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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 45 KB, 390x577, The_Complete_Manual_of_Suicide_4815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2172767 No.2172767 [Reply] [Original]

Is there an english translation of this?
I need it now

>> No.2172789

There is.

And I have it right here.

>> No.2172793

People need manuals to commit suicide now?
Both of my kids had no trouble doing it on their own.

>> No.2172800

This book is the ultimate conversation stopper.
Seriously just leave it on your desk and no one will ever try to talk to you.

>> No.2172803

I need that book.

>> No.2172826

It's not like I would have anyone to talk to either way.

>> No.2172834

Committing suicide in a proper, correct and polite manner is a lot more complicated than you might think at first.

>> No.2172837

What? I'm pretty sure it would have the exact opposite effect and you'd get "saviors" talking to you.

>> No.2172840

I like our suicide threads.

>> No.2172847

Noone cares about us anon.
Also seconded OP.

>> No.2172852
File: 52 KB, 300x311, head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>father on /jp/

>> No.2172859


>> No.2172865

Get out.

>> No.2172871

To rage over such a simple thing, you still have a long journey ahead.

>> No.2172878

1. Overdosing
2. Hanging
3. Self-defenestration
4. Slashing the wrist and carotid artery
5. Car collision
6. Gas Poisoning
7. Electrocution
8. Drowning
9. Self-immolation
10. Freezing
11. Miscellaneous

I need that book.

>> No.2172880
File: 6 KB, 368x264, trollface calm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To rage over such a simple thing
Actually I answered pretty calm.

>> No.2172894

I was just thinking of writing a simple message on the railings of the bridge i'm planning on jumping off.

Something along the lines of

"I'm sick of worrying about everything. Forcing myself to get up in the mornings? Moaning about my shitty diet? Exercise? Shaving? Showering? Shopping? Friends? Sex? Haha, fuck it all. Once I land, I won't have a care in the world.

P.S: Sorry to the poor bastards that have to clear this mess up.

I also destroyed all my harddrives / USB flash drives because I don't really want people sifting through my porn collection. Nothing special on them. Ask my ISP if you're really that interested in what I did on the internet. *insert smiley face here*

Oh, and I guess i'll find out if there's really an afterlife too. Gimme some o' dey virgins.

Bye, faggots."

>> No.2172902

That's a long fucking message.

Why not just write "I'll be back"?

>> No.2172904

truly an inspiration to all man kind

>> No.2172907

Enjoy your Yuyuko.
With Youmu.

>> No.2172908

Or you can be like me, getting up in the middle of the day, not exercising, shaving or showering, living with my parents, so I don't have to shop, make friends, or have sex, and not have a care in the world.

>> No.2172915

Leave out "bye, faggots", at least.

It's pretty lame.

>> No.2172925

Maybe he should add something along the lines of
"Don't blame everything on videogames, ffs".

>> No.2172933

you sound like you're going to kill yourself because you're bored

learn japanese and move to japan
turn gay

just a few examples, stop being a faggot and do something exciting

>> No.2172938

Comitting suicide is a neutral act if nobody cares about you.
But please, think of the cleaners.
At least, go somewhere nobody will find you.
Or be awesome and hang yourself in a forest, you'll make a bunch of campers flip off.

>> No.2172939

Tell us where you live and jump off with a touhou pillow so we know it's you.

Do it, faget. You might inspire me enough to stop giving a shit about the people i'll hurt if I do top myself.

>> No.2172943

People who leave suicide notes are pathetic. You're either killing yourself or you're not. If you're writing a message to leave behind it means you still care enough about life that you shouldn't be killing yourself.

>> No.2172944

>P.S: Sorry to the poor bastards that have to clear this mess up.
Well, at least he apologized.

>> No.2172945

Sounds like the opposite, he's going to kill himself because he has too much work.

learn internet and move to 4chan
turn pedo

just a few examples, stop being a normalfag and do something relaxing

>> No.2172951

Someone's been watching KnK

Anyway, /jp/ Hibachi grill meetup?

