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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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22106774 No.22106774 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>22021436

Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)

DMM (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)



>> No.22106777
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>> No.22108310
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>> No.22108621

Looks like GS is slated for November.

>> No.22108636
File: 403 KB, 688x500, 1563419402914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Otogi Frontier do that Limited SSR character business or will everything be permanently added to the pool and I'm free to throw my resources whenever I want?

>> No.22108660

They've already said that during the TGS stream last Sunday. ( >>22078592 )

Personally, I'm expecting quite a mess upon (re)launch, assuming they actually manage to pull it off.

There are a few limited girls in medal exchange (Dark Odette for example), the gacha girls all eventually make it into the common pool though.

>> No.22108666

Reminder that collab gacha characters are always limited.

>> No.22108672

it has collab events?

>> No.22108695
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They have had a few, but I only recall 2 having gacha characters. Not sure if the Sneaker Bunko one had anything.

>> No.22108762

They somehow really love doing collab with dead DMM games. Aside from those, they also had collab with a few eroges,

>> No.22109738

I'll take a mess, I just want my fucking clown back/I just want to get back to fucking my clown.

Wait, what? Why are we Minette posting? Was there a Campanella thing in that game?

>> No.22109914
File: 128 KB, 1138x640, large[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SRs have H-scenes now. Not sure if it's just this instance or all SRs will have one now going forward. No idea if they will retroactively add it to old ones, probably not since the amount of SRs is a lot more than URs that need to have H-scenes retroactively added.

Speaking of which, roadmap update with stuff from the livestream also talks about the stuff they wanted to do from the last update.

Amount of text in H-scenes to increase starting from December, the all UR Dress getting H-scenes is still ongoing. Main Story postponed to November and they will also unveil a new type of Event, apparently.

>> No.22110009

the game has done eroge collabs. campanella and kokorone=pendulum from the looks of it.

>> No.22110309

Cool, thanks. Pretty happy to hear Campanella got a collab.

>> No.22110316

My favorite thing about URs retroactively getting scenes is that despite taking ages to get anything new, Hanabi's Arachne dress is a UR. That I still don't have, but still. Someday.

>> No.22111681

Aigis so laggy for last few weeks. It's freezing like never before and force you to refresh. And nothing even changed in game.

>> No.22112952
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I dont care about anyone from final round. Thanks, japs.

>> No.22113132

What, how did she make it?

>> No.22113481

Hey, that new Zhenren from a week or two ago. I'm going to vote for her.

>> No.22114024

anyone have a collage of whatever got announced in the kamihime stream?

>> No.22114139
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Not yet.

>> No.22114548

>Give all allies a barrier of 20% of their maximum HP for 3 turns.
This is a skill on the new SR maid Hanabi, is it just me or is it absolutely busted if you stack your team with hp gems?

>> No.22114867
File: 1.20 MB, 1500x1690, 5u4y632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I could find. Didn't pay much attention to kamihime nowadays since the shitty gacha and the absolute chore that is S rank spirit grinding killed all my motivation.

>> No.22114879

Anyone here know where Taimanin RPGX is talked about these days now that both infnity chan and the vg general are dead? Is the viewer project still alive?

>> No.22114883
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Spend your tickets on Dina.

>> No.22114928

I went for Duo, because i used her a lot. And i prefer Dine anyway.

>> No.22114929

I think there's a taimanin general on /h now. I lost interest in RPGX a while ago so didn't check it out.

>> No.22114942

didn't RPGX go full vanilla? why would any taimaninfag care about it when the series has always been about hardcore fetishes?

>> No.22114958

It's not 100% vanilla, but at least 50% vanilla to pander to waifufags that gacha games tend to attract.

It's just a generic auto battler and the content I'm interested in gets released too infrequently for me to care about. I'll maybe check and see if the viewer is still getting updated in a few months.

>> No.22115145
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I'm a secondary who only ever fapped to the art and doesn't care if it's vanilla.
I haven't read a single of the VNs.


>> No.22115304

how come Nutaku's Otogi Frontier is censored when I saw an uncensored gallery of it on sad panda?

>> No.22115480
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I don't know who to vote for.
Maybe someone I don't have.

>> No.22115545

1984 Kaori's is better. Her barrier lasts 2 turns, but gives 1 turn of immunity instead, so it doesn't get chewed through by bleeding/def downs.

>> No.22115692
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>> No.22115717
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>> No.22115751

yeah but Hanabi's, when maxed out, is 40% hp and duration/cooldown is both 3 turns

>> No.22115777

Oh, so the percentage added is a flat rate like debuff % and not multiplicative of the current amount like heals?

>> No.22115792

So the collab is with Ikki Tousen instead of another eroge?
DWU also smells of another collab with no H scenes.
But that sol daki is new innit?

>> No.22115831

dunno actually

>> No.22115859

>DWU also smells of another collab with no H scenes.
I would be very, very surprised. There are a number of adult products (including an onahole and a JAV) with her already.

>> No.22116004

>finally clear 50th tower floor
>get UR ticket
>its a fucking dupe
fuck this game

>> No.22116484

They also announced a radio show with Atum and Uriel's VAs which I think marks the first time they credit himes with H scenes.
Samael doesn't count because KitaEri doesn't voice her H scenes.

>> No.22116512

>came back to kamihime after a short break
>game crashes whenever I try to enter the raid event page.
Guess I will take another break. I love how these bugs are still around after 3 years.

>> No.22116543

Works on my machine™️

>> No.22117613

How many healers are there in Magicami? I'm struggling in the mid20s of normal tower and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong besides not using a healer...

>> No.22117879
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Are any of these OP

>> No.22117994

I always vote Dina. Glad someone else is doing it too. I'm kinda off lost interest in game though since I play from a long time.

>> No.22118220

What're your levels? Sub-dress levels? Although a healer is really nice, just using Buffs can help a lot too.

>> No.22118410

How to trigger the the "Welcome back" login rewards in Kamihime?

>> No.22118485
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This is what I have at the moment.

>> No.22118496

>this many different URs
drop fucking dead

>> No.22118565

URs are actually pretty common.

>> No.22118581


>> No.22118596

just reroll

>> No.22118599

at this point? fuck off

>> No.22118671

I'm sorry it's not meant to trigger anyone. Most of my URs are from really lucky ticket rolls. Just wanted some help with teambuilding and getting gud.

>> No.22118680

Its fine, what are you using normally? I feel that 2019 Hanabi could help a whole lot seeing how tower enemies, especially higher up, love abusing debuffs

>> No.22118684

scratch that, I meant Kaori, the water one

>> No.22118703

Get 2019 SR Akisa and UR Kokoa in there. Turn loss skills are highly recommended; get Arachne Iroha or UR Ao in there for freeze. If you really must have a healer, Doc Aka is okay; she can stun the last enemy while you cycle your cooldowns. The biggest thing is not to get caught with your pants down with no skills at the start of each wave.

