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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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22135217 No.22135217 [Reply] [Original]

Old Thread >>22073107

>New? Start here:


>E+ Changelogs:

>Elona Custom Release Thread:

>Elona+ Custom-G Release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona+ 1.91 (2019-06-0)
>Latest Custom:
E+C 1.90.4 (2019-06-02)
Elona+ Custom-G (2019-06-03)

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to Windows 7.
Using GIMP to create a sprite or PCC? Select "do not write color space" and save it as a 24-bit BMP.

>> No.22135239


Wow that's sad. Anyway the omake infos:

>Omake Overhaul English Release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona Omake Overhaul EN (2019-06-17)
Omake Overhaul EN Hack final release (2018-12-14)

And the original pastebins:

>New? Start here:


>> No.22135648
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>> No.22135843

Why are you guys still here? Last thread half of you wanted to create your own thread, the other half said you were going to go back to your discord and never touch 4chan again. Were you lying again?

>> No.22136057
File: 369 KB, 840x525, LulwyPhoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for that anon.

Pastebin anon here. I don't even play Omake, but it was just you and MAYBE another anon that were going back and forth saying there needed to be a purge of Omake stuff for some reason.
By badly spinning every response into pretending a second elona thread was a good idea or that discord players even use 4Chan in the first place.

>> No.22136110

Also try to at least update the OP when you copy it.
Real Old Thread >>22073107
>Current Version:
Elona+ 1.92 (2019-09-16)

And I updated the pastebins found here

>> No.22136217

>Pastebin anon here.
I'd think you'd be in favor of moving, since you wanted so badly to put the link to your discord in the pastebin when you suddenly appeared and created a new one with Omake in it, but everyone not from the discord yelled at you until you relented. Why not have your own thread where you can use whatever links you want and do as you like?

>> No.22136267

I will give you the discord link was a bad thing, since I was retarded and thought people hated the place for no reason since I didn't know about the data mining.
But I made the new pastebin since the old anon stopped updating it, and even though I could be proven wrong I doubt the cloned one in the OP will be updated ever either.

Thanks for that. Now if people do want to give oomSEST a shot they won't have to go through as many hoops.

>> No.22136313

You also rearranged the variant list to put Omake at the top "because it's more like vanilla".
You quite clearly have an axe to grind. If you want to advertise Omake, create your own thread for it instead of than hamfistedly attempting to subvert these threads.
In a sane world discussion of Omake would, in fact, belong in the Elona thread, but we do not live in such a world, and Omake's adherents are not only incapable of assimilation, but even of rudimentary self-control. Segregation is the only viable solution.

>> No.22136477

Nah, that was just me being stupid.
I have never played an Omake variant, so I just took what random things I heard from the thread and made assumptions like it being more like vanilla.
Anons in the thread made good points about how that was wrong and plus being first made more sense since more English players play it so I fixed it.
Not to say there aren't elitist Omake and Plus players that think their mod of a freeware game is 'best'.

Honestly I should probably just bite the bullet and play a bit of oomSEST or something just so I can make a better description for what the hell the differences are. But the grind in vanilla was ass and without the acts I worry I won't have the will to 'grind for nothing'.

>> No.22136877

I dunno, I think it might actually (unintentionally?) be a good idea. From what I've seen when new people come to these threads they think "Elona" is just a single game. Seperate threads for Plus and Omake would be less confusing for people. And even if the anon last thread was arguing in bad faith, his argument had at least some truth to it. It's no good for Omake's strategies to be confined to some private discord somewhere where they can't be googled by new players.

>> No.22136988
File: 7 KB, 225x225, DAE20FD4E3776C10576003D55CF2A99F47801DF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not to say there aren't elitist Omake and Plus players that think their mod of a freeware game is 'best'.
Y'know, I don't think I've ever seen that, even once. At most there'll be that one guy rattling off dozens of random features added by Overhaul/OOMSEST and then attacking one or two flaws of Plus that were fixed by Custom-G. Weird, but I wouldn't call it "elitism", and I don't recall seeing any plusfags actually denegrate the Omake line itself, other than over the lack of publicly available information. Likewise, I can't recall any omakefags having anything bad to say about Custom/G/FU.
Mostly it's just plusfags telling omakefags to go back their discord, and omakefags acting like facebook feminists in return (OMG U MAD, LOL SO FRAGILE). THAT gets tiresome, and as far back as I can remember every argument has been started by the omakefags. Which, admittedly, makes the idea of a containment thread for Omake appealing.

>> No.22137063

Honestly since it always seems to be the same back and forth I just started to assume it was the same anons yelling at each other. Though I will admit the argument is annoying and accomplishes nothing.

Those are fair arguments, but creating another thread seems like just opening the floodgates to every omake variant of elona getting a thread and flooding the board. Though I am a bit of a pessimist and things could turn out fine.
A bigger issue for an Omake thread is that just making one won't suddenly make anons show up to write power gaming guides for it, and again the discord users aren't going to magically start using 4Chan.

If anyone here has knowledge and willingness to make some guides or just tips on how to play the Omake line of variants then we can slap them in the pastebin. If we can't even manage that then a full thread serves even less of a point than leaving it as a footnote for this thread.

>> No.22138212

You do realize that Elona itself WAS a containment thread that the janny only barely tolerates right? Before we had a slight change up in jannies, people were arguing why Elona was even given a general instead of being kicked back to /vg/.

You can go and encourage people to provoke the janny all you want, but don't try to pretend that this general exists because it actually belongs in /jp/.

>> No.22138255

Oh, there's a good idea. Omake can have its general in /vg/.

>> No.22138269

I concur.

>> No.22138294

Elona already has a general in /vg/ you idiot. It's called /rlg/. Did you really think that this game has enough players in any of its forks to warrant or sustain a general?

>> No.22138330

Alright, I took a crack at it. Most of this was from memory, and I didn't bother to edit much. It is also not an exhaustive list, a lot of things are missing, but it's pretty lengthy as is. Feel free to use, edit, double-check, etc. as you wish.


>> No.22140011

Really good guide. One thing worth adding is that if you use a scroll of superior material on a static artifact, its enhancement value will also be rerolled based on the current dungeon depth. It's the best way for non-smithing characters to keep static artifacts competitive with dungeon items.

>> No.22140184

Right, forgot all about that. There's also placing and picking up shelters to increase their no.200 to say no 500. This corresponds to dungeon level and is an import part of running MMM.

>> No.22140318

Now with those two extras: https://pastebin.com/SrgkQNR2

>> No.22140868

Or we could just keep using this general for discussions of any variant and not reply to the toxic posters.

>> No.22140947

Frankly the general is already on life support.

>> No.22141075


>> No.22141091

>Or we could just keep using this general for discussions of any variant and not reply to the toxic posters.
That's what literally everyone wants except for one samefag.

>> No.22141495
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>> No.22141805

You already have reddit and discord, why do you have to be here too?

>> No.22141941
File: 15 KB, 359x359, 5c77ca5d67e5b21f1ea1d6a756328d5a0906bdf04c1fb58bba37d17defa93844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'm convinced. Omake doesn't belong here. Get rid of it.

>> No.22141995
File: 105 KB, 359x365, so errrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What now?

>> No.22142062

The inner gods are pretty much the end of the line. You can still try to grind the void until you cap enemies, or try to max your characters stats, see how high you can get your dungeon level, etc. Otherwise, you'll pretty much need to make a new character to experience anything new. You could always try omake, heh.

