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File: 134 KB, 300x452, 7ED414EF-066B-4A1B-99B1-CB58CC157B91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21776696 No.21776696 [Reply] [Original]

When did everyone start disliking Reimu? More and more people here keep shitting on her. Also please stop with your flavor of month spamming of meme girls. Reimu is number 1.

>> No.21776706

Whatever, Yukari.

>> No.21776711

I want Flan to kill all phoneposters.

>> No.21776720

Reimu is a bitch, sorry.

>> No.21776724

OP started playing toho last month.

>> No.21776985

Westerners are contrarian faggots who whine about Reimu and EoSD being popular instead of their shitty newhus that nobody in Japan cares about.

>> No.21777019

Hurr new bad old good west bad Japan good
Good thinking Reimufag.

>> No.21777026

I can see why people wouldn't like her, she's a dick. Though that's exactly why I love her.
This, EoSD haters are cancerous.

>> No.21777049

Go back

>> No.21777064

Disliking where exactly?

>> No.21777074

I never liked her. My first interaction with the games was EoSD with Reimu, and the first thing she says is that it's fine if Rumia eats humans. Maybe there was a deeper meaning that I'm not picking up, or maybe she was just messing with the little man-eater, but it was a terrible first impression.
PC-98 Reimu, on the other hand, is the cutest girl in the series and deserves more love.

>> No.21777123

Don’t take EoSD’s translation seriously

>> No.21777293

i keep shitting
is it normal /jp/

>> No.21777307

Don't worry, I shit all the time too!

>> No.21777470

She's not a dick. Just kind of stupid and socially awkward.

>> No.21777620

>west bad Japan good
This part, unironically.

>> No.21777685

Why would I hate any 2hu?

>> No.21777740

Reimu is the definition of secondary taste. Back to 2huddit with you.

>> No.21777746

stop shitposting

>> No.21777849 [DELETED] 

remember that (((keine))) is behind every anti-Reimu post.

never trust (((keine))).

>> No.21777888
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yukari turned her into used goods, thats why

>> No.21777915
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>> No.21778111

yukari is a slut and must be put to death!

>> No.21778134
File: 160 KB, 533x387, come reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late, every 2hu is now used goods

>> No.21778147

why are you so intent on tainting reimu?
she is a pure and honest girl

>> No.21778154
File: 322 KB, 400x514, ara ara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is sluttier then sanae when she is drunk

>> No.21778170

how do you know
you never got her drunk!

>> No.21778199
File: 409 KB, 800x763, 653eba040d64bf9af361aa21382d8673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't say for other people but I've got sick of her around 2015 when I started to follow the manga series for real.

WaHH was the nail in the coffin though with it's forced focus on her. Not to mention it turned her into a horrible person and a karma houdini. I actually liked her a lot back when she felt like a grumpier, more serious Sanae.

>> No.21778251
File: 430 KB, 850x1202, 1563835975216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just know

>> No.21778301
File: 263 KB, 560x896, 1537036064958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you offended when people call her the crimson slasher?

>> No.21778339

stop seducing reimu, she is for marisa!

>> No.21778432
File: 412 KB, 1280x1799, kiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marisa is getting seduced by a magician!!! oh no

>> No.21778448

kiss or kiss? that's not much of a choice.

>> No.21778488

alice wasn't around for like 8 years!

>> No.21778494

That's not Alice's fault.

>> No.21778509

Marisa can choose both and get kissed a lot.

>> No.21778547
File: 230 KB, 1026x598, marisa's lips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this >>21778509

>> No.21778585
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>> No.21778617
File: 430 KB, 725x1028, yukari has been defeated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being greedy reimu, you already have a harem for you

>> No.21778629
File: 972 KB, 2480x3507, reimu stink feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because her feet stink!

>> No.21778662

Marisa chose her harem. Reimu's harem chose her. I don't blame her for being jelly.

>> No.21778717
File: 395 KB, 920x852, yukari and reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she can tell yukari to fuck off any time she wants, she wont do it tho because she secretly enjoys it

>> No.21778821

so yukari enjoys being scolded by reimu??
what a masochist

>> No.21778827

I drank some magnesium citrite last night and i have been shitting water all day

>> No.21778903
File: 644 KB, 848x1000, Yukari yakumo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course she does

>> No.21778927

why is she so evil

>> No.21778932

>When did everyone start disliking Reimu?
When they realized she was a unlikeable bitch complicit in the mass murder of innocent people.

Like, seriously, unless you just happen to have a thing for bitchy woman. Reimu is about as unappealing as a character can get.

>> No.21778940

>My first interaction with the games was EoSD with Reimu, and the first thing she says is that it's fine if Rumia eats humans.
I pretty much feel the same way. Talk about a character introduction that leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

It is pretty terrible, yeah. But I don't think it's that different from what she said in the original japanese version.

>> No.21779072

>>PC-98 Reimu, on the other hand, is the cutest girl in the series and deserves more love.
PC-98 Reimu is a generic piece of shit. New Reimu is a weird case study of a duty-bound, Taoist in mind who is concerned, most of all, with world order. Not being a hero, not being cute, just "the way of things", and part of the way of things in Gensokyo is that youkai eat humans, and if humans don't want to die then they exterminate youkai. End of story, simple.

She's weird and interesting because of it. She isn't a pure good, and shows that in how callous she can be about life and death (including her own: Reimu plainly does NOT care about the fact that one day she will die, which is the complete opposite of Marisa). Now, are these all likable traits? No, not really, but they make her very unique and worth following. Reimu isn't even particularly heroic until ULiL, and even in ULiL she okays a plan to terrorize a high school girl.

>> No.21779093
File: 254 KB, 1090x733, genji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PC-98 reimu had a turtle and was canonically not straight, how more based can you be ?

>> No.21779099

I hated that shit.
>whatever here's a generic mascot wise animal guardian
>and I dunno here's some thoughtless gay teasing, that's what anime stuff does right?

>> No.21779102

I’m indifferent to Raymoo

>> No.21779120

Who are you quoting?

>> No.21779169

who are you quoting, also its way better to handle the fact that reimu is not straight by not making it important

>> No.21779185
File: 1.38 MB, 1419x2000, __doremy_sweet_touhou_drawn_by_minato_hitori__e4dc37112fb9577331fcd5574458e74c - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the context
>the fact that reimu is not straight

>> No.21779259

Maybe people who like Reimu are just quiet. She's weird, and is probably more fun to watch and observe than to be around. And that's what makes her great as a character.

>> No.21779270

sorry, i meant PC-98 reimu

>> No.21779274

reimu is for sex and breeding

>> No.21779330

Really? Because Marisa lives with her and she's not quiet.

>> No.21779454

Marisa is really quiet and reticent when she's alone. Source: Suika in IaMP. Basically the idea is that unless she's with people she likes she won't be energetic.

>> No.21779619

Marisa is basically a loner in a way being a magician

>> No.21779848

>complicit in the mass murder of innocent people
How much fanfiction have you been smoking?
If you're gonna be mad at Reimu, at least choose a real reason, like Fortune Teller, who both did nothing wrong and is the only canon death in the entire series.

