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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 100 KB, 1080x1080, TH17.5Reimu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22206802 No.22206802 [Reply] [Original]

You know it's fun.

What are you expecting out of the full game?

this song is great

>> No.22206806
File: 45 KB, 512x360, 62267bc4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute prototype Reimu portrait

>> No.22206810
File: 119 KB, 1080x1080, TH17.5Yuugi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22206826
File: 78 KB, 1080x1080, Runmu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22206900
File: 101 KB, 992x1080, kogasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PLEASE, POST KOGASA'S SPRITE! It was cute and it surprised me!

>> No.22206920

The game seems to be really forgiving. Certain attacks can be farmed for water very easily, like Kogasa's second nonspell or the second half of Yuugi's first spell. It seems all right, though I don't know what they're going to add to the game besides the bosses — if it really is just six stages and nothing else, I'll be underwhelmed.
I've seen people dig at the artstyle, but I like it myself, even the CRT lines.

>> No.22206924
File: 99 KB, 1080x1080, TH17.5Kogasa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the .gif's are in this actually

>> No.22206940

>What are you expecting out of the full game?

>> No.22206950
File: 101 KB, 720x720, kog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! Kogasa is cute! CUTE

>> No.22206952

even if this game turns out to be the best 2hu in the series that everybody on earth likes i'm still going to shit on it if Toutetsu isn't in it

>> No.22206954

aren't some kanji related to Toutetsu in the title?

>> No.22206962

apparently so, but I wouldn't expect anything good from tasofro at this point

>> No.22207312

Very slow Slowpoke here what the fuck is this.

>> No.22207327
File: 116 KB, 640x360, 3955d791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a mystery

>> No.22207365

Better spritework, it looks really bad right now. What the hell happened? Of course, I'm not expecting a 1:1 recreation of TOKIAME's art in sprite form but still. Did their sprite guy get a concussion or something?
inb4 someone brings up the CRT filter - yes I agree it makes the game look infinitely better but I see that as a problem. HM, ULiL and AoCF didn't need a filter obscuring the screen in order to look good. Not even other games with a retro-esque aesthetic require a filter obscuring the screen in order to look good.

Tasofro has shit-all to do with new characters, that's all ZUN. I know Sokuchileans are still butthurt about their abandoned kusoge but use your brain for once.

>> No.22207547

>CRT filter
Which filter are you referring to?

Searching it up, I only get references to emulators and the like.

>> No.22207570

There is a filter turned on by default in the demo of the game, you can turn it of in the config menu.
That said, it looks like a LCD filter to me.

>> No.22207612

>Tasofro has shit-all to do with new characters, that's all ZUN.
I never said anything about tasofro or ZUN, I just said that if this game doesn't introduce Toutetsu then I'll take a huge shit on it.

>> No.22207631

>I never said anything about tasofro
>"I wouldn't expect anything good from tasofro at this point"

>> No.22207640
File: 76 KB, 227x227, 1566094630806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't know I had alzheimer's until now

>> No.22207646

The game sucks
Touhou is dead

>> No.22207658


>> No.22207688

I was expecting it to involve platforming since that's something tasofro is interested in. But now that I think about it, ZUN does like to keep games short and sweet.

>> No.22207696
File: 13 KB, 79x105, 1313308695894.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of game is it? When are they gonna make a Touhou version of Grief Syndrome?

>> No.22207702

Uhh Luna Nights?

>> No.22207704

cute meguca

>> No.22207718 [DELETED] 

>HM, ULiL and AoCF also didn't run at CRT resolutions.

>> No.22207725

From resident translator Clarste:

>Marisa tells Reimu that the black water is coming from underground.

>Kogasa says she’s actually been investigating the black water on her own, but she can’t say any more or her life will be in danger.

Yuugi says she knows exactly where it’s coming from and what it is (it’s oil), but she can’t let Reimu go there because it’s a part of Old Hell that’s considered Untouchable (the word “untouchable” is in English).

>So basically it’s coming from a part of Old Hell that everyone is too scared to talk about or mess with

>> No.22207727

HM, ULiL and AoCF also didn't run at CRT resolutions.

>> No.22207731

It looks and feels somewhat amateurish but I do expect it to improve from this beta. The spritework is fine but I think the animation is really lacking.

>> No.22207733

Tasofro didn't make that. I meant when is Tasofro, who made Grief Syndrome, going to make a Touhou game in that style. Or another game like Patchcon or the Komeji house puzzle game. Or a new Super Marisa La- wait they did that one already, right? Was that a new game?

>> No.22207749
File: 384 KB, 1920x1080, 1554179340058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a lot of people have said in the last thread, the sprites seriously need some rework. The background and the effects too, but the sprites takes priority.
That said I do like the heavy ink brush style they're going for. Kinda reminds me of Okami.

