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File: 140 KB, 600x1400, EDXpxSqUEAQZ0k9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21995871 No.21995871 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>21987365

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Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%CC%BF%C3%E6%A4%C8%B2%F3%C8%F2%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6#h7905b57

Equipment upgrade values: http://i.imgur.com/1JfCOmJ.png
Destroyer gun bonus: https://i.imgur.com/K7PxY6z.png
LBAS values: https://i.imgur.com/pd843oW.png

Useful Akashi upgrades table: http://akashi-list.me/

Drop and construction statistics:

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN): https://github.com/Madmanmayson/KanColleViewer
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Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/gre4bee/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (CN): https://github.com/RadarNyan/ElectronicObserver-ML

-The Summer 2019 Event, "European Front Counterattack Operation, Commence! Operation Shingle" has commenced. It is a small-scale event and will take place in Europe again. E-1 is "Brest Defense Operation", E-2 "Through the Gibraltar", and E-3 "Commence! Operation Shingle".
-The three new ships implemented in the main operation are DE Mikura, Pasta destroyer Grecale, and Pasta light cruiser L.d.S.D.d. Abruzzi. British DD Janus will be implemented in E-3 when it's opened on tomorrow. Now and forever, ITALIA MAGNIFICA V.V.V.
-A new mid-sortie mechanic has been implemented. It requires Repair Ship Akashi Kai or Repair Ship Akitsushima Kai to be in a combined fleet, but not as first fleet flagship. Whichever is used must have repair cranes equipped, and must be at most chuuha'd. A new consumable item rewarded in E-1 is required to use the mechanic as well. Akashi Kai > Akitsushima Kai in terms of repair.
-The July ranking rewards have been distributed. The new equipment are the Me163B, the Prototype Shuusui, and the Shuusui.
-Gotland will receive a second remodel at some point to re-turn her to a seaplane cruiser. Yahagi will receive a Kai-II at some point in the future. The rest of the Kongou-class will receive further remodels eventually. Shigure will also receive a further remodel in the future.
-The 2019 calendar hints at several new destroyers.
-More Fletchers will be implemented in the future, some illustrated by ZECO. Matsu-class from the Type D Destroyers are being prepared for the 7th year of KanColle.

>> No.21995881
File: 1.23 MB, 1200x720, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21995884

Ugly thing.

>> No.21995895

Sparkles are a fucking lie.

>> No.21995898
File: 1.02 MB, 1000x717, CL Name ships.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21995901
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Tonight, Another Salute! Chapter 04:

Has anyone tried suijou for E-2 phase 1? I'm tired of seeing my installation busters suddenly missing shit they shouldn't normally be missing.

>> No.21995917

No, route looks even worse.
I'm tired of not making it to boss though.

>> No.21995919
File: 70 KB, 900x900, __nagato_kantai_collection_drawn_by_rokuwata_tomoe__fc8627a350367183ad16ef8d6d7cbe4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't they make her an FBB in her K2?

>> No.21995928

Because she doesn't deserve it.

>> No.21995929
File: 99 KB, 850x1258, ooyodo (kantai collection) drawn by rakisuto - Danbooru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your best, TTK!

>> No.21995959
File: 1.23 MB, 1200x720, KanColle-190902-16402637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, just had to go all out.
Hope P2 is better.

>> No.21995961

Post fleet please.

>> No.21995991
File: 149 KB, 860x910, E2P1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reranked planes and used double support.
Both Gingas got shot down again, now I have to redo them.

>> No.21995998

Why not?

>> No.21996008

You don't need to, just rerank them in boss node P2.

>> No.21996024

Getting this bunny teen pregnant.

>> No.21996030

P2 looks a bit daunting right now with the ass wall.
Also have to consider saving some ships for E3.

>> No.21996053

She looks like she could be older than that easily.

>> No.21996114
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>I haven't started with the event
post ooyodos fucking pissed.

>> No.21996149

Same. Waiting to see who gets a bonus for E3

>> No.21996157
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>> No.21996222
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I should be fine on bauxite right?

>> No.21996229

50k is enough

>> No.21996243

You should be fine.

>> No.21996248

Last dance will require you to devote all 3 of your land bases to attacking to kill the boss, meaning you can't use your rocket interceptors, meaning each abyssal air raid will destroy hundreds of baux.

>> No.21996253
File: 424 KB, 1123x676, Mikura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do with this

>> No.21996261

Fix her aspect ratio

>> No.21996268

Use it when all the other onaholes are in the dishwasher.

>> No.21996270

E3 will have twenty phases.

>> No.21996273

Feed her to the unlucky ships.

>> No.21996277


>> No.21996376
File: 1.33 MB, 1023x1200, 58592246_p0_master1200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine threesome

>> No.21996381

I wonder if those two garbage haulers know anyone interested in a threesome?

>> No.21996383
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>> No.21996384

Can't fuck Biscuit without Roy.

>> No.21996396

Good thing I have no intentions of fucking either

>> No.21996422

At least you admitted you're gay

>> No.21996429

Not wanting to fuck garbage doesn't make me gay.

>> No.21996435

Which ones aren't garbage then?

>> No.21996440

The ones that aren't British

>> No.21996447

Like who?

>> No.21996455


>> No.21996457

The ones that aren't British. How hard is that to understand?

>> No.21996471

Bismarck doesn't look like British, you mong.

>> No.21996479

Yeah, and?

>> No.21996511
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>> No.21996555
File: 839 KB, 935x661, __heavy_cruiser_hime_and_supply_depot_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kingchenxi__e41e32fa89dee21c90848be1e796ef71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better designs
>can't recruit them
>can't protect them
>killed for hishimochi
>always ruining their summer vacations
Poor abyssals.

>> No.21996586

Fuck off.

>> No.21996590


>> No.21996603

Put her in a trashbag and hide her in the attic.

>> No.21996611
File: 319 KB, 651x950, __ta_class_battleship_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ishimiso_ishimura__72e36d8d9c1f3c9d1e0b4e6199e2503f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, Abyssals are great.

>> No.21996633
File: 1.01 MB, 2150x3033, __saratoga_kantai_collection_drawn_by_satou_daiji__3e7164d4e0695232797c865831b9e5a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a bimbo
>not a potato
>not a womanlet
>not a coward
>not a loli
How is Saratoga still the only good USN ship so far?

>> No.21996641

Iowa is also good, not the best but good.

>> No.21996651
File: 149 KB, 700x990, 1505787429816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn play as the Abyssals and kill the generic "normal" shipgirls
Abyssals are the master race!

>> No.21996661

They're all good except for potato and gambyshit.

>> No.21996664
File: 833 KB, 774x1151, __gambier_bay_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ebiblue__5ed49c1e64059cc5cc13fa7b9c883a46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamby is the best though?

>> No.21996667


>> No.21996675
File: 1.03 MB, 1200x720, 20190902_19093063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish me luck, /jp/.

>> No.21996681

Fuck off.

>> No.21996685

I like all of the other American shipgirls more.

>> No.21996686
File: 267 KB, 1232x759, 1518528875466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame they've never done anything cool with them, talk about wasted potential.

>> No.21996688
File: 1.05 MB, 968x1124, __gambier_bay_and_s_a_t_8_kantai_collection_and_etc_drawn_by_guin_guin__9155048dc82f4bb9f07511c0f2cfa383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you have against Gamby? She was the best girl of 2018.

>> No.21996690

Me in the middle.

>> No.21996700

Nothing against Gamby I just think you should kill yourself.

>> No.21996702

Why must you post this garbage every single fucking day?

>> No.21996707

Idiots like you keep replying to it, duh.

>> No.21996713

Isolated Island Oni is the best one

>> No.21996714

That's not the answer to my question

>> No.21996715
File: 633 KB, 1000x1193, 6EA00971-DBCC-4471-8ED3-C62C02491D09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Abyssals are great?

>> No.21996723

It is actually.

>> No.21996725

A german onahole is fine too.

>> No.21996729

Better than posting boring shipgirls every day

>> No.21996737

Yeah, I think a killcounter on your shipgirls for how many abyssals they sunk would be pretty cool.

>> No.21996739

The ones with lowest one get scrapped.

>> No.21996744

It's pretty damn hilarious how these retards keep replying seriously to this guy.

>> No.21996745

>How can the shipgirls even compete?
>Literally the only good part of the game
>playable abyssals when
There we go, can we skip the hour of abysshitposting or have you decided that it's mandatory tonight?

>> No.21996754

I've always thought about this. That and a counter for how many memedals a girl has secured by being a part of your last dance fleet. Just some extended statistics and personalization.

>> No.21996757

Why do you even give any sort of attention to it? Just fucking ignore it. It's been proven time and time again that this shitposter is just falseflagging all day, same with the chinkposting.

>> No.21996758

>Number of times taihaed preboss

>> No.21996759

It's more like once per thread

>> No.21996763

The only one who deserves the credit is the admiral.

>> No.21996764

Fuck it I'm trying suijou, 20 misses is ridiculous.

>> No.21996772


>> No.21996774

>Add a score that shows how many times each shipgirl has shat the bed
That would be pretty hilarious actually, like seeing which ones are missing the most during critical moments and the like.

>> No.21996778

I don't like the last dance fleet one because it would undermine everything else that goes into winning an event.

>> No.21996779

Doesn't suijou have worse accuracy though?

>> No.21996793

Honestly I agree with this point, abyssals can be a pretty cool concept with more development.

>> No.21996796
File: 2.44 MB, 385x243, 1565829452750.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21996799


>> No.21996803

The shitposter wants to make anyone who thinks this way like an obnoxious idiot by reposting it over and over again.

>> No.21996810


>> No.21996817

But it has lesbians, everyone loves lesbians.

>> No.21996818

Nhentai link?

>> No.21996822

Just change the "x" for a "-".

>> No.21996829 [DELETED] 
File: 943 KB, 680x590, 1455225671469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still can't get past the panda in this day and age

>> No.21996830

>that ending

>> No.21996833
File: 122 KB, 685x600, 1462910655843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still can't get past the panda in this day and age

>> No.21996834

http://no >>/jp/?task=search&search_text=%22nhentai+link%22

>> No.21996840

My fucking sides.

>> No.21996841

It's just another one of our funposters bait.

>> No.21996844

I just wanted to post that, it's my favorite tapestry.

>> No.21996853

Post more tapestries

>> No.21996856

Which one was the other one that you deleted?

>> No.21996867
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>> No.21996880
File: 943 KB, 680x590, 1455225671469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a pretty similar one, which is why I mixed them up in the first place.

>> No.21996896

Do you have any KC related ones?

>> No.21996915

I can't believe we're being expected to take Gibraltar from a sea assault alone.

>> No.21996922

>This ugly thing
>Those terrible voices
I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed.

>> No.21996929

>expecting land combat in a ship game

>> No.21996934

It's just a couple abyssals on the beach.

>> No.21996945
File: 1.37 MB, 664x550, 1475291767953.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21997035

Don't we have Spain, given the AB?

>> No.21997120
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>> No.21997128

I crave the abyssal milk right now

>> No.21997134

The summer edition is the tastiest milk though.

>> No.21997137

Potato tits are the best.

>> No.21997143


>> No.21997164

drill haired ojou-samas WHEN?

>> No.21997167
File: 1.05 MB, 1200x720, 20190902_20565721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm losing it.

>> No.21997187

Don't go nuclear on the girls.

>> No.21997192

I wish I could go nuclear on the abyss. I could really use a Zuiun nuke right about now.

>> No.21997194

E2 p1? why not use transport fleet?

>> No.21997195

I was trying suijou after my girls kept missing 20+ times every boss fight. I'm now back in transport.

>> No.21997208

A real admiral punishes his shipgirls everytime they fail at something.

>> No.21997214

The punishment is going at it again.

>> No.21997219

And harapan.

>> No.21997224

A true admiral scraps the weak links.

>> No.21997231
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>> No.21997274
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>> No.21997279
File: 971 KB, 1000x1577, 1541370170158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21997313

A shit.

>> No.21997342

Could Tanaka make a full fledge war simulation game? I feel like there are many things he wants to add but have to discard them for simplicity of a browser game.

>> No.21997348

Like War in the Pacific?

>> No.21997357

>Could Tanaka make a full fledge war simulation game?
Lol no, those are super hard to code and this game has plenty of glitches already despite being way smaller in scope.

>> No.21997367
File: 2.30 MB, 1250x1748, __colorado_kantai_collection_drawn_by_narushima_kanna__bbea19ace9c7d2e85fe3a285ea3b9b02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Ess Ess Bee Bee Four Tea Five
Corolado Crass Nem Sheep Cololado!

>> No.21997370

too late, you fucker

>> No.21997407
File: 2.05 MB, 2100x1650, 1563298228519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down, it's not a race y'know.

>> No.21997432

That might be because of the original framework was poorly designed. They didn't expect it to survive the first 6 months.

>> No.21997458

>Mikura got the most fanarts so far

>> No.21997462

I doubt it, they've already migrated the game to html5 and there are still plenty of issues.

>> No.21997466
File: 114 KB, 1000x706, 1567424652968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scirocco is the lewdest Jiji.

>> No.21997469

Migration doesn't mean it's going to fix spaghetti code.

>> No.21997477

The whole migration thing was just making the code compatible with HTML5. They didn't really rebuilt it from scratch.

>> No.21997491

You need to change plenty of code to migrate something from flash to html5 though, not a complete rebuilt but certainly enough to iron out most of the issues present in the original build.

>> No.21997503

The original system might be Gordian knot tier stacked to the point that you have to choose to either just leave them as-is or build a new game.
But yeah, incompetency is the main issue for this case.

>> No.21997509
File: 69 KB, 1824x1222, kaiten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21997518
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>> No.21997523

My sides.

>> No.21997530
File: 172 KB, 1200x852, EDgraJUU8AAf9op[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21997532
File: 1.03 MB, 1200x720, 20190902_22490112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's now or never, never made it to boss so well off.

>> No.21997542
File: 1.37 MB, 1200x720, 20190902_22515399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suzuya my love, I'm so glad I married your slutty ass.

>> No.21997547

Marrying sluts is just gross.

>> No.21997555

Silly boats (even if they aren't boats).

>> No.21997561

E-2 main boss better not be an installation disguising as a CL.

>> No.21997578

No, but you have to play TCI roulette.

>> No.21997582

I'd rather play TCI roulette than put up with any more >miss.

>> No.21997606

>some people are clearing the event while E-3 will have 3 phases

Get fucked.

>> No.21997613

Its still only one lock.

>> No.21997617
File: 1.72 MB, 2059x2169, __floating_fortress_enemy_lifebuoy_entombed_air_defense_guardian_hime_nu_class_light_aircraft_carrier_armored_aircraft_carrier_hime_and_etc_kantai_collection_drawn_by_hi_ye__9cc00c5d07ee9cecc12e9fac3b40e80b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21997618
File: 394 KB, 598x564, 1515038816044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ancient DD Hime

>> No.21997620
File: 506 KB, 703x1070, 61591237_2315209278539022_5754539282173788160_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21997626

>while E-3 will have 3 phases
Citation needed.

