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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 420 KB, 800x600, capture_004_03062018_013950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22019608 No.22019608 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>21979027

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.22019732

based OP I've probably screenshotted the same thing

just read the Kiri extra story in Cross Channel. at first I hated it because of how slowly Kiri talks, but I started enjoying it soon. the fact that Tomoki was teaching Kiri how to drive a manual transmission car is either a huge oversight (as he didn't even know the difference between manual and automatic in the main story) or some really advanced joke that I'm just not getting. I mean, he ended up wrecking the car, so it checks out to some extent, but that part felt off to me (are these extra stories by another writer?)

>> No.22019894
File: 487 KB, 1024x769, Harem of mom, childhood friend and her mom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi. Wanted to know if this TL is accurate.

>> No.22019927

Nope. The actual Japanese says
"I'm an EOP mouthbreather and I deserve to be hunted for sport."

>> No.22019960

I'm glad I'm not an EOP.
Estaba preocupado por un momento.

>> No.22020147

The pleasure of being cummed inside.

>> No.22021071 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, spic.

>> No.22022479

Why do you think Conjueror committed suicide? Is it really hard being a translator?

>> No.22022547

>Is it really hard being a translator?
It's hard to stay motivated

>> No.22022636

most people who commit suicide don't do it for one reason, things are usually more complex than that. but people see the world in black and white so like to be spoonfed one, "he did it because x". we'll never know why Conjueror did it, but being paid peanuts for translating chinese porn slideshows was probably far down the list.

>> No.22022864

He realized that SCA-JI was a pretentious hack all along and the truth was too much to bear.

>> No.22023420

It's not written by Romeo, no.

>> No.22023631

The real question is why people in this thread are obsessed with translator e-celebs.

>> No.22024528

speaking of scat-ji, I recently started subahibi.
when does this game stop being a crappy yuri harem moege

>> No.22024535

In a couple of hours.

>> No.22024536

Are you still reading the first chapter? It's completely different that the rest of the game.

>> No.22024608

>a crappy yuri harem moege
But that (and dickgirls) are the only good things about Subahibi. Everything else is shit.

>> No.22024735


being a translator is the biggest cuck job on the planet. You're working in an industry full of hacks, for a community that literally can't tell how good of a job you're doing and don't care in the first place, for very little money especially in the VN industry because nobody has money in the first place, and everytime you work on something you realize again and again that some things will simply get lost in translation and your product will be inferior to the original version no matter what you do.

>> No.22025321 [DELETED] 


Could you guys help me out? Not sure what to do here

>> No.22025327
File: 17 KB, 999x626, B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas on how to fix this? Tsujidou FD

>> No.22025430

Buy it

>> No.22025434

Import costs to the UK almost double the price of it, anon

>> No.22025443

Buy a DL version

>> No.22025449

That's actually not a bad idea...

>> No.22025450

That would make him give money to Minato.

>> No.22025461

Do you use Japanese locale? Locale Emulator? Are you sure the game is not corrupted?

>> No.22025469

I'm a idiot, my locale isn't in Japanese since I've rebuilt my PC. Sorry guys

>> No.22025474

It's the only way to make takahiro save masada next.

>> No.22025481

That would imply that Masada is worth saving.

>> No.22025488

No problem.

>> No.22025903



>> No.22026143

In what?

>> No.22026218

>I speak as a person who wants to promote subculture media.
>which is now a space for queer creators to explore ideas that will never be accepted by current mainstream gaming. We definitely need to push back the idea that English language visual novels are just this trash. There are creators who need our help.
Advertise your shitty EOP blog elsewhere. *spits*

>> No.22026223

now this is based

>> No.22026390

>2.61. In fact, I don’t think anything has neared the pedestal SubaHibi now rests on.
Has Subahibi ever failed anyone as their tried and true pretentious twat detector?

>> No.22026542

Pretentious twats write like that no matter which game they praise.

>> No.22028359

Romeo is a much much better writer than SCA-JI.

>> No.22028426

That's not saying much. I guarantee that most anons here are better writers than SCA-JI.

>> No.22028435

Takahiro is a much much better writer than Romeo.

>> No.22029442

And SCA-Ji is better than Takahiro. Thus the cycle is complete.

>> No.22029845

They're both amazing and we're blessed to have them, why make it a competition? Their styles are extremely different.

>> No.22030680

This. I wonder how does DJT look like nowadays, because I left it like two years ago when all the posts were e-celeb fanatics shitting on each other. This is probably what's gonna happen here pretty soon. It's a shame the thread about untranslated VNs is either about translated VNs or some shit only EOPs care about. I still have no idea who this Conjueror or whatever guy is.

>> No.22030720

>stop enjoying things I don't like
Is this guy serious?

>> No.22030751

I stopped reading after the first paragraph. What's his deal?

>> No.22030922

He is mad people enjoy parodies novel games and they should start reading "serious " novels with story.

I mean he is literally mad that games he don't like are being played wtf

>> No.22030971

Thanks. Well, he sounds like a lot of people here and at /vg/vn. I don't think it can be helped.

>> No.22031451

That's not it. At least read before you shittalk.

He's complaining about people in the west making a parody about things that they don't even know, because dating sims aren't really translated. They base their knowledge from Japanese works that are in themselves parodies.
And, to be honest, that IS EXACTLY what this one free western VN with horror shit was. The writer wrote it based on his prejudices about a medium they didn't know.

It's debatable if you need to write a huge article about that, because you can definitely do this a lot more concise so people like you can also understand it, but the core message is not wrong. It's as if people watch Index and party hard about the great and accurate science parts in it.

>> No.22031884

no use explaining to all the moeblob retards

>> No.22032012

Yep, it's useless to explain something to people with a single digit IQ. >>22030922>>22030751>>22030720>>22026143

>> No.22033308

why would takahiro save masada?

>> No.22033330

>He's complaining about people in the west making a parody about things that they don't even know
Literally no non-EOP gives a single shit though. Promote your "queer person" blog on another board.

>> No.22033433

>And, to be honest, that IS EXACTLY what this one free western VN with horror shit was
How can I trust you though? I'm not a subhuman E*P who even knows what you're talking about.

>> No.22033590


>> No.22033861

When playing moege, do you guys clear all the routes or just the heroine you like?