>> No.21779901

Reimu's relatively normal, compared to the village weirdos, with their keeping around of children that aren't theirs' in their home, casual murder of fairies, and tsundre relationship with youkai. On one hand, youkai treat them like cattle and they fear them, but on the other, they want to be youkai. Virtually none of them are well-adjusted.

>> No.21780041
File: 224 KB, 1200x799, 1540375853078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where? People are pretty fond of her, especially girls. One time there was even something like "Reimu cosplay day" on twitter. Thinking about it I have yet to see some negative reaction about her.l

>> No.21780161

>plainly does NOT care about the fact that one day she will die
Didn't she try learning how to become immortal from Kasen?

>> No.21780188

>who both did nothing wrong and is the only canon death in the entire series.
Not that guy, but that's wrong, even in the same manga the horse merchant or whatever the fuck he was turns into a youkai and gets killed by Reimu.
There was also a random person that got killed in the fairy manga, with the chapter involving the dog and Kasen.

And in the games there's people like Houyi who got killed by Junko, and there's the popular Layla Prismriver.

>> No.21780307

Didn't Byakuren's brother die (of old age)?

>> No.21780356

No, Kasen just kidnapped her and made her train for a while once. Marisa was the one who said she was interested in immortality. When offered immortality before, she only said she wanted some small boost of life's worth but otherwise is disinterested.

>> No.21780357

>did nothing wrong
killed a human villager, broke the biggest law of the village

>> No.21780642
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK poorfags, that's why.
If you're poor, it means you're not working hard enough.
Now go out there, don't come back until you find a job, buy a house, and get married, like I did back in the day. And no, your shitty shrine doesn't count as owning a house.

>> No.21780939

>Reimu works for Yukari.
>Yukari abducts and murders countless people.
It's not that complex.

>> No.21780946 [DELETED] 

*broke the biggest law of the youkai sages.
Reimu doesn't care about the human villagers. She only has to enforce the laws of the youkai that keep the human villagers trapped in Gensokyo.

>> No.21780950

>*broke the biggest law of the youkai sages.
Reimu doesn't care about the human villagers. She only has to enforce the laws of the youkai that keep the human villagers trapped in Gensokyo.

>> No.21780963

Who are you quoting?

>> No.21781034

>Reimu doesn't care about the human villagers.
she's the one who quotes the law, end of story, I implied nothing in stating that

>> No.21781042

Who are you quoting?
Based on what?

>> No.21781055

>Who are you quoting?
Anon you blind bastard>>21779169
>its way better to handle the fact that reimu is not straight by not making it important
>>the fact that reimu is not straight

>> No.21781061

The truth.

Which is that Reimu works for somebody that regularly murders children.

>> No.21781066

That's not how quoting works.

>> No.21781068

>she's the one who quotes the law, end of story,
Yes. But if the law is pure evil, then so is Reimu.

>> No.21781071

Nothing evil about punishing killers.

>> No.21781072

Thank you for pointing me to the post you were quoting.

>> No.21781080

It was pointed to in the first place.

>> No.21781082

Yes. That is why Reimu should be burned at the stake.

>> No.21781086

But it should.

>> No.21781088

Killers who kill killers are justified.

>> No.21781090

I find the thought of her being a genocidal maniac highly amusing

>> No.21781092

The only person Reimu killed was innocent. Meanwhile, she works for Yukari, who is a mass murdering monster.

>> No.21781097

She isn't though. She's just a selfish bitch that sold out the human village to actual genocidal maniacs.

>> No.21781101

>The only person Reimu killed was innocent
1) Man who slaughtered his horse, bore a grudge in it, and himself became a corrupted shadow of his former self.
2) A man who killed one villager, harmed another, and swore "I won't do anything bad" after becoming a categorically wicked being.

>> No.21781118

No, not really.

>> No.21781128

>1) Man who slaughtered his horse, bore a grudge in it, and himself became a corrupted shadow of his former self.
I mean, that guy was already a zombie when Reimu entered the picture. Much though I hate Reimu, I can't exactly blame him.

> A man who killed one villager
No, he did not. The only person he killed was himself.

>harmed another
It didn't exactly cause any lasting harm. Compared to the likes of Yukari, or even Mystia and Remilia, he was completely innocent.

>and swore "I won't do anything bad" after becoming a categorically wicked being.
Why? Because he's a youkai?

>> No.21781146

>A man who killed one villager
>>No, he did not.
>>The only person he killed was himself.
He didn't kill a villager, but he killed a villager?

Excuse me, anon? Are you okay?
>Because he's a youkai?
Half the youkai out there are naturally against humanity, and that is me being generous and not saying most, even though it very well could be most.

>> No.21781167

Oh, and the dumbass did everything despite knowing what he was doing was against the village laws.

There's no question. If you have a problem with people being punished for their crimes, that's simply on you. Following the law is not wrong, innately, and while laws can be evil the laws of the village were equally decided on by youkai and humans (most likely). Ignoring that it is the humans who have power over youkai and not the other way around is pretty much revealing "I only know about Touhou on a surface level and judge it based on my own assumptions". The entire society could fall if humans decided it. They know about the outside world. They know how Gensokyo works. They know how easy it would be to overthrow their "masters".

But they don't. Not out of fear, but out of an appreciation for what they have. Need me to go into what benefits there are to living in Gensokyo? I won't, I've already marked you as an ignorant and I've done this stupid forum dance too many times. Read the side material.

>> No.21781225

>He didn't kill a villager, but he killed a villager?
Suicide is not the same thing as murder, dumbass.

>Half the youkai out there are naturally against humanity, and that is me being generous and not saying most, even though it very well could be most.
It's probably most. Yet, Reimu still has no problem hanging out with even the most evil of youkai.

>Oh, and the dumbass did everything despite knowing what he was doing was against the village laws.
No, it was not. The villagers don't give a fuck one way or the other. The law he was breaking was forced upon him by his youkai overlords.

>Following the law is not wrong, innately, and while laws can be evil the laws of the village were equally decided on by youkai and humans (most likely).
Why the fuck do you think the human villagers had any say in that? They did not, just like they didn't have a say in being imprisoned inside Gensokyo. They are a oppressed minority without any kind of political power.

>The entire society could fall if humans decided it.
Yes. If they all collectively committed suicide. That's literally the only card they have when dealing with youkai. The fact that they could all off themselves if life ever became too miserably.

>They know how easy it would be to overthrow their "masters".
Have you even read, like, any of the side materials? It's made perfectly clear that overthrowing their masters is not easy. In fact, it's probably impossible.

>> No.21781251

And here I thought something actually happened about Reimu but it's /vg/-kun craving his usual dopamine rush. Boring.

>> No.21781285

What the hell kind of benefits would there be in living in Gensokyo? It’s just another third-world shithole. Farming is a very shitty occupation, end of story. It’s just one method of finding satisfaction in your hard work. But in reality, nobody likes it or will want to escape from it. Fuck the people who romanticize farming. And don’t give me that crap about agricultural booms when the outside world can easily procure food thousands of times more efficient with higher yields just by statistics. What does Gensokyo have?

