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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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22106179 No.22106179 [Reply] [Original]

Guide and resources:

Previous thread: >>22095341

>> No.22106225

Anki is bad
KKLC is bad
Rtk is bad
Mia is bad
Ajatt is bad
If you're not native you're permanently crippled

>> No.22106353


>> No.22106446 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.22106470

when did you realize berserk was gonna be a top tier show. as for me

>> No.22106477
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Follow this guide!

>> No.22106483

This is such a good word. I don't like how it got tainted with negative connotation these days. This just shows nips don't like smart people and only want slaves who don't question and subordinate to authority.

>> No.22106686

How am I supposed to decipher kanji when doing vncore? Remembering words as pictures is extremely difficult, I can't do that. Should I do rtk first maybe?

>> No.22106804

How do I stop translating in my head? I hear that ends up crippling your japanese

>> No.22106825

Why did you even get that habit? I heard it's fucking hard to shook off once you catch that habit.

>> No.22106835

Because how else am I supposed to make sense of anything as a beginner?

>> No.22106843

It’s the duty of beginner to make sense. You need to get the hang of nip logic without translating it to English logic.

>> No.22106849

How can I make sense of something if I have nothing to compare it to? As soon as you read a grammar textbook arent you now translating that pattern back to english?

>> No.22106853

Nah don't worry about it. When I first started learning English I translated a lot in my head. Probably due to lack of input and forced output in school. Now I don't. It should go away after you've listened a lot. Switching to j-j dictionaries is also important and helps.

>> No.22106860

When should I switch to a J-J one? Im about 2k words into the core 6k.

>> No.22106891

I had a ton of trouble with kanji starting out to the point that I burned out and quit my first go. The next time I started with that radical deck and now I don't have any trouble with kanji. For me the trick was handwriting and really nailing down the radicals.

>> No.22106939

Right now is the ideal time. brit did it after 1000. """transition""" is difficult so watch matt's videos to understand the process.

>> No.22106944
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tfw you're not fluent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZMVJM74maU

>> No.22106959
File: 401 KB, 630x526, 645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I fucking hate Americans
don't they feel any shame uploading videos of themselves talking in such an incoherent manner about some dumb shit they have nothing to contribute to for anyone to see?
if your goal is just having an online diary write it out beforehand and then make a quick video where you present all the important points and everyone knows what to expect
why do they keep making videos where they just ramble incoherently and think that is alright to upload holy shit

>> No.22106972

Idk anon. I know 5 languages and I never did did such a thing ever in my life. Learning a new language means learning new way of thinking.

>> No.22107063
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What is the best kanji learning tool and why is it kodansha?

>> No.22107072

how do you think i know you don't know kanji

>> No.22107227

>drinking out of a sports bottle indoors

>> No.22107238
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stevefags btfo

it's not too late to listen to matt guys

>> No.22107252

>I worked hard on my Croatian, but since arriving here I have found it very difficult to use the language at all.

>> No.22107257

guess he should have tried reading croation for 5 years before trying to speak it

>> No.22107277

steve isn't really that good at any of his languages the good thing about him is his attitude and he got other shit to do too so he keeps expectations reasonable, he is just being real and doesn't feel the need to exaggerate himself in any way
of course you'll get better if you invest more time that doesn't mean the weird dude with 2 gay dads that spent years locked in his room doing nothing but learning 1 language has some kind of insight that others don't
especially when in fact most of this dude's insights are fucked and based entirely on his experience acquiring 1 language which he did by putting in many thousands of hours
nothing extraordinary whatsoever

>> No.22107298

>the weird dude with 2 gay dads that spent years locked in his room doing nothing but learning 1 language
That's the only way to get good unfortunately. Not including two dads for the first two or so years probably.

>> No.22107341

and yet matt even beats ciaran, who has studied for the same length of time, by a notable margin on the j-cat

matt's score:
363/400 (2019/03/23)

ciaran's scores:
305/400 (2018/09/25)
328/400 (2019)

he's obviously doing something right

>> No.22107359

well yeah you just got to consider that ciaran was a drug addicted normie going out to parties and falling off of rooftops being a hyper degenerate and probably doing nothing to study while matt was locked up in his room 24/7 i don't really see the point in comparing them when the effort they put in isn't the same, just the relative time since they started and ciaran got more serious recently so really you should look at his progress from the current point

>> No.22107372

>ciaran got more serious recently so really you should look at his progress from the current point
you could make the same argument about nuke to claim he didn't start learning japanese over 10 years ago w

>> No.22107383


>> No.22107402

this is clearly a nonsensical argument
the more work you put in the greater the results
you agree with that yeah? then it doesn't make sense to compare people who put in vastly different amounts of effort with the aim of finding out what is most efficient
if someone reaches in 2 years investing 10 hours a day what someone else reaches in 5 years putting 1 hour a day whose method is more efficient

>> No.22107425

that gap between those jcat scores is just too big to be interpreted as if your method could be anywhere near "more efficient"

>> No.22107435

why? how do you so wonderfully perform the equation between hours invested over years of two entirely different individuals japanese learning journey and weigh it with what they scored on the jcat and also weighing the difference between the scores into all that you must be a genius or rather you are just talking out of your ass retard

>> No.22107560
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My memory is easily overwhelmed, i can reliability recall 6 words per day, (according to Anki), and i don't want to recall words by elimination or by "library is the one that starts with a cross in a square"
I can recall grammar no problem, because i can analyse the components, but vocabulary is the issue

Any tips?

>> No.22107572

i don't really have an issue with matts method but i think it only proves that input is the most important factor. matt's consumed input is probably thousands of hours more than me though considering i was never an ajatter and haven't taken any of this as seriously. ive probably only read like 10-30 million characters of japanese, and watched even less anime. ultimately the only thing that really matters is volume of input and my japanese has improved more recently as ive decided to consume more japanese media

>> No.22107580

you are fucking shit up big time

>> No.22107600

are you day dreaming or something? for you meditation might be a necessary thing

>> No.22107610

simply just watch and read more

>> No.22107627


>> No.22107648

you're underestimating the time it takes to become competent. i can almost guarantee you're not reading and listening for hours every day. when i started, i read a grammar guide for a couple weeks and then the first thing i did was start reading something (looking everything up with yomichan) while doing vncore.

>> No.22107668

its the same guy who "learned" portuguese or something in 6 months and is getting upset cause his dumb euro>euro language transfer isn't working the same way

>> No.22107675

I am, but even when watching anime i can only one or two words every 10 seconds, it's extremely fulfilling but not comprehensive.
Not that i am aware
I am just taking too much time, i hear guys here are making 20 cards a day.

Maybe if i start making sentences i could really inject the words

>> No.22107680

>upset cause his dumb euro>euro language transfer isn't working the same way
>Maybe if i start making sentences i could really inject the words

jesus christ

>> No.22107728

>I am, but even when watching anime i can only one or two words every 10 seconds, it's extremely fulfilling but not comprehensive.
keep going then we are in it for the long run even if you was to read vns for about 4 hours every day for a year you would still have to look up a or two every other sentence at the end of that

>> No.22107775

>the more work you put in the greater the results
>you agree with that yeah?
no or else nuke would be better than everyone here at japanese and he isn't

>> No.22107779

I got George to rant about AJATT in his stream

>> No.22107789


>> No.22107791

No way I'm self-aware and it was fun

>> No.22107794

might passively listen to berserk for a few months

>> No.22107798


>> No.22107807
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watch youtube anime

>> No.22107809

does classic berserk have jp subs?

>> No.22107812


>> No.22107814

yes search beruseruku on kitsunekko

>> No.22107820

there's retimed ones in xav's pack.

>> No.22107821

>steve isn't really that good at any of his languages

wtf I can tell you he is spectacular at french, almost sound better than some natives

>> No.22107824

it's just anon spewing shit because he saw some other know nothing dumbass claim the same about steve

>> No.22107826
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damn tfw i was manually making my anime cards from berserk without realising

>> No.22107845

qm made his anime list hidden

>> No.22107847

wtf when was this i wanna check out what he's watched

>> No.22107891

how do I fix sub delay on https://video.fluentcards.com/ ?

>> No.22107892

what's the alternative for google IME on linux?

>> No.22107900

read the animecard guide

>> No.22107926
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>> No.22107942

can't wait for my man george to give her wife some dick.

>> No.22107957

u guys need to get out there and do all the fuckin u can cuz 1 day ur not gonna be able to and ur gonna be like george

>> No.22107962

>i told my wife you'd better be ready for [sex] in a few days
people get so addicted to porn that they don't fuck their wives. still it's way more common that their wives lose interest in sex so they turn to porn

>> No.22107979

i mean ima be real with u all its hard to stay interested in sex with the same woman for 20+ years it just is

its all about the conquest its all about squirting ur seed of life all over the place to ensure the human race continues

monogamy is for chumps str8 up

>> No.22107983

fuck this language.

>> No.22107989

now this is where pitch matters haha : )

>> No.22107994



>> No.22107999

does the first shi drop and the 2nd one is flat/rising?

>> No.22108003

well low->high i mean.

>> No.22108010

Is OPM underrated on 4chan?

>> No.22108015


>> No.22108037

which vid and when?

>> No.22108045

nah he's blaming the porn for lack of drive.
i wonder if 2d ruins your dopamine as bad as 3d. i have no desire to chase girls and i don't even try to put myself out there

>> No.22108046


>> No.22108048
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>> No.22108052

you're forgetting his alter-ego, the 'eigo egg'. george is untouchable now

>> No.22108054

2d would have a more harsh effect than 3d because it's a more idealized/perfect version of women

>> No.22108058

i think it's a very good and enjoyable anime.

>> No.22108060

in my experience 2d is pretty safe cuz 3d is full of all these fun 感覚s that u had closed urself off from previously so when u start gettin hot and heavy if ur not a "betacuck" ull perform fine

>> No.22108069

I didn't find it in the guide

>> No.22108071

i find myself zoning out a lot while watching stuff and i have to replay lines to make sure i at least hear all the mora in them. is this common?

>> No.22108075

it's section 4.3

>> No.22108077


>> No.22108078

no you have severe brain aids

>> No.22108082

read it again then you dumbass and use ctrl+f.

>> No.22108083

sounds like another effect of brain aids caused by modern internet u cant stay focused on 1 task anymore cuz ur brain wants mORe and fASter and ur thinking about all kinds of stupid sHIt and checking ur feeds and u jUst caNt Stop

my suggestion is an immediate internet detox download a bunch of anime and video games get a paperback kanji dictionary and stop using the internet for 90 days

u will come back a changed man like meditating under a waterfall shit

>> No.22108104

how many words do you think you would need to know to only see one new word every 100,000 characters?

