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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2180980 No.2180980 [Reply] [Original]


Toradora game for PSP looks pretty good.

>> No.2180987

No matter how good it is, I won't play it because I hate Toradora.

>> No.2180984

dat sum walkan?

thanks athens

>> No.2180990

cool, already 3 threads about it.

>> No.2180989

It doesn't actually. It looks like a shitty "let's make some money on this popularity!" game. They nearly always suck for obvious reasons.

>> No.2180992


>> No.2180991


>> No.2180995

>I hate Toradora
Why? Go back to /a/ faggot.

>> No.2180996

I say we adopt Toradora what do you think guise

>> No.2181002

This is good because it will really emphasize how many retards from /a/ already lurk /jp/.

>> No.2181010

Toradora is actually a decent anime, considering that the people bashing it probably think Clannad is good it tells you something about their 'taste'.

>> No.2181017

No it's not.

>> No.2181015
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>probably think Clannad is good

It's like I'm really not even trying!

>> No.2181014


Learn to condense your toradora stuff in 1thread.
Gtfo to /a/ if you can't even do that.

Also. Ami>Shit>Taiga>>>>Minori.

>> No.2181013

Toradora is too good for /a/.

>> No.2181022

same torahater

>> No.2181023

Same kind of faggot who bashes games he hasn't even played on /v/ most likely.

>> No.2181024

Toradora WAS a good anime, when it was still a light hearted comedy that didn't take things too seriously. Now its an angsty "BAWWW WHY DOESNT X GIRL (or guy) LIKE MEEE?" whiny emofest.

I liked the first half of Toradora, the second half sucks shit. I should've listened to all those people who were posting spoilers about how it would turn out later in the season.

>> No.2181026


You mean there are other things to do on /v/ besides that?

>> No.2181029

But I want to feel like I belong.

>> No.2181032

I agree completely. When I watched the 13th episode I actually thought it was the last one and thought that that was a great way to end it. The instant I saw they were going for 26 I just knew it was going to turn to shit pretty quick, and, as with so many other things, I was right.

>> No.2181033

Same kind of faggot who reposts things in /jp/ to feel popular.

Weren't you permabanned? What, couldn't stay away for a month?

>> No.2181035

Now now guys. Different strokes, different folks. Just because they like something you don't is no reason to get aggressive.

>> No.2181042


I watch it for the bitch fight.

>> No.2181040

>thought that that was a great way to end it
I hate it when things do this. Movies often do. They almost end it in a perfect way but then decide they just have to fuck it up.

>> No.2181046

So you think you're a mod now? Let me tell you something. Since the very first day he posted, athens has been nothing but a class act who has made helpful, informative, and thought-provoking threads and has taken the level of discourse on this board to something that many of us thought was not possible on /jp/ before he arrived. Sure, he says things some of us may not agree with sometimes, but that's no reason to assault his character like some on here regularly do.

>> No.2181053

I'm still watching it.

Yeah I know I'm a masochist.

>> No.2181058

I think we should call Taiga and all the tripcodes from /a/ and turn this place into their personal circlejerk board.

What do you guys think?

>> No.2181062


Kano vs Taiga will always be the highpoint of the series for me. It been going downhill after that till they gave us Ami vs Minori.

>> No.2181065

There was no closure though in episode 13. It was just 'oh, this was a pretty nice moment'.

>> No.2181073


Sounds good man, can't make the board any worse than it is now.

>> No.2181075

Thanks. I needed that.

>> No.2181069

Yea, you people should just, like chill out, man. It's totally not cool to say stuff like that.

>> No.2181067

Yeah but Minorin vs. Ami wasn't nearly as awesome as Taiga vs. Kano.

It just felt good to see Minorin get her face dirtied a bit.

>> No.2181078


>> No.2181084

>athens has been nothing but a class act who has made helpful, informative, and thought-provoking threads and has taken the level of discourse on this board to something that many of us thought was not possible on /jp/ before he arrived.

Oh wow.

>> No.2181091
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>> No.2181092

Blame the /a/ fags. This is what every thread over there looks like. It's too bad they have to shit up our threads just because it's cool to hate Toradora on their shitty board.

>> No.2181098

Oh come now. No need to bash Clannad.

