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22082923 No.22082923 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a thread for Gensoukyou itself?

>> No.22083229


>> No.22084633

A land ripe for conquest

>> No.22084640

I dont remember that evil lair being in gensokyo.

>> No.22084641

A land filled to the brim with man eating demons. A shit place to end up in when we all die.

>> No.22084715

but at least we might be fortunate enough to smell just one of the touhou girls after all of this time and then we might end up getting murdered for that

>> No.22086615

Not me. I'll run fast enough!

>> No.22088542
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I would kill for ZUN to make a fully detailed map.

>> No.22088632

How big is the human village supposed to be? Is there a population count?

>> No.22089068

He's left enough clues to piece together a map yourself, TPDP and eratohoTW do it right.

>> No.22089602


>> No.22089629

What’s your survival strategy if you suddenly woke up in Gensokyo one day?

The only rule is that you’re stuck as a normal human with no special abilities whatsoever.

>> No.22089767

That answer needs a location
Am I in the forest?
In the village?
In Yukari's bedroom?
Gensokyo is one of those places where a few kilometers means everything

>> No.22089783

There's a nice bird's-eye view of it in one of the manga but i can't find it right now.
It's pretty big for a village.

>> No.22090017


>> No.22090073 [DELETED] 

Easy Mode: You wake up at the Human Village
Medium Mode: You wake up at the Bamboo Forest
Hard Mode: You wake up on a cliff on Youkai Mountain
Lunatic Mode: You wake up on the Moon

>> No.22090186

I'd rather he not. One of Touhou's main attraction has always been the vagueness in which you can arrange the pieces however you want without being told "you're wrong", save for the few absolutes.

Phantasm: You wake up and Rumia is staring at you. Time to think and act: 10 seconds.

>> No.22090230

>Phantasm: You wake up and Rumia is staring at you. Time to think and act: 10 seconds.
Just move a few feet away and be quiet. She won't be able to find you again in her darkness.

>> No.22090376 [DELETED] 

Beat the shit out of her and left her to local lolicons? Protip, phantasm is actually pretty easy.

>> No.22090383

Beat the shit out of her and leave her to local lolicons? Protip, difficulty wise phantasm is actually pretty easy.

>> No.22090386

...at least it was before Yukari fucked everything up.

>> No.22090476 [DELETED] 

Don't really see any normal human being able to fight back while Rumia is tearing out their throat. Either that or trying to swing your fist at a flying being capable of shooting magical death bullets at you.

>> No.22090503

OK, again since you can't read. Difficulty wise phantasm is actually pretty easy.

>> No.22090504

Danmaku particles aren't deadly unless they're made of deadly things. Rumia's a character lower tier than Cirno as well. She probably isn't very physically strong.

>> No.22090550 [DELETED] 

Still have the problem of trying to punch something that can fly and attack from a distance. Unless you go to bed every night hugging your rifle, you won't be waking up with any weapons like that.

>> No.22090570

>10 seconds
Rumia is lazy as hell, allergic to sunlight and dumb as fairy. If you can't outrun her sorry ass you're massive fatso and you deserve it. If you can't outsmart her you're dumber than fairy and you deserve it either way.

>> No.22090581

Implying any of the dumb faggots on this board could beat any youkai, even Rumia.

>> No.22095011
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>> No.22097142
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>> No.22097424

The question is, would the rifle convert to NL danmaku or have a similar NL effect in Gensokyo? Don't like the opposite possibility.

>> No.22097461
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Why is everyone obese?

>> No.22097637

That aside, baked sweet potatoes are also used as danmaku bullets, so I don't see why literal bullets wouldn't.

>> No.22099585

who is the artist

>> No.22101780

>Phantasm: You wake up and Rumia is staring at you.
Nah. Rumia is stupid and can't see through her own darkness. She's medium mode at best. Waking up next to Mystia or Chen is phantasm mode

>> No.22101900

>Human village is twitter.
I don't remember twitter users being a oppressed minority.

