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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.67 MB, 1058x1264, 1541495784439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22315124 No.22315124 [Reply] [Original]

The guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

Jamal is a piece of shit and should stay dead edition

Previous thread: >>22306652

>> No.22315132

lel put DJT — Daily Japanese Thread #2285 in the name instead of the title, oh well fuck it the thread is ass anyways

>> No.22315146
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>> No.22315249

More like tripfag and namefag cocksucking party

>> No.22315296
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>> No.22315311

why is this thread so fucked up what is wrong with you people

>> No.22315324

this is a loli's real voice

>> No.22315337

programmers confirmed for pedos

>> No.22315388
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>> No.22315397
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rip jamal, even the OPs are completely fucked now

>> No.22315403

It's funny how absolutely dead DJT is without him making every 5th post and without every other post either being someone imitating him or someone arguing with him.

>> No.22315406

i just listened to matt's ajatt journey video. i'm surprised he'd still make language learning videos after realizing there's no point to it.

>> No.22315413

u cant find the thread with >>>/jp/djt so no one made it

>> No.22315417

funny what money does

>> No.22315431

i still cant believe hes fucking dead

>> No.22315436

djt is dead but thats not a bad thing

>> No.22315496


>> No.22315504
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>> No.22315510

how did jamal die?

>> No.22315967

True. For most, DJT is probably nothing but an impediment due to how distracting it is.

If I'd spent the time I've spent up to now lurking & posting in DJT on reading & listening to Japanese instead, I'd be Matt-level by now.

>> No.22316183
File: 22 KB, 148x235, nuku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does 抜く here mean to pull out or to nut? I'm confused

>> No.22316224

It's used for both. In this case it's clearly to nut, except she's telling him to nut outside, which presumably requires pulling out.

>> No.22316277
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>In this case it's clearly to nut
Stop giving advice to beginners when you're a beginner yourself.

>> No.22316342

it means to nut

>> No.22316347

Disregard this post I suck cock and didn't look at the pic

>> No.22316409

this is the worst state ive ever seen djt in lol fucking sad

>> No.22316445

lol its not just 抜く its 抜いて出す

>> No.22316457
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How to deal with being 7 months in and still unable to read

>> No.22316588

read more bud
You'll get used to reading and learn vocab at the same time

>> No.22316638


>> No.22316660
File: 605 KB, 1223x638, 1515794044673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i cant read!
>read more
Yes, thanks.
Very helpfull btw

>> No.22316671

so how do you expect to be able to read if you never do it? you're not just going to magically be able to do it

>> No.22316682
File: 224 KB, 469x324, 1509546980187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so how do you expect to be able to read if you never do it
So how do you expect me to read... IF I CANT READ?!

>> No.22316687

31 replies in 8 hours, this is dying

I know the answer you want, just spend the rest of your life repping premade decks until you have 100k words, when you're done, you'll find you still can't read and you will drop Japanese at last

>> No.22316689
File: 65 KB, 1360x768, gbd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22316696

The retarded op made it so no one could easily find it via search.

>> No.22316704

the only thing you need to be able to read is to know hiragana and know how to use google/a dictionary. you're just being lazy.

>> No.22316705

I am trying to learn new Kanji by learning whole words. I came across 朝 and it seems to have two different meanings/words. チョウ and あさ share this country? Which one is correct?

>> No.22316706

You're a DJT subhuman.

>> No.22316710

Nice try

>> No.22316712

i think the picture would help greatly here

also rip jamal

>> No.22316714

How the fuck do you expect me to READ a dictionary if i cant READ

>> No.22316717

i came across this english word "excuse" and apparently it means both "Explanation designed to avoid or alleviate guilt or negative judgment" and " To allow to leave, or release from any obligation. "
which one is correct?

>> No.22316718

How the fuck are you writing and READing our replies if you can't READ

>> No.22316720

this is how i feel about 承知

>> No.22316722

thats obviously not the same person cause they didnt post a retarded image

>> No.22316726

Stupid DJT EOP.

>> No.22316727


>> No.22316731

Is it possible to search kanji by meaning?

>> No.22316734

Hey guys!

So I've been studying Japanese for about 6 months; been grinding Anki and trying to learn as fast as I can without overwhelming myself.

But the thing is, where I live there's barely anyone who's interested let alone studying Japanese like me. I'm trying to get to know people who are studying Japanese, so we can share our journey and studying tips, and frustration sometimes, lol.

So yeah basically make some friends not for the sake of making friends, but for the sake of improving our Japanese and maybe support ourselves.

BTW thanks in advance for your time.

>> No.22316736
File: 144 KB, 880x480, ight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.22316737


>> No.22316738

Normal thread name - X
Namefag cocksucking shit in op - O

>> No.22316740

日本語 X

中国語 O

>> No.22316746

This is becoming r/learnjapanese

>> No.22316751

this sure is obviously coping with big js death

>> No.22316752

its all the kanafag fault i swear

>> No.22316755 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.22316755,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.22316757

Jamal was posting yesterday fags

>> No.22316758

Is this what you DJT faggots struggle with? Next you'll ask what ついてぇ means.And also how I wrote the small ぇ.

>> No.22316765

yes. shes saying pull your dick out and cum outside of me (as opposed to inside where she could get preg)

>> No.22316767
File: 48 KB, 546x557, 1495222364368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I've never seen that phrase before I assume it's a conjugation of 突く with kinda ike a EEee effect?

