials used for?

>> No.22315511

Upgrading your units

>> No.22315513

>use everything I have to get AD-1 to 4 stars
>She now dabs on everything
Best girl and best plane

>> No.22315571

How the hell? Did you whale or something?

>> No.22315584
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>a SR-71
What's the year cut off for Ash Arms? It's mostly WW2 units with some slightly post-war but suddenly goes into the 1960s

>> No.22315591

Anyone else have the screen freeze after scouting? I did it on map 3 and it won't let me click anything.

>> No.22315634
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Come the fuck on

>> No.22315644

Both are good it's a shame you got a clone for the third one.

>> No.22315844

Is it me or heavy tanks are fucking useless? They can't hit anything to save their life and always get sniped to death by arty.

>> No.22316132

They're good for giving you lots of HP for a single replacement unit. Use something else for big damage.

>> No.22316213

Compass anon if you're up the new hero got leaked and the compass account is in fulk damage control in twitter trying to delete all the pictures

>> No.22316220

>Ash Arms needs x3
Would definitely be nice
>remove that pointless zoom in when the units are passing turns
But this is the main problem. I have no idea how something like this got through the beta tests and such.

>> No.22316227
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Is it really this dude? Though I guess them explicitly hiding some replies just makes it obvious.
I saw some tweets sharing it even yesterday but wasn't sure if it was real - but I guess Midnight is the new hero then.

>> No.22316233

Yeah thats him, wasnt sure if i should post pics cuz they're being very aggresive with the deletes lol

>> No.22316242

seeing a lot of nips on twitter saying that ash arms is too hard. a lot of people apparently getting frustrated with the boss in 1-7 and dropping the game and a lot of them are also frustrated that you need to go for the perfect balanced reroll since there are so few options to get new units.

>> No.22316249
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Wonder how they let it slip, must have published the assets earlier and someone scraped them.
Looks like an offensive sprinter who specialises on stunning enemies - hero skill damages and stuns enemies whilst his dash seemingly stuns people he touches, based on what Google is spitting out. Think I might have to play Ky during his release week

>> No.22316310
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he cute

>> No.22316324

>hero skill damages and stuns enemies whilst his dash seemingly stuns people he touches
>"NO YOU DONT GET TO PLAY"-the character
Doesn't sound good at all if I'm honest.

>> No.22316346

I can't guarantee that's what it means as I'm not really sure how to properly interpret "Touching the dead stan", but if that is the case then I hope the duration is balanced. A dash attack resulting in a stun sounds bad, especially with his damage multiplier, but if it's something like a microstun (think Hinata flashbang) for someone he collides with then that sounds alright.
I could also be chatting utter bollocks and be completely off the mark, guess we'll find out soon!

>> No.22316360
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This kid walks into the bar and stuns your gf what do

>> No.22316361

You can use different mods for them. My tiger's in support mode while maus frontlines with her broken ass passive.

>> No.22316383
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Nothing personnel, kid

>> No.22316390
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is this worth playing?

>> No.22316416

if you like mobamas, maybe?

>> No.22316683

I think this game was designed to be enjoyed long term instead of trying to autism zerg through the content. The most significant factor to growth seems to be doing your dailies for EXP and upgrade materials. The ideal way to play is to probably just relax and accumulate EXP potions and other resources over time and then level stuff up and faceroll everything besides the endgame content, which will probably require you to have certain team compositions.

I do agree that it seems way too hard to get new units without spending money though. It feels like if your reroll wasn't amazing and you didn't roll anything good in the first ten roll past the tutorial then you're fucked in terms of progressing outside of waiting for dailies.

>> No.22316749

Doing your dailies seems to be key, yeah. I recorded the stat growth of my DOLLs from Lv 1 through 37, by selecting to give them all my Information Particles (XP pills) at once, then sliding the sliders back down slowly to see what stat they get at each level. You are vastly ahead to upgrade your girls via upgrades than via levels, though the former uses the latter as a requirement.

Still need to figure out exactly how damage, penetration, and armor interact with each other.

>> No.22316759

>feels like if your reroll wasn't amazing and you didn't roll anything good in the first ten roll past the tutorial then you're fucked
Earlier I figured I might as well spend the 3k to roll to see if it helps me get past the difficulty hump since I probably won't be sticking with the game anyway because of how slow and obtuse it is. I rolled four 2*s, three of which were dupes of the same unit. That was a hard uninstall right there. It's so punishing that you can't grind for units. Weird too since it's pretty much a standard feature in games like these and there's no alternative system in place.

>> No.22316857

I wonder if the Ash Arm devs will pick up on the fact the turns take way too long. It seems like a nice and relaxing game if they fix just that one part.

Since I'm still mostly EOP, is the story interesting?

>> No.22316883
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They actually exist

>> No.22316924

>a lot of people apparently getting frustrated with the boss in 1-7
The boss was much easier in the beta but for some reason they decided to make it harder by adding another enemy unit

>> No.22317004

>1-7 boss
I got absolutely wrecked by that, should I just grind my girls to level 20 or so on 1-6?

>> No.22317019

Make sure to upgrade them, too. It gives way more stat buffs than mere leveling.

>> No.22317028

Oh yeah, I haven't done that much yet thanks.
Also I found out that putting your tank in stationary mode on a lane that debuffs armor when you do that fucking hurts, not recommended. Though maybe it's not as dramatic if your level/upgrade is higher.

>> No.22317035

not sure if posted here yet but all the character art for ash arms got extracted already and posted on reddit

>> No.22317049

And you expect me to dig through that shithole? Just post the source.

>> No.22317053


>> No.22317070

Compass stream started and hayashiP immediately apologized for the leaks so that means its extra confirmed now

>> No.22317292
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>4A-10 boss can just insta kill all your ground units in one turn

>> No.22317342

Really? On 1-7?
I didn't think they would run into the wall there.

>> No.22317347

So what's the mass production thing for? Do you use them up if you repair them or what?

>> No.22317377

Playing dragalia really makes me miss shironeko and how much better it is because everything there just frustrates me

How's the meta or everything lately? Any cute girls release lately or expected soon? Any good characters for Chaguma 2019?

>> No.22317378

Pretty much, you build reserve units to use as repairs.

>> No.22317474
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Anyone know how to get this last achievement? I seriously have no idea.

>> No.22317508

>1-07 boss used special on viii maus
>she counters and uses her special
This is one of the funniest mobage I've played.

>> No.22317550

What's Maus' skill?

>> No.22317586
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Middle row blue icon.

>> No.22317659

That's just the melee attack. The boss used his melee attack which is basically just a stats check and failed so he died. That's just how melee attacks work, it's not a counter or special of any kind.

>> No.22317715

>complete 9 daily tasks
>only have 7
rip crystals

>> No.22317728

I wish I were a girl

>> No.22317747

I can't find any good role for my planes, they pretty much exist to bait things into flak's range.

>> No.22317799

What emu are you guys using to play Ash Arms

>> No.22317834

Is there a type of guide for Compass or anything?

>> No.22317887

Do people still play Graffiti Smash? I remember it being very fun but I fell off super hard. I also had shit characters.

>> No.22318012

Is upgrading that oxygonal grid thing?

>> No.22318013

Let me have fun. Jesus christ.

>> No.22318023

Get better planes.

>> No.22318027
File: 28 KB, 1043x453, Ash Arms Rating 10-26-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22318038
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>mfw just realized you can mark enemies and use tanks in the raid doctrine to melee the enemy backline

>> No.22318059

A problem that has become increasingly obvious with Ash Arms is that the AI in Auto mode sucks. Sometimes you'll need to take manual control or lose.

>> No.22318065

Yeah, that's not possible. Time to wait until the daily exercises reset.

>> No.22318087
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>screen zooms in
>background goes black
>sequence of attacks ensues
>not a special

>> No.22318089

>map 5 boss is a huge pushover with maus
Maus really is a great tank

>> No.22318097
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Time to doom post Ash Arms already?
But in all seriousness, there's definitely a lot that needs to be worked on for this game. Auto being a total wash makes grinding the game rather tedious and many new players are having significant trouble just getting past the 1st boss like it was some sort of casual filter.

>> No.22318187

The dailies for recon missions and daily mat missions have two stages.

>> No.22318267
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Left is better I suppose?

>> No.22318291

No, but I'll take it off your hands.