>> No.21781753

holy fuck i could not resist if she did that to me

>> No.21781830

I don't think it was specified it was old age, but it probably was. Her brother's death is basically her reason for becoming a youkai.

I also forgot DiPP, with the entirety of the story being people dying in Gensokyo in different ways.

>> No.21781838

Freedom from consumerism and social isolation?

>> No.21781877

You can move to the countryside and do the same, in addition of not having youkai to try to fuck with you on a regular basis.

>> No.21781998

Are we counting the poet who died under Yuyuko's tree too?

>> No.21782474

Not a argument.

>> No.21783172
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based on the fact that she had a turtle and wanted to fuck a girl

>> No.21783186
File: 214 KB, 607x399, 1563084261710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neither could reimu

>> No.21784399

Unlimited energy production via hiirokane. It boils water, but never decays.

>> No.21784669

be careful he'll use /v/ buzzwords and keep bumping his dogshit threads

>> No.21785943
File: 643 KB, 729x1008, 1547194910264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of you are fucking stupid. She is a bitchy teenager. Did any of you useless faggots ever interact with girls when you were 14-18? They are awful and 1 dimensional. Reimu and marisa are teenagers. Reimu is a normal teen with a shit job in a 3rd world country. Why do you all expect her to be a western style hero with a beautiful personality? the beauty of Reimu is the writing by ZUN. He writes almost every character similarly. if you don't smile or laugh at how deadpan ZUN's characters are, then go to the akb48 general.

>> No.21785950
File: 651 KB, 1067x800, 1363538949412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did any of you useless faggots ever interact with girls when you were 14-18?

>> No.21786183

Reimu does not have a "shit" job. By the standards of Humans of Gensokyo, she has one of the best jobs you can possibly have. She's easily the most privileged human in all of Gensokyo.

>> No.21790018

Who are you quoting?

>> No.21790242

Pretty sure he's quoting >>21785943

>> No.21790307

>Did any of you useless faggots ever interact with girls when you were 14-18?
Reimu is (presumably) still a virgin and she has a brain, so that's quite different from the teenagers in my third world country.
>Reimu and marisa are teenagers.
Then why is Marisa so much more likable than Reimu?

>> No.21790416

OP, I love Reimu. She is my perfect girl.

>> No.21791131

-protection from natural disasters
-boons to harvest
-protection from famine
-health care that exceeds literally anything possible in reality
-can use magic
-if you're a native, youkai are forbidden from killing you
-can become immortal
-can become a celestial
-if you leave the village, can become a youkai
-can fly

no benefits

>> No.21791139

She's not a teenager anymore.

>> No.21791145

The biggest reasons for Reimu having a "shit" life are all her own: she's lazy and shiftless and doesn't like expending any effort.

>> No.21791253

Gensokyo runs on Sazae-san time.

>> No.21791285

Yes and? She still needs to pass that drinking age.

>> No.21791299

She's still distinctly not a child. See: her standing beside children, the fact that Kosuzu acknowledges her as an adult (while Reimu treats her as a child, and Kosuzu is only a few years younger than Akyuu--just about a young adult, making Kosuzu probably a teen)

>> No.21791300

Does the text really bear that out? Touhou voices what ever ZUN wants to talk about. He doesn't attempt to have Reimu and Marisa represent average teenage girls with any fidelity.

>> No.21791302

He only does that for Sumireko

>> No.21791305

Good point. That's what it looks like when ZUN is writing a teenager.

>> No.21791307

Then she never was a teenager. She drinks in pretty much every game's ending.

>> No.21791318

They're young enough to act silly and old enough to act seriously. They're of ambiguous age because ZUN knows his people and he knows giving them an age just causes angst.

>> No.21791340
File: 611 KB, 1020x929, 1543807655182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's still distinctly not a child
She is when she is in front of her mom.

>> No.21791346

cute cake, not child

>> No.21791359


>> No.21791370

azmaya draws everyone like a child. That doesn't mean they're a child.

>> No.21791391

>That doesn't mean they're a child
It was a figure of speech dude.
>azmaya draws everyone like a child
Ayy what? That's Hirasaka.

>> No.21791397

If it were hirasaka they'd have their hands glued to their hips.

>> No.21791420 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 241x183, 1561203509914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know man the water slide chapter was pretty vivid.

>> No.21791438
File: 922 KB, 1111x823, 1564405954712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know man the water slide chapter was pretty vivid.

>> No.21791471

>hirasaka, draw them in swimsuits. and stop looking so happy about it.

>> No.21791938

>protection from natural disasters
Which would completely wipe them out otherwise.

>boons to harvest
Still can't compare with outside world agricultural tech.

>protection from famine
Not a massive problem anymore in the outside world. So, not much would change.

>health care that exceeds literally anything possible in reality
No social care in place ot make sure you can afford that healthcare if necessary.

>can use magic
Your average villager cannot learn magic.

>if you're a native, youkai are forbidden from killing you
Until you do something the youkai dislike, then the youkai secret police are going to pay you a visit.

>can become immortal
99.9% of people in Gensokyo do not become immortal.

>can become a celestial
Only by becoming a hermit. Which unless you get help from Miko, basically means becoming a youkai version of a rare candy.

>if you leave the village, can become a youkai
If you leave the village, you will indeed become a youkai. Mostly because one of them is going to consume you and add your flesh to their own biomass.

>can fly
99.9% of villagers cannot fly.

>no benefits
There are literally no benefits unless your last name is Hakurei or you befriended somebody with the last name Hakurei.

>> No.21791943

Yes. Then again, considering how easy it would be for her to exploit her position. That might be a good thing.

>> No.21791951
File: 36 KB, 250x331, 1544301294858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you desperately want to fit in but try making an effort by reading the post I was replying to before making an ass of yourself

>> No.21791953

Reimu's armpits.

>> No.21792004
File: 12 KB, 1085x91, firefox_2019-07-31_18-05-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>99.9% of people in Gensokyo do not become immortal.
Your ass is a wonderful source of information. On the contrary, it's stated that it's easy to become immortal and at a young age too, because immortal arts are well documented by this points.
"Then why isn't Marisa immortal?"
Because despite having several methods at her disposal, she just doesn't want to become a youkai.
>99.9% of villagers cannot fly.
I repeat, your ass is a wonderful source of information. On the contrary, pic related.

Natural disasters literally do wipe us out in the real world. We still have no means of stopping or reducing the damage of most of the worst natural disasters. In Gensokyo, because of magic and gods, they can literally nullify damage. Not entirely, not perfectly, but much better. This is canon.

>Still can't compare
Your ass is just a goldmine of headcanon. Why would they need a massive amount of low quality food, anyway, when they can magically produce a significant bounty of healthy and high quality food?

Eirin explicitly makes all of her medicines affordable. She only even sells them to remain "normal". She otherwise has no reason to have people buy them. Canon.