>> No.22316769

>And also how I wrote the small ぇ.
x + kana

>> No.22316771

stop acting stuck up you little loser

>> No.22316773

How you wrote  い  ?

>> No.22316781

Kinda weird, considering I was exaggerating to be a dick, but here you are, confirming it.

>> No.22316804

wtf do japanese fap with their right hand? this is really weird

>> No.22316818
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? works for me

>> No.22316832
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>> No.22316838

sorry guys it was 3 am and i was half asleep, what can u do. tried deleting the thread but it wouldnt let me.

>> No.22316843

How do I learn more Japanese words, sentence structure and grammar? Finding words and meanings is especially hard.

Like for example, in English we would say, 'It is a cat', whereas in Japanese you say: 'Cat it is'. (それはねこです。) Sorry if my translation isn't on point!

Also I'm very confused about the 'wa' at the end and the other 'wa' , 'wa' ’わ. If you could answer these questions it would be very helpful.

>> No.22316845

Gonna sleep.
wake up do college shit
finish, study the kana

>> No.22316847

its みんな u fucking cretin

>> No.22316848

Go back to r/learning japanese

>> No.22316853

read more

>> No.22316855
File: 15 KB, 210x237, marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idgaf, I'm trying to learn lul

>> No.22316858

1 point
1 hour ago
n English we would say, 'It is a cat'. Whereas in Japanese you say: 'Cat it is'. (それはねこです)

Our structure is similar to the Japanese one

それ は ねこです

That Is Cat

>> No.22316860

ur assumption 突く was correct why are you replying to that fig

>> No.22316861

what japanese word would you use to describe jamal the wise?

>> No.22316877

fuckin banger
use this to hype urself before doing japanese

>> No.22316904

just saw 按配
now only 按排 is missing before i have mined all of the 3

>> No.22316941

But you can read. You're just bad at it because you don't do it enough.

Read more.

>> No.22316958
File: 22 KB, 251x231, 1327406479237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be shoujiki can you read and understand 9割5分?

seeing this pic really hurts : (

>> No.22316976

contrary to some of the other replies, both て here are the weak command sort of て

she's saying

also, it's 抜く in the sense of "remove your dick from my cunt". 抜く would never be used in this context to mean "nut". if she was begging him to cum, she would be saying だして like she does in the

>> No.22317010

yes normal people know. you don't have to act high and mighty

>> No.22317089

rip jamal

>> No.22317127

>rip jamal

>> No.22317137

should i watch kiseijuu or acchi kocchi

>> No.22317174


>> No.22317181



>> No.22317226

That's a kotowaza.

>> No.22317228

jamal is training the art of shitposting so when he comes back, instead of 1/5, 1/2 of the post here will be from him

>> No.22317231

guys, jamal is just watching through all 148 episodes of hunterxhunter right now, like he said he would a few threads ago because of that hunterchad that kept shilling it. for true immersion you would have to watch it all in one go with english subbed. still 148 episodes is about 50 hours which doesn't even come close to the recommended 10000 hours of english subbed anime.

>> No.22317244

the recommended 100 000 hours of english subbed anime

>> No.22317257

minna genki lol?

>> No.22317269

cool i can do that in 30 years maybe

>> No.22317275

why do we keep djting? why do we keep on living?
what do we expect to get out of all this?

>> No.22317280

level 1
4 points
1 day ago
Surely it doesn’t take a whole 10 years to reach at least conversational fluency? Chris, Cathy, Dogen, Laoshu and a whole bunch of speakers have mastered Japanese in a much shorter time than that.

What the fuck is wrong with reddit

>> No.22317287


>> No.22317296

their japanese level is so low that they can't even tell how bad more than half of those people are.

>> No.22317307

i wish there was a report option for copypasted reddit posts

>> No.22317308

dogen and cathy are obviously good. dont know who any of those other people are

>> No.22317315
File: 22 KB, 646x703, lol (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mastered japanese

>> No.22317468
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Got so much more reading done than usual today thanks to DJT being so shit and slow. I used to complain about Jamal making these threads so off-topic, but look what you get when he's gone. Nothing but dekinais asking stupid questions and other dekinais answering them (incorrectly).

Hopefully these threads will now die and we can all finally be free of them.

>> No.22317479

jamals not dead hes just gone to japan to stop that girl killing herself

>> No.22317493

I'd like to think Jamal is getting his ass licked in the afterlife by gerbil girl


>> No.22317523
File: 302 KB, 604x624, 1520125258285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based jamal

>> No.22317545

not only was jamal's advice the most inefficient but he also distracted us, bitter sweet really

>> No.22317558

the truth is jamal's advice about reading & watching more stuff (which is exactly the same as what khatzumoto wrote back in 2004) is exactly what we need, but we spent too much time here to put it into practice.

>> No.22317704

djting & erogaming killed off my attention span

>> No.22317727

jamals main thing is 10k english subbed anime, its disingenuous to pretend otherwise.

>> No.22317735

I'm quarter of the way through the core2k/6k and I think that this point is where I drop this meme deck. Some of the word choices are fucking impossible to learn out of context.
I liked how it drilled basic counters and shit like that you just have to learn at the start compared to vncore.
At this point it starts to feel like more of a memorization game for people who already know a lot of vocab than a learning tool when I'm starting to hit words like 輸出 and 輸入.