>> No.2172953

Well, I feel that it'd be rude to just jump off without explaining why I did it.

>> No.2172954

>turn gay
>stop being a faggot


>> No.2172964

You're even apologizing to the guys that have to sweep up your organs.

You're a good dude, bro. Now go and jump off.

>> No.2172966

>Someone's been watching KnK

>> No.2173035


>> No.2173045

Well i searched for it myself some years ago.
I haven't found anything.

But i think, i don't need it anymore.

Cause the "easy" method is just using some charcoal with a grill in a closed, ductaped room.
With alcohol and some sleeping medicine, i will fall asleep softly.

That's the plan :)

>> No.2173057


>Anyway, /jp/ Hibachi grill meetup?

>> No.2173071

It's also nice, clean and harmless to other people. More people should do that and less jumping off of buildings.

>> No.2173086

I don't know, at least jumping off a building has an advantage of your corpse being cleaned up before it starts to rot away.

>> No.2173092

Actually nope....i don't have a car...nor a license.
And i doubt that this method works with a tent.

So i need to rent a room. So there is high possibility that the gas will go outside.
Well, i'll put some warning signs inside the room.
That's all.

But this method is easy looking. You can make many mistakes which are fatal.
The best would be, to have a own car.
And also to buy a CO-measuring-device to be sure.

>> No.2173096

The problem with suicide is that people often fail to correctly estimate the impact it will have on the lives of others. Yes, there are circumstances in which someone's death will have negligible impact, but people are more often incorrect than not about whether they are in such a circumstance.

>> No.2173100

I don't think it matters. When someone dies his world ends.

>> No.2173103

Just go to a motel parking lot and check all the cars for ones that have unlocked doors.

>> No.2173105

Making other people suffer is not acceptable.
At least be a total jerk so as not to make anyone sad.

>> No.2173107

>Making other people suffer is not acceptable.
For someone to commit suicide it means they already done that to him.

>> No.2173108

People who think it's selfish are just wrong, I think. Sure it will have an effect on others but when it comes down to actually *living* I think that's one time where you can be selfish and put your own feelings above others.

>> No.2173116


Most people here wouldn't be missed. I know only my parents would actually care, and they'd get over it soon enough. I have few friends and they would understand.

>> No.2173117

Lol, yes....and the chances are slim, that somebody will find me before i am dead....this would be so great ....-.-



>> No.2173128

People have the right to kill themselves. If someone wants them not to, they should provide them with the care they need, not just stop them and return to their normal lives.

>> No.2173130

I was thinking of blowing myself up in a crowded shop just to make people hate me.

Would be more exciting than dying alone, atleast.

>> No.2173134

That's true, he won't necessarily feel guilt about it afterwards. If a person is alright with that, then bully for him. Life must be nice without a sense of responsibility to others.

It depends. If it will severely impact the life of another (i.e. if your mother will be asking herself "what did I do wrong?" for the rest of her life, or getting a certain look on her face when someone mentions their son) then it is selfish. Yes, it's your life. Yes, you can do what you want with it.

>they'd get over it soon enough
While it is possible you're correct, it is also possible that you are incorrect. The possibility of being incorrect is what I was talking about.

>> No.2173136

Meh, nothing for me.
Respecting someone's resolution has the highest value for me.

>> No.2173137

I'm thinking something like that too. I have 0 hopes for the future and just NEETing my days for about six years now. I'll have to go to the army next year and I'm thinking of taking a few people down before killing myself. Hopefully they'll shoot me while I go on rampage, double win.

>> No.2173148

I've really never understood how people can possibly think this is okay.

>> No.2173152

Yeah I suppose that's true, though pat of going through with it is being able to put that all out of your mind. A hard thing to do, no doubt.

>> No.2173160


Some people never advance beyond solipsism.

>> No.2173166

But should you be putting it out of your mind?

