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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 3.62 MB, 3035x4299, 75605491_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21676213 No.21676213 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:


>> No.21676337
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2019-04-15-11-03-14-656_jp.ne.donuts.t7s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please play Tokyo 7th Sisters

>> No.21676358

Sorry but I can't calibrate it well enough for me to play without feeling like I'm losing notes for no reason.

>> No.21676372

>needing to calibrate for rhythm games

>> No.21676378

I swear both Starlight Stage and Tokyo 7th I played and had decent scores but always miss notes I'm positive I pressed. Plus the whole timing thing. It's worse in SS, I'm sure I'm pressing to the rhythm and it still says nice all the time.

>> No.21676411

Get a new phone bro

>> No.21676441

>Nothing new so far this week in Shironeko aside WE coop rerun

>> No.21676446

>rolling we for either mc or iris
>get eleanor from the daily roll
This shouldn't bother me as much as it does, if it was a normal 4* project I wouldn't even think anything of it.

>> No.21676449

Can't believe priconne finally got its own general

>> No.21676472

And all much for the better. The people who actually play it can remain and discuss it here whilst the /vg/ inbreds from other generals can shitpost over there instead. It's a win-win.

>> No.21676477

with this post, i declare that princess connect: redive aka purikone, pricon, pricunny, precum, whateverthefuck is no longer part of /mbgg/. we are moving out

sayonara bros

>> No.21676487

Disclaimer: We're only going out for a little while, be back soon.

>> No.21676514


It isn't as bad as trying to get mc despite already have the other two and got dupe of the other two like what happened to me.

>> No.21676517

nah you can take the inbreds with you and stay over there

>> No.21676576

Does the VH boss hp resets after daily reset?

>> No.21676582

For the people that missed it, here's the thread


>> No.21676951

Good riddance.

>> No.21676985

Wtf we're being shafted back to the shithole that is /vg/?

>> No.21676989

Is there a remotely up-to-date tier list for Tenga Hyakken? I know that it's mostly a game where you can use whichever girl you like, but I want to know how good my favourites are.

>> No.21677022
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Looks like Kirara and Derumin were just a tease as the blokes now have swimsuits as well. Still going for Derumin but I like Justice's, and Tesla's.
They'll be available until the 1st August, so you can wait for the stream on the 20th to pass before potentially splurging poor-anon

>> No.21677025

There probably isn't any anon.

>> No.21677062

There's that guy who makes tenka YT vids but its still pretty iffy.

>Good Swordfes units
>Good limiteds (Fate, nanoha, but mostly Fate
> Meh swordfes units
>Evil units
>People with 4th board
>Limiteds that aren't Nano and Fate

>> No.21677159

It's fine to post here.

>> No.21677163

Fuck off mate, off topic posts don't belong here

>> No.21677218
File: 115 KB, 612x394, 1562226284120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to collect 300 rolls worth of summoning currency in the span of the next banner if I started playing two days ago? I have 10k and spent 3k so far and I'm up to area 6.

>> No.21677231

It's an extremely good time to reroll in Another Eden right now. You get two 10 rolls, which is more than the paltry sum you would normally get. Game is a JRPG with gacha, reminiscent of Chrono Trigger. Can start off a lot better than most already playing.

>> No.21677326

Unless I'm underestimating how much they give out for normal story progress, no just give up on a spark so soon. Even if you could somehow get to rank <500 in both arenas and clear out a good chunk of Luna Tower, you'd still come up short.

>> No.21677716

You have no chance. If you just started you will very soon hit a wall that can only be overcome with time. Time that you apparently do not have. Clearing the event rerun will give you a thousand, maybe two, to work with and that's about it. You are still 33k short.

>> No.21677722

anime feet

>> No.21677724
File: 222 KB, 750x939, 1562295141834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok cool guess I'll just luckshit them then

>> No.21677882

This thread is literally just priconne shitposting lately so what did you expect?

>> No.21678077

So this is how /mbgg/ kill itself.

>> No.21678116

It's other generals coming here shitting up the place. And them 'moving out' and taking the vast majority of their shitposting with them is good. Take note we never had this issue for months. It has only been a) since school ended so (underage) newfags are around and b) the other games have nothing to do. Granblue had no GW for a month which resulted in some heavy shitposting here for example. Not sure why they insist on coming back here like roaches just to get hit by the janitor but at least they're semi-contained now.

>> No.21678172
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Adding on this, they haven't given out a free ticket like they usually do for costumes which means you'll need to drop 8000 to get a guaranteed costume. People aren't too chuffed on Twitter so it might change, better off waiting to see what happens before spending anything.

>> No.21678312

So you are a victim now?

>> No.21678408

Imagine being so delusional, holy shit. Nobody cares about you and this rotten dead shithole, anon.
People coming here, when they pick some random unpopular at that moment kusoge without its own general. They stay here for a little bit and then leave after coming back to their main games. Only precum fanboys stays here, because your 101% autobattle no brain crap still cant maintain their own general and prolly never will.

