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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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22074242 No.22074242 [Reply] [Original]

Guide and resources:

Previous thread: >>22066349

>> No.22074243 [DELETED] 

Advanced Anki guide:

>> No.22074264
File: 484 KB, 579x625, new guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22074275

what about unvoiced eroge? are those good too?

>> No.22074278

im reading a heavy novel

>> No.22074288

which un?

>> No.22074307

I don't want to read eroge.

>> No.22074320


>> No.22074321


>> No.22074330

theyre great
the voiced part is just protection against permanently crippling urself if u havent watched enough anime but u should mix it up

>> No.22074385

>finish eroge feeling good about my progress and how far I've become
>start new eroge the next day
>get absolutely assblasted and have to check yomichan twice per sentence. Reading speed plummets to 4k character per hour
How many eroge until this feeling goes away?

>> No.22074387

漢字の 90% 以上が形声文字である

>> No.22074432

spend another +30hrs reading that eroge and you'll see yourself picking that pace back up.
did you get a physical copy of it? do you not have trouble reading it at all?

>> No.22074436

i got into my 8th eroge real fast but its also just ez and ive read another one from the same scenario writer

>> No.22074542

Is adding 死ねばいいのに to someone's boastful post similar to replying "kys"?

>> No.22074546

Learning Japanese while pooping!

>> No.22074549

>did you get a physical copy of it? do you not have trouble reading it at all?
yea it's a physical copy. sometimes i can't really figure out exactly what he means but overall it's readable. im trying to read without using a dictionary mostly because im too lazy while reading a physical book

>> No.22074560

how many lns/vns/real novels have you read so far?

>> No.22074568

likely a very dumb question, but im just starting learning the kana, and how do you normally write on lined paper?
like in english, capital letters will sometimes occupy the whole line height, while lowercase might just take up half. how would you apply japanese to the lines?

>> No.22074588

ive finished around 7 vns, 2 lns, and 4-5 real novels. ive been studying japanese for like 7 years tho i just dont really read much except manga but apparently that's not reading.

>> No.22074591

I write them all the same size as English capital letters, but I rarely ever write, so don't ask for any specific advice on that.

>> No.22074617
File: 103 KB, 640x336, message.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some characters are a little shorter or slimmer but its not really comparable to english
kana tend to be smaller than kanji

>> No.22074627

QM, what's your opinion on the monolingual transition and the best way to go about it?

>> No.22074635

moonrunes are a monospace script

>> No.22074636

25th for japping

>> No.22074682

命 vs 令 is literally muri to tell apart

>> No.22074689

you don't, all character in written japanese occupies an invisible equally sized box no matter the symbol which is why the 、 looks like a space in between words despite japanese having no spaces

>> No.22074698


>> No.22074723

theyre completely different though

>> No.22074754

just guess and leave it up to 運命

>> No.22074771


>> No.22074791

Jesus fuck, that's almost as autistic as my anki setup.

>> No.22074804

i remember my first reply on djt was just 'wow that's a lot of autism'

>> No.22074823

mainly concerned about the height of characters.
English lined paper has thin lines so new clue how people draw kanji in them

>> No.22074825

I've been called an autist for promoting IPA usage, so don't feel bad for it. Nobody on djt is neurotypical.

>> No.22074836

Sorry, what's IPA usage?

>> No.22074845

IPA is retarded since there is no comprehensive and authoritative source of IPA renderings for Japanese words.

And don't you dare reply with >wiktionary.

>> No.22074860

令 鈴 冷

>> No.22074901

word of the day 並行

>> No.22074914

and u think u didnt deserve that lol

>> No.22074937

what do you do if you can kinda guess the meaning but you are like 2% unsure? like i could 帰納sita the meaning of 歓待 just now but i still used a j-j jisho to make sure. do i mine it?

>> No.22074944


>> No.22074946

we get it, you know the word 帰納

>> No.22074947

use 1-2 JP dictionaries with the English ones in Yomichan and read tge definition whenever you mine something
if you understand the JP definition use that otherwise don’t bother
you’ll eventually understand the majority of JP entries at some point, don’t obsess over it or do dumb shot like mining dictionaries

>> No.22074956

>don’t obsess over it or do dumb shot like mining dictionaries
that's like 30% of all my deck currently

>> No.22074963

d00d that word is from yesterdays sure

>> No.22074978

is ssss.gridman a good show

>> No.22075002

u think i could watch a diologue heavy show like katanagatari even if i suck at japanese

>> No.22075008


>> No.22075015

what if ive already seen it with eng subs and i know what its about and everything

>> No.22075036

Is there source material with excellent translations available that you guys can recommend? I'm desperately in need of quality translations to check my progress.

>> No.22075041

from my experience that doesnt really work as well as you'd think it would. you still have to know the japanese words to get real enjoyment out of it raw

>> No.22075042

watch it on animelon

>> No.22075046

i was gonna download the subs or watch it on daiweeb

>> No.22075048

sometimes i gotta admit u have more good opinions than bad ones in the art of acquiring nihongo

>> No.22075055

I have exactly 0% bad opinions posted on here, cunt

>> No.22075066

ur attitude is worse than any of ur opinions and thats the real shame

>> No.22075105

where do y'all download vns that's not rutracker, itazura, or sukebei

>> No.22075137

lmfao owned

>> No.22075143

the guide has a bunch

>> No.22075144

he does it for free

>> No.22075188

More importantly, where can I download jav with Japanese subs? I already checked the jav thread and their guide told me nothing.

>> No.22075205
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minna genki ?

>> No.22075212

in the words of yogaくん
>what a dick, and what a shame.

>> No.22075215

suck my cock asane

>> No.22075222

yeesh real fucken mature dude

>> No.22075230

i'm just being honest

>> No.22075257


>> No.22075294

I need help with this:
what's with the 俺?

>> No.22075318

whats ur issue

>> No.22075324

Something along these lines maybe?

Rather than "was saying", it might be more along the lines of "was acting like" or something. I don't know the context so this is the best I can do.

