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21736845 No.21736845 [Reply] [Original]

are you hyped for the best upcoming 2hu fangame?

>> No.21736916

No because there are normalfags all over his Twitter cumming over the game even though they don't fucking even know a single thing about Touhou

>> No.21736978

I stopped being hyped for 2hu games years ago.

>> No.21737173

I'm more excited for that Sekibanki game personally.

>> No.21739097

genuinely more hyped for the anon team's version of the Mount and Blade mod.

>> No.21739175

this game looks neat but i can't help but think it's going to be very difficult to play because of how busy it is, visually. the screen gets overloaded with shit and all the characters are absurdly tiny, i feel like you're gonna get into a lot of situations where you don't know which particles are harmless and what ones kill you

>> No.21739307

I thought it was far from done, is it coming?

>> No.21744144

It's one of the few games I kept an eye on. Even if it plays like ass the pixel-works impressive nonetheless. It's not coming out anytime soon though, is it?

>> No.21744177

Reminds me of 2hu Takkoman


>> No.21744310

why does that change whether or not YOU are hyped about it?

I don't like them either and am annoyed they keep asking shit questions or criticizing it mid-development, but I don't see why that should affect my level interest.

>> No.21744743

Just like the mainline touhou games.

>> No.21744786

Anyone know what engine he's using?

>> No.21744899

UE, you can see that in the webm.

Which UE I don't know. Judging by logos I think it's 4?

>> No.21744919

UE4 and by the looks of VisualStudio, probably C++, not Visual Scripting. He also uses Tiled XML editor. Quite patrician.

>> No.21749621


>> No.21750554

It's in development but I wouldn't exactly call it "upcoming".

Very excited.

>> No.21751372

We shouldn't really do anything about it though. If you attack Twatter or try gatekeeping that'll just attract attention. We just have to ignore them, until they try to make a move that'd actually negatively affect the scene.

>> No.21751842

>are you hyped for the best upcoming 2hu fangame?
Fantasy Maiden Wars Complete Box comes out in a few weeks, of course I'm excited.

>> No.21752400

>Fantasy Maiden Wars Complete Box
Wow, what is this? I thought they were done with fmw. Did they add anything new after the moon arc?

>> No.21752580

Bankiki? Got any link you can provide?

>> No.21753092
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, D9G_BqgU4AEi7HN.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All we know so far is its all 4 games in one but they've given the series a huge UI/graphical overhaul, like the new full isometric view. Possibly remade the first two games in the new engine, more huge QoL changes to the gameplay and there was a tease for new music.

Nothing else on whether there will be new scenarios.

I'd be more excited if it wasn't still in development without even a demo in sight.

Haven't heard of this what game is this?

>> No.21753508

puzzle game

>I'd be more excited if it wasn't still in development without even a demo in sight.
I hope you're not one of those getting on his case about him making an entire, complicated game on his own for no one in particular and with no set deadline

>> No.21753537

I forgot to link it https://twitter.com/zenerat/status/1128966054036721664

>> No.21753589

but that's not touhouvania 3

>> No.21753845

Not sure whether to be hyped, but now I know about it. Thanks, anon.

>> No.21753957

>isometric view
Oh man, I really wish you can change that to the old top view. That was part of its charm.

Yes I know newer SRW games have isometric view as well but that's besides the point.

To be fair, OP was the one who's all gung-ho about it despite it's obviously still a wip. I mean I love Suika as well but calling it the best is a bit....

Thanks. Was wondering where her head's gonna play a part, so that's pretty cool.

>> No.21755221
File: 76 KB, 280x287, hey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a heads up, there is also a Yoshika and Rumia fangame being developed

>> No.21755233

I think i played the Rumia one.

>> No.21755235

Didn't Lionheart make this game like ten years ago?
The characters weren't all of two pixels tall either.

>> No.21755260

Are you talking about Mystical Chain?

>> No.21759183

Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1122050/Gensokyo_Night_Festival/
So, it is upcoming after all.
But why is there over 100 characters’ chibiart?
Is the dev planning to add every single one of them?

