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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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219519 No.219519 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any real point in continuing to exist in this realm? Many of us (I assuming) don't have any real goals or actual purposes here and likely better off in a different place, outside of this world.

Pic related.

>> No.219535

To bad there aren't any you can go to. Except oblivion, which is worse.

>> No.219550

If you're going anyway, you might as well rape a loli or two before you do.

>> No.219556

Oblivion sure is pretty though.

>> No.219557

What, you're not enjoying yourself here?

>> No.219567


You exist to enjoy yourself
When you stop enjoying yourself, there's no point in existing


>> No.219572


pray that you get reincarnated in an animu world it's sure to work!

>> No.219580

Yes, Touhou fans should kill themselves.

>> No.219590

;_; Anon is ;__;

>> No.219586

Little brown girls are the best.

>> No.219604
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The problem with doing fun things because you're going to end it anyway is that after doing them, you suddenly don't want to headbutt a moving train after all.

>> No.219605

I have real goals and ambitions. They're just really small so I don't get very far after achieving them.

>> No.219609

PROTIP: Life philosophy is a matter of choice, champ.

>> No.219620

If you believe you're better off in another realm, then by all means, do it.

>> No.219645

Loser in real life = loser in hell. Doesn't matter what's on the other side, you'd be a loser there.

Protip: The weakest link is YOU.

>> No.219652

Wonderfully inaccurate assumption.

>> No.219705

how so?

>> No.219704

I agree with the OP.

I hate it here ;_;

>> No.219718

how could this turn into ronery?

>> No.219720

You should become a journalist

>> No.219726

People = Retarded

And ronery threads suck ass.

>> No.219734

People's characteristics can change to an extent when the person has the will to.

Since the OP will be in another realm that he would enjoy moreso, he has the ability to better himself there.

>> No.219748
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I have a goal.

I plan on taking the virginity and roneriness of each and every anonymous on this board. I shall bring all of you anonymous in the realm of men. Even if I have to do it one by one.

>> No.219754

if you're 3d, we'll have to refuse.

>> No.219764
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You don't seem to get it. You don't have a choice to refuse. You're just going to have to bend over and take it, whether you want it or not.

>> No.219771

People don't change when they're happy; it takes stress to spark drive.

>> No.219775
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Hang in there anon.

>> No.219785

Necessity is the mother of invention?

>> No.219833

Well... stress is probably pushing the OP to take this chance.

>> No.219874

WHich is a fine example of "path of least resistance" thinking.

You've already got a whole world to play with, what'll be different anywhere else?

>> No.219879

kill yourself if you think there isn't a reason to live, faggot.

>> No.219889

Touhou IS a reason to live....

>> No.219903

>Touhou is THE reason to live


>> No.219915

People saying they don't like touhou and don't like ronery threads are disturbing me

>> No.219956

It is a little bizarre....

>> No.219975

Touhou is what keeps me alive.

>> No.219998
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I just take things one step further and drink like ZUN.

>> No.220040

Touhou is what makes me want to leave here.

>> No.220043


And nothing of value was lost

>> No.220071

Touhou, or Touhou DOUJIN?

>> No.220079

Touhou and its culture

>> No.220093

>>Many of us (I assuming) don't have any real goals or actual purposes here

So find it, you have a lot of time for this.

And i tell this being in the same state of mind as you.

>> No.220120

but isn't that great? It's always there, waiting to be re-experienced at a moment's notice, unlike fleeting memories destroyed by the eroding sands of time....

Where will you be when your memories fade?

>> No.220124

There's really nothing I want or want-out in this realm...

>> No.220150


>> No.220163

There's nothing he wants here.

>> No.220171

Yes, but you have to stop this emo bullshit first.
Start doing drugs if staying in front of the computer fapping all day is not enough for you.

>> No.220204

Wow, thanks for making me BAWWWW over everything nice that ever happened to me.

>> No.220234

>drugs are meh.

You haven't been doing the right ones, then.

>> No.220226

What emo?

Also, drugs are meh.