>> No.21678592

That reminds me that oddly enough, I never had problems with rhythm games on my phone except bandori's flick notes. I can only full combo on tablet.

>> No.21678595
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I guess we should expect Ten Commandments added to gacha next few months.

I'm only logging in to tackle evolve mats and a few other daily quests, but the game seems to be doing fine, I guess? I got stuck in a story bossfight and there's no way I'll beat it without a decent healer. I'll wait until they add more healers to gacha. Because right now the only decent healer suitable for that fight is SSR Elizabeth.
Speaking of gacha, it seems there are no limited characters for now. Every character which got added later is now in the permanent pool. You can even roll them using SSR tickets in a separate gacha.

>> No.21678624

When I'm supposed to stop in Another Eden while rerolling? After getting access to the gacha or the Beast King fight? So far I haven't gotten any free 10-roll so I'm gonna guess distribution hasn't started yet.

>> No.21678722

recommend me a gacha with good turn based combat to hold me over until the octopath game comes out.

>> No.21678782
File: 747 KB, 2160x1080, Screenshot_20190711-150750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, they should have given out two 10 roll tickets for the whole global thing. Should be an option in the gacha. You up to date?

>> No.21678784

There should be a certain point in the game where you get 2 destiny tokens in your mail, it has already been distributed yesterday.

>> No.21678809

both of you are retarded

>> No.21678831

You're correct, saw them later in the mail after making that post. So the goal is getting the 5* healer or failing that any other 5* I like. Looking at the character list I like that Toova semen demon the most so I guess I'll stop when I get her or Mariel, whatever happens first.

>> No.21679427
File: 773 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20190509-235800_ --.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4th board muramasa>literally everyone it's not even a contest

>> No.21679501

The Eleanor was a dupe which is why it bothered me. Still not as bad as you or that one anon who got everyone except for SH Eleanor but it's a bit annoying.

>> No.21679527

As a guy who luckshitted Mariel, she is very useful for difficult endgame stuff. Additionally she is also cute! CUTE!

>> No.21679701

Is there any efficient way of rerolling aside from clearing data? Having to redownload 3GB of data each time makes the reroll process just that little more annoying.

>> No.21679709

Delete shared_prefs in the game folder if you're rooted.

>> No.21679749
File: 828 KB, 1024x576, Screenshot_20190711193008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There she is. Second 10-roll gave me 5* Isuka. She's cute too, seems like a good start.

>> No.21679764

I'm jealous. I'm like 50+ rerolls deep at this point. I've seen Mariel once, at a 4*, and she was accompanied by absolutely nobody else. I haven't even seen a 5* yet.

>> No.21679853

get 4* mariel and play till you are done with part 1 for a somewhat decent jrpg experience. her 5* heal is broken as fuck, it makes the entire journey a fucking joke. you can farm her 5* mats after that easily

>> No.21679971

Should be good enough. You only start feeling the 5* pressure once you get to the end game content. But for now at least, that's a useful start. Now you want to save up for AS Suzette.

>> No.21680097

What's the 5* rate for Another Eden? I want to reroll but since you guys say that one reroll takes a long time, having a very low rate would be discouraging.

>> No.21680114

I hate how there have been 4 new SSR gacha units and 2 are Elizabeth, I mean the roster is limited, but come on.

>> No.21680144

Looks about 3%-ish going off the rates stated. As I said above though I've been rerolling all day and I've yet to see it once so whether that is the actual rates is a different question entirely.

>> No.21680145

If i remember right its pretty low but like all game it depends on luck.
I just did 30 rolls on NA without a single 5 star but on JP i had at least one every 10 rolls.
Too bad i lost my JP account last year, i had almost every character on it.

>> No.21680175

Rates are 3% give or take. To be honest, Another Eden is a game that you would never want to reroll normally just because it takes fucking forever to get to your first roll. However right now, you get two 10 roll tickets. This is pretty much one of the few chances you will ever get to reroll the game, and a lot of stuff that's been released is still good 2 years later.

>> No.21680266

It's not just you. Bandori's flicks are infamous for being shit.
The game is also pretty heavy despite not having any kind of MVs.

>> No.21680345

Thanks. I guess I'll reroll only for 5* Mariel for now. Two 5* seems to be difficult.

>> No.21680414

not so bad with rooted phone/emu.
can delete shared prefs folder for no data download.

then after it takes 15 min to run tutorial until gacha.

>> No.21680493
File: 1.92 MB, 1514x860, best roll so far.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is probably the best (worst) roll I've seen so far. Impressive.

>> No.21680872
File: 389 KB, 828x320, 1907076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second spirit gear event soon. Devs received the feedback from the previous event and made improvements to how the system works in general. Gacha won't have regular mirrors so any rainbow roll is going to be the spirit gear, less fragments required to craft them and once the event is over there will be a daily quest to farm them. Maybe it'll be possible to get Ix/Mileena's gear to level 3 in a single lifetime now.