>> No.22142117

Of all the ways you could have worded this post you had to do it that way didn't you?

Huh. I honestly wasn't expecting anyone to bother. I'll throw it in the pastebin. Thanks anons.

>> No.22143741

Time to throw the party of your life
Ragnarok is a nice song i heard

>> No.22143830

I don't even play Omake, but you guys really get on edge over really dumb shit and your replies proves that.
Both sides are guilty of being whiny little autists.

Just talk about the variant you play and let others just be, it's not that hard.

>you had to word it that way didn't you?
I guess I could have done better.

>> No.22144038
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Whats the point of necromancy if pets are way better?

>> No.22144049

Roleplaying aesthetic.

>> No.22144102

What do I use to edit the save file values (.s1/s2) without EloSnack, since Elosnack doesnt have everything?

extracting gives a file but not sure what to do from there and couldn't find much info online.

>> No.22144125

What are you trying to edit, exactly? Fastest way is probably to just fire up CE and tinker around.

>> No.22144136

Killed Paels mom and exit saved like a retard on accident, wanted to reset the quest. I know its stored in gdata(250+203) but not sure how to really access it.

>> No.22144291
File: 28 KB, 567x576, 1567268600773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow you really are a heartless bastard arent you

>> No.22144299

I swear it was an accident. she fell on my dagger when mashing a. I don't want this life

>> No.22144333

Regret didn't hit him until after he triumphantly walked out of town, as Pael rocked in the corner in shock.

>> No.22144368

I didnt even get that far before regret, I immediately closed the game thus saving it. Pael didn't deserve this

>> No.22145297

FRICK getting karma for Kumiromi, the slow piece of shit. Hunting down leaves in the forest is a nightmare. Growing vegetables is barely faster.

>> No.22145326
File: 317 KB, 1282x796, I am truly blessed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no longer upset.

>> No.22145465

I don't know what kinds of enemies you tend to fight, but heavy corpses make great offerings for all gods.
Also, when you start getting panic and challenge quests, you can find unaligned altars in Palmia and Noyel quite easily. This means you can get the bonus multiplier for converting an altar very often, speeding things up.

>> No.22145517

Yeah, the altar trick is actually what I do, its sped it up a lot. I'm always too lazy to turn off my pets from eating stuff off the ground, so my gold bell tends to just eat every corpse that appears unless it has items in the stack, and even then I tend to forget.

>> No.22145575

I got a light pen, what do I use it on?

>> No.22145650

How do I stop my bloody Fox Brother from confusing me with its magic? I've had it fighting with my party for ages now, constantly keeping him full of money, yet his magic control is still bad enough to hit me ever time? Do I just need confusion immunity?

>> No.22145686

No, you need every immunity. All of them.

>> No.22145689

oh no oh dear
I'll try, I guess...

>> No.22145714

Well, on a more serious note, the real reason you need immunities is because enemies will start spamming chaos against you, and you'll keep being crippled if you don't have immunity. For now, you can just get the sage's helm to deal with friendly fire confusion.

>> No.22145900

Just use it on whatever you Unique you want.

>> No.22145901

Cool, thanks. I'll try to get that helm, kinda low on medals though. I think I remember dying when I went to go buy the void pass and I never found them again? Or I dropped them in storage somewhere.

>> No.22145915
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>Both sides are guilty
this shit again? learn some new tricks.

>> No.22145994

oh no its pol

>> No.22146190

pol having so little to talk about that they're reviving the same point over and over. even worse than tg

>> No.22146550

Just pickpocket vegetables in yowyn.

>> No.22146839
File: 3 KB, 38x54, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why wont this little shit sell anything in my shop.
I've tried things from dirty water, bad scrolls, to bad and good weapons.

It's a goods shop.

>> No.22146941

nevermind was using shitty "display only" tiles

>> No.22147003

>and I don't recall seeing any plusfags actually denegrate the Omake line itself, other than over the lack of publicly available information
I can certainly think of ways too, though.
It has zero quality control. Every single thought any dev comes up with is just thrown in regardless. And it's not fantastical content like story continuance or sidequests either. It's flavor and flare, events, or crazy obtuse grinds.

There are certainly features that are interesting. Many of them. But as a whole the line is inherently offputting.

>> No.22147011

You could have just killed the program rather than exiting properly with esc. Like hitting the window's x, hovering over it on the task bar and middle clicking the preview, or end task in task manager.
I prefer to just keep a ton of automatic backups just in case I seriously fuck up like a retard. Helps against random corruptions and other failures as well. In any game that doesn't keep its saves server side.

>> No.22147086

Christ this topic has literally gone on for three days straight. There is literally more of this tangentially relevant meta discussion than anything pertaining to the actual game. How long do we want to spin our wheels about how bad it is?

Should we discuss how it's terrible because it doesn't have E+C's better systems? Or maybe we should rehash the points about how it's slowpaced and badly designed? Or maybe we should reword and rephrase how 1.22 is a fundamentally flawed version of the game because the story essentially ends before the game really begins? What about repeating how utterly redundant the game gets because custom content potentially invalidates the entire game?

We get it, Omake is the worst game ever made. The general isn't going to die just because people don't post in it every day. Let it rest already.

>> No.22147150

Early on in the game, should I be focusing more on dv or pv for my armor?

>> No.22147167

PV, always.
DV is something small to play with far later on, if ever. Nothing to rely on or prioritize in any case.
Sometimes you want as low DV as possible for training's sake, though there are items for that specifically.

>> No.22147383

Fuck off with these outdated psychological gimmicks. Infiltration via first-person plural is no longer viable. Learn some new tricks.

>> No.22147393

Hello how do you guys think a realtime elona would work? I've been brainstorming with /agdg/ for awhile and i might give it a shot. Movements are not tile based

>> No.22147489

If you mean the speed part, probably something like superhot, I'd imagine. Otherwise, it could probably just be translated over as is. There aren't to many things you'd need to stop and think about, and for those you could just hide in a corner.

>> No.22147702

Wasn't one iteration of Elin realtime? I vaguely remember seeing a video of it years ago. I think it showed off poking around a few houses and how combat worked.

>> No.22147859

this? or do you mean that 3d elin with tall slim pixelated characters?

>> No.22149005

That isn't made in HSP is it?

>> No.22149288

Pretty sure Noa responded on a reddit post about Elin's Inn saying since elona he has done everything in Unity.

>> No.22149313

Found it so no one else has to waste their time with that awful site.
> I've been using Unity and C# for my games. HSP might be still a valid option if you are making a variant. It might be also possible to replace the database and the graphics Elona uses and make a completely new game out of it. However, I'd recommend to stay away from HSP if you can. Elona foobar sounds attractive too.

>> No.22149582

Thanks anon. Now just to wait for Noa to find the right person to finally finish a game.

>> No.22150008

whats a strong one?

>> No.22150024


>> No.22150029


>> No.22150072

>Gave my bell a gamma shift core
>its never used it even once even though I set it up and everything
waste of a wish

>> No.22150127

Does your Bell even sustain combat long enough to build Gauge?

>> No.22150146

He kills everything that comes within ten squares, and I ran through a few dungeons with just him. Tried a level 12, a 33 and a 54 (I'm level 45) and he never triggered it.

