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2220517 No.2220517 [Reply] [Original]

I'm laughing my ass off. This is my first hentai-game (visual novel) and It's fucking hilarious and hot.

H-game general thread please.

>> No.2220529



YMK fans often war amongst themselves about the best route.

By "often" I mean "Nekoko's is the best".

>> No.2220533

Nekoko is the best, great route, great character. Aeka has a good route but as a character she's the worst.

>> No.2220534

Oh how I yearn for a FABULOUS route.

>> No.2220552

I really don't know what /jp/ sees in this crap

Not only is it mediocre, the best character (Aya) doesn't have a route

>> No.2220558

>the best character (Aya)
What? Do you just consider any loli character to be the best character ever regardless of anything else?

>> No.2220569

It helps, but no, I really do think she's a better character in terms of personality than the main heroines

>> No.2220586

I haven't gotten that far yet. I'm going to bang Mizuki right now I think.

>> No.2220588

Only the 2 loli routes were good, that fat chick with the big lumps on her chest was disgusting, I quit less than halfway through.

>> No.2220596


You're starting off Mizuki's route, then.

Enjoy your inevitable BAD END because you don't know where to blow your load

>> No.2220599


>> No.2220602

Actually Nekoko and Aeka were the pretty close to your age so I wouldn't be called much of a loli route. (Maybe Nekoko's though)

>> No.2220605
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>> No.2220608

Shut up I'm replaying this shit later.

>> No.2220668

Is there any h-games for PSP that translated btw? I've seen some but I don't think they're translated.

>> No.2220717
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>Aeka has a good route but as a character she's the worst
> Aeka [...] she's the worst

>> No.2220724

I love Aeka, she is my waifu.

>> No.2220946

I did her's first, had to watch as she was bullied twice after that. Fucking creators did that on purpose to make you feel like a dick.

>> No.2220956

Everyone go download and play Nocturnal Illusion.

>> No.2221214


That is actually the biggest reason I've postponed playing this game for so many years.

I don't like "evil" routes. I'm a kind anon and I want to see myself in the game getting laid. Seeing some bastard get laid is not as interesting.

>> No.2221260

It's not really "evil" at all. In almost every route in every other VN you ignore the girls you aren't going for, the only difference is that in YMK you know that Aeka is getting bullied the whole time you're running around have sex adventures with Nekoko or Mizuki. I've felt worse in other games where I had to ignore girls.

>> No.2221323

IMO Aeka route and Nekoko route were about tied.
I didn't play through the Mizuki route because I don't like floppy titted skanks.

>> No.2221342

Aeka's route was obviously the best. Clannad did the whole "I WAITED FOR YOU ;_;" route better

>> No.2221350

But Clannad did EVERYTHING better. That has nothing to do with Aeka vs. Nekoko.

>> No.2221360
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Clannad is nice and all but I liked being the bone of my sword and mana transferring a bit more.

>> No.2221376
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Did ya get YMK due to the recent YMK threads around here? If so

Just according to Keikakku

Mizu, Nekoko, and Aeka. In that order for maximum love.

>> No.2221381

im playing thru nekoko route but seems just a comedy relief character....

>> No.2221386

Back to /b/

>> No.2221387

I played in the exact opposite order of that and I still enjoyed it... though the last ending was weak in comparison.

>> No.2221393

Imouto route is the best route

>> No.2221400

why you~

>> No.2221403

The whole game is just a huge Aya cocktease with no other merit

>> No.2221408

I played Kohaku's route second-to-last and Ciel's last. I felt like a complete bastard for ignoring the poor, murderous villain serving me tea in the morning.

>> No.2221413

Why are so many kids making YMK their first (H)VN?

It's a fucking deconstruction for god's sake.

>> No.2221420

Just wait.

Same here. YMK isn't a VN that relies much on route order. Then again, most VNs don't but people still like to argue over the "recommended" route order.

>> No.2221430
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>> No.2221441

It's always best to leave the best route for last

>> No.2221457

It's one of the few VNs that gets mentioned outside of /jp/. I used to see it on /a/ and /v/ quite often when I still visited those boards.

Really the deconstructive elements aren't that prevalent in YMK. You'll get more of the humor if you have experience with eroge, but you won't miss out on that much if it's your first. On the other hand the puff educating Kouhei on eroge might actually help people who are just starting out.

>> No.2221466

It still shows up on /v/ occasionally. I just saw a thread a few days ago. Can't speak for /a/ because that's a cesspool worse than /b/ and /v/ combined.

>> No.2221484

>I played Kohaku's route second-to-last and Ciel's last.

Why would you do this?

>> No.2221510

I never do that. In fact I usually go from best to worst, based on my first impression of the heroines. I guess it's just personal preference.

>> No.2221513

So you're one of THEM...

>> No.2221520

Incest and maid fetishes, mostly.

>> No.2221524

I did the same thing because I hated Ciel from the moment I first met her. Her route ended up being surprisingly good though.

>> No.2221539


You guys... I don't even know what to say. I'm disgusted, really.
On topic, Nekoko > Aeka >>> the smoking whore.

>> No.2221623
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>This is my first hentai-game (visual novel)
Starting with anything other than BB is a travesty.

>> No.2221645
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I beg to differ.

>> No.2221652

I recently started it too.

I'm doing Aeka's route because I favor shy girls.

>> No.2221655


>> No.2221668

Don't even bother with Aeka's route, it's shit. Overrated as all hell.

The Forrest Gump of visual novels.