>> No.21759222

God, I love the loli oni airplane run
>Is the dev planning to add every single one of them?
Seeing how it's most likely metroidvania style I'm pretty sure some are there as a helper of sorts. Kinda like Luna Nights where Akyuu saves for you and Nitori sells you stuff.

>> No.21761057

It does say "part 1", but mostly I'd remind that he is a sprite artist, so you probably shouldn't expect too much.

It's releasing early access first, though. Maybe he does indeed intend to stuff in as many bosses as he can.

>> No.21762223
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>isometric view
That's only in a couple of maps (especially in the last 2 games), you still move and play in the exact same way as always.

>> No.21762259

>touhouvania 3
anon I...

>> No.21762399

Guess I'll finally play fmw when it updates

>> No.21766901

It's coming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpKsGTogoGk

>> No.21766925

The game looks really charming and Suika just warms my heart. If gameplay won't be complete ass I might even buy it.

>> No.21767168

Early access is a bit disconcerting, I'd rather just wait however long it needs to be finished. As soon as the game finishes being in the spotlight or a lot of people buy it the devs usually just run.

>> No.21767311

Luna Nights dev team are helping out with this it seems, and they did the exact same thing. I wouldn't be too worried about it.

>> No.21767340

Maybe the reason why the sprites are all so tiny is because Suika will get a move that let's her use missing power and grow way bigger

>> No.21767412

this looks like shit
its another platformer where you just mash dash every second to make it look cool and fast and dynamic
also shitty pixelart mixed with shitty 5$ prefab particles

>> No.21767627

You're fun.

>> No.21767629

No he just likes tiny sprites

>> No.21767996

I can't wait for Fantasy Maiden Wars: Complete!

>> No.21768091
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>> No.21768118
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I still need to beat the games!

>> No.21769696

I still utterly adore that games version of Ultimate Truth they used in the setup to the fight.


>> No.21769943

I don't like the trend either where developers slap a thousand lighting, shader, and particle effects on an overjuiced, ultra-forgiving game
cute suika though

>> No.21769979

Is that a thing? I haven't kept up with the games since the third one released, and I think the translations were only partially through the second one. I've only got a basic grasp on japanese so I can fumble my way through some of the story but after a point it becomes too draining, is there any translation efforts for this?

>> No.21770203
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Complete releases like...next week.

>I think the translations were only partially through the second one.
First game has a full English patch but the game itself is known for being finicky on newer OS's. Second & Third game have partial English patches but which do cover the full main story text.


Alternatively there is a LP/text based translation which covers the entire series and is the only available translation for the final game.


>> No.21770327

Do you think it'd be worth it to wait for a main story translation patch for the complete version, if the text is mostly the same? I guess the method to inject it would likely be totally different so it's probably a stupid question to ask now though so I'll figure that out whenever the time comes I suppose. Only having to wade through one game wouldn't be outrageously hard for me as I am now either. Thanks for the links.

>> No.21771017

Cool graphical effects =/= good game

>> No.21771184

>main story translation patch for the complete version
Not going to happen for at least 5 years, story files use a different encryption over another encryption, thanks to the stupid dude in Shrinemaiden. That is why there are those LP to keep up with the story, while you use the weapon/items/stats, patch.

>> No.21772022

You haven't played it, but you sure like to say it must be shit.

He only started introducing effects like this in the past year, but for 3 of the past like 4 years he's worked on how the movement feels, how the combat feels, introducing parrying, figuring out level design, tuning the way jumping feels, introducing mechanics like how "density manipulation" could work, and worked on a unique movement mechanic in the form of Suika's mist-dashing which can work in, it seems, any direction.

This isn't going into his working on enemy behavior and how danmaku patterns could work. So what, he likes some visual flair. Judge the thing for what it is, not what you assume it to be. If it does end up playing like crap or being too easy, fine, but having watched him develop it for most of the time he's been developing it, I can safely say that he's thought of a lot and he hasn't made a shallow game.

>> No.21772041

I figured as much, oh well, thanks anyways.