>> No.22317758

time to start learning japanese now, gl

>> No.22317761

>not needing to learn 輸出 and 輸入
what are you gonna do when you need to write your school geography report on japan

>> No.22317762

just learn the readings only, don't bother with memorizing the meanings

>> No.22317771
File: 212 KB, 480x360, 1548434559262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is what you should be doing right now

>> No.22317774


>> No.22317778

Look them up in a 辞書
I feel like doing a bit of individual kanji research when I hit them in context is more efficient at this point.

>> No.22317785

because its retarded

>> No.22317791

that's roughly the point where i switched over to making a mined deck for ななついろドロップス because at that point, i remember i felt like it would've been better to have words like 雫 and 溢れる instead of 資金on a deck i'd be reviewing every day.

>> No.22317794

why is it retarded

>> No.22317797

cause if you're already droning u might as well learn the meanings so you have a rough idea of what the word means when u see it in context

>> No.22317802

he's right though
you'll get the meanings practically for free once you come across these words in context a few times so there's no need to memorize it out of context
learning the readings is worthwhile because it'll help you extrapolate readings of other words that use these kanji

>> No.22317805

if you just keep on mining words from vns and lns, and keep on reading, you'll know every single kanji in core10k and more after another 6 months.

>> No.22317809

10000/180 = 55
sure u will lol

>> No.22317815

>u might as well learn the meanings
no because that's actually the hard part
not to mention that with words that aren't simple nouns like those two, you're going to memorize something that isn't actually what the word expresses in japanese

>> No.22317830

core10k only has 2200 kanji, so i doubt it'd be difficult to find one word per each kanji in a period of 6 months (in which time, i could finish 3 long-ish eroge or 10 short ln volumes)

>> No.22317835

seems like the english meaning is roughly equivalent unless im missing something here. i dont find remembering the meanings hard especially if u mine the word urself.

>> No.22317840

now read the post you replied to again

>> No.22317844

lmao i dont know english.

>> No.22317876


>> No.22317877

i think the first year of japanese you're just getting over a wall, like an infant does, you'll only learn a few hundred words or so to the bone like a 1 year old does, but like an infants comprehension you'll suddenly hit a critical mass and huge patches of vocab in your head start to light up like plants growing, the problem is having the patience and giving your plants the proper nutrition to grow

>> No.22317901

to the bone, like being able to output them and think them

>> No.22317905

where do u think u are

>> No.22317923

dunk ur head in sulphuric acid eceleb worshiper

>> No.22317964

can you prove this

>> No.22317966

Sorry, only anecdotal evidence. Licking her armpits was also nice. And feet.

>> No.22317979

What? Is that so weird? Are you a puritan or something?

>> No.22318007


>> No.22318009

i wish jamal got his ass, nipples and armpits licked before he died

>> No.22318011

>licking armpits specifically is nasty
you object to licking armpits but not assholes and expect to not be called gay

>> No.22318021

eat shit fuckhead
i stick my dick in an asshole so its good to go for my tongue too. i dont fuck armpits
imagine lickin an old, shriveled up, hemorrhoid infected asshole

>> No.22318029

pls tell me about your nipple experience

>> No.22318057

老人 more like 老人性 lmao

>> No.22318103

i don't get it

>> No.22318105

If you only use "common sense" you cannot surpass what already exists

>> No.22318146

great post lol

>> No.22318147

I need some japanese radio channels
Preferably those that play a lot of enka

>> No.22318157 [SPOILER] 
File: 258 KB, 3000x1689, 1572105710470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22318257

gross ass old creeper

>> No.22318265

if u pressed her face down on a hot pan would it have the same effect as when u drop a piece of butter in

>> No.22318306

cause u can user the grease on her face for stir fry's? or what is it that u are saying

>> No.22318314

if u put her face above the pan and hit the back of her head with an open palm the grease will probably drip out like ketchup from a glass bottle lmao

>> No.22318318

yes exactly that

>> No.22318435
File: 74 KB, 860x351, 1557328800811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the research is quite limited it seems but even going by this study the difference isn't that big

>> No.22318450
File: 67 KB, 600x450, 12125566680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok jamal msgs understood, we are sending the best hit squad over that we have in /djt/ to free you

>> No.22318466

at first i thought that was きょーさい, and was about to post "wtf does this word mean", but then i read it western-style and deduced it could be 最強

>> No.22318530

This site for kids older 18

>> No.22318576


>> No.22318578

WOW great post

>> No.22318579


>> No.22318611

does anyone have sources how to learning japanese from hindi? thank you very much

>> No.22318617

Poo in the loo.

>> No.22318619


>> No.22318623


>> No.22318633

No, idiot. They have several projects in the works.

>> No.22318699

here you go


>> No.22318863
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>> No.22318933
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and this character is 800 years old, ure still a pedo fuck if u jerk off to it.

>> No.22318971
File: 57 KB, 500x500, 51SPcwD6fHL._SL500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has the 君の名は audiobook been uploaded anywhere yet?

>> No.22318975

yea its in that volcano over there

>> No.22318976

Its shit

>> No.22318977


>> No.22318997

i bet you are a kind of nigga who can't watch Harry Potter movies without thinking that someone might fap to the kids lmao

>> No.22319002

if you're too retarded to tell the difference in context and intent between characters in hp and this then you might be too stupid to even tie your own shoes

>> No.22319023

you were late bro

>> No.22319058
File: 7 KB, 228x221, tlho13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hand Shakers or Urahara

>> No.22319149

im afraid of deleting my old mining deck cause i think i'll forget all the words in it

>> No.22319175
File: 262 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros i got a japanese cold, i havent even done any new cards but at least i'm keeping up with my reviews... if i dont make it, do some reps in my honor

>> No.22319179

I have a mining deck with about 5200 words and it only contains 2057 kanji after about 9 months of building it (~13 cards per day due to sometimes not having much free time, usually it's 18), so I think that you'd need about a 9 months with constant 18 cards/day for 2200 kanji

>> No.22319182


which one of you is this

>> No.22319195

got 20 seconds in and i already want to smack this rat looking bitch

>> No.22319216

wow women cant do anything

>> No.22319242
File: 382 KB, 818x658, 1546260611560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pouring out one for you anon.
Hope your surgery for your cold goes well.

