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File: 712 KB, 4288x3216, dscf3394_42333168754_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22061303 No.22061303 [Reply] [Original]

I've never mader a thread before but there wasn't one up.


previous: >>21903322

>> No.22061435

I can read some of your contacts

>> No.22061516
File: 107 KB, 800x1200, doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for making the thread, anon.

Any of you touhou neets got money to burn?
Pic very related.

>> No.22061563
File: 334 KB, 605x808, attemptswere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the sake of posting something, this is my try at a faceup, using watercolor pencils. It looks greasy and the brows look fuzzy. With eyes, hair and clothes and a few feet away it'll look acceptable, hopefully.

>> No.22061812 [SPOILER] 
File: 603 KB, 632x899, 1568331710272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did good for a first try anon, don't be too hard on yourself. I shittily redlined some suggestions for next time that can help your faceups be a little more dynamic, along with a few ideas of other things you might want to do for a doll.

No one ever shapes eyebrows, so for me personally it's a preference to have more detail in them; you can taper the edges to make them a little neater though if you like, or make them big wedges like Kitsune brows -- it's your doll!

A little blush goes a long way to bringing depth to the face, but it's another personal choice. Some of my dolls don't have any and they're just fine (but then, DDH04 is... special.)

The mouth is always tricky, but it's a lot of fun to work on. By changing the angle of the eyebrows and the shape of the mouth you can convey a wide variety of emotions. You'll develop your own style in time!

Don't be scared to experiment, anon. As long as you sealed her with MSC first, you can always wipe and start over if you change your mind. Keep posting!

>> No.22061889

thank you, i avoided blushes because I have a hard time seeing them, the pink on the lips I really only can see in the picture, not on the doll itself as I look at it.
As I buy the rest of it I'll post more.

>> No.22061899

Also I wasn't having to much luck getting sharp points drawn on, maybe need to use fine point brushes. So i kept it non-sharp.

>> No.22061970

My doll got stained from black pantyhose, a magic eraser and hydrogen peroxide isn't working to remove it. What's the best course of action?

>> No.22061981

For sure, I understand. I recommend picking up a head in your spare time to practice on, that way you won't have to worry if something does go awry.

Volks has that magic stain remover you can try?

>> No.22062016

Thanks, just ordered some. Hopefully it works.

>> No.22062088
File: 226 KB, 1135x1703, IMG_0998e 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck anon.

SmD Ebony Futaba came in today. Not sure how I'll style her and she probably needs a new faceup, but I do like her. Any ideas for a name, anons?

>> No.22062212
File: 1.74 MB, 4032x1960, 20190910_191205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shifted her wig a bit to give her some slanted bangs but now it just makes her look like she's balding a bit. Oh well.
She looks really cute, especially with that hair!
Her whole look makes me think of someone whos a bit meek, probably reads a lot, so maybe a name that references literature?

>> No.22062235
File: 612 KB, 1014x1477, 366744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried making some bunny ears for my doll.

>> No.22062246

cum on her

>> No.22062252

They came out really good! How do you get them to stay on? Magnets or hair clips?
do not spread sperm on the inanimate object

>> No.22062260

thanks, I just bought mini hair clips and glued them on. magnets probably would have been a better idea.

>> No.22062276

I'm so glad you got your girl, anon, she's lovely. Wig styling is a pain for me, but I swear by Volks' water wax. I don't know what that shit is, but It works.

And thank you! It's a Licht wig I bought off a friend ages back, I've never had a use for it before but I think it might just be a keeper on her. That's a good idea, too... I'll think it over.

Those are so cute and well-done, anon! I really like them and your doll.

>> No.22062291

cotton candy ears

>> No.22062387

Now make her a little cotton-tail too.

>> No.22062668
File: 165 KB, 1148x1082, IMG_0991e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took the girls with me to dinner the other night.

>> No.22062703


Definitely not bad for a first.

Tried hydrogen peroxide + sunlight?
Sealing in a food wrap also helps.


Very cute anon.

>> No.22063175
File: 162 KB, 563x750, yayoi_wig2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you style a wig so that it actually holds its shape? I'm trying to make it so that Yayoi's side bangs come down and touch the side of her face but they keep lifting up no matter how much wax and spray I use and it's driving me insane.

>> No.22063498

Where to?

>> No.22064738
File: 592 KB, 1161x632, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no expert, but what makes a custom faceup like this one worth so much when similar ones seem to go for 10k-30k most of the time?

>> No.22065917

Boil some water and pour it over the hair while something holds it in place

>> No.22066241

Because they are worth whatever people will pay. There's heads that routinely sell for $3000+ on YJA just because they are from a popular artist and the bidding war escalates to ridiculous levels.

>> No.22066627

It's like... brandfagging I guess. The artist has a big name so they'll shell out for their work.

What's the most you guys have ever seen a doll sell for on yafuoku? I saw a touhou custom go for seven grand once, it was wild.

>> No.22067502 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.34 MB, 2448x3264, 1568409886132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cw doll gore

Did I get a bad batch of ankle joints or something because this is the second time.

>> No.22067528

Are there any 3d printers that can produce quality doll parts?

>> No.22067630

I've seen people make their own BJDs elsewhere but they were strung, like vinyl dolls.

What were you doing when this happened?

>> No.22067731

Adjusting her foot after putting on some shoes. Barely put any pressure on it and I've been careful not pull against the joint. Fixed it up with a bit of contact cement, but its more annoying than anything.

>> No.22067925
File: 201 KB, 1711x1140, IMG_0162e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, seems like you just got shitty joints, I'm sorry anon. :/

Not a great photo (and don't worry beltanon, I was strapped in,) but it just really highlights how weird Smart Doll faces are. Why are they so thin and flat?