>> No.21772455

Kind of seems like Rabi Ribi but much cooler looking

>> No.21773122

Cool graphical effects =/= bad game

>> No.21773686

Hopefully this one is better than the mess that Luna Nights was

>> No.21773718

I haven't played Luna Nights, but that's the first negative I've heard about it. What makes you say that?

>> No.21773955

Thank you all for suggesting Fantasy Maiden Wars.
I just got Fantasy Maiden Wars Scarlet.
It has been almost a decade since I last played a tactical game and I have never played a Super Robot Wars game before.
I have some questions and please provide me any tips for starter.
1. Should I start with Reimu or Marisa?
2. Should I always clear all enemies even if it’s not winning condition?
3. Should I level up characters equally or main a few characters?

>> No.21774125

>1. Should I start with Reimu or Marisa?
It doesn't matter. Also, you do "need" to play both to see everything, but most of the stages are the same.
>2. Should I always clear all enemies even if it’s not winning condition?
It doesn't hurt.
>3. Should I level up characters equally or main a few characters?
For this, I can only use my own experience, which was your experience (playing that game and going in blind to the genre). In my opinion, it's best to focus on a few characters. Think of it like an RPG, where you have certain characters who do certain things. Reimu is excellent at dodging so just make her even more dodge-heavy, Marisa hits pretty hard I guess (though I focused on Youmu due to personal preference), Daiyousei is a healer
and that should do. Maybe shouldn't NEGLECT other characters, though. You can't expect your strongest characters to make it through levels all by themselves, especially in the later stages.

>> No.21774141

>It doesn't matter. Also, you do "need" to play both to see everything, but most of the stages are the same.
personally I started with Reimu and played each stage twice, basically. Reimu, Marisa, Reimu, Marisa, or the other way around. I forget. I think I may have gone
Reimu Marisa
Marisa Reimu
Reimu Marisa
Marisa Reimu
and so on, to keep it sort of fresh when playing stages for the first time

>> No.21774156

1. Either is fine. I would say Reimu is easier early on because she has very high evasion thank to shrine maiden skill.
2. Yes, for more money, exp, and pp.
3. You don't have many choices early on and there is exp penalty too. Later on you can focus on a few characters that you like. What's more important is to get enough level to get new spirit (or personal skill for later game) and have enough sp to use them a few time.
Scarlet (and mystic) can be pretty rough. It's dated and many systems aren't polished.
You can also check out wiki: http://akurasu.net/wiki/Gensou_Shoujo_Wars, although most of the stuff are based on the fourth game.

>> No.21774227

Thanks, anons. Trying reimu now.

>> No.21775464

Jump Force exists

>> No.21775858

I am excited about this game and have been for quite some time. But why is this? What tipped off the normalfags?
I mean that usually doesn't happen.

>> No.21777350

It doesn't really matter in the first game and you kinda have to play both to unlock the Sakuya route anyway.

Second game answer is Reimu she can almost solo it but Marisa has more plot importance as it sets up the SA story in both the third and final games.

Third game both become insanely powerful, Reimu becomes a high speed/movement dodge tank and Marisa becomes the strongest burst nuke and is considered to have the more stronger character/story arc. Though by this point the game kind of encourages you to use as many as you can because nobody can carry the team.

>> No.21777864
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I'm wondering too. This charming fuck has near 19k followers so maybe it was a few well knowns shilling it.

To be clear I don't think he's charming (one of these replies is YOU LIKE TOUHOU!?? well obviously not if he doesn't know what a ZUNpet is). How should I put this? It's like, the last thing you should really be doing with a small dev is criticizing them before they've even finished. Not on the grounds of "it's mean", but "don't give them more concerns and second thoughts than necessary, just let them focus". Unless they're asking for your critique you probably shouldn't give it, fucking fledgling games die all the time, don't hitch them up even more

>> No.21783645


>> No.21785009


>> No.21789342

Did you even play it?

>> No.21790020

Good thing I'm not a normalfag who reads twitter.

>> No.21791238

All his updates have been on Twitter. In fairness, it's difficult not to notice the normalfags as a result. Many Japanese upload things to Twitter exclusively.

>> No.21794715

