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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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22255936 No.22255936 [Reply] [Original]

guide and resources:

previous thread: >>22245845

>> No.22255947

You don't know japanese if japanese isn't your L1

>> No.22255956
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>> No.22255957




>> No.22255962

Have you ever taken a Japanese course in college? What was it like? Is it worth it?

>> No.22255966

no, like shit and no

>> No.22255974

wotd: 箝口令

>> No.22255976

you don't know japanese.

>> No.22255978

college isnt worth it but dont let the weirdos tell u taking a language class is a bad thing if you decided to make the choice of going to college anyway and u need credits or a language requirement. my class was fun at first but i ended up skipping it a lot by the end

>> No.22255984

any general rule for when I should read 一 as ひと?

>> No.22255988

lol these first 10 posts sum up really well what these threads consist of no real reason to stay here now

>> No.22255990

I mean in a compound, not standalone ofc.

>> No.22255996

read more and youll be able to feel it

>> No.22256000

there's no system to the madness stop bs peeps:


>> No.22256005

no tips but i keep reading 一人前 as ひとにんまえ and its driving me mad

>> No.22256006
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>> No.22256010

trips of truth

>> No.22256011

read more and you will know which words in you read it as ひとbecause you've already read them

>> No.22256018
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>> No.22256019

how much of tea runes will you be able to read from learning moon runes

>> No.22256021

shit like this makes me feel like this language is a fucking joke. Yet i still keep coming back.

>> No.22256023

wow what a cutie, wish i could just hold her hand

>> No.22256027

this no being in the top 10 posts makes me feel 淋しku

>> No.22256032
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>> No.22256038
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>> No.22256039

it was worth it because i made a lot of friends including the teacher who is a boss as fuck nihonjin and still keeps up with me till this day. as for the learning, to be frank not that much. i could’ve gotten 3x further in my first year if i was just listening and reading on my own and doing anki. but the social, group aspect helped a lot with motivation and enthusiasm i think.

>> No.22256049
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>> No.22256051

based my nihonjin assistant japanese teacher added me on facebook

>> No.22256055

normies need to leave

>> No.22256062
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>> No.22256065

this is where you messed up
just relac kic bac and watch some anime
let the japanese flow into your system, enjoy the trip because the destination is far

>> No.22256072

stop trying to "read kanji" one by one. learn words FIRST (kana, spoken) and then learn what kanji is used to depict them. otherwise you'll fuck yourself up with this problem like i and many others did. THE SPOKEN LANGUAGE IS PRIMARY

>> No.22256083


What is the literal translation of the above, I get the translated meaning as something along the lines of:
>I think it would be better if you didn't say / go that far that

but I'm struggling to unpick a literal meaning which I can bend into the translated meaning my best is:

>as for that a little to not say would be better I think

>> No.22256091

reading kanji is such a fuckin meme. kanji is just supposed to reminded you of the word and then the word should instantly pop into your brain as a whole cohesive unit. you shouldn't be looking at each kanji in every word and going "is it this 'reading'? is it this 'reading'?" thats a one way ticket to cripple town. remember japanese kids already know thousands of words before they ever learn the kanji for them.

>> No.22256096

ill believe you once you show me the certificate of your master in language studies

>> No.22256098

that's why RTK 'tards and retards who tell beginners to read more don't know shit
you need to start with watching anime and listening :) (you can still learn to read just use Jap subtitles)

>> No.22256109

I'm learning words using the core 2k/6k deck. I'm not trying to learn to "read individual kanji". Those who try to do that are way off base, and I pity their misguided ways. But knowing what reading a given kanji can take (disregarding exceptions), and in what circumstances they tend to take what reading, can make learning vocabulary much easier.

Take for instance 洗面所, where 洗 is read as せん. Knowing this makes it easier to remember 洗濯. At least for me.

>> No.22256114


>> No.22256117

i agree with you about this. i wish i started out with listening more, and watching anime and japanese subs, things where i could properly hear the sounds of words, instead of just reading.

>> No.22256122

you just crippled that kid

>> No.22256124

and imagine making anime/audio cards while doing that, there is no superior study method and through various debates and reading countless arguments I am convinced about that

>> No.22256127

why it's 訓 + 訓 reading ezpz

>> No.22256130

practicing listening is important. Or else you'll end up with some seriously fucked pronounciation.

>> No.22256132


>> No.22256154

the biggest game changer for a beginner is doing sentence cards. i was reading thru novels like less than one month after starting spanish bcus of all the sentence cards i was making

>> No.22256165

and how much Japanese do you know by know
my card format is superior to sentence cards in every way

>> No.22256166

by sentence cards you mean what? adding entire sentences to anki? I use sentences on the back, but adding sentences to the front sounds like a retarded idea.

>> No.22256171

guys i'm sleeping without a pillow for a week now do you think this affects my retention rate in anki?

>> No.22256174

I think you'll improve by 69%

>> No.22256175

Only a Sith deals in absolutes

>> No.22256178

only a redditor quotes burgermutt pop culture

>> No.22256188

Only a redditor accuses people of being a redditor

>> No.22256191

sure i agree but you need to be less blunt about it
hitler didn't get into power by juu talk alone

>> No.22256193

im tired, pls acquire nihongo for me bros

>> No.22256195

the percentage affect will change depending on your primary sleeping position

>> No.22256200

watch more anime

>> No.22256201


>> No.22256204

I don't really care about getting to power I just say what I think is true
if you are the kind of guy who thinks it is going on google images and forvo through anki that is truly revolutionary you never had a chance anyway most people simply don't understand what matters and I don't care to convince them

>> No.22256220

I don't understand how people have a problem with intonation. Just pronounce the words the way you hear natives pronounce them. Stop being retarded and pronounce them the way you, a forigner, read them.

>> No.22256242

When is the “Ass Immersion Approach “ section of the animecards.site going to be finished?

>> No.22256257

does anyone have any recommendations for good wns on syosetsu?

>> No.22256306

I disagree. When you put sentences on the front, you strengthen the neural pathways for seeing that specific sentence. It is much better to start off with a single vocabulary word on the front, and a sentence with furigana, and an english translation on the back. Which is how the core 2k/6k deck is configured by default.

>> No.22256321

i've already seen proof that you are wrong from my own experiences so theres no point in talking to you lol

>> No.22256324

ah yes, i remember when i was just starting out and thought the same thing lol

>> No.22256344

couldn't last 22 seconds
anime voices should stay in anime

>> No.22256345

you could just read manga instead breh

>> No.22256349

>anecdotal evidence = proof

wow, look at all these people trying to defend their inferior study method. It's whatever to me though. It's not my problem that you'll never learn nihongo.

>> No.22256350 [DELETED] 

in that case
>read more
will always be better

>> No.22256354

terrace house is the kind of shit men who paint their nails and have a tumblr account would care to watch

>> No.22256364


>> No.22256408

i think single-word cards easier to get through quickly, even if they don't aid retention as much.

>> No.22256410

you replying in English tells me everything I need to know lmao

>> No.22256412

>easier to
*are easier to

>> No.22256413

>repetition is good and you're retarded
you get repetition by reading shit and you also get new stuff, which is the balance you need to actually learn. you'll just end up like nukemarine if you keep doing the same shit in anki lol. the most common beginner things you're going to see all the time just by reading anyway.

>> No.22256421

this is why you do sentence cards, kids
you wouldn't sound half as retarded if you actually knew how those words are commonly used lmao

>> No.22256437

ok but what do you tell someone who has literally never read japanese even once in their lives? i would tell them to make sentence cards from basic sentence examples in online guides, wish someone would have told me to do that instead of the core deck

>> No.22256474

bruh several thousand hours of anime is a ton i feel bad for people who wanted to learn japanese and waited that long to actually do it

>> No.22256481

gonna delete my sentence card deck at the end of this decade

>> No.22256492

i wasn't waiting for anything while watching all those thousands of hours of english-subbed anime. i just enjoyed the characters, visuals/music, and and the plot. i just so happened to have one day chosen to learn japanese because i happened to have been interested being able to read vns and lns raw.

