Apologies heads up for wrong grammar since I'm not an English native, writing this much is different than just saying it., Gomen for misplaced comas or none. before I get started:
No. I am not having a stroke ETC. so it's all good, i(only autistically enhanced /jp/'sie like myself would spend time to write this much Like anyone would give two fucks, but I know where you'd be going about. Neither I'm mad or in any way upset. I am simply tired of morons like yourself who didn't even glimpse on source material. And if they did they didn't read or actually understood a thing.
The entire PCB incident side cast is basically all about manipulation, dominating and submission or being submissive but since there's too many waifuing secondaries they by default manage to twist the facts to their own fantasies and their own delusions.
Stage 1: Cirno - Letty relation, rather pure but still a guardian with a clueless know-it-all kid to hold on a leash (at least trying).
Stage 2: Chen - an untamed because of lack in master's ability self-loving brat, with bossy attitude as observed, taught and learned that even if it makes you a slave it's still all good because all that matters is power and dominance over everyone. (notice how irritated she is in stage 2 being helpless to people raiding her own safe space, then again raked in extra mode despite being confident in her abilities (which further drills her baby-youkai brain to be powerfull to dominate.
Stage 3: Alice "wanting to be hardcore but her mom doesn't like it", passive-agressive sadistic pervert, who has "psycho with a cute face" written all over herself. Starting from her ability, trough misleading looks to attitude and aproach towards others until she is overwhelmed, yet still attracted because of perverse fantasies to have them submit and obey. (just like her dolls btw, just btw)
Stage 4: Prismriver sisters:
To quote touhouwiki:
"Since the three sisters' musical performance is something that they have learned themselves after Layla's death, their previous abilities were probably along the lines of "moving things without hands or feet" or "making sounds without hands or feet"."
So in short they want to drive people insane by making them hear things or simply be physically made to do shit they didn't mean to aka. demon possesed me kind of scenarios. Nope, not manipulative at all.
Stage 5:
Youmu - a poor child, who's been forced to live with her batshit crazy mistress, ever since her grandfather gardender and handyman decided to run away.
(since no other reason makes sense here) And left his granddaughter in isolated safety(against, many more and possibly same-character youkai).
Since Youmu was taught how to be, and that being a Yuyuko-sama's glovepuppet for eternity is the best gift of all, she doesn't question anything, and is an usefull dorky Swiss Army knife for her master overlord (too bad she's been contained to be mindfucked to this and even doing errands as she became reliable, meeting others outside changes nothing)
Stage 6:
Yuyuko - A normal girl who's been cursed to kill others by just being, then killed herself.
After eternity +1 has passed and Yuyuko-sama became mind-fucked because of passiveness and boredom, thus twisted enough to think of way to a pretty tree in her garden, because there would be nothing wrong with it, I mean she's the death emboddied. She asked for advice from her totally not hidden motive's driven friend. and will to "help with making it bloom, because what could go wrong :)"
Yukari wouldn't ever consider anyone her friend, and surely not ex-human suicidal looser, gaphag-sama doesn't have any need to make friends, only servants, slaves and allies (for her known as usefull idiots.)
Ran is a lost case of being in desperate need to become more experienced in magics and stuff ever since she was shikigami-bound to Yukari, getting screwed to be a computer, barrier fixing robot and fastest youkai to be beaten by her master, also fastest to satisfy her own version of being overprotective mistress. That is making sure that Chen is shikigami possesed literally, physically and forcefully (Yukari must have gaped any cat girl related thing and that's the reason, I'm sure she doesn't just want to stop putting up with Yukari's manipulation and give grape to Chen-chan.
If Touhou 7 would be a galge the subtitle go "Perfect Cherry Popping"
lurk moar, you secondary meme'ing crossie trapslut. Know that I'm honored to invite and welcome you among Get out of /jp/.