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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 52 KB, 646x511, delicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2169443 No.2169443 [Reply] [Original]

A thought inspired by >>2169366

Why can't sex scenes in porn be more like how it plays out in VNs? Yeah there'd be a longer buildup sometimes but it'd still be infinitely better

>> No.2169449

Your point is pretty moot when you're using a Type-Moon game as an example.

>> No.2169453

I don't have the attention span for that. What do you want them to do, actually attempt to fix the copy machine?

>> No.2169457

3D sucks, deal with it.

>> No.2169458

Because people would just skip to the goddamn FUCKING part.

>> No.2169463

Porn actors are shitty actors.

>> No.2169476

What'sa matta? Too INVERTEBRATE for ya?

>> No.2169484

Do animu OVAs and include the porn.

But that'll never happen. Except for ONE.

>> No.2169881

Because porn depends on cheap quick and easily reproducible content in order to profit.

It doesn't matter how shit the videos are. The market size is so colossal that millions of viewers will definitely view them anyway.

>> No.2169885

Which one?

>> No.2169888

It can't be as good as that in 3D because nobody is as precious as Akiha in 3D.

>> No.2169901


>> No.2169909

Why's your X button blue?

>> No.2169914 [SPOILER] 
File: 27 KB, 575x385, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are porn scenes like that, pic related.

>> No.2169915

>Why can't sex scenes in porn be more like how it plays out in VNs?

ganbangs are pretty much the same.

>> No.2169926

Why? So it would be even longer? I never understood what was the point of having any storyline in porn.

>> No.2169929

I couldn't hear you over the UGH UUUUGH MORE MOOOORREE OH SHIIIT!

Porn in VNs is better because you know the characters and can see at least the protagonist's thought. Real porn just has two nameless people sticking fingers and dicks into each other.

>> No.2169935

Also, what you're asking for is little porn and most plot, while you're talking about "sex scenes in porn". What you're looking for is a movie or series with a sex scene in it rather than just porn.

>> No.2169937

>the protagonist's thought

It feels so good that I could vomit.

>> No.2169945
File: 1.33 MB, 2350x3174, nasu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, this.

>> No.2169957
File: 260 KB, 970x1400, 1235055942007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If porn were this cute I would die a happy man.

>> No.2169964


God, I thought that was Coco at first.

>> No.2169977

That made me really interested, because I thought it was Coco.

>> No.2169978

You should go watch one of those light erotica movies where there's build up for an hour or so, while the main character is thinking or fantasying of having sex through out the whole movie before actually doing it at the very end.

>> No.2170011

Some hentai doujins have decently written, even sweet stories. Too bad they're usually oneshots that focus on the sex

>> No.2170025

My kind of porn is illegal in 3D.

>> No.2170057

American porn and erotic movies are utter shit. All they do is kiss kiss suck suck wham bam thank you mam. All the buildup is usually thrown out of the window. Oh and the cameraman likes to be an asshole by zooming out at the very moment where the male partner starts to play with the female's breasts.

>> No.2170085

As opposed to, say, Russian porn?

"Oh I like deez, is NIIIIIICE"

>> No.2170089

faggot, they don't even kiss (on the mouth)

>> No.2170098

At least Europeans don't resort to using 40-something bleached blondes with fake silcone tits (not as much as Americans anyway).

>> No.2170105

hairy bobbing man-ass

>> No.2170115

That's pretty strange, since I thought you guys love that kind of overly generic low-quality porn. /hc/ is 100.00% full of it.

>> No.2170133

>you guys
it's hard to discern shit from shit

>> No.2170137

So why are we discussing 3D /hc/ here when there's /d/ /e/ and /h/ and /u/ and /y/ and /b/?

>> No.2170138

There's a reason we're here and not in /h/.

>> No.2170153

3D /d/?


>> No.2170158
File: 288 KB, 1024x768, sleeping.1231513438791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

|/jp/ ∩/hc/| < 10
|/jp/∩/u/| ≈ |/u/|

>> No.2170159

Cause Touhou?

>> No.2170160

Dickgirls exist in real life.

>> No.2170170

If anything, becoming a sex worker is considered the most degrading occupation one can ever think of. I doubt that beautiful people would want to be in porn, since they can obviously exploit their looks to other more rewarding ventures (like regular acting).