>> No.21680942

I've had no issue with bandori flicks once I turned the note speed up to 8. I played with index fingers tho

>> No.21681063

I got Lokido and Shanie but no Mariel. Should I continue rerolling?

>> No.21681073

Wait screw that. I got 5* Lokido and Mighty and 4* Mariel and Shanie. I'm keeping this I guess.

>> No.21681563

Got Stahn one with one 10-roll. I will take this despite I wanted Leon or Veigue one.

>> No.21681628

That's a very good start, definitely a keeper. You can upgrade Mariel to 5* later.

>> No.21681778
File: 590 KB, 2835x3383, 74312578_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Summer characters getting unique equipment
I guess my idea of summer girls getting a 'powerup' a year later came true. I wonder how they'll make SPeco and SKokoro somewhat usable considering their first skills aren't particularly great to begin with.

>> No.21681875

Well, at least my summer Mifuyu will go from being useless to barely passable.

>> No.21681891

Truly nothing new to do in Shironeko this week. WE coop rerun and tomorrow stream don't count.

>> No.21681927
File: 105 KB, 649x363, ss+(2019-07-12+at+12.26.15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How important is it to have mariel/healer? I wanted at least 4* mariel + 4* Isuka or Anabel but had a pretty lucky reroll in pic. I also have a Mariel 5* account I saved but has no character I am interested in.

>> No.21681999

cant play without them
mariel is a healer with sonic tier speed, massive mp pool, can heal you to full in 1 turn, can make your team pretty much invincible against magic, can hit, can debuff everything
pick your difficulty
mariel: braindead
pom: normal
riica: hard

>> No.21682005

>People suddenly rerolling on AE EN

Did something happen or are they adding something new that makes it worth starting?

>> No.21682006

I already got 1000 gems. Should I be saving gems for some special events or can I just use them when my dick demands it?

>> No.21682011

Reading the thread sure is hard, huh

>> No.21682026

Sasuga Amamiya Sora.
But I agree with you. There are like what, 5 different Elizabeths now? Also 4 Bans and 4 Diannes. But only 2 of Merlin, with one version being exclusive to coin shop. Here's hoping that Commandments arc is going to bring more diversity to character roster.

>> No.21682027

AE is cancer to reroll in. It would take like an hour to get a 10 pull together. Right now you're getting two 10 pulls within 10-15 minutes instead. It's MUCH faster compared to what it usually is and this chance wont happen very often, if ever.

>> No.21682082

Sunday can't come soon enough, this downtime recently is killing me.

>> No.21682083

Oh that sounds great. When is that campaign ending?

>> No.21682117

>Mighty and Toova account
>No Mariel
God damn it.

>> No.21682138
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20190712-095612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>single pulled
>5* Mariel
Oh you've got to be joking. I guess I'm done rerolling.

>> No.21682196

Reminder today is the last day to do KC3 stuff in Shironeko until they rerun it.

>> No.21682199

I got Mariel and Toova on my very first round of reroll, but they're only 4*. Does raising to 5* take a lot of time and resources?

>> No.21682211

Apparently it's easily done once you're done with the main story. The fact you have the characters in the first place is what matters.

>> No.21682343

>Honkai got its own general
>Priconne got its own general
All the games I play are leaving for /vg/

>> No.21682411
File: 89 KB, 840x470, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21682425

And this isn't your blog.

>> No.21682432

Of course it is, make sure to subscribe to the rest of my mobile game posts~

>> No.21682519

Tfw got Judah on that collab in Kusopl game which is somehow managed to survive until its 1st anniversary on 2nd reroll despite his rate is supposedly only 0.133% but nothing in Shironeko and other kusoges which I'm playing.

>> No.21682830

So as a new player I shouldn't pull there, right? I'm only at 4k power so I can't do chapters until I enhacement my weps...

>> No.21682920

Save for now. There is a broken dps character in the near future, AS Suzette. After that then roll as your dick demands.

>> No.21682922

>tfw struggling at 3-8
I want event shop.

>> No.21682928

I wouldn't say easily done, it's just possible. You still need to finish up the events and get lucky due to chant scroll cancer. However, it is possible and right now at least, you only need 5* for what could be called the end end game content, exploration. That stuff is a pile of bullshit for super strong weapons.

>> No.21682991
File: 904 KB, 1350x1920, U19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read this manga. Holy shit this thing hits me so damn hard right in my heart.
>10x10 rolls
>all shit
>single roll
Literally /mbgg/

>> No.21683011

>Mahouka costume
How do you get that?

>> No.21683052

It was given for free almost a year ago.

>> No.21683202

I still haven't got any featured characters from free daily singles in Shironeko gacha rerun. I think I only got 3 4* project dupes so far and lots of 2*/3*.

>> No.21683318
File: 727 KB, 901x510, 1538255277335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i think this is good enough

>> No.21683326

Wow that's an amazing roll. You got some good shit there.