>> No.22108110
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>> No.22108115

I just realized that knowing a lot of words is the most important thing for getting ahead.
you get so much more input if you don't have to look up every second word or so.

>> No.22108120

the first line has absolutely nothing to do with the second

: )

>> No.22108131

I don't understand, why would you spend less time learning the word before finding it while reading than you would by looking it up after encountering it?

>> No.22108135

why a kanji dictionary wouldn't a regular j-j dictionary be better

>> No.22108144

j-j is for ppl who know japanese u can worry about that later

>> No.22108164

wouldn't a normal paperback j-native dictionary be better than a kanji dictionary

>> No.22108182

at some point yes but if u have to ask then that point isnt now

now stop givin me lip boy


>> No.22108186

I finally understand why this word means what it means

>> No.22108202
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i just realized u were asking japanese to english or whatever not "japanese native"

dude u should open up something like this so u know whats actually inside it cuz thats whats in there

>> No.22108208

word of the hi: 賑恤

>> No.22108273

i am not the zoomer who was complaining about not being able to pay attention to anime
i was just wondering why you would recommend something like kanji dic, looking up example entries online it looks pretty cool

>> No.22108277

lets goo

>> No.22108292

the reason is because thats what i had access to at the time and its disingenuous to recommend things that u didnt use

i think u can graduate back to the endless flood of useless information scattered and all disassociated that the internet provides but starting there is no good unless and only unless u are using the internet not to look up information in isolation but to access japanese ppl and interact with them

>> No.22108359
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me on the left.

>> No.22108377

shi of the hi: https://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000136/files/52348_42039.html

>> No.22108378

hanashi changing to banashi after certain words? FUCK this language.

>> No.22108380


>> No.22108429

There's others like that but it's so the words flow more naturally and sound better. I think eventually should just become second nature. It's like you dont say a apple, you say an apple.

>> No.22108438

fuck I really need to do some more anki droning.
I only "learned" around 1600 words through anki in my first 7.5 months.

>> No.22108443

this happens a lot

>> No.22108453

i know that feel and reading is out of the question since i don't read fast enough for it to teach me words.

>> No.22108475
File: 2.38 MB, 456x256, 621.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the タワー is collapsing and they have an epic 死闘 on the roof 殺すing their 敵 and acquiring the パラシュート but yuki of course has to lecture yuno about being too 極端 because she slit the girls throat for some reason in the middle of the tower collapsing and his dad walks up and just takes the パラシュート they just killed somebody for without them doing anything and jumps out lol what?????????? you can't be serious

>> No.22108479

unless u like to say a apple to trigger the grammar nazis

>> No.22108485

my room is hot because i've been cutting the bitrate in half for a lot of vids to save space on my hard drive for the past 12 hours

>> No.22108494

i would love to do this for my anime archive but i know my pc will blow up so i haven't yet
really sucks ass how resource intensive video encoding is

>> No.22108523

Nah, I read a lot and watch even more anime.
Anki-droning is the most boring part of learning this language.

>> No.22108533

boredom per minute is higher for anki than reading or listening but you have to read and listen so much more to get benefits out of them that they're a huge pain to me.

>> No.22108540

Why are you learning this language if you don't enjoy watching anime or reading manga/VNs?

>> No.22108545

only someone who is intermediate or advanced would ask such a silly question.

>> No.22108559
File: 11 KB, 177x176, 161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't take this やろう seriously at the beginning he goes on about his epic 孤独 and how he could never get close to people but now they dedicate an エピソード to the tale of him wanting to confess to the メガネ wearing 委員長 that looks like his mom and doing all kinds of shit to bag her with ゆの interfering all that in a comedic fashion but it completely destroys the character he was at the start

>> No.22108564

future diary guy ftw

>> No.22108596
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>Encounter a new word while reading
>It's a word I've known for months, but using a different kanji
Whats the fucking point of studying vocabulary when shit like this happens all the time.

>> No.22108598

Mirai Nikki is trash

>> No.22108599

its obvious that will happen when you first start learning. get more meaningful content and it will stop
just don't watch? easy

>> No.22108604

britvsjapan and ben gary did the same thing tho

>> No.22108625

welcome to 2019 internet where posting shit on it is quicker and easier than ever and leads to a huge amount of worthless junk (like my posts)

in my day posting on the internet meant u only posted when u had ur best stuff

there really needs to be an authority on useful information vs garbage so ppl dont have to be subject to all the noise (i use a trip just filter me ok)

>> No.22108639

Matt does ajatt for 5 years with at least 8-12 hours of active input a day. He also did alot of passive listening which we will not list but its obiviously clear that those passive listening hours are over 10k. Anyway 1825 hours a year times 5 comes down to a total of 14600 hours in 5 years of active input. good idea too compare jcat scores to someone who does 2 hours average a day. But thats not all, Matt never quit after 5 years, he has actually studied japanese for 8 up until now

>> No.22108640

People seem to think it's pretty elitist to say that the opinion of people that have never got good is less valuable.

>> No.22108646

koouuugghhhhgoooohhhhh *coughs up blood*

>> No.22108647

Intervals isn't the main thing that makes us remember information or keep it in memory. Among the words you come across while you are reading/watching Japanese will be words that you'll see once/twice and remember for a year and there will be words that you will forget in a minute. In my experience there are multiple factors that are way more important for remembering words than frequency. Clarity of the concept(comprehensible input?), ability to associate words with something you know, impactful context(both situations in stories that are so powerful you'll remember them for years and contexts in which words are so clear that word just clicks by itself) and other hidden factors that I wish were the topic of discussions when it comes to learning vocab instead of just parroting SRS intervals because science.

So saying all that, if you commit yourself to artificial SRS, you have no choice but to treat all words as if it would take equal effort to remember and keep it there, when it's not the case.

>> No.22108653

yea but he said he knows less now than he did when he was still going hard on anki before he deleted his deck a year or two ago. up to a point you just plateau or get worse and he reached that point after like 6-7 years so that should be how others compare themselves to him

>> No.22108669

>Among the words you come across while you are reading/watching Japanese will be words that you'll see once/twice and remember for a year
how do you guys state shit like this so confidently and yet it doesn't work that way for me? must be that you're intermediate/advanced. if you're already fluent in the language then learning and remembering new words must be easy.

>> No.22108670


>> No.22108710

stop looking for excuses and read more or else you'll never learn Japanese.

>> No.22108718

how is calling out bullshit making excuses.

>> No.22108720 [SPOILER] 
File: 245 KB, 402x407, 1568999831440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no they 殺したd the cute だべ country girl i can't believe it this is the first time i cared

>> No.22108752

ive been watching ur posts closely and noticed that previously u didnt put the 'd or 'ed on the end of a past tense verb mid sentence like u did here with 殺した and im very happy u have done that its like im seeing growth before my very eyes

>> No.22108753

Alright, tell me then, what is your approach to learning Japanese?

>> No.22108768

input. reread what i said doesn't work for me, but carefully. it was in response to a specific point.

>> No.22108778

why do people act like watching or reading stuff while not looking up anything will help them get better faster

>> No.22108796


>> No.22108797
File: 597 KB, 1440x1280, ZomboDroid 20092019132802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao no need

>> No.22108805

when i finish this episode i'm going to make hamburgers and then play some eu4. i think i will try oirat. i hear they got buffed ideas and a great starting general.

>> No.22108821

Japanese conjugation basically feels like it lives and dies on the sheer principle of "does this roll off the tongue well?" most of the time. For those who a good at "getting a feel" for things this is great, but it really sucks for the hardcore study types funnily enough due to some perceivable inconsistency.

>> No.22108830

why is it look up nothing or look up everything ? why not just some of the things ? : )

>> No.22108848

This is true. My experience reading VNs is basically this. Words that pop up often in common situations eventually get hammered in, sometimes its even possible to guess what it is off context alone, but then the odd infrequent word that you swear you've seen before will pop up but can't recall it to save your life.

>> No.22108855

have fun, if only playing as hoards was as fun as it is in ck2

>> No.22108872

Word of the day: 火縄銃

>> No.22108880
File: 273 KB, 408x420, 504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't like this やつ at the start but he is the first one to have やっと指摘したd the 鏖殺 of a bunch of 中学生s when i thought it was just going to be スルーd by everyone and considering he 償ったd the last time he is one of the better characters of this story now in my book

>> No.22108885

thanks for the update

>> No.22108886

just depends how relatively certain you want to be about what you're reading. but the more you confirm the more chance you have of learning correctly and remembering

>> No.22108898


>> No.22108916

How do you enjoy reading manga when manga isn't even reading?

>> No.22108953

by reading manga

>> No.22108970
File: 249 KB, 402x388, 091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what has been bothering me throughout the entire show is that all the 日記所有者s act all way to 仲良くwith each other despite knowing they only want to kill each other this includes the latest 同盟 where yuki and yuno kill a bunch of orphans you'd think at this point these people should 殺す each other on sight but nope btw i don't mind that yuki is now capable of mass murdering innocent bystanders in fact if he had been a coldblooded 殺人鬼 from the start this would have been much more 面白い

>> No.22109010

Not possible pal.

>> No.22109014

except if youre confirming the wrong way cuz the dictionary isnt telling u how to really understand something haha

>> No.22109023
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>> No.22109066

In anki I'm changing the new interval percentage of lapses which is supposed to make it so that anki restarts failed cards after deducting the selected percentage of the original schedule reached and yet if I fail a card it always completely resets it.

What am I doing wrong? I'm so tired of overlearning. Please respond.

>> No.22109079
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how the fuck do they keep 撃つing the 銃s out of peoples 手s holy シット you are 殺し合うing each other if you can shoot that precise shoot in the 頭 wtf

>> No.22109122
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What vidya for kids or early teens that has furigana would you guys recommend I play/import? I saw a guy last thread talking about importing the FoMT remake and was wondering if there would be any other games in that skill range worth getting.

>> No.22109124

if the definition you see makes sense in the context you're learning then chances are you're understanding it. certainly better than if you didn't look it up at all and just made something up on the fly

>> No.22109154
File: 1.35 MB, 646x430, 6680.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after an assassination attempt on the 市長, mass murder of an orphanage, mass murder of security in a 銀行 complex with media ヘリs circling the ビル they blow the サーバーs up and finally 殺す the 市長 and just go to yukis 実家 and take a nap? i think there is something missing here lol wtf

>> No.22109156

no idea

>> No.22109165

don't care

>> No.22109182


>> No.22109191

ppl will twist things in all kinda retarded ways to make them make sense

>> No.22109199


>> No.22109203

keep me updated dude. this is great, now I don't have to watch this shitty anime anymore.