>> No.22075332

>go through tae kims guide
>start reading
>cant possibly remember all this grammar

How do I do this, im retarded

>> No.22075337

when I read この勇者が俺, I think of something like "This hero is me" or "I, the hero, "
If there was no 俺 then I would have no problems

It's the name of a novel and it's translation is "The Hero is Overpowered but Overly Cautious", the thing that bothers me is that there is no first person but there's 俺

>> No.22075338

you're not supposed to remember it you're just supposed to look shit up as you go along and remember it after seeing it a million times, which is easy for basic stuff that's in every sentence

>> No.22075343

just continue reading and refer back to tae kim when you see a sentence with grammer you don't understand

you're not supposed to just memorize it

>> No.22075344

the reading is where you learn the grammar, tae kim is just for getting your feet wet
read more

>> No.22075348
File: 1 KB, 90x20, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22075354


>> No.22075358

u havent seen many title translations have u

>> No.22075362

how many lookups do you average per word before it sticks? 5? 10?

>> No.22075365

u know animes fucked when the titles are super long and full of memey trash lol

>> No.22075375

i said a million

>> No.22075379

thank you, that really helped

nop, I don't pay much attention to titles, I found this one interesting because of the TUEEE

>> No.22075385

>thank you, that really helped
even without that you should have read it the way >>22075324 said. it's obviously the most normal interpretation as there's nothing suggesting first person in that sentence as この勇者 clearly refers to another person

>> No.22075392

there's gonna be 8 episodes of this haruhi timeloop shit isnt there how did they get away with airing this

>> No.22075393

u shouldnt read it that way cuz its not a quote its a meme

>> No.22075398

2 elaborate if ur gonna look at it any way u should at as hes a oretueeeキャラ

>> No.22075403

and as we all know thx 2 george here キャラ means charactah


>> No.22075413

yes but regardless of whether it's a meme or not he could have probably understood what it meant if he didn't automatically assume it was first person cause it has 俺 in it. the meme is essentially based on a kind of quotation anyway

>> No.22075418

depends the brain works in mysterious ways
I learned 一家団欒 with one look up, 突っ伏す in around 7 look ups, and 座り込む in what might as well be a million

>> No.22075421
File: 315 KB, 664x602, 1564964692668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've watched it 3 times. Don't be a sissy.

>> No.22075422

yea its just 1 of these things that completely turns eop 1 track brains completely upside down

>> No.22075436

Haven't watched it but read the novels, in the novel it was only 20 pages

>> No.22075438

lol u should have seen the threads

>> No.22075451


>> No.22075453


Is there anyway to look it up effectively? If I don't know a verb tense I end up having to look through every section on verbs he wrote, and that's a relatively easy example.

>> No.22075455
File: 543 KB, 1892x1210, 1560300261937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fuckin budget flex kyoani does it again

>> No.22075466

just use yomichan lmao

>> No.22075472

They would've never gotten away with replaying literally the exact same episode 8 times.

>> No.22075478

just use nazeka lmao

also, like matto said, most grammar is actually in the dictionary. there's no need to read a grammar guide any more than once.

>> No.22075499

they didnt have to put over half of the season towards it
but they did
and thats based

>> No.22075507

ive ちゃんと watched 5 episodes so far and i intend to give my full attention to them all so i can sympathise more with the mc when we escape the timeloop

>> No.22075512

empathise i meant to say

>> No.22075514

its not as bad when ur not watchin an episode a week
i almost enjoyed rewatchin it lmfao

>> No.22075524

>i almost enjoyed rewatchin it lmfao
idk how you could enjoy it its the exact same shit with very minor dialogue differences

>> No.22075538

say yuki the way matt says yui

>> No.22075552

that was the summer anime contracted hiv

>> No.22075570

but that was before syousitu

>> No.22075592

Imagine spending all the time making an anime card when that's more time than you'd spend reviewing a non-anime card lmfao

>> No.22075601

nothing funny about mental retardation stop laughing

>> No.22075610

my retention is low enough that anime cards would be a net gain but who would actually make anime cards

>> No.22075611

wtf you talking about it only takes me a couple minutes to make mine

>> No.22075612

"A couple minutes"
Nigger that is 12 reviews at ten seconds a piece which is slow as fuck

>> No.22075613

whoops just realised i forgot to add the audio from forvo

>> No.22075615

you could both make and finish reviewing 5 vocab cards in the time it takes to make 1 anime card

>> No.22075616

but you aren't learning much compared to my anime cards so what's the point? i could just do 1 card a second but it doesnt mean much

>> No.22075620

What are you learning from an anime card that a vocab card and using your saved time for further study doesn't do better?

>> No.22075622

if you're a beginner it could make sense

>> No.22075638


>> No.22075640

>depends the brain works in mysterious ways
I learned 一家団欒 with one look up, 突っ伏す in around 7 look ups, and 座り込む in what might as well be a million

>> No.22075645

just bought noise cancelling headphones #miapproach

>> No.22075651

quiz's cards just got made even more irrelevant


>> No.22075655

Yea the endless 8. 2 Episodes would have been crazy enough.. but 8 in a row was just cruel.

>> No.22075659

stop posting in this thread and immerse starting now

holy f*cking based

>> No.22075668

gonna try watching violet evergarden for like the 5th time, never got past episode 3 all the other times i tried watching it

>> No.22075671


>> No.22075672

how much did u invest in ur education ?
thats in my backlog still

>> No.22075681

she looks like shes gonna fuckin die of shame the whole time

>> No.22075690

is 風が強く吹いている good

>> No.22075692

20 usd

>> No.22075693

i thought it was but im also a guy who likes running so....

>> No.22075700

1. Imagine being that one shameless guy that puts on my name to insult people and won’t reveal himself even after people took the bait revealing his intent to be to actually just be vile

2. Imagine thinking anime cards take long to make obsessing over 10 seconds when 1. your time spent per card is higher than mine 2. you spent hours posting on 4chan every day

>> No.22075707


>> No.22075708

that explains the what and the how but not the why
for example why did i learned 一家団欒 quicker than 座り込む

>> No.22075713

Why doesn't this dude just read the book instead? Is language larping that much more fun?