>> No.22318303

>Spent hours rerolling for your favorite 3*
>Expected them to carry you through the early game
>They got completely destroyed by the tutorial boss.
I think they really overestimated the attention span of average mobage players. The game has quite a lot of stuff that would take time to figure out, having a casual filter boss and a huge difficulty spike after the tutorial stages is a horrible idea.

>> No.22318323

The boss has an enrage at 50% mechanic. Winning the fight isn't the issue it's getting an S. I got my S by standing back on ground and spamming counters and letting them close in while airborne did their jobs. By turn 3 hope it aims for your biggest tank with the all-in and you'll get your counterkill.

>> No.22318375

They are currently giving tickets with guaranteed at least one 4* which includes limited ones in the pool for 2nd anniversary.

>> No.22318386
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Wonder how good or bad Ash Arms is going to have it over its lifetime. Will it get decently large or stay mediocre small?

>> No.22318393

See >>22317659

>> No.22318398

A beta test for the chinese market most likely. Learn from feedback and relaunch in china for a better reception. GCG reached 800k preregs in China and beta is next week.

Yellow counters.

>> No.22318420


>> No.22318429

It is going to stay small at this rate. While casual filters aren't inherently a bad thing, they are just shooting themselves in the foot by putting huge difficulty spikes so early in the game - especially considering how there's very few ways to earn gems outside of S ranking story missions. For those who didn't spend hours rerolling for a strong start they will probably farm enough gems for around 1 10 roll before hitting a wall and if that 10 roll ends up rolling shit then I figure most people would just drop the game there.

>> No.22318448

How do you get the ticket?

>> No.22318475

Nevermind I found it.
>Thought each ticket was just a single pull
>Each one is an 11 pull and they gave me 8 of them
Holy shit.

>> No.22318519

Is this game co-op heavy or grind heavy?

>> No.22318549

Take this with a grain of salt cause the last time I played this was a few months after launch but I remember there being a lot of co-op. You had different elements on different days in order to get certain weapons and EXP hammers to level up but it was fun for me at least. I don't know what to say about the grind honestly.

>> No.22318571


>> No.22318618
File: 472 KB, 2000x2827, EHzoUkZU4AMSQL7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New hero was properly shown off and he does indeed focus on stunning enemies with his abilities, though it looks like his stats got buffed since the leaked images.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iROoYkPDmy4

Reiya is a sprinter with a very high damage output. His range looks equivalent of that to Miku, so slightly more than the average sprinter range, and his attack speed is similar to Thorne.
His hero action is a dash attack as standard, and his hero ability surrounds with him with a plasma field when dashing - this takes about 3 seconds of sprinting to charge, and whenever you directly touch an enemy it deals a stun that lasts for what looks like 3.5 seconds. This plasma field disperses after you stun the first target, but I'm not sure if it charges up again if you keep sprinting. Shields block the stun effect.

His hero skill summons a phantom of himself that locks onto and chases the nearest enemy. When it reaches a target, there is a short delay before it explodes and creates and area that deals constant damage and stuns anyone within. The area lasts for about 5 seconds.

His card casting speeds are mixed - close range is slow, long range is average, AoE is average and barrage cards are fast.
You can view some gameplay here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Y60pv0f9JU

Finally, he will be available on the 28th after maintenance - there will be a login campaign that gives out up to 3 hero tickets also, and 1000BM should be given out as a stream reward. He should have some themed cards release after a while.

The duration of the dash stun and his high attack value look concerning given that you can immediately follow up with a stun -> dash attack and still have time to use cards, but at least there's a charge up time for it.

There's a link in the OP

>> No.22318636

Oh yeah and November's season is for Thorne

>> No.22318714
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>most units have them
>they don't require anything special compared to standard attacks
>a special

>> No.22318717

>start fight

>> No.22318719
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>its not a special if I say so

>> No.22318750

>Will it get decently large or stay mediocre small?
Definitely small or non-existent unless they get to rebalancing the game very quickly and I mean like in the next couple of weeks or so. Mobage die so fast and majority of your players are not looking to get their balls busted (basing that on the fact that most mobage are easy for the vast majority of the content) so to keep a decently sized playerbase they need to tone the difficulty down because at the moment there's just not that much for people to even do if they can barely finish the tutorial. Also they should just make the game lighter like cut a lot of the jobs from the units for example or at least redesign the UI so that they're faster to change. Also make the auto AI better and the fights faster for example by cutting the zoom-ins for units that aren't even doing anything on that turn. That's most of the complaints I've seen.

>> No.22318762

I think it would work a lot better as a normal game instead with a mobage with gacha.

>> No.22318778

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.22318784

>Also they should just make the game lighter like cut a lot of the jobs from the unit
Nah I like that each unit can have different roles depending on the job but what I would like is if in the mission prep screen you could change jobs by just tapping on their job icon.

>> No.22318785


>> No.22318806

I think Ash Arms should have implemented the good ol' Friends List + Support system. It would definitely make a few of these fights less harder if people could borrow other 3*s especially if they themselves don't have a good doll that fits the role they need.

>> No.22318822

Definitely could see it being a small indie game trying to copy advanced wars. Remove gacha, add material drops to maps and make all the units craftable with said materials. Low tier maps drop low tier mats to craft low tier units and it gets higher the further you go. Could keep the head on style but make it a full grid instead of lines like now, then add some clutter to juke around and a flank mechanic or something so there's more depth. Some small entry price like 3-5 bucks and make money after the initial sale by selling skin packs sort of like Dungeon Maker.

Do most units need like 6 though? Wouldn't 3 or so be enough? I just feel like there's quite a bit of repetition in the fighter plane jobs for example.

Hadn't even really thought about the lack of friend systems. Usually it's such a standard and pretty uninfluential system that you just use it without much thinking. Could definitely see it working here and a friend points gacha to get some mats and 1* units would be nice.

>> No.22318837

I can't believe Ash Arms is already dead.

>> No.22318851

Sad but deserved.

>> No.22318868

>shitty tsukimi lead not even tapping boss entrance to start the game faster when he just afks the whole game
god damn these lazy ass faggots

>> No.22318875

Are there any support units in AshArms that can buff or heal other units? The 1* and 2* units on my team are awful at dealing damage while not being good for anything else so I figure I should just replace some of them with dedicated support to help my 3* do their job.

>> No.22318885

>healing on the battlefield

>> No.22318890

The 2* I've tried were all useless, maybe there are good ones but it seems like the difference between 3* and 2* is really big.

>> No.22318897

The 2* are fine. The bulk of my teams are 2* and I am already all the way through part 3.

>> No.22318923

I hope it recovers, because I find it be a unique/novel take on the whole weapon turned human theme. I'd rather not have the whole genre be completely dominated with only ships with guns on the side over there.

>> No.22318951

There's historical accuracy and some favoritism. Stuka has one of the highest accuracies, maus is the only heavy tank with passives and only select 2*s like mosquito have great passives. Maus makes KV and tiger look really bad. I'm terrified they'll make zero weak as hell because it's a freebie. Lightning was also a 2* in the beta.

>> No.22318955

They'll probably nerf him before next season if its too concerning anyways, if you remember how disastrous rem's release was

>> No.22319046

The meta isn't much different from normal, the last few hard quests they've ran haven't even had timers so people are using whoever they want for 30 minute meme kills. Loussier is in the gacha and Onsen 3 is next, the Onsen 2 characters should get a parameter adjustment next week along with maybe the Halloween characters? Chaguma 2019 is Eleanor, Ciela, Soara, Towa, Douglas, Rekuto, and Werner.

>> No.22319053
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Always sad to see good concepts flounder in the execution. I am willing to give them a pass considering they're brand new to the stage. However, first impressions are key.

>> No.22319067

It'll be fine with a small dedicated fanbase. It might not reach AL or GF kind of popularity but it won't be dead in the water either.

>> No.22319099

Has anyone heard anything about a CN Ash Arms server? I tried searching bilibili, weibo, and taptap and found like nothing except for what looked to be alpha clients a few years back.

>> No.22319203

Yes. That's the Unit Modification (機体改造) screen, and gives fairly significant buffs at the cost of iron ore/ingots (easily farmable from the 2nd class of daily missions and low level main missions) and some parts. The button beside it is for upgrading rarity, Performance Limit Break (性能突破).

