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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.85 MB, 2480x3507, 1563575077652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21736819 No.21736819 [Reply] [Original]

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h
Content Aggregator: Anubis.moe
Writers list: https://pastebin.com/RTLpHEmk
Sabbath Grimoire Scans: https://imgur.com/a/CATcaGk
Fanart Galleries: https://pastebin.com/DFXhrXkc
Mega Archive: https://mega.nz/#F!T24xwYLB!V_dXLWUSLQXqVsHqNuAwxQ

>> No.21736830
File: 2.37 MB, 5588x7000, waifu_wednesday_11__hellhound_mge_by_voxxen_draws_dd97rel-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak softly and carry a BIG bone.

>> No.21736838
File: 525 KB, 864x812, 1563620676932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw this image for the first time. Does anyone know the context? Why is the slime wearing a leaf - is it some sort of tanuki scheme to grab boyim? And what the fuck is an Omanite found there?

>> No.21736839
File: 376 KB, 2048x1987, gazer dobrota 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like big hips

>> No.21736842
File: 44 KB, 321x270, CLIPStudioPaint_2018-12-19_23-25-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All's Fair in Love and War rewrite, chapter 6. 2k words. Victoria had enough of getting bullied.


Chapter list

>> No.21736851
File: 606 KB, 746x720, 40739224_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone know the context?
The context is cute monstergirls.

>> No.21736864
File: 30 KB, 530x436, 1557018502415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad.

>> No.21736868

Cute wife, cute outfit. She looks good in a more mature body.

>> No.21736869

I forgot it, why did you rewrite this again?

>> No.21736875

Gazer is gaining mass at an alarming rate!

>> No.21736881

gaining ass

>> No.21736895
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>> No.21736904
File: 58 KB, 549x563, ss+(2018-05-28+at+02.50.41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original was tough to read, and I improved enough since then that I saw I could rewrite it better. Since it had grown on me for 20 chapters, I wanted to see it written better than let it collect dust. Ideally the first chapter wouldn't scare people off compared to the original so they'd read it rather than only know Victoria through memes.

Read it.

Also gives me an excuse to shove Viccy on people's faces.

>> No.21736912
File: 677 KB, 944x1280, 48273446_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read it.
Make me.

>> No.21736915

Thanks. I'm surprised anyone liked it. Breaks over, gotta fiddle about.

Another because rolling twice is twice as fun.

Holstaur mnemonicist
>The lazy eyed girl’s abstracted expression is a common sight. She’s taken to chores easily it’s a bit irritating. That bland unthinking look on her face is a frequent accompaniment to exertions that would nearly strain a grown man. She hasn’t even reached her full growth yet either. Those Holstaur genes give her a strength not found in human children her age. They’re a double-edged sword in your mind.

>Her placid attitude and uncomplicated thinking are worrisome. She’s not much for intellectual study, not on her own anyway. Well maybe you can help with that.

>“Hey calf, time for lessons.”, you call. She walks over, nearly dragging her hooves. What would be a scowl in another child is simply a weak moue of distaste on her usually contented face. You remark to yourself that at least she’s not placid and gloomy, an emo daughter would be even more worrisome. She stands before you, face nearly slack, clearly over her mild irritation.

>She really is a sweet girl, but there’s more to life than manual labor. There’s entire worlds of knowledge out there and she’s content to ignore it in favor of repetitive unthinking grunt work and the barest minimum of schoolwork. Nope. Not on your watch.

>You open the textbook in your hands, flipping pages. Theoretically, agriculture should spark her intellectual interest. Sadly, she is too stubbornly practical to care very much. Hell if you care for her disinterest, at least she’ll have the option to use her brain for something. If she’s going to stare into space so often, something potentially useful should come of it.

>“What can you tell me about Kaolinite?”, you ask. Her eyes slide leftwards without the slightest hesitation, the small barely there scrunch of the mouth is back once more.

>“It’s a pretty common clay. It don’t swell with water.”, she says, in her thick drawl.

>“It doesn’t swell with water, sweetheart.”, you correct gently before continuing, “Where’s that cud, I got ya this morning?”

>She beams for a moment, and fishes the now brutalized plant mass out of her overalls before happily plopping it in her mouth. Some fluke of Holstaur psychology makes her desire that more than the lesson. Kids. She wouldn't dream of going a day without you picking her out a ball of roughage. Hopefully the positive reinforcement'll rub off on the subject of lessons. You let her chaw on your cleverly devised elocution aid as you guide her through using her mental index to memorize the information in the textbook.

>“What else can you tell me about it?”, you prompt.

>“Itsh – it is a good spray for keeping the bugs off of the plants. And it will keep the sun from burning the apples”, she says, now having to enunciate to speak around the cud. She’s not chewing it open-mouthed anymore, either. You feel a bit of pride at her improvement.

>“That’s sun scald, sweetheart.”, you prompt, aware of the weakness of visual imagining in dealing with abstract subjects. You’ll have to keep prompting her to think about what the memory images actually mean – memorization is an aid to thinking, not a substitute. If the girl’s going to spend so much time covered in dirt, she might as well pick up some soil science while she’s at it.

This is true. Human women are pretty easy in that regard, if you can fit the data together. Hence my view on how performing well sexually for women is ridiculously boring, but not difficult.

>> No.21736924

> Ey, fuckboy
> Lil' bird told me you like blowjobs

>> No.21736937
File: 132 KB, 669x480, Victoria crop - Ky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do eet. I didn't chop the first chapter from the original's 10k words to the rewrite's 1k for nothing.


>> No.21736953
File: 454 KB, 3000x3600, SILLY MASTAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you missed it last thread:

>> No.21736955

Big in the right places is fantastic.

>> No.21736958

Picky someone better then Viccy..

>> No.21736973

Okay, I translated this very short story about loli Medusa I found in KC's site. I'm not a English speaker, so there may be some awkward parts but just bear with me.


I'm thinking about doing Lich or Wight stories after that but if you have any suggestions I'm open to it. Sorry about guys who wanted Scylla stories but there were so few of them and most of them felt like just generic smuts so I'm not that interested in them

>> No.21736976
File: 325 KB, 2048x2048, 831mi3d6tgb31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21736977
File: 1.13 MB, 2316x1731, kejourou_full_2_by_kuroonehalf-da0ffjf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21736985
File: 1.49 MB, 1000x1200, Remi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to eat out my loli vampire mistress while she stoically drinks the tea I brought her. Part of her preferred morning routine

>> No.21736986
File: 661 KB, 2678x3417, 7783fb7660e505e42cb01f4fd96a1692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21736993
File: 1.10 MB, 5160x5525, jtYlrZHW_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kejs are too good.

>> No.21736997

this one:

>> No.21737004


Thanks, anon. It's a good story.

>> No.21737006

Oh wow, that's a lot of moanings but alright. I'll do it (not right away, though)

>> No.21737013

Yes, she should get some real clothing.

>> No.21737017
File: 426 KB, 1400x1980, 1563292231592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not deep enough.

>> No.21737023
File: 381 KB, 893x1445, ad4f9834ed068c82b8941a8b0d44c74a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

traditionally attractive monstergirls are for poseurs

>> No.21737029
File: 1.43 MB, 3550x2823, dum_lims.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't, nobody is better than Viccy.

>> No.21737034

I just picked one of the 12 pslime ones. From the rough machine translation i liked it so i am interested in seeing an actual translation, but i dont mind. if you pick another pslime one.
Also yeah take your time. I am sure it will be worth what ever wait.

>> No.21737060
File: 322 KB, 1190x1684, 1563291492702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do a sith story.
Nah, just kidding. I'd like to see a mershark story.

>> No.21737064
File: 2.72 MB, 2480x3508, kejourou-hires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That they are.

>> No.21737072

Okay, I'll also check Mershark stories.

>> No.21737075 [DELETED] 

To be serious, I can sympathize with the social anxiety that many men feel these days, but I don't see the reason to put actual women down. Not because it will hert theyre fellings, but because it would cement a stigma that monster girl enthusiasts are just raging incels with sour grapes syndrome. I will take /jp/'s deviancy any day over being attacked by the regressive left. I believe that enthusiasts should make sure not to let their fantasies be tainted by gender issues. There's already too much identity politics in entertainment, so it's best to keep things pure by ignoring it. The root of monster girls is exotic love, personality, and beauty; all in the form of something that the mundane cannot provide

>> No.21737081

Do still do writing commissions?

>> No.21737087
File: 143 KB, 1000x1330, EAAMFI8UYAEG8aL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21737093

>Not because it will hert theyre fellings
[angry hakutaku noises.]

>> No.21737101

I want a Kej to tickle me.

>> No.21737104

I want a little familiar to sit on my face!

>> No.21737106
File: 1.54 MB, 4000x3000, 1554054270948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"That young man fills me with hope. Plus some other emotions which are weird and deeply confusing."

>> No.21737113
File: 1.14 MB, 500x471, 1562292769303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21737115

My vote is on Wight.

>> No.21737131
File: 913 KB, 2000x3799, viccy wippy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah somewhat. Got one going but even though it involves a lilim it'd be too spicy to post here once done.

$20 per 1k words but once the price is settled, I lower it if the worcount turns out to be lower or dont charge additional if it's over the prediction.

>> No.21737136

Why the fuck are the clothes on the left seemingly more slutty

>> No.21737138

Hard to go wrong with a demon/succubus/lilim in military uniform

>> No.21737143

>ywn get grabed and groped from behind by your now alp best friend.
I want those new profiles translated so bad.

>> No.21737153
File: 125 KB, 689x691, kuOr8ryD_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have to get past the filters some way.

>> No.21737164

How smart is are you bot? Whayr dew yu meen soshul angxieteth?

>> No.21737165

I just realized I missed the word 'you'
Anyhow, I'm just gonna go off myself.

Neat. I had a short story in mind about a lizard girl and salamander competing with one another.
I'm still undecided, but it's nice know there's a possibility of having it made.

>> No.21737167
File: 329 KB, 1280x1256, 1521865743268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21737171

>How smart is are you bot?
Probably smarter than you, judging by this post.

>> No.21737178
File: 163 KB, 558x678, HMbHBnvh_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sufficiently autistic anon is indistinguishable from a bot.

>> No.21737186

How droll. Shh. I'm going to deliberately ruin it's grasp of syntax and grammar. If you're so smart, why not smack around our eventual machine overlords while you have the chance? What would the great anime ancestors think of such indifference? For shame. I was so damn tempted to mangle this response to imply another bot.

>> No.21737188
File: 839 KB, 964x1400, 62580748_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21737190

these fucking dumbass white succubi are damn cute.

>> No.21737193

>I was so damn tempted to mangle this response to imply another bot.
So you're telling me that you genuinely just mixed up "its" and "it's"? How embarrassing.

>> No.21737195

I see a few possibilities:
1. You have an uncommonly strong mental association between sluts and short shorts
2. You just discovered a new fetish
3. The alp is actually you. It had to be said.

>> No.21737197
File: 189 KB, 1155x1200, EAAXFWCU8AA3iTp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21737203

They're pretty good at it, everything considered.

>> No.21737206

Or I'm just questioning why a military advisor has an exposed navel

>> No.21737209

He seems like he'd be a chill platonic bro.

>> No.21737214

ur gay lmao

>> No.21737216
File: 12 KB, 1052x143, Screenshot_2019-07-21 jp - Otaku Culture - Search the the lilim came.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's trying to send a signal.

>> No.21737221 [DELETED] 

For weeb autists? Utterly. Stabbing oneself with the morning newspaper is mandatory. You must wait outside until they start printing them again to regain your honor.

For those of us with sanity, however, small mistakes happen. Just accept them without feeling a spiteful urge to one up people over meaningless errata. You can manage that, right? Good to know, weeb-desukunsan.

>> No.21737222

The bigger the girl the bigger her heart! Which means you can rest on her chest and feel it bump harder and harder as she tries to hold back from smothering you.

>> No.21737232
File: 112 KB, 1090x633, 1560965537870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be the outlet for business Lich to gush about necromancy
>you will never inspire her to quit her job and become a teacher to aspiring necromancers

>> No.21737233

Or, I can continue to belittle people who make childish mistakes.

>> No.21737234

Wow anon, you're so clever and smart. I bet people are really going to envy you when you grow up.

>> No.21737246

Do you even understand what board you are on?

>> No.21737248
File: 43 KB, 1222x1093, sandworm anatomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if her heart isn't in her chest?

>> No.21737253

My wife has no internal organs.

>> No.21737257

My wife's heart is redundant.

>> No.21737259

But that will bring much shame upon you. Would cowboy beebop in his spaceship approve of this sort of behavior? We both know the answer. Open your heart to the power of not being a dick and friendship. Also not being pedantic, that one is especially good.
I'm flattered. Domo origami to you too, anon.
A Malaysian sauna builder's board. Duh.

>> No.21737262

>Open your heart to the power of not being a dick and friendship. Also not being pedantic, that one is especially good.

>> No.21737269

I wish I had friends

>> No.21737273

Do elementals have internal organs?

>> No.21737276

Yeah. Alternatively, you can open your heart to the power of destroying chatbots with pedantic dickishness. That's sort of like friendship.

>> No.21737285
File: 2.36 MB, 2600x1700, 75816478_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21737291
File: 477 KB, 846x1200, shoggoth00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh dick! I can't wait for the full thing!

>> No.21737293

Why would you give men thigh high boots and short shorts in the first place?

>> No.21737294

>learn about mgs back then
>A world full of sex craving female humanoid monsters who look very appealing and want to take on single males

Now that I think about hugs and pampering, I stayed here for the wholesomeness of a mg loving me, and not even the fucking.

>> No.21737299

It's not really that hard. Mere association over a long enough time period will work as long as you don't spaz out too often. All you're probably missing is an excuse for the association. It's basically a platonic version of dating.

Less seriously, being metaphorically surrounded by people who fap to the same sort of thing is the essence of friendship. In fact it's even deeper than friendship. How does that strike you?

>> No.21737302
File: 114 KB, 736x512, FzeTXu7F_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiss flat squirrel lolis

>> No.21737303
File: 169 KB, 941x884, tumblr_pe4y3xhDky1u4o4koo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they think that monstergirls won't go for girly-looking guys.

>> No.21737304

that's just qop from dota

>> No.21737305
File: 1.70 MB, 2480x3508, 74856887_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had kemono friends with benefits

>> No.21737306
File: 3.10 MB, 4800x4000, 13531724838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not deep enough.

>> No.21737308

What's my incentive?

>> No.21737313

A wife, wife mofu, a loli wife, a wife with the best chest.

>> No.21737318
File: 222 KB, 1297x1400, DgAoUj5UYAAV0rb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought that was a dragon zombie from the thumbnail.

>> No.21737320

But flat isn't the best, small is.
And I'm not much into mofu.
And teens > lolis.

>> No.21737333

Loose shirts are comfortable and easy to wear.

>> No.21737336
File: 400 KB, 1200x1800, Akagichan+centerazur+laneu2+5798239center_35c7af_7085633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have all that.

>> No.21737344
File: 77 KB, 665x771, 1561341472130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pettanko is basically flat chest (which is what i was talking about, since saying "flat" is quicker to say than "small chested/breasts"

>> No.21737351

Oh! You meant pettanko!
Yeah, pettanko is the best.
Cute cat, by the way.

>> No.21737352
File: 323 KB, 1290x2222, glados_by_critnuke_ddc2n0h-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Raping you and giving you good advice aren't mutually exclusive

>> No.21737359

Throwing in another vote for Wight. Thanks for the translation, medusas deserve it.

>> No.21737360

>giving you good advice
Sure. Where the hell is my cake?

>> No.21737361

I regret not covenanting with an Ignis before this.

>> No.21737365
File: 452 KB, 566x800, 4d9d2b73de9c03936e5b32767a57a483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pettanko is best, and lolis have pettanko, which means lolis are the best!

>> No.21737368
File: 846 KB, 2500x4500, Mge_darkest_ignis_b_fTFg5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not too late.

>> No.21737372

I like cute monsters more than sexy ones

>> No.21737387
File: 740 KB, 595x900, 1561417412776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolis are cutest

>> No.21737395

The order produces a steady supply of gay men in an attempt to stop the monster girls.

>> No.21737407

I find your logic sound.

>> No.21737408

actually no I don't find loli all that cute

>> No.21737416
File: 366 KB, 1536x2048, D_HY_V2VAAEUsES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21737417
File: 569 KB, 809x1200, 7CMXKDse_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get the chance to be with one monster girl before the portals open. You can do whatever you like with her, and she will obey your every wish and has the ability to act out any fantasy with you with her magic. However, you will never see her again Accepting this will not prohibit you from taking a monster girl waifu once the portals open.

What girl do you pick?
What do you do with her?

>> No.21737423

Agreed. Really, how is this disputable?

>> No.21737424

I should note. Your time with her will be a full week.

>> No.21737429

That’s a cute Automaton

>> No.21737433
File: 1.20 MB, 820x1184, 1501916189285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a Rata for a week so I can study up on my waifu before we find each other

>> No.21737437
File: 182 KB, 1085x1239, A33vdQf8_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homosexuals in Order-aligned nations are given the choice between joining the army or execution

>> No.21737441

Would any of those studies be sexual? Or would you have the willpower to remain pure?

>> No.21737446

>How does that strike you?
I go to bed every night hoping I die in my sleep

>> No.21737448

I'll ask her about getting a mana marker and their effectiveness after dicking the news squirrel

>> No.21737457

I'd be tempted to have a shortstack Gremlin to fuck like rabbits with for that one week, before moving on to find the wife. I don't think I'd go through with it though.

>> No.21737461
File: 1.12 MB, 2893x4092, Automaton_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are automatons the most shameless mamono? They literally walk around with their pussies exposed.

>> No.21737478

What if I bought her a cute skirt to wear and hide it

>> No.21737491
File: 319 KB, 1280x1067, tumblr_pudqc2vAzK1u4o4koo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hug your local slug today.

>> No.21737492

>. I don't think I'd go through with it though.
You know you would.

>> No.21737499


Slug Hugs are nice

>> No.21737503
File: 1.87 MB, 1280x1920, b7fde366-a0b9-47b3-8b23-9fc7f3de3fe9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do hellhound abs make for an adequate grill?

>> No.21737512
File: 615 KB, 872x1211, 4qlgx7bG_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21737517
File: 1.65 MB, 1387x1442, 1563721209795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon moving very fast at high speeds!

>> No.21737521

Slug Hug turns into slug fug

>> No.21737537
File: 285 KB, 510x1568, 15609154954264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon zombies aren't even close to her

>> No.21737539

>I stayed here for the wholesomeness of a mg loving me
Well it's the best part so I don't blame you.

>> No.21737540

I'm tempted because once I would be with the wife I'm never fucking another woman again, but the Gremlin would at least be a fun interesting quick fling before getting down to business
But I'd feel bad if I knew I'd meet my wife soon after, even if she didn't care.

>> No.21737552

>you will never see her again
Can I blind myself to make this technically true because I'm more than willing?

>> No.21737559

A Gnome, so I can learn how to control my mana, learn basic magic, and be better suited for interdimensional integration.

>> No.21737587

Slimes are always naked and everyone lets them get away with it.

>> No.21737590

I can never decide on a Monster Girl, they're all cute!

>> No.21737594
File: 592 KB, 1488x2105, genie2 barb wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genie. I'd wish to see her again.