>> No.21997632


>> No.21997638
File: 1.18 MB, 2319x1089, Comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now that we have rocket interceptors will Tanaka add the non-kamikaze Ohka variant meant for bomber interception which may or may not have existed?

>> No.21997644


>> No.21997652

Objectively worse than Zeco's.

>> No.21997653

Tanaka hasn't hold back wheb it comes to equipments. Possible.

>> No.21997677
File: 1.20 MB, 1200x720, 2019-09-03 08-40-58 97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21997704

Does E2 need fastsuck barrels?

>> No.21997721

Noice. Would lick her armpits also.

>> No.21997777

Zekamashi said the trick is to bring 1 CVE with 0 anti installation plane to nuke the BB and imp is this correct?

>> No.21997785

>Hitting an Imp
nice joke

>> No.21997787

BB dies to LBAS
And imp dodges everything.

>> No.21997804
File: 123 KB, 1440x1198, 1548874476052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>E1 boss keeps surviving with 20-50 HP every single time

>> No.21997868

>marrying the sanae of shipthis
>marrying a prostitute
I am so sorry

>> No.21997877


This. Zeco summer Johnston is top tier, over of the best this year

>> No.21997884

I remember skilled lookout+mg give 100% hit rate

>> No.21997889

So bring a duck with 2 guns and lookout?

>> No.21997891

A士's redemption arc when?

>> No.21997897

Tashkent is the best for the role, let's wait and see if E3 need the commie or not

>> No.21997999
File: 1.72 MB, 600x338, warusamecutin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warusame a cute!

>> No.21998075

What are your predictions for season 2 of the anime?

>> No.21998098

Shigure a shit.

>> No.21998100
File: 556 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20190903-115051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Warspite have a bonus against E2-2?

>> No.21998105

A whole season of Shitgure going woe is me.

>> No.21998111

A bizarre mix between sad pupper episodes and bright up-beat SoL episodes

>> No.21998112

>My cute niece Mogami's going to have to die in the opener just to give Shiggy something to whine about

>> No.21998121
File: 745 KB, 1280x1824, pg_23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yodo in charge
No wonder this degeneracy is so rampant.

>> No.21998162

His Urakaze is hot.

>> No.21998202
File: 480 KB, 793x1274, 1566527585800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21998215


>> No.21998243

Is Hoppo a hapa?

>> No.21998270

Is this Yodo 3 after 1 turned into an abyssal and 2 was raped to death? It's hard to keep track of the continuity when only half of it is translated.

>> No.21998284

Type 3 shell fairies say hi.

>> No.21998294

W23 shell when?

>> No.21998413

Yahagi's gonna experience the art boost she deserves.

>> No.21998461

So the amount of art she gets will be halved?

>> No.21998504

DD protagonists are boring, an animu with a submarine protagonist when?

>> No.21998514

Already exists.

>> No.21998562
File: 83 KB, 1000x934, __takao_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yac_mokkori__ec01628e806cdab0dc6bc9ef79f2bf3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ass was fat.

>> No.21998615
File: 517 KB, 691x498, halp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frog hime is too thick, I just can't. Friendly fleets when?

>> No.21998628

>SPF on Aircraft Battle
For what purpose?

>> No.21998630

Bring higher damage BB and 2 CVL

>> No.21998655

Use Richelieu if you have her.

>> No.21998660

6 years later no bgm can top MI bgm. wtf?

>> No.21998688

Got it. Didn't want to lock too many ships but it's ok, I guess.

>> No.21998703

urge to BITE grows

>> No.21998706

Cruiser protagonist would be better desu.

>> No.21998721

How hard is E2 compare to E1 ?

>> No.21998747
File: 551 KB, 1000x1399, __suzuya_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ulrich_tagaragakuin__2e8783aea1e1b7c0fd6281c9d792c0b1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I told you not to touch Suzuya's deck knee socks like that! Geez!

>> No.21998759

>He forgot the final boss BGM of last event

>> No.21998761

Ass wall.

>> No.21998785
File: 115 KB, 1200x720, IMG_20190903_224044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usios was a spy

>> No.21998808

Can it be time for E3 already?

>> No.21998814
File: 570 KB, 2591x3624, __fletcher_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kagura_miyabi__f7c77a564e885fdaf4dc45a6986f8e88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21998849
File: 977 KB, 1152x720, 9612516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21998859

The pasta dorm is the lewdest dorm on the base

>> No.21998884 [DELETED] 

Dead game, very slow general, might as well just ERP you kanshit faggots

>> No.21998892
File: 179 KB, 848x1200, IMG_20190903_225848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21998933

would fug

>> No.21998934

surely Roma isn't lewd!

>> No.21998942
File: 131 KB, 900x1148, IMG_20190903_232204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21998957

I'm guessing since there hasn't been a tweet yet they won't open it until JST morning.

>> No.21998993

I was running that before the last few runs and it sure as hell was not helping.

>> No.21999012

2 CAVs with SPFs are better? pls post comp

>> No.21999017
File: 224 KB, 868x524, Summer19 E-2 P1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trick is for your installation busters to not fucking miss all the time when aiming at supply depot. If she's not dead before night you can forget about clearing unless you have god-like luck.

>> No.21999034

Yeah, she is the no fun allowed old hag with morals so puritan than even fucking 16th century Yurop would consider them too strict.

>> No.21999050

That only makes me want to fuck her brains out even more, anon.

>> No.21999055

So she secretly loves anal is what you're saying

>> No.21999068
File: 1.12 MB, 1200x720, 20190902_22511698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case in point, this is chuuha'd Ooshio and what I had come to expect to happen even from taiha'd Ooshio from previous events. It's been years since I've seen so many misses in a row.

>> No.21999070

The puritans fucked like rabbits though

>> No.21999101
File: 94 KB, 230x276, IMG_20190903_235043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21999105

Is it real?

>> No.21999107

??? Maybe it´s not even Janus lmao bongfags.

>> No.21999112

Wew. Panama Isles demon?

>> No.21999113

I thought E-2P2 route was going to be fucking cancer but with support and Ark air strikes, BB Hime node ain't that bad. Even Pola can take one out no problem.

>> No.21999115

But Anzio is there too

>> No.21999117

Wait, you can reach her with a slow fleet? I've been stuck at this fat bitch for a while now. Guess I just throw my big drunkard CVL and hotel at her, what are the odds that I'm gonna need either of them?

>> No.21999172

Looks like a transport operation to Malta followed by an all out attack on Rome? Rome was bombed by bongs and Germans at one point.

>> No.21999180
File: 341 KB, 640x480, thank you, jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God have mercy on my dick.

>> No.21999182

Nevermind just read up on Anzio.

>> No.21999193

The tragedy, heroism, and sorrow of IJN

>> No.21999209
File: 202 KB, 766x434, EDjI17dXYAIC4gN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21999217

3 Phase map.

>> No.21999277

Janus will be a reward anyway lmao.

>> No.21999292
File: 96 KB, 816x930, EDYmst_VUAAOdcx[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21999309
File: 127 KB, 800x1200, EDiCWOOUEAI_KMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21999322

>imagine wanting anus on your fleet

>> No.21999326

As long as it's Naobou.

>> No.21999344
File: 110 KB, 550x1243, EDjQcbSWwAEjsDx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let the original arts be obstacles to your imagination.

>> No.21999351

Cutest voice of them all.

>> No.21999357
File: 242 KB, 800x762, EDisu01UEAEc6HP[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't like Mikura-chan?

>> No.21999359


>> No.21999364

All DEs are shit

>> No.21999371

Matsuwa is the exception

>> No.21999376

UGUME´s are cute and fine design, the potato ones too.

>> No.21999378

You can't function without anus.

>> No.21999381

made for taking my small cock

>> No.21999432

I wish I was that Buoy.

>> No.21999442

More Kagerou/Yuugumo class K2 when? I want to make more ranking rotation team without using dupes.

>> No.21999484
File: 784 KB, 1200x720, 20190903_09313111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for the real show.

>> No.21999497
File: 630 KB, 638x566, 1393777779348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like she lost her way

>> No.21999512

I seriously want to mate press a certain blonde pasta DD.

>> No.21999517
File: 160 KB, 1200x720, 20190903_183949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21999518

Fuck, i should had prayed too.

>> No.21999519


>> No.21999521


>> No.21999551

>wasted valuable planes on shitroyal
Sad to see another one to go. He said he will retire.

>> No.21999622


>> No.21999629


>> No.21999631
File: 182 KB, 1019x1449, __musashi_kantai_collection_drawn_by_shigeru_shigel_marv__0d3f734e0786c6d933173f7f3860b5be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, anon, but there are no visible abs on her.

>> No.21999635

Playing FGO might deteriorate his decision making capability.

>> No.21999702

I swear Tanaka put an target lock for Mediterranean Princess on the escort's last ship. The cunt rarely picked any other ships.

>> No.21999708

And to add, fuck Ooyodo.

>> No.21999717

Incoming oyakodon

>> No.21999741

Yes please.

>> No.21999849

>putting a random bong DD into event that already has a jiji DD

Seems bit cruel, no one is going to care about her thanks to Jiji's fluid druid DD being in same event.

>> No.21999850

is e2 harder than e3 last time?

>> No.22000052

> fuck Ooyodo
You wouldn't make me even at a gunpoint.

>> No.22000094

She'll survive if she's voiced by Jervis' VA.

>> No.22000104


>> No.22000108


>> No.22000115


>> No.22000121
File: 781 KB, 1280x1829, 021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22000130

Was he okay?

>> No.22000134

So they were assassins sent to kill admirals by fucking them to death. We never should've trusted these filthy americans.

>> No.22000137

We may never know.

>> No.22000140

Let's just ignore that the last Jiji DD was the least popular girl of her event.

>> No.22000160

>that height difference

>> No.22000238
File: 154 KB, 991x1400, IMG_20190904_040148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22000274
File: 97 KB, 703x1000, __houshou_and_zuihou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yukiharu__848a8f03d5140501e2b472edb73ed7a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22000303

the fact that it isn't a woman hurts me in a special way desu

>> No.22000324
File: 972 KB, 2893x4092, __suzuya_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ayakase_hotaru__57d21d25c7e8484d837c1d591adc01bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much?

>> No.22000361

I'm not saying I'm a pedophile, but I would fuck this fictional child.

>> No.22000370

She does it for free.

>> No.22000371

Not many anons would understand your pain, but I do.

>> No.22000399
File: 1.22 MB, 1200x720, 20190903_12325032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pray for me.

>> No.22000411

Can I use the same fleet for the both part of E2 ?

>> No.22000412


>> No.22000413
File: 1.26 MB, 1200x720, 20190903_12344935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can do this.

>> No.22000419
File: 150 KB, 359x363, 1565927806610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22000422

Its the same tag if that's what you mean.
I used a transport fleet for the first boss and a surface for the second. I used a few ships from boss 1 as part of my fleet in part 2.
I think you can use an STF for part 1, but you'll get some shitty routing.

>> No.22000438

pudding choking incoming

>> No.22000440

Every TCI chocked. Couldn't even kill CA Hime.

>> No.22000442

What i meant is using the same fleet (STF) to clear part 1 and 2 since i don't want to use too many high level kanmusu before E3. Now i think using transport may save me some time and ressources.

>> No.22000446


>> No.22000480


>> No.22000564

post e1 fleets

>> No.22000597

magic word?

>> No.22000601
File: 167 KB, 700x540, bc6e095fb3568617bce4408ae734fa7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22000617


>> No.22000618

I have only 3 WG42 what do ?

>> No.22000627

See >>21998615 and >>21998655. Don't forget to give her an AP shell.

>> No.22000628

Farm (you) from E-1.

>> No.22000636

Good joke.

>> No.22000660

If you can´t farm E-1 you shouldn't need more than 3 WG.

>> No.22000717
File: 69 KB, 914x512, 1551218665743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22000730

My wives enjoying each other while I'm away

>> No.22000756

Is there some kind of debuff in E-2 P2 or something?

>> No.22000767

I wonder what manner of cancer E-3 will have.
Though I'll likely do it on easy anyway. Missed Johnston for two events due to unfarmeable shit nodes, not gonna miss this one.

>> No.22000769

Johnston isn't dropping.

>> No.22000776

But they said Johnston would drop in this event.

>> No.22000780

I'm saying she's not dropping for you. Not with the shit drop rate in kuso mode.

>> No.22000807

No Debuff that I know of, but my Ark Royal and Pasta BBs did some insane damage against the Asswall on preboss node.
Prinz sunk the boss with a TCI.

>> No.22000824

My pastas and Roy do jack shit at the actual boss and pudding can't hit more than 100 with her TCl.

>> No.22000830

At least I can assuredly reach the boss in kuso mode. 2% is still more than the 0% of being turned back everytime.

>> No.22000833

What kind of fantasy land do you live in? It'll be <1% like in previous events.

>> No.22000837

Are FF also coming tonight? I want my Sherman already.

>> No.22000869

Feeling very optimistic, are you?

>> No.22000909

Do not listen to these retards, drop rates are almost always skewed by players with dupes. You should reasonably expect 3-5% drop rate.

>> No.22000919

If that were true I would have Shitspit by now from all the times that she's dropped after I sunk her.

>> No.22000925

>like in previous events.
Event. Johnston showed up with a 4.6% drop rate. Even last event people were forgetting those shit rates weren't normal despite that being the entire source of the outrage.

>> No.22000938

I don't understand what you are trying to say desu.Can you be more clear?

>> No.22000948
File: 219 KB, 1061x1500, IMG_20190903_142746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The curry jokes were inevitable

>> No.22000979
File: 1.13 MB, 1200x720, 2019-09-03 17-02-41 89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this cutie. She's my first euroboat, too!

>> No.22000994

Congrats. Floppy tits is a good BB.

>> No.22001012


>> No.22001033

Not really, weaker than Kongous.

>> No.22001163
File: 257 KB, 1536x2048, img (30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanted to write "a good woman" but changed it last second. Kogous don't have that got-tier motherly vibe.

>> No.22001169

Getting this frog pregnant.

>> No.22001263

Goddamn we really need that pic in good quality. A classy milf if I ever saw one.

>> No.22001291
File: 306 KB, 1200x973, 1567195574960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finish off E2, or wait for E3?

>> No.22001317

Post fleet please, doing LD atm and these high armor princesses refused to die.

>> No.22001343
File: 706 KB, 800x480, 1567466555758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22001345
File: 383 KB, 968x968, 66607249_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22001358

Fuck it I'm waiting for FF, meanwhile I'll farm for Warspite at T.