>> No.22075723

since when did you file rights to this name

>> No.22075738

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5Qxr8OGkaA#t=34 autism pills next to the monga lol

>> No.22075747

You know I might work on my setup and make a new section on the site for posts like that

>> No.22075753

no one fuckin cares bro go study for kanken 2 and show us how good u are at japanese

>> No.22075757
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wondering if he made it

>> No.22075760
File: 323 KB, 750x992, 杖ペチ 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first volume of this manga was utterly hilarious, i honestly didn’t expect it to be so good. i’m excited for what shenanigans are in store in volume 2 (^-^)

>> No.22075763

who knows dude who knows

>> No.22075787

Well matto is a virgin for life anyway

>> No.22075797

it looks like it has rpg elements which automatically means its shit

>> No.22075798

I got a new system coming out soon called banime cards

>> No.22075809


>> No.22075815

its only gonna make the payoff more enjoyable my friend

>> No.22075819

um yeah i did that, it was before i even knew what endless 8 was so i had know idea which episode they were finally gonna get out of the time loop so it was a pretty fun experience actually

>> No.22075825

nihongo word of the day: 蟷螂

>> No.22075827

not that guy but ratings mean pretty much nada when it comes to taste

>> No.22075835

best post itt

>> No.22075840

Word of the Month: 蟷螂の斧[とうろうのおの]

>> No.22075842

no references are really good thats why family guy is the best show of all time

>> No.22075898


>> No.22075943

resume from save

>> No.22076010

my trips been public for a while notice the new challenger that has entered the fray lmao

>> No.22076040

oh u mean that website u shill that gets deleted every time u post it ? lol

>> No.22076041

i know you're not really qm but most here don't use anime cards so qm's contributions are pretty much zilch to all those people.

>> No.22076051

resuming of a dream

>> No.22076053

warosu is down i cant double check ur trip

>> No.22076054

u did it great job

>> No.22076055

I gotta make a sentence card with this word

>> No.22076056

first try and ive never used it
how fucked am i

>> No.22076060

im actually weirded out if true

>> No.22076062

can't these mia scum at least have the decency to not publicly share the link to the library on fucking youtube of all places? do they want it to get taken down or something?

>> No.22076068

well u know they call me jamal fan maybe they were right

>> No.22076077

>what do jamal, the tranny and moetard have, nothing
"watch 10000 hours of english subbed anime before you leanr"
"i am an ex-druggie duuuuuuuude meditation"
"do sentence cards btw im n3"

>> No.22076156

i aint no butt slut
u have to earn it

>> No.22076185

>an open wound prone to infection
>drug and meditation induced psychosis
>people i pretend to like who pretend to like me
>a less effective anki strategy


>> No.22076189

seriously? so no orgys in japan then

>> No.22076200

Have I been lied to? What about two onee-chans taking the elementary schooler?

>> No.22076201

it's not impossible to do it if you go in by yourself then people come later and they dont notice but strictly speaking you're not allowed more than 2 people in a room at once

>> No.22076202

put your name back on quizler

>> No.22076206


>> No.22076215

wait what

>> No.22076220

Most of the questions this site answers is stuff anyone who's read the Wikipedia article for the Japanese language answers.
It feels closer to the Japanese learning subreddit's guide than to our djt guide, since it mostly answers questions for absolute beginners.

>> No.22076227

idk what you're referring to but it prob wasn't a love hotel in that case, probably just a brothel of some kind

>> No.22076244

is there a japanese antimoon?

>> No.22076262

do you not understand the concept of ratios and why they interest people

>> No.22076319

this thread is so 苦々しい

>> No.22076380

that's racist

>> No.22076519

just u my tomogaki

>> No.22076648

quizlet barely reads at all

>> No.22076649

no, you are the only exception who can't make it

>> No.22076656

alright bros i'll keep at it
i'll prove you wrong

>> No.22076661
File: 90 KB, 679x960, 1541529577904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not trying to learn Japanese...
I'm trying to BE Japanese!!!

>> No.22076664

yea but you have to do a shit load of reading to get a lot better because i'm struggling after a year since i only read like an hour a day.

>> No.22076669

you don't need to leave any significant space above or below the linss, is that's what you're asking

>> No.22076688

is it really an hour or are you padding the real number a little

>> No.22076756

if i become a male camwhore would you guys still respect me

>> No.22076776

wtf bro

>> No.22076791

everyday I ride my exercise bike for 30 min and lift for 60 while watching stuff

>> No.22076806

Pretty much 24/7. You can also interrupt him while he's sleeping by donating $3 to play a song.

>> No.22076809

just face the tv for everything except for when you got to lie down on the bench, then you just listen

>> No.22076883

can u just watch anime w.o all the nerd shit ?

>> No.22076922


>> No.22076939

Today I finished the second season of hajime no ippo, finished kill la kill and specials, played fire emblem three houses for like 1-2 hours and finally played SMT 4 for like 2 hours

>> No.22076944
File: 23 KB, 222x80, bagina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bampaia berubetto bagina

>> No.22076967


>> No.22076982

already been watching bud

>> No.22076996

what if ur just excited about kansai from 0 so u can finally speak and understand kansai

>> No.22076997

melodramatic much? It's usually better desu tho

>> No.22077010

klk was the moment anime became terminal

>> No.22077013

oh i forgot about that

>> No.22077021

i think ttgl was ok at the time but i dont think it aged well at all like 90% of what makes a any mainstream work good is timing

>> No.22077022

i got u
>If you think abstinence is what must be justified and not meaningless and emotionless fucking, then you are a human garbage. Virginity is the inborn state of a person, and to have sex for no purpose but to have sex is the worst thing you can do in the realm of sexuality. Sex should be meaningful, or else it is not worth it and is only harmful for both participants. Maybe she agrees to have sex with you, because she's also just as stunted and corrupt as you, but that does not mean you should do it. Maybe she seduces you and you feel then it is your duty as a man to do it, but that does not mean you should. Do you think the Buddha fucked hookers or went to bed with intoxicated women from the street, just so that he'd experience the pussy? He didn't. Maybe you can criticise this and say that pussy is all that matters, by your worldview being from emotional corruption and flawed capitalism, but then your worldview is bad for yourself and those around you and should change. Sexuality is not a playground. Other people are not playthings. If you treat sexuality as a commodity, and other people as commodities, then you are a human garbage.

>> No.22077023

ttgl is the shit. It's kill la kill with diebuster infusion and a good ending.

