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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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21720268 No.21720268 [Reply] [Original]


Old Guide:

previous: >>21710541


>> No.21720294

based and 褐色 pilled

>> No.21720311

I'm gonna make it

>> No.21720321

reposting from the last thread

>/djt/, what's your native language?
> https://www.strawpoll.me/18337729

>> No.21720348


>> No.21720355 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 907x294, IMG_20190717_234306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take a break from reading 青ブタ LN and decided to play a quick match then I notice the opponent's names. My man 咲太 holy shit

>> No.21720365

Didn't read lol

>> No.21720399

oh neat, looks like mozilla finally fixed the bug which breaks popup dictionaries on pages with vertical text, but it won't make it into the main branch of firefox until almost november

>> No.21720536
File: 305 KB, 536x565, 104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's word of the day is:

究極目的 (きゅうきょくもくてき):

ultimate goal; final aim; supreme end

Also see 究極 and 目的 separately if you don't already know them!

>> No.21720538


>> No.21720539

fuck you i won't do what you tell me

>> No.21720658


>> No.21720757

>fuck you i won't do what you tell me

>> No.21720783


>> No.21720784


>> No.21720789

whose watchin gabudoro s2 this season

>> No.21720791
File: 1.89 MB, 1602x901, dekiru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21720818

what kind of sentence are u talkin about

>> No.21720860
File: 121 KB, 924x720, 1491683103376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added to my plan to watch list

>> No.21720880


>> No.21720899

as if a german knows phrases like "off the cuff" top lel m7

>> No.21720960

how do you think くいzまsてr is read
quiz mas ter

>> No.21720986

My nihongo skills just leveled up by 20

>> No.21721000

Japanese newspapers look so 普通

>> No.21721017

69% of all posts itt are ai generated

>> No.21721045

in japan ? thats hard to believe but fucking based if true

>> No.21721086

What's your opinion on bangers?

>> No.21721087

colors are the final boss imo

>> No.21721124

My opinion is this is a banger and y'all are sleeping on it

I thought that was implied

Actually both are worthless, but because RTK is a worthless resource for a worthless language, it's even more worthless.

>> No.21721130

Just because Japanese is actually worthless to learn doesn't mean I don't want to learn it. I'm just realistic about the value of it.

Not even good bait

>> No.21721179

I want to learn this language cuz it has value and not because I want to use it

>> No.21721191

>Just because Japanese is actually worthless to learn doesn't mean I don't want to learn it
if YOU want to learn it it's obviously not worthless to YOU. stop being a scrub who evaluates his life based on other peoples opinions and ideas. もうちょっと主体性を持ったら??

>> No.21721229

What value? Lmfao

There aren't jobs, the market is beyond saturated for translation. Unless you get to the level of interpreting there's only poverty in your future, and if you don't want to USE Japanese good fucking luck getting that far

>> No.21721246

ur actually wrong it makes it harder

>> No.21721249

disagree with that

>> No.21721261

I'm imagining about the fact that I'm probably going to masturbate pretty fucking soon

>> No.21721268

when i was there the only women that wanted anything to do with me were ones that spoke english and nasty hags. meanwhile my friend who is fluent was swimming in it and he's not much more attractive than me.

>> No.21721279

holy shit what happened to kyoani?

>> No.21721285


>> No.21721286

It doesn't matter if you win. The only thing that matters is the friends you made along the way.

>> No.21721320

Pressed clothing?

>> No.21721337

Think of all the girls' feet that have been inside that 電車 and you might like it even more

>> No.21721345

u esl noob prolly mean the right thing

>> No.21721348

if you ever want to visit glorious nippon but don't think that girl is cute i got some bad news for you senpai

>> No.21721349
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>> No.21721350

Me personally, no, but if you've talked to anyone on DJT or the leddit board for learning Japanese, OR GOD FUCKING FORBID went to a meetup or college class, you'll find they're mostly spergs.
I'm friends with a good chunk of Japanese people who complain about other learners being very autistic (not in those words of course) but like pushing for relationships out of nowhere and shit.
This language attracts a lot of spergs because a lot of spergs are attracted to anime/manga/video games.

>> No.21721360

This is the autism central of the internet, where the fuck do you think you are kid?

>> No.21721362

i've noticed writing down new words i encounter in hiragana while holding the meaning in my working memory actually helps me remember the word better than writing it in kanji. since kanji just represents the word and doesn't have a solid sound to it, while kana creates a direct association between the sound and the meaning.

>> No.21721386

Writing words down in kanji and kana together (for ex: 精液 - せいえき) could probably help a bit more, even though looking at a word in kanji (let's say, off a card or a novel) and saying it out loud, or at least subvocalizing it, might probably have a similar effect, if you don't mind only recognizing kanji.

>> No.21721391

is she pregnant?

>> No.21721417

i never said its impossible lol
just the ez mode for loser neet gaijin is to bet on the gaijin hunters and they dont want to hear u say dess

>> No.21721433

this thread is a lot better than the /int/ one

>> No.21721434

ur more likely to get help if ur not punchin above ur weight and u show some effort in usin ur brain to try to figure it out urself

>> No.21721441

I'd guess it's 10-15% higher than the average population. Most people here are just socially retarded because of anxiety and a lack of exposure to other people. There's definitely a lot of overlap between the characteristics of people on this website and aspergers but I don't think that many people are actually autistic.

>> No.21721444

got kicked out of /int/ for being a bad poster

>> No.21721445

Your post is a good example of one I wouldn't bother helping, since you can't even write English properly

>> No.21721460

>a lack of exposure to other people
A drunk guy asked me how I was doing today, so speak for yourself

>> No.21721470

manga is eating
anki wastes your life
read less (eat manga)
RTK will save your life
alright everyone, agree with me

>> No.21721471


>> No.21721481

thats called meditation

>> No.21721484

how so? isnt meditation about not thinking. all i did was think lol

>> No.21721501

jamal fan on the spectrum
Yeah checks out

>> No.21721503

Is it a book ? I only find the manga

>> No.21721534

>tfw met a japanese qt at a bar tonight but she got bored and went away after just a couple minutes


>> No.21721545

prolly realized you were a dekanai within a few seconds and 360'd out of there

>> No.21721580

>checks out
what does this phrase mean?

>> No.21721583


is she based

>> No.21721605

gsenjou no maou or aiyoku no eustia

>> No.21721622

Pick maou, that's gets crazy

>> No.21721627

thx ill take your recommendations and read that

>> No.21721639




>> No.21721649
File: 174 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190718-183309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one is the correct way to read it?

>> No.21721650

>Japanese milf says you should talk a lot with natives to learn the language
>マット(probably virgin) says not to
Fuck who to believe?!

>> No.21721665

probably the best time to start is now if you havent started yet

>> No.21721677

>can't even see her face
so you'd fuck her just because she pumped out a kid or what?

>> No.21721683

a lot better.
I feel that ellipsis is the real challenge in this Language

>> No.21721739

there's no coming back from that mistake dude, hand over the dekiru card

>> No.21721802

so is posting in this thread

>> No.21721807

Why does that letter make so many sounds?

>> No.21721822

This is the most 出来ない post of all time
I'm sorry bro you're not gonna make it

>> No.21721823

He's fluent so I'm going to follow his advice

>> No.21721863

You sound like the type of person nobody wants to talk to regardless of fluency

>> No.21721866

well yea most people prefer small talk because they're low IQ.

>> No.21721883

you joke but debating the merits or lack thereof of a method to learn something is more interesting than most shit people talk about because people are afraid of offending one another.

>> No.21721890

It's a multiple choice poll, anon.

>> No.21721917
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>> No.21721942
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>> No.21721967

cure dolly is so cute

>> No.21722081

>in which you all the words/morphemes except one
in which you know all the words/morphemes except one*

>> No.21722088

The one I'm looking at is the Pentel Pocket Fude Brush pen. It uses cartridges and it's pretty cheap, $13 for the pen and 6 extra cartridges. I'll look into kuretake.