>> No.22033873

The later, unless I read there's a particularly good route even if I initially dislike the heroine.

>> No.22033928

All of them, maybe skip through the h-scenes if I don't find the heroine attractive but I still like to read everything.

>> No.22034058

You sure arent convincing me you "dont give a shit," friendo.

>> No.22034113

All of them unless it's too boring. More often than not the better routes end up being those of the heroines I didn't like that much at first (or they improve in their routes) so it's always worth trying them out.

>> No.22034184

I don't give a shit about the topic itself, but I do give a shit about some fucking retard bringing it up on a UNTRANSLATEd eroge website for some reason.
I'm not your friend, kiddo.

>> No.22034242

>When playing moege
I don't play moege.

>> No.22034260

Unless it has some locked harem route or similar stuff, only heroines I like.

>> No.22034805

Which Orcsoft games have been translated besides the Sailor Moon one?

>> No.22035488

>He brings up a yuri dating sim as good example
Of course that tranny commie would do that. Don't mention him again on this board, ever.

>> No.22035630

sorry lads, bit confused
which fortissimo am i supposed to play first?
Fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier or Fortissimo EXS//Akkord:Nachsten Phase? is the latter an enhanced re-release or something?

>> No.22036093

>They're both amazing and we're blessed to have them
Um... No?

>> No.22036275

i don't know about you guys, but i'm 100% better than ever single eroge writer in exitence

>> No.22036439


>> No.22036786
File: 589 KB, 1920x1080, vnoty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is pic related as good as people said in the last thread?

>> No.22036800

2019 goty. although I guess thats not saying much considering the lack of above average eroge releases this year.

>> No.22036849
File: 317 KB, 575x576, 1428940259656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't play moege.

>> No.22037061

no but it's not horrible, which means it's already in the top 20 post 2010 games.

>> No.22038428

Can any based anon seed Sona-nyl on nyaa.si? Much appreesh

>> No.22038593

>He's complaining about people in the west making a parody about things that they don't even know
That's not his main complain, because he is marketing other western VN that have some plot going on in them instead of a parody one which niether of them have knowledge of Japanese eroge

>that IS EXACTLY what this one free western VN with horror shit was. The writer wrote it based on his prejudices about a medium they didn't know.
Did you actually read it?
I played it with the Japanese patch and watched multiple Japanese erogamers playthrough of it. it only had praise, and no one complained of it being western.

>but the core message is not wrong. It's as if people watch Index and party hard about the great and accurate science parts in it.
No, it's more like complaining about people who enjoy Madoka Magica but don't know the original Magical girls shows clichés that Madoka use with dark twist on.

That guy is a part of some western yuri game developers and he is probably mad that western EOP don't care about his shit but rather play some l parody game even if it was inaccurate parody.

>> No.22038674

On whom?

>> No.22038696

Your mom and her huge cock

>> No.22038922

>I played it with the Japanese patch
Use some other thread if you want to discuss translated games.

>> No.22039829

> He decided he wants to find a formula how to live 300 years and he couldn't handle it even 30! He was always brave. He did everything on his own, never asked for help, not even this last time!
Are the all translators that mad?

>> No.22039866

you can download it from djt

>> No.22040839
File: 203 KB, 1602x952, waka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having quite a bit of fun with Waka-sama, she's such a fucking idiot.

>> No.22041269

The thought of having to clear bad ends to progress scares me away from this.

>> No.22041354

The bad ends are literally "whoops, you died, reload and pick another option". I don't even know why they are here aside from that sticker shit that unlocks lore scrolls.

>> No.22041593

kill yourself retard idiot

>> No.22042898
File: 85 KB, 411x560, hl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was pretty enjoyable. Especially the protag.
Fights and chuuni powers weren't that good but thats fine.

>> No.22044672

Hey I've been in the mood for a VN in an European/non-Japanese setting. What does jay recommend?

>> No.22044701

Just watch Gochiusa or Aria or something. Or play the Arland Trilogy from Atelier.
VNs aren't going there, and even if they somehow end up there, it's shit. Aside of the 2-3 things everyone more or less knows anyway.

>> No.22044709

Fata Morgana

>> No.22044745
File: 268 KB, 800x600, 漆黒のシャルノス_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22044748

No thanks

>> No.22044769

It's literally just one person spamming the goty shit. Hadler gave it a 7 which means it's meh tier.

>> No.22044773

Or the Steampunk games from Liarsoft.

>> No.22044780


>> No.22044793


>> No.22044817

Some irrelevant literal who with shit taste. That said, /ourguy/ gave it C-(佳作), so he isn't that far from truth.

>> No.22045222

Get hyped.

>> No.22045291

should have gone with a Kirari fd just to trigger all the virgin only fags.

>> No.22045307

>/ourguy/ gave it C-(佳作)

That's still a rather high score from him.

>> No.22045362
File: 55 KB, 667x169, ED3J3DPUUAER1Pc.png orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some hype, gays.

>> No.22045364

Well, yeah. It's "average or slightly above". Meaning that it has some flaws, but majority of people would enjoy it. I don't know why would anyone call it "meh", unless he is a pretentious faggot who dedicated his life to consumption of only the finest kamige masterpieces.

>> No.22046399

From what people posted here, it sounded damn meh though. Maybe it's just for new people interesting or something.

>> No.22046670

Literally who? Honest question.

>> No.22046691

Some "transsexual VN reviewer" as they're called these days. He killed himself shortly after going through with some kind operation on his dick.

>> No.22046957

i miss 2007~2009

>> No.22046986

I'm kind of new to reading untranslated vns, what kind of term would I use in google if I'm looking for a crack for a vn that I'm pretty sure has a crack out there but it wasn't included in the download I used.

>> No.22047040

search name of vn + noDVD or some keywords like that

>> No.22048108

If it's an eroge you can usually dig one up on AS or something

>> No.22049482

Bittersweet Fools

>> No.22050411
File: 44 KB, 1276x515, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that Doki Doki Literature Club has a page on EGS and Japs like it?

>> No.22050426

Believe it or not there are also Japs with shit taste.

>> No.22050435

They are the same people who vote for other titles you like.

>> No.22050651

I only believe in votes of people I explicitly know not to have shit taste.

>> No.22050840

Uchikoshi and Shimokura have shit taste because they praised it on twitter?