The wiki suggests wasshoi Akisa for the cleanse/recast turn/speed buff bundle, but in that case, you might want someone else to cover attack/defense buffs.

>> No.22119043

You basically have more healers than me, so the only real problem is giving them Orbs and the like. Cheerleader Hanabi has a self-heal and a 2-turn party regen, UR Kaori has a heal, I think, with her SR 2019 definitely having one. The doctors all have a heal with their basic attack, with Aka having a debuff cleanser and a heal in her 2nd skill.

Also, strengthen your SR 2019 Akisa to 60 and maybe invest in Skills to hopefully decrease her buff cooldown.

>> No.22119159

Thanks for the tips. I think I'll try and get SR 2019 Akisa up and farm some skill fodders for her too.

I was using UR Seira, Ao, Kokoa and Kaori for the most part.

I just mixed them with 2/3 Atk/Speed Orbs. Should I explore other options?

>> No.22120449
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Anyone got any idea which of these is the best for farming bronze axes in the Otogi Frontier event right now?

>> No.22121394

There are no OP characters, the starter 5*s are mostly balanced. Vermelio's on the upper end as a leader though IMO, at least until you have enough 5*s to make a strong one-element team.

4 for bronze, 8 for silver, 10 for gold.

Also, 10 can drop the event character. 5 too apparently, but I never farmed it enough to get her.

>> No.22122954

In Otogi should I be using dupes to evolve girls or upgrade skills?

>5 too apparently
Can confirm this one.

>> No.22123735

Are there any drawbacks to starting the true route in E*S other than just being stuck on it until you finish it? Does starting it lock you out of the free quests you unlock from normal route or anything like that? I think I remember reading it unlocks its own set of free quests.

>> No.22124963

I just got a drop on 10 and I only started farming 2 days ago

>> No.22125035

I recommend using dupes to upgrade skills as much as possible, but you might want to save a copy of your 4*s for the highest evolution to save on otogi stones. And 3*/2* girls are common enough because of the normal gacha that you might as well use dupes for both. Don't forget to use skill fairies when you can, because 5* dupes aren't all that common and you usually want to equip a copy or two of their skills on other characters once you max them out.

No drawbacks whatsoever, you can even reset the route and start over on normal if it's too hard for you. You're not locked out of anything and it does unlock higher level free quests.

>> No.22125223

リズリー should be translated as Reasley instead of Risley because Rizuri sounds close to paizuri, therefore (B)Reas(t)ley.

>> No.22125468

not how English works
or Japanese either

>> No.22126292
File: 1.62 MB, 1152x651, 2019-09-23 15_40_55-ふるーつふるきゅーと!R 〜創生の大樹と果実の乙女〜 - DMM GAMES R18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lychee a cute!

>> No.22126385

>No drawbacks whatsoever
Thanks. Wanted to check because I'm coming up on the end of the normal route after finally sitting myself down to do it. It's piss easy right now and I'm soloing almost everything with two level 70 solo units so I figure I'll just go into hard when I'm done. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't screwing myself if I ended up in over my head.

>> No.22126567

Realized I've been grinding the wrong Australia mission in ES. But now I'm noticing something awful about auto
>Likes to waste Brave on healing and expensive buffs
>Will let Brave fill up to max but refuse to use offensive skills on the last wave
For example, my swimsuit Seimei will do normal attacks even though she's in a good position to nuke both bosses. Auto doesn't seem adverse to using charge skills, my weak Goemon I bring for the bonus loves using her skills.

>> No.22126595

I've noticed that they tend to act in really odd ways, but a lot of it I can at least... sort of explain? For example, they'll use big, expensive, off-type skills if they need them to hit an enemy out of the range of their normal attack. As an example, Kamehameha will use 5 brave for her Kilauea skill to hit some enemy on the back row just so she doesn't have to move up to hit it with her spear, even though her spear would likely have type advantage since it's probably a cannon, bow, or gun user in the back. No consideration is made for any following fights when she does this. Likewise, Chihaya will often use his last skill to hit a single enemy in the back line just so he doesn't have to move up, 5 brave be damned. It's absolutely something that needs work, but at least it's mostly functional if you're overpowered and lazy.

>> No.22126690

Anyone know if there's a JP wiki out there for Aigis that has drop rates for the Echidna half of Anya's event? I'm interested in which map has the best drop rate for Gadoras because I have a lot of dragons to AW/AW2 and that's my bottleneck.

>> No.22126810

I thought maybe they got them purposely saving skills to break bosses, but then my 劉邦 (forgot her actual name again) will use her 7brave nuke on the last two nobodies of a wave, where one will happen to be right in the middle of her target area, so she only hits one enemy that she could've attacked normally. Naturally, when I change her position, she doesn't even bother with the nuke, for any wave. And then the Seimei problem, which could just be her laziness but I doubt they're going that far with auto.

Honestly, auto is bad in every game but I always find myself watching occasionally as I wait to start the next run, getting mildly upset at the stupidity. It's always an afterthought in all of these grind sims.

>> No.22126841

>will use her 7brave nuke on the last two nobodies of a wave, where one will happen to be right in the middle of her target area, so she only hits one enemy that she could've attacked normally
They do sometimes also do this when a skill can kill an enemy when their normal attack wouldn't in an attempt to end the fight faster.

I've also noticed that a lot of the auto AI's logic seems to revolve around earning points for rank with the aim being whatever dumb decisions are necessary to get you to an S rank.

>> No.22126974

I don't think so. Silvers usually have pretty similar drop rates across maps, so usually you just do the lowest cost one and just quit if it doesn't drop.

>> No.22126985

I figured as much, honestly. There are two maps that have two Gadoras drops, so I'll just try those I guess.

>> No.22127031

Story mode shop restocked every month so you need to buy these gold balls. You can get some rare items easily from one of quests you unlock.

>> No.22127767

Aigis is so laggy I can barely do subjugations, and now I realize I have 30 runs on the popularity one.

>> No.22127777

The lag is getting worse with every update, the android version runs a lot smoother but I don't want to lose SC gain from playing on it.

>> No.22127798

Browser and Android should have same SC pool, no?

>> No.22127801

>AI's logic seems to revolve around earning points for rank
There's a lot of score given for buffs. So that might explain that aspect of brave waste.

I have lag on the android version, which used to run fine until recently.

DMM versions share the same pool.

>> No.22127860

>tfw PJ kills herself summoning useless fish

Granted, I haven’t actually leveled that skill, but compared to QSH’s summon skill, it seems about as pathetic as the rest of PJ’s kit.

>> No.22128265
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My ~100 votes on Char are not good enough.

>> No.22128276

Reminder to vote for Risley.

>> No.22128345
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I cant find any use for those. What are they for?