>> No.21683380

Can i throw away main character from party? Or game will force me to use him sometimes?

>> No.21683389

You can, but I would advise getting him leveled since one of the gaiden's forces you to use him for a battle. Plus he's gonna be upgradeable to 5* in a few weeks.

>> No.21683394

Put him in the bin for at least early game, you can always power level him later if needed

>> No.21683410

Got it, thanks.

>> No.21683484

Damn, I think that's the best I've seen. The best I could get was Mighty/Mariel/Toova. Between the horrible rate and the time to reroll it's hard to justify realistically getting more than 2-3 5*s.

>> No.21683507

Rule of thumb is roll to make your favorite characters stronger and work on a few key characters even if you don't like them because they'll make your life easier. If you aren't interested in them no need to roll, they're underwhelming gameplay-wise. The spirit gear is something you get to boost a character's power (and drops) even further after they're already well geared. The event missions will give you enough spirit shards to craft the level 1 spirit gear and some extra, then you can take your time to upgrade it to level 3 so don't feel pressured to roll.

Quest power level isn't an absolute metric of how strong you should be before attempting a quest so go ahead and try, your team comp and how you play matters more. Enhancing artes can be really good for some characters like Ix and his iframe weapons but it's not required to beat the story at all, leveling them up is more important.

>> No.21683573

>pricunnies trying to mantain a general without an English version

Just like /きらら/, right?

>> No.21683643

I like Stan and I have weps for him (2 out of 4) and the old Mirrage, I just need his mirrage gear so I don't know if its worth rolling. But I saw that Veigue has an AoE mirrage (if my mind is not trolling me) so I'm tempted to roll. Nice to know that I can try to clear these quests, I'll try with the first one just to see how it goes. Ty for tips anon.

>> No.21683692

Yeah? They're around just fine.

>> No.21683796

In that case wouldn't hurt rolling if you're not planning to roll for Luke/Asch's overray then, and there is still time to get diamonds before Summer starts. Could also roll step 1 and 2 of the anime gacha, Stahn's decisive battle mirror is there and step 2 has a 1/3 chance of giving you his first 5*.

>> No.21684562

>all those boring as fuck cliche quests in another eden
Should have started on JP.

>> No.21684831

What manga is this?

>> No.21685153
File: 111 KB, 657x360, ss+(2019-07-12+at+03.14.52).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, am I done now? Also it was mentioned that it was easy to get mariel to 5* but how about the other characters?

>> No.21685188
File: 342 KB, 1280x640, rank_190713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is the powercreep I've come to expect from kusopl.

>> No.21685201

THe thing with AE is that any DPS will be fine regardless, since at top endgame you'll be making multiple elemental teams.

what you 100% want in these teams though are Mariel for heals, and Yuna for buffs/debuffs.

get those two in your rerolls + any dps, and you're set for a while.

>> No.21685208
File: 201 KB, 1200x675, D_TT-rXWsAAs5hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally I was able to do that 10AP Stahn boss, damn. I'm having a lot of fun, I'll try the other 10 AP bosses later too. Now I'll just focus on the 40AP quest to do the event...

>> No.21685421

Gacha something something.

>> No.21685687
File: 793 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20190712-192002_ --.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually scratch that I just found out this QT got her 4th board so she might give muramasa a run for her money

>> No.21685691

How come nobody told me Tenka got a mahouka collab?

>> No.21685813
File: 731 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20190712-194510_ --.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It didn't it was just 3 costumes from 3 different animes we got for free for login in.

>> No.21685816


>> No.21686102
File: 95 KB, 625x690, australian cuties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the officially endorsed emu of /mbgg/ and what must one do to get it to run as smooth as possible?

>> No.21686120


>> No.21686263
File: 475 KB, 1653x1653, 189dd18ae2148fd05a1992dadc13b2bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Kaori dress herself with those club-like paws or does Makoto have to dress and undress her?

>> No.21686305

That belt strap is dumb.
That game is dumb.
I'm dumb.

>> No.21686400
File: 511 KB, 2251x1241, 5856727C-A3CC-4B8F-90A5-51D9A3B64A6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, these 3 are probably the best dps

>> No.21686626
File: 2.05 MB, 250x181, 1556160940929.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have all 3 of them
>Wasted 5k tear drops on Joizumi thinking I needed to max out her 4th board to get her UR version
Red teardrops refund option fucking when?

>> No.21686647

>used my 100 rolls for kyaru
>got peco instead
>tfw if it had been a solo rate up it would have been kyaru
I'll see you on the other side brothers

>> No.21686656

on /vg/ where you should be?

>> No.21686687
File: 175 KB, 533x345, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to use Peco in pvp but she'd just get btfo by Misaki. Not sure if I should roll.

>> No.21686710

>completely ignored
Guess I'll go figure it out myself. (sigh)

>> No.21686983

>emu peasants

>> No.21687018

I already hate limited equipment.

