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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2219034 No.2219034 [Reply] [Original]


Okay /jp/ let's try something new, do you guys read light novels?

I consider /a/ unable to discuss this because their concentration dosent last long enough and they need some pretty animation or pictures to distract them from all the text and god forbid deeper meaning of the text. Anyways since you guys probably played the super long baww opera Clanad i thought you might read night novels.

I've so far read only 4. Wolf and Spice at bakatsuki, Toradora also at bakatsuki and i bought the Welcome to the N.H.K and Shana 1 and 2 on amazon.

>> No.2219044

>>do you guys read light novels?

>> No.2219047

Why not Marimite?

>> No.2219049

> light novel
> concentration
oh u, light novels are aimed at kids

>> No.2219051

Marimite, Toradora and Fate/zero FOR YOU SEE I AM A HUGE FAGGOT

>> No.2219052

>>Why not
Why yes?

>> No.2219064

u lier!

>> No.2219078

Wolf and spice for me.
Because I actually like the setting of a manly character getting into the dangers of trading.

>> No.2219079

I'm reading Haruhi, ZnT, Shana, Wolf and Spice, Chrome Shelled Regios, ToraDora and Index. Too much free time being a NEET.

>> No.2219088

That would be true since there "light" novels, they dont actually take any brain power to read but i still think it's beyond /a/ capacity.

I dont really like yuri that much, but i will give it a try just like haruhi and fate zero.

>> No.2219091


>> No.2219097 [DELETED] 


Is there an official English translation or this all?

>> No.2219094

You make me miss being a NEET. I only go to college 2 days a week now, but I have to study and stuff. It's horrible and I want my free time back.

>> No.2219100


Is there an official English translation or is this all?

>> No.2219101

I only read (look at) erotic light novels.

>> No.2219103

Light novels seem like good practice for leveling up my moonspeak skill. Where can I download raws?

>> No.2219105

This might surprise you, but I read real books.

>> No.2219107

NHK is the only one I've read
I'm thinking about reading FLCL

>> No.2219111

Me too. I keep them next to my light novels and manga.

>> No.2219117

Winny, Share, PD.

>> No.2219120

I hope you dont mean Harry Potter or LOTR or something like that...

>> No.2219130

You can also find raws by google i even think theres wolf and spice raw on /rs/

>> No.2219133


>> No.2219137

oh, NHK sure is aimed for kids.

>> No.2219138


>> No.2219140

help him then, you faggot.

>> No.2219141


>> No.2219147

Of course not. Just finished Foucault's Pendulum and currently reading the Master and Margaret

>> No.2219152

Yeah, everyone under 30 is an annoying fucking kid that needs to gb2mommy.

>> No.2219154

yes im!

>> No.2219160

there is nothing wrong with LOTR.
Harry Potter isnt THAT bad, its just overrated and the fanbase fucking sucks

>> No.2219170

> there is nothing wrong with LOTR.
except that it sucks, but that doesn't say anything about the reader

>> No.2219185

Harry Potter is a great example of reversion to the mean. The first book is reasonable good, but as it continues it becomes clear that the quality was a fluke and the author is well out of her depth. Time travel? The "room of requirements" deus-ex-machina bullshit? That is where I stopped reading.

>> No.2219188

I was only interested in the NHK light novel because ABe did the cover.


>> No.2219189

Light novels are for when I don't feel like reading whopping paragraphs of unnecessary descriptions that only literature fags would dig day and night.
It gets me into the mood of the story faster too.

In other words, most real books suck at storytelling.

>> No.2219200

ABe did it? Damn, no wonder it looked familiar.

>> No.2219227

same here. the first few books I could stomach.
the rest, I would rather watch the movies out of boredom.

>> No.2219230

I like the Boogiepop series.

>> No.2219278
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I still read Goosebumps

>> No.2219284

enjoy reading books intended for 12-14 year olds

>> No.2219285

Well then it's okay, i took harry poter and lotr as an example just like naruto and bleach.

>> No.2219287

Read the first Marimite novel, need the second one before I can continue.

Someone lent me a light novel called "ore no imouto wa konna ni kawaii wake ga nai" (about an eroge-playing imouto, apparently), so I intend to start reading that soon.