>> No.22256501

yeah bring it on quizzler is known for taking criticism well after all

>> No.22256516

the problem is you think you know more than us anyways so you will just assume we are retards

>> No.22256520

i'm sure he'd be willing to accept criticism if it was honest, with no intention to offend or ridicule him, and also extremely specific. that is to say, not just saying "this sounds bad", but rather trying to state how you would have said something differently.

>> No.22256561

lol so you're just another full of shit poster pretending to know more japanese than other people without ever proving it. what a surprise

>> No.22256571

for some audio files i dont have a full screen option i know theres a way around it but im too lazy i rather it not be full screen anyway

>> No.22256587

never seen before this am i crippled

>> No.22256596

i see i was right

>> No.22256597

and it should be either corsican or ladino

>> No.22256617

Chinese English Malay Japanese
which should i pick next?

>> No.22256641


>> No.22256642

はーい!乗せてあげるよ*plops you on my back*

>> No.22256674

hold down there boi
why would you tell someone to learn latin-lite slav edition that doesn't even have the interesting content or prestige

>> No.22256697

you start watching shoujo like a real man

>> No.22256749

then of course the radio show will not be of interest to you lol 当たり前じゃん
and its nothing like love live. its magic and comedy

>> No.22256774

where da fuck did the ipad guy go i wanna know what reader app he uses for manga pdfs, which one is the best someone tell me

>> No.22256922

i haven't personally used this one but it looks good

>> No.22256976

tricky kanji readings of the day: 窓硝子

>> No.22256978


>> No.22257036

jamal you are yourself the kind of guy who never said or can say more than 3 words in one sentence lol and still nothing actually pointed out
you are shit and the pretending is sad

>> No.22257064

also some1 post the anime godfather quote about 1000 dollars


>> No.22257100




>> No.22257138


>> No.22257165

The only person I know who speaks Japanese at a native level started learning 10 years ago, consumes Japanese media daily, and about 3~4 years ago began communicating exclusively in Japanese (in both voice chat and IRC and so on).

I don't think there's much point in having dickwaving contests on DJT when unless you have that level of dedication with Japanese, or stick exclusively to short simple sentences, you're going to have mistakes in your writing. This isn't something to be shameful about, and it's certainly not something you should mock others for. You can get high levels of comprehension in Japanese fairly quickly, but production lags behind like a mother fucker. You shouldn't think "I learned to read well in 1 year so I need to be fluent by 2 years!" or something. The scale is just too different.

One thing I often find is that westerners who are well known for being fluent in Japanese (like Abroad in Japan) are often actually trash at it, speaking broken and simplistic sentences with an over-reliance on forcing English into Katakana while praying the Japanese person will understand. Even say people married to Japanese people who live in Japan are like this more often then not - they can handle simple conversations, but shit breaks down fast. This isn't their fault per se, getting fluent in Japanese is just that time consuming and difficult.

Anyway, my point here is threefold:
1) Don't be self conscious about sucking at production, because it is a decade long task to have truly native level production and you probably haven't put that much time into it yet.
2) Don't mock others for having bad Japanese (unless they're smug fucks like QM) because everyone will have shit Japanese production for a long period of their lives
3) Sometimes my Japanese native friend posts here and people still try to criticize his production, people on DJT and the internet in general don't believe in "guilty until proven guilty", they approach posts with the mindset of "This person is wrong and I will bring him down" without even realizing how wrong they are themselves. So be more cautious before you mock people if you do in fact choose to be an asshole for no reason, if you're not careful you'll be the fool yourself.

>> No.22257184

I don't even think he thinks he's fuent.

>> No.22257194

>and it's certainly not something you should mock others for.
but the only reason people go hard on people like qm is because he's a dick

>> No.22257216

just because you couldn't do it that doesn't mean others can't
i would happily introduce you to bird guy but he has ascended to a higher plane of learning

>> No.22257217

yeah imagine not being a loser that lives with your mom and making a living doing something you do what a fag hahahaha

>> No.22257246

based qm defending lolicon and accepting that 2d =/= 3d

>> No.22257251

>you say I'm smug on the basis that I say I am better than most people on DJT don't you
No, I mean that you have a smug attitude that makes you easily hateable and thus I can't blame people for wanting to tear you down, as opposed to just a normal person trying to do production but getting unjustly bullied by people who are endless fonts of criticism.

>> No.22257263

I don't watch any of his videos but I respect what hes done business wise the same as I respect what George has done with his business.
Both of those guys make content for absolute beginners because thats where the majority of the people are at and lets them make more money.

>> No.22257264

>just because you couldn't do it
you're a retarded person. Not everything in life is about squeezing every last ounce of efficiency out of things. Could I have done it without going through core first? yeah, sure. But it would have sucked. Attitudes like yours is the reason people think learning japanese is hard work, when it can be a fun activity.

>> No.22257330

sure i agree that realizing you have made improvements in language skill does feel good
but i personally think that since progress is so slow it is better to just forget about language accusation and just enjoy the media in said language, getting good as a natural unpremeditated result

>> No.22257378


>> No.22257413

lol sometimes i forget that this thread is in jp

>> No.22257432

lol don't go to the past few threads if him saying that makes your gears turn

>> No.22257439

when you tried so hard to be based that you forgot to try to be pure who else knows this feel

>> No.22257440

i am not him nor am i a lolicon but i am pretty sure the mangaka for made in abyss is one

>> No.22257471

I am guilty of no crime :)

>> No.22257483

>made in abyss
seems like being sexually attracted to these is only your problem bro
are you sure your not just coping?

>> No.22257523

>17 year old anime girl
yea cuz when you talk about cute little girls you mean late teens

>> No.22257542

>He's not a moeblob

>> No.22257662

try this then
should be hard to you mr. Adult
it's just stupid schooler stuff

>> No.22257675

most japanese natives wouldnt be able to pass the toudai entrance exams though

>> No.22257682

couldn't argue with that
but why would you assume any ESL to be a chink?

>> No.22257688

because you have a Komica tab open lmfao

>> No.22257734
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>> No.22257735

it's not even 国語 for 文科, it's for 理科
but my points stands,
middle/high school textbooks set the base line for population's lingual ability

whatever country you're in, your mother tongue knowledge will mostly likely peaked during high school, if you don't further study the language in higher education

and thus, you'll never have lingual ability (be it comprehension or production) on par with japanese general population (in other way, "achieve native level fluency") , if you hadn't gone thru the public Ed textbooks/curriculum

>> No.22257764
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word of the day yall


>> No.22257815

when it comes specifically to japanese ability, no. but overall, of course. he’s actually an amicable, funny person, with real japanese friends.

>> No.22257860

wtf i want some now

>> No.22257870

digitally scan the certificate and run it through a noise reduction algorithm (I personally recommend a wavelet-based method) and then export it as a high resolution pdf and then upload it to the thread for optimal viewing.

haha i thought chinks were supposed to be smart

>> No.22257887

i miss the days when anime had SOUL

>> No.22257890

let me tell you another N word that sounds closer and totally valid as a sentence/phrase

Nei Ge (Na Ge, 那個)
which is a demonstrative pronoun, just like "that" in english, or "あの・あれ" in japanese

I've also heard about a certain personal pronoun that spells as Niga or Nega in korean,
again a totally valid korean word

>> No.22257956

have you never watched any anime with 関西弁-speaking characters?

