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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 156 KB, 1024x710, mabinogi_2008_03_15_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
219713 No.219713 [Reply] [Original]

New Mabinogi thread.
Old one died.

>> No.219724
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>> No.219729

motherfukin bear took mah beginner suit

>> No.219723

I made a messed up character ;_;

Gotta level all over again

>> No.219732

Me too Fren.
Me too.

At least I have a friend to move my stuff.
When he gets on.


Also, whats the limit on Learning Magnum shot? Is it a level thing, or a time thing?

I got it on my last char at level 5, but after about 20 minutes

>> No.219746

Whats the community like on this thing?
If its all 12 year olds I realy cannot be bothered playing

>> No.219751

It is all 30 year old weeaboos living in their parents basements; you'll fit right in.

>> No.219753

Depends who you meet really. You can meet the worst and the best on Mari. Tarlach is ronery.

>> No.219761

Is this game worth playing? So far it looks like it has nothing different to offer than most mmos out there.

>> No.219765

Only real difference I can see is aging. It's pretty cookie cutter.

>> No.219767

As much as I do like that crowd of people I dont quite fit it.
Im a Britfag meaning I am a skinny nerd that lives in the attic

>> No.219774

It has a non-click and wait battle system, music generation ability, and cutscenes. Also the ability to flirt with npcs.

>> No.219791

it's also not GRINDAN games, its like UO

>> No.219792

You also get hit on by the Magic Teacher.
/34/ on that shit later.

>> No.219799

Haven't played UO. Clarify for me?

>> No.219808

Which is better for grindan, Magic or Bow?

>> No.219809


Bless your shit.

>> No.219816

It's an old game with crappy graphics.

A huge stick.

Magic, since you can prep it before and use the huge stick at the same time.

>> No.219847

Couldn't get on it anyway, Beta is North America only.

>> No.219863

>>219847 I'm retarded
Yes, yes you are.

>> No.219868

You don't level up, kill harder monsters, level up, kill harder monsters, endlessly.

You get skill points with which you build a mage or archer or whatever and then that's it. Once you have made your character you just have fun.

>> No.219877


>> No.219897


>> No.219912

Huh, so what server is everyone on? My newest char is on Ruairi - heard it was the most relaxed server and seems to be (not really into GRINDANNN all the time)
Also, oddities of my server:
- There are a few PC's that do nothing but wander around the Square naked

>> No.219928

Everyone is on Mari.
Everyone. Meaning those Gaiafags, ANON IS LEGION XD fags, Touhoufags too.

>> No.219947

Ruairi since the beginning. Everyone was on Mari, so screw that, and the others would go to Tarlach because LOL IT'S THE SMALLEST SO I SHOULD GO THERE TO BE LAG FREE, I'M SO SMART AND ORIGINAL.

There are many weeaboos here, but nothing too annoying. Haven't partied with anyone yet though, been too busy with tailoran.

>> No.219978
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Clarification. You get hit on by the magic teacher regardless of age and gender (10 year old girls lol) and she has a fetish for school uniforms.

>> No.220001

You know what guys?
Fuck it.
Fuck Armor
Its not worth it for 1 protection and 4 def.
Fuck the 16k. Ill sell it and buy the School Girl Uniform.

Its worth the investment.

>> No.220006

Interestingly, this isn't the only game I've seen things like that on. For some reason female npc dialogue tends to assume a character is male even when playing a female character. I wonder if this is laziness in part of programmers not bothering to discern between male and female, or if it's because they know most female characters are male IRL.

>> No.220023

Or, because game developers know that lesbians are hot.

>> No.220024


Perhaps Lassar is just bisexual. And a pedo.

>> No.220030

It's because Lassar is a bisexual pedo.

>> No.220036

But Lassar is a bisexual lolicon so yeah!

>> No.220046

close enough

>> No.220047

But is she bat-shit insane?

>> No.220056

I don't know.
Lets give her a loli, then take it away.
See what happens.

>> No.220063

I'm still waiting for my Lassar/loli porn.

>> No.220068

How much better would Mabinogi be
if it was an Eroge

>> No.220069

>>219761 So far it looks like it has nothing different to offer than most mmos out there.
You're fucking crazy

>> No.220070
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Laser's pretty cute, but Caitin's really got it.

>> No.220080

I gave Lassar an underwear set and she asked if I was going to want it back. That had better be a quest flag.

>> No.220082

She probably is drawn like that in the Korean one.
And that makes me sad.