>Your average villager cannot learn magic.
Head canon. Nothing has indicated this. On the contrary, anyone can learn magic, people just don't want to. Marisa is for all intents and purposes average. She has no natural aptitude or talent (in fact, her natural aptitude is AGAINST the type of magic she prefers to use). She learned magic.

>Until you do something the youkai dislike, then the youkai secret police are going to pay you a visit.
Fuck. Why am I even arguing with someone who makes all this shit up? Fuck off.

>Only by becoming a hermit. Which unless you get help from Miko, basically means becoming a youkai version of a rare candy.
The arts are fully accessible so long as you want to use them. Also no, it isn't only by becoming a hermit. The only named celestial in the series is not a hermit and did not need to do anything to become a celestial.

>If you leave the village, you will indeed become a youkai. Mostly because one of them is going to consume you and add your flesh to their own biomass.
Kirisame Marisa.

Also literally all natives. None are allowed to be killed, only outsiders are allowed to be killed. Unless you commit a crime, youkai or human you cannot be killed without consequences.

You don't know jack shit. Why are you even here? Go watch Touhou meme videos or something.

>> No.21792008

Didn't Marisa use to be a human villager before she learned magic and ran away from home? So that means anybody can learn magic, they just choose not to.

>> No.21792123

>Using PMISS as a source of information.
Literally no longer canon. The human village described in that book, and the human village shown in every other piece of side material afterwards might as well be two different places.

Like, we've had a entire manga set in the human village staring a human villager. Yet, we've had exactly zero villagers flying, zero villagers becoming immortal, and zero villagers learning magic.

>Natural disasters literally do wipe us out in the real world.
Oh yeah, I remember recently when south Italy flooded. So everybody in the country died.

>Why would they need a massive amount of low quality food, anyway, when they can magically produce a significant bounty of healthy and high quality food?
They can't magically produce food. At best, the ground in Gensokyo is very fertile and they can get help from various harvest gods and goddesses. But there is nothing to indicate that is somehow better than anything we can grow in the outside world.

>Eirin explicitly makes all of her medicines affordable.
And? If you're poor, that still won't matter. Best case scenario, you'll end up in debt and have to pay it off eventually with your literal nonexistent farmer income.

>Why am I even arguing with someone who makes all this shit up?
Yukari spies upon the human villagers, with the intent of making sure they don't cause any problems. What the fuck do you think that entails? Politely asking them to stop?

>The only named celestial in the series is not a hermit and did not need to do anything to become a celestial.
Literally the only reason Tenshi became a celestial is because of her family. The chance of replicating that feat as a human villager is smaller than winning the lottery and becoming a millionaire in the outside world.

>Kirisame Marisa.
Knows Reimu and MIGHT have had a teacher in the form of Mima. Either one would explain why she didn't become a youkai meal the moment she left the village.

>Unless you commit a crime, youkai or human you cannot be killed without consequences.
Yes, and what constitutes a crime is determined by oppressive youkai that have every reason to keep humans down. It's a way for them to clean up people that get in the way.

>Didn't Marisa use to be a human villager before she learned magic and ran away from home?
Marisa befriended Reimu, which already makes you one of the most privileged people in Gensokyo, and MIGHT have had Mima as a teacher.

>> No.21792144

Too much headcanon, $70 fine.

>> No.21792186

There are exactly zero headcanons in my post. Try harder, dumbass.

>> No.21792187
File: 91 KB, 1077x503, firefox_2019-07-31_19-28-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PMiSS is a mix of facts and speculation, and a straight claim that everyone can fly is a fact that could easily be proven or disproved (unlike Reisen being an earth rabbit or Eirin and Kaguya being purely human, which are factual as observed (this is what they say they are and you can't disprove it easily) and are direct statements from the persons themselves). It's not no longer canon.

It's literally entirely your speculation, anon. You don't even have any sources, it's all in your head. It's pretty amusing, but it was a waste of time typing out your speculations.

>> No.21792202

>and a straight claim that everyone can fly is a fact that could easily be proven or disproved
No, it can easily be disproved by the fact that we have seen exactly zero human villagers not named Keine flying.

>It's not no longer canon.
Remember when Kosuzu discovered Aya was a youkai and her reaction was "HOLY SHIT!" rather than "Oh, a youkai. Want to have a spell card duel?"

Touhou lore runs on the principle of "it's canon, until a new work contradicts it". And, in the case of PMISS, a lot of its lore has been contradicted.

>It's literally entirely your speculation, anon
None of it is speculation. If you want to make such a ludicrous claim, then please post some actual specifics for me to effortlessly destroy.

>> No.21792218

Marisa can fly.

In PMiSS it's shown through multiple entries that humans are terrified of youkai, even when they aren't attacking. Look at Aya's for instance, or Rumia's.

It's all speculation. You don't have a single source, but you are speculating. You speculate that because Yukari spies on villagers she kills them, you speculate that Marisa is privileged due to her friendship with Reimu when Reimu doesn't even assist her literally ever when Marisa throws herself into danger, you speculate that the laws are determined by youkai and not the villagers even though we literally know that the youkai cannot directly influence the village whatsoever (they instead use subterfuge), you speculate that the chance of replicating what happened to the Hinanawi family is unlikely although what happened was that, basically, a family related to them did their job for a god fairly poorly, and for their service everyone related to them was brought to heaven (and ascension to heaven can also happen through nirvana or reincarnation). You speculate that they can't magically produce food when there are youkai that can, in fact, create plants from nothing (though admittedly largely they use harvests). You speculate that everyone would die to a natural disaster in Gensokyo and are ignorant of the number of lives affected in natural disasters here in reality (you basically said "boo hoo a bunch of people died so what" When Tohoku Earthquake hit, do you think people were saying "what a relief, it didn't destroy all of Japan"? At a time like that, the interference of gods wouldn't be scoffed at). You speculated that PMiSS isn't canon, which is fucking retarded by the way. You're a fucking retard. That's severely retarded, what the fuck is wrong with you? You speculated that Eirin would let you rot in debt when it's completely the opposite but you're so fucking ignorant of the source material and so far up your own foul-smelling ass that you weren't aware that that was completely, utterly, and easily provable as false.

You're basically quite stupid, or a very dedicated troll. I guess I'd say making the time pass on my train ride home was at least worth this. Thanks, doofus anon

>> No.21792230

>Marisa can fly.
With her broom.

>> No.21792231


>> No.21792236

I'm fairly sure it's a mistake considering her sprite in all mainline games feature the broom.

>> No.21792246
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Perhaps, but the fact of the matter is there is a canon game where she flies without a broom.

Honestly she says it herself: she uses a broom because that's what magicians do, they fly on brooms. Given we also see her in AoCF flying without it (pic related, she only holds it and not in a way that supports her weight), the fact that it's stated to be completely ordinary and only enchanted AFTER many years of magic use, the fact that we know anyone can fly, and the fact that she wears a witch outfit, it'd be safe to figure she can fly without it, but she doesn't want to because that's not image.

>> No.21792257

Marisa is not a villager. She was a villager, but there is nothing to indicate she could fly back then.