>> No.22128424

Hey, another quick question about E*S true route: Do you get any more Chihaya pieces from it? I'm sitting at 40 right now, which is a weird number, so I figure I'm missing some from something. Mostly just curious how many you end up having to buy from the orb shop, if any, to get him to 100.

>> No.22128493
File: 152 KB, 1127x586, upgrades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need them to upgrade 4* weapons into 5* weapons.

>> No.22128514

Oh, thats nice, thanks.

>> No.22128651

Hey, anyone have that Aigis height chart? Or know where I can get it?

>> No.22128724
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I have an older one.

>> No.22128750

Someone compiled the female bwh data from the profile books.


>> No.22128796

Thank you.

>> No.22129338 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 1389x173, Screenshot_2019-09-23-21-27-39-492_jp.co.dmm.fen001.unitia~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do here? It just says "let's meet with other users" yet no matter what I do in the friend section nothing seems to clear the mission.

>> No.22129560

Finished the normal route and I'm at 20/120 for the last limit break, so the question stands, I guess. Are there another 100 pieces for him in true route anywhere?

>> No.22129774

There's no way to check without going through the route again, and I don't ever plan to do it again. I'm like 90% sure I had to buy some to max him though.

>> No.22130005

>Tsuwabuki h-scene
>Cowberry h-scene
>Henna bloom h-scene

What is happening to FKG these days?

Tsuwabuki’s scene was good though. I’m expecting great things from Henna too. No thanks on Cowberry piss though.

>> No.22130616

Should be lewder

>> No.22130738
File: 358 KB, 547x317, 1549409119646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tinkerbell is a slut!

>> No.22130814

Aigis freezes after literally every battle. How could japs broke game without even adding anything new in it?

>> No.22130928

What are the dupes used for in Otogi Frontier?
Is it only being a replacement for evolution instead of materials?

>> No.22131192

Convert them into skills for other characters.

>> No.22131382

And that's it? Can't sell them for special materials or exchange items?

>> No.22131528

Nope, you can only sell them for golds.
It's recommended to just sell the characters with C and D tier skills and convert the rest into skill slots if you aren't using them as evolution mats.

>> No.22131547

> convert the rest into skill slots
So if I have dupes that have an A or B skill I should melt them down to get their equippable skills yeah?
Not very familiar with how the game works yet but it's extremely similar to FKG so far.

>> No.22131619

Yes, having dupe skills also makes it easier to level up them, since getting those skill fairies can be quite annoying.

>> No.22131625
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>truly pathetic range, which nullify whole point of her good passive
> most likely lowest damage among magic users
>not so cheap to "upgrade"
>no weapon slot to improve range\damage or whatever else
Is that a most useless class in this game?

>> No.22131709

Don't some of the skills change on character evolution though? I feel like that's an important detail.

>> No.22131743

You will always get the basic skill when you convert a character, so don't waste your materials to evolve characters before you convert them for their skills.

>> No.22131757

Probably ok if you don't have a healer/magicDPS for the given terrain, but but what can you expect from a hybrid class?

>> No.22131915

4*s and 5*s have evolving skills, and it makes a big difference. Use dupes to level up those skills when you can.

>> No.22132219

But how? If I can't extract an evolved skill, then I can't use it to level it up?

>> No.22132279

>but but what can you expect from a hybrid class
Some sort of gimmick which will justify their existence? Not just low healing with low damage in 2 steps around it.

>> No.22132442

As long as it's the same skill, as in you got it from converting the same characters, it would still work as upgrade fodder for the evolved skill.

>> No.22133000

I see.
So instead of upgrading the base (extracted) A skills, I should focus on using them to upgrade the evolved A skills on units I'm going to use, ok.
This actually makes dupes a lot more useful than in different games, though it does reduce them to nothing but skill slots.

>> No.22133007

Should I pop my pity black on the current Umbre banner, or keep waiting for a Risley/Sheng one?
I want all the LOLICEPT blacks so Umbre would be nice, but I prefer Risley, and Sheng is still cancerously broken.

>> No.22133025

You'll get off bannered, with units you don't want.
I know because I have all the lolicept, but I don't care for him at all.

>> No.22133273

Is someone going to update the PeroPero gallery in sandpanda soon?
The servers are going to shutdown in a month, and everything is basically free.
I'd do it myself, but I have no idea how to rip the game assets directly...

>> No.22133363

>and everything is basically free.
This means what exactly?

>> No.22133426

You can't buy anything with Nutaku money anymore.
A set of premium gatcha tickets are now 100 game-coins for individual tickets, and 1000 for a set of 6, (Normal tickets were 1500 Coins, for reference) so you can burst through and unlock everything, given you go and draw everything one at a time.
Level up items are 100 coins for a set of 50 +5's as well, (lvl 100 is max for everything) so you can level them up for their scenes easily.

>> No.22133528

Also I just checked the Facebook page, you have about 3 weeks...

>> No.22134185
File: 85 KB, 492x163, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do i get these tickets?

>> No.22134231

Your new favorite Japanese word
It means "click this shit"
The 20 AP one

>> No.22134340

Hey, other Artwhirl anon, did you get your ticket for the Floria costume promo? I pulled it out of the box but I don't have any option to use it on anything in the gacha.

>> No.22134640
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>> No.22134917

If you're talking about ホジョチケ (support tickets), you need to trade them in at the shop to get dressup (or episode) gacha tickets.

>> No.22134964
File: 58 KB, 343x216, ztC4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this rng, even a sr orb's better than this

>> No.22135122

I want Ivan but there will be limited one in future. I might skip if I controlled myself.

>> No.22135222

Aren't they all limited?
I don't see any newer characters in gacha.

>> No.22135251

I'm not sure desu but Ivan won vote for special costume last time. Going after the special costume one is more than inof since I might get the other as off banner someday. I'm not sure if they update their gacha though or will have specific character banners from time to time.

>> No.22135305

Don't think so, PJ got added to the regular Gacha and I presume Team Australia too did. Only the swimsuit variants were limited so far.

>> No.22135312
File: 94 KB, 1136x640, fruful022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess Swimsuit version will do for now...I want her regular version though

>> No.22135315

You also get 30 Chihaya pieces from reaching rank 47.
No idea if you've taken that into account.

>> No.22135320 [DELETED] 

>Spend 70 rolls on her
>Get none 6*

It's been like this for more than 100rolls though, I can't believe how much shit luck I have in this game.

>> No.22135625
File: 470 KB, 1219x911, that Sakura cleavage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taimanin RPGX is having it's one year anniversary, get your free stuff while you can. It also looks like some of the equipment set bonuses have been altered/buffed so maybe some of the useless ones are viable now

>> No.22136041

Otogi Frontier EN and Kamihime EN are having a collab right now. The rewards are... good enough for the effort needed, I think, assuming people playing one aren't playing both already.

>> No.22136390

According to in-game notices, you can actually also gain the rewards for playing the game(s) on DMM.
Unsure if they just mean Kamihime English on DMM or if Otogi is also included.