>> No.22150180

Because his gauge probably never hits the maximum. His speed is probably giving him too many spare turns in between combat, which means that unless he gets a massive surge in gauge, after a kill the gauge just drains out.

>> No.22150187

Darn, I guess that makes sense, thanks. I don't have anyone else who ever gets their gauge up since the bell just kills everything. Maybe when I start getting deeper into the void.

>> No.22150229

If I remember correctly, you should be able to test if it's working using a Sandbag. I'm pretty sure that hitting a Sandbag still builds up Gauge.

>> No.22150232

I haven't found one, but I'll look for it, thanks. How would I get a pet to target it, or do they do it automatically?

>> No.22150250

They *should* target it automatically once you engage. There's a Sandbagged guy in the Noyel Jure Festival iirc

>> No.22150252

Neat, I'll head there this winter. Blessings of Kumiromi on you!

>> No.22150911

If you've made it to South Tyris there's no need to wait, the casino has a sandbagged guy in the back.

>> No.22150930

No, I'm still in what is known as act 1. I don't want to kill that boss on level 45 of Lesbianmast, there's tons of stuff I want to get done still without progressing the plot. But thanks.

>> No.22151092


>> No.22151102

i forgot the name ok

>> No.22151495

Just make it a 2d Zelda that focuses on sandbox features.

The only thing you lose is Gwen the innocent is replaced with Gwen the pitiless. And she still drops the secret treasure of the innocent. There's not much reason to stay in act 1 and a lot of reasons to move on to act 2.

>> No.22151539
File: 238 KB, 1432x844, Graal Simple UN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I...Guess. Any preparations I should do? Make sure I have some good stuff in my ranches, rather than just putits and a cute fairy? But thanks

Also, a 2D Zelda with sandbox features? Why does that make me think of Graal Online.

>> No.22152048

last time i played when you kill the act 1 boss "time progresses" which means herbs on farm get to grow, don't know about the animals

>> No.22152065

reasonable. I'd sure love some more herbs, or at least less stomafillias/curarias.

>> No.22152200

So how about that MA nerf eh?

>> No.22152270

martial arts?

>> No.22152486

Anyone want a really old version of Plus? I am still playing 1.50 can't care about all the changes to be honest

>> No.22152532

not based

>> No.22152605

I honestly cannot remember what 1.50 had in particular. Was this before the panty crafting nerf or after. I'm pretty sure I still have some elona versions in the 1.4X backed up but even those I barely remember what was there.

>> No.22152618

It was before the materials gathering nerf. I wanted to play crafting but trash tier material gathering was nerfed and it was the last straw

>> No.22152638

Oh yeah and I remember the Palace was added to the housing options shortly before that

>> No.22152701

Oh yeah then that is a long time ago.

>> No.22153627


>> No.22154925

>the materials gathering nerf
You mean the Puppy Cave no longer having gathering spots?

>> No.22156298

>I...Guess. Any preparations I should do? Make sure I have some good stuff in my ranches, rather than just putits and a cute fairy? But thanks
Put a bunch of breeders in ranches, kill off all of the offspring, pick up everything in your ranch and sell it. You want it to be cleared out so you can make the most of new offspring and new goods over the three years.

>> No.22156303

Any suggestions on what would be good? I have a cute fairy in one because I want a non-god copy of it, but the max "breeds" it can have at a time seems to be 1. I also have a unique monster, some blue dog that makes me a few shades, but also caps out at 3. Then I have a putit. Even if I progress the 3 years, won't the breeding caps stop them from filling up? So I should find something more useful or rare possibly...

>> No.22156305

Oh, and, can I also only have 3 ranches? I'd totally prep a dozen or more if possible.

>> No.22156507

bear in mind that you're capped at 15 pets/follower/allies so you'll better plan ahead before to decide how many ranches you'll want

>> No.22156652

I have all my extra ones stuffed into the Dojo, and my current "going around" team is about 5. Plus the three I have in the ranches, I was also able to take out 4 or 5 more, so does that mean I could set up, say, 4 more ranches?

If you could, would you give me some tips on something good to breed? Putits have been giving me charisma, but I'd like something that's useful for gene engineering, high levels, powerful allies, good stat/resistance corpses, etc. Should I just find pets that give darkness resist (like stalkers) or poison resist (like scorpions)?

>> No.22156793

you can try getting a farm too as some of the rubbish from the mobs can be turned into compost and the drydocks on ranches can be used to preserve fruits and veggies.
i'm pretty sure most lvl 1 mobs can breed fast enough but rabbits do make more sense for their valuable tails and rats have downright the best breeding power in the game.
an advice i can give you is to remove all the straws and trees if you can help it,that stuff count towards the item limit at the ranch and you will feel it at the 3 years timeskip.

>> No.22156919

Don't bother with elemental resistance pets, the resistance you get from eating corpses alone will cap off and you might as well use the slot for something like a rabbit.

>> No.22156946

Thanks! OK. I'm gonna prepare a rabbit farm, a rat farm, a putit farm, maybe a Sheep farm for that good ol' food. I'll pick up all the trees and move them and stuff. I mean, I hope I can move them, if I recall, they weigh something like 300lbs each

>> No.22157047

Pretty sure if you can't move them you can burn them down.

>> No.22157072

Ooh. I'll save my wands of firewall then, that's a nice tip. Thanks.

>> No.22157163

rats breed pretty fast,so they're great to practice cooking but you may want to replace 'em while you're on your path to kill zeome with a fairy instead
or cut 'em down with a chainsaw/axe with the right action,but takes a long while and you may ignore that if you're not gonna craft furniture with the 'pot

>> No.22157201

OK, I'll keep an eye out for a fairy. I assume the "Cute Fairy" doesn't count? One of these, I presume? https://elona.fandom.com/wiki/Fairy_(NPC)
Not sure if I've seen them. But I'll try to find a chainsaw or something and craft some junk from the trees if I can't burn them. Thank you. I've already gotten to level 45, I just haven't fought he boss. I think level 44 regenerates (?) so I'll go there to find one.

>> No.22157310

Darn, none of the levels in the dungeon of lesimas regenerate. That sucks. Where should I look for useful pets to capture? The void is too hard for me to "solo", but if I take my pets I have to constantly put them on defensive/intercept modes and they can still sometimes kill something.

>> No.22157312

OH, level 45 regens. Oops.

>> No.22157329
File: 772 KB, 1282x796, Is this the right fairy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the correct fairy? The image on the Wiki is different.

>> No.22157374

yes,it is the wiki always shows the pic that's used on vanilla elona first

>> No.22157380

Ohh, okay. Thanks. So far my idea is to have on my ranches:

Rabbit, Hermit Crab, Troll, Fairy. Not sure what else I could put. I'd put some of my unique low level ones for shades, but they have a "cap" so it seems pointless if I'm trying to rely on the three-year time skip.

>> No.22157403

Ooh. I might add a cupid of love.

>> No.22157408

They removed all materials gathering spot from regenerating dungeon like Puppy Cave, Doggod forest and other. Wimp out on the Void

>> No.22157506
File: 550 KB, 1282x796, Zeome, your time has come.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22160586

Good luck, anon!
Incidentally, if you turned on Custom's stronger Zeome AI, be careful: it still applies if you run into Zeome as a void boss.

>> No.22160993

Oh, that sounds fun. I'm not sure if I did, but he died after a good little fight. I think I was the only person in danger during the fight...