>> No.21722090
File: 372 KB, 800x800, 1559919605081.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any site where I can hear Japanese news live? preferably an http direct link to the stream

>> No.21722104
File: 32 KB, 137x79, vncore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice deck guys. Is this ever actually used to mean 'sometimes.' Far as I know it was mainly used for heart bounding.

>> No.21722114

lmao that might be how u see yourself but in reality you are the guy at 0:18 minus the qt girl

>> No.21722134

yeah that's one of those いわゆる errors
whoever made that deck was zipping through it in a spreadsheet editor and read that as ときどき instead of どきどき or something like that
i've got a huge collection of examples of errors from all sorts of decks if you want to see some more

>> No.21722154
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>> No.21722160
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>> No.21722202

starting to think the jamal = dolly conspiracy might be true

>> No.21722205

He's posted pictures of restaurants in Tijuana and has criticized Trump大統領, so it would probably make sense for him to at least live near the Mexican-American border.

>> No.21722211

That would mean dakooters is also dolly.

>> No.21722234

forget that. im switching to futaba and 5ch soon as i've finished core

>> No.21722246


>> No.21722250

This guy: https://youtu.be/dGDH3meSPyk

>> No.21722260

ok i'll start with some pointless stuff from 6k that doesn't actually affect anything
読書 どくしょ reading a book
nothing to do with books specifically
見通し みとおし perspective, prospect
you what?
図書 としょ books
i mean yes but in particular it normally refers to a communal collection

and here's some stuff from 5k
認可 きょか permission, approval
confusing different words here
築く きづく build, have
it's きずく (きづく is 気づく)
通す とうす pass, show . . . into

>> No.21722296

本 doesn't just mean "book"
not what i'm talkin' 'bout senpai

>> No.21722316
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it exists to be my personal blog and so i can dump screenshots

>> No.21722326

core6k translates 中学生 as "junior high school student" and 小学生 as "schoolchildren, schoolboy"
fucking why

>> No.21722327

i wouldnt be surprised if it was a girl desu, there's a lot of weeb girls in japan

>> No.21722328

Several of my family members think or have thought at some point that I have autism. I don't think I do though.

>> No.21722337
File: 22 KB, 399x167, THAT'S NOT TRUE! THAT'S IMPOSIBBLE!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe that Dolly is el muchacho/ el transvestido. Mexican? Could very well be the case. Yet the way she talks, even though the voice is distorted, it has inherently female traits. No fucking tranny can ever fully emulate female speech characteristics. It's very similar to pitch accent.
Well, at least the videos are informative and interesting, so nothing really changes for me.

>> No.21722340

former is valid, latter is inaccurate

>> No.21722344

i just remembered it as bright and clear. for situations like this you just memorise both

>> No.21722348
File: 200 KB, 1192x1295, 名探偵自閉症.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok good. i was hoping this was a lie. https://ask.fm/sacredgeo

>> No.21722350

oh my god did you think jamal was sacred i'm so sorry

>> No.21722353

>that pic
Well, I don't think it will surprise anyone, but that pretty much confirms Wareya as the vncore creator/maintainer.


>> No.21722354

what the FUCK? some jamal lore?

>> No.21722362

lol kys my dude

>> No.21722375

If you really wanna learn the hardest language an English speaker can undertake for "fun" you're probably closer to the spectrum than you realize
"But I like the challenge"
Yeah I guess you sperg

>> No.21722378

>native spanish speaker
>with that accent (English or Japanese, take your pick)
I'm not buying it, m8.

>> No.21722380

introspection doesn’t teach you anything about biology dude i think you did it wrong lol

>> No.21722381

Also, there's no way a Mexican man would own all those weird fucking dolls.

>> No.21722384

Women and men talk differently. They have different pitches in their speech. By that I don't mean the sound of their voice. Next time pay attention to it. Also this applies to every language, not just English, so it's inherently gender specific.

>> No.21722385

>no man would own weird dolls
you obviously haven't been to the buyfag threads

>> No.21722389
File: 566 KB, 1280x720, twin autism kings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea but there's plenty of exceptional weirdos out there you dumb goof what a shitty heuristic lol

>> No.21722391

i want to see u flawlessly identify genders of garbled voices to try to win a cash prize on tv

>> No.21722401

>if you ever want to do something challenging you’re autistic
lol well that’s a shit way to think but we’re all free to have opinions

>> No.21722403
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haha chinchin :DDD

>> No.21722411

That's not what I'm saying, obviously if you take what I post 100% literally (which is an autistic trait) it looks that way, but what I'm saying is opting to do something BECAUSE it's difficult is what an autist would do.

>> No.21722444
File: 540 KB, 640x619, muneate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatd u learn today djt

>> No.21722463

man i hope i can make it through 500 characters in the next 10 minutes but it's hard as fuck for me to do.

>> No.21722539

why does he commit to these longterm plans only to not stick to them and beat himself up over it and make him want to quit even more

>> No.21722574

>His plan includes not speaking for literal months to a year+ based on that timeline
>Speaking to natives is even further out
Why would he even THINK he's gonna make it?

>> No.21722580

man, fuck 和製英語

>> No.21722585

u know its real cuz he made a spreadsheet
the most suspicious thing is that he linked doomo konitiwa matto dess as his biggest inspiration

>> No.21722733

i know all except ゲバ

>> No.21722743

one of my super pretty and nice coworkers invited me to the mountains with her family last weekend and we had a lot of fun together and now she gets rlly close to me when we talk and uh i think i love her (in a friendly way)

>> No.21722750

weird i don't consider inviting someone of the opposite sex on a family trip to be a platonic kind of thing are you sure she doesn't wanna plow you. ps she better be jap or this is offtopic which we never allow here

>> No.21722759

you been playing eroge too?

>> No.21722765

but you never realized that your actual lived experience of reality is whatever it is, regardless of what facts you learn *about* reality
in other words you basically trapped yourself in a thought-based bubble that you assumed was reality itself and not just man-made verbal concepts attempting to describe and predict it

>> No.21722768

Kindly explain to her that you're in a committed relationship with a foreign language and say that you can allow her to be fuck buddies with you, but only if she helps with your RTK everyday.

>> No.21722770

she is japanese yes but i’m not the opposite sex
lol haven’t played one in months

>> No.21722778

>i’m not the opposite sex
But are you a lesbian?

>> No.21722779


>> No.21722782

oh god, meditation tranny is back fuck

>> No.21722790

>but you never realized that your actual lived experience of reality is whatever it is,
all part of the genes dude. i'll never realize the truth.

>> No.21722812

possibly bi
girls are hot idk
all i can say is, do what you can with what you have
believing you can’t do x because of your genes without trying with everything you have at your disposal, is just making seemingly-logical excuses

>> No.21722824


>> No.21722829


>> No.21722838

is meditation tranny actually just a chick?

>> No.21722849

nope, he's a tranny and will never pass

>> No.21722855

Delete katakana

>> No.21722864

every i wonder why i'm still alive...

>> No.21722882

>didnt use srs
>studied individual on and kun readings of kanji
>spoke with native since day 1
>more fluent than any ajatt/mia follower
has the animeman had the perfect method all along?

>> No.21722900
File: 359 KB, 4312x4256, 1546556359426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyway to read the Nikkei Keizai for free?

>> No.21722904

>spoke with native since day 1
yea literally when he cried the day he came out his mom's vag

>> No.21722917

yep. but they prefer to imagine me as a transsexual for whatever reason, my guess is that they just really love transsexuals

>> No.21722922

he didn't start learning until he was older. he spoke on his first day learning japanese

>> No.21722931

if i had was japanese my name would be 大棒 (だいぼう)

>> No.21722937

the fact that he can speak fluently has nothing to do with him studying on and kun readings. he was already a fluent speaker before he did that silly crap lol
but uh growing up in a house where the language is spoken will kind of have that effect (of enabling fluent speaking). doesn’t mean he can read LNs and VNs and understand everything without any help, and he says he still uses english subtitles for anime

>> No.21722943

>he didn't start learning until he was older
someone posted a video where he claims the opposite and then i checked out like 2 or 3 other videos in which he repeats that he spoke in japanese with his mother since he was a little kid.