>> No.2173169

>if your mother will be asking herself "what did I do wrong?"
Yeah well, I hate those people. Recently there was a acquaintance of mine who killed himself by jumping of a building and his parents was going all "why he did that?". My point is that they never cared about their son enough or tried to talk with him, learn his problems etc. They would know that he wasn't well if they actually had done that.

>> No.2173176

Well, i've reached a point where I just don't give a shit anymore.

Blame it on whatever you want, look down on me, I honestly don't care.

>> No.2173177

Well, I don't know. But like I said, when it comes to a person and their own life, what matters most is how they feel about it. If you think it's too much trouble living anymore then I don't think it's right that other people's feelings should be the driving force of what keeps you alive.

>> No.2173179

I don't get your point. Do you believe in sky fairies and afterlife by the way?

>> No.2173188

All people who don't do everything they should for someone should not be lumped into the same category.

>> No.2173193


Do you know what I meant by solipsism? Or are you being serious, you think it's defensible?

>> No.2173201

/jp/ - suicidal teenagers

Listen up, kids. Your brain is going through radical changes. This is just a phase.

Wait it out until you're around 23, and if you still feel like killing yourself at that point, feel free.

>> No.2173203

Not caring doesn't directly translate to wanting to inflict harm on others. I don't particularly care about my life, but I'm not interested in ending the lives of others. I'm mostly curious, rather than condescending, because I really don't understand how you can feel justified in doing so. Explain?

Those two posts weren't made by the same person.

>> No.2173209

It's not? Your PoV is the correct one then?

>> No.2173210

Why not? If your life is worthless to you but has some worth to others, is that not the only value it has left?

>> No.2173224 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 358x500, Japan17_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

This thread is reportable. I have done so, and invite all sages and silent onlookers to do so as well.

>> No.2173233

Why not? Crying over spilled milk, especially if it was you who spilled it, is the worst.

>> No.2173245

>I don't particularly care about my life, but I'm not interested in ending the lives of others.
> I'm not interested in ending the lives of others.
> I'm not interested
Different people, different tastes.

>> No.2173251
File: 58 KB, 450x643, kdvd2172_013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I'm 21, faggot.

>> No.2173261


Well it's a bullshit philosophy but I can't be arsed explaining. Read some Wittgenstein or something.

This isn't about points of view anyway. Just think - what if you're wrong? What if other people really do have feelings?

>> No.2173263

I will follow the example of Final Half Year when I commit suicide.

>> No.2173267

Your friend's situation does not represent all situations like the one I mentioned. Some people are just not particularly perceptive when it comes to others. Yes, there are people who can't see the state of others because of their own selfishness, but what about people who truly don't have the ability to pick up on cues like that? They love their child but they don't understand him or her. They'd do something if they could. I don't think they should be punished for their inability.

>> No.2173281

But guys.

What am I supposed to do on /jp/
if all of you commit suicide?

I don't exactly like the thought of me talking
to myself while pretending to troll.

>> No.2173284

I am 22-23 ;)
And i think most of the people here are >20 .....atleast i think so.

>> No.2173285

A few months to go before 23.

I've always thought I would die before I was 26 anyway.

>> No.2173287

Yes, and I'm asking you to explain why you are interested in taking the lives of others. There must be some kind of reason or justification, right? I'm asking how it's possible that you don't feel any guilt just thinking about it. I am truly extremely curious about this.

>> No.2173288

You're already doing it.

>> No.2173301

If they want people to hate them, they obviously have gone beyond solipsism, as they recognise the existence of others as a fact worthy of attention.
Have you read your Descartes lately ?

>> No.2173303

Mind if I tag along?

>> No.2173309

Don't go.

>> No.2173315

Anybody have the Japanese version of it, or know where I can download it?

>> No.2173320

You know, as a son, the last thing I would do would be bother my family with my problems.
They did nothing wrong.

>> No.2173321


True, true... I just read the "fuck everything, I don't give a shit" sentiments. Wanting people to hate you is a whole other level of odd.