>> No.22101909

For a land made by evil inhuman monsters for evil inhuman monsters, it's not that unpleasant.

It would still be better for everybody if the entire place was destroyed by a fiery apocalypse.

>> No.22101911
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shouldn't the Hakurei shrine be somewhere over here? In EoSD Reimu went from the shrine to the misty lake before reading the scarlet devil mansion

>> No.22102072

That's assuming she's flying straight. Given the mist, I doubt it.

>> No.22103764

I'd say it's more likely that the SDM is located on the west side of the lake. Reimu's shrine is supposed to be relatively close to the human village, after all.

>> No.22106766

Rumia has Down's syndrome, so even said dumb faggots would easily outsmart her and run away.

>> No.22113757

Rumia doesn´t have down syndrome. She´s just stupid and lazy. She´s pretty much the youkai equivalent of a basement dweller.

>> No.22114249

No, it wouldn't.

>> No.22116953

How so? Name one decent person that would suffer if all of Gensokyo simply ceased to exist.

>> No.22116987

Name one decent person.

>> No.22117006

Keine is pretty alright, I guess.

>> No.22117081

The human villagers you lot jerk off so much?

>> No.22117391

i want fat mami to sit on me

>> No.22118550

The human villagers would only benefit if all of Gensokyo was destroyed.

>> No.22123126

But that's a healthy bodytype.

>> No.22129930

So is it literally impossible to see the outside world from inside Gensokyo, or is it just surrounded on all sides by natural obstacles? What does Gensokyo look like to people that are just staring at say, the location of the Hakurei shrine from outside the barrier?

>> No.22130159

They discussed this in WaHH. Marisa has tried flying to the "edge" of the border, but after a while and seeing nothing but dense forest, she turns around, only to end up back at the Hakurei shrine in less time she has been flying towards the edge.

As for the outside world, they prolly see nothing but a dense forest untouched by humans. Or something like that to that sense.

>> No.22130412

>The human villagers are canonically all trapped in Gensokyo.
How can anybody argue Reimu isn't evil for maintaining the Hakurei barrier?

>> No.22131738

Who are you quoting?

>> No.22133329
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They don't want to leave, you newfag.

>> No.22133480

Like how people in Pyongyang think their hellhole is paradise and are ignorant of how better off the rest of the world is?

>> No.22133839

You know, I never really realized it, but whenever this kinda discussion pops up, I like that people just assume the outside world is "better".
I mean like, is it really? We may have better technological advancement, but can you really say everyone is happy with how this world is?

>> No.22133845

gonna have someone paint a landscape for me but I want it to be Gensokyo anyone got wallpaper resolution pics?

>> No.22135505

Personally I prefer my modern comfy lifestyle with all my basic needs met instead of living in a semi-rural edo period-esque Japanese society while coexisting with deadly flying man-eating youkai with magic superpowers.

>> No.22135566
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You think the people inside Gensokyo are happy with their lives?

>> No.22135725

Yes, humans can be happy anywhere, specially where there's little else to contrast it with. Happiness isn't a 20th century invention you know,

>> No.22135734
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I'm just wondering, you don't have to be so defensive.

>> No.22135813

Standards of living can be different though, 13th century Europe had a life expectancy of about 30 years old. 16th century Japan had a life expectancy of about 40 years old. Yes, people in the past could probably experience roughly the same amount of happiness we experience today but we're technically still "better off" thanks to technological, medical, and scientific advances. It can be agreed that living a longer life, the convenience of food, and the ease of travel is strictly considered better, right?

And saying Eirin can solve all the medical issues is a cop out.

>> No.22135888

She could though
The average joe just isn't going to be able to afford it in the abundance we can

>> No.22136255


>> No.22136256

I know why he doesn't make one, but I would too

>> No.22136266

Reimu's shrine is on the eastern border, "near" the village. Misty Lake is past the village, and SDM is probably on the opposite coast. I think.