>> No.21722949

how big are your tits?

>> No.21722951

>and he says he still uses english subtitles for anime
does he really? do you have a link? i'll assume you're full of shit if you don't

>> No.21722955

i watched the video over a year ago and forgot what it’s called
i’ll look for it and post it when i find it

>> No.21722959

he's uploaded let's plays in pure japanese

look all im saying is he obviously knows the secret to learning japanese. you can keep ashatting or whatever but im going to give the animeman method a try

>> No.21722967

you can do what you want i'm just correcting some misinformation. but since he's a native speaker i don't feel he best knows how to learn japanese so i've put all my faith into matt, the king of foreign japanese learners.

>> No.21722970

>he's uploaded let's plays in pure japanese
but he doesn’t understand every word in them. he’s often skipped words or been like “idk what that means”. at least in the videos i’ve seen. haven’t watched him in over a year
>he obviously knows the secret to learning japanese
being raised in a japanese speaking household? lol that’s obviously not an option for us

>> No.21722971

why dont u just ask a nihonjin for the secret instead or do u think hes more reliable cuz he wasnt taught to gatekeep nihongo from the gaijin

>> No.21722988

There's no secret to learning Japanese (or any other language).
Everything revolves around learning words' meaning, spelling, pronunciation, and getting to know how combinations of words convey thoughts.
Of course, we can speak about the psychological or sociolgical aspects of language, but that's not really part of language learning as much as it's something that has to do with learning about a culture, or attempting to understand others' feelings, all of which are vitally important, but slightly separate, skills to develop.

>> No.21722989

he has japanese let's plays since before any anime video (literally one of his first videos). he was good then, probably better now.

khatzumoto was faster at learning japanese

i have and he told me to play dragon quest

>> No.21722994

>There's no secret to learning Japanese (or any other language).
He didn't click the ad

>> No.21722995

>why dont u just ask a nihonjin for the secret instead
what the fuck do you think a native speaker would know about learning his own language?

>> No.21723005

im just jokin that its the same logic as sayin someone who spoke it with their mom as a child knows the secret taken to its extreme lol

>> No.21723024
File: 223 KB, 496x384, 1516827720383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was using Anki (core 6k), fiddling around with self voice recordings (which weren't playing for what ever reason), and all of a sudden no sound from the core 6k deck would play. All I really did was create a new field called "Audio", then later deleted that field. The original "Vocabulary-Audio" field is still intact, but makes no sounds even after pressing R.

>> No.21723034

Forgot to add the vital question: Anyone know how to fix this?

>> No.21723039

has anyone ever tried this?

>> No.21723040

>self voice recordings
why would you do that in the first place?

>> No.21723048

maybe you emptied anki's media folder by accident
maybe you altered the contents of the vocabulary-audio field
maybe you changed your card formatting and removed the vocabulary-audio field from your cards

>> No.21723055
File: 204 KB, 510x292, 本当に英語?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the feeling is mutual I guess

>> No.21723079

whats mnuh gonna

>> No.21723084

No, it's アメリカ語.

>> No.21723090

For pitch accent comparison, to compare the recorded audio to self-recorded audio.

If I compare the audio filename from a card that has missing audio with the list generated by "check media" (via ctrl + f), it doesn't appear in the list of missing media/files not in use. The field appears normally in cards.

>> No.21723105

Manually check your collection.media folder anyway.

And you're sure that in your card formatting, you have
on the back template somewhere, right?

If there's no problem with the above then I have no idea what the fuck you've done. There's no reason audio shouldn't be working.

>> No.21723117


>> No.21723131
File: 16 KB, 255x194, 194feae4dd75c36391cbe72dee0c411154569aacd0506c4416b0fafeb5876aef.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, it was missing from the card formatting for some reason. Thank you.

>> No.21723196
File: 1006 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i'm def at her normal route now, wonder if i can finish it tomorrow

>> No.21723245
File: 3 KB, 88x74, Capturde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how you're able to achieve this effect in Anki? I'm trying to update a few of my old cards like a fucking autist but I can't select both rows in order to copy/paste because of however this is formatted.

I know there are other ways to make this work, but I'm trying to make all my cards use the same card type.

>> No.21723252

CTRL+SHIFT+X while you have the field selected, then you can copy the HTML code for that rubi text. Do the same if you want to paste the code into the field of another card.

Alternatively, you can use the Japanese Support add-on's method of adding furigana.

>> No.21723253

Disregard this, I figured it out.
the html is simply <ruby>憂鬱<rt>ゆううつ</rt></ruby>

Thanks anyway dude

>> No.21723308

Well as long as it was Dragon Quest V

>> No.21723310

Since you seem to be knowledgeable I'll ask you this, is there any way to change the name of existing card types? I want to change some bullshit like "japanese-2232425-21edh" to simply "Core" or something.

>> No.21723311

So I was looking through the manga library on DJT and there was no sign of Full Moon Wo Sagashite. Is there another way for me to get the raw scans?

>> No.21723332

I actually don't use Anki at all and have only ever used it briefly.

Not sure what you mean exactly by card types. Maybe what you're looking for is under Tools > Manage Note Types? If not, try the drop-down options menu in the card formatting window (where you specify what fields you want on the fronts and backs of your cards and so on).

>> No.21723357

>Tools > Manage Note Types
Yeah that's it. Man, I wish they had all this shit in one place. Everything is so arbitrarily placed. Thanks.

>> No.21723371

wtf do the tards talking about this shit even know what morphemes are

>> No.21723400


>> No.21723412



>> No.21723416

>real deals penis screams on the plate

wtf does this mean

>> No.21723420

coincidentally both of these in another game

>> No.21723428
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>> No.21723434

today i discovered the joy of VNs and i’ll never be the same again
feels like i’ve been plopped directly into a scene of my favorite anime

>> No.21723449

i hope matt becomes a millionaire for innovative work of pretending to read muramasa and telling people about krashner and culadasa

>> No.21723451

>Your work is incredible.
He literally puts out one video a month where he just pulls something out of his ass.

He used to act all high and mighty and screech about beginners telling people to do things that they themselves hadn't done and achieved fluency by doing, and now he makes his living doing exactly what he used to call those beginners out on He's a charlatan.

The only one doing anything of value in the MIA cult is Yoga who at least makes resources to justify people giving him money.

>> No.21723453
File: 1016 KB, 1747x2480, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf volume 9 is out

>> No.21723461

that feel when no soft, warm, cuddly, and nice smelling OL gf

>> No.21723483

yogas also getting drunk and picking a fight above his level with nuke lol
but ur right that he does a lot more than matt

>> No.21723499


>> No.21723510


>> No.21723557
File: 711 KB, 1280x720, zzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need something lazy to do that's at least partially beneficial to my studies.

>> No.21723577


>> No.21723585

When did yoga pick a fight with Nuke? That one pick showed Nuke deadlifting 500 pounds of Anki reps. He'd break yoga in half.

>> No.21723613


>> No.21723678


>> No.21723692


>> No.21723696


>> No.21723732

nvm those three are yasashii

>> No.21723777
File: 61 KB, 1073x514, hhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21723946

in all honesty what IS the difference between
上[のぼ]る (to go up, climb)
上[あ]がる (to go up, rise)

is the のぼ one only able to mean stuff like stairs or slopes, whereas the あ one can also mean flying or levitating (going directly upwards) or something?

>> No.21723992

other than not bothering to use the reply feature, thanks for confirming my suspicions. that should make it easier to remember the two spoken words clearly, and thus read the written words correctly more reliably

>> No.21724055

I don't have much of one frankly I've been talking to the same people for years. I try going out of my way every now and then but it's massively weird and usually nothing sticks which I don't really regret. I'm well received in passing though because I look favorably so every time I'm awkward it instead looks cute and all the お姉さんs want to keep me around.