The topmost hex upgrades Firepower (対地), Anti-Air (対空), and Accuracy (命中); the bottom-right upgrades Armor (装甲) and Penetration (貫通), and the bottom-left upgrades Endurance/HP (耐久) and Maneuverability (機動).

>> No.22319298
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Remember to play compass cuz its a famous not dead game!

>> No.22319359

The latest maintenance for Ash Arms fixed the recon bug it appears. Other things including auto battle behavior improvements and what looks to be a reduction in difficulty for the boss of 1-7.

>> No.22319382

So will the boss finally stop killing one of my units with its melee special? Literally have no other issues trying to S rank this shit except that I don't kill it fast enough before it nukes one of my ground units.

>> No.22319439

Unsure, it probably be better if someone newer try it out.

>> No.22319572
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20191026-143852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried it again after barely scraping by last night. I was able to do enough damage while it was preoccupied with AD-1 (it kept missing her) that when it tried to melee special this mouthful of a pic related it smacked her around, but then she counterattacked and killed it, but lost most of her life bar.

>> No.22319648

If you're having trouble with damage try using Size II or III units: as a unit's Size goes up, it has fewer units in its battlegroup but concentrates its damage into that fewer number of units, thus doing more damage per shot to crack heavier targets.

Healing isn't a thing but buffing might be - I see skills that mention Pluses and Minuses to various stats, so there's a chance that a unit could have active or passive skills that buff other nearby units. I haven't read in detail though, so I don't know for sure.

Panzer III is very strong! Do not make her cry, she pulled through and killed that boss because she wanted to impress you!

>> No.22319711

>but lost most of her life bar.
Okay, so they nerfed it hard.
Fucker would oneshot actually tanky tanks with that fucking counter before.

>> No.22319740

At least, it seems the developers are listening to the complaints they've been getting.

>> No.22319753

>iron ore/ingots
I never have enough of those, better drop rates pls.

>> No.22319770

JP is starting to rank units at least on this one wiki.
There are some 1* and 2* units defined as good units. It isn't all 3*.

>> No.22319784
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>game allow to have dupes of the same character but you can't use them in the same party even if they aren't both Law or Chaos
Meh at least i can max her, she is the only reason i went back in this game.

>> No.22319804

Isn't that outdated? The stars aren't the same anymore.

>> No.22319816

Looking back at it. It is. But then again it says modified just 20 hours ago.

>> No.22319842

I didn't realize Doll fragments are farmable from the stages. Guess I'll farm them to upgrade a tank or something.

>> No.22319887

trying to get into this game but the free rolls are killing me here. can you at least use different seasonals of the same character in the same party or no?

>> No.22319915

Dailies give you a good amount and sometimes you get them from boxes.

>> No.22320190

No idea i never rolled for seasonals.

>> No.22320541

do you have any specific maps for farming in asharms bros?
i find 04A-2 quite comfy for exp farming since the enemies just buffing and only 1 ground enemy doing the counter

>> No.22320800

Mostly trying to figure out what's the most efficient way of doing it.

>> No.22320846

Units have a fixed cost to deploy, so it's just a matter of finding the mission with highest XP that you can clear, and that doesn't destroy too many of your DOLLs to incite repair costs.

>> No.22320857

The problem is also finding a spot to auto battle in. The dumb auto behavior makes this hard.

>> No.22321398

1-02 for that red rock farming.

>> No.22321496

Next week there will be a Space Channel 5 collab in puyopuyo quest, please enjoy!

>> No.22321955

>restarted Ash Arms with a reroll of Flak 88, B-24 and Spitfire
Really wish I could've gotten a 3* tank of some kind or maybe some more 2*s since I only got one but I think this is pretty close to an ideal start. Now to see if a focus on AA makes the start of the game any better.

>> No.22322231
File: 634 KB, 779x390, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want this?I'm playing another account.

>> No.22322301

Every english release out right now is garbage
Arknights seriously when?

>> No.22322350

Why is it so hard to get more than 1 3* from the tutorial ten roll? I swear it takes me around 15-20 minutes to get a double 3* pull. I can only imagine how hard it is to aim for 3.

>> No.22322358

Finally hit rank 500. I don't want to touch tempest ever again

>> No.22322478

Thanks for the offer but I like my roll more. AA and aircraft seem much more important. With good tanks you can clear the ground but then you're stuck because tanks only hit ground units. With good aircraft+AA you can clear the sky and still clear the ground because they can hit both.

>> No.22322836

>>22321955 here and I'm gonna say Flak 88 should be at the very top of all reroll lists. Just completed 2-5 and two of the scouting missions on my first try and she was totally the MVP though Spitfire was very useful too with her melee. I think any reroll with Flak 88 and a 3* fighter of some kind would be a good start because of the flexibility it offers.

>> No.22322864
File: 640 KB, 544x486, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-24 and Flak are the multi-purpose classes with both air/ground capabilities. Flak's ground attacks hit harder than all 2* tank destroyers due to her obscenely high ground attack stat. TDs/Artys can't do anything to help airborne targets if you're forced behind but Flak gets to hit anywhere the fuck she wants. B-24's air-counter is ridiculous since it ups her armor too.

Fighter planes should not be a reroll pick if at all possible. You get yak-7, zerosen all guaranteed from logins and doing quests. Opening your wallet for 610yen gets you lightning who is thick as all hell and very accurate.

>> No.22322966

I'm considering restarting because all my planes are squishy, will yak-7 and zerosen save me?

>> No.22322998

Yak-7 is 5AP from the twitter preview so she's a light 3token fighter. Those should be kept as in and outs to melee enemy aerial ships. Your main AA should be tankier 3ap 1token heavy AA who can absorb some hits without losing any dps. No clue what zero's stats or speed-typing is. If the game has any historical accuracy it should rightfully be worse than some ingame units like corsair/lightning.
You can increase your plane levels and accuracy/dodge/armor by farming the rocks in 1-02/1-06 etc. and exp in 4-02. I'd say flak/b-24 are still the prime reroll targets. Japanese like the AD-1 but it does a lot of the same jobs as b-24 while being squishier and similarly high in threat-rating. It's very fast and probably really good if overlevelled for a stage though.

>> No.22323033

I just started playing, should I reroll after the initial 10 roll, or do I get more summons early on? How hard will be to try to get Flak, B24 and P38?

>> No.22323041

>light 3token fighter
Ah damn, just checked and all my planes are this. They haven't been that reliable but maybe I've been using them wrong.
How's the success rate for orange/red melee? I don't want to suicide them.

>> No.22323067

B-24's air counter is amazing but it requires you to take damage for every instance of damage you deal and will miss quite often. I wouldn't rely on just her especially once you starting facing 4 air units that deal 100+ dmg to her per turn. She'll probably be enough once you get her all upgraded and shit but my point was really just what you would need to reroll to have a smooth start and for that I think Flak 88 and a fighter would be better though I'm much less firm on the fighter than Flak 88. Yes you get Zero after a week but that's an awful long wait to get a good stride going and she's a pre-reg reward that will go away eventually. I don't considering lightning at all because I don't think it's an argument at all that you can have an easier time by spending money. That's a fact but not a factor since I'd imagine most people are not going to be spending money if they're trying to min-max their rerolls. That's why it should be more of a footnote than an actual piece of advice for rerolling.

You won't have a 10-roll after the initial roll. Gathering 3000 gems will take you a day at least. P38 will cost you 610 yen. Getting both Flak 88 and B-24 will most likely be a nightmare. Getting 2 3*s in your rerolls is hard. Getting 2 specific ones is obviously harder. Could easily be rolling for hours if not days even with how fast the infinite reroll is. My advice is to reroll for Flak 88 + any 3* doll.

>> No.22323081

Reroll, looks you get a little more than one 10 roll from dailies/weeklies in a month, a few hundred from normal login. Then there's stage S ranks and bonus stuff like the release login campaign. All in all not enough to get a good chance at 0.41% or whatever her chance in the normal gacha is.

>> No.22323087
File: 482 KB, 930x513, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P38 is not in the reroll system. Your reroll is infinite until you're happy with it go for 2 minimum, 3 or more optimally. P38 is in the normal gacha pool after, or 610yen in the shop as a starter pack 3*.