>> No.2173323

I'm 27.
So far every day after college it's just been wake up, drive to work, work 10 hours, drive home, sleep. No prospect of change, except getting laid off, for the next 50 years until I collapse of a heart attack or stroke.
Nothing of value will be lost.

>> No.2173331


Become a vagrant and go travelling or something. Seriously, having no job and no home can be better than the shit some people put up with.

>> No.2173338

Win glorious money and move to Hawaii.

Enjoy living in luxury for the rest of your life.

>> No.2173340

Same here. I would never ever want to actively do anything that would hurt my mother and brother. I feel bad about the fact that they already worry about me for being such a fuckup.

>> No.2173392

Not person you're replying to but I have work and school and I'm fucking bored because the only time I do something I want to is when I'm at home on my computer. I was actually self-studying Japanese grammar, and kanji during work when I was alone. Then school started and I fucking hate reading because I have a shitload to read for American Lit.

>> No.2173401

I wouldn't stand having litterature.
I can't bring myself to read fiction, I'd much rather read practical stuff.

>> No.2173402

>Just think - what if you're wrong? What if other people really do have feelings?
They DO have feelings. I'm not saying I'm the center of the world, I'm the center of MY world. When I die, that's it, the end. Nothing after, no reward or punishment. When you are ready to end your existence nothing matters. If you care enough for others in order to leave a message, make sure noone bothers to clean your corpse, don't harm anyone etc, you shouldn't bother killing yourself in the first place.
"I have no hope for the future", "My girlfriend left me, I'll never find true love", "There's no way to find a job", "Society thinks I worth nothing", "I'm thinking of committing suicide". If they are that stupid, they deserve to be sad. If they cared at least a bit for their son, they would call professional help right away. But it seems they were busy enough caring about how awesome his little brother is.
>why you are interested in taking the lives of others
Because the people I'm thinking of taking down before I die, aren't some random persons, they are farrightist bastards who think forcing everyone to do what they want to do just because of their sex and nationality is right.

>> No.2173412

My father being alive is what keeps me from killing myself, so morbidly enough when he dies that'll probably be the last barrier that has kept me from committing suicide. I'm his only relative and he doesn't really have any friends anymore, combined with the fact that my mother killed herself as well, it would probably crush him and I care enough about him that I wouldn't want to do that to him.

>> No.2173413

So the parents did know about their son's problems, your post was misleading.

>> No.2173416

This person is stupid. Suicide isn't selfish but going on some "rampage" beforehand is. Here's hoping to running out of ammo and rotting in jail forever.

>> No.2173427

Sorry about that. Let me rephrase it my point, I hate people who they know what they should do, they don't and then about it.

>> No.2173429

Hey, what do you think?

Soon, i will go on my journey with about 7000 bucks.
A journey with no return.

After some time (months) i will run out of money.
Then i will have to decide.
To become a beggar or to be finally able to kill myself.
(Or, with a very very slim chance to find something meaninful, worth living it).

>> No.2173438

well, for now, please just get the FUCK back to Krautchan.

>> No.2173442

Worried about upsetting everyone that knew you?
Especially your parents if they weren't assholes?
Why not act like you're learning Japanese(or actually learn it) save up about $3,000-$4,000, and buy a round trip ticket for Japan.
The ticket will probably be at most ~$1,500 if you look around, make the trip for maybe two weeks. Say goodby to your family and all, and fly to Japan on your "two week trip". On your last day of your trip call your parents up and tell them you're going to be staying in Japan, and you're going to be changing your name etc. and it would probably be the last time you ever talk to them, thank them for bullshit, apoligize for bullshit tell them about the kind of shitty minimum wage job you were able to get in Japan and how you're staying with someone you met. That way they think "Oh, he really is living normally" after all that and they're convinced, take a trip to the woods of Mt. Fuji with some rope, pills, and good sake. Take the pills, drink the sake, and set the rope up to hang yourself. You'll pass out from the Pills+sake(well, if you got pills that actually make you sleepy) and then REALLY PASS OUT the rope. After 10 minutes of no air you should be dead in a pretty painless manner.