>> No.22161415

I don't even know what the issue is, but anyone who unironically calls things or people toxic doesn't belong on the internet and will co-opt, censor and infiltrate anything, sucking the life from it. If you can't handle words then get off the fucking internet, you massive puff.

>> No.22162153

Are there any mechanics or wacky stuff that was eventually patched out in later versions? i saw someone discussing older versions and got curious about it

>> No.22162160

Piss got added
Martial arts was nerfed
those are the worst things to happen between versions

>> No.22162185


>> No.22162351

What, you've only ever known Custom-G? Must be nice to have never even heard of the hydration system.

>> No.22162388

that sounds disgusting

>> No.22162418

I don't think there's anything people like that was removed, exactly, but there are a handful of annoying things that have been added.

Probably the most disliked change was the thirst system. Your character gets thirsty over time and starts losing stamina if you go a while without drinking any potions. If you drink too many you get distended and can't drink any more, though you can still throw potions at yourself. There's a pissing special action which makes you thirstier and generates a pool of urine.
The amount of gold you get from clearing dungeons got drastically reduced and lots of people didn't like that.
Reusable items with cooldowns have a new requirement where you need to sleep once before using them again.
There have been some really bizarre nerfs, like Ano's way of discouraging multiwielding was to add a hit counter that tracks how many times an enemy has been hit since their last turn. Once it gets high enough you start doing reduced damage.
Another one is that if you stand in one spot fighting for too long then the game summons a group of enemies who have an unavoidable instant kill attack.

There's a mod called Elona+ Custom G you can install on top of Elona+ Custom to undo that stuff.

>> No.22162460

the pissing stuff sounds like some trolls weak fetish

>> No.22162699

Pretty much every nerf that Ano did encouraged me to just map reset farm to oblivion and never bother playing "legit" again.

>> No.22164266

>Another one is that if you stand in one spot fighting for too long then the game summons a group of enemies who have an unavoidable instant kill attack.
wat ?
that's even more retarted than the pissing thing

>> No.22164384

It's an annoyance, but most people don't get to the point where it's relevant because it literally takes 10k turns to kick in.

>> No.22165408
File: 463 KB, 877x618, DogVomit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even worse about the pissing mechanic is that if you are over hydrated and take enough damage at once you or enemies piss themselves.
And you are incentivized to piss on enemies since it can induce the fury status on them. Pretty sure you can fill bottles with urine to Chuck at enemies as well.

Either Ano has a blatant piss fetish or is the densest person on the planet.

>> No.22166548
File: 600 KB, 1024x1024, 1569079912565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least bloating is my fetish

>> No.22166635

I should be feeding my pets steaks but because they're all little girls I can't bring myself to not make them grand parfaits every time instead.

>> No.22166642

Are non-meta builds really useless in Act 3 of Plus like people in the Elona discord say?

>> No.22166644

>He makes them fat instead of healthy
You don't truly love them anon

>> No.22166653

But anime taught me junk food is a healthy young girl's primary food source.

>> No.22166688

define non meta

>> No.22166701

I guess it's a good thing you don't think it's semen anime taught you well

>> No.22166710

Yeesh. You can clear the game with anything that does damage, it's just the amount of time it takes that changes.

>> No.22166714

like firearms

>> No.22166720

Piss easy, just get enough speed to not get rushed down and enough HP to not get instagibbed.

>> No.22166830

It isn't in Act 3, and it isn't in Act 4. It's post game with Inner Gods that usually people want to minmax because the numbers skyrocket. You're not going to have issues not playing like a munchkin throughout the Acts.

>> No.22166843

The only things that are useless are eye attacks.

>> No.22166851

I cleared act 3 with a Juere no magic tourist with only 200~ stats and a couple of generic pets that were weaker than me.
You'll be fine.

>> No.22167037

You can take absolutely any "build" as far as you want with enough time and effort.
And in standard Plus rather than Custom-G, there's been enough nerfs to shit like multihit, MA, and whatnot that "meta builds" don't pull that far ahead anyway. So it really doesn't matter.
Even in Custom-G the stronger shit is more for fun being overpowered than anything else.
But seriously
>Divisive Civil Unrest
What in the ever loving fuck are you doing?

>> No.22167050

What exactly is wrong with firearms again? Based on all the ingame math I know, the fact that lasers ignore range penalties should actually make them the best ranged weapon type.
>weapon dice doesn't matter because the damage bonus from tonfas, blue spirit/cestus, and stats will dwarf the difference in weapon dice several times over as the game goes on
>weapon pierce scales like ass because prot dice (the only thing it modifies) only go up into double digits, meaning it'll save you a couple hundred damage at best when you aught to be doing thousands, the only pierce that matters is 100% (which got patched into being impossible) and vorpal because of the prot percentage reduction is the part that actually matters on PV. Ranged weapons can have vorpal on demand via ammo.
And then of course you have the inherent benefits of special ammo's huge AoE potential, range enabling more-aggressive abuse of fury states, actual shield skill (two handed, dual wield, and martial are all completely barred from it), easier training than magic, etc.

If anything just plain vanilla melee+shield is way, way worse because you'll be doing the same-ish weapon damage but without all the benefits of range or ammo.

>> No.22167171

Ranged can't compete with two hand's multipliers, dual wield's multihits, or martial arts's sheer damage. It works and it's safe and easy, but in terms of damage output it's on par with weapon+shield at best.

>> No.22167280

Damage is one of the least important things in Elona, speed and survival is far more important. Ranged isn't underpowered for taking more turns to kill something you had to overlevel to use melee weapons against in the first place.

>> No.22167317

What? isnt damage the second most important thing behind speed? the faster they die the less you need to tank

>> No.22167321

>Player skill experience is now 3 times [what it was in vanilla Elona].
>Pet skill experience remains 4 times the amount [gained by player characters in vanilla Elona].
>This is to address the fact that training the player character was not as efficient as training pets, but there are a lot more ways of gaining skill experience for the player.
E+CG 1.92 when? Is the branch just dead now?

>> No.22167326

just change exp multiplier on the secret beach house

>> No.22167329

Better kiting and positioning ability via range equals less tanking. This is roguelikes 101.

>> No.22167343

Next you will tell me there is a whole guide to kiting in elona,this isnt a real time game

>> No.22167352

Branch is kill unless someone else picks it up. An attempt was made for 1.90 but after that there wasn't any takers.

>> No.22167369

What does real time have to do with anything? Just stand out of damage range. You can shoot anything on screen, while being outside range for melee and the large majority of special actions. That directly equals less damage taken.

>> No.22167379

Oh hell. I can live without most of the crutch features but custom AI was just gamebreaking in such a fantastic way.

>> No.22167388

what was in your opinion the last good version?

>> No.22167403


>> No.22167406

I mean 1.90CG

>> No.22167763


Lasers are the best ranged weapon, with melee shotgun a close second, only because it's not really ranged anymore. Ranged is a lot better than most give it credit.
Fixity anchor helps ranged quite a bit, with x1.5 + armor/100 to the damage multiplier in plus, and ranged is straight up the best skill set in oomsest.

However, there are downsides to ranged. You are capped at 1 extra attack instead of 3 with melee, or 3-7 with MA. Burst gives you x20 for 40 total hits, but it does 1/3 damage, or x13 effectively. That's still better than melee, but you also have limited ammo so it's more of a boss kill move. Melee also gets swarm which can give it a lot of extra attacks with the right circumstances.