>> No.22257970

currently at ep110 of ranma i'm still having fun with it
ukyo is best girl

>> No.22257980


ahaha preach it matt you're perceptive as fuck

>> No.22257981

Do you ever read djt and think how pointless and retarded all this arguing is?

>> No.22257993

i never come to djt to argue about anything. i just come here for anime and vn recs.

>> No.22258036
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holy shit, following all those big oppai nihonjin girls on twitter was a mistake

>> No.22258040

why didn't you take something like art history/anthropology classes instead?

>> No.22258057

tits shaped like a fuckin onigiri

>> No.22258064

good choice. i just opened the website and instantly felt my dopamine spike. thanks to that i couldnt help but look into the vids on my feed.
all i can do now is cry for mommy

>> No.22258089

Wotd 過越祭

>> No.22258101

ざけんじゃねーよ! オレは硬派厨だよー

>> No.22258143

if they've got a placement test, take it and take the highest possible level class you can get
otherwise, if i were you, i'd take a japanese history class or something like that instead.

>> No.22258146

i wonder if qm really is studying some engineering-related major, or if he's doing some gay linguistics shit like somebody else suggested.

>> No.22258156

I’m doing some gay shit
was in computer science before but that didn’t really fascinate me so I decided to become a degenerate humanities student doing what I like

>> No.22258166

If you're taking Japanese classes don't forget to bring your airpods for anime immersion during class.

>> No.22258173

exactly the opposite of me
i used to be in a philosophy/history double major thing, but quit out of it to get into cs because i got sick of sjws, trannies, the general public's lack of regard for the humanities, the extreme scarcity of humanities-related jobs even for people with phds, and hume's is-ought problem

>> No.22258176

Holy cringe

>> No.22258183

just dont get into open source shit, its full of trannies

>> No.22258191

Fuck off /g/ that's such an over exaggeration

>> No.22258241

pretty based im a strategic communications major and linguistics (second language acquisition) minor

>> No.22258296

>imagine not knowing 2+ languages from birth

>> No.22258305

>quiz the criminal sociologist

>> No.22258307

imagine not having 2 dads

>> No.22258321

Why do you idiots recommend watching shounen anime when there is 100 years of japanese films and 50 years of japanese tv shows/documentaries you could ALSO be watching. And they're all better than fucking Young Boy Super Power Fantasty Densetsu vol 49

>> No.22258348

*skips h scene*

>> No.22258352

>what do you tell someone who has literally never read japanese even once in their lives?
Read a grammar guide. They all have basic vocab and furigana etc.

>> No.22258361

most of them are pretty hard to understand without subs

>> No.22258362

shitty anime are more likely to have japanese subs than good films

>> No.22258374

Unless you're literally under 18 you should have moved on from shounen.

>> No.22258378

I Agree!
please hand me over the nip subs for 七人の侍

>> No.22258398


>> No.22258400


>> No.22258401

i learned the kana
where the fuck do i start with kanji? do i need to?.... i just want to read garbage to help my kana memory...

>> No.22258409

just read easy shit like yotsuba or 吾輩は猫である and learn vocab
could do the VN Core 1250 tango deck and then read some """"""interesting"""" material

>> No.22258414


>> No.22258426

i remember i tried reading that novel back when i was also reading ななついろドロップス, but put it down because it had too many unknown words. i could understand こころ pretty well back then, but 吾輩は猫である felt like it was on a whole other level.

>> No.22258434
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i forgot how funny this show is

>> No.22258438


>> No.22258439

honestly fuck that gay shit

>> No.22258442

i too have watched that with j subs. awesome show, good choice

>> No.22258448

hxh is gayer than kurosawa or ozu films

>> No.22258469

ok, be prepared to become a shtotacon

>> No.22258493

Yeah I watched it as it aired with english subs. Since another season is coming out next year, I'd like to read the LNs so I thought I'd mine all the words I can from the anime.

>> No.22258551

i mean ur wrong tho lol getting to a point where you can read things ur interested in faster is more important than reading anything--possibly something you are not interested in

>> No.22258564

sorry but hxh is better than the vast majority of anime regardless of genre or target demographic. but for most of the other shonen on that list, sure there's more enjoyable stuff.

>> No.22258576

the first 2 episodes are particularly cheesy. first death happens episode 3. and yes that's a spoiler but i have to make sure you keep watching.
please don't make me cringe.

>> No.22258590

played eu4 for many hours and it was fun. japanese is for retards lol.

>> No.22258595

jamal have i ever told u then ur based

also how do u feel about the news learning that u r based

>> No.22258597


>> No.22258639

qm doesnt wear a dress jamal stop spreading lies

>> No.22258640


>> No.22258643

cs is a mixture of mathematics and programming. qm wouldn't need to know anything but the basics of python or some other programming language for the sake of making stuff he could use along with anime cards.
as strange as it might sound, all of the vectorial calculus and discrete mathematics stuff does kind of grow weary on people who only want to make simple programs.

>> No.22258644

remind me what was his full name on discord, marrietta, marionette?

>> No.22258651

i just watched ep 3 and noone died. some guy lost his arms though.

>> No.22258655

it was censored in the show. in the manga his arms just get cut off. he might not die. censorship persists until the yorknew arc.

>> No.22258659

i miss meisou gyaru like you wouldnt believe

>> No.22258662

why so i can 360 slam dunk her face in the fuckin toilet like i did every time she posted? heh ez. that bitch is too scared to rear her ugly tranny head here again.

>> No.22258665

she still posts here anonymously like here >>22258442

>> No.22258678

no i dont

>> No.22258699

ur a noob ninja if you haven't seen it


even a noob can feel unnatural sentences bro

>> No.22258716
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Otsukaresama desu~

Ashita mo ganbarimasu wa

>> No.22258724

i figured out why Japan has a shotacon and ugly dude fetish

Cuz they got fucked by Fat Man and Little Boy

>> No.22258725


>> No.22258728

get that from reddit bro?

>> No.22258749

American "humor"

>> No.22258777


we have some of the best comedians in the world like joe rogan

>> No.22258806

watch easy anime with japanese subs + yomichan, make some sentence cards with grammar breakdowns as you need them, and ignore jamal

>> No.22258818

^_^ best wishes

>> No.22258819

>read 100万回生きたねこ
wtf bros????

>> No.22258824

Only one that saw it on reddit was you redditor

>> No.22258833

wait wtf 銀河英雄伝説 is a novel too?

YOSHI time to read

>> No.22258847

nah i saw it on discord but it looked like a reddit joke to me

>> No.22258857

can we meet someone that your strat is working for

>> No.22258878

not a single damn person lol

>> No.22258880

can you show us some of your nihongo skills then

>> No.22258887

oof some 弟子 is trying to下剋上 the paps

>> No.22258921

the only thing jamal fucked up with his strat is english subs his plan should be called

"watch 500 hours eng subbed anime and 9500 hours raw anime jamals high iq language acquisition strat"

>> No.22258966

you're the only one

>> No.22258993


>> No.22258995

that's true the germans dont have someone like joe rogan

>> No.22259001
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>> No.22259005
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>> No.22259008

why isnt there link to download books in the new library, is that the part thats a "work in progress"?

>> No.22259010
File: 163 KB, 294x474, 1563243073268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22259015

try the new, new library on mega

>> No.22259017

yea thats why im asking you to make your jiko shoukai vid or something so we know your method is legit

>> No.22259029

discord is for trannies and redditors

>> No.22259058
File: 84 KB, 478x376, 1549950840776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22259063

what is this from lol

>> No.22259062
File: 76 KB, 1282x497, 1545270835657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22259116

>also i found this page https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/library/shousetu/shousetulist.html but i dont see where there is a search feature
that's because https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/library/shousetu/shousetulist.html isn't the new, new library on mega

search the archive for "library mega" and you'll find it

>> No.22259121

because you're the only success story we have. we need to get the noobs on board with the right method

>> No.22259123
File: 1.22 MB, 1000x1398, 48563276_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22259124
File: 56 KB, 1181x366, 1564040460100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you really call taking 15 years to learn Japanese a "success story"?