>> No.22001418

Why do people bring an auxiliary in E2?

>> No.22001423

It's either that or a CL. If you mean P2 anyways.

>> No.22001424

Ignore this post, the fucking cunt just loved my Kasumi, she will target no matter where i placed her.

>> No.22001435

Wouldn't a CL be better?

>> No.22001450

Don't know any other reason aside from restoring 30% ammo, fuel at boss node.

>> No.22001454
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x720, 20190903_15573837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not Warspite but I'll take you.

>> No.22001463

Me on the right

>> No.22001497
File: 1.46 MB, 1313x1860, laughing seiba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was a small and easy event

>> No.22001501

>tfw too lazy to do E-1 because I'm just waiting for E-3 info

>> No.22001512

Making small and easy events is not Tanaka's job. It's the opposite.

>> No.22001515

There is nothing wrong with planning and playing it safe.

>> No.22001516
File: 177 KB, 302x298, B9iFFRHIMAAkj_Z.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called being an elite strategist.

>> No.22001523

Small easy things don't satisfy shipgirls. They like big, hard things.

>> No.22001532

Yeah, planning is the best part as you can optimize your fleet to your liking and even farm efficiently.

>> No.22001540


>> No.22001557
File: 113 KB, 760x100, Summer_2019_Event_Banner.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, busy playing Fire Emblem.
Would be a mistake if any of these boatgirls are important for E3

>> No.22001572


>> No.22001578

Pretty sure that's what 50% of us are doing

>> No.22001584

Imagine beaing an insecure player in a fucking browser game lmao.
Just do it faggots. We have a tons of ships and are just 3 locks.

>> No.22001595

it's okay to be a coward, i don't want to end like this fag >>21999517

>> No.22001600

Why are you insecure enough to care about how others play a browser game?

>> No.22001621

Sinking ships is unrelated to waiting for info.

>> No.22001720

What's this picture? She looks good here.

>> No.22001729

>ugly thing
She's cute in that picture, though. The colors seem a bit dull.

>> No.22001735

Always ugly.

>> No.22001740
File: 60 KB, 600x540, ge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruin their summer vacations

>> No.22001744

E3 is going to open in like 10hours time, just go to sleep in the meantime or something.

>> No.22001754

Ryukohime is fucking cool and she's kicking my ass.

>> No.22001762

>The colors seem a bit dull.
That's just the artist's style.

>> No.22001771

That's kinda hot.

>> No.22001859 [DELETED] 

Even Azur Lane can make a better loli, just look at Bache.

>> No.22001862 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.22001877

Roma's expression is because she's constantly judging her countrywomen who think they're lewd but don't know shit.

>> No.22001913

will the delay friend fleet until a week before the event is over again? will we ever get player set friend fleets like everyone was expecting?

>> No.22001926

Obviously, Tanaka doesn't want us to clear the event like a cakewalk.

>> No.22001930

Yes. Yes (a week before kancolle is over)

>> No.22002224

Can't spare time for the event when I have to hit 60 in Classic.

>> No.22002229

My cute wife

>> No.22002234

They're ruining my vacation by invading somebody's beach. Fuck them and their "vacation".

>> No.22002260

I'm pretty sure most people would like having pale anime girls enjoying summer on their beaches.

>> No.22002262

Shipgirls ruining everything good in my life as usual.

>> No.22002266

What do you mean by that?

>> No.22002275

Having to rely so much on friend fleets is fucking bullshit honestly.

>> No.22002278

I don't see the cuteness.

>> No.22002282

It means you can't read.

>> No.22002283 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 849x1200, EDOZiYeUwAAEDn9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22002294

She looks like good material for lightbulbing also.

>> No.22002297

No. Fuck off.
They can either wait in line like everyone else or they can fucking die.

>> No.22002306
File: 130 KB, 618x1200, EDhYAV_U0AMLBJh[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day she will grow on you

>> No.22002320

Good joke, she's one of the ugliest bitches in a long time.

>> No.22002323
File: 58 KB, 508x408, 9E861D74-AF76-43D6-9FD4-48CD0D71E4D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else think this was a shit event?
>2 Italian ships who are just recolours of their sisters
>1 generic DE by some literally who artist that uses the wrong aspect ratio
>Janus, who knowing Konishi, is probably going to forgotten even faster than Ark Royal and Nelson

>> No.22002324

Waiting in line is boring though.

>> No.22002328

It's fun, fuck off.

>> No.22002331

It is.

>> No.22002334

I haven't even started the event yet because all of the shipgirls in it are trash so far. If the bong isn't a nice addition then I'll just skip it.

>> No.22002337

Well then if they wont follow the rules then they will be killed.

>> No.22002338


>> No.22002340

It feels somewhat rushed, it is quite underwhelming at best.

>> No.22002345
File: 2.20 MB, 2304x720, 1559201558767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22002349

Rules are for fags, if you're not smart enough to know how to live without following them you shouldn't try to murder those who were smart enough to find the way.

>> No.22002353

If I had a memedal for every time fags declare an event is irredeemably shit less than a week after it starts, before anyone has even cleared the thing, I'd have 16 memedals.

>> No.22002359

The new girls are lame, the jiji ones aren't that bad but nothing terrible interesting either.

>> No.22002362

What, you think Janus will save the event? Spoiler event: she won’t.

>> No.22002369
File: 959 KB, 1376x2000, 76553493_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Ryuko-chan

>> No.22002371

I love pasta.

>> No.22002378

Clearly they're not smart enough if they're getting killed for it every summer.

>> No.22002385 [DELETED] 

It feels weird knowing that even AL has better new ships than us now.

>> No.22002387

Save it from what? Your shit taste?

>> No.22002388

What kind of a retard is shocked that sister ships look alike? Why were your expectations so high for a small event in the first place? What needs to be saved?

>> No.22002389

They're not getting killed, they return every summer so they just get defeated.

>> No.22002392

If he had shit taste he would be pretty happy with this event already.

>> No.22002393

>people get baited by the local shitposter again

When will you guys ever learn? Jesus.

>> No.22002399

Hope someone draws something cool with her on angry mode.

>> No.22002402

They're just more mass produced clones of those abyssal-class. How else would you get 2-3 of the same princess in one node?

>> No.22002408

Dupes, like with shipgirls.

>> No.22002413

You can't use dupes in the same fleet.

>> No.22002415

A smart person can die pretty easily if he's surrounded by idiots, what sort of logic is this?

>> No.22002420

Only if you're an idiot who follows rules too closely.

>> No.22002425

I wish they did more with the Abyssals, playable versions when?

>> No.22002429

Yes, shipgirl dupes are mass produced too.

>> No.22002431

It's a weak event sure but I wasn't expecting anything too big or good for this one.

>> No.22002437

Shipgirls being mass-produced machines (but being unaware of it) is my fetish.

>> No.22002448

Yeah she's cool. But you can already play as her in the Kill la Kill fighting game.

>> No.22002452

Sooner or later you'll have some retard defending trash like her, it always happens.

>> No.22002454

I hate defeatism in this thread. Does 6 years of fighting rot their brains?

>> No.22002476
File: 198 KB, 850x1530, 1558570201114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More mechabare with shipgirls when?

>> No.22002480

Criticism is not the same as defeatism, I'll clear the event but the rewards aren't as good as in other events.

>> No.22002486

It's a fucking small-scale event you fucking retard. What do you want, a battleship?

>> No.22002498
File: 638 KB, 992x1370, FA383F55-64F7-4916-9E2F-6183B74F3D19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What kind of a retard is shocked that sister ships look alike?

>> No.22002503

So she will look like out of place shit like Murakumo then?

>> No.22002507

Girls that look good duh, they can be any type of ship from destroyers to battleships.

>> No.22002513

It's just shitposter-kun. With the Nintendo direct tomorrow literally nothing can keep me down

>> No.22002514

Every event for years has been met with the exact same endless negativity. Every event has some new girl that has the worst design in KanColle history. Every event has some mechanic that ruins the game. Then a month later the general opinion is that it was all pretty alright. The process has been on repeat since long before this shitposter showed up. You'd think people would get self-aware about it already.

>> No.22002515

>It's a small event so just open that mouth and eat that shit without complaining
I hate fanboys.

>> No.22002517

Are you telling me Abu-nee and Grecale don't look good? Because if you are then you may as well poke your eyes with a screwdriver because you're clearly blind.

Fuck off.

>> No.22002522

Two of the last three events being small just means Tanaka is planning a giant Fall you'll be complaining is too hard.

>> No.22002528

Nigger please, I'll be laughing the whole way to E-7.

>> No.22002534

Grecale is too samey to Maestrale, Mikura is just trash. Abruzzi is passable but nothing terrible interesting either so yeah, weak newcomers so far.

>> No.22002537


>> No.22002549

Grecale is another luigi version of a ship. It's pretty easy to understand why people wouldn't be too interested in it. You also have a new artist who delivered a pretty ugly looking sprite. You're genuinely acting like a fanboy if you can't see why some people don't think too highly of this event so far.

>> No.22002558

I remember plenty of recent events that weren't hated like the last one before the html5 migration which was liked by most people since the start.

>> No.22002561

This guy doesn't even remember the year we had (that's 4 events in a row) bad rewards. I'm sure anybody that plays the game remembers the Type 91 Fire Director reward. Shuusui and Sherman DD are nothing compared to that shitheap.

>> No.22002562

>another luigi version
Would you prefer more potato versions?

>> No.22002569

That shit's still sitting in my inventory to this day.

>> No.22002571

At this point it's the same shit as that, people complain about those because of the same reason, just a small variant of a character when you can do sister ships that look more distinct than this.

>> No.22002581

That's one reason why nobody likes Hatsuharu class and Mao Lane.

>> No.22002582

Being able to go worse doesn't mean something is good desu.

>> No.22002584

No one likes those because they're tasteless overdesigned garbage.

>> No.22002614

If they're a sister ship I think they should look similar though. I doubt we'll ever get another Murakumo

>> No.22002636

I'm not saying that looking similar is inherently bad, but that looking too similar can be boring. Sister ships can still resemble one another without looking like headswaps.

>> No.22002657

I get you, I guess it doesn't help that all the new ships already have sisters, all except for Mikura.

>> No.22002663

That's just a problem with art styles how different you can draw a person before they all start looking the same. The issue doesn't get solved by wearing different clothes.

>> No.22002671
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>> No.22002672

6 years of fighting against the overwhelming popularity of KanColle while not playing it, you mean? Doing that would lead to defeatism.

>> No.22002677

Mao Lane isn't even six years old unless you are implying he's a 2hu fag.

>> No.22002682

This game already has plenty of sister ships that look different enough to not have the "player 2 syndrome" from the same artist though, you can do better than this for sure.

>> No.22002687

A more different hairstyle and adding some more unique elements to the outfit can help a bit desu.

>> No.22002693

It's only logical Ayaki gets the remaining Fubukis to complete Desdiv 12.

>> No.22002694

It's been proven time and time again that the shitposter doesn't even like or play mao lane, he's a falseflagger.

>> No.22002697

Fuck off.

>> No.22002700

EO when?

>> No.22002703

Why so hostile? It's not as if Shibafu doesn't have other classes left to finish.

>> No.22002706

It could be worse, we could've gotten another Gumo this event.

>> No.22002727
File: 248 KB, 850x1200, IMG_20190903_192314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would have been preferable

>> No.22002730

Fujikawa is /our artist/, it would have been welcome.

>> No.22002733

>/our artist/
Fuck off /sp/.

>> No.22002739

Sasuga Gumofaggots.

>> No.22002746
File: 542 KB, 1020x600, theyreolderthanyourmother.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grecale already looks different from Maestrale, they already have different hairstyles, and there's already different outfit and rigging elements. That's on top of entirely different body language and personalities.

>> No.22002749


>> No.22002752

Barely different.

>> No.22002760

That's the bare minimum but they still fall in "player 2 version" territory. Again, you can do better than this.

>> No.22002780

How is Colorado still the only good ship released this year?

>> No.22002784

She's not.

>> No.22002789

you don't play though

>> No.22002799

Because she's not

>> No.22002809

Gumoniggers should be gassed desu.

>> No.22002812
File: 444 KB, 1131x1600, 1b80652a002a729c1454896b91a3e67e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best class

>> No.22002825

Hopefully the trash will move so we can see the best class

>> No.22002832

What do they even have in common besides similar eye and skin colors, and the body shapes and uniforms that are supposed to identify a class?

>> No.22002841

Not even my siblings look radically different. What the fuck does this nigger want?

>> No.22002853

I've seen plenty of sibling that look more different than this desu.

>> No.22002856

Complete and utter shit when compared to Fletchers both in shipthis and real life.

>> No.22002862

If we pretend only Johnston exists then I agree.

>> No.22002873

Correction, now that I look closely, I noticed the skin colors are actually different since Maestrale has tan lines and Grecale seems to sunbathe nude.

>> No.22002880

Grecale also has a feminine rangefinder, though that is a part of rigging elements like you mentioned.

>> No.22002884

The detail in their faces, body language and expression, details in the uniform could be more different same with hairstyle, body type can also be different without removing the sister ship feel from the design. A different hairstyle and some items here and there aren't enough.

>> No.22002893

>sister ships should look the same
Okay then, what about:

>> No.22002900

All asians rook the same.

>> No.22002905

A clean run yet no 2 fail their TCI. And a Hatsuharu for confort too. Can't kill boss, can't farm for shit. Time to sleep.

>> No.22002910

Never go to sleep in a bad mood.

>> No.22002912

Do you think Libeccio looks like Grecale any more than any of those look like their sisters? He's complaining about the uniforms. Apparently all sisters need to look like Shouhou and Zuihou.

>> No.22002917

Similar eyes.
Similar skin colors (some tan lines are nice but still very similar)
Similar face.
Similar type of personality if judged by the design.
Similar uniforms (the amount of different details is too small, a sister ship should be similar but not this similar in terms of uniform)

>> No.22002920

Those classes have uniform differences too.

>> No.22002921

Good thing i still need to do my pvp and daily quest then.

>> No.22002926

Takao and Maya are wildly different from one another despite being sisters.

>> No.22002933

That’s my point.

>> No.22002936

Facial detail is very different including eye shapes, eye highlighting, eyebrows, sweat, mouths, ears, head position. Body language and expression are completely different. The uniforms already have their names on them, putting aside the fact that the point of uniforms is to be uniform.

>> No.22002941

the best class of trash

>> No.22002949

>Facial detail is very different

>> No.22002951

>>sister ships should look the same
But those two are as close as can be without being clones?

>> No.22002953

Most of those have the same body shapes if you don't count breast size.