Pierce only works that way in vanilla, every other version changes it so the % reduced is affected by pierce. In plus the math works out to ~3x damage with 100% pierce, you can get that with pierce ammo, but then you can't use burst and it's also limited.

The other special ammo types likewise reduce damage and only provide a small boost. You can use fusion or living weapons to get most of the benefits of magic and explosion anyway, and on melee weapons too. On demand time stop is really nice, but you can use this as a backup with any combat style.

Weapon + shield has always been the weakest build, why would you do more damage if you focus on defense? It's for people who have a hard time staying alive.

In 1.92 MA and 2h and pretty close, with 2h edging over it with a min-maxed build. Ranged would be in 3rd, but having easier boss kills.

>> No.22167764

Whats the opinion about this version? this was before the MA nerf correct? also i remember someone here posted a exe with increased monster spawns,i dont know if that was version specific or worked anywhere


>> No.22167769

Ah, it's probably not armor/100, but I forget the exact amount.

>> No.22167943
File: 20 KB, 1494x217, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid question,would pic related work with the the modded i quoted?

>> No.22167977

Nevermind,playing that exe doesnt make the other stuff work,woops

>> No.22168569

He posted a patch/diff or whatever later on I think, either in that thread or one of the next few. So you could find and apply that code to 1.90.4(.1) at least.

>> No.22168613

Elona isn't hard and all permadeath is opt-in. It's a grind game and the best method is whatever trains your character the fastest. If you use guns to kill things you're going to take longer than, say, a 2H character. The 2H will move on to the next thing faster, and since they do more damage they'll finish that faster too and move on to the next thing, and so forth.

>> No.22168941

what version nerfed MA?

>> No.22169230

Where does magic fall viability wise? i dont see much of a point if there isnt a way to get meteor stocks reliably

>> No.22170571

>Pierce only works that way in vanilla, every other version changes it so the % reduced is affected by pierce. In plus the math works out to ~3x damage with 100% pierce, you can get that with pierce ammo, but then you can't use burst and it's also limited.
Oh god damn it, back to lightsabers for now then. I guess now it's possible to artifact fusion up a fuckton of vorpal someday at least.

I do wish weapon attributes would get reworked because they go from not mattering whatsoever to being completely homogenizing depending on if pierce does something at all.

>Elona isn't hard and all permadeath is opt-in. It's a grind game and the best method is whatever trains your character the fastest.
Well that's, like, your opinion, man.

>> No.22170583

You want to train some magic either way because buffs are a massive stat supplement and relatively easy to maintain a training schedule in (just hotkey each buff and hold it down for a few dozen turns when your spell potential gets high).

Attack magic/hexes are grind hell and because everyone just does meteor for magic endgame anyway you almost may as well just do something else for damage until you get to meteor because there's almost no actual carryover benefit from grinding the worse spells. I think Kai did get some pretty good damage out of maxed Elemental Scar Ice Bolt on a wet enemy though, or maybe that was just a Elemental Scar cold-damage weapon against a wet enemy.

>> No.22170734

Isn't it an Escar Lightning Bolt on Wet?...

>> No.22170840

a question regarding omake , will picking exorcist make it impossible to obtain evil weapons ?

>> No.22170937

Nope. You can still obtain them, the main problem is how rare they are outside of directly wishing for them.

>> No.22170963

long grind is not a problem for me, as long as the chance is above 0

>> No.22171123

I got my first evil weapon from trading with an adventurer, though I had burned a wish or two on justice weapons prior. I don't have it up to test it for you atm, but I'm pretty certain you can equip it even with Exorcist (I never bothered equipping it because it didn't match at the time and the weapon is supposed to break if you try to uncurse it).

>> No.22171339

I think it only breaks if you bless it, otherwise it should just be immune to uncurse effects. Later on you can use the fighters guild to convert them into hero weapons, once you've finished growing them.

On the plus side, 1.92 adds in +pierce with weapon skill. I don't know the formula, but it's probably up to +50%, since it was based on MA.

On the downside, enemy armor skill lowers pierce. It's only 1% per 40 skill, so it's an endgame concern, but your pierce will drop almost in half against capped enemies. Vorpal is immune to this, I don't know how the +pierce with skill factors in, some terms and conditions may apply.

>> No.22171701
File: 913 KB, 584x792, 76599898_p9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about this goddess,why is she always naked?

>> No.22172421

She finds clothes too constricting.
But she also hates perverts so she tries to cover herself with wind if she thinks someone is looking.

>> No.22175710

>what version nerfed MA?
1.91, although it's stronger up until skill level 900 or something like that. I'd say overall it's more of a buff.

>Where does magic fall viability wise? i dont see much of a point if there isnt a way to get meteor stocks reliably
It's strong in every version of the game. In omake it's good once you get past the early game where you can't cast anything, and outstanding once you can make and cast your own spells. In E+ it's widely considered one of the better builds but I don't know how it stands up to, say, an optimized 2H user.

>> No.22175720

Exorcist decreases the chances of non-cursed items in your inventory becoming cursed. It doesn't do anything to the spawn chance of cursed items like evil weapons.

>> No.22178154

Can i breed god pets in a ranch or do i need to constantly get their first reward again?

>> No.22178345

Can't breed godpets.
Need to do the rounds of grinding favor.

>> No.22178364

I'm pretty sure I've breed the small fairy a couple of times, it just takes time

>> No.22179970

>I do wish weapon attributes would get reworked because they go from not mattering whatsoever to being completely homogenizing depending on if pierce does something at all.
It's a little bit better in Omake because the multipliers are a lot higher and the raw numbers tend to be lower. Though more pierce is still ultimately better than more weapon damage.

>> No.22180486

What are mages supposed to use on their hands early game? tonfas or artifacts with +spell power? and late game i am assuming 3 random living weapons with +spell power?

>> No.22180620

You've pretty much got it. If you find something with useful resistances that might be worth using that as well. It may also be worth using a shield since their PV bonus is pretty strong and you can still reach 100% casting chance with light armor and the warmage class.

If I remember right, you can't stack multiple sources of spell power in E+. Dual wielding also hurts your casting chance more than the warmage feat can fix.

>> No.22180760

>If I remember right, you can't stack multiple sources of spell power in E+.
Completely incorrect; you can stack sources, but the effect is capped at a total of 2x spellpower. Where did you hear this, anyway? This isn't the first time someone's shown up here recently with bizarre misinformation about E+'s game mechanics. Unpleasant to think that there's someone out there tricking people like you who are just trying to help others...
Anyway, more importantly, you completely overlooked the benefit of using a claw or tonfa. The Shield Tonfa, in particular, provides excellent defensive bonuses without interfering with spellcasting (other than possibly from its weight).

>> No.22181143

Settle down. Between E+ and Omake, one implements a spellpower cap and the other limits spell enhancements to a single item and I got them mixed up. That anon already knew about tonfas and claws generally aren't useful to a magic user.

>> No.22182036

My wife, shame there's not more art of her

>> No.22182064

re-enables the gerobug capturing trick.
wut gerobug trick

>> No.22182125

It's explained in the gerobug zombie section, but:

The title causes an npc that vomits (and generates the item) to have it's data copied onto a monster ball in slot 0, if you have one there. By default picked up items go in that slot, but some exceptions apply. You can use the wizard console to check what items are in what slots, even outside of wizard mode.

