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21819845 No.21819845 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to /tmg/ - Type-Moon General.

Everything related to the games, books, anime, manga, and other works by Kinoko Nasu / TYPE-MOON goes here.

Download Links:
>A collection of all official Japanese versions of TYPE-MOON PC Games

>Kara no Kyoukai
novels: https://emptyboundaries.wordpress.com/2011/07/25/kara-no-kyokai-translations-2/
movies: https://nyaa.si/view/1152431

Tsukihime - Blue Blue Glass Moon, Under The Crimson Air.
Tsukihime PLUS+DISC - Alliance of Illusionary Eyes
Tsukihime Kagetsu Tohya - Twilight Grass Moon, Fairy Tale Princess.
Tsukihime Manga

>Melty Blood
Melty Blood PC games (Original + ReACT + Act Cadenza + Actress Again Current Code)
MBAACC - Community Edition
Melty Blood Manga (divided into two parts: the first part, spanning volumes 1-6, follows the original Melty Blood storyline. "2nd ACT" spans volumes 7-9. Melty Blood X is based on the Melty Blood Drama CD -Rojiura Pyramid Night-)
Melty Blood Manga - Back Alley Alliance Nightmare

Fate/stay night [Réalta Nua]
Fate/hollow ataraxia
Fate/Zero novels
Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files novels
Fate/Strange Fake Light Novel

>Mahoutsukai no Yoru (魔法使いの夜)
English Translation Patch (Chapter 1–7): https://mega.nz/#F!loBEBJDB!LMlgzDXX_ZnnRtnKFbXhQQ
French Translation Patch: https://github.com/IDerr/mahoyo-french

>Angel Voice (anthology containing two separate angel themed stories: Notes by Nasu and Clockwick Canaan-Veil by Takeuchi.)
>Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver
>Fire Girl
>Today's Menu for the Emiya Family
vol. 1: https://mega.nz/#!qlczzYiI!bnZsuBiMRVCKmugwizlIGc-0Bm1rXUXk_locMF7ogIU
vol. 2: https://mega.nz/#!T0UD0SBQ!yL4vw1j91cXFyFfVsUbyeRuJb4vTCesOhQqo9mmFtlA
>Tsuki no Sango - Coral of the Moon

Helpful TYPE-MOON-related links:
>Beast's Lair forum
>Encyclopedia of Type Moon
>Fate/Complete Material II: Character Material
>Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Deluxe Booklet
part 1: https://anidb.net/forum/thread/56958
part 2: https://imgur.com/a/zzgtH
>Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel] Animation Material (Deluxe booklet featuring staff interviews)
>Fate Franchise Loseless Soundtracks
>Fuyuki Rebuild
>TMdict, a light-weight, multi-lingual TYPE-MOON glossary
>Tsuki-kan, a small fansite containing bits and pieces of information on all things TYPE-MOON
>Tsukihime doujins from 2008
>Tsukihime Music Collection
>Type-Moon Mega folders

Previous: >>21791819

>> No.21820248

Does anyone have a link to the babylonia stage play bd rip?

>> No.21820424

Decent job updating the OP but Emiya Gohan isn't a novel, it's a manga.

>> No.21820442

Forgive me, /tmg/ for I have sinned. I am actually excited about the Babylon anime.

>> No.21820851
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Never I would have thought that acting like a secondary by going through summaries and playthroughs would be a better experience than reading the source material in a Type-Moon work. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.21821322

There's Fate that fits more or less in the usual Nasuverse, then Fate/EXTRA that breaks all the rules, and now FGO that breaks all the rules again.

We have three sets of rules that occasionally intersects, each in their own sets of parallel dimensions, except when they aren't in a parallel dimension. By this point, absolutely nothing makes sense, unless you're willing to invest an inordinate amount of time jumping between metaphysical systems intersections to understand what exactly is a reverse side of the world human liner from the common sense of man/neutered beast of Aleya Moon Cell SE.R.A.PH simulation created to fight against Velber 02 in a singularity coming from the Human Order Incineration Protocol.

There are cute girls with huge breasts and huge beamspam. Don't think too much about it.

>> No.21821942

That really is way dumber than it should be. Awful representation of Paris, especially when Hector is pretty good.

>> No.21822004

I literally can't believe that something as stupid as "An organization that has all sorts of Servants in any numbers, including gods, XX century heroes and everyone the fuck you want from other TM works uses time machine to travel back in time and fix mistakes in history of humanity" would someday replace all good stuff that exists in Nasuverse and become a Typemoon flagship. I just can't.

>> No.21822266

while that is retarded, what really fucked the universe over entirely is the pruning garbage. what a retarded concept honestly.

Either have endless parallel worlds, or have like 10. Don't go "actually there's a fuckton of paralell universes but they all follow a similar enough history and ultimately reach the same ending point. Any timeline that steps out of line gets deleted to make room for more samefag timelines, but they aren't ACTUALLY deleted, and can be brougt back into existence by using "alien"-powered HDD recovery software!"

just makes me not give a fuck about anything.

>> No.21822290

and don't make lovecraft canon to your universe beyond mere references, only to only use it for fucking comedy characters. Literally why.

>> No.21822340

>Zelretch is now useless because Nasu fucks around with universes too much in his quest for more money

>> No.21822416

Zelretch is one step away from being, officially, just a really old NEET who chills in a timeline where he has a harem of underage maids or something.

He never fucking does anything when shit goes down and nasu doesn't even bother explaining it away.

>> No.21822504

Chaldea should have been led by Zelretch instead of Marisbury. That would have cut down immensely on all the technobabble. Zelritch's reason for fucking with the lostbelts and pruning system also would have made perfect sense, Shouldn't he have the strongest opinion about the whole "yeah the multiverse is actually pretty cucked" thing out of any character in the nasuverse? It could also help explain away why the fuck Guda can just stumble into parallel universes while he sleeps.

The lostbelt arc is 50% done and I still have no fucking idea what Marisbury's actual motiviations are, but seeing as how he's seemingly LARPing as a fucking alien I fully except them to be retarded.

>> No.21822552
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>she thinks FGO is canon

>> No.21822607

I sincerely hope the ending of FGO is their timeline getting prunned so all the Chaldea shit is actually non-canon on any real timeline. Even then they'll find ways to shove the shitty characters into new stuff though.

>> No.21822757

Does anyone have a link to unpatched Tsukihime files? My computer refuses to mount the bin files I found.

>> No.21822775

Yeah the bin files are pretty gay. Here's my Tsukihime folder. It's not patched or anything; just delete the save data.

>> No.21822829

Thanks, anon.

>> No.21822953

Even if it ends up being non-canon, how non-canon are we talking about? because some of shit FGO brought into the universe will still be there even if you erase the entire timeline.

For starters, let's talk about all the "big" players like Goetia or Tiamat getting owned by chaldea. Will you ever be able to take them seriously again? what about Emiya alter's breaking point being that Kiara killed herself after he went through the trouble of killing her "inncoent" cult members? that doesn't even happen in the FGO timeline.

what about the clocktower being full of losers that either run away or got fucking murdered everytime shit gets real?

>> No.21823467

I'm able to take Goetia and Tiamat seriously just fine.
Goetia was a case of God's keikaku working out perfectly (as expected), he was completely undefeatable otherwise.
Tiamat took the efforts a Grand, Gilgamesh, (essentially) Enkidu, the strongest Aztec god, the strongest Sumerian god, the second strongest caster, a god of the Underworld, being actually dropped into the Underworld and it was still a skin of their teeth victory.
Kiara is still creepy and menacing despite her being beaten (again) in the CCC event although the real CCC game is far, far superior.
>Emiya Alter
Yeah he's just dumb garbage

>> No.21823557

How can you take Goetia seriously when his plan was so dumb. He gets sick of watching all the suffering and his plan is to make a planet where everyone is immortal that just means people will experience even more pain and suffering how is immortality supposed to stop pain suffering

>> No.21823886

will nasu every explain how seemingly over 95% of the global magi population got stabbed to death by a fucking tree when people in underground facilites ended up perfectly fine?

>> No.21824096

meh op

>> No.21824103

FGO should've been non-canon, but alas.
Thankfully it is self contained.

>> No.21824145

I'm honestly convinced that the average /tmg/ poster could write a better story than Nasu at this point.

>> No.21824380

Fun fact - 90% of modern TM fanbase doesn't even know shit outside of FGO

>> No.21824420

Is this falseflagging or are you actually that dumb?

>> No.21824465

what's he written in the past few years that's been worth anything?