>> No.22259133

considering the vast majority of people never learn it, yea

>> No.22259142

one day jamal will open up to the truth anki is the best method there is to learn a language

>> No.22259148



>> No.22259290


>> No.22259309

my hero academia more like my hero have anemia

>> No.22259315

what are some good beginner manga that aren't gay slice of life shit like yotsuba and chi's sweet home

>> No.22259324
File: 43 KB, 1300x343, Screenshot_2019-10-16_07-12-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may not like it, but this is what peak Anki cards look like.

>> No.22259331

no furigana? yikes

>> No.22259342


>> No.22259344

Seething Yomichan pleb detected.

>> No.22259353

you don't use yomichan? damn ur balls must be huge

>> No.22259364 [DELETED] 

how the fuck is this read

>> No.22259386
File: 452 KB, 926x701, Cx53wBR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22259387

How do I fix that? I want to learn wapanese.

>> No.22259392


>> No.22259395

Where do I find raw manga without giving my computer AIDS or letting the Russians know my bank details?

>> No.22259401

the library in OP's link

>> No.22259413

Im shit at wapanese.

>> No.22259423

is looks correct to me

>> No.22259429

What do you think about

>> No.22259437

not sure i cant read it

>> No.22259441


>> No.22259480

What was the word to describe the sight of white panties from an up-skirt angle?


>> No.22259522

boy do i have a story for you guys.

so in that anime i was watching where that girl walked in on her osananajimi jacking off, one of the characters said the word 即物的. even after reading the jdef i didn’t really get it so today at work i asked two of my super sweet japanese coworkers what it meant. to my surprise, the first one said ええ??何それ初めて聞いた! even after showing her the kanji, and the other one said she felt like she’d heard it before, and that maybe it meant ドライ(turned out that was wrong).

after like 10 minutes of googling they ended up just reading me the j def i’d already seen when i searched it at home lmao. and on top of that one of them even misread 事物 as ものごと and didn’t even correct herself!

this is yet another instance of japanese people not knowing things we learners assume they do. things some of you on djt might call “baby words”, or that people like quizmaster would shit on people for not knowing because “it’s used in anime so every native must know it”, there is actually a chance that some nihonjin really just don’t know it.

so like the other guy said, chill out and stop assuming that knowing every single word (or kanji) = knowing japanese. outside of most of whatever is in N5 to N1, you really can’t be sure what japanese adults know unless you ask them.

>> No.22259536

to append the part about JLPT contents before someone starts screaming, i know native adults definitely know much more than what is on the JLPT. my point is just that as a foreigner, you do not know exactly what that “much more” contains and you can’t assume everything you see in an anime or novel will fall into that category.

>> No.22259550

i know what you are getting at but all the dekirus already knew that. in fact we actually laugh out loud every time qm tries to show off itt
keep that in mind

>> No.22259568

btw i'll never forgive tae kim for crippling me on the てみる pattern

>> No.22259575

Someone better than me can correct me if I'm mistaken but I'm pretty sure that's wrong.
or something like that.

>> No.22259603

What's wrong with it?

>> No.22259834
File: 1.00 MB, 2105x3000, 07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone tell me where I can get the offline version of DoJG please? This version :
I have limited internet access these days so that'd be very convenient to have.

>> No.22259856
File: 469 KB, 2048x1536, minugaromaji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like a good tattoo

>> No.22259916
File: 124 KB, 1059x623, E_innga_kyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wotd: 因果

>> No.22259985

Just learned via context during the VN i am reading what Nukige meant.


>> No.22259995
File: 24 KB, 740x328, 1358501979217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22260013


>> No.22260020



>> No.22260052

bless your soul, it's there!
i've been look for that for a while, i'll download it once i the day ends

>> No.22260067

you think you're joking but that's how i learned kana, first by nuke's series and then by playing hisoutensoku and trying to read every in between the fights

>> No.22260090

someone needs to clarify how 状 has two different meanings

>> No.22260106


>> No.22260125

maybe this is what you're looking for

>> No.22260135

It's in the site backup.

>> No.22260152

the mistake you're making here is thinking it's reasonable to compare yourself to a random native woman who only reads her instagram feed. noone gives a fuck whether or not dumb natives can't read and you shouldn't be holding them up as your standard if you want to be able to read difficult material

>> No.22260158

(he wasn't joking)

>> No.22260160

describing yourself as a dekiru is the best way to out yourself as a faker

>> No.22260178

just cut an apple and the juice got into my eyes
hurts a bit

>> No.22260213
File: 102 KB, 388x314, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oof another one bites the dust

>> No.22260232
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>> No.22260264



>> No.22260333

>the mistake you're making here is thinking it's reasonable to compare yourself to a random native woman who only reads her instagram feed
one of them is in her late 30's with kids. the other is in her 50's and is an avid reader. the younger one has LINE and no other social media not even facebook, the other still uses a flip phone. once again you make yourself look like a complete asshole and dumbass all in one by assuming things you don't know lol. congrats.

>> No.22260341

小悪魔 trips

>> No.22260355

you're missing the point. it doesn't matter how good natives are, or what mistakes they make. it only matters how good you are. you can find a lot of natives in america who are absolutely garbage at english (like your president) but that doesn't mean im not gonna make fun of an eop for making the same mistakes and you shouldn't let yourself off for being shit at japanese

>> No.22260362

you know someone sucks at English when they think eop means monolingual English speaker

>> No.22260363

meant esl not eop btw

>> No.22260373

ok good

>> No.22260384

no i'm actually just gei

>> No.22260389


>> No.22260433

i can tell you're one of the people who like to shit on others about japanese to make yourself feel better about your tiny dick and/or other insecurities lol
didn't read all that by the way

>> No.22260434


>> No.22260451


>> No.22260454

very convenient 4 u to not have to actually make a point

>> No.22260457


>> No.22260458

Stop fighting

>> No.22260465


>> No.22260466

I don’t care what natives know or don’t know, I’m not learning to be a native but to have complete and precise understanding of whatever I decide to read/watch and that requires having a well sized vocabulary
why would I use some bitch who has probably never read a book in her life as the basis for my language learning goals
or are you one of those stupid redditors that comes on /jp/ and then starts spouting stupid shit like “it doesn’t matter how much you can read and how many kanji you know, only thing that matters is how fluently you talk to natives about the weather” when nobody sensible here actually gives a single shit about that? why is it so hard for you to understand there are people who learn Japanese NOT to converse with Japanese people (which is fucking boring) but to consume Japanese media and literature?

>> No.22260470

do you even know what a blog post is retard

>> No.22260472

: (

>> No.22260474

yeah, all that shit you just typed

>> No.22260483


>> No.22260491

>i'm gonna be real with you, you didn't make a single good point
that's not an argument lol u obv dont have any way of addressing what i said

>> No.22260494

I don’t care about what natives know in terms of limiting what I will learn because natives don’t know something
telling someone they suck because they don’t know something so common every single native would never make a mistake like that is completely different

>> No.22260501

recently started lurking and trying to get into the language and seeing all of you faggots being faggots somehow motivates me

>> No.22260510

>that's not an argument
why would i argue with someone making zero relevant points to the original post? you already proved you can't read objectively
>I don’t care about what natives know in terms of limiting what I will learn
good thing i never said anything about limiting what you learn.... you can learn whatever you want buddy just stop pretending that everyone else needs to know everything you personally chose to learn or else they'll never be even decent at japanese because according to you "every native knows THAT" and "no native would ever miss THAT!"
>something so common every single native would never make a mistake
you're doing it again quizzler

>> No.22260514

what the fuck does 嫌気が差す literally mean?
fed up comes out?