>> No.2173443

You know, he'll probably meet a fate far worse in prison that he'd meet by blowing his brains out.
Enjoy your buttrape, billy the kid.

>> No.2173450

Why Japan?

>> No.2173453

because finding a way to kill yourself while in prison is sure going to be difficult

>> No.2173455

That wont happen cause well, I'll do that when I'm planning to kill myself. If they succeed in stopping me, I'll commit suicide whenever I find the opportunity next. It would be much easier cause I'd have reached a dead end anyway.
Also I never understood why killing another is "murder" but killing him in the name of the law or the country is "patriotism". They force us to serve in the army, we are suppose to learn how to kill right? Why should we kill those who they order us? They are the ones who should go down.

>> No.2173456

Because it's probably better than Ethiopia.
They'd rape your corpse while it's still hanging on the rope over there.

>> No.2173457

What if they are really concerned and spend years searching for you and such? That seems like a worse thing to do, I think.

>> No.2173469

Be polite、 do not throw yourself i
nfront of a train
I really hate delays

>> No.2173470

oho, why?
Are you angry? I think you just need to shut the fuck up :)

>> No.2173472

Kill yourself.

>> No.2173473

No buttrape in my country. Only people getting away with helicopters.

>> No.2173475

(I haven't spoke/typed in Japanese for about two years, apologies/please tell me that translates correctly :))

>> No.2173478


You are a strange man. Seek help.

>> No.2173479

I acknowledged that the parents actions may have been regrettable in your friend's case. I was arguing that you should not apply that to all cases where people ask themselves "what did I do wrong?".

I can agree with that.

>Because the people I'm thinking of taking down before I die, aren't some random persons, they are farrightist bastards who think forcing everyone to do what they want to do just because of their sex and nationality is right.
As much as I sometimes want to kill aggressively ignorant people, I realize that as a human my judgment is flawed and therefore I have no right to be a vigilante. I think of all the other people (including the ones I'd like to eliminate) and how they're also absolutely convinced they're right, just like me.

Killing is killing, regardless of who you kill. One needs not listen to their pretty wrappings.

>> No.2173483

I was actually planning to do something like that, except with Canada or Finland (I'd kill myself by going somewhere empty and lying down in the snow, drunk from on or two bottles of booze.)

>> No.2173484

Why I'm strange? Am I wrong? I don't want "help".

>> No.2173485


how about joining the yakuza?

>> No.2173488

Because political leaders can us it as a backdrop, no?

>> No.2173491

The Yakuza would be one hell of a job.
Work your way to the top. No more bitching about a shitty job. lol

>> No.2173492

why hasn't this thread been deleted yet?



>> No.2173494

The mods. They are already dead

>> No.2173496

This. Seriously folks suicide is a personal thing, but don't fuck up somebody unrelated's day when you do it.

>> No.2173499

Hm, do Yakuza need people that can speak several languages or are their activity only focused on Japan?

>> No.2173501

Honestly, because it seems incredibly foreign and your parents would probably be put off from looking because of Kanji and Hiragana and such. Oh, and because this is /jp/, and you'd probably die from toxins if you went to China.

>> No.2173503

Thanks, I think we have a common understanding now. I should have phrased some of my points better.
Also about this:
>As much as I sometimes want to kill aggressively ignorant people, I realize that as a human my judgment is flawed and therefore I have no right to be a vigilante. I think of all the other people (including the ones I'd like to eliminate) and how they're also absolutely convinced they're right, just like me.
I do understand that by doing what I have in my mind is becoming like them, which I don't want. The point is I really don't have anything going on in my life for years now and when I'll be forced to join the army I'd come against my ideals (the only thing left). It won't happened 100%, but if they forced me in a corner where I'll finally be able to decide that I want to end my life finally, I won't passive accept it, but I'd take down them too. Of course I won't harm my fellow people, only those who I already referred to.
FYI about 50 people each year kill themselves in the army in my country. Of course nothing it's done to prevent it, just stupid orders like "no cellphones" or "the first bullet is blank".

