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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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21693143 No.21693143 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for the discussion of any and all works by Type-MOON, or Kinoko Nasu.

Download Links:
>All original Japanese versions of TYPE-MOON PC Games (Ripped by Keripo)

>Kara no Kyoukai - The Garden of Sinners
Light Novel: https://emptyboundaries.wordpress.com/2011/07/25/kara-no-kyokai-translations-2/
Movies: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18uGgkcN4i1eA49a32Lg8NCoiBfouz09A

>Tsukihime - Blue Blue Glass Moon, Under The Crimson Air.
Tsukihime Plus+Disc
Tsukihime Kagetsu Tohya
Tsukihime Manga (primarily adapts the Arcueid route)

>Melty Blood
MBAACC - Community Edition
Melty Blood Manga (divided into two parts, the first part, spanning volumes 1-6, follows the original Melty Blood storyline. "2nd ACT" began spans volumes 7-9)
Melty Blood - Back Alley Alliance Nightmare

>Fate/stay night
Fate/stay night [Réalta Nua]
Fate/hollow ataraxia
Fate/Zero LNs
Fate/strange Fake

>Mahou Tsukai no Yoru - Witch on the Holy Night
English: https://nyaa.si/view/943509
French: https://github.com/IDerr/mahoyo-french/releases
Spanish: https://www.wattpad.com/712299355-mahoutsukai-no-yoru-espa%C3%B1ol-1-3-un-d%C3%ADa-en-su-vida

Light Novels
>Angel Voice, 1999, K.Nasu & T.Takeuchi
>DDD - Decoration Disorder Disconnection
>Fire Girl
>Tsuki no Sango - Coral of the Moon

Other Links
>Beast's Lair forum
>Encyclopedia of Type Moon
>Fate/Complete Material II: Character Material
>Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel] interview booklet
>Fate Franchise Loseless Soundtracks
>Fuyuki Rebuild
>TMdict: Glossaries from works by Type-Moon
>Tsuki-kan: A small Type-Moon site
>Tsukihime doujins from 2008
>Type-Moon Mega folders

Previous >>21636737

>> No.21693152
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what's his name again?

>> No.21693333


>> No.21693377

Is Typemoon worth saving after everything degrading to FGO?

>> No.21693398

Not not really' because even if we got shit like Tsuki remake/sequel or mahoyo 2&3 it would be stuffed with fgo shit.

>> No.21693417

Yes, Mahoyo was very good and I believe we can be free from the cancer so long as it's not a Fate/ thing.

>> No.21693420

It wouldn't.

>> No.21693421

I have to believe, as long as the IP's I care about are owned by TM.

>> No.21693479


>> No.21693487

Dude trust me.

>> No.21693493

O. okay, sry bro.

>> No.21693592
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Gray for me
Gray for you
Grave for everyone!

>> No.21693596
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Even so, I am willing to wait!

>> No.21693604
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Just watched the episode.
Nice introduction of various series staples, like architecture being used as hints to the mystery (even part of a spell sometimes, which I'm really glad Sanda took from KnK 5), the "whydunnit" as the necessary step to solve mysteries that involve magic, and Gray's fighting ability.
Nice and simple, pretty good. I look forward to what else they can do in these original episodes.

>> No.21693679

I miss the days when I was as deluded as you.

>> No.21693688

Fuck Nasu, I can't even tell what mystery means in that context.

>> No.21693700

I mean, he is right that it would be good again if it got away from the fate/ thing, but deluded in thinking it will ever happen.

>> No.21693708

Wouldn't be much of a mystery if you can tell what it means now, would it.

>> No.21693733

Why even bother then?
Move on.

>> No.21693963

I just finished Arcueids True Ending, pretty sad stuff but I don't get how Shiki was fine after the battle with Roa

>> No.21694444

I don't even care about the universe anymore.

muh mooncell, muh chaldea, muh pruning.

>> No.21694464

Remember when *TYPE* Moon was building towards the *Types* conflict? Remember the Dark Six and Vaardavein Arvasoomethibg?

>> No.21694834
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>> No.21695456
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>> No.21695512
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>> No.21695647

Face it, Nasu can't create anything good anymore. Our only hope are guest writers and maybe Meteor.

>> No.21696559
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>Sakura has a secret about how she can hold her breath underwater for a long period of time.
>Near the end of HF when fighting Rin, Sakura went into details about her torture such as how she was forced to hold her breath during magus training.
Despite how fucked up it sounds, what I love about Sakura is how she turns all her awful experiences in the past into useful and positive lessons she can use in the present to become a better and happier person.

>> No.21696776

What do you mean? Roa was a retard that misjudged Shiki's magic eyes and got buried in rubble after he stabbed the hallway.

>> No.21697152

He did nothing 99% of the VN.

>> No.21697175

Other than being the primary antagonist in the near side?

>> No.21697555

I hate Sakura

>> No.21697702
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Did Nasu base Kojiro off of Goemon?

>> No.21697724

No how did Shiki survive? He got stabbed in his death point

>> No.21697745

Maybe I just have bad memory. I don't remember that.

>> No.21697754

Akiha bond? I don't remember.

>> No.21697772

>btfo Altrouge
>dies to a hallway

>> No.21697839

Roa has different set of magical eyes than Shiki has. It's more accurate to say he got stabbed in his "life" point. And he survived the same way he survived after SHIKI/Roa stabbed him when they were children.

>> No.21698005
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So how is she alive in Melty Blood?

>> No.21698969

Melty Blod is a Tsukihime remake =)

>> No.21699887

best girl always survives

>> No.21700481

melty blood is based of a route that nasu was too lazy to actually write.

>> No.21700515
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>> No.21700958

But Mahoyo, CCC and Babylonia were objectively good.

>> No.21700961

Babylonia is fucking trash, Camelot is the only decent part of FGO and I'd have trouble calling it "good".

>> No.21701009

My biggest issue with Babylonia was the goddess fan-service to bring back Rin (Nasu fav character in Fate) and Taiga. But otherwise, the whole singularity was good with a the amazing break in tone beetween the adventure-style story against Gorgon and the Lovecraft-tier apocalypse with Tiamat.