>> No.21724071

>because I look favorably so every time I'm awkward it instead looks cute

>> No.21724075

peak weeb is doing your reps with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-WWGfY_xIQ on in the background desu

>> No.21724120

I've assumed awkward is awkward too so I would read incel/2ch mootoko posts and other garbage since I thought I needed to relate to it but all the females irl are neutral to positive to me so in the end I have to say I don't know that feel. Either that or I can't tell due to autism but ignorance is bliss.

>> No.21724153

>all the females irl are neutral to positive to me
thats not the same as the thing i quoted

>> No.21724168

So who are you trying to talk about?

>> No.21724177

>because I look favorably so every time I'm awkward it instead looks cute
>>all the females irl are neutral to positive to me
all im saying is that i doubt its because youre attractive. youre probably just not as a retarded socially as u think

>> No.21724206

Oh possibly. I've gotten better at this game but I still don't like it. Anyway, bros are the best.

>> No.21724323

What's the point of putting a daily review limit on Anki? Like I'm averaging 250 reviews per day, if I capped it at 150 wouldn't the "to review" list just get backed up forever?

>> No.21724362

the point is to limit the number of reviews you have to do.
but if you believe in the srs meme then you shouldnt do that because you should do the reviews when they are scheduled otherwise youll forget the thing

>> No.21724365

there is no point

>> No.21724367

Just watch more and read more. Might aswell just make anime cards if you plan on doing this shit. The guy makes it seem harder than it all looks. I'm also positive about this being the biggest recource that helped in his nihongo career

>> No.21724370

I understand that, but I'm just trying to work out in my head the consequences of doing that.

If you limit your reviews to a number lower than what you have in queue, that seems like a fucking disaster. You'd have shit that was due like months ago before long. I can't understand what the point is.

>> No.21724376
File: 28 KB, 960x720, ac2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow karubin is back i thought he was gone for good. wonder how long he will last this time

>> No.21724605

Is yomichan not connecting for anyone else? I've never had this error before.

>> No.21724627

honestly i wouldnt trust any posts made by some1 who writes retarded shit like some1

>> No.21724637
File: 41 KB, 720x720, 1519403591670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like my power level is decreasing, I can't find good jav to watch anymore. This might be a sign that my Japanese learning has come to its end.

>> No.21724654

I wonder when did Jamal last finish a VN. He often tells people to read, but I've also seen him spend lots of time here.

>> No.21724663

I wonder how often jamal fucks

>> No.21724672
File: 955 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning djt!

i'm also running out of screenshots of characters saying good morning fuck

>> No.21724676

jerking off to hentai vns as a middle aged man is even more pathetic than his antics itt

>> No.21724677

Have another (You), attention whore

>> No.21724701

i only did the true route i don't give a shit about the other ones

>> No.21724709

whats the best route i dont want to pick a shitty one and regret it and quit

>> No.21724711

no joke just do the true route, it's haru

>> No.21724733
File: 844 KB, 800x600, boomer erogamer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture of jamal

>> No.21724739
File: 1.57 MB, 4238x3000, 1558115950233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think about this translation frens
耀一郎 is the dude's name btw

>> No.21724742

VNs are trash compared to anime but they are better than LNs so they're a nice tool to learn to read

>> No.21724744

i think i did not fucking read it lol

ur trash

>> No.21724748

Oh boy, it's RTK time again. Wish me luck!

>> No.21724750

>fall for the wanikani meme
>browsing through kanji that have yet to be unlocked
>彼 is all the way up at level fucking 35
>takes 8 days minimum to get through a level if getting everything right and doing reviews as soon as they come up
lmao what is this garbage

>> No.21724752

we fucking told you

>> No.21724754

you deserve all of that, people have been saying how trash that website is this whole time

>> No.21724759

>fall for the wanikani meme
i hate how 4chan has a reputation for hating anything, so when people on DJT point out that wanikani and RTK are fucking stupid, newfriends just assume people are being hardasses and do them anyway. (note lazy kanji is probably OK but i don't consider that RTK)

>> No.21724761

im not gonna get into the part about kanji learning courses in general being retarded but you gotta look at it at the end goal.
because it really doesnt matter what order or how many you know until you know all the ones you need to know to read and develop your literacy.

>> No.21724762
File: 1.46 MB, 400x400, 1517803884259_sn80zjaagt4wvqicu42xlwgj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't you have your own handheld OCR dictionary? are you too much of a pussy ass bitch?

>> No.21724781


>> No.21724782
File: 627 KB, 790x808, 2019-07-19 16_06_57-000318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu using radicals to learn kanji more easily doesn't seem like such a bad idea, it's just the fact that it deliberately slows down progression to force you to pay for it for at least a year and that so much basic vocab is locked at the higher levels because the kanji are (supposedly) ordered by complexity/number of strokes, but some of the kanji that are placed in the higher levels are really fucking basic in both meaning and composition so they can't even get that right

exactly, if you were to use wanikani as your main study tool you'd be taking over a year to even reach basic vocab words

also the community forums are literally the most reddit shit i've ever seen

>> No.21724807

only if one of them was you Jamal

>> No.21724857




>> No.21724876


>> No.21724884

Sick tag bro

>> No.21724887

>because the kanji are (supposedly) ordered by complexity/number of strokes
they're ordered in a way which (barring a handful of deliberate exceptions):
1) ensures kanji components appear before complex kanji where they're reused
2) for every new component introduced, maximises the # of new kanji you can make with it (plus the components and kanji you know so far)

if you want something which aggressively prioritises usage frequency, while still preserving the topological (i.e. 可 before 何、化 before 花) relationship, consider adding a new field based on the results from https://github.com/scriptin/topokanji and reschedule your deck based on that.

The first 50 characters in RTK:

The first 60 characters in the topokanji list (some of these are just radicals, or are kanji which aren't in RTK - feel tree to either make explicit cards for them, or just ignore):

>> No.21724892

stop talking about rtgay ok thanks

>> No.21724930

>ywn live in a country where someone doing graffiti makes the evening news

>> No.21724940

matt and yoga made a lazy kanji deck that cut out the least frequent kanji while retaining the "topological relationship". it's on their website

>> No.21724956

Isn't "lazy kanji" also recognition rather than production?

As far as I know, Matt's deck only *removed* uncommon kanji, no further reshuffling. There are obviously countless ways to do a topological sort while preserving the topology (depending on what metric you optimise and which tiebreaker conditions you use) - topokanji uses frequency (from various sources), RTK used (hard to quantify) "number of new possible kanji per newly introduced component", but you could define any other weird conditions - and nonetheless produce an ordering which preserves the topology.

>> No.21724969

>Isn't "lazy kanji" also recognition rather than production?
correct and the goal is to get through it as quickly as possible as a beginner so you can read and grind vocab. i wish i had done it that way.
>As far as I know, Matt's deck only *removed* uncommon kanji, no further reshuffling.
correct. it's definitely not optimal. i think 人 only appears around 500 even though it probably belong in the first 50 or so. it's still better than the original, where it appears around 1000. i just recommend it over RTK
>topokanji uses frequency
i don't know much about it but yea, that's probably better, especially if there is a way to easily generate a deck from it and edit the format of the cards to make it lazy kanji.