>> No.2219303

Read Bungaku Shoujo.
It's in the teaser page in Baka-Tsuki, only 2 chapters have been translated but it's really good.
It's the number one light novel in Japan right now, though it recently ended.

>> No.2219320

>Konoha Inoue is a seemingly normal senior high 2nd year student. His high school life, other than a hinted incident 2 years ago, can be summed up as normal- if one can dismissed the secret fact that he used to be a female bestselling romance author. Due to an incident, however, he has now vowed never to write again.

This continued on until he was forced to join the literary club by the literary club president, the 3rd year female student Amano Tooko, a beautiful girl who has a taste of eating literary works.

Sound shoujo-ish is it?

>> No.2219348

Fuck yeah!

>> No.2219350


I recommend you (novels in general) NHK, Boogiepop, Kara no Kyoukai, Fate / Zero, Haruhi, Toradora, Kino no Tabi.

>> No.2219354

I don't see it. There's a normal guy and there's a crazy girl. Looks more like it's aimed at males.

>> No.2219365

not really. brain juices are all spent on work hours, not much left to process all that high and mighty longcat shit in "real" books.

enjoy your lame trollan. :D

>> No.2219368

so the bracket is upped to 13-16 year olds

>> No.2219369

Oh well i'll probably read the first two chapters it's not like they're long.

>> No.2219374

hold on there, grasshopper
Kara no Kyoukai isn't a light novel...

>> No.2219377
File: 32 KB, 471x370, classy troll face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kara no Kyoukai isn't a light novel

>> No.2219378

Why do you guys even compare light novels and novels, they have a LIGHT in it for a reason.
A light novel (ライトノベル ,raito noberu?) is a novel primarily targeting teens and young adults.
As far as i know this is 13~25.

>> No.2219380

you're like those assholes that cant process "heavy" shit during prime-time hours so we end up with shit like King Of Queens, Raymond, etc.

>> No.2219386

Which I haven't said

Uhm no, at least not the ones I mentioned. Anyway it's more of a question of interest.

>> No.2219393

anime = children
light novels = young adults/tweens

>> No.2219396

>>resorted to weak insult to support his beliefs

>> No.2219398

>In other words, most real books suck at storytelling.

The story isn't the important part of real books.

>> No.2219403
File: 71 KB, 402x302, nyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Elfen Lied is a really friendly anime full of red flowers.

>> No.2219410

well, thank god, I'm not a literature fag.

>> No.2219419

wat? so real books are made of real amirite?

>> No.2219433

That depends on what you call a 'real book'.

>> No.2219435

of course it isn't.
there's so much heavy discussion on magic, bizarre concepts, multiple personalities and life and death.
doesn't feel very light to me.

>> No.2219441

But it's not 900 pages WAR AND PEACE so it's a light novel.

>> No.2219453

uh.. you're agreeing with me?

>> No.2219456

so you're pretty much reading cliff notes with just the extended paragraphs

>> No.2219459

You're probably one of those faggots who think Finnegans Wake is good. The purpose of novels is to entertain you. I'd rather read light novels than any "artistic" bullshit.

>> No.2219475

I'm saying it's not light, but it fits into the category "light novel". Maybe a bad example but anime is for children but EVA isnt really childish but it's an anime.

>> No.2219486

Real books have helped hone my skills in summarizing walls of text at the speed of light.
I wonder why they put in so much mumbo jumbo anyways.

These days I prefer short story collections books.
Much better than light novels, though I don't hate the latter.

>> No.2219496

Ah, I see.

>> No.2219498

Real books? As opposed to fake books?

>> No.2219501

>The purpose of novels is to entertain you
Not the anon you're replying to, I don't agree with him. However, I think that novels which make one think are valuable as well as novels which entertain. If a novel entertains you and makes you think, that's doubly awesome.

>> No.2219511

books your pappies and mammies used to read.
and then you discovered a whole new world of alternatives.

>> No.2219530

I was forced to read those in school it's probably because of that that i hate them so much now, i want to read books that talk about the present of the future not the bloody 1600 or 1914...

>> No.2219553

Yes. But being able to provoke thinking or present new thoughts/ideas is something I've only seen in sci-fi novels or short stories.