>> No.22077044

i mean i could agree with that but i also think that style sux and is gay and basically heres ur litmus test imagine miyazaki watching any of these shit animes and imagine what hed think and if its not good then the anime is shit and the cancer killing anime

>> No.22077069

thats true yoko was a proper titty babe klk actually really failed hard in the slammin titty babe department now that i think abt it

i mean ryuko has a thong im sure thatll do

>> No.22077072

>"magic king"? i don't think a japanese person would use that as a username
-george trombone

>> No.22077081

it's a livestream so gotta wait for it to be over

>> No.22077086

nihongo word of the minute: 蒲公英

>> No.22077091


>> No.22077096

word of the second: 乳首 [milk necks]

>> No.22077101


>> No.22077102

ummmmmmm fuck that is so mcuh win actually lmao


>> No.22077161

i feel like 死んじまえ doesn't quite capture the meaning of fuck you (´・ω・`)

>> No.22077162

>Anime & Jdrama Freq::91104
I think you found the one anime it was in

>> No.22077190



>> No.22077192

george sounds pretty alright here, his pronounciation isn't great but he doesn't have to search for words much and doesn't stumble
how can he still be so shit at reading japanese

>> No.22077197

i could be reading eroge but im just enjoyin based jooji https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJaknVRANAY&t=1270

>> No.22077209



I dry ohutons on sunshine.


>> No.22077217


>> No.22077220

i mean he speaks japanese its very important to note when u acquire the verbal language u dont have to think about things it just flows

he talks consistently the same way as himself which is most apparent when he switches between english and japanese which ive said before is like the key to knowing someone is really speaking fluently as opposed being like some weird anime character like autism pills on the monga shelf guy or quad tricks guy

>> No.22077234

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJaknVRANAY#t=150 lmfao

i have issues when he says "fuck her" tho cuz now hes permanently crippling japanese ppl but its also like the very george thing to say and i wouldnt change it for the world

>> No.22077241


>> No.22077242

I dry my futons in the sun.

>> No.22077257

i hang up the ohutons outside to dry

>> No.22077268

went back to the george vid and literally clicked a random place on the seek bar lmao


>> No.22077274


I vacuum my ohurons which dryed it in the sum.


>> No.22077283

I just imagined somebody dusting a futon over a capital sigma-shaped block

>> No.22077286



>> No.22077287

this might come in handy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJaknVRANAY&t=366

>> No.22077288


>> No.22077289

naruhodo lmfao

>> No.22077290

just post that at me any time u see me posting

>> No.22077299

id be spamming if i did that and qm is the one who needs to hear it

>> No.22077309

u could just batch @ my posts and link it a few times per thread

>> No.22077324
File: 357 KB, 844x1200, 119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22077331


>> No.22077339

dude this is the vid that just keeps on givin hard to believe george owned this much 7 years ago


>> No.22077342

>I'm trying to BE Japanese!!!
Unless you're some buryat or yakut it's impossible. People will see your face and instantly バレる you.

>> No.22077360

dumb uppercase poster

>> No.22077369


>> No.22077373

why are you namefagging?

>> No.22077382

so my friends can identify my posts why else

>> No.22077383


>> No.22077391

do you realize that this is an anonymous image board? if you want to be identified, go back to rеddit.

>> No.22077480

who here is friends with you

>> No.22077523

i should get in on this mal social network so i can be friends with moe

>> No.22077525

mal is owned by jews who want you to donate to kyoani.

>> No.22077526

send me a request im ksesef4

>> No.22077530
File: 2.14 MB, 1697x2541, yosh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22077535

It's stupid to support a studio that makes the same anime for 10 years straight but tries to sell it as several different titles.

>> No.22077541

doesnt touch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxkOAtmlXOo

>> No.22077542

most ignorant post of the thread good job

>> No.22077544

imagine thinking violet evershit isnt more samey shit lmao

>> No.22077546

is it accurate to say that getting through 10 episodes of SOL anime with j-subs and a dictionary would improve your japanese better than going through both genki 1 and 2?

>> No.22077551

absolutely not

>> No.22077560

the textbooks are better?

>> No.22077565

versus the alternative u gave yes absolutely 100%

>> No.22077570

If your comprehension is absolutely correct using the dictionary, presumably your grammar knowledge is past the genki textbooks level. The SOL is good, as long as it's not too difficult for you.

>> No.22077578

cuz then the answer is obvious but here u go https://www.strawpoll.me/18642987

>> No.22077586

you forgot 10 000 hours of JAV.

>> No.22077587

compelling content

>> No.22077588


>> No.22077589

how bout 10 hours of textbooks and 9990 hours of japanese

>> No.22077591

JAV is so boring. ぺったんこエロアニメ is best.

>> No.22077592

how about 9990 hours of japanese and 10 hours of googling some shit that perks ur interest

>> No.22077615

333 hours of grammar guides
3333 hours of anki/sentence mining
6334 hours of input (jav, anime, LNs, etc.)

>> No.22077647

ironically his best japanese lesson

>> No.22077680

nihongo word of the day: 久方

>> No.22077683


>> No.22077789


>> No.22077855

mispronouncing some japanese in my head rn

>> No.22077872

drying ohutons on sunshine rn

>> No.22078089

Hey guys am I gonna make it if I read novels using rikaukun + english translation for around 2 hours a day without any anki or other SRS. I'm halfway through my first and I'm having a lot of fun. Wanted to know if anyone else does this

>> No.22078115

>stuff qm has that i don’t:
>~his virginity
sorry, lost all interest.

>> No.22078193
File: 87 KB, 400x400, 29821753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was the name of that plugin that auto adds furigana to cards you make.

>> No.22078217

If you have fun and stick with it you'll make it.

>> No.22078221

japanese support addon?

Anki helps to quickly build a large vocabulary, moderate use is generally advised. Reading is very powerful but I would also listen at least as much to build a mental model of the sounds in the language.

>> No.22078283
File: 643 KB, 1627x1659, 1568497690925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now it's time for you guys to really help with a hard question.

I'm translating some hentai, what is the connoisseur's choice English words for the following:

I don't want to use dick / erection because it doesn't sound cute, what should I use instead?

おちんちん ->
勃起 ->

>> No.22078312
File: 24 KB, 295x295, 52492424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japanese support addon?
Thank you

>> No.22078316

peenus weenus of course

>> No.22078327

I just told my friend i haven't read DJT in a while and i wonder if they're still masturbating instead of studying. So i come here and literally the first post is about eroge.
You fucking idiots are never going to make it.