>> No.21687019

Announcements soon. No anime announcement, because we just got the 13 episode long, Episode AXiS. It is a good thing this wasn't an anime, because it was like 90% girls depressed in the rain.

>> No.21687035

>implying I don't have a phone
Well I guess screen casting is an option.
I just want to play with a controller on the big screen.

>> No.21687053

peasants dont know about me and my ipad pro

>> No.21687071

Its too big for my fingers though.
t. handlet

>> No.21687157

>SKyaru gets a chunk of MAtk, crit, 50% more damage on skill 1 AND an extra additional MDef debuff
>SPeco gets a chunk of PAtk, crit, larger self attack buff (more than doubled, larger than Eriko's buff) and crit making her hit for 200k UBs. With a cleave.
I'm happy they're both pretty much huge upgrades but sad at the same time that I need to spend 1100 whale tears to upgrade the both of them.

>> No.21687167

Playing kusoge on a tablet is great if you have the spare money (and hands) to afford one. Longer battery, bigger screen, potentially bigger storage. Don't have as much a risk with Chink botnets stealing your info because no phone number and stuff.
Only bad thing is it might be cumbersome if you're acutally "mobile" with it but I play all my kusoge at home anyways.

>> No.21687180

>from 11 heart pieces to 191
>no mana
It's a bittersweet feel.

>> No.21687204

Er, I do have both hands.
It's just the games I play are easier with a smaller screen (or keymapped controller).
Plus, I'm not in the mood to spend money on a tablet.

>> No.21687222

The Honkai general is already 90% shitposting, how long until the priconne one ends up the same way?

>> No.21687227

It started that way.

>> No.21687246

The priconne one is pretty decent right now and most of the update people moved there so i'd say it's pretty good right now.

The Honkai one started out great but now the great overseer needs to take it behind the winter cabin and put it down considering the state it is right now.

>> No.21687264

That's what happens when you get more people posting it seems.
Oh well.

>> No.21687303
File: 116 KB, 432x277, AIVHSE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 hours until Shironeko stream.

>somehow managed to survive
I guess there are dedicated whales since it seems to be impossible for F2P to get all the event rewards on that kusoge from what I played.

>> No.21687464
File: 844 KB, 1705x572, ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently picked up Another Eden again after completing the main story back earlier this year when it launched in NA. Only reason I picked it back up again was because it's easy to automate grinding on Nox. Slowly starting to get through the backlog of events to get some 10-rolls saved up for AS Suzette. Hope I get Yuna too eventually.

>> No.21687622

My basic attacks with WE MC feel kinda weak in WE coop even with gigas. Is the charged attack supposed to be the main source of damage since it consistently does 200mil+?

>> No.21687660

Going to be episode 4.5 + implementation of AXiS dance chibis. Stuff we already know that will be implemented. Maybe an announcement of a new unit as well.

>> No.21687749
File: 219 KB, 1280x720, D_VYyLFUEAEzfVX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic attacks for berserkers is mostly to fill burst gauge nowadays imo.

>> No.21687765

>haven't played Kusoneko in forever
>figure I may as well get back into it for the anniversary
>only have up to chapter 9 of the story cleared
Guess I know what I'll be doing tomorrow, this will take ages to clear up since I haven't done Hard for quite a few of the chapters I have cleared.

>> No.21687862

I stack auto attack damage on mine, even though the burst did more damage the window where he’s casting it leaves you vulnerable and I kept getting gimped during bosses. This was prebuff tho

>> No.21688218
File: 3.75 MB, 1334x750, ex2kill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally cleared EX2 dungeon. Fuck that was exciting. EX3 when KMR?

>> No.21688224

Starting in 10 minutes.

>Only 47k RT at the moment
What happened to the remaining of 1 million Twitter followers?

>> No.21688225


>> No.21688243

tfw you follow 6300 people and haven't even seen shironeko tweet pop up yet

>> No.21688265

please give a new MC version so that i can have the full team.

>> No.21688271

Priconne or Revue Starlight? Which is more generous and has a longer lasting appeal?

>> No.21688287

Priconne if you want long lasting because you'll never catch up to anyone

>> No.21688306
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>> No.21688317
File: 172 KB, 702x945, 1531502409104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped playing a year ago and even then I still don't see anyone I follow retweet that game, or any kusopl game. For it's longevity / how big it is it's so ridiculously lowkey or actively avoided it's weird. Weirder then it's powercreep too since looking at that last chart half my units are back in the meme pyramid so might come back for anni, not roll new MC again and get pissed about my compu.

>> No.21688337

>8M HP
Hopefully never. Even months later I don't bother with killing it after my first clear because it just takes an obnoxious amount of time.

>> No.21688349

It may be something that everyone had tried/played at one point but moved on. Kinda like PAD.

>> No.21688354
File: 102 KB, 690x341, SseRKY9Ql4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this mean?

Blessed image.