>> No.22002964
File: 68 KB, 363x182, faces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22002968

The facial detail is very samey. The eye colors is exactly the same and the shape is barely any different, the eyebrows are exactly the same
>head position
When you have to indicate that their head position is different you're clearly running out of options. 2 characters could be in the same pose yet still look clearly different if the artist actually bothered in adding enough nuance to their faces to differentiate them.
The body language of both is similar, same with the personality they convey (playful little girl)

>> No.22002969

Nagato and Mutsu have different colours, also Sakawa.

>> No.22002973

Oh look the same girl with a different wig making a different expression, how different!

>> No.22002975

>doubting conishi new abyssal princess
Conishi is god

>> No.22002983

Honestly they look redundant af. Compare that to Sendai and Naka for example for a good attempt at making sister ships that have clearly different feels in their designs while also looking like sister ships.

>> No.22002986

Her Abyssals are great but her Bong shipgirls have been shit lately, only Warspite and Jervis are somewhat good.

>> No.22002993

I want to nut on these faces.

>> No.22002994

>The eye colors is exactly the same
Come on now. One has bright, fluorescent eyes and the other has dark olive ones. You're not even trying anymore.

>> No.22002995

All of konishi's bong boats so far have sucked balls.

>> No.22002997

The eyes look the same (only difference is due to their expressions)
The eyebrows look the same
The shape of the head and face look the same
Their expression is different
Their hair is different

>> No.22003001

>Still no tweets
We're not getting E3 before midnight, are we?

>> No.22003000

>generic blonde royal slut and generic blonde animu school girl

Yeah no.

>> No.22003003

At best is a very small change from one another, it's still pretty damn similar to make it notably different.

>> No.22003004

The eyes aren't even the same color and their shapes are completely different.

>> No.22003007

So? There's only a few small changes between the girls, close enough to very obviously be sisters. Nothing like the differences in the Yamatos or the Mutsukis

>> No.22003022

The shapes are different because their expressions are different, the shape of the pupil is mostly the same. The colors are different because one is brighter. It's so similar all the differences are very small.
This is what happens when the character design is barely any different, you have to say "the tone of the color is different!" because the shape of everything and overall feel of everything is so fucking samey. If you tell Maestrale to make the same expression as Grecale then it would be pretty hard to tell any difference at all, it's almost the same girl doing acting differently.

>> No.22003023

Still better than Nelson or Ark Royal

>> No.22003033
File: 102 KB, 351x435, 1567080095336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have to squint to see any difference in their facial features and I'm wearing glasses

>> No.22003034

Sometimes, i wish kanmusu would be like Doom.

>> No.22003035
File: 738 KB, 2653x1625, TribalONIsupp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J-class was a mistake.

>> No.22003036

Since everything is going smoothly will this be a two week event?

>> No.22003038


>> No.22003040

Warspite is great, don't bully.

>> No.22003043

Roy is the best bong designwise though, her only major problem is that she uses compound bow instead of crossbow.

>> No.22003048

Nice try but Shit Royal is all around garbage. Nelson is the only decent bong.

>> No.22003051

The physical eye structures are completely different. You're trying to use expression to cover absolutely everything about eye shape, and then admitting they're different. The pupils are shaped differently. Colors are obviously different when they're brighter, unless you think pink and red are the same color. The shape of everything and the overall feel are so entirely different that you can't even focus on similarities, you have to resort to downplaying highly visible differences.

If they were making the same expressions in the same poses, first of all you'd rant about how terrible it is that an artist wasted time copying the same expression and pose, and then everyone would be able to instantly tell them apart in grayscale images.

>> No.22003056
File: 101 KB, 1200x720, 20190903_21481345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sparkling and dong are a meme. Good game design.

>> No.22003063
File: 126 KB, 1280x905, __kongou_and_warspite_kantai_collection_drawn_by_pin_s__5f21bbcb28ef567c28216b48f2aa8619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warspite would be better if she was a cripple.

>> No.22003066
File: 296 KB, 502x708, 50598505_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing 5-5

>> No.22003069

Nothing can ever redeem shitspit.

>> No.22003070

Sparkling improves evasion probability, not give you immunity.

>> No.22003080

That's 4-5 first node.

>> No.22003085

>The physical eye structures are completely different
They are barely any different. Eyebrows are exactly the same, the pupils are the same but with a different expression, even if you were right then it's so similar it looks like a change in expression rather than something genuinely different. The colors are way too similar, certainly way more than red and pink and even if you were right then the overall design is so similar you have to latch to the eye color to say that they're different since the feel of both characters is samey. The shape of everything is barely any different since they both convey the idea of a playful kid with very little differences.
Say that I'm downplaying the differences you want but it's more like you're exaggerating everything. Both look way too similar to one another and this is the sort of change that could be done at the last hour.

>> No.22003092
File: 73 KB, 800x619, HMS_Warspite _Indian_Ocean_1942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>achieves more than all of IJN's BBs put together

>> No.22003095

They have different artists, retards.

>> No.22003096

I thought Jijifags weren't retarded.

>> No.22003098

Maya and Choukai look different enough, same with Takao and Atago.

>> No.22003113

Pretty easy to do when your country has the fuel to send you out.
Still doesn't pull her out of the garbage bin.

>> No.22003115

Fuck off Shitspitnigger.

>> No.22003118

Why is warspite so hated here?

>> No.22003119

Garbage art, garbage voice, shit lines, shit personality, shit girl.

>> No.22003120

SEA niggers that still can't let go

>> No.22003122

Same reason indoor plumbing was invented. Nobody likes shit.

>> No.22003123

>people discuss sameface syndrome
>in anime game
wtf? I thought you guys get used to it already.

>> No.22003124

>thread is filled with 3rd world cunts and wehraboos
>wonder why they get triggered by bongs

>> No.22003133

Good anime artists can make characters look pretty different desu.

>> No.22003138

Exactly, conishi himes are top tier. Her arts for the Alice in wonderland is great as well. Conishi will deliver

>> No.22003146

You can just tell us that you lust for Chainguy's dick, you know.

>> No.22003159
File: 36 KB, 600x300, K5HE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely any different
One's tare and the other's tsuri.

>you have to latch to the eye color
This card was already played with head positions. I've actually gone down an exhaustive list of everything that commonly distinguishes anime characters.

>both convey the idea of a playful kid with very little differences.
One is a lewd slut trying to get playful in the adult way, who doesn't miss a beat when her clothes get blown off. The other is innocently cheerful and angelic, and she becomes worried, cowed, and sweaty after damage. Can you guess which is which?

>> No.22003169

She drew a better shitgure and yamashit than their original artist

>> No.22003173

Devs are up, it's coming.

>> No.22003180

You picked a formation that gives less evasion bonuses than line abreast and increases the chance of your bottom 3 ships being targeted, then get shocked when one of your squisher ships you put in the bottom 3 eats a torpedo.

>> No.22003181

3rd worlders are triggered by her bongness, Kongofags are triggered by the fact that she is an actual fast battleship from Bongistan, hotelfags/nagatofags/etc are triggered by the fact that some random WW1 granny accomplished more than their "superior" boats, riggingfags are triggered by the throne, muh unique designfags are triggered by how generic she is, muh Englishfags are triggered by admyral, etc.

>> No.22003200

Or, y'know... The fact that she's garbage might play into it.

>> No.22003204


本日夜【21:00】以降、【欧州方面反撃作戦 発動!「シングル作戦」】、後段作戦を開放予定です!

>> No.22003206
File: 355 KB, 540x465, prinz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls drawn by the same artist look similar!

>> No.22003210

Meh, there are plenty of other equally shit girls that don't trigger people as much as Warspite does.

>> No.22003214

Pretty sure most of it is just that one sperg that calls anyone who doesn't think she's the worst thing ever a "Shitspitfag". But I don't really like her either, she's just boring and the chair thing looks stupid.

>> No.22003217


>> No.22003222

Those girls also get posted less. But you do make a fair point.

>> No.22003223

>One's tare and the other's tsuri.
Tare and tsuri eyes tend to have wilder differential shapes than this. This is the attempt but it's a weak one compared to how different you can go with this.
>This card was already played with head positions.
You wouldn't even need to bring head position into the discussion as mentioned before. Same with eye colors which just like with everything in the design is just a variation of the other one's. The point has never been this characters have no differences but that the differences are too small even for sister ships. You can certainly go way wilder and crazier with eye colors, shape and expression if you want to make two different characters.
>One is a lewd slut trying to get playful in the adult way, who doesn't miss a beat when her clothes get blown off. The other is innocently cheerful and angelic, and she becomes worried, cowed, and sweaty after damage. Can you guess which is which?
See, this is what I'm exactly talking about. One is playful child, the other one is playful child(lewd). It's the same idea but changing it just a little bit making it feel more like a slight variation on the same character than another person.

>> No.22003226


>> No.22003228

Hack artists can't into nuance.

>> No.22003229

It is a damn shame that Nelson wasn't drawn by Shibafu. IRL she was pretty potato looking already and that way potatoman would had been part if both meme BB groups.

>> No.22003231

She'd probably look better if he did draw her.

>> No.22003232

Nelson should’ve been done by KuroKuro.

>> No.22003238

Shibafu will get Maryland.

>> No.22003260

No, he will get USS Idaho.

>> No.22003269

I fell asleep before I sent all expeditions, fuck me again.

>> No.22003287

I'm not lazy, I just have a shitton of overtime at work and the connection there is giving me nekos so I can't play during my break either.

>> No.22003297

Kurokuro needs to do more carriers.

>> No.22003314

He’ll do West Virginia for the John Denver memes

>> No.22003400
File: 87 KB, 1169x826, 1557283796423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy event

>> No.22003410

she is a shit boat that was accomplished in ww1 but did nothing notable in ww2 and just coasted on previous reputation but managed to convince everyone that she was still good. basically she was the entire royal navy in ship form. also
>a fucking wheelchair

>> No.22003414

>Kongofags are triggered by the fact that she is an actual fast battleship from Bongistan
Real patricians enjoy all the Anglophone ships and read all the comics/fanart that contain expat humour.

>> No.22003420

I bet Warspite is crying right now after reading all these mean posts.

>> No.22003425

not a shit

>> No.22003429

Oh, she's retarded.

>> No.22003443

That's correct?

>> No.22003445

I'm glad we agree.

>> No.22003472

>did nothing notable in ww2
>achieves one of the longest naval gunfire hits, sinks an u-boat, rapes fjordful of kraut destroyers, molests three fourths of zara-class in a single night alongside with her sistets, tanks a fritz-x, and supports half a dozen allied landings across atlantic, mediterranean and indian ocean

If that is nothing noteworthy then I would love to see what you consider a successful WW2 battleship.

>> No.22003483

small c gang rise up

>> No.22003485
File: 59 KB, 600x950, __akashi_and_akitsushima_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kusakasima__1d3e5fc2051d1256643d62963ac17c1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got a job

>> No.22003488

Giving blows?

>> No.22003495

What's her policy on thinking about dicks when I'm trying to upgrade equipment?

>> No.22003498

That was before.
Unfortunately blowjobs don't count towards the unemployment rate

>> No.22003499
File: 467 KB, 2048x1353, 8FB5A03E-970C-4C18-B6DC-56AF304D9B3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer Pudding!

>> No.22003502

She thinks about Taitei-chan instead.

>> No.22003509

>no us flag bikini

And into trash it goes.

>> No.22003518

Fatman won't let shibafu draws anymore. Now he'll only draw c2 chan

>> No.22003531

Prinz Eugen Mk.II when?

>> No.22003536


>> No.22003539

Mindbroken burger Prinz > happy kraut Prinz desu.

>> No.22003540

Did anyone get their 500 yen cash bonus (not the tickets) I haven't got any in the mail.

>> No.22003547

I didn't get the tickets either?

>> No.22003549

The curse of anime style

Because conishit

Because pornsley

>> No.22003551

Bong hasn't been attributed to potato since the great famine.

>> No.22003573

Probably happier as an American than a kraut or potential Russian.

>> No.22003707
File: 149 KB, 849x1200, EDMcE3FVUAEJjEm[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22003721

Where's my Humikane ship?

>> No.22003745

Where is Hitomi?

>> No.22003752
File: 1.75 MB, 1530x1080, Shikinami.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, rude.

>> No.22003761


>chink artist is a lifelong player

>> No.22003768

With those resources, I doubt that.

>> No.22003809

Note the furniture in the background.

>> No.22003812
File: 210 KB, 576x486, 1566470876036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow, you can farm WGs at E1 so I don't get fucked by installations like last event!
>1% drop rate from S-ranking the boss node
Is this a sick joke?

>> No.22003817

Your punishment for joining late, retard.

>> No.22003822

i would appreciate the nodes not taihaing my sub on the way there

>> No.22003834

But where's his ID 1 Ooi?

>> No.22003841

He could have had just a hell of a time getting Mikura

>> No.22003853
File: 972 KB, 2893x4092, yande.re%20566691%20ayakase_hotaru%20bikini%20kantai_collection%20suzuya_(kancolle)%20swimsuits[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spending time with Suzuya while my ships are sortieing to the event!

>> No.22003885

But while you're fucking the slut, who's giving commands to the fleet?

>> No.22003889


>> No.22003897
File: 856 KB, 960x880, 458c2daaa3e060682638519af37ef663c785b006[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wo is doing her best!

>> No.22003904

Best at giving advice, yeah.

>> No.22003997

Why are you surprised? Shitbafu akagi basically stole his design, he made proto akagi and kaga.

>> No.22004014

And yet they're still best bros.

>> No.22004023

I'm actually surprised that he didn't sue C2 from ripping off his design he made in 2010.

>> No.22004051

You can't copyright the pattern, anon. That's why chinks can get away with Fumikane's BB rigging.

>> No.22004064
File: 179 KB, 800x842, 1565805809311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At being a cutie yes.

>> No.22004073

Is it ok to reconcile with my pastself that like 2hu?

>> No.22004075

Don't most kcfans like 2hu? I've never stopped liking it.

>> No.22004079

Small industry. You don't see c2 suing maolane or those other games that play exactly like canthis except with reskin fuel/steel/ammo/baux

>> No.22004080

I thought 2hufags here don't like us.

>> No.22004084

I'm pretty sure most don't. But that doesn't stop us from liking 2hu.

>> No.22004086

You can't patent gameplay, design philosophy whatsoever. Your opponent have to trace your design, or steal your game assests or source code to make them vulnerable to lawsuit.

>> No.22004102

Touhou = Soul
FGO KanColle and other cashgrabs = Soulless

>> No.22004109

Which is why the Promises of Azure game will likely never leave China, they don't want another Abyss Horizon on their hands. And the game is an even more obvious ripoff of KC arcade.

>> No.22004138
File: 386 KB, 647x900, IMG_20190904_182319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22004141

Touhou had an increase in circles from C93 to C94, of course it decreased back to where it was for C95.
Meanwhile kancolle is plunging for several comikets now, and there's no Reitaisai to keep that afloat either.