>> No.21737597

What would happen to the mamono afterwards?
Do mamono just have random NSA sex before settling down?

>> No.21737610

This is a special scenario in which the Mamano in question is then removed from the timeline after you part ways.

>> No.21737622

Removed from the timeline?
I need to know the logistics.

>> No.21737634
File: 106 KB, 743x584, 1562470503908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you could create a Kunoichi Clan, what would their method of attack be? Their clothes? Their personality? Or even their species? Any Monster can be a ninja with training!

>> No.21737638

Nah mamano usually mate with one man. Maybe shes just one of those rare ones that doesn't and fucks off to another guy who enjoys sloppy seconds.

>> No.21737645

Clothe her then. You can't call her names for being efficient and keeping her charging port accessible.

>> No.21737649

Seems like the Mamono gets the worse end of this deal.

>> No.21737653

But can she catch me as I make off with one of her gold coins

>> No.21737658
File: 296 KB, 850x1276, mge_demon_daki_by_halphelt_ddbzdjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worship demons.

>> No.21737661

I love monstergirls

>> No.21737664

I want to cuddle with that fox even if she steals my soul

>> No.21737665 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.06 MB, 1396x1830, 1563742998072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potatoes are refined, delicious, and are best when you need to get some mashing out of your system.

>> No.21737667

I’d rather not I fell like get attached to her if it’s a full week

>> No.21737669

If that's the case, I might be interested.

>> No.21737672

Purge demons with your holy lance!

>> No.21737674
File: 98 KB, 594x830, 1462545698144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worship vampires

>> No.21737681
File: 679 KB, 889x1032, Escort_Princess_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say potatoes?

>> No.21737686

What if it's a mamono who married you in another timeline, and returns home afterwards?

>> No.21737691

But they want my rare blood

>> No.21737694

It just works

>> No.21737699

I'd a Demon as long as a Bicorn was watching.

>> No.21737701
File: 535 KB, 1801x998, Gremlin creates a time machine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But then you'd be cucking your alternate self.

>> No.21737703

Diavolo no
Stop abusing your powers to mess with the poor mamonos' hearts

>> No.21737711

Trust no one, not even yourself.

>> No.21737710

Assuming your alternate self is alive.

>> No.21737717

How many monsters would rather have a hug than fug

>> No.21737719
File: 655 KB, 1322x1441, thunderbird_by_adelineleona_ddc7kox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Birdie butt.

>> No.21737721
File: 243 KB, 600x848, 46457330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your rare blood belongs to them

>> No.21737730

You can't cuck yourself, you're just multi tasking.

>> No.21737741

>Waifu gets with alternate you
>alternate you dies
>Waifu meets you
>she gets seperated from you after a week.
That seems cruel.

>> No.21737742

One week with her? A whole lot of fucking then, I'd pick a High Orc since they're around mid tier for me and while I like her I wouldn't miss her as much as my favourites.
Day one: Mostly normal sex positions, missionary, cowgirl, blowjobs, paizuri
Day 2: Her turn to take control. Face sitting/69 amazon position, rough reverse cowgirl
Day 3: Maledom. Doggy style with hair pulling and spanking, missionary with light choking, mating press.
Day 4: Anything goes wrestlesex
Day 5: Assuming she has potions with her use dopel ones for some fun filling all her holes in various positions around the house
Day 6: Let her use the dopel potions, enjoy the mock harem experience
Day 7: Say our goodbyes with some slower paced, emotional sex with lots of cuddling and kissing and keep at it until the time expires. Try to leave each other with good memories.

>> No.21737750
File: 372 KB, 2048x2048, 8ajr6ijwuhb31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21737761
File: 2.63 MB, 1709x2417, 1987682245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Rejoice in the knowledge that every drop sustains a noble existence far above a mere human.

>> No.21737764

>Waifu gets with alternate you
>Alternate you dies
>Gets a chance to see another you for a week
>Jumps on it
>Savors it as much as she can, hoping the experience guides you to this timeline's version of her

>> No.21737769
File: 91 KB, 1064x751, QoRzWld2_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21737772

I feel like if she already met alternate universe you then she wouldn’t get with you like youdu have small differences in mana etc which would make you undesirable

>> No.21737775

Once she's realized that your flowery, seductive words and praise of her great strength were nothing more than a distraction while you looted her treasure horde.

Then she bursts out of her lair roaring and breathing fire.

>> No.21737777

Medusa are cute I'd love to run my fingers in her hair

>> No.21737778
File: 516 KB, 1200x1727, Just Vampire Problems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.21737782

Can’t she ask a lich to revive you

>> No.21737788

I will slay her with my lance!
l'll impale her until she's writhing on the ground in a pile of her body fluids!

>> No.21737796

I-I’m only taking one it’s not that serious

>> No.21737799

Which monsters would hold hands on the first date?

>> No.21737800
File: 2.79 MB, 1953x3021, 09cc01affe9fd49849ecc7579efa4165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21737804

t. dhampir

>> No.21737806


>> No.21737812
File: 1.27 MB, 2893x4092, Unicorn_01_SFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21737817
File: 751 KB, 864x713, let's see who has the strong memory in here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only Unicorn was evil...then she'd be perfect.

>> No.21737830

>Implying there aren't evil Unicorns
Pure doesn't have to be good.

>> No.21737834

>My heart is pure, Pure evil that is MUAHAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.21737837 [SPOILER] 
File: 83 KB, 660x705, 1563745346298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21737852

>YWN have a Pure Evil Supervillain Unicorn make you LIKE that horsepuss

>> No.21737861

Sandworm. We can fuck off (and like rabbits) underground for a week, I can be on my way to properly handling 11/10 monster pussy and incubization by the time I meet the permanent wife, and I can start learning a bit of magic as well as how to properly make a summoning circle, too. Plus, I'd have her help me build a neat cavern or storage tunnel in my backyard before she goes.

>> No.21737864
File: 58 KB, 450x273, EXOLrAZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lich services don't come cheap.

>> No.21737877

>implying vampires shouldn't rule humanity
Hear, hear

>> No.21737900

>Waifu has a letter from him to you that he wrote sometime before he died.
>When you read it, you immediately note that it's in your handwriting
>The letter is basically a lengthy pep talk from him to you. He doesn't know what it's like where you are but figures that there's a reality where you never met your waifu.

>> No.21737905

If you wife is desperate enough to go to a different universe I’m She would be willing to save up for you

>> No.21737907

>chuunibyou unicorn

>> No.21737933

I would like to have sex with this Lilim

>> No.21737951

I want to infect her with a pslime.

>> No.21737968
File: 2.36 MB, 1500x2000, 1561576668645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New party member looks kinda weird.

>> No.21737977

Mindflayer for Therapy purposes.
If this was the scenario I would be blistering mad though and wouldn't the multiverse rest until she gets a happy ending.
To let someone get torn away from someone they love in such a short amount of time, I'll be sure to invade her timeline and prevent my alternate self's untimely death if that's what it takes.

>> No.21737982

I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.21737987

That's why I chose a Genie. There are a few loopholes to exploit in this crisis.

>> No.21737992
File: 177 KB, 850x708, chaste peck requested.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a caster after the wizard had his pelvis broken. Now we just need to sort out the tank.

>> No.21737993

Nothing weird about demons

>> No.21737994
File: 294 KB, 1600x1738, Dark Slime wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big hats on mages drive me nuts.

>> No.21738009
File: 982 KB, 1600x2400, Dark Elf 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also just noticed that pslime image i asked vega for doesn't have one. Should have asked him but oh well. Still cute as heck!

>> No.21738012

They do pretty weird things to my dick.

>> No.21738014

Upon further reflection, big hips and big breasts on mages also drive me nuts. That's a good picture.

>> No.21738029

Bubble, bubble, toil and cuddle!

>> No.21738048
File: 199 KB, 578x442, 1563579303777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop monster girl bullying.

>> No.21738050
File: 261 KB, 900x900, UzOZcRWg_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's perfectly fine.

>> No.21738055

Mount the monsters!

>> No.21738061
File: 308 KB, 1456x2184, Nurse kiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet your new healer as well.

>> No.21738065

Time to flash the both of them!

>> No.21738074

Flash the Elder Dragon girls!

>> No.21738075


>> No.21738076

Je suis monté

>> No.21738080

Kikis are really great. That's why I have three

>> No.21738087
File: 70 KB, 496x701, Dark Mage 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad i could show you the way!

>> No.21738088

Any Shogs or Automaids?

>> No.21738096

No, just three different kiki maids

>> No.21738105

Remember not to take any cookies a Titania offers to you.

>> No.21738128
File: 1.26 MB, 2893x4092, 1562977892100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the worst that could happen?

>> No.21738147
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>> No.21738154 [SPOILER] 
File: 788 KB, 1000x1600, 1563750002768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21738163

They could be of the Wonderland variety.

>> No.21738167

I want a Bunyip with massive breasts.

>> No.21738173

Shogs are cute. Especially young shogs that can't do their humanoid form yet. They are very diligent despite just being a small slime blob

>> No.21738176
File: 208 KB, 791x1012, 246768579fdd9fd4db5530e86007f5b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you deal with a shitty NEET-cat who smokes catnip all day and drinks all your yoohoo?

>> No.21738179
File: 580 KB, 3000x3000, satyros_by_okeart_dd1f73p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21738183

Mating press

>> No.21738190

Vacuum her

>> No.21738194


>> No.21738195
File: 216 KB, 1024x712, 1531331968268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A user on MGR recently posted this (by their own admission rudimentary) translation regarding the World Guide Side III book:

>One of the demon realms where mamono and their companions live together.
>A story called "The Mermaid Princess Legend" is transmitted to this "Cote alf", which has become a major tourist destination among the many demonic realms.

>Starting with this “mermaid princess legend”, which is also the history of the Constitution of Cote-Alf,
>what path the islands used to be seven countries to become one demon realm... ...... different from Lescatie and Dragonia, We will introduce the history of human beings and mamono in each of the seven countries!

>In this book, Cote alf, we'll introduce the feature rich sights of 7 islands and 7 cities in 180 pages of World Guide Gaiden, the series' largest one to date!

>In this book, drawn from the point of "you" who visited Court Alf, a couple of humans and mamono living here will introduce themselves, how they love each other, and the mamono that attract male tourism. You can know in more detail how they are dealing with customers!

>In this book, you will be able to travel on your coat alf trip with seven beautiful diva and seven single apprenticies of theirs!

>"Mermaid", "Sea Bishop", "Kraken", "Nereid", "Siren", etc. ...

>A diva and a girl with a focus on mamono living in the ocean, you'll be lead around the islands where they live, learn about their history and be guided through the recommended tourist spots!
>"You" will however have to experience the dating that comes as a consequence of taking a tour guide,
>which is also worth to do, that happens to the male tourists that come to Cote Alf!

>> No.21738218
File: 753 KB, 2205x4780, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About time they got some love.
What is a birb doing underwater?

>> No.21738228

Nice Sound interesting

>> No.21738234

Cute Nereid.

>> No.21738254
File: 659 KB, 2480x3507, 3126583_monster_gi_GHcgN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you go for a swim with her?

>> No.21738266

Why the fuck would I have yoohoo?
Chocolate is disgusting, and I only drink water, freshly brewed tea, and black coffee.

>> No.21738281
File: 252 KB, 721x1024, 1531317607050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is a birb doing underwater?

It's a seaside city anon. Also, Oceanic Welcoming Blessing magic allows for easy travel underwater when used.

>> No.21738283


>> No.21738285
File: 277 KB, 1280x905, ec4XqoqL_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a chance I'm willing to take.

>> No.21738292


>> No.21738299
File: 784 KB, 1280x640, Chocolate dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yoo-hoo is an American brand of chocolate drink that was developed by Natale Olivieri in New Jersey in 1928

>> No.21738304

Whats species makes the best cakes? In both food and women versions of the word?

>> No.21738305

It's good to have something to look forward to. Not that bad a death really, I've honestly seen worse irl. You'd be pretty lucky if it happened like that. This post has a twofold purpose. I'm sure you're too mopey to care overmuch. We all know what happens in the end barring miscellaneous details, it is the parts between that are surprising, weeb-desukunsan.

>> No.21738308

Satyros art is rare, this is nice.
Bless the translator, glad to have a bit of info on it.

>> No.21738312

Yeah, and I bet that you think kraft singles are cheese

>> No.21738318

I hate elves! HATE!

>> No.21738321

Chocolate enough.
And doesn't negate my other points.

>> No.21738322

Don't believe everything you're told

>> No.21738330
File: 577 KB, 2781x3945, oc_dellu_by_meolucky_YlJH7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they're not cheese, then what are they?

>> No.21738341

People who ask questions like that disappear

>> No.21738342

Bait for gyaru mice.

>> No.21738375
File: 215 KB, 1200x969, kK7YVxQT_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21738380

With a cute button nose. Thanks.
You're right, they are kinda rare. I'd not have noticed unless you said something.

>> No.21738391
File: 950 KB, 2480x3507, Sea_bishop_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BIG islands.

>> No.21738405

Only if suitably aroused.

>> No.21738408
File: 785 KB, 2508x3541, 75830173_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beware of Sabbath foxes.

>> No.21738409

>Song Princess of the First Island of Song 「Al.Mal」
>Sea Bishop Ariel
>Song Princess of the Seventh Island of Song 「Queen Diana」
>Kraken Ursula Misra
Neat to see a Sea Bishop without the mitre. Makes me wonder if there are Sea Cardinals or Sea Popes of the Holy Sea.

>> No.21738413

how come?

>> No.21738414

Why? She seems cute, funny, and harmless!

>> No.21738418

Sounds like a good way to get lustful Alp ghosts

>> No.21738421
File: 507 KB, 1280x1128, Tumblr_ok0gi73Qxi1vldipoo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you distinguish a sea biship from a vanilla mermaid without her clerical uniform?

>> No.21738424
File: 92 KB, 479x455, OUdey3sv_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21738442
File: 9 KB, 231x214, D495E20U4AI0i1w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once they've got you, there's no escape.

>> No.21738448
File: 162 KB, 408x600, 191_seabishop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The arm fins mainly (unless that green mermaid on the cover is a sea bishop, in which case it'd be the large size of the hip fins since she has those but lacks the arm fins of the profile sea bishop).

>> No.21738452

Wait, I feel stupid. The cover mermaid is a sea bishop (presumably). She does have the arm fins, they're just hard to notice with the way her hair and clothing frills spread out.

>> No.21738453

Why would you want to 'escape' from them?
They just want to cuddle and play games!

>> No.21738462
File: 129 KB, 418x550, 197_mameido3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ear fins are also different, they look more "feathery" on a sea bishop compared to the mermaid.

>> No.21738463
File: 626 KB, 894x1474, 1499553871395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beware of Sabbath foxes
True. You can trust this fox instead.

>> No.21738487
File: 75 KB, 826x700, e5a0f5380bb456d8fd0cf332e1befd46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust in*

>> No.21738502

Can she keep me safe from creepy muscular mamono and ara-ara types?

>> No.21738507
File: 201 KB, 850x475, 4208ca14e9ae358379a030645728b1d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21738540

Obviously no. Lolis are good for nothing.

>> No.21738545
File: 554 KB, 1300x1000, 2070c6831e2425de545154c67f82f449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course she can.
If a Sidhe can protect the Scholar, you'll be fine.

>> No.21738549
File: 115 KB, 991x1096, __baphomet_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_barbariank__9019d6e0df463f1bbe9ba9ea89af3630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're good for mating press.

>> No.21738550
File: 75 KB, 728x499, 1543700648090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she's too weak for that. The most she can do is hold your hand until the onee-sans are done with you.

>> No.21738553
File: 281 KB, 1000x500, 189_babusura_re.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"....You know, I know how to cook and all, I'm a pretty good grown-up woman."

>"You are right~"

>"Well, I admit, I cannot still give Amil a full-body hug like grown-up lamias, all I can do is just wrap around his legs..."

>"You are right~"

>"Still, don't you think it's a bit mean to just treat me like a child just beacuse of that? ...Although, it's not like I hate getting petted on the head..."

>"You are right~"

>"...You don't understand a word I'm talking about, do you Bubblin?"

>"You are right~"


>Nina glared at her Bubble Slime friend. At once, her gooey slimy body became rigid and turned to stone. Even though Nina was young, she could still use her abilites as a Medusa to some degree.

>"Arrgh! How can I make him to notice me?!"

Ok, I gotta admit the reveal she was talking to a bubble slime made me chuckle.

>> No.21738557

What about perfect pristine little girl cunny?

>> No.21738562

Lolis are the best!

That's a relief!

I don't want a cute loli to suffer NTR!

>> No.21738571
File: 1.06 MB, 2832x3444, fb72585afcb6b555b041_HGmcS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK thanks.

>> No.21738574
File: 743 KB, 1085x1700, 48046214_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to get turned on to the point where it nearly makes you angry?
Because that's what lolis do to me.

>> No.21738583 [DELETED] 

Eww. Children are filthy incompetent and irritating. We should love them, God bless the disgusting little bastards, but not in any sort of lewd way.

>> No.21738587

You must be new here.

>> No.21738588
File: 165 KB, 900x1274, Foxy+bigcentersource+wwwpixivneti75763084centerbig_bee7bf_7198560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21738589

>Is it possible to get turned on to the point where it nearly makes you angry?
I get that from time to time anon, yes. It's the worst.

>> No.21738590
File: 1.40 MB, 1500x2000, 1550606327848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree.

>> No.21738592

Eww. Children are filthy incompetent and irritating. We should love them, God bless the disgusting little bastards, but not in any sort of lewd way.

>> No.21738597
File: 182 KB, 962x542, d9mlfqt-881b1a49-d5ca-4afb-9e51-afe268f7324e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21738598

>implying real children and 2D lolis are analagous

>> No.21738603

Dude if her skin is sloughing off then the bath is too hot

>> No.21738605
File: 210 KB, 850x1207, 4191d01c17ed51308b500456a04e59f8657c9bcf67ce88f7b6155ddaf8aa3680_1.jpg~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21738608

Get a load of this fag.

>> No.21738614

Isn't that what leads to angry sex?

>> No.21738617

Lolis are for dicking, dummy.

>> No.21738618
File: 113 KB, 636x899, 4ddee05e4d24203804321c3aec0951fa92c5de1c65ff26e2a98745cc0eb9f872_1.jpg~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thicc Plant

>> No.21738623
File: 604 KB, 776x850, 51304614_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel like it'd necessarily lead to that but they'd sure as hell get mating pressed senseless.

>> No.21738626
File: 226 KB, 515x814, 1563164503548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small plant.

>> No.21738629

No, I just deal with actual children. They are the least lewd thing in existence.
I vaguely understand that you are trying to make a point. Try this on for size. A waifu that looks like your mother but isn't your mother is fine by that reasoning. My brain says hell no to that logic and that goes for lolis too. I've no clue what kind of mental gymnastics you pull off, but I'm not really not that interested.

>> No.21738631

I want to protect this plant.

>> No.21738632
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1561465177782s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Elite clan of muscular red oni kunoichi
>No stealth capabilities whatsoever
>They just club anyone who sees them on their sneaking machines over the head

If they don't remember seeing you? You weren't seen.

>> No.21738634

>A waifu that looks like your mother but isn't your mother is fine by that reasoning.
you REALLY must be new here.

>> No.21738636

These lolis don't look anything like any children I know, so even by that logic it's a-ok.
Conversely, there's plenty of people hot for CCs/MILFs here.