You have to understand how the threat system works and to not attack into some of the fat aerial carriers with auto-counter passives. Click on the enemy units to check their passives. Melee depends on the status of combatants(health/remaining units) and more importantly the typing of the units. You can melee a full health ground artillery monster with a low health tank and you'll still oneshot it because some units like the artillery or fat carriers have zero melee counter capabilities and pretty much allow you a free kill on the entire column. I generally find fast fighters to be really good at the melee job due to their range especially on maps with weather penalties.

I equipped mine for crit/hit and armor. Close to 500 hp and 120armor.

>> No.22323090

Thanks for the advice, I'll try to aim for either one then because I don't have much patience for that kind of stuff. What's the fastest way to reroll, just delete the app data?
Also, other than currencies, what can you get from paying with real money? I think I'm seeing some costumes and some slots maybe, but I'm not really sure.

>> No.22323097

>I equipped mine for crit/hit and armor. Close to 500 hp and 120armor.
Oh yeah I haven't even messed with the equipment system. Like I said I just completed 2-5 so I only just unlocked it. I can imagine that'll have a big effect.

>> No.22323124

>What's the fastest way to reroll
press the button on the left once you've revealed all the units. no need to delete or restart or anything. do it for as long as you're happy with the roll.

>> No.22323148

Oh shit, seriously? I'll have to restart then, I wish every game implemented this.

>> No.22323158

Just curious, do you know of any other worthwhile frames? I've only gotten a drop from 5-10A so far and was wondering what boss would be good to actually farm since I have a bunch of implants just sitting around.

>> No.22323173

I got mine from boss drops and the daily free scouting missions (sr-71 10minute). The longer basic expeditions give you easier maps and lousier rewards the sr-71 scouted on map 2a gave me 6 nodes of hard enemies and a boss with a completion bonus of guaranteed frame gacha box.

>> No.22323181

>threat system
I think the symbol for that one is the little face, is it more complex than bigger number better?

>> No.22323198
File: 1.67 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20191027-204330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys it seems that we actually can grind for characters by collecting character gears(fragment?)
or maybe I'm the only one who dont know this until now?

>> No.22323208
File: 61 KB, 361x150, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unit typings innately affect threat along with their modes. Assault form tanks have less threat than defense-mode. All squishy artillery and high dps units have high innate threat. B-24 is high dps with high threat and very tanky which makes her excellent as an aerial counterattacker while doing monstrous AOE on the ground including her unique 3column high accuracy AOE.

>> No.22323228

There are so many systems in Ash Arms it's getting kinda out of hand. I hope there will be a wiki soon. Language doesn't matter, just something where you can look at all the stats and systems more easily.

>> No.22323233

I see, thanks for taking the time to explain.
I wonder how the drop rates are. The shop has some you can buy for parts, too.
I'm not sure if they give you the girl or are just used to upgrade them though.

>> No.22323244
File: 269 KB, 762x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an illustration using maus. At 9 threat she can effectively grab attention from 8 threat units like your tank destroyers or artillery.

>> No.22323246

Yeah, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, or what should I be doing. I would hate to spend materials upgrading shit units or equipping good units wrongly.

>> No.22323249

Are those gears not for limit breaking?

>> No.22323259

So threat affects who gets targeted for attacks when they're on the same line too?

>> No.22323264

Yes. This applies for your enemies as well.

>> No.22323272
File: 5 KB, 196x42, 1572083584388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have so many questions about this game. What does profile rank do if anything? Is there a cap to the regen of the blue stuff? What are the medals? What exactly does mission in pic mean? Sortie with a certain kind of team setup? I have some progress on it but I've been unable to reproduce whatever did it.

>> No.22323273

If you don't have the girl yet, the gears will actually just acquire the girl for you. It's an alternate to the gacha.

>> No.22323276

yes, it is for limit breaking if i have kv1 in my rooster, but i dont have her.

>> No.22323278

Neat, I've been playing this game completely wrong.
So as long as my tank has enough threat I can just put the other units on the same line as long as there aren't enemies with AOE attacks.

>> No.22323281
File: 383 KB, 493x347, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an illustration. B24 and Maus got hit instead of their obviously squishier column mates. My maus hasn't been repaired in close to 20 fights in 4-02 farming

>> No.22323282

Man, I wish I could fucking read

>> No.22323316

>Maus, Flak and B24
Was this a blessed reroll or did you buy more than the twins?
I think I'll try using one fighter plane as meat shield while the other one does melee or marks things for flak.

>> No.22323336
File: 57 KB, 592x583, 1570783154999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3ssr reroll and 610yen

>> No.22323386

How much time did rerolling 3 SSR take you? I've been like 45 minutes at it and got only one 2 SSR roll until now, and it was shit.
You think there's anything decent to buy from the store other than the 610 pack? I wouldn't mind dropping some money on the hope they make the game better in the comings months.

>> No.22323411

Probably the monthly card? 1000 paid gems and daily gems/alloy/currency for 980 yen. I did 6 emulator instances with sync and macro on ldplayer. It's extremely light on resources for an emulator. I had around 6 total 3 ssr accounts but 0 4 ssr accounts. I saw a 5 ssr reroll on 5ch on launch day.

>> No.22323444

Thanks for the answer, I think I'll grab the monthly card once I get a roll with Flak and another SSR.

>> No.22323498

>I've been like 45 minutes at it
That's nothing. Getting 3 SSRs you're probably looking at hours. I think I saw my first one at 3 hours rolling a single instance and it was a terrible one where 2 were the same doll and all were bombers.

>> No.22323641

The enemies keep ignoring my tank on the same row for the squishies even though she's got higher threat.

>> No.22323695 [DELETED] 

Seems decent enough to start playing the game.


>> No.22323711

You realise this is an imageboard right?

>> No.22323721

Looks amazing, even has lancaster.

>> No.22323727

Should I start spending mu gems on 10 rolls now, or wait for future/new banners?

>> No.22323787

>that sudden acceleration and sonic boom when SR-71 finishes her recon mission
Someone strap missiles to her and make her an VF-12 already.

>> No.22323812
File: 165 KB, 960x540, EH33QhsU8AQXGZ9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are teasing new girls, probably for new banner, so you could wait for a bit and see if they strike your fancy.

>> No.22323863

I'm waiting to see if they introduce the blonde that's one the release login bonus screen, very cute.
Also if the rateup for banner girls is good it might be easier to aim for a role you need.

>> No.22323901

Smart play is definitely to save like always in new mobage. They might even do some sort of rate increase event.

>> No.22323906 [DELETED] 

No, really!? I thought I was on the BBS.
Yeah super lucky overall since it was my first triple pull after only 3 hours.

>> No.22323911

Huh SR-71's recon gave me a gacha ticket from harvesting the rubble.

>> No.22323919

What girl did you use to search it?

>> No.22323938

Panzer II at the time.

>> No.22323955

>Maint again
What did they break this time.

>> No.22323958

Weeklies getting reset.

>> No.22323961

I've been recording a lot of stats and translations of various screens, items, and buttons, but I haven't made a wiki from scratch before so I'm not sure where to put it all. I also didn't play in the CBT so even with knowing what everything is I'm still not 100% sure on how it all interacts.

>> No.22323986

The really basic wikis use Wikia
The nice looking wikis however use Mediawiki. It can be a group project. But I suggest just using a Google Doc first and just compile translation info before thinking about trying to organize things into a wiki.

>> No.22323989

Medals are used to upgrade doll skills, which are unlocked in the Chassis Remodel (機体改造) window that you get to from the bottom-leftmost button when investigating a doll in the Hanger (格納庫, bottom of the four big buttons on your home screen). The skill is in the top-rightmost corner of the hex grid, and you can unlock it by spending your iron ore/iron ingots (pink rocks and grey bars) and some Parts to upgrade your Dolls' stats. The skill itself costs Parts and Medals to upgrade.

No pic due to maint, and not screenshotting it beforehand.

If I remember right, I think the mission in your screenshot is "Kill bosses." I noticed it went up by 1 when I cleared 1-7 for the first time. Haven't seen a softcap on Alloy regen (the silver/blue cube stuff) yet.

>> No.22323994

I don't think regen is even working for the cubes. I've notice some people on Twitter saying it doesn't work. Either that or it requires a reset?

>> No.22323998

That would seem to be the case. If it is working, I haven't noticed it yet.

>> No.22324016

Strange. I noticed it go up after I returned to the main screen after I'd been sitting in the hangar translating things for a few hours, and thus not sortieing or otherwise using it.