>> No.22109206
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>> No.22109216

replacing random english words with japanese ones in your post doesn't change the fact that all your posts are just off-topic blogposting about anime

include some japanese subs in your screencaps or go back to >>>/a/

>> No.22109222

remember when he said kougo

>> No.22109228

hello jannis i'm practicing using japanese words please don't mind this ass blasted loser lol

>> No.22109232

what did he mean when he called himself the ""quiz"" ""master""

>> No.22109234

it's not a very smart idea to draw the attention of jannies and mods to yourself while you're openly ban evading my friend

>> No.22109239 [DELETED] 

lol shut the fuck up, this thread isnt for learning japanese

>> No.22109240

i'm not ban evading though i got a warning last time iirc and now i made sure all my posts include japanese so it's on topic no clue how to even evade lol

>> No.22109246

how come noone posted this shit from matts twitter

>> No.22109247

wtf, but jamal and qm told me that matt isn't good at japanese

what gives? are you saying they lied?

>> No.22109257

last i checked playign a memory game on discord isnt beign good at japanese

>> No.22109259

stop oppressing my friend

>> No.22109267

they did retard but that shit's been shared for awhile before he and his spinoff ajatt discord knew jack shit

>> No.22109274

rewrite ur post in japanese or u are worse than he is backseat mod guy

>> No.22109278

post your j-cat

>> No.22109279

woah wat is this new age tech bro shit

>> No.22109280
File: 502 KB, 798x471, 2788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now what the hell is this shit this is gay as hell

>> No.22109282

not if they're honest with themselves

>> No.22109285

matt said jcats a worthless test and considering i got a perfect 400 i would have to agree

>> No.22109288

i even asked if anyone knew where to listen to japanese radio a couple of days ago and noone posted it so some help you are douchebag!

>> No.22109293

it's an evangelion reference

>> No.22109296

imagine watching future diary and taking it seriously lmfao

sometimes they dont realize they are doin it they are just tryin to grasp somethin

>> No.22109297


>> No.22109304


>> No.22109306


>> No.22109311

sounds like a really bad clickbait yt vid title

>> No.22109314

listen here kid i don't give a FUCK about helping you out by sharing websites i know and believe me i have a backlog

>> No.22109317

not taking anything seriously bro already said its all retarded but what can i say when i see some gay homo tralala shit the 虫酸 just 走るs out of control

>> No.22109322

post yourself reading something then or doing whatever it is you feel is actually a useful measure of ability

>> No.22109326
File: 115 KB, 817x900, 1556556060840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was a mistake for me to become a nihongo master
Said no one, ever.

>> No.22109335

is there any station thats people talking and not music or all the nips sleeping right now

>> No.22109343

it's 4am so there's probably not many with talking atm

>> No.22109364

read more
1 or 2 words every 10 seconds is not very comprehensible input
man how long as my boy been doin the no porn game and hes already able to get aroused by manko what a success story
i think 2d uses ur imagination more than 3d porn which sounds like joojis problem the activity became mindless
brb quitting djt wait i cant sHJIOT
read more

>> No.22109368


>> No.22109369

thats crazy how the sun can be in the sky in one place but nowhere to be seen in another wtf even is life haha

>> No.22109373


>> No.22109381



that vid is so good why didnt some1 make it clear george killed the game like 7 years ago we coulda avoided a lot of stupid shit

>> No.22109401

life is movement

>> No.22109410

言い方は間違っただろうよ。こう言ってみろ: 俺の子供を孕め

>> No.22109413


>> No.22109442

a bowel movement


わたしはpermanently crippledされたくないから


>> No.22109455


>> No.22109457


>> No.22109463

old AKB48 right now, good shit.

>> No.22109465

the majority of /djt/ smells nice and is generally pretty healthy.... right?

>> No.22109466
File: 57 KB, 663x439, 6714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well shit this just went フルホモ

>> No.22109467

fuck just found out i have one of the most malignant cases of brain aids ever discovered

>> No.22109477



>> No.22109478

the universe is in ur bowels better eat ur prunes before the next big bang

>> No.22109479

just like evangelion

>> No.22109482

it's not gay if you pretend the other guy is female

>> No.22109486

what's brain aids in japanese?

>> No.22109487
File: 810 KB, 1295x2020, 1451529577904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22109488

I touch my 睾丸 constantly. But other than that, I'm pretty pretty healthy, yes.

>> No.22109489


>> No.22109490


>> No.22109491


>> No.22109495

audiobooks are really tough to understand :)

>> No.22109504
File: 47 KB, 631x341, japnese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres japanese in here first one to find it win

>> No.22109507

shut da fuck up

>> No.22109511


>> No.22109512

I shower every day and the doctor expresses slight surprise that I have no perceivable "problems" that she can justify throwing pills for commission at

>> No.22109518

That's on the floor in the center

>> No.22109519

based, i threw all my prescriptions in the trash and spit on them

>> No.22109536

Yeah, I even do sports like 5 times a week.

>> No.22109537

一一一一 :: 1111
ーーーー :: four long vowel marks wtf

>> No.22109543

弘前市's applewave radio has been playing some sick tunes tonight

>> No.22109554

J-Pop Project Radio is just playing my kinda stuff.

>> No.22109556

it's easier to tell which is which when japanese is written in the traditional direction or if the font has those "hooks" that I don't know the name of

>> No.22109570

theres a 〇 on his leg is that what u mean

>> No.22109610

thanks favorited
favorited this also but im not getting any actual input from it at the moment

>> No.22109619
File: 500 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190920-160752_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else think this is insane. What's the point of having the accent if they can't agree on them.

>> No.22109627

whats insane is caring about it

>> No.22109630

What's the most helpful site on explaining and learning conjugations? In Tae Kim it's all over the place.

>> No.22109637

japanese from zero youtube videos

>> No.22109639

>What's the point of having the accent if they can't agree on them.
its just the fuckin way they talk dude no one arranged a council meeting about it

>> No.22109654

Imagine pronouncing dollar as "duL aRe"

>> No.22109726

imagine pronouncing dollar as dora

>> No.22109733
File: 145 KB, 620x876, 1427187831810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22109735

imagine pronouncing anything like this guy


>> No.22109748

lmfao at oreimo

>> No.22109750

you start to understand why people like dektah and him really feel like they need to study pitch accent and shit because for some reason their natural accent is just so retarded its unbelievable

>> No.22109751

hes improved so much in 6 and a half years

>> No.22109755

these are all good pronunciations

>> No.22109764

would like to know the store that sells raw mangas

>> No.22109772

wait thats actually a nice collection, i want to buy the hyouka novels now, not to read but just to have

>> No.22109786

>he doesn't live in a city
lol naw i still want to leave this place

>> No.22109801

good luck

>> No.22109824

i have all of berserk except the latest volume in my physical collection

>> No.22109848
File: 451 KB, 1072x1600, ページ_0167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which berserk character do you relate to the most? for me, it's the skull knight

>> No.22109855

why is that

>> No.22109857

If I'm watching a show and not catching most of the dialogue should I be pausing to read the J-subs or just keep watching until I speed up

>> No.22109859

caska :)

>> No.22109892

u wont speed up if u dont understand anything

>> No.22109904

so ur a slut lol

>> No.22109913

The crimson beherit.

>> No.22109917

holy fuk some of u here are good enough to read bersek... i just stand no chance wtffff

>> No.22109923

berserk isnt really that hard. i read it a couple of years ago when i wasnt that good

>> No.22109936

thanks but even if i had bad luck i'll be forced out of here because of the rising cost of living
just gotta extract as much value out of this shithole before i leave it for the dogs

>> No.22109939

whats an example of a hard manga that isnt some obscure shit ive never heard of

>> No.22109943

i only know obscure shit you've never heard of sorry

>> No.22109976
File: 2.20 MB, 1126x1020, Pikachu Outbreak 2019 Vlog ┃Fully in JAPANESE w_ EN & JP subs (Practice Your Listening Skills!)-x2CMldjSzdY-[11.58.818-12.03.089].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh misa

>> No.22109990

oh misa *tries to crack her in the face* *fist slips off her greasy cheek*

>> No.22110007

the popular manga that you're not interested in reading which would make it "hard" to read

>> No.22110010
File: 17 KB, 333x312, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22110013

misa > asane btw

>> No.22110015

Imagine filling your deep fryer by wringing out her shower cloth

>> No.22110017

i see. you like to laugh at other people but are terrified of anyone doing the same to you. you're not really any different than qm.

>> No.22110018

nothing wrong with being greasy as fuck

>> No.22110021

lol deep frying some chicken in misas grease lmao

>> No.22110026

im a pretty greasy guy cause i sit at my pc all day unfortunately

>> No.22110027

im not liek u kids i dont care about ur high school popularity contest shit

>> No.22110032

and now you sound like meditation tranny lmao

>> No.22110040


>> No.22110041


>> No.22110046

jamal simply BTFO.

>> No.22110047

i mean if u wanna self own by associating urself with one who cares abt the popularity contest shit then thats ur prerogative lmao dont @ me cuz if u do ill hjave 2 reply to each of u individually

>> No.22110048
File: 84 KB, 911x588, erai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22110054

just stfu and accept defeat

>> No.22110055

suicide watch for this boomer lmao his times almost up

>> No.22110065
File: 93 KB, 1024x1024, 1546301107968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets obliterated
>no u
>nice self own lol

>> No.22110066

idk considering how much shit i talk to ppl its only right to be on the receiving end sometimes

im glad u took a break from jacking off to cartoon children to join in

>> No.22110074

wtf i cant believe the bad rep this person is putting on meditation makes me sad

>> No.22110090

i am considering adding a manga series that i'm starting to like in my shipment of other stuff from japan but it's difficult (i have to look up a 2-3 words per bubble) and it has no furigana
anyone has experience with physicals of hard manga
how was it

>> No.22110098
File: 515 KB, 1700x2480, ゆるゆり_5_072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad to be here douche

>> No.22110134

can anyone here tell me if they've used this, and if so, how well did it work?

>> No.22110152

>i don't care, that's why i keep replying!
thanks for proving me right

>> No.22110163

ok but now you just posted cringe lol

>> No.22110185

no one's fucking posted anything since my last anime ending and opening song break wtf

>> No.22110192

(yeah thats right i dont skip the opening s and ending, what r u even gona do sue me? lmoffoo

>> No.22110198


>> No.22110201

op and ed skippers aint gonna make it

>> No.22110205

do u think its worse to skip ops and eds or to do this >>22110134

>> No.22110209

namori sameface is some seriously troubling shit.