>> No.22319259


>> No.22319336

this is actually the most crippled ive ever seen in my life

>> No.22319343

her attitude bothers me

>> No.22319346


>> No.22319381
File: 1.31 MB, 685x667, 1571597837400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this to heal your souls

>> No.22319427

i mean the difference is that kid is actually trying and not just learning a few basic phrases because he's fucking a nihonjin boy

>> No.22319432

just imagining someone saying お元気ですか real fuckin slow for the third time and she replies hi ohio dezu

>> No.22319471

i just found a video of a based 韓国人 promoting 単語帳s and listening to stuff as the optimal 言語勉強方向.

>> No.22319473

you dont actually find her attractive right? it's just for the shitposts?

>> No.22319476

its whats inside that counts

>> No.22319480

yes, guts and bones are so beautiful

>> No.22319500

so basically ajatt/mia minus the autism

>> No.22319557

i forgot mob psycho season 2 came out this year. kny is soundly defeated by a show within its own genre. it is nowhere near AOTY.

>> No.22319563

not gonna watch either of those

>> No.22319590

finished ranma, i feel empty now

>> No.22319591

u cant say that

>> No.22319632


>> No.22319669

ur prob better off that way

>> No.22319670

oh trust me i'm going to be seething a lot more.
well you know what you like and that's alright with me.
i was planning on watching this some day. which one came first? anyway kny follows the same format of almost every shonen ever.

>> No.22319693

you might like it it even has a little girl

>> No.22319703

its got a few

>> No.22319765

>he spends money

>> No.22319772


i never thought of it this way

>> No.22319780

Pay for sex
>give slut money get sex, do shit you couldnt do with a civilian(spit on mouth, fist her pussy shit like that)
>spend money
>get stress
>get cucked
>all that for vanilla sex
How about NO

>> No.22319787

thats not payin for sex though the sex is gone u just paid for a family

>> No.22319788

all women are whores you say

>> No.22319798

Again this thread became some twitter or yt level shithole with all this faggotry and mentally ill retards who post some disgusting asian whore

>> No.22319799

>and then u realize u are stuck in the chasm forever no one will ever like shit like u do cuz any1 who does is stuck in their own chasm where u cant reach them
thats what taste is

>> No.22319800

Even if she is into kinky shit its not worth it, just pay a whore and do nasty sex with a bitch who is cuter than any girl you could date.

>> No.22319806

and thank god for that, yesterday was unbearable

>> No.22319809

my fetish is ltr

>> No.22319814
File: 120 KB, 320x426, 1570484917913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's get this thread back on track

>> No.22319815

Hi, good night, i am thinking about starting learning にほんご , so i saw two 'games' on the guide, one where you just type shit(kinda like anki) and other where you shoot the kanas.
Which one is the more helpful one?

>> No.22319828


>> No.22319834

u read it all and then u read yotubato chans manga and then u read whatever the fuck u want to

>> No.22319836

read yotubato

>> No.22319839

Summer pockets kys

>> No.22319840

I see, when should i stop trying to learn the kana and go to tae kim?
When i know them for total sure, literally never mistaking the kanas or just having a general idea?

>> No.22319871
File: 147 KB, 640x480, Detective Conan ep30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just learned that they changed the names of the characters for burgerland
>Jimmy Kudo
>Rachel Moore
>Richard Moore
>Harley Hartwell
no wonder this show never caught on there

>> No.22319879

it didn't catch on cuz it's gay and boring

>> No.22319891

can't be that boring if the japs still flock to the movies like mad after 20 years

>> No.22319893
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>> No.22319925

i wouldnt

>> No.22319932

whats u pick of the season

>> No.22319935

i havent watched anything but rifle is beautiful looks promising

>> No.22319946

also azur lane

>> No.22319955

at least its got good pantu like that anon posted 2 threads ago

>> No.22319981
File: 2.12 MB, 600x328, 1557947872995.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22319982

been watching so much horrible anime lately i might like show by rock more if i rewatch it

>> No.22319983

>i can jack off to pantsu whenever i want
hypothetically speaking if u could still jack off
i agree with u though it doesnt stand up
but the real winner is when u can jack off to pantu while havin ur soul rocked

>> No.22319984

wtf is this greed island shit

>> No.22319998

Worst arc legit.

>> No.22320024
File: 14 KB, 248x32, bokki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not seein a contradiction

>> No.22320061

>learned what な verbs, -い verbs are

>> No.22320069

i meant to write down adjectives.

>> No.22320078

it's used for regular cigarette smoke

>> No.22320081

thats what its all about im just waitin for someone to feel the temptation and stick out the long haul and get to the payoff and post their feelings

>> No.22320087

good amount of enjoyable input today, reps went well, made some good food, got a good run in. lifes good

but im still fuckin miserable lmao

>> No.22320089

yeah, but do you imagine a madame at a brothel to be smokin weed?