Maybe they would want to be doing some sex scenes where the erotic nature of the act is emphasized and they got to do it with an equally hot partner. But in porn where they got to do it with a over-50 year old bald geezer interviewing them on a casting couch and spent like 90% of the time sucking his smelly dick off while he shoves his cam 3 inches close to your face? Unless of course if the actor is either very desperate for money or too untalented to seek employment elsewhere.

>> No.2170173


>> No.2170177


Is that a giant pussy? What am I looking at here?

>> No.2170183

This is why couples should be hired to do porn. This short clip demonstrates how much better it could be.

>> No.2170215


Wow, that woman is well-oiled. Was she having a seizure at the end or do women really do that? I uh, don't watch a lot of porn.

>> No.2170223

She was not having a seisure, but that was a pretty crazy orgasm. That guy is a pro.

>> No.2170239

Well, it was a demonstration of an ideal orgasm. They can't all be like that.

>> No.2170240

Damn, I remember seeing an HD video of that from a torrent.

Can't find it for the life of me now, though ;_;

>> No.2170241


Alright, because I've seen an accurate example of a female orgasm before and it didn't involve being electrocuted.

>> No.2170242

Porn actors cant act and Actors dont want to do porn.

>> No.2170251

>I've seen an accurate example of a female orgasm before
Gonna need evidence there, Chief. If you know what I mean.

>> No.2170256
File: 18 KB, 220x382, sylvester_stallone_(1983).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really.

>> No.2170260

/jp/ - Hardcore 3D Pornography

>> No.2170286

Converted me back to 3d women.

>> No.2170292


Did I do the meme wrong? Is it portrayal and not example? I can't remember, I haven't seen it in a while.

>> No.2170304


>> No.2170312


>> No.2170323


>> No.2170349
File: 298 KB, 800x600, forgasm-ws.1178056316854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be too hasty. She's probably one in a million, and that guy has dibs on her. You're better off with 2D, which can deliver that kind of experience every time, without fail.


>> No.2170360

Too weak. Go fap more. To 2D.

>> No.2170375


>> No.2170431

To help you achieve enlightenment.

>> No.2170655


>> No.2170661

You mean like lots of plot and a couple explicit sex scenes? There is stuff like that, a lot of it actually. But you wouldn't find it browsing the Hardcore Anal section of your porn store, obviously.

>> No.2170697


>> No.2170710

If you could get off from just foreplay and petting stuff instead of the whole thing, I would recommend Cruel Intentions.

>> No.2170730


I still associate this word with the act of putting your hand on a girl's head and stroking her hair.

>> No.2170744

Look for 70s porn; it all had plots so that the raincoat crowd had something to do after they got off halfway through the film.

The problem is that nobody in porn can act (with the possible exception of Ron Jeremy), and nobody who can act wants to do porn. It's a vicious cycle.

>> No.2170791
File: 127 KB, 600x537, 1235721856255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any other kind?

>> No.2170799

Emmanuelle was here, you're all faggots.

>> No.2170838

guess he's a germanfag. In germany "petting" means "non-penetrative sex".

>> No.2170850

The OP made me horny.

>> No.2171006

"Petting" means playing with one's breasts and nipples i.e fondling, nibbling, sucking on them.

It's an old British slang I picked when I was a kid. I had no idea whether it's still relevant as of today though.

>> No.2171017

yes it is, and it isn't just British. I hear it around here in the states as well.

>> No.2171133

Trolling and the few odd words aside, show me VNs that have good 'writing' during sex scenes.
I can only think of two, and one it's because they are very damn short and simple.

>> No.2171165
File: 71 KB, 640x480, TsukiHime-158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiki was actually better as a faceless protagonist in Tsukihime.

>> No.2171171


I dunno, but 11eyes had some pretty... nice scenes. Mostly a matter of a good flow, though.

>> No.2171179

Let me break it to you>
95% of sex scenes are written baly, or simply read like silly porn.

What makes the scene good is the content(how they fuck), the situation (where and when), and the flow (how the scene came to be). These factors make it HOT, regardless of bad porn writing. Odd words in it are the least of the problems, since ALMOST ALL have something to the effect 'Walls are hard, I'm squeezed, my dick penetrates).
It's inherently bad.