>> No.21824517

What does that have to do with anything? If you actually think that someone with no experience can make something better than any popular low-tier writer, then you are actually delusional. It definitely can happen in rare occasions but not in any average case.

>> No.21824624

is Aoko's vn any good?

>> No.21824641

Yes, it is Nasu's most competent writing undeniably.
Has some really neat things too.

>> No.21824783

You’ve never seen people try to “fix” FGO.

>> No.21824786
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>> No.21824815

I tried, people did not like it. FGO is shit but it's still better shit than what some random fucks can write with no experience in the field.

>> No.21824915

You can "fix" FGO, i.e. remove a majority of its issues, simply by moving away from the garbage medium.

>> No.21824942


>> No.21824975


>> No.21824980

Well at one point every author was random fuck, failure is a part of learning fate stay/night prototype was quite bad too.... What was your story like? Was it fate fanfic or original story and how bad did you fuck it up?

>> No.21825592

Lol that was a funny thread
2chan isn't so different from this place it seems

>> No.21825767

The only people I've seen trying to "fix" FGO were tumblrdykes trying to rewrite Agartha because of how it's just Minase's fetish fantasy than a serious story handling mature themes.

>> No.21825976

Does anyone have a link to pre-patched Mahoyo?

>> No.21826025

Why would you want it pre patched? Anyway https://nyaa.si/view/315840

>> No.21826603

In a way, it's the best closure we're going to get. considering the last line of the main story is aoko going "For surely this book will never have it's pages opened again." which is probably the most 100% unitentionally meta thing I've ever seen.

>> No.21827361


big cringe thread

>> No.21827522

skimmed 3 pages and it's only people complaing and explaining why thre isn't nay tl, don't see how that's cringe

>> No.21829193
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>> No.21829690

> *There will always be appreciative people, but a lot will just gloss over really good TLs and consume whatever they get without real distinction. The way McJon's TL reads is excellent, but more people care about l o r e than readable prose. It's like a fansub group having the ungodly task of making Crunchyroll's JoJo subtitles into something workable but then someone telling them "just fix the names who cares about the rest".
The naivety of the OP is rather cute.

>> No.21830001

I can tell that this OP can't read Japanese at all and is just making shit up.

>> No.21831179

>Chaldea should have been led by Zelretch instead of Marisbury
Chaldea might have been created by Marisbury but it's led by Roman's ideals which is more fitting than anything because Solomon is The Observer.

>> No.21831193

Tiamat and Goetia's defeats were fine. Same with Fou. It's stuff with Kiara and Kama that turn humourous or fanservice.

>> No.21831202

The world Goetia envisioned was one everybody was smiling. Mashu even saw it. We don't know exactly HOW he'll create it, but being deathless was part of it. Qin's LB people also lived in eternal bliss (and ignorance) so it's not far fetched.

>> No.21831226

>Qin's LB people also lived in eternal bliss (and ignorance) so it's not far fetched.
Yeah. Mashu outright made a comparion in LB3
>Senpai……I, was once shown a world quite similar to this one before.
>A world of possibility, shaped as one ideal form.

>Yes. The King of Magic, no, Goetia’s idealized “Human History without Hardship”……
>That time I was able to deny it. I felt that a world without any difficulty or pain was wrong.
>But here, these lives of these villagers……it’s exceedingly close to that world, it feels so fresh, and you can smell the earth.
>These people here are not an illusion, they are really alive.

>> No.21831322

>people who aren't dead are alive
I see Nasu really picked up his writing.

>> No.21831471
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Does anyone else notice there is a plothole in the original series?

In the UBW route, Archer uses caladbolg against Berserker in the cemetery fight, revealing that he does remember his NP (or so everyone else thinks, because it has the power of a NP).

Yet, Rin never questions Archer about it and seems to think that Archer still hasn't regained his memories all the way till the big reveal. This is never addressed AFAIK.

>> No.21831487

She could've just asked him later, when Shirou and Saber weren't around.

>> No.21831698
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Are you ready for your Souls-like Fate game?

>On dream collaborations: “I’d definitely like to do one with Dark Souls, Bloodborne, or Sekiro. Actually, how about dreaming of a collaboration with FromSoftware as a whole? For shame, Kinoko!”

A discussion between Nasu Kinoko and Takeuchi Takashi on Fate/hollow ataraxia and the Fate franchise that in Fate/complete material V Hollow material, which was released in February 2012.

>What is 『Fate』 to TYPE-MOON?

Nasu: 5 years ago we said that "this will not go beyond one product," but even saying TYPE-MOON now is just another word for 『Gundam』. It just keeps changing forms and moving forward. That’s not to say we’re just artificially extending it, of course. 『Fate/EXTRA』 was a good test for us. It was fun to write, and fun to make. If the players also enjoys it then it’s a Win-Win, is it not?

Takeuchi: As a product I do feel like it has grown much more than I expected. Whenever we said that 『Fate』 was over and done with, it would refuse to die. I suppose it’s only natural to love and revere something that you have spent so much time cultivating and being so fulfilled by, and to become so attached to it. I don’t mean to be obsessive, but I do want to treat this with utmost care, as we have done up until this point.

Nasu: This is for us what 『Final Fantasy』 is for Square Enix. On a way smaller scale, of course!

Takeuchi: I know you may sometimes think "Not another 『Fate』!" but even "another" 『Fate』 game wouldn’t be 『Fate』 at all.

Nasu: We plan to our utmost into every 『Fate』 so that the players who have stuck it out with us so far love it just the same. If we can just do that the fans will still be with us even as they say "Ah, its 『Fate』 again."

Takeuchi: 『Fate』 is really interesting isn’t it? We have the room to think about new possibilities. We will not make a direct sequel, but we’ll go for anything that seems interesting.

Nasu: The 『Fate』 I want to make now is that one, 『Fate Musou』. (laughs)

>> No.21831710

I want a Tsukihime game where you play an executor and hunt Dead Apostles with Souls gameplay...
I don't think modern Fateshit would fit that style of gameplay at all, and no way in hell FromSoft would accept to do a project with Fate, so if there is an FGO game like that it would be a shitty knockoff. We all know Nasu isn't capable of actually making a good game, especially when with Fate in the state that it's in.

>> No.21831745

>“That ’s why I want to collaborate with Dark Soul, Bloodbone, and SEKIRO. No, it ’s a shame to dream of collaborating with From!

>“Part 2 will be completed in a way that is comparable to Part 1.”
>“After completion, we have two patterns: the continuation of Part 2, and the second part, which completely ends the Chaldea story and begins a different story.”

>I strongly thought "I can't betray these people!" (In relation to FGO launch players)

>> No.21831756


>I check social media. sometimes I see opinions that really get to me, but I feel like not looking at social media would be bad considering it's all player feedback.

mushroom just admitted calling him a hackfraud actually impacts him emotionally.

>> No.21831777

Truth always hits close to home.

>> No.21831792
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He deserves it, fucking hack hanging us out to dry for years.

>> No.21831795
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Top 10 list of most wanted Servants from Famitsu
>#1. Arcueid
>#2. Shirou
>#3. Muramasa
>#4. Charlemagne
>#5. Shinji
>#6. Kayneth
>#7. Kotomine
>#8. Bazett
>#9. Archimedes
>#10. Nobukatsu

Btw Takeuchi is the reason why Minamoto-no-Yorimitsu is female in Fate. Also

>> No.21831831
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This makes me almost certain FGO is getting a Tsukihime collab next year. I just hope we get much more than that for the 20th anniversary...
Wada referencing the Remake directly recently feels like a big deal, she's gotta have some level of insider knowledge.
I really hope 2020 is the year when the dark age of Type-Moon finally ends.

>> No.21831849

lol tsukihime remake is never happening, which means the collab is never happening either. Valve makes references to HL3 all the time as well, do you think that means they're actually developing it? it's just inside jokes.

>> No.21831871

Valve really doesn't make jokes about HL3, they pretty much entirely shut up about it after a few years.
And even if you believe the Remake is never coming out, there's no way they wouldn't cash in on the characters in gacha cancer, the event at least is 100% happening.

>> No.21831883


>> No.21831895

Yikes that's fucked up.
I think the situations are quite different for various reasons though, not worth comparing directly

>> No.21831990

Wasn't that just Goeita assuming that world without death would be one were everybody would be smiling

>> No.21832080

But these people can't be Heroic Spirits?

>> No.21832099

I can't see it not happening. There's too much money to be made, that fan made Tsuki/FGO animation from April Fools had millions and millions of views. There's a very clear market that wants to see a Tsukihime crossover, even if most of them are probably secondaries that only want to see another blonde titty girl whored out.