>In PMiSS it's shown through multiple entries that humans are terrified of youkai, even when they aren't attacking. Look at Aya's for instance, or Rumia's.
Then Akyuu's monologue states that humans and youkai totally get along. To the point of having fake abductions and exterminations regularly.

Also, the human villagers being afraid of Aya is literally a joke about journalism.Stop reaching.

>You speculate that because Yukari spies on villagers she kills them
Again, how the fuck else would she take care of people doing something she doesn't like?

>you speculate that Marisa is privileged due to her friendship with Reimu
People being privileged because they have befriended Reimu is a canon fact. It's what happens to Kosuzu, and it's what happened to Marisa.

> you speculate that the laws are determined by youkai and not the villagers
Again, this is a literal fact. Fortune Teller was killed because of Youkai laws. Did you even read FS?

>you speculate that the chance of replicating what happened to the Hinanawi family is unlikely
That's not speculation. Unless you want to seriously argue that jobs involving protecting a keystone are just lying around. Which, that's what I would call some serious speculation.

>You speculate that they can't magically produce food when there are youkai that can
There are also Youkai that can manipulate boundaries. That has fuck all to do with the human villagers all being farming mages.

>do you think people were saying "what a relief, it didn't destroy all of Japan"?
They did not say that because it was not a risk. It is very much a risk in Gensokyo, where all it would take for the complete destruction of the human village and everybody inside of it is one earthquake or flood.

>You speculated that PMiSS isn't canon
The lore that is flat out contradicted by other lore is not canon. It's not that complicated.

>> No.21792263

Stop speculating, anon.

>> No.21792267

>Again, this is a literal fact. Fortune Teller was killed because of Youkai laws. Did you even read FS?

>> No.21792268

Still not a argument. Try harder.

Like, you're arguments are retarded and you don't understand how canon works. But it's the lack of effort that really makes me sad.

>> No.21792281

Fortune Teller was killed because it's illegal for humans to turn into youkai. Something that is revealed to be a rule youkai established.

>> No.21792282

>Still not a argument.
There's really nothing to argue here. You haven't read anything, you don't know anything, you make stuff up. Okay? So, you want a cookie?

>> No.21792285

You can't source that because there is no source.

>> No.21792287

The only person that hasn't read anything is you. Or at the very least, you obviously haven't read anything made after PMISS.

Touhou canon has changed, anon. I know it hurts people like you, but it's the truth.

>> No.21792288

There's this word again. You kill a person not a youkai.

>> No.21792289

Read FS chapter 24 and 25, dumbass.

>> No.21792295

FT was one of the few decent youkai. The fact that Reimu killed him yet let actual serial killers like Yukari live is enough reason to hate her.

>> No.21792297

So what happened to the FT if he wasn't killed?

>> No.21792299

I have. There's nothing there about it being a youkai law. I'll dump the chapters for you when I get home since you can't be bothered to find even one page

>> No.21792300

>Source: my ass

>> No.21792303

>There's nothing there about it being a youkai law.
Then you are a retard. Obviously, it's a youkai law. Why the fuck would the Fortune Teller act surprised that he's being killed if it wasn't a Youkai law? And why would Reimu enforce it anyway if it's a human law considering that she doesn't enforce human laws.

>> No.21792306

There's that lack of effort again. Typical, of a defeated man that is now starting to realize he never had a argument to begin with.

>> No.21792326
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shut the fuck up you retard

>> No.21792341
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Anon, you don't repeat yourself to stubborn people set in their own bullshit. You don't win arguments with idiots, you just ignore them and let their idiocy and self-satisfaction stand on its own as a testament to how completely oblivious, obnoxious, and moronic they are.

You have been proven wrong, you don't want to see it, and I don't care. I'll dump the chapters showing you to be wrong on one point as I've already shown you how you were wrong with direct evidence to other points, which you just said la la la, doesn't count. I did not realize Bizarro ZUN had joined us here, master of "canon".

>> No.21792343
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>> No.21792346
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>> No.21792348
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>> No.21792350
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>> No.21792355
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>> No.21792356
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>> No.21792360
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>> No.21792362
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>> No.21792364
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>> No.21792367
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>> No.21792368
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>> No.21792371
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>> No.21792373
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>> No.21792375
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>> No.21792378


Oh, please. Go ahead, point me at the moment where it's totally a human law.

>> No.21792379
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When the human lawman Hakurei Reimu talks about sins of the human village.

Anon, could you be... speculating?

>> No.21792380
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No way... SPECULATING about the manga?

>> No.21792382

Reimu is not a lawman, dumbass.

>> No.21792384
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You're... ASSUMING things, based on nothing?

>> No.21792385
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Oh no... That's no good. That's what we call "headcanon"

>> No.21792388

Just keep being obnoxious, it's only going to make the moment when I can point at the pages and say "i'm right" all the more satisfying.

>> No.21792392
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literally responsible for one of the biggest bodies of law in Gensokyo: the spell card rules

literally the enforcer who keeps the peace of the land

literally only acts in accordance to her job and the laws of the land

not a lawman? Oh anon, you retard

>> No.21792396
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>> No.21792402
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>> No.21792403
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>> No.21792405
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>> No.21792409
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>>21776696 (A new addition!)

(Pretty sure i'm missing a few)

>> No.21792411
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>> No.21792414
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>> No.21792418
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>> No.21792419
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>> No.21792420

During that time you can show me where exactly people start disliking Reimu. With multiple examples please.

>> No.21792421
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>> No.21792423
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>> No.21792426

Oops, I forgot one!

>> No.21792429
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>> No.21792432
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>> No.21792435
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>> No.21792436
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>> No.21792438
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>> No.21792439
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>> No.21792442
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>> No.21792445
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>> No.21792446
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>> No.21792448
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Reimu's so cool.

>> No.21792451
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>> No.21792453
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>> No.21792454

>literally responsible for one of the biggest bodies of law in Gensokyo: the spell card rules
Which, shock of all shock, was created by youkai.

>literally the enforcer who keeps the peace of the land
Which, because of the nature of Gensokyo, is not the same thing as punishing people that break the law.

>literally only acts in accordance to her job and the laws of the land
So do I. That does not make me a police officer or a lawman.

>> No.21792456
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>> No.21792463
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That's it. Did you spot where it said that youkai make the laws of the human village, kids?

-Did you even read it? You don't see where?
*refuses to quote page*
-If you don't see where it says that, you're an idiot

and so on, because those are the usual obvious techniques. You might've noticed this dipshit hasn't even once quoted a specific passage, posted a specific page, made any specific reference. I mean, he's done this before. He's the same dipshit in a lot of these threads >>21792426 . He doesn't actually know anything about the series but jabbers on and on in vague attepts to poison memetic thought about the series with nonsense like "the humans are just a farm for the youkai" or whatever. You can point up and down how the humans hold power, the humans are satisfied, or how the humans mock humans who DO think youkai hold power, he'll just ignore it and say a combination of "that's no longer canon" "it's contradictory" "blah blah I say this so it must be true". I keep hoping he'll shut up. I guess it gives an excuse to increase awareness of canon, though.