>> No.220263

Bad idea dude.
Drugs workz sometimes but for most of depressive persons it makes it worse.
LIke alcohol, ou laugh a time maybe but you end up up crying bout your problems.
Oh i dont say dont do it it's bad, i just say tis not a solution.

At first, how old are you ? (im not playing "everything will get better when you'll age foolish teenager" or something dont worry)
And second, is there an activity that makes you forget about time ? Like, an artistic activity ?
Music is what saves me for example.
If you have an artistic or any other kind of dream/passion, even if you wiped it of the board believing it's not possible to succeed, then think again and try it.
If really you havent any stuff of that kind then another question : do you have any true friends ?
And do you have problems or just simply abstinence with womens ?

Sorry for the lot of questions (and maybe for my bad english sice its not my mother tongue), and if you don't feel like answering just don't, but i'm curious of some things about your case.

>> No.220277


>> No.220272

This guy is cool and edgy, he takes drugs.

>> No.220281


samefag is same.

>> No.220290

If you say so, champ

>> No.220298

I'm 21.
There's really nothing that would ever do that (Although music is the only that could come close).
I never had any real dreams or talents.
I have never had a friend in my life.
I probably have many psychological problems (although I have not gone to a psychologist) and I don't care for women (not men or sex in general).

>> No.220295

I do say so.

>> No.220354

Wow... just wow...

>> No.220359


you're probably not much better than him lol


>> No.220370

I love my life.
I've got great ambitions.
I have dedicated friends.
I am going to get an awesome job starting in june.
I'm confident in myself.
and I post in /jp/, because I'm a weeaboo.

>> No.220374
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>not men

You will never know if you don't try

>> No.220421

Well... good for you.

>> No.220439

People with no goals should find one, or just eat a bullet and stop wasting our air.

>> No.220447


You are a /b/tard. I fucking hate /b/tards because they never shut up about their fucking girlfriends.

>> No.220444

>>I never had any real dreams or talents.
Dude, to succeed in something you don't need "talents". Certain person, i must recgnize, have facilities in some domains but that's not all.
At the risk of looking silly, i'd still say it cause anonyone involved in something knows it's true : passion and work. That's all you need to win.
And i don't talk about being a star of whatever, but still, if you're really into something, it will at first make your life shine suck less, but will lead you too to have contacts like the friends you don't have.
And i say that though i'm still now i'm pretty asocial.

The point, i think, is : yeah. Life suck 3/4 of the time for the most. But if you can fill the rest with good moments when you come to forget thinking "life sucks", and i mean specially when you're with true friends (altought saying that will make some people say "lol faggot" or believe that i read too much shonen).

How come you never had any friend, seriously ? ('not mocking)
Do you have some kind of complex ? Physical or anything ? Timidity ?

I have never had a friend in my life.
I probably have many psychological problems (although I have not gone to a psychologist) and I don't care for women (not men or sex in general).

>> No.220488

No, I'm actually just an oldfag.
Seriously, what are you doing milling around if you got nothing to do? Might as well be sitting comatose, drooling on yourself.

>> No.220515

I just never had dreams or anything I really wanted.
I just never had a friend..
I don't know how to explain my problems; some of them are social anxiety issues where I can not talk AT ALL, make a lot of strange noises and actions in public and get very uneasy around others. There are also many other issues and disorders I have...

>> No.220534

Quit with the problems crutch. Suck it up or eat a bullet and GTFO.

Simply put, you are a weakling.

>> No.220541

I would, if I had something to aim for...

Not really worth fixing my problems if I don't want anything.

>> No.220544

I'm 20, never had a girlfriend, have friends and go to a good (if stressful) university, what am I then?

>> No.220545

If you want nothing, what's your motivation for getting up in the morning?

>> No.220558

I'm not a psychiatrist, just a man with a philosophy, and a penchant for poking sore spots.

>> No.220559

>I have a bunch of disorders that arn't even real disorders and I'm too fucking stupid to try and fix my social ineptitude.
fixed uguu~

>> No.220566

I have no fucking clue.

>> No.220577


The uguu routine stopped being funny some months ago dude.