>> No.22078328
File: 2.57 MB, 2669x2827, coco_laughlaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pitch accent, this is atamadaka matt not heiban
挨拶 isn't even a rare word

so this is the power of the ultimate pitch accent addon

>> No.22078340

nice i've been waiting for this add-on :)

>> No.22078344

Matt changed i+1 to 1T to be cool and hip. I hate it. He's not changing anything, just renaming existing things. fuck.

>> No.22078383

looks like qm's site put matt to shame so he finally decided to update it

>> No.22078387

stfu. fuck qm and matt. stupid orbitors.

>> No.22078389

he's also using the embedded gifs that he saw quizlet using, lmao

>> No.22078392

what does the T stand for

>> No.22078396


tldr >In order to avoid confusion due to this slight difference in meaning, we decided to drop the term and adopt the more straightforward “one target”

from the new matto post:

"In order for a sentence card to be effective, it’s important that the sentence on the front be a one-target (1T) sentence. This means there’s only one unknown word or grammar structure being introduced in the sentence. You know a sentence is 1T when, after looking up or inferring the meaning of the unknown word/structure, the meaning of the entire sentence becomes clear.

If a sentence is zero-target (0T), AKA, doesn’t contain anything you don’t already know, you won’t gain anything by making it into a sentence card. On the other hand, if a sentence is multi-target (MT), AKA, contains multiple words/structures you don’t already know, it’s going to be very difficult and frustrating to learn.

Learning through 1T sentences can be thought of as “picking low hanging fruit”. It makes the target word/structure easy to understand and retain. As you continue to learn, sentences that previously were 1T will become 0T, and sentences that previously were MT will become 1T. In this way, 1T sentences can take you all the way to fluency.

NOTE: Previously, MIA referred to “1T sentences” as “i+1 sentences”. The term “i+1” comes from Stephen Krashen and his Input Hypothesis. From Wikipedia: “[The Input Hypothesis] states that learners progress in their knowledge of the language when they comprehend language input that is slightly more advanced than their current level. Krashen called this level of input “i+1”, where “i” is the learner’s interlanguage and “+1 is the next stage of language acquisition.” In other words, Krashen’s “i+1” refers to input that is immediately comprehensible to the unconscious language acquisition device. On the other hand, MIA was using the term to refer to input that could be consciously comprehended after looking up or inferring the meaning of an unknown word or structure. In order to avoid confusion due to this slight difference in meaning, we decided to drop the term and adopt the more straightforward “one target” instead"

>> No.22078409

the addon looks pretty neat

>> No.22078420

>Matt changed i+1 to 1T to be cool and hip.
I think he changed it because i+1 is already an established term within the whole input hypothesis thing and doesn't actually mean "a sentence with one unknown word" (which was how he was using it). Continuing to use the term incorrectly would inevitably lead to confusion so he finally decided to stop being lazy and make his own term instead of appropriating Krashen's.

I think it's a good thing.

>> No.22078433

what's the point of having a dictionary in anki

>> No.22078461

it's not like he was misunderstood. words have different meanings in different contexts, you dont need a new word for every nuance.

>> No.22078468

looks like the main idea is being able to more easily/automatically add stuff from the dictionary to your cards

>it's not like he was misunderstood.
because his followers didn't know any better, but that's no excuse, it just means he was misleading them.

>words have different meanings in different contexts
this isn't really a different context though since we're talking about language learning in both cases and matt even references krashen in a bunch of his videos

people will hear matt use i+1 in a certain way and assume that when krashen says it it means the same thing

>> No.22078470

>words have different meanings in different contexts
stupid argument
krashen defined a term and uses it in a particular context
matt simply used it incorrectly

>> No.22078471

I'm not a a english speaker but that yoga guy defintely sounds like he is ゲイ can someone confirm?

>> No.22078485

I have been studying for almost two years now but have not started pitch accent yet. I have a pretty large mining deck, should i just add the pitch accent to all these cards and try to remember that as well or should i delete them and start a new deck?

>> No.22078503

1t is still fucking retarded. i understand why he changed it but it doesn't need to be changed. it works. it's not like krashen is even promoting his input hypothesis in the same way anymore, he's admitted it's flawed in interviews and usually just promotes tprs now.

matt is "so concerned" about nuance yet only applies it to some things and completely omits important changes as just the same thing like khatz's ideas as just being ajatt as if his changes were never made. he's such a hypocrite, i cannot stand him.

>> No.22078563
File: 438 KB, 497x889, script.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this

>> No.22078580

Is the quizmaster website up?

>> No.22078581

someone asked for banger ost in one of the recent threads and i forgot to add this:

>> No.22078584

Not available, gg anon

>> No.22078587

my bad

>> No.22078609

>WOW this addon is so cool! I feel my pitch accent improving already!

>> No.22078615


>> No.22078653

what is it with this man wearing hats indoors

is it to cover up his receding hairline

>> No.22078675

new ことわざ of the day: 子は鎹

>> No.22078691

aw so cute
yes u will make it

>> No.22078726

i just had the card 流布 follow directly after まかり通る

>> No.22078733

what about it

>> No.22078739
File: 799 KB, 1440x1080, me and my homie when we're about to do some cheeky shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can u link ur patreon?

>> No.22078822

Oh great, another tool so optimizationfags can fuck around in anki instead of learning Japanese

>> No.22078835

i think morphman is fucking retarded but this is actually pretty neat, also you don't fuck with it much you just set it up once and that's that

>> No.22078865

what makes u so pissed off about that just curious

>> No.22078874

one day i'll understand pitch accent

>> No.22078889
File: 5 KB, 109x40, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to fix the font rendering in Anki? It looks like anti-aliasing is turned off or something

>> No.22078927

Matt is not even going to mention that he learned makings gifs from my site?

>> No.22078936

people have made gifs like yours on their sites since forever, do you think everyone thanks everyone they learned it from? you narcissistic faggot.

>> No.22078941

calm down

>> No.22078962

Stop posting

>> No.22078973
File: 31 KB, 680x383, 252C6AAA-5315-4B62-AE57-62F4B3C4F896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22078994

now that's a stretch

>> No.22078996

If you study hard enough you can do it!