>> No.22320111

which JAV actress has the best ass

>> No.22320112

talking 'bout 紫

>> No.22320118

i like 蓮実クレア but depends on what size you like. anything goes for me if the firmness is right

>> No.22320122

うえはら あい

>> No.22320123

something like ai uheara i guess

>> No.22320147

When learning kanjis is it important to learn their kana?

>> No.22320156
File: 1.09 MB, 803x601, drgigetsare'd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this scene reminds me of that scene from index s2 where accelerator gets the shit out of him beaten by kihara, which in the cases of both of these stories feels like it helps bring tension the fuck up.
it's also got 紫煙 so everything's tied together.

>> No.22320157

what bullshit

>> No.22320166


>> No.22320180

goin from kazuki fumi back to urobuchi reminded me that i dont know nihongo

>> No.22320188

my goal is to get good enough at nihongo that i can go to japan and reserve a whore from one of those whore catalog magazine things

>> No.22320189
File: 673 KB, 803x600, inganocknoou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have i ever posted how these scenes remind me of the elevator scenes in utena, due to how vague and repetitive they are?
no idea what they mean yet, but i suppose it's got something to do with the 幻想生物 and whatever kind of mysteries the arcology of inganock has.

>> No.22320206

>modern take on a classic thing lol
i never watched sailor moon or getter robo or any kind of episodic, formulaic anime that had tons of episodes, so i've got no idea what that "classic thing" is

>> No.22320235

dont think ive watched a single pre-2000s anime. dragon ball doesn't count.

>> No.22320240

thinkin about makin the next thread to remind u all how its done

>> No.22320249
File: 578 KB, 487x404, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22320252

u won't even be able to understand it in english lol

>> No.22320272


>> No.22320278

where did you go, old man?

>> No.22320279

Can you find something similar to N1 test on the internet somewhere?

>> No.22320285


>> No.22320286

yeah read 装甲悪鬼村正

>> No.22320297

epic cringe

>> No.22320299

u can conduct a laparoscopy on urself wit how far ur head is up ur ass

>> No.22320300

No HERE's all you need to know about evangelion:


>> No.22320302

Is this some sort of meme? I saw people in the VN thread saying the same thing about Alice Soft.

>> No.22320316
File: 538 KB, 1280x720, 1540670918717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F dude

>> No.22320329

nah, if we are going this route its this one

>> No.22320330

evangelion has the most interesting characters, who each play a role in illustrating the root of all suffering for humanity

>> No.22320333

bakajin bakajin bakajin bakajin moshimo~

>> No.22320335

just filter moetard it's not worth responding to him or reading his posts

>> No.22320336

what did qm mean when he said he would stop wasting time posting on djt but now still posts on the discord

>> No.22320337
File: 996 KB, 500x380, toast.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22320344

that hes gonna waste more time in discord

>> No.22320345

moe is my friend

>> No.22320346

somethin about having grand plans he never acts on out of being a "lazy genius"

>> No.22320356

qm has never watched nge.
no wonder he's like that.

>> No.22320382


>> No.22320384

best anime of all time

>> No.22320394

seems like .hack has done more to ruin anime than nge or haruhi

>> No.22320395
File: 3 KB, 233x26, qmadmitstonotknowingtheanimebible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22320396

what happens if i watch nge now

>> No.22320402

cardcaptor sakura and di gi charat had a worse effect on the anime industry than nge.

>> No.22320433

btw why isnt di gi on my backlog lmfao

>> No.22320462

i don't like the new jamal

>> No.22320473

jamal did you find Jesus when u were gone

>> No.22320474

i aint seein it
too bad jamal jr prob couldnt find the thread

>> No.22320477

feel like i should probably shave my pubes again, but the weekends pretty much over so theres no hurry

>> No.22320478

>if u cant handle nuke jokes walk that ass on outta here babey and take ur tango decks with u
: (

>> No.22320482
File: 140 KB, 299x286, 1533350168971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too bad jamal jr prob couldnt find the thread

>> No.22320484

it's less than hour long. you could probably find all episodes in a single youtube video.

>> No.22320493

where u get this pic of me tell me

>> No.22320500

pls tell me what 二桁に乗る means

>> No.22320501

wow thanks for the idea ill see what i can do

>> No.22320505

what fuckin idiot burns off their pubes lmfao

>> No.22320535

jesus is a fucking きけ

>> No.22320543

very far from every conceivable interpretation of futaketa

>> No.22320560

when you first start reading, how much are you supposed to be able to understand? I've been trying to play flyable hearts, but sometimes I won't have any idea what's happening. is this normal or am i a permanent dekinai?

>> No.22320567

read some manga dude

>> No.22320598

i wish i had this video when i first started reading. i kept avoiding it because of how hard it was, not knowing it was supposed to be that way

>> No.22320611

why do so many americans read どう like in dough?

>> No.22320619


>> No.22320620


>> No.22320625

when are u gonna make a patreon to teach me how to say おう and えい

>> No.22320631

the first video i ever saw on texthookers was that one terrible example shown by that guy who used a word parser and google translate to say shit like ni toshi c kumi. which is why i decided i had to copy characters from textractor to yomichan, or sometimes even have to input them radical-by-radical through jisho or wiktionary.
the first proper tutorial i came across for it was the written one on r/visualnovels

>> No.22320635

btw she would literally be god like in that video if she learned hiragana like 3 hours before making that video

>> No.22320637
File: 564 KB, 1887x2268, 1552283024938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what learn radical or the whole kanji?