>> No.22068382


>> No.22068712

Yep, big name artists. I know of a faceup artist who charges $600 just for a custom faceup (no head included and obviously they're above working on standard heads), because that's what they deem their time to be worth and people are willing to pay.

>> No.22068776

Is strung better or worse? I keep seeing people with joints breaking.

>> No.22069112


I'd kill to have a 1/3 japanese sport bike or naked bike model but I haven't had luck finding any.

>> No.22069926


She's super cute, what scale is she? She looks smaller than 1/4, but that could just be my perception.

>> No.22070102
File: 976 KB, 698x1512, 20190913_214501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an update to the Angel Philia doll I got since the last thread. The long blonde wig was miserable to work with so I got her a shorter one. AP bodies are made with extremely soft vinyl but after stuffing her with some fiber she now holds her shape much better and is quite squishy. Getting clothes that fit her well is still a challenge since her hips are so T H I C C but her height is closer to an MDD so I have to mix clothes for Dynamite Mini bodies.

>> No.22070852

>handle with care

>> No.22072701 [SPOILER] 
File: 214 KB, 1536x2048, 1568466119707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22072715

She's 1/3 I think? 47cm
God those thighs are great I love ap dolls so fucking much holy moly

>> No.22072922

that's some big tiddies

>> No.22073561

She will look great with something more modest.

>> No.22073686

She would look great as a sukeban

>> No.22073688

Not with that nipple piercing she won't.

>> No.22075468 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 1280x1285, 1568498625186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22075521
File: 491 KB, 2000x3000, EEdRmZVWsAAxsnz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22075748

That's a pretty bad cold she's got there. Get her a tissue already.

>> No.22075788

Those are some weird looking boogers.

>> No.22075800

You're using way too much hair gel.

>> No.22076307 [DELETED] 

Aww someone can’t handle it. As I said last thread kindly fuck off.

>> No.22076446
File: 1.30 MB, 1082x1507, Didney WOrl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arle is really cute!

>> No.22076470

god i wish i had an arle, hopefully she won the best selection mdd vote

>> No.22076494

I don't doubt it, most of the licensed character MDDs are, apart from Arle, Cirno, and Illya Prisma, pretty ugly and she's the most recent release so there's a pretty high chance she won.

>> No.22076978
File: 347 KB, 1000x1778, DSC02555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22077165
File: 46 KB, 802x468, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha, he caught a ban. (yeah it's his post if you view it)

>> No.22077196
File: 108 KB, 1013x891, (you) don't belong here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gross moldy discolored and yellowing vinyl probably from leaving it stained with semen for days

I feel kinda bad for that doll.

>> No.22077653 [DELETED] 

Aww apparently someone can’t handle lewd and crude

>> No.22078859

What are you guys’ entire doll collection setups including displays and storage for clothes, accessories, tools, furniture, etc? I need to do some furniture shopping and could use some ideas.

>> No.22080909

I always go for Gothic style. Better stick with a single fashion.

>> No.22081104

I started my collection wit bits and bobs, so it's eclectic and dependant on the doll for me. Some are sporty for the summer, others are more effeminate, and one's deliberately deco-kawaii because I love that shit. Right now everything's on top of and inside of a dresser, but ideally those plastic storage racks with drawers are fantastic for organizing doll stuff, even if they're less-than-flashy. The space-to-storage ratio is great for me personally.

>> No.22081447

I got alot of money and will even hire someone to facilitate getting custom work done so I can get a doll of an kemonomimi anime girl. Where do I start?

>> No.22081791

How about clothes storage? Right now I just have unused outfits in plastic bags but I was thinking it would be nice to have some sort of mini wardrobe with hamgers

>> No.22082378

rip rusty joints

>> No.22082559
File: 2.28 MB, 2160x2880, 20190915_174236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22082581 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 251x417, 1568591394304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was fake you asshole.

>checking the status of your reports

>> No.22083092

I store mine in plastic bags that are then stored in plastic storage bins. I did have a system where I marked the bins and then had a database so that I could easily find a specific outfit but that kinda fell apart when I didn't bother updating it as stuff moved around.

>> No.22083755

PE -- I assume thats what most non-strung joints are made of -- doesnt rust. As long as you allow them to dry as to prevent mold, vinyl dolls are alright to get wet.

>> No.22083772

Right now I'm just using a few cheap totes but if I see one I'd like a small hutch that would allow me to hang up the clothes. Stuff gets too wrinkly otherwise.

Your girls must have a lot of clothes if you need a system to keep it organized.

>> No.22083776

DDs still have a bunch of screws even if the frame is plastic.

>> No.22087521
File: 552 KB, 698x930, messyhair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With eyes and hair, still need to buy limbs and an outfit. Though a part I need:
has been out of stock.

>> No.22087596


Just pay the extra three dollars.

>> No.22087904
File: 137 KB, 1555x1037, EEghEyNU4AAyGNq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why Volks doesn't sell more unique faces themselves, especially when their normal lineup is for the most part quite boring and unappealing. Do they think they'd be stepping on artists' toes?

>> No.22089243

They actually do sell a lot, they just are exclusive to dream choice so you have to be in one of their physical stores for it. The heads they sell there are a huge step up over the regular lineup though they’re obviously still not as nice as something like what you posted.

>> No.22089271

Only a few of the heads you can get with Dream Choice are actually exclusive, same goes for other things like the wigs. They don't have any proper online catalogue to see what it offers but when I picked my doll up a few months ago the staff member going through it with me pointed out which items were exclusive, and they were marked as such in the booklet too.
Or come to think of it, a few head styles were exclusive, but on top of that there were also exclusive faceups for other heads that are available online with different faceups. But most of the exclusive ones didn't look that good, I think the one I ended up going with wasn't an exclusive.