TM has long since abandoned any semblance of artistic integrity and their greed knows no bounds. A Tsukihime crossover is going to happen no matter what, no matter how awful it will be.

>> No.21832129

It's honestly kind of depressing how some Tsukifags are so desperate for attention that they're willing to let it be dragged through the mud.

>> No.21832172

nasu will not allow a tsukihime crossover without the remake, because he already admitted thats the only reason he has to actually finish the remake.

doing it earlier would mean admitting defeat to himself. same reason there will never be a mahoyo anime adaption, because he wants all 3 games out before even considering it.

he talks an awful lot about wanting to do something and then never does it actually.

>> No.21832180

Nasu is a habitual liar, though.

>> No.21832184

How do you think fgo gained so much popularity?

>> No.21832188

sure, but he thinks to highly of himself to actually admit he's a hack. Just look at the mafia 4gamer interview where he actually says that he truly fucking believes he'll be able to change all the oldschool-tm fans opinions about FGO by the time it reaches it's ending.

>> No.21832195

see also: him pulling out a new fucking timeline for every single entry in a series because he can't be arsed to maintain consistent writing.

>> No.21832271

Perseus is already a blonde Shinjiface in Hollow Ataraxia so it would be easy to add him in the gacha.

>> No.21832277

your pet that died when you were in third grade can be a heroic spirit in fgo. they just pull an excuse out of nowhere.

>> No.21832328

I actually had a guinea pig named Bender. Loved him. Would love to see him again.

>> No.21832341

KnK Shiki is a heroic spirit, and so is the Void version. All is possible with FGO, they asspull anything.

>> No.21832353

Don't forget Fujino. their excuse for that one is literally just "counter-force willed it to be."

>> No.21832363

And the times when they tried to be sneaky by making Rin into Ereshkigal and Ishtar, and Taiga into Jaguar Man.

>> No.21832370

or the time they needed case files characters as servants so they just turned wavers NP into a mini-counterforce for no reason.

>> No.21832985

Absolutely retarded.
Worst thing is that it's very likely to happen.

>> No.21833165

Im just hoping it will be different character wise like Sion was. That way I would be able to more easily mentally seperate them.

>> No.21833216

So, reading that /a/ thread, Marysuelly is the new guy everyone wanks forever after Solomon. Great.

>> No.21833238

nasu started wanking the fuck out of marisburry the moment he realized he'd have to write a part 2.

which is also the reason extella was all about muh pruning.

>> No.21833355

Who the hell are they?

>> No.21833390

What class would he be
What would his noble phantasm be

>> No.21833400
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>“When I was feeling uneasy during the service launch of Fate/Grand Order, I strongly believed ‘We mustn’t betray these people’ about those who believed in us.”

Why didn't he feel this guilty about betraying Tsukihime and Mahoyo's fans, leading us around with empty promises and small teases for fucking years?
Is it that he'd already given up on those fans, so he was stressed out about losing Fate fans too? Is that why he's clinging so hard to this brand new GOfag audience he found, who still shower him with love and have no reason to suspect his promises?
Is he afraid of going back to his old stuff because those fans already know he can fail, and will continue to fail in the future, so he completely ignores us besides more shitty vague promises like "I promise you'll totally love FGO by the end of Lostbelt anon, just keep playing :)"

>> No.21833490

Nasu is a deluded retard and a hack. He believes his own bullshit, too. The worst kind of liar.

>> No.21833508

He didn't do fucking anything to fix FGO regardless, he's just spewing bullshit.

in the mafia interview he said he was ready to shut the game down in 3 months if it remained as garbage as it was. then all they did was fix bugs, the servers and other "gameplay" related things, and the game somehow started gaining players because anime tiddies.

Nasu didn't even bother writing a fucking singularity until camelot, which released a full fucking year after the game lauch. everyone was calling out how garbage the writing was prior to that, so if he really thinks he helped the game in any way by "overseeing" anything and "making corrections" he's fucking lying to himself.

>> No.21833557

It's an animal, so Berserker?
The One That Shall Come, L'Endive.
Crystlization of its patience towards the upcoming meal itis a constantly active Noble Phantasm that makes its user invulnerable.
Should he chose to, three times in a day Bender can lose that protection to laucnh a devastating endive from the sky.

>> No.21833565

Nasu is too passive to disagree with anyone, I guess.
At least that's what I gather from interview. O doubt he would be to put his foot down and say that someone's else writting isn't good enough.

That's old news. Takeuchi enforces Male:Female character ratios since FSN iirc. In FGO he probably tells people that they should cater to X or Y fetish.
Also, get ready for your 4 stars Arcueid, I guess.

>> No.21833576

>Why didn't he feel this guilty about betraying Tsukihime and Mahoyo's fans,
Probably got tired of Tsuki, seeing it as his "cring work from when I was younger" and would reluctantly go back to it. Additionaly, Remake would mean rewritting a lot and think of way to keep the game selfcentered but making sense with the new lore that retconned half the game's.
Mahoyo would need of him to actually sit at his chair and think hard. The writing needed to match the first one would take a lot of effort comparable to what usual authors do but now the he literally has inifinite money he doesn't want to go back to those days.
Basically he's a lazy fuck who can't be hassled to work.

>> No.21833680 [DELETED] 


>> No.21834034

>get ready for your 4 stars Arcueid, I guess.
Nasu said he wanted SSR Arcueid tho

>> No.21834035

Based nips keeping Nasu honest.

>> No.21834062

We'll get 5* Archetype Earth, 4* welfare Arcueid, and a 4* Ciel or something. Maybe even Roa or something

>> No.21834067

5* AE that loves (You) and is submissive for cock

>> No.21834298

Oh god no.

>> No.21834435
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>Nasu - In the second part, the world is bleached and there are no characters other than Sion but about Tsukihime characters in Fate world, even if they exist, i think more than half of them should be completely different characters. Arcueid is normal, but Akiha and Shiki will not come to the Chaldea. However, Ciel and Arcueid are easy to make in the story because they have the same fighting ability even if the setting is changed. Still, the connection between the world of “Fate” and “Tsukihime” is very small.

>> No.21834445
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>The world is currently bleached, so there aren't any characters other than sion.
>even if Tsukihime characters did exist in fate, most of them would likely be very different characters entirely.
>Arc is "shared", butt akiha and shiki will likely never come to chaldea.
>Even if Ciel and Arc's setting is changed, their fighting power will still be same. Which would make it easy for them to be a powerful fighting force in the story. In the end I still think that tsukihime and fate will very rarely intersect.

If arc isn't nerfed in FGO how the fuck did she get stabbed to death by a fucking tree nasu?

>> No.21834446

Wait... about the Arcuied and Ciel part, it should be
>Even if Ciel and Arc's setting is changed, their fighting power will still be same. Which would make it easy for them to be a powerful fighting force in the story.

>> No.21834451

We still don't know what the fuck the Fantasy Tree is, do we ? And in LB4
>Holmes observes that the quantity of energy within the Tree of Fantasy would be sufficient to render the incineration of the planet's surface in the manner of Goetia. However, it's for whatever reason applied to the reenactment of the Cosmos. He wonders if it's really an invasion weapon of some sort -- or if it serves an entirely different purpose.

>> No.21834452

Pretty, but her shirt looks really weird.

>> No.21834476

The tree literally couldn't even kill people who were a few meters underground

If nasu wanted to make the thing scary there shouldn't have been any human survivors at all

>> No.21834482

This literally confirms that if he ever adds Arc into FGO it'll be an Arc that has never met shiki and can lust over guda cock.

>> No.21834490

she's taking fashion tips from Dynasty era Joan Collins I think

>> No.21834536

Yeah but in the end there're only six survivors (not counting Chaldea, Sion and the Wandering Sea) and we don't know where David Bluebook was in during the tree apocalypse. Nips speculate that he's probably in Marisbilly's nuclear reactor in France due to the electricity stuff from his memo/diary. Also the name "Bluebook" is related to aliens so i'm not sure if he is really just a normal muggle.

>> No.21834580

Im trying to play MBAACC with a friend but cccaster recognizes his hitbox as a ds4 and doesn't read any inputs in launcher. In game only his directional buttons work. Google-fu didn't help me much. Anyone got a fix?