>> No.21701025

Ishtar and especially Taiga shit up the whole chapter by being walking and talking fanservice.
The tone is inconsistent rather than clearly shifted, there's too much goofy bullshit seeping into the later parts via Taiga even as the murder of thousands of people is happening.
Tiamat is alright but Gorgon and Kingu are shitty villains. The attempt at redeeming Gorgon super late is very lame.
The two Japanese characters are bland as fuck, Ushi's design sucks.
The protagonist is shit and actively harms the whole story as usual for FGO, though in Babylonia in particular Quetz's interactions with him are obnoxious.

>> No.21701119

Nasu's FGO output is nowhere near Mahoyo, not even comparable.

>> No.21701147

We will never get a story about how Satsuki embraced her vampirism and became a homeless protector of the town.

>> No.21701148

Mahoyo was is best work in terms of storytelling

>> No.21701224

How different is the story mode of the original MB compared to reACT? I can not play the reACT story mode for some reason

>> No.21701365
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>> No.21701370

According to TM wiki the VN story mode is the exact same, Re-Act only adds the arcade mode story-wise.

>> No.21701376
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>> No.21702011

CCC is fucking dogshit

I really don't understand how anyone can consider it good.

>> No.21702117

I pretty mmuch agree, but I think that when people say "Babylonia was good" actually mean "Gilgamesh scenes were awesome".

>> No.21702218
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Being Sakura is suffering

>> No.21702300

Gil was not badly written there, I'll give you that much.
Personally the only part of it I enjoyed was Merlin, particularly when he talks about how different he is from humans.

>> No.21702406
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>> No.21702428

It's interesting that Nasu was proudest of the chapter 5 action since it was the last thing they finished, but I find that the chapter 10 and 12 fights were more interesting and hit harder.
It's really cool that the moon gets to be important in Mahoyo though.

>> No.21702527

I mean, 5 was the most incredible technically speaking and the fight itself was amazing in all points. But the conclusion was obvious.
10 and 12 are alot more uncertain, or in case of 10, we thought the conslusion was obvious so the actual ending was shocking and hit harder. 12 obviously had a lot more background and feeling behind it in addition to being set up as the last. It was also longer, having actually three separate fights that all went down completely differently with each their own rules and particularities (magi battle/hand to hand battle/True Magic beat down)
Basically, if it were to be adapted, 5 would be x10 more impressive than 10&12.

>> No.21702932
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poor DDDfags

>> No.21703236

I never try DDD. Is that worth to read it even if the story never gonna have an ending ?

>> No.21703362

Why is the "this chair" scene a meme? It was a pretty good way to convey the emotions Shiki was feeling, I don't get it

>> No.21703586

That Case Files /a/ thread is giving me aneurysm.

>> No.21703692

/a/ know literally nothing beyond the adapted TM works
just learn not to expect anything of them

>> No.21703716


>> No.21703735

DDD has so much potential too.

Urban fantasy Nashu >>>>> High fantasy/Scifi nasu

If you can handle never having an ending, then yeah.

>> No.21703822

Could be worse. See /vg/.

>> No.21703827
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Was browsing all threads for the thread of it and came across pic related. Wtf? When did she do that?

>> No.21703851

It's soemthing mentioned in Clock Tower 2015, I believe.

>> No.21703855

Aoko is one of the most powerful Magi alive, so in her case, SD squadrons aren't all that special.

>> No.21703860

Oh, thanks anon.

Not doubting the feat anon, simply wondering where it came from.

>> No.21703876

>Was browsing all threads for the thread of it
Okay, what happened to my brain there?
"Was browsing old threads for the heck of it" was what I meant.

>> No.21703899

It's because of some fgo fag isn't it? It's almost always some fgo fag being mad over people mocking their precious gacha.

>> No.21703902
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Where does Len stand in terms of powerlevel?

>> No.21703917

>Technique to calm the soul
Does this line work on picking up babes at the club?

>> No.21703920
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She seems like a decently high output familiar (by having any offensive spells at all) but her main purpose is just the dream stuff. Shiki as her master probably limits her power too.
Pretty sure White Len is stronger, right? I never actually beat Act Cadenza's arcade stories.

>> No.21703957


>> No.21703959

>Pretty sure White Len is stronger
Len should be pretty strong too since she was made by some strong dude initially I think.
How strong though. Can she stand her ground against your average magus.

>> No.21703964

Is she contracted to him like a servant? Does she use his mana or something

>> No.21704020

CCC is pretty alright in some aspects but it's also the first time Nasu fully embraced the really bizarre tonal shifts to banal humor which is paramount in practically all of his contemporary writing these days. You'll have a very serious scene and then BAM penis jokes and then back to a serious scene.

I found it a bit funny at first I'll admit but it's become such a common staple in his writing to the point where it's just obnoxious now.

>> No.21704028
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>Can she stand her ground against your average magus.
Doubtful unless you wanna take her Melty arcade mode as canon. She's just a succubus who can mess with dreams mostly.
Her creator wasn't explicitly super strong either though he did help Arcueid fight Einnashe.

Read Kagetsu Tohya, anon. Yes, she becomes his familiar after he pumps her full of mana.

>> No.21704117
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Never understood what's actually happening here. Kinomi blew up the amusement park..at the beach? So Aoko is mad?

>> No.21704120

black umu

>> No.21704126

Aoko paizuri.

>> No.21704132

Oh geez I never realized Yuika had such short hair under her hood, cute as fuck.

>> No.21704181

Canaan had some of these bizarre tonal shifts, although not having read CCC or anything from FGO I am just guessing.

>> No.21704213

is Canaan any good? I've heard of it but I've never bothered to actually get involved with it.

>> No.21704264

>White Len is stronger
By her own words. I wouldn't trust a tsundere.

>> No.21704328

It's ok. Has a lot of problems, though.