>it’s coming from a part of Old Hell that everyone is too scared to talk about or mess with
So there's more to Old Hell that's apparently even beyond Chireiden? Man, that'd make a lot of doujin a bit awkward in terms of setting.

>> No.22207753

>I was expecting it to involve platforming
I'm still expecting that. Remember that what we have here isn't a demo, it's an early beta. It's very possible the full game is meant to have stages before the boss fights, as per the mainline Touhou games, and they just haven't been implemented yet.

Keep telling yourself that, spic.

>> No.22207764

>So there's more to Old Hell that's apparently even beyond Chireiden? Man, that'd make a lot of doujin a bit awkward in terms of setting.
If Toutetsu's in the game it's probably another gateway to the Animal Realm or Mitori

>> No.22207791

>Keep telling yourself
I'm telling you that's false.

>> No.22207800

The sprites look nice judging from these gifs. What's wrong with them?

>> No.22207803

Nothing. It's just autists being autistic over nothing as usual.

>> No.22207835

They may look """nice""" but they're nowhere near the level of HM-ULiL-AoCF's sprites. Hell, you could argue they're even below the level of IaMP-SWR-Hisou's sprites. If you still like them then that's fine, but that's no excuse to start samefagging and calling people that don't like them autists.

>> No.22207853
File: 38 KB, 1151x272, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only are those two posts less than a minute apart, they aren't even from the same anon.

>> No.22207856

I didn't know Tasofro made Grief Syndrome. Thanks for the info.

>> No.22207860

I wanted anything but another fighting game. I really hate them (translation: I'm terrible at them).

>> No.22207864

if you want people to not insult you then dont say everyone that likes the artstyle is a samefag

>> No.22207913

>Mitori ascending to canon status
If that happens the fandom will shit bricks.

>> No.22207989

I don't think so. Look at the sprites in every other game tasofro has made.

>> No.22208038

The beginning of that song sounds like Nue's theme mixed with the main theme from Portal 2

>> No.22208202
File: 146 KB, 640x360, 2ff193a0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very fun to me, and I like that tokiame finally answered my burning question about how Reimu's detached sleeves stay up

>> No.22208560

The animation is bad.

>> No.22208609
File: 40 KB, 295x360, 1520125305445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really though? They're obviously designed to be seen at a small size. And fit the obvious Ink theme the game is going for if you're going to criticize the art itself.

The only one in the thread that actually looks kind of jank is >>22206924 but that's more because she's balancing on her leg so she wobbles a bit. The only criticism I have for that one is that it might need a extra frame or two but that might be tough to implement due to the style of the game.
tl;dr: You're complaining about something you clearly don't know about, and don't know what bad animation actually is.

>> No.22208624

Reimu's running animation, for example, is cringy to look at, and I honestly don't care how you try to justify it. If small size is the reason, they shouldn't have made them so small.

>> No.22208634

>running animation
>is cringy to look at
you're not even trying at this point

>> No.22208638

Nice shitpost.

>> No.22208662

>T-they shouldn't have made them small then!
Really? Man I'm glad you aren't a game designer.

>> No.22208668

I like it a lot. As a single player game it feels five times more refined than the previous official tasofro games. The more content there is when it's out, the better. As there's clearly a character select it seems unlikely Reimu will be the only playable one. I wonder how differently others will play

>> No.22208711

>is cringy to look at
No one's going to take your arguments seriously with that vocabulary.

>> No.22208721
File: 137 KB, 376x523, 1484262034830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to run the game
>screen pops up and closes
My PC is still set on japanese and I have windows 10 what's wrong?

>> No.22208741

>Windows 10
There's the issue

>> No.22208771

Mario's sprites back in the 80s were meant to be seen at a small size and they did a much better job at not making them look god awful.

Bringing up the artstyle is a very dumb deflection. Sprites can both look good and fit the artstyle. You don't need to sacrifice one for the other if the artist is skilled enough. Moreover, nothing about the artstyle implies limited animation, hence shit like Kogasa's standing animation has no excuse beyond being plain unfinished.

Jumpy animations, scratchy as fuck outlines and some rather unfitting and awkward cartoon stretching at times. These sprites are fucking bad, dude.

>> No.22208778

I have windows 10 and had the exact same issue, check if your folder or windows username has any non-ASCII characters, that seems to fuck with a lot of games

>> No.22208842

What's really sad is that ZUN is still stuck with Tasofro after all these years, like these hacks are the only doujin game circle in existence.

>> No.22208869

They are his friends. It can't be helped.