A Google Doc is a good idea. I don't have the time to create a wiki with proper structures, templates, and tables to satisfy my 'tism on doing things right the first time, but a simple upload would work fine.

>> No.22324081

They delayed the maintenance. Another proper maintenance will be scheduled later.

>> No.22324102

I've swear I've seen it tick up by one before, it doesn't seem to be a big chunk given to you every hour.

>> No.22324199
File: 2.41 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20191027-135812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could somebody help me with these missions? There's time only up to the 13th, so I want to try and get them done ASAP.

>> No.22324238

A google doc would be just great. No need to put a lot of time into making pretty looking resources for the game just yet.

>> No.22324244

The first one looks like complete 30 battles
The second one looks like complete battle 00-08
The third one being complete battle 01-07

>> No.22324247

My top 3 units are flak,maus, and AD-1. The only problem with AD is that she needs someone to tank for her since she's so squishy but goddamn does she hit like a truck and crits everyone in sight.

>> No.22324254

Mostly right, first one is beat any of the main stages 30 times. The daily challenges etc don't count

>> No.22324257

Thanks, but I meant all of them.

>> No.22324321

Is P-38 worth the 610 yen?

>> No.22324349

If you want to support the devs, then yes. P-38 is a good unit, and being able to buy a unit instead of currency to roll for and fail to get a unit, is vastly more valuable.

>> No.22324388

Fug. Can't believe I'm gonna spend money on this already.

>> No.22324395

Don't feel bad unless you're absolutely hard-up for cash. I bought the monthly card the minute I was done rerolling because I believe in the team and love their stated focus on emphasizing the mecha in mecha-musume.

>> No.22324470

The bulk of them is killing (撃破) specific enemy types. Ground, air, bosses, other things I haven't figured out yet.

>> No.22324513

Completely happy with them. They're cute and lewd. I bought the monthly pack while I was at it.

>> No.22324533
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>almost done with long battle
>get hit with maint
Life sucks

>> No.22324561
File: 1.47 MB, 1230x647, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her accuracy buff before her AOE makes her super reliable in taking out entire waves of clumped up enemies even for the faster, dodgier small dudes which can be frustrating to hit in general.

>> No.22324574

Seems Ash Arms rating is increasing on IOS after its initial bomb. Google Play remains about the same.

>> No.22324579

If I don't have good ground units but have B-24 and Spitfire should I just go all in on raising Air while only raising some random 2* tank on the side?

>> No.22324583

Not a bad strat. As another anon previously mentioned, most air units can attack both land and air, while most ground units can't shoot upwards. It may be worth slotting in some ground units just so they can earn XP and advance along with everyone else, though.

>> No.22324610

Absolutely hate those fuckers. A single one took me 3 full turns to kill when I was attacking it with 3 units. It killed 2 of my units in those two turns. Even have a B-24 but got unlucky twice in a row with misses with her.

I'd probably stack three or four 1* or 2* tanks whichever you have and then just use their overwatch or not move them at all. Basically just use them as speed bumps. Spit and B-24 can take on pretty much anything in the air just by themselves and after that they can take care of the ground units.

>> No.22324619

You can either hope the ground lasts until the bombers can clear the enemies or drop some air units for more backrow ground artillery AOE like the ones they give out. Against medium/large ground TDs are superior. Against smaller faster units you need AOE from ground artillery(or wait for bombers).

Flak88 is busted from a gameplay perspective for this reason. The other competitors for her slot simply don't have her versatility. You can mindlessly throw her and defensive tank in any composition and do relatively well.

>> No.22324625

I'm up to like 60% just from playing normally, don't sweat it.

>> No.22324702


Seems like Honkai's PC release is getting closer if they're showing it off in a live environment.

>> No.22324727

Probably they're injecting some bots to boots the ratings, not like it actually matters.

>> No.22324810

Ash Arms maintenance over, Centurion and Achilles banner rate up as well.

>> No.22324817


>> No.22324834
File: 1008 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20191027-151509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22324860


>> No.22324893

Flak88's overwatch does not work anymore after the maintenance. Please watch out when using her.

>> No.22324900

A number of the overwatch is also broke.

>> No.22324909

All the land overwatches are fucked.

>> No.22324932

apologems incoming

>> No.22324935

Not all of them. But some are definitely.

>> No.22324970

Sounds like not much point playing right now then. Hopefully they fix it pretty fast.

>> No.22324977

Auto some easier maps like 1-02/1-06 or 1-07 boss for drops and achievements

>> No.22325072
File: 27 KB, 599x510, dontfuckwithme3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you're in a map when day changes in Ash Arms you get booted out of the map and it's handled like you lost
That's some retarded shit right there.

>> No.22325187

just don't play the game at 5 am like a normal well-adjusted nipponjin

>> No.22325279

I'm not touching the game until they fix my acktchang

>> No.22325340

Looks like the Overwatch thing was meant for Tank Destroyers. Tank Destroyers now require marking before fire if you try using the overwatch that covers the entire map. Before that I cheesed entire maps because TDs would literally just shoot everyone on the entire map with unlimited range in a single turn. I think Flak 88 might have accidentally got hit with this mechanic

>> No.22325363

There's only 2 anti-air guns in the game too so it's easily testable if someone else has a 2* whirlbewind to attempt the same thing.

>> No.22325365
File: 370 KB, 1092x560, secret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do dupes do?
And what are these used for?

>> No.22325374

These are summon tickets my dude.

>> No.22325377

Rip, that was the only thing I could use against those long range fuckers.

>> No.22325385

Duplicate girls will be turned into those blue gems used to buy tokens to upgrade girl star rankings.
Your image is a gacha ticket for a single roll.

>> No.22325392

You'll just have to adapt and learn how to use scouting with fighters or something. To be frank, that TD ability was broken as hell.

>> No.22325431
File: 248 KB, 579x502, how.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Duplicate girls will be turned into those blue gems used to buy tokens to upgrade girl star rankings.
Only that? Then why do some of my units include 1,2,3 girls? I haven't upgraded any of them. I guess 3 is not 3x stronger than 1 unit

>> No.22325447

Difference between Light, Medium, and Heavy units. They serve different roles despite being in the same class. It's like asking why the T-34 doesn't serve the same role as a Maus. The 4 star ranking will upgrade the unit count of each group.

>> No.22325457

I see, thanks

>> No.22325487

They don't seem to be shooting anymore themselves despite me moving in their map long overwatch range.. They may have gotten the same adjustment like TDs.

>> No.22325718
File: 1.03 MB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20191027-174549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone mind translating Centurion's skill. Google Translate isn't giving me anything useful in this case.

>> No.22325746

Move something something turn something something kill something something firepower up. I got nothing

>> No.22325761

I think it's
Raises own firepower before attacking (for that attack) if she hasn't moved during the current turn.

>> No.22325838

Thanks, tested it out. An effect does appear when she just sits still. Though, how large an effect I am unsure.

>> No.22325859 [DELETED] 

Is there an easy way to tell what faction a unit belongs to? There seem to be a number of faction-related passives, but I'm at a loss for how to actually tell who's what.

>> No.22325861

How do you mark enemies?

>> No.22325879

There's certain skills that'll perform the task. The most obvious being fighters in the scout doctrine.

>> No.22325911

Unfortunately no, they should have (unless there's something in inventory sorting I don't know, can't read). The only way to recognize quickly right now is getting in touch with your inner /k/ and recognizing nationality just on name of the vehicle alone.

>> No.22325922

Found the unit index. It has filters for the Five groups, but outside of that there doesn't seem to be a quicker way.

>> No.22325926
File: 574 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20191028-171830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew what I had to kill I'm so close.

>> No.22325974

Is it just me or is the font in Ash Arms fucking TINY? I don't read kanji but I have to squint and bring the phone up to my nose almost to make out these scratchy motherfuckers. I've got a Nexus 6 so it's not like the screen is small.

>> No.22326004

The faction related passives seem too niche to use, maybe there are dolls with a better version but acktchang for example needs three other nazi anti air dolls to activate it.

>> No.22326017

Unless that improves when you level the skills of course, maybe someone that has enough medals can try it out.

>> No.22326032

Are Centurion and Achilles limited or do they stay permanent in the gacha later?

>> No.22326055

My motivation to play azur lane dies a little bit every day so is ash arms any good for a replacement?
The community is trash, the playerbase is trash, the game has only changed for the worse after two years and I wonder why i'm still even playing this every day but continue to go through the daily motions for some reason.