>> No.22089416
File: 109 KB, 600x900, aimerai_airi_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any experience with Aimerei or Dollzone dolls? Thinking about ordering pic related. They have some anime styled ones, just wondering about the quality, I don't think I ever see them in these threads and they aren't mentioned in the FAQ.

>> No.22089782

i've been seeing a shitload of poor recasts of that girl on aliexpress

>> No.22090029


Aimerei and Dollzone dolls are more traditional BJD with strung together bodies and resin parts. I don't know much about them, the thread on /toy/ is more suited for questions about them as we're more focused on the vinyl dolls with internal skeletons like Dollfie Dream, Azone, Obitsu and SmartDoll.

>> No.22093478
File: 2.41 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20190917_104442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart Dolls can be cute but this is the second one I've gotten with joints that come apart and every one has had some kind of issue.

Then again I've had similar shit with Dollfie Dreams, so maybe I'm just unlucky?

Anyway, doll cute. Name ideas?

>> No.22093669

how about you name her my (as in me, not you) wife

>> No.22095369

You know I meant your dolls, not you. :V

>> No.22098218
File: 141 KB, 600x833, CA0ED441-1579-4A9B-BB3A-CD2C4AC56FF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New DDP standards.
And I just bought one of those outfits too. Might pick up Coron.

>> No.22099343
File: 22 KB, 300x400, 1167C33C-5E5A-4BC9-86CE-657BC1B2AD03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ribbon looks very cute, but I’m wary of open mouths

>> No.22100033

How's the pricing compared to buying parts/accessories individually? Standards are just faceup with eyes, wig, and "outfit" on top of the base body, right?

>> No.22100125

minus the outfit

>> No.22100128

Why don't you find out? The prices aren't secret.

>> No.22100138
File: 83 KB, 523x930, CC94540A-0ADB-4995-9762-61FAC44BA119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a solid deal if you happen to like the faceup. Otherwise you might be happier just buying the parts.

>> No.22100376

Hopefully this means they will make proper DDP option hands now, the lack of them has kept me away so far, they look really off using DDS or MDD hands.

>> No.22104081


When I was pricing things out for my DDS, it wound up being about 150 cheaper to get a standard than to buy a body, get a custom faceup and buy my own eyes and wig. BUT, I decided that getting everything custom was worth it in the long run as that's what I really wanted. So it really depends if you have a clear vision of exactly what you want, go with that. If you just want a pretty doll to pose and have fun with, there's nothing wrong with a standard model. You can always customize wig and eyes after, and a custom head can be added later if you change your mind.

>> No.22105049

How were you budgeting the items?
>330 body
>80 head+eyes (auction, could shop for a cheaper one)
>50 wig
That's without shipping/proxy fees, but it looks like I'd probably spend around the same amount standard or custom. Considering I'm not buying no 250 dollar faceup.

>> No.22106052

Good luck finding a head and eyes you actually like for that price man; been there done that. That is the real slippery slope with this hobby. You buy a cheap head and eventually decide you’re not really in love with it and drop another $200 on one you do. Then you realize her eyes still could be better so you buy a new pair and stick the original pair from your new head in the old one. Suddenly you see she is better than you thought and you are buying a second body for the floating head you have now, only to realize months later you still don’t really like her and you buy a second head for $200.

>> No.22106132


If you're okay with non-f3/DD3 bodies or with slight stains, they can be had for as low as $160 if you're patient. $250 nowadays.
That can save some money into the head which is where you should pool most of the money.

>> No.22106333
File: 166 KB, 770x840, apron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2B and 9S are going to be my first dolls larger than 1/6, and i'm so impatient/anxious that i keep shopping around for random junk in the meantime.

instead of throwing money at a hadaka apron set, does anyone have any recommended sensible beginner add-ons to focus on instead? maybe water wax? stands? protect tape?

>> No.22106346

Are you trying to dissuade me or not. Buying a standard doll (which I'm trying to decide for or against) instead of a particular head I'm fond of will only make your scenario that much more likely. The "cheap" heads look just as good if not wildly better than the standards.

Ever see DDP bodies on sale? I just see those limited idols for obscene prices.

>> No.22106471

The Volks haircare products and some kind of comb are vital in my opinion. The other stuff can come after. Also I'm not sure if those outfits are lined in white, so maybe pick up stain-prevention leggings/body stockings to be safe.

Not that anon, but VERY rarely I see them come up on Manda/Yafuoku. Mild stains are the best for me because I can get basically a perfectly functional doll body for a great price because there's a tiny scuff on the heel. Most of my girls are on used bodies and I've got no problems with them!

Caveat emptor with Smart Dolls though, every fucking used one I've had has had some kind of bullshit issue. Any of them could be fixed easily, but since Danny won't sell parts, you're just shit out of luck there.

>> No.22106479

>Ever see DDP bodies on sale? I just see those limited idols for obscene prices.

Second-hand? Not very often. Sadly I don't remember how much they were since I'm not in the market for one, but definitely not as low as a regular second-hand DD.

>Caveat emptor with Smart Dolls though, every fucking used one I've had has had some kind of bullshit issue. Any of them could be fixed easily, but since Danny won't sell parts, you're just shit out of luck there.

Guess I'm lucky, my first and only (so far) SmD which was second-hand has no issues. But I've heard similar stories.

>> No.22106500

I have three now, a Justice, an Ebony Futaba, and a Moonlight. Justice has something fucked up with her hip joints that make posing her impossible outside of certain poses, Ebony's whole entire elbo popped out the other day, and Moonlight's elbow joint up and cracked. (They also all have stupidly floppy ankle joints.)