>> No.21834688

I play on keyboard so I don't have experience with this, but you have tried actually binding the buttons right? You can press f4 when the game is open to get a menu up for it, or you should be able to do it form the caster menu before loading the game. Other than that I can't help you though

>> No.21834915

all images: https://imgur.com/a/CoQMbBu

Surveyed Users: 9356

>What's your Age?
10s-> 2235
20s -> 4770
30s -> 1906
40s -> 412
50 -> 51
60s -> 2

>What's your Master Level?
Under 20 -> 18
21-40 -> 25
41-60 -> 36
61-80 -> 48
81-100 -> 72
101-120 -> 661
121-140 -> 4134
141-145 -> 2770
146-150 ->1511

>What's your Master's Gender?
Male -> 4164
Female -> 4597

>When did you start playing?
Since pre-registration -> 1623
Launch-Dec 2015 -> 923
2016 -> 1384
2017 -> 3230
2018 -> 1619
January 2019 to June 2019 -> 426
July 2019 -> 23

>Why did you start playing?
I liked Fate -> 3489
A friend recommended it -> 2294
It was popular -> 1272
I liked the Servants -> 1103
I liked the commercials -> 272
Other -> 859

>What was your first contact with Fate?
FGO -> 2349
F/Z Anime -> 1691
DEEN/Stay Night -> 1651
The VN -> 1108
UBW Anime -> 870
FSN Realta Nua -> 291
Fate/Extra -> 188
UBW Movie -> 179
F/Z Novel -> 117
Carnival Phantasm -> 107

>What's your favorite main story chapter?
Babylonia-> 2931
Camelot -> 1028
Solomon -> 995
Shimousa -> 827
Yuga Kshetra -> 648

>What's your favorite event?
CCC Collab -> 1517
Summer 2018 -> 1165
Gudaguda 3 -> 613
KnK Collab -> 302
Christmas 2017 ->280


>> No.21834918

>What's your favorite NP animation?
Karna -> 635
Abigail -> 552
Okita Alter -> 395
Hokusai -> 335
Maou Nobunaga -> 326

>What Servant do you want to see a new costume/variant of?
Okita -> 525
Cu -> 277
Ereshkigal -> 230
Gilgamesh -> 182
Musashi -> 179

>What characters from other T-M works do you want to see in FGO?
Arcueid -> 635
Emiya Shirou -> 303
Sengo Muramasa -> 280
Charlemagne -> 263
Matou Shinji -> 148
Kayneth El-Melloi -> 139
Kotomine Kirei -> 137
Bazett -> 134
Archimedes -> 122
Nobukatsu -> 119

>Top 10 Servants grailed to 100 (general)
Jeanne Alter -> 436
Gilgamesh -> 372
Edmond Dantes -> 254
Cu Alter -> 182
Ozymandias -> 180
Okita -> 154
Ereshkigal -> 153
Meltlilith -> 151
Okada Izou -> 143
Robin Hood -> 131

>Top 5 Servants grailed to 100 (by rarity)
5-Stars: Jeanne Alter, Gilgamesh, Dantes, Cu Alter, Ozymandias
4-Stars: Heracles, EMIYA, Caster Gil, Nero, Tamamocat
1-3 Stars: Izou, Robin, Arash, Salieri, Bediviere

>> No.21835017

>“Hurry up with a Tsukihime collaboration!” -Age 20s, Male
>“I’d like to see a Fate/Prototype: Sougin no Fragments collaboration” -20s/F
>"I’d like to see anime adaptations of part 2 chapters as well, and a console version of the game.” -30s/F
>“It’s sad that the game will be ending with part 2, but I’m looking forward to a story that will remain in my memory and heart.” -30s/F
>“I hope the data remains after the story ends.” -10s/M
>“I’d like it to be easier to get materials.” -10s/M
>“An ending even greater than part 1’s in part 2.” -20s/M
>“I learned about Stay Night and other past Type Moon works because of FGO. Please remake Tsukihime.” -20s/F
>“There are many players around me and it gives us something to talk about. I hope it continues longer.” -10s/F
>“Please continue making what you want, how you want. That’s what I want to see.” -20s/M
>"Please add more pretty girl characters.” -10s/F

>> No.21835018
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>>What was your first contact with Fate?
>FGO -> 2349

>> No.21835081

>Q: So let's talk about the development from Type-Moon works itself, since we have Sion, who originally appeared in "MELTY BLOOD", appear in Part II.
Nasu: So you see, as the world is now bleached white in Part II, there are no other characters other than Sion but "Tsukihime" in the world of Fate is an aspect where over half of the characters are completely different characters if they actually exist in that world. Though Arcueid's character will share a common character/existence but you can also say Shiki or Akiha will likely not come to Chaldea. However, even if their backstories are completely different, Ciel and Arcueid's combat prowess will remain the same as it is, so it's easy to write her combat ability in stories. Even so, I think it's not common to have the world of "Fate" and "Tsukihime" intertwined together.

>Q: So does this mean there will be tie up as a next special event with Type-Moon works?
Nasu: We have collaborated events held during Golden Week every year. So we would like you to look forward to it.

>> No.21835179

I felt my vision grow white with hatred as I was reading this.

>> No.21835217

Regarding the challenges of launching FGO:

At the time FGO was suggested, Nasu actually disliked smartphone games as a genre. He thought it’d be entirely not fun at all if they made one. But since they could feel that smartphones were becoming a mainstream platform for entertainment, TYPE-MOON took on that challenge. But even then Nasu was the type of person who disliked online games, saying “games should be played alone!” and “I don’t need to be connected to other people!”
Why then did FGO have online elements if he disliked online games? Because he played Demon’s Souls and that contributed greatly to changing his perspective on online. Demon’s Souls has a weak connection between players, and the only thing conveyed to the player is that “there’s someone else in this world”. That was very impactful for him.
He talks about how Tsukurimonoji, FSN and Mahou Tsukai’s scripter, went full otaku over Demon’s Souls. They were chatting on the phone about how good Demon’s Souls was and that’s when Nasu decided it’d be alright to have online elements in FGO.
Like Demon’s Souls, FGO is a world where you are alone even though it is full of other players.
Regarding the making of FGO itself, the foundation for FGO’s plot was to have [Fate] take place on a global stage. After that, they looked at samples from Delightworks modelled after the popular combat-focused titles at the time, but none of them struck Nasu’s fancy.
He remembers that when he announced the concept of it being “a story that revolves around 7 grails and ending in a full year”, everyone at the meeting was stunned. FGO is TM’s first live service title, and Delightworks was completely unknown back then, so both of them were in the challengers’ seat. They just had to go for it without knowing how it would end up.
About the pressure of expectations from Fate fans: “I felt that I didn’t want to betray the expectations of those players who have loved Fate for ten years, after all. They’re the ones who wholeheartedly supported us at launch, even though it was in an unstable state. ‘I don’t want to let them down’, is what I strongly thought.”

>> No.21835404

Lol, what happened with Arcueid not existing in the Fateverse at all?

>> No.21835408

Isn't that Extra-only because Crimson Moon doesn't exist in that timeline ?

>> No.21835421

I really hope this is a mistranslation or something and he's not seriously implying that Arc would be a very similar character in both universes, because that's so fucking retarded I'm not even sure where to start.

>> No.21835435
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At least Akiha and the maids will be free of this mess.

>> No.21835437

There's another translation but it is not much different anyway
>About Sion appearing in Part 2:
>Nasu: “The world of Part 2 is bleached white, so there are no other characters besides Sion, but even if [Tsukihime] characters were to exist in the [Fate] world, more than half of them would be completely different characters. Arcueid would be the same, but Akiha and Shiki probably wouldn’t come to Chaldea. It’s just that Ciel or Arcueid are able to fight even if their character settings are changed, so it’s easy to fit them into the story and have them fight. Even so, I don’t think the Fate and Tsukihime worlds would be involved.

>What about Tsukihime as a TYPE-MOON Special Event (ala Fate/Zero, Apocrypha, and Case Files)?
>Nasu: “We have a collaboration during Golden Week every year, so please look forward to that time.”

>> No.21835445
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It's just the idea of Arc being even close to the same character without Roa or Shiki is absolutely retarded. Tsukihime even makes a pretty big point out of Arcueid acting like an utterly different person after meeting Shiki, to the point where Ciel is baffled by it.

inb4 they repeat that "arc" but with Guda instead.

>> No.21835463

>inb4 they repeat that "arc" but with Guda instead.
Oh, they won't do that, anon.

Since they pretty much did it with "void" "shiki" already.

>> No.21835540

Unfortunately them having done it before doesn't necessarily give me any hope that they won't do it again.

>> No.21835554

>He thought it’d be entirely not fun at all if they made one.
He was right.
>About the pressure of expectations from Fate fans: “I felt that I didn’t want to betray the expectations of those players who have loved Fate for ten years, after all. They’re the ones who wholeheartedly supported us at launch, even though it was in an unstable state. ‘I don’t want to let them down’, is what I strongly thought.”

