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File: 132 KB, 397x376, I can't believe Kasen is fucking dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21703063 No.21703063 [Reply] [Original]

Wild and Horned Hermit has ended after 9 long years, and I am not late to the party at all.

Did you rike it?

>> No.21703117

It was okay.

>> No.21703136
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the ending was kinda rushed and it's lame how it did a sudden flash-forward instead of showing how reimu actually beat kasen
sucks that the final volume is releasing without a cd
grimoire of usami did that too but oh well guess ZUN is becoming inexplicably lazier for some reason

>> No.21703147

Reimu literally soulless murderer.

>> No.21704118

Kasen deserved it.

>> No.21704209

"lazier", he works on a regular, Touhou-centric magazine
was working on two serialized manga
is working to put more of Touhou on the internet
put out two massive books in the last few years
has made three games in the last few years

He's actually busier than ever, though it's definitely a shame there's no CD. It'd be nice if that was a tradition.

>> No.21704245

In a sense I felt like it was kind of the quintessential Touhou manga, the characters were cute and it seemed to just really be a series of one-off problems that a guest character would come in and help solve, so you got to see a lot of the cast. And for a large portion nothing progressed so it was easy to keep writing stories for it. It was generally a nice way for game characters to break into the print works as well, like when Shion was hanging around with Tenshi or when Aunn introduced Okina to everyone. It was probably the least favorable manga to Reimu but that's because it was Kasen's viewpoint and she's just a strict mom so there's not much you could do about that.

The ending was fine, I was kind of bummed Suika or Yuugi did not show up to see Kasen whole again and Komachi just kind of fucked off into the ether. But as for the resolution that's about what I expected. Kasen gets her arm back and her secret is (mostly) kept. I just kind of wish we had more action with the devas.

>> No.21704257
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It was a tradition. Every completed Fairies' manga had a CD. Silent Sinner in Blue had a CD. Forbidden Scrollery had a CD. And the Grimoire of Marisa had a CD. FS CD was 3 tracks, two of which being arranges and the other being original GoM was one arrange and one original. I find it extremely hard to believe that ZUN couldn't find the time to make two tracks, one arrange and one original, for GoU. Same goes for WaHH.

Keep in mind that ZUN made SaBND and SSiB CDs while he was working on CoLA, CiLR, the next mainline game (SA), and both of the manga themselves. Right now ZUN only has WBaWC, the magazine and OSP. That's marginally less work. Especially since the majority of the printwork CDs are just arranges, not new compositions.

>> No.21707009
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>The ending was fine, I was kind of bummed Suika or Yuugi did not show up to see Kasen whole again and Komachi just kind of fucked off into the ether.


>> No.21707245

>to see Kasen whole again
I get the impression, for various reasons, that whole Kasen was... let us say, incompatible with Touhou oni, and Suika in particular (less Yuugi, as Yuugi is more "normal").

What we know is that oni in Touhou are some of the youkai that don't (deliberately) kill or eat humans, and that the reason they left the mountain was since THEY started being killed by humans during innocent games (whether it was justified or not is another matter; they did kidnap people, and beating oni in contests isn't possible for most people). Suika doesn't even kidnap humans and has enough fondness for them that she is the only oni to try and reforge the bond between the two races, what's more she's the only one who tried to befriend them again at all.

Kasen is very different from this, even in her minus 1arm state where she alleged to follow the path of Heaven. Keep in mind that hermit Kasen
-spent most of her time alone until very recently
-met Reimu for explicitly selfish reasons (to get through the barrier for her arm)
-aided youkai that caused humans harm by protecting them, on several occasions
-inherently, as a hermit, IS self-interested
-only became genuinely interested in helping humans over the rather long course of the manga, and a lot of growing as a person

When she was fully armed? In Touhou canon, she is the ONLY known oni to have killed people, eaten people, and was a known threat. Her title is about her being duplicitous/traitorous/wile and in her arm's case, being explicitly evil. She lies a WHOLE lot, she's underhanded, and conniving, all shit oni HATE. Maybe drinking from the Ibaraki Cup made her distinctly worse than anyone else (see: what it did to all the characters who drank from it), seeing as it makes you more oni the more you drink from it. Anyway on this basis alone, I don't think Kasen at her worst is a person the other oni would probably be friendly with.

Personally I'd wager that the reason she hates Suika is that, possibly, Suika and her fundamentally disagreed, or at least Suika wasn't there for her when she lost her arm. Who knows? It could also be a lover's spat since in myth, she and Suika's inspirations could've been a couple, but I doubt that ZUN would have that be a thing. I'm personally going to theorize that Suika herself had something to do with Kasen being taken down by that sword, given Suika's own "don't harm humans, befriend them" philosophy, but that's totally my own theory and there's NOTHING suggesting what the reason is that Kasen hates her so much.

But all in all, tl;dr 100% Kasen is a vile person that doesn't jive with the honor-bound Touhou oni, and I don't think Yuugi or Suika would be happy seeing her like that again.

>> No.21707562

>Personally I'd wager that the reason she hates Suika is that, possibly, Suika and her fundamentally disagreed, or at least Suika wasn't there for her when she lost her arm.
There is also the possibility Suika was the one who turned Kasen into an oni in the first place given the Ibaraki box's ability and being a former human turned oni might be why Kasen has the propensity to lie as an oni.

>> No.21707669

Looking from the perspective of a human, I guess. The pile of skeletons of Kasens victims were impressive, sure. But imagine the mountain of dead beings made by Reimu's hands... it would blot out the sun.

>> No.21707689
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>> No.21707983

>Kasen has the propensity to lie as an oni.
Not this meme again.

>> No.21708028

>There is also the possibility Suika was the one who turned Kasen into an oni in the first place given the Ibaraki box's ability and being a former human turned oni might be why Kasen has the propensity to lie as an oni.
Source of Suika converting Kasen into an oni?