>> No.21704457

Ciels good and true routes were awful. Is Tsukihime going to get better with the last 3 routes?

>> No.21704463


>> No.21704474

Yes, Far side is where it's at and currybutt sucks.

>> No.21704617
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Just keep reading.

>> No.21704673
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Arc in a red dress

>> No.21704683

How do you pronounce Arcueid? I've been calling her Arc-u-eyed

>> No.21704699


>> No.21704700

Gotta pronounce it like the japs do (アルクェイド) so it's roughly like "a-ru-kue-e-do"

>> No.21704707
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What a hottie, bless you anon.

>> No.21704714

I never noticed it before but Neros hair looks pretty similar to Arcueids

>> No.21704725

Arcade Bumstead

>> No.21704728

I guess? They both have vents I suppose. Arc's vents are kinda weird though, they're very uneven.

Funnily enough, Takeuchi refused to draw Nero with vents for quite some time.

>> No.21704735

Atari Dumbledore

>> No.21704915
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Based Ritsuka, btfoing the root when?

>> No.21705008

I couldn't hate fgo more even if I tried to

>> No.21705052

I could. And will. Y'know, once they start to do more Tsukihime crossovers.

>> No.21705082

I remember that being a mistranslation/misinterpretation or something. Guda just observed the outcome, not decided it.

>> No.21705107

The last thing you will ever know is a Starbow firing from your benis.

>> No.21705233

Hey! That's not an answer!

>> No.21705307

Mahoyo when?

>> No.21705370

In the universe where FGO didn't take the company over.

>> No.21705753
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There's nothing wrong with fgo. It made angra cooler than in ataraxia.

>> No.21705764

this is bait, right?

>> No.21705814

FGO CQs are fun. Try it.

>> No.21706095


>> No.21706217
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I'm totally new to anything type-moon related. Where should I start? I don't want to be a secondary.

>> No.21706232
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start with playing either Tsukihime or Fate/Stay Night.
from there, go wherever you like.

>> No.21706504

Bare minimum: read FSN and Tsukihime.

>> No.21706674

Too late for Gene Wilder, but not for Chris De Burgh, so get at it lad and write one for this lass too!

>> No.21706772
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>> No.21706970

Start with Fate/Stay Night VN. It's basically the most easy work of nasu to read. Tsukihime is good, but it's a 20 years old amateur VN. It hasn't aged very well and the writting go to brillant to edgy teenage fanfic-tier.

>> No.21707531

It's quite literally how he looked like in Ataraxia but okay.

>> No.21707687

Start with
>FSN (vn + also recommend the anime AFTER having read it)
>Tsukihime (vn)

Then, if you liked it
>Ataraxia = FSN sequel (vn)
>Kagetsu Toya = Tsukihime sequel (vn)
>Carnival Phantasm (after everything else/anime)

Then, to go deeper, all the other shit
>Fate/Zero (Light Novel + anime)
>Fate/Fragments (LN)
>Fate/Apocrypha (LN)
>Fate/Strange Fake (LN + manga)
>Case files (LN + anime)
>Kara no Kyoukai (different timeline than FSN and Tsukihime / LN + anime)

Then, if you became a rabbid fan
>Fate/Extra (game)
>Fate/Extra Last Encore (anime)
>Fate/Extella (game)
>Fate/Extella Link (game)
>Fate/Kaleid (manga + anime)
>Melty Blood Series (Tsukihime/KG sequels/ games)

Finally, unstranslated and more obscure shit
>Mahoyo (untranslated unless you sepak french/different timeline than FSN and Tsuki)
>Fate/Extra CCC ( unstranslated, but you can find about most everything anyway/Extra's "sequel"/game)
>DDD (novel)
>Tsuki no Sango (novel)
>Notes (short story, actually kinda important but made more and more irrelevant throughout the years, especially with FGO, but that's what hyped the fanabse for what's to come for years1)

Might have forgotten something but that's the gist of it.
Oh, and, yeah, Fate/Grand Order if that's your thing and you want to ruin everything your read from the company for yourself.

>> No.21707826

I think Tsuki no Sango and especially Note came before Apocrypha, Kaleid and the whole EXTRAverse.
I never read Fragments. Is that good or it is on the same level than apocrypha ?

>> No.21707884

It's interesting.Varying pov are cool. But it's still a HGW with Arthur, again. It even has its own Angra Mainyu antagonist sorta, so yeah.

>> No.21707969

I'm gonna take a look. Did you know where I can find PDF of the LN ?

>> No.21708004

Nope, nyaa I guess?

>> No.21708104
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>> No.21708117

>the writing go from brilliant to edgy teenage fanfic-tier
Which is still better than the writing being edgy fanfic-tier 100% of the time like in anything Fate related.

>> No.21708128
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>> No.21708158

I feel like he was just shouting orders for like 90% of it and then swoops in at the end with plot armor

>> No.21708181

So if Shiki cut the lines on that shed to save Yumizuka three or something years ago, why does he need this special knife to cut lines now?

>> No.21708203

He doesn't need it. He even broke the hospital bed as a kid with just his fingers.
The knife is a more convenient weapon and helps him channel his inner Nanaya.

>> No.21708217

Please, don't be mad anon, I never say that F/SN was perfect, but that the final product (art, direction, ost and story structure) was more appealing for a new comer than Tsuki.

>> No.21708220

As a typemoon newfag I think Tsukihime is fine, the only issue being sometimes it's hard to tell who's speaking.

>> No.21708287
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>My favourite type-moon character? Neco-arc of course, what gave it away?

>> No.21708293

This is probably a dumb question, you should read Hollow Ataraxia after FSN right? I ask because I know it's pretty much the sequel to FSN but I remember once reading one of those "How to get into Fate" charts that said that you should read/watch Zero after finishing FSN and then read Hollow Ataraxia after finishing Zero, Even though HA was made before Zero.

It doesn't make any sense to me but I'm curious about what you guys think.