>> No.21725014

>especially if there is a way to easily generate a deck from it and edit the format of the cards to make it lazy kanji.
I did it myself (normal production RTK) in anki by doing:

1) open one of the results files from topokanji, e.g. https://github.com/scriptin/topokanji/blob/master/lists/all.txt , in a spreadsheet program, make a new 2nd column with 1 2 3 etc
2) save that as a .csv or whatever
3) in your existing RTK or LazyKanji deck, make a new Field (called "topokanji" or whatever)
4) perform an import, matching the first column against the kanji, with the 2nd column to go into your new topokanji field (have everything else be ignored)

if you do it right, it should just populate the topokanji field for all the cards with that kanji in (though you MAY need to make the Kanji field the first field for the import to work properly), also it may generate new cards for the characters which are just components or radicals - do what you want with them

Hope that helps, anon. :)

>> No.21725020


>> No.21725034

thanks for sharing
thread doesn't belong to you though, cunt

>> No.21725038

>but i don't consider that RTK
It shows in your grammar

>> No.21725039

based ジョージ

>> No.21725040
File: 1.04 MB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right it belongs to me so i can blogpost and post screenshots, also jamal you were wrong, rin is cute

>> No.21725045

being allowed to blogpost and screenshotpost has nothing to do with who owns it, also quma you forgot your namefag

>> No.21725049
File: 903 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not qm lol wtf, i don't think qm ever got close to finishing a route in an eroge his whole life

>> No.21725074

>yea but imagine the smell dude so much cat piss
you do realise showers are a thing right

>> No.21725080

Not sure, but it seems like the timestamps fuck up more often when using it on longer videos.

>> No.21725114
File: 347 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i, uh, finished the first route

what the fuck was that ending, i'm so fucking confused

that's the beauty of 2d man, i'll never have to smell the cat piss smell

>> No.21725117
File: 122 KB, 863x407, 5MWyL3AIpa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is starting to become painful but i must press on for the good of the mission

>> No.21725121

Is this information patreon exclusive?

>> No.21725148

i would like to think that most basic bodily functions are taken care of inbetween scenes whenever it would make sense to

>> No.21725173

You are like a baby watch this: 玻璃

>> No.21725178


>> No.21725214

im sure i could already beat him easily now since we were pretty much the same level a few months ago before i started ankidroning

>> No.21725248

im no longer interested in quizzing. i think it's a much bigger waste of time than anything else i could do, and ill probably waste a lot of time in discord if I join. i already know im better than QM at japanese anyway (which is to be expected since ive been learning much longer), we only have to consult the jcat scores to know that!

>> No.21725255


>> No.21725268


>> No.21725277
File: 259 KB, 343x430, sm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21725288

only have that one unfortunately :(

>> No.21725302
File: 60 KB, 792x882, ブローフィスト.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look how happy he is talking about pewdiepie

>> No.21725313

Is he repping this with his shirt?

>> No.21725314

that smile looks like its concealing the pain of a thousand souls

>> No.21725336

More like the pain of a thousand languages half "learned"

>> No.21725344

IQpill me on whether or not this is a good idea
-1 hour of watching anime with jap subs
-1-2 hours of raw listening to stuff i'm interested in but can't understand and doesn't have jap subs like podcasts

>> No.21725389
File: 31 KB, 739x441, visual novels word coverage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mining + core are both so bad compared to an optimized deck derived from the material you're reading...

>> No.21725401

you shouldn't be doing 5k decks before reading shit anyway tho so it doesn't really matter

>> No.21725402

lmfao doing 5000 flashcards before you read something yeah no thanks

>> No.21725403

Listening to stuff you can at least half understand or look up words from is much better than listening to stuff you barely know any words in, and can't tell anything else apart in.
I know this from my experince.

>> No.21725410

damn then do you think it'd be OK if i read more and learned more words through that and then went back to listening later? because i only know like ~4000 words right now but probably even less if it's spoken.

>> No.21725411
File: 705 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn those skirts are shorter than i thought

>> No.21725419


>> No.21725420

Don't stop doing either one. Reading VNs and watching anime (or Youtube videos) with JP subs should be what you should be doing on a daily basis.

>> No.21725436

what was that website where on one side you have translate manga and on the other the raw version?

>> No.21725442

don't know about that one, but anime godfather uses this one, so it must be good. https://bilingualmanga.com

>> No.21725448

Get ready for the start of a journey
The only thing goood about her route is that one side character, you'll know when you see it

>> No.21725452


>> No.21725522

ive been watching shingetsutan tsukihime and while its definitely not a good show, it's a lot more fun to watch with jap subs than the sol shit i've been going through.why is the japanese in it so simple though?

>> No.21725532

how you watching a show that doesn't exist dude?

>> No.21725546

oh ok i get it, it's trash compared to the source so ure pretending it didnt happen like the last indiana jones

>> No.21725552

thanks for the (you) lol

>> No.21725556

ull understand some day

>> No.21725573
File: 1001 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf what a bitch

>> No.21725579
File: 993 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf who said this girl was good, i hate her

>> No.21725585
File: 129 KB, 1510x708, 1560294699359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn... so this is the power of weebs

>> No.21725607

do u not see the arm band thats her job

>> No.21725612
File: 1.12 MB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's her job to bully komari? wtf i want that job

>> No.21725619

when you donate to a private company with fire insurance

>> No.21725625

u gotta get u the arm band then

>> No.21725636
File: 32 KB, 1080x1113, Screenshot_20190719-123026~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit anons, this must be at least JLPT1

>> No.21725644

just use anki if u wanna srs u fuckin brainlet

>> No.21725663

I told you that you weren't on Rin's route, dunno why you didn't believe me. You can only do her route last for spoiler reasons.

>> No.21725672

lmao even the answers tell you what the answer is

>> No.21725677
File: 468 KB, 960x1378, b1f98be3f627274f07522556db15390d19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think DJT got a shoutout

>> No.21725682

US The

>> No.21725683

Rin's firat route gives context to the other ones

>> No.21725686

you're wasting your time getting mad on 4chan

>> No.21725696
File: 1.08 MB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like to believe most people are reading shit on the side while browsing like me

>> No.21725703


she sounds cute by why don't these bug people ever show their faces.

>> No.21725708

you literally can't just read manga

>> No.21725716

She wants her boyfriend to be the only one who can imagine his 精液 on her face. And I can respect that desu afm

>> No.21725725

I listen to shit in japanese while I pretend to work in my office.

Lets players, news, podcasts or whatever I find on the internet. I can understand some stuff from time to time and I'm starting to get used to the talking speed of the japs

>> No.21725767

Yoga's literally added more value in his short time in the community than the community has produced by itself in the last ten years it seems.

>> No.21725772

How do I one up on Yoga

>> No.21725773

>If you limit your reviews to a number lower than what you have in queue, that seems like a fucking disaster.
not necessarily. for one thing you can still do reviews within a few days of them being due and you'll likely still be able to remember. if your reviews hit max then you know theres probably more in the qeue and not to add more new cards till you finish those due reviews.

>> No.21725776

spongebob memes are good. you have no taste and your life is a deserted wasteland

>> No.21725778


>> No.21725784
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x720, 1557493749311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most laughable and pathetic fucking picture i think i've ever seen in my life

>> No.21725788

But I'm not quiz'master'. Are you trying to tell me that the only way I help people with their learning is by kms?

>> No.21725789

we all know it's cringe you don't gotta bring it up specifically

>> No.21725799

what makes u think you're good enough to help anyone
i don't have to but i want to. look at their stupid fucking mugs

>> No.21725809

are you laughable and pathetic

>> No.21725815

why did you upload a png not a jpg, it's a fucking photo

>> No.21725818


>> No.21725820

how tall are they?

>> No.21725823

in some regards, yes i am
i clicked copy image on the picture on the patreon page. also eat my fucking nuts lol

>> No.21725824

Matto is like 6'2 and Yoga like 6'4

>> No.21725827

how are their heads so fucking big then

>> No.21725829
File: 102 KB, 1024x768, DdKeEFFXcAEQh3V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21725845

yogamatt continue to bless the japanese language learning community with convenient tips and tricks to minimize the amount of time needed to reach fluency while yall sit here reading video books lmao

>> No.21725849

lol mats like 5'8'' at most

>> No.21725852

matt has been confirmed by geometric calculations on his gym selfie to be under 5'4"

>> No.21725857

im not one to post ecelebs but have you seen animeman's videos? hes better than matt and yoga combined

>> No.21725870

he's half japanese and been learning japanese since he was born so you may as well just post actual japanese people and say "wow how good is their japanese"! no shit they're better than matt lol

>> No.21725871
File: 9 KB, 510x80, a doing maths.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who made these calculations? Only boards that can to math is /fit/ and /sci/ so far
Pic related is /a/ from yesterday

>> No.21725876

this has to be a joke lol

>> No.21725880

Is Yoga a manlet as well? Or was his height just shopped to appear smaller so as not to damage Matt's ego?