Where the characters go in games is not always indicative of where places actually are. Also game dialogue is, by ZUN's own admission, not reliable which is how you get weird stuff like, I think Sakuya saying where the Netherworld gate is, but it not really making any kind of sense

>> No.22136832
File: 400 KB, 1800x1145, gensokyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22137559


Your evidence for that being?

>> No.22137606

>I mean like, is it really?
Yes. Feudal standards of living, especially compared to the modern world, are bad. And that's about the only at least somewhat objective measurement we have. You can try and argue "Muh society", but that is a incredibly subjective thing usually more dependent on your place in that society.

>The average joe just isn't going to be able to afford it in the abundance we can
An "Average joe" in this case being a dirt poor farmer living slightly above substance level.

>> No.22137648

Not really. Most people seem to tolerate it well enough, and it's not so bad to be unlivable. But their entire society is essentially only kept functional through hope. And the only human villager in the entire franchise that talked about his lot hated living in Gensokyo so much he decided to off himself.

He said "happy with their lives" not "capable of being happy". Unless sex doesn't exist in Gensokyo, people are going to be capable of experiencing at least a temporary state of happiness.

>> No.22137694

The truly grim part is that even the most backwards places in blackest africa still have a better average standard of living than Gensokyo
No place is beyond medicine or internet now, no matter how remote
Technology and mass industry is just such a potent force

>> No.22137707

I mean, trying to argue Gensokyo is better is a bit romanticist and reactionary
like its pretty, sure, but unless you end up becoming a hermit in Miko's mini-dimension or somehow become part of Reimu's clique, or something then you are liable and likely to be eaten

that or become a subsistence farmer or something
best you can hope for is to either somehow yourself become a yokai, or to join some sort-of-human-clique or religious group, or to become a magician or something like Marisa

Gensokyo is Edo-period Japan through the eyes of superstitious reactionaries idyllising it

>> No.22137733

Pretty much. Really, about the only good thing you can say about Gensokyo compared to the modern outside world is that at least wars and natural disasters aren't a issue.

>> No.22137740

thats not actually true
something like 40 million Africans or something have no electricity access, another few million no clean water access, another few million no food except occasionally

for all its faults Gensokyo does at least have clean water and seemingly generally good harvest seasons (compared to Africa where the heat and such mean that sedentry agriculture is a recent phenomenen- pre-colonial rule tribes tended to be nomadic because of the issues with water and crop yield)

overall Gensokyo is shitty to live in but perfectly liveable, presuming you are fine with being basically cattle for yokai and a peasant
- the issue of "quality of life" is especially difficult to compare because you are comparing what is basically an agrarian feudal economy with a (generally) market-economy- Gensokyo likely barely has a concept of commodities outside of crops like cotton and the Gensokyian peasants probably produce only slightly above subsistence and work and own land on the basis of male-dominant family ownership- its not comparable because certain things are basically guranteed under such a system, crop yield-dependent

Gensokyo is a lot nicer than Africa, presuming you are able to go without advanced tech

>> No.22137747

>Gensokyo is Edo-period Japan through the eyes of superstitious reactionaries idyllising it
Is it? I mean, I don't think ZUN is trying to idealize it. Considering that he's been pretty consistent about the fact that you would be horribly murdered if you went to Gensokyo.

I think it's more fair to say Gensokyo is Edo-period Japan through the eyes of evil monsters that feed on superstition and people misguidenly idealising the past.

>> No.22137772

I mean, to be clear on what I mean
Zun has taken that and then sort of deconstructs it
he said himself: "Gensokyo is idyllic and pastoral"

Zun takes that, along with the notion of these places somehow being closer to kami and such than nowadays, and then shows how shit it'd actually be

theres a veneer of idyllised Edo-Japan before Zun takes a wrecking ball to it, but people like the one stating how great Gensokyo is ultimately do fall under the "superstitious reactionaries" label

>> No.22137800

>something like 40 million Africans or something have no electricity access, another few million no clean water access, another few million no food except occasionally
Source? I know Africa is a shithole, but I have been hearing a lot of talk recently about how it has been getting better. So, I find this a bit hard to believe 40 million people are still living like that.