>> No.21708312

F/SN > HA > Zero is the order

>> No.21708320
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It's fine to watch Zero or read HA first, they were written alongside each other, there's a couple of references in HA to stuff that would later be in Zero but they each make sense on their own as long as you read F/SN.

>> No.21708363

I literally made a 40 lines post about that like 10 posts above yours anon. How you read the answers to what you ask before you ask again?

>> No.21708370

Alright, HA it is then.

You mean this? >>21707687

I've read it but I wanted to get a few more answers.

>> No.21708635

As somebody who read Tsuki first, I found it a much easier read than the FSN VN.

>> No.21708955
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>> No.21709066

Can't tell if F/GO didn't get a Tsuki/Mahoutsukai collab yet because those are too obscure for the mainstream audience or because Nasu still has a shred of respect for his work left.

>> No.21709078
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Mahoyo isn't relevant enough I guess.
Tsukihime is getting one next year when the announce the Remake release date for the 20th anniversary

>> No.21709365

Nasu hates his old works and porn.

>> No.21709592

anons please face reality: if FGO didn't exist, you'll just shift your hate to the Extra series since after FGO, that's the one that's getting more focus from Nasu. FGO is just the symptom, not the real cause(s).

>> No.21709605

You say this as if extra isn't also trash.

>> No.21709606

A thing being shit doesn't make another shit thing less shit.

>> No.21709624

I'm talking about his play style in FGO. Weakest servant but with the most interesting gimmick. Unlike the standard Gilgamesh, Raikou, Lancelot etc where you just stack buffs and hit hard/NP loop, Angra actually requires some planning to use and is satisfying when it procs. I posted the Crab CQ for a reason, wouldn't need that specific fight if I just want to screencap his NP animation.

>> No.21709635

You're still missing the point: Nasu simply doesn't give a shit about Tsukihime side of things, much less Mahoyo. I never said Extra wasn't shit, but you are all raging on FGO as if it's the main culprit.

>> No.21709652

I mean okay yeah if in some parallel universe Extra was where most of the Nasu's time was being wasted then yes that would get more hate. However in this timeline, it's FGO that wastes the most time so it gets the most hate. Not sure what your point is.

>> No.21709688

FGO is the reason why Nasu is making so much money to the point where he no longer cares about making something genuinely good

>> No.21709692

>Not sure what your point is
The part where some of you actually still think that Nasu will go back to working on Tsuki/Mahoyo? At this point of time, FGO is bigger than Nasu. Nasu can back off entirely and just dump to guest writers with occasional Urobuchi for hypes and gacha fags will still lap it up. For all the talks about certain lostbelts being shit, idiot whales still chuck money when summer events roll around. Hating on FGO is misplaced, it's all on Nasu for not giving a shit.

>> No.21709701

>The part where some of you actually still think that Nasu will go back to working on Tsuki/Mahoyo?
Not sure when I said this.

>> No.21709702

That's bullshit though. Even before FGO made it big, he's already off chasing after Extra.

>> No.21709706

>Nasu simply doesn't give a shit about Tsukihime side of things, much less Mahoyo
Type Moon probably sank more money producing Mahoyo than in the whole company history up to that point. Truly, they didn't care.
Also, FGO is the thing right know that makes TP and Nasu garbage, so it gets the shit. If it was Extra I would shit on Extra yes. Is it Extra? No. Is it FGO? Yes, so fgo gets the shit. Simple for anyone with more than 2 brain cells.

>> No.21709714

Extra makes nowhere near as much money as FGO does, and even still, it proves my point.

>> No.21709725

>The part where some of you actually still think that Nasu will go back to working on Tsuki/Mahoyo?
Litteraly everyone always complains about Nasu having given up working on those for the fgo bucks but okay.

>> No.21709729

>he doesn't care because money!
>even though he was chasing after other shit before hitting that big jackpot

>> No.21709742

Extra was his money maker before FGO, but now that he earns more selling gachashit, he simply focuses on that.
Is it hard to understand? Both Extra and FGO are a pile of dribble, and deserve the hate they get.

>> No.21710576

When do I watch Fate of the Furious? After Zero?

>> No.21710623

We really are starved for content holy shit.

>> No.21710643

Sacchin really doesn't deserve her own route.

>> No.21710650
File: 273 KB, 1080x1523, 0hrD5SSaFlLWsIKgL-ZQpSPER3KwRxSTdjYlI6UX18J0V9RjprYFAjTnloKgs5Qh46cDdrT2tsL11lQCteYDMrWSR0EgFufDBCZxMUa3Q2c18kEms5M0tgDS0iJlsgH2s4cU1kDnkjdVwj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the absolute state of type moon

>> No.21710652


>> No.21710668

Best girl.

>> No.21710709
File: 55 KB, 620x436, 1557402584091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sacchin is loved enough to qualify for having a route

>> No.21710755

Illya Bear Alter will have route in the VN bundled in the 100000 quartz starter pack of FGO2.
Sacchin never.

>> No.21710905

From FGO interview in 2017
>Nasu: I can’t reveal anything concrete yet at the moment, but rest assured that we’ve been making progress on various titles within TYPE-MOON. I’d like to apologize about not having anything to say right now. But all I can say is that as long as FGO is in service, I just have to make the Tsukihime R collaboration a dream come true.

>4Gamer: !

>Nasu: That’s why I feel that producing good content for FGO and releasing Tsukihime R are the duties entrusted to me and all of TYPE-MOON. After all, I also want to see SSR Arcueid Brunestud happen!

>> No.21710939

rip, I think I should just give up

>> No.21710980

I don't know what this is but her boobs look really erotic there

I wish Arc had more than one good doujin.

>> No.21710987

I don't know if it's just the translation but the way he says it here sounds like the only reason he wants to work on TsukiR is to whore out Arc in a card game lmao

>> No.21710991
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I hate this man

>> No.21711409
File: 100 KB, 900x900, 1556276440086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you shouldn't be jerking it to Arc
she's for Shiki

>> No.21711557

Why does she look so smug?

>> No.21711572

She won the Tohnobowl.