It doesn't change the level on the monster ball, so if you catch annother npc first the normal way, it's level will be used for the monster that overwrites it.

>> No.22182386

Literally who

>> No.22185081
File: 44 KB, 479x640, 1569707988037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want a winged snail to breed shades? are shade corpses important or something?

>> No.22185391

In the past, Shade farms would breed extremely quickly, and could be used to generate different monsters (since the mechanic was that if you took the Shade out, it would end up becoming whatever monster it was copying). Dunno if that still works, but before the farming update Shade farms weren't bad for just getting standard farm mats.

>> No.22192484

Man, I love this game

>> No.22194152

They turn into random monsters. I think it's based on level, so a winged snail would give a ton of random weak monsters. No idea why anyone cares about the whole "shade" thing, honestly. Personally, I'll stick to lame horses.

>> No.22194502

chink elona


>> No.22194521

How? That looks and plays nothing like Elona. I don't get why it's being called that.

>> No.22194710

it is just me or do scrolls change colors between playthoughs? in one file oracles are green,on other red,etc

>> No.22194949

Indeed. Potions too, except for those with unique sprites.

>> No.22194970

that's as far from elona as it gets

>> No.22195499
File: 462 KB, 1443x835, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also here is a funny fact about this version,because everything is already identified you can get items from the little sister quest WAY before you are supposed to as long as you already saw the enemy or NPC who has it

example,wanna get inner ehekatl frisia staff? just look at her,run away,go to the little sister dome and claim your reward,there you can duplicate the staff that you never got at all from the inner god

here for example i claimed the flayer and vice staff before i obtained them from their respective sources so i can make my leveling way easier than intended

>> No.22198809

w-why does your UI look so clean and fresh

>> No.22199522

Looks like a little sister mod.

>> No.22199726

Not him, but it's Beautify for elonaplus1.90 or whatever. Might be for 1.91, but should work on 1.90 anyway (Easy to diff 1.90 vs 1.92 to check for compatibility).

Personally I do like the form/shape of the base interface. It's much cleaner and simpler.
But I don't like the sisters replacing icons, the strong saturation of the yellow/orange/tan everywhere, the clock being changed from the previous beautiful one, the HP/MP bars being sparkly shite, and all the sprite/icon/item/etc changes. So it's a pretty hard tradeoff.
And default certainly has more charm and feels more iconic.

>> No.22200049

I don't even notice the sister icons. Though I do notice the clock, probably because I look at that thing so often

>> No.22202005

>finally craft living staves to pump with spell power
>i need to physically kill stuff with it,magic wont count

>> No.22202304


>> No.22202732

>To become the strongest wizard Harry you need to be a staff master monk

>> No.22202852

i am just kind of frustrated,how do pure spellcasters level living weapons then?

>> No.22202861

Pure spell caster.

Pick one, and only one.

>> No.22202921

Every cool wizard needs a intimidating magic stick

>> No.22203204

Cool wizards aren't pure spell casters. Even Gandolf had a sword.

>> No.22204003

Puppy Cave to start off. Eventually you move up from there. Or just give it to a pet that only uses melee and have them level it up.

>> No.22207141

yeah, just do this. I had a high speed pet with 3 hands who I just had kill everything with shit sticks

>> No.22209665
File: 589 KB, 695x396, xnkVgq5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes one heavy boy

>> No.22209684

Can you astral pen or dominate it? what happens if you manage to kill it?

>> No.22210658
File: 77 KB, 415x353, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come there are two sprites on top of each other?

>> No.22210714

Because the body you're using probably has its own hair/clothing/etc and the default stuff is still there too.

>> No.22210784

Right. I'm a dumbass. Also never used custom PCCs before.

>> No.22211963

how...how are you supposed to defeat that? Also, why did you blank out the extra info...?

>> No.22212035

Extra info has nothing to do with the chaos child. It's info about the player's cargo capacity etc.
And spoilers, you don't fight it. You kite it until Gavela saves the day.

>> No.22212293

I enjoy playing the small amount of Elona I've played, and I like seeing what you can do further on, but man do I have no idea how to progress beyond doing quest boards and dungeons, and just buying and upgrading shit gear in to all the other nice stuff.

>> No.22213496

Honestly, the best part isn't doing things beyond the grind. It's the grind loops themselves.
Getting lost in them, both optimizing and doing them, and intentionally forgetting everything else, is just so absolutely pleasant.
The occasional rewards and upgrades I both learn of, aim for, and come across randomly are nice feedback and motivation for continuing. But the real reason I play is for the grind.

>> No.22213558

me too

>> No.22215339
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>Extra info has nothing to do with the chaos child. It's info about the player's cargo capacity etc
That doesn't really answer the question.

>> No.22215447

When in doubt follow the story.

>> No.22215507

Elona is a slow grind, good to play while listening to podcasts, audiobooks or voice works.

>> No.22216152
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>tfw no zeome husbando

>> No.22216179
File: 1.83 MB, 3044x2214, 44816970_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22216280

A cat is fine too.

>> No.22216615

Just give them to your pets

>> No.22216726

Do you guys have the mirror for 1.90?
Can't find it in the archives and I don't feel like playing with the whole pissing aspect

>> No.22216969


>> No.22218604
File: 6 KB, 540x62, every time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for some Ara ara.

>> No.22219476

mah, mah

>> No.22220718
File: 28 KB, 571x445, NmZWDiU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god... I just got this for my lv 18 martial artist from a vending machine on a lucky day.

>> No.22220902

Congratulations. You have found the extraordinarily rare, rumored about, Useful Godly (TM). Use it wisely.

>> No.22221149

>Sound *****+

>> No.22222445

Those gacha balls have never given me anything good, what the heck.

>> No.22223761

Your fault for workshipping anything but the true God Ehekatl

>> No.22224690
File: 1.68 MB, 1500x1500, not nice prank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22224742

Very scary, very mean bully dialogue. Definitely a good reminder to ALWAYS keep backups though.

>> No.22227242

what are some good shopkeeper feats ?

>> No.22227348

For permanent shopkeepers you can generally skip Tie Up and Business Smile. Business Smile is a bit awkward to use on top of that.

Aesthetic Sense is generally good as the first choice. Proprietary Sales isn't actually all that effective (if you're running a dedicated shop that you constantly keep stocked). Elegance is helpful.

>> No.22227607


>> No.22228872
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x768, elonaplus_2019-10-11_16-12-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried to penetrate this game several times and I've never managed to get past the initial stages of getting murdered in any dungeon worth exploring. What should I be doing next to progress? I think I need to be increasing my stat potentials, so I've got a pet that makes me breakfast now, and I've been giving her the ores I get from farming (the only skill I've trained so far, at about 70) so she can train cooking.

Also got some pretty bad ether mutations. If I remember correctly, the only real way to get potions to cure those is to sleep in the king's bed until you get a lucky day, then play the casino, right?

>> No.22228891

How do custom gods work in oomSEST?
I see the text file templates for the god, servant, and gift. And judging by the gods folder I see that I have to turn them into .god files or something, but I have no earthly idea what the values in the templates mean or where I would find an altar to worship them.