>> No.220087

I'd play an ero-MMORPG in a heartbeat. Even though it'd be full of "girls", it'd probably still be really fun, in a ronery way.

>> No.220088

Massively Multiplayer Eroge will never be good.

>> No.220095

Armor can't be upgraded to have more def? Def skill and healing are the way to go for that though.

When are they going to release Elves? I want to use Aids Arrows too.


>> No.220121

I just cant get myself to like this game. Messed up my first character, but I could manage to kill stuff like bears and shit. Made a new account to try a mage type, and it's fucking rediculous. I may die up to 15 times trying to kill 5 dire wolves. Golem boss took 8 deaths.

Game only pisses me off, cant be assed to play anymore.

>> No.220126

Elves? Oh fuck no!

(Wait, can our human-loli girls rebirth into elves?)

>> No.220129

>I'm still waiting for my Lassar/Alissa porn

>> No.220136


I think there is a quest for you to become a elf.

>> No.220140
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What's the matter? Too SKILL INTENSIVE for you?

>> No.220132

Are you soloing? Most MMO games aren't designed to make soloing easy.

>> No.220160

Elf is a race, like giants. It's why that race section is there in the character creator. It just hasn't been added to ours yet.

>> No.220164

This is not a grind free MMORPG.

It's a grinding MMORPG with penalties for grinding yet no incentive to do anything else. If you fight in an area for too long you get less exp. If you sit in town and do crafting all day your success rate goes down (wtf?). And yet, if I don't do any of the above, I gain no benefit. Theres nothing to do in the game but grind, yet I get negative effects when I do that? Then what's the point in playing? Sit around town and talk to people? That's doable in every other MMORPG. That's the problem with these "Grind-free" MMORPGs is that they fail completely at the concept.

While this will probably open the flood gates, WoW is a good example of how to do it right. You get an exp bonus while not playing, and there are numerous things to do besides kill monsters, such as quests and trade skills that don't suck away all your money and fail if you do it too long. Around the later part of WoW's beta cycle, they added in a 50% exp penalty if you logged in too long. It got reversed almost immediately because it was a terrible fucking idea. If someone is going to play 12 hours a day, nothing is going to stop him, and chances are trying to stop him will only hurt people that don't play as long.

And this isn't just directed at just Mabinongi. A ton of MMORPGs are trying to do the "casual" thing yet fucking it up royally.

>> No.220178

I deal with my messed up characters.

when/if I get another character card, I'm going to make my true Character, who's probably just going to level Combat Mastery and Defence.

>> No.220185

Yeah, but WoW is shit.

>> No.220203

You're supposed to grind with a party in dungeons. That's why they penalize leveling in the fields for too long.

>> No.220232
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So much help to give, yet I can't find anyone from /jp/ on the Ruairi server to party with.

Isn't it sad, Ryo? ;_;

>> No.220237
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You're outside Manus' place.

>> No.220246
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>> No.220254

Well, there's that one shitty RO server.

Also, I'm very annoyed at the lack of Rule 34 for Lassar, particularly since there's Endelyon public masturbation porn already.

>> No.220264

Pakisutan on Ruiari here.

>> No.220279

That's what you get for choosing Ruairi. You should have chosen Mari to hang out with all the Touhoes. Just block Xeraph and the other fags.

>> No.220283

Pics or GTFO

>> No.220304

I have two knifes; a dagger and a fluted short sword to be exact, and I know how to kill things with fire.

I don't think Manus is a bad enough dude to take on a THIEF build.

>> No.220320

AT 10

>> No.220335

Anybody with half a brain could kill a bear at te-



>> No.220342



>> No.220361

Manus and Chuck Norris got into a fight once. Look who's in Dunbarton.

>> No.220434
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Oh God, my nutbladder!

>> No.220460
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>> No.220481


>> No.220485

What's the best weapon to use for Windmill? My big stick is failing me ;_;

>> No.220517
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Alissa still reminds me of a merchant girl for some reason.

>> No.220528


>> No.220550
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Caitlin is a healthy girl

>> No.220543

why no?

>> No.220655


Needs some falcon punch

>> No.220861

okay I just downloaded drivers and restarted, what do I do now exactly to make sure everything worked right?

>> No.220869
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>> No.220926
File: 180 KB, 800x600, 1205634401716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone willing to join my party so's I can make a guild? Tarlach, server 5. I just need warm bodies, I don't really care who you are. Why would someone unable to make a party want to make a guild? Let me worry about that, thanks much.

>> No.220927

this game seems pretty good except if you make one mistake on a skill you are fucked for life

>> No.221008

~3000 gold from a single country rat. I need to go to dungeons more often.