>> No.21712429
File: 76 KB, 550x800, 1cb51dea94d4c6cd678b51d6e021c152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's for Shiki
Not for long she isn't.

>> No.21712448

it couldn't piss me off more when Nasu ruins pre-existing relationships between servants and humans just to give people their self-insert fantasies

>> No.21712599

It will probably be another Shiki/Void situation: Void is for Guda while SR Shiki isn't. But maybe Nasu wouldn't throw Archetype Earth into FGO, who knows ?

>> No.21712642

Man I feel bad for Mikiya.

>> No.21712651
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1080, 1549631871032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how FGO ruined Void so fucking much.

>> No.21712692

>Is this feeling called...love? Neither humanity nor the divine have any real importance to me, but if it's for you, I feel like I would do anything. I shall say it even if it is a prohibited thing... "Now... What is your wish, Master?" Fufu... just kidding.
what the fuck?

>> No.21712701
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>> No.21713050
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the absolute state of Fate

>> No.21713437
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Is Mahoyo a different timeline from Tsukihime

>> No.21713620

? Like, of course, they literally take place in the same town who is described completely differently in both game.
Also would need to explain why someone would destroy a mansion just to build another one.
And Tsuki has the Tohno being the masters for a while while Mahoyo has the Aozaki.

>> No.21713644

I was just reading someone talking about how they don't because of Nasu autism with small events or something, I wanted to clear it up.

>> No.21713733

>Nasu autism
Nasu is a hack and wouldn't be able to write anything consistent even if his life depended on it.

>> No.21713763
File: 366 KB, 1244x765, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some procey cardboard box.

>> No.21713924

Mahoyo isn't with the original with the obvious glaring differences but might be with the Remake.

>> No.21713983

How much employees does Type-Moon even have? From what I've seen they are in the 10-30 range.

>> No.21714021

>Deen adaptation is bad

>> No.21714063
File: 522 KB, 570x631, 1545698719391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it's bad anon, this whole clip is set in a fucking underground temple built by Caster as way for them to hamfist UBW shit into Fate.

>> No.21714073

It is bad although Sakura in bondage gear made my dick diamonds. The OST is pretty good and has the second best version of This Illusion.

>> No.21714120

The soundtrack is fantastic and it has the best OPs and EDs. That's about it.

>> No.21715376
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Fucking fatty

>> No.21715383
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>> No.21715389
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>> No.21715740
File: 531 KB, 600x1105, 49663501_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Touko always use a body double / puppet at all times?

>> No.21715816

She has her current body plus backups if that body is destroyed.

>> No.21715873

One of them wants to kill the other two.

>> No.21716092

I want to punch him in his god damn face.

>> No.21716158

Are VNs lucrative or even commercially viable in today's market? It seems to me that outside of eroge visual novels are a dying medium

>> No.21716256

Yeah, but a studio like TP producing one would come at, at worse, laughable losses.

>> No.21716709
File: 19 KB, 1859x137, ss+(2019-07-18+at+04.56.39).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That used to be Takeuchi's job but with him being busy managing the company and his gorillions he can''t be there 24/7 as his tard mongler anymore so now we've got this.
Okay, that was pretty fucking funny. I'm still laughing

>> No.21716725

Man I fucking suck at melty blood. I wish I had fighting game autism.

>> No.21716737

pick aoko and mash random buttons

>> No.21716739

Even eroge is slowly dying. Type Moon has enough name recognition to put out a successful VN in today's market. Of course, it wouldn't make anywhere near as much money as FGO does.

>> No.21716755

that's normal so don't get too discouraged anon just keep praticing and improve your reflexes/muscle memory

>> No.21716760

But my hand hurts anon and it's not from masturbating too much.

>> No.21716933
File: 77 KB, 800x575, Lunar_Legend_Tsukihime_v03_065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but her boobs look really erotic there
Physics are erotic.
>I wish Arc had more than one good doujin.
Pretty much my entire reason for still having AA2 installed is to use it as my Arcueid simulator.

>> No.21716985

go rest, you won't get good in one fay after all

>> No.21717022

playing Melty on keyboard sucks
I really can't enjoy it properly without spending 40 minutes re-binding the buttons

>> No.21717086

I can verify that this works.

>> No.21717108

For me, it's Kohaku.

>> No.21717382

Manga Arc will always be the cutest incarnation of Arc to me.

>> No.21717410

Honestly I'm surprised some crazy otaku hasn't decided to burn down TM yet.

>> No.21717563
File: 940 KB, 803x752, 1538655403361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss ORT

>> No.21717585

Nasu probably doesn't remember ORT

>> No.21717597
File: 561 KB, 720x400, typemoonsad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21717767

you can't burn down a company that never actually works in their office

>> No.21719250
File: 1.28 MB, 1080x1080, 1560903758987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luvia confirmed next episode.

>> No.21719268


>> No.21719284

What I think about FGO fags?
Fuck them.

>> No.21719321

Is there something wrong with BL now ?

>> No.21719352

Seems to be down at the moment.

>> No.21719361

I'm glad there are others who share my opinion on this matter.

>> No.21720240

Just use a controller like a sane man.

>> No.21720354
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>> No.21721175

I need your help /tmg/.

I wanted to read the Fate/Prototype Fragments LN but when I saw that there is no pdf with illustrations of it, I just tell me "well, I just have to make it myself". I already finished to compile the first one with all of the illustrations and I just want to read it before post it on BL, to make sure that I doesn't have make mistake.

The problem now, is that I can't manage to find the illustrations of the 4 others volumes (and Labyrinth). I can find some here and there, but without knowing which arc they came from. For now, I've all the illustrations of volume 5 (but in SD), and the 3 first chapter of Labyrinth.

Did anyone have a link to the raw scan of the LN, or at least a site where I can collect all the images ?

>> No.21721396

too poor to buy one

>> No.21721431

Not answering your question but did you check goddess?

>> No.21721772

Best TM OPs.

>> No.21721781

Unfortunately, there is nothing for Prototype

>> No.21721796

I love the chorus part in the 2nd OP with the flashing imagery.
The lyrics are also very fitting.