>> No.21725881

i saw that post.
7.61m/s is the right answer.

>> No.21725884

but a 3 story building is way taller that 3m

>> No.21725885

i thought japanese were eloquent speakers lol

>> No.21725897

Someone calculated that Matt is 5'4"at the absolute maximum based on that locker room photo of him.

>> No.21725899

wtf happened to kyoani? rip anime

>> No.21725905

No wonder Matto came back from Japan. He's barely taller than the women

>> No.21725927

not likely

>> No.21725928 [DELETED] 

are young, fresh and white?

>> No.21725931

im barely 5'7" and i have a very cute japanese gf :)

>> No.21725933

are you young, fresh and white?

>> No.21725936

i'm latino, green eyes, 27yo

>> No.21725939

lies, don't believe this guy

>> No.21725951

Is it true that if you don't play Flyable Heart, you will never learn Japanese?

>> No.21725954

I'm 23, green eyes, white and done with RTK, and I still don't have a qt3.14JPgf.
So all I can say is good luck

>> No.21725955

its entirely true. we're all gonna make it!

>> No.21725961

The average height in Japan is 5'7.4"/171.2cm.

>> No.21725965
File: 1.02 MB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, more komari bullying

>> No.21725967

Being an inch and a half below average isn't exactly enough to cuck you forever, lots of 5'8 dudes in America have gfs

>> No.21725973

Heh, looks like I've finally learned Japanese. See ya, suckers!

>> No.21725975


>> No.21725979

the irony is if ur a "manlet" ur a prime candidate for an azn gf lmao

cuz aint no one else gonna look right standing next to ur puny goofy ass

>> No.21725999

i saw some chart actually that showed average number of sexual partners for men by average male height and there was virtually no difference from 5'6" to 6'3" or something like that, decreasing before and after. so yea height doesn't matter nearly as much for getting laid as much as people on 4chan make it out to be. that doesn't mean being tall doesn't have its advantages. it just won't make or break having a relationship because women are usually OK with male height so long as he's taller than her. if you're 5'5" or lower it's over for you though jk

>> No.21726009

Those are some prime numbers pal, nice way to top off your truth bomb.

If you're more than an inch taller than the average woman in your country your height isn't an excuse. If you're a 5'3 manlet, move to fucking Vietnam.

>> No.21726030

an old "friend" was way small than me, like 160-162cm and he always had beautiful girls as gf
and i'm a fucking virgin at 27...

>> No.21726040

I'm 188 cm and a khv at 24

tis what it is

>> No.21726042

ok now read more

>> No.21726048

im done for the day

>> No.21726093


>> No.21726096

he doesn't consider lazy kanji to count as RTK, his grammar was valid you're probably just ESL

>> No.21726100
File: 19 KB, 305x279, 1546355807719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and i'm a fucking virgin at 27...

>> No.21726101

sex is cool its not everything

>> No.21726102

sounds like your not a virgin to me

>> No.21726119

yea idk sex isn't that amazing it's maybe like twice as good as jerking off maximum and it takes a lot more effort so it cancels out

>> No.21726122

i've never met a girl in my life that i was interested in talking to for more than 5 minutes and i cant imagine a one night stand being anything other than extremely uncomfortable and awkward. but im getting up there in age now so i might have to put some effort into it

>> No.21726123

sex is about the status you fucking idiots stop bullshitting about whether or not it feels better like we virgins give a shit. fucking retards.

>> No.21726124

Having sex for the meme of having sex, isn't the same as making love with someone you care about

>> No.21726142

i don't know, i just want to make a girl "cum" and enjoy it
i don't care about cumming myself

>> No.21726147

ive done both and it's okay but it's also emotionally draining and noone has time for that when there's anime to be watched. id probably rather be a virgin cause id find it personally amusing to be an old virgin

>> No.21726148

you know how pathetic that sounds right lol

>> No.21726162

lich status

>> No.21726168

nah, it's my fetish
i like watching girls cum, submissive girls, etc

>> No.21726179
File: 709 KB, 957x1518, 1485403302810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21726185


>> No.21726191

nigga wtf are u talking ABOUT

>> No.21726193

Is making a girl cum the secret to learning Japanese?

>> No.21726198

>i don't know, i just want to make a girl "cum" and enjoy it
>i don't care about cumming myself
this is hot
a lot of girls would be happy to hear this. and would probably try to make you cum anyway

>> No.21726204

>i just want to make a girl "cum"
not possible
>and enjoy it
but this is possible

>> No.21726205

oh look its the 'girls cant cum' virgin again

>> No.21726212

t. female

>> No.21726214

why get personal about it? they simply can't orgasm. they think they can because they're told they can but it's a bunch of nonsense.

>> No.21726223

if only i had experience though...

>> No.21726224

if your girl cums then she's a tranny

>> No.21726234

I cum, therefore male.

>> No.21726241


>> No.21726260

just cause you've never been able to make a girl cum doesnt mean they cant lmao 自己欺瞞までするなんて、すごく残念な人なんだね…

>> No.21726272

based reddit reposter

>> No.21726273

germans honestly shouldn't be allowed to have computers

>> No.21726275

reddit radar is going off

>> No.21726279

Stop posting everything I post on reddit.

>> No.21726281

>there's no physiological mechanism that allows women to orgasm
And what's this mysterious physiological mechanism that lets men orgasm?
Bonus points if you tell me in Japanese so this conversation can go back on fucking topic.

>> No.21726282

>there's no physiological mechanism that allows women to orgasm, so we know they can't.
[citation needed]

>> No.21726283


>> No.21726284

>well sure i haven't

>> No.21726291

now that i regularly skip place-names my anxiety while reading greatly dropped to 40%

>> No.21726296


>> No.21726297

i made my (japanese) gf squirt once. nasty bitch!

>> No.21726298

only a 2d 絶頂 is a real 絶頂

>> No.21726306

lol and new people-names without furigana

>> No.21726308

i try to learn place names if it's shit like places in tokyo cause those usually appear a lot in media set in tokyo, i don't really mine them or anything i just try to remember it and i kinda do, still remember 不忍池 to this day from seeing it some 3 months ago in a vn

>> No.21726320

who the fuck would name their town impatient pond

>> No.21726323

i lived in tokyo and didn't know that pond was called that. the more u know

>> No.21726329

fyi if you can't read names in japanese you aren't actually reading.

>> No.21726330

I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Maybe I could come take care of her and teach her not to do that for you.

>> No.21726333

read 神戸

>> No.21726336

yea it is nasty when women pee and it mixes with the vaginal lubrication and they try to play it off as something else.

>> No.21726341

that's hot though

>> No.21726343

it is as long as they don't lie about it

>> No.21726345

surely everyone knows major cities at least so this isn't even hard

>> No.21726346

if squirt is pee why isnt it yellow

>> No.21726349

haven't seen it in any of the nukige I've read till today

>> No.21726355

cause they drank too much, why else would they feel like pissing in the middle of sex if they hadn't drank too much?

>> No.21726360

Oh you mean you without your name field filled in?

>> No.21726361


>> No.21726368


>> No.21726379


>> No.21726397

Oh fuck oh god now that I posted it I thought about if women get horny from breastfeeding
I fuckin' hope not

>> No.21726402
File: 835 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad she's retarded lol!