>> No.22110213


>> No.22110214

im not clickin that link but based on lookin at it op and ed skipping for sure

>> No.22110222

went to do japan and didn't even get my dick sucked, thanks to my shit pitch accent
study pitch kids

>> No.22110245

namori is my waifu

>> No.22110248

wait i thought we were friends

>> No.22110260

putting ur higurashi files through a converter to make it run on an generic android vn engine is real insulting if u ask me
and it doesnt work on the original release

>> No.22110281

oh its got fucked up shit like that huh well then thats pretty bad but ops and eds are in all series not just 1 so gonna stick w. that

>> No.22110288

imagine skipping this


>> No.22110303

its fucked up they stole free bird

>> No.22110310

honestly if u dont yell along with nantokanare every episode ur fucked

>> No.22110311



>> No.22110318

運気 sounds too much like うんち

>> No.22110330


>> No.22110357

もうゴロゴロモードだよ :3

>> No.22110368


>> No.22110372




>> No.22110379


>> No.22110395




>> No.22110406

is the joke that she's actually australian? because she is australian.

>> No.22110441

anime? fuck this gay shit.

>> No.22110443

>I'm doing 60 RTK kanji a day doing it the way specified by Matt. I can do 60 a day because I am super fast at reviews and experience with mnemonics and recognising kanji
she's already lost
poor girl

>> No.22110461

how good do i have to be before i'll actually want to try to communicate with someone in japanese

>> No.22110470


>> No.22110484

recommend me a voiced eroge please

>> No.22110491

well just get lots of input then do shadowing you could probably do it with like 3k vocab if you stick to quality easy input and shadow

>> No.22110495


>> No.22110497

clockwork leyline

>> No.22110507


>> No.22110510

yea but would i want to communicate with only 3k vocab?

>> No.22110511


>> No.22110520

y'all late

>> No.22110526

thanks, i was looking at leyline and it looks good

is it particularly difficult or something? i wouldn't really mind that

>> No.22110529


>> No.22110534

leyline is easy but some people find it boring.

>> No.22110535

worst post since 平成29

>> No.22110538

>it looks good
yeah it's really good. enjoy.

>> No.22110539

>i have no trouble expressing myself

>> No.22110544


>> No.22110546


>> No.22110550

uncultured individual

>> No.22110567

imagining matt going to the weed man lmfao

>> No.22110574

a few people here have been bored to tears by leyline but wouldnt drop it and ended up not reading anything lol
its ez though

>> No.22110577

boring post

>> No.22110583

point to the issue

>> No.22110590

i forgot about the leyline guy
i'll still give it a shot

>> No.22110598

sorry u have no appreciation for art dude. that sucks.

>> No.22110601


still waiting for twilight princess guy to keep us updated

>> No.22110603

i cant even imagine

>> No.22110605

>3000 words mined in anki
>throw them on a list
>filter VN script with said list
>outputs a list of words I haven't mined
>there's thousands of words
>but they only show up like 10 times each
>out of hundreds of thousands of characters
>which takes me like 3 months to read
It's over. There is no way I can learn more words at this pace. "Read more" was a giant fucking lie.

>> No.22110607

why am i not surprised that another meditation fag turns out to be a pothead

>> No.22110611

is chaos;head hard? i feel like jumping ship from tokyo babel

>> No.22110616

damn i wish i could understand regex to do string wizardry like this anon

>> No.22110619

No it's just the text analysis tool and I know any retard can do it. I'm just describing the process so people know exactly how fucking gay it is to learn this language.

>> No.22110620

you might not be a dekiru in japanese but have you ever thought of the computing industry

>> No.22110623

have u tried reading more instead of making spreadsheets and armchair theories about it

>> No.22110624

My IQ is too low for computing, see here:

>> No.22110627

yep, case in point

>> No.22110628

to be a pothead you have to smoke weed every day

>> No.22110631

Yea that's why I used the text analysis tool, because I was reading and it felt like I wasn't remembering any new words.

Whoops meant to link to: >>22110619

>> No.22110634

10 times is a lot

>> No.22110637

buddy how many potheads do u think can afford that

>> No.22110641

Over 3 months? No the hell it isn't because I've tried it and I aint remembering that shit.

>> No.22110642

sometimes u dont feel like ur makin progress for a while
but a few months later u realize that uve made a lot
stop worryin

>> No.22110644

all of them that’s why they’re potheads

>> No.22110647

did you think tokyo babel is hard/how far did you get

>> No.22110648

you're underestimating how much and how long
>read more
is implying

>> No.22110651

going to listen to japanese radio stations while reading light novels

>> No.22110654

don’t. pick one or the other

>> No.22110658

it's not gonna be possible for you to concentrate on listening while reading at all so it's pointless

>> No.22110660

the cripple master is here

>> No.22110661

what's wrong with music

>> No.22110664

sentence cards are your friend
just copy the sentence into anki
have furigana autogenerated, you only need make sure your i+1 word is correct
most of the time you don't even need a definition
take it slow and only do 5 or 10 new cards per day

>> No.22110665

more talking in your ears when there’s already talking from your reading

>> No.22110666

nah i was gonna listen to talkshows not music

>> No.22110672

i'm gonna play some tf2.

>> No.22110673

i wouldn't even be able to play a vn and simultaneously listening to something else in my own language wtf is that guy on about

>> No.22110678

has anyone played any of the disgaea games in japanese

>> No.22110679

listen while playing


>> No.22110682


>> No.22110684

i like to spawn camp a lot and hearing their foot steps is pretty important for knowing when to aggro and run

>> No.22110686

you cannot concentrate on both, it's only going to subtract from your reading performance
what you should be doing instead is, always have radio running whenever you're not reading
that way you can pay attention to it whenever you have downtime

>> No.22110690

normally i listen to piano music while reading it does help me focus but right now my roommate is playing loud shit thru his speaker so i thought i might as well block it out with some jap tongue pattering

>> No.22110692

white noise is much better suited for that and is going to teach you just as much japanese

>> No.22110695

put on loud rezu jav through your speakers so he'll lower his volume because he knows your doing serious nihongo learning

>> No.22110696

i am up to the first fight with ゲテル
i find it interesting so i know i can read / have read 10k characters per day but the vocab is slowing me down

>> No.22110699


>> No.22110702

link me the absolute most quality white noise you have

>> No.22110703

what about in ear headphones with piano music or some other instrumental that doesn’t have voices

>> No.22110707

why not just listen to japanese

>> No.22110712

why would you
vns already has music which is chosen by the writers to produce a specific effect

>> No.22110714
File: 374 KB, 774x438, X4ZB6Xu8IJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22110716

i've been using "pure noise 3" since forever

>> No.22110717

i can't do that, i like music to much to simply leave it as "background noise"

>> No.22110720

this reminds me i have to go back to はなひらっ once i reach 100 read eroges

>> No.22110725

well i havent played chaos;head but i don't think it would be much easier based on my experience of other n+ games, usually they're more difficult than tokyo babel except maybe axanael

>> No.22110732

what? didn’t you just say
>normally i listen to piano music while reading it does help me focus

>> No.22110749

no that was me that said that

>> No.22110755
File: 1.11 MB, 1282x752, 998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love it when shit just works

>> No.22110757

holy shit you guys are autistic

>> No.22110759

since when can't you buy the 4chan pass with credit card? I don't want to go through the hassle of buying crypto just for this shit.

>> No.22110760

thats why i use a mac

>> No.22110771

is this news to anyone

>> No.22110779

who is that and why were you watching her

>> No.22110783


>> No.22110789

no, I just felt like reminding them

>> No.22110790

okay i'll just keep reading it then

>> No.22110797

just lost the last ounce of respect i still had for matt

>> No.22110798

that's a prerequisite for being allowed to post here

>> No.22110800


>> No.22110806

>when you come across 頸 in the first paragraph
why do they use meme kanji like this unironically

>> No.22110812

that’s a baby kanji

>> No.22110814

because it's written for japanese people who have no difficulties reading stuff like that

>> No.22110817


>> No.22110823

what’s that latest text hooker program called

>> No.22110826

this is beautiful

>> No.22110827

dont know

>> No.22110829

i can't be the only actually diagnosed one itt

>> No.22110830

if you search "latest text hooker program" you'll find it very quickly my friend

>> No.22110831

im pretty normal but i voted self diagnosed anyway

>> No.22110834


>> No.22110839

im not normal enough to not be a bit autistic but im not sure i am actually or just some other mental problem

>> No.22110843

oh i have been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder but im pretty normal in the sense that i can talk to normies and they probably think theres nothing wrongwith me

>> No.22110852

yea same here, i just have an extreme aversion to actually having friends so i generally avoid talking to people in case they try to become my friend and then it gets awkward

>> No.22110864

thanks brother

>> No.22110888

俺は3年から日本語を学ぶ、 でもまだ下手だ。 助けてくれ!!!

>> No.22110892


>> No.22110895


>> No.22110898

be nice to even people in the djt threads because it could very well be considered during judgement day

>> No.22110901

read more

>> No.22110903

why can't the volume be lowered on this faggot ass site

>> No.22110912

when i'm not reading im watching anime unless im walking to class or something. during that time i listen to anime audio on my earbuds but i might try to diversify my input. it's a good thing the radio garden site has an ios app

>> No.22110955

read how much more? I try to read every day, but mostly I do anki every single god damn motherfucking day and I'm starting to resent it holy fuck.

>> No.22110958

>read how much more?
as much as you need to be good at japanese

>> No.22110959

if you do more anki than reading, you're definitely doing something wrong.

>> No.22110960

yea i slam dunked this garbage show into the toilet. i'm not gonna be able to learn this language by internalizing lazy low IQ slang like this.

>> No.22110963

delete your anki and read more instead

>> No.22110965

Why you gotta deprive me of a (you) like that? Why you gotta give me a meme answer? I'm talking about tangible goals here, anon. Should I read 3 NHK easy news articles a day? Surely, there is no restriction on the amount of material you can read a day, but do you believe there is a lower threshold that one should always aim to meet? A baseline?