>> No.22326147

Ash Arms is very different from AL. The only thing similar is the theme. It's also too early to tell if it will take off as there are a lot of problems but few of them are unfixable. I wouldn't personally drop AL for Ash Arms but it sounds like you don't like AL anymore and are just looking for an excuse to drop it so you might as well give it a try.

>> No.22326170

Ash Arms is JP only and brand spanking new trying to get even stand up so it has its issues there. So, your choice. I wouldn't drop AL for AA just yet.

>> No.22326191
File: 2.24 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20191027-200136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone having trouble doing the daily missions? When I accept them it just says "Loading" for a couple of seconds but then nothing. I can do story missions just fine, tried restarting but nothing.
Unless I am missing something.

>> No.22326196

Yes, same thing happening to me.

>> No.22326201

Change timezone to JP.

>> No.22326202

First mission: killing flying units (92/120). Second and third mission: kill defensive (?) units. Maybe those six-legged heavy looking things?

Time zone bug. It's Monday in Japan right now, but if it's still Sunday where you live, then you can't enter or complete the Training Center missions. This will always happen whenever the day doesn't match up. You can resolve this by changing your system clock, no VPN is needed.

>> No.22326203

Time zone difference, I'm hoping they'll fix that soon since I don't want to change my phone's setting.

>> No.22326335

Thanks Anon!

>> No.22326355
File: 1.23 MB, 2560x720, whatthefuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit, thanks singles.

>> No.22326361

Thanks guys, that sure is annoying.
Also, when I repair a unit, does it consume something? I haven't been able to note anything.
Hot damn, congrats. Is there any advantage for rolling singles or tens?

>> No.22326370

You get a guaranteed 2* if you roll a 10

>> No.22326382

Centurion seems to have really high accuracy. She doesn't miss like any shots even against dodgy opponents.

>> No.22326385

>Also, when I repair a unit, does it consume something?

Yes, it takes up one of your reserves even if the damage was minor, so don't feel like you have to repair every single scratch.

>> No.22326462

Oh, I see, so that's what the factory thingy option was for.
I've noticed that you can apparently change the unit class in their profile? You can also raise their stats, their stars, unlock different branches? and I'm not even into the equipment side of things.
Playing this is going to be hell without knowing japanese and having a good optimization guide/wiki.

>> No.22326466

Yeah. Those are all long term objectives to grind out.

>> No.22326467

>Playing this is going to be hell without knowing japanese and having a good optimization guide/wiki.
I've just been casually doing dailies at the moment for this very reason. As a retarded EOP I'll start diving deeper into this game when/if an English guide that explains the game's mechanics is made.

>> No.22326522

Makes sense since she has 68 base (命中 is accuracy), plus whatever her growth curve is. >>22324834

Stats are raised by spending materials on the Chassis Remodel (機体改造) screen, yeah. Stats gained from one point of upgrade usually equate to what you'd get from raising a DOLL's level 5-8 times. See here:
These consume lots of iron ore and ingots, so make sure to do the second mission in the Training Center as often as you can.

Star upgrades aka Limit Break (性能突破) requires dupes of the doll called Intelligence Structures (情報構造体) which are farmed from nodes like 1-2 and 1-6. You can also buy them directly from the store if you have any crystals from rolling gacha dupes (情報ノ断片, Fragment of Intelligence).

>> No.22326583

How's the new 3*? Worth using those 5 tickets on her rate up?

>> No.22326669

I hope ginko is good I'm ready to dump all my materials on her.

>> No.22326682

What do the color discs do in Ash Arms?

>> No.22326692

Still trying her out. Centurion has one of the highest accuracy for a land unit so she can kill even small and fast enemies that most other units would miss on. That and she has APDS rounds for armor piercing but that looks to be British tank specialty across the board. She skill being a buff if she doesn't move, implies she's mean to sit down and start firing away.

>> No.22326704

What, what 5 tickets?

>> No.22326723

So what are the conditions for the chassis remodel stage. Fill out the entire hex grid?

>> No.22326787
File: 982 KB, 2560x1600, Screenshot_20191028-100454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are Personality Implants and are installed in your DOLLs using the locked button on the left-middle of the status screen. You unlock the ability to do this after clearing enough of the main missions.

Chassis Remodel expands outward: whenever you complete all 3 levels on one hex, adjacent hexes will unlock. The special hexes unlock either equipment (gun and engine) or a skill (compass icon), and can only be invested in when both adjacent hexes have at least one point in them, and one of them is fully upgraded. I'm actually not sure about that second condition, as I'd already maxed out Hurricane's second gun hex prior to upgrading the armor hex that bordered her skill hex. I will test this further, but do suspect that at least one of the two adjacent hexes has to be fully upgraded.

Each hex also has level requirements that your DOLL must be before you can spend the resources to upgrade her: core hexes need Lv 3/6/9 for their three levels, the "easy" second hexes need Lv 13/16/19, and the "hard" second hexes need Lv 23 and higher (haven't gotten this far yet).

I don't know if filling the entire grid does anything special, besides buffing the crap out of your DOLL. It's very expensive to do so.

>> No.22326839
File: 455 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20191028-201844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost there but I'm at a loss on where to get the medals for the final upgrade. I did the first 2 daily medal missions and got nothing so it might be the level 40 one gonna test it out tomorrow.

>> No.22326844
File: 668 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2019-10-28-10-14-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, the condition is just one point in adjacent hexes. You can grab the middle node as soon as you have the mats. As for completing every hex, that's how you unlock their remodel, which is a further stat boost that you can preview in the main status screen. There's probably some extra fuckery with that like additional hexes to invest in, but that's just speculation.

>> No.22326869

Yeah, higher difficulty missions is your best bet. I've noticed that the medal size correlates to rarity/difficulty to acquire, and that for each size of medal there are two colors of the cloth it's attached to. I feel like this means that ground and air units use different types of medals for their skill upgrades.

Perfect, this is excellent to have confirmed.

>> No.22326884

You should compile this in a Google Doc or something.

>> No.22326906

I have a 4-page Word doc of terminology and translated terms but it's a bit out of order at the moment.

>> No.22326913

Based Anon

>> No.22326915

You're the best my man

>> No.22327244

Does Ash Arms let you have the same account on multiple devices?

>> No.22327273
File: 3.87 MB, 336x322, 1510677076756.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright shill me on ash arms. it looks like every other sidescrolling autobattler to me

>> No.22327291

We're still trying to figure out all the underlying mechanics in the game. Turns out it's a lot more complicated than we initially thought. Please hold.

>> No.22327300

Auto'd my way through the 1-7 "wall". Japs need to get good.

>> No.22327322

They nerfed it just like 1-2 days ago.

>> No.22327344

Oh. I-I still feel strong though!

>> No.22327420

>looks like every other sidescrolling autobattler
lol good luck trying to auto anything

>> No.22327434

I fucking wish

>> No.22327504

Here you go. Feel free to leave suggestions in-thread on things I should add, or to correct translations, or anything else.

>> No.22327541
File: 512 KB, 2494x1306, WheneverMineArrives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22327878

I'm very confused about the combat system in Ash Arms. Most ground units have a switch between "mobile" and "stationary" mode, what does it do? Also, you can change out their archetype in their status page and they gain/lose some skills, do they matter too much early on?

>> No.22327904

Attacks change in different forms. Some terrain gives bonus or penalties depending on form. Desert stages penalize mounted forms for example.

>> No.22327992

The mode change has a few effects on stats and is not just limited to ground units, though the becoming stationary part is ground only. Every unit has two sets of skills that depend on the mode that they are in. This is determined by the doctrine (archetype) system, where you select which specialization you want that unit to have. Each one has minor changes to their stats, but the important part is each doctrine has a different skill loadout. This is pretty important, because skills can vary wildy for attack range or overwatch conditions. For instance the 4th doctrine for fighters specializes in air-to-air and is the only one with an AOE aerial melee, but they are completely unable to attack ground units. There's also some units with specialty skills that are carried over between doctrines. Map 1 is easy enough to just brute force through besides maybe the boss, but you really need to know what each one does going forward so you can adjust your team based on the enemy composition.

>> No.22328185

I thought Cafe was going to have a Halloween event. Weird.