>> No.2221669

Holy shit, I'm installing that tomorrow.

>> No.2221683

Aeka's route is the best of a pile of shit

>> No.2221685

I've never played any hentai games before, where 2 download//,>>?

>> No.2221688

Aeka's route makes me rage. So much fucking drama for school shit. The stuck up bitch (her name escapes me at the moment) obviously likes you so I'd just flat out tell her that she needs to stop picking on Aeka. It's only making her look childish and that you would want nothing to do with such an immature person. Who cares if you would piss off the other girls, they're just girls. That can't do anything but throw glares at you.

>> No.2221694

Yeah, I spent most of the time raging at how much of a pussy Kouhei is, but at least he stopped being such a faggot in the end

>> No.2221695


Aeka isn't shy, just incapable of making friends due to embargo.

Technically Nekoko's more shy than Aeka.

>> No.2221700


Hate to break it to you bro, but chokebitch doesn't like you. She is simply using you to make her boyfriend jealous. Telling her those things would most likely just piss her off and make you her new target. Enjoy your stun guns and being social pariah.

>> No.2221723

If they tried to do anything, I'd fight back. You should never fear women. You can easily overpower them. Bullies only bully when there's no resistance. If you stand up to them and show them that screwing with you will make their life miserable too, they'll stop and find someone who won't fight back.

>> No.2221727

Enjoy being beaten up and potentially anally raped by Gaito

>> No.2221728
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Same here.
I feel a bit of regret now, though. Ciel route was intense, but finishing the game after the best route, admiring a smile almost as brilliant as the sun over a sunflower field is simply priceless.

>> No.2221746

I don't dislike Ciel, but Kohaku's route is made to be played last. It's like Coco's route... except not because of linearity.

>> No.2221762

That is what switchblades and guns are for, brah.

>> No.2221777

Not really. /jp/ exaggerates Kohaku's route and ending because she is the most liked Tsukihime heroine around here. For someone who doesn't particularly care for her the route doesn't really stand out from the others. There's no way in hell it can be equated to Coco's route.

>> No.2221782

Then again, playing Ciel last made it feel like a nice breather with its comparatively lighter tone after the madness and rape of the Far-Side routes. Even the route's similarity to Arc's was, far from an annoyance, a nice reminder of the beginning, like a circle closing.

>> No.2221788

I don't get why they never want to inform the teaches of a student's misdoings. I realize that them getting in trouble will only cause more backlash on the victim but that will cause more punishment on them as well. If she gets suspended then she can't do anything. Go too far and the matter won't just be the school's problem, it'll become the authorities. Picking on someone definitely isn't worth going to jail.

There's two reasons why someone chooses not to do something:

conscience. They don't feel right doing it.
Consequence. They don't want to get into trouble for it.

If conscience isn't there then removing consequence gives them free reign. Why stop something that you never into trouble for?

>> No.2221800

I disagree. I don't think its qualities have been exaggerated at all, and I also believe her route stands out from the others in just how much you find out about Shiki and the world he grew up in. Even more so than Akiha's route.

You finally see who the real enemy is in the overall (at least Far Side) story: it's the sins of the previous generation coming back to haunt everyone, being relived and remembered by those who suffer from it.

Since I personally believe the real story of Tsukihime to be what goes on in Shiki's life and how his past lives on, it's the route that finally reveals everything and puts it into context. Everything that happens in Arc's and Ciel's routes can't be properly understood in so far as Shiki's reasoning until you see his past and family.

That is my opinion, though, and you may not share it.

>> No.2221807

Anime and games don't use that solution because it quickly resolves it. In other words: it prevents them from having drama.

Can't tell the teacher because then we won't get to have drama.

>> No.2221829

Divi-Dead should be a show, and remove all the hentai to appeal to a wider audience. It's just too good.

Knights of Xentar got me started back when I was... Less than ten? I think it was the censored version, so I didn't know it was an H-game at the time.

>> No.2221831

anything that gets explained in Kohaku's route gets explained in Akiha and Hisui;s routes.

>> No.2221834

>The Forrest Gump of visual novels.
>The film garnered a total of thirteen Academy Award nominations, of which it won six, including Best Picture, Best Visual Effects, Best Director (Robert Zemeckis), and Best Actor (Tom Hanks).
Best Route?

>> No.2221851

Not as well.

>> No.2221864

Well all of the routes reveal something about the overall story. I don't remember Kohaku's route revealing a whole lot more than the others, and it certainly doesn't do so to the degree of Coco's (eg where it is by far the most important route of the game). So yeah, I guess we just don't share the same opinion.

>> No.2221867

Not really all. And Kohaku's route is more detailed that any other on that aspect.

I specially like the fact that all the tragic events are really no-one's fault (something that is stressed on several routes) and more than pointing fingers they should learn to live with them.

>> No.2221869

Forrest Gump is probably the vilest film I've ever seen in my life. It's what Republicans masturbate to.

>> No.2221924

Not everybody is exposed to eroge all that early on, you know. . .YMK was my first because I didn't even fucking know what a visual novel was until /jp/ started discussing Ever 17. And YMK was what /jp/ recommended for eroge.

>> No.2221936

I've only played Umineko and Chaos Head.

YMK is my first eroge is as well.

>> No.2221945

My first eroge starred a caveman who went around raping women. Pretty sure being that old gives me lots of /jp/ cred.

>> No.2222008


Acutally, they did tell the teacher. He ignored them.

>> No.2222041

Learn the difference between a VN and a dating simulator.