Perhaps you may suggest a few good non sci-fi ones?

>> No.2219560

I've read Haruhi, Toradora, ZnT, and SnS. I plan on reading NHK, Fate/Zero, and maybe Marimite.

Also light novels aren't just for kids. I know that some, like Haruhi and ZnT, are aimed at the seinen demographic. Not that it matters, I read and watch shounen and shoujo because I am not some insecure faggot who only likes "mature" entertainment, so I don't let the target demographic deter me from reading something.

Also I read "real" books and light novels. Just like I read real books but also read manga, and just like I read real books but also read visual novels. It's just another form of entertainment. It's possible to enjoy more than one. Personally, after reading 3-4 hours of literature everyday for college I'd rather pick up something lighter on my free time.

>> No.2219573

Part of the reason I prefer modern short story collections is because they tell me interesting things/events/characters that are relevant to the present, which I feel more attached to.

>> No.2219575

Nothing wrong with those books. Lovecraft, Salinger and the like don't necessarily have light novels, but they did publish collections of short stories that span about 10 pages that are amazing to read.
Maybe it's the style or the approach, but from what I read already mentioned in this thread they just feel like heavily edited novels and I'm not getting the full experience, but I guess that's the point?

>> No.2219583

>>Most real books suck at storytelling.

Figures that /jp/ is filled with retards with no attention span or grasp and appreciation for prose and actual literature. No wonder you're all failures.

>> No.2219591

So where can I get some scans? I'm interested now.

>> No.2219593

or taste

>> No.2219603

I don't actually have very good taste, so I don't think that would be a good idea (also can't think of any off the top of my head). Perhaps another anon in the thread will jump in.

>> No.2219610

This thread is the reason why I'm glad I speak french. I'm sure some of you would change your mind about books if you could read some authors in their full glory.

>> No.2219612

whoah. YOUR parents were much cooler then.
Please elaborate on "heavily edited".
Do you mean that places, settings, characters aren't fleshed out enough?
If yes then that's the reason they're light.

>> No.2219626

Well, these light novels just aren't my bag, then.

>> No.2219657

>Please elaborate on "heavily edited"
Yeah this.
Indeed, I've found a story about 2 guys traveling form Europe to Egypt by bike much more interested the super long russian novels. While i do understand real book are great and everything i just dont find them fun to read. So i guess i have a short attention span or whatever, i find it more fun to read about physics theorys in school then old real literature, and i dont mean physics theorys are boring i actually find them quite fun.

>> No.2219672

Technically they're aimed at young adults. Light novels are essentially the types of books you'd find in the Young Adult section of book stores.

>> No.2219681

like baby-sitters club?

>> No.2219723

Interestingly wherever you start a light novel thread it changes into a real boos vs light novels and people complaining how light novels arent novels... yet they ignore the fact there called light novels but i'm quite satisfied with this thread i expected much more shit.

>> No.2219760

>like Haruhi and ZnT, are aimed at the seinen demographic

I still see a huge divide between say Spice and Wolf, which I could see an average young college student or salaeryman reading on his downtime. and ZnT and Haruhi which while technically seinen just don't seem to appeal to 18+ males who AREN'T HUGE OTAKU or worse full blown NEETs that only frequent maid cafes. The overall feel of light novels to the "general populace" seems to be for teenage/high school guys rather then 20 something years old with jobs or degrees

>> No.2219782

You're confusing western young adults and Japanese ones, ZnT is read by middle age people in japan they just have that kind of taste it's culture difference i guess.

>> No.2219948,1 [INTERNAL] 

Was just interested if any ghost bros read LN?

>> No.2219811

I spent a semester studying there and saw almost nothing to suggest that overall. Their young adults have generally the same interests as American or European ones and their middle aged people seem to have the same priorities as ours.

Are you sure the "middle aged people" who read ZnT aren't part of the otaku subculture as I mentioned in my last post?

>> No.2219813

You have same aged men in the West that read graphic novels. Isn't that more-or-less the same difference?

>> No.2219822

I never liked that series.
Boxcar Children was okay.
Animorphs was best.