>> No.22320642

i dont know what you said but post more

>> No.22320644

american girls all make a croaking frog sound coming from their throat its so disgusting

>> No.22320645

i remember thinking this kind of stuff but it seems so fucking idiotic in hindsight lol

>> No.22320648
File: 618 KB, 1200x661, 1571095728584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just watched samurai champloo for the first time lol shit was pretty good though the ending was a bit of a cop out. what do i watch now? are there any other good samurai anime, there are only 200 listed on mal and half of them are gintama

>> No.22320650
File: 259 KB, 502x485, 1551567039907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come to realise that this place is just shit no matter what.

Whenever Jamal is here, it gets totally derailed with e-celeb bullshit.
When he's not, it turns into a reddit-tier community.
Hard to say which is worse.

I think I'm done with DJT. There really isn't any point in coming here anymore. The only value of these threads was as a place where fellow learners could chat about what they were reading and listening to, but that barely ever happens anymore, and the chance of two people here reading or listening to the same thing at the same time is next to nil anyway.

>> No.22320654

Go into 2 digits

This thread is shit and useless

>> No.22320655

>expecting quality content on 4chan of all places

>> No.22320657

i've seen this same post with different wording by at least 10 uppercasers at this point. i wonder if it's the same autistic loser or if it's actually different people.

>> No.22320674

lmfao at your life

>> No.22320676

you take this shit too seriously dude, dont you have the ability to self-reflect and see that? it's just a shitposting thread vaguely centered around a particular interest. this is the norm for 4chan, not whatever it is u want. kicking back and shitposting with the boys after you're done with ur daily learning is the equivalent of shooting the shit in a bar after work.

>> No.22320692

theres only 1 radical per kanji

>> No.22320699

also quite frankly if you think you need a "learning community" style thread to learn anything you aint gonna make it

>> No.22320703


>> No.22320707

>autistic black windows background

>> No.22320710

>hasuu is a number that isn't quite big enough to reach a unit
lmao i did learn the meaning in the same way but it just means decimal

>> No.22320718


>> No.22320719

Actually, almost no other thread on 4chan uses lowercase this much. It's one of the few redeeming things about the site.
Some people like eating shit, others don't. Your life isn't better just because you've developed a taste for eating fecal matter, and you're not going to convince other people to eat shit just because you promise it tastes good.

>> No.22320727

wait decimal isn't describing the part after the point?
am esl btw

>> No.22320737

same except im racist

>> No.22320744

ur posts are worth less than ur hemorrhoid soaked toilet paper
ur life is worth less than the cardboard box ur mom shat u out onto

yosh now that i've btfo the resident fags in the thread its time for some anime

>> No.22320747

no biggie but i don't think there's anything you can convey to eops that an esl wouldn't understand

>> No.22320749

my life isnt better cuz i can have fun with shitpostin but itd be worse if i went to the daily shitpostin thread and cried about how much i wish everyone would stop shitpostin so i could have some real conversation about optimal anki usage and how do u read 雨風 cuz there are 2 readings on jisho help
fuck u guys im leaving so i can learn nihongo but im not leaving for an hour so i can thoroughly respond to all of u

>> No.22320751

Dehydration from masturbating to eroge for 72 consecutive hours.

>> No.22320757

based upperacase retard replying to a 24 hour old post

>> No.22320758

i bruised my chinpo a week ago be careful out there

>> No.22320760

Delete duolingo, get off r/learnjapanese and start practicing.

>> No.22320764

sorry bros but im the probably the 一番強いesl
i have over 10 years of experience in AEATT

>> No.22320766

You do it the same way that you learned to read in your native language, you retard.

>> No.22320771

damn i remember doing it so hard my nani would swell up 3x in size and it wouldn't go back to normal for at least 3 days gg @ being yung i think it saved me a visit to the doctors office i hope nobody of you gets to experience this

>> No.22320779

desu it was kinda fun having a 3x sized nani for a while playing around with it in a non sexual way was interesting

>> No.22320780
File: 1.46 MB, 873x899, mikoto2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is 'vocabulary'?
SHit this language is driving me insane, i have to learn 100 kana characters, i have to learn a fuckton of kanji, and then i have to learn vocabulary?
the fuck duce

>> No.22320782

you're the exact same as the resident shitposter in every general ive ever been in on this website. maybe a bit more arrogant than average but that's about it.

>> No.22320787


>> No.22320788

dont know who this is but i bet she and her anime suck

>> No.22320790

Read a grammar guide.

>> No.22320794

her friend is trying to fuck her every episode and since theyre both underage girls its prolly right up ur alley

>> No.22320796

ill just it a shot

>> No.22320799

i wish i could gather all upper case posters in a warehouse or something and shoot a tomahawk missile into it

>> No.22320802

>is exactly what we need
Watching subtitled anime is the last thing anyone should do if they're trying to learn.

>> No.22320809

If I was a cute girl I'd be crawling around skid row naked on all fours wearing a choker and a butt plug made of broken beer bottles down my throat getting raped every 5 minutes by another random piss soaked hobo junkie or drunk salaryman. Then I'd go home and camwhore for hours to make thousands of dollars doing basically nothing except existing, and then go get molested by my dad who would probably be a complete head case because what father of a hot girl isn't going out of his mind over his hot, fuckable daughter whose girlmind and sexbody he understands fully and can imagine the smell, oh yes he can imagine THE SMELL.