Judge by different standards.

>> No.2171253
File: 386 KB, 982x1408, yahooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO it's all about the flow

>> No.2171264


>> No.2171280

Brave Soul scene with the spear catgirl and another one with the busty thief.

>> No.2171289
File: 291 KB, 845x1200, cmh0504_163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Kudou Hiroshi] Real Doll [SaHa]

>> No.2171302

Are you the guy who always uses this expression ?
I've already asked about it here once.
Cannot get rid of the image of giving a nice pat on the girl's head.

>> No.2171323

You've never heard the phrase "heavy petting" before?

also lol, pet -> petting -> pettanko

>> No.2171392

I'd pet Akiha, if you catch my drift.

>> No.2171443

You would put your hand on a girl's head and stroke her hair? How gentlemanly.

>> No.2171469

...well I suppose I am the only one in 4chan who used the phrase petting, I recalled a thread when someone said "while Rin may invite you to a sleepover she won't let you fuck her" then I replied "just stroking and petting Rin in bed is good enough for me" before some Anon put a Shirou response "Rin is not a cat".

I guess you just got Shirou'd.

Funny. I thought heavy petting was just an asstr.org search tag.

>> No.2171475

I would think that girls would actually enjoy guys caressing their hairs gently.

>> No.2171478
File: 235 KB, 839x854, Koe de Oshigoto 03_32 cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akiha is so sensitive

>> No.2171484

Actually, I would very much like to stroke Akiha's hair.
I do it to other people, but it's more of a master/dog relationship than a love one ;_;

>> No.2171498

The only time I stroked a girl's hair gently was shortly after she vomited.

>> No.2171506

That's kinda gross.
I would not want to see this.

>> No.2171508


>> No.2171528
File: 179 KB, 830x1200, marble_B_003e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More peculiar situations, guys?

>> No.2171533

I read that, I liked it.

>> No.2171538

It wasn't anything especially strange. I had just held her hair back for her so it wouldn't get all nasty. The vomit just smelled like vodka, so it wasn't that disgusting. I patted her back and her hair afterward in a futile attempt to make her feel better.

>> No.2172282

Not to brag, but oh what the hell I will: even in high school I was often the one to get petted on the head and stroked and shit like that, by girls, and the involuntary response would be a stuttering, tsundere "s-stop that". My hair isn't even unique or anything, ha.

and now look at me ;_;

>> No.2172296

Girls really liked touching my hair for some reason. They'd play with it all the time. It was sort of bothersome when you're trying to concentrate on something else.

>> No.2172305

My hair is filthy and greasy.
I don't even like touching them myself.
But some people used to like to cling to me.
They must've had fun, holding a bag of sand in their arms, because that was pretty much how I would reach.

>> No.2172332
File: 322 KB, 600x800, 030337f88208ee51bac86bce214037f9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me more.

>> No.2172348


Source for this? And the lottery doujin seems to be awal on /rs/

>> No.2172349

Is yours long? Soft? I have short dark hair that I literally do NOTHING with, not even comb (but I do use shampoo and conditioner) so there's gotta be some other reason why everyone liked doing it. I kind of miss it now... people outside my family willingly initiating physical contact with ME dammit ;_;

>> No.2172443
File: 136 KB, 750x1167, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2172501

Trying to find this on /rs/ and not getting anything with "marble b"...

>> No.2172523

Nothing very interesting, there are just people whom I pat on the head in a "good girl" kind of way.
Like when they are helpful or when they greet me.

>> No.2172533
File: 365 KB, 1010x1400, Rhapfan_-_Umi_De_Aetara_-_by_Teri_Terio_ENG_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the filename's weird like that

>> No.2172564

Nah I've got Umi de Aetara already.

>> No.2172568

Nevermind... I'm a fool and didn't even check the link, thanks mate.

>> No.2172571


Shit that brings back memories. Being a sort of nigger I have an afro that I used to let grow out back in the day. Despite my horrendous face and general demeanor there was one girl who used to ask my to lie down so she could play with my hair. She'd get me to rest my head on her lap or to sit up against her chest, and I'd just stay still for whole lunch times as she talked to her friends when they weren't having an arguement, or boring me with inane crap when they were.