>> No.22208987

this. tasofro hasn't made anything good since efz and iamp

>> No.22209063

I absolutely love that Magician's Melancholy has gotten some love this time around. Hopefully someone uploads all the demo songs soon.

>> No.22209121

I think the sprites look fine.
The real issue is that stage 3 has you just floating over the ground, they need to fix the background to at least make it look like you're standing on solid ground.

>> No.22209206

It's kind of disappointing after Mystical Chain and Tempest which are already several years old fangames at this point. There isn't really much to combos in this game besides up airing everybody repeatedly once you get them stunned. Also the red bar is too long or the opponent's HP is too low for several spellcards. A lot of bosses are already near dead by the point you knock them into stun if you're any good at hitting them when they're not in red. Yuugi's second phase is particularly obnoxious about this. She has the smallest window of opportunity being like a second long at most while also sliding drastically and keeping her hurtbox up until the very moment the attack ends. It's easier to just hit her in her startups most of the time. It also doesn't help that there isn't much danmaku use by the player besides pre-aimed amulets in the air which don't do a lot of damage. The bomb costing HP makes it not very worthwhile to use a lot of the time.

I'm honestly curious how they'll implement actual stages. I don't think it will end up being much different from what Mystical Chain or Tempest did, but maybe Tasofro might do something interesting.

>> No.22209217

Will Marisa be a playable character or are you forced to play worst miko?

>> No.22209239

I'll be very surprised if Marisa isn't a playable character in the final build. And Reimu isn't going anywhere so don't worry no one is going to make you play as Sanae.

>> No.22209890


>> No.22210032

>DirectX : DirectX11以上
ZUN, you traitor! ;_;

>> No.22210062

Is the only game download out so far that one with game.exe, data.cga, lisence.txt (yes) and readme.txt?

>> No.22210076

The game crashes immediately for me on win7. I've heard others are having issues in 7 too but I haven't seen anyone find any solutions.

>> No.22210308

don't tell me I need to run this shit on a VM

>> No.22210414

runs just fine natively

>> No.22210447

I mean, isnt DX11 windows 10 exclusive?
muh 7

>> No.22210605

More yuugi?

>> No.22210609

I can't believe this is gonna be Win10's killer app

>> No.22211129

That's DX12 you're thinking of. 11 got backported to 7.

>> No.22211518

Last thread I saw someone post the reason for the crash. The game would have to be patched to fix it, though, and that hasn't happened yet.

>> No.22211565

I really like the sprites.

>> No.22211602

>What are you expecting out of the full game?

Megaman x

>> No.22211642

Knock knock, it’s America
Uhh I meant cowpiss

>> No.22211756

My favorite theory is that the big bad is going to be the one Animal Realm faction leader that we didn't get to see in WBaWC. Which one is that, you ask? The leader of the eagle faction.

>> No.22211774
File: 229 KB, 500x430, unzan haram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough with the American association

>> No.22212019

Why the spoiler tho, the title kinda makes that obvious. It'd be more of a surprise if it's the unnamed fifth faction.

>> No.22212076

Pfft. Everyone knows if they're going for anything Megaman, it's gonna be the Original series.

>> No.22212083

somehow it ends up morphing into a fucking battle network clone

>> No.22212129

>Eagle faction
>plot is basically Petroleum at gensokyo
Checks out

>> No.22212195

That song is so manly Reimu grew up a 13 inch dong

>> No.22213237

Reimu looks FAT!

>> No.22213654

I want a Touhouman ZX.

>> No.22213685

why do you guys think everything is bad, you all suck

>> No.22213789

Shanghai.EXE is better.

>> No.22213823
File: 30 KB, 700x450, 1570355820175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People (here, at least) have praised the gameplay, the TOKIAME art and the story, and are curious and excited to see where the game goes next, though.

Just because some people may dislike the sprites doesn't mean they think "everything is bad"

>> No.22213856

Why don't you sit down and stop reacting to criticism that isn't even directed at you.

>> No.22213869

I love the game what the fuck you talking about

>> No.22214145

>They said that if you open shangai.exe at 3am a drunk ZUN with realistic eyes will appear in your screen and you'll be forced to play danmaku on lunatic

>> No.22214202
File: 41 KB, 455x500, 1558979596103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

touhou is reclining

>> No.22214271
File: 47 KB, 455x500, nɯıǝɹ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

¿sıɥʇ op nɯıǝɹ sǝop ʍoɥ

>> No.22214337


>> No.22214505

Yeah but what happens after that? does it matter if I win or lose?

>> No.22214794
File: 199 KB, 500x500, 1550045786174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah, Yuugi is back

>> No.22214862

Also crash on startup and also win7. Guess I'm waiting for someone to patch this?