Imagine how easy life would be as a hot girl, people would give you stuff and do you crazy favors for no reason, you could have sex literally any time you want and you could give people the happiest day of their life just opening your legs and spreading your ass cheeks while offering your breasts like breakfast to someone who hasn't eaten in days. Everything is possible, good grades, good school, easy money, cash from strangers, high paid job, there is literally nothing that can't be solved by being a cute girl. Go on a date, things are weird, who cares, just let him do whatever he wants problem solved, even if you ghost on him he'll still have a happy memory. Both selfishly and altruistically they are in the optimal life circumstances. Heaven on earth and in the afterlife. And yet they have the gall to pretend they are the victims. HOW DARE THEY.

Women should be banned. Fuck women. I mean fuck them literally of course but also, fuck women.

>> No.22320811

kek <---

>> No.22320814

thats your mistake. the ones who are going to make it are here to acquire it

>> No.22320816

do they fuck

>> No.22320817

how bout u acquire deez nuts lmao

>> No.22320819

You would lick someone's shit hole and yeasty vagina, but armpits = ewww gross icky.

>> No.22320821

i hope the mc isnt some 15 year old faggot who is embarrassed when he bumps into girls and accidentally sees their pantsu

>> No.22320824

u picked the wrong language lmfao

>> No.22320825

the mc is the girl in the screenshot. u prolly wont like the anime though.

>> No.22320830

nah i just need to steer clear of the top 100 anime

>> No.22320841

the way he says it is funny as shit

>> No.22320847

>i wonder if it's the same autistic loser or if it's actually different people.
At the very least, I haven't posted this before. Maybe the other 9 were all the same guy, I dunno.

Also >>22320665 is not me ( >>22320650 ).

>wait so u complain about reddit while saying it was only nice when it was reddit like and ppl are blogging im confused
I mean reddit-like in the sense of people asking stupid fucking questions that they would know the answer to if they just read the guide or used a dictionary.

>also what e celeb bull shit
Your constant twitter e-celeb spam, for one thing. You're also one of the ring-leaders when it comes to Matt/George/etc. posting. I won't say you're the only one to blame, but this shit was conspicuously absent from the threads while you were gone.

>> No.22320852

idk what youre point is there are plenty of anime without faggot 15 year old male protagonists (nge isnt one of them)

>> No.22320853

didn't read lol

>> No.22320856

weakling mcs are just a fad, it will fade sooner or later like 番長 did.

>> No.22320858

is there a way to filter upper case posts

>> No.22320861

those were some pretty fuckin bad threads i want to know what u thought was the highlight of them

>> No.22320879

The fuck happened, DJT was always shit, but not *THIS* shit.

>> No.22320884
File: 52 KB, 606x251, 1524282188652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22320887

can u stop reminding me this exists

>> No.22320889

you want shit *pelts you with balloons full of diarrhea*

>> No.22320890

fuck i posted in the wrong thread. anyway:
it took me fucking forever to get through natsumi's route because honestly her problem and character were exhaustingly boring to me with the route going in circles over and over even after ken fell off a fucking cliff, and i had to really force myself to start up the final chapter but
>that twist shortly after houduki calls mc on the phone to announce the public execution
damn lmao that shits crazy guess i'm gonna finish this game after all

>> No.22320891

thread with no jamal
>waaaaaaaaah old man come back and save us thread is so shit we cant deal
thread with jamal
>waaaaaaaaaah shitposting, thread sucks fuck off fuck off

>> No.22320893

imagine also having a twin and u got it pegged

>> No.22320894

I just wish i could be a loli so i could be manhandled and fucked by a big dicked ugly bastard so that i could se a bulge on me stomach and then he would cum me so hard i would look like 7 months pregnant with his cum haha even better if he had a knot and i would have to be full of cum for like 4 or so hours xd

>> No.22320907

jammie if you hadn't mentioned kougou he wouldn't have deleted your comment

>> No.22320911

did u write those comments? the first one always gets me, idk why its so funny

>> No.22320912

this is still a mystery to me
like, clearly not every japanese person has a lisp, especially not as extreme as the one he puts on
why does he think it's mandatory

>> No.22320919

I'm agreeing with you. They were awful too.

Anyway, I'm gonna take a break from here for a while. Anyone responding to any more posts from this point on is not me ( >>22320650 >>22320847 ).


>> No.22320920 [SPOILER] 
File: 105 KB, 820x663, 1572144222461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sharin's kuni spoilers DONT FUCKING LOOK but:
i really expected her to be taller since every single CG she's in is her towering over the viewpoint

>> No.22320926

i realized like 1 scene beforehand what was abt to be revealed and then i was like "no way bros is it really-" and then it happened lol

>> No.22320927

what if u knew from the beginning without taking a dick that that aint for あたし

>> No.22320930

wow what an idiot

>> No.22320942

Any eroge with focus on 侠?

>> No.22320950

i stayed out of the thread while i was reading natsumis route bc you mentioned there was a great twist coming up so i wanted to hide in case anyone wanted to spoil it like that one dude tried w/ baldr sky lmao. probably gonna dip back out now until i finish the game take it easy king

>> No.22320985

Is there really no tomboy eroge?

>> No.22320994

ur sayin that wantin to get bulged is better for ur prospective regular sex life than wantin to be a cute girl with a cute girl or did u misunderstand me
i had a good regular sex once and i was already a degenerate then

>> No.22321019

>full on being totally like a boy
This is what i want, reverse traps NOW

>> No.22321043

anon before you do anything reckless consider this

>> No.22321047

there are reverse trap tags too

>> No.22321088

fuck u guys im going to bed, and dream about my banned streamable/exfap link

>> No.22321127


>> No.22321147

i got into anime because of japanese learning and i'm quite enjoying myself binging all the shit that everyone else already watched 10, 20 or even 30 years ago

>> No.22321331
File: 135 KB, 324x430, 1570128738670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22321341

finally finished conquest mode for the n4 deck on discord. idk if i wanna do n3 right away. that shit is tiring.

