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21962296 No.21962296 [Reply] [Original]

Check out this kino fight MMD.

>> No.21962301

Sorry I only watch my MMD on ecchi.iwara.tv

>> No.21962336

You got anything good from there?

>> No.21962504

i have a lot of respect for people who can actually sit down and make these 20+ minute MMD videos. i once made a 5 minute MMD animation and it still took like a month on-and-off of work

>> No.21962590
File: 246 KB, 1500x1500, __tatara_kogasa_touhou_drawn_by_azu_hyottoko__02d1e83e80431e6b669f6b0f327c6031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised

>> No.21962691
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8/10 for efforts but there are many people who can do better nowadays.
MMD content seems to have flourishing as of late, or maybe I'm just new to Twitter.

>> No.21962940

Pretty good! I really like the tension and how it makes you root for little kogasa!

>> No.21962959

all these new MMD creators on twitter and we're STILL waiting for the next part of Burning Meiling

>> No.21963055

we have a Chad over here

>> No.21963457

The video is open for user translation for those who are motivated: https://www.youtube.com/timedtext_editor?action_mde_edit_form=1&v=n8WWaPDyJhc&bl=watch&ui=hd&ref=wt&tab=captions&ar=1566997043065&o=U&lang=en
Also part1: https://www.youtube.com/timedtext_editor?action_mde_edit_form=1&v=Q15LDo-O-Mw&bl=watch&ui=hd&ref=wt&tab=captions&o=U&ar=1566998013029&lang=en

I'm also in admiration of these MMDs that authors actually take the time to make (sometimes for years) and actually put some real creative input in them, rather than bandwagonning or mere showing-off. Sadly, this is getting slowly lost in favour or more lazy efforts.

MMDers on Twitter indeed all show great potential but rarely go beyond the little few-second effect test or fighting/spellcard or short gag scene. Making full-fledged videos is progressively getting lost, unless it's a low-effort (mostly yukkuri-voiced) picture card show or cheap attempt at a "heartful" video using the same characters, settings and producing habits again and again (don't get me wrong, some are nice but those videos are hardly my style). I'm under the impression there are less and less truly dedicated MMDers. There was some hope when Kemono Friends was at its highest peak of popularity but everything went dumbed down again after the Vtuber/Idol Club craze.

Asatoshi is a bit tired doing Burning Meiling, even though he doesn't seem to plan scrapping it. This also reflects another sad trend. Older MMDers who produced insanely great content in the past are probably tired by now or grown up by now (which is normal) with almost noone to replace them.

>> No.21964005

What program does one use for the yukkuri voice, Steve?

>> No.21966391

The only thing separating those who are good and those who aren't is the effort they are willing to put forwards in becoming known to the public

>> No.21966496

I wish I could do MMD but I would just make shitty immature ones

>> No.21966590
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MMD is insanely easy to use. it has just about 0 learning curve, the only annoying thing is finding the models and effects because the culture around that sort of content is one of the worst i've ever seen anywhere, ever, but once you have the tools it's about as difficult as mspaint to actually produce content. The only caveat I will add is that even though it's so brainless absolutely anyone can use it, animating still takes a lot of time and effort.

>> No.21966645

this desu
im a talentless hack who cant do anything well but I still somehow managed to self-teach myself how to use MMD. All you need is a lot of time and patience.

>> No.21966685

Mugen is pretty sorted out right now.
It’s only a problem regarding old characters. There are several occasions where I look for a character and only find through almost a week of searching that it disappeared with the author. It sucks ass man.
As far as looking for assets, what is it like? What domains would you recommend for being little hubs of assets? Not like stock footage but a little collection of all kinds of stuff or is it a ‘build your own database of MMD shit’

>> No.21968355

Post your MMD anon

>> No.21968522

It's called Softalk and may need AppLocale to run properly. The japs also used something called Yukkuri Movie Maker apparently.

I think that's one of the main reasons why legit, mature and competent newcomers aren't really attracted to it (plus the fact that streaming platforms are riddled by cheap and low-effort productions that sometimes get more views and exposure than efforts like OP posted here). One has to have a big handful of free time just to be able to have the right to use most assets and resources available (the level of gate-keeping by using hard-to-guess passwords and even riddles is beyond ridiculous). Also, the overall mentality seems that you have to figure out almost everything on your own (which means another handful of free time) but there seems to be some help resources and pages available on the web. Thankfully, some model and stage designers are kind enough not to put password or are rather easy to guess (Arlvit is one of them).

>> No.21970011


>> No.21970035

Why does 20 minute action video with meh even by MMD standards animation deserves it's own thread?

>> No.21971337

Probably because it is well written, the story interesting and engaging and because chemistry takes place anyway? In the other hand, how many astounding looking MMDs are in fact crap in the inside because their author have no taste or no real creative purpose behind their works other than wanting to be cool? Clothes don't make the man. Some people manage to be creative, even with mere picture-card shows.

Even efforts like this are getting rarer due to people not being as devoted as they were a few years earlier. Also, read >>21968522
That's why I think it's important to give them credit, as they at least try to stand out from the crowd.

In the same vein, I wish this had more views on Youtube, as it's so different than your usual soup:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMgjocYgA_ND54QwN1awjb1lOpds6oSAK (watch the phenomenal progression curve between earlier and later episodes)

>> No.21972338

Oh nice. Mushishi except it's wriggle. Thanks for this. I just hope my Japanese is enough to understand the Yukkuri.

>> No.21976631

>I just hope my Japanese is enough to understand the Yukkuri.
Sounds pitiful dude, but it’s justified

>> No.21983380

This is what Google Translate came up with:

What is supposed to be far away
Bizarre and strange
Those who seem to be different from familiar animals and plants
A group of these variants
People have long been drowning
I called it 蟲

Where it can't translate 蟲 (mushi) as it thinks it's Chinese (where it translates as... insect?). This was taken from the 7th story intro but I think it's the same for all previous ones. This narrated intro is also the only yukkuri-voiced segment of this series (a bonus point for those not particularly enjoying it are tired of hearing it almost everywhere).

However, there is huge work to do and I doubt one motivated person would undertake to translating such a long series (even shorter efforts doesn't seem to interest any translation-capable Touhou fan, let alone bigger ones).

>> No.21987371