The interesting part is that I got Ebony from a friend, and she's on a relatively new body (friend kept the old one for nostalgia reasons and swapped it with their SmD Summer.) So it's probably just bad luck on my part, but... it sure makes me wonder if maybe Choo's got a quality control problem.

But then I also heard that Obitsu casts the Culture Japan dolls? So that might be a problem on there end -- not sure who to blame here, just that my Obitsu 60 girl is nowhere near as janky (but... very squeaky.)

Also I once again reiterate that even though I like Smart Dolls, they have such flat fucking faces and without a wig their heads are absolutely uncanny.

>> No.22106527

thank you!

>> No.22106570
File: 211 KB, 1070x1485, IMG_0661e 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I can be of help, anon!

>> No.22106654

All I'm saying is you shouldn't worry so much about saving 50 bucks on the cost of entry one way or the other. Buy what you like, not what is cheaper. This is an expensive hobby and buying a wardrobe will quickly eclipse the cost of the doll anyway.

>> No.22106764
File: 365 KB, 1089x1669, IMG_0635e 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is legit. Get the doll you want, not the one that's cheapest. You're going to be sinking an obscene amount of money into this hobby one way or the other, even if you're thrifty (and I try to be,) it still adds up over time.

>> No.22106910
File: 1013 KB, 1512x2016, 20190920_001840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to track down the wig she was advertised with, but the quality is not that good. The braids are already coming apart at the slightest snag. I like the hair style though if only I could find a sturdier wig

>> No.22107367

>Thinking about getting a kimono for my doll
>Realize I don't know how to put a kimono on
It can't be that hard right?

>> No.22107446

You will put it on like a bathrobe and your doll will cry.

>> No.22107784

I'm in Japan, and I just visited Akiba and saw these for the first time. God, I fell in love. You people are lucky to have had these cuties in your lives for so long.

>> No.22108644


For my DDS it was
Body: 350 (Volks f3)
Head: 180 (custom commission from ShiNes etsy)
Eyes: 16 (Volks)
Wig: 26 (Leekworld)

Plus shipping and taxes. And clothes and clothes and clothes.

>> No.22109084

They bring a lot of joy into people's lives. I hope you can get one too, anon.

>> No.22109168

Oh shit I just got one from her too

>> No.22109260
File: 205 KB, 1024x1529, IMG_9531e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girl Stella's from her too!

>> No.22109292
File: 29 KB, 480x474, 1566660049491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's super cute! God I can't wait to get mine in the mail..

>> No.22109310

Be sure to come show us anon!

>> No.22109989

Does anyone happen to know if 45 cm Obitsu bodies fit MDD-sized shoes?

>> No.22110458

Super cute!

>> No.22110824

Does anybody have any experience with silicone bodies? If I stick a DD head on one will it fit?


>> No.22110934

You'll probably need an adapter, but the major problem with them in my experience is that silicone is a dust/stain magnet beyond belief, and the joints can even tear themselves apart from very minimal wear and tear. They look great in photos, but in a real use situation unless you keep them in an airtight box they are inevitably going to develop a layer of nastiness, even if you take the time to powder them.

>> No.22111042
File: 1.34 MB, 1530x1140, dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope one day your parents accept your hobbies like mine does, anons. My dad's a good sport.

>> No.22111141
File: 304 KB, 1920x1280, EB3AzVaUcAAtoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22111183
File: 46 KB, 530x530, crying screaming animal in pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22111669

I don't own a dollfie one but I've owned a phicen and can tell you seamless bodies aren't worth the trouble. The material inevitably tears and its a huge pain in the ass to get clothing on and off, which you need to do because like >>22110934
said they stain even easier than vinyl.

>> No.22111900

Nice boobs

>> No.22112454

>Find some cute eyes for 7€
>Go to checkout
>Only shipping option available is 18€
Can't they just put them in an envelope or something? Fuck

>> No.22115057


Depending on the shop, you can try messaging them and asking for SAL shipping. Some will refuse, but I've had a few work with me for small items before.

>> No.22116287

Its pretty easy, just remember to fold the right side over first as there's a VERY big difference in starting with the left.

>> No.22117301
File: 128 KB, 768x1152, IMG_2796-1 (Medium).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sharing cotton girl outfit.
Mind the background mess.
She's my first of two MDDs among a billion DDs, they're so cute but damn now I have to get 1/4 everything.

>> No.22117433

This is why I've put off getting DDP/MDD girls myself. Yours is tremendously cute though anon, good choice!

>> No.22117903
File: 340 KB, 1008x756, casual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now I have to get 1/4 everything.
If you thought DDs were a slippery slope MDDs are on a whole other level.

>> No.22117953

This, I think 1/4 is the most popular doll scale across vinyl and resin, so the sheer volume of clothing and prop options boggle the fucking mind.

>> No.22117954

It's definitely gonna take a while to catch up, considering I have 17 DDs. It doesn't help that hardly any used 1/4 stuff comes up, or gets snatched quickly.

>> No.22117961

I can imagine, the best advice I can give is experiment with other brands to see what else fits MDDs and then start hunting for deals on the usual places. Good luck anon.

>> No.22117985

Not that guy but don't MSD clothes usually fit well on MDDs?

>> No.22118099

Not either one of the anons in this conversation but generally speaking anything that isn't slim-msd has a fair shot at fitting? Since Minifee and the rest have different proportions. You'd have to try them out individually though.

>> No.22118199
File: 157 KB, 900x1200, nelson 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.22118344
File: 109 KB, 800x1200, cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at what I found, pic very related.

>> No.22118840

Redpill me on instagram

>> No.22121557
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>> No.22122110


>> No.22122270
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Embarrassing question of the day: are there any ita-bags big enough to hold dollfies? I envy MDD owners right now.

Will post cute dolls as bribery.