>> No.221013

Good thing you can start that life over.

>> No.221057

alright i downloaded my graphics drivers,restarted,loaded up mabinogi and I see absolutely no difference, what the fuck? am I suppose to do something after it restarts?

>> No.221061

Hey, how do you give gifts to NPCs?

>> No.221067

How do I take screen shots? I'm pretty newfag at this.

>> No.221079

Just drag it onto them until it says give

>> No.221088


>> No.221119

pick up item with your mouse, drag it the the npc you want to give it to, hover it on them until it says gift and then click on the word gift

>> No.221121

hit the print screen button

>> No.221143




>> No.221391

any one help me?

>> No.221478

You're fucked. Get a new card.

>> No.221595

you... DID uninstall the driver before installing a new one, right?

>> No.221703

no, Please tell me how to uninstall it and then reinstall new driver

>> No.221786

ask /g/. but expect to take some flak for "alleged troll attempt" and "not your tech support".

>> No.221793

Christ, you're retarded

Learn to computer a little, then come back.

>> No.221806

ITT we sage the whole thread for one retard.

>> No.221850

Control Panel --> Add/Remove Hardware

>> No.221900

lol retards

>> No.221906

So my guy is at level 22, where the fuck do i go to level? Ciar beginner is starting to turn gray. So what should i do.

>> No.221941

Ciar regular

>> No.221976

Please assume I am a retard, but I can't seem to find a way to purchase a new character creation card.

Is this merely something that cannot be done yet?

>> No.221989

Just make a new nexon account

>> No.221992


Do you mean one beyond your first? or you deleted your first one.

>> No.221997
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I bet Ran would be pretty good at the Math dungeon.

>> No.222000

i made a character on that server with another account and wow is it ever better than mari

>> No.222001


I deleted my first one, and created a new account to get another one.

But I will be interested in getting more cards later.

>> No.222031

Then you gotta pay

>> No.222042


if you deleted your character, you wait like a day or something after you deleted and you get another free card. Thats what happened to me when i had to remake my character for the the third time. I deleted my second one and checked on my other account and there was a free character card there.

>> No.222084

i will check my old account

>> No.222179

Advice for killing giant spiders please.

>> No.222262

Form a party.

>> No.222295


Use a giant slipper

>> No.222305

Tried it and it didn't work. Do you actually have to score the last hit or something?

>> No.222350

Hm... probably.

I believe I finished it when our group managed to kill it.

>> No.222360

depends on how the party leader formed the reward, either whomever does the most damage or anyone in the party. I don't understand what either does but that's my best guess.

>> No.222368

I'm lvl 20 and the only main quest I have left is killing 5 Dire White Wolves. What do I do now?

>> No.222373

Kick yourself in the ass for going to Bangor so early.

>> No.222375

>5 Dire White Wolves.
There are are DIRE white wolves? The normal white wolves kicked my ass enough more than the brown dire wolves.

WTF is with this game and it's hardon for killing 20 different types of wolf?

Also, you should probably kill the wolves or do party quests.

>> No.222384


Now what?

>> No.222401

I haven't gone to Bangor yet(lol Ruairi), but I did that quest eons ago.

>> No.222402

out of curiosity was there anything special on
or are we tired of gets? I don't mind being tired of gets

>> No.222406

We don't care much for gets.

>> No.222452

Hold one of those magic powders sold by Lassar or Stewart.

>> No.222455

Yeah, I just tried that and made myself mad at my stupidity.

>> No.222469

Wait until it gets worse. I saw fomor scroll quests for blue dire wolves, red dire wolves, etc.


>> No.222485

How come this game doesn't have a mascot enemy? It's a weeaboo style game, where's the cute enemies?

>> No.222492

Have you not watched the golem cinematic? "Cute".

>> No.222508
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Yeah, cute.

>> No.222513

I heard theres a mini-bear as a field boss somewhere.

>> No.222529

If by mini, you mean giant, sure I've seen it.

>> No.222545

Nao's a mascot. Her tits are fucking huge.

>> No.222552

Nao is a whore. She exists only for you to buy her "special service" package.

>> No.222566

Did anyone find the guildstone for the Anonymous guild?

>> No.222577

Hence why we need a good mascot.

>> No.222580



>> No.222593

>Her tits are fucking huge.
>Hence why we need a good mascot.

>> No.222613
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So the problem is size, is it?

>> No.222620
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it needs to be this long

>> No.222634
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So, something like this?