>> No.2173504

Also forgot: If you're going for pills/suffocation/anything that doesn't mostly destroy your body fast for a day or two before you do it so you don't shit yourself. Please go out with a bit of dignity.

>> No.2173508

"bawwwwwwww, i don't like this thread, therefore i want mods to delete it".

how about leaving image boards and joining some forums?

>> No.2173509

It's all well and good until the police discover you. Then they'll find out who you are and contact your family.

>> No.2173510
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>> No.2173513

No, it's more the fact that this thread has nothing to do with Japan, stupid fuck.

>> No.2173519

Play russian roulette with semi-autos, make money by betting.

>> No.2173520

Hmm, that does sound like an unfortunate situation. Hopefully you will not be forced into that then. I'm sure you would have considered moving already, if it were a possibility. Canada is a very nice country, you know.

>> No.2173521

It's possible, but why would they, besides just general curiosity? If you don't contact them and just don't come back THEN they might do it to try and make sure you're OK, but I think telling them you're staying there and possibly adding something like, for example you "want to make a clean break from pretty much everything in the past. Being in Japan and having this job is pretty much like being reborn. I have more real friends here than I could have imagined having before, and I'm actually happy here. No one knows about me before hand, and as opposed to just moving to another state(if you're in the U.S.) I have pretty much zero chance of running into someone I knew from high school or anyone else that knew me."

>> No.2173524
File: 90 KB, 500x344, touhou001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now happy?

>> No.2173531

Can't leave the country without serving the army.

>> No.2173532

The solution is to write a hundred emails in advance and to sent them regularly via a bot.

>> No.2173534

How do they do it when you , before doing the act, get rid of everything that can lead to your identity?

It has ....the topic does, so just bawwwww further :)

>> No.2173536

This is very good advice.

>> No.2173537

I hate doing suicide, so i have been following a very extreme diet of instant noodles,burnt toast, smoking and KFC to get myself killed.

>> No.2173539

Ouch. Well good luck then, I have no further bones to pick.

>> No.2173550
File: 97 KB, 459x345, oh you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Anon, you clever card!

>> No.2173557

But what happens if you win? Then you have the weird situation where you have enough money to buy happiness and no longer be suicide bait, but the only way to get more of that money is by attempting to commit suicide.

>> No.2173571

I doubt Jap police would care that much about adead and rotting Gaijin without a passport found in a forest that loads of people kill themselves regularly and are not found until a year or two later. It would be less work and cheaper to just burn the dead body than have to look through flight records and then pay for the body to be shipped back etc.

>> No.2173574

I've heard of Yakuza members outside of Japan, but I'm SURE Japanese would be the only thing needed maybe?

>> No.2173577

>Russian Roulette
Gee, I don't know, maybe you should try yourself and tell us what it feels like to win ?

>> No.2173578

Russian roulette?
A deathgame you mean. Hm, could be fun.

>> No.2173579

Do you live in Nazi Germany?

>> No.2173585

I know they have a North American presence, but I think the members are usually 'ethnically' Japanese.

>> No.2173586

Spoilers: Hitler died OMG :O!!!!!!!!

>> No.2173590

Shit, totally didn't pay attention to that. Use a shotgun, anyway, way harder to fuck up somehow and survive.

>> No.2173591
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>> No.2173596

>Hm, do Yakuza need people that can speak several languages or are their activity only focused on Japan?
Why would you care? Judging from your shitty English, you're not exactly good with languages.

>> No.2173597


>> No.2173603

Use a .22 and have the bullet bounce in your skull.
'Sup /k/?

>> No.2173605

This would be desirable.