>> No.22122287
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>> No.22122502
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>> No.22122707
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>> No.22122808

Dammit these are too cute, but I wish I could find cute doll clothes that didn't ship from China!

>> No.22122921

>He doesn't buy all his doll clothes from cute asian girls of various countries

>> No.22122933
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Etsy, filter by country.

>> No.22123188
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>> No.22123372
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This seems (?) deep enough for a doll, I'm sure you can make something to hold the doll in place and make one of those diorama itabags with your doll.

>> No.22123447
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You're the best anon, cheers.

>> No.22124439
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What's a type of doll you'd like to have, but rarely/never see for sale?

>> No.22124843
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>> No.22124855

>socks outside with no shoes

>> No.22124860
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not my doll but I agree

>> No.22125864
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I can only hope to one day be this based. https://twitter.com/s_n_mame/status/1176122382764761088

>> No.22126154

So what custom commission faceup artists do you guys like?

>> No.22126969
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That's the dream right there. Wish I could find one of those bags.

lovelydollie did wonderful work freckling my girl, but I'm biased.

>> No.22127007

Looks pretty good.

>> No.22127233

They're pet carrier bags, you can find them on Amazon.
Also your girl really makes me want to add freckles on mine! They really add more depth to the doll if that makes sense? Like more human-like than plastic-like.

>> No.22130186

Is there a special name for those cat ears that use magnets under the wig?

>> No.22130385

>tfw buying a custom from yja for the first time
>never used an auction site before
Not going to lie, pretty damn nervous.

>> No.22131462

I just got my first custom from YAJ too actually. Hope you had good luck with yours as well.

>> No.22134712

White Dolly Story, it's been a while since I checked if she was still doing commissions but if she is then her work is excellent, expensive though. I can also recommend trixie trixie, does excellent work as well.

>> No.22135371
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The face on this kills me.

>> No.22135616

Weird question but did they give Len a bulge?

>> No.22135761


>> No.22137798
File: 280 KB, 540x740, kanu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@ The anon from last thread who told me I was missing a tan skintone: I'm getting a Kanu from an instagram sales post. Sometimes it all works out!

>> No.22139668

Congrats! Post pics when you get her!

>> No.22139708

Will do! It'll be a bit, she's on layaway because unfortunately, though cheaper than the scalpers on ebay, she's still more than I can drop in one go.

>> No.22140531

You know, Danny Choo gets a lot of shit -- rightfully so -- but I will say this: Smart Doll's wigs are worth every penny. I've had tons of wigs from tons of sellers from one side of the planet to the other, and those things are fantastic. They barely shed, they're soft as hell, and they hold a style pretty damn well in my experience.

They're pricey, but to me at least they're worth the money.

>> No.22140669


Gonna come out of my closet and agree with this.
The volume they have is insane.

>> No.22140702

>”photographed at last trip with my deceased father last summer”


>> No.22142247

Just won it! Really dang happy right now, even if it did go a bit higher than I wanted it to.

>> No.22142679

Congratulations anon! I'd love to see what you picked up.

>> No.22144070
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Mostly complete, need some shoes and hands/internal arm frames, when they are instock.

>> No.22144481


how's the fit for them on Dollfie Dreams? I love some of the wigs he has, and I've thought about buying one, but it's a lot to throw out on a gamble. I've never seen what actual size they are.

>> No.22145440

Often a bit tight so I guess it depends on the sculpt. I haven't yet found one that doesn't fit any of mine though.

>> No.22145717

I’ve been waiting months for semiwhite MDD internal arm frames to go in stock to build another doll I have the torso for. No idea what is taking so long since they have to produce them to sell the assembled bodies anyway.

>> No.22145778

I've got one on a DDH07 right now, and it fits pretty well. They're a tad smaller than ones from some other brands, but overall I haven't had fit issues since they have a soft headcap. I'll take some photos later, she's just a floating head right now unfortunately. (Anyone got a SWS body they don't need?)

Just get them off ebay.

>> No.22145903
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I like her.

>> No.22145942

Easier said than done. They're not on ebay or yahoo japan either.

>> No.22146046

She looks really good, Azone is really stepping up their game.

>> No.22146291

We already have an onahole thread

>> No.22146449
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Wrong kind of dolls, anon.

>> No.22146567
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No, he's got the right kind of doll, just the wrong kind of thread.

>> No.22146792
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Haven't posted over a year and wanted to try new phone camera so why not both.

>> No.22147510


>> No.22147530
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Ever have one of those days? https://twitter.com/riri_mojo/status/1176857719258546177

>> No.22147957

I love her and her outfit, and also those glasses. She's perfect.

>> No.22149671


I want articulated hands for my girl so fucking bad. I've got one line on them, but does anybody know of any sellers?

>> No.22150128

I wish they'd tone down the tits. They always seem too big for me.

>> No.22150154

As someone who only owns S Bust MDDs or smaller, I can agree with that.

>> No.22150289
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>> No.22151131

Punctuation is amazing.

>> No.22151228

But you have to use a proxy for shipping overseas.

>> No.22151704

Still waiting on a C bust Iris Collect. Probably going to be waiting a while for it.

>> No.22151715

How often do they restock? Seems everything is sold out right now.

>> No.22151782

It took me two months or so when I was looking for hands for my doll. But she is Azone one. I think DD size hands are more often in stock.

>> No.22151789

I'll keep watching, thanks anon. I'm not the other hand-anon, but I have been looking for these for a while now.

>> No.22152040

Why do the FGO dollfies look so bad

>> No.22152313

Can you buy individual SmD parts like with DD? One of my doll's hip joints literally just snapped in half and if I have to buy a whole new body I'm going to be livid.

>> No.22152394

Which size is which?

