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218126 No.218126 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished UBW with true end, but I have no idea how to get the good end, what do I need to do?

>> No.218136


jump into the void with gilgamesh, you will learn everything you need to know.

>> No.218134
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Stop giving Saber so much attention

>> No.218262

Straight from the last tiger dojo.

bring back on the 3rd night.
go see how shes doing on the 5th morning.
make her happy on the 8th day after school.
talk in the dojo on the 10th night
dojo on the 15th night

Basically, just pay more attention to Saber.

>> No.218278

ah yeah, i was just replaying from the 2nd last choice, hence why i never got the good end

got to say UBW is pretty meh...

>> No.218280

Opposite of what >>218134 said.

But should still pay attention to Tohsaka as much as you can before the twelth day, or you'll get a dead end.

>> No.218281


>> No.218336

That one confused me a bit.
It kept saying "she" so I assumed it meant Rin, but then I went back to do those things and realized that every single one of those things were about saber.

>> No.218373

Just choose to see Saber instead of Tohsaka on the night before the final battle.

>> No.218391

doesn't work on the last day, you need to change your choices throughout the game

>> No.218407

It WAS a little meh at points, especially since all that Archer-related philosophical rambling was already spoiled to hell and back, but things like Lancer's utter awesomeness and Rin's mere existence more than make up for it. Enjoyable read all in all, can't wait for HF.

>> No.218446

>Lancer's utter awesomeness

I knew Lancer was awesome, but damn.

>> No.218481


>> No.218488

So damn true, Lancer was kind of close to Archer in terms of awesomeness, but he didn't start as an "I WANT TO BE A SUPERHEROOOOOO" idiot.
Fuck yeah Lancer.

>> No.218521

To be fair, in UBW Shirou is already loads better (in particular, less naive) than in Fate.

But yeah, Lancer. What the fuck, he did steal every single scene he was in, and even got some extremely interesting character interplay with Rin. That kinda came out of nowhere and was, at least for me, the real high point of UBW.

And also wtf was with the good end, that shit made about as much sense as Ciel Good.

>> No.218528


>> No.218530


the good and true ends seemed kinda interchangable to me.

>> No.218538

Honestly i liked this route much more than the Fate one.There were more twists and action though i felt Shirou vs Archer dragged on too much.
Also,the hscenes were epic lulz because of Shiro suddenly going in RAPE MODE

>> No.218541

Except that, you know... Saber should not be alive no matter what. Both by the laws of magic and by her own wish. UBW Good pretty much invalidates everything Fate's ending is about.

>> No.218554


what I meant was that neither seemed much better then the other. yeah sabers there, thats great, but it just didn't seem that different.

>> No.218577

The thing is, neither Saber nor Rin are Shirou's true love.

Heaven's Feel, motherfuckers.

>> No.218568

More mana recharges for Shirou to perform, at the very least.

>> No.218592

I can't wait for HF to be translated. Sakura is mai waifu.

>> No.218598

Each route is about a different true love among other things, you know?

Though it is a bit sad when you ignore Sakura in each route.

Before I learned about HF, I thought she was this game's Yumizuka.

>> No.218607

F/sn is better constructed than Tsukihime. The front routes take care to remove Sakura to give her own route more impact. This is also the reason Gil is the main villain in both Fate and UBW, and is taken out without much effort in the first third of HF. You just know shit just got serious.

>> No.218617
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no, she's mine

>> No.218619

Also, it's readily apparent Shirou would fall for Sakura if circumstances would not push him towards the other girls in their respective routes. The relationships in F/sn are far less arbitrary than in most other H games.

>> No.218622
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Shirou only has eyes for one.

>> No.218615

I don't like Sakura at all.But i cannot wait for HF too because of the awesomeness of dark SEIBAAA and epic GAR tracing

>> No.218625

Well, it's obvious HF is where shit hits the fan.
They do destroy the current Holy Grail each time and live Happily in Fate and UBW, but the embodiment of everything unholy and evil that forms it is still there and there will be another Holy Grail War.
It's time to hit the source now.

>> No.218826

i personally just want to see what happens when shirou ends up killing dark saber
should be interesting

>> No.218850

even though I already know its comming I am going to cry like a little bitch when it happens SABER! ;_;

>> No.218854


Shall I spoil it for you?

>> No.218869

its not that strange she couldn't stay in fate for two reasons she didn't want to and she had shirou as her master. shirou doesn't have enough mana to support saber nor did he have a direct connection with him. Rin has alot more mana and if shirou helps her out with some MANA TRANSFERS she can stay fairly easily.

>> No.218879

whats to spoil shirou stabs dark saber in the chest she dies everyone already knows that.

>> No.219190

hm how do i get tiger stamp 13? it's not on the guide...

>> No.219197

Probably in Fate route then.

>> No.219207

im using this guide
and as you can see 13 doesn't show up anyway
i've tried every option between 12 and 14 but i'm guessing i need to change the entire route to get 13?

>> No.219209
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Epic fight is epic

>> No.219213

For 13, you have to neglect Saber and do stupid choices, like meeting Ilya and hiding in the bed.
Automatic bad end at day 15.

>> No.219227

ah crap just noticed there's another box for bad ending on the site...

>> No.219247

Day 7: I want a secret attack. A super move would be great.
Day 8: Go and visit the park.
Day 10: Follow Shinji.
Day 11: ...How about that bed?
Day 11: I'm worried about Tohsaka.

>> No.219435

urgh finally, thanks for those instructions, the one on the site didn't work

>> No.219442

DBZ fight is DBZ

>> No.219457

fuck yes, i was trying to figure out how to get that stamp and couldn't find a goddamn flowchart.