>> No.2219845

Well I do guess they are part of the otaku subculture, but i'm sure theres more japanese middle aged otaku then western ones.

>> No.2219948,2 [INTERNAL] 

I've read the Haruhi novels and Welcome to the NHK which I both greatly enjoyed. Going to start Marimite and Spice and Wolf soon.

>> No.2219871

> there's so much heavy discussion on magic, bizarre concepts, multiple personalities and life and death. doesn't feel very light to me.
ya, kids love that shit, and pokeymans, they just loooooooove pokeymans

>> No.2219875

well duh, the media that spawned them originated in Japan after all. However I'm sure the majority of Japanese society would see things like Toradora or Haruhi as not interesting them as an intended audience much like their western counterparts. If only out of disgust the average Japanese has toward otakus and things that so obviously pander to them.

>> No.2219880

Otaku as far as anime and manga go, yes, but having comics and GNs in place of that here in the West, well...

Anyway this topic is pretty shallow. Doesn't matter how long you want to read, just as long as you're getting something out of it.
I just prefer short stories with heavy substance than most light novels seem to offer, but there's nothing wrong with just killing some time reading anything

>> No.2219942

So because they're otaku they aren't real adults or something? Those novels are aimed at adults. It doesn't matter which adults they're aimed at. Eroge are also aimed primarily at otaku, are they only "technically" for adults?

I just don't see the point you're trying to make. Maybe you're trying to say that only losers like otaku would read light novels, but if that's the case you must be forgetting which board you're posting on.

>> No.2219948

It sure beats watching TV soap operas. I agree on that.
It's funny how japan is full of anime and otaku stuff yet they supposedly hate it. They have huge adds on buses and buildings for it, and not just in Akihabara. But i'm sure you're not labeled as an otaku for watching an anime once a week or reading a manga on a train to work you're labeled as one when you start doing only that and become a neet or something.

>> No.2220197,1 [INTERNAL] 

Light novels are a genre, it's like not calling manga manga because it's not shonen.

>> No.2220197


Btw, I read novels, visual novels and have read some of the mentioned novels here.
I won't call them light novels, I see the good ones as normal novels that correspond with one of my interests: weeaboomedia.

>> No.2220197,2 [INTERNAL] 

I already replied on /jp/
I haven't read any light novels for awhile because I've been busy with school, but I have a couple weeks off starting next week so I'm thinking of starting either Fate/Zero or Kara no Kyoukai. I could also catch up on Toradora or Zero no Tsukaima but I just watch the anime of the former now and the latter isn't very good.

>> No.2220197,3 [INTERNAL] 

Hey Croatia, why did you let this slide? Since you're a veteran of /jp/, it's your job to tell the guest that such characters are taboo on /jp/.

I'll let this one slide because it's a shitty /b/ meme.

>> No.2220197,4 [INTERNAL] 

Haven't read any, but I should just put a few on my DS and go through them. The Haruhi novels and NHK specially.
I'm just a bit lazy with that sort of literature, and my to read pile of physical books is high as it is already.

>> No.2220197,5 [INTERNAL] 

I'm pretty sure thats a troll and i'm just ignoring him.

>> No.2220197,6 [INTERNAL] 

I replied on /jp/ as well >>2219287
but I don't have much under my belt yet, since I'm a slow reader and I figure that I might as well tackle the originals if possible.

>> No.2220197,7 [INTERNAL] 

Internet-wise, Haruhi is the only one I've read and it's pretty much the one that made me light aware.

For actual books that I've bought, it's FMP and NHK. Haven't bought any in a while though. I know I'll buy the English Haruhi release when it comes out in April.

>> No.2220197,8 [INTERNAL] 

I've read the first couple of kure-nai light novels and I like them a lot.

I heard a rumor that they might cease publication because of some controversy over the conclusion to the latest one though. Any idea if this is true?

>> No.2220197,9 [INTERNAL] 

> I'll let this one slide because it's a shitty /b/ meme.
Is it? I suppose the ``oh u'' part is, but that's a meme from the early AIDS days of /b/.

>> No.2220197,10 [INTERNAL] 

Kuranai is getting an official translation cool never knew that.

>> No.2220197,11 [INTERNAL] 

Probably referring to the Japanese publication.