>> No.21738641

Welcome to 4chan bud, enjoy your stay. It only gets weirder from here.

>> No.21738644

A lot of people are into milfs

>> No.21738645
File: 41 KB, 630x869, 1450505847809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretty cute.

>> No.21738646

They seem to be only a few inches tall though

>> No.21738652

They clearly must have some talent in not being seen if this is the highest quality picture of one of them available.

>> No.21738664

Nope, I've been around for a while. But I literally don't get the waifu thing. No clue what the hell that means, because I don't do it etc. Does someone have a spiel or something? Might as well get it over with, at least I'm not getting sarcasm when I ask what the hell you guys are on about.

>> No.21738665

I want to untie those strings

>> No.21738677

Why are you here then

>> No.21738680

I believe the correct term is "lurk more"

>> No.21738684

A lot of us don't have waifus, or at least don't take the idea all that seriously.

And I hesitate summarize what it means, as it seems to mean different things to different people.

>> No.21738685

Monstergirls are interesting, and you guys talk about them. That's about it really. Am I the only person who actually thinks like that?

>> No.21738692
File: 460 KB, 1200x1200, 1560315897320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then, being on /jp/, it should come as no surprise when little monstergirls show up.

>> No.21738693
File: 529 KB, 3000x4000, B839274C-90B4-48F9-A329-B1A5073E4178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New commission of the wife getting back in shape! Future commissions will involve her not staying in shape!

Artist for this and previous commission was Brups!

>> No.21738695 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself you spamming cunt.

>> No.21738698

False equivalence.
Lolis are essentially small, flat-chested teenagers/adults in terms of form and personality.

>> No.21738701 [SPOILER] 
File: 555 KB, 1880x2331, 1563757136007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21738706
File: 93 KB, 1066x800, lilim69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd go with a very sexually experienced lilim for the week. I wouldn't feel right deflowering a girl only to dump her some time after. One who's older, but not too old. I'd keep it strictly professional. Sex mostly all week, mixing in some fetish stuff. Throughout the week, I'd have her procure mana markers and the like so that I can form a harem of monster girls I like once the portals open. I don't want to get attached to a girl that I'll never see again. Lilim also allows for quick incubization so I can please my entire harem right at the start.

>> No.21738708

She should wear a sports bra.

>> No.21738712

Chonk mouse is cute mouse.

>> No.21738718

I do have a waifu but your probably right it means different things to different people

>> No.21738722

You realize she will take that as a yes, and what follows, right?

>> No.21738724

Good to know that I'm not that much of an outlier, then. No one ever goes into depth when I ask them what the hell they even mean.
It should be no surprise that people constantly tell each other to "fuck off with that fetish x stuff" either. Frankly I could pull a "lurk moar" right now, if I was being a dick.
Hah. Knew that sort of thing had to have happened. The human brain is far too lossy and good at pattern matching to use that sort of "false equivalent" logic without incident.

>> No.21738725

Personally speaking as a waifufag here for almost 4 years, it's an alternative to a 'real' relationship. Plus, with monstergirls I get to fantasize about things and fetishes that would be impossible with regular people.

>> No.21738730

lurk more fag

>> No.21738731

Did she quit because her titties started hurting after runs? Because look at those massive wigglers.

>> No.21738739

Thanks, that's an actual answer. I don't "get it", but I understand well enough. I hope it's working out for you.

>> No.21738749

But then I wouldn’t be able to watch her boobs sway in slow-motion!

She quit because I spoiled her too much and she’s addicted to me playing with her chest, tummy, and thighs!

>> No.21738752
File: 677 KB, 1600x2560, 1562270879244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a brown lilim?

>> No.21738764

It's been pretty good actually. My life has improved pretty majorly since I 'met' her. I feel like I'm an outlier as most people associate being a waifufag with increased depression and downward spirals, but it's comfy and it does work for me.

>> No.21738768

A few of the common meanings of waifu:

>A fictional girl you really like and/or find really attractive
>A fictional girl you genuinely love
>A fictional girl you devote yourself to in a pseudospiritual way
>In these threads: A monster girl you would marry were she real, or one of your favorite species of monster girl, or a character you have conceived as a wife to roleplay as being married to for the sake of in-setting posting

>> No.21738770

>She quit because I spoiled her too much and she’s addicted to me playing with her chest, tummy, and thighs!
Well at least she gets good cardio from sex, right?

>> No.21738774

That she does, especially when she’s in a dom mood!

>> No.21738783

I think it's Mari

>> No.21738784

>New commission of the wife getting back in shape!
that's good
>Future commissions will involve her not staying in shape!
that's bad

>> No.21738812
File: 713 KB, 3100x5100, 1563419323950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Monster Girl Encyclopedia is a setting of violent female-on-male rape where feral demon-monsters roam the land knocking adventurers out and forcibly impregnating themselves by them in order to increase the ranks of the horrifying nation-breaking horde. All humans are justifiably terrified of them for both practical and theological reasons.

Anons thought this was a natural fit for tender heartwarming stories of wholesome romance and daughters, with the ubiquitous rape downplayed so far it's six-feet-under.

We call these people "waifufags", and in a half-decade campaign of autism they have captured the thread from its original, intended fans of hentai scare-arousal.

>> No.21738815
File: 97 KB, 1000x1200, EAAEQtFU0AEPhhz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon get the camera! It's the rare mofubug!

>> No.21738835

What about Zipangu mg and other not all of them Rape

>> No.21738846

>reddit spacing
>"hurr muh MGE is grimdark everything scary!"
Fucking kill yourself you outsider faggot.

>> No.21738858
File: 306 KB, 693x1100, Kobold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intended fans of hentai scare-arousal

>> No.21738863

You're a massive fag, dude.

>> No.21738865

Everyone hypes up hellhounds, but we forget the terror of the kobold. Small dogs are scary because they're insane.

>> No.21738866

i don't know man, KDF is terrifying.

>> No.21738888

It's always so easy to tell which poster is a /tg/ crossboarder.

>> No.21738898
File: 67 KB, 407x390, Incubus and echidna 1535316867674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they have captured the thread from its original, intended fans of hentai scare-arousal.

You keep telling yourself that anon. I'll keep looking at images like this one from the books.

Not that scare-arousal has no place in the MGE of course, monsters like manticores love it (though only to a point).

>> No.21738899

>t. gets hard during horror movies
sort yourself out

>> No.21738907

She was underground for 17 years and is about to become a full grown cicada!

>> No.21738908

That's only the shell

>> No.21738909
File: 1.35 MB, 2144x1512, 15413076785489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll keep looking at images like this one from the books.
I want more images like this

>> No.21738916

Then that means she's naked now.

>> No.21738920

I wonder if Hellhound sweat tastes like smoky barbecue?

>> No.21738923

Hey that does sound pretty good. I'm glad that it's such a boon for you. I wouldn't know if the waifu thing has any association with depression or if that's just an assumption people make. "Tfw no mamono species x" posts don't really convey much, so I've just withheld judgement on the subject. The important thing is that it works for you. There's a gif out there for you, but I can't post it here. pragmaticdynamiteworks.png. If it's not broke...

Nice list. Such a potential hodgepodge of meanings. I've just been inserting [developed character I care about] or [sexual object] for the term "waifu".

There's a limit to the amount of judgement a man can reserve, but I drew those two from the usages of posters. Which one depends on the context of the poster. Seems like a lot more of the second variety than the first, but I might be wrong.

Who knows really? The context for the same poster can shift from one or the other. Thanks for expanding on the matter.

Nice summation. The waifu thing seems to be pervasive enough in Japan too. I'd have thought that MGQ was the one with the strongest appeal to the hentai scare-arousal crowd. KC has been flexible and vague enough that MGE could be seen either way. So the development of the waifufags could be seen as a natural outgrowth of ambiguity. Just a thought.

>> No.21738927 [SPOILER] 
File: 133 KB, 494x500, 1563759191975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's nothing. Take a look at this. True face of terror. Smiling at this one is the only way to truly repel it once it sets its sights on you.

>> No.21738930

>Live your life as a serf forever bound and forced to fight, die and work for your lord in Order country
>Genders are always skewed towards more men so you have less of a chance of finding a suitable wife
>Run away to monster girl territory and continue life as normal, besides being your own master and perhaps gaining a higher standard of living
>Genders are not longer horribly skewed meaning you have higher chance of meeting the monster girl just for you and mana markers are a thing

>> No.21738936

>th@ f@ b@

>> No.21738937
File: 27 KB, 600x399, 1563390893828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been here since the thread lived on /d/, pal, *you're* the newfag invader.
>It's always so easy to tell which poster is a /tg/ crossboarder
I think I'm starting to understand what Native Americans must feel like when Bud tells them to GTFO back to their own country.
However, nice quads
>You keep telling yourself that anon. I'll keep looking at images like this one from the books
I do not dispute that some such images exist in the source material.
However, they represent <10% of the MGE content and yet they form >95% of the content here.

>> No.21738942
File: 1.69 MB, 936x914, 1562720304848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I miss the cunny fearin', vanilla worshipin', /tg/ poster?

>> No.21738947

>I've been here since the thread lived on /d/
God you fucking newfags make it so easy. Kill yourself outside of /jp/,

>> No.21738948

What if, instead of eating her out, I just pet her head and let her sleep on my lap?

>> No.21738950

Stay in your shithole.

>> No.21738960

I eat bread for breakfast.

>> No.21738963

Who needs a grill when Hellhound can just roast the food on her abs?

>> No.21738967

The Pain!!!

>> No.21738968

>making sunny side up eggs on her tits

>> No.21738974

But I don't like Hellhounds.

>> No.21738975

>"Honey! The chicken is burning! Stop staring at my tits and watch the food!"

>> No.21738982

Have her sit on pork ribs all day for slow-cooked goodness

>> No.21738984

The thing is the whole scare arousal losses it’s meaning after the first time with an mg once a mg has a man it’s not rape anymore at most it’s femdom and a lot of girls if not all are very loving with their partners

>> No.21738987

I like to keep a relatively open mind. Care to go more in depth about this 95%? I'm not particularly queasy or squeamish, even if the scare-arousal isn't my cup of tea. Here's a very relevant question to my mind: Is this trend from scare-arousal to waifu reflected temporally in the source material? That would make your account seem much more likely, despite the heat your getting for it. I'm still interested at least, I vaguely recall a grim supermax prison in the MGE, so it isn't all sunshine and buttercups. Another important point: Do you consider MGQ to be distinct from MGE?

>> No.21738989
File: 211 KB, 1193x784, 1475558839041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Monster Girl Encyclopedia is a masturbatory fantasy setting. Nothing more, nothing less.

Monster girls ARE rape happy. Even the more docile species will flip on a dime if they're rejected of sex for too long. If they want fuck and you look tasty, you're gonna get the rape. In can be violent or it can be soft, it depends on the species. Sometimes monster girls will seduce you with magic or just simple dating. Monster girls' main priority is sex. They only want sex from you. They equate lust to love. However, after some long time, they will develop true love for the men they've seduced, manipulated, or captured, and the men always enjoy their new sex-filled lives with these girls. As ALL monster girls are very beautiful and good lovers. They provide more pleasure than a human woman could ever dream of. This is literally the entire setting in a nutshell.

Now I will agree, there are a handful of waifufags that disregard the setting and turn it into a vanilla, puritan, do-no-wrong setting, but those folks are few and far between. Monster girls are degenerate hedonists, but they're not the evil. They just want fuck, and men provide the fuck, and in turn, you'll have a wife that will never cheat on you, that will always desire sex from you, and will provide the means that you'll never have to work a day in your life.

KC, the creator of MGE, specifically designed this to be a happy, masturbatory setting for you escape the troubles of the real world through this sex fantasy. Anyone trying to make it anything other than this is legitimately autistic and lacks reading comprehension.

>> No.21738993
File: 46 KB, 1194x421, Background of the MGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do not dispute that some such images exist in the source material.
>However, they represent <10% of the MGE content and yet they form >95% of the content here.

Then explain how KC speaks of his intentions in creating the setting here. A lot of the stuff you're reading into it just comes from taking the way the Wandering Scholar writes too literally. Hence why material written by monster authors in the setting tend to be much more cozy (and are stated to be more reliable when it comes to giving info on the daily lives of monsters and incubi).

At most, "fear boners" are a aspect of the MGE, but far from its main point (said point being making a world where one can live happily with a monster girl without having to worry about much else if they don't want to).

>> No.21739000

Oh but you will, when you realise that she also doubles as a nice sleeping bag warmer on cold camping trips. And melt ice over windscreens, driveways and roads. And she can dry your wet clothes fast. And she has that fiery personality.

>> No.21739001

>Do you consider MGQ to be distinct from MGE?

Ok, who in their right mind wouldn't? They're extremely distinct settings. Monster girls are pretty much the only thing they share.

>> No.21739004
File: 412 KB, 670x670, 1557526516131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She saw your _______

>> No.21739010

>As ALL monster girls are very beautiful and good lovers
Except some shit species like lims

>> No.21739011

2 inch dick

>> No.21739014

ABBA CD Collection

>> No.21739017
File: 704 KB, 374x292, S2WFjCNC_o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I've been here longer than you!"
>can't even get /mgt/'s original board right

>> No.21739019

Fortnite account.

>> No.21739021

MGQ and MGE are different setting all together

>> No.21739022

Still not a big fan, and that doesn't sound like the life for me.

>> No.21739027

This is the internet. You always have to check on the internet, or you should. It should be the first rule, but the porn rule came first, so people forget.

>> No.21739029

What's the life that you prefer?

>> No.21739040

>anons actually giving this fucking retard serious answers
Holy shit this thread is dead and the corpse is being propped up by complete fucking newfags that probably aren't even from this site.

>> No.21739044

It comes in several scents. Hickory, mesquite, and capsaicin. Rumor has it there are some down south with the elusive habanero flavor.

>> No.21739046

It's Sunday in the summer anon, relax.

>> No.21739048

Quiet life. Playing and writing music, reading novels, cuddling up and sipping tea.
I crave peace and stability.

>> No.21739057

I just beat off, and I'm bored while I wait for my boner to pop up again.
Thinking about beating off to a sandworm this time around, but I'm not sure. It can be so hard to decide sometimes.

>> No.21739059

>So, MGE has the essence of masochism primary.
I'll believe that. My waifu is a masochistic slut.

>> No.21739070

>implying Summer makes any real difference
The newfag menace has been increasingly common in recent years. Now they've just completely overwhelmed this place.

>> No.21739074

God damn, that cow.

>> No.21739081

Perhaps a Shoggoth or Basilisk would be a better choice.

>> No.21739082


>> No.21739083

>from taking the way the Wandering Scholar writes too literally
Does he just let his speculatuon get wildly out of hand, or do the interviewed girls intentionally exaggerate themselves to be more appealing without quite realizing how it'll come across without more context?

>> No.21739089

>Here's a very relevant question to my mind: Is this trend from scare-arousal to waifu reflected temporally in the source material?
I think this is part of it. In the original 100-girl Pokedex there was basically only one monster whose mating strategy wasn't to violently RPG attack / hex you and then gobble your dick: the holstaurus.
But since then there's kobolds, kikimoras, cu siths; all manner of domesticated species.
So I think it's a little from Column A and a little from Column B. The source material has shifted from 1% placid waifubait to 5% placid waifubait. And the thread uses that as an excuse to move from 90% placid waifuposting to 99% placid waifuposting

>> No.21739092

So where do you feel the rape falls along the scare-arousal to waifu line? Clearly this thread does kind of minimize the more brutal elements of rape. Mamono mana fixes everything, but no one goes into much detail about the appeal of sudden rape.

That's a bit strange imo. I would have thought it would be a more prevalent topic of conversation than it usually is. It's long past the point where anons would be ashamed to discuss it, but it is so often glossed over.

>> No.21739100

Big bouncing basilisk breasts.

>> No.21739108

>(Stealth is optional for this mission.)

>> No.21739112

Not everyone who likes board games is an edgelord

>> No.21739127

Fae in general have appealed to me for years. A Titania would be pretty comfy.

A Shog might be nice, but would she want to be seen as my equal? They seem like the ultrasubmissive type.
Basilisks are cute, and I could see one making a lovely, comfy wife.

>> No.21739134

They may exaggerate or refuse to answer questions (the latter happened with the mindflayer), but a lot of the misunderstanding comes from how his observations are normally short term.

That is he typically interviews one monster couple and makes short term observations, then moves on. So if for instance he stays with a couple for a day and they spend most of it aside form the actual interview just having sex, then he may write all they do is have sex, disregarding how its possible that the next day they may just have sex once, or that this couple's sex schedule may be different from another of the same species. He also makes use of hearsay at times.

He also can't help but be influenced by his own upbringing regarding "proper" behavior for women and such, hence why KC notes he can be overly critical of some of what he witnesses (and why he tends to praise the more mild-mannered monster species).

>> No.21739138

Go back to /tg/ already so you can circlejerk with people that actually give a shit about your retardation.

>> No.21739141

Okay, now that sounds interesting. And it wouldn't even be obvious to the majority of the fans if so. Now some might think your being too literally interpreting the non-domesticated species.

The Wandering Scholar often ends up being seen as unreliable. However, since he's a major viewpoint character and source of information, there is little choice but to use his info -- at least partially. Often the only other alternative is to make something up, which doesn't really appeal.

So do you care to name a few of the non-placid mamono? We can pick through them bit by bit, maybe come to a clearer conclusion or at least have fun thinking about things in more depth.

>> No.21739142

I wish I could bring myself to actually write without losing myself in thought and crying.

>> No.21739146
File: 341 KB, 850x832, 1443496443273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the original 100-girl Pokedex there was basically only one monster whose mating strategy wasn't to violently RPG attack / hex you and then gobble your dick: the holstaurus.
So the vanilla succubus, echidna, unicorn, giant ant, leanan sidhe, cyclops, mermaid, merrow, sea bishop, siren, nightmare, doppelganger, witch, yuki-onna, inari, angel, and lilim all don't exist? Good to know.

>> No.21739148

Nobody cares you obnoxious blogging faggot.

>> No.21739151

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that slapping a fat ass without check the size of the girl may result in awkward moments where you bit off a girl a bit bigger than you could chew.

>> No.21739155

Feels bad, anon.

>> No.21739157 [DELETED] 

Go away you spamming cunt.

>> No.21739159
File: 616 KB, 1080x720, 1532040001044.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would squeeze hands and trace shapes in palm with thumb

>> No.21739165

>/tg/fag gets called out
>directs his impotent rage at innocent posters

>> No.21739166

>Tfw no snek
She even has my favorite haircut

>> No.21739167

I'm getting really sick of your shitty attitude
I see you post this kind of shit almost every thread, always with the same syntax and punctuation: "Go away you (...) cunt/faggot.". Ironic that you would complain about spam.

>> No.21739168
File: 179 KB, 905x1280, porc cheongsam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you're saying is: closely assess and inspect the specimen before administering a careful slap on the ass? I can do that, although I'd do that even if she was BEEG.

>> No.21739169

>replying to him
Bad Anon

>> No.21739170
File: 1.09 MB, 1240x1754, pharaoh beach barb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like I don't talk about graping Pharaohs or being stepped on by them in equal measure. The thread is still lewd, and that's what matters.

>> No.21739171

Shit look there's another one, almost certainly by you as well: >>21739148

>> No.21739178
File: 2.47 MB, 4960x3508, dressing_room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warhammer 40K figurine collection.