I actually got into Otogi just now, it filled the void after Nutaku FKG got the shaft.

>> No.22136508

>It also looks like some of the equipment set bonuses have been altered/buffed so maybe some of the useless ones are viable now
Good thing I didn't pawn off all my blue/purple ones yet to escape from the 493/500 cap hell I guess.

>> No.22136559

I've been playing Otogi Frontier EN on DMM and that's where I saw the collab notice, so...

>> No.22136579

That's interesting.
So if you play both versions you'd get rewards on both platforms? For two games that means 4 reward pools total...?

>> No.22136670

>Nutaku Otogi doesn't have uncensored scenes
Literally what is the fucking point of its existence then?

>> No.22136786

Wasn't there supposed to be a free EX pick envelope in kanpani?
I want my complete Siegrid collection fuck

>> No.22136837

I can't claim rewards in Otogi despite having like a 2 or 3 year old Kamihime account, but I can claim rewards in Kamihime...???
this baffles me too, especially since there is an uncensored gallery on panda, so the uncensored pictures must be available and reachable

>> No.22136901

It's back now.
So the old elements are done and what's left are the ones I had planned. And that includes: FS gacha (who's on rate up, what is the bonus item, how many draws are needed, etc - the most basic info), and then the paid deals since even tho images say a lot, they don't always say it all.
We no longer have someone to update pages like "Premium Gacha" (I'm not sure if it was visited much anyway) so I thought that perhaps placing it on MP so that it's not only noticed but also edited by potential higher number of visitors / editors.

>> No.22136936

120 paid shine stones include tax

>> No.22137036
File: 2.82 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_2019-09-25-10-48-31-488_jp.co.dmm.games.flower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>second rainbow from (D) ticket

Thanks Nazuna, also what happened to the memorial gacha?

>> No.22137046

> what happened to the memorial gacha?
removed, for now
might rotate with other gacha types
I'm pretty sure many people were upset that there was no RG gacha with last batch so they prob need to figure out a way to deal with it, perhaps increase some gacha's pool of featured knights or things like that

>> No.22137050

Goddamn that fairy is greedy.

>> No.22137244
File: 149 KB, 1130x630, FreeLime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More daily free rolls in fruit girls until 10/3. Also looks like there will be a special gacha with double rates for 6*s at the end of the month.

>> No.22137684
File: 153 KB, 1136x640, fruful023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice...someday I'll get Shiranui

>> No.22138264

I'm still mad that Kamehameha and Billy lost the 3* poll to the boring half of it. Fucking Kay of all people took first.

I haven't. I'm 43 right now. Good to know, though, thanks. Sadly, the wiki's been a little slow at adding stuff like story maps/rewards and other things so I'm flying blind on what's all out there for free.

>> No.22138811 [DELETED] 

Guess will redownload. What the best way to get evolve material since daily uses so much ap and has shitty drop rates. Also how is raid sr compared to gacha ones? I have school yukikazi and some evil sr units.

>> No.22139220

Someone pls respond.
There's over 1500 cards and dozens of lewd animations, all free for the taking.
The DMM server is already gone, and there's hardly any of the CG's out on the net at this point...

>> No.22139339
File: 1.18 MB, 1132x637, Screencap 2019-09-25 194205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally broke this shitty luck strike, after over 300rolls without any 6* and I finally got her.

>> No.22139456

Thanks, I'm dumb. It gave me one of the shitty non-CG 3*s.

>> No.22139462
File: 95 KB, 774x375, 8468657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need 9 fucking horns to finish 3 characters right now. They are so much more common in recipes and i hate it.

>> No.22139806

What would be a good UR orb to make for Arachne Iroha? Primary speed with secondary debuff accuracy? Or should I do secondary attack?

>> No.22139921

>playable oni ninja
Oh wow. It's not the masked goofball we all know and love, but I'll count my blessings.

Maybe he'll get to be a gold rush unit, alongside Decius and papa Nurarihyon. Even tiger dad could come back as some kind of evil hermit.

>> No.22140599

Just press F12 and take the assets yourself, d00d

>> No.22140687
File: 14 KB, 112x112, Scared Panda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...But I have no idea where to derive them from?
Given everything is running off flash, I wouldn't know where to start.
I suppose I could find a screenshot wizard to take shots of a particular area, but then there's the CG's and animated cards to worry about.
I don't think the Nutaku Discord would be forthcoming with helping me rip their assets, though they might be willing to compromise to this shutting down game.
I also have maybe enough time to get about half the full collection under my current schedule.

>> No.22140707

No idea if this is what you're looking for, but people over there would probably be more interested since PPS was like never discussed here.

>> No.22141072

Goddess Kiss is dead at the end of next month, do the chinks have all the H scenes somewhere?

>> No.22141103
File: 29 KB, 707x150, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, please.

>> No.22141107

>Kiba gang gets its own unit class
They really finally ran out of ideas for new classes

>> No.22142182

All they've been doing is mixing attributes of existing classes for years.

>> No.22142565

>The Elite stages are all .swf files
>I have several elites that aren't in the file archives.
Well fug.

>> No.22142724

>Dupe from DMM campaign plat ticket

>> No.22143305

all my rolls in fruits have been complete shit since ssIchigo came out

>> No.22143401

I know that feel, in my experience the rates feel worse than FKG even though they're higher, It took me more than 100 rolls to get >>22139339

>> No.22143451
File: 750 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2019-09-26-12-41-19-101_jp.co.dmm.games.flower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Anemone cometh

>> No.22143478

>New Ghostweed

Finally, It's time

>> No.22143495

Variance is always going to be pretty high with low rates.
Rates have been fine for me lately. Got Strawberry(SS) in 30 rolls and Lime so far from free ones.

>> No.22143637

But can she bring monety back

>> No.22143861
File: 114 KB, 550x860, 1569513276755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Mages AW2 coming?

>> No.22144066
File: 338 KB, 1395x653, Reading is hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My illiterate ass can't figure out what to do for this rainbow water even after experimenting. It's really bugging me. I would appreciate help because I don't think the wikis have a section on this.

>> No.22144096

Use whatever an エール is to refresh your QP

>> No.22144471
File: 210 KB, 750x1200, Otogi.Frontier.full.2157700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I preregistered to otogi frontier on nutaku and been playing since the launch. Pretty bonkers game and I already got 5 5* girls, so I think that's a good RNG. BUT!
Recently I found out that otogi is also on some site called DMM. And it's supposedly better there? How? Should I switch to DMM?

>> No.22144507

I started on DMM a few week ago and I have 200+ 5* tickets.

>> No.22144550

WHAT?! I assume you bought them with real money, right?