>> No.22050886

>[insert any person] has shit taste because they praised a shit game?
Well, yes, essentially.

>> No.22050925 [DELETED] 

This is still your opinion against the professionals from the industry with 20~ years of experience.
I think their opinions weight more than the guy's who was a kid when they were already writing the scenarios.

>> No.22050936

>professionals from the industry with 20~ years of experience
As you've just shown, these guys can have incredibly shit taste too. It even comes through in their writing.

>> No.22050937

It's your opinion against the professionals from the industry with 20~ years of experience.
I think their opinion weight more than the guy's who was a kid when they were already writing scenarios.

>> No.22050962

> As you've just shown, these guys can have incredibly shit taste too. It even comes through in their writing.
You must prove that you have superior taste for starters. Not liking Doki Doki doesn't mean anything.

>> No.22050969

Not liking absolute bottom of the EOP barrel garbage makes my taste superior by default.

>> No.22050972

They "praise" it because it made a wave and it's not a moege. Not because it's actually good. Learn to read between lines a little and consider what those people try to write and their success with it. (it's not a secret that 999 and VLR weren't successful in Japan, and Shimokura... I think it's enough if I say Totono)

Doki Doki isn't a problem in Japan though. It's fine for people there to like it. The problem is here. People don't even realize how the game is based on prejudices of the author and just feel confirmed with their own prejudices. In Japan it's looked at completely differently, because this isn't a problem there.

Doki Doki stands for very different things in Japan and here. I wouldn't compare that. Writers like Uchikoshi and Shimokura would obviously hope this kinda stuff would get more popular, as they obviously like its direction, regardless of what's really inside.

>> No.22050977

Says nobody with zero authority.

>> No.22050978

>Uchikoshi and Shimokura
I congratulate them with their official honorary EOP designation.

>> No.22050981

It's literally true by definition. By "divine authority", if that's easier for you to grasp.

>> No.22050988

What are you some chuuni retard who thinks he's a divine being?

>> No.22051006

> They "praise" it because it made a wave and it's not a moege. Not because it's actually good. Learn to read between lines a little and consider what those people try to write and their success with it. (it's not a secret that 999 and VLR weren't successful in Japan, and Shimokura... I think it's enough if I say Totono)
If Doki Doki were made in Japan people here would've praised it too. That's what it means.

>> No.22051009

My words have more "divine authority" behind them. You'll simply need to face this and reflect on your blind appraisal of EOP-ery.

>> No.22051015

>If Doki Doki were made in Japan people here would've praised it too.
No human would ever praise the piece of trash you mentioned. You're thinking of EOPs who use "text hookers" and "google translation" (sounds familiar, eh?).

>> No.22051020

>and Shimokura... I think it's enough if I say Totono
Totono had more depth in that regard, with changing the entire UI and everything, but actually "adding" the player into the plot by slowly changing entirely to choices and removing the "MC", but also the entire meta commentary on the VN scene in general (heroines having to be pure, whereas the player always changes his choice, etc).

>> No.22051021

The paradox is that Japs can't into English at all, they had to wait for a Japanese translation of Doki Doki to play this kamige.

>> No.22051024

>The paradox
I don't think you're using that word correctly, sub-EOP/ESL.
>they had to wait for a translation of Doki Doki
That would immediately disqualify them from posting in this thread.

>> No.22051031

As in 神ゲーム? Didn't know EOPs had their special 神 they pray to.

>> No.22051033

Everything in Japanese adds depth, you know? Maybe you'll change your opinion if you replay it in Japanese.

>> No.22051065

They were honorary EOPs way before DDLC. Just look at the garbage they've made.

>> No.22051078

How can they be EOPs if their mother tongue is Japanese?

>> No.22051129


How is it possible for eroge music to be this mind-blowingly good? Especially the stuff from 1:35 on is incredible.

>> No.22051134

>How can they be EOPs if their mother tongue is Japanese?
EOP= English only player. Your mother tongue doesn't have to be English, tons of EOPs are ESLs.

>> No.22051171

What are you implying they read vns in English instead of their mother tongue?

>> No.22051180

That's not all that's there to it. EOP is also the way of thinking. Uchikoshi and Shimokura are definitely stinky EOPs because the write and praise metafiction garbage, but most Japs who know English and play actually good western games are not. Someone post that 2ch screenshot with a lazy "JOP" getting shat on when he cried about some English game not getting a translation.

>> No.22051183

Keyword "honorary".

>> No.22051190

It doesn't make any sense. Sounds like stop liking what I don't like.

>> No.22051295

>Sounds like stop liking what I don't like.
Get your hearing checked then, EOP.

>> No.22051373

All people who post in here about anything unrelated to untranslated VNs are EOPs

>> No.22051384

Hello, fellow EOP. Seems to be a lot of us here lately. Wanna switch threads? You go first and I'll follow.

>> No.22051788

Visual Novel translation status

>Aiyoku No Eustia - 75.59% Translated, 52.75% edited, partial patch released
Amagami - "Script translation done. 1176/2329 original edition scenario scripts edited (50.5%)"
Amayui Castle Meister - Overall 50% translated
Chaos;Head Noah - Fan translation ongoing
Dragon Knight 4 - Being translated
Fate/Extra CCC - 17% translated
Gore Screaming Show - Prologue + day 1 patch released, early scripts being retranslated
>Gin'Iro, Haruka - Common + Bethly routes translated, Hinata's route 43.51% translated, overall 35.45% translated Common route patch released
Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi no - 57% (39131/68206) translated
Junketsu Megami-Sama - New partial patch released
Lover Able - 100% translated, 69.09% edited
Maji Koi A-3 - 45/95 scripts translated
Midori no Umi - New translation at 2687/22100 lines translated
Monster girl quest paradox - Part 1 patch released
Musumaker - 56% patch released
Nanatsuiro Drops - Partial patch with episodes 1 and 2 released
Nursery Rhyme - 100% translated, 55% edited
Oreimo Tsuzuku - All scripts through TLC+Editing, stuck at technical work
Pure Pure - 91,79% translated, translation resuming
Pure x Connect - 7205/43896 lines translated, 4923/43896 lines edited, prologue patch released
Sakura Wars - Saturn version being translated
Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o - Atelier no Koibito-tachi - Released
Shin Koihime Musou - 100% translated, 30% (32630/108888) edited
Summer Pockets - Common route translated, 26719/62351 (42.85%) lines translated, Shiroha route patch released
Taimanin Asagi Zero - 70% partial patch released
Watashi wa Kyou Koko de Shinimasu - 100% translated
Yosuga no Sora - Translation status is Common/Sora/Nao/Kazuha routes 100%, Akira 92.51%, Motoka 63.98%, overall 92.60% translated