>> No.21708084

>Kasen has the propensity to lie as an oni.

Isn't all of Kasen's "oniness" in the arm, making her usual self not really an oni?

>> No.21708114

Kasen also seems pretty anemic for an oni if a simple swordsman was enough to cripple her. She probably has resentment that the gap between her strength and man's isn't nearly as large as Suika's, who in spite of having noodle arms and generally not doing any physical maintenance is one of the strongest oni in the world, while as a hermit Kasen's life has only become stricter and more regimented. It's easy to find resentment in that.

>> No.21708581
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It was pretty good. I personally found the Reimu-Kasen sub-plot a bit boring and distracting, but Tenshi as the main character saved it, of course.

>> No.21709081

Kasen proves that Grimsokyo is the only correct canon.

>> No.21709363
File: 541 KB, 1701x2396, wild_and_horned_hermit_ch16_24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said it's a possibility, and he's right. Specifically, Kasen says that if you use the box to heal and continue to drink from it, you will transform into an oni. It's thus possible that she was given the box at some point and drank from it to heal herself, but ultimately became an oni permanently in the process. If I recall correctly, Ibaraki-douji was originally human and BECAME an oni, so that would make sense (in legends it's usually due to him finding he had a taste for blood, and abandoning humanity (though each tale I can fine is actually somewhat tragic regarding his transformation)). Shuten-douji (Suika) was always strange, though may have also "become" an oni depending on the legend.

Well even specifically as an oni her title has the description of 邪知, which isn't oni-appropriate. Roughly that's "wicked knowledge" or cunning, as in someone who utilizes deception. The other part of her title is 奸佞 which is, basically, "evil", and putting them together, 奸佞邪知, gives you an idiom of an evil-minded person. This site ( https://idiom-encyclopedia.com/kanneizyati/ ) even gives gives two translations as
>wiles and cunning
>craftiness and treachery

For mythological oni that's *fairly* normal, as they were all evil, dangerous fucks who caused trouble and rampaged (though treacherous, maybe not). For Touhou oni, you could argue they're wickedly violent, but first and foremost they're known to be fun-loving and honorable, NOT evil. And most certainly, they do not lie and are not crafty. That sort of shit ruined their moods so badly they left the surface world and still won't come back.

>> No.21709448
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more detail

>> No.21709449
File: 639 KB, 1726x2387, wild_and_horned_hermit_ch16_26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and an excuse to post best girl

>> No.21709465

She also finds the classic oni wards and weaknesses to be ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING. Suika, on the other hand, fucking welcomes bean throwing and boasts that she has no weaknesses whatsoever. Suika could be lying, though; Yuugi says her weakness is roasted basedbeans (is onions still wordfiltered? basedbeans) and Suika, though she's mostly honest, does lie about little things

>> No.21709473
File: 836 KB, 1019x1443, C43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was kind of the point in her closing monologue in the series that all the Kasen's are part of her, she's not any more or less oni with or without the arm, but she's moved on whilst still recognizing they are all her at different stages of her life.

>> No.21709501

I forget where it was mentioned but I do know its been mentioned at some point in the canon Oni's do have clear distinct weaknesses but Oni slaying is a lost art. Nobody alive really remembers their true weaknesses, at best they just know how to annoy them (Mamizou harrassing Kasen with sardine heads).

>I don't think Yuugi or Suika would be happy seeing her like that again.
Yeah, no I'm going to just call that as a bit too much fanon.

Suika and Kasen do meet again, it was a one off special taking place sometime around after the festival Suika was (badly disguised) at and it pretty much showed Suika still thinks the world of Kasen, its Kasen who is constantly avoiding her and was just outright textbook tsundere for Suika.

>> No.21709513

>>I don't think Yuugi or Suika would be happy seeing her like that again.
>Yeah, no I'm going to just call that as a bit too much fanon.
I said *I* don't think, anon. As in that's obviously my opinion.

Also what you're referring to doesn't contradict my opinion, because Suika met a completely not wicked Kasen. Yuugi too. I'm specifically referring to "the Kasen who rampaged, murdered, ate people, and is a consummate liar".

>> No.21709521

That's mentioned in PMiSS by Akyuu. The arts are lost.

That said, in BAiJR Patchouli explains that oni made up their weakness and that, in truth, they don't have one. Further the way Kasen talks about herself and her arm, it seems that killing an oni is impossible without special means. Not sure beans would even help, as classically the beans don't kill, they shoo away oni.

>> No.21709593 [DELETED] 


>> No.21709998

I riked it, imagine if Hirasaka drew it instead.
What a waste!

>> No.21710018

What kind of manga do you want next?

>> No.21710510

Why are you asking /jp/.
What comes next is up to ZUN.

>> No.21710624

Every manga has at least one new character, so it'll be about a new character.

>> No.21711625

A new fairy that feasts on human sperm

>> No.21711728

SSiB did exist. It had new characters but they weren't the protagonist.
It's still possible for a ZUN mango to not star a new char.

>> No.21711890

SSiB was a mistake, also. It was experimental in a lot of ways that didn't particularly work (explicitly plot-focused, was about an incident, was unusually serious, wasn't about a new character), and given what Aya had to say about ZUN's workflow it sounds like he did things a lot differently since.

It helps to have a new protagonist every time because you can't safely assume whoever's reading the new manga will know about Touhou. Pretty sure SSiB is the only print work aside from SoPM and AFiEU that has no new character, and those two are basically sequels to books that had new characters.

Now that I say that, though, the Grimoires both have no new characters, but I'm don't exactly count them since they're... *more* on the databook side of things than the Gensokyo Chronicle and Bunbunmaru.