>> No.22260516

>why would i argue with someone making zero relevant points to the original post? you already proved you can't read objectively
the relevant point is you shouldn't care what natives do or do not know. can you explain why we should care what natives do or do not know, or whether or not they make mistakes? what's contentious about this? bear in mind there are many natives (like your president) who suck at their native language

>> No.22260540


>> No.22260557

knowing what the average native knows is a good benchmark for noobs to mezasu @

of course the pros are expected to reach a 道力 of a well-read native

>> No.22260568

>the relevant point is you shouldn't care what natives do or do not know
silly you. it is obviously good to have a reasonable, approximate idea about what parts of the language are regularly used and understood by natives. my whole point is that you and your comrades on the daily japaneez sureddo absolutely love calling things "common" or "baby level" that are actually not, mocking people for small mistakes that some natives even make, and just overall being dicks about the language learning process in general while painting a absurd image of what comprises a decent level of japanese knowledge and, literally in your own words, "what natives know".

now when you're called out on it you're trying to flip it around to claim that what natives truly know doesn't matter anyway, in attempt to excuse your own history of assumptions and ill-intentioned/inaccurate criticisms. i have to laugh.

>> No.22260571

orientals were very bad at art compared to westerners for like 900 years.

>> No.22260579

never once said anything except "natives are shit at japanese and shouldnt be considered". you're the one making assumptions. the only thing that matters is whether you can read shit or not, and let's be honest most natives aren't able to read shit like mareni without crying and do you really want to be that garbage that you cant enjoy a simple erotic visual game?

>> No.22260580


>> No.22260591

is 周 the counter for how many times you played a game?

>> No.22260610


>> No.22260621


I quit Japanese. Now I know for a fact it can never work out.

>> No.22260627

please delete this

>> No.22260649

haha get rektd brainlets

>> No.22260669


>> No.22260679




>> No.22260706

effort is more important than intelligence, so don't worry brainlets ganbare

>> No.22260719

imma be manzoku once i get a 500 文字 per fun

>> No.22260725

does anyone here know any resources or books related to classical japanese traditional music? i'm interested in gagaku, but everything that address traditional music it's ok

>> No.22260729
File: 266 KB, 960x684, chartoftheday_6125_which_countries_read_the_most_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these really the chosen peeps?

>> No.22260748

this seems inversely correlated with IQ

>> No.22260751

brazil and mexico including?

>> No.22260752

reading what, their facebook feed? i refuse to believe this is talking about sitting down with books

>> No.22260763

nah nevermind i see high IQ countries all over the place in that.

>> No.22260767

it's correlated with average working hours

>> No.22260776

which isekai ln should i read

>> No.22260779

no idea

>> No.22260784

Mushoku tensei, overlord, slime, or konosuba

>> No.22260792

making sweeping statements about entire genres is the mark of a major brainlet

>> No.22260807

yea this is how i feel about people who insult shonen.

>> No.22260814


>> No.22260820

fma:b is boring.

>> No.22260822

You're supposed to read the manga not watch a tv show

>> No.22260826


>> No.22260833

i only read nukige my dude

>nihongo fantasyland the post
imagine reading qms digital telegrams

>> No.22260850

>hentai games we play
good thing all the nukige i've played so far didn't take place in schools

>> No.22260881

daily reminder to take breaks from time to time during a long fapping day
i've met a medical student recently that told me that blood clogs can form when you keep a hardon for too long
he said they can form after the 3h mark
(btw we were talking about viagra)

>> No.22260939

>What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that forgets them and treats them like trash?! I'll tell you what you get...

You get dick blood clots.

>> No.22260958

yoshi time to close out distractions and mine enough words to get me through a few weeks of reps!

>> No.22260987


As a callback to a prior conversation, just saw this tweet that's literally a compilation of a youtuber misreading shit.

>> No.22261023

I feel like I'm getting better at Japanese

>> No.22261027
File: 146 KB, 1024x1024, 1569095471326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you are.

>> No.22261055

no way she didn't know 掠る
that shit is used so often in black lilith games

>> No.22261061

yea and they made a vid cuz it's funny that she's shit. you dont want people making vids of your epic fails do you?

>> No.22261097
File: 1.26 MB, 604x725, 1241252636348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu losers im here to finally shoot up this place

>> No.22261110

bro u cant say that

>> No.22261117

My Japanese friend who's into eroge has repeatedly said that eroge writers tend to write on a higher vocabulary level than a lot of print authors, maybe due to no publisher getting in the way.
Honestly if I were a Japanese user with a Japanese following I wouldn't really care if they laughed at me misreading some things.

>> No.22261118
File: 48 KB, 600x800, 1550870607452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even jamal can save you from me and my crew

>> No.22261204

an averagely educated english speaker would have no problem with reading that though, so what point are you trying to make exactly

>> No.22261251

aaaaaaaah i told you shes kinky

>> No.22261287
File: 37 KB, 600x468, 1551363690379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw youll never have kinky fun with misa while being crushed by pokemons
its fucking over i quit japanese guys

>> No.22261297

tfw you've literally already seen most of sadpanda

>> No.22261303

shit i'm fucked

>> No.22261341

90% of women like being dominated in some fashion you dumb virgin

>> No.22261345

>know enough kanji to make a pronunciation guess on a random new Kanji

>> No.22261349

im gonna dominate your ass soon fucking faggot

>> No.22261377

i'm just imagining you looking at some random hyogai kanji no one ever uses with obscure unused radicals and thinking "yeah i totally know how this reads and what it means"

>> No.22261456

word of the day: 休載

>> No.22261468

rekt dumb cow

>> No.22261483

tfw no cow gf

>> No.22261546

gayest thing ive seen this week and i jerked off to gay porn yesterday

>> No.22261573

it's prolly gay

>> No.22261597

idk what kind of answer u expect me to give but it feels the same as jerking off to women

>> No.22261638

thats a lie

>> No.22261671

just learnt that if you have a girlfriend she lets you play with her titties wtf bros you told me 2d is better than 3d...

>> No.22261678

1) there will never be such a 3d girl for you
2) not all women would allow a man to play around with her breasts
3) not all women have a nice pair of breasts

>> No.22261721

wtf is this really true

>> No.22261728

in some cases it is, but getting a girlfriend is much more diffficult than asking your girlfriend to allow you to touch her tits.

>> No.22261738
File: 1.99 MB, 283x313, 1551744654831.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last time i played with girls tits was when i was 13yo

>> No.22261750

for me it was never.
i'm a permcel

>> No.22261764

i just mined 求める, how does that make you feel

>> No.22261776

at least mine something a level above that like 新天地

>> No.22261782

isnt that kind of self explanatory just from the kanji

>> No.22261788

yea but i still mined it because the middle kanji made me actually look it up

>> No.22261812

have you been reading for less than 2 months?

>> No.22261819

>there will never be such a 3d girl for you
why not, i’m handsome

>> No.22261831
File: 104 KB, 750x1021, 1515347596753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a toast for all my handsome boys out there

>> No.22261847

just trying to shitpost the suffering away

>> No.22261850

>not all women would allow a man to play around with her breasts
yea then she's getting her ass kicked

>> No.22261855

imagine actually storing a random sequence of bits that make up this picture locally on your hard drive

>> No.22261858


>> No.22261859

ye. bicurious is more apt if u believe in that sort of thing. i've never been attracted to a dude irl and i have no idea if my dick would even work if i were in a sexual situation so idk

>> No.22261868

no i dont have any interest in being fucked in the ass, id be the one doing the fucking as it were

>> No.22261877

You could argue how natural the phrase is as omitting the particle may be common, but it appears to be in line with this native speaker.