Hm, that's a pity.
I mean underground organsations / syndicates also need member for different tasks.
Hell, i bet they even need a cook......

The question for me is, how to get in there without knowing anyone.....

>> No.2173610

No Greece. If you are born male you have to serve the army. Unless you somehow have more than one nationalities, leave the country before the age of 18 or study abroad before you turn 28. Guess what, I didn't.
(Oh yeah, even if you leave the country before 18 or for studies and then come back you get arrested, even if it was for just a day for your parents' funeral.)

>> No.2173614

Ok, you are right.....

I'm a failure at everything. If i'd join any organisations, i'd been just some canonfodder.

>> No.2173617

Like I said, ethnically Japanese please.

>> No.2173618

>Use a .22 and have the bullet bounce in your skull.
.22s do not do that. The bullets are made of lead, not rubber. If anything they would simply flatten, or at most go just SLIGHTLY back. And by slightly, I'm talking centimeters. Best off with a shotgun with slugs or 00 buck.

>> No.2173625

No, .22s bouce in your head whenever you score a headshot, you fucking nigger.

>> No.2173626

One does not simply walk into Mordor.

>> No.2173634

what do .38 specials do to my head?

>> No.2173640

They make you a woman, 'cause .38 is a woman's round.

>> No.2173647

Most likely, but there are American people who want to feel like they're part of something.

>> No.2173661

Please explain. I have the dumb and don't understand what you want to say.

>> No.2173672
File: 33 KB, 600x450, gj patchu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only pussies shoot themselves in the head. Real men fire a single shot into their guts and wait to bleed out.

>> No.2173674

It's a meme.
Forget it.

>> No.2173685

If I ever killed myself I'd want to make it look like an accident.

>> No.2173708

Using a grill indoors should look like an accident.
(well it could be risky without any other things besides the grill and the charcoal)

>> No.2173715

Wanna kill yourself?Go to the woods/wilderness/middle of fucking no where with a tent and some logs and a shitton of beer. Set up the tent, burn make a fire in said tent, close tent and get shit faced drunk while waiting for carbon monoxide to build up and kill you. Painless, quiet drunk death in the middle of nowhere where people won't be bothered. Hell if you want to make it look like an accident then you can do it. Alternatively you can use a car as opposed to a tent.

>> No.2173723

but I dont drink

>> No.2173726

Does this still work, or have they put shit in charcoal to make it less feasible?

>> No.2173728

>make a fire in a car

>> No.2173749

You can always shop around and get the more "natural" deadly shit.

>> No.2173767


>> No.2173825

They put more chemicals(or something?) in charcoal now that makes it less smoky, and less poisoning.

>> No.2173842

The problem lies within the tent!

I have doubts that a tent will work.

>> No.2173946

I make it simple.

NO. It is not translated into Englisch unfortunately out of moralshitting.

>> No.2175634


>> No.2175669
File: 23 KB, 365x475, Suicide_Booth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't kill yourself, bros. You're a valued part of /jp/. You would be missed.

Let the dingleberries on /a/, /b/, and /v/ kill themselves. No one cares about them.

>> No.2175673


The guys in /r9k/ would say the same thing about us. We contribute nothing to society and leech off the system and depress our families with our repeated failures. We will die alone and miserable. We are better off dead.

>> No.2175712

>>We are better off dead.
There is too much Jpop left unlistened to, too many VNs left unplayed, too many doujins left unfapped to. We are a valued member of our own interests, my friend. We cannot die, yet.

>> No.2175713

I've always wondered. People die all the time with nobody caring, why do people suddenly care when it's suicide?

>> No.2175715

Another soul driven to the road of no-return by society.

>> No.2175716
File: 275 KB, 473x600, How_to_die_for_Dummies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. Buy this book.

>> No.2175752

>>I've always wondered. People die all the time with nobody caring, why do people suddenly care when it's suicide?

I don't know about other people. But I'd really rather not see my own brethren kill themselves.