>> No.22144564

Sometimes you can specifically target evolve materials in events as prizes but other than that you have to grind. As for even girls, they tend to be weaker than gacha srs, as is usual in these games. That said, a full team of event girls should be more than enough to handle the hardest stages outside of the arena once their levels are high enough

>> No.22144570

DMM is the Japanese platform where most of nutaku Japanese games comes from (and die on nutaku due to bad Management), however otogi on Nutaku shares the same server as DMM EN, DMM JP is ahead by 2 years.

Otogi is pretty generous at the beginning but then you realize that you only get dupes in those 5* tickets, probably if you spend around 300 tickets you might get a new unit.

>> No.22144598

No, they hand them out like candy.
I kinda dropped the game so I haven't bothered.

>> No.22144602

Around 2 hours left before Kanpani enters maintenance. Make sure to use up all limited items before time.

>> No.22144693
File: 42 KB, 739x415, images (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Out of all the girls in the game, they had to go and do the ugly bastard ntr scene with blue ponytail girl, fuck that shit.

>> No.22144800

I mean, technically, it's that world's version of the MC, so it kinda doesn't count? Music isn't even the rape-y music.

Also, Ao doesn't have a humiliation scene yet, so they were probably trying to up the count.

>> No.22144838


Ohhhhh, please forgive my illiterate ass, i can't read japanese at all. Used a translator but it's shit, also at some point she says something like "I'm sorry Tobi-sama" but without the context of the ugly bastard's identity it had a whole different meaning. Thanks for clarifying.

>> No.22145213

I ended up postponing the grind for the last mission so much.
Oh well the 2 tickets were gonna go to awakening fodder anyways.
I ain't gonna bother playing the story up to like 3-6 or whatever it wanted me to do, that takes too long even when I OHK all waves

>> No.22146507

Hey anons newfag here
How do I install FKG mobile but with the H scenes
The one in QooApp is for all ages

>> No.22146547
File: 848 KB, 1171x659, now what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Been playing TABA eng on Nutaku since launch
>Anniversary draws are garbage
>Maybe I should boot up TABA on DMM since I have an account just to see what I get there
>Draw this
oh okay

>> No.22146575

DMM Games App

>> No.22146621
File: 33 KB, 237x273, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a lewd fox

>> No.22146650
File: 33 KB, 480x269, blueberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favorite fruit?

>> No.22146755

Very creative way of advertising

>Summer Apple only has 1 scene

I guess this game focus isn't the H-scenes, some even has l2d animations

>> No.22147122

Does anyone have the new scene 3s for Aigis?

>> No.22147763


どうぞ lad.

>> No.22147872
File: 600 KB, 960x1057, Thirdpopularitycontest Final Results 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! On a side note, here are your victors for Aigis.

>> No.22147875
File: 846 KB, 960x1765, Thirdpopularitycontest Final Results 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it hilarious that a silver outranked several platinums in this.

>> No.22147897
File: 18 KB, 109x110, EldoraVotes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eldora didn't make it
I did what I could.

>> No.22147901

Fuck, Rinne will be in the banner with Shampoo and Sybilla. I will never get her at this rate

>> No.22147910

I'm surprise Diana is in top 10

>> No.22148061

Out of those 3, I'm missing Sybilla. I'll never get her at this rate.

>> No.22148063

The Least Favorite Units of Each Rarity

Iron: Desert Soldier (925), Soldier (Magic) A (972), Jungle Archer (1,387)

Bronze: Atla (464), Hayate (583), Yojiro (754)

Silver: Sanosuke (186), Tigre (318), Dwight (456)

Gold: Abel (507), Kojurou (651), Boris (995)

Platinum: Janna (558), Aida (687), Meiling (728)

Black: Nagi (10,858), Noire (12,901), Cynthia (19,226)

Sapphire: Suil (2,207), Leifa (2,309), Lahti (2,972)

All Time: Sanosuke (186), Tigre (318), Dwight (456)

>> No.22148115

futae no kiwami

>> No.22148746

Is anyone playing the new bookstore game?

>> No.22148995

Wrong game

My gurl Elesis ain't in a hentai

>> No.22149108

I see, you're man of culture.

>> No.22149150

I prefer playing as Elsword and Add.

>> No.22149245

more like the man that killed the game. Elesis is only good for demon gangbangs
Now this guy has the right idea, just add Eve into that mix

>> No.22149247
File: 1.12 MB, 800x5520, 45d7439e219cdd9144dfbda2e1f17459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she's the lewdest.

>> No.22149363

>more like the man that killed the game.
She was too good for that shithole.

>> No.22149405

dude shes literally the reason it went to shit

>> No.22149442

How so? After dropping game i watched some kr videos. I couldnt see any problems with balance or something, it was still all about reaction and skill.

>> No.22149476

Elesis was the "oh shit we fucked up" button after skill tree revamp(the worst one) and was literally just slapped together copy paste of Elsword jobs/skills, but cranked to 11, you know, the thing Elsword players wanted. But because she was so powerful everyone used her, and thats why character design spiraled into "make newest character stronger than the last" and we had shit like Add breaking everyone assholes open for months. She was literally the beginning of the end that pissed off everyone using Elsword to boot

>> No.22149724

>Threesome between Elsword, Eve, and Add
I don't like it but you have really good ideas.

I haven't played Elsword in a while, last time I played was some time after Add was added (*Cough*), but at least for me in the NA server, I didn't see too many Elesis players ironically enough. Chung, Rena, and Raven were everywhere, then Add, Elsword, Eve, and then there was Ara. Dear lord, I'm starting to remember all the Ara. Well, Elesis popped up often, but not to the point where I'd think that there were too many people playing her. This is back during a summer, I think 1 or 2 years ago.

>> No.22149744

>devs started powercreep from this character, so she's the reason of all bad things that happened
200 iq right there. Do you really think that wouldnt happen at some point? This shit is pretty old. Hating Elesis just because she was THE ONE is just plain stupid.

>> No.22150098

Oh shit Risley beat Sheng in the end? Feels good man, I did my part.

>> No.22150508

I hate you.
Now I have landmines for every tier.

>> No.22150718

My chances are:
>33% chance of dupe Shu-Xian
>66% chance of dupe Jin-Guang and Rinne
>25% chance of dupe Lapis
At this rate, I'll never get Sybilla. Also, everyone should roll for Diana as she won't show up again until the next Imperial Summon.

>> No.22150727

what happened to the Shu-xian loli some anon posted, will they release a new versión of her?

>> No.22150744

Guys, I left Elsword to play shitty gacha games, why you gotta bring back memories?

I played everyone, but I guess I mained Aisha/Raven/Ara.

There was always powercreep, but it was definitively “the beginning of the end” when Elesis showed up.

It’s a shame, the demon loli or whatever looked neat.

>> No.22150841

Nah, it was just the artist messing around.

>> No.22151427
File: 19 KB, 780x146, what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this and 26.5k gems
Is Otogi normally this generous?

>> No.22151512

To compensate for the rigged gacha which will always give you shitty dupes.

