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2226268 No.2226268 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't want to come forward to you guys with this, but fuck it, I have to post about it.

I finished YMK tonight. To be more precise, Nekoko's route (I did Aeko's previously), and I'm baffled. I played this expecting a hentai with a mediocre story, but what I got instead was this deep sense of sadness. While playing Neko's route I started to feel connected with the character. She was a nice little fucknut running around and doing whatever she wanted. I liked that, I really did. But then when you learn later on and that she was on drugs and that she was actually the librarian (yeah I took a while to realize), I felt incredible sad. Even though it had a good end, I had this feeling that the Nekoko wasn't real. That she would never exist again. That she died.

I can see why elevens dig this VN stuff, it effected me emotionally more then I ever thought it would. Hell, it's been long since a movie or other media made me feel this way.

Anyway, YMK general thread.

>> No.2226292
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Tsubaki hijack

>> No.2226300
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>> No.2226305

Took my awhile to figure out she was the libarian too. I thought the libarian was pretty cute and it felt good knowing she was the libarian.

>> No.2226302

Nekoko is love.

>> No.2226311

>Took me awhile to figure out she was the libarian too. I thought the libarian was pretty cute and it felt good knowing she was nekoko in the end.

I need some sleep.

>> No.2226317

>I thought the libarian was pretty cute and it felt good knowing she was the libarian.
I like this better.

>> No.2226325

The fact that she was on drugs the whole time just made it more arousing. I now have a fetish for drugged up girls.

>> No.2226328
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>> No.2227367


Kinda killed it for me.

>> No.2227378
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>> No.2227501
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>> No.2227527


>> No.2227557

That game made me bawww like a little bitch. It's story isn't bad at all and it has good music. I still listen to the sountrack a lot.

>> No.2227582

Satsugai Hiroko, was it?

>> No.2227612

>I had this feeling that the Nekoko wasn't real. That she would never exist again. That she died.
Why? Give drugs to that bitch now! DO IT FAGGOT!

>> No.2227631


Any story that moves you either for sadness or happiness is a good story. The important thing is that you were effected by it.

Also, I'm surprised no one posted the chocking scene yet.

>> No.2227648

which one?

>> No.2227657

That would be very expensive.

>> No.2227683


That was one of the most satisfying moments in any game I've ever played. God damn Antoinette ...

>> No.2227695

Aeka's and Nekoko's routes were great. Especially Aeka's.

However, I found Mizuki's route boring. She was such a bland character, and ugly too.

Too bad there wasn't a homolust route with Tsubaki (which would have been hilarious) or Imouto end with Aya.

>> No.2227716

Antoinette truly was the worst bitch I've ever had the displeasure of stumbling upon. And GOD, that voice. Ugh.

"Oi, dhahahaijjobbhbuuu?"

>> No.2227855

You know the only time 4chan gets me to rage are the ones people diss Mizuki

>> No.2227996


But its true that she has the weakest route out of the three

>> No.2228093


I was on my fucking toes at the rape scene. I didn't know if they were going to go forward with it or not. If Aeka was raped, she would truly lose her mind. It felt so satisfying when Kouhei turned the situation around and choked the god damn bitch. I hope I wasn't the only one going FUCK YEAR when it happened.

>> No.2228136

I just finished Aeka's route.

It was really good but quitting school was something I thought of long ago. It's obvious that the bitch only has reign at school. Eliminate school and she can't do anything.

>> No.2228134


you weren't the only one, this gave me the feeling of finding 100 buck on the ground. Pure god damn hapiness

>> No.2228157

I think if you don't hate Antoinette by that time then something is seriously wrong with you.

Just thinking about her makes me feel anger.

>> No.2230948


I hit fast forward and slowed down for the H parts. There was WAAAAAAAY too much character development. I just wanted to fap, not feel emotionally connected to whatever I am fapping to.

The hell do they think I am? I woman!?

>> No.2230995
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It may have been because I just got off of watching Life (the drama) that I was partly thinking 'Oh, this shit again' during the Aeka route. I won't say I didn't like it, though.

Nekoko route is the best! D':

>> No.2231004

Easy, classless drama for emotionally stunted people.


>> No.2231029

>classless drama
What the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.2231036


Devoid of class.

>> No.2231061

I primarily play visual novels for the story.

>> No.2231070

Well yeah, but I don't see how it makes sense in this context.

>> No.2231092


That would be because you have no class.

>> No.2231101
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>I had this feeling that the Nekoko wasn't real. That she would never exist again. That she died.

I went in to shock at when I heard this. Did you?

>> No.2231128

I guess so.

>> No.2231236


Kinda, but not as much as I had hoped. By that time I was already overwhelmed by a weird sense of nostalgia, that the old moments with Nekoko were over and not coming back. it was a great scene overall though, I will give you that.

And yeah, I'm the OP, I forgot my tripfag.

>> No.2231249
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>> No.2231637

Nekoko's route was good but I thought Aeko's was a lot better. Aeko's really gets the emotion in in you stirring.

>> No.2231650

Yeah, but Nekoko's route gets your hand stirring.. right into your pants.

>> No.2231683

I pity Nekoko for being addicted to the drugs but I really felt for Aeko. Neko may be a drug addict but she was enjoying herself almost all the time. Aeko is put through hell almost constantly. I felt much more passion in the love for Aeko than Neko. Neko's ending doesn't sit that well with me. Her suddenly moving and not seeing her for 2 years. In terms of the sex scenes though, Neko's are better because they're more erotic.

>> No.2231704

Anyone else thought that Aeka's porn scenes came out of nowhere?
That could had been because i was playing this for the plot and not the porn but i didn't feel this way with Nekoko.

>> No.2231732

I felt that way with all of the routes.

>> No.2232017

I'm on the other side of the spectrum. Aeko just felt like your typical moeblob that I just care for. She needed someone to defend and care for her constantly so naturally most of /jp/ flocked to her, but she just wasn't my bag
Nekoko seemed like a plain dull girl that just wanted to not be board and apathetic towards life. While she got what she wanted it got out of control and backfired. It could have ended much, much worse but the ending felt something I experienced a couple times.

>> No.2232031

Brace for not giving a shit for Mizuki.

>> No.2232048

what the hell? the scene were she gives you a blowjob while you are working that came out of nowhere, most of her scenes are pretty random

>> No.2233156


I had similar feelings.

>> No.2233197

Pretty sure what got me choked up was the Welcome home type bit she gave him at the end.

The welcome home scenes in just about anything get me ;_;

>> No.2233471


I enjoyed her. Even though she did some crazy psycho bitch things.

>> No.2233496

fabulous-route where?