>> No.22261890

whats random about it

>> No.22261925

i know you guys hate everything thats not reading or watching anime but hellotalk seems cool, whats the catch

>> No.22261978

yeah even my japanese friends in real life would constantly change the topic to english grammar shit really annoying

>> No.22261986

most people here would just cripple themselves with trash production by using it anyways

>> No.22261991

but you agree it would be good for someone with a well trained ear like qm

>> No.22262000

sure why not, you need to talk to japs if you want to learn to speak japanese urself

>> No.22262002

thinking about making the switch from sentence cards to vocab/anime cards anon here

one thing i really like about sentence cards is it forces me to read things like names, when otherwise the audio or furigana would tell it to me without me trying to read it. what do you guys think about this

>> No.22262003

he's already tried chatting with japanese people, and has posted screenshots of it too.

>> No.22262004
File: 45 KB, 792x767, 71648453_1089992091203938_4256011233955676160_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got tired of not knowing sexual slang and have been compiling a list to study. Is this peak learning right here?

>> No.22262007

Whatever helps you man, people learn in different ways.

>> No.22262010
File: 821 KB, 1022x588, 1555252693272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is 十数+時間, not 十+数時間 right?

>> No.22262011

no, peak learning would be to just read the doujins and eroges and pick shit up from there

>> No.22262025

it doesn't matter what cards you do as long as you stick to it over a long period of time and get lots of input aside from flashtarding
just do the ones that you would enjoy reviewing more

>> No.22262069

wait, jamal is a 女? this fucking changes everything about the /djt/ lore...

>> No.22262084

well if you read books or anything non-voiced you'd have to read names so when you get to that you'll get plenty of practice

>> No.22262125

this girl is just a baka

i've linked one of her videos here before: https://youtu.be/AbN-U-zmHT0?t=535

>> No.22262174

what is a good entry level VN, I see the recommended VN chart on itazuraneko but I dont see any difficulty ratings

>> No.22262175
File: 1.91 MB, 267x260, 1551731436790.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22262177


>> No.22262180

#血液クレンジング is trending on twitter, are these niggas into some voodoo shit or what

>> No.22262185

post more sad shit like this

>> No.22262186

check the 3rd or 4th vn chart, or the vn stats page at wareya.moe
alternatively, look for jamal's chart on the warosu archive

>> No.22262187

wow thank you! everyone here is so kind and helpful i will go download it right now :) faggot

>> No.22262191
File: 117 KB, 503x437, 1564074627474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22262193

alright thanks

>> No.22262199


>> No.22262208

I can't take it anymore
Almost three years of plowing through core 6k with little to no effect, looking at highly condensed moonspeak right now makes me sick
What seemed like 20 minutes per day to get my reviews done now drags endlessly
I'm afraid of adding new words and decks because those little green numbers rising even slightly above hundred scare the shit out of me
I can't seem to focus any longer

>> No.22262209
File: 127 KB, 602x474, 1547959541110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22262214
File: 13 KB, 280x158, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you talking about this one?
i didn't really like these girls' thighs, but whatever.

>> No.22262215

lol such a fake probably thats so easy to fix. dont cry when theres people like me that have real problems that prevent me from learning language like being addicted to 4chan, twitter and reddit

>> No.22262222

just consume more compelling content that you can 抜く off to.

>> No.22262226


>> No.22262243

>no loli heroine
gonna ignore that one

>> No.22262248
File: 657 KB, 800x600, 1566517133278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that still leaves you with one other option

>> No.22262260

it's about as good as vns get when the only other work of fiction you've read so far in japanese is よつばと!or kancolle h-doujin manga, and wanna get through something quickly that'll make you feel some sense of accomplishment (like - "yo, reading in japanese isn't actually that difficult" kind of feel).

>> No.22262265

this but
if you're like me and can't look stuff up while horny then use sharex to quickly screenshot the panels containing words you don't know then look them up after you've already expelled ur ejaculatory fluids

>> No.22262269
File: 16 KB, 255x269, chrome_ZY91V4sGbP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.22262271
File: 16 KB, 240x240, 1546781251055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22262275

why does jamals like cummunicating in english more then japanese is it something inherently special about english

>> No.22262278

i found ななついろドロップス to be easier to install than flyable heart, which is why i stuck to that one for quite a while.

>> No.22262281

the internet is cooler in english

>> No.22262290

japanese doesn't have cool words like "nigga" or "fag".

>> No.22262298

are those condoms? wtf
why would a japanese 学生 be bringing those with her, except for the sake of exchanging services for money with old men?

>> No.22262299


>> No.22262307

she is 没収ing them from her brother who was trying to give them to the protagonist so protagonist-kun could get it on with his sister

>> No.22262325

i want to be friends with anime godfather

>> No.22262327

>japanese doesn't have cool words like.黒ん坊 or オカマ

get good pajeet

>> No.22262353

don't forget ネカマ

>> No.22262385


>> No.22262396

that 濡 looks fucked up

>> No.22262411

How the fuck do japanese learn how to write words? That shit is impossible I swear

>> No.22262425

they go to school like everyone else

>> No.22262429

strokes down and to the right, it's not that bad once you get the hang of it

>> No.22262439

Kanji is not word
Are you stupid?

>> No.22262449
File: 17 KB, 340x181, Ae8xiIe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i downloaded hanahira and this shit happens when i try to open it, what retarded shit did i fuck up

>> No.22262450
File: 196 KB, 600x600, 1555028529468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22262454

did you set your system locale to japanese?


>> No.22262455

did you try locale emulator
did you try running as admin
did you try compatibility mode

>> No.22262462

本 doesn't mean book?

>> No.22262471

pray that my djt bros see the light

>> No.22262474

They literally have books and write the same kanji like 50 times, turn the page, then write another one 50 times.

>> No.22262477

they brainwashed you to think your existence isnt a result of the divine...

>> No.22262484 [DELETED] 

they brainwashed you to think divinity exists

>> No.22262485

i didn't have japanese locale set thanks

>> No.22262493

You get knocked down
You get back up
You wanna live this lifestyle
You gotta be tough

>> No.22262497


>> No.22262518

so namasensei style?

>> No.22262542 [DELETED] 

what does divinity mean to you

>> No.22262553

so much cringe in one post lol

>> No.22262567

fucking cringe. anyways i liked mushishi and natsume yujincho. non non biyori was pretty fun for a cgdc

>> No.22262583

is there a way to stop kanjitomo from drawing red boxes everywhere

>> No.22262590

use the jisho app instead of that gay character recognition shit.

>> No.22262602 [DELETED] 

wow thanks for responding to him for me i couldnt because i got shitfucked by that guy

>> No.22262603 [DELETED] 

>intelligent design in 2019

>> No.22262604

i looked sol up on google and got spanish articles on that were discussing the sun burning out in several billions of years.
i know we're all gonna be dead in several decades, but knowing that our planet will get swallowed up by our mother star and then turn into a red dwarf seems kind of creepy and at the same time sad.

>> No.22262605

will never understand people like you

>> No.22262608 [DELETED] 

literally no reason to believe that all of the laws of physics, chemistry, etc. were all set down by a god-like being.

