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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 185 KB, 800x600, 1235435475262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2232376 No.2232376 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/ seems like the right place to go to pose this question: I'm going to be staying in Kyoto for a few months, and I'm wondering if there are any Anons who are actually IN Japan and would want to hang out.

I realize you guys are all probably basement-dwelling weeaboos who wish they could go to the promised land of Nippon, but seriously, any Anons in the land of the rising sun?

>> No.2232380

Fuck off.

>> No.2232382

/trv/ would actually be the board you're looking for!

>> No.2232383
File: 7 KB, 301x257, ClassyTrollFace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2232386

lol butthurt much?
Thanks. I'll try there

>> No.2232387

Nice manners for someone who's asking others.

The only answer you'll be getting is this one, we don't "hang" with people like you.

>> No.2232391

Somebody phone the press, /jp/ has gone from being geeks obsessed with little girls and playing video games 24/7 to the cool kids who don't hang with losers.

>> No.2232395

You obviously must be new here. Enjoy your stay and try to learn something before you make a comment that makes you look like a retard.

>> No.2232399

OP here. Yeah, seriously, who do you "hang out" with, then? And why did you put quotation marks around hang, as if it's some odd term?

>> No.2232401


get back to /b/, faggot.

>> No.2232404

This is a new and interesting way to troll.

>> No.2232407

Who we hang out with is none of your concern. Should you have the decency to have some manners while asking something or at least try to understand who it is you were asking from, then maybe you could have learned something worthwhile.

And I put "hang" in quotation marks, because obviously the term takes different meanings when you compare them between us. Our definition of hanging out will not be the same as it will be for you.

>> No.2232409

Quite, pity that people don't seem to understand the concept of trolling anymore. They think acting like a retard and getting told off means they successfully trolled someone.

Whatever suits their needs I guess.

>> No.2232412

I'm honestly not even trolling. Nowadays everyone's so concerned about being trolled.. I picked my pic cause it was the most Japan-related pic I could find on my computer in 20 seconds.

As for the weeaboo comment, sorry if it seemed rude, but this is a board for Japan. Not even /a/ or /v/, but just.. Japan in general. How does not spell weeaboo?

>> No.2232415

>xD I'm not a weeaboo if I don't post in /jp/ I are better than everyone else here! <3

>> No.2232426
File: 98 KB, 972x505, A_chemo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then you misunderstand /jp/. Either way, ask travel or /b/ and stop shit posting like a retard.

>> No.2232432
File: 97 KB, 407x405, trvadvice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, bro. I don't need any buddies to fuck schoolgirls with.

>> No.2232441

>So /jp/ seems like the right place to go to pose this question: I'm going to be staying in Kyoto for a few months, and I'm wondering if there are any Anons who are currently in Japan and would want to hang out.

>I realize you guys aren't willingly to hang out with just about any random person who goes to Japan, but I was hoping if there were some of you who could get together and have a some dinner over a nice cup of warm tea.

This is but an idea should you be serious about your question and not being a child who thinks trolling someone is the best way to get your answers. As for the image, a quick google search of a Japanese landscape would be sufficient.

Now for the weeaboo comment, I'll leave that to your description. If you can't find the answer to that, you shouldn't even have entered this board to begin with. Oh and don't think it offends us in any way, because it doesn't, it's just rude if nothing else.

>> No.2232458

I'm a JETfag in Kyoto shitstain.

Guess what, I don't want to 'hang out' with you. And don't kid yourself, Japanese hate partying fratboy fucks just as much as we do.

>> No.2232728