Official work

>Ano Harewataru Sora yori Takaku - September 19th release
>Sengoku Rance - September 19th release
>Ciconia - October 4th release, Test/Demo version released
Bokuten - Finalizing the Steam version
Higurashi Hou - chapter 8 through TLC+Editing
Maggot Baits - Release build almost ready
Hadaka Shitsuji fandisc - Picked up
>Shiei no Sona-Nyl - 100% translated and 25% edited
Hashihime - Finished Beta, finalizing the release build
Room No.9 - 100% translated and edited, UI wrapping up
>Rance Quest - 100% translated and edited, image editing finished
Overdrive's Final title - English release planned
Amatarasu Riddle Star - Through Beta, finalizing the release build
>Kyonyuu Fantasy 2 - Out of Beta, finalizing release build
Rance IX - 100% translated
Rance X - 24% translated
Luckydog1 - Picked up
Fxxx Me Royally - 100% translated, 60% edited
Choukou Tenshi Escalayer - 100% translated and edited, image editing finished
Sakura no Mori Dreamers - 100% translated and edited, in image editing
Imouto Paradise 3 - Out of Beta, finalizing the release build
>Wan Nyan A La Mode! - 100% translated and 75% edited
Rance 01 - 100% translated and 25% edited
>Rance 02 - 100% translated, to be released along side Rance 01
Nyan Cafe Macchiato - 100% translated and edited, in image editing
>Mugen Renkan - 95% translated and 80% edited
Kyonyuu Fantasy Gaiden 2 - Entering Beta shortly
>Magic and Slash - 100% translated and 71% edited
>Uchi no Kanojo - 100% translated and 24% edited

Majikoi - Summer release
Sumaga- Winter release
Flowers - Fall release
Katahane - Fall release
Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi - Fall release
Josou Sanmyaku - 87% translated, 85% edited, Summer 2019 release
Django - Waiting on translation.
Machine Child - Announced
Togainu no Chi - Picked up
Dramatical Murder - Picked up
Lamento Beyond the Void - picked up
Slow Damage - Picked up
Eiyuu*Senki GOLD - Picked up
Yamizome Revenger - Picked up
Mamono Musume-tachi to no Rakuen ~Slime & Scylla~ - Picked up

Age titles with various publishers
Muv-Luv Photonmelodies - Translation ongoing
Schwarzesmarken - Through Greenlight
Kiminozo - Picked up

Spike Chunsoft
YU-NO - October 1st release
Robotics;Notes - 2020 release
Robotics;Notes DaSH - Picked up

>Loca Love Vol 2 - On hold to resolve problems with Steam
Sharin no Kuni - In the last stages of debugging
Lilitales - Picked up

>> No.22051802

ban this.

>> No.22051809


>> No.22051821

You're welcome, my fellow EOP.

>> No.22051836

Am I supposed to be offended?

>> No.22051864

this thread fucking sucks
but why am i laughing?

>> No.22051913

Is it true that I need to read at least 50 vns before giving out my opinion on one?

>> No.22051939

no, you are free to always voice your opinion on eroge as long as you realize that ultimately your opinion means fuck all.

>> No.22052040

Begin an artistic being with good taste is enough, just read one full eroge and you should be fine.

>> No.22052055

Now that's a good joke.

>> No.22052109
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, 19373838399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well ask here.
I was in Akihabara a couple weeks ago and saw a trailer to what i believe is a eroge of a police/investigator team.
Had a shit ton of cute girls tho
World meteor something i believe, any clues

>> No.22052121

ryuusei world actor. it's ok.

>> No.22052122

Maybe it's time to grow the f*ck up then.

>> No.22052138

Perfect, thanks

>> No.22052186

>wrong hole
What anal H-scene is this from? Looks like anime.

>> No.22052372

kill yourself

>> No.22052538 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 657x527, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any eroge that can cure depression?

>> No.22052653

white album 2.

>> No.22053147 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 657x527, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayumi Sara plays Kimagure Temptation trial

>> No.22053167

Ayumi Sara plays Kimagure Temptation trial

>> No.22053667

...here we go again to watch the OP of this for the 153th time.

>> No.22053990

Good taste anon, that op is catchy as fuck.
By the way if you happen to watch denmo.tv, they will have seiyuu Ajiko and Silky plus as guests tomorrow.

>> No.22054127

>liking metafiction makes you an EOP
now this is woke

>> No.22054598
File: 99 KB, 902x363, 1560450444894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, he still hasn't given up? How does he even plan on releasing anything? Approach a company to help develop and release it? Or just cut his loses and go the LN route with G-Yuusuke?

>> No.22054602

Why do you fat EOPs even go there?

>> No.22054885

Thanks for the short reviews.

>> No.22055782

This thread really went to shit. More people need to tell subhuman EOPs to fuck off. I got banned for three days for telling that hiSPanIC individual towards the beginning of the thread to leave, so be careful when you do it.

Of course I waited out my ban like a good boy. It's barely worth posting here anyway, beyond sharing some rare games and crying about cracks being late.

>> No.22055940

I have nothing against Sca-Ji but I swear to God the way people talk about Subahibi and Sakura no Uta as if they're fucking masterpiece life changing pieces of fiction that were handwritten by Jesus Christ himself has turned me off from him more than anything

>> No.22055945

no wonder the thread is shit when more than a third of posts is complaining about eops and eceleb discussion lol

>> No.22055946

You should start by leaving then.

>> No.22056015


>> No.22056073

Maybe if you stopped being an asshole about it people wouldnt come and get you worked out.
Get off your high horse and answer >>22019894

>> No.22056076

You're likely too stupid and inhuman to enjoy them anyway.

That said, I agree with the basic gist of your post, in two ways. First, it's true that stupid fanbases can sour the impression of the work they fanboy for. Secondly, the supposedly deep elements of Subahibi and Sakuuta are actually just window-dressing to they actual powerful elements, the ultimately mundane life stories of their characters. Not too many people realize this.