>> No.22262612

becoming too dependent on kanji recognition tools and texthookers will make your eyes and mind lazy, leading you to confusing similar kanji

>> No.22262613 [DELETED] 

what do you mean, it's more relevent in 2019 though, elon musk and others have support intelligent design as atheists are currently getting btfo all across the globe as ppl start to think deeper about things

>> No.22262614 [DELETED] 

anyone who says
>since it's today you should agree with me
here is baiting

>> No.22262619 [DELETED] 

a term used by people who are role playing in their adult santa club, basically pretending things they don't understand are magic to placebo themselves

>> No.22262622

thats one perspective. another is that its beautiful n awe inspiring

>> No.22262623 [DELETED] 

>becoming too dependent
you know this is something that's within your control, right?
>appeal to authority
dont give a fuck what elon musk thinks
never said you should agree with me, you guys just cant stop with the fallacies

>> No.22262641

i have the advantage of time

>> No.22262644
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i don't feel like arguing, but since things are heated here i might as well add some stuff into the fire
take a look at my anime/audio cards

>> No.22262646 [DELETED] 

there is no purpose, i started to type out a more detailed rebuttal post with some links and stuff but realized i was wasting my time since a) you wouldnt change ur mind and b) it's way off topic

anyways i'll just leave this link. dillahunty has rebutted intelligent design like 50 times on this channel and he's very good at it. >inb4 it says atheist in the title so i will promptly ignore it

>> No.22262652 [DELETED] 

i should've said hypothesizing instead of theorizing

>> No.22262653 [DELETED] 

idk i watched this guy try to debate jordan peterson and it seemed like he couldnt really keep up with actual higher level thinkers

>> No.22262659
File: 2.49 MB, 1000x1146, beginner vns final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of bad VN recommendation charts out there ( or those that are just straight-up unhelpful like >>22262209 ) so I decided to make one of my own, hopefully this helps beginners find a title that isn't too easy or too hard.

>> No.22262661 [DELETED] 

that's why i'm a spinozist instead of a follower of any of the abrahamic religions

>> No.22262666

>not being 神道

>> No.22262668 [DELETED] 

i watched a portion of that and drew the exact opposite conclusion. probably has to do with the bias with which we each went into the video. anyways thats irrelevant but i suspected you'd find some reason to not watch it.

>> No.22262681 [DELETED] 

i mean i already watched him plenty during my atheist phase not sure why i would have to watch it again.. and by not keeping up with jordan peterson i am really thinking he didn't have the vocabulary or knowledge of the things peterson was referencing to even understand what he was getting at

>> No.22262693

this place sucks without jamal though, he sacrifices himself to curate djt for us, he's our jesus

>> No.22262700 [DELETED] 

if your arguments for god are so complex and convoluted that a guy like dillahunty is simply incapable of comprehending them chances are it's just a bunch of nonsense

>> No.22262703

the n word

>> No.22262704 [DELETED] 

>to impose their assumption of a god character who is essentially like a human but a big magical one chilling in the sky somewhere who wants us to worship him
literally no one who believes the trinity is like this, if you're saying that this cartoonist idea of a "creature that's just supreme" doesn't exist then i agree with you. while at the same time i will say that the contingency of this universe has to be grounded in something.
i suggest looking at the ontological argument if you are interested in knowing more

>> No.22262711 [DELETED] 

lol whys that

>> No.22262717 [DELETED] 

>the contingency of this universe has to be grounded in something
perhaps, but its sure as hell not "the trinity"

>> No.22262738

ok, let's get it out and done with jamal. what exactly DO you do for a living?
did you get rich thru bitcoin or investing on facebook?
do you make anime subs for crunchyroll/funimation?
are you related to the rothschilds/rockefeller family?
did you join the air force and serve a few years in afghanistan?
do you work as a security guard at a mall in some quiet, safe town in middle america?
do you make nigerian prince-style spam e-mail scams?
are you a cult leader?

>> No.22262740 [DELETED] 

i'm not in your guys argument but you know how you immerse in nihongo to acquire it, well it works for beliefs too, i used to be ultra religious and as fun as it is, it is all bogus you know? some theologens are ultra atheist because the more you research it the more you realize its basically their comic books from 5000 years ago, if you do your research youll prolly kill off your faith so just have fun 知らぬが仏

>> No.22262747 [DELETED] 

this is my LAST (you) and i stick with tht. u focus too much on the small things my man. from where i see it it is either that the mind has divine capabilities or there is exterior forces that have divine capabilities. i just to go with the option thats less egotistical. either way though, magic is literally real and the sooner you realize that the sooner u can better your existence.

so next time i make a vague statement about the powers that be to my /djt/ bros for motivation i hope to not see a (you) from (you). though if i post about Jesus or some shit then yeah feel free fire away my dude.

>> No.22262755
File: 20 KB, 219x181, 1562685663290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my reality shattered while i took a shower bros. i wonder if my mom was a slut before she got me, i came to this conclusion because my dad used to be a bad boy.
so i have to ask life advice from the only old man around here aka jamal. would i still earn your respect if went on a pussy slaying spree, and how much did you fuck around before settling down

>> No.22262781 [DELETED] 

i'm not even the guy you were originally going back and forth with. but if there were a such thing as "divinity" there's nothing egotistic about the idea that it would be within living beings as a universal trait or something. externalizing it like you are is harder to justify without sounding like a religiotard since we know our minds literally create what we experience. we can't experience anything outside of what these body-minds allow us to.

>> No.22262785

tfw money doesnt motivate you at all
it only annoys me because i need it

>> No.22262790

well it doesn't really matter if your mom is a slut. it just matters if she was attracted to your dad because he was a violent thug. that's why my mom was attracted to my dad although she'd never admit it. funny how a violent thug had a son who is too neurotic to want to take the chance of letting any situation escalate to physical violence. so basically i'm angry and highly disagreeable like him all the time but way too much of a pussy to do anything about it, so he's attractive to women and i'm the exact opposite.

>> No.22262820 [DELETED] 

i am absolutely not a deist and no it was ur autism that ruined everything

>> No.22262823
File: 135 KB, 324x430, 1570128738670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22262824

i've meet a lot of people in my short life so far, you'll be surprised in the amount of things people stand for

>> No.22262825

kinda same for me. my dad used to tell me stories about how he and his boys always fought with the boys from other city.
and how they pretty much on purpose went there to pick up fights. my favorite one is where, his friend stole a bidet sprayer from a bathroom and told one of the guys to use it as a weapon

>> No.22262830 [DELETED] 

we wouldn't be in djt if we all didn't have a little autism

>> No.22262837

tfw i will never get cool bad boy stories from my dad because he is still a bad boy

>> No.22262838

not much that can surprise me bro

>> No.22262867

>that shit aint right and i hope u be better than that
i guess ill just try to stay true to myself in this crazy world

>> No.22262897

is it not undesirable to have kanji like 犬 in your name such as in the name 犬養?
feels strange that japanese people would want to be associated with dogs

>> No.22262917

who's more likely to be a dumb sheepie: a christian, an atheist, or an miaer?

>> No.22262922




>> No.22262930

monkey's and dogs seem to hold more admiration in eastern cultures

>> No.22262939

>my reality shattered while i took a shower bros. i wonder if my mom was a slut before she got me, i came to this conclusion because my dad used to be a bad boy.
come back to me with your little existential crisis when you find out you were an accident

>tfw ur mom had u when she was just 21 and you know you both would have been better off if she'd aborted

>> No.22262945

idk which one are you
imma just say miaer

>> No.22262949

just got myself a fat stash of nip subs of old movies
i know exactly what i am going to do tomorrow

>> No.22262962


Either make the black background less black, or make the text less white. Preferably both.

And add a break between the reading and meaning.

If Quiz wants people to use his cards (he evidently does, otherwise he wouldn't have gone to the trouble of making a website about them), he should provide people with a template that doesn't look like shit.

>> No.22262963

just try to get shit done bro. even george sensei got beat up as a kid and had like 3 different moms while growing up

>> No.22262967

mine had me back when she was 21 years old.

>> No.22262968

If people don’t like how it looks they are free to change it
if you lack the ability to figure out how to do that you probably can’t learn Japanese either

>> No.22262975 [DELETED] 


>> No.22262977 [DELETED] 


>> No.22262979 [DELETED] 

there's fuckall to talk about related to japanese language an sich

>> No.22262998 [DELETED] 

If that's how you feel then don't come to the fucking Daily JAPANESE Thread.