>> No.22321347

whats conquest mode

>> No.22321354


>> No.22321357

the quiz feeds you words from the specified deck until you type them all at least once. if you get a word wrong it prompts you again later. but there were a lot of words it kept feeding me even though i was getting them right. and i don't type in japanese so it took some getting used to.

>> No.22321363

meant for

>> No.22321381

tfw no jap subs for one pace

>> No.22321464

you mean one gay journey? haha

>> No.22321473

fuck bros why is the furry culture dead
i fucking miss my foxwaifus

>> No.22321502


>> No.22321523

imagine if she actually fuckin kys'd

>> No.22321534

how many hours have u spent watching mashiron

>> No.22321551

>this thread

>> No.22321557
File: 44 KB, 644x424, c5cuvnatnwu31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there DJT. I made a post a while back about switching from flashcards to Anki. I just wanted to share a little achievement of mine: I hit 1,000 words in my Anki deck today (: Besides 1 vacation (4 days) and 1 really drunk night, I managed 10+ words every single day for 98 days straight so far. Some days I just really didn't want to study, but I still did it every night that I had a computer and a functioning brain. I didn't know I could be this dedicated, and I'm super proud of myself.

I'm taking N4 this December, and now I'm already 600-ish words into N3. I'm super happy about that!

And here are the stats! (Ignore the leeches, I'm working them back in at 3 cards a day haha. Also, eases are all super high because I follow MIA approach to Anki:)

This thread has been ongoing motivation for me. So, thank you everyone for your posts! I'll see some of you for the JLPT in like a month (oh boy).

Happy studying!

>> No.22321566

bro cut it out youre wilding

>> No.22321567


>> No.22321569

is that what the kids say these days

>> No.22321578


>> No.22321589

try it i'll knock you the fuck out bro

>> No.22321592


what's the best drama listed here?

>> No.22321612
File: 27 KB, 338x302, 1552075210810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22321619

damn I want to jump into that futon and pump my seed into her boiling womb

>> No.22321624


>> No.22321626

Any tips on diferentiating similar kanas?

>> No.22321638

ur the one that needs to take a nap

>> No.22321697

lol old ass man go to sleep

>> No.22321753




>> No.22322141

>ten to one; nine cases out of ten

>> No.22322292

spice and wolf is actually a solid 7/10 anime

>> No.22322831







>> No.22322960

輝 is 光 and 軍

>> No.22323061

Nihongo has been hugging all my free time lately. I can't help but wonder if it'll all be worth it

>> No.22323066

it won't

>> No.22323074

Aren't you doing this for fun?

>> No.22323093

still hits me right in the heart bros

>> No.22323414
File: 325 KB, 758x662, steve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22323435

absent chin

>> No.22323655

where is everyone

>> No.22323670

you couldn't have at least found an attractive jap to autistic shitpost about.

>> No.22323684

ugly disgusting bitch posts ugly disgusting things.

>> No.22323685

is that bbq sauce

>> No.22323789

lmfao nice

>> No.22323844

its obvious when you see this one >>22323824

>> No.22323851

pee is a bit more than a lil inconvenience at ur age though

>> No.22323889
File: 586 KB, 866x1158, 1571840562772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder if shes going to dress up for halloween

>> No.22323963

that would be a shame yes. she doesnt even seem to have a washing machine in her room, so things are going to be awkward at the laundry place she goes to

>> No.22324043

wtf is wrong with you guys

>> No.22324077

whats your issue

>> No.22324205

there will never be anything like eva or rahxephon again.
it sucks to know this.

>> No.22324216

we got kny what do you mean

>> No.22324223


>> No.22324248

i just remembered that bokurano exists and that i never watched it.
has anybody who's watched it thought it was good?

>> No.22324265

i got like 4-5 episodes in cause jamal was having a fit about some edgy scene in a later episode but i couldnt make it cause it was so fucking boring

>> No.22324266

Fuck off, DJT is for sucking namefag's dicks, not for learning Japanese.

>> No.22324267
File: 40 KB, 256x366, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also remembered that i once watched the worst anime ever, this evangelion ripoff

>> No.22324273

>Helter skelter in a summer swelter
>The birds flew off with a fallout shelter
>Eight miles high and falling fast
thought it was based on the lyrics of american pie by don mclean for a sec lol

>> No.22324276

it can't be worse than anohana or kotoura-san, can it?

>> No.22324430

pronounce this: 専用

>> No.22324439

i mined this

>> No.22324457

? this is a very common word

>> No.22324463


>> No.22324509

how do rtk enemies read 躊躇?

>> No.22324515

i'm confused bros since 2 djts are up what should the number of the next djt be when they both 404

>> No.22324740
File: 43 KB, 225x321, 122461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that this is one of the few lns with an audiobook available on the itazuraneko library disappoints me.

>> No.22324789

ur state of existence disappoints everyone that knows u but u dont see them crying about it

>> No.22324837

then go read something that doesn't have an audio book if that's what you wanna do

>> No.22324994
File: 1.60 MB, 1464x783, 1543321891267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw understand italian which i havent touched in 5 years better than the japanese translation of this text that followed