>> No.21726404

they do lol and they fuck dogs too

>> No.21726410


>> No.21726442



>> No.21726443
File: 145 KB, 800x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21726450

me on the right

>> No.21726464

they obviously don't dumbass

>> No.21726479

oh shit its my favorite anime

>> No.21726506


>> No.21726509
File: 4 KB, 717x503, 1534009124975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will take it as a win

>> No.21726510

what does it mean if i got hard reading this?

>> No.21726527

nice try but still not reading lol

>> No.21726534

Let's see how good he does, don't think he'll get by level 2

>> No.21726535


>> No.21726612

nip nong penis in bum bum ching chong

>> No.21726625

t. obese lactating german man

>> No.21726637

have u ever met a woman before
if u know ur mom u should ask her how it felt when u gnawed on her nipples

>> No.21726644

i wasn't breastfed

>> No.21726681
File: 97 KB, 806x651, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a relatable facial expression

>> No.21726685


>> No.21726687

I agree. The worst mistake in my life so far is that I was in a discord server where the owner was from Germany.

>> No.21726691

Yellow pee is a sign of dehydration

>> No.21726706

So I have aniki but is there a deck for grammar or do I use Tae Kims?

>> No.21726711

I'm pretty sure there's a DoJG deck on itazuraneko's resource section.

>> No.21726729

Oh, thank you for your assistance, I wonder how the media version will work. It’s very exciting to learn new things!

>> No.21726730
File: 744 KB, 802x631, Ever17PC_1lkGB3grCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turns out the whole game is fucked! very strange considering im running japanese windows

>> No.21726733

nihongo may not be in the cards for u : (
ull have to wait for the next daily axanael tech support thread

>> No.21726737

looks fine to me

>> No.21726744
File: 406 KB, 1920x1080, core 2k-6k is obsolete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, apparently it's time for me post it again
shared decks are universally flawed, the least bad one is the one you can drop asap when you switch to mining without it being as much of a waste of time

>> No.21726745

Why don't you use LocaleEmulator?

>> No.21726746

it was running fine on win7 before so i can only assume it's a win10 issue

>> No.21726754

why dont u not
why dont u set ur fuckin locale again

>> No.21726755

ive been using the japanese version of windows for years so im used to it

>> No.21726765

the locale has never been anything except japanese so idk why that would make a diff but i guess ill change it to english then back to japanese

>> No.21726776

Do this 1st

>> No.21726783

i have arch linux on my laptop already

>> No.21726815

changing the locale to english and back didn't do anything im fucked!

>> No.21726829

Mizuha's side route was the only one worth reading. But only until the timeskip.

>> No.21726840

ok i fixed it by disabling the utf-8 option that's on by default in app-locale settings. im saved!

>> No.21726845

do u guys know of any japanese techno/trance/psychedelic music

>> No.21726856

>on by default
No it isn't.

>> No.21726857

someone else said haru's is the best

>> No.21726860

does this count lol

>> No.21726864

Should have specified that I'm only talking about the side routes. Haru's is the true route.

>> No.21726865

yea it is i just fresh installed japanese win10 today and didn't touch any options so ur wrong lol

>> No.21726884


>> No.21726891

Then it's probably some shady iso loaded with malware.

>> No.21726892

do you have any arguments to make or are you just upset that the thing you used is flawed

>> No.21726900

it was the official windows iso from their website so keep trying

>> No.21726901

nope i just disagree with you

>> No.21726906

ok why do you disagree with the image i posted

>> No.21726910

because i choose to

>> No.21726912

are there any motivations for this choice or is it a meaningless gut reflex

>> No.21726913

nope that is all

>> No.21726922

so its a meaningless gut reflex got it

>> No.21726923

glad you understand

>> No.21726924
File: 171 KB, 998x998, 1484632507368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mining is a waste of time
shared decks are good

>> No.21726928

can you say anything longer than 5 words?

>> No.21726927

based retard

>> No.21726930

yes and can you count

>> No.21726940
File: 1.56 MB, 759x717, 1501399181529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21726943

transcribe this. it's only a few words and i wanna confirm if i'm the only deaf one here.

>> No.21726962

Do you guys set aside a specific hour to study, or just whenever you feel like it?
I prefer to do it on a schedule.

>> No.21726989

お礼の反撃も obviously.

>> No.21726994

i don't study i just read and watch anime

>> No.21726996


>> No.21726997

Do you intentionally give people bad advice?

>> No.21727002

After I finished vncore I started mining but I wanna go back to grinding a premade deck. I only read an hour or two a day so I get way more exposure to important words through anki than while reading. It doesn't matter if I see a word multiple times within a session and decide to mine it, since eventually there comes a point in that story where that word isn't used as much. At that point it is entirely as if I encountered that word in a premade deck. So instead of mining random words that I don't encounter that often and which may or may not be relatively common, why shouldn't I just make sure I'm grinding words which I know are the most frequent? If you read 5 hours a day or you read reasonably fast maybe mining is better, but if not, I'm not seeing any advantage to this. So I might start doing nayr's core.

/blog and curious if there's something I'm missing so I can be reasoned out of it.

>> No.21727003

This is what I hear too

>> No.21727008

just lamenting how there's certain things that are hard for me to hear and i'm wondering if even natives rely heavily on context to hear it properly.
close but no

>> No.21727009

this is good advice

>> No.21727016

if you read 5 hours a day anki is totally worthless since you're encountering so many words both new and known that the srs is just obsolete at that point.
i think if you want to do study outside of native materials you should go through a textbook or something instead of grinding inside anki.

>> No.21727040

this is just false intel. one of the words i learned today (虱) shows up 23 times across 13 VNs out of a search of 110 popular VNs, that's 23 characters out of roughly 80 million characters of text. yet I'd still like to be able to know that word even if I only come across it 70 million characters later because all Japanese readers would. that's what anki is for.

>> No.21727048

are you kidding me? you get 23 reps in the wild and you think you need to srs it?? you're retarded!

>> No.21727049

If you've got very few words to mine after 2 hours of reading, you should probably look for something that's noticeably above your level.

>> No.21727050

that audio is pretty clear to me though

>> No.21727055

im sure this is a bait but you only get '23 reps' if you read those 13 VNs that it appears in extremely quickly. realistically you're getting 1 rep in in each of these VNs. you'd forget it by the next time you saw it.

>> No.21727057

it's 俺への反撃も

>> No.21727083

now this is what i call false flagging

>> No.21727086


>> No.21727093

>It's another argument on why you should or shouldn't use anki

>> No.21727099

Use anki if you've got a smol benis
Read VNs if you've got a big benis

>> No.21727106

i like to see them squirm as they try to justify their need for anki

>> No.21727107

you mean those picture books with sound?

>> No.21727110
File: 1.40 MB, 1600x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21727112

did a pretty good job. can you not read or something?

>> No.21727115

In the start anki is the only way to build memories in the language and late game when you're good you can do 50 new cards a day in less than an hour. At every stage supplementing with anki is the optimal path.

>> No.21727117

interesting theory

>> No.21727120
File: 146 KB, 1328x996, 1547453636365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21727131

this is simply not true

>> No.21727134

50 cards is lightweight shit. if you aren't doing at least 100 new cards a day you're going to be a noob for life

>> No.21727144

this is the true 大和魂 right here

>> No.21727146

200-400 is more realistic i think but ideally more

>> No.21727150

I masturbated to 3 different JAVs one day, probably spent 1½hours choosing each

>> No.21727165

365 words a day
365 days
u will know every word
what are u waiting for

>> No.21727167

why not just do all the words in one day, it will be faster

>> No.21727177

so far my retention is 88-90% at 100 words a day but i don't think i have the mental energy for more than that or i would just do 1000 a day

>> No.21727195
File: 178 KB, 1328x996, 1325125234152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21727199

how many days you at?

>> No.21727200

holy hsihT
eat my ass mary theres a new quizmaster in town

>> No.21727202

only 20 days of 100 words

>> No.21727214

shit ur out of memory

>> No.21727215

oh so you still can't read baby books yet. i'd rev it up to at least 500 words a day

>> No.21727218

damn what happened?