Now go and fuck your girlfriend if you're so damn socially brilliant compared to the rest of us you little unfunny faggot.

>> No.220586

Then why NOT just eat a bullet? wouldn't that save a lot of hassle?

>> No.220600

uguu...Uguu~ isn't socially brlliant uguu... Uguu~ just isn't a social pussy uguu~

>> No.220616

Then go and pop your collars and fuck your girlfriend faggot.

>> No.220633

Yes, I actually plan to, but something's just holding me back...

>> No.220629

Part of me desperately wishes Uguu~ says uguu~ in real life.

>> No.220637

All of me wishes that I never ahve to hear a male say uguu~

>> No.220641

I would love to hear that.

>> No.220652

Well then why don't you spend some time thinking about what that is. If you can't figure it out, proceed to taking drugs, and thinking some more.

Have you ever BOTHERED being self analytical at all, or do you just assume you're right all the time, even when things go to shit?

>> No.220672
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Uguu...Uguu~ has been misjudged uguu~

>> No.220680

I love how you assume that nothing good can happen to us, ever.

>> No.220685

Probably routine bullshit.

I have always socially meek and done what I was told.

>> No.220686

i still love you uguu~

>> No.220700

You still don't have a solid answer. Try reflecting every once in awhile.

>> No.220716

I've tried that, and the only real thing I can come up with is that I don't want anything here.

>> No.220729

Holy shit you are lazy, son. Stop wasting my air already.

>> No.220816

And how is that a bad reason?

There's really never a good reason for leaving here..

>> No.220937

Some people never asked to come to _this_ life so you can't possibly blame them for being lazy about living it with these rules.

That doesn' mean we don't have to try if we don't like it.
'cause from effort will still comes something, but it doesnt work in a finger snap (it's like you have around you fucking huge shell of dispair/depression you build yourself during years to break before, wich darkens your views on the world possibilities, and being build for so long, it's pretty solid), and when we are in deep mental shit we refuse to see it.

>> No.221186

Depressing thread is depressing ;_;

>> No.221212


>> No.223094

Rules? What rules? The only rules that exist are the ones that you set for yourself. There's consequences to every action,and once you accept that, rules no longer really exist.

>refuse to see
Which is why there is ultimately no one to blame but yourself.
I didn't say it's a bad reason, I said you were lazy for not delving as far into your motivations, or lack thereof, as possible. There's nothing wrong with finding nothing of value here, but damn, at least know WHY.

/Ranting necromancy

>> No.223108


>> No.223135

The problem with having no willpower is that fixing it requires willpower, which you don't have.

>> No.223152

That's just a trap to fall into. Willpower is always available and accessible, since otherwise, you'd be dead by now. That survival instinct is the key to everything.

>> No.223239

The problem with you optimists is that you're the type who can get others to bend to your will. We're not all that lucky. I'm even worse off than the OP in that I've had FOUR of my life dreams crushed in the course of a few years. You guys would say I just didn't try hard enough, that I lacked the will/passion/ect. to reach my goals. FUCK YOU. I busted my ass for YEARS, and I have nothing to show for it. The reason I failed is because nobody listens to my good advice, nobody can see how intelligent I am, and any time I try to force people to acknowledge my existence, they treat me like I'm invisible to their eyes and mute to their ears. There's no way to realize your dreams when nobody thinks you're even worth 5 minutes of their time. If I have to chose between continuing this mind-numbingly pointless existence of working day in, day out to make enough money for the CEO's new ivory backscratcher or moving to another plane of existence, I'll gladly chose the latter. Unfortunately, I have one last thing to do in this one, but once that's done, I'm out of here.

>> No.223275

Blame blame blame. Communication is an art, sure. but the reason you can't do it isn;t anybody else's fault but your own. The first 75% of communication is being noticed, and the fact that you aren't says something about how you present yourself.

>> No.223297
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Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. As for me, I've grown up and given up on the rest of you the way you...wait. No, nobody gave up on me. You have to try before you can give up, don't you?