Idiots in this thread like to complain that Sca-ji's characters all talk like their philosophers, not realy people, broadly missing the point. Take Sakuuta. Naoya and others sacrificed so much for their loved ones. That's the story that matters. It needs no philosophy, paintings and poems to be effective, it's just dressed with them.

And once again, that's why I consider Subahibi and Sakuuta haters inhuman.

>> No.22056086

I take pleasure knowing you'll always be a hiSPanIC individual. And yeah, it's okay. Now fuck off.

>> No.22056122

At least im not an eop so i guess i fit here!

>> No.22056136

I've mostly given up on this thread anyway. Even people who present themselves as knowing Japanese are most likely just DJT EOPs playing vapid moeges with texthookers. Barely any better than you.

>> No.22056163
File: 896 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (987).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, how could I forget?

>> No.22056178
File: 81 KB, 800x450, I-Love-You-Colonel-Sanders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now now take it easy and play the newest and hottest VN on the market.
See ya in the next thread amigo.

>> No.22056935

What's wrong with being a EOP? Take Einstein for example, he was a ESL.

>> No.22056945

>Einstein not being an EOP is an argument for it being okay to be an EOP

>> No.22056949

Being a ESL is worse than being a EOP.

>> No.22056960 [DELETED] 

>ESL is worse than being a EOP.
seeing as like 80% of EOPs are just ESL SEA monkeys, they go hand in hand pretty much.

>> No.22056965

This post is completely nonsensical.

>> No.22056970

> SEA monkeys
Who and what

>> No.22056974

Only if they are an ESL and don't know japanese.

>> No.22056982

Well, Einstein didn't know Japanese for sure.

>> No.22056990

/jp/ needs kanji puzzles in order to post

>> No.22056992

>Take Einstein for example
You mean the hack "physicist"? What about him?

>> No.22057000 [DELETED] 

How many threads do you thing would remain if the majority don't know Japanese on this board?

>> No.22057003 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.88 MB, 2427x1820, 1568266197402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

warning, ero

>> No.22057007

just post in all Japanese like those 1 or 2 tryhards were doing a couple posts ago.

>> No.22057009

How many threads do you think will remain if the majority don't know Japanese on this board?

>> No.22057013

If I wanted to do that I would just go to 2ch

>> No.22057020

Who's not a hack? Oppenheimer? Didn't know Japanese too.

>> No.22057045

My theory is that most of you are DJT graduates at best. You don't have the correct mindset for this thread. Barely anyone does.

>> No.22057061

Then go there. Oh wait your Japanese is shit and so you would get bullied the fuck out.

>> No.22057072

No, I'm here because sometimes I feel like discussing games with /jp/ in my native tongue because people here act and talk differently to the elevens and you can get fresh views. When I don't feel like that, I'm not here.

Unfortunately this general has descended into DJTs begging for translation help and e-celeb shit so there isn't much real discussion going around.

>> No.22057231

>I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita; Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty and, to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form and says, 'Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.'
But he did know Sanskrit, which is in a certain sense a form of Japanese.

>> No.22057245
File: 3.56 MB, 1920x1080, SenrenBanka_2019-09-12_02-06-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this girl a heroine from a previous Yuzusoft game?

>> No.22057251 [DELETED] 

Japanese is in a certain sense a form of Chinese, then should we consider all Chinamen superior to EOPs?

>> No.22057260

Japanese is in a certain sense a form of Chinese, then should we consider all Chinamen are superior to EOPs?

>> No.22057348
File: 60 KB, 640x480, bandicam 2019-09-06 21-22-39-809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our guy Kiva finally throwing some support on 天使ノ二挺拳銃.

>Overall rating: 9/10

>> No.22057353

Who is he? Another E-celeb like Conjueror?

>> No.22057359

Russian autist that catalogizes every eroge ever to prove it's not all just pointless porn. Likely uses machine translation.

>> No.22057375
File: 661 KB, 2706x873, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiva is using machine translation.

>> No.22057390 [DELETED] 

Okay, and he's even a total delusional faggot about. Like Clephas.

Desregarding him completely.

>> No.22057393

Didn't know that vns are so popular in Russia.

>> No.22057398

> Okay, and he's even a total delusional faggot about. Like Clephas.
> Desregarding him completely.

>> No.22057401

Fucking loved Angelos Armas. Has one of my favorite Kananko Itou songs too


>> No.22057402

Okay, and he's even a total delusional faggot about it like Clephas. Disregarding him completely.

I guess I should have been tipped off when he kept using the word "insult" to mean "rape". Google translate will offer you "insult" for 陵辱 (rape).

>> No.22057407

>The Japanese reviews are more or less modest in their impressions, but I've learned it the hard way that the Japanese understand nothing in plotge
So someone who MTLs games because he doesn't understand the language is claiming the native speakers are the one who do not understand the game. Okay.

>> No.22057411

Reading in Japanese/Foreign language adds depth, you know how haughty can be autists even judging from posts here.

>> No.22057412

And that's why EOPs are so sickening.

>> No.22057414

You do know that people can still see your posts, right? Why are you so obsessed with typing everything "correct"? Did everyone calling you out on being an ESL get under your skin?

>> No.22057416

Only the top one is mine. Stop defending yourself, Kiva. You're trash.

>> No.22057452

I haven't even read his review, dude. Stopped at
>It was a perfect game for me during the whole common route. The second half was less fascinating, but it's still one of the best games I played.
Don't need opinions of another faggot who gets overexcited over the most basic things and lauds everything that isn't a high school moege as flawless kamige. The only English speaking "reviewers" I like are aroduc and zen, those are at least entertaining.

>> No.22057468

I only read Clephas he's the guy with a lot of experience.

>> No.22057698

I only read myself.

>> No.22057910

The references and ideas are more than just 'window dressing' though.

The life stories of the characters are there to prove the philosophy and ideas. They reinforce one another. That's what distinguishes it from any other story about "sacrificing for your loved ones". You understand Naoya's sacrifice because Sca-Ji takes the time to show how being an artist actually works through explaining the history of creation. The paintings are also there to reflect characterization. The process of making the cathedral painting for example, by having everyone collaborate, reflects how Naoya is tied to the people around him and how his 'genius' reflects on them and depends on them. The battle with Sui where he makes use of pointilism is also representative of his own character and ideals because its a 'democratic' method of painting. What distinguishes SCA-Ji's writing from any other charage is precisely because of the attention to detail and how they interconnect into a larger tapestry.