>> No.22214864

I never thought I'd be possible to lose my virginity to a headbutt, but with touhou, it is!

>> No.22214955

No one is saying everything is bad. They're saying the sprites look low effort compared to every single other thing tasofro has ever made. That's it.

>> No.22215639

yes it did
the game is patched to run on w7 since like two days.

>> No.22215813

Looking at youtube vids too many dumb folks are complaining about the controls.

How is basic directional input awkward? I had beat Marisa and was chasing Kogasa 1 for 1 within 15 minutes after figuring out what the buttons did.

>> No.22215834

It's probably the lack of a dedicated jump button.

>> No.22215837

Shmup players can't handle anything more complex than holding down one button. It's why the story modes in the fighters kept getting dumbed down as well

>> No.22215872

Its probably people not used to the FG style of press up to jump

>> No.22215922

That would still be better than holding Z to float or up+X/Z to go up

>> No.22215928

In tekken, mvsc and kof you have to press up to jump.

>> No.22215933

Oh shit I read the opposite of what you said, I'm retarded.

>> No.22215968

Oh, I wasn't aware of that, my apologies. Do you know where I can find the patch?

>> No.22215974

how is this a semiofficial game? looks like some fanshit made after Luna Night success

>> No.22216043
File: 65 KB, 473x770, D7kGTCKUYAY8TZc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no need to apologize friend, i was the one being condescending here, sorry
here's the patch

"Extract the file within the same directory, then run the patch archive .exe to make the game compatible with Windows 7"

i'm surprised that no one in the two threads were aware of this, it released pretty quickly and was advertised often on other websites...

>> No.22216176
File: 2.58 MB, 492x283, 1479104673032.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless you, anon. The game starts for me, now, though it crashes right when the pre-match dialogue ends and the fight is meant to begin. I'm not sure why that happens, I'm using Locale Emulator.

>> No.22216180

Not him but I had that happen too. Switch to AppLocale if you have it.

>> No.22216184

*I'm using Locale Emulator and my Windows name is all ASCII characters.

>> No.22216190

tasofro games generally don't like locale emulator

>> No.22216441

AppLocale doesn't work on 10 and probably doesn't work on 8 either. Even on 7 it requires hacks to work.

>> No.22216487

Did you make the attempt? It works just fine for me in 8.1.

>> No.22216494

I was too lazy to hack it together so I just used locale emulator. I'm also using server 2016 and it just works.

>> No.22216652

For me the game still crashes at the start of Marisa's battle even with the both patch and AppLocale.

>> No.22216717

Switching to windowed and skipping the first cutscene worked for me.

>> No.22216900


The answer is Tasofro.

>> No.22216929

Switching to windowed doesn't seem to make a difference for me and the game still crashes just before the fight no matter what. But randomly it also crashes at the beginning of the cutscene sometimes, no idea what causes that. Trying to skip the cutscene just makes the window completely black.
I have the patch and I'm using Locale Emulator. Would switching to AppLocale be better?

>> No.22216934

The answer is "early beta", /v/.

>> No.22216939

Well, I kinda worked for the first time. At least, I have managed to fight Marisa and see, how the game works. But then I died and the game crashed. I've tried to play again, but now it crashes in the middle of the battle.

>> No.22216986

Okay, well I didn't do anything different but I got it to work once. Died though.

>> No.22217009

>how is this a semiofficial game?
Because "17.5"

>> No.22217125

What’s “semi” about it? It is official

>> No.22217174

Still didn't change anything but I got it to work enough to beat it. It was pretty fun, especially Yuugi's fight

>> No.22217213

I got bad news for you anon

>> No.22217222

Nice upskirt

>> No.22217515
File: 159 KB, 700x678, 403b9e02ae7637c25d408bfc58d6b04b47174474626983bd2bf83faca9eca95e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried playing this like rabi-ribi for the first hour but it really wasn't a good idea. its more about bullet cancelling and stamina management.

healing is also integrated into the gameplay, if you hold the dash button for a sec you can drain all the blackwater(?) while blocking bullets in the white bubble to heal.

My main gripe is how there's really no fine movement aspect (you don't really dodge the bullets, only cancel them), no jump button which means you have to fucking dash if the ground is uneven, and how slow reimu is that you have to dash to get anywhere. it would be better if its like soku where you can hold dash

>> No.22217900
File: 114 KB, 822x664, satori_yachie_wakaru_wa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... anyone got this game working on wine yet? I always get

0009:err:wgl:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo couldn't initialize OpenGL, expect problems

>> No.22217954

install gentoo

>> No.22218008

You are a semi-intelligent person.