>> No.22110969

read kino's journey or your gay

>> No.22110973

read the first page and was bored

>> No.22110974 [DELETED] 

>Should I read 3 NHK easy news articles a day?
you've been learning for 3 years. the quizmaster has been learning for 2 years and can read stuff like dies irae no sweat. you need to stop with the baby shit and step your game up

>> No.22110981

read a manga with sexy looking art

>> No.22110982

>Should I read 3 NHK easy news articles a day?
bro you said you've been learning for 3 years. the quizmaster has been learning for about 2 and he can read shit like dies irae no sweat. you need to stop with the baby shit and step your whole game up if you want to survive. reading learners materials isn't reading

>> No.22110986
File: 819 KB, 2069x969, chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NHK easy news
u really do need to fuckin read more
i think u need pic related
>but do you believe there is a lower threshold that one should always aim to meet? A baseline?
open somethin up every day
if ur gettin bored and not feelin the urge to read very long then u should drop what ur readin look for somethin more interesting
but u dont need a daily goal
let ur engagement in the material push u to read more than any goals would

>> No.22110988

yeah yotsubato is easy for beginners anyway

>> No.22110990

when am i gonna know i'm gonna make it

>> No.22111002

probably when you enjoy what you're doing enough to not worry about such things

>> No.22111005

when's that gonna happen

>> No.22111006
File: 81 KB, 530x112, fifth wheel in the harem house.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine bein a virgin loner jk tryin to sleep when owie starts up

>> No.22111010

animelon is life

>> No.22111013

i prefer video.fluentcards.com

>> No.22111022


>> No.22111024

only you can know that :)

>> No.22111027

well that fucking sucks

>> No.22111031

why? more work

>> No.22111038

just do shit in japanese

>> No.22111039

animelon and daiweeb are uglier and i like that fluentcards is more spacious without having to fullscreen it

>> No.22111041

becus its better why else

also isnt the amount of anime animelon has like miniscule compared to daiweeb

>> No.22111046

Yeah alright, good enough. Thanks for the responses. I'll take a look at your chart, see if I can't get something more interesting to read. Should I seriously get rid of anki, though? I mean it's pretty fucking good for what it sets out to do, right? Why not continue to do it?

>> No.22111050

it doesnt seem to have helped you much so far. seems to be crippling you mentally

>> No.22111055

but it won't be fun until my comprehension is like 99.9% and that's gonna take years. if i didn't know 2 words per sentence in english as an adult i'd punt my PC out the window

>> No.22111060

animelon looks fine to me
why wouldnt you want to full screen it
how? it has the stuff i want to watch so no complaints there

>> No.22111063

thats life dude. even when you get to the point where you can read most shit fine without having to look up anything you're still gonna open a real book and not know shit or try to listen to an audiobook and not be able to understand most of it cause your brain hasnt dealt with them in vocalised form yet. learning japanese is just like eating shit for a decade

>> No.22111076

>but it won't be fun until my comprehension is like 99.9%

>> No.22111078

>but it won't be fun until my comprehension is like 99.9%
maybe it will never be fun for u

>> No.22111100

Lurk at least two years before posting.

>> No.22111102

holy fuck this white noise is working nice thanks my nigga

>> No.22111106


>> No.22111110

those are all on /int/ and /r9k/ which i dont browse

>> No.22111112

delete your deck and make a new deck based on animecards.site

>> No.22111150

how the fuck did you scrubs miss those digits

>> No.22111190

It appears, backed up by statistics, that an increasing amount of people are feeling alone, depressed and scared. Of course, most people try to put a mask on it, a facade if you will. That's an understandable defence mechanism. There are lots of people that aren't connecting with others for whatever reason. The pressure of modern life and the lack of a support system is destroying us. Please don't judge people. Be kind. You've gotta be aware of the cancerous psychos out there, but there's a lot of people that simply want to do good and want to connect and they are being judged harshly and unfairly. A lot of this boils down to people that have unfulfilling or non-existent romantic/sex lives. On some level we must accept that life is unfair and we have to learn to be ok with that, or we'll self destruct. We have to help each other just a little bit, just a little kindness. There are still far too many shitheads that fuck it up for everyone else.

>> No.22111207


>> No.22111236

its easy to be nice. if you're being nice to someone you're automatically goodposting. would highly recommend more ppl itt try it but ppl keep setting themselves up to get btfo by the big dogs

>> No.22111239

wtf are you complaining about

>> No.22111245

good post

>> No.22111252

>Of course, most people try to put a mask on it, a facade if you will. That's an understandable defence mechanism.

>> No.22111256

ベスト uppercase post in a long while

>> No.22111261

so no one can disagree with you or they have some retarded made up depression lol

>> No.22111282
File: 38 KB, 504x449, dokidokipanic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of dekinai made this VNCore deck?

>> No.22111295

it feels good to always be right

>> No.22111323

when u read more

>> No.22111324

all thanks to social media

>> No.22111341

holy FUCK just read more stop asking quetions and just read more that’s it that’s literally it

>> No.22111361

is 4chan a social media site

>> No.22111368

would you rather know the truth or be able to convince others, if you hypothetically had to chose between the two?

>> No.22111376

yeah. it's full of anti-social autists, but it's no less of a space for having conversations, discussions, or sharing le 楽しそう見たいネタ than facebook or r*ddit.

>> No.22111409

i don't know if 楽しそう見たい is grammatically correct

>> No.22111417

what is the truth
u can get all the confidence and self righteousness of thinking u know the truth for free so convincing is obviously more valuable

>> No.22111429

>hates all human women because he was rejected by them
>has imaginary relationships with cartoon juveniles
>thinks theres nothing wrong with him psychologically or emotionally
oh boy

>> No.22111467

its not your place to psychoanalyze one such as me also remember what you said about lying

>> No.22111507

can i read carl jung books in japanese

>> No.22111532

>leave me and my disturbing little fantasies alone, you don't understand! *retreats to safe space*

>> No.22111533

I'm bout to finish my LN and I wanna read another one before continuing to the next volume. Any recommends?

>> No.22111538


>> No.22111543

Oh my it's just the more that moeretard posts the more he gets even more Blown The Fuck Out HaHaHaHa

>> No.22111547

"i relate the most to casca because she's an insufferable cunt for the first half of the manga and braindead the second half"

>> No.22111554
File: 50 KB, 640x482, D41-AzDU8AAeUGB.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they'll be difficult for a non-native speaker

>> No.22111557

Lol moedegenerativebrain turn off your computer

>> No.22111561

I tried it, but I stopped when I realized what the story structure was like. I dropped 魔女の旅々for the same reason. I might try it again when I can read faster, but I wanna stick to story structures I know I like until then.

>> No.22111563


i thought it was tokidoki, not dokidoki? is that a variation of it?

why are there all these variations of how to say the same thing?

suimasen - sumimasen

and then there is a formal vs informal

multiple pronouns for i and you

>> No.22111566

yanus doesnt learn japanese has made 3 unwarranted posts seeking attention from me

>> No.22111574
File: 11 KB, 404x259, DEtp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if u dont know what this is u wont make it

>> No.22111580
File: 40 KB, 964x576, Screenshot from 2019-09-20 20-32-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after reading manga and easy news and the japanese bible, i am back at doing clozemaster

clozemaster it's that hard this time around

>> No.22111584


isn't that*

>> No.22111588
File: 113 KB, 477x235, 614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over
this shit was all めちゃくちゃ

>> No.22111595


>> No.22111596

It's definitely 敬語. yw for the free answer to your homework.

>> No.22111602

i didn't play my visual game at all today i just played some divinity 2 sorry ya'll :(

>> No.22111604


nope, it was 眺め

>> No.22111618

wtf is that

>> No.22111624
File: 35 KB, 778x334, Screenshot from 2019-09-20 20-43-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

実に is an adverb right. how is it describing a noun here

benkyouka is a noun. it means someone who studies but they translated it as worker

i geuss it means in reality

he's a hard worker in reality

>> No.22111627



website you should use after you know enough vocabulary to sentence mine

>> No.22111629

uhhh first of all if you shouldnt study grammar cuz that shit is whack as fuck and wont help you but if you study grammar anyway at least do it proper retard lol だ counts as a verb as japanese verb order has the verb at the end it's like an 'is' you get it???

>> No.22111631


>> No.22111636


jitsu ni descibes da

i kind of figured that out

yeah i know da is the informal form of desu

dearu is the literary of da and desu

>> No.22111642


literary form*

>> No.22111643


>> No.22111652

hontouni kawaii desu

i got confused because i am used to seeing adverbs before adjectives not adverbs before nouns

>> No.22111680

Absolutely btfo

>> No.22111686
File: 66 KB, 977x984, boom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22111794

alright just a few weeks of watching anime with jap subs for an hour a day and i think i feel slight improvement. i caught some words and phrases in an audio CD i hadn't before. another 5 years and i'll bump it up to 80 minutes per day.

>> No.22111802


>> No.22111811

2d is a hundred times worse

>> No.22111837


>> No.22111840
File: 383 KB, 638x720, 1537104642618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How do people distinguish between the two when spoken?

>> No.22111848

thats some strong conviction

>> No.22111864

Is there an artbook section in the guide?

>> No.22111873

You'd be better off reading manga if you want furigana. All kids manga and 99% of shounen/shojo has furigana.
As for games i found this the other day https://www.giantbomb.com/furigana/3015-7369/games/
Tokidoki and dokidoki are 2 different things. Whoever made that deck is a fucking mongoloid, probably coz they played too many doujin child porn games they picked up at some pinku sex weirdo store in kabukicho instead of reading proper material that has been proof read and edited properly by a third party.
Regarding suimasen, it's just another way of saying sumimasen, like how we shorten shit constantly in casual speech - japanese peeps do it too.

>> No.22111879

The way you sound is a perfect example of why you should study grammar, at least a little bit.

>> No.22111884

hahahah grammar doesn't exist fool why would you study something that isn't even real lol

>> No.22111907

bud whoever made the deck prob misread while fallin asleep from mindlessly adding definitions to 1250 words
its funny but u dont have to attack erogamers like that

>> No.22111909

some of yous need to look within yourselfs

>> No.22111913

quizmaster is paying money for 4chan pass only to not even post

>> No.22111952

there is so many audio books available on amazon that don't exist anywhere else and we can't access them because we can't actually sign up for audible jp and the prices are ridiculous for one book
this is really bad because they may be one of the greatest learning resources out there
wish there was an organized effort to grab them somehow

>> No.22111957

i agree with you

>> No.22111961

i wish that jamal fucker would swallow his pride for once and post his youtube playlist of japanese music

>> No.22112024

if a person with an addiction or with those kind of tendencies bought cocaine or whatever drug that gave him his fix but resisted the urge to take it would you talk badly about them as well? you already bought it man so might as well take it

>> No.22112040

>you already bought it man so might as well take it
yeah i agree with this u gotta taper off cocaine and get professional help

>> No.22112052

who here /fm 76.2 poco ポコ/ gang??????

>> No.22112062


immersing with 6ix9ine right now

>> No.22112121
File: 3 KB, 137x99, mspaint_2019-09-21_02-20-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this?

>> No.22112126


>> No.22112131

Fug, thanks anon, I couldn't figure out what I was looking at on the right because it was so blurry,

>> No.22112155

can 所 refer to a time? Like such as, is 好きな所 ever used to mean, whenever you like?

>> No.22112171

>can 所 refer to a time?
well yeah in some contexts
>好きな所 ever used to mean, whenever you like
uh no probly not but you can paste the entire context and we can decide together : )

>> No.22112193

Thanks senpai. Not much context, a hentai anime, Tropical Kiss, they're about to come and she says 好きな所に出してください。

The first episode was pretty good, the second is repetitive.