>> No.222638

/r/ link to the food chart and what stats do again. I lost it.

>> No.222644

That's disgusting.

>> No.222652
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>> No.222659


You fucking faggot how can you not fap to that

>> No.222663

There are these... THINGS where her DFC is supposed to be...

>> No.222676
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Come have a seat right here.

>> No.222678

Is this gonna be a strip search this time, or are you gonna just fap to my loli doujins like last time?

>> No.222685

When I clicked the picture, all I can see are her eyes.

They look dead to the world.

>> No.222688

I would like to have sex with young girls.


>> No.222694
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>fap to my loli doujins like last time

Crap! I've been found out

>> No.222706
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>> No.222770

Hotglue board needs to be more active :[

>> No.222773

That's as badly done as western fanart. Her eyes look dead and her boobs look fake. Nothing about it is cute or sexy.

>> No.222947


>> No.222951

Anyone know the reason why I'm getting "Not a service area 30022" error when trying to login to Mabinogi?

>> No.222954
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Simple House's stuff ranges from QUALITY to awesome.

>> No.222959

yeah, but dead eyes are so fucking hawt.

>> No.222997

Yes, you're a eurofag.

>> No.223000
File: 194 KB, 1012x682, 1205654338277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Faggots,

My name is Nameless, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day farming for holy water. You are everything bad in Erinn. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any Gigantic Black Wolf? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures to character portraits.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was fucking soloing a succubus, and never let Fergus touch my bastard sword. What kind of grinding do you play, other than "soloing ciar begginar"? I also get more than 2k lucky finishes, and and in bangor, made friends with a girl(She just drew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

>> No.223004
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>> No.223008


Open beta for only north american people "ok"

>> No.223065
File: 128 KB, 1264x938, 1205655264461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suddenly, giant chicken

>> No.223068

This food you're making permanently increases your stats? Shit, make me some.

>> No.223071


>> No.223074


Your stats are only increased for a short while until the effects of the food wear off.

>> No.223076

The stats are there for a short time. They disappear after you die too.

>> No.223081
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Completing the Bangor quest comes with a complimentary HTML book.

>> No.223083


>> No.223092

>>My name is Nameless, and I hate every single one of you because Daddy never hugs me.

>> No.223142

eating enough normal food permanently raises stats though. Might work for dishes too.

>> No.223159

How long is it before we see results of eating food?

>> No.223170

Depends on the food. You got almost instant results when you eat one apple but you need to eat several berries before your muscle mass decreases.

>> No.223173

No idea. It happens at the same time it says your body increases/decreases though. Easiest thing to do it eat a bunch of apples and cherries and note how your dex goes up.

Also some food cancels out other food so that can add to it.

>> No.223184

changes your body rather quickly, ie you can completely change your weight upper and lower body in a day. As for stats, Ive eaten about 60+ potatoes and I just lost my first mana point today so it seems very slow.

>> No.223194


Quite awhile, I think I ate around 30 strawberries before I got the stats.

>> No.223219

>As for stats, Ive eaten about 60+ potatoes and I just lost my first mana point today so it seems very slow.

Huge ass is huge.

>> No.223220

>As for stats, Ive eaten about 60+ potatoes

Huge ass is huge.

>> No.223243
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Oh god OPs picture look so much like Taiga

>> No.223763

That chart is missing Arms.

>> No.223765

I read that as "That chart is missing anus".

>> No.223786

Negative anal circumference?

>> No.223793
File: 19 KB, 260x191, 1205666998413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Afuganisu and Pakisu are the cutest.

>> No.223821


>> No.223868

Mabinogi doesn't have raids and pvp, does it ?

>> No.223872

no. That's for wowfags.
yes, but only in arenas, where you'll get raped.

>> No.223899

honestly, this game is just gaiafagonline with a decent battle system.100k for a fucking robe with three fucking colors? what the fuck? i npced that shit away

still wont stop me from getting FAT LINK

>> No.223907

Who the hell did you buy a robe for 100k from?

>> No.223914

i meant i sold it when i got one of them ugly robes

>> No.223917

Oh shit, it's flyff

>> No.223925

oddly enough, the Math dungeon isn't so much about numbers as it is getting raped by break dancing metal skeletons.

>> No.223932

What the fuck are you talking about? No robe is conceivably worth 100k, buy or sell.

>> No.223940

WoW's super easy crafting also makes crafting itself almost pointless and unprofitable. If everyone can easily level it to the max, how is anyone to profit from it?