>> No.22151587

How esports is this game? I have a bunch of tickets that will let me choose a specific 5* I want but am not sure if I will fuck myself over if I just choose with my dick. Are there any "must have"s or is this the kind of game where I can just use whoever I want?

>> No.22151676
File: 85 KB, 718x766, f47fc78755a0436e205a46567737d1da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless yall anons for that Elsword sidetrack.

But my one true Elesis is from Grand Chase.

Which brings me back to why I love red hair. Aigis lacks it cruelly.

>> No.22151722

Game is piss easy aside from that twelve labyrinth mode, and a few ultra hard event battles which only give you special titles as reward, so just go with your dick. Just keep in mind that newer characters tend to be much stronger than old ones.

>> No.22151730

Thanks, guess I'll go with my dick then.

>> No.22151907

Tried it on the first day, but it felt confusing and very disconnected. Fully voiced, apparently, so that's a plus if you care about it.

>> No.22152442

>no updated cg gallery for otogi
d-does this mean I need to actually roll the units I want to see the H scenes for?

>> No.22153050

yes, have fun, I have only found some chink site that had rips when searching, but it was password protected

>> No.22153776

33% chance of dupe if I go for Risley (Shu)
33% chance of dupe if I go for Sheng (Rinne)
Fuck me.

>> No.22154078

What's the chance they'll base new seasonal units off this if they don't already have one, or maybe ask their respective artists back for another unit?

>> No.22155461

Probably, will they be better than their original versions? I doubt it.

>> No.22155870

So far the Silvers that become Golds have been reasonably better.

>> No.22156398

That's not a high bar.
Actually the bar isn't even above sea level.
No, actually the bar is six feet under.

>> No.22157619

Yeah, School Melish is god-tier plat

>> No.22158118
File: 499 KB, 622x393, 2019-09-29 07_36_03-英雄*戦姫 WWX - DMM GAMES R18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ez rolling!

>> No.22158232

I got her first step too. Dat HCG. Upgrading her to 85 will take time though. I will do gelgamish first and skip summer date for Ivan.

>> No.22158238

Might not be the right place to ask, but anyone know why Ivan is called the Thunder Emperor?

>> No.22158315


It seems that terrible/menacing in Russian is derived from a word that also means thunderstorm, and the Japanese translation wanted to reference that.

>> No.22158729

I'm so bored of popularity gachas full of old hags. They better make up for this month of nothing with mage aw2. Just kidding it will be rune acolyte aw2.

>> No.22158788

Anyone playing alice re:cord
How is it?

>> No.22159174

Generic cashgrab. Absolutely nothing special.

>> No.22159223

cute feet hehe

>> No.22159287
File: 43 KB, 802x507, 1564832523539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch FKG stream and get the usual "the stream is full, pls gib money to watch" thing
>NND changed it so you can no longer reload the page to get back into the stream

Welp, so much for that. The day when Japan stops using this shitty platform can't come soon enough.

>> No.22159880

I didn't even know there was a stream. I never get the little promo scenes anymore. I just remembered someone posted a screenshot of one a few days ago, but I literally never saw it myself.

>> No.22159934

I tried to find a 2ch thread about it but my EOP-ass can't still handle 2ch this is really shitty, I wish they gave a youtube alternative for those who don't want to get premium goodies.

>> No.22160061

I usually stalk bbspink for caps and leaks (though the fellow who usually leaks the update data hasn't been around lately, unfortunately), their mobile/browser board is https://phoebe.bbspink.com/mobpink/ and 2ch board is https://uni.open2ch.net/gameswf/

I haven't checked this stream, but they do host on Youtube for major reveals, so maybe this one got skipped because it's an art/small talk spinoff?

>> No.22160158

I guess that was the case, the teaser looked pretty interesting since they showed the sprites for the incoming ranking units but that's disappointing, still there's a month left until we can finally see them.

>> No.22160674
File: 147 KB, 1117x622, Melon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First double 6* roll from today's free roll. Too bad Melon and Lemon's weapon seem low tier. I guess double paralyze could be useful eventually, but I barely use Lemon's so probably not.

Also prease gib me Cherry.

>> No.22161814
File: 210 KB, 1134x639, unitia63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

psycho sister and moeblob nun this week

>> No.22162518
File: 1.54 MB, 1147x644, green apple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Lime nice of you to show up with the chips but the party was two weeks ago

I've found paralyze to be pretty good on maps/waves that have multiple multi-hit enemies like the tengu. Of course it'd be less useful if you've got the firepower to just kill them all in one turn.

>> No.22163062

I did abuse paralyze on normal story missions quite a bit, but my team is strongk enough now that only a handful of bosses from maps 10-12 hard are annoying.
I haven't really looked into floors 6-10 of the fruit tower yet, but it might be useful there.

>> No.22163157
File: 427 KB, 500x500, EFqs6cbXYAIpxfO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seraph Chastity
>There's only a single virgin character in all of Kamihime
>she's got orange hair and big tits

>> No.22163168

It's been like ages ago since I dropped Kamihime, but if this is really true I think I'm gonna join again.

>> No.22163673

It was Svarog sorry.
Forgot she had orange highlights.

>> No.22163724

It's OK. I have to wait longer I guess.

>> No.22163725
File: 320 KB, 2276x1280, Halloween2019_Kaori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damnit! This is not Kokoa!
Also the event started. Up two weeks instead of one this time. Akisa is the event UR.

>> No.22163782

Is there a point in playing normal route in ES again?

>> No.22163815

>Up two weeks instead of one this time.
I wonder if that's going to be permanent. They tend to have a lot of dead weeks they could fill just by kicking these out another week.

Way easier to farm the points for the story shop than doing hard.

>> No.22163833

Getting a UR from the Gacha is a myth for me. Not to mention the Gems are so little that it's usually 1 ten-roll or bust only. Got Akisa and a dupe to limit break 2061 Kokoa so could be worse.

>> No.22163929

>Pumpkin Nymph gets to cut everyone's HP in half and heal to full when they're first killed
Have to see if heal block or something works. Two of them can leave the party nearly dead.

I used up my gift gems from their TGS/DMM stream. Otherwise I'm waiting for various dresses to get added to the regular pool so I can use this pile of tickets. Well, I was waiting for that bunny outfit for Serina, but now I'm going to have to wait for this Kokoa too.

>> No.22163935

Nice of them to give them freeze, too, so that you might not be able to heal after they explode.

>> No.22164012
File: 100 KB, 400x100, beWnoM7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected, next event is the first popularity contest. Wonder when the second one will be implemented. Or since they are all different themes, they will be implemented separately?

Also, Anemone Danchos can now have their full Anemone line-up that are all Pierce.

>> No.22164027

Huh, so Dimorphotheca is our aster for this week. It seems that the flower lives up to its name by having two types of fruit: One's flat and shaped kind of like the hip bone, and germinates fast and reliably at the cost of no defensive features, while the other looks like a rattlesnake's tail and is packed with protective layers that probably let it survive in more hostile environments.