>> No.22228993

You've got 70 Gardening? Get the Knowledge of Magical Plants feat; Violent Garden will carry you for a while.
How many facilities do you have set up? If you have a Ranch, you could train your skills for a while to be able to make picnic baskets.
>sleep in the king's bed until you get a lucky day
Totally unnecessary for blackjack; just eating some blessed food for the minor luck buff should be enough. If you're really bad at Irvan Blackjack you can bet extra and Fold on bad hands, but it's better to just dig up plenty of casino chips, look up how the AI plays the game, and practice. (Your pets have the material harvesting skills, right?)

>> No.22229021

Damn, I just spent my most recent feat point on something else. Will get that next. I have 3 fields and my starter cave, nothing else yet.
>Your pets have the material harvesting skills, right?
No idea!

>> No.22229519

Take the hypnotism feat and use it to cheese early game fights. Since it looks like you're on elona+, strings assassin is a good alternative. With your gardening skill is so high, you might be even better off taking knowledge of magical plants instead.

Ether disease and mutations are two different things. Mutations can be cured with semi-common potions of cure mutation, ether disease needs potions of cure corruption, which are a bit harder to come by. You get one for free from the king of palmia near the start of the main quest, so you could go for that. Bless it and it'll cure three ether corruption symptoms. If you have a big stack of casino chips you could try betting five at once and then just fold if you go over 21. If you don't have a bunch then just keep waiting for the lucky day. Any bed should work, it doesn't have to be the king's, but at any rate the RNG can be very uncooperative. The lucky day +777 to luck is a huge boost, the +77 from ehekatl's statue or the +100 from blessed food don't compare at all. If it's a really serious problem and you've already used the king's PoCC then wait for nefia fever to start and hit as many low level dungeons as possible. During nefia fever more gathering spots spawn and it shouldn't take to long to gather enough casino chips to win a few PoCC without a lucky day.

Don't worry about stat potential, there's not much you can do about it for now. Try to sleep around 9 pm to guarantee a breakfast event. The only real solution to potential in elona+ is to obtain a steady supply of blessed potions of potential.

For now try doing what dungeons and town quests you can. Save up platinum to learn skills. Don't use platinum to increase potential until you have all the basic skills your character needs to function. I highly recommend picking up the riding skill as it can easily double a low level character's speed. Just buy the best horse available in Yowyn and you're good to go. Speed is the best stat in the game, being twice as fast means you're twice as good at almost everything. Later on you may or may not want to give up the riding skill to boost your own speed via AP, but that's still a ways off.

>> No.22229578

So if I'm not worrying about stat potential, how do I progress? How do I get stronger combat-wise? Surely if I want better gear I have to go higher level dungeons, which I'd need stronger base stats for? This is the wall I hit every time I try this game.

How do I get a supply of these potions?

>> No.22229997

get money , tons of it.
then invest into magic vendors
they can get you oracle scrolls for more money, or material scrolls and potions
once you have a big stack of money you have to travel the world investing into merchants

>> No.22230026

Hrm, I thought that some of the folks here had written up a translated guide for this. I don't have the files handy, so I'll just go over the general aspect of implementation. Generally if you're going to be downloading from a template then you're either going to be using the F8 implementation (this is version and custom god specific) or the .god file you place into the User folder will have a Show House implementation. Gods that don't have a show room map will generate an altar wherever you happen to be, Gods that do have a showroom map will use the map as the primary altar.

Otherwise if you're doing a manual implementation, you need to have all of the individual files set. That includes the basic information for the God (this is the general info file, the one with author, name, etc.), the information for the God's Servant (下僕), the information for the Jewel (宝物) and then the Artifact (アーティファクト), then the information for the God's form when wished for (降臨/願い). The last piece of info it normally asks for is a showroom map (This is optional last time I checked). If you look at a template this info is typically the .txt files and .bmp files. Manual implementation uses F8 as well, and this creates the .god file if you don't have one.

So technically, you could take an existing template and modify the base files to make them fit, or just copy the syntax over (anything that works for overhaul will work for SEST, though I don't remember if SEST added extra dialogue lines, but missing dialogue lines usually don't cause a problem). You'd first want to start with the base God file (most of the info should be fairly simple until you start getting into the give parts, because you're going to need to know some of the item and skill codes. Give defines what things your God accepts as offerings, bonus is skill bonus for serving the God, special power is the ability (this is typically a formula), Food bonus is blessed food and Special food bonus is for the artifact manjuu iirc.

You're going to want to get a hang of the files one by one. Find the spreadsheet that had the data values for things if you really want to get in depth with it. Otherwise, just find a template that works well for you, take a look at how the data is arranged and modify it slightly as you like (like sprites, names, and such)

>> No.22230070

Grab the early Da-i-thalion from the Novice Knight quest in Yowyn. These will tide you over for a while. If you're willing to grind early, go find low level Fort dungeons, which will generally spawn Blades in large amounts, you're looking for a Crimson Belt drop here. Fort and Towers also have a chance to spawn chests somewhat irregularly, so that can help slightly. Towers are there for Happy Bed farming.

If you're willing to grind further, once you have the Crimson Belt drop, every new drop then creates a Stardust, which can be used to push your gear up (early levels should be done with gold rather than the Stardust). It isn't advised to grind this too hard unless you're using map refresh (which really makes the whole thing moot), because without map refresh you tend to spend too long walking from dungeon to dungeon (and this early grind is really for the point when you can't kill Lomias reliably to farm party time quests). If you start to accumulate gold, go to the Adventure Seminar and take every single lesson until you get the Crown Point shield (this is one of the earliest guaranteed fireproof fire resistance shields available).

Ideally he'd do a round of investing into other merchants first before the magic vendors, so to improve his investing and make the first round of 50s cheaper to hit for the magic vendors.

>> No.22230201

Sweet, thanks for the info. I'm guessing for money making I should be taking up fishing+cooking or performing?

>> No.22230228

Performing is a gamble until you have very high skills
cooking fruits vegetables fish whatever you get is pretty fast
nonetheless you should try a party quest at least once, because you can steal the best cooking tools from there

>> No.22230249

Guess I'll keep doing my gardening stuff and level up cooking on the side, then. I've been using the oven in the chef's place over in Vernis and stuff hasn't been selling for much, but my cooking skill is only like 15 or so.

>> No.22231323
File: 60 KB, 800x600, momoyo likes to hit things.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What weapon do you want to focus on? Do you want to use magic? What armor type(weight) are you using?

Usually for combat you just go killing and hitting monsters around and it will level up slowly, make sure to use a flag and set your pet to DEFENSIVE so they don't kill everything you could be hitting.

>> No.22231405

The loot in elona is extremely RNG. This means you can find amazing loot in a lvl 1 duneon, and terrible loot in a lvl 6666 dungeon. Expect for puppy cave which hard-codes some nerfs in. So, you can totally crawl weak dungeons looking for loot.

However, I've found a lot of my best gear from blacksmiths and black markets. You can just focus on making money and building up your shops early game. Then just buy your way to victory.

>> No.22231691

OK. I found the Omake appendix on the wiki that has some codes.
I still have no clue what any of the sections in the text template means since I am an idiot, so I guess I will just start throwing numbers into it and trying to import them until it doesn't break.

>> No.22232937

>What weapon do you want to focus on? Do you want to use magic? What armor type(weight) are you using?
No idea, wasn't going to focus on a weapon skill until I actually found a good weapon. Same goes for armor. Not really interested in magic while I'm this new to the game, I'm already pretty overwhelmed.