>> No.22153020

How often do you cum on your dolls

>> No.22153062

60 cm for DD http://gensoushop.cart.fc2.com/ca4/7/p-r4-s/
45 cm for MDD http://gensoushop.cart.fc2.com/ca4/12/p-r4-s/
and 50 cm for most Azone 1/3 scale dolls http://gensoushop.cart.fc2.com/ca4/20/p-r4-s/
There is a helpful label on each item picture
Sorry for so many links about same staff...

>> No.22153840

4 times per day

>> No.22154356

I don't know how serious this is but can you just wipe it off with water and soap be fine? Should you use disinfectant?

>> No.22154418

Only through trade-ins at japanese stores or dollpa.

>> No.22154732


This is the one I already know about, apparently the person who makes them was injured in July so they won't restock until they finish healing (it was a hand injury) I was hoping there were others, but thank you.

>> No.22154755


Check e-bay and mandarake, but I doubt you'll find much. Danny runs his shit like Apple, so when one thing breaks you need a whole new unit. Also, if you're unhappy with that, it's because you don't understand his vision. And if you're really unhappy about that, then he'll make a blog post about it and add more small print to his order page to make sure people "get it" before they order.

>> No.22156744

Pretty much this, which is another reason why I'm considering just buying a Cortex body rather than trying to contact support.

Related: I tried to contact support. The submit button for reports leads to an error page.

I can't make this shit up.

>> No.22158268

Everything else is obvious enough, but what's the "Variation" one that's in stock?

>> No.22158376
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What the fuck

>> No.22158561

I saw one go for seven grand once.

>> No.22158565
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good fucking lord

>> No.22158586

It was a custom Touhou MDD so I can see why bidding went through the roof, but it was still a nightmare. I WISH I could drop that much money on something like that -- inb4 "get a real job" -- I think seven thousand dollars is a pretty big deal even for this fucking hobby, no?

>> No.22158607

>looked at some of their older sales
>751k https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h417169768
Holy fuck
>I think seven thousand dollars is a pretty big deal even for this fucking hobby, no?
Definitely, I wonder if it's just millionaire's or super rich neets that buy it.

>> No.22158723

Oh yeah, that one was right after the male dolls got released at Doll Point. They were in super high demand and he also had an aesthetic like... that, so there was a bidding war for him there at the end.

It's definitely some upper-class of neet that can jump into the big boy auctions, because just every week at least one doll hits the four figure pricetags. Makes me feel better about how much I've spent, though. At least I didn't throw down the cost of a half-decent used car on a doll!

>> No.22158777

Ah that's true, that gives some more context on why it went so high as well. Fuck I hope they put the male body online to buy at some point, I'd like to get one.
>At least I didn't throw down the cost of a half-decent used car on a doll!
Not even a full doll either, just a doll's head. Whoever bought that made the biggest dickbuy of their entire life (hopefully).

>> No.22158861
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You and me both, but I've been waiting for them to sell the tan skintone independently for ages by this point, so my expectations aren't great.

I was at least able to get a tan girl eventually off Mandarake.

>> No.22161387


>> No.22162203
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>> No.22162740
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>ooh that custom head looks nice and at a fair price, I'll check back half an hour before auction's over
>auction ended early
I'm gonna buy this head for 35 dollars and be done with this bidding bullshit. And then I checked yafuoku after typing that and want to buy more.

>> No.22163803

Anyone has news about the 2B preoders?

>> No.22163813

did you get the email?

>> No.22163814

Placed my 2B order with Volks Intl. on the day the preorders opened and haven't heard anything yet.

>> No.22163822

>auction ended early
Why is this allowed?

>> No.22163890

same that's what i'm asking

>> No.22163894

why not what

>> No.22163901

Im glad you got yours, I do hope a male body pops up there too, eventually. I think its either that or I end up caving and trying to find cheap a Len or Kirito for one.

>> No.22164860
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>> No.22165216

Can I get a redpill on aftermarket DD's?

>> No.22165617

what about them?

>> No.22165677

You mean used dolls, or recasts? If you mean used ones, most of mine come from ebay or are on used bodies from mandarake/yafuoku. No real problems to report other than the occasional faint smudge here and there.

>> No.22169742
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Everyone should post their doll photo bloopers once in a while, they're good for a laugh.

>> No.22169792

cute dog

>> No.22170824

anyone turn their doll into a tulpa yet?

>> No.22171155

No but I'm plannig on making her an oc does that count

>> No.22172929

No. Just don't.

>> No.22173100

not really but that's pretty cute anon

why not?

>> No.22173737
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How often do you change your girls clothes? I usually change mine by the month, and theme accordingly. Pic related. Happy October.

>> No.22173769

>tfw really want to buy a miniature mahjong set and have my dolls play each other
Why am I so fucking autistic

>> No.22174303

Do it and take photos, that's adorable.

I try to change them for the weather, so they change seasonally. too. I love this outfit, she's beautiful.

>> No.22174500

I usually leave them nude out of staining paranoia, so pretty much every time I do anything with them I change their outfits.

>> No.22174943

No fixed schedule, pretty much whenever I feel like it. Mine have their own established styles though so I rarely put them in random outfits.

>> No.22175007

Sounds fun. My girls wardrobe isn't flexible for this yet. I regret getting so many non OC outfits.

>> No.22175105

The downside of having a big doll wardrobe is that you constantly realize you don't have what you need for th outfit you're going for. Right now I've realized I need more tops... I have some coming in, but waiting is a pain.

>> No.22175121


Whenever I want to try a new theme; I have a lot of girls so I have to think about the synergy of all their outfits.

>> No.22175176 [DELETED] 

hey just came here from /a/, how many of these can I fuck?

