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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 139 KB, 658x752, cirno wush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2174289 No.2174289 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys I have to tell you about this bizarre dream I had.

I was at a college I used to go to several years ago, and I was sitting in on a math class but not really listening. Everyone else was taking notes but I was screwing around talking to my friends. The teacher was this middle aged lady that I had in real life a long time ago for some weeaboo Japanese history class or something like 7 years ago, but in the dream she was teaching math for some reason. Then, a kid asked her a question, and in answering it she made some reference to School Days (I can't remember what she said). This made the class go crazy and a bunch of people were like "WE DON'T WANNA LEARN MATH FROM A WEEABOO TEACHER!" and they all ran out of the classroom. The teacher got depressed, and I cheered her up by saying that I thought it was cool that she referenced an eroge in class.

Then, I met up with Cirno who was also at my old college for some reason. We had nothing to do, so we decided to simply fly into Mordor (we could also see Isengard from campus, but we decided Mordor would be more interesting). We held hands and flew across the countryside (I was a fairy too, like Daiyousei), visiting a few RPG style towns as we went. We bought some magical potions or some shit along the way. We were both bad at flying, and had trouble accending, but we found we could do it better if we held hands and waved our arms back and forth.

>> No.2174290
File: 21 KB, 480x270, cirno gijoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, when we got to Mordor, there was a war raging and loli fairies were getting blown to bits by lasers and bullets fired by the Eye of Sauron, which was shooting out danmaku from atop the tower of Mordor. The whole scene looked like Saving Private Ryan, it was pretty bloody, except it was Touhou vs. Lord of the Rings instead of America vs. Germany. There were some ruined buildings and shit providing cover, behind which the Touhous had set up a military style camp, but they seemed to be losing. Cirno and I flew up and fought the Eye, dodging danmaku and throwing some attack potions or something we had bought earlier at the Eye to try and defeat it. I can't remember if we won or lost, or what happened next, I think I either woke up at this point or the dream morphed into something else.

It was a pretty tight dream.

ITT lets hear about other people's /jp/ related dreams.

>> No.2174293


>> No.2174295,1 [INTERNAL] 

lol so randum xD

>> No.2174294
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>> No.2174295

Seek help

>> No.2174296

/jp/ - Blogspot

>> No.2174298
File: 21 KB, 1024x960, supercoolstorybro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2174314
File: 67 KB, 282x322, 1234069864484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why I love dreaming.
3/4 of the times I actually have a nice dream I forget it once I get out of my bed. Shit sux.

>> No.2174318
File: 83 KB, 451x509, len.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember the night i had sex with len

the lights were dark

she walked in like normal but she was naked.

"you are hot" i said

"thank you" she told me back

she leanded over and my penis was hard and i stuck it in here like a fork.

"uuuuuuhhhhh" she said

i move it in and out really quick and she likes it

a whole lot.

i though it was real but it was a dream

>> No.2174319


>> No.2174320

If you forgot it once you got out of bed, how do you remember it enough to post about it??

>> No.2174323

Haven't you ever remembered that you forgot something? As in, you know you were going to do something, but then you forgot what you were going to do, but still remember you were going to do something. It happens all the time, and is actually worse than forgetting everything.

>> No.2174333

A while back I decided to put my laptop next to my bed so I could type up my dreams in the morning before I forgot them.

I found this allowed me a "link" to the forgotten memories--months later I could go back and read the dream diary and I'd remember some of the dream.

The only Touhou one I had was after playing Spore for a day or two--I imagined a game of Spore, except with Touhou characters. Apparently at one point I was flying from planet to planet trying to find Aya for some reason.

>> No.2174347

>Spore with Touhou characters

Holy shit this sounds awesome.


>> No.2174347,1 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck...

>> No.2174360


>> No.2174363

All my dreams are cryptic shit.

Like last night, I had a dream that I was Dante Alighieri and I was trapped in Hell. Eventually I got hungry, so when I went to the supermarket (why there's a supermarket in Hell is beyond me), all the food was overpriced and I starved to death, only to be revived. But all the food was still too expensive, so I starved to death again.

>> No.2174362

Freud here.
You all want to have sex with OP's mom.

>> No.2174365

That's not cryptic because it held no meaning in the first place.

>> No.2174372

That's where the Spartans dine.
I hope I get murdered for this.

>> No.2174376


It means you don't think you will ever be able to find a woman.

>> No.2174383


>she told me back
>i thought it was real
>she told
>'Len spoke'

>> No.2174446

Best dream ever

>> No.2174446,1 [INTERNAL] 

Had a dream once where I was Jotaro. I was in this little village with nice peasants and all, and one night Dio appears and kills everyone in the goddamn place. The whole village is a gore fest. Raging and teary-eyed, I plan to ambush him while he rests in what used to be my host's house.

Somehow, he realizes I'm hiding near the place, and teleports me inside. This caughts me off guard, so he takes advantage of the situation and knocks me out. When I come back to my senses, the smug bastard has me tied up with some strong magical shit I can't break free of. I ask him why did he do what he did to the villagers, and he replies with a smirk that it was my own fault, since all he wanted to do was find me. Suddenly, he comes close to me and forces me to look at him with one hand, grabs me by my waist with the other one, getting me closer to his body. I can feel the bulge in his pants rubbing against my own growing one. I don't want it, I feel disgusted by his mere presence, but at the same time I can't stop myself from getting hard.

Things get gayer, then our stands get involved. I woke up with my hand in my pants.

>> No.2174446,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2174446,3 [INTERNAL] 

Just woke up from a /jp/-related dream.

So I'm in Japan for whatever reason and it's being attacked by some stereotypical giant monster, blah blah blah, and I'm looking for a shelter to hide in, when I see it. The Hat. And attached to it, a familiar face.


I run to the nearest liquor store, steal a bunch of booze (everybody is hiding in shelters, so it is easy), and run back to the street where I saw ZUN. He's got a cellar door open and is about to go down into a basement shelter. I join him, presenting the booze as a tribute, and the two of us go down into ZUN's bomb shelter.

We drink and talk about randum XD things not really worth repeating for an indeterminate time, and then I ask ZUN the Question: "If you were a touhou, what touhou would you be?" ZUN giggles like a dirty old man and says, "Suika! Always drunk and always horny, what more can a man want? And there's the matter of her deliciously flat chest." I agree that I'd her horns any day of the week, and reveal that if I were a touhou, any touhou, I would choose Patchouli.

"In that case, ya gotta learn some spells!" shouts ZUN, and he waves a beer can like a magic wand. A bunch of parenthesis shoot out of it like soap bubbles from a ring, and his face deforms into that of Gerald Jay Sussman.

I wake up in a cold sweat.

>> No.2174446,4 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2174446,5 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2174446,6 [INTERNAL] 

Could you write something better? This story isnt really kicking it.

>> No.2174446,7 [INTERNAL] 

Everyone's a critic.

>> No.2174446,8 [INTERNAL] 

jay bee is back!