>> No.21688370

That's who they're adding to the lotto tickets..

>> No.21688397

True. Also even without killing the boss all these time I'm left over with too many coins I don't know what to do with.

>> No.21688409

I wonder if it's still going to be possible to get them from Anniversary jumbo tickets aside Recto and Linnea which were never included before..

>> No.21688456

>Fujoshit gets a collab
>BGHS never got a collab
So this is the power of faggotry...

>> No.21688483
File: 21 KB, 497x294, SshhFnNLEZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more added if they can reach 65k.

>> No.21688526
File: 130 KB, 1920x1080, SshE0UXaro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Directed and script by Masato Jinbo
>Music by Taku Iwasaki
>Character design by Yousuke Okuda
>project No.9

>> No.21688546

I still don't get the story of zero chronicle. Is it like right before the prologue of shironeko starts? Past life?

>> No.21688560

>They're deciding the next Chaguma class by throwing darts
Oh boy.

Also the lead up to the world splitting up to the different islands.

>> No.21688573 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21688586 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21688597


>> No.21688603
File: 195 KB, 1280x720, 1546953572264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the candidates. Marked ones are on the board twice.

>> No.21688604

Anyone have the Iris cosplayers twitter?

>> No.21688610


>> No.21688611

Fuck AsaiP.

Can they be voted separately later?

>> No.21688633

Oh, I thought they were going to do the entire roster like that.

Yeah, that's what it says at the bottom now that I've actually read it. No idea if it's also limited to these characters.

>> No.21688641

>rune filters for the present box
Fucking finally. I love you so much kamipl

>> No.21688653

Hoping it also means they are finally going to rerun Douglas events.

>> No.21688667
File: 354 KB, 1920x1080, SskekKEXHZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoping they don't replace actual Summer event again this year.

>> No.21688673

>It's easy to automate grinding on Nox
Share your method please

>> No.21688730

I'm kinda having mixed feelings with Ciela's guaranteed enrollment. Being pre-selected usually means less chance of being the new council president. Goddamn it AsaiP, you should've darted Sheryl instead.

>> No.21688760

Are they going to announce a collab?
The chat keep asing for one with most of them asking for Fate or SAO.

>> No.21688767 [DELETED] 

Enjoy the rerun >>21688667 Tfw no gems reset for old players.

>> No.21688769

>asking for Fate or SAO

Oh there it is.

>> No.21688770
File: 535 KB, 2048x1453, Du7TOaSUcAAeQyN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's @nagi731. On a related note, @oOsuyaaaOo was Iris last year and she looked better, shame they went with someone else this time.

>> No.21688771

>SAO collab
Are you fucking serious right now?

>> No.21688772

>Ends up being SAO anyway
Double gross.

>> No.21688774

Wow I follow Misaco and no idea she did Iris

>> No.21688775
File: 206 KB, 1920x1080, SslGG1V2yc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to skip Anniversary gacha,

>> No.21688781

I don't understand why it's so popular.
Hack is so much better and it did it years before.

>> No.21688787

>Madoka is still in the fucking pyramid
>Kirito will join her really soon
lmao best timeline

>> No.21688816

Scamco has already killed most stuff related with .hack. I'm surprised they actually bother to do a G.U HD release.

>> No.21688827
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>> No.21688828


>> No.21688834
File: 278 KB, 1080x1717, 1542869518648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I take her seriously when she dresses like a slut?

Also how many world endings / destructions is this? You figure even the planet would just give up at this point.

>> No.21688842

Is that another king of light?
That make 3 of them now?

>> No.21688843

literally brown iris

>> No.21688849

>How can I take her seriously when she dresses like a slut?
My dick is going to take her seriously.

>> No.21688861

Tfw probably there will be guaranteed one in 2500 gems since there are 5 characters but I had already spent all of my gems on current one >>21688306

>> No.21688862

Nope. They are apparently heirs of the Dark Lord just like MC.

>loli beams

>> No.21688866

*4 characters

>> No.21688867

Where do you reset islands?
I havent' used mine yet and i started around the 3rd anniv.

>> No.21688870

I followed this guide to set things up. It automates everything from when to use food & going back to time rift to get more food. Just make sure to have a character that can one-shot mobs with a AoE spell at Beast King's Castle (I use Toova's Great Wall).


>> No.21688871

Boy I sure love variants not being able to use them in any meaningful content

>> No.21688872
File: 3 KB, 156x78, Ssm34IXWdW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21688896

Wtf MC is a regular sword user with no element.
So he's pretty much shit tier?

>> No.21688903

>endure effect
>modified burst
Confirmed broken

>> No.21688918

Odd: Waste all of my gems
Even: Skip Anniversary gacha.

>> No.21688925
File: 669 KB, 1370x812, 54b16c19a271ba70a94dec01f8b4ac3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tina and Sheryl exist and they were broken.

RNG God has spoken.

>> No.21688945

Yeah but still feel underwhelming.
I was expecting him to be a rune fencer or maybe a new class.