>> No.22175298 [DELETED] 

Wrong thread, go to /ona/ for that.

>> No.22175306 [DELETED] 

thanks bra

>> No.22175309
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really want to get some white cat ears now but they're sold out

>> No.22175635

Eh, I typically do a seasonal theme, according to the weather outside. Probably gonna get Toromi ready for colder temperatures here soon. Kaede, I dunno. Haven't gotten her any outfits aside from the one she comes with and the set that Volks offered with her release.

>> No.22175646

I accidentally ordered SD17 clothes off mandarake and now my doll's head looks tiny.

>> No.22175678
File: 56 KB, 512x683, oops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the messy photo, she's sitting on my snake rack at the moment. Mistakes have been made.

>> No.22175698

She could make you some cash by moonlighting as a clown!

>> No.22175715

I laughed anon thanks for sharing.

I almost always make that mistake also.

>> No.22175735

I actually stuffed the back of these with a sock to make them fit, they are literally twice the size of her feet. SD17 boys must be absolutely massive.

I'm glad someone else got a laugh out of it, cheers.

>> No.22175744

Damn I didn't realize SD were that much bigger. Quite unfortunate.

>> No.22175783

Nice toned abs.

>> No.22176158

>non OC outfits
What did he mean by this?

>> No.22176210

Character specific outfits from franchises like im@s/fate, that are harder to coordinate with normal clothing and themes. There's probably a better word for it

I didn't realize SD17s were actually that much bigger. Wow.

>> No.22176266

They might be for 70cm Super Gems or something, they were listed on manda in the section for large doll clothes, so I can't be sure one way or the other. Let me take a photo of them next to some of those shitty tennis shoes and some heel shoes from Volks, one second.

>> No.22176305
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Another shitty tablet photo, but it should suffice. Everyone's outfits are a bit of a mess, too.

>> No.22176328

Honestly the outfit could be salvageable but those sneakers are too much

>> No.22177299

Looks cute.

>> No.22177564

hello /jp/, /m/ here.
for reasons I am willing to explain I need a doll, a 1/12 one to be specific and I got the body part figured out, it's just the head.
I didn't see anything written about customization in the OP doc so I'd thought I'd ask for some guidance.

the 1/12 heads I've seen finished so far looks too chibi-fied for my taste, is there a way to get heads that look like regular scale models(see: Kotobukiya's frame arms and megami device)? also what eyesizes should be used?
how do customization for hair and details go in that scale? I have experience with handpainting smaller details if that is of relevance.
I'm sorry, I'm practically asking to be spoonfed here.

>> No.22177757

Since you have some modeling experience, your best bet might be to do the face up yourself on an obitsu head. Or else you are probably stuck hunting for whatever is finished on etsy/yja.

You can also try considering azones assault lily line, as I've heard of others buying them purely for their faces and rerooting the wig.

Luckily this scale should be cheap, so I'd experiment around. Start off on the hobby search site to get a feel for parts as they have decent filters.

>> No.22181873

Redpill me on taking dolls outside

>> No.22182057
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-Meet people who ask you about your dolls and are genuinely respectful and interested
-Take nice photos
-Get to look at them more than you would if you left them at home
-Can take them with you to the store to see if other-doll brand items will fit them

-They're going to yellow anyway, it's just a matter of time.

-They're going to yellow faster
-Sometimes people give you that look
-Bits of nature stick to their clothes/get in their hair
-Slightly increased risk of losing their accessories
-Finding a bag they fit in that's not lined in black is a bitch and a half.

Overall it's worth it for me, I have fun traveling with my dolls and generally including them in my life. But it's up to the individual what they prefer.

>> No.22182113

thank you
>Sometimes people give you that look
why do people have to be like that, just let me enjoy taking my tiny wife on a date please

>> No.22183582

What does yellowing of doll means? I'm quite new to this hobby and I feel like I missed something important when I was doing my research of taking care of dolls.
Does vinyl dolls can't take sunlight? Please respond I'm worried.

>> No.22183767
File: 2.28 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20191003_132313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over time light-skinned dolls (so basically every Dollfie dream) begin to take on a more yellowy color. Exposure to sunlight can make this happen faster or in an uneven way, but imho this is a normal part of doll ownership for me, like stains or joints loosening over time.

They're having fun traveling.

>> No.22183783

yellowing isn't a huge concern with vinyl dolls except for DD white skin which is discontinued. you probably won't notice the difference with a semi-white or normal skin DD even 5+ years down the road. the dolls that yellow noticeably are resin dolls like super dollfie etc., which happens over time. obitsu can also yellow more than DD due to a different vinyl and thinness.

>> No.22183875

To add on to that, none of us have a clue what SmD will end up doing, same with Dollfie tan. Check back in about three years.

>> No.22184159

I have a 2015 DD with "fresh" skin. I hope she will be fine.

>> No.22184655

Just cum on her frequently to protect from the air and UV rays.

>> No.22185236

There have been reports of SmD turning yellow especially pre-2016 models.

>> No.22185345

I'm not surprised, curious to see what color tan and brown will go.

>> No.22186608


Also is it me, or do custom faceups yellow faster? I'm thinking the Mr. Clear most people use is not as UV protectant as the factory clear?

>> No.22188407
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Have you ever paid inflated aftermarket price (10万円+) for a limited DD, and was it worth it?

>> No.22189505

I paid for aftermarket for Arle. She's super cute. Worth it. I don't think there's any others I would pay it for though.

>> No.22189515

nice custom arm, i like it

>> No.22189864

Yes and yes. I can't say if it'd be worth it for someone else though.

>> No.22190280

She's sweet!

>> No.22190975
File: 784 KB, 1500x1001, 9662222053_e203871ac3_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know! I want to get a Yukipo so bad.