A good fit for one of these whip-swords, or some other transforming weapon, but the full portraits weren't uploaded so I don't know what she'll wind up having.

>> No.22164110

I was taking an all-thunder party so I never noticed the freezing at first, but switched someone out to see if debuffs would work and they pretty much ended up spending the entire time frozen. Then no pumpkins spawned before my attention ran dry, so no idea if the debuffs would work.

>> No.22164292

Did they stealth-patch it? It says that they deal 25% damage per Nymph now and it looks like that's how much they're doing. It's not so bad, but combined with the Light Nymphs, it's certainly troublesome.

Iko's Passive Block is useless here since it activates on their death, which is after all the status effect on them is gone. Revive Block maybe?

>> No.22164326
File: 687 KB, 800x545, EFsT5dkUwAEyQNy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22164331
File: 614 KB, 800x545, EFsT5PrUcAA8JwP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22164334
File: 602 KB, 800x545, EFsVCkzUUAAHzyx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22164340
File: 656 KB, 800x545, EFsVCYkU4AAXu4A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22164358

I can't keep up with all the Anemone variations, but is sideboob a new fetish for her?

>> No.22164363

Welp, there goes any possibility of saving my stones.

>> No.22164422
File: 297 KB, 1298x907, 1569374199332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hastur Awakening
Looks like I have to jump back in.

>> No.22164440
File: 2.51 MB, 1127x1272, Screencap 2019-09-30 030623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anemone on first 10 pull
>Ghostweed on second 10 pull

I don't know if Nazuna wants me dead soon and I have work in a few hours.

>> No.22164515

I got 2 Anemones trying for Enotera.

>> No.22164567
File: 122 KB, 889x440, 750k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I doing with my life.

Congrats. No luck with gacha here, but tickets did hand me a Mirabilis.

>> No.22164598
File: 1.70 MB, 1137x645, hatsuyukisou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm not an Anemone Danchou and I have Enotera from last year's popularity poll so I consider this a win for 1 10-pull.

>> No.22164672
File: 75 KB, 397x153, the unholy quintet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, that didn't take long.

>> No.22164682
File: 792 KB, 1136x640, 1569834081523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22164706

How well do they actually work together? At the very least, I know the new Anemone is good for pairing with the first Anemone.

>> No.22164715

That's a random helper team I encountered in the wild, so I wouldn't know. I just didn't expect to find full 5-man teams of level 100 Anemones that quickly.

>> No.22164717

reminder that monolithic corporations buying up monopolies on things is bad for everyone and nutaku is owned by the same porn conglomerate that runs pornhub and wants the white race to go extinct

>> No.22166162

>the same porn conglomerate that runs pornhub
Wait seriously
>and wants the white race to go extinct
You do realize this will happen sooner or later right within the next several hundred years right?

>> No.22167270

Two plat dupes from both plat tickets.
It's impressive how Aigis gets more annoying the older your account is.

>> No.22167470

I didn't get dupes, but I don't think I'll be using them.

>> No.22167540

>Dupe Carat

>> No.22167611

I took an all-thunder party from the start and I was getting frozen anyway. The accuracy on it is pretty high. You're lucky that you didn't see it before switching people out.

I was seeing about 25% last night, but I was also only running the third node for safety. Wasn't sure if it would go higher at harder nodes or not, but two pumpkin nymphs even on that node can get some of my girls killed. I need to experiment with some harder nodes today.

I hope they're happy, because at this point there are a ton of people that are even taking to Twitter to tell the devs to just stop adding Anemones to the game and remove her from the polls.

Yes, they are owned by MindGeek. Always have been.

>> No.22168509

Anyone have a link to that Aigis unit checklist?

>> No.22168577
File: 78 KB, 251x147, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to this gacha? i can't find it. I saw it on the gacha list but i went to get unclaimed gems to roll it and it was gone.

>> No.22168661

Anyone else having timeout issues with Eiyuu or Magicami lately? Or know of a fix?

>> No.22168706

They found a bug so they took it down until they fixed it.

>> No.22168728

>I hope they're happy, because at this point there are a ton of people that are even taking to Twitter to tell the devs to just stop adding Anemones to the game and remove her from the polls.
I dont remember any other games with such a big number different versions of same character. It's so cheap and retarded for a "game" with a hundreds characters.

>> No.22168736

Fate has a billion Seibas.

>> No.22168743

It doesn't even feel right to say this, but I feel like it warrants mentioning that even she is more interesting than Anemone, even though she's also boring as shit.

>> No.22168754

It's definitely not that uncommon in gacha shit. I have 5 version of Monique in Kanpani and they only really started doing alternate versions last year.
Sol will probably end up a with 4th version in kamihime too since she wins every popularity contest.

>> No.22169050

Technically untrue due to parallel worlds shennigans. If we take the "same character in different clothes thing" that Anemone has going on, only one character has 3 versions of herself. Most stop at 2.

>> No.22169125
File: 1.19 MB, 500x8850, The Fate Guide to King Arthur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Cough* Obligatory*Cough*

>> No.22169246

To be fair, Arthur as we know him is from Camelot, Monty Python and The Sword in the Stone, which are spoofs of the Once and Future King, which is a fanfic of Le Morte d'Arthur, which is a fanfic of the Post-Vulgate Cycle, which was a spinoff of the Vulgate Cycle, which is a fanfic of some Welsh poems or something, I lost track of it at this point. Fate is just continuing a grand literary tradition at this point, nothing wrong with it.

Speaking of which, damn OaFK was a good book. You go in knowing everything that's going to happen, and it still hits you like a brick.

>> No.22169550

Fun fact: Sol actually has less variants than Artemis who's got 4.
Sol is in 2nd place limbo alongside like 10 other girls with 3.

>> No.22169760

I'm back playing FKG after a long break. Can some of you guys add me? ID:401810087

>> No.22170112
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Is there an ETA on the popularity gacha?
Last time was around anniversary right?

>> No.22171259

Anyone cleared new mission in E*E against MC? Even my Collumbus with class bonus, def buff and 28k HP dying from nuke. And he also ignoring "surviving with 1 hp" passive.

>> No.22171285

The new event map is just a way to view the clothing break of your units.

>> No.22171347

They could just add option in character menu. This thing is now annoying me with that "new" sign.