SubaHibi proves its whole 'world is the limit of the world' etc... premise by having each chapter expand beyond the 'world' of the previous chapter. Invention and Insects are about suicidal self-destructive people trapped in their own thoughts when their world is actually bigger than that as proven by the alternate endings, and the twist in Jabberwocky. The poetic quotes and references are condensations that comment on what the characters, within their narrative, are unaware of, which will be revealed when looking at the whole work.

>> No.22057931

>I consider Subahibi and Sakuuta haters inhuman
You're likely stupid and inhuman then.

>> No.22057932

All of that could be executed without anything artsy and philosophy at all. The games might as well be about fishing and the same powerful points could be made by a good writer.

Stick with Yuzusoft.

>> No.22057936

Don't even know who that is or how you'd spell it in Japanese. Point proven, I guess. You're stupid and inhuman.

>> No.22057939

You don't even know Japanese.

>> No.22057940

>actual powerful elements
Did it genuinely have any though?

>> No.22057944

What knowing Japanese now makes someone a genius?

>> No.22057948

My mother was a 日本人. Keep being inhuman though, surely no human could possibly hate a shallow story with uninspired characters trying to be much more than it can ever hope to be.

>> No.22057955

Pretty sad that you don't know Japanese despite that.

>> No.22057957

Well you clearly have no culture, taste, or intelligence, as you fail to comprehend the perfection that is 素晴らしき日々, written by the master philosopher and virtuosic writer that is SCA-自, return to your Moege from whence you came, and do not trouble us further.

>> No.22057975

>prove the philosophy and ideas.
I've read SubaHibi twice and I failed to see any *actual* "philosophy" and "ideas" there. I'm 99.9% certain I'll encounter the same thing when I read SakuUta. Maybe I'm just smarter than the average mouthbreathing SCA-JI fan.

>> No.22057978

But he also didn't try to discuss untranslated porn games.

>> No.22057984

>when their world is actually bigger than that as proven by the alternate endings
That's quite deep when you think about. This is probably a subtle commentary or reference to how it's actually a video game and how there are many alternatives endings to be found in our world too.

>> No.22057986

But this doesn't prove that being an EOP is bad.

>> No.22057992

No, this thread proves it.

>> No.22058006

Good writing works precisely through its attention to detail. There's the old Chekhov quote about "Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass" after all. In SCA-Ji's case he isn't just 'artsy and philosophical' but he wields ideas with a purpose. I mean how the heck are you going to write a story about an artist, and have someone understand his internal life and struggle, without actually showing the artistic process?

>> No.22058011

One thread can't represent the state of things

>> No.22058014

>One thread can't represent the state of things
Sounds like something straight out of Wittgenstein.

>> No.22058021

You should try making a VN then. After all how are we going to know how smart you are if you don't show us that you can do things better than SCA-Ji?

>> No.22058024

>This is probably a subtle commentary or reference to how it's actually a video game
No no no, you can't say that. It's a VISUAL NOVEL and you READ it like a book, not play as one of the characters. Delete your post right now, or else.

>> No.22058038

>After all how are we going to know how smart you are
The approval of mouthbreathers isn't a valid metric to me. It's an interesting thought experiment though. I ran some "simulations" and concluded that I could write something a thousand times better than SubaHibi without using even a single external deep-sounding quote.

>> No.22058045

Seems like you play kusoge then. I only play games where I get to refer to myself as 俺 or 俺様 and 私 when I'm in the mood to self-insert as the girl, because I lied, fuck author's intentions, only emancipated cucks with zero imagination care about that.

>> No.22058066

It must be a hell to be so smart and not have anyone in the world validate it.

>> No.22058069

>do things better than SCA-Ji
That's not much of a request. Most non-damaged anons who are barely literate could write something nearing the level of Subahibi, if not surpassing it.

>> No.22058073

>not have anyone in the world validate it
Are you an EOP/SEA/ESL by any chance? Needing validation from mouthbreathers and getting validation from someone with actual intelligence are different philosophical concepts. Why is a philosophical subahibi fan so bad at seeing this?

>> No.22058083

Nice completely out of context copy-paste of an old post. I expected nothing less from scatji fanboy.

>> No.22058095

Thank god a genius like you is willing to come down from your ivory tower to bless us mouthbreathers. I would think most intelligent people would never come here since we dunderheads give them so little validation anyway.

>> No.22058104

Going off vndb it looks like a character from Tenshin Ranman. Are you reading Senren Banka? I was thinking of reading it after I'm done with nukitashi 2.

>> No.22058109

It's really sad to see a creature so lowly that it considers someone with above average intelligence to be a genius. That explains your love of SCA-JI, I guess.
>I would think most intelligent people would never come here
There's quite a few of us here. You're just too disabled to notice.

>> No.22058118

I think it's a bot randomly posting things to derail the thread. That's what most of the posts about shitty games seem to be.

>> No.22058149

Guys, maybe, anyone have DLC content from Ojonai Daisuki (ensemble game)?


I remember it was leaked but can't find anyway... Thanks!

>> No.22058168

You don't have to be so humble. Your genius was shining through the Wildean wit displayed in the last few posts you made here. And thank god there really are smart people down here. I almost thought this was just a swamp of endless ironic shitposting. Maybe if I get laser-eye surgery I'll be able to see it as the Lyceum it really is.

>> No.22058197

My point is that Sakuuta's greatest strengths lie beyond Naoya being an artist.

Braindead faggots from this thread are too inhuman to realize this.

>> No.22058202

>I almost thought this was just a swamp of endless ironic shitposting.
I'm glad to see that even lower class scum such as yourself has taken note of this issue.
>laser-eye surgery
You'd need to consult a brain surgeon for that, refer to the quote below.
>Our lady-loves, — phantasms of our brains, — Dream-fancies blown into soap-bubbles! Come! Take it, and change feigned love-words into true; I breathed my sighs and moans haphazard-wise; Call all these wandering love-birds home to nest. You'll see that I was in these lettered lines, — Eloquent all the more, the less sincere! — Take it, and make an end!