It felt so nice. ;____;

>> No.2172574

Akiha: You know, I've always loved you, and only you... nii-san.
Shiki: Me too, baby.
Akiha: Y-you know, nii-san... we aren't related by blood...

And then http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbBi2j_HLTc&fmt=18 starts playing.

>> No.2172580

Black, straight, shoulder length, soft I guess. They would often ask me what kind of shampoo or conditioner I used. I didn't even know what the fuck conditioner really was. I didn't take very good care of it. I even had guys asking me what shampoo I used and stuff. I did nothing special to it, except maybe not taking enough care of it. I don't really know why people were fascinated by it.

>> No.2172606

Ciel's theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCt7XQ8sbng&fmt=18

>> No.2172613


>> No.2172708

A live-action Saya no Uta would be fun to watch.

>> No.2173719

That's not Yakety Sax.
Or Disco Inferno.

>> No.2173903

Because porn is for people who think sex is all about rubbing body parts together.

>> No.2174090

Delicious friction.

>> No.2174095

Incidentally, this is why yuri doujinshi generally suck.

>> No.2175498

Why is Shiki so buff? Goddamn

>> No.2175506

Because Takeuchi sucks at proportions

>> No.2177344

Because that's what men think women want, and we want her to feel good in this context.

>> No.2178080

You goddamned fool.

>> No.2178290

>Why can't sex scenes in porn be more like how it plays out in VNs
but I'm pretty sure rape has been done a hunderd times already

>> No.2178428

What is this?

>> No.2180286

see >>2172443

>> No.2180314


>> No.2180481

you'd best not be digging your nails into my back, bitch

>> No.2180738
File: 138 KB, 845x1200, KANA057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? This is a nice thread with much good discussion and many hot links and sauce for many hot doujins.

>> No.2180774

What's the point? The porn stars never act like girls in VNs. They never have real emotions like fear, apprehension, excitement, love, etc.

They act like... well, porn stars.

You can give the most brilliant script ever to a walking fuck machine with fake tits and huge lips and eye shadow, it's still a walking fuck machine.

>> No.2180790

No, this is Ciel's theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V58sa1UVwbc&feature=related

>> No.2180803

There was a time when young actors did porn to get acting experience, and it was considered a way to break into mainstream hollywood. Then there was a political shitstorm. Now porn sucks.

>> No.2180888
File: 431 KB, 700x700, yamada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only is 3D porn horrible, it is disgustingly exploitative and immoral. It should be banned.

>> No.2180902

Not only is hentai horrible, it is disgustingly exploitative and immoral. It should be banned.

>> No.2180912
File: 34 KB, 350x294, 1215049358834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hentai is the only ethical solution. The final solution.

>> No.2180914

How are consenting adults being exploited?

>> No.2180922

Nobody becomes a porn worker by choice. They get tricked into it.

>> No.2180929

unless they just love cock

>> No.2180944
File: 43 KB, 400x400, 6f8d3c7aa7222512a7a6a9833ee89295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn is rarely consensual; most women are coerced into it either by violence or economic hardship. Beyond that, things like not telling the woman what will happen in a scene or changing the script without her knowledge are commonplace.

Hentai allows pornography to remain in the arena of fantasy while providing the same or a better experience without the damaging physical consequences on real people. It's the only moral choice.

>> No.2180957

Well, I guess it's okay for the nymphomaniacs, but those aren't as common as you might think.

>> No.2180960

fapping to lolis and guro is moral now? huh.

>Hentai allows pornography to remain in the arena of fantasy while providing the same or a better experience without the damaging physical consequences on real people
unless you enjoy yourself a wee bit too much and hurt your dick

>> No.2180966


Porn workers are just greedy people who want to make a lot of money quickly by not putting in real work. Kind of like investment bankers or moot.

They deserve what they get.

>> No.2180970
File: 249 KB, 945x728, 2308462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>fapping to lolis and guro is moral now? huh.

Uhh, yeah actually, it is.

What are you, British or something? Always easy to spot a limey by their upside-down morals

>> No.2180971


You'd be surprised.

Quite a few women in the US lack moral compasses and actively seek out the negative attention of the porn industry.

>> No.2181038
File: 67 KB, 537x800, 1197267712707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that there is a multi-billion dollar industry dedicated to making a profit from these women's problems exists in our society should be enough to make anyone retch.