>> No.21727220
File: 105 KB, 863x423, anki_Q9rqTd01dh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my vocab is already 20k+ lol im just talkin about my recent anki usage. doing a bit better on net matured than the above

>> No.21727225

show us what your cards look like

>> No.21727247

what's it like having such a big deck?

>> No.21727252

it might be a deck with no new cards and where it's almost all mature

>> No.21727259

my deck is only like 6k cards, i don't rep high frequency words because i read/watch enough to remember most common 15-20k words

>> No.21727267

leaky brain
I failed 素敵 the other day

being lazy shit and not reading much lately=stale cards probably had some influence too

kinda, 4274 mature out of 4609

>> No.21727287

oniichan asa made zutto gyuu te shite!

>> No.21727327
File: 169 KB, 1328x996, 1361234621346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21727331
File: 24 KB, 382x379, 1499530864333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you guys. I got an idea that I will use to suck dry the reddit nihongo learners. I'll earn at least $50 with it

>> No.21727343

would you really need anki at that point? especially if it's boring

>> No.21727353

i ask myself every day but here i am

>> No.21727377

oh yeah bonus: 納刀

>> No.21727380

i feel it's necessary to reach the highest level. i could just read and learn words solely from exposure but it's definitely not as efficient as input + anki combined, and im sure of that because ive spent a long time not using anki as well

>> No.21727381

chiburi chinpo!

>> No.21727384

vncorefags, how is 幸せ pronounced?

>> No.21727389

jk its actually しあわせ

>> No.21727391


>> No.21727392


>> No.21727394


>> No.21727399

here's a cool another looking kanji

>> No.21727401
File: 880 KB, 1024x1024, 47199678_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell. There are no jp subs for Thunderbolt Fantasy s2 but there are two sets of subs for s1 in itazuraneko.

>> No.21727402

劈く and 簪 are some cool kanji

>> No.21727412
File: 257 KB, 1732x1037, おにギュ_2019-07-19_21-11-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game will give me diabetes and it will be the death of me...

>> No.21727417

those icons are a fucking mess lmao

>> No.21727423 [DELETED] 

Any anime where people speak clearly and not as fucking retards shouting random shit?
So far i found one called Bakemonogatari,lots of understandable dialogue

>> No.21727424


>> No.21727430

I didn't expect the 30% native English though. It's actually pretty close to the real stats: 1/3 native and 2/3 non-native English speakers.

>> No.21727434


>> No.21727435

Any anime where people speak clearly and not as fucking retards shouting random shit?
So far i found one called Oreimo,lots of understandable dialogue

>> No.21727442
File: 106 KB, 514x735, 1516932222888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any anime where people speak clearly and not as fucking retards shouting random shit?
So far i found one called Bakemonogatari,lots of understandable dialogue
Dont make this a copypasta please

>> No.21727443


>> No.21727452

Any anime where people speak clearly and not as fucking retards shouting random shit?
So far i found one called Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu,lots of understandable dialogue

>> No.21727462

Any anime where people speak clearly and not as fucking retards shouting random shit?
So far i found one called Doña Bárbara,lots of understandable dialogue

>> No.21727508

incest is wincest

>> No.21727513

Any anime where people speak clearly and not as fucking retards shouting random shit?
So far i found one called Cory in the House,lots of understandable dialogue

>> No.21727525

Have you ever had a card marked as leech in Anki?

>> No.21727529

nope, never happened to anyone before, just you

>> No.21727532

a couple times. always writing cards though

>> No.21727538

Any anime where people speak clearly and not as fucking retards shouting random shit?
So far i found one called Inuyasha,lots of understandable dialogue

>> No.21727539

>i feel it's necessary to reach the highest level. i could just read and learn words solely from exposure but it's definitely not as efficient as input + anki combined, and im sure of that because ive spent a long time not using anki as well

>> No.21727542

picked up

>> No.21727546

all the time

>> No.21727549

stop playing moege

>> No.21727575

>v3 and there are still mistakes like this
Nice "best deck ever" /djt/

>> No.21727577

too late

>> No.21727611

fucking shoot me on my dick and punch me as I bleed

>> No.21727626


>> No.21727648

LocaleEmulator doesn't always work.

Especially as some games require you not only to use a Japanese locale but also to set your date, time and currency format to Japanese as well.

>> No.21727651

the date/time/currency format IS the locale

>> No.21727652

It isn't otherwise it wouldn't be a separate option.

>> No.21727658


>> No.21727663

>LocaleEmulator doesn't always work.
then test it and see if it does you dopey fuck? what kind of dumbass response is this

>> No.21727673

I'm not him, I'm just giving a reason why he wouldn't bother with LocaleEmulator.

If he has his Windows locale set to Japanese and it still isn't working then LocaleEmulator isn't going to work either. It's probably a compatibility issue with Windows 10, in which case there's not really anything he can do but set up a virtual machine with an older version of Windows to play it in.

>> No.21727676

Do you know what the word "locale" even means, dude? It doesn't mean "encoding for non-unicode programs", that's for sure.

>> No.21727685

>takes him over an hour to install arch

also, a video like this is pointless since the arch install process changes every other week. there are distros like archlabs (or god forbid manjaro) for people who don't want to go through the hassle of a manual install anyway.

>> No.21727701

should i delete my djt memes folder

>> No.21727718
File: 285 KB, 801x1200, 1546677221544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you do that?

>> No.21727720

dump it first in case you 後悔する

>> No.21727724

encoding, formatters, etc. are all part of the system's "locale" and when guides say to change your system to a japanese locale they are always referring to changing all of these settings to japanese, not just one of them
locale settings are used by programs to determine how to format numbers, dates, etc. into strings for physical display on your screen
it just happens that encoding used to be a vital part of doing that because of things like currency characters and how japanese dates can have kanji in them
when you configure your system for buggy japanese games, you have to change ALL locale settings to match what japanese windows is configured with

>> No.21727726

buy all 京アニ BD/DVD

>> No.21727730

didnt read this but yah i bet any amount of money i could make ever17 run properly in win10 ez

>> No.21727777
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 19b02ed640e5ab744d2a94fb074e6bff_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21727813

Any anime where people speak clearly and not as fucking retards shouting random shit?
So far i found one called Avatar: The Last Airbender,lots of understandable dialogue

>> No.21727826

i wish i could pirate the japanese dub for the last airbender.

>> No.21727835

Any anime where people speak clearly and not as fucking retards shouting random shit?
So far i found one called Shrekkui,lots of understandable dialogue

>> No.21727845

are you still looking for that? i've watched it over 3 times now

>> No.21727851

if you found it on a private tracker then i'm fucked.

>> No.21727858
File: 19 KB, 477x550, win7_administrative_tab_tcm100-922542.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do u think its called locale emulator and not encoding emulator
might have somethin to do with pic related lmfao

>> No.21727883

i didn't think of that shit that's brilliant

>> No.21727903

>u can fullscreen in the vm without ruining ur life

>> No.21727919

your desktop icons will go all over the place

>> No.21727929
File: 1021 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i hate this route, this retard's voice is gonna give me a headache, her song is fucking annoying to boot too, i can't even lower her audio individually without muting her voice completely which i don't want to despite her always going ええええ and fucking screaming at the smallest things

fuck this game

>> No.21727940

>and fucking screaming at the smallest things
at least it's not jav

>> No.21727946

are you really going to quit though? at least the other girls are great

>> No.21727950

Going off my hazy memory, I think it gets better towards the end... maybe.

>> No.21727955

only 90s kids and older will understand

>> No.21727956
File: 973 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not quitting shit yet don't worry, i might consider playing at a lower volume or muting her voice or something

i could always go back a save and enter kudo's route or something if it gets too bad i suppose

>> No.21727998

>i'm not quitting shit yet
good i've been enjoying the blog