Your discussion belongs on >>>/pol/. Go there.

>> No.22263005 [DELETED] 

lol pretty convenient of you to post the whole thing here that one guy was whining about appealing to authority then posted a video of an atheist debate man

>> No.22263006 [DELETED] 

we all already know what to do
this is just a hangout spot where everyone has at least one thing in common

>> No.22263008
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>> No.22263011 [DELETED] 

this also isnt the raging uppercaser thread so i suggest u find a place as well maybe reddit

>> No.22263015

was your dad a violent alpha

>> No.22263019


>> No.22263026 [DELETED] 

what would you want people to discuss? the difference between ha and ga? variant spellings for common words? how to use texthooker? why rtk is bad?
all of that shit are horses beaten to death.

>> No.22263030

imagine coming here to learn japanese lol

>> No.22263031

im just here to talk to my friends and lift the spirits

>> No.22263037

unironically me irl

>> No.22263038

just read more and youll be able to feel it out dude

>> No.22263040

when i did sentence cards i had n+2 sentences pretty often and they worked fine for me. more than that though and it’s a bit too much for one card

>> No.22263041


>> No.22263047

i just do vocab mining because sentence cards are for homosexual autists who'd rather waste their free time on anki instead of erogaming.

>> No.22263049

imagine baby quiz all tiny and helpless haha

>> No.22263050

If you're going to troll, try to be less obvious about it.

>> No.22263053

rare goodpost from jamal

>> No.22263063

make sentence cards

>> No.22263071

in 6 months it becomes bearable, about a year for it to become fun, patience

>> No.22263074

this >>22263063

>> No.22263077

be patient with yourself. try to re-read a sentence till it makes sense. don't get stressed about anything. let it take as long as necessary for you to understand something. don't try to think of it as a competition.

>> No.22263085

don't listen to >>22263071 it's for the most part fun after 6 months in assuming you started slowly like i did

>> No.22263086

wtf tf2 guy is going to make it

>> No.22263089


>> No.22263090

who thinks they have more (you)s than me this thread let's here it

>> No.22263091

it's not about the number of months. it's about the number of seconds of quality time.

>> No.22263115

i have like 28 but it was a busy day today

>> No.22263119

if you're spending 2 hours half-focused, or just barely getting the meaning of what you're reading, then of course it'll take 2 years. if, on the other hand, you dedicate one hour to properly focusing on everything you come across, it'll stop feeling hard in less than 150 hours of reading practice. even the kind of long-ass sentences you find in old novels will not feel hard or scary if you're perfectly concentrated on what you're reading.

>> No.22263121

fuck only 33

>> No.22263122
File: 54 KB, 890x654, L3V5lFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> be me in japanese class
> be loser no one talks to
> sit in back of the class alone
> hot af japanese teacher with massive tits so i enjoy class anyways
> teacher always wears button up shirt with cleavage showing
> can't pay attention and my grades start to slip
> teacher wants to speak to me about my grades
> アノンさん、こっちに来て下さい
> i can't get up because i have a huge erection
> pretend i didn't hear her
> アノンさん、さて、ぐずぐずしているヒマはありません
> fuk
> stand up
> everyone sees my boner and laughs
> suddently girls start talking to me more in class

>> No.22263123

am i banned? off topic posts got deleted might have been banned oh no no no no

to keep it on topic


>> No.22263124

>on the other hand, you dedicate one hour to properly focusing on everything you come across
i did that though. it didn't feel that much easier later because i don't know enough words.

>> No.22263130

this post gave me aids goodbye cruel world

>> No.22263139

uh nuh uh

>> No.22263150

at the height of my shitpost days i was surpassing jamal in you's but i got too bored of it.

>> No.22263151

reading bible verses translated to japanese has more to do with japanese learning than sticking your dick into some woman's manko

>> No.22263156

where did you get those? itazuraneko?

>> No.22263157

your not thinking far enough

>> No.22263160

you right
we about to be sent to the shadow realm

>> No.22263167

go crazy before something bad happens to it

>> No.22263175

Any discordfags around? Pass this link onto the new itazura maintainer so he can add it to the 字幕 section in the library.

>> No.22263177

I will be reporting this to the proper copyright holders.

>> No.22263179

how do i get a gf

>> No.22263184

jamal im gonna give u a (you) because i feel bad about how many more (you)s i have than you this thread, cheers.

>> No.22263185

try going out more and dont look depressed

>> No.22263187

read this post

>> No.22263202

idk if this is a shitpost or not but the bible is pretty cool to read in nip
you'll be surprised about how many uniquely abrahamic concepts are in kango and not just katakana

>> No.22263210

i've already read a bit, and it surprises me quite a bit, in contrast to how bible translations to languages like indonesian and nahuatl were handled.

>> No.22263225
File: 970 KB, 400x300, 46c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it makes me happy that jap barbarians will be able to read the words of the lord

>> No.22263248

>jap barbarians
are you unironically asserting the superiority of western institutionalized religion in the year 1739+280 ce?

>> No.22263252

tfw i will never be a portuguese jesuit priest exchanging ideas about the nature of the world with a taoist monk and a buddhist priest over some tea in the middle of sakura

>> No.22263256

If Sorechiru is one of them just know that the routes aren't great or something, but the common route is great and Jackson-quality humor. (Jackson being known for long sentences and realistic slang, hence the comment below it.)

>> No.22263276

what are the rare times when you guys do actually spend money on your japanese learning, do you have an example

>> No.22263280

books that i can't find pirated
that's about it

>> No.22263286

Any money spent on Japanese learning outside of cram schools in Japan is wasted. Unless you count like buying VNs or games.

>> No.22263303


>> No.22263310

why is his nose so bulbous

>> No.22263315

portuguese missionaries probably understood japanese 100x less than the average weeaboo these days. even if they could say "この世界には何が有る?" or "原因が有るですか、それともいつも何も変わらぬか? 私達人間としてこの世界を理解されるのか?", i doubt they'd have been able to really go deep into some kind of conversation before coming across strange mismatches in terms of metaphysical beliefs and miscommunication errors due to language barriers, which were back then much much stronger than nowadays.
i don't know if you know that the law of the excluded middle doesn't even exist in buddhist philosophy, or that many philosophical/scientific terms used in japanese and chinese were actually coined by ancient buddhist priests as calques of sanskrit terminology, and then had to be redefined in accordance to western beliefs about the world, perception, and such matters.

>> No.22263334

well when you look a historical innovation rates under the different religions christianity is the clear supreme leader i mean the catholic church just like all religions have battled against science some but it was also the primary funder of western science. also does anyone know that term that describes 19th century scientists who felt the goal of science was to "reveal god's creation to us"?

>> No.22263352

I bought the Anki app for iOS
I also have a few Japanese books
suppose I bought some games but it’s not really for learning
all in all I think I’ve spent extremely little on Japanese learning

>> No.22263359

i need a new laptop for my nihongo learning

>> No.22263362

u spent $2 on ur website domain

>> No.22263366

well there had to be a couple who has gotten pretty good, but i do know that st francis xavier was not the best at japanese
anyways just replace the word portuguese with native japanese to get the feeling that i intended

>> No.22263376

damn I guess but that’s hardly connected to my learning

>> No.22263379

man shut the FUCK up

>> No.22263388
File: 29 KB, 600x450, 1477838723617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22263398


>> No.22263446

100 yen for almost every manga and LN i buy. i’ve pad 800 yen for one VN. and i paid for all my japanese 3ds, ps vita and psp games but they were all bought used for 200 to 1000 yen a piece