>> No.21835611

So of the people that play FGO and participated in this survey, only 16% aren't secondaries.

That explains a lot, actually.

>> No.21835622

> "I promise you'll totally love FGO by the end of Lostbelt
>tfw last LB is (you)r world, and MCs of other works come to exterminate Guda for shitting up the timelines and servant personalities
would be kino

>> No.21835638
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>inb4 they repeat that "arc" but with Guda instead.
Don't even joke about that.

>> No.21835663


I almost died reading that

>> No.21835991
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i wouldn't mind if they get pulled into the mess too, I'd love to see them get a lot of art again. Seeing artists that'd draw a bunch of maids/akiha slowly disappear has been the bain of my existence

>> No.21836007

I hear you but character degradation isn't worth the extra fan art IMO

>> No.21836046

understandable, I've always been good at phasing out the weird stuff so it wouldn't bother me if they got owned in some weird side story

>> No.21836057
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Alice will kill you.

>> No.21836350

Well, yeah.
I'd need a remotely controlled nuke to win.

>> No.21836419

Is this for real?
I hate that he's focusing so much on them as collab characters and not talking about Remake, but even then, it's disappointing that this is deconfirming Shiki as playable at any point.
More importantly, how the fuck is Ciel's fighting ability the same? I guess this confirms Roa didn't really die in the Danted drama CD like some GOfags tried to push.

>> No.21836437

>Fate/stay night VN that low
>Camelot with a huge gap bellow Babylonia

I actually fucking hate FGOfags

>> No.21836457

>“Please continue making what you want, how you want. That’s what I want to see.” -20s/M
What a fucking cuck.
Mildly happy about the one girl asking for the Remake I guess

>> No.21836472

but babylonia is better than camelot

>> No.21836483

>He talks about how Tsukurimonoji, FSN and Mahou Tsukai’s scripter, went full otaku over Demon’s Souls.
How about you give that genius some fucking work again and let him work on the Remake or Mahoyo 2 AAAAAAHHHH

>> No.21836498

2008: Tsukihime remake soon!
2009: Tsukihime remake soon!
2010: We'll release it following Mahoyo!
2011: *crickets*
2012: *crickets*
2013: Here are some redesigns I guess.
2014: *crickets*
2015: Alright, for real, we're really working on it. Here are some more details and artwork.
2016: Well, not much new to say. Here's some more artwork.
2017: Uh, yeah, I kind of only want to finish this thing so I can stick Arcueid in FGO.
2018: *crickets*
2019: Tsukihime collab soon! What remake?

>> No.21836529
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I am very concerned for her waistline, she needs a burger

Also what the hell is with the gunblades?

>> No.21836552

I honestly feel like I should just give up on this company now. The direction of literally everything isn't for me and they obviously have 0 respect for their older content. I'm tired of getting angry over something I have no say in, it's a waste of my time.

>> No.21836563
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>At the time FGO was suggested, Nasu actually disliked smartphone games as a genre. He thought it’d be entirely not fun at all if they made one.

Great, so Nasu knew from the start that they were making a kusoge and deluded himself into liking it after the money started pouring in. Fucking predictable.

Sorry but disagreed, Babylonia is 99% dogshit.

>> No.21836620

And that girl knows about other Typemoon works because of FGO

>> No.21836632

How were titoria or not all the Knights of the Round Table appearing, not even freaking Galahad, any good again?

>> No.21836656

Goddess Rhongomyniad is totally fine in the story, it's actually an interesting take on the culmination of Saber's desire to be the perfect king, and her final confrontation with Bedivere is great and builds on what the Fate route did 15 years ago. It's the shitty Lancer fanservice version that came out after that really sucks.

The Knights were fantastic villains, the fact that they're not all there is perfectly justified by the fact that the only ones remaining were the ones who were willing to get their hands dirty, valuing loyalty over honour, and they had to slay the other knights with their own hands.
Yeah I would've liked Galahad more than Mashit, but oh well. It's not a great story, it's just barely decent, but certainly a mile ahead of Babylonia which is filled with Guda wank, awful characters, boring villains, and tonal inconsistency.

>> No.21836712

At the very least Koyama can still draw thighs.

>> No.21836730

Most things Koyama has done or is associated with in GO makes me really disappointed.
You can speculate as much as you want on his intentions and desires, I just hope he is just being lazy and derivative due to waiting for Nasu to give him another project to lead art on.
Or he could actually be shilling Scat and Musashi purely because he actually thinks they're good and worthy of promotion, which is the worst outcome.
Or the realistic middleground, he is doing it because it is popular and these decisions are all done for money.

>> No.21836743

I imagine most people at TM are probably in that realistic middle-ground, even Takeuchi.

Nasu is the only one that comes off as exceptionally deluded in the interviews that I've read.

>> No.21836746

I'm not defending Babylonia., I'm saying Camelot is pretty trash. The concept behind tioria is fine, but her design ruins everything.
>The Knights were fantastic villains, the fact that they're not all there is perfectly justified by the fact that the only ones remaining were the ones who were willing to get their hands dirty, valuing loyalty over honour, and they had to slay the other knights with their own hands.
Should've shown that instead of filler battler, uninteresting lore dump and muh mash.
I just don't get how uyou can have a a story part called "Camelot" in a works that is all about heroes and chuuni shit and not show half of it. Whatever.

>> No.21836767

I agree that the backstory with the knights should've totally been shown, but you do see Tristan and Gawain slaughtering innocent refugees, the "getting your hands dirty" part isn't exactly hidden at all.
I quite like Titoria's design with the full armor and especially with helmet, feels like a dignified older Saber, I just hate the ascension that her Lancer version would later have.

>> No.21836776

About the ending to Part 2:
>Part 2 is meant to be something like a full course meal, and TYPE-MOON is doing all they can until it ends. After completing the meal, whether the players go “I’m already full, time to leave the restaurant”, or whether they say “I can still eat some more” will decide how things go. If there are still people who want to play, the management would have to work hard so that they continue to enjoy it.
>Nasu has prepared the developments for “post-completion”. There are two patterns, pattern A, where the story continues from Part 2, and pattern B, where Chaldea’s tale is completely told and a different story begins. Both had him thinking “this is an interesting idea”.
>At this point, he’s started drafting it since he wouldn’t make it in time otherwise. However, it is up to the users to decide. Their decision is something even Nasu can’t predict.
>Finally: “I hope we can increase the satisfaction from now on without dropping the quality of service so far. Clearing the battle of the players’ expectations and curiosity is the condition to head towards the 5th anniversary. That’s something deeply engraved in my heart.”

>> No.21836799

>food analogies

>> No.21836815
File: 128 KB, 1080x1000, 1562993912178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Nasu, let's give these shit eating gachafags the decision on wether or not they want their shitty story to end for real or if they'd rather keep getting filler.

And if the option of continuing to something new wins, you can bet the media will praise it as "WOAAAH, FGO'S STORY IS SO GOOD THAT PLAYERS VALUE IT MORE THAN GAMEPLAY AND WILLINGLY AGREED TO THE STORY ENDING"

I'm just so tired of all this. Should really have killed off this cancer while he had the chance.
If they don't even manage to get the Tsukihime Remake out before whatever will follow Lostbelt, I'm fucking done. Fuck modern Type-Moon.

>> No.21836830

>If they don't even manage to get the Tsukihime Remake out before whatever will follow Lostbelt, I'm fucking done. Fuck modern Type-Moon.
In the bargaining stage, I see.

>> No.21836842

It's been like this for years, I've already said multiple times that 2020 is their last chance for anything substantial. I want no part in TM if trashy shit like FGO will remain the focus for the foreseeable future.

>> No.21836851


>> No.21836854

I frankly can't see TsukiR as anything other than a monkey's paw situation at this point.

>> No.21836921

I actually think the VN is surprisingly high there. Keep in mind that's just first contact, someone might have watched the DEEN anime and then gone on to read the VN

>> No.21836928

I guess the VN being low isn't as anger-inducing as FGO being the #1 spot
Fuck FGO

>> No.21837078

Well yeah, I honestly expected something like

>> No.21837145

Kohaku isn't a character anymore anon, just a lolrandum gag that stopped being funny almost ten years ago. Hisui escaped that by being mostly forgotten or for being in Kohaku's shadow. Akiha, Arcueid and Ciel are all completely warped amd degraded from their original depictions in pretty much all their apearances after the first Melty Blood

>> No.21837293

>But since they could feel that smartphones were becoming a mainstream platform for entertainment, TYPE-MOON took on that challenge.
why is he fucking lying again? He literally told everyone in the mafia 4gamer interview that the reason he started FGO is because a big name at aniplex/sony begged him to do it. The same guy that made the KnK movies happen.


atleast keep your shit straight.