>> No.22004148

Kancolle has to compete with flavour of the month, Touhou is entrenched with games and music and the like, it's community driven rather than pushed as a business. There's a dozen competitors to it, and they fucked up stuff that should have cemented it like their anime adaptation that completely came and went.

>> No.22004150
File: 37 KB, 413x413, 1542875233905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened with Abyss horizon case? i still remember some retarded comments like
-This is why Sega should bring KC Arcade to pc/ps4
-Stop using lawsuit to attack your competitor

>> No.22004158

Remember when people thought KanColle was going to beat out Touhou?

>> No.22004164

Doujin artists are already coming back to touhou or moving on to other gacha games, kancolle killed its lasting power by having a shit anime and season 2 delayed by years

>> No.22004166

>Kancolle on free fall. Touhou went up (discounting Reitaisai).
This is what you get for being a corporate whore boatsluts. Once you're dried up you're discarded for the next big thing. Those bought-out secondaries can't save you now.

>> No.22004171

Kancolle is dead and has been for quite a while. I guess Touhou was the Kancolle killer.

>> No.22004178

Kancolle on free fall?
Didn't hibiki hold the #1 spot for c96 or was that Jeanne?

>> No.22004184

It was Jeanne Alter.

>> No.22004188
File: 21 KB, 288x359, 1566959144967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22004191

>Kancolle becomes Touhou
>becomes Touhou so hard they get replaced by boats
like pottery

>> No.22004199

>Kancolle will die in a couple years
>Touhou won't even after Zun die

>> No.22004205

Dead game

>> No.22004207

Ok but being #2 is still very impressive
Even that chink drama about esports heavily shill Hibiki figure in one of the ep

>> No.22004210

Kancolle shot themselves in the foot by making an anime that instead of expanding on the given world (like toehoe print works do), just canonises the safest of fan headcanons and leaves nothing to interpretation. And also drought of content in the game. With every Touhou there's a shitton of new characters, music and lore to play with, whereas KC just releases a dozen girls a year and calls it a day.

>> No.22004213

lmaoing at all those delusional retards that thought kancolle was going to kill touhou

>> No.22004217

Long after Kancolle is dead and forgotten, Touhou will still live on.

>> No.22004221

>western white pigs shitposting about kancolle killing touhou
>the yamato bloodline goes on as if it's nothing and touhou stays on top
>even during comiket week when kancolle has a spike, touhou has a bigger spike
I will never doubt japan again.

>> No.22004229

>mfw touhou is surpassing kancolle and slowly rising
I thought Touhou was dying? Boatfags wouldn't lie to me, would they?

>> No.22004233
File: 53 KB, 620x390, 7542817i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh reitaisai

I don't know why 2hufags are in delusion

>> No.22004234


>> No.22004237

Kancolle killed itself mate and Touhou is more alive than ever.

>> No.22004240

Where the fuck these 2hu roaches suddenly come from and doing falseflagging?

>> No.22004246
File: 15 KB, 627x579, circle number.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more than halved now.

>> No.22004247

>All these 1min gap


>> No.22004249

Why he is suddenly falseflagging to touhou?

>> No.22004254

He needs attention

>> No.22004258

This is honestly just sad.

>> No.22004259

It's one man show newfag

>> No.22004301

So which board he copied from?

>> No.22004318

Don't care.

>> No.22004406
File: 492 KB, 3600x1200, EBW-RyDVUAAXRjd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The semifinals for Secretary Ship for Life have arrive, but who will be going home with the coveted title?
Remember, they each have to compete in the following categories:
- Most efficient paper pusher
- Best tasting tea
- Uhh, battle efficiency or something
- Secret porn stash sleuth
and last but not least
- How many other girls can you fight off from invading the office
Who! Will! Go! All! The! Way!

>> No.22004416

fuck off

>> No.22004424

How did these 3 make the semifinals?

>> No.22004431

Pure effort and determination obviously, no foul play at all.

>> No.22004463

Less than an hour to go.

>> No.22004485

Less than 50 minutes to go

>> No.22004597
File: 7 KB, 487x35, yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i upgraded it all the way to duck guns

>> No.22004604

Its shit

>> No.22004623

He's just a casualfag who log in one in a while

>> No.22004624

I thinl 2 hours to go at least

>> No.22004633

>現在「艦これ」各稼働サーバ群は、【欧州方面反撃作戦 発動!「シングル作戦」】、後段作戦の開放準備の最終シークエンスに入っています。安全第一で投入作業を進めます。全サーバ群投入完了は、申し訳ありません、【21:30】前後を予定しています。準備完了となりましたら、ご案内致します。

>> No.22004642

One less faggot

>> No.22004662

>losing ships
What a retard

>> No.22004678

期間限定海域:欧州方面反撃作戦 発動!「シングル作戦」

>> No.22004689

This was already posted. Why bring it up again?

>> No.22004719

Any confirmed drops for E3 yet?

>> No.22004721

本作戦海域では、パスタの国の戦艦「Littorio」「Roma」姉妹、同航空母艦「Aquila」、数奇な運命を辿った潜水艦「Luigi Torelli」、さらにMaestrale級駆逐艦などとの邂逅が可能です。そして、艦隊をアンツィオ沖まで進めて……!
Pasta time.

>> No.22004733

Last chance to place your bets: What will the new carrier-based fighter be? Something real or "what if rockets lol?"

>> No.22004743

Forget it, if we have luck we can get Messerschmitt Me 262 Rudorffer Air Group.

>> No.22004744

Fairey Barracuda?

>> No.22004763

French plane with surprise French carrier

>> No.22004800

Leakbro got btfo by RTAs.

>> No.22004804

What are you gonna do about it?

>> No.22004816


Enemy planes didn't work properly but they're fixed now, have fun slowfags.

>> No.22004824

Well fuck.

>> No.22004825

Was wondering why the damage they did to AB was so low.
Still going to have fun with it since i am on my LD anyway. Fuck.

>> No.22004841

Hurry up and post Janus for fucks sake

>> No.22004847

Who cares about the dumb bong gimme equip rewards.

>> No.22004849


>> No.22004851
File: 279 KB, 1464x2048, 1541413252791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 more minutes gomennasai

>> No.22004854

Fuck this I'm going home desu.

>> No.22004856

I care about the dumb bong
Nips as incompetent as ever

>> No.22004860


>> No.22004865

You weren't already at home?

>> No.22004911

Fuck, because this is small event so I don't have any motivation to rush it

>> No.22004941


>> No.22004942

>80k visits
Holy fuck. And this is mostly Japan only.

>> No.22004945


>> No.22004963

wikiwiki visit counts.

>> No.22004967

Since 2013? Yikes dead game

>> No.22005009
File: 793 KB, 896x674, janus kai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I've seen Janus somewhere before.

>> No.22005035

How has konishit not improved at all in 6 years?

>> No.22005036
File: 17 KB, 448x348, EDn7PyIW4AAAg-M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best axis fighter is here.

>> No.22005038

>11 AA

>> No.22005039

I think the LBAS raid in E2 is fixed now by the dev.

>> No.22005049

Best one is Shinden Kai though.

>> No.22005051

Nah, it's today visit count.
Since 2013:409,315,754

>> No.22005060
File: 28 KB, 379x330, EDn7miiUUAAfHN8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22005075

Where is the anus leak?
I still can't believe there is no picture yet

>> No.22005076


1位(初登場) PS4 アズールレーン クロスウェーブ

2位(初登場) Switch ASTRAL CHAIN(アストラルチェイン)

3位(先週1位) Switch スーパーマリオメーカー2

4位(先週4位) Switch 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ SPECIAL

5位(先週8位) Switch マリオカート8 デラックス

6位(先週5位) Switch 釣りスピリッツ Nintendo Switchバージョン

7位(先週6位) Switch Minecraft

8位(先週7位) Switch ファイアーエムブレム 風花雪月

9位(先週15位) Switch ポケットモンスター Let’s Go! ピカチュウ・Let’s Go! イーブイ

10位(先週11位) Switch スーパー マリオパーティ

>KanColle Kai PSW first week 140k

>> No.22005078
File: 1.62 MB, 1097x612, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow fun

>> No.22005089
File: 110 KB, 579x881, EDn9vKNWwAA35nZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22005090
File: 775 KB, 708x760, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22005093

>Kinder Egg Princess

>> No.22005094

Short cut Jervis?

>> No.22005097

Is that, a fucking giant takoyaki?

>> No.22005099

a fucking reskin, dropped into the scrapyard

>> No.22005100
File: 65 KB, 180x153, 1567604557494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck

>> No.22005101
File: 1.02 MB, 805x787, EDn9vPFXoAM-H5G.png:orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a transformer

>> No.22005108

If only she has freckles. Man, wasted opportunity.

>> No.22005110
File: 122 KB, 582x764, EDn9wT2XYAAmDlx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22005111

>literally short hair Jervis

>> No.22005112
File: 127 KB, 700x800, Angry Reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boring, this is the worst event yet.

>> No.22005115

Well I didn't feel as dissapointed for final ship reward of Event since a long fucking time. Even Intrepid felt better.

>> No.22005116


>> No.22005117

Would rape.

>> No.22005120

Instant waifu.

>> No.22005122
File: 38 KB, 225x210, hamakaze nani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking told you guys

>> No.22005129

Looks silly
Cute neck

>> No.22005133


>> No.22005134

The Abyssal looks stupid too. Imo, both are shit, especially when you look at E-2 boss (memes aside).

>> No.22005137
File: 201 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Sakura Quest - 19 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.26_[2017.08.10_05.14.17].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen that haircut somewhere...

>> No.22005139


>> No.22005147

Colorado hairstyle?

>> No.22005150
File: 397 KB, 390x390, EDn9lMbXUAEcweP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22005152

Probably two shiplocks?

>> No.22005154

hello naobu

>> No.22005156
File: 327 KB, 679x255, EDn-qZkWwAUff7_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22005157

Literally Jervis.

>> No.22005162

I think one, just with combined fleet limitations.

>> No.22005166

Who´s this? Colorado VA?

>> No.22005168

Post voicelines.

>> No.22005172

Oh, good.

>> No.22005173
File: 177 KB, 432x415, vomit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boring, even Azur Lane has better looking J-class destroyers

>> No.22005174

I want to pinch those cheeks.

>> No.22005177

Not Naobou.

>> No.22005178

Graf k2 confirmed

>> No.22005181
File: 185 KB, 680x641, chaika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22005185

na ni? Why is there a pink hair girl (pasta) on a fucking nazi plane?
I am confused, any historyfag can explain this.

>> No.22005187

Literally Player 2 Jervis. Goodjob, lazy hack.

>> No.22005189

Looks like the plane from the first episode of The Cockpit

>> No.22005191

Janus sounds like Pudding.

>> No.22005192

Could be another kraut carrier for future events.

>> No.22005194

>dat ripped hole in the middle of body
Holy fuck so brutal.

>> No.22005195

Dang, I was hoping I could skip this event.

>> No.22005200

Hanna Reitsch after burning her hair testing Messerschmitt-

>> No.22005202
File: 34 KB, 466x547, utter disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through this >>22005078 for this

The worst fucking event ever. I'm doing E2 to get my big-tittied pasta girl and that's it. I'm done.

>> No.22005207

Male chest btw.

>> No.22005216

Ozawa Ari?

>> No.22005217

It's LBAS, dumbass.

>> No.22005218

Typical memedalet.

>> No.22005222

Sound more like Colorado´s VA.

>> No.22005227

Ozawa Ari confirmed

>> No.22005228

>3 reskins and one old chink artwork with bad aspect ratio

>> No.22005235

It's Ozawa Ari

>> No.22005239

>Reiwa 1
>giving a single fuck about memedals

>> No.22005241
File: 115 KB, 579x881, janus improved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22005242

You're fucking deaf

>> No.22005245

he doesn't even play.

>> No.22005246

vomit haruna.jpg

>> No.22005247

The CL is not a reskin and imo the best looking ship this event.

>> No.22005248

It's not, it's Colorado's. Ozawa has a very distinct octave.

>> No.22005251
File: 341 KB, 579x881, jerviasreskin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22005246,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.22005252

Don't try to argue with a guy that doesnt understand what uniforms are

>> No.22005254

I'm not a chinkshitter, calibrate your radars.

>> No.22005259
File: 1.66 MB, 540x304, angry altera.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the worst event yet? Every ship is fucking garbage.

>> No.22005265

Can you stop using fucking your meme pics?

>> No.22005267

How is Abruzzi not a reskin and Janus is? Abruzzi is literally just long hair Garibaldi, and Janus is just short hair Jervis, retard.

>> No.22005268

Fuck off to /vg/ fateshit

>> No.22005273

>still no new KuroKuro or Humikane ship
Where the fuck is it?

>> No.22005274


>> No.22005275

I bet she can't stop wagging her tail when you offer her candy.

>> No.22005276

Gumos and Kagerous have uniforms, but they are much more distinct compared to Jervis and short cut Jervis.

Everyone who doesn't like something doesn't play the game and is a chinkshitter. You should know that by now.

>> No.22005278


>> No.22005282

next event

>> No.22005281

>He thinks the fat fuck will pay out for actual good artists

>> No.22005284


you forgot this one

>> No.22005285

Of course not, you don't give a shit about AL.

>> No.22005286

Lol, they are the most copypaste ships except Kazagumo that has a tie instead.

>> No.22005297


>> No.22005298
File: 13 KB, 250x250, 1547713135265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 new Jiji and new cute bong DD

The equipment rewards could be better but for a small event I'm pretty satisfied with the new girls.

>> No.22005300

They have much more distinct faces where only, like, 2 of them can be confused, and only because of one of the recent ones. The rest all have facial and hair features that you will never think are just "hair cut" version.

>> No.22005303

Based, Janus a cute

>> No.22005305

STOP! You aren't allow to be satisfied with the event!

>> No.22005307

I'm bongshitter now

>> No.22005311

Of course, he's fateshitter

>> No.22005313

Chinks are so desperate for a win, they are now bullying low tier Nintendo games.

>> No.22005314
File: 18 KB, 340x340, 1567605994864.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Janus, who knowing Konishi, is probably going to forgotten even faster than Ark Royal and Nelson
Damn, I was right.

>> No.22005322

No shit, Sherlock.

>> No.22005325

Actually how is Janus supposed to be pronounced?

>> No.22005328


>> No.22005334


>> No.22005339


>> No.22005340

E3 live.

>> No.22005342

Oh, I've been reading it as Jan-us

>> No.22005344

Why is he keeping posting same shits with leddit shit tier pics?

>> No.22005346

Updated OP:

>> No.22005354

Probably because ESL shitters like you keep making posts like this.

>> No.22005356
File: 141 KB, 805x787, kancolle-20190904-231650-000-resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22005359

Janus is boring as fuck. I hope Jupiter, Javelin and the others are a bit more unique.