In fact, that goes for pretty much anything in WoW. No one's even remotely unique because the game is super easy.

>> No.223949
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Do not try to pick the berry up; that is impossible. Instead, try only to realize the truth.

>> No.223952

Lol, I know the #1 ranked pvp guy on Mari. He's in my guild, kinda by accident...

>> No.223953

check out the korean servers. three colors on the same robe can net you almost 30 times the amount sold in the store, given that you sell to a VERY interested person.

also, some amerifag thinks he can get away with this shit: http://forum.nexon.net/Mabinogi/forums/thread/810466.aspx

>> No.223959
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Hey guise wuts going on on ammerikka?

>> No.223994


>> No.224008

What? Tricloth robes or whatever come from the freaking general store in Tir for like 2k a pop.

>> No.224249


>> No.224534


>> No.224556

Japan is outdated post some korea ...

>> No.224718

Taken out of context, this statement is hilarious.

>> No.224905

besides exp do you get anything for perfect skill training?

>> No.224933

+1 to your epeen.

>> No.224941

but my loli doesn't want an epenis does she?

>> No.224977

Or doesn't she.

>> No.224982

Perfect training exp is retarded. I heard mages get 30k for rank 9 icebolt. I only got 130 for rank 9 critical hit ON SATURDAY.

>> No.225002


>> No.225005



>> No.225016

Mages get 3k for Rank 9.
You get 720 for F-E though.

>> No.225065

Thats still like 10x as much as what I get for critstrike.

>> No.225134


>> No.225470

okay, noob question; how do you do the weaving quest and how the hell do you weave after that?

>> No.225478

Where do I grind now? Lvl 10 age 10,archer here.

>> No.225493


>> No.225510

Anyone know what kind of foods add to the arms?

>> No.225512

You can grind Ciar Beginner and I guess that's the only (also best) solution for easy exp and tons of cash.

>> No.225518


Large meat gives +5 arms.

>> No.225532

Holy shit, I want seven arms.

>> No.225634


>> No.225646

Don't you mean Sakuya?

>> No.225652

In 5 runs, btw.

>> No.225647

I'm trying it right now solo, and it's actualy not as bad as I had thought. I'll be able to solo into lv28 in a few minutes and I've made 40k so far.

>> No.225657

I have a feeling I should start over because of my poor skill planning, but I want to keep my valuables. ;_; Any advice?

Also, what's the most profitable skill?

>> No.225732

If you're only level 10, then you have a LOT of the quests to go. Do them. If you don't, then you've probably given up on something, and should go talk to Duncan to "Help a Villager".

He said Ciar Beginner... What are you soloing?

>> No.225779

If you're on Mari, I can hand stuff between characters for you. To create a new character on the same account, you have to mark a character for deletion, then wait until 7AM of the next day (so if you mark at 1 AM like I did last night, you have to wait over 24 hours...) to actually delete the character. Then, relog and you'll have another character card.

The obviously superior method where you can keep your items most easily is to create a new nexon account.

>> No.225798

What the fuck. That's some godly EXP you're getting there.

>> No.225810

Id imagine, at the moment, either blacksmithing or tailoring.
But for the former, youre going to need a partner (to defend you while you mine ore) or money (to buy ore).
Tailoring is pretty easy since you can pick up cobwebs easy, shearing sheep is free and most people give away their leather to those who want it. (Well, I do, anyway)

I still find soloing ciar beginner to be highly profitable. You can pick up ~3k per run and thats not counting any items you pick up or fomor scrolls. (goblins are 3k, mimics are 6k and grey rats are 2k)

>> No.225824

How the heck do you pick up 3k per Ciar Beginner run?

>> No.225847
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I am considering DLing this game.
If I do, how do you reccomend I start?

>> No.225849

Should I start this game; I've been playing Maple Syrup on a private server and I'm just fed up with it.

Is this any better?

>> No.225850

Goblin scrolls. Now go endlassly GRIND.

>> No.225866

everything goes into Smash

>> No.225877


The chest alone is worth ~2k, not hard to pick up that remain 1 from the monsters considering they drop 60-100 gold.

>> No.225879

90 for the archers, rather

also the boss is 850 if you solo him

>> No.225880

900? I don't think so, Tim.

>> No.225876

poison goblins are worth 100 exp each, archers are 900, mimics and goblins are 80, rats are 35 or 20

it's not that hard, tbh. I solo'd my way to 29 in there.

>> No.225899

Solo and pick up every bit of gold that drops.
High luck will result in lots of (big) lucky finishes which can give you a huge amount of money.
I think someone posted the other day they got 2k from a mimic, though im not sure it was in ciar beginner.