>> No.21721803

>not Carnival Phantasm

>> No.21722045

Mahoyo > OG Melty > CP > the rest

>> No.21722064

Disillusion is still the best opening song though

>> No.21722167

OG Ataraxia's OPs , Mahoyo's and Deen's OPs are so great because they fit so damn well the work it actually feels like its part of it and become indivisible.
This is why https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWq6xVyKYqA should've been the OP.

>> No.21722633

>By using this Noble Phantasm as part of his Retrogression Canal - Genesis Light-Year plan, Goetia planned to return to the time of Earth's formation and recreate the Earth so that the concept of "death" does not exist. Such a feat is close to True Magic, with the Noble Phantasm being similar to Aoko Aozaki's Fifth Magic
>it's also the name of Aoko's Last Arc
>she visited Lev for shaky reasons
So what, she taught or hinted the way to do it to Goetia or something?

>> No.21722698

>4Gamer: And that’s Retroflow/Genesis Light Year?
>(Note: A term that came from Chapter 1.5’s teaser movie. In the narration, it was mentioned that the one who called himself the “King of Magi” called his plan “Retroflow/Genesis Light Year” – a name shared with Aoko Aozaki’s Last Arc in Melty Blood.)
>Nasu: Yes. Goetia’s choice to “recreate everything with a better foundation” is an act close to being True Magic. That PV was perhaps some sort of reverse foreshadowing where knowing what Goetia is lets you see Aoko’s tracks, as well as a glimpse of the Fifth Magic’s identity. Think of it as fanservice from me. (laughs)
Goetia's plan is akin to the Fifth Magic (both are "consumption and extinction") anyway.

>> No.21722701


>> No.21722869

>it's literally just fanservice
And here I was thinking he was actually going to use Aoko and her aimless wandering as something else than a plot device.

>> No.21722910

At least he used Touko as the one who taught Musashi about the parallel worlds. And somehow Schez knows Touko too.

>> No.21723020

What do dolls have to do with dimension hopping?

>> No.21723133

>swing by /m/
>they're talking about fgo too
Nowhere is safe

>> No.21723159

/tg/ has a general for Fate related stuff too
God is dead

>> No.21723312

Gonna need a source famalam.

>> No.21723455

Musashi is from her trial quest
Schez is from Ooku

>> No.21723491

Man, multiverses are a meme.

>> No.21723666
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>> No.21723718

Jeanne looks better when she's not illustrated by Takeuchi
what's this for? more gachashit?

>> No.21723726

it literally says what it's for on the image in English words

>> No.21723730

company names don't provide much context

>> No.21723736

Type-Moon racing, this project is to celebrate Fate 15th Anniversary according to the website, tweets and hashtag.

>> No.21723853

TM is one of the main partners of GSR's racing program, which means they get some racing liverys and associated merch.
Miku is the other main.

>> No.21724090

Case Files ep 3 PV

>> No.21724136

Yvette also already getting introduced, nice.

>> No.21724259

>goodsmile racing
So most likely one of those case where the company sponsors some car races and then put out some figs.

>> No.21724287

To be fair, Fate is good for TTRPG though. It's more like they're going back to TM's roots, really. I mean, even FGO does have some neat setting to play around with underneath, just that it's buried under gacha shit.

>> No.21724436
File: 176 KB, 1280x720, 1563539004756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of this franchise

>> No.21724490

What's your problem with Yvette, anon? She's no Servantshit.

>> No.21724636

Joke magical girl design straight outta precure.

>> No.21724695

>waaah this character that is clearly supposed to look weird and out of place looks weird and out of place!!!

Fucking hell anon.

>> No.21724767
File: 414 KB, 900x659, IMG_1505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yvette is literally supposed to be an eccentric and energetic 16 years old girl, anon. And she has another outfit & hairstyle in Grand Roll case.
Anyway just wait to ep 3 and Rail Zeppelin case to know about her before posting like that.

>> No.21724771

>b-b-but it's on purpose!
This is the exact same argument ``people'' use to defend saberfacing.
>b-b-b-but it's self-aware!

>> No.21725046
File: 146 KB, 213x463, 1539527588617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are those situations even remotely similar?
MHX was fine as a self-aware joke in 2013, but then they ruined the joke by exploiting the design for gacha bucks.
Yvette is just a weird eccentric character in an otherwise serious cast. It's not cloning an existing character or being exploitative/lazy in any way?

>> No.21725685


>> No.21726237
File: 300 KB, 2048x2042, D_2gDA2U8AA7tZR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21726496

Does the Realta Nua version in the OP still have the sex scenes? I want to replay it and I remember playing it voiced before but it still having the dickworms and all that.

>> No.21726735

Is there an untranslated CDless version of Tsukihime? The disc mounting tool I can find for linux don't support discs with multiple partitions (Tsukihime has both game and audio on disc, and the game uses the audio from the the CD)

>> No.21726786
File: 211 KB, 743x1200, D_06yo-UIAE6QRC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its for the Spa 24 Hour endurance race this sunday

The 04 has unironically a good chance of winning it btw

>> No.21726822
File: 365 KB, 900x923, mystery man s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why use GNU/Linux if you can't even mount a cd image.

>> No.21726827

if you install the patch then it has h-scenes, but I remember my experience with it was that the patch simple didn't work and I had to play without.

>> No.21726835

Man I hope 00 eats shit to either of those other 2.

>> No.21726961

there's no utility that supports mounting multi partition CDs like that

>> No.21726978
File: 212 KB, 1200x900, D-dhqcOWkAACz6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They wrecked twice when they last raced there in 2017 and already binned it big time earlier this month during the Test Day so you're in luck

>> No.21727437


>> No.21727775

Daemon tools is the only thing I've found that was able to actually mount the fucking disc image. I did it in a VM ages ago so here's the whole Tsukihime folder anon. Just delete my saves and global data and shit.

Also, use onscripter (preferably onscripter-en with the --scale) to get the audio in the CD folder to work properly.