>> No.21792468

>Which, shock of all shock, was created by youkai.
Prove it? Those rules also spare literally all humans in Gensokyo from death. Oh, how awful.
>is not the same thing as punishing people that break the law.
except she punishes people for breaking the law
>So do I. That does not make me a police officer or a lawman.
Are you a vigilante or do you not know what "act" means, you fucking buffoon?

>> No.21792469

Oh, look, humans terrified of youkai rather than going "Wow, a youkai, I was recently faux abducted by one."

But PMISS is still 100% canon.

>> No.21792489

Oh, look at how happy this person is to be living in Gensokyo. Look at how he clearly states "The humans are totally in charge".

Look at how Fortune Teller goes "Oh, obviously I would be killed. After all, the law of my people clearly states that any human that turns into a youkai should be killed."

Look at how Reimu DOESN"T use the word sin. Instead using the word law, making it obvious that it's a law humans created.

Look at Reimu commiting murder. What a bitch.

If you can post this, and yet still seriously make every retarded claim you did. Then you are downright delusional. You're delusional not because you misunderstand the lore, but because you refuse to accept the truth that lore reveals. Which is that Gensokyo is a bad place for humans to live.

>> No.21792494

404: the laws are made by youkai not found

Search again?

>> No.21792501
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Maybe he should have choose more pleasant appearance than Count Chocula. If he had bountiful honkers like Hijirin people would react somehow differently.

>> No.21792508

>Prove it?
Read the last bit, dumbass.

>except she punishes people for breaking the law
That's not what she does. Otherwise, Mystia, Rumia, Remilia, Yukari, Okina, Flandre, Chen, and Marisa would have all been arrested or killed already.

>Are you a vigilante or do you not know what "act" means, you fucking buffoon?
I know what "act" means. My point is that just because you act in accordance with the law, that does not make you a law enforcer.

>> No.21792514

PMiSS isn't canon.

>> No.21792518
File: 15 KB, 703x298, ss+(2019-07-31+at+09.04.52).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, look, humans terrified of youkai rather than going "Wow, a youkai, I was recently faux abducted by one."
>But PMISS is still 100% canon.

>"I saw a large blob of darkness heading towards the forest. It was scary." (Hikozaemon)
>"The Scarlet Devil Mansion is terrifying, but thanks to that gatekeeper, it feels friendly." (Tofu shop owner)
>"I saw her at the Garden of the Sun. Her smile was terrifying, so I immediately ran away." (Anonymous)
>"Lately, a nine-tailed fox has been wandering around the edge of the village like it's been sizing up something. I wonder what the youkai are planning; it's scary." (Anonymous)
pic related
>"I was wounded and could barely move, but someone from the Scarlet Devil Mansion helped me and let me lodge in. They call it the Devil's Mansion, but she was unexpectedly kind. However, there wasn't anything much to eat, and since it was very noisy during the night, I couldn't sleep, so I ran away as soon as I could." (Anonymous)
"I was wounded and could barely move, but someone from the Scarlet Devil Mansion helped me and let me lodge in. They call it the Devil's Mansion, but she was unexpectedly kind. However, there wasn't anything much to eat, and since it was very noisy during the night, I couldn't sleep, so I ran away as soon as I could." (Anonymous)
>"I saw her shadow wandering around the mansion while I was at an outdoor party at the Scarlet Devil Mansion. It was truly frightening. I knew it was her just from the silhouette, but she doesn't get to join many parties." (Anonymous)

Also PMiSS
Human Village
Threat level: Low
Encounterable youkai: Were-beasts, fairies, phantoms, etc.
The place where most of the humans in Gensokyo live.
Although various youkai visit the village for the many shops catered towards them, they are rarely violent, so it is a relatively relaxed place (*1).
Everything necessary for human life is supplied here.
Moreover, as there are also humans who spend their time as youkai exterminators, it is possible to lead a safe life here.
As for why there are no attacks on the human village, the truth is that it is under the protection of the youkai sages. (*2).
As long as the humans don't leave the village, they won't meet any harm.
Even if you were to meet a youkai in the village, you should greet them respectfully as if they were your elder (*3).
Moreover, many stores are kept open late at night, but that is when they are for the exclusive use of youkai.
Since many youkai are active at night, such stores are quite prosperous.
It is said that youkai are good customers.
It is also a common occurrence for humans and youkai to enjoy meals together, particularly in places that serve alcohol.
1: Of course, the Hieda family lives here as well.
2: If the humans of Gensokyo perished, the youkai would also be in trouble.
3: There is a high probability that they are far older than you.

Wait a minute... could it be that... you're completely wrong?

>> No.21792522

Fortune Teller literally states that he "lives under the yoke of the youkai" and Reimu calls humans turning into youkai a sin of gensokyo, a land ruled by youkai, not the human village.

You are a dumbass. Now please remove yourself from the genepool by castrating yourself with a rusty fork.

>> No.21792534

Like an arson detective is not a beat cop, and a beat cop is not in homicide, Reimu deals with one circle of law. How are you so dull as to be incapable of understanding this basic concept

>> No.21792535
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>> No.21792536

>lives under the yoke of the youkai
Law is said... where?

Anon, can you not read?

>> No.21792544

Only the parts that are not contradicted elsewhere.

Yet, the monologue makes it perfectly clear that youkai and humans get along just fine. And that Akyuu tried to make youkai sound scarier than they actually are.

I wonder, it's almost like you never actually read PMISS and are just quoting random bits you found to try and make a case for yourself.

>> No.21792551

>Becoming a youkai is the greatest sin there is.

>> No.21792555

an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.
"a sin in the eyes of God"

>> No.21792557

>Only the parts that are not contradicted elsewhere.
So, nothing.

>> No.21792570

>Akyuu tried to make youkai sound scarier than they actually are
Akyuu is other people she's quoting? She even makes fun of some of those people telling them to not overreact, and the human village bit is largely about "please don't freak out over youkai you find here".

>> No.21792593

>against divine law.
>Divine LAW
The only way you could try and spin this is that the gods of Gensokyo decide the laws. Which, seems unlikely. But if that's where you want to go, then sure.

Either way, they are not laws made by humans. Because being a human in Gensokyo sucks and has no benefits.

>> No.21792596

Nope. Most stuff about the human village and the state of Gensokyo is contradicted elsewhere.

No villagers fly, use magic, or have faux abductions with youkai in any other lorebook.

>> No.21792598

>Akyuu is other people she's quoting?
No. But she can decide who to quote, and just make stuff up.

>> No.21792669 [DELETED] 
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"Why yes, of course I hate Reimu. What gave it away?"

>> No.21792726

Who are you quoting?

>> No.21795260

Gapping the wicked and those who are about to commit suicide doesn't really count as kidnapping children, now, does it ?

>> No.21795311

kuso thread

>> No.21795323

Imagine being so autistic that you don't know the difference between youkai and gods

>> No.21795552

Most people who hate Reimu are Grimsokyo fags and secondaries who think Alice is some sort of cold blooded psychopath because of that one PCB quote. Up to you if these kinds of people are worth listening to or not. Also, people who hate Reimu because of her supposedly bitchy personality have no right liking any other Touhou character at all when they're pretty much all like that.