>> No.22171370

I want to cum on these bellies

>> No.22171834
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E*S updates:

- New event coming. PVP. No ranking system. Points are earned even on a loss, but more points for higher win streaks. Three event units will be available.
- New pick up gacha for Zipang, so get your 1800 roll in.
- Increased daily map drops for the month of October.
- New 4* exchange ticket fragments available with an associated permanent shop. 30 fragments to pick any non-limited 4* in the general pool. I got one of these for my pull in the new pick up. Not sure where else they come from.
- Various updates
* Character rebalancing (too much to list, see http://www.eiyuww.com/ykFxF45_/z/api/news_Body?id=19092602))
* AP cap unlock (360 base, +2 per level, 500 max at 70, 999 excess cap)
* True route difficulty adjustment to be overall easier, plus speed/luck adjustments for enemies
* Aforementioned costume destruction quest (to address >>22171347, they're going to fix that in a later update)
* Minor adjustments to auto AI
* Various bug fixes

>> No.22172407

>which is after all the status effect on them is gone
Damn, found out this myself too.
The only revive block is on Ao 1984, which is water. And I think you need to kill with the skill for it to work, which is never going to happen with auto.

>> No.22172898

>Character rebalancing
They nerfed my oppai loli with her apple tree. Looks like someone told them how broken she is. Too bad, still going to use her tho.

>> No.22173020
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>> No.22173025

I'm not a fan of PVP in a game where you need over 5 copies from gacha just to get to max level. It feels like you need to be lucky or rich just to reach the starting line.

I don't even have a 2* or 3* at level 100 yet... aside from the welfare units, who seem to have weaker stats than gacha 2*.

>> No.22173093

Do the Russia event if you haven't yet. A good support can solo it. It shits EXP books all over you. Buy pieces for the 2* units if you need to and just push some good ones (Ector, Yan, Appleseed maybe after the rebalance I'm not sure) up as high as you can. Push your welfares, too, if you got the pieces for them. Shouldn't be too hard to put a respectable team together. I dunno about the stat comparison for welfares, since I haven't looked, but if nothing else I know that swimsuit Seimei hits like a truck, so throwing her in the back would likely be good enough even if you don't use the other two.

>> No.22173114

Only Gil seems actually broken. And if you play active - unlocked max levels for any rarity is not a problem at all. Events and story mode shop shits rewards on you.

>> No.22173188

I wouldn't say the game shits out anything. After you clear the 2 main stories your gem income is pretty low. I don't even think events give 1800 gems reliably.

You can probably get around 350-400 gold orbs a month so you can max limit break 2 4 stars every 3 months assuming you have no dupes which has been the case for the majority of my 4 stars so far. Limit breaking 3 stars is pretty rng on your gacha luck since you're limited to 60 of their shards a month. A stock 3* with no dupes taking 5 months to max limit break is a pretty bad system imo.

>> No.22173214

After honeymoon period you will be able to do 1800 draw each event. plus with event\story mode constant shops you dont need to worry about stucking at limit breaks for too long.
There's only one problem. Almost every 5 grade def. item requesting horn. And..that's all. Im not hungry for anything else so far as day 1 player.

>> No.22173422

I just didn't get enough dupes to max anything aside from welfares even after buying 180 pieces for them. I just need a little more time for the shop to restock again to have a decent team, but... oh well.

Even if I had that time, I'd still lose to the whales, which is why I dislike pvp in waifu collection games.

>> No.22173460
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>> No.22173528

>you need over 5 copies from gacha
I have a maxed Masamune, with only one dupe, get those golden orbs buy those fragments, wait for reset and max the one you want, as simple as that, even easier for 3* and below.

>> No.22173565

>welfare units, who seem to have weaker stats than gacha 2*
Can't be more wrong, as for now, only Diogenes is kinda meh, Seimei with her equipment is a crit and debuff, with very fast speed for an arts unit, as for Kojiro, she is the best single nuke in the game right now, can easily reach the damage cap without much investment.

>> No.22173580

Kojiro is in the game?
Or is it Goemon?

>> No.22173590 [DELETED] 

Someone post some cannonball screenshots

>> No.22173591

Goemon. Kojirou isn't in yet.

>> No.22173643

Goemon, my mistake.

>> No.22173717

Yeah you only need to wait for 3 or 5 shop resets to max 4* or 3* girls. That's totally not bad compared to games that let me max someone the day I get them.
I don't even mind the dupe bullshit for limit breaking, but the 60 shard limit is terrible.

>> No.22173764

Was it a nerf? I'm kinda impartial, now I can plant a tree whenever is her turn, so faster debuffs.

>> No.22173873

-30% atk tile instead of 50 is kinda big nerf even if spell got cheaper.
Chinese 2* with heal is nerfed too.
Basically, they nerfed 2 strongest 2* characters.

>> No.22173895

That's why I said I'm impartial about it, damage was reduced, but I can put those trees each turn now.

>> No.22173909

I like and use all three, but they have ~1k lower max total stats than any of the random level capped 2* supports I've seen. It hurts before I can get skills going, especially since Goemon is a front row glass cannon.

>> No.22173960

Dunno. I used tree only right before some big boss nuke. And tree stands 3 turns anyway. So for me it's actual nerf, because i rather needed high debuff power.

>> No.22174001

As long as best girl Ector is still good, I’m fine.

>> No.22174037

The timing is too convenient for it not to be around the anniversary again.
Hope everyone will enjoy their random summon tickets that don't count toward their pity black again!

>> No.22174482

I'm kinda new to E*S WW, just finished the story and got that store, saw that it resets each month and that you have to play the story again to get currency.

Doest the story resets each month too? or I can farm if infinitely until I die from boredom?

>> No.22174747

Can farm it until you die. You probably want to do 3 runs a month to get the important stuff.

>> No.22175349

I need to reinstall Tokyo Necro on my phone or something, I've got nothing but shit luck from rolling on the browser version. Even finally had a 5-star show up from a ticket but it was a dupe of someone from release.

No idea what to use my 5* quality kits on either, since I can't fully break any of these limited girls, when rolling them alone takes two runs through the step-up.

>> No.22175441

Anyone has a good event team to auto the hardest stage on Magicami?

>> No.22175444 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 305x271, towerofheroes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, somebody dug this up.

If I had to guess, they're planning on adding black tickets to the rewards purchasable from points earned in the Tower of Heroes. Not like it'd hurt them much to do so, a lot of the whales probably already have most of the blacks if they limited it to the same choices as the free level 10 and 25 tickets.

>> No.22175529

>That's totally not bad compared to games that let me max someone the day I get them.
I literally cannot think of any games that lets you max a unit off of a shop resource at the time you get them without any dupes, so whatever comparison you think you're making, it's apples to oranges if not outright bullshit. The fact that the game is one that limit breaks with dupes and lets you bypass having dupes at all is pretty generous.

>> No.22175680
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>> No.22176067

That's probably because decent games stopped using dupes for limit breaking in like 2014. No one thinks rolling a 1% or lower character and then having to roll it 6 more time or whatever is generous now a days. Making it so you can upgrade someone over 3 months still isn't exactly generous it's just less shit than the absolute worst shit.

>> No.22176209


>> No.22176214

Any game with generic limit break currency works like that. In shiropro I can store 6/7* limit break girls as long as I like and then limit break any 6/7* I roll on that day.
In this game I have to either buy orbs in advance or wait 3 months after I roll a character.