>> No.2181100


>> No.2181106

I'm joking, Clannad's fine.


>> No.2181108
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A tripfag praising himself without using his tripcode?

It can't be possible.

>> No.2181115

Taiga vs. Kano was what a fight between girls should be: an honest frustration-driven brawl to express their feelings and clear the air, not some impotent hair-pulling catfight fueled by petty jealousies.

>> No.2181120

Not really into Toradora anymore.
Hopefully the ending will change my views of this clusterfuck.

>> No.2181141

not /jp/ related.

>> No.2181195

Do you get to bang the super model?

Because the second I figured out that he'd be passing up Ami for Taiga was the second I dropped the series.

This would be the episode Ami was introduced, by the way.

>> No.2181216

Assuming it's licensed, no you won't get to bang anyone.

>> No.2181227

Honestly, I'd rate the Toradora anime the same as Zero no Tsukaima, Index, or Shana. I love JC Staff, but they're piss poor when it comes to novel adaptations. Toradora is no exception.

It's fine if you like this anime, but I'd have to question (insult) your taste if you think that it's anything but mediocre. Nothing wrong with a having a guilty pleasure, though.

>> No.2181235

Every time I bring this point up with people I always get blasted by the anime lovers.

Shit sucks, go read a book.

>> No.2181237

Read the novel then.

>> No.2181240

Game doesn't look like it would get translated, guess I'll go back to my Fire Emblem.

>> No.2181241

>Toradora game

>> No.2181246


I dunno, I don't think I could've fallen in love with Mio's laugh just from the SW novels. But that was Gonzo instead of JC (which is probably worse).

>> No.2181257

Although it's not great, I'd say Toradora is easily better than ZnT or SnS. Both of those sucked as novels anyway, so I don't blame JC Staff much (just for choosing to adapt them).

>> No.2181266
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You mean getting back to Yggdra Union, right?

>> No.2181274

No, Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon. I own both PSP and DS.

>> No.2181276

Me too.

>> No.2181281

Go play some 7th Dragon!

>> No.2181292
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Can't moon, good sir, I'll be waiting till there's a US version. Also I have yet to complete EO2, stuck on the last stratum and find no motivation to continue.

>> No.2181294
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Localization where

>> No.2181302

Nowhere yet. Rom is out, though.

>> No.2181310

Currently playing.

>> No.2181343

Toradora isn't good at all. Only women like that pile of shit.

>> No.2181364
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Please share your impressions.

>> No.2181372


>> No.2181380

It's fun, emulate it if you're bored.

Sibladeko recorded footage of the first little bit of the game that goes through the menus and such.


>> No.2181384

I think you mean Clannad.

>> No.2181398
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a tripshit posting his opinions

Who cares?

>> No.2181399

I'm just going to assume you've played neither. Much less seen the actual programmes. Go spout your meems elsewhere.

>> No.2181404

both toradora and clannad are girly shit.

>> No.2181405


>> No.2181445

>Furukawa Akio !!36nKf67MTjJ

a butthurt piece of shit trying to defend the crappy anime/vn his namesake is from

who cares?

>> No.2181490

While I agree the tripfaggot in question is incredibly fucking annoying, use of 'butthurt' invalidates your statement. Better luck next time.

>who cares?
You, obviously, seeing as you bumped the thread.

>> No.2181495

I like both Clannad and Toradora.

What now?

>> No.2181497

Toradora is overrated harem shit.

>> No.2181498
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>> No.2181504

>Didn't capitalize
>Didn't sage
>Gave tripshit attention

>> No.2181505

Me too!

>> No.2181515

Hell yeah, of course I care. This guy pisses me off. I see no reason to not bump the thread while I vent some spleen over his half-assed impersonation.
Furthermore, I see no reason for the use of "butthurt" to invalidate my statement. He acted butthurt and I said so. Elaborate.

>> No.2181516

I'm not actually much of a game player so my impressions don't mean much. All I have to say is: the touchscreen has seen very little (no?) implementation as far as I've seen. Which kind of surprised me.

>> No.2181525
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Because butthurt is a horrible word, like baw, newfag etc. Underage posters tend to use these words alot.

>> No.2181531
File: 24 KB, 320x240, 1227480502892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a butthurt newfag, stop bawwwing.