>> No.21689048

>Gacha and event don't actually start at midnight
I'm disappointed.

>> No.21689061

Do i need to read the current event for Dark Ragnarok?

>> No.21689072

Sure. Regalia event is pretty short anyway.

>> No.21689097

Alright thanks.
I ignored the story since i don't really care about 3 Kingdom style story/characters.

>> No.21689111

>160 rolls no Summer Peco
That's it I give up

>> No.21689168

Rate this Anniversary stream


>> No.21689193

4=3>2>1>Fuck Chaguma Ciela.

>> No.21689206

This year actually has more free stuff to offer than last year, so 5 > 4. Also, seething Sherylpedos

>> No.21689228

How much free stuff we're going to get?

>> No.21689286
File: 127 KB, 576x1024, img1285432_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Two random 10 and another random 10 for 4* projects only.
- Free useless 10-rolls depending on login days + 2 more useless 10-rolls from doing events + daily ones
- 5 jumbo character tickets and 5 jumbo weapon tickets.

>> No.21689314

Sounds just like last year, except for the extra 10 lotto and the free 10 roll.

>> No.21689383

Thanks anon.
Do I need to be careful or can I safely abuse it?

>> No.21689646

Can someone give me a summary on what's going on with the Axis shit? I'm too eop to understand the story.

>> No.21689676

>Casquette x Nanabana Single
>4UxKarakuri single
Hyped for more Karakuri even if it's with that trash band.
This year has been amazing music wise for T7, QoP album had a ton of great songs, Heaven's Rave was great, Cocytus and Natsukage are top 5 of all time tier.

>> No.21689691


I've been abusing the shit out of it and haven't had anything bad happen yet. Haven't heard of anyone be banned for EXP macro'ing - only bans I heard about were modified APKs and shit like that.

>> No.21689768

I want to fuck children

>> No.21689774
File: 309 KB, 1354x1215, D_XLihrUYAEmOyD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why she is water element.

>> No.21689776

Wrong general, you're looking for /pcrg/, it's moved to /vg/.

>> No.21689800


>> No.21689958

I'm going to roll for every character in this collab

>> No.21690043

Wait where’s iris and eleanor

>> No.21690048


>> No.21690235

You had it too good for too long Eleanor cuck.

>> No.21690249

But that's not Ciela or any of the shilled characters.

>> No.21690332

>no more dark berserker MC

>> No.21690479
File: 324 KB, 1238x670, pboosts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new characters
Look good, Nero converting mp% to hp% sounds fun. Gonna go all in for Selena and hope for the best.

>sao collab/old collab rerun
Easy save unless it's the summer gacha like FT. Trading in for Melodias' sword will be nice though since all the sites shill it nonstop.

New douglas event isn't much of a surprise but looking at 9db there's going to be a second part to the parameter boosts too. Might want to put some of them in your pick 10 tickets.

>> No.21690513

I'm going all in for MC but i don't mind getting the others.
A little sad Iris don't have a new version.

>> No.21690605

I imagine he'll end up being the strongest since he's a sword that plays like an xsaber and he has Soara's S2, hope I can get him too. It's kinda funny that we're getting 2 back to back gachas where they're making other classes play more like xsabers.

>> No.21690621

I wonder if they are going to give MC or another character motif for free with the event like they did with Zero and WE.

>> No.21690700

I hope the MC gets his weapon for free, having to trade in for 2 swords would suck since Melodias' is so strong with the life leech and crit damage.

>> No.21690725

So with this event you can now make a full team with MC and full team of heirs of darkness?
Maybe next year will be Iris turn.

>> No.21690876

>AsaiP missed the dartboard on first try
My sides. I wonder what voting system will they come up with for the rest.

Weren't the free motifs mainly because they were new classes? I wouldn't hope for much. On the other side, gacha weapons have higher chance of being good, so there's that.

>> No.21691339
File: 1.79 MB, 1024x576, 2019-07-13 20-05-41.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally got max cast time reduction on my Rita
It's beautiful.

>> No.21691491

>Xsaber is arguably the most fun class
>Release bad xsabers but make other classes play like xsabers
Granted I haven't played in a while now and the last xsaber I had was Chaguma Aisha.

>> No.21691501

If she doesn't "blah blah blah" I'll be seriously disappointed.

>> No.21692053 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.21692061 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.21692066 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.21692071 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.02 MB, 1024x1331, 1563070107156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21692154

I hope kirito is good so I can bring him to every coop and meme on people

>> No.21692242

>Still 4 hours until I can spend my only 250 gems to get trash or dupe 4* projects
I just want to be disappointed already.

Tfw most players aren't even using Gintama collab characters anymore.

>> No.21692433

I'm surprised Madoka lasted this long. Her kit really is busted

>> No.21692596

>Decided to do a 10-roll in another kusoge and got the rate-up SSR which I wanted
>Got 2 anniversary characters in .me gacha simulator on 1st 10-roll
I guess I have already wasted my luck so these 250 gems is definitely going to be 爆死.