>use a flag and set your pet to DEFENSIVE so they don't kill everything you could be hitting
Didn't know I could do this, thanks!

Is it worth buying a museum or a better house to get more income?

>> No.22232995

Museums give you platinum, assuming you have uniques' figurines in there.

>> No.22233003

That sounds great. I'm sick of the miserable trickle of plat I'm getting just from doing requests.

>> No.22233415

That's why I recommend using a downloaded template from one of the Japanese sites, Samplia is generally the easiest reference point to start from. (https://wikiwiki.jp/elonacstm/%E9%AD%94%E7%B4%A0%E3%81%AE%E3%82%B5%E3%83%B3%E3%83%97%E3%83%AA%E3%82%A2).). If you have something like notepad++, checking encoding isn't an issue. But on top of this, you should go look on the wiki for the data value table, there should be one for elona+ at the very least, and what you're looking for generally is the "range" of values.

If you're willing to actually put the work into it, this is the Japanese tutorial site, which, as one would expect, is entirely in Japanese. http://blog.livedoor.jp/blackcrow_mh/archives/77446019.html Of particular note here is that this has the table values for overhaul. (The page that I linked you to is specific to the general god file, not the other components such as servants and what, but they have guides on that as well). If you can't read Japanese, I don't know if Google translate will help out at all because they use a very casual/roleplayish approach to the guide.

The table values all use their own individual links (ctrl+f リンク:give.用識別子一覧 for the link to the give values, replace give with bonus, specialpower, etc.). The most confusing line to most newcomers trying to make a custom god is miracle0. http://blog.livedoor.jp/blackcrow_mh/%E3%82%AB%E3%82%B9%E3%82%B4%E6%8C%87%E5%8D%97%E6%9B%B8%E7%94%A8/miracle.txt is the "explanation file" for it. Again, I dunno how much Japanese you can read, and I don't know which parts you have no clue about, so I'm only going to address a part of it.

>> No.22233464

Miracle0. works off of a "line template". If we look at Samplia for example, that line template is.
miracle0. "Magic force,魔素開放,16,3,100,3006,1000,{faith} / 200 + 1 + {attb} /10,{faith} / 70 + 2 + {attb} / 5,{faith} * 3 / 150,60,{faith} / 50 + 100 + {attb} * 3"

This is 12 data slots, which from left to right is "English name, Japanese name, Related Main Ability (like Bolt Spell, Meteor, Holy Veil, Speed, Hero, etc.), Type, Stamina Cost, Target & Range, Skill Power, Dice Count, Dice Face, Damage Compensation (so the +x part from ndn + x), Element, Elemental Strength) <- This is just taken from the Japanese guide.
Out of those, the only one that isn't immediately self explanatory should be the target & range parameter, so this is the table for it.
9006:ボルト (Bolt)
2006:アロー (Arrow)
3000+(射程):ボール、射程3のボールの場合は3003 (3000 denotes the Targetting type as ball, the secondary number is the range, so 3003 means a ball spell with 3 range)
10000:メテオ (Meteor)
3000:自分が対象 (Self targetting - i.e. the ball with 0 range.)
8000:任意の方向 (Free targetting - directional)
I omitted the second instance of 2006 because I'm pretty sure it's meant to be an example.

Again, I'd recommend if you're serious about going about this, to grab each of the links and copy paste them into one document (for each of the general file's categories). If you need help with translation try Google first, and if it fails I can do it for you but I'm not too keen on translating an entire site, so copy paste sections or something that you can't get Google to decipher. (Though when it comes to specific mechanical explanations, they're pretty straightforward.)

>> No.22233622

Many thanks anon!
I'll try using Google and Bing translate each section of those links to try and fuse a reasonably coherent trash translation out of them.

>> No.22234066

You might want to try Jisho too.

>> No.22235013
File: 356 KB, 1280x764, hunting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a good weapon doesn't always make the man! Having a poor weapon might even be better because you will have to hit things more times, therefore training your muscle(skills)!

You can change weapon types anytime you want too, losing only a bit of damage and accuracy. The Tactics will keep the damage reasonable.

>> No.22235035

So if I'm gonna throw plat at a combat skill early on, tactics is a good one? Assuming I'm wanting to play melee anyway.

>> No.22235110
File: 59 KB, 640x360, training.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I like to keep Tactics, Weight lifting and main combat skill at 100% or more at all times. Make all hits count!

>> No.22235459

How do I make the riding sprite less ugly? My char becomes a bald mannequin the moment I get on my horse.

>> No.22235919


Post from Noa (?)

>> No.22236175

yup it's him

>> No.22236218

I guess depending on how his release build of elin's inn goes, we might as well lump any discussion there's supposed to be in here as well. Though judging by his description of it, it seems like this is a pretty small release package.

>> No.22236367
File: 1.01 MB, 1536x966, f9mgv3o282s31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another post was made by him on a new Elinn sub they just made.

>Hello everyone, this is a developer of Elona and Elin's Inn.
>Elin's Inn is a game set in Ylva where you make a new comm and expand it as you like. Fans of Dwarf fortress kind of games(gnomoria, towns, kingdom adventurers etc) might find its gameplay familiar.
>It has made a good progress last year but lately I'm having some problems such as motivating myself (as always) and thinking about which direction the gameplay should focus. Also, finding bug is getting more and more difficult as the game becomes larger.
>Elin's Inn is my last attempt on making games and I'd very much appreciate if you can help me with your feedbacks and ideas(and bug reports too).
>I will prepare a demo and upload it shortly(hopefully tomorrow).

>> No.22236405

I'll definitely be there to check it out!

>> No.22236626

Noa's actually interacting with people in a public forum? Someone ask him to clarify that Elona's source code (not resources, source code) can be distributed freely, so those autistic nips will stop hoarding it.

>> No.22237570

It is worth to invest in blacksmiths? or simply black market all the way for equipment?

>> No.22238160


>> No.22238946

Any mayor difference between 'Omake Overhaul' and 'Omake Overhaul modify Sukutu Edition South Tyris'?

speaking as a player that usually doesn't get too far in the game

>> No.22239001

OOMSEST is more English friendly than OO is, and that's generally what most people care about. A lot of the additions are for mid/later game.

>> No.22239005

very well i just assumed the OO english hack was better


>> No.22239099

Sorry last question! whats the lastest OOMSEST version? i can only get this file as the drive is dead "oomse_southtyris_20190403"

>> No.22239474

I was sure I remembered an english custom god guide for omake overhaul somewhere, so I went digging and found this in a text file.
Not sure how outdated it is compared to oomSEST (if someone sees something blatantly obvious let me know) but it seems to at least match up with what this anon was saying. Describes the file for the god, the gem, and gives the OO appendix values. However it does not explain the artifact or servant.
I guess it would be easy to find a guide for custom items and NPCs somewhere though. Not sure, never bothered with custom stuff.

>> No.22239642



That file should be good enough, I think you just have to copy it over vanilla 1.22 and it should work. Someone else did the intermediate steps needed.

>> No.22239971

Are there higher ranked harvest time quests? Swear when I played before there were ones with a quota over 20 that gave better rewards, but I'm only getting the 20 ones.

>> No.22240039

I think that's based on your Fame.

>> No.22240054

I have about 2800 right now, guess that's not enough.

>> No.22240064
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Many thanks!