>> No.22328191

Halloween event was a light giveaway from what the chinese devs posted. The new gacha should be soon with probably some new stages or events

>> No.22328242

looks good. thanks.

>> No.22328278
File: 252 KB, 640x960, sQGBD2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also free daily rolls on the Onsen 2 gacha rerun.

>> No.22328289
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>> No.22328321
File: 529 KB, 461x638, zCrNt8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her design is too cute. I'm ready for her to finally be good.

>> No.22328322

>No buff for Onsen 1 characters

>> No.22328380

This 21* coop seems much easier than the last.

>> No.22328389


Reached top 10 on both ios and android so everyone gets a free 10roll

>> No.22328398
File: 387 KB, 1980x1980, Jagdpanther (aosorakamiya) - EH4V94cUEAAIsB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22328410

How you can not be using google translate OCR in this holy age of our lord ZUN 2019? Stupid EoP, perish

>> No.22328416

Is it better than monsuto?

>> No.22328424

Not as bad as some kusoge I won't mention
If you're playing during reset you don't get kicked out, you also don't get your login bonus...

>> No.22328474
File: 263 KB, 295x347, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time

>> No.22328477
File: 1.47 MB, 2560x1600, Screenshot_20191028-172803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually need help filling in two items. In the shop, you can claim both a freebie pack and a pack that costs a small amount of crystals to redeem, once per five Commander Levels. Kind of like a threshold reward. I opened my free ones before recording what was inside - if you haven't done so already, can you record or screenshot what's inside them? They're kind of hidden, you have to scroll all the way to the right in the "Buy item packs for real money" tab (right next to the Buy Crystals tab).

>> No.22328489

Which mode of hers gives her the AoE melee attack? I chose one and it only targeted a single stack in a row at a time.

>> No.22328501

Fighter 4th (制空型) doctrine.

>> No.22328514

Nice. Want 2 out of 4 now.

>> No.22328552
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>> No.22328567

At first I thought Centurion's "shields" look like fin funnels.
And it turned out that they are fin funnels.

>> No.22328631

>Sega transferred the rights for one of their kusoge to another company this August
>The new company announced the kusoge will be kill this December

>> No.22328693
File: 104 KB, 1167x1055, ash1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had some spare time so I typed up the doctrines for the different units. I'm not too familiar with the mil lingo so don't get mad. Some doctrines probably missing since I have very few of certain types.

Here's hoping the game doesn't die yet.

>> No.22328698
File: 89 KB, 1167x817, ash2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The air units.

>> No.22328780
File: 258 KB, 920x740, 1572257888975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compass has updated and Reiya is available - a triple rate up hero gacha will be available for him until the 4th. Good luck!

>> No.22328816

Fuck yes.

>> No.22328847

>Got Ashley instead of Loussier
I guess at least my 2250 gems isn't wasted for nothing.

>> No.22328872


>> No.22328885
File: 503 KB, 1080x2100, IMG_20191028_115125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally some good fucking food. It only took two weeks...

>> No.22328904

How do things like this work? I'm unsure if it applies to me since I started a little before that announcement.

>> No.22328916

Anyone here interested in compiling into a wiki. If someone sets it up, I don't mind putting some effort into it.

I think you'll be fine. They'll just give everyone who exists a 10 roll ticket.

>> No.22329006

I've never made a wiki before, but I'll attempt to make one when I have free time, if no one else has started one yet.

>> No.22329009

Did they announced when it will be handed out? Does stuff like this gets delivered in the mail right?

>> No.22329026

You are a hero. What people would appreciate the most, I thinl, would be a list of what enemies appear in each map, a translation of the skills of the units, and some explanation of what doctrine works well for what.
That way, people can plan accordingly for each encounter based on what units they have.
Sorry for not being able to contribute.

>> No.22329039

If we're starting a wiki for Ash Arms, can anyone rip assets from the game or know if someone's already uploading them somewhere?

>> No.22329094


>> No.22329332
File: 676 KB, 720x712, very nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22329401

Ash Arms maintenance in 2 hours. They're fixing the Flak 88 AA-overwatch not triggering and some other stuff.

>> No.22329474

>Ashley somehow made the slash tower much easier except the floor with buff removal metal pot compared to DR MC for me
I guess it's somewhat worth those gems for now although he needs movement speed buff like from his motif. Time to not care about any gacha until Chaguma.

>> No.22329736

I finally get to overwatch 3 tiles ahead and smash everything aerial with just 1 CP a turn again. Thank the lord I almost had to use my braincells.

>> No.22329764

Is overwatch the attack with the ! character?

>> No.22329908

Yeah but they vary in conditions for activation. 88 just needs them to be in her zone and she shoots all of them at once. Others may need marking, others may need the enemy to attack.

>> No.22329913

I hope my recon mission won't be kill when maint is over, I was just at the boss.

>> No.22329990

How long are the maints usually?
I'm still rerolling since I have little time to actually reroll on my desktop

>> No.22330190
File: 315 KB, 1239x1800, EBmX_JwUEAAHEcG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, my jewels are safe. Owl summoner would be nice, but this lineup doesn't make me want to go all out.

>> No.22330199

Free 10roll is in.

>> No.22330272

The marking by your own units was improved to last for 3 turns, some enemies were nerfed and the daily upgrade material exercise will give more stuff.

>> No.22330313

>The marking by your own units was improved to last for 3 turns
Thank fucking god, I don't have to babysit my scout fighter anymore, bosses should be much easier now.

>> No.22330432

Let's fucking go

>> No.22330484

Looking for advice, for my initial 10 roll, I went with a roll that had Mitchell and Panzer IV. I see that it gets more difficult later on, did I make a poor choice?

>> No.22330495

Is it any good? The game seems popular, but I barely see any posts about it here.

>> No.22330670

Google translate doesn't tell me anything, and if the shit is cryptic enough (which it is in this case) the language doesn't MATTER. For example, I still don't understand how paid CAPH in Witch Weapon decays even after reading how it works in English, Chinese and Japanese.

>> No.22330673

Okay, I don't know how "matter" became all caps, but you get my point.

>> No.22330678
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The best of the lot. Fighters are low priority they give out 2 for free and 1 for 610yen. Flak and B-24 are busted.

>> No.22330708
File: 3.42 MB, 366x325, 1544551310694.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AD-1 on top
Based nips showing my girl some love

>> No.22330723

It's in alphabetical order.

>> No.22330731
File: 730 KB, 426x239, 1565705970713.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-i knew that!

>> No.22330739

You're hurting him

>> No.22330755

Does it matter which doll I send to scavenge or whatever after a recon battle in Ash Arms?

>> No.22330775

I've tried 4 different 3 stars but it doesn't seem to affect anything

>> No.22330787
File: 153 KB, 1001x723, 7058404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent all the blue tickets I have been saving for this.
Had mixed feeling with the new rifle since its charged shot only fires one single beam, instead of multi homing lasers, but overall I like this set more than her clunky normal set.

>> No.22330813

Yeah I've tried every rarity, different levels, dolls that are in active use, different types etc. but can't see a difference. It's a little weird that it makes you pick and then it has that circle that fills. Makes it feel like it should be some thing where the doll picked should be not available until some time or a map clear or something. Maybe in later recons.

>> No.22330822

Same. Got a draw ticket from one of those random ones today though.

>> No.22331159
File: 1.33 MB, 1262x701, First roll btw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel quite lucky. All I needed was a tank, too.

>> No.22331173
File: 2.03 MB, 2160x1080, Screenshot_20191029-043414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got her with two tickets
Fuck I'm so happy, bros.

>> No.22331211

best girl

>> No.22331216

Grats anon, she's great. Very jealous.

>> No.22331223

Anyone know who voices her?

>> No.22331225
File: 1.73 MB, 2048x1536, アッシュアームズ_2019-10-29-04-41-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty content for only spending on the two cheap packs. Airplanes just chew through everything so far.

>> No.22331244
File: 69 KB, 201x228, 1558714986853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhhhhh give me your 3 stars

>> No.22331250

>Airplanes just chew through everything so far.
Wait till you get to the B part of the maps that's when the true suffering begins

>> No.22331259

i know i should save for sheryl if they're going to put a popular character in every gacha until chaguma hits but fuck it. you win again kusopl.