>> No.21739180

Graped pharaohs should turn purple

>> No.21739182

He's an obnoxious retard like that Justin. Y shitter.

>> No.21739184

You never know if you're slapping the fat ass of a shortstack nekomata or a big and bulky B'orc.

>> No.21739186

I wonder which discordfag could be behind this post

>> No.21739188

/tg/ stays on /tg/

>> No.21739189

That's the kind of p'orc you need to be in charge of your p'orc harem.

>> No.21739195

I could make a leanan sidhe wet with my freehanding skills. Hazard stripes with no stenciling, baby.
painters are a different sect from ttrpg players such as the /mgw/ dopes

>> No.21739197

I'll slap both of them, after thoughtfully and publicly ogling their derrieres for a good half hour beforehand. I mean full on contemplative stare with chin stroking. Surely that will protect me from any consequences!

A P'orc harem in red high-cut cheongsams would be the dream. Would let them invade my room and occupy me for a good few dynasties.

>> No.21739200

It doesn't matter you faggot. /tg/ brings in absolute trash posters like >>21738937 no matter what their faggy hobbies are. You're all cancer.

>> No.21739204
File: 175 KB, 720x930, Unicorn extra art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the original 100-girl Pokedex there was basically only one monster whose mating strategy wasn't to violently RPG attack / hex you and then gobble your dick: the holstaurus.

If you're counting holstaur then you also have to count:

Sea bishop
Mermaid (they draw men to them with magic, but rely on regular seduction afterward)
Merrow (they're aggressive but not outright rapists)

All of whom either almost never rape or rely on magic to seduce, or do so only as something of a last resort.

That's nine including the holstaur, making a nearly 10% even before this supposed "shift" in the source material. And that's leaving out how many individuals of races like succubi, yuki-onna, etc. don't use magic or force.

>> No.21739207

Anon no!
Staring that long qualifies as foreplay!

>> No.21739210

ok kid

>> No.21739214

Good. If my stares and slaps don't make my intentions clear then it's a waste of energy.

>> No.21739220 [DELETED] 


>> No.21739229
File: 2.15 MB, 1714x1831, SeaBishop22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that mermaids know not to bite bait. Because they would be really stupid to do that. Like, really dumb. They would be extremely idiotic to fall for it. My post isn't a metaphor.

>> No.21739233

But how else do you get loli mermaids?

>> No.21739238

a free candy submarine

>> No.21739246
File: 154 KB, 391x600, unicorn00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a unicorn to take me like that.

Just imagine all those years of pent up lust. It'd practically be boiling at a full-blown rage, but her strong willpower overcomes the wild lust, and in return, you're met with a strong, devout passion. All she wants to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel is you. She'll stop when you want her to, but that fiery passion will never die

>> No.21739247
File: 342 KB, 1459x2048, XWSqxyap_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the ocean sabbath.

>> No.21739248

Would you rather:

>Marry your two favorite monstergirls
>Marry a monstergirl who is a mix of your two favorite ones

>> No.21739249
File: 532 KB, 850x1200, 1506831505112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Merrow (they're aggressive but not outright rapists)
>aggressively try to initiate sex

>at an island resort with the lads
>you're only here because the alcohol is cheap and you've got nothing better to do
>wake up before dawn with a mild hangover
>decide to walk into the shallows to wash it off, that seems like a good idea
>sit down on a rock waist deep in the surf and watch the sunrise
>in your disorientation you don't notice a bombshell of a fish sneak up behind you
>two large and soft things press up against your back
>an arm wearing a coral bracer appears from behind you and traces its way up your chest
>another starts tracing a finger along your inner thigh
>in your ears, a soft, lusty, incredibly feminine voice breathes "Hello, handsome. Need some help with that morning wood?"
Yeah, if anything I'd be the one doing the raping if she tried that on me.

>> No.21739256

>>Marry your two favorite monstergirls
This one, because my two favorite monstergirls are my waifu and my daughteru.

>> No.21739257

Marry two of my favorites.

>> No.21739258

>Be an normal fisherman
>Get a bite, and it's a big one
>But what you pull out is a Sea Bishop
>"Hello. Do you have a few moments to talk about Poseidon?"

>> No.21739265
File: 88 KB, 699x928, EABbfb4XkAEu4AJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21739270
File: 756 KB, 1500x1780, 75828968_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grapesnakes are overrated-I want a limesnake.

>> No.21739271

The former

>> No.21739275

Marry two of my favorites

>> No.21739279

Lady, my wife and I visit your church undersea every Sunday. I eat her out as part of the sacraments (something about her lady juices becoming the blood of Poseidon) and give you a tenth of my catch every month. Do you mind?

>> No.21739283

First one

>> No.21739285

Sylphs are the best mamono and nobody can convince me otherwise.

>> No.21739294

Slap that ass with both hands, but gently, she's on top for a reason.

>> No.21739298
File: 436 KB, 800x800, Wisp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Banshee + Will o Wisp
You make a compelling argument. I'll vote for merging them.

>> No.21739300

No wonder her tail is on fire.

>> No.21739310
File: 1.29 MB, 5141x4709, Two Best Girls Now Together.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A mix of my two favorites would work well and I'm a monogamy guy, so option two.

>> No.21739311

>holst and haku
>or a holst/haku mix
That's honestly a genuinely tough one because I could have a proper holst and haku or a haku mind in a holst body probably yielding some vaguely airhead genius archetype personality.

>> No.21739312

>Kiki and Shog

I feel like the first choice will eventually lead to the second in this case.

>> No.21739314

As I hit post early like an idiot...
I'd still probably roll the two of them separate.

>> No.21739319

I mean, a vampiric kumiho seems a bit over the top.

>> No.21739326

>You do not, in fact, need a bigger boat

>Mixing an amphibian with no legs and a terrestrial girl with legs
Eh. I'm kind of indifferent on the legs, actually, but I think I'd rather just have two separate girls even though I prefer monogamy.

>> No.21739327

>Sylph and Shirohebi
A green-and-whire yan snake with a variety of elemental powers, and both the playful curiosity of a sylph and the doting devotion of a shiro? Sounds amazing!

>> No.21739333
File: 1.21 MB, 1642x2412, 1563628914853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Succubus
Granted; with the Holst this gets us to 2% placid waifus
Literally a dungeon monster who violently assults you
> Giant ant
Literally a dungeon monster who violently assults you
> Leanan sidhe
> Cyclops
A John who propositions adventurers to trade one-night-stand impregnation sex for enchanted weapons, I'll count that as 0.5% because it's not rape but it's hardly vanilla
> merrow
"Aggressively try to initiate sex"
> Sea Bishop
Giving a person the choice of sex or drowning is traditionally considered *aggravated* rape, not 'not rape'
> Siren
> Nightmare
> Doppelganger
Being haunted by the ghost of your own loneliness is hardly *not* scare-arousal. But I'll give it because it's a literal waifu. Up to 3.5%
> Witch
> Yuki-onna
As with the sea bishop, you don't get to go "Oh, this natural disasters I caused means you have to have sex with me or die, tee-hee technically not rape. :^)"
> Inari
> Angel
"but once they receive a succubus' energy, they're imprinted with the notion that feeling pleasure is the ultimate happiness for human men, and they'll attack and have sex with a human man who strikes their fancy in order to make him happy"
> Lilim
> Lizardman
"In order to make a man their husband for sure, they'll try to tempt him, assult him, and have sex with him"
> Mermaid
> Salamander
"They'll let the monster's female urge that blazes hotly take over, and they'll try to push the man over and forcibly have sex with him."

Out of 19 suggestions that you thought weren't rapey-hexy only 2 1/2 (plus Holst) actually aren't rapey-hexy.

I feel that this demonstrates the thread's skewed perception better than any point I could have made on my own.

>> No.21739339

Not an argument. Anybody can learn to do that.

>> No.21739345

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Leanan wait until after marriage for hex?

>> No.21739351

/tg/ posters need to fuck off back to where they came from.

>> No.21739358

>You're still in a daze so you don't reply immediately, something she picks up on
>"...Are you scared? I won't hurt you.." She whispers, kissing your cheek and the side of your neck
>You feel her rubbing up and down slowly against your back
>"I just want use to feel good together..."

>> No.21739360

You autistic retard.

>> No.21739371

On the one hand, this is coming on too strong. On the other, if I was in resort vacation mode I probably wouldn't mind. Excellent timing, hat fish.

>> No.21739372

Vanilla dragon best dragon.

>> No.21739373
File: 2.83 MB, 2894x4093, 75795970_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Order paladin moments before a dark matter bomb detonates over her village

>> No.21739376
File: 151 KB, 474x600, 3457139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by hexes you mean charm/seduction, then what exactly is fear boner about that? To quote regarding them:

>For that reason, it has little effect unless the caster is substantially attractive. For example, even if a pebble on the roadside were able to use a charm spell, since it has no sex appeal, it wouldn't exhibit any effect. Since it's not a method of mind control, even after the spell wears off, the charm of the monster that one was made aware of continues to remain within the target without disappearing. Since the target is charmed and genuinely experiences attraction towards the monster, it is impossible to dispel the charm.

And way to ignore that aggressive seduction is different from the way ravishing is described for other monsters.

Also, sea bishops don't give people the choice between sex and drowning. Sex is how they save men who have already "drowned." If he hasn't then they will help in a conventional manner.

Overall your grasp of the setting seems quite skewed, you'll point out one detail and ignore others (including the explanations for why some of those monsters were listed).

>> No.21739378

Tanuki/fox rivalry or seven tailed tanuki...
On the one hand I'd have delightful competitions for my attention, on the other a level of fluff incomparable.
Tough question.

>> No.21739402

Not him. The weird part is that some of the removed mamono probably kick off some sort of scare-arousal. Lizardman and Salamander are wandering fight autists. Being challenged to a swordfight by random superhumans would seem honestly frightening.

Does it really count if the scare-arousal reduces after the first meeting? I think this is getting a bit complex. Even if we go with the subtractions, that is a large set of mamono remaining.

I'm not even sure about the ensnare with magic subtractions. That would personally creep me the fuck out to be stuck with someone who could potentially brainwash me any moment. I'm sure they're lovely and nice etc. But I think that counts as legitimately frightening.

See honestly, I think we've become immured to how scary some of this stuff would be in-setting. Not bad, but a random human encountering a mamono and freak out from the appearance, would likely freak out from some behavior.

Most of the board doesn't really count as indicative of normal freakout levels at this point. If a portal of mamono opened everyone here would be all for it, while the random people at your jobs would shit themselves.

I get what you mean by hexes. It's why I'm not trying to put the mind wammy mamono in the non fear-boner category.

Not him. I think you're right. Hexes sounds like induced artistic obsession. That's the only thing I can think of that would frighten normal people. I'm an artist, so I'm used to it at this point, but people have looked kind of perturbed from me describing some thinking that coincided with a excellent piece. Artistic inspiration looks weird from the outside apparently.

>> No.21739403
File: 1.57 MB, 1152x1648, 1481414960438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny was to spell otohime.

>> No.21739405
File: 164 KB, 400x612, 1478483660852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they keep replying to the legitimate retard

>> No.21739415
File: 710 KB, 1110x1110, 9KwAV8Zl_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheshire-san needs to lose weight.

>> No.21739418

None of the hexes are scare arousal though

>> No.21739425

>That would personally creep me the fuck out to be stuck with someone who could potentially brainwash me any moment

Charm/seduction spells are canonically not mind control.

>Being challenged to a swordfight by random superhumans would seem honestly frightening.

They're not savages, they'd set rules, make it clear they aren't going to kill you, etc. They aren't going to challenge people unable to defend themselves either.

>> No.21739427
File: 130 KB, 418x550, mermaid00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all subjective really. But for the average person, the initial attack and capture would be very frightening who doesn't know the pleasure of monster girls. The moment the sex starts however, the fear degrades as his mind is overcome with pleasure, and the fear turns to arousal as everything he was told up until that moment was lies. It also depends on the species. Obviously a rape by a hellhound or salamander is going to be a frightening experience beyond belief, but a rape by a mermaid, harpy, or alraune is not going to be frightening at all. It's just undesirable at first before it turns to arousal and desirable.

It's easy for us to think it's all gumdrops and roses because we specifically desire monster girls, and many of us here would drop everything even to be with our least favorite monster girl. So of course, a natural bias will form. But even with that in mind, you have to remember the specific goal of the MGE is to be a happy, escapist, masturbatory fantasy. Trying to focus on the small negatives that appear in the fantasy, all of which, would pertain to people who don't even know the fantasy exists seems a bit silly. Just grab your dick and start fapping. Fantasize about your favorite monster girl(s), married to you, living a joyful, fulfilling, sex-filled life. And call it a day!

>> No.21739434
File: 588 KB, 691x1065, 68695403_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21739446

Charms aren’t brainwashing and it’s possible after the first time the mg would use charms less or if not the guy could request her not too

>> No.21739451

>That's a bit strange imo. I would have thought it would be a more prevalent topic of conversation than it usually is. It's long past the point where anons would be ashamed to discuss it, but it is so often glossed over.

That's because most of us are aware that "rape" is not used in serious nuance. A translation that is more direct would say "ravish" or other such terms with less serious implications.

Plus, a lot of the talk here does not concern the initial ravishing but what happens after.

>> No.21739459 [SPOILER] 
File: 561 KB, 799x600, 1563766214709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would an MGE mermaid react to the idea of The Mermaid Problem?
I still can't believe Wikipedia deleted that article

>> No.21739472

Any good shirohebi greentexts/doujins/stories?

>> No.21739482
File: 694 KB, 1386x2015, 04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21739486

Got a couple.

>> No.21739489


>> No.21739496
File: 502 KB, 2000x1500, D6dBASxUwAEd1C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about it?

>> No.21739503

QSDF writes great loli smut.

>> No.21739506
File: 95 KB, 788x810, 1561397667811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too much of a taxonomic autist to handle a merged MG. The headaches I'd get trying to figure out her clade would diminish my enjoyment of her curves.

...which leaves me having to marry both a slime girl and a holstaurus.
> Tfw just an obsessive paizuri guy
> Everyone shuns you out of assumption that you're a sick foodporn vorefag because both your waifus are edible

>> No.21739509

Fuck off wojack spammer.

>> No.21739519

What monster girl should I beat off to?

>> No.21739522

Your favorite.

>> No.21739523

Idk, which ones are summoned by the psychic emanations of masturbation?
I've read plenty of doujins where vanilla succubi are, so go for that.

>> No.21739533

Diff anon. Wait a minute.
>it has little effect unless the caster is substantially attractive.
All mamono have that going for them don't they? Even if you wanted to give some a pass due to having odd parts, the human parts are very attractive. Further on it says that the effect is permanent and impossible to dispel.

That is legitimately frightening for someone who has not already made up their mind on the matter. It isn't *really* mind-control if she forces your body to have an erection to seeing bat-wings. But you sure as hell are now stuck with it aren't you? I'm not complaining, but that shit is mind control. Even if it says that it isn't. It's not some form of body-controlling puppetry, but yeah that is mind control.

I'm not convinced on the spell stuff. It really does sound fishy. Not fun merrow fishy either.
>fightin monsters
I'm not saying they're savages or anything, and I actually can do a few sword forms. No one I've sparred with is supernaturally attractive, so boners weren't a thing for me. Otoh sword fighting is a frightening thing, it's just that if you treat it as exciting or reflex, then it works out better.

The sword fight isn't optional though, and lizard/salamanders are hot. That sounds pretty fear-boner inducing. Live blades are not a joke, even if they're magic metal. You handle a blade that is THE thing they cram in there. It is a tool not a toy, which is how we adults spell fear and caution.

See I'm starting to realize that even if some of the charms aren't literal behavior controllers, they can't really be turned off. I doubt most mamono could if they're an inherent charm. That's more creepy but I have to accept it than fear-bonery. Or is it? A philosophical type person might get some existential fear boner I guess...

>> No.21739552

If the charm is passive and it just makes her hoter then I don’t get why it’s scary the whole girl with inhuman beauty has been done before which is basically what this is

>> No.21739583

Don't be rude, be cool dude.
Please fuck off non-foodporn non-vorefag. Seriously, pslime anon would be flipping out trying to help you combine those two if he was here.
Like I said it's more creepy than scary. I'm thinking that the fear-scare guy is looking at it pretty granularly. If you look at it like that, it really is a pretty action paced universe. And everything is designed to give you boners. So it would honestly look like fear boner land. I don't remember him claiming anything like mamono being evil etc. just the scare-arousal thing. Honestly, I think he's right. No one ever said it was a bad thing.

>> No.21739619

>If the charm is passive and it just makes her hoter then I don’t get why it’s scary

I guess its narrative function is to get you to do something you wouldn't normally do. It's spiking-your-drink date-rape without the rohypnol (or the drink).

The scary part comes the morning after when you wake up under half a ton of snake-coils and find yourself gripped by holy terror for the sanctity of your immortal soul. And I guess also practical terror about how you're going to be (literally?) crucified when you get back home unless you can think up a very, very good escape story about how you got away from the lamia that your companions saw spirit you off, without admitting that you now possibly both have a corrupted dick and have increased the ranks of mankind's Archenemy by one snake daughteru.

>> No.21739626
File: 363 KB, 726x1200, SatyrosRecolor1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown goats.

>> No.21739629

What is the monster girl version of Keit-Ai if they don’t have phones?

>> No.21739638

>off-topic image

>> No.21739639

Seeing as one of my favorites is a pslime i would say combined. Although not sure if it should be with a hellhound, Raiju, Ren Xiongmao, or Manticore.

Dude can fuck off with that image. Gets no help from me.

>> No.21739656
File: 336 KB, 1394x2048, 1563732596136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21739657

Isn’t hard to tell someones is a incubus

>> No.21739658

Cool, can I get one without the alcoholism that's not a loli now?

>> No.21739664
File: 61 KB, 508x393, Incubus and echidna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really now?

>> No.21739668

nearly impossible.

>> No.21739670
File: 115 KB, 1400x1189, D_yrxEaWkAY4eUA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get a sheep instead.

>> No.21739673

>Titania gives you a cookie
>Makes you shrink down to the size of a short fairy
>Locks you in a birdcage with one or more tall curvy fairies that bully you like big sisters
>They bring you to the edge of arousal, but never to an orgasm
>The Titania unlocks the cage and lets you out just in time for you to grow back
>She begins to ask if you’re ready to become the King of her fairy realm
>You jump on her, pin her down, and start fucking her and groping at every bit of her you can get your hands on

>> No.21739677

Touch the goat. Rub her throat. Because woodwinds are difficult instruments.
That's not a loli, man. That is a grown woman. Probably an alcoholic, yeah. What do you expect from a Satyros? It's her religion. I take exception to the loli bit.

>> No.21739682

>without the alcoholism
That's mandatory. For both of you.

>> No.21739683

Pretty hot.

I liked all of those but the roulette one. Last one was really hot.

Thanks, anons!

>> No.21739688
File: 516 KB, 2442x2446, 03af708ebfd08e073df455c801f887a1a849a4bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider the following: monoeye centaur.

>> No.21739690

> Tfw no satyros gf who demands pre-performance and post-performance irrumato to warm up / cool down her larynx
> Beloved my MG audiences as "The music really reminds me of having a dick in my throat, somehow!"

>> No.21739693 [DELETED] 

nearly impossible.