>> No.22112220

probably 中 or 外

>> No.22112228

Hey so I was planning on watching mass amounts of Pokemon in hopes it would improve some and I found it enjoyable. I played through the first three gens in Japanese and found myself on a kick.
I'm on about episode 30 of the original series. I've been enjoying it, feel like I'm understanding a lot(too much) but think it might just because I've watched the OS multiple times throughout my life in English. Kinda had this idea in my head of going through the entire series, but obviously skipping a lot of episodes and having some in the background. Should I fast forward to around the Advance Series where I've never really watched and then go back to the original series and see how well I do or just continue from the original series and progress into parts I've never seen?
I've been happy with how I can just watch the episodes and only look up words every now and then, especially the "banned" beach episode I'd never seen where it looks like I was able to understand 85% of things. The thrill of that made me think I should just watch later episodes I'd never seen and then understand the original series even better and get more enjoyment/nostalgia out of it. yea sorry this turned into a blog post.

>> No.22112266

Anyone got the Tango N5 Anki Deck?

>> No.22112271

word of the day 反ユダヤ主義

>> No.22112280

stop get this degeneracy out of here

>> No.22112285

They would probably have to add extra context or just rephrase it if the listener didn't quite understand. It's probably only like that because it's written, I would think.

>> No.22112299

why is akeiro so fuckin long
should have just made a nanarin fd

>> No.22112318

wtf is your problem

>> No.22112319

anyone here read actually books? I started 人間失格 today. one chapter in and it's already depressing

>> No.22112330

why do people think emoshit is good lit

>> No.22112337

no i read light novels not stuff for barnes and noble boyos

>> No.22112340

searching for something as 暗い as my 心臓

>> No.22112351

Tango N5 Anki Deck link?

>> No.22112353

why do people think moeshit is good anything?

>> No.22112372

>because we can't actually sign up for audible jp
Yeah you can, don't even need a VPN if you are outside of Japan. Make an Amazon account and sign up for the free audible trial.

>> No.22112377
File: 55 KB, 752x666, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22112380
File: 36 KB, 1275x609, 1556753382037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22112382

People who use this term deserve a bullet for being cancerous normalfags with terminally bad taste.
Cute little 2D girls are the most important thing we as humans get to experience.

>> No.22112386

i feel like my brain is trying really hard to locate a memory but it cant latch onto it

>> No.22112392

the thing is they actually arent even normalfags which just makes it even more sad

>> No.22112394

moefags spotted

>> No.22112399

What is moe?

>> No.22112400

what if i don't have a credit card

>> No.22112407
File: 351 KB, 1920x1080, 1517187831510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22112411

Learn some other language.

>> No.22112413
File: 47 KB, 695x746, tw9HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just cute smol girls like this

>> No.22112414

What is gap?

>> No.22112417

whats the problem
the people here arent even using it the actual japanese way they are just talking about people who like cgdct (cute girls doing cute things) anime and shit

>> No.22112418

Tango N5 Anki Deck pleaseeeeee ・゜・(ノД`)

>> No.22112420

moe moe kyun

>> No.22112429

it's a stem of a verb meaning "to sprout"

>> No.22112432

honestly i just like k-on and lucky star and thats really all i can think of off the top of my head but i have seen clips of primsa illya or whatever its called and liked them so yeah that would make me a degenerate

>> No.22112472
File: 147 KB, 1055x895, 萌え.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the people here arent even using it the actual japanese way
japanese use it the same way when talking about anime catch up pal

>> No.22112493


>> No.22112510

陛下 vs 殿下...

>> No.22112552

oh shit the huge mega folder of audio books has been taken down

>> No.22112583

damn code geass has a lot of difficult words in it

>> No.22112607

the "rip audio from anime you've watched and listen on the go" tip helps listening so much. idk why people are so opposed to it

>> No.22112610


>> No.22112663

word of the day: 玄孫 やしゃご

>> No.22112737

I only watch it for the table humping

>> No.22112751

think i might try this

try watching logh
if you think code geass is difficult … lol

we should open up a big jap tracker where we just collect this shit safely

>> No.22112759

only retards like jamal are opposed to it

>> No.22112765

just finished vndb.org/v24380
it's a 6/10 nukige

>> No.22112856
File: 269 KB, 1230x290, Screenshot 2019-09-21 at 12.30.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol am I learning Chinese or what?
that's way too many kanji in a row bro

>> No.22112906

>[corn emoji] nichiwa
these damn nips

>> No.22112909


>> No.22112946


>> No.22112961


>> No.22112997

who needs audiobooks when you can rip audio from anime and listen along with the transcript

>> No.22113038

Watching anime in anki is the best.

>> No.22113058

not reading books in anki ftw

>> No.22113076

wtf why are japanese so into 催眠. distasteful bunch of peeps.

>> No.22113094

Yep, they should be into 瞑想。

>> No.22113129

Do you guys know any good sources for audio material? I want to find audiobooks but I've looked on public trackers and it seems they have none. I got a hold of some translated drama CDs so that's something. $15 per month for unlimited japanese audible doesn't seem so unreasonable but I don't want to accidentally subscibe forever just because I can't read enough to navigate the settings page. Anyone have experiences with this?

>> No.22113130

Japanese radio is pretty good

>> No.22113136

what does this mean? I read it a lot at the end of live streams

>> No.22113144

time to ask the real questions
do you consider monday or sunday to be the beginning of the week

>> No.22113158


>> No.22113169

yeah in the library there's some audiobooks, check out青の炎 which you can read and listen at the same time

>> No.22113170

thanks, so it's like a variation of お疲れ様 I guess, slang for "that was a good show", I should have guessed

>> No.22113171

In my country saturday is the start of the week

>> No.22113180

has anybody listened to japanese audio while in class or while driving just for the sake of feeling what passive immersion is?
i did and it was distracting as fuck.

>> No.22113183
File: 156 KB, 509x708, DM1-059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does j remember these?

>> No.22113188

I do it all day and yes your driving skills will suffer slightly

>> No.22113189


>> No.22113193


>> No.22113200


>> No.22113207

this gives me motivation to go on, they're so cute.

>> No.22113212

lmao don't japanese and drive

>> No.22113233

にちようび more like いちようび amirite?? haha

>> No.22113246

wait till you discover akb

>> No.22113261


>> No.22113264
File: 67 KB, 500x844, large-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old akb48 is the best.
mayuyu is my favorite

>> No.22113267


>> No.22113268

i never use the term but those characters and shows pretty much all suck ass

>> No.22113283

this actually sounds like a pretty good idea

>> No.22113292

watch akbingo for hundreds of hours of immersion with cute girls

>> No.22113324

good idea

>> No.22113330

where can I watch?

>> No.22113355

aidoru-online tracker, look for batches

>> No.22113358

is genki still recommended or nah?

>> No.22113364

genki was never recommended

>> No.22113376


>> No.22113378

i always thought the difficulty of listening would be in learning to process stuff in real time but hearing all the sounds appropriately seems like it'll take even longer.

>> No.22113379

genki is fine, tae kim is fine, literally doesn't matter
just don't be stupid and buy genki, pirate it if you're going to use it
you shouldn't spend much time on beginner material

>> No.22113389

b-but i like buying books

>> No.22113399

i'm not going to stop you but i personally think it's a complete waste of money

>> No.22113401

buy japanese books instead

>> No.22113408

brb buying minna no nihongo

>> No.22113417

this, i recommend tobira.

>> No.22113418

lol well played assuming that's all in japanese

>> No.22113452

In my county Monday is the start of the week. Saturday is stupid.

>> No.22113485

Every book is fine if it has example sentences that you can mine. This is why Tango books were recommended. You can find genki decks on ankiweb as well.

>> No.22113535

retarded uppercaseposter
usin textbooks n guides n shit will only cripple ur ability to understand natural nihongo. it's like the plague or syphilis - once you got it, you're never gunna lose it.

>> No.22113548

sometimes we wax poetic abt old internet ITT but i have never seen any mention of 1337speak. even tho itd be the perfect zoomer filter

>> No.22113584

1m 4 200m3r 4nd 1 c4n 0023 13375p33k

>> No.22113585
File: 19 KB, 512x384, 1567518404462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm laying here dying inside, my brain is scrambled from being alive, I can't even do the things I want to do let alone the things I need to do, and my Anki app is pissed at me.
How do you do it guys? How do you keep going? I need to learn this, for myself. But it gets so damn hard to even be alive. I need to keep going...

>> No.22113599

Wh3n w3r3 u 80rn

>> No.22113605


>> No.22113644

just give up dude not everyone can make it. you need to be above 130 IQ to learn japanese

>> No.22113664

I'm 142...

>> No.22113667

even a retard who's got enough motivation and is willing to consume 10k hours of nihongo can learn this language. the issue for anybody learning a language is not iq. it's just a matter of being willing to spend fuckloads of time on this.

>> No.22113679

where to get high iq before starting japanese learning?

>> No.22113689

Get the Higher IQ + Double RAM download

>> No.22113691

the first rule of anki is to delete your anki if it starts pissing you off
it is not a requirement to learning japanese, just a supplement

>> No.22113695
File: 145 KB, 2280x1330, more_fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even a retard who's got enough motivation and is willing to consume 10k hours of nihongo can learn this language
if you're learning japanese as an adult this isn't the case. it's like trying to teach someone a language if they grew up feral. they simply can't do it. likewise if your IQ is below a certain threshold you're FUCKED

>> No.22113697

maybe your really not

>> No.22113704

no you're not fuck off

>> No.22113705

100% facts bro consult the chart

>> No.22113719

show me an example of a retard who's gone through 10k hours of compelling and comprehensible content who still failed to learn japanese.
everybody whom i know failed (like nuke, anime godfather, or that guy whom matt interviewed who tried doing ajatt for 3 years) failed either because they didn't consume enough content or because they were lacking in motivation.

>> No.22113722

based on some shitty internet test im sure. your posts reek of low IQ so far

>> No.22113730

well it's tough because retards are simply too retarded to do something consistently for 10k hours except shit breathe and eat but well japanese is a cognitively demanding task so low IQs just cant do it

so if someone is lacking in motivation check their iq its probably quite low

>> No.22113733

iq just measures one's pattern recognition ability, nothing else. that's got little to nothing to do with remembering lists of words or understanding a piece of text.

>> No.22113749

iq tests incorporate many types of cognitive tests including memory but regardless they test for this little thing called general intelligence so yes there is a strong relationship between your ability to recognize a pattern and to remember a list of words
>The g factor (also known as general intelligence, general mental ability or general intelligence factor) is a construct developed in psychometric investigations of cognitive abilities and human intelligence. It is a variable that summarizes positive correlations among different cognitive tasks, reflecting the fact that an individual's performance on one type of cognitive task tends to be comparable to that person's performance on other kinds of cognitive tasks.