>> No.21795580

what quote? the one where she says "have you come to gift me your life" or something to that effect to reimu? I thought it was just banter.

>> No.21795633

She is more kind of a macho.

>> No.21795705

You thought that, and you thought correctly. Have you not seen those Grimsokyifaggotry Alice threads ? They point that quote out all the time as "proof" that Alice is harsh, cold and distant. Which of course contradicts every other time she's appeared in other games, and the fact that she's a kids entertainer of all things now, but that doesn't matter to secondaries.

>> No.21795915

Yukari literally tells Sakuya she keeps children in her home in PCB. The idea that she only takes wicked people is 100% headcanon. It is, in fact, contradicted by canon multiple times.

>> No.21795920

>Most people who hate Reimu are Grimsokyo fags and secondaries who think Alice is some sort of cold blooded psychopath because of that one PCB quote.
I hate Reimu. I understand that Gensokyo is a bad place. Yet, I also know that canon Alice is not a cold blooded psychopath.

It's called actually reading canon works. You should try it sometimes.

>> No.21795922

that's sakuya
she's a jojo reference and all

>> No.21796239

>I hate Reimu.
Good for you ?
>I understand that Gensokyo is a bad place.
... why ?
>It's called actually reading canon works. You should try it sometimes.
You should try taking your own words more seriously, anon. Or let me guess, you read FS once and now that you're nosedeep in grimderp headcanon you think you're the master of lore or something ?

>> No.21796805

This but unironically

>> No.21797734

>... why ?
Because the entire place is founded on the systematic mass murder of outsiders. Like, even ignoring any arguments that the native humans have a pretty sorry lot as well. Gensokyo's treatment of outsiders is already enough of a reason why the entire place deserves to be burned to the ground.

>Or let me guess, you read FS once and now that you're nosedeep in grimderp headcanon you think you're the master of lore or something ?
I've read pretty much every lorebook. And pretty much all of them paint Gensokyo as at least somewhat of a bad location. Even PMISS, which still has outsiders being murdered regularly as a clearly established part of the lore.

>> No.21797843

PMiSS was written from an in-universe perspective: it's not that it isn't canon, its just that the person who wrote it did not have accurate accounts on every subject they tackled, given that some of their sources, particularly the youkai ones, were deliberately unreliable to make them seem like a bigger or smaller threat then they'd be in reality.

Think of it like 40k's Guardsmen's Uplifting Primer: it's good for a quick rundown on Gensokyo in a sort of propaganda-distorted way, but relying on its information for anything precise is bound to disappoint you at best, or leave you in the mouth of a Youkai at worst.

>> No.21805481

>every Touhou character is a bitch exactly like Reimu
This is fucking retarded
Reimu IS a bitch, that's her characteristic, it doesn't take WaHM to konw this, you can't fucking deny this, only if you're really are delusional

>> No.21805565

does your dumbass also think that she killed sakuya when she said so in stage 6?

never take the game's writing seriously, otherwise the characters would never meet up in tea parties and shit, nor would remilia give reimu a big ol hug in one of the endings.

>> No.21805570

Whom she thought was a man.

>> No.21805583

I've seen a lot of liking instead. She wins the yearly popularity contest most of the time, gets more fanart than other touhous on pixiv and people here are always coming with weird depraved situations about her in the fetish /jp/ threads like the boobhu/feet/armpit etc. threads.

Sick fucks the lot of you.

>> No.21805588

I think she once said that she didn't want to ascend to godhood when asked and just remain a human instead, think it was from the books.

>> No.21805621

>Reimu isn't even particularly heroic until ULiL
The final boss scene where she gets passionate about stopping Sumireko from committing suicide, I remember seeing that screencap a lot on twitter at the time from japanese artists I follow saying she looked really cool.

>> No.21809491

>does your dumbass also think that she killed sakuya when she said so in stage 6?
If Sakuya never appeared again after stage 6, then I would think that actually.

>> No.21809500

> End of story, simple.
No, it's not because Reimu is literally defending and creating the status quo that allows youkai to eat humans without serious repercussion.

You can't argue that you "it's just the way of things" when you are the reason why things are that way.

>> No.21809506

>all Reimufags are massive degenerates as well.
Figures. Worst girl has worst fans.

>> No.21813907

At the very least they don't seem to be abusing the quote function, fren.

>> No.21813925
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Reimu is cute.

>> No.21813981

>they're pretty much all like that
Cirno, Reisen, Sumireko, Keine, Sunny Milk, Luna Child, Star Sapphire, Komachi, Sanae, Hong Meiling, Kozuku...

>> No.21814023

its secondaries who hate her besides those sick of EOSD, also grimsokyofags but i'm fairly certain all of them are seija communists salty their waifu lost and got her shit handed too her.

>> No.21814533
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How will /jp/ react when Reimu is in Smash?


>> No.21814552

go back >>>/v/

>> No.21814718


>> No.21814852

EoSD haters, Assmad sannyfags, phone shitters like you.
Thread over.

>> No.21815846

Who are you quoting?

>> No.21816514


>> No.21817492

The idea is that if you can't survive then that's not her business.

It's the same as Tewi's philosophy as to why she doesn't care if rabbits are killed and eaten. See: BAiJR. Both of them essentially believe in a give and take of life.

>> No.21818153

might get me to buy the game

>> No.21818486

Maybe then I'd be willing to pay for Smash DLC, but it's never gonna happen. At best she could become an assist trophy, though most likely a sticker or spirit or whatever the fuck they come up with next.

>> No.21818528

>Hurr new bad old good west bad Japan good
If Japan was not so superior to EVERY other country in the world, we wouldn't be weebs. Yes even YOU unconsciously know it, otherwise you wouldn't be on /jp/.

>> No.21819613

And my argument is that it IS her business because she is the reason why people are dying. It's like a nazi officer saying that Jews being killed in 1942 Germany is none of their business.

Say what you want about Tewi, but at least she doesn't actively encourage a system where rabbits are eaten by humans.

>> No.21819627


>> No.21819932

>she doesn't actively encourage a system where rabbits are eaten by humans.
She does. Also a system where they are murdered or abandoned. Actually, she technically sells them into slavery as well, and when they die she gains a complete hold over them as youkai.

Comparatively Reimu is the latest in a long line of people who fought off youkai yet also bonded with youkai. Gensokyo has a long history of this, this is why she constantly repeats it, as well as Akyuu and basically everyone else. It's the norm, it was the norm, and they keep it the norm. Is it just to protect youkai? Is it to protect tradition? Is it to protect fantasy? Is it to protect the gods?

It's something, though really she is obviously not the sort of person to think about such things. It's her job, so she does it. This is really not a difficult concept to grasp. Stop holding Gensokyo to your own moral code.