>> No.21739695

Those dangling boobs are amazing

>> No.21739699

No, that means it’s finally hot enough. Besides, that crow looks like he’s enjoying himself.

>> No.21739701

Horses already have enough issues with coordination they don't need a reduced FOV and no depth perception added ontop of all that.

>> No.21739703

What does barometz pee taste like?

>> No.21739704

How do you know that’s not just the pheromones she’s releasing talking?

>> No.21739707
File: 107 KB, 756x1024, Barometz_mge_18_by_uradori_dd3hxpa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barometz pee is just nectar.

>> No.21739711

>pharaoh and troll
Maybe a mix because they would likely prefer very different living conditions.

>> No.21739714

Jellysheep Mommy!

>> No.21739715

Even better. I find the visuals of girls pissing hot, but nothing else. Thay solves that problem!

>> No.21739723
File: 896 KB, 1429x2160, owlmage_chibi_by_youngdemon_ddc45uc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21739728

marry my two favs

>> No.21739729
File: 378 KB, 1280x960, 1495437172729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go all Gomez Addams on a Monster Girl who is confused by my amorous advances.

>> No.21739738

I want to be yandere for a shirohebi!

>> No.21739745

A) I think it *is* hard to tell if someone's an Incubus, and
B) Unless it's a top-tier monster like a lilim or a dark matter who has a man-sized ball of liquid DE on her person at all times, you don't change into an Incubus from one fuck. The whole reason succubus nostrum is an item is because some monsters can't get their husbands to change even *with* trying and so they sink all their savings into Super Male Vitaility performance enhancement potions

>> No.21739752

>amateur writing from Japan is filled with annoying anime cliches and stock phrases

>> No.21739756


>Barometz sinks into her jelly to her shoulders
>And makes you sink to your waist
>A blow job ensues.

>> No.21739768

>Barometz sinks into her jelly to her waist
>Makes you sink to her shoulders
>Crotch in your face
>You're not allowed out until she cums

>> No.21739790

>For both of you.

>> No.21739792

Soft birb but where is her mom

>> No.21739802

>After that she sinks down so she's level with you
>She gives you a hug, the both of you floating in her jelly.
>You both slightly bounce up and down as it goes on.

>> No.21739844

>The two of you drift to sleep in your embrace, the gentle bounce only serving to help relax you
>You wake up to her holding you against her chest

>> No.21739848

Horses are incredibly talented at hurting themselves. I hope Centaurs are much better.

>> No.21739897

Barometz have always been mid-tier to me but this sounds heavenly. Imagine her holding you in a seated position with your arms and legs caught in her jelly. She could bounce up and down on your shaft while you try to time it to get her breast in your mouth so you can have some of that fresh orange flavored nectar ooze into your mouth and down your throat to revitalize you to keep going.

>> No.21739898

I was going to mention something about actual throat relaxation for woodwind performance, the maintenance of embouchure etc. But nah. You're cool, man. I'm perfectly fine with that. Yup.

>> No.21739908
File: 265 KB, 486x656, 1463737054968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...you can't have any!

>> No.21739910

That's a nice way to wake up. She'd probably breast feed you her nectar as your breakfast.

>> No.21739913

That cheese looks bad anyway.

>> No.21739934

Would you trust a Manticore acupuncturist?

>> No.21739945

Sure why not

>> No.21739946

Yeah. She'd open your glands up good.

>> No.21739955

I so want to bomb MGE into a nuclear wasteland holy shit.

>> No.21739972

If that's how you enjoy it most!
She'd feed you the nectar you've come to love so much however you most enjoy it! Whether that means breastfeeding, sharing it through a deep kiss, holding her pussy to your mouth and either pissing it in or letting you eat it out, or even just leaving you to lick it up from across her body! She's just happy to have you relying on her!

>> No.21739983
File: 353 KB, 1008x821, 1486060415432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I learn to draw or paint? Seems like the best way to praise the girls I like.

>> No.21739986

I dont even like cheese so that's good she can have all the cheese I get

>> No.21739994

I don't trust ANY acupuncturist after the last time.

>> No.21739997

A Leanan Sidhe man? Good on you. If anything, it'll be something to help you grow as a person, and what waifu wouldn't love that in you?

>> No.21740004

I've been really inspired recently because of paleoartists and people like David Mack and Bill Sienkiewicz who just change their style at the drop of a hat.

>> No.21740034
File: 336 KB, 892x1500, 1473308151235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a difficult goal, but art fairy believes in you!

>> No.21740044

Monsters are too good for us

>> No.21740054


She probably finds it cute if you get shy after becoming aware of how much you want her nectar.

>> No.21740058
File: 669 KB, 590x874, 1563789546865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being dominated by smol Monsters is the hottest thing ever!

>> No.21740066

she'll lick your glans real good*

>> No.21740067

You only say that because you know you can overpower them at a moment's notice. Secretly you have the power to take control and take... what you want.
The problem for me is short and flat girls don't have what I want.

>> No.21740080

That might be the hottest thing but the best thing is tucking them into bed and reading them a happy bedtime story until they fall asleep

>> No.21740087

I want to be sexually tortured and edged to the brink of insanity by smol Kumiho!

>> No.21740101

If I throw salt on a CC slug girl, would she shrivel up into a loli?

>> No.21740104

And after comforting you with her hand on the back of your head, gently caressing you as you drink from your fountain of choice, she'll tease you platyfully for being so greedy and so thirsty.

>> No.21740105

I also enjoy art fairies so here's one who got high off of a sniffing a marker.

>> No.21740107
File: 111 KB, 1688x1150, Art fairy high.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is, HERE'S one who got high off of sniffing a marker.

>> No.21740109

assault is illegal

>> No.21740111
File: 1.67 MB, 1528x1371, 1552116426166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not even purposefully spelling it wrong for the pun.
I can't believe you ruined your chance with a cheshire like this.

>> No.21740112


>> No.21740116

I just realized a thing, automatons doesn't really have a lot of art, do they even have any lewd ones?
What kind of lewd art do should they get?

>> No.21740119

Someone changing her oil.

>> No.21740121


imagine that dante opening a pizza box with cheshire ass sticking out of it pic is posted, i dont have it saved somehow.

>> No.21740126
File: 95 KB, 800x557, 1449210146908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21740127

That's a chance I would ruin every day.

>> No.21740134

Clearly a higher tier cheshire knows that spelling it right makes the joke even better by not doing it, only a low tier mere meme peasant would go for the obvious pun

>> No.21740138

How do I know that my house isn't be replaced by a shog?

>> No.21740147

>have Cheshire childhood friend
>always ruin her jokes by saying or doing the wrong line/pun/action needed to complete the joke
>she’s now just determined to make you laugh by her jokes

>> No.21740150

Look for a symbol that looks kind of like a tree. Or maybe it's a star?

>> No.21740154

Well, certainly golems were originally described as being roving semen-retrieval units for witches. I had a mostly just my own sick fetish idea of an tsundere witch using golems / automatons as a way of objectively measuring the arousal-boosting effects of her potions, since the robot girls can be ordered to "Initiate hip gyration protocol 4" and be guaranteed to dispense exactly the same movez they did last time, down to the microsecond - great for measuring deviations from baseline.

So long story short, I want owed art of a neutral-expression automaton pinning a guy down and grinding her hips while a witch in the background looks on with a mildly aroused sneer.

>> No.21740158

>intended fans of hentai scare-arousal
But that's wrong you flaming faggot. If yo had read the creators notes you would know that it's intended as a worry free fantasy land for exhausted nip sallary men. "Rape" in MGE is also not violent in most cases and is more in KCs own words more like "oh no a sexy woman is pushing me down what should I do?"
More pushy seduction than your idea of rape.
>I've been here since the thread lived on /d/, pal, *you're* the newfag invader.
You fucked up real bad. These threads were on a different blue board since 2012 as far as I remember.

>> No.21740159

>dense anon raped by shoggoth after she had already assimilated his entire house.
>Couple is now so to celebrate the birth of a shog daughteru in a few months.
>More information at 10...
>In other news rata continues to deny chipmunk allegations.

>> No.21740161

I mean you're not wrong, but the problem with this
>hentai scare-arousal
perception on MGE (or any setting of that sort) is that it doesn't really work. Autists who completely miss the point jump in and deliberately ruin it, see MGU.

You'll have thin-skinned fags bitching about the setting being a horrible place to live, low sex-drive fags whining that without porn there isn't much else to it; insecure chest-thumping retards threatening to burn it with napalm because humanity is shown as something less than an all-triumphant, ever-expanding special snowflake of a species etc. etc.
Scare-arousal is just too specific or too IQ-dependable for many people to operate on, unironically.

I've seen enough of that and would rather have waifufag central at this point, at least it's less toxic. Like, take Druella that you've posted for example. I fucking love everything about her and she was one of the selling points of the setting for me initially. The looks and design, the hot power maniac trope, the equally hot sex-crazed fanatical underlings, even the whole obnoxious Satanistic symbolism splashing out of her. So naturally, what would you expect me to prefer: secret blushing virgin Druella or head-on-a-pike executed Druella?

>> No.21740170

Clearly I'd make dad jokes at her

>> No.21740178

True,but to bad the people who populate the monstergirl thread /tg/ are. Sucks because i like the idea of cute warhammer playing Mamano and really want to play it with my waifu.

>> No.21740186
File: 131 KB, 901x895, 1477587927400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to tell Wendigos that the best eatin' is down at Fraggle Rock.

>> No.21740188

>So naturally, what would you expect me to prefer: secret blushing virgin Druella or head-on-a-pike executed Druella?

I guess I don't disagree; but at the same time, it's wrong to pretend that saccharine waifufaggotry is somehow "the natural focus of the MGE".

The natural focus of the MGE is rape-fetish scare-arousal. You may well be right that this is inherently unstable as a conversation topic and the fanbase would inevitably degenerate into either saccharine waifufaggotry or grimderp, and you may well be right that choosing option A is the better choice. But it's still... a missmatch between the proportion of ink-on-the-page in the the source material pertaining to waifus and daughters (one section of World Guide 1 and 5% of profiles?) vs RAPE! SEX! (the other 95%) compared to the proportion of discussion and fanfics pertaining to waifus and daughters (>90%).

Of course, just so one doesn't think I'm hating in waifufags - people who write military fiction grimderp and obsess over the internal heirachy of the Order (source-material content: 0%) are just as much an unintended demographic (and more insufferable) as are the people who write smutless cute.

>> No.21740189

I knew a kid back in high school who looked like a Fraggle. Guy had green teeth some smoking.

>> No.21740190

Can you fuck your house without cutting a hole into the drywall? Then it’s a shog.

>> No.21740195

Silent Hill 16: Shoggy Days and Shoggy Nights

>> No.21740196

What would a stern kobold be like?

>> No.21740200

Get a kobold momma a heckpup daughteru. She will show you then.

>> No.21740204

You know the noise a terrier makes when you try to move it when its asleep?

>> No.21740207

>kobold momma a heckpup daughteru
I wonder how long it takes for the mom to gain fire resistance

>> No.21740254

What to do if you waifu is holding back when you have sex?

She focuses on your pleasure neglecting hers. She's afraid of herself because she raped somebody once and he's asleep for 3 days. She's getting more and more spacey as time goes on.

>> No.21740257

Tie her up and ravage her with toys and my tongue, not even taking my pants off!

>> No.21740264

Appreciate it because if an MG used her full power on me I would probably be knocked out for 3 days.

>> No.21740296

I like to bop field mice on the tits

>> No.21740300

What tits?

>> No.21740302
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No time like the present.

>> No.21740304

No no no you have it wrong this is what you are supposed to do
Hop through the forest,
Scoop up the field mice,
And kiss' 'em on the head.

>> No.21740306

I read this in Butters' voice for some reason.

>> No.21740307
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correct answer

wrong answer

only correct if they're flat

>> No.21740335
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Big Ol' Maus Tiddy

>> No.21740339

She is asking for a mouthful of tits

>> No.21740346

how can a wocky even compete with the lewd sounds a toad makes?

>> No.21740356

Would it be wrong to push a flat monsters face into a busty monsters chest while you fuck the flat?

>> No.21740359
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By not being a meme.

>> No.21740364


>> No.21740377

Seems kinda harsh to the busty one; literally using her as a prop to fuck your smol waifu. There's a cuckqueen reeeeeeeing in the distance

>> No.21740378
File: 366 KB, 1600x2160, BBE4EC41-D9B2-4252-B928-FE7B34E054F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man a large mouse harem with assets like those would be bliss.

>> No.21740379
File: 167 KB, 2005x1441, 1561757472482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about I push Anon into the chest of an Ancient Evil Fox?

>> No.21740383

I would probably be overrun myself and my town with pai-loli daughterus if i had a harem like that.

>> No.21740384

No, sorry, I take smol and flat foxes only

>> No.21740391

impregnate the banana

>> No.21740394

>Plymouth, Wiscounsin is a town famed for cheese
>after the particularly vigorous efforts of one Anon and his wife, it is now famous for cheese, pai-loli mice, and pai-loli mouse-milk cheese

>> No.21740402

Yes I also want to be dommed by a Lilim

>> No.21740404

Thats what i am talking about! Come for the cheese and stay for the pai-loli mouse girl wife. And the unlimited supply of top of the line cheese!

>> No.21740416

>There's a cuckqueen reeeeeeeing in the distance
Yeah but cuckqueans are pathetic so who cares what they think

>> No.21740417

>into the chest of an Ancient Evil Fox?
But she is dressed too lewd for the TV show if she is going to play the part of the villain she has to be dressed more modestly this show is for kids

>> No.21740438

>Anon is on a power rangers like tv show and his monster coworker keeps dressing lewder each episode

>> No.21740443

>Pink Ranger is actually working for the villain

>> No.21740449

>Shows up to your trailer drunk barely wearing her costume sobbing while asking what she did wrong and why you won't love her

>> No.21740452
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But she's there so that the kids watching feel funny.

>> No.21740483

It's MG television! If anything she has to be dressed lewder for the show to be proper (sex) educational.

>> No.21740484

Paizuri rings are truly my favourite accessory
Bonus points if she makes it an ostentatious bullseye design

>> No.21740486

I desperately need the rest of this image.

>> No.21740491

It’s kind of funny to imagine certain locations are hotspots for men looking for certain types of mgs. Though the concept of that alone makes me want to watch an anime about a guy’s road trip around the states trying to build his ideal harem! I’d probably just stick to Plymouth though, a couple of big titty mouse girls is more than enough for me.

>> No.21740520

Excellent taste sir. Also Sounds like a fun show indeed! Although i would also watch an anime thats just a SoL about a man and his big titty mouse harem.

>> No.21740528

me too

>> No.21740530

Would he travel the land in an RV?

>> No.21740533

Watching the shenanigans of mouse anon and his pack of stacked rodents would be fun too, especially if it included bedroom shenanigans too!

Yep! And the opening would change to reflect every new girl that falls for him!

>> No.21740550

>start the series with an anon riding a motorcycle as a lonely rebel
>advance to a girl sitting behind him
>then another in a side-car
>then upgrade to a run-down car
>then a pick-up truck
>finally the RV
>then add a trailer

>> No.21740561

>bedroom shenanigans
That might be to lewd but i still want it!

>> No.21740573
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I want to see a human win in Selenes mansion

>> No.21740588
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>rape-fetish scare-arousal
You really overestimate what KC means by "rape." He intends it as pushy seduction and many monsters lose their rape mode once married.

You really come across like someone who's only ever read the profiles and remembers small snippets of guides people have posted but never actually read the entire thing. Did you read the interactions between a witch and a hard working manual labour worker for example? You can try and spin is as a "hex" and make it sound more sinister than it is if you want but it came off cute and adorably lewd rather than scary like you're trying to make monsters sound.

That's far from the only example either and countless other monsters who are happy with being submissive don't exactly strike fear into men the way you try and make it sound like. Manticore is the only one who even fills the fetish you're talking about and even then, judging by KC's recent tweets they fill their partner in on the truth after the first session.
How can fear be a girl's focus if it's only used in the first encounter and there's many things with her that would come after?

Pic related, hardly the face of fear either.

>> No.21740627

Strictly speaking, going by what we have seen of it, isn't everyone a winner?
You get a monster wife out the fight so there isn't really any "loss"

>> No.21740637

Zoomer lolis want you to watch them play fortnite

>> No.21740646

I want to see a kobold sword master
One that can cut clothes with a wooden stick

>> No.21740649

I would do everything in my power to roleplay the old uncle who knows nothing about games.
"Is this like your legos?" "Are you winning?" etc.

>> No.21740654

You can't cut with wood.
Price maybe, seeing as spears and spikes and stuff, but not cut.

>> No.21740655

I'd tell her she can fuck me if she wins

>> No.21740658

>You can't cut with wood.
That's where you are wrong

>> No.21740665
File: 2.55 MB, 1488x2105, Hakutaku11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't cut with wood
Anon... you do know ignorance attacks the hakutakus right?
Any material if sharpened enough
Was gonna post that wood knife video but got beaten to it.

>> No.21740667

That guy is fucking crazy he turned Jello into a knife. He could probably turn any waifu into a Cursed Sword

>> No.21740675

>"The Strongest Kesaran Cursed Sword In The World"

>> No.21740683

>Manticore is the only one who even fills the fetish you're talking about
1) Arachne
2) Even if monsters don't *set out* to terrify humans, humans are nevertheless terrified by virtue of Order agitprop, so sure, looking at the setting from a meta-eye view there is arguably no cause for terror, but viewing the setting from within, a human sees a monster and promptly shits himself

>> No.21740687

Cyclopes and other blacksmith girls must love him

>> No.21740688

Hakus probably like dumb boys with earnest hearts who try their best.

>> No.21740693

that sounds like a bad idea

>> No.21740701

Thay do love those after class fantasies.

>> No.21740710

>How can fear be a girl's focus if it's only used in the first encounter and there's many things with her that would come after?
To be fair encyclopedia entries do spend a lot longer talking about how monsters catch-rape men the first time than they talk about Everyday Life With Monstergirls.
Asking "How can this be the focus?" is like asking how a book on soccer tactics can have soccer as the focus given that a soccer match only lasts 90 minutes but a person's life is 70 years. It's like... it IS the focus, objectively; count the number of lines of text. It's there on the page, he ain't gotta explain shit.

>> No.21740736
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>> No.21740783

Hmm, yes. What species would do this?

>> No.21740786

I want to be a teacher's pet to her and then not lewd her because a teach and student relationship is illegal

>> No.21740806

>I guess I don't disagree; but at the same time, it's wrong to pretend that saccharine waifufaggotry is somehow "the natural focus of the MGE".
But that's wrong. The setting has so many checks for "are you happy with this ending", it's not even funny. Monsters don't commit adultery, are completely unable to leave lasting physical damage, never take lives (unless you commit adultery, and even that got retconned), and often accommodate their husband's tastes or desires.
Granted, this usually comes with the condition of "you have to incubize first", which is hardly a bad thing at all within the setting, since all being an incubus means is just higher sex drive + more spiritual energy. KC never, absolutely never plays up the sexually parasitic relationship monsters have with humans, because it's a porn setting.
With all of that said, KC is EXTREMELY open toward headcanon and fan theory, just so long as it remains as such, or isn't so grimdark that it's basically re-enacting Vietnamese war crimes. And even then, he doesn't get butthurt so long as you aren't shoving it in his face.
Bottom line, MGE is waifupandering, but have fun with it. No one can tell you how to fuck with Legos, but everyone will get on your case if you call them MegaBlocks.