>> No.22113751

language is essentially a pattern based construction

>> No.22113772

i’m with you that all the djt iq talk is a meme but pattern recognition and production is what language is all about

>> No.22113788

not even as 12 yo amateur playing in baby tournaments in cs1.6 did i ever see people speak 1337 speak for more than 1 line back in the early 00s

>> No.22113797

Thank you for your opinion.

>> No.22113798

the fact he used "ur" and then "you're" in the same sentence shows how much of a tryhard loser he is.

>> No.22113819


>> No.22113854

I don't have an account and never visit reddit. But I sometimes go to 2ch and you know what? Using lowercase is looked down on and is seen as uneducated there. Even if you scroll their /b/ you rarely find lowercasers. I think some of you guys have to learn from their example.

>> No.22113857

funny guy

>> No.22113863

just realized that じゅりな was 11 when she was center position for 大声ダイヤモンド.
that's crazy.

>> No.22113877


>> No.22113884

I wish I still had akbingo left to watch

>> No.22113888
File: 47 KB, 678x347, anki_pClXoYvyfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally my anki reviews are under 15 minutes. what heaven! what bliss!

>> No.22113893

is your vocab now far beyond quiz's comprehension

>> No.22113906
File: 18 KB, 1123x125, Discord_oAy2cr1wrw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill let the man speak for himself on this matter

>> No.22113909

ahaha time to take up the quizmaster name bro

>> No.22113911

imagine having anything discord related stored as images on your locally installed hdd drive

>> No.22113913
File: 72 KB, 720x818, Discord_0aJxSWylG3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only save things that i can use to annoy qm with

>> No.22113915

>just when you think you got a vn working
俺たちに翼はない does not let me save
everything else is fine it just doesn't save

>> No.22113917

wtf do they use katakana to capitalize??

>> No.22113926

Maybe he's talking about dvach

>> No.22113932

play it in a virtual machine

>> No.22113937

post bangers

>> No.22113948


>> No.22113957

Is karaoke really even popular in Japan? Also this fish looking fucker has more confidence than I do, and I respect the hell outta that.

>> No.22113958

I'm talking about the .hk one. They do capitalize.

>> No.22113970

>Is karaoke really even popular in Japan?
are you kidding dude its literally the #1 form of entertainment

>> No.22113976

shut up retard

>> No.22113982

cringiest post of the month.

>> No.22113986

why does IQ make people so mad

>> No.22113987

t. textbook aids possesser

>> No.22113995

I've never even glanced at a textbook in my entire life.

>> No.22113998

>Is karaoke really even popular in Japan?
yes. this guy is really based. for some reason his singing brings a feel of home for me, maybe it's because my grandpa liked to sing karaoke.

>> No.22113999

then you shouldn't try to pose any objection to anything you do not fundamentally disagree with

>> No.22114000

was about to post this. did anybody backup? ffs why iam alsways so lazy

>> No.22114006

never said I disagreed with whatever you said, I barely even read it in fact. ESL?

>> No.22114026
File: 142 KB, 480x632, 20150705_1317801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22114029

i love yotsuba-chan

>> No.22114032


>> No.22114035

dude doesn't hold a candle to nuke's karaoke jam.

>> No.22114037

Btw check out the local DJT https://2ch.re/fl/res/436163.html Maybe you'll find good learning resources or useful links. Notice that they actually talk about japanese there because they don't know who matt is.

Mining a textbook is no different than mining actual books except it's easier which is what we usually want in the beginning. I also mined history textbooks. This one is nice https://www.nextgen-textbook.org/ because it's famous and 無料 and teaches you lots of words.

>> No.22114040

pretty good for a person who has not been to school yet

>> No.22114044

oh yea? check these moves

>> No.22114046

no point in talking about japanese tho

>> No.22114052

wish they had proper カラオケ館 here. although i dont have any friends so my throat would get sore very quickly.

>> No.22114054

i wonder what "talking about japanese" means. you mean asking dumb questions that can be solved by a 5 second google search or checking a dictionary?

>> No.22114055

fuck off

>> No.22114060

>he doesn't live in a city
lol i still don't like living here

>> No.22114069

i live in a city. they have karaoke places but they're not the same kind as japan. karaoke in japan is different from how it's done in the west mostly except maybe if you live on the west coast of the US because they have a lot of japanese people to influence the culture

>> No.22114076

any guides on how to live and preferably enjoy it?

>> No.22114096

no i live in the east coast, but despite that i can go downtown and find a good amount of karaoke bars run by the japanese

>> No.22114100

>karaoke bars
this isn't what im referring to though. of course there are karaoke bars everywhere. it's not the same thing

>> No.22114105


Monday is nothing special

>> No.22114146

what kind of """2ch""" is this lmao

>> No.22114167

your thoughts

>> No.22114174

was thinking the same, i was wondering what anon meant by capitalization on 2ch but this explains it

>> No.22114176
File: 29 KB, 480x360, ダウンロード.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm referring to something like this
a room where you and your friends rent for a few hours, this might not be referred to as "karaoke bar" or japan must have some different style of a karaoke place that you are referring to

>> No.22114180

are you unsatisfied?

>> No.22114183


another MIA disciple knocks it out of the park.

>> No.22114193

yeah because that's some russian knockoff of the real 2ch which is a japanese message board

>> No.22114196
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that is what i meant. those aren't really called karaoke bars, karaoke bars in japan are where it's just a bar but they have karaoke behind the bar or a TV near and anyone can choose a song (pic related).

they also have those karaoke booths here but they don't have japanese songs so it's kind of pointless.

>> No.22114205

stupid white pig. probably singing a fucking miley cyrus song

>> No.22114207

russian looks like a gibberish horror language

>> No.22114209

wasn't this the dude who said he hates white people commenting on jp youtube vids lmfao just another self-hating cuck

>> No.22114218


>> No.22114223

what’s so bad about being a cuck

>> No.22114224

lmao i imagined him smashing his head against teh camera bowing so intensely like that it mustve been at least close jesus

anyway lmfao i think he sounds pretty good somebody just needs to teach him some japanese lol

>> No.22114225

if it shares the same name by accident doesn't mean it's bad. it actually has more advanced codebase because it's written from scratch. compared to japanese imageboards that are stuck in early 2000s it's very good.

>> No.22114227

this is what the mind palace will get you

>> No.22114260

it's just funny because when you say you "go to 2ch" in a japanese thread one would assume you're talking about the actual 2ch and not some slav shit

>> No.22114265

i think i’ll try going to a japanese karaoke place one day just to sing a bunch of songs in japanese by myself

>> No.22114266

bye bye off to create some memory shines

>> No.22114268

He's been learning japanese for more than three years judging from the date the first video came out on his channel. So don't feel bad about yourself sucking compared to him. We'll be there too.

>> No.22114273

it's 50x more fun with people

>> No.22114275

I thought that was a joke but just 2 days ago he tweeted this. Holy shit.
>Why do I have to see political opinions in a language learning community? At least retweet them in Japanese, I prefer to read opinions in Japanese that I don't agree with than opinions that I don't agree with by a random malodorous white person

>> No.22114278

self loathing white ppl ftw

>> No.22114279

have you gone by yourself before

>> No.22114280


>> No.22114282

>not building a 道 to the memory 祠

>> No.22114290

>memory shines

>> No.22114300

George sounds really good compared to this, but the guy probably didn't output alot

>> No.22114307

george flows much better but sounds like shit

>> No.22114313
File: 95 KB, 578x978, whites BTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if we banned whites maybe djt would improve.

>> No.22114314

can’t believe how many russians are trying to learn japanese

>> No.22114319


>> No.22114321

incorrect. he sounds better in every way

>> No.22114323

yeah but I'd rather speak as smooth as George than sounding a tiny bit more native

>> No.22114330


>> No.22114333

idk man its just sad, dude got bullied as a kid and then started the self hate for over 10 years

>> No.22114334

the only difference is george knows japanese this dude is like on his way to becoming another weirdo like matt or dogen

>> No.22114344

white people really are loathsome though

>> No.22114355

man the japanese learning community sure is toxic but hes right its mostly all these white kids being toxic

>> No.22114359

he's practically begging for matt-tonosama to invite him to do an interview

>> No.22114364

are russians white

>> No.22114375

what a fucking retard. tell this loser to kys
t. not white

>> No.22114376

i'm a brown-skinned 南米人, and I'm still spoiled and egotistic as fuck for having grown up in an environment where my parents and teachers never told me how to behave properly.

>> No.22114379

not surprised this fag looks like he would die in one punch

>> No.22114384
File: 942 KB, 1024x793, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact there's a need for warnings like this

>> No.22114391

not from you though

>> No.22114400

dont all games have these

>> No.22114402

i do 2pl8 squats (can only press 0.6pl8 on the bench tho) i'd prolly knock out everyone here.

>> No.22114412

are brazilians wh*te?
i feel like most djters and miaers are actually mexicans and brazilians, and that the few ones who get good at japanese are the ones who live in 米国

>> No.22114414

3pl8 bench for reps, 6pl8 dead, 2pl8 ohp @82kg
go kys twink

>> No.22114417

lol 0.6 bench how much do you weigh lmao. im lifting 1.5x bodywight almost 2plate bench

>> No.22114419

"eurocentric" does he genuinely think only white people are intimidated by kanji? maybe it's that the people who complain most about kanji aren't very good at japanese and they don't know why it's so important. this probably applies to virtually any beginner with a basic knowledge of kana, across all people on earth. it has nothing to do with "eurocentrism". it's a purely racist statement to make, though i'm sure he would redefine racist in a way that no normal person ever uses the term to cover for his vitriolic hatred. what a dumbass.

>> No.22114429

whenever i look at this sort of shit, it looks like a linear algebra problem.

>> No.22114435


>> No.22114440

>how much do you weigh
doesn't matter cause i'd knock you out ez with a 1-2 combo

>> No.22114451

go to the gym get shot

>> No.22114453

i already told you bro im a bjj blackbelt you'd get slept!

>> No.22114458


>> No.22114464
File: 51 KB, 464x859, 1490897918144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22114463

Is it time to read some japanese already?

>> No.22114478

has dgayt got an opinion on miaers learning languages besides japanese?
is this bloke a calvin or is he a steve?

>> No.22114485

he's jacked and would slap matt's shit irl

>> No.22114507


>> No.22114527

what's your opinion of kklc (kodansha kanji learners course)

>> No.22114532

good as a reference guide, bad as a book to actually drill shit down from.