>> No.2181056
File: 61 KB, 527x370, song.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real porn sucks. the camera angles are shitty and the "actors" never shut up.

>> No.2181070

loling so hard right now

>> No.2181089

Bah, no one is innocent. The women are no more exploited than the men.

>> No.2181096

They are more exploited, it's just that 99% of the time they deserve to be. Sex is more shameful for a woman, let's face it.

>> No.2181104
File: 51 KB, 425x983, pwnage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexism isn't anymore dead than racism in the United States. Pic related.

>> No.2181119
File: 67 KB, 522x617, 1197239316635.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post related.

>> No.2181188

No, they are not. They have all the same rights and all the same choices to make.

>> No.2181218

>Sex is more shameful for a woman, let's face it.
unless she laughs at you ;_;

>> No.2181225

God I fucking hate feminists. Fucking delusional baby-murderers.

>> No.2181252

Are you implying that the only thing that makes those noisy cows wrong is advocating killing off inconvenient, soulless larva? Because that's not right.

>> No.2181267
File: 38 KB, 300x376, aninsectwhocan'tgetsleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Larva? Since when do people go through metamorphosis?

>> No.2181273


Never thought I'd see Kafka on /jp/.

>> No.2181315

sauce of this?

>> No.2181330

It's called puberty. Don't mistake complete metamorphosis with the concept of metamorphosis in general.

>> No.2181335
File: 61 KB, 562x680, KAFKA-SFW.aibiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurk moar.

>> No.2181341

That's sad because the girl looks cute.

Also 404.

>> No.2181344


I like how the bug is lovingly wrapping its legs around her.

>> No.2181383


Sauce of this?

>> No.2181407 [DELETED] 

Sorry about that. Found his new page.

>> No.2181414

Sorry about that. Found his new page.

>> No.2181424
File: 173 KB, 750x1187, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Bra.

I feel bad for the guy, he gets cockteased so often

>> No.2181441


Reminds me of when I used to take baths with my sister.

>> No.2181453

How fucking big is it to confuse it with a knee!?
Also source?

>> No.2181457

You got boners?

I never bathed with my sisters. Once with some cousins, that's about all I can recall. Not that my parents were against it or anything, I just never did it, although they were always like "HEY stop playing with your sisters" and "You can't sleep in the same bed anymore" and shit like that. We were all kids, what the fuck did they think would happen?

>> No.2181469

Hot loli and shota sex?

>> No.2181471

>Hot loli and shota wincest?
Whoops, fixed.

>> No.2181472


No, I was too young to get boners back then. Although I'm sure I'd get a boner if I bathed with my sister now.

>> No.2181478

I still take baths with my sister sometimes.

>> No.2181480

Man, the mere notion of being near another naked person gets me hard.

Public high school's locker rooms were embarrassing as fuck.

>> No.2181485

...and how old are you and her?

>> No.2181486


What, even with dudes? My school's gym locker room was segregated by gender.

>> No.2181488

I'm 22, she's 13.

>> No.2181489



>> No.2181502

I call bullshit on that one.
Where are you from?

>> No.2181506

Does she still have her DFC?

>> No.2181520


She's no longer DFC. Fuck, she's already bigger than I am, kids these days grow so fast.

>> No.2181529

It's not, Arisa is a huge pedo lesbian.

>> No.2181535


I gaged.

>> No.2181538

Eh, brown lolis are still lolis.

>> No.2181547

I'm not really brown though, rather light-skinned, and thanks to staying in my room all day, I kept that color.

>> No.2181548
File: 271 KB, 1117x1600, 1177386018918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little brown girls are the best.

>> No.2181549

Little brown girls are the best, didn't you know that? That said, Filipinos are amongst the ugliest Asians.

>> No.2181561
File: 40 KB, 541x435, leah-dizon01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're wonderful when mixing, though.

>> No.2181576

The half-breeds constitute the elite of the country, so it just goes without saying.

>> No.2181576,1 [INTERNAL] 

My topic died ;_;

>> No.2181576,2 [INTERNAL] 

Isn't it sad, anon?

>> No.2181576,3 [INTERNAL] 

Aw how cute. Poor anon. *hugs*

>> No.2181576,4 [INTERNAL] 

Don't worry, it'll live on, in our hearts.