>> No.22218015

game is poo poo

>> No.22218046

I'd also like to get it working in wine. I get
0009:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_create_device WARP driver not implemented, falling back to hardware.
0009:fixme:winediag:wined3d_select_feature_level None of the requested D3D feature levels is supported on this GPU with the current shader backend.
I hope my computer suddenly isn't too old to play Touhou...

>> No.22218062

Why did Reimu get so retarded that she forgot how to shoot

>> No.22218085


She drank too much petroleum and lost too many brain cells.

>> No.22218108
File: 624 KB, 750x506, 1547143566410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gensokyo has oil, huh? Looks like Gensokyo need some FREEDOM.

>> No.22218522
File: 133 KB, 1200x981, D4Z4KIUUwAAA14R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gohei as tall as herself
It's growing stronger

>> No.22218669

This is the problem that all official tasofro touhou games suffer from. You're never actually dodging bullet patterns or reacting to the boss's behavior, you're just spamming grazing moves until the boss stops attacking.

>> No.22218704


>> No.22219049

but she does shoot

>> No.22219200

It not being a boss rush.

>> No.22219245

Air side attack

>> No.22219280


>> No.22219299

It'll probably have stages. It wouldn't make sense for the projectile attacks to exist otherwise, since they don't really do anything to the bosses.

>> No.22219335

I like the game but this is still a far cry from Mega Mari or Marisa Land.

It's really bizarre that they insist on using the fighter mechanics for their official games.

>> No.22219352

>it’s oil
On unrelated news, Rin Satsuki has named herself president of Gensokyo and numerous protests for democracy, freedom, and outside powers to trample on them have appeared on the human village.

>> No.22222910


>> No.22226647
File: 479 KB, 912x720, Th135_Miko1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least we can all agree that it's a wonderful thing that that faggot alphes and his disgusting art didn't come back.

>> No.22226929
File: 231 KB, 500x500, Th123Cirno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the hate? His pre-HM art was great.

>> No.22227041
File: 99 KB, 300x300, Swr-portrait-tenshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His IaMP and SWR art is good but you could see which way the wind was blowing with his Soku art when it started having suspiciously more colour to it l
Cirno's hair there is already starting to be far too dramatic in colouring

>> No.22227406

HM's losing Miko portrait is great

>> No.22227862

to be honest Tenshi is a weird case where ZUN wanted way more colors on that character, even so that SWR/Soku Tenshi is a dumbed down version of what she was supposed to be in term of charadesign.

>> No.22228054

It’s less color and more shading making his art looks more and more like unfolded crumpled paper

>> No.22228153


This is almost certainly a beta test of the engine they'll use for the next batch of fighters.

>> No.22228235

What makes you say that?

>> No.22228789

>started having suspiciously more colour to it l
>Cirno's hair there is already starting to be far too dramatic in colouring
What do you mean? What is 'dramatic coloring'? And why are they bad?
You can't deny there's a certain level of expertise to reduce the shading down to their simpler shapes. I prefer it to all the "smooth" shading out there, but I also think there's a place for both to coexist. I learnt a thing or two by observing his art in IaMP, so there's that.

>> No.22228801

i actually liked alphes art in HM if only because the chibi proportions made the art feel more ZUN like.
keep seeing people claim this but i doubt it since it's supposed to more platformer like than fighting game like. just because its a boss rush style demo doesn't mean it's going to be used for fighting games.

>> No.22228822

That would mean their EVO-level fighter is going to play like a platform fighter/Smash clone.

which is exactly the kind of shit tasofro would pull so I believe it

>> No.22228838

Well Smash has the most entrants and viewers at EVO anyways
EVO-level kinda means fuck all, even Catherine got to EVO

>> No.22229756

I miss Moe Harukawa.

>> No.22230866
File: 56 KB, 588x388, update.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we got an update

>> No.22231221

"patch" would be a more appropriate word to use

>> No.22231417

does it fix the win7 error?

>> No.22231618
File: 50 KB, 424x240, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

POS won't run on my PC

>> No.22231685

So we're gonna have to wait until someone re-download the game and re-upload it?

>> No.22231912

according to the release notes yea

>> No.22232489

So what does it do?

>> No.22233142


>> No.22235409

Disable DEP.

>> No.22237141

There's Shanghai exe but they got Capcom'd

>> No.22237645


>> No.22238480 [DELETED] 


>> No.22238540


>> No.22240792 [DELETED] 

date release?

>> No.22241382

cool game

>> No.22241689

New Dynamarisa fucking when? It was beautiful.

>> No.22241747

Didn't Alphes give us the nice blue outfit Yuugi's using in this game? Also is it weird for Tasogare Frontier to keep reusing it now that Alphes disappeared off the face of the earth?