>> No.21740838

What species actually killed husbands if they cheated before it got retconned? Just curious

>> No.21740844

Keep your daughteru away from lolis that do get daddy dick

>> No.21740851

Vanilla lamia
Although with those very early profiles it's ambiguous which parts are retcon and which parts were hack translators making up the original Engrish

>> No.21740855
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>See I'm starting to realize that even if some of the charms aren't literal behavior controllers, they can't really be turned off. I doubt most mamono could if they're an inherent charm.

You really need to read up on more of the setting. Being able to turn off/reverse charm/seduction is one of the inherent abilities of monsters that use it. Since all the spell really does is make the monster's existing charms impossible to ignore, it's also possible to make it so they are very easy to ignore. Its how married monsters can go about their business without getting hounded by tons of men eager to woo them, and likewise how a monster interested in a particular man can make it so only he is charmed by them.

Note, its not like the men can't still notice the monster or realize she is attractive, its just that by reversing the spell said good looks are harder to focus on.

>It's not some form of body-controlling puppetry, but yeah that is mind control.

"Influence" would be what most people would call it, and its little different from advertisements using bright colors or other scientific means to get and keep your attention. Its just magic-based.

>Further on it says that the effect is permanent and impossible to dispel.

Its referring to the aspect of realizing how charming the monster really is. You don't end up with a permanent boner or anything like that. The spell does end, but the things you realize during it are genuine, and thus they remain.

>> No.21740859
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Do you remember love?

>> No.21740865

>"Wow teach, thanks for all your help! I really love-"
>Haku ears perk up, along with a quickly muffled gasp
>"-the way you make everything so simple to understand!"
>Somehow, the sound effect of glass shattering plays

>> No.21740870

>The setting has so many checks for "are you happy with this ending", it's not even funny.

This is almost literally begging the question, though. The setting - in the sense of the printed books - doesn't spend hardly any time on checks for "are you happy with this ending". It's KC's Q&A that's 90% dealing with autistic waifufags asking questions about edge cases and demanding reassurance.

Using the fanbase's colonisation by autistic waifufags to claim the fanbase hasn't been colonised by autistic waifufags is not quite the proof you think it is.

>> No.21740876

She just needs to lewd him after he graduates

>> No.21740915

So two and one of those is incredibly old before KC figured out what he wanted the setting to be.
Are they terrified? In KC's own words even heroes often lose their will to hurt monster girls and often throw down their swords once they first see them, propaganda falls apart in the face of evidence of what they truly are and many girls aren't even the rapey type. Again, calling the magical aided seduction "hexes" is trying to make it more sinister than it really is, most of it is subtle and the human likely wouldn't be aware it was happening.
That's an awful comparison, jesus christ you didn't even try.
And the reason the profiles spend more time talking about rape is because the life aspect is saved for world guides.

>> No.21740943
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>This is almost literally begging the question, though. The setting - in the sense of the printed books - doesn't spend hardly any time on checks for "are you happy with this ending".

What do you mean? The printed books have TONS of such things. KC's Q and A sessions often just involve him repeating things directly from the books, or giving extra details regarding things from the books.

Try reading through World Guide 2, Saphirette talks a lot about quality of life for monsters and incubi in mamono realms.

>> No.21740956
File: 832 KB, 1800x1200, --original-drawn-by-nukomasu--6b66c0c1d1b287533bda00bc01c027b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oceanic Welcoming Blessing
>For that reason, whenever men visit underwater cities, monsters are inevitably drawn to them. Often, they will try to touch a man's body, or become physically close. There are no ulterior motives... is naturally something we cannot say. If there's a man doing things by himself, then most monsters would aggressively try to accompany him, since for an unmarried monster it's the perfect opportunity to get him to like her too along with the beautiful oceanic city. And apparently, it's not uncommon for “oceanic binding ritual” to then be performed after men are bound to monsters and become residents of the sea.
>Additionally, the “sea bishops” themselves who cast this spell may accompany men into the sea out of concern for them due to their gentle and devoted personalities, but being modest late bloomers, in most cases, they can't make the first move themselves, so we absolutely want men to aggressively make advances on them.

Man, I wanna visit the undersea cities. What kind of architecture would they have? How would their sewage work? How does food preparation, tool making and manufacturing work without fire? And what kind of mamono would live in them? We talking full boiling pot metropolis with cancer, scylla, charybdis coexisting with mersharks, or tribal cities?
I'd love to visit their border towns too, I bet they're half submerged towns like World Guide Side III or pic related.

>> No.21740965

Since I live in practically a village with 300 people in the middle of nowhere would no monsters ever find me if the portals opened

>> No.21740971
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Arachne aren't stated to make you think they are going to kill you or to enjoy terror. They are turned on by struggling, but that can as easily be brought about by anger or attempted defiance as anything else (and indeed the profile only refers to the man being stubborn, resistance, etc. not afraid).

>> No.21740982

>Portal opens up right in the middle of your town

>> No.21740989
File: 98 KB, 1280x1024, 1430062669431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cupid notes your IP address
>flies a dark matter into your village
>and all the vaguely populated settlements in the surrounding 300 miles
No man shall go unloved.

>> No.21741018
File: 796 KB, 1331x629, Otohime2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KC has given various details on underwater life, especially the undersea resorts of the otohime, but well before this he gave a summary during a Q and A.

>Q5. Do sea based mamono build underwater village/kingdom?
>A: Yes, there are many settlements and kingdoms in the sea.
>Even in the water, there are unique spaces that objects will not float around, the magical light that can illuminate inside the water, and the building materials, cloth, and strings which can be used in the water.
>With the unquenchable fire, even cooking is possible.

The fire is no doubt magical to make it safer or contain it, but its not like things can't burn underwater in real life either.

>> No.21741022
File: 123 KB, 850x850, 1479794355612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know but I shall enjoy the discoveries.

>> No.21741030

Monsters as a whole are great at sensing human mana, and some can do so at great distances even if the man is not yet their husband. Being in a remote place is not that much of an obstacle overall.

>> No.21741064

Yeah but they'd probably find other men before somehow ending up in the middle of kansas

>> No.21741074

Sure, but eventually wandering monsters will find their way to you once those other men are taken.

>> No.21741086

Eros extremists are terrifying

>> No.21741097
File: 47 KB, 600x480, 1544023815729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you get lifted by a tornado up with your house and pet dog
>you land in Australia with an unconscious Dark Mage in your bed and multiple shortstacks cheering her new husband
What now, Dorothy?

Dark Matter bombs are not even the worst they can do.
Some say that the most experienced Cupids can make a new couple go from awkward stammering, blushing and billet-doux to full-fledged PDA makeouts. It's as if they can erase time.

>> No.21741108

I look to my dog and say "T-Bone, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore"

>> No.21741133

> Take Cupid waifu to watch The Hobbit
Spends the next day doing tactical Legolas shooting, three arrows at a time, backflips, hi-kicks with demon-obsidian-heeled shoes, grabs an arrow out of her quiver and stabs a particularly hard-hearted cleric right in the crotch

> Take Cupid waifu to watch Enemy At The Gates
Late home for dinner because she spent 15 hours lying motionless in the ruins of an abandoned tractor factory waiting for her target to cross the field of view

>> No.21741146

>15 hours lying motionless in the ruins of an abandoned tractor factory
Does she need a breast massage?
I feel like she's need a breast massage

>> No.21741153

And a hot bath.

>> No.21741158

Your dogs name is t bone? Thats nice

>> No.21741160

What an absolute unit.

>> No.21741175

He's an old long hair chihuahua mutt, doesn't give a fuck about anything but getting pet.

>> No.21741178
File: 371 KB, 1280x905, 1468258498617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything seems to sing everywhere I go
>I say one, two, play me too, let me sound as sweet as you
>Play me wide, play me long, let me be your song~

>> No.21741193

True but I think he wants to see a human defeat a monster in the arena
So far there has been two losses and a draw. (Though that second loss was against Selene herself so that's a given.)

>> No.21741259

>Searching KC's site for decent Wight stories to translate
>See one of the story has highest votes and decides to check out
>It's an guro shit where MC has sex with a literal corpse with only a lower jaw for a face and its organs dropping out of its body.

Just what the fuck Japan

>> No.21741268

>tfw our broken teacup zombie greentexts are less cringy than nip autism
I shouldn't have expected much from the same fags that gave us "does Lilith give birth in public?"

>> No.21741278

And yet HAN destroyed MGU by putting one witch's head on a spike.
Fucking Japs. I always suspected it was just a pretext for anti-gaijin sentiment and here's the proof

>> No.21741286

What the fuck.
As devil's advocate, in the guro story's defence it's likely not fatal while a witch's head on a pike certainly is.

>> No.21741288

Well to be more precise MC is helping the corpse to become a proper Wight by having sex with it so it's not some edgy shit or grimdark or anything against KC's policies but it's pretty fucking shocking nontheless

>> No.21741293

I'm not sure if this is more weird than the Chimera story with the snake tail blowjob or not.

>> No.21741294

Exactly, one is a fetish, the other is advocating the brutal murder of monster girls.

Its not proof of anything, considering KC has done a lot more with English fans after the debacle with MGU than before.

>> No.21741306

She must have been in pretty dire straits for regular mamono mana to not heal her enough beforehand (generally undead are mended to the point of being largely whole and attractive, sex is just to finish the job and restore them mentally).

>> No.21741314
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>> No.21741316
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That's not odd at all by MGE standards. Just look at jabberwock and manticore.

>> No.21741326

The girls is nip one isn’t dead unlike what your describing

>> No.21741327

Yeah MGE's favorite plot device Order happened

>> No.21741329

>Aruji-dono, hold still. There's a mosquito.

>> No.21741331

Wock tentacles and Manticores feel normal to be while the snake tail actually has eyes, a snake tongue and seems a lot more like a real animal.

>> No.21741354

Where’s the right wock from?

>> No.21741358

Ochi bodyguards are Cute

>> No.21741361


>> No.21741365
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>> No.21741367
File: 1.30 MB, 1057x1500, c87_stsan1500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the monster girl ecnyclopedia stories books.

>> No.21741378

How do monsters know what to look for in a man?

>> No.21741381
File: 1.25 MB, 4096x2463, EADFNGdXUAAfMF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21741386


>> No.21741392

Mamano mana.

>> No.21741395

It's hard to be less cringy than that, that teacup set was cute.

>> No.21741410

Elves are a proud noble race and I would gladly join an Elven adventuring party

>> No.21741418

I want to join the High Elf empire

>> No.21741427

If you believe the grimdarkist human supremacists: A functional dick is all they care about.
If you believe the Eros worshippers: Fate.
If you believe those Tanuki clickbait ads: Only mana markers.

>> No.21741433

Fuck off, they're full. Terrible border patrol, though, just hope youre never "detained."

>> No.21741436

So what kind of fights would you like to see in the mansion
I kind of want to make it somewhat intresting

>> No.21741441

Its gross, but I still think the western fanbase is more autistic.

>> No.21741465

I get you
Decaying corpse fucking is bad, but the west is fixated on shit that either doesn't matter or breaks the setting in some way
I just wish that "humanities going to fuck itself to death" thing died and stayed dead

>> No.21741467

As long as the guy’s not evil or something he’s usually fine some might have be looking for a hero but if a guy tries hard enough he can still get her

>> No.21741466

Zombies are for cute not lewd

>> No.21741495

Not all that different from any other intelligent, sapient being. Individual preferences, life experience, instinct, etc.

>Of course, the monsters have various different preferences for men, and there is such a thing as an ideal man to them, but there are hardly any types of men that they hate.

Important aspects though include how a monster can adjust her preferences to fit a man she has come to love, and/or can train a man to meet her preferences.

>> No.21741513

Are you sure?

>> No.21741523

It also has turbo autists who want the setting to stop being about sex and only focus on cute.

>> No.21741537

I’m gonna open an embassy of the Big Titty empire there!

>> No.21741560

Imagine a loli monster finally maturing into a woman

>> No.21741576
File: 189 KB, 1720x2428, D__obHXU8AINSeT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet your new gym partner.

>> No.21741589
File: 1006 KB, 2300x2875, 74952303_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you telling me you don't wanna taste fish pussy?

>> No.21741607

>train a man to meet her preferences.
I'd be interested in hearing more on how this works. I think we've gotten a primer, but...

>> No.21741614

>if a guy tries hard enough he can still get her
This is the main point. Any single mamono will react positively to effort from a human man.
From the highest dark matter, baph, or ryu, to the lowest slime, gobbo, or fairy; (You) can seduce her without human social etiquette or courting, but through simple persistence and affection.

>> No.21741615
File: 232 KB, 846x1200, 1561900391092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, what was so triggering about MGE Venice?

>> No.21741626

But wait, what happened to my dad?

>> No.21741633

Bugs and things?

>> No.21741637
File: 177 KB, 422x600, 193_busi_ekidona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, just as monsters alter their bodies to better match their mate, so incubi are altered to better match the preferences of the monster. Normally these changes are mostly slight and/or limited to making it so their bodies match perfectly to give the best sex possible. Sometimes though they are more extreme, as in cases where an incubus' body will mature or become more youthful depending on the preferences of the monster.

Mamono mana follows desire, and helps bring it about. This includes desires related to preferences of monsters and men alike. One example given in the world guides is how a man with a monster sparring partner will be empowered over time by her mana, their desire to see him blossom as a warrior manifesting to give results greater than what regular training would result in.

Another example given are "dragon slayers," men who try again and again to defeat a dragon. Their persistence touches the heart of the dragon, and over time her own mana acts to give the man enough power to defeat (and then bed) her, provided he desires it enough.

>> No.21741639
File: 700 KB, 1200x1920, 75860059_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck like an Egyptian.

>> No.21741642

Jokes on you, I don't go to the gym, I'm a lazy fuck.

>> No.21741655

I know ancient Egyptians were in contact with aliens but Succubi? Balderdash.

>> No.21741667

So if I married a large-breasted mamono, her breasts would gradually shrink to fit my tastes?

>> No.21741689

>boobhats you while you bench, claims she's "just spotting, bro"
>gives you bone-crushing hugs when you pb
>kisses your cheek when you reach the peak of a sit-up
>sits on your back in the middle of your pushup routine
>slaps your ass at random when you're squatting
>sits uncomfortably close to you in the sauna
>snuck sake into the gym via a water bottle and (while drunk) becomes extremely sexually aggressive the moment you pop a stiffie

>> No.21741697

I'll pass. I like my monster girls to be women and not guys with tits.

>> No.21741700

It is possible, but its more likely your own tastes would change due to just how attractive monsters inherently are, or you would meet each other in the middle.

Keep in mind that some things about a monster can't be changed via the pair bonding process, namely inherent aspects of their species. A holstaur's boobs will not shrink for instance, even if pedomorphosis is used on her. The most you can get is a temporary transformation like anthropomorphosis that will be undone once sexy times start. The setting wants you to embrace the inherent aspects of a given monster, rather than wave them away with a transformation.

Monsters also want men to love their bodies as they are. An example given by KC in a Q and A is that a dark elf can lighten her skin to make her husband happy, but she will want him to also love her dark skin. And monsters will always teach their men to love the monstrous aspects of their bodies, be it their tentacles, snake-like lower bodies, wings, etc.

As said before, the actual permanent changes monster girls undergo for their men are implied to usually be simply to make it so their vagina is the best one possible for him.

>> No.21741720
File: 272 KB, 992x1403, tumblr_pechwdc8xx1rkn25go1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An example given by KC in a Q and A is that a dark elf can lighten her skin to make her husband happy, but she will want him to also love her dark skin.
What if I want her to have grey skin?

>> No.21741729

Then go suck on a spider's tits.

>> No.21741736

>Then go suck on a spider's tits.
That doesn't sound safe

>> No.21741739

Life in the Underdark never is.

>> No.21741750

Wake me up when you have a girl who can consistently get the Tetris Maximus

>> No.21741752

So it'd be better to use mana markers to matchmake me with a more ideal mamono?

>> No.21741788

If a monster targets you then chances are you already suit her preferences and you shouldn't expect changes beyond what normally occur in an incubus. Monsters changing men more drastically is usually more about what happens if a man pursues them and he doesn't yet match what they want. They won't reject him, but they will mold him.

But yes, if you really want a particular species then mana markers are the way to go.

>> No.21741791
File: 224 KB, 800x480, 1477563124632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something suspicious has appeared...

>> No.21741798

So a mamono instinctively won't be drawn to a man if he isn't into her?

>> No.21741805


>> No.21741820

If he well and truly isn't into her, yes. If there's a hint of growing to like her, then he's probably fair game.

>> No.21741821

My Japanese sucks. The charm on the husbando doesn't have an off switch afaik. That was the point I was mentioning. She isn't a "must sex now super-bombshell" to anyone else but husbando, I knew that part.

Influence is too weak a way of putting it, but mind-control is too strong. Being permanently charmed to have an erection due to some alien part of your waifu and then being bullied about it (in a pretty friendly way) is canon iirc. Technically there's a period where you have an automatic fetish for her mamono parts that seems to have come out of nowhere. Just to be fair, that really would be a fear-boner for damn near anyone. Once more, not actually bad, but clearly scare-arousal would be happening for normal people. Let's think about in more detail, I picked arachne at random:

>Get in argument with arachnewaifu
>blow it off and get back to doing chores etc
>she starts sulking and teasing you to get attention
>you try and ignore her, wanting to just finish the chores and calm down before talking with her more
>she gets nervous and jittery because this isn't how mamono do relationships
>arguments should end in fucking from the mamono perspective
>or maybe it's chores that should end in fucking
>either way she's panicking slightly
>she pushes you away from the chores and does an odd dance which emphasizes the end of the spider legs
>What the fuck is this, and why do you have the most painful boner ever?
>Why does that dorky dance make your balls trob?
>That's when your realized your fetish for fine delicate hairs on a spider's tarsus

If we're being realistic, there would be a fear-boner period even for the mostly human looking ones -- because you've now got a fetish for her species personality traits too. It's not like you'd know all of the new body/personality fetishes that got crammed into your head to make the marriage work out. This stuff would technically pop the hell up out of nowhere with no warning.

The induced fetishes and appeal of the waifu are now permanent. I didn't assume the boner was. Since the end effects of the spell on you are permanent it means little to claim it ends on the husbando. I get the feeling this goes back to the MGU stuff, which I don't know much about.

Not him. This is funny as hell. It really does make >>21738812 seem like an old fan who got mad at the direction that KC took into fluff and lightness. He literally keeps bring stuff up that everyone else is mentioning as now changed. It's as if he's sticking with an older interpretation that got jossed and is now kinda pissed at it. Which is basically what he's been saying, I think?

>> No.21741823

she's thinking with portals

>> No.21741831

Not what I meant. The man is going to be into her (at least physically), as monsters are designed to be as attractive as possible. I more meant about the monsters preference in a man, how he acts, lives, etc. Most monsters have very wide preferences, and looks don't matter much to them (you're going to get quite attractive later anyway via things like prisoner fruits), but they still have things they like and many won't grab the first man they see (some are that indiscriminate though).

Of course monsters love it if the man is interested in them to begin with, but with the way the chief god has biased humans against monsters, that simply isn't a realistic expectation for many monsters. Hence they often go for ravishing first (as well as due to their instincts).

>> No.21741834

What would your waifu do for you when you are sick?

>> No.21741840

Keep me warm in an attempt to burn out the germs.