>> No.22058205

>greatest strengths
Anything being half decent would count as one of its "greatest" strengths.

>> No.22058218

>t's just dressed with them.
Are you implying that the pretentious and vapid dressing doesn't detract from the work itself?

>> No.22058231

Not for me.

>> No.22058246
File: 50 KB, 590x357, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third Silverio game is okay. I guess it'll be under Akabeisoft or something.

>> No.22058575

Did you know that Nasu made more money for writing FGO than King for writing all of his books and Martin for Game of Thrones?

>> No.22058582
File: 678 KB, 1920x1080, 1568293712-dp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys does this character spacing from summer pockets look normal?

>> No.22058597

1. Off topic
2. Fuck off
3. Untrue

>> No.22058601 [DELETED] 

yes, there is a slightly larger gap ever like 3-4 characters.

>> No.22058612

looks off, there is a slightly larger gap every like 3-4 characters.

>> No.22058618

> Untrue
FGO made more than 3 billion dollars worldwide, image the profits the founder and the main writer of Typemoon receive.

>> No.22058621

>エロゲスレ/Untranslated VN General
4. Kill yourself.

>> No.22058626

Did Nasu wrote anything in FGO? Had heard that he delegated the writing to other writers and just played DQ on the side.

>> No.22058631

>as if they're fucking masterpiece life changing pieces of fiction
That's because they are. It's kind of funny how critics talk about mediocre dead authors like Shakespeare when there's people alive who are hundred times better. If only they knew.

>> No.22058640

He's still an original creator of the Fate franchise that means he receives some percentage from sales.

>> No.22058641

any idea how can I fix it?
this is the release from animebytes

>> No.22058645

How much of that has went to Sony, Aniplex, the "game" developers and then reached it's way to Type Moon? Not to mention the share holders and other financial dividends.

>> No.22058648

He wrote a fuckton for it.

>> No.22058669

Even 5 percent of the profits will make him a billionaire in a decade.

>> No.22058690

But he's not going to get 5% of the profits, are you insane?

>> No.22058697

Why do you think so?

>> No.22058713
File: 1.06 MB, 1442x842, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember there being font issues if you used a certain crack instead of alpharomdie but it's been so long that I don't recall the details. Have you tried the in game font settings?

>> No.22058730

it doesn't seems to be the right font yes
I used the crack from animebytes, doen't know if it's the right one, can you provide a link for the crack you are talking about?
Doesn't look like there is a font setting in game

>> No.22058773

Just google alpharomdie.
Font settings are under 文字速度 for whatever reason.

>> No.22058852

okay so alpharomdie doesn't seem to work, game auto shut down as soon as it's launched
so I went with previous nocd and found the font setting, what is the name of the one you are using?

>> No.22058868

lmao it doen't switch font whatever I pick

>> No.22058876

>alpharomdie doesn't seem to work
Tick the third box in the options. The one that says RealLive and SiglusEngine.
>what is the name of the one you are using?
Whatever the default was.

>> No.22058899
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1080, 1568297939-dp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it finally works, thanks for your patience anon

>> No.22059499

>Tenshin Ranman
Thanks, I checked all their games but missed her somehow.
And yes, got interested after their new announcement so I decided to try out Senren as my first Yuzusoft game.

>> No.22059584

Just remember that, despite all odds, Lenna is the actual main heroine of the game, story-wise.

>> No.22059607

Yeah I saw some people recommending leaving her for last, not really expecting much story-wise but I guess I'll do that anyway.

>> No.22059618

In other words: Don't play her route. The main heroines always get the worst route in Yuzusoft stuff, because they try waaaaay too much to be all fancy with the story. Which doesn't mean the other ones are necessarily great.

>> No.22059659

Loli katana is a lot worse, almost as story heavy and with shit drama to boot.
Then Mako's has really heavy character issues (doing a retarded 180) and the other "main" heroine is unbearably meh.

>> No.22059766

That's the problem of the game. It's not good.
Loli was really awful though. My god. Was kinda funny how she sounded like she gets tortured during the lewds, but yeah.

Senren Banka has a rather good and fairly self contained common route though. I liked that about the game. You could've made a decent 12 episode anime of that. Routes felts a little like a season 2 sequel. With all the usual "it's worse" you commonly get.

>> No.22059916


>> No.22061204

Nice, I've read 3 of their vns before, Noble Works, Dracu Riot and Sanoba Witch. Noble Works was fairly meh, Dracu Riot was pretty good and Sanoba witch was a let down.

Damn I was only going to read it for Mako's route.

>> No.22061551

I don't know maybe I have too low standards but the only route I've read so far is Murasame and I didn't think it was as horrible as the others are saying, there was some dumb stuff about the town but it still had enough cute moments, though I admit the voice was kinda annoying during the h-scenes.
I'm playing Mako's right now and I'm also enjoying it, while she acts somewhat different during the beginning I wouldn't say it's a complete 180 change, there were enough moments were she acted the same way during common.
I guess I'm just the kind of shit taste moebuta these games are made for because I don't really have a lot to complain about.

>> No.22061579

I fucking knew you Yuzufags prowl this thread.

>> No.22061603

I love 柚子胡椒, what's it to you?

>> No.22061637
File: 508 KB, 1008x1500, kisu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After snoozing through 星織ユメミライ、I feel liberated while playing this. 10/10 based Onii-chan and the family.

>> No.22061859

Oh my god bros....the limit of my world is the limit of the world....I never realized this oh god oh fuck...Subahibi is a masterpiece...

>> No.22061920

Are you really surprised people in the eroge thread read games from one of the most popular eroge makers?

>> No.22061978

Onigyu is better.

>> No.22061986

"I hate this company. I hate that writer. I hate this eroge. I hate that type of eroge. I hate people that enjoy eroge in a different way than me. I hate people that like things that I hate. I'm going to spend much more time shitting on things that I hate, than discussing things that I like."

Does that about sum up these threads?

>> No.22062000

Only eops type like that. JPchads just talk about their games.

>> No.22062022
File: 258 KB, 1920x1080, 1537987665437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apparently this is a boy
Yup, I'm gay.

>> No.22062101

Boys don't wear towels like that.