>> No.22242042

Yuugi sucks. They should have brought Parsee or Orin back.

>> No.22242065
File: 368 KB, 700x700, alphesyugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was from a promo of SA.

>> No.22242162

Might be in the cards if it's mostly happening underground. Subterranean Animism 2: The Revenge.

>> No.22242204

Nah, this beta reeks of the trademark ZUN bait-and-switch. At most there'll be one more stage underground where Reimu and Marisa will be told Old Hell has nothing to do with the oil and that the true culprit is in like the Animal Realm or something.

>> No.22242306

Yuugi said it's coming from a part of Old Hell no one likes to go.

>> No.22243902

So, the Palace of the Earth Spirits then?

>> No.22243929

There's more to Old Hell than the Former Capital, Chireiden, and the Remains of Blazing Hell.

>> No.22243940

I know, joking that no character wants to go see Satori.

>> No.22245518

>full game
This game is definitely not as high in production value as the fighting games so it'll probably be released at Winter Comiket, meaning the end of December.

>> No.22245916

My guess is that that's probably when the real demo will be released, then the full will be in May.

>> No.22245951

>This game is definitely not as high in production value
It's almost like they aren't going to put all the artist staff on overdrive for what's supposed to be an Early Beta, retard

>> No.22245975

This. There isn't even guest musicians and the sprites are shitty. Anyone who thinks this is a good game is delusional.

>> No.22246183

>There isn't even guest musicians
That's probably a good thing.

>> No.22246197

So that's why the music is good

>> No.22246253

>There isn't even guest musicians
The only good thing from guest musician is AoCF's Tenshi theme

>> No.22246386

>No guest musicians
You won't see me cry over that, frankly

>> No.22251224

Imagine having such humongous shit taste you think any of the arranged tracks except Love-Colored Master Spark and Futatsuiwa from Gensokyo (and MAYBE Invisible Full Moon) are bad

>> No.22251452


>> No.22251906

Most of them were unfitting and there was absolutely no music direction or sense of cohesion. Byakuren's and Doremy's songs were especially bad.

>> No.22252401

With Kogasa investigating underground, will we finally find out what she was doing hanging out with Yamame and Kisume in Double Spoiler?

>> No.22252494


Well she apparently knows who is responsible, so she probably passes through to visit or something.

>> No.22253013

Your mother is unfitting and has no music direction or sense of cohesion.

>> No.22253478

Exactly, would you want Anon's mom as the bgm?

>> No.22253895

I'm still upset that we got robbed of a U2 Akiyama remix of Eternal Spring Dream

>> No.22253927

If anon's mom is hot, I don't see why not.

>> No.22253945

I reckon her lullabies could be serious bangers

>> No.22253988

Me too. At least we got a nice remix of Shimmy's theme.

>> No.22254278

>There isn't even guest musician
Thank god.

>> No.22254286

its fucking bad

>> No.22254641

You are aware that VMs use the resources of your system to perform the emulation, right? You can only emulate backwards, not upwards.
In layman's terms, with your artistic skills, you may be able to emulate ZUN's artistic style, but you can never do the same with da Vinci.

>> No.22254649

>What are you expecting out of the full game?

>> No.22254660

So, on a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 is Hisousensoku and 0 is the unholy trinity of HM, ULiL and AoCF, where does this game stand?

>> No.22254814

how are you going to compare a platformer to fighting games though

>> No.22254840

I don't understand why faggots are so enamored with Soku.

Genuinely, what are you people on? And ULiL and AoCF are infinitely better than HM, despite looking nearly the same.

>> No.22254883

This isn't a versus game, so it's going up against the fighter's story modes which are 0's across the board. It would take a disaster for this game to be worse than any of those.

>> No.22254924

An early beta/10.

>> No.22255001

it's an early beta but I'd say it's a solid 3
maybe if tas*fro added an ability to jump it'd be a 4 but that would be waay too much to ask for

HM is the only good floater, ulil and aocf are irredeemable pieces of fucking shit

>> No.22255184

Isn't it obvious? The second trilogy has a cast half comprised of literal whos.

>> No.22255290
File: 214 KB, 344x971, 1532432342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it dont even have whole SDM cast omg....

>> No.22255391

>HM is the only good floater, ulil and aocf are irredeemable pieces of fucking shit
I have played only IAmP, gonna try SWR and UNT next, but what's bad about ULiL's and AoFC's float that HM's isn't?