>> No.21741845
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>> No.21741851

That's a nice tail

>> No.21741857

So, for example, massive breasts, alcohol, and thick muscles are a big turnoff for me, so would Holsts and Hellhounds and Oni and Satyros pick up on that and look for someone else?
Or would they try to mindbreak me into enjoying that?

>> No.21741865

>You'll never live in a place like this
You're condemned to live in this shitty earth forever.

>> No.21741869
File: 617 KB, 846x1091, 1483201568744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My neighborhood is nice, at least.

>> No.21741877

>The induced fetishes and appeal of the waifu are now permanent.

And what is scary about that? It'd feel the same as discovering something new you like/are interested in. Do you feel fear when you taste a new food and discover it tastes good? Look at how charm/seduction are described:

>The effect of this spell is to flaunt the sex appeal of their own beautiful face and body to the target and make him aware of it.

Basically the spell is only drawing attention to what is already there, enabling you to see them without being biased by a life time of being taught to hate monsters.

>And it works with more than just simple beauty. If it's a monster like a young little girl, then after having one's attention drawn to her innocent cuteness, one will be made to see the depraved sex appeal present within immaturity. If it's a monster with a grotesque body, then one will be made to notice the creature-like allure present within grotesqueness. In this manner, these spells do not charm the target by using hypnotic effects to manipulate the target's heart. Instead, charming works by forcing the target to strongly perceive the caster's existence.

And yes, coming to love their monstrous parts comes with the territory of being married to a monster. But one can argue its as much association as it is manipulation. If a lamia's scales provide you incredible superhuman sex, your mind will naturally start seeing them very positively.

But yes, of course there is an element of fear/confusion for such men, at least initially, as their prior beliefs about monsters war with the reality they now see, but in the MGE that sort of thing is more a feature than it is the point. Masochism, female-dominant sex, being overwhelmed by pleasure, etc. are all major aspects of the MGE and part of it appeal, but actual fear is rather downplayed.

>> No.21741881

buying gf

>> No.21741889

Concerned licking therapy.

>> No.21741890

Why not wait for a monster to say buying bf?

>> No.21741897
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, 1425067260960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selling full rune + party hat

>> No.21741899

It wouldn't be mindbreaking so much as "teaching" you how good those things can feel.

But the biggest obstacle to human/monster relations in the MGE is that humans believe the monsters are evil enemies. Differences in fetishes are not that much of a concern. Heck, given the sex ratio is skewed toward men, most men in the MGE would be motivated to be pretty open with their preferences in the hope of someday managing to get a human woman at all.

On the other hand, KC's standard answer to a question like yours would likely be to ask why you are putting your in-universe character in such a situation to begin with when you could have him meet with a monster that suits his preferences.

>> No.21741901
File: 285 KB, 1363x1301, 1563758272737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a thighjob from Druella.

>> No.21741902

Keep me warm and cook me something

>> No.21741927
File: 1.93 MB, 2490x3600, demon00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. But from a demon instead

>> No.21741929
File: 166 KB, 518x745, Succubus playing with her tail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And it's not just their hands. It's the same when they rub their inma's body against a man's body or crawl all over a man's body with their inma's tongue. If a succubus gets her hands on a man, it's even possible for her to induce orgasm without even touching his penis.

Honestly this sounds pretty amazing to experience. I can only imagine how turned on you'd have to be to orgasm without getting any direct stimulation to the penis (i.e. not even rubbing against your own clothes and such).

Not saying you can't do it in real life, obviously you can, but its still pretty amazing.

>> No.21741959
File: 620 KB, 1233x1274, 1484425861310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Customizing gf!

>> No.21741960

Fair enough.
I could see a situation where I would meet a Holst or something else I wouldn't have intetest in, and come to an agreement of helping each other find someone more fitting, cordially as friends.

>> No.21741976

Does KC hate autism?

>> No.21741982

Buy a scout model and loading her up with pleasure and matron model mods!

>> No.21741985


>> No.21741986

The only scary thing would be the "oh my god I really like x" happening out of nowhere. I'm not saying it's "run away" levels of scary, but if there's going to be an automatic erection over crab pincers or something , it really does qualify as a fear boner.

I'm not claiming any of this is bad, but it is canon. That anon does have a point in saying most people are ignoring it. Honestly, I think that loving the monstrous body part is pretty cool. It is far too underemphasized imo. It should be a major part for the waifufags too, but I don't see much of it.

Anons were talking about the rape. But I think after the marriage the couple would be constantly raping each other due to basically having "get aroused instantly" buttons for each other that randomly go off. That seems pretty fear bonery in that there is no actual off switch and if the chain reaction reaches critical mass at unexpected times. Again, not a "run away" level of fear, but a "we are absolutely non-negotiably going to fuck in the marketplace out of nowhere" kind of fear. I might be wrong about it though.

After thinking about this, it really does make a lot of fans look kind of lackluster. There's piles of fetish fuel there sitting untouched.

>> No.21741988

More like he's bent over backwards to make a setting with many options and is confused why people would choose options they don't like.

>> No.21741990

Everyone should

>> No.21742006
File: 513 KB, 620x877, Aci1w4A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21742011

I mean, I find the snake parts on the snakegirls I like sexy, and the plant girls wouldn't be half as appealing without the plant parts and sap/nectar.

>> No.21742014
File: 98 KB, 987x915, gazer rtil nopan cens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schoolgirl wife but with no panties on

>> No.21742019

Wonder how I even got sick in the first place.

>> No.21742023
File: 394 KB, 1118x1686, hielito_by_materclaws_db3nyxv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21742026

>>Get in argument with arachnewaifu
>>blow it off and get back to doing chores etc
>>she starts sulking and teasing you to get attention
>>you try and ignore her, wanting to just finish the chores and calm down before talking with her more
>>she gets nervous and jittery because this isn't how mamono do relationships
>>arguments should end in fucking from the mamono perspective
This is all very true, and is why I'm not sure if I'd actually get along with my wife if we ever actually met. I need alone time, and mamono don't really do that.

>> No.21742028
File: 404 KB, 647x1200, 288_jiangshi_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is far too underemphasized imo. It should be a major part for the waifufags too, but I don't see much of it.

You haven't read enough then. Talk of polishing a waifu's scales, brushing her tails, etc. is a fairly recurring thing.

But yes, we can always do with more.

>Anons were talking about the rape. But I think after the marriage the couple would be constantly raping each other due to basically having "get aroused instantly" buttons for each other that randomly go off. That seems pretty fear bonery in that there is no actual off switch and if the chain reaction reaches critical mass at unexpected times. Again, not a "run away" level of fear, but a "we are absolutely non-negotiably going to fuck in the marketplace out of nowhere" kind of fear. I might be wrong about it though.

You are to some extent, that is monsters and incubi usually have more self control than that (depends on their individual nature of course). Heck, in the Land of the Four Gods (a bright green mamono realm) its standard practice to live a balanced life and usually only have sex at night, in bed.

Monsters and incubi do live regularly experiencing ecstacy that would incapacitate a normal person, but they are mentally and physically adapted to it, so its seldom a hindrance unless they want it to be.

There are of course many things that can undo that control (various spells and potions), but they can be avoided pretty easily, are not everyday occurrences, etc.

>> No.21742032

She deserves detention for that!

>> No.21742045

>I need alone time, and mamono don't really do that.

Sure they do (no incubus or monster could go to work away from each other if they didn't), just don't overdo that time alone. If anything, monsters find time apart to be nice for the added intensity of sex when they are reunited (again, just don't overdo it).

>> No.21742082

What's the profile say?

>> No.21742087

Hit the deck!

>> No.21742091

Yeah, but what counts as overdoing it to them? Because I tend to need quite a lot.

>> No.21742120

My dick. This, but with a dark mage

>> No.21742123

That's cool, man. I'm interested enough to hear some more if you want to get into it. What are the real big draws for those types that human girls don't have the parts for?
You really are being helpful. I appreciate it. See, now I have to bring up the simpler girls, who I don't think get enough love. I'm kind of doubting the self control in those cases. They especially don't seem to fit in with going shopping and such. It always seemed like such a unfortunate gap. Say devil bugs, slimes or zombies. Devil bugs don't even have an evolve button unlike the other two. Also, do skeletons get an upgrade or what?
Not him. I kind of get your point, but you have to adapt to her to some extent. If you've got a clingier species, you could probably stretch things out if you're willing to literally make up with extra time later.

>> No.21742124

For how long at a time? For many monsters its routine to be a way from their husband for a substantial part of a given day, but being away for days or weeks at a time is much harder. The latter still happens, for instance when army members have lengthy missions, but at such times they'll usually visit their husband via teleportation at times, or use sticky mushrooms to ease the loneliness.

>> No.21742129

It will send you straight to heaven. Don't underestimate lilims

>> No.21742158
File: 426 KB, 944x1100, 325_devilbug_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are the real big draws for those types that human girls don't have the parts for?

Not him, but full body hugs are to many a big draw of lamias, girls with large wings (wing hugs) and such. Octopus/squid arms have the appeal of the suction cups repteatedly kissing you all over your body while wrapping you up.

And fluffy girls are, of course, fluffy.

>See, now I have to bring up the simpler girls, who I don't think get enough love. I'm kind of doubting the self control in those cases. They especially don't seem to fit in with going shopping and such. It always seemed like such a unfortunate gap. Say devil bugs, slimes or zombies. Devil bugs don't even have an evolve button unlike the other two. Also, do skeletons get an upgrade or what?

Undead in general get smarter the more they have sex, until they reach human level intelligence. And even before that, being fed tends to make them more placid and agreeable.

As for devil bugs, they indeed may be troublesome to take out in public. But chances are they are not as animalistic and uncontrolled as the Wandering Scholar described (though admittedly, unlike most other monsters they have not been mentioned in the various more civilized descriptions in the world guides either).

>> No.21742169

>automaton with favorite mech parts

>> No.21742180
File: 1.06 MB, 1571x2394, rpg_slime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and slimes are generally pretty sweet natured and agreeable. Its mentioned how negotiating with the husband is often a good way to get a slime to part with some jelly, showing that the husband is able to reason with even the simplest blue slimes.

Just make sure she isn't too hungry before you go shopping with her.

>> No.21742197
File: 137 KB, 500x722, 1483742130283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21742198

It’s more likely that you would naturally gravitate towards monsters that fit your tastes, and the other way around as well.

>> No.21742206

Depends. Country cures range wildly depending on the illness.

>> No.21742211

As far as appearances and physique goes hellhounds are pretty flexible, so I wouldn’t count on those tastes excluding them.
Just because we have some people here who like to have them drawn ripped all the time doesn’t mean that’s how they always are.

>> No.21742219

Slimes sure are cute I bet they would be fun to hug

>> No.21742233

slap the slimes.

>> No.21742241

The elongated forked tongues make for more interesting licking, and her senses being more reliant on licking me.
Scales are smooth and feel nice, in a different - neither superior nor inferior - way to skin.
The idea of being held close to her by being wrapped in her tail is one of the cliches of snakegirls, but one of the most intimate parts of the fantasy - an embrace only they could perform.
With most plantgirls, you generally live "in" her, or with her connected to you in some way. Leaves and flowers and soft bark all have a a gentle feeling that would likely be amazing extrapolated to a mamono. And the idea of sap/nectar from a plantgirl is especially amazing - all of her bodily fluids are a delicious food/drink/ingredient that serves all of your dietary needs. This plays into a lot of my fetishes and escapist fantasies all at once.
I could go more in depth about any of this if you'd like.

>> No.21742248

No you hold hands with them

>> No.21742256
File: 1.21 MB, 2480x3507, 3126824_monster_gi_WYiIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With most plantgirls, you generally live "in" her, or with her connected to you in some way.
My waifu is roomier.

>> No.21742263
File: 1.30 MB, 1846x2312, 1554056917653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really would be.
>Hug a slime girl with all your strength
>It causes her no discomfort in the slightest
>She pulls you in closer, until you're almost entirely submerged in her
>Your body is wrapped up in a nice, gooey hug. Your arms and legs also feel like they're being hugged

>> No.21742273

This is a lot of why I love Lava Golems.
They even get the bonus of solidifying themselves around you and becoming more or less viscous.

>> No.21742279

Slime girls: for when you literally need to fuck something into a quivering puddle

>> No.21742283

Yah that does cover most of it. Very informative, anon.

Aw poor bugs, but it might not be as bad as implied. I suppose shopping would work if done after the morning orgy or whatever. The profiles for the simpler ones just make it seem that they couldn't really have a fun existence doing everyday things.

This goes double for the contagious aphrodisiac types, they strike me as pretty disruptive to society in general. I know that some are even Order approved (and those guys are mostly prudes), but still it triggers some cognitive dissonance. Mothgirls and mushrooms are pretty contagious.

I was wondering whether the undead evolution chain moved skeletons upward a la: skeleton < zombie < wright. Weirdly, mummies are just kind of stuck, but they don't have it as rough as the standard zombie.

The thought occurs that trying to keep a given species into evolving to another form might be a concern for some people, like slimefags.

>more in depth
Sure why not?

I've held snakes before they are really smooth even if it doesn't tickle my hindbrain. I can see how the clinginess might be part of it too.

The living in the plantgirls seems pretty interesting too. I'm getting a bit of "what exactly qualifies as a body part or product" confusion here. Dealing with a stationary waifu seems like it present some challenges also.

>> No.21742286
File: 256 KB, 1164x1653, D_cHuc9UIAAh6nu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21742295

Why does a cute kiki like her need a gun?

>> No.21742297

Sick air juggling

>> No.21742303

Vermin removal.

>> No.21742306

How else is she getting a master?

>> No.21742312

Slimes don’t evolve Pokemon style, if that’s what you’re thinking.
Red/Dark/Bubble slimes are all special subspecies of slime, and any given species is going to stay that species barring very extraordinary circumstances. Queen slimes in particular are any species of slime + a mutation that prevents them from dividing like normal.

>> No.21742313

Kikis aren't naturally strong with the rare exception of a warrior one. They have to defend their masters from anti monster/incubi types somehow.

>> No.21742314
File: 154 KB, 940x492, ursula meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KC should put more thought about how to name his characters instead of ripping them off of Disney characters or otherwise memes will happen.

>> No.21742325

Plantgirls aren't stationary. They can uproot and reroot, like some of the NElf buildings in WC3.
In the case of most plantgirls (I might be forgetting something), the plant is part of the girl. Just as easily as you can lay on an alraune's petal as a bed, or suspend yourself in a barometz's fruit, she can feel you, curl her petal around you to hold you, ripple her jelly against you to massage you.
Plus, most plantgirls are especially clingy, and I've had issues with abandonment and stability, so that appeals to me emotionally.
Nectar covers my sweat, saliva, lactation, watersports, and female fluid and ejaculation fetishes; as well as my escapist fantasies of "I can subsist entirely on tea" and "I don't need to eat; I can dedicate my time to the things I enjoy".
Also, easy harem justification, as many mamono like plantgirl nectar.
A plantgirl gives the all-encompassing waifu appeal that shogs and sandworms give, with the closeness and intimacy of a more "normal" mamono.
And it's less "I want to fuck this (real) snake" and more "This texture, juxtaposed with a girl's skin, would be even sexier on said girl".

>> No.21742339

Gotta protect mastah at all costs!

>> No.21742341

I want to see a country bumpkin Ghandarva with a banjo instead of her usual instrument.

>> No.21742346

Because the motherland is cold and cruel and only the strongest kiki can make it out into the wider world.

>> No.21742349
File: 334 KB, 1024x837, 1561729813705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a picture of Miia giving me a massage.

A nice back massage from my wife after a long day of work would be the best.

>> No.21742352
File: 406 KB, 664x900, 9343776_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21742355

Fuck off.

>> No.21742356

What gym are you going to where they slap your ass and kiss your cheek??

>> No.21742360

Roberta from Black Lagoon would make a great kiki

>> No.21742362

To kill baby eating nazi vampires

>> No.21742366

This is what Facebook memes would look like in MGC.

>> No.21742377

>Slimes don’t evolve Pokemon style, if that’s what you’re thinking.
The profile literally says that basic slimes change species by levelling up or moving location.

>> No.21742378
File: 120 KB, 1000x1000, 1557863656513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your waifus favorite ice cream flavor?

>> No.21742381

How’d you get a pic of my waifu when we were out on a date?

>> No.21742382

Ursula and ariel, but mainly ursula were the very first girls i fapped to.

>> No.21742383

Well I managed to completely forget that part. Go me.

>> No.21742391

Does she sing like Dolly Parton?

>> No.21742393

My waifu thinks ice cream is a blowjob on a cold day.
I have no intention of dispelling this misconception.

>> No.21742398
File: 163 KB, 900x959, 1539721010198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mint Quadruple Chocolate Chip

>> No.21742402

Maybe that's why he's got a problem with having a girl do it to him. Brings back painful memories.

>> No.21742409

Vanilla or chocolate. Depends on my mood.

>> No.21742416

It’s pretty clear he wasn’t the boss of that gym.

>> No.21742419

Cookie dough and mint are their favorites

>> No.21742429
File: 701 KB, 2481x3507, Shoggoth5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shog maid that runs the ice cream parlor also has a back alley illegal stock image exchange, where she takes pictures of your waifu without your consent and sells it

>> No.21742440

>Also, because they are easily influenced by magical energy and the environment, they evolve and transform in various corresponding ways, so there are numerous subspecies.

I honestly am not sure how this should be interpreted, is looks Pokemonish to me, even though I know barely anything of Pokemon. I mean it could be limited to only happening during a specific phase of development a la actual nature...

That is extremely convenient, man. Glad that works out in so many ways for you. I'm surprised so many bases are covered, honestly. Do you ever think that plantgirls would be too popular? They drag in all sorts if I remember right.

Yeah, I wasn't thinking you wanted to lewd animal snakes, but the texture doesn't tickle my grey matter. If it tickles yours, you really are in the right place. Might as well go for what you like in a fun context. Hey, how about voices of lamia? There's some bits on that too.

>> No.21742443

That sounds like the least profitable shady business of all time.

>> No.21742448

Pie flavor

>> No.21742449

>I honestly am not sure how this should be interpreted
Nah that’s right, I just forgot how the profile went.

>> No.21742463

>highest votes.
Uh, try the one after that?

>> No.21742474 [DELETED] 

Butter pecan.
It's cool no one is perfect. Keeping them from changing seems like a bigger concern, really. Weird choice from KC, if you picked slimeX, why the hell would you want her to morph into slimeY? I don't remember him going into detail as far as what exactly triggers the changes, and they sound reversible... it's just a bit of a weird choice.

>> No.21742481

Butter pecan.
It's cool no one is perfect. Keeping them from changing seems like a bigger concern, really. Weird choice from KC, if you picked slimeX, why the hell would you want her to morph into slimeY? I don't remember him going into detail as far as what exactly triggers the changes, and they sound reversible... it's just a bit of a weird choice.

>> No.21742483

As a man who likes low-tier slimes the best, I handwave it away with a "Slimes *can* evolve through environmental stimulus, in theory, but by coincidence none if them do so in this specific story".

>> No.21742490 [SPOILER] 
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Don't open this image.

>> No.21742504

Cave of Wonders collapses now, right?

>> No.21742505

Amazing Chest Ahead!
Rated: Good Appraisals: 10

>> No.21742507

Someone help that woman! She’s trapped in all that honey! She could get diabetes!