>> No.21727815

mahoyo translation projects are all dead aren't they?

>> No.21727830

Yeah, learn French or get to studying Japanese already.

>> No.21727848

does Mahoyo use all three written languages?

>> No.21727860

What, you mean the kana and kanji? Obviously yeah.

>> No.21728300

How the flying fuck do I beat Giant Akiha in Re-Act during story mode? Is it really just "lol jump and spam strong air and hope she doesn't do a bullshit attack at the right time before you get a chance to block?"

>> No.21728446

Thanks, I'll try it out. I was trying to avoid resorting to VM but I guess that's what's necessary

>> No.21728470

Oh sorry maybe I wasn't clear. I only needed a VM for mounting the disc and making the initialization But you don't actually need a VM once you have folder out (which is in that zip). Onscripter-en works on linux and if you're lucky, your distro provides it somewhere (it's in AUR at least).

>> No.21728494
File: 531 KB, 1309x1010, 75290898_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really wasn't expecting to become a Rinfag when I started playing F/SN.

>> No.21728514
File: 240 KB, 600x600, 1550767476816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it was Taiga

>> No.21728524

Ah, ok. Thanks a lot! I did find onscripter in my distro's repository (Debian testing)

>> No.21728549

I noticed the CD and icon directories are empty. Did you zip without the recursive flag?

>> No.21729475
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>> No.21730027

At first I was excited that the HF route were getting a trilogy of movies (despite being a UBWfag) and even more so that it was directed by someone who actually played and knew the ins and outs of the VN. I also saw comments hyping Sudou up but this all came crashing down until I found out he was a Sakurafag and a shill a few weeks before Presage Flower was released in Japan.
Do you guys think if Miura instead of Sudoku had his hands on the trilogy, the movies might be better?

>> No.21730068

Sorry I'm a retard.

>> No.21730099

Maybe another director would have cucked to Nasu and we would have got an HF remake instead.

>> No.21730172

Nasu is the one who wanted the remake, based Sudo denied him that and gave us the real Heaven's Feel instead.

>> No.21730296

Didn't Miura also work on HF adaption too ? IIRC he directed the Cu vs True Assassin in HF1 or Saber Alter vs Berserker in HF2.

Btw small trivia but in the beginning, both Miura and Sudou wanted HF (Nasu and Takeuchi wanted all routes and a guy from Aniplex wanted UBW) but then they adapted UBW first.

>> No.21730910

FSN is unadaptable. All of their animated works are subpar to the original VN. Just watch it for the action.

>> No.21730938

>he was a Sakurafag and a shill a few weeks before Presage Flower
>the guy is a fag of the girl the route focus on so clearly it will be bad
Summer hitting hard again I see.

>> No.21731132

Thanks, looks like it works now.

>> No.21731395

j.H is all I remember, yeah.

>> No.21731409
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, 1549668297846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New episode of Case Files was great, better than the last for sure.
I like that we get introduced to the whole el-Melloi classroom, not just Flat and Svin.
Good job showing that Waver is quite weak in a direct confrontation with even a low tier monster.
I appreciate the accurate 2003 technology, and the surprisingly good English.
Great worldbuilding with showing how important Waver's classroom is in modern times. Also good that they're bridging it with FSN even though we're onlly getting this one case.

Man, I'm just so happy this series is happening, you would think a show like this would be impossible under modern TM. If only more authors besides Sanda were interested in exploring this kind of lore.

>> No.21731444

>even though we're onlly getting this one case.
We might get a second season, who knows. Only two cours more are needed to finish the novels.

>> No.21731503
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, 1540328142043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole season is just 1 cour, so it seems unlikely, but we can hope for the best... especially when fucking Prisma Illya got 4 seasons and a movie.

I really do hope Sanda writes that Grail Dismantling story too, would be awesome to finally see the older Rin design get some use, and an even older Waver.
Hell, if he wrote that, he would singlehandedly be the savior of post-2015 Type-Moon.

>> No.21731510

Grail dismantling has been my dream for a while too and now that Case Files is done it actually seems possible. Fingers crossed.

>> No.21731611
File: 803 KB, 648x906, 1557016868827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21731682

I gave up and just set it on easy for that one fight. Fuck it.

>> No.21731881

Is there really much to write about it? War ends, Zeltretch "saves" Rin, they go dismantle it. Or am I missing something?

>> No.21731948

Is "blue blue" deep blue (I think they duplicate words in Japanese to add emphasis)?
Could it be a pun with sad blue that only works in Japanese?

>> No.21731972
File: 404 KB, 800x706, 1542314818837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to /a/ looking for more active discussion on Case Files
>FGO shitflinging is still full force there
>people always discussing off-topic FGO shit

I'm glad I stopped going there anons, I just wish we had more people who dislike FGO here so we could be a bit more active at times.
Oh well, I guess I should be happy that an oasis like /tmg/ has survived for this long without changing drastically.

You're thinking of the ending of Heaven's Feel, anon. The Greater Grail is already destroyed there.
Grail dismantling is a post-UBW/Fate thing. 10 years after the War, Waver (and presumably some of his students) go back to Fuyuki to get rid of the Grail before another War starts. However, there are other factions in the Association who want to keep the war going.
It's a story that Nasu has hinted at several times over the years, and most recently Sanda said that was one of his possible ideas before he started writintg Case Files. It's still possible as his next work.

I kinda doubt Nasu knows enough english to know blue = sad, but it's a nice interpretation.

>> No.21732001

What a pathetic little man you are.

>> No.21732004

What are you talking about, anon?

>> No.21732030
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, 1555827203734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Reines's cute lil mercury house in the ED

>> No.21732106

He doesn't need to know english, since ブルー works the same in japanese.

>> No.21732142

Ooh my bad, I didn't know the Japanese took that word's 2nd meaning, it's even in dictionaries. Pretty cool if that was intended.

>> No.21732531

Full ED is up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jy5Y5yOL_Yw

>> No.21732617

>New episode of Case Files was great, better than the last for sure.
It was quite literally a filler episode with kids going on some sewer exploring adventure.