>> No.22255521

Don't get me wrong, HM has the same floating mechanics as ulil and aocf. The thing is, HM makes up for it by having soku-like skill system and items, popularity meter, perfect blocking and the controls were slightly different. 13.5 is still a massive step-back from soku but it's still a very fun game.
Speaking of fun, Ulil has none of that. It had a pretty good cast but the random occult ball effects made the game absolutely unplayable, randomness was also a big deal in soku but I only know what Typhoon, Scorching Sun, Vampire Mist (?) and River Mist do, the rest literally doesn't matter at alll. Ulil on the other hand, has the most match breaking bullshit I've ever seen, random walls appearing out of nowhere, a black hole sucking you in, bullets slowing down because of moon gravity and a lot more shit. AoCF was definitely a step in the right direction, Yorigami sisters and Yukari are fun to play, randomness was removed and you could pick 2 characters and switch between them like in MvC games. However it still lacks customisation and I find HM to be simply more fun.

>> No.22255613

HM was a piece of shit of a game but it still was more interesting to play than ULiL or AoCF

AoCF is not that bad though, it can be fun from times to times.

>> No.22255673

But there is no platforming at all in this game.

>> No.22255682

back to >>>/v/

>> No.22255878

>random walls appearing out of nowhere, a black hole sucking you in, bullets slowing down because of moon gravity and a lot more
Sounds like my kind of game.

>> No.22255985

Because Soku is great.

>> No.22256234

Now I understand why Shotty can't stand you people.

>> No.22256245
File: 33 KB, 480x480, 1479587005872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand why faggots are so enamored with Soku.
They generally can be segregated into 2 camps.

Camp A is secondaries such as >>22255184. They adore Shitku because it has their favorite irrelevant newfag-magnet whohu. Le ebin Sookooya, le edgy Flandere lmao, epic (You)moo, you name it. So then come games more geared towards primaries, who are actually invested in Touhou and can appreciate the appearance of, say, Doremy, and it offends Camp A because they don't know who these people are, as characters outside of their EBIC youtube poops don't exist. They then retreat back to Shitku and proclaim it the best Touhou game ever as decided by the council of Tumblr secondaries.

Camp B is """professional""" players and Chileans, such as >>22255521 and >>22255613, who unironically believe Shitku is some sort of skill-based game and that makes it superior to the more RNG-based floaters. Anyone with three-digit IQ can play the games for a bit and realize that's not even remotely close to the truth. HM and AoCF are almost bereft or randomness, while ULiL keeps it to the Mystery Spot system. While Shitku is so covered in the shit that you can't even use your own damn moves consistently. Imagine if you were playing Street Fighter 2 and you could use Ryu's Hadouken whenever the computer says you can. That's Shitku, except you have to unlock the thing, and that ALSO happens when the RNG says so, and let's not even get started on the weather on top of everything else. But this RNG gives Chileans a good-enough illusion that they're accomplishing things due to their skill, so they defend it as being """skill-based""" despite the fact that they likely would never win shit if it wasn't for the RNG giving them the moves they needed at the right time, while denying that to the opponent. So they lambast games that take ACTUAL skill, like the floaters. And the mainline games too, which is why it continues to contribute to the secondary menace as I've explained previously.

Dropping Shitku and leaving Chileans in the cold is still the damn best decision Tasofro has ever made and if they never EVER return to that shitty formula then it'll still be too soon. Pic related, where Shitku and its players belong.

>> No.22256263
File: 301 KB, 458x856, 153243234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back to >>>/v/

>> No.22256290

autistic rambling
the last two post didn't even mentionned soku

>> No.22256330

It's true that newhous are unpopular. If you look at yearly polls, you'll see that there is a cutoff line between SA and UFO. Sometimes there will be a breakout character, like Hata, but as a rule of thumb post-SA characters don't get into top 20 that often and don't stay there.

>> No.22256338

This isn't even a word. Did you mean beret?

>> No.22256358

people only hated the religion wars, the other newhus are generally well-liked

>> No.22256360


>> No.22256366

>Camp B is """professional""" players and Chileans
I'm neither professional nor a chilean and I never mentioned "skill" in my post but alright? I won't argue with delusional people

>> No.22256368

The posts are about why the floaters are bad compared to Shitku. Take your head out of your ass.

You're such a goddamn Chilean.

>> No.22256375
File: 135 KB, 300x420, 1514901770409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an argument.
You have to go back.

>> No.22256455

>Not an argument.
You're actually acting as if you brought up any arguments worth replying to

>> No.22256615
File: 64 KB, 278x263, 1474416874949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worth replying to
How convenient, eh?
Go back.

>> No.22256700

Flandre isn't even playable in IaMP-Soku or any official game for that matter

>> No.22256726

Yuugi kick animation
pls pls pls

>> No.22256744

best redditor on the board

>> No.22256785
File: 97 KB, 340x340, Heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people make my day

>> No.22256789

She was an example of a newfag-magnet that would cause secondaries to misbehave. Still, I think I should have mentioned Alice instead.