>> No.22114534

no opinion

>> No.22114549

reading more is best but if you really want to to use a book to learn them RTK is better

>> No.22114554

15 per month is for one book

>> No.22114559

there is no mia for learning other languages or any language

mia is for not learning a language ever

>> No.22114566

its literally just some retarded hodgepodge of shit one would easily google on day one of how to learn a new language with absolutely no understanding of practical application

>> No.22114581

step 1: spend a year to a year and a half listening to white noise shit

step 2: post on twitter about how much white ppl annoy u while also being white

step 3: make cringe ジコショウカイ video bowing intensely at the camera and showing off all that language u didnt really learn

step 4: eventually move on to other shit in ur life and never learn japanese

>> No.22114586

rtk gives inaccurate keywords. kklc teaches real words. i don't see how kklc could be inferior to rtk (other than "loading too much information onto your mind" which is bullshit).

>> No.22114589
File: 3.53 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20190922_004149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean you don't mine anime songs while in mogra? Do you actually want to learn Japanese?

>> No.22114597

imagine the smell

>> No.22114610


>> No.22114614

smells like underground cigarette smoke desu

>> No.22114619

>learn japanese
what is language learning, according to you, jamal?
i'd like to believe it's not using textbooks or bothering people by asking them how to say stuff.

>> No.22114620 [DELETED] 

what makes it a bad book to drill from? wouldn't the provided vocab and the fact that kanji are similar kanji are placed together be a plus over rtk? for e.g. learning 子and 好before 好き

>> No.22114634

what makes it a bad book to drill from? wouldn't the provided vocab and the fact that kanji are similar kanji are placed together be a plus over rtk? for e.g. learning 子and 女before 好

>> No.22114637


>> No.22114652

kotoshogiku is a fuckin old man dude hes been in the shit for what almost 20 years now i remember him when asashoryu was wreckin shit

plus all sumo is fake and gay and rigged

yah i know right man everywhere is a fuckin cancer hole shit sux

idk what kind of answer u want

interacting with ppl in the target language and listening more than u speak (or type cuz typing on the internet is cool 2)

u dont have to ask ppl how to say stuff cuz by just being around them (online or offline) they will tell u on their own

really helps to be partaking in something together that isnt related at all to language itself

>> No.22114660

rtk and kklc are both for the trash can
there's nothing more retarded than digging up stories in english while you're trying to write something in japanese

>> No.22114676

btw i mean interacting w. natives n the target language ie japanese (not white) ppl

>> No.22114705

>interacting with ppl in the target language
but i haven't been accepted in any 日本人TEAM友達GANGs
one of the reasons is i don't really know where or what to look for

>> No.22114714

isnt it funny how more ppl than ever in human history are connected to the net now compared to 15-20 years ago but yet getting to access them has gotten so much more difficult seemingly

all i can tell u is u gotta figure it out for urself this ur generation i cant help u

>> No.22114716

kklc or kanjidamage or rtk are good when you're an absolute beginner and can't easily tell kanji apart. once you've gotten past that stage and know how to identify a combination of radicals as a certain kanji, which you can connect over to a word, you should wean off that type of stuff. the biggest mistake anybody could commit would be to spend several months doing nothing but drilling kanji or vocabulary off something like core6k, or reading tae kim's guide instead of at least trying to read some manga with furigana.

>> No.22114725

no it's not funny at all. i was 10 times happier when internet wasn't so accessible for everyone

>> No.22114729

the average ajatter/miatard doesn't even start outputting until after 2 years of remaining totally silent, by which time they should've learnt japanese words and wouldn't actually be depending on rtk mnemonics or keywords.

>> No.22114736

t. boomer who wasn't born with and molded by the tubes

>> No.22114737

RTK's structure kanji introduction from 1 to 2136 is 10 times better, I did 300 of kklc and then I realized it just sucks and went to RTK. RTK was way easier and helped way more, kklc is just being shilled because its new, somethimes new things aren't better. you don't learn words by doing kklc you just play a memory game

>> No.22114740

you and me both my dude

ppl werent perma mad with short fuses

it was cool just seeing someone was out there

we need a new frontier to pioneer

>> No.22114755
File: 38 KB, 500x377, 1548653991064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we just need find a way to pull a reverse Tor so that all the normie shit requires a different application and everything else is blocked out. Like maybe bribing /pol/ to convince everyone that everything on the internet is one bit symbol of hate speech and make it so the normies just use a "safe" web app that keeps them segregated from the rest of the web.

>> No.22114762

that doesn't make sense, rtk/kklc are for learning to write, matt even says in his roadmap to redo rtk later on in order to learn to write
you're still going to be dependent on mnemonics for that purpose after 2 years of not outputting at all

>> No.22114781

nah that would fail spectacularly every internet user unfortunately has some degree of brain aids now

it needs to be a completely new and fresh mode of communication

>> No.22114793

is there anything worse than nostalgiafags jerking each other off about how much better the good old days were lmao

>> No.22114794

just meditate until you gain the ability to use telepathy

>> No.22114800

dont worry ull be one of us someday

>> No.22114802

don't know about where you live but it used to be much better here back in the good old days and everything is going to shit now (western europe btw)

>> No.22114811

imagine being a zoomer and in 20 years bein like man remember 2019 what a good ass year lmfao most of the planet was still inhabitable and kimetsu no yaiba was on the telly man those were the days

>> No.22114812

your posts.

>> No.22114821

i wonder how much good pokemon go actually did for the human kind. did people actually make good friends through it

>> No.22114832

maybe it got a bunch of kids diddled

>> No.22114892

wtf does the line represent why does it go up in the middle

>> No.22114905

you may have low iq

>> No.22114919

>example sentences that you can mine
have fun crippling your Japanese

>> No.22114921

mount stupid?

>> No.22114923

it represents the number of people with a certain IQ

>> No.22114946

I believe this picture had a new version with the rest guys added. Btw seeing q*****r as equal to m**t is silly. M**t barely passes the line separating dekinais from people who can learn japanese while q*******r is the ultimate dekinai who makes word cards after two years of learning. Word cards are recommended only in the beginning when one can't find i+1 sentences easily.

>> No.22114951

imagine thinking this

>> No.22114972

i think this.

>> No.22114977

your retarded lol

>> No.22114980

quizmaster eclipses everyone in the japanese learning community except makopi who is a language learning genius that reads dictionaries, and ciaran who has been learning for 9 years.

quiz is the real deal. it's about time you accept it.

>> No.22114996
File: 209 KB, 2280x1330, 1461203412677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quiz is the real deal
yes, but I did some research and here's the results.

>> No.22115008

Had to install some chinese software, glad I did it on a virtual machine. It came with 8 other applications that filled my screen with complete 糞, how do the chinese accept this

>> No.22115018

problem is my iq is documented as 142 so that graph is just a fanfic

>> No.22115049

Guys what are your thoughts in learning Japanese from college? (I know the basics and I do have the money and time for it)

>> No.22115056

college classes are usually ridiculously slow. only attend them if you absolutely can't learn without a set framework like that

>> No.22115061

If you have the time and money you should head over to Japan so you can actually use it.

>> No.22115062

you know the basics and if they're mostly gonna cover the basics whats the point?

>> No.22115077

i would not go to japanese class no matter how much money and time i have

>> No.22115089

I took it for a couple of semesters, my experience was it was depressing, my teacher was a 60 year old succubus who'd never smiled in her life and had lived through internment camps during ww2, she beat words like ginkou and tenki, and how to give directions to my cab driver into my head for what seemed like an eternity. I then forgot most of what I learned over the next couple of years.

Hind site I would only do it if I was advanced and it's for an easy A, the teacher is really cool, or maybe if you want a degree that needs it. I'd rather never took it myself.

>> No.22115093


>> No.22115147

waste of time and money and actually counterproductive
ridiculously slow pace and teaching methods that are designed to extract as much money as possible rather than teach you japanese
you will be much faster, more successful and more relaxed on your own, provided that you are actually motivated to learn japanese and aren't just considering college classes to force yourself into learning

>> No.22115181

damn nothing worse than when you notice your DJT posting habits have an effect on what you post outside of DJT
posted in another /jp/ thread and realized I was the only one posting in small case and without punctuation while everyone else makes real good effort posts
it's such a dumb joke and really goes to show how this place has fallen I think I'm leaving

>> No.22115211

it's the same for me i used to uppercase on 4chan all the time
i don't mind that djt turned me into a lowercaser though

>> No.22115217

actual NPCs.

>> No.22115221

based hybridcaser

>> No.22115241


>> No.22115314

imagine not just always posting from ur heart and gut

>> No.22115330

i've recently noticed that lowercase posting and imitating jamal has led to me using words like "nigga" and "wtf" a lot more often than it would be appropriate to do so. as a matter of fact, i used the words "nigga wtf" while having a text message conversation with a classmate in spanish.
in addition, i've been taking note of 69 and 420 (as well as their factors) quite often. the other day i saw 3!, which anybody should know is 1*2*3, which is equal to 6 (just like 2*3), which looks like an upside down 9, and is also equal to (2/3)(9), just as 7 = 1(1)+2(2)+3(1), which if multiplied by the Holy Trinity of 1+1+1 and the number of fingers a person has on their hands and the number of toes sticking off their feet, is 420, the weedjt number.

>> No.22115340

Just uppercase to your heart's content bro. Don't give in to the bullies of DJT

>> No.22115360

uppercasers gotta put in some work to fix their reputation

>> No.22115369

finna start uppercase posting and saying things like 'indeed'

>> No.22115380

the most annoying posting style is when you capitalize and punctuate 1 word "sentences"

>> No.22115385


>> No.22115411

i ain't an uppercaseposter or hybridcaseposter any more than i'm just a dumb autist. there's no merit to be found any specific posting style, and claiming there is would be to focus on mere form instead of the content of a post itself, that is to say, the intended message.

>> No.22115422
File: 17 KB, 612x567, 1363024580813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jamal if you're there I want you to know that I love you. you've made me laugh every day for the past two years or so.

>> No.22115426

this buddhist stuff is too much of a redpill for a circlejerking general like djt to handle.

>> No.22115451

dang dude thx

>> No.22115462

I want to take this to the next step. what's your number?

>> No.22115468

did you learn japanese in that time

>> No.22115472

oh no i aint havin none of that my dude

no eminem - stan shit plz

>> No.22115493

I finally got so sick of my lack of self consistency at learning I shifted all of my accounts over to render in Japanese as a form of coercing myself. Last night for the first time I powered through Learning Hiragana... I'm officially going nuts. Bonzai!

>> No.22115500

sick bro! gl with them gains!

>> No.22115530

holy fuck uppercasers really are a cancer to society

>> No.22115540

I did, actually. just had a conversation about international politics in Japanese with some dude at mogra.

you'll find my letter one way or another