>> No.21732628

You gotta take this as its own story rather than relying on the novels that came before this case, anon. From the perspective of establishing a ton of stuff about the el-Melloi class and its students, as well as Waver himself in a short time, it was great. And to me it was awesome to see Waver defeat another Root-obsessed magus by straight up indicting him, when his group might've actually lost in a direct fight.

>> No.21732786
File: 102 KB, 241x238, 1532189577749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New /a/ CF thread seems to be going okay at least.
Really hope we get some more fucking info about the DAAs before too long, the teasing in Case Files is unbearable. Nasu cannot be done with FGO soon enough.

>> No.21732829

>wHY RoOT AuTIsm

>> No.21732845

Root autism is the essence of a proper magus.

>> No.21732852

Kinda amazing how bad case files has been so far. 3 episodes of Waver in London and i can't think of a single notable scene so far.

>> No.21732857

>loli domination wasn't a notable scene
Homosexual detected.

>> No.21732860

does Reines actually care for Waver?

>> No.21732862

Yeah, and a very basic thing and yet it was asked

>> No.21732866
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, 1547068783408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I'm very much enjoying it. I love the characters and setting, so even what are essentially "filler" episodes made ofr anime-onlies feel fun to me. I think they're doing a solid job with the episodic adventures, except for episode 2 which was a bit too simplistic and boring.
Hope you enjoy it more when we get into the case proper.

She certainly has complicated feelings regarding him, she values how hard he tries, but it also makes her wanna see him struggle more. I suggest you read volume 2 if you wanna understand her better.

>> No.21732870

It's for F/Z casuals. It can't be helped.

>> No.21732906
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>type moon in [current year] is only good for cheap fetish pandering

>> No.21732915

I'm enjoying it simply because it isn't more over-the-top fateshit
every episode is a nice 20 minute period of relaxation

>> No.21732920

Read the novels and then say that to me again.

In all seriousness, I think the anime is good so far. The real test will be how well it adapts the novels 4 and 5.

>> No.21733139

>Do you guys think if Miura instead of Sudoku had his hands on the trilogy, the movies might be better?
At least the colors would've been better. I think Sudou is colorblind.
Miura is also a more talented storyboarder.

>> No.21733145

>the real Heaven's Feel instead
The adaptation is infinitely inferior to the original.
It's an alright blockbuster. It's not HF.

>> No.21733180

It's inferior to the VN version as any anime adaptation is, but it's most certainly the closest you can get to a faithful anime adaptation of the HF route.

>> No.21733189

>but it's most certainly the closest you can get to a faithful anime adaptation of the HF route
Not really. That would be a 2 cour series at the minimum. I don't have a big gripe with the movies overall. The second one was way better than the first one imo, so I'm quite hopeful for the finale.

>> No.21733203

You could not make a TV series nowadays with the kind of adult content HF has, at least not without seriously censoring stuff and leaving it for BDs. The pacing would also suffer a ton when chopped into 20 minute time blocks.
Agree that the 2nd one was way better.

>> No.21733214

It's superior to the VN if anything, where Nasu's schizophrenic writing shat all over Sakura while inexplicably shilling Rin and Ilya.

>> No.21733411
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>> No.21733525
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>> No.21733598

I don't get it

>> No.21733605

It's just Tsuki characters in the Haruhi opening.

>> No.21733624

oh I see it now

>> No.21733684
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Aoko !

>> No.21733754
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Truly a best.

>> No.21733813

why is she so sexy?

>> No.21733968

Now, this is the true question.
Original, Tsuki-Bako or Ever After?

>> No.21734028

The perfect mix of traits.

>> No.21734094
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>> No.21734482
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>> No.21734830

You guys only like Case Files because you're hipsters. Babylon gonna shit all over this

>> No.21734890

Try Camelot.
That will be a film and will probably tone down the fanservice and gachapandering.
The Babylon anime is a forgone prediction.
And besides, all Fate is garbage now and this thread is nearly over.

>> No.21735129
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Sorry anon but I prefer my Type-Moon anime when it:
>has a real main character instead of a shitty blank slate
>isn't plagued by pseudo-Servant trash
>has interesting lore that pertains to Nasu works I actually like
>has character designs with noses and expressive, well animated faces
>has a mostly likable, fun cast of characters
>doesn't feed into the creative death of Type-Moon as a whole

Babylonia won't fulfill a single one of these conditions so I'm sorry to say it's gonna be ass in comparison.

Camelot might be decent if they treat Bedivere as the proper protagonist and mostly ignore Gudashit, but even then I doubt I'll enjoy it nearly as much as this.

>> No.21735180

No, the director doesn't understand HF. It's about its characters and suspense, not about action and pointless still shots. Sudou simply isn't skilled enough to adapt something like HF.

>> No.21735215

Muh root autism gets talked about a lot because it gets boring eventually especially when it's used the way it was in the recent case files episode.

>> No.21735248

The action is handled by Miura and very likely mandated by higher-ups. Sudou handled Shirou and Sakura swimmingly, and the other characters were handled as well as they could be given the time limitations.

>> No.21735466
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>> No.21735584

Sudou's storyboards are subpar. He wasted the limited screen-time on nothing. A lot of pointless scenes that don't convey anything. Sudou probably thinks he's Tarkovsky, he's not. He doesn't know what to do with HF and failed to recreate its mood.
I wasn't expecting a masterpiece from the adaptation. But it's just painful to watch.

>> No.21735619
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Don't forget to take care of yourselves. Regular exercise can delay the onset of heart conditions by years.

>> No.21735646

but i want to die

>> No.21735702

Lighten up, Ciel.

>> No.21736265

Next OP better not suck.

>> No.21736577
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>> No.21736733
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why doesn't Len have an adult form

>> No.21736758
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She is forever perfect, doesn't need one.

>> No.21736768
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Not everyone is attracted to children

>> No.21736772

She's like 1000+ years old.

>> No.21736787
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