>> No.22005365

Much better

>> No.22005366
File: 612 KB, 800x480, IMG_20190904_231830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22005370

The only good abyssal is back.

>> No.22005371
File: 94 KB, 300x300, 1541139193537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brehs, I want this evil destroyer to do bad things to me

>> No.22005387
File: 697 KB, 1000x650, __aircraft_carrier_water_oni_aircraft_carrier_hime_aircraft_carrier_oni_battleship_water_oni_isolated_island_hime_and_etc_kantai_collection_drawn_by_walzrj__a372cf45a210598a214e069430cef86d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again proving that Abyssals are the best part of KanColle.

>> No.22005394

>bombed so hard she fused with FritzX
Out of kraut equipments, why can't we get the good one?

>> No.22005401

She's more interesting than YOU are

>> No.22005410

Just ignore him. It's a lead-in to another one of his falseflagging shitposts.

>> No.22005424
File: 131 KB, 1200x720, IMG_20190904_232212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>E3 medium doesn't care labels

>> No.22005437

Can you guys please stop shitposting in /alg/? Thanks.

>> No.22005443

Please don't be a bug.

>> No.22005448
File: 11 KB, 785x254, 1567604557495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it officially confirmed somewhere?

>> No.22005449

E3 hard looks fucking hard so it's intended

>> No.22005456

This post didn't increase the IP count of this thread.

>> No.22005457



>> No.22005461

No and won't be for a week unless they tweet it.

>> No.22005467

I really like this. So cute

>> No.22005488
File: 472 KB, 800x800, 67419840_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have other versions of charts like this?

>> No.22005491

Might actually be Ozawa Ari tho.
She suddenly returned to KanColle in that circus event after long absence. That's might be foreshadowing.

>> No.22005492

no fuck off

>> No.22005495


>> No.22005499

Use your ears, it isn't that hard to know it's her

>> No.22005502


>> No.22005512

Wow, rude.
And those haven't come up with any results, which is why I'm asking again.

>> No.22005514

It's lazy. Literallu just Jervis. Who in their right.mind would accept this?

>> No.22005518

Are you having a stroke?

>> No.22005519

What the fuck Konishi? This is just lazy now, I hope other artists take over to draw british ships.

>> No.22005522

This event has been shown to be perfectly skippable. Janus is a lazy drawing.

>> No.22005525

She makes Nelson and Ark Royal look interesting by comparison.

>> No.22005529

No. I am just that dissappointed. Can't even complain properly.

>> No.22005531

His word of today : lazy

>> No.22005540


all me anyway

>> No.22005543

At least he's not paranoid every day.

>> No.22005548


>> No.22005550

Janus is a lazy redraw of Jervis. Get over it. And people yesterday were arguing about maestrale and Greco being copy pasted.

>> No.22005551

>New AB almost wipe out all three of our bases.
Rerank is for the weak.

>> No.22005552
File: 344 KB, 1540x2100, 1559219406217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck a DD

>> No.22005555


>> No.22005557

Anyone else feel like this event was really rushed?

>> No.22005562

Two guys.

>> No.22005570

You can be disappointed with the final reward you know? At least Abruzzi is worth getting for me.

>> No.22005572

That's because you're lazy. Real men fuck BBs.

>> No.22005573

At least use another logic not the ridiculous one

>> No.22005576
File: 35 KB, 351x263, 1541617168517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute, but also Jervis.

Anyways, any info on which ships should I keep for E-3?

>> No.22005578

Is this the worst event so far?

>> No.22005581

Well, frontiers did rush the two MO in less than 6 hours after servers were opened.

>> No.22005580

Bong and pasta ships

>> No.22005583

What logic? Janus is the most "clone" out of the 3 ships we got this event.

>> No.22005584

No, next event is, and the one after that.

>> No.22005586

It's the most copy paste reward ship so far.

>> No.22005589

How can the fatman sell a literal browser port 140k in the first week?

>> No.22005590

I would destroy her so hard.

>> No.22005593

>sisters look same
>it's unacceptable

how reasonable

>> No.22005596
File: 11 KB, 248x252, Nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Colorado, Gambier Bay, Gotland, Suzutsuki and Nisshin have been the only great ships released in the past 2 years

>> No.22005607

Not this post again...

>> No.22005609
File: 215 KB, 1200x1649, __hamakaze_and_ushio_kantai_collection_drawn_by_sawada_yuusuke__c7fee5f3b14d58af4109cd68bd282785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may fuck only the big boobed ones.

>> No.22005614

He could have least given her freckles.

>> No.22005624

Glasses or a beauty mark could have also worked.

>> No.22005625
File: 429 KB, 800x764, IMG_20190905_000205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bongshitter now

>> No.22005626

>Sendais - look pretty different
>Myoukous - look pretty different
>Gumos - look pretty diferent
>Kagerous - look pretty different
>Kumas, Aganos, Kongous, Shiratsuyus, the list has more
You know that most these sister are considerably different up untill the most recent ones where the artists don't even know what else to add to the design.


>> No.22005629

Are there really people that like Gamby? She's only good for bullying

>> No.22005630

Boring, just fuck all for variety.

>> No.22005631

Is that not a good enough reason to like her?

>> No.22005634

>Gumos - look pretty different

You can tell Haya and Mochi?

>> No.22005638
File: 943 KB, 878x1300, __gambier_bay_kantai_collection_drawn_by_enjaku_izuku__0f733a114ee62b75a073421ed94ab7f1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamby has big boobs.

>> No.22005641

Wow, so do like 100 other ships.

>> No.22005642

Did you read the whole post or just latch to the first exception that i pointed out 2 sentences later?

>> No.22005646

Besides Gotland and Richelieu, does anyone else have a beauty mark/mole? We need a ship that has one on their breasts.

>> No.22005650
File: 1.27 MB, 827x1200, 1546605902600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22005660

I'm not him.

>> No.22005662

The destroyer class that would work for is the fletchers.

>> No.22005663


>> No.22005672

So which Bong will be added next? I hope it's either Belfast or Unicorn.

>> No.22005674
File: 781 KB, 1200x720, 2019-09-04 23-08-21 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck's going on with my game
I should relaunch.

>> No.22005675

Cute Jervis imouto.

>> No.22005676

That's irrelevant to the question. (You) didn't read my initial post either way.

>> No.22005684

>literally just Player 2 Jervis
Excuse me Monkeygirl but what the fuck are you doing

>> No.22005688

Hey I want to just ask reasony why I ask you is just mochi and haya are my favorites

>> No.22005694

Try clearing cache, some jap also has it in 1-5

>> No.22005703

>not Nelson
Shit taste

>> No.22005705 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.94 MB, 5500x2198, 1567609938233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having the same uniform for all your members
This post was made by Kagerou gang

>> No.22005706
File: 141 KB, 1200x720, IMG_20190905_001223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22005709

AL Nelson is better, Cute tsundere ojou-samas with twindrills > Whatever the fuck KC Nelson is

>> No.22005710

new attack?

>> No.22005715

>spoiler pic
What a nostalgic feeling.

>> No.22005720
File: 170 KB, 654x455, 1566202748983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try harder

It's just because anti-installation is so effective

>> No.22005721
File: 170 KB, 850x1116, 1546332952236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jervis is still the best gaijin ship, thank god.

>> No.22005726

Yeah, hope for shibafu

>> No.22005729

Never mind, relaunching did the trick.

>> No.22005733

Boss isn't an installation.

>> No.22005736

What's the appeal of Nelson? She's even more boring than Ark Royal, who was already dull to begin with.

>> No.22005740


>> No.22005748

If by best you mean least worst then yeah.

>> No.22005749

Can never go wrong with a blonde, long haired OL.

>> No.22005752

I know but this time everyone knocks her out with anti-installation equips

>> No.22005753

Ne-class toughness isn't just for show!

>> No.22005755

You could also put Okinami there, just to a slighlty less degree.
Each was introduced a year later in the "most recent ones where the artists don't even know what else to add to the design" category.
I still have a problems remembering all of their names, but looks wise those 3 are the only that are somewhat close to each other. Even shark and BB look incredibly similar overall but have considerably more distinction than Jervis and Jervis 2.

I like some of the AL designs, but KC Nelson is much better than AL one. The uniform is nicer. (Tanaka should be smashed in the face with a brick for the touch form though).

>> No.22005757
File: 112 KB, 800x1051, __kamikaze_myoukou_and_takao_kantai_collection_drawn_by_asakawa_outeq__5cd725bd8d1112c1d48c2f39f6c2ee17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an insult to the actual OL ships.

>> No.22005758

Why do KCfags complaint every time new botes release?

>> No.22005768
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Because they're all shit?

>> No.22005772

Why the fuck do all recent events have fucking PT boat-installation hybrid cancer now? Did we get fucking en mass gear with twice the stats as before for this shit to be everywhere now?

>> No.22005774

Aren't they cute?

>> No.22005785
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based sherman

>> No.22005790

Their meh. Hayashimo, Kiyo, Asa and Maki are better.

>> No.22005791
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Was Iowa initially included only in KC Kai so that they could test how well fans would react to Allied Shipgirls?

>> No.22005795

Try harder

>> No.22005796

Fuck you.
But I agree with the later.

>> No.22005797

Allied shipgirl Italia was added a year before already.

>> No.22005800
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Samefag overdrive

>> No.22005801

No, Tanaka just wanted to provide the fans an excuse to buy PSV version.

>> No.22005808

Stop raiding /alg/ please, we cant take it anymore

>> No.22005810

At least I want him not to use disgusting pics. Seriously.

>> No.22005814

Because theyre very angry and pathetic people anon

>> No.22005816


>> No.22005817

What the fuck, how?

>> No.22005822


Subs time

>> No.22005827

Torp cutin infused with yank power.

>> No.22005829

Nice try meganefag

>> No.22005830

Daihatsu type equips have something

>> No.22005850

Italy wasn't an ally.

>> No.22005856

The samefaggotry is astounding. Report and ignore.

>> No.22005875

Only you feed

>> No.22005880

Why are they attacking with torps when it should have a landing craft animation?

>> No.22005882

Seems like most people there know it's just one or two retarded fags trying to stir shit up too.

>> No.22005884

I still have limited anti installation equipement. Should i equip it to the main or escort fleet ? Or a little bit both ?

>> No.22005897

The boss is not an installation.

>> No.22005903
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Okay. Real talk. The real problem with Janus is that her expression isn't different enough from her sister ship. Yeah some say she could use glasses, freckles or whatever but the core issue is that unlike Abruzzi and Garibaldi, Jervis and Janus don't come across different character wise. Based on Game CG alone.

>> No.22005908

So it's another bug? Like hell can non TCIs do that amount of damage.

>> No.22005924

>all the coping in the /v/ thread
They really thought they had it in the bag.

>> No.22005925

Nope I think it's intended. I don't know why non installation boss got tons of damage from Daihatsu but this time Tanaka gave us some mercies.

>> No.22005928

There were other non installation bosses that took extra damage from anti-installation gear. Like the one in Nelson event E4

>> No.22005934

Node O.
Might be, better used it before the fatman see that.

>> No.22005935

Probably not, she's some weird hybrid installation & non-installation from Fall 2018, if memory serves. And they may have changed her damage multipliers for this event. Might still be a bug, but don't think it's that likely.

>> No.22005938

Anchored status?

>> No.22005944

Twin submarine hime also took extra damage from depth charges if I remember correctly.

>> No.22005960

Don't think too much. Since they're fairy sized, the tanks just piggyback on torpedoes and fire at the enemy before the torps explode.

>> No.22005961

Never seen any ship do extra damage to baguette hime using anti-instal gear, neither mine nor FF.

That's because she "was" a sub. It's makes sense for a theme, but not when you face actual capital ship hybrids.

>> No.22005974

Tanaka really should had gone with either Tribals or bong FAS ducks instead of J-class desu.

>> No.22005978

>Janus faces her right(slightly)
>Jervis faces her left(slightly)
Actually I am wondering if Konishi did this so he could just reuse the game cg to pose them together easily.

>> No.22005983

Can't really expect much from Mr Chinkjew himself can we?

>> No.22005988

This anon gets it

>> No.22005991

Imagine a whole group of people being this retarded and assblasted, nothing new I guess!

>> No.22005999

I think Janus is even more genki than Jervis.

>> No.22006000

It's Maestrale hime

>> No.22006005

Seem to be coming down to Nelson touch and anti-installation.

>> No.22006009

We can't stop winning without even trying.

>> No.22006014

I would say Tribals would have a low torp stat but Samuel has a higher torpedo stat than your generic Mutsuki class DD at kai(really Sam should have had a torp stat of 50 to 60) which is ridiculous because that means it's not much lower than other foreign DDs.

>> No.22006016

>predict that janus would be underwhelming
>she is

I wonder why I'm only correct when I predict things like this or that Essex-class would be drawn by Shibafu.

>> No.22006018

I will marry Janus and leave Jervis on expedition duty

>> No.22006019

Maybe you should stop predicting shit you jinx.

>> No.22006022

Makes me hard

>> No.22006023

Why didn't you predict that Essex class would be drawn by someone else you faggot

>> No.22006025
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>> No.22006029

It's worse because she isn't bad (quite nice actually), just that she looks too much like her sister. Expecially given that she's not like the 10th ship in like, but only the second.

>> No.22006035

>everyone complaining about Janus looking like Jervis
>Grecale is literally Maestrale

>> No.22006037

Janus should have had a more serious expression. Or a sad one. I don't know why Konishi went with a smiling expression again.

>> No.22006038
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>> No.22006041
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Let's enjoy the event.

>> No.22006042

That was brought up already. Yes, it's not that good as well.

>> No.22006044

Her mouth looks like a cute sausage! I bet she likes bangers and mash.

>> No.22006048

But at least Janus will be useful

>> No.22006049

We went over this. She has blonde hair and a different expression. Jervis 2 is just Jervis with the character development hair cut.

>> No.22006055

E3-2 unlock

Which stream is it?

>> No.22006056

Jervis with short hair, yawn.
This is so silly, I kinda like it.

>> No.22006063

USS Enterprise will be draw by Shibafu
Mark my words

>> No.22006070

Only Yorktown will be added to the game.

>> No.22006073

Nah, it is gonna be Hornet. She will also the first and only carrier to a Touch.

>> No.22006075

>more installation fodders with high HP boss

Classic Tanaka. It's okay though, Jervis will be the MVP anyway.

>> No.22006080

Enterprise will be drawn by a guest artist ZUN.

>> No.22006081

And Abruzzi is long hair Garibaldi.
And I don't care, I like the new girls anyway.

>> No.22006082

Ok so with E3 having no locks, I can go all out in E1 and E2. Who gets bonuses where? Asking because there's nothing on the wiki about specific ships. I know about Rich in E1 and Woy in E2.