>> No.22079004

don’t forget the ShareX video

>> No.22079018

he asked me how to make gifs and I told him I explain it on my site and a week later he updates his site with a bunch of gifs that’s not a coincidence

>> No.22079041

I mean i didn't know you've talked to him so i guess i'll have to (that one japanese word that means to take back what one said a few moments ago)

>> No.22079044


>> No.22079047

truest hero itt

>> No.22079053

he doesn't reference you because you're mean to him for no reason and no one knows who you are.

>> No.22079097

He could've just said "credits to some anon for teaching how to do this".

>> No.22079104

he doesn't reference him because he's mean to him for no reason.

>> No.22079106

tfw you can actually see a successful qm patreon in a few months' time

>> No.22079129

i've never donated to any fag's patreon, and never will.

>> No.22079131

I second this, quizfag is self obsessed man bitch. No one cares. People learn and take ideas from each other constantly. The idea of using gifs was never yours idiot.

>> No.22079133

u're prolly that anon that subbed to qms patreon when he tested it a few months back

>> No.22079146

i ain't nuke

>> No.22079155

you probably heard it/seen it before but it just didnt register in your brain

>> No.22079161

I'd give him money if he'd drop the self important act and just STFU. He has 0 of value to add. Honestly anything he does even the Mia fucks will do a better job of, just give up noone want to give money to another idiot on 4chan. This is the worst place to build a patreon that probably exists, too autistic to tell this fact I'd guess. So autistic...

>> No.22079162

of course not but y’know it’s that matt specifically came to me for advice and I taught him the ways of the world and you got to uyamau your sensei that’s all ai’m saying

>> No.22079166

we need to help qm get to his 420$ goal. btw why is it dollars it would be better to put in 420 € since the euro is a stronger currency

>> No.22079169

If a person says 家へ戻る instead of 家へ帰る is that implied that it isn't their house/is just some random house?

>> No.22079171

you are the meanest fuck i swear dude

>> No.22079173

actually everything I do they do worse and you don’t even have to pay to talk to me, pitch accent and retirement addons for example are negative additions because they are broken and unnecessary

>> No.22079178

Stfu faggot. You're some dumb Anon. No one cares about you.

>> No.22079183

back off

>> No.22079184

I am Quizmaster

>> No.22079188

Qm posting shit about himself again. People on 4chan pirate we don't pay money for stuff idiot... Go on Reddit and let them shit on you there too.

>> No.22079200

sometimes i feel like qm wants to be a chill dude like jamal, but he also wants to be recognized for it.

>> No.22079203


>> No.22079208

Your opinions suck honestly bro. You do know most people disagree with you huh. We just tolerate you for entertainment. Some random trying to rise out of 4chan, as if, douche.

>> No.22079215

i'm really raging cause this eroge has no ロマンチック接吻 scene

>> No.22079217

you talk like a black man doing MIA

>> No.22079221

Qm stop posting about yourself. We overall don't like you here. You've made 0 contribution to anything.

>> No.22079231

You talk like an autistic German obsessed with the orient the qm so....

>> No.22079238

>obsessed with the orient
I’m sure you are a regular poster here LMAO

>> No.22079240

he probably got the idea from your site
but he didn't "learn it" from you, you don't even explain it

>> No.22079254

You don't know English if you don't know that's a demeaning term for Asia, get native autist

>> No.22079257

actually I mention it, I explain how to setup something and mention that you can also do it with gifs as the setup is the same

>> No.22079258

stop fighting and read kirby

>> No.22079265

anime sucks

>> No.22079266

Christ are you actually retarded
fuck off back to where you came from

>> No.22079269

the orient lol

>> No.22079274

Can you remind me of how you invented the animated gif format?

>> No.22079277


>> No.22079280

Qm desires to go, and the other guy's from there. So sad to see them fight

>> No.22079288

Do you cite where you learned something Everytime you do it? Honestly no one is ever going to shout out someone from 4chan

>> No.22079291

me > (you)

>> No.22079300

yoga shouted him out remember

>> No.22079301

wow didn't know 地 == 自

>> No.22079308
File: 176 KB, 478x712, 2019-09-15.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder if i should just put the pitch accent on the front straight away
i'm not going to test myself on it and it might make some of it stick at least

>> No.22079327

yoga's just a dumb, fat fuck with a lisp and autism who just so happened to get good at a few languages

>> No.22079331

based matt taking the anki game to the next level

>> No.22079333

what languages did he get good at
if that includes German link a video of him speaking it
oh wait this is all in the past because he self admittedly forgot everything he learned right yeah as if

>> No.22079341

wtf i just realized nobody ever made 縦書き designed cards. nobody here knows japanese. (is there a single line of css that can transform all my cards into 縦書き?)

>> No.22079348

you realized wrong
someone posted the html for it a few threads back

>> No.22079350

Let's see a video of you speaking Japanese then haha. Also he has made real contributions to the community, way more than you'll ever do I'd guess.

>> No.22079355

this is really bad timing cause warosu. is down atm

>> No.22079359

That's because qm crawled out of his hole here and into the YouTube comment area. He didn't shout out 4chan lol

>> No.22079364

Yoga did this, Matt can't do shit except talk and write articles

>> No.22079370

The MIA Japanese and Dictionary add-ons actually reduce the amount of time people need to spend fucking around in Anki because they automate things which you would otherwise have to do manually.

>> No.22079377


>> No.22079382

writing-mode: vertical-rl;
text-orientation: upright;

>> No.22079422

only works in anki 2.1 btw

>> No.22079423

that would fuck my shit up since i have some english defs

>> No.22079425

your layout looks nice

>> No.22079426
File: 601 B, 77x13, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg i was going crazy until i saw this
thanks for the heads up

>> No.22079435

I don't want a dictionary in Anki and I can make similar cards in yomichan with one click. If I were willing to put in more effort than that, I'd make anime cards™ which are superior.

>> No.22079447

>I can make similar cards in yomichan with one click
the point is the pitch accent coloring though
if you don't want that obviously the add-on is useless

>> No.22079463

Can I have a sample deck of the audiocards deck?

I don't really understand if it includes an English definition on the back.