>> No.21837347

"fighting" ability being the same pretty much means that he has excuses ready to justify why they have the same powerlevel.

he uses 共通 for Arc though, which is "shared", as in her character is very fucking close to the Tsukihime version. Obviously before meeting Shiki since Nasu just offically cucked him. I'm pretty sure Nasu is just scared of having "chads" like Shiki and Shirou in FGO, might trigger the selfinsert faggots after all.

>> No.21838730

Lying is Nasu's favorite thing to do. Next to pissing all over his old works and fans, of course.

>> No.21838800

Tl;dr: get ready for A:E lusting for gudacock with an 4 ascension skimpy outfit

Sasuga Nasu, whoring your characters like that. Tsukihime gave you enough money to stop being a doujin author and make your own company, now you burn it at the Gacha altar.

>> No.21838821

why would it even be impossible for akiha and shiki to come to chaldea? doesn't /fate still have demon shit, meaning they surely wouldn't be just normal civilians?

>> No.21838852
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The fact that Ryougi exists in Fate makes it so Shiki can't have MEoDP, so they'd have to mess with the actual Tsukihime world to bring Tsuki into Fate.
For Akiha though there's literally no reason, she's just descended from oni. If fucking Asagami Fujino can be a Servant, Akiha should too. Nasu's probably just setting our expectations low because they already plan a low effort event next year with only Arc and Ciel as Servants (kinda like Reines and Gray in CF event this year). What a hack, I'm over this shit if we seriously get an event but nothing related to Remake.

>> No.21838893

Wouldn't Shiki still have grown up to be a fucking demon killer though?, assuming the Tohno's never fucked his family over and then adopted him. unless the mushroom pulls something out of his ass about how Shiki just ended up in a normal orphange in fate somehow.

>> No.21838895

I'm on this too. I just want to know if the Japanese audience also holds these values, I doubt Type-Moon cares about its Western audience when FGO is the only big thing localized. We are the minority. Reality is disappointing as fuck.

>> No.21838922

I would imagine the Nanayas still existed and might have even gotten destroyed by the Tohnos, Shiki just never got the eyes.

> I just want to know if the Japanese audience also holds these values
It's the same as here I feel, the majority are perfectly happy with just more FGO or FGO-style trash for the rest of their lives, while a minority doesn't really care for FGO and is slowly running out of patience for the Remake/Mahoyo.
I hope to fucking god they give us something significant next year.

>> No.21838939

there isn't any less japanese fans upset than western fans, it's just a shitty /vg/ meme. Nasu has talked about how people call him a fucking hack in the past 3 interviews he did. It' just that he has no reason to care considering how many people are throwing money at FGO just because of skimpy females. Just scroll up in this thread to see some stats about how many people never even knew about fate before FGO. and that's from a fuckin famitsu pool, anyone willing to answer that shit is already 60% more hardcore than the general userbase

>> No.21838942

Oh sorry the second part of my post was meant for >>21838895

>> No.21838955

I don't understand why the western audience expect TM to cater towards them, translation is fine but "localisation" was a mistake.

>> No.21838980


>> No.21838991

pretty sure he's talking about FGO's dogshit localization that the team behind it justifies by saying "it's our version" "it doesn't have to be like the japanese one"

>> No.21839009

Extella Link was just a 1:1 translation of the written dialogue, right?
I don't understand why FGOts willingly play a modified game, filled with western jokes to replace original dialogue.

>> No.21839048

Considering how many people in Japan want an Arc card or a crossover I doubt it's any better
You can't be 1:1 with translations. The important thing is to respect the original intentions, though

>> No.21839050

>there isn't any less japanese fans upset than western fans, it's just a shitty /vg/ meme.

Did not know this was a meme. Don't like any place on the website except this specific thread apparently.

Good localization on any Japanese game is super rare. Fire Emblem got fucked over many times, and as much as the dubs for Drakengard 3 and Nier Automata were great, both main characters had different personalities then their Japanese counterparts.

>> No.21839138

They are both better than Gil-what is my characterization in this work!-mess.

>> No.21839145

>if the characters existed
Read dummy. They obviously don't because Road never encountered her.

>> No.21839168

No, hes specifically refering to FGO's post-apocalpyse world.

>> No.21839171

He's literally saying if they exist at all. You can make a crossover with Arc world jumping. That happened in Extra.

>> No.21839188

>, both main characters had different personalities then their Japanese counterparts.
Explain? I played both of those and watched jp players play them too, I saw nothing like that.

>> No.21839191

He's talking about the Tsukihime characters if he were to apply them, anon. And why Sion is the ONLY one that works in the actual main story.

Collabs are crossovers for a good reason.

>> No.21839193

One can only hope

>> No.21839195

I honestly don't understand what you're trying to say.

>> No.21839324

>Tsuki collab next year
>Still no remake in sight
Lol this company is an absolute joke

>> No.21839366

Not him but both Zero and 2B are glaring cases of a dub trying to turn a girl into "badass action woman who doesn't take shit and is confrontational about everything" when the original character was not like that.

>> No.21839381

Zero is much more monotone and not so quick to anger like she is in the English dub. There are multiple scenes where it's obvious the tone of her voice doesn't match her facial expression or how her lips are moving, just switching to the Japanese voice makes it obvious.

Guy on gamefaqs sums it up quite well: "I think the only fair critic was to Zero's English VA. She definitely sounds more b****y compared to the calmer Japanese voice. In Japanese she sounds more of "I don't care about this and that in my way, just let me pass because i need to kill my sisters". In english she sounds more like "I HATE EVERYTHING IN MY WAY!!!! I WANT TO KILL MY SISTERS!"."

2B is also supposed to more monotone, staying true to the "Androids are not supposed to show emotion" moto. In the English dub, regular talking with 9S makes it super obvious that she herself doesn't follow this. In the Japanese dub, her answers definitely stay true to the moto (this is obviously putting aside the moments in the story where she is supposed to show emotion and does). Basically, she sounds much less human (probably due to tone from VA). This one isn't that much of a problem and doesn't make a big difference at all.

Both these don't damper the experience honestly, I think the only one that makes a difference is Drakengard 3 but you can get away with just watching Japanese cutscenes with subtitles and get the idea.

>> No.21840770
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>> No.21840774
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>> No.21840804
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>> No.21840836
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>> No.21841108
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Cover of vol 5 (paperback version)

>> No.21841297

Kind of cheered me up. I appreciate Wada.

>> No.21841306
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>> No.21841329

For context Comiket is a bit smaller until the Olympics happen.
So pretty much everyone has shrunken.

>> No.21841347
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>> No.21841436

What's this?

>> No.21841441

fujino's character relations entry in FGO mats. the blanked out name is them teasing someone who is going to be either pseudo-servant Azaka (fujino's "high-schooler, dark-haired, dashing, precious friend") or someone very similar to Azaka

>> No.21841497

The line also says that person has a (slightly?) different personality from Azaka's and uses beamu too

>> No.21841558
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>> No.21841624
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>> No.21841678
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>> No.21841816


>> No.21841862

Come to think of it, TM Top Trumps would be neato.
Through depending on the metrics used, you would run into endless powerscaling arguments.

>> No.21841885
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Is Sion a canon lesbian?

>> No.21841961

Roastbeef is.

>> No.21842064

What exactly is this? A board game?

>> No.21842156
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She lusts for the Tohno Gland in the original MB, so she's either straight or bi.
From what I can gather (t. filthy EOP) it's just bunch of cards n shit with art on them. Apparently over 60 artists are in on it, such as sost_fgo.

>> No.21842163

No one can beat the Tohno gland.

>> No.21842225


>> No.21842240

I'd rather wada does the remake art than takeuchi at this point

>> No.21842271
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>> No.21842274

Melt in bottom right?

>> No.21842280
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>> No.21842284
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>> No.21842439
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Could Ciel beat Kotomine in a straight fight?

>> No.21842450


>> No.21842502

>Could a Mary Sue beat a normal character
huuuuuuummm, I wonder...

>> No.21842510

That is a little mean.

>> No.21842580

How is Kotomine normal? He’s a prodigy at literally everything he does, but just get bored and stops devoting himself to it. His whole conflict is that he’s sad and confused that he’s not a normal person.