>> No.22006083
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Useless sisters

>> No.22006097

E3 hard has locks.
Aren't you dare trying to do the event without taking memedals?

>> No.22006098

Why did he bring russians?

>> No.22006099

Fuck them both.

>> No.22006100

Even on Hard?

>> No.22006105

E-3 Hard should have locks according to >>22006098
It's peculiar if Memedium doesn't have locks though.

>> No.22006106

>E3 hard has locks.
Oh I'm retarded, I didn't see the "medium" in >>22005424

>> No.22006107

>Boss has 299 Armor on Hard


>> No.22006118


Now you are the true TTK.

>> No.22006126
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>> No.22006129

Imagine joining the game in 2019 and not being able to participate in events until 2022

>> No.22006135

You mean earn memedals.

>> No.22006139

Realmen suck it up.

>> No.22006158

I join at spring 2015 and i got my first memedal the same year in fall, and from that event i always clear all in hard. It´s not that hard.

>> No.22006159

I've been playing since 2014, I was just wondering what it would be like if you joined now, seeing as the game has progressively gotten worse.

>> No.22006160

Ugly anatomy.

>> No.22006168

Just like you lol

>> No.22006172

Like the Graffag?

>> No.22006176

Theory: J classes are literally loli version of ships with the same VA

>> No.22006188

Your theory is retarded and you should uninstall ship this

>> No.22006211

Loli Pola when?

>> No.22006212

>Mikura might be more popular than Abruzzi.
Pls no.

>> No.22006215


How can nips pronounce Janus as Jyanasu

>> No.22006219

Another Jervis and the final boss isn't even an Akira boss? Fucking lame.

>> No.22006224

Now you will realise that the majority of KC popularity comes from chinks and gooks.

>> No.22006232

Non-japanese popularity you mean.

>> No.22006236

gooks didn't draw anything though

>> No.22006241

She looks like Jervis with another head doing a different pose.

>> No.22006244

What kill chinks is the other chinks.
Seems like it.

>> No.22006247

Chinks being chinks.

>> No.22006265

Verniy's the only tank carrier who may have a Yurobonus.

>> No.22006268

>with another head
More like with a different wig.

>> No.22006273
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The fattest onahole.

>> No.22006276

And ugliest onahole.

>> No.22006281

I'm surprised that nobody has pointed out that Janus's appearance was hinted at with the other fairy on the QF 4.7 gun art that Jarvis comes with.

>> No.22006282

TTK btfo.

>> No.22006284

If only she didn't have such a bad IG artwork, if only.

>> No.22006287

That's Fukae.

>> No.22006290

Janus is officially the best ship added to the game since Hatsuzuki, it's about time they did something right.

>> No.22006298


>> No.22006299
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>Sunken DD

>> No.22006305

Loli cage

>> No.22006306
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But only one of them is getting all the attention.

>> No.22006309

Somehow this makes me like Jervis less, what the hell?
Kinda boring but the other phase looks funny.

>> No.22006311

reminds to one of those weird bosses in metal slug

>> No.22006316


>> No.22006318

Nimu drops at E3 node E.

>> No.22006319

Jervis has soulless eyes

>> No.22006325

I think they look cute. But having someone that looks so close to her makes her feel less cute for some odd reason.

>> No.22006332

Can't see shit, admiral

>> No.22006334

More like "A weapon to surpass harapan"

>> No.22006343
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>> No.22006359

Ugly chinkbitch.

>> No.22006375

This new event consist mostly of girls who look like variations of previous characters, at least that's why I'm not that happy about this event since some previous ones only had like one that was like that.

>> No.22006385
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Oh no, even her cuteness is useless.

>> No.22006394

Maybe if you say it enough all the fanartists will hear and she'll stop being popular.

That's only true for Janus, and only because of her pose. Her damage sprite looks fine.

>> No.22006411

A lot of ugly bitches are popular, I don't care if they stop or not.

>> No.22006424

>That's only true for Janus
Grecale looks also pretty similar to Maestrale, not as samey as Jervis but it's also another sister.

>> No.22006444

But at least Janus will be useful unlike grimcale

>> No.22006445

Abruzzi is Giusepp but sexier and with long hair.
Grecale is slutty corrupted Maestrale.
Janus is Jervis with a different head.
Even the new artist did something that looks like a Chinese knock-off of previous girls.

>> No.22006461

i wonder who's behind all of this shitposting

>> No.22006465

>Abruzzi is Giusepp but sexier and with long hair.
I completely forgot about Giuseppe

>> No.22006470

Not all criticism is shitposting, fuck off.

>> No.22006475


>> No.22006478

Disappointed players.

>> No.22006482
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I have no talent and I must draw.

>> No.22006485
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You sound like you need a lesson from teacher.

>> No.22006492

Unfunny, please don't draw again.

>> No.22006498

I don't get it.

>> No.22006499

Need flame body for less steps

>> No.22006504

Yes please.

>> No.22006506

Absolute unit

>> No.22006508

I, uh, I think I get it

>> No.22006511

But Bunker Hill isn't in-game yet.

>> No.22006514

Janus likes it in the anus.

>> No.22006515

Mikura is kinda cute.

>> No.22006521

pokémon eggs

>> No.22006526
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It's too bad that she's basically Chikuma 2.0.

>> No.22006537

Now that's just reaching too hard.

>> No.22006573

I want to fuck this fictional child.

>> No.22006590


>> No.22006593

It hurts me each time i see the air raids.

>> No.22006609

You mean Akagi? Bunker Hill's fires were put out.

>> No.22006610

Did it really get that bad?

>> No.22006617

Not even though, she seems more caught up in her duties to notice anything else, and if anything she sees her sister as someone that's her equal in their capacities more than anything. In fact she more or less tells you that if you saw her sister you would be as impressed with her as much as she is.

>> No.22006626
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E3 easy done

>> No.22006635

The better part is that her marriage line leans more towards her inviting you to a threesome as long as you were fine with it since she would rather not be separated or treated differently than trying to put you out or saying her sister is off limits.

>> No.22006638

2 to 3 red bases are common. Don't know about E2 yet.

>> No.22006646

Bost bomps bls

>> No.22006647

nwm this
i misunderstood your post.

>> No.22006654
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>> No.22006687

Abruzzi and Garibaldi seem like the most willing to accept a threesome sisters, and I'm going to be very disappointed when artists don't capitalize on that.

>> No.22006717

I dont want to have a threesome with a dyke

>> No.22006724

The two on the left are for impregnation.

>> No.22006734

I sure as fuck do.

>> No.22006736

Who's the dyke though?

>> No.22006778

what are the rewards?

>> No.22006786
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>kurokuro celebrates new chink's debut


>> No.22006794

1 medal + Me 163 B + Janus

>> No.22006798
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That is one shitty joke.

>> No.22006806

Then what’s not shit?
Oh wait: could the answer be “fuck you I play AL, but secretly shit on them too because I’m a worthless troll?”

>> No.22006814

I crave Italian milk right now

>> No.22006816

see this newfag

>> No.22006819

>turbo tiny event
>do kuso mode
Really now?

>> No.22006821

>Ah, this earring? I split the pair with my sister. Nice right? Wh-whoa, stop staring. You gotta do what you gotta do. My time is coming right, Admiral?
>I wonder if my sister is doing well... I hope she hasn't gotten caught up in something strange again... The Admiral... looks kind of busy with something...
>Whoa, sorry, me and my sister are kind of... Eh, that's still... fine? Seriously? Th-then, I guess I'll accept.
>I made some cafe latte. How is it? Ah, it's hot.
>Nice... I want to show this to my sister.
>Thanks! I'd like my sister to get a matching one.
>Ngh! I won't sink but, I can't let my sister see this!
>No way... I'm seriously... gonna sink... This can't... be happening... Seriously... Sister!
>Hey, Admiral, want something to drink? You liked the cafe latte right? I'll go make some.
>Ah, Sister? Yeah, well, I do like her. Her name is damned long though. I'm sure you'd like her if you met her too Admiral!
>It's morning. Ahh, you pulled an all-nighter didn't you? I'll get breakfast ready. Just like Sister... Well, leave it to me.
>How was my attempt at my sister's style of breakfast? Eh, it was a bit bland? Whaattt!? Seriously!?
>I see... What's done is done. I'll make a fancy lunch box for lunch. Get ready for a lunch box like my sister makes it!
>Admiral, just a little more... It's done! My attempt at my sister's fancy lunch box. Whew, that took a while.
>Let's enjoy my Sister's Fancy Lunch Box to the fullest! First, this pasta...
>Ah, almost done. It's done. 1900. Now, help yourself. It's acqua pazza like my sister makes it. It's delicious!
>We did a lot today. Good work. Admiral, let's work hard tomorrow too. Someday my sister will be with us too, right?
>Admiral, calling me out to this place... I... my heart is set on my oneesan...
>T-thank you. But, my heart shall always be with Fusou-neesama's... Sorry.
>Admiral.... I'm happy that you have feeling for me, but still, I'm worried about Chitose-onee...
Hell, they even went and "fixed" Yamashiro's line
>....Admiral. Just like Nee-sama....I think the Admiral is a good person. I'm thankful for everything until now....Really.

>> No.22006824

praise him for not doing super kuso.

>> No.22006828

Yeah. I think I’m good.
No sense going after her unless there’s someone decent worth farming on E3.
Actually I don’t have Jervis now that I think of it cause I chose Tashkent over her the last time.

>> No.22006831

She looks like a proper ship daughter, not 'daughterwife' that a lot of local '''men of culture''' lust for.

>> No.22006839

Still, I don’t think it’s worth doing E3 on anything higher than casual unless you’re addicted to E-peen medals.

>> No.22006842
File: 1.00 MB, 805x787, __anzio_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_konishi_koconatu__b265337fbe7e9ea37ec66790f76249d9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who think this is cute?

Image abyssal Janus in this takoyaki lel

>> No.22006846

I'd want to do it on memedium, but looking at all the bullshit potential i'm seeing in E-2, doing Kuso is the only way i won't add another layer of burnout onto myself.

>> No.22006849

Abruzzi is so much better than Garibaldi.

>> No.22006854

I didn't idlecolle for 3 months so I could phone in the event and idlecolle another 3 months.

>> No.22006857

They're literally twins, she just has longer hair.

>> No.22006861
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they actually took the idea of that Saratoga bug.

>> No.22006863

Imagine Warspite who gave birth to Jervis and Janus

>> No.22006867

It's silly and cute.

>> No.22006875

You didn't idlecolle if you have all ships sparkled.

>> No.22006883

Imagine Nagato being mad she's too big to fit inside

>> No.22006891

Yukikaze will hate her

>> No.22006896

How farmable is E2 post-clear then?

>> No.22006928

Jervis, you're not fooling anyone with your new hairstyle you dumb bitch.
I hate her face.
But at least this is somewhat moe so konishi is learning.

>> No.22007044

I was thinking that much like modern real ships can't do anything to touch the abyssals, they could have made certain abyssals take significantly reduced damage from ships produced past a certain year. That way they'd be able to extend the time scope of the shipgirls way past WW2, both in the future and the past. So old dreadnoughts could be useful in some maps, while modern supercarriers would rule the skies in others.

>> No.22007047


>> No.22007054

I wanna fuck these two at the same time.

>> No.22007064

Good idea but the execution would be horrible, so no

>> No.22007075

Of course she does.

>> No.22007089

I hate it.

>> No.22007095
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She really just sounds like she just wants to live up to her sister's name more than anything else.

>> No.22007110
File: 1.64 MB, 2000x2400, __destroyer_water_oni_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kiritto__56a52968da4aae78f20c7bfa72b6a39a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But at least this is somewhat moe so konishi is learning.
Destroyer Water Oni is cuter.

>> No.22007120

Like I said, KanColle is like MC Axis reunion now.

>> No.22007121
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Who still at E0 here.

>> No.22007125

The rewards for E3 better be good because this is garbage

>> No.22007126
File: 118 KB, 918x1280, 1545460151705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could some anon post the historical bonuses for E-2.

Also, do we have bonuses for E-3?

>> No.22007141

Fuck this sub Loli.

>> No.22007143

Yes, this is extremely cute and full of personality. I hate to admit it, but once again, abyssal girl is miles more interesting that the kanmusu.

>> No.22007150

She was drawn by konishi? If that's the case then yeah, she's cuter than the new one.

>> No.22007153


Subcheese E3

>> No.22007158

It's the only good thing about her. The girls in this event are pretty lame so that makes her look better than she actually is.

>> No.22007172

>no LD

>> No.22007181

Working overtime unfortunately means I can't do more than expand my resources until the weekend.

>> No.22007182

I want to start E2-2 but the mess of E3 worries me.

>> No.22007185

So full of personality, a fucking sphere with some legs and arms which probably has only 4 voice lines where she tells you to fuck off or sink.

>> No.22007189

I want to motorboat those royal teats.

>> No.22007209

>So full of personality, a fucking sphere with some legs and arms
And every other girl is just some legs and arms without the sphere. This event really shit in some people's cereal, huh.

>> No.22007217

Other girls at least have a face

>> No.22007223

The joke of an evil little girl hiding in such a silly looking sphere is pretty genius and cute honestly.

>> No.22007231

So many days and thre is still no full information about E-1 and 2 make me feel to big of a puss.

>> No.22007232

She has a face also though?

>> No.22007239

Don't reply to the chinkshitter.

>> No.22007245

It's like 5 AM in Australia, doubt he's awake.

>> No.22007246

A crazy design like that is full of personality even if her lines will be the token stuff.

>> No.22007253

Do you seriously think a schizo like him has the same schedule as a normal person?

>> No.22007259

Hiding in a sphere is more akin to some meme than actual personality. Even Don't lose your way has more of that.

>> No.22007263

I mean, he IS usually active at the hours you'd normally expect someone to be.

>> No.22007270

You should know by now that everyone who doesn't like something is a chinkshitter. When will you learn that already?

>> No.22007277

And a meme is a joke, something with a sense of humor. A little girl looking happy is overdone, a little girl thinking she's dangerous by hiding inside of the most stupid looking armor is creative and fun, in other words the design has personality. I agree with the last part though, overall Ryukohime is cooler.

>> No.22007283

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.22007285

A meme-loving idiot is still a personality desu.

>> No.22007289

But the issue here is not that he doesn't like something, but that he's clearly wrong about what he's saying, in other words something a secondary would say.

>> No.22007300

>a little girl thinking she's dangerous by hiding inside of the most stupid looking armor
Your headcanon has nothing to do with personality.
You'd think she was ghost themed, but considering the general design of abyssals, she just looks like a pseudo packman rather than a gimmicky abyssal.

The design being objectively meh compared to the previous this year is not wrong though.

>> No.22007301

Maybe if you didn't argue like a chink, nobody would think you are one.