It doesn't look like it from animecards.site, is this a full immersion approach?

>> No.22079471

>I don't really understand if it includes an English definition on the back.
it's your choice whether to use english or japanese definition

>> No.22079474

I demand an answer from QM himself.

>> No.22079481

Why doesn't he have a trip?
He should have a trip

>> No.22079503

is watching anime actually helping my japanese if i'm not looking up words and basically just trying to hear words i've encountered in text?

>> No.22079506

ye sure why not

>> No.22079509


>> No.22079510

because it never feels like i'm improving yet i see these guys talking about 95% comprehension after a year.

>> No.22079514

>he fell for spreadsheet guy

>> No.22079515

QM said in the last thread something along the lines of "read the Japanese definition when you mine the word, and use it on the card if you understand it, but if you don't then just use the English definition."

>> No.22079525

now i know why i'm better than qm
i'm full j-j baby

>> No.22079530
File: 464 KB, 1099x1080, ______.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you add the munged images to the deck on mac?

>> No.22079531

anyone who isnt using nihongo by necessity in their daily life and interacting with ppl is going to have to wait a while my dude its just simply gonna take longer

the video game players and do-jin jack offers etc are going to have to be patient my dude rome wasnt built in a day so watch 10000 hours of eng subbed anime or ur gay

>> No.22079537

those people are all bullshitters. it will take you 4-5 years realistically to reach 95% comprehension for things that actually have a lot of dialogue, ie not baby SoL

>> No.22079539

He also said don't mine dictionary definitions, which I think is what Matt suggests people do.


It's easy as a beginner or intermediate to drastically overestimate your comprehension when watching raw.

>> No.22079558

It's not like it's gonna hurt you and comprehension is a skill too

>> No.22079564

when i say help my japanese i mean help my comprehension.

>> No.22079575

when i say help my japanese i mean help my ゲーさ

>> No.22079586


>> No.22079600
File: 260 KB, 638x900, __kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_azuman__915f4b6cd60fb70de3222a69f073867b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22079601


>> No.22079605

has anyone come up with a scientific reason yet for why using popup dictionaries while reading doesn't work

>> No.22079608

yomi is gay just accept this fact

>> No.22079611

no because it works as long as you take one or two seconds to try to figure out the reading by yourself before hovering over every word

>> No.22079620

what if i know the reading, but not the meaning for a word?

>> No.22079644

when i i think i can infer the meaning from context i just keep reading
if the meaning is vital to understanding the sentence and i can't figure it out i check
getting the reading right is definitely the more important part though

>> No.22079677

If I see a new word I mine it even if I understood the sentence and am confident about being able to correctly read it if it came up again

>> No.22079690

but can u say the word out loud

>> No.22079699

when i finish this episode i'm gonna put some fries in the oven and make hamburgers

>> No.22079707
File: 105 KB, 300x296, DistantFrazzledMidgetBear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not how you make hamburgers my dude

>> No.22079708

oh yeah

>> No.22079717


lets get some quizmaster speak n spell goin

>> No.22079725

i'd rather listen to styx come sail away than a japanese song

>> No.22079739

maybe later

>> No.22079745

I rarely have to look up words anymore but I'm still reading slow as fuck compared to a Japanese person I'm never going to make it through this ドラクエ
When does it get better bros

>> No.22079748

all u gotta do is say 広義 and were cool

>> No.22079751

though I don't feel particularly compelled to demonstrate that I can speak. the quiz demonstrates I'm better than the vast majority of this thread

>> No.22079759

you are right

>> No.22079768

Okay, I made 10 of each of these cards yesterday as a test and have decided I'm probably just going to do the quizmaster/audio/anime card style ones.

Even listening to the full sentence audio each time I flipped a card (sometimes multiple times per card), the anime card reps still took me only half as long to review as the sentence cards. At the rate I went through the sentence cards, I would before long be spending easily over an hour a day in Anki, and I just know that that wouldn't be sustainable for me.

Another advantage besides time-saving is that on the anime card version, you can have as much context as you like on the back of the card, whereas with a sentence card you're constrained to only a single sentence since having multi-sentence cards would turn reviews into a never-ending nightmare. This is particularly advantageous when a sentence leads on from another and without the context of the previous sentence, the meaning of the following one becomes vague (e.g. "blah blah blah. それはblah blah blah." <-- you might forget what exactly "それ" was referring to here if you only have the latter sentence on the card).

You also lose the constraint of only being able to mine "i+1" (1T now, is it?) sentences.

>> No.22079771

too ez to tell qm1 and qm2 apart to be honest with you senpai

>> No.22079780

we havent forgotten that u got vac banned for using a quiz hack to cheat at the quiz maybe u shouldnt inject dlls all willy nilly like that

>> No.22079799

gotta be honest dude i didnt read this post and then also ur post reads like this https://streamable.com/ei0oh

>> No.22079801

but it was just a prank

>> No.22079807

yes all that
there isn’t actually a single valid argument against anime cards in favor of sentence cards

>> No.22079811


>> No.22079820

definitely didn't read this. no idea why the fuck you think you're important enough to post all this drivel

>> No.22079830
File: 1.85 MB, 480x289, d50w056-04e5c895-c8de-4ec3-a4a5-2659cbc89e86.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22079836

feel the word > know the word > hiku it in a j-j jisho > use a e-j > google handwriting tool > jisho radical search tool > yomichan > sentence cards > anime cards

>> No.22079860


>> No.22079866

u cant be the 王様 when ur writin shit like that my dude sorry ur more liek the 王牌

>> No.22079886

george probably only knows 魔 from the context of 魔法

>> No.22079891

I wonder why Matt is trying to put so much of a importance on pitch accent instead of actually acquiring japanese, his content is actually getting really boring. why not make a path of least resistance, like you watch this anime and then this anime or this genre if you like that more and then you understand 90% and do some passive listening and enjoy yourself a bit and then in a month you know 500 kanji and have 2500 cards or something.

>> No.22079900

i could explain why from his perspective but i don't feel like it quit being gay

>> No.22079907

Then I know it because of 魔力, 魔法, and 魔術. I don't really know what it means on its own, but I know it appears in these words.