>> No.21842617

French Bread have been doing great for themselves lately. I hope they give Nasu the shaft when he comes crawling back to them.

>> No.21842721

Why tho? Nasu is well in his way to become a billionary. Fate is a 4+ billion dollar franchise.
French Bread's higher ups would sell theor own mothers to put Saber in a nrw UNiB.
If anything the new Melty will be Melty/Stay Night

>> No.21842808

I just want a comfy SoL about homeless adventures of Sion, Roastbeef, their daughter Satsuki and their cat.

>> No.21842878

>How is Kotomine normal? He’s a prodigy at literally everything he does, but just get bored and stops devoting himself to it. His whole conflict is that he’s sad and confused that he’s not a normal person.

What if Ciel is the Mary Sue?

>> No.21842887

I think most people in this comparison assumed Ciel was the Mary Sue.

>> No.21842956

All Nasu characters would be mary sues oc donnut steel spesshul snowfrakes in any other setting.
It's hilarious when Nasu talks about average mages, averave servants, average whatever in character materials, because there's no such a thing om the Nasuverse. All characters are one of a kind exceptions. All of them.

>> No.21842981

>All characters are one of a kind exceptions. All of them.


>> No.21843107

Last Matou to be botn with useable circuits, great compatibility with Lancelot, WoG that he somehow was a strong master, only one that could see that Zouken was evil as fuck, Urobutcher's designed dispair pinhata, etc.

>> No.21843446


>> No.21843730
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>years of false promise
>only to be ignored every time the question is asked
>world building ceased for FGO

Why does Nasu hate Tsukihime?

>> No.21843747

Neck yourself.

>> No.21843778

Saw some people getting excited on twitter about aoko or something, what was that about?

>> No.21843793

Nothing that I know other than she, Alice, and the maids got new official merch at C96 >>21840804

>> No.21843811


>> No.21843818

As far as I'm concerned, he doesn't hate it enough. I wish he would renounce it completely so modern TM would never have anything to do it with it again.

>> No.21843831


>> No.21843899

Why would Nasu need to go back to them? Everything but Fate is dead and Fate is on its way to dethrone 30+ year old franchises in revenue. Nasu would go to some big time developers like the Tekken or MvC team to make a fighting game instead of such a niche team like FB.

>> No.21843926

I doubt it, and if true it would have to be done very specifically for me to accept it.
It is probably a red herring.

>> No.21843966

The reason they made undernight in birth, Is because they were already coding a new meltyblood. They used sion as the testing character because she obviously represents meltyblood. When they revealed to nasu what they had cooking, he told them to "please wait for tsukihime remake". Which is probably the reason he let them have sion, since he single-handedly forced them to restructure their upcoming game and felt bad about it.

I find it highly unlikely that Nasu would head to any big company before french bread, since TM is all about nepotism. Not to mention that he still allows the entire extra series to have 100% trashcan dev teams

>> No.21843971

Who do you think you are? No one gives a shit about your acceptance.

>> No.21843978

I'm the law.

>> No.21843984

did they recton the rape for fgo?

>> No.21843991

Do you have a citation for any of that or is it just headcanon? In any case TM frankly doesn't deserve French Bread anymore and I hope the latter goes on with their success, as they still care about actually making good content.

>> No.21844006

It's on undernights wikipedia page.
>Development of the game began some time in 2010. Producer Nobuya Narita discussed how the project arose from the development team's experiences working on Melty Blood. French-Bread originally planned to work on a new HD title in the Melty Blood series, but development later stalled while Type-Moon went on to work on Mahōtsukai no Yoru. Early prototypes eventually provided the foundations for Under Night In-Birth.


>> No.21844098

I didn't think it was possible for me to hate Nasu more, but there you go.

>> No.21844491

rape of who?

>> No.21844697

Fujino's, who else?

>> No.21844774

They didn't even bother writing a good reason for why fujino is in chaldea, they added her in an event rerun and just went "Counterforce." she hasn't been featured in any events either, literally the only FGO lore for her is why profile which doesn't mention rape for obvious reasons.

>> No.21844797

>WoG that he somehow was a strong master
Somehow is an understatement. How mas Kariya in any way a decent master? He couldn't sustain Lancelot and got dumpstered the one time he tried to fight another master.

>> No.21845134

I am horny for the maids

>> No.21845174

who isn't?

>> No.21845209
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I like mcjon's work ngl

>> No.21845335

How was this chapter so fucking good?

>> No.21845425

I have a rather dumb question I don't remember reading an answer to anywhere.
I remember that Rin's peak magical energy was at 2am, but does this time depend on internal factors, or timezone? In other words, if Rin was moved to another timezone, would her peak energy be at 2am within the new timezone, or at whatever time that 2am JST corresponds to?

>> No.21845697

Probably depends on Moon-Sun-Earth positioning rather than hours in the sense you're probably thinking

>> No.21845781

Ah, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks anon.

>> No.21845875

>development later stalled while Type-Moon went on to work on Mahōtsukai no Yoru
So that was around 2008-2009ish?

>> No.21845961

Dumb question but huh, does accessing the Eclipse mode in Hollow Ataraxia affect the progress in the main story?

I ask because I'm nearing the end yet I haven't touched that mode yet.

>> No.21845971

>He thought it’d be entirely not fun at all if they made one.
He was right. FGO is insufferable to play.

>> No.21846035

No it doesn't.

>> No.21846037
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Yes anon. That was 10 years ago.
We had the time between 2008 and 2012 were Nasu did only Fate/Extra and April's Fools (Zero, Fragments of Silver and some spinoffs happened, I guess. Narita started f/sf as a joke at the end of 2012, but it was different).
But it was like TM got put on hold.
When Mahoyo dropped it was the first TM vn in 7 years.
Time flies.

>> No.21846051


>> No.21846053

It must have been very fucking close to the remake announcement considering that Nasu still actually believed he'd have it out within a few years.

>> No.21846190

I always wonder if this guy remembers making that post whenever I see this screencap.

>> No.21846262

The worst thing about nasu is that he doesn't view FGO as a sideproject, but the core of his entire universe.

any normal writer would go "yeah FGO is fine and all, but I really have this impulse to write something entirely different too." Nasu revealed he actually has those impulses when he shat out extella and last encore, I guess.

what was even the point of starting DDD? how can he not get himself to continue writing any of the projects he has left to rot within the last 10 years? he barely even writes anything for FGO too.

>> No.21846304

Man, I really wish I could track him down and ask him about it. Like, 14 yeara later, is he still houding out for the remake? Did he read the original Tsukihime? Does he still enjoy Type-MOON works? Is Sacchin his waifu? Is he even alive or did he die in all those years?
So many questions...

>> No.21846332

Remind me please, Volume 3 was released in 2004, wasn't it?
And Sora no Soto was released in what years again? 2008?

>> No.21846361

But anon, FGO totally takes up ALL of Nasu's time!

>> No.21846386

This is what nasu actually claims, because he has to "oversee" everything. If you're asking me he's doing a fucking horrible job at it considering the quality drop that are LB2-4, and every fucking event since CCC.

>> No.21846403

Yeah, I know, hence my sarcasm. We can't believe the "lying adult" after all, he's so thoroughly full of shit.

>> No.21846447

Nasu never said or implied that. More than that he said that he dedicates only half of his time to FGO.

>> No.21846464

I am almost certain he claimed in a fairly recent interview that FGO keeps him too busy, but that might be my memory failing.

I would say that even "half" of his time sounds like an overexaggeration regardless, considering his contributions to FGO have overall been fairly lackluster, at least from my perspective. Who knows, maybe his fingers are all over everything in FGO, which frankly sounds depressing.

>> No.21846520

>maybe his fingers are all over everything in FGO
He writes parts for every single Lostbelt and event, while probably working on his own story chapters, edits all of that and oversees all new characters. That's a lot of work either way even if the result is subpar.

>> No.21846526

I see. I stand corrected, then.

>> No.21846556

he writes the intro and outro.

you realize how fucking short those are right?

>> No.21846572

saber a shit

>> No.21846592

He writes more than that. Go read FGO 4th anniversary interview.

>> No.21846597
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>> No.21846614

He also ovwrviews and supervises all voice work in all TM works and adaptations, telling VAs how they should sound and feel in each line

>> No.21846638

So does that mean Nasu personally approved of Shiki being whored out
What a faggot

>> No.21846656

I had an impression that he only sometimes drops by the recording studio without that much of an input, but I don't actually remember the facts.