>> No.225909

I've gotten Huge Lucky Finishes in Ciar Beginner worth upwards of 6k, and a Big Lucky on the Golem for around 3k

>> No.225924

I've seen someone pick up 20k from a Small Golem. Personally, I've gotten 8k and 6k from Big Lucky Finishes.

>> No.225938
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How does a Snacks know what apples is?

>> No.225970

Guys, what's the best way to learn firebolt? Going to the school or read the book? What's the cheapest way?

>> No.226062

book since you have to pay for icebolt classes before firebolt

>> No.226053

fuck you I can't get a huge lucky finish to get the title

>> No.226064

how exactly are lucky finishes made?

>> No.226079


More importantly, why are you jamming that sword through your shoulder?

>> No.226086
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I'll take a one-time installment of 10k too, thanks.

>> No.226095

With luck. I didn't get my first one until the 20's. The beta tester title is still better though.

>> No.226104

i don't have beta tester title even though I did both closed and pre-open betae, it won't register me as one

>> No.226113

How did you get that quest?

>> No.226130

Owl. Been sitting on "Kill 5 Black/White Dire Wolves" and "Mine Lumps of Iron Ore" for a little while now (completed the Giant Spider quest some time ago), and the owl dropped it off last night.

>> No.226152


If I can kill the small golem without too much difficulty, can I do the Giant Spider quest now? The last time I tried, I got raped by the small red spiders around it.

>> No.226169

I said fuck the little ones, and killed just the big one. He's actually weaker than the smaller ones.

>> No.226173

I gave 5k worth of gifts to the windmill loli

so ronery ;_;

>> No.226194
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>> No.226203

Yeah, the red spiders make the Giant Spider all kinds of DIFFICULT

You can take care of the red ones after you squish the big one.

>> No.226212

Ahaha, I've been wounded by those. I've also gotten a shitton of jewgolds and once, 1k EXP.

>> No.226215

i can never find any of those

>> No.226227

They're kinda rare.

>> No.226238

Fuck and I forgot to bring firewood. Let's see if I can complete this dungeon without getting hit for 16 damage.

>> No.226242

CIAR.... BEGINNER! Yea, you heard me.

25% to go. Which should be 4 or 5 more runs.

>> No.226257

At lv27, 2 runs should give you 25%, maybe 2 and a half.

>> No.226277

I've soloed almost 150k G in Ciar and I've seen a total of one fountain thing.

It gave me like 170 jewgolds.

>> No.226288

What the hell I solo Ciar Beginner all the time, yet I don't get that fucing crazy ass EXP. Nor do I find UNLIMITED FOMOR SCROLL WORKS

>> No.226291

those "Kill 1 Whatever" quests get fucking difficult quick

One of the later ones is the Ogre, you literally cannot melee him, he always counters. He has like twice the HP of a grizzly bear, too.

>> No.226298

I'm not getting the scrolls, but the EXP is there. I only gotten 6 mimic scrolls after 5 runs so far.

>> No.226302

when he is countering just icebolt him and he is stunned for a second or so
there is you chance to hit him which knocks him back and you can counter back

>> No.226303

So I just looked at some AP progression on some things.


Ranged attack is so painful
Everything but Magic is so painful

>> No.226346

But magic is a single hit and then ohfuckiamgoingtogetraped.
Plus you dont get any HP/STR/WILL with magic, only INT and MP. Still, being able to hit 250 with a crit at level 15 is lol.

>> No.226390

here, i almost forgot he has heavystander so he doesn't get knockedback from something unless it is 100% knockback

>> No.226391


>> No.226394

With magic comes enchant, so enchant yourself some hp.

>> No.226492

tl;dr of magic: Firebolt, Counterattack, repeat.

>> No.226519

That thing has only taken all my stamina and treated my wounds[when I had no mind you.] I wish it would give me jewgold though.

>> No.226746

Damn, I regret getting Lightning instead of Fire. This shit sucks so hard.

>> No.226806

What's the best way to deal with dire wolves? I get raped whenever I try to fight one.

>> No.227036

They're dire.

Yeah, I know. Dire wolves suck so hard.

>> No.227032
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check it out guise, im totally ripped

>> No.227521

Fountain wounded me once and blessed my weapon another. Fuck yeah. I found a +1crit% scroll in the boss chest too and it worked too.

Except the open beta tester title doesn't give you better results from repairs as well as quite a few comic npc dialogue.