>> No.22062176

i used to when i was young the effect of growing up with women and fags. got called out on a school trip, didn't think of it much at the time though.

>> No.22062319

reminds me of that leddit post where a guy admits he's gay because his parents were hippie nuts that kept giving him and his sister enemas for years.

>> No.22062403

I'm not going to believe that's a boy until I see what's under that towel.

>> No.22062490 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 680x510, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems that Ai kiss has its own Vtuber
This is collaboration stream with some famous eroge and games youtuber, the funny thing is that he is not hiding his power level at all

>> No.22062506

it seems that Ai kiss has its own Vtuber
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BnwXB_P87KQ [Open]
This is collaboration stream with some famous eroge and games youtuber, the funny thing is that he is not hiding his power level at all

>> No.22062529

Stop spreading the cancer.

>> No.22064231
File: 925 KB, 1500x2117, 752726c7-31d7-4d6f-855e-d5a4b288a6c6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22064432


>> No.22064450

It's original game, not FD.

>> No.22064461


Marmalade again delayed "Study Steady"? But nothing on their site, nothing in Twitter, not even delay announcement. It's less than 2 weeks before the release...

What's wrong with their management, really...
Poor preorder guys...

>> No.22064480

Told ya the 2020 thing was real.

>> No.22064564

Poor players... https://twitter.com/search?q=%E3%82%B9%E3%82%BF%E3%83%87%E3%82%A3%E3%82%B9%E3%83%86%E3%83%87%E3%82%A3&src=typed_query&f=live

What the shitty communication in eroge market...

>> No.22064622
File: 377 KB, 495x505, mikuface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only guy that isn't MC is ugly af.

I'm so tired of this shit.

>> No.22064672

Who said that?

>> No.22064690

But anon, otherwise you might be threatened by him and not play the game for fear of being NTR'd

Ideally there would be no male characters but the MC

>> No.22064716

He could then just shift his POV into the NTR'er instead of the NTR'ee. Surely he has the emotional matury to be able to do this, right?

>> No.22064719

>eroge player
>emotional maturity

>> No.22064823

Pink is probably a dude, given how hidden he is. I dunno though. I feel like the MC design is the bigger problem here. Generic as fuck.

>> No.22064907

Please understand, the MCs have to be as generic and soulless as possible so your average jap insectoid can self insert as them.

>> No.22065589

It looks like the pink is just reverse trap.

>> No.22065608

probably the annoying lesbian side character that's obsessed with one of the heroines.

>> No.22065763

American eroge readers are the worst. They're always the loudest ones, they cream themselves over the fact they learned a foreign language and treat Japanese like some sacred untranslatable one because their perspective is so narrow they don't realize all languages are hard to translate at advanced enough level and Japanese culture isn't the only one with concepts that don't exist in other cultures. One of the reasons nobody treats visual novels seriously in the west is because of the likes of Moogy who hype something they read in Japanese to some impossible standards so once a translation comes out, it's always a letdown because mister pretentious shit made the game something it never was because he was excited about the fact he's reading something in his holy language rather than what he's reading. It was the case with both Subahibi and Dies Irae, on the english-speaking internet you always read more about how impossible to translate they are rather than what they're really about, I swear every Moogy review just HAD TO MENTION THIS GAME HE'S READING IS NEVER GOING TO BE TRANSLATED

I'd take ESL/SEA people in this thread any day over someone who learned Japanese as their second language because their perspective is not skewed by retarded language wankery because they know more than only two. Hell, even MTL retards are better because they don't treat their garbage like some gospel.

>> No.22065767

Please bomb so we can get another amusing post

>> No.22065805


>> No.22065813

>Last project as overdrive
I bet next they will make music themed mobage featuring all the bands they made under different brand

>> No.22065816
File: 110 KB, 320x460, y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignoring people hurts them more than replying them with insults.
If you reply and get into a keyboard fight you are the same as them.

>> No.22065827

this sounds soo fucking likely its scary. Eroge will and already has started to die in a burning ball of shitty failed cashgrab mobage.

>> No.22065965

>once a translation comes out, it's always a letdown
you're reading a bastardization, what did you expect

>> No.22066433

They're right though. The amount of times I've heard something along the lines of "this is literally one of the greatest peices of fiction ever created" about some eroge/rpg maker game is kind of ridiculous. It implies that Japanese games have reached some kind of nirvannha due to being Japanese when in reality they're often just as shallow, trope ridden and unremarkable as any western media.

>> No.22066557

I'm not particularly partial when it comes to west vs. jp rpgs, although I do have more experience with the latter. Still, when it comes to gameplay, JP stuff is just overall better. That's just the average though. There ARE good rpgs made by western devs.

JP stuff hasn't reached any kind of perfection on average, but a ton of western games are being made by people that seemingly have no idea of what they are really doing. It's a little too off topic to talk about exact examples here though. But there are so many games where the absolute basics don't work. Yet they are popular, even among the supposedly hardcore rpg-fan crowd. That's just fucking weird.

>> No.22067240

You're obsessed to a ridiculous degree my dude. Subahibi and Dies are extremely popular, hyped games in the JP eroge sphere, not some obscure games only liked by one American guy on your twitter feed. EOPs don't care because translations are consistently unreadable at worst to mediocre at best, so the ones who care about stories read 1-2 translated eroge and never look at them again. So only moebuta are left who don't care about quality writing and just look at art.

>> No.22067493

he's the only ugly one

>> No.22067539


>> No.22067620

The least they can do is make him not offensive. It's fucking 2D, ugly people shouldn't exist in my idealistic power points.

>> No.22067795

You see that all over the anime fandom in general. Doesn't matter if it's translated media or not. 98% have insufferable taste and think some generic piece of shit is a deep masterpiece.
I blame it particularly on the average age of the fandom and most people never really reading normal books or consuming any kind of story aimed at adults in general.

>> No.22068363
File: 216 KB, 1920x1080, 1545503693170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now thats based

>> No.22068726

Basted in what?

>> No.22069193

Maybe these pieces aren't the next Cervantes, but they aren't as shit as 'any western rpgmaker game'. First, you'd need a western rpgmaker scene to exist.

>> No.22071194

Whoa, the corpse of Overdrive is standing up from the grave to make a final music-themed game? Kinda hyped, I really liked Kira Kira and Deardrops.