>> No.21846677

he greenlights every collab event personally. also if you're mad about shiki already, you should read nasu's justfication for putting nero bride into the game. That outfit is from CCC where she and hakuno are stuck in the moon's trashcan togehter, and is actually a restraint powering her down. If you spend the game interacting enough with her you can go on a missable sidequest to find something you can make her gown with, and in her servant ending she summons you a fucking wedding ceremony.

"The 4* Nero is the default Nero.
The one inherent the setting from Fate Extra.
On the other hand, Nero Bride’s setting has been adjusted for FGO.
She’s from an alternate timeline where she hasn’t met her master in Fate Extra.
What I really want to say is...
This time, you (player) are her favourite."

>> No.21846835

>he only sometimes drops by the recording studio without that much of an input
Dunno about the servants in game but according to Kobayashi Yuu (Enkidu's VA), Nasu is the voice director of Babylonia anime. Chiwa Saito (Tamamo's VA) also said Nasu spent a lot of time to direct/help her as well as other VAs during the recording too.

>> No.21847123

yeah people here bring up Shiki a lot but there's a number of heroines in FGO that have had their original characters thrown under the bus in one way or another all for the sake of pleasing self-inserters

shit's trashy as fuck honestly and Nasu should be ashamed of himself

>> No.21847582

What really gets me about Shiki is that from her point of view she is pretty much fucking isekai'ed into chaldea sometime around/after KnK5 and as far as I know she never even references wanting to go back.

>> No.21847630

I think people get particularly angry about Shiki because she's one of the most genuine and unsexualized characters we have in the universe, and yet Nasu approved of his baby, from one of his most early stories, being degraded to self insert wankery which is just really unfortunate.

The whole "modularity" approach that FGO has towards existing characters is truly disgusting and retroactively damages past works. There's alternative versions of fucking everything and it really feels like it's done simply for fanservice and to avoid consistent writing. I think of all of Nasu's crimes, his approval of this bullshit is quite up there.

There's an image making fun of how many different versions of Arturia there are, and while it's quite funny it's also pretty sad when you think about it.

>> No.21847639

FGO is literally one of the biggest video games of all time. It amazes me how deluded people here can say the same shit for years. "How is FGO not Nasu's side project; he should be focusing on the sequel to the total commercial failure in a dying industry that I didn't read!"

>> No.21847649

everyone in this thread should have played every VN released by Type-Moon, and thus they know that, despite less money, Nasu would create a better product if he stuck to making genuinely engaging and entertaining visual novels.

>> No.21847657

It's more like "how is FGO not Nasu's side project when he barely writes anything for it?"

Also, if the commercial failure you're referring to is Mahoyo, that's a dumb meme. It sold perfectly fine, but just not as much as FSN. Most of that was TM's fault, really. And a promise is a promise anyway, Nasu has said time and time again that he intends to work on something that isn't more generic Fateshit but he never delivers. Frustration is warranted.

>> No.21847684

I think he'd create a better product if there were ero CG with loli succubi again.

>> No.21847753

What made FGO different is that unlike other IP's with a mobage, FGO is treated as the next big part of the franchise, the others use name recognition alone to milk people.
It worked at the cost of everything else.
Had it been like the rest and a non-canon, non serious cashgrab it would probably be dead or not quite as successful as it is now.
The main point is that a mobile game is no place for a serious work of a franchise built off more robust mediums.

>> No.21847757

Stop making me feel even more worried for what more shit Nasu could throw under the bus.

>> No.21847778

Arc and Aoko soon.

>> No.21847799

Is Melty worth reading? (Game or Manga?)

>> No.21847805

Should I bother with the Tsukihime sequels?

>> No.21847808

Sure. It's fun.

>> No.21847810

There's a Melty Blood manga?

>> No.21847837

They're either important in fleshing out the endings, or just plain entertaining to read.

>> No.21847919

Please, I'm a good man.

>> No.21848325

>that I didn't read
Stop projecting so hard, /vg/ EOP-kun

>> No.21848333
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>> No.21848533

Are you fucking retard? Main Story chapters take no time to write given how short they are froma litterature standpoint.
>muh money
His company makes millions, Nasu himself can spend the rest of his life living in a 5 star hotel. How would that affect him to write something that would "fail"?
Fucking kill yourself you fgotrash.

>> No.21848758
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>> No.21849344

>[Ohys-Raws] Lord El-Melloi II-sei no Jikenbo Rail Zeppelin Grace Note - 06 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4

>> No.21849628

A bunch of them. I recommend everything.

>> No.21849732

good ep. I wonder who is Luvia's favorite wrestler.

>> No.21849744

I'm ready for next week when shit starts to get real.

>> No.21849751

Yeah, that'll be fun. I haven't really been spoiled of anything from vol 4 onwards so it'll be fresh.

>> No.21849762

I've been slacking lately, but hopefully I should finally finish volume 5 this week. I can't wait to see how they'll handle certain scenes.

>> No.21850166

In terms of magic they're nothing much, but in terms of doing their job as a Master they're a fucking miracle worker. Not in terms of supplying power, since they need Chaldeas and Merlin plugging it into Avalon to handle even a couple of Servants, but in terms of leadership. This is a person who manages to get every single lunatic Berserker acting like trained dogs, who manages to get arch-enemies like Tesla and Edison or Penthesilea and Achilles working together without them killing each other, who manages to even get super dangerous Servants who'd normally kill or torture their Masters like Lobo, Gorgon, BB, Mephistopheles and Gilles de Rais working for them with no issues whatsoever.

They're probably the greatest Master that's ever lived.

>> No.21850223

Thank you for listing all the reasons why Gudashit is the worst TM protagonist.

>> No.21850266

except there is zero fucking writing explaining or showing how he manages any of that and it just happens because gacha game.

>> No.21850926

someone dump me the mahoyo script.

>> No.21850959

If only the game was translated by a team that has a discord so you can ask them the script.
We truly live in a fucked up world.

>> No.21851218

shouldn't even be needed, anyone with kirikiri engine tools can unpack the game files in theory.

>> No.21852424
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Anon, the statistical average protagonist is Gudako.

>> No.21852441

Uhm did you just assume my self-inserts gender and pronoun at the same time?

>> No.21853618

Gudako more like Godako amirite

>> No.21854048

/u/fags should be lynched.

>> No.21854165
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>> No.21854475

https://twitter.com/WitchOnThe1225/status/1160523947638550528 kek

>> No.21854522


>> No.21854565
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>> No.21854646
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>> No.21854653

So, anon, what's your favourite TM work and what's the one you hate the most (no fgo allowed) , you need to cite three reasons for each.

>> No.21854667

I'll pass since we're on page 10.

>> No.21854681

Favorite: FSN
>best protagonist
>great fleshing out of the characters and setting over 3 routes
>unforgettable unique atmosphere

Most hated after FGO: Apocrypha I guess?
>garbage protagonist and villain
>Servant overload but most of them are either bad or just an excuse for fight scenes
>wasted potential overall

Extella is a good runner-up for most hated, but I don't really have super negative feelings abotu anything but FGO.

>> No.21854686

I was trying to come up with a bait post for why FGO is my favorite TM work, but I couldn't think of actual reasons to like it.

>> No.21854746
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>> No.21854759

>Cool, charismatic protag
>World saving
There's plenty to love about fgo

>> No.21854869
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>> No.21854933

I continue to come here only to not miss the next 10/10 mahoyo edit you'll drop on us, anon.

>> No.21854937

Also all the lore about the world, timelines, how heroic spirits work, primate murder, the human order and the common sense of humans. Also how the AoGs ended.
No matter how I look at it, FGO was a good thing.

>> No.21855245

>all the lore about the world
That rectons well over half the precendently established lore for no good reasons
Became an excuse to make anything and everything work
>how heroic spirits work
Makes no sense now, everything can be an HS and everyone can be summoned
>primate murder
Turned one of the most hyped thing in the nasuverse into a joke mascot, did not even use it to develop on another hyped as character, Altrouge despite him being her pet again using muh timelines as an excuse
>the human order and the common sense of humans
Actuallly good concept I never saw before...that transformed into a covenient tool to justify everything, again
>Also how the AoGs ended.
It's fucking retard
>it ended with gilgamesh
>but actually not, it was with Solomon
>but truly it was with Vortigem death
>but, the be exact it was Richard the Lionheart who was the last hero to have a foot in the AoG
>IT WAS TESLA!!!! Tesla ended the AoG bros!!!!
It's as retarded as Rhongomyniad "how many level of sealing are you on? haha you're but a kid, watch this!".

>> No.21855351

u mad bro?

>> No.21855407

Concession status : accepted.

>> No.21855555

Nasu is a hack.