>> No.223333

Everyone has decisions they ahve to make. I've basically given up on humanity as well, but anything worth bitching about is worth fixing.
In the end, we leave this world with noting, the same way we came into it. The choice of how to waste our time is our own to make.

>> No.223382

I was with you till the last sentence. I've seen too many people's dreams, not to mention my own, destroyed by decisions made by other people.
Oh, and I haven't found humanity worth bitching about for about 13 years. The only reason I bothered posting tonight is because I can't stand the way optimists blind themselves to the world around them.

>> No.223390

quit your bitching, tough it out or end yourself.
i'm sure most of us here don't give a shit about how shitty your life is.
i'm in the same boat as most of you guys but i'm not bitching about it, get off my boat or toughen up and take it you little pansies.

>> No.223401

The fact you think a dream can be shattered speaks volumes.

>> No.223411

Optimist? ME? That's rich. If anything, I'm ordinarily Mr. Negative. I'm a realist. And the reality of this world is you can have whatever you want, if you work for it. It's just a matter of how hard you're willing to work.

>> No.223431
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I lost my wallet today, some asshole probably pickpocket it and well, i'm ronery, i have friends who use me just to get alcohol and smokes since they never have money because they invest it on their girlfriend (i mean, it's be stuck and cry about my roneryness or go outside once in a while), my school comrades are weeaboos who only talk about anime and video games to the point that i hate vidya and anime, i stalk women at night on myspace to get "some female visual contact" and i work like a slave on school.

the only way people like me, who bust their asses can prove their existence to a point is well, busting their asses, but i'm sick of that shit if i could go to a better realm i would do it without thinking it twice.

fellow anon, our life has stank, reach a really shallow hole, however you want to think about it.

>> No.223435

and i stole the myspace account from an emo guy.

>> No.223439

Yeah, I used to believe dreams were eternal, too. Then I realized that there are two kinds of dreams: ones you can realize and ones you can't.
The first kind are easily shattered. For example, imagine a man's life's dream is to find a woman who loves him for who he is and share his life with her. He finds her, and everything's going smoothly until the day he gets a phone call from the police telling him she's been raped and killed. Did he just not work hard enough to reach his dreams? Was her death somehow his choice? No. Through no fault of his own, his dream is over.
The second, the eternal dreams, are eternal because they can never be achieved. The second they become attainable, they become the first kind of dream and become destroyable.

>> No.223450

>imagine a man's life's dream is to find a woman who loves him for who he is and share his life with her. He finds her, and everything's going smoothly until the day he gets a phone call from the police telling him she's been raped and killed.
it's his fault for having a shitty dream like that.

>> No.223453

What are you talking about? He reached his dream. YEs, everything has an end, very sad. But the happy memories he has will last him until the sands of time erode it away.

Nothing lasts forever, except the inexorable march of time. And even that's up in the air.

>> No.223461

I hate my life.
I hate humanity.
I find no joy in anything really.
But you know what? I spite of all that, at least I'm not as gone as someone who thinks of love like that.

Yes, that was my point exactly. >>223401 seems to believe dreams are eternal. My example proves that they aren't.

>> No.223475
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accurate description of everyone even me

>> No.223480

Every dream has a lifespan, and every dream has an end. An ended dream isn't shattered any more than an ended book ruined.

>> No.223493


>> No.223501

A dream that begins is no dream at all. What begins must end, and dreams have no beginning and no end, eternal and undying until the day you lose the will to believe that way.
Unfortunately, you WILL lose the will to believe someday. It's called growing up.

>> No.223502

hi guys i came from a party, some kind of "anime party" combined with... a rave maybe, playing some "anime songs". those are popular in my country, we dont have cons.

>> No.223613
File: 38 KB, 800x600, 1205663945297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol emo touhou fags. please kill yourselves.

I have goals, and once i complete them, i'll just create new goals.

>> No.223944

Your goal is to hang yourself?

>> No.223946


>> No.223956
File: 22 KB, 468x263, 1205669939458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he's going to make himself taller.

>> No.224402

There is no spoon

>> No.224511
File: 223 KB, 500x708, 1205677117710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are living in Reimu's dream.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.224522