>> No.21820048

Tewi literally sells her fellow rabbits too people all across gensokyo, hell WAHH has an entire chapter about this shit.
Anyways part of Reimu's issue is she was also never trained properly as a miko, hell she has no damn clue what God she is the shrine maiden of or what is her temple dedicated too. So she is doing what she can with what she has while dealing with literal thousands of year old monsters such as yukari.

>> No.21820066

Adding too this is the fact she knows some things but has to rely on information from outside sources who may or may not be biased such as why the hell she is helping youkai since she knows her shrine keeps gensokyo as is and can help actively maintain the barrier. Now why this is a this who really knows, but she has yukaris word for it and nothing stating too the contrary so that's how it is.

>> No.21821079

>Also a system where they are murdered or abandoned.
No, she creates a system where they are treasured and then abandoned so that they turn into youkai. While it's theoretically possible that some of them could die as a result of that. It's neither her endgoal or the most likely outcome.

>Comparatively Reimu is the latest in a long line of people who fought off youkai yet also bonded with youkai.
Reimu is the latest in a long line of Hakurei Shrine Maidens. Evil woman who not only most likely had a hand in creating Gensokyo, but actively work to maintain the place to maintain their own privileged position of virtually unlimited power and influence.

You can't compare Reimu to some random smuck youkai extermination that also has a few youkai friends. The Hakurei clan IS Gensokyo just as much as Yukari or the other youkai sages. As far as humans go, they might as well be the queen bitch of the human village. They are evil people who sold out every other human in Gensokyo for their own selfish reasons. You could argue Reimu is too retarded to realize what it is she's actually doing. But negligence and stupidity does not excuse her actions. Her job is evil, and she is evil for doing it.

Again, stupidity and negligence does not excuse her actions. Just because she's too dumb to realize that her ancestors are pure evil and Yukari is playing her like a fiddle does not make the actual outcome of her actions any less abhorrent and evil. More importantly however, it does not make her any more likeable as a character.

>> No.21821108
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>Evil woman who not only most likely had a
blah blah blah if you're not going to argue based on what there is, there's no point here

>> No.21821135

We don't know if they had a hand in creating Gensokyo, and I admitted as much. We do however know that they are privileged as fuck and that they work to maintain that privilege.

Unlike you, I actually keep the speculation separate from the facts. And the facts are, and will always be, that the Hakurei Shrine Maidens are bad people. They are bad people for the same reason why high ranking members of a dictatorship are bad people.

>> No.21821259

>And the facts are [my opinions]

>> No.21821329

The Hakurei Shrine Maidens being bad people is a fact. You can argue "But good and bad are subjective!", but almost every remotely decent system of morality would declare them as utterly evil.

>> No.21821878

So let me ask a question, is ignorance itself evil? Mind you this is the same girl who can't take care of herself and nearly dies in WAHH because she thought eating clearly expired food was a great idea. You are attributing malice too ignorance.

>> No.21822247

>is ignorance itself evil?
That depends. Is ignorance a choice? For Reimu, unlike almost every other human in Gensokyo, it is a choice. Yet, she still chooses to be ignorant. Something that brings untold harm upon others.

>> No.21822795
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I hate to admit it but she’s actually my favorite. I keep trying to be a hipster and find my unique little obscure fave to make me a special snowflake but I can’t deny that Reimu is my absolute favorite 2hu. Her design in perfect for my aesthetic and I like her lazy little attitude. It’s cute.
(Plus, her special ability is floating and I like the idea of lying on my back and bouncing her weightless body up and down on my)

>> No.21822830

She’d probably fuck any yokai who happens to be nearby. They probably all joke together about all the gross things they’ve done with/to her.
>the miko let you stick what in where?

>> No.21823033

Doesn't Shiki say that Reimu has exterminated many youkai before? What's the difference between the many youkai she has exterminated before and the Fortune Teller?

>> No.21823147
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Reimu is a terrible person who lazy as hell and only seeks to oppress and exploit the Villagers, but she does give the best cupped handjobs in town so I'll give her that.

>> No.21823166

She doesn't even live in the human village. I'm sure actual villager prostitutes are WAY better at sex than her.

>> No.21823242

I don't think there's any native prostitutes left in the Village, all the market has been taken by Sanae, the fairies, the tengu for the shota market and various smaller actors like Youmu specializing in sword femdom and sleep rape. Kosuzu mainly steals any men Akyuu has interest in if the fairies haven't already. The only markets left are the gay male and lesbian markets, and Gensokyo isn't lacking in supply or demand for the latter. Rinnosuke might handle the former.

>> No.21823525

you people are heretics and deserve to burn alive

>> No.21827973
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>What's the difference
The Fortune Teller was a human. Exterminating him probably put a bitter aftertaste in most people's mouth.
But it's a good thing, really. Sooner or later you have to realize Gensokyo is a false paradise, so might as well do it in a way that leaves no room for doubt.

>> No.21828006

"Exterminate" just means beating someone in Touhou.

"Killing", however, is just that.

>> No.21828134

I don't think anything will convince certain people. ZUN could make a story about a little kid that ends up brutally murdered in Gensokyo. And somehow, Touhou fans will stay claim Youkai did nothing wrong.

>> No.21828223

I don't think the problem is that people doesn't realize it, it's just that despite it not being a paradise people still like it because it's a world of fantasy.

>> No.21828360

When they realized Marisa is the more relatable protagonist. Even ZUN himself said this.

>> No.21828502
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>> No.21828510
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Thank you for recognizing best girl OP.

>> No.21828550 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.21828603

Maiden of murder
Supes would be proud

>> No.21828614 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21828634
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Or is it you who will be killed?

>> No.21829766

>I don't think the problem is that people doesn't realize it
I think you might be overestimating your average touhou fan.

>> No.21829928

So if Marisa ever becomes a yokai will Reimu try to exterminate her or will she be cool with it?

>> No.21829943

She's a cute girl so she gets a pass.

>> No.21829976

The likelihood of that happening is low given the status quo, but the chapter posted earlier does imply Reimu is keeping watch on Marisa.
Besides, Marisa ain't an idiot. She knows better than to do that kinda shit in broad daylight.

>> No.21830394

Yukari likes Marisa. So, i'm sure she'll be fine.

>> No.21830403

Holocaust never happened.

>> No.21830502

human villagers


Marisa is not a villager. Alice is a human who turned into a youkai, not a villager, not punished. Yukari and Doremy taunt her about taking the plunge in AoCF, too, because of course she is allowed to change.

>> No.21830509

>the chapter posted earlier does imply Reimu is keeping watch on Marisa
Not quite, it's just one way you can interpret the text. Everywhere else, Reimu has not had the slightest bit of interest in Marisa's inhuman pursuits, and in that chapter (as in all of FS) her greatest concern is Suzunaan, and Kosuzu who fucks around in it.

>> No.21832299

Yukari is a massive whore

>> No.21832352

>ZUN could make a story about a little kid that ends up brutally murdered in Gensokyo.
Which isn't going to happen because Grimsokyo is fanwankery, so why bother even considering it ?

>> No.21835474

Grimsokyo is canon. And most little kids that end up in Gensokyo would die a horrible and violent death.