>> No.22191708

yeah i'm pretty sure the sealant yellows faster than the doll, though that can be taken off without damaging or yellowing the actual head. volks doesn't seal factory faceups so it's not a problem on defaults

>> No.22192315


But is it also me or aren't volks faceups more resilient?

Also, can someone throw some etsys of people who take custom outfit commissions? Looking to have one made for an MDD. Someone who's good at frilly goth loli shit (want to make Remilia).

>> No.22192374

If you're willing to shell out ShiNes Workshop will make you a whole-ass Remilia.

>> No.22192426

A faceup from a factory is always gonna be more durable than one done by hand, yeah.

>> No.22192686

Do they do outfits? I thought they only did faceups. The closest I found was having an outfit style of your choice to go with your custom head/body/wig/eyes.

(I already have a custom faceup, just need someone to sew the outfit cause I can't sew for shit).

>> No.22192696

I thought they did outfits on request, but if not I'm sure you can find someone on Etsy who will. Next time I have the site open I'll look around.

>> No.22192725
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>> No.22192749

I wonder what those eggs hatch into.

>> No.22192820


now im hungry

>> No.22192968

Why does this Mirai look better than the others?

>> No.22193793
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>> No.22193889

I have got to get articulated hands.

>> No.22194055

Is that one of "those" sweaters?

>> No.22194235

That is not. It just has separated sleeves.

>> No.22194898
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Even the dolls are mocking me now. IT'S NOT FAIR! https://twitter.com/nito_kirisaX/status/1180450269412216832

>> No.22194915

God I wish she was laughing at me...

>> No.22194982

Damn she's cute.

>> No.22194987

Its smug aura is mocking me.

>> No.22195110
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It's not Mirai

>> No.22196737
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Do vivid colors stain or just super dark ones like black/dark blue?

>> No.22197165


Vivid colors can stain as well, red and green can cause problems. To minimize risk, wash new clothes in hot water several times to release as much of the remaining dye as possible. Then you can also do a vinegar cure, but I don't know how effective it really is or not. I do it, but I'm paranoid. Wash a final time after curing to remove vinegar smell and hang to dry.

It will be a problem with cheaper fabrics and those from third party makers, but most stuff from Volks and Azone will be lined, and there are other things like leggings and body covers (and tape) for things that'll never be safe, like denim jeans and the like.

>> No.22198747

If you can afford it, I recommend everyone invest in a junk body off mandarake or somewhere for dressing your dolls in things you know will stain. I got one with a cracked spine for next to nothing and now my doll is cute and I don't have to worry about the fact that the outfit comes directly from staining hell.

>> No.22198792

?? that’s clearly the 2014 release of mirai. the make up was designed by ronronshuka but the wig has been changed..

>> No.22198915

Why are you trolling a low-traffic thread that maybe gets five replies a day?

>> No.22201702

Curious has anybody tried the smart doll millenium boots on a DDdy body? Planning to buy one if compatible.

>> No.22203091
File: 102 KB, 800x800, 1565997590386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw realizing ddchoice proxies exist
>mfw realizing I could get a tan mdd
>mfw realizing they just stopped selling tans oct 1st

>> No.22203156

you could probably snag a tan mdd dcoord but it's a mixed bag

>> No.22203218
File: 5 KB, 70x70, tired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean if I'm going through the trouble of getting a proxy to get me one I'd rather just wait and get one in 6 months when they come back around that I'd know I'd really like, you know?

>> No.22203266

yeah i get that. if you haven't seen it already, you can find most of the known faceups for dream choice here https://dollfiestarchoice.blogspot.com/

>> No.22203866

Who are you quoting?

>> No.22204152

shut up nerd you know I was quoting myself

>> No.22204236

How reliable is Amiami when it comes to preowned DDs? Even if they list them as A- it doesn’t technically give any information about stains or other doll-specific concerns. Just wondering because they seem to have decent prices occasionally.

>> No.22204793


I can't speak for DDs precisely, but Amiami is the super kind of autistic where I bought something labeled as A- once and it was still sealed but a corner of the box was dented. The goods inside had never been handled.

>> No.22205323

You have to heat them up to even get them on SmD, but I'm interested to see the results.

>> No.22205325

Keep checking mandarake, it's where I got my tan girl and I've seen a tan MDD on there at least once before. Yafuoku too.

>> No.22206203

Do you ever wonder if you have a shopping addiction, anons? Not to blog over here, but I was raised without even necessities, let alone things to have just for fun, so I always get nervous when I think about how much I've spent on this hobby.

But then I look at my dolls, and they do make me happy. Finding a balance is key, I think, but I still always have those doubts.

>> No.22208082

It's easy, if you're still saving money at the end of the month you're not overspending.
I'm telling myself yes i spent 1K $ on a doll but i'm still dressing myself properly,eating well and saving money on another account.

Everything is a question of self-moderation in life

>> No.22209945

Thanks anon, that does reassure me. I get through month to month, the bills are paid, and I just got groceries for the month. I just worry about things like that.

>> No.22209955
File: 19 KB, 318x314, unexplained.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a really cute head off of yaj a week or two ago for about 170$ and I'm watching all these other ones go to 400$-500$+ and I feel like I got really lucky with getting mine so cheap. Another one from the same seller went to over 1000$ the other day and I'm just feeling a bit blessed right now.

>> No.22209962

Well now you have to share her, anon.

>> No.22210039
File: 173 KB, 817x808, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay but just one, I'm a shitter at taking pictures

>> No.22210050

Oh wow, she has a lot of custom work done. Congratulations anon!

>> No.22210056

Thank you friend

>> No.22210354

damn she's fuckin adorable, grats

>> No.22210479

Thank you as well friend

>> No.22211066

New thread.