>> No.22007315

That's not headcanon, that's clearly what she's doing.

>> No.22007318

>The design being objectively meh compared to the previous this year is not wrong though.
That's not what's being questioned here, but saying "at least the other ones have a face" which is just straight up bs.

>> No.22007322

Memes is the lifeblood of KC, settle down everyone.

>> No.22007327

There is no "like" with peole like you.
It's 'you stand by your point that something is bad - you are a chink'.

Does your grandmother work with Konishi and she told her? Becasue you could say that about a dozen Abyssals with large deformed gear.

>> No.22007331

so the focke wulf is hard only?

>> No.22007332

If people can come up with headcanons and assumptions about someone by just looking at the design then the design has personality.

>> No.22007341

>Becasue you could say that about a dozen Abyssals with large deformed gear.
Not really. There are no other abyssals who are hiding like that under monster armor.

>> No.22007347

The shit you're spewing is straight up retarded so you can't blame others for calling you a chinkshit.

>> No.22007355

I don't even understand what that means. but it doesn't change the fact that her ball form is ratehr stupid.
Her "dress" form is better.

So most shipgirls don't have any personality? Becasue hair style, pose and clothing don't really tell much about most of those and you have t oreference the voiceline to make sence of what they are in particular?

>> No.22007358

Good point, embrace them memes.

>> No.22007374

If you prefer her dress form that's up to you, same if you think the ball form is stupid (which is the point of that sprite)
>I don't even understand what that means.
This post

>> No.22007375

>but it doesn't change the fact that her ball form is ratehr stupid.
No shit. It's cute because it's dumb. Her "dress" form is just her after the ball has been destroyed. It's two halves of a whole, not two different characters.

>> No.22007379

Sure, and when you have a good day but someone says the day is shit he is a chinshitter too.

>> No.22007402

I've readthe post. I don't understand how someone posting some shit automatically negates the argumentthat her ball design is dumb.

Cute is the antithesis of a personality though. At least with how it gets presented over the last half a decade or so.

>> No.22007400

Some shipgirls have personality in their design, other not so much. Hairstyle, pose and clothing can tell a lot about who a character is, the voicelines are separated from the design itself (not saying that this is bad) but you can have great voice lines with a dull design and vice versa, if you happen to have the latter then your design still has personality.

>> No.22007412

If you can't tell shit about a character by looking at it and need to rely on writing then the sprite lacks personality. That's like Japanese character design 101.

>> No.22007420

>Cute is the antithesis of a personality though
If it's done in the most predictable way it is. However having a boss hiding in a dumb-looking sphere as her armor is a pretty neat way of doing something cute.

>> No.22007427

The point is not whether the ball design is dumb or not, the point is that saying that she lacks a face is straight up bs since she is showing her face in the other sprite.

>> No.22007428

You can't tell shit about Ball hime either unless you start making stuff up as a personal narrative. It's like saying Wo has a hat and cane because she is a traditional gentleman.

>> No.22007444

>You can't tell shit about Ball hime either unless you start making stuff up as a personal narrative
I can. You can tell she is evil and crazy just by looking at her face, then you add the ball armor on top of that and it's easy to tell she's beyond wacky. Her being a monster that looks mostly like a little girl just adds even more to it.
>It's like saying Wo has a hat and cane because she is a traditional gentleman.
Wo is supposed to resemble a sorceress, that why she has a huge hat and a cane/rod.

>> No.22007448

Honestly there should be a shipgirl game about predreadnoughts and ww1 naval warfare. Actually in hindsight, World of Warships should have been about the pre dreadnought and ww1 battleship era. Then they wouldn't have to worry about aircraft carriers.

>> No.22007458

Part of the joke in a design is that you can also come up with your own conclusions about it because it sparks your imagination and then your mind fills in the gaps since it was intrigued about it. You will have a bit of objective details and subjective details in a good design.

>> No.22007469

That wouldn't be a "personality" trait, it would be creative design.

>> No.22007471

Yeah well slavs don't really think about their audience/game design which revolve mainly around surface warfare types and chinks just copy. But yeah for guys who don't care about carriers ww1 and pre dreadnought era are the best times to be a surface dude.

>> No.22007474

But pre-dreadnoughts suck ass and Japan's navy wasn't too hot until the '30s so you'd have to rely on the chinks coming up with remotely creative and original ideas.
And WG is run by idiots so any way to make pre-dreads not awful would be ignored to encourage the playerbase to spend money to skip them.

>> No.22007484

Japan and the USN both had interesting ideas for battleships that were paper designs during that period. Nothing stops the Chinks and Gopniks from using that shit anyway.

>> No.22007492

In this case is both. Her hiding inside of that sphere isn't just creative, the way her arms and hands are posed look pretty much like she's trying to scare you which gives it personality.

>> No.22007517

Guess i just don't consider "pretending to be a ghost" to be much personality in the face of the entire Abyssal navy looking like ghostly abominations and such. Which lead to the perception of tryharding thus being dumb.

>> No.22007527

Yeah but those designs are almost entirely post-WW1. Which is where the ideal game about naval-warfare should be.
Imagine a game set in the '20s or '30s during the anglo-american war that never was. No WNT forcing countries to build carrier or cucked battleships, just big ships with big guns

>> No.22007530

Isn't a ship-of-the-line considered the battlship of it's time?

>> No.22007533

Damn, missed the E3 LD and its rewards.

>> No.22007534

Her trying to look like a ghost when other abyssal monster don't need to pretend is part of the joke, she is a little pale girl making crazy faces underneath that which is the punchline.
>Which lead to the perception of tryharding thus being dumb.
That's the likeable part of it. If you don't like it is cool, personally I think it's pretty good.

>> No.22007551

Yeah I guess

>> No.22007553

You can tell she is evil and crazy because she's an abyssal and she really doesn't sound special compared to all the other ones that yell, scream and do crazy laughs.

>> No.22007560

The USN once had plans for a torpedo battleship during the pre-dread era.

>> No.22007561

>You can tell she is evil and crazy because she's an abyssal
You can tell that without even knowing what an abyssal is or without knowing anything about this game.
>and she really doesn't sound special compared to all the other ones that yell, scream and do crazy laughs.
We're talking about the design, not voiced lines.

>> No.22007579

Fw190 D-9
Fw190 A-5改

>> No.22007583

Others not needing to pretend but she has to is a farce considering her dress form is more than imposing with how it has some ghost bride shit going for it. On top of going in direct contrast with most other DD himes and base enemies that just look like "random clothing" people.

>> No.22007588

>shit on chinks
>chink won RTA
lmao meanwhile /jp/ virgins still complaining about what use in E-1.

>> No.22007589
File: 213 KB, 1233x807, IMG_20190905_050223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E3 Hard done

Fucking easy event

>> No.22007591

What were the Hard mode rewards.

>> No.22007595



>> No.22007596

>considering her dress form is more than imposing with how it has some ghost bride shit going for it
It doesn't look to imposing to me. Her attacking you hiding inside that first is a good part whether or not the actual girl underneath looks dangerous.
>On top of going in direct contrast with most other DD himes and base enemies that just look like "random clothing" people.
DD bosses tend to have the ravaged uniform of their shipgirl counterpart with some abyssal armor on top, it's not just random clothing.

>> No.22007597

Thanks, just found the guy's tweet too.

>> No.22007608
File: 1.32 MB, 245x184, sloth mode on.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final nail in the coffin, skipping this event.

>> No.22007623

So two landbase planes and another made up carrier conversion?

>> No.22007643

>No WNT forcing countries to build carrier or cucked battleships, just big ships with big guns

So basically any RtW1 late game war, expect with less chance that AI/player starts spamming submarines at rate that would make Kriegsmarine jealous.

>> No.22007680

More like RtW2 but with delayed aircraft technologies since carriers were still a thing, just nobody paid any attention to them until they were forced to.

>> No.22007858

Can you get Fletcher this event?

>> No.22007870

No, maybe next year.

>> No.22007875

Why does Janus have a higher torp stat than Jervis?

>> No.22007886

Anus launched bio-weapon torpedoes instead of regular ones.

>> No.22007895

She launches them from her anus.

>> No.22007896

They both have 90 though. Janus has +1 firepower but shit luck so it doesn't matter.

>> No.22007904

I want to fuck ...
1. Jervis
2. Janus
3. Warspite

>> No.22007917


>> No.22007927

1. 3 times

>> No.22007934

4. None of the above

>> No.22007936


>> No.22007941

Why niggers loves blonde girls?

>> No.22007943

So you want to rape Kongo. I can understand.

>> No.22007945

Why yes, how did you know?

>> No.22007949

You cannot rape the willing

>> No.22007950

Just the first two.
Race mixing is the best.

>> No.22007951

For some reason I thought she had a torp stat of 85 or something. My bad.

>> No.22007954


>> No.22007955

My sides.

>> No.22007995

4. All of previously mentioned at the same time.

>> No.22008081

Where can I use the new repair mechanic?

>> No.22008195
File: 151 KB, 390x660, EDoKFtvUUAA5XCE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It this one of those it's not what you think moments?

>> No.22008211
File: 33 KB, 1354x684, 75112833_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>threesome sisters
Imagine being crushed between the two of them.

>> No.22008246

Imagine threesome with Jervis and Janus with their tight _unny

>> No.22008251

LIGHT cruisers.

>> No.22008274

Tight funny?

>> No.22008283

I don't know if I really want to be there when I feed them to someone who still has mod points to spend.

>> No.22008286

I want to lay one on top of the other and clitfuck them both at the same time.

>> No.22008300

Rate this event out of 10

>> No.22008307

Ten cutes out of funny

>> No.22008309


>> No.22008311


>> No.22008316

2/10, fucking garbage

>> No.22008324

+Nice pastatits
-The rest

>> No.22008328


>> No.22008330

I was going to say this.

>> No.22008334
File: 70 KB, 275x224, 1445775209600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a terrible event.

>> No.22008336

6, not good not shit.

>> No.22008341

Small scale event/10.

>> No.22008346

New mechanics are shit, the trend of installations+PTs is shit, new ships look underwhelming compared to Iyo/Hitomi event while being loaded with more annoying shit.
But it's small, equip rewards are nice and there is nothing i'd need to farm from this so 5/10.

>> No.22008347

So that luck roll was from Jervis. A story fits for doujin.

>> No.22008350

Sloth admiral.gif/10

>> No.22008380

can't even began with this/10

>> No.22008385
File: 258 KB, 1280x1920, EDm5nFxUcAY7lDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22008386

Ugly gook.

>> No.22008393

Thank god, I don't need Maestrale.

>> No.22008401

Expected nothing and still disappointed/10.

>> No.22008406

Where's the new BGM for E-3?

>> No.22008407
File: 907 KB, 1146x1570, __colorado_kantai_collection_drawn_by_dong_zhi_qiong__41d3c9ece872d2bdb2d5235410c8661e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is she the only good girl released this year?

>> No.22008416

Fuck off

>> No.22008417

The power of Big7. But the year is not over yet.

>> No.22008419

Late start.

>> No.22008426

Give me the nico link or fuck off.

>> No.22008428

Because we skipped an event?

>> No.22008444

I doubt there will be any other good ships this year

>> No.22008458
File: 593 KB, 1200x720, 1567635211413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing useful?

>> No.22008461

Because she's not?

>> No.22008463

It turns out, when you go into an event chanting to yourself "it's shit, it'll be shit", you end up not liking what the event had to offer.

>> No.22008474

Okay then, who are some good ships released this year then?

>> No.22008486

What is the different since it is his own channel on twitch too, just curious?
I found the his nico link, just search the name yourself

>> No.22008491

But it has nothing to offer as is. More stacks of annoying gimmicks? A chink tier chink artist? Returning the fun of cancer comp bosses?
Equips are the only good thing this event, and you get punish with their new mechanic straight out the second map because fuck you.

>> No.22008507

>tfw she still has less than 400 results on Danbooru
Why does she have so little?

>> No.22008515

Hama is a better shortstack.

>> No.22008518

she is good for IMAGINING but she is a one-trick pony.

>> No.22008531
File: 1.01 MB, 1770x2500, 17776717-4703-4C7A-AEDC-65DFFD85A1B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn straight

>> No.22008550
File: 305 KB, 666x934, fb8088c5e1a73d6e425753d71acd9035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.22008552

Self-replying show again

>> No.22008595

Ugly 2hu reject.

>> No.22008606

>no silly hat
Nice try

>> No.22008634

The Italians are good, the new onahole is garbage, and Colorado is just average

>> No.22008641

That means she will die soon.

>> No.22008647
File: 811 KB, 843x1200, __abyssal_sun_hime_and_enemy_aircraft_kantai_collection_drawn_by_weasel_close_to_the_edge__390d3cae8110ce23daa961607a1ceeae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a silly haircut instead.

>> No.22008652

But Reimu doesn't have a hat.

>> No.22008685
File: 811 KB, 1062x1500, __hachijou_and_ishigaki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yuuki_kazuhito__e48e46cad4b080a847ca4a8f5b839d81[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgetting about our daughters

>> No.22008695

I want to get them tween pregnant.

>> No.22008697
File: 513 KB, 1000x450, 1567595169352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're cute and still my favorite escorts.

>> No.22008700

Hachijous thighs.

>> No.22008702

Is this the worst year for KC since launch?

>> No.22008713

2016 was objectively the worst year.

>> No.22008735
File: 291 KB, 1200x1674, 1558819482441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another killing roll from Jarvis.
Pic unrelated.

>> No.22008736
File: 455 KB, 827x1169, a8b838789066f1a431b6551c353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about them?

>> No.22008745

Cute Osakan girl.

>> No.22008747

These 2 remind me of Maya and Choukai

>> No.22008800

The only ships released in the past two years that have over 1K images are Gangut and Gambier Bay, which is barely anything compared to ships from previous years.

>> No.22008814

nice digits

>> No.22008839

is it safe to start yet?

>> No.22008843


>> No.22008868

how does e-2 this time compare with e-3 last time? I had a real bad time with bad hoppo.

>> No.22008916

I want to commit a crime of passion.

>> No.22008944


>> No.22008947

This time it fall to TCI so for me e2 is harder.

>> No.22008951

Garibaldi: 2019, I am forgotten.

>> No.22008953

They have more of a Takao and Atago dynamic.

>> No.22008963

What did you name for your land bases?

>> No.22008964

Sex with DDs.

>> No.22008971

Wait, can you name your land bases?

>> No.22008983

Oh no, Garibaldi's biggest fear of never being able to outlive her sister's shadow is displaying itself right before her very eyes!

>> No.22008984

Default name, I'm not very creative.

>> No.22008986

It's more like what a Maya and Atago/Takao dynamic would be.

>> No.22008990

Always choosing the long hair floozy one over the hardworking and earnest short hair one as usual huh.