>> No.21742512

Right is better.

>> No.21742515
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>> No.21742520
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>> No.21742521

Plantgirls won't ever reach the upper echelons of popularity. Animalgirls and succs are the most popular for a reason - not only have they been an object of lust since the earliest civilizations, but their inhumanity is auxiliary, while mid-popularity mamono like plantgirls and slimegirls have their inhumanity central to their concept.
This is double-edged - less plantgirl content than there could be, but also unlike animalgirls, less overlap with notable obnoxious communities.

As for in-universe, while they do draw people in, more proactive mamono are more likely to take the random masses of men, and I headcanon that if a plantgirl is meant to be with a man, he will naturally be more sensitive to her smell and suceptible to her nectar.

Snakegirls hissing and drawing out s and similar sounds as part of their speech is something I see as mostly cute, but still an appealing part of them.

>> No.21742527

>tfw addicted to demon thighs

>> No.21742532

>when your shog meido turns out to be a shog empress

>> No.21742535

Nah, you're just in a sticky situation now.

>> No.21742537

Why must sleep sex with monsters be so good?

>> No.21742540

Golden Mimic Slime is amazing I'd love to make her a treasure chest

>> No.21742560
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>> No.21742562

Does Maus have a fever?

>> No.21742565

I'd a Bog Monster girl that was made out of plant matter.

>> No.21742568

Hey if it works for you...Did you ever give any thought to how you might have fun with the idea? I'm getting that impression.

My irritation at KC on this one was mostly based on my near-certainty that he mangled some rpg elements w/o realizing it. That would account for the strangeness of the idea in the first place. But to be fair, that isn't really the point, is it? I'm going to ignore that bit of mental grit.

It's not like anyone is mad your waifu can easily shift her form. She's a slime, so it's probably a bit much to nitpick her inherent nature to change color, texture and pick up form dependent abilities via transformation.

How about personality? That sounds as if it could drift slightly too, while remaining basically the same. I haven't put much thought into it though.

I kind of view the inhumanity bits as primary for all mamono, but that might just be me. That is the most interesting thing about them imo, even more than any sexual bits.

I meant too popular in-universe, but yeah, I like the summation across several different layers. Nice. By too popular, I meant with other mamono. Plantgirls kind of qualify as social butterflies (unintentional pun) in that regard.

About the lamia in general:
>At this time these girls will use their sweet voice, laden with magic, to entice these men, their voice making the man feverish with desire as it resounds within their minds. Men affected by this magic will stagger over to the lamia, at which point these girls will wrap their body in tight coils around the man,

It goes far beyond hissing, my dude. The enchanted voice looks to be myth derived, but whatever the case, lamia automatically have sexy voice syndrome. I'm sorry anon, there is no known cure.

>> No.21742579

She looks injured is the blood on her head?

>> No.21742629

Unironically you should've seen the other mamono. She must've beat the living tar out of her.

>> No.21742652

mamonos beating eachother up is pretty hot

>> No.21742667

Looks like just shading of the hair shadow

>> No.21742690

I know, right? Healing juju let's them be as brutal/gentle as you want. Some mamono just like to scrap, better to simply accept it and keep some spare potions, bandages ect around.
Looks more like she won the bare-knuckle champ spot, again. You're not getting out of the victory celebration with that doublespeak, slick...

>> No.21742691

I mean, if a plantgirl and her husband mind the excess attention from other mamono, they can relocate to somewhere more peaceful. If they enjoy it, it's a bonus!

And something has to be cute for me to find it sexy, so there's no contradiction. I'd find a lamia's hypnotic voice both alluring and adorable, and the two would feed into each other.

The original myth of Lamia is a queen who Zeus wanted to fuck, and as punishment for being so hot, Hera killed her family and turned her into a snake-like Pied Piper figure, who eats the children she hypnotizes afterwards.

>> No.21742694
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I got in a fight!

>> No.21742706

I wish she would stop getting hurt I don't like seeing her in pain even though the only time I get to see her is when I patch her up

>> No.21742713

>Some mamono just like to scrap, better to simply accept it and keep some spare potions, bandages ect around.
I will be the healer!

>> No.21742732

how can I remember something I never had in the first place?

>> No.21742733

By watching Macross with a dorky Monster Girl?

>> No.21742740

Birthday cake.

>> No.21742743

I like the Eros answer!

>> No.21742746

>better to simply accept it and keep some spare potions, bandages ect around.
But I really wish she would be more careful

>> No.21742747

I like rum raisin. I think she'd enjoy salmiak.

>> No.21742753
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What a shame.

>> No.21742758

Y'all need to talk to this guy >>21742713. Mamono sex drive gives no fuck about injuries. Do you think she'll let anybody tend to those top grade bludgeons she calls hands? You need a speech from a healslut, fellas. I don't know about the Florence Nightingale foreplay style my limited triage abilities are utterly unsexy, but there's probably someone hanging around who does.

>> No.21742770
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>> No.21742779

I have a really old rose bush growing outside my home that's been dug up and taken when moving multiple times I wonder what the bush would be like if I watered it with some monster mana

>> No.21742803
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>This goes double for the contagious aphrodisiac types, they strike me as pretty disruptive to society in general. I know that some are even Order approved (and those guys are mostly prudes), but still it triggers some cognitive dissonance. Mothgirls and mushrooms are pretty contagious.

Mothman are noted to usually control the spread of their wing scales. They usually don't spread them about except on purpose or if very excited. And as for girls like matango, their spores don't effect other monsters or married incubi as far as we know.

>The thought occurs that trying to keep a given species into evolving to another form might be a concern for some people, like slimefags.

The easy thing there would just be to avoid whatever circumstances or environments cause the change (its not immediate either, the slime has to live there for a while). And she'd still be the same slime, just with different abilities, different color, etc. Plus it may well be possible to turn one back as well.

>> No.21742806

And given red slimes are often in the same habitat as blues, clearly the change from blue to red is not a for sure thing. There is likely more to it than just habitat.

>> No.21742807

You get a confused alraune.

>> No.21742811

That's a lot of Pharaoh to worship

>> No.21742823

Monster girls hanging out!

>> No.21742824
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>> No.21742853

I get how monstergirls are, in their own unique ways, caring towards men, but can they be real bitches towards each other?

>> No.21742862

I hope she would be able to tell me stories about my grandmother she was the one that took care of the bush the most but she died when I was young

>> No.21742868

Some girls will be rivals like normal folks

>> No.21742874
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Which color is your favorite?

>> No.21742876

To a degree. Certain species are noted to often quarrel with others, though its usually more arguing, etc. rather than actual violence.

>> No.21742879


>> No.21742934

Indeed. It's my headcanon that, as mamono-incubus couples become more plentiful, Eros gains more supporters, which increases the influence of Eros, leading to soulmates becoming more and more common of an occurence, and finding each other more easily.

I find the moderate popularity of plantgirls a happy medium. Popular enough to get decent quantity and quality of content, not popular enough to be mindlessly spammed everywhere.
Also, cute alraune!

That loliraune is adorable. Liliraune in general are really nice, from both a comfy standpoint and a fetish standpoint. They're definitely, if not my favorite mamono, near the top.

>> No.21742952
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Is it true what they say about banshees?

>> No.21742958

Yes, they do cry. A lot.

>> No.21742962

Yes, they cry from their pussies also.

>> No.21742971

I want to tell her to lay her weary head to rest and that she wont need to cry anymore

>> No.21742975

Your concern and kindness toward her will make her cry all over again.

>> No.21742976

Yup, they actually have a really good sense of humor.

>> No.21742986

The way I see it, there may not be a change at all, and if there is one then it’s in the direction that most matches your desires. So if you really like your regular slime she will either remain the same or just turn into a red slime, as they are more or less just the same but upgraded.

>> No.21742987

I want to tell a Cheshire that, through the mysteries and mayhem, at the pinnacle I see there is no answer when there is no question, and let the mark of Cain bear hard upon me.

>> No.21742997

That sounds disturbing.

>> No.21743005

What I mean is, the more they cry, the wetter they get down there. If they stsrt sobbing a storm, they might start dripping, or even squirting.

>> No.21743008

One must also consider that monsters can retain their old appearance even when changing, if their husband desires their original form enough. The example KC gave was how a lesser succubus can retain her fur when she becomes a full succubus, if her husband wants it enough (and that a full blown race of succubi with fur may develop if there is enough demand for it from men).

In other words, a blue slime could develop into a red slime but retain her old appearance.

>> No.21743011

>Hug a banshees
>She starts squirting
Sounds weird but my boner likes it.

>> No.21743012

I want to see a Banshee in a position of authority.

>> No.21743018

What kind of authority exactly?

>> No.21743023

>Goes to ask Banshee boss for a raise
>You start to explain why you think youy deserve it
>She gets teary eyed
>Eventually finish
>She starts crying over how good you are and how terrible she is for not giving you enough
>have to sit there for 20 minutes just so she can tell you "yes, you can get a raise"

>> No.21743026


>> No.21743041
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Red or blue?

>> No.21743048

>he says posting while posting white and black

>> No.21743049

Imagine eating a Banshee out.

>> No.21743057

I want a daughteru who will break into my room at night and suck me off repeatedly!

>> No.21743058

He must be asking about their eye colors or swimsuits.

>> No.21743073

You are gross

>> No.21743083

and then the moment she stops crying she is back to looking super stern

>> No.21743086

She has to run out of tears eventually right?

>> No.21743088

Gross is relative.

>> No.21743093

Eventually, yes. But it'd take a long time. She'll be quite dehydrated when that happens.

>> No.21743099
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>> No.21743112

What would be hotter is if your waifu wakes you up with a blowjob every morning but then one morning you wake up you're balls deep in your daughteru's throat instead and your waifu is coaching and encouraging her.

>> No.21743119

I better be ready with the water

>> No.21743122

Instead of lewding your daughteru consider just fucking your wife

>> No.21743129


What if she wants to watch though?

>> No.21743131
File: 62 KB, 600x441, demon04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Demon takes the leading role during sex
>Commanding, very dominant, shows no weaknesses
>You're at her complete mercy
>After sex, she cuddles up to you holding onto you and burying her face in your chest like a little girl would a teddy bear

>> No.21743133

But what if my wife wants to fuck my daughteru just as much as I do?

>> No.21743141

What if it's anal instead of a blowjob?

>> No.21743145

Then you married the right lady!

Anal is good too.

>> No.21743147

Why not both

>> No.21743155
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>> No.21743188


>> No.21743193

Oyakodon is top tier!
Especially with the dynamic of man domming daughteru domming waifu.

>> No.21743229

>anons never gone to a back alley dealer for his board and thread specific reaction images that can't be got anywhere else

>> No.21743237

Are yeti really villains like some say?

>> No.21743238

>Eros and the demon lord have a secret agreement.
>Essentially just eros gets to be chief god when lilith fully succeeds.
>While eros just has to not target monsters
>they both commit due to having extremely similar beliefs.
I could see it.

>> No.21743240

What if your wife is your daughteru, then what?

>> No.21743243

>furred succ species
Sounds cute!

>> No.21743245

How can my daughteru be my wife if I need a wife first to make a daughteru

>> No.21743247

I bet monstergirl pro wrestling would have interesting storylines

>> No.21743253
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There's a manga for that already

Volume 2 where

>> No.21743256

Yeah but the shota's division gets no respect and have to wrestle in a speedo

>> No.21743257

I want to turn Paladin-chan into a Gargoyle to hot-glue while she's a mere statue and to see the angry glare secretly burning with pent-up lust when she can finally move again

>> No.21743269

>the audience is full of CC monstergirls trying to outbid one another on the wrestlers

>> No.21743270 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.07 MB, 250x173, 1563828098434.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you deal with a Cheshire hitting on you while doing non-sensical shit like this all the while?

Or would that be your Achilles heel and you'd just swoon by giving her the ole "Take me now"?

>> No.21743287

Of course they are. They clearly kidnapped that anon telling the truth about them.

>> No.21743294

Why else would someone want a Cheshire waifu?

>> No.21743303

Purely vegan propaganda.

>> No.21743325

Sounds like you need to be culturally enriched.

>> No.21743329

I’ll offer you a centaur for a key and 2 ref

>> No.21743333

I dunno man. Last time that was attempted we culturally enriched back and ended up gentrifying several blocks.

>> No.21743335

Cheshires are cute and I'd make sure they know they are cute

>> No.21743337

I've got things to do but she may get a kiss on the cheek while calling her cute.

>> No.21743345

It's possible if you adopt your future wife.

>> No.21743347

>wanting a girl that's hit a point of desperation so deep from inability to get a bf by now that not only does she have to stoop to buying one but has to openly announce this on the open market which means even her background negotiates broke down
It's a seller's market, anon.

>> No.21743355

>marry wife
>go back in time
>find her when she's young
>adopt her as a daughter
>marry wife

>> No.21743362

Is she giving the collar or receiving the collar?

>> No.21743372

Both. She'll hold your leash if you hold hers. Forever.

>> No.21743379

Never been into dog girls, but that sounds adorably kinky.

>> No.21743395
File: 167 KB, 1200x1200, cheshire130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes you just need someone to spice up your life. I'm a dull, boring anon, and a cheshire cat is the literal opposite of me. I think we'd compliment each other well. She brings fun and joy, and I can wrangle her down when she starts going a bit overboard. Cheshires aren't my #1, but they're definitely in that top 5.

>> No.21743405

Because I love big, fat, cuddle cats

>> No.21743406

Why does 75% of all cheshire art make me think of clementine from overlord?

>> No.21743429

Imagine having sex with a lava golem on top of you. Once you wear her out, she would cool down and slowly just envelop you as she hardens until you talk asleep holding her in a cocoon of solid rock

>> No.21743450

It's the smug

>> No.21743463
File: 2.05 MB, 3000x2265, 1534068612637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super S Yeti bullies poor, defenseless Ice Queen in public

>> No.21743476

I’d love to have a pair of Lililarune daughterus, they’d be sweet, kind, and caring!
I just hope they don’t find out about the ‘jet’ option on the water hose.

>> No.21743481

What are the MG equivalent of Minions?

>> No.21743488


>> No.21743497

Goblins maybe?

>> No.21743516

What’s your waifus favorite (non sexual) hobby?

>> No.21743527


>> No.21743528


>> No.21743535

I’d love to be the male equivalent of Ms. Elizabeth to a MG version of Randy Savage!

>> No.21743537

Probably some type of writing.

>> No.21743538

She's not a leanen sidhe but enjoys drawings.

>> No.21743549


>> No.21743551

Vidya for one.
Fetish story writing for the other.

>> No.21743552

It's always good to have your job be your hobby.

>> No.21743553

Guns and homemaking

>> No.21743560


>> No.21743566

Probably but it doesn't make me not hear her voice when I imagine cheshire catcalls and jokes.

>> No.21743584


>> No.21743585
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>> No.21743627


>> No.21743643

Magiscience is her passion and her career. if that doesn't count she is really into movies.

>> No.21743680

Farming if you can consider that a hobby, if not then cooking.

>> No.21743695

Assertive mamono are the best

>> No.21743700

Thats actually very clever

>> No.21743739

>Hey if it works for you...Did you ever give any thought to how you might have fun with the idea? I'm getting that impression.

The problem with it is as articulated here >>21742481. I picked slimeX, my favourite, and I have no desire to have the rug pulled out from under me as she becomes slimeY.

>> No.21743760

Stonemasonry and woodworking.

>> No.21743762

Cooking eating training

>> No.21743819

>Portals open
>Day of the Rape
What do you do? Do you shut yourself in? Do you find a mana marker ASAP?
Do you live as normal and let what happens happen? Do you actively seek out your favorite mamono?

>> No.21743825

Grab my M1A and head innawoods. I now just became a partisan in the war for human freedom.

I'll probably get raped by a Alarune or some other forest creature.

>> No.21743830

Open the gates and prostrate before the demons

>> No.21743831

I’m a massive slut so I will probably wait and pray to get the correct one

>> No.21743853

Try to find a mana marker

>> No.21743856

Salute my benis and tell it to die like a man

>> No.21743858

Start playing music on my balcony regularly. With any luck, it'll draw in a leanan sidhe, a sylph, or an apsara.

>> No.21743874

Monsters coming here is shit.

>> No.21743877

Grizzly waifu

Succ waifu

Dragon waifu

Tanuki waifu

Valkyrie waifu

Pixie waifu

>> No.21743881

Just sit around

>> No.21743887

Why would a tanuki come to me I don’t have Much money

>> No.21743890

Trumpart waifu

Witch waifu

>> No.21743891

I mean, I would do a mana marker if I knew how.
But more likely I'd try to sneak around until I find my favorite (or one there of)

>> No.21743897


>> No.21743898

A nice Tanuki will give you a good deal on a mana marker, stranger

>> No.21743899

She's the only one selling mana markers for miles.
She sets the mana marker to flip back and lead to her after some time.

>> No.21743900

I don't like lolis

>> No.21743905

>Day of the Rape
I want /monster/ to leave.

>> No.21743912

One five things would happen to me, I believe:
>Sit around and do nothing
>Get raped by a beelzebub or devil bug

>Sit around and pray a shoggoth takes me
>Enjoy the slow mental decay into controlled insanity

>Go to nearest portal
>Cover myself in butter
>Strip down naked and run
>Get raped by the fastest and horniest girl

>Attempt to procure a mana marker of my favorite species
>Find the girl of my dreams

>Become the unluckiest man in the world as my cats and dogs monsterize into furry abominations

>> No.21743918

But she must be selling them to multiple people right?

>> No.21743937

Go to work, as usual. I probably won't ever get nabbed.

>> No.21743941

You probably would eventually

>> No.21743945

Live on my farm full time and just roll with it. If god is merciful I'll get my holst. If not carrying a rifle everywhere has more uses than self defense.

>> No.21743950

There's a lot of men in the world.

>> No.21743954

>you are ambushed by the holst division of the entire demon army
Good luck Anon, hope you enjoy dairy.

>> No.21743956

>Grizzly waifu
I totally forgot that a Grizzly bear mamono exist. I'll nickname her winnie the pooh.

>> No.21743962

True but the portals opening up also means a lot more monster would be getting created

>> No.21743985

Ocelomehs might be as dominant as Hellhound, but are they as protective and as good of a bodyguard waifu?

>> No.21744010

that was toddlercon, bro.

>> No.21744015

I was thinking like a cop or something. A somber Banshee policeman who cries everytime she makes an arrest and is easy to bully. That's why she has a hot-blooded Wisp partner.
I would feel terrible and probably bring her flowers.

>> No.21744025

Hellhounds are STRfags, but Ocelomeh run a quality build.

>> No.21744058

All monster girls put points in charisma.

>> No.21744084

Get a mana marker for a pslime/slime carrier.
If i just get a hostless pslime then i will have it as a pet. Probably get incubised as it chooses are proper host.
If it has a host then prepare fir the rape.

>> No.21744089

How many points do bunyips have

>> No.21744095

I imagine them being in the 18 range.

>> No.21744096

Seven is hardly a toddler, my guy.

>> No.21744107

>Valkyrie waifu
I can live with that

>> No.21744133

Find the nearest cow or large breasted, mature, ara ara type monster girl and grope her tits. I live in a rural farming area in Texas so it should be a Holstaur but really I'd be fine with probably a majority of monster girls.

>> No.21744146
File: 292 KB, 525x668, 2cd5b001647eb1b6fe38d60c8c4373cb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still too young