> the issue of "quality of life" is especially difficult to compare because you are comparing what is basically an agrarian feudal economy with a (generally) market-economy
It's not difficult to compare. It's just better on such a significant scale that it's genuinely hard for modern people to understand what it was like to live in a agrarian feudal society.

>Gensokyo is a lot nicer than Africa
Depends on where you live in Africa. Some countries like South Africa and Egypt, for all of their flaws, are WAY better places to live than Gensokyo.

>> No.22137821


oh, higher than I thought:
"The number of people without electricity access globally has dropped, from 1.2 billion in 2010 to 840 million in 2017. The bad news: The report predicts that by 2030, there will still be about 650 million people without access to electricity, and 9 out of 10 of them will live in Sub-Saharan Africa."

>Depends on where you live in Africa. Some countries like South Africa and Egypt, for all of their flaws, are WAY better places to live than Gensokyo
oh sure, places like South Africa, but those are fairly small in population compared to the amount in deep, deep poverty

>> No.22137824

I can't actually think of many humans in universe that think that way though. I guess Akyuu, Reimu, Sanae, and Marisa might count. But all of those people are in a rather privileged position and, for all of their flaws, are not exactly superstitious reactionaries.

>> No.22137852

Fair enough.

>but those are fairly small in population compared to the amount in deep, deep poverty
True. Although, I would not call the population of countries like Egypt or south Africa "small".

Also, and I know this might be a bit off topic. But the population growth in Nigeria is fucking insane. The country's population is already massive, and it's growing by 5 million every year.

>> No.22137888

I mean, its more thats how its setup
like for Reimu and all those its great
Reimu, for all her poverty, generally lives a fairly carefree life in between incidents
Sanae is literally protected by two gods
Marisa is really the only one who is somewhat 'average' but even then...

the >superstitious reactionaries I meant were more e.g. the Romanticists, the sorts of people who unironically made these sorts of portrayals of agrarian, feudal societies as legitimately good things 'untainted' by the Enlightenment and such

on one hand you get a peek at this sort of idyllic sense they would have portrayed in how the oficial doujins and such show Reimu's and others lives... then you get the various hints at how kind of fucked gensokyo is, like the hobgoblin stuff and Yukari basically saying that the household idols are all spies for the yokai, things like the implication that the yokai take people from the outside as food, that sort of thing
relative, Africa is 1.2 bln after all
really the issue is simply that by itself Africa isn't suitable to sedentry populations, now with technology we can get around that but that costs money and time and most African states only became independent in like the 50s-70s... and then when you take into account the World Bank stuff and the CFA and assorted debts (one ex-French colony was paying 40% of its annual budget to France for decades...) then its no wonder why these are only beginning to be utilized.

the population growth shouldn't be a surprise though desu- Africa is huge and as its slowly developing (in large part thanks to strangely generous Chinese loans actually) then Africa's population is gonna skyrocket

>> No.22137911

because Gensokyo is better than the Outside World!

>> No.22137916

>I mean, its more thats how its setup like for Reimu and all those its great
To be honest, that's kind of why I find Reimu so incredibly unlikeable. Her behavior just isn't all that funny or endearing considering her position.

>the >superstitious reactionaries I meant were more e.g. the Romanticists, the sorts of people who unironically made these sorts of portrayals of agrarian, feudal societies as legitimately good things 'untainted' by the Enlightenment and such
I know. I just can't think of any humans, youkai don't count obviously, that think like that in Gensokyo.

>then its no wonder why these are only beginning to be utilized.
The wars and cold war tomfoolery didn't help either.

>the population growth shouldn't be a surprise
It's not. It's always just weird to see it actually put into numbers.

>> No.22145481

Gensokyo is beautiful