>> No.22331270

The 1500 BM as part of the stream reward is given to everyone right off the bat.
The 7 day login campaign will run until the 13th and gives a total of 3 hero tickets, 300 BM, 3 hero tokens, 3 UR tickets and 30,000 energy.
On top of that there's a double UR gacha running until the 4th - this gives a hero ticket for every 33 rolls, so use it if you're desperate for the tickets.

Halloween stuff also ends soon, so be sure to get whatever you want whilst you have the chance.

>> No.22331270,1 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

Fuck you, reeeeeeee. How many draws have you done?

>> No.22331371

It's not really the kind of mobage that mbgg likes.

>> No.22331441

>Not already ran out of gems in kusoneko like me

>> No.22331450

you're not alone.

>> No.22331464

Where do people even host wikis? I know wikia is the bog standard but those are kinda ugly looking. Like there's pretty good looking ones for things like AL and all that.

>> No.22331516

>no Flak 8
Might as well reroll

>> No.22331570

i set a limit for myself so i don't rage spend everything. i won't let myself drop below 2k until chaguma hits unless they fuck me by releasing a new sheryl. if they release her close to xmas, she won't be part of the gacha reruns so i'd have to wait 6 months to have a chance at her again.

>> No.22331591

ash arms general when...

>> No.22331619
File: 125 KB, 1200x947, EH9TDp7UcAAVHsB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There have also been quite a few balance changes with a mixture of buffs and nerfs.

>Hero skill requires an additional 3% to charge
>Increased defence modifier from 0.80 to 0.85
>Increased movement speed by 1%
>Increased health modifier from 0.90 to 0.95
>Increased the attack power of his hero action's last hit by 13%
>Hero action distance increased by 10%
>Made adjustments to the camera of his hero action to make things easier (looks to be much more zoomed in now)
>Hero skill now needs 6% more to charge
>Increased health modifier from 0.90 to 0.95
>Increased movement speed by 1%
>Increased normal attack speed by 3%
>Increased the maximum number of hits that his hero action can deal
>Defence modifier increased from 1.40 to 1.45
>Increased effectiveness of his hero ability by 5%
>Adjustments to reduce the chance of the first hit of a normal attack being cancelled
>Reduced the range of his hero action (gunner form) by 2m
>Increased the transition time from normal attacks -> hero action by 10%
>Increased HP recovery of hero skill by 50%
>Increased the effect of her hero ability by 18%
>Increased stop speed of normal attacks by 8%
>Adjustment to increase the gap when cancelling the first standard attack
>Health modifier increased from 1.00 to 1.05
>Reduced the delay at the end of casting her hero action by 60%
>Increased the range at which her hero ability triggers by 40%

>> No.22331655
File: 282 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20191029-163358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I did the level 40 badge daily and didn't get any for Maus but did get some for AD-1. Gonna try the lower levels again maybe it just didn't drop.

>> No.22331680

The colors/types of the medals rotate each day, the higher level ones just have different drop rates and higher tier medals.

>> No.22331684
File: 227 KB, 996x981, IMG_-wpvuq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>33 pulls on Futaba's solo banner
This is honestly a giant load of bullshit and now I have to sit on my ass for two days while I wait for the Bunker Busters to restock in the only store that has them

>> No.22331706
File: 458 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20191029-164906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah ok I didn't know they rotate I guess Monday is medals for planes? I'm almost done with AD-1 I'll probably finish her before Maus.

>> No.22331728

There ain't enough people to sustain an Ash Arms General

>> No.22331778

05A boss just kills whoever she feels like.

>> No.22331794

If you have Spitfire that boss is a complete joke. With her buff she can just dodge everything and pull aggro while your ground units chip away at the boss. Finished without taking a single hit.

>> No.22331799

Oh wait, it's the red area. No idea what I can do, at least I could approach the other bosses up to now.

>> No.22331832

Use scouts to mark the boss and use tank destroyers or tanks (firepower doctrine) to fire from across the entire map.

>> No.22331900

>71 posters
>vast majority is Ash Arms
You could do it probably assuming this actually holds and just doesn't die as flavor of the month.

>> No.22331909

GirlCafeGun event tomorrow stay strong lads..

>> No.22331921

>tanks (firepower doctrine)
Completely forgot about that, thanks. I got close so I think I'll get her after I upgrade a bit more.

>> No.22331989

New bread?

>> No.22332058

we're still near the top of page 10

>> No.22332126
File: 379 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20191029-182022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Level 40 only gives 5k more that sucks I was hoping for at least 25-30k since Level 5 to 20 gives 10k more.

>> No.22332131

S rank might give a bit more.

>> No.22332146

Oh I didn't know rank affected dailies that's nice to know

>> No.22332289

This didnt age well

>> No.22332355

>See everyone with level 40 DOLLs that are completely or almost completely upgraded
>Own roster has a handful of level 20s that are only halfway upgraded
Squinting at kanji for hours is suffering.

>> No.22332366

I hope you're not reading the story.

>> No.22332387

No. Just the icons, buttons, quests, everything up here really. >>22327504

>> No.22332712

How do I deal with that type of flying fuckers that appear on 1-7? They're tanky as fuck and they counter every attack. There's stages where they use some fodder as shields and my air unit is usually on its last legs by the time I can hit them. Guess I'll try running a 4 air 2 ground setup next.

>> No.22332724

Flak emUse yellow counters and bait them in. Big tanky air like lancaster and b-24 with their aerial counter99 is amazing for anti air in general

>> No.22332747

Melee it. It has absolutely no resistance to melee attacks.

>> No.22332759

Lancaster is the best air I have right now, but I haven't invested in her grid at all and I'm currently broke. Back to the iron mines I guess

>> No.22332770

Set fighter to air superiority and just melee the thing. It'll one shot it.

>> No.22332797

If you don't have b-24 build lancaster as tanky as you can. Also build hurricane she's the 1* you'll be farming at 1a-6 for.

>> No.22332830

That did the trick, thanks.

>> No.22332854
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2019-10-28-20-27-51-076_com.nhnpa.cps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely bored okabe beats your team and calls you a time paradox

>> No.22332864

Ah i sent the pic with the name instead of the cropped one thats bad

>> No.22332879

What plane is that? How does B-25B compare?

>> No.22332885

>What plane is that?
ランカスター, 2 star

>> No.22332950
File: 314 KB, 405x348, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 1 reroll turned out pretty well

>> No.22332960
File: 47 KB, 165x165, FlakCri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 3* AND Corsair

>> No.22332968

If only I had had the patience and the luck

>> No.22332995
File: 475 KB, 552x481, Screenshot_2019-10-28_20-10-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw flaklet

>> No.22333022

So many 3*s woah

>> No.22333065
File: 183 KB, 967x685, 6325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which class counter those heavy armored enemies? I waste so much time against them, enemy artillery having so much fun.

>> No.22333073

Melee oneshot them with your heavy tank.

>> No.22333079

But i want to kill them on auto.

>> No.22333171

It's not happening anon

>> No.22333195
File: 47 KB, 640x519, 1556547480753m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw when rolled all the top tier girls
Looks like all my tenka luck went to ash arms

>> No.22333235
File: 3 KB, 58x58, Stat 11 - Reaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which types of ground units are good at melee, anyways? Does the Reaction stat govern it, or is it something else?

>> No.22333260

Melee is a giant stat check that cannot miss. Huge tanks like maus/KV/tiger with insane stats but poor accuracy can stomp artillery/defense units without taking more than a scratch. It'll be important in map 4's later missions where you'll see nonstop overwatch spam by the enemy and you need to charge them down with melee(2tile forward and column-kill depending on config) while going 1-2 tiles forward in the air to stop the whale carriers screwing your ground over.

>> No.22333281 [DELETED] 
File: 493 KB, 2048x1538, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22333327

If we need to knife so much why auto bot cant do it? They didnt played their own game?

>> No.22333335
File: 1.09 MB, 987x528, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god I single-rolled b-24 after clearing 1-7.

>> No.22333369

Looking at all the ores included in Ash Arms as drops makes me feel like I need a mineralogy class. Magnesite, sphalerite, various assorted pyroxenes - each of which has a trace element that makes it used for one (or more) of the unique gun/chassis upgrades for each DOLL.

>> No.22333397

More bugs so expect maint soon and apolo gems

>> No.22333425

Fuck you lucklet.

>> No.22333441

>小隊残存数が敵を上回る場合、 更に干渉8%を追加

Anyone know what the 8% interference means?