>> No.22257250

Can anyone explain the Chilean meme to me?

>> No.22257255

You wouldn't get it.

>> No.22257287
File: 46 KB, 664x670, this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22258106

That's mainly in part of there being a decade's worth of content consisting of those old characters. New fans are more likely to favor them due to the sheer amount of content they've amassed.

>> No.22258845

Oh, I see. The randomness does seem to mess people up in a competitive environment. At least, I'll just enjoy the games for the characters, visualisation of locations, music (god bless U2) and amazing sprites. Thank you for your thorough explanation.

>> No.22258911

why are the spinning animation so shit

>> No.22258954

>The randomness does seem to mess people up in a competitive environment.
Yeah, unless Shitku does it then it's okay with all these ""people"". I'd say you really shouldn't be listening to Chileans but you reek of newfag so you should, that way you're easier to spot in the future.

>> No.22259014

One Chilean dude said he liked a game, so therefore everyone who likes that game is Chilean.

>> No.22259020

Forced meme from contrarian

>> No.22262166

Anybody have a download for the beta1 patch?

>> No.22262943
File: 138 KB, 1920x1675, 1545755547703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I so fucking bad at this game?

>> No.22262970


Maybe Tasofro wanted to make a Sonic the Hedgehog Touhou first.

>> No.22263261

Chen the Cat

>> No.22264578

Alphes is god

>> No.22264749

Your post is invalid.

>> No.22265106

Not an argument.

>> No.22265972

Your reply is also invalid.

>> No.22266175

It's ok, guys. It's just a beta. I am sure the full version will suddenly have spritework that puts the likes of Wario Land: Shake It to shame. Just like how all the other games suddenly looked radically different between demo and full version.

>> No.22266252

Your passive-aggressiveness would be commendable if it wasn't misinformed.

>> No.22266289

Yeah remember when Tasofro released HM's demo and Reimu's animations looked so bad that everyone on /jp/ complained? I am glad they had their artists redraw all of them to make them look as good as they are now for the full version. Tasofro is well known for doing stuff like that.

>> No.22266586

You completely missed the mark too. But that was expected. How about you take your time to think about the comparison you're making.

>> No.22266918

i want to play as kogasa

>> No.22267014

Alphes is the only artist working on Touhou who actually got worse somehow. No clue what he was thinking with HM.

>> No.22271458 [DELETED] 


>> No.22274042

A meme from nido.org, a chilean imageboard. Dont pay attention to it.

>> No.22277927 [DELETED] 

it is not

>> No.22277941

I quite liked the remix of shinmyoumaru's theme in AoCF

>> No.22278666

ZUN's art took a sharp nosedive between Mystic Square and EoSD and it's still in the process of recovering.

>> No.22279806
File: 18 KB, 176x96, seihous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it wasn't for the PC-98's limitations, it probably all would have looked like EoSD.

>> No.22280306

I liked the effect of the EoSD era art. It makes the character designs feel more like suggestions, with all sorts of interpretations emerging over time. Since UFO that process hasn't really been a thing, and I miss it.

>> No.22280505

I hope the new character will be cute. Not sexy. CUTE.

>> No.22280618
File: 13 KB, 129x64, 54758690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theses fucking eyelashess. Good thing we're done with Alphes.

>> No.22280695

Imagine disliking thick eyelashes.

>> No.22281976
File: 54 KB, 506x639, before after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People imagined it and it got Alphes fired and he is now living in the mountains in shame.

>> No.22283816

UFO reimu is the cutest reimu

>> No.22288806

reimu's fat pits

>> No.22291150

How do I make this happen for 17.5? Not very fond of playing fullscreen.

>> No.22291191

There's a file called readme. Did you do that?

No of course not, no one reads the readme. Alt+Enter.

>> No.22291626
File: 8 KB, 340x142, b81d5959dd[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might be because it looks like this.

>> No.22291698

Assuming you're actually on XP, install AppLocale. Everyone else can use Locale Emulator.

>> No.22292191

I like Alphes Cirno since it gives the possibility that Cirno only "acts" like a child, rather then looks like one.

>> No.22292463

She canonically looks like a child.

Sorry, secondary normalfaggot-kun.

>> No.22298537

>secondary normalfaggot-kun
go back to /v/

>> No.22299502

horrid spacing

>> No.22304269

so release date wen?

>> No.22304281


Probably a very long time given how early a beta this was.

>> No.22304675

I'm going to assume Fall or Winter 2020.

>> No.22307194

the background looks a little ugly