>> No.22079937

if you have silence in your ShareX recording you are fucking up ShareX recording and the pitch accent addon sucks ass, just a gimmick

>> No.22079947

>not knowing it from 悪魔
do you even 瞬獄殺

>> No.22079955

by putting this thing nobody cares about on a pedestal and saying Japanese people will bleed out of their ears if you don't perfect it he defines his brand of Japanese learning and makes it different from others
ultimately pitch accent barely matters it's all just a money making scheme and rather than just not mattering he is having learners spend their mental resources on this shit preventing them from making more progress so in that way it is harmful

>> No.22079973

he said he doesn't expect most people to bother learning pitch accent and for those who end up doing it, they can benefit from just a few months of deliberate study on the side before moving on, after they hit the 12-24 month range.

>> No.22079989

someone link the video where he says beginners shouldnt focus on pronunciation cause they cant hear the language

>> No.22079996

imagine being told unironically to go do fun things u enjoy lmao

>> No.22080014

>if you have silence in your ShareX recording you are fucking up ShareX recording
I can't use ShareX on my OS either way so it's of little matter. I meant to mention that in my post but I forgot.

>and the pitch accent addon sucks ass, just a gimmick
It's basically the Japanese Support add-on but better in every way.

I don't intend to use it for anything but the audio anyway but I think you're just calling it shit because you don't like the person who made it.

>> No.22080027

>ultimately pitch accent barely matters
So why do you go to the trouble of putting pitch accent indications on your cards along side the reading?

>it's all just a money making scheme
But the add-on is completely free. I don't think he has any paywalled info about pitch accent for him to make money off like Dogen does.

>> No.22080036

quiz just explained in that post that matt feels the pitch accent focus differentiates him from other japanese gurus so impressionable people might follow and end up giving him money. in that sense the addons are a money making scheme

>> No.22080041

No I really think it's a gimmick that doesn't contribute anything
1. It's only for Anki 2.1; Anki 2.1 has several issues most significantly the card rendering being FUCKED
2. It fucks up your card styling
3. It produces wrong pitch accents
4. Depends on who you are but it makes you focus and waste time with something that barely matters
You should just learn to here pitch accent and not focus on it beyond that, imagine watching anime inside Anki and clicking on every word to get the pitch accent

>So why do you go to the trouble of putting pitch accent indications on your cards along side the reading?
I said this before, I don't fail a card based on pitch accent. I merely hear it in the word & sentence audio and that's it. I don't look up every word's pitch accent or waste any time on it beyond the mental acknowledgment that it exists and that there is something to pay attention to and that is all you need to do.

>> No.22080085
File: 178 KB, 1280x905, ぷー.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22080094

>It fucks up your card styling
it doesn't though >>22079308

>It produces wrong pitch accents
how do you know this

>> No.22080101


>> No.22080102

anime without gore was a mistake
actually say 全員 thats the real test
>I think I'm going to review these as reading cards and not worry about the meanings.
based but also see above youtube link
>Anki 2.1 has several issues most significantly the card rendering being FUCKED
oh is that why

>> No.22080108

>1. It's only for Anki 2.1; Anki 2.1 has several issues most significantly the card rendering being FUCKED
No idea what you're on about. 2.1 works better for me in every way. I can list issues with 2.0 if you want.

>2. It fucks up your card styling
You don't have to use the MIA note type if you don't want to. That just means the pitch info (which I don't care about anyway) won't work. Although most likely you could easily edit the MIA note type to look however you want it to without much difficulty.

>3. It produces wrong pitch accents
Such as?

>imagine watching anime inside Anki and clicking on every word to get the pitch accent
I don't think anyone does this. Sounds like you're attacking a strawman.

>I said this before, I don't fail a card based on pitch accent.
Does Matt say people should?

>> No.22080111

Ehh that's unbelievable
Things like siblings bathing together, no way!

Is the second sentence right, I'm just not sure on what the ないわー is actually meaning, this is in the context of two girls overhearing that a guy still bathes with his older sister.

>> No.22080114
File: 347 KB, 960x854, uguu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and gorepilled

>> No.22080115
File: 45 KB, 741x500, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22080118

its ない
like そんなことない
the わ is just emphasis

>> No.22080121

someone post the fucked styling thing
I thought someone pointed out a wrong pitch accent earlier as well but I may be wrong, either way I doubt it can effectively parse Japanese and give you correct accent for a lot of compounds just due to it automatically generating it

>> No.22080127

elfen lied was how i learned that anime was sick and based

>> No.22080136
File: 102 KB, 657x903, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had several issues with 2.1 myself I don't really care to us eit

>I don't think anyone does this
check out the britvsjapan where he does exactly this and a ton of people replicate that, I don't know if matt advocates it but I don't really care
point is a ton of people do it

>Does Matt say people should?
no clue but it's obvious these people think it's super important just look at dector guy and how he can't produces basic Japanese sounds but knows all the accents

>> No.22080137


>> No.22080138

there will be no new thread

this is officially the last daily japanese thread

was meaning to tell u guys sooner but i didnt get around to it haha

>> No.22080143

no man u needed to start it here for best effect


>> No.22080146

I get that, I just don't really understand what ない actually means in this context in my head I just can't formulate any sensible meaning from the statement. Just wanted to know if what I'm assuming is accurate. Or I suppose "Things like siblings bathing together, impossible!" makes more sense.

>> No.22080147

this is the styling one>>22078563
and yeah I thought this one pointed out a wrong word inside the add-on but I didn't click the video >>22078328 either way like I said I don't trust anything automatically generated as it'll inevitably produce mistakes but I really don't care to go and test it, I'm still saying it's completely redundant

>> No.22080160

>this is the styling one >>22078563
there's nothing fucked about it, it adds a javascript into the styling so that you can hover over words and shit

>> No.22080163

wow thats fucked up

who the fuck does that i (in the same sibling configuration) certainly dont

>> No.22080166

it's fine to ignore pronunciation, just be aware your japanese is permanently crippled and you will always sound like a complete retard
as a non native english speaker I was not aware of this fact when I was studying english, I have a firm grasp of the language since years but I will always sound like a complete degenerate cause I thought "things will just work out if I immerse lol"

>> No.22080167

the intro gives u a chance to say this is real ez nihongo i wonder what hes gonna teach me

>> No.22080172

>(in the same sibling configuration)
now thats fucked up