>> No.21692637

/mbgg/, I need to compile a list of all girls in mobage that call (You) onii-chan. How many do you guys know?

>> No.21692650

All of them, just set your account name to "onii-chan."

>> No.21692688 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.48 MB, 4096x4096, 1563078724234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21692727

So is nero a villain?

>> No.21692730 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.41 MB, 4096x4096, 1563079216216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't okay.

>> No.21692900

Any good suggestions for a good mobage to start? Currently only playing Dragalia and im pretty op in the game, so its dailies only with a run of the current events.

Im thinking of starting JP Tales of Rays, cant understand the language but it looks fun. Any other good suggestions?

>> No.21692905

just in time for shironeko Anniversary goodies in an hour, also Another Eden global is giving 2 10 rolls

>> No.21692908

Well what are you looking for exactly in a mobage?

>> No.21692968


Anything really. I have no specifications and no expectations. Dragalia Lost and Kingdom Hearts Union Cross are my only two mobage experiences.

>> No.21693036
File: 848 KB, 637x900, D-sKlrsUIAA5y1A.png orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shironeko project plays pretty much like Dragalia, you'll get used pretty easy with the game mechanics.

Just today is their 5th anniversary, so there be some good stuff that may do your rerolling easier, and the units from the upcoming event are going to be probably broken so is the perfect time to jump in if you're interested in the game.


>> No.21693067

Werner's meme screams never fail to put a smile on my face.

>> No.21693106

Cool, I'll give it a try

>> No.21693137

how long is the another eden 20 rolls? fuck im still not done rerolling

>> No.21693148
File: 1.58 MB, 1200x1697, NolvaWaverlade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then.
In addition to what >>21692905 suggested (they are good games by the way),
I have a couple I'd like to add.

--Dragon Project
Made by the same folks who did Shironeko, this is essentially monster hunter on mobile.
Good action game that you can play at your own pace.
Gacha is a bit weird in that its boss based.
You make your own character and roll for boss summons to defeat so you can obtain rare material to craft equipment.
All in all it could be something up your ally if you prefer action combat.
Link to site below.
And some gameplay

An interesting blend of puzzle/turn based strategy RPG.
Main draw is the pleasant artstyle, entertaining story, and layered gameplay.
It's also quite F2P friendly as the gacha only requires you to draw someone once and that's it.
(raising them to max rank can be done through dailies)
All characters are perfectly viable. Powercreep is functionally non-existent.

Link to site below
And some gameplay

Also if you don't mind the foreign language, Tales of Rays is worth a try.
And hey, it might give you an excuse to learn the language!

Have fun bro.

>> No.21693150

>dark ragnarok
>brown girl front and center
A little on the nose there. When are thry coming? The drider and mage were pretty shit characters, I know you’re about to release anni stuff but they were extra bad

>> No.21693155

One more hour until disappointment and a waste of 250 gems.

Dragon project is already kill though.

The drider is rated higher than KC Galga after his motif.

>> No.21693171

Was there an announcement?
I still see it in the app store.

>> No.21693187

>Meaning Dragon Project if unclear

>> No.21693193

Please play Tokyo 7th Sisters, we have a campaign where watching all the in-game episodes gives you 5000 free coins. It lasts until 1st of next month.

>> No.21693217

Kusopl killed JP version on the 27th last month. I don't know whether the EN version is still alive or not.

>> No.21693219

Definitely trying out Sdorica. Love the Sprite work. I'll go for Tales of Rays too. Like you said, good excuse to attempt to learn the language.

>> No.21693229
File: 412 KB, 730x816, BacksideIzumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well now I just feel awkward.
Glad to have helped friend!

>> No.21693243

If you played or are playing Dragalia, try out Shironeko. The classes are pretty much the same except that the controls and general feel of Shironeko is much smoother.

>> No.21693265

i miss when i enjoyed videogames
none of my current mobile games or videogame give me that fun enjoyment they used to give me and the worst ones just make me angry when I used to love them

>> No.21693271

By the way. This is my first time downloading a foreign mobile game. How is QooApp? Usually what I see when looking up JP mobage.

>> No.21693277

Qooapp, apkpure, VPN to JP playstore
anything works really

>> No.21693278

QooApp is good, why?

>> No.21693312

I'm enjoying my kusoges except the gacha part. Being forced to use old characters because I keep failing to roll new characters in Shironeko sucks despite the buffs because of the powercreep.

>> No.21693367
File: 52 KB, 506x900, StseAY24Xx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for disappointment despite I know I shouldn't expect to get any new characters in Shironeko with only 250 gems.

>> No.21693380

>2 Selena with those 250 gems
I'm happy and sad at the same time.

>> No.21693385

>500 gems and only Selena
May farm up another 500, maybe 750 if I've still got enough uncleared shit, but at least I won't be completely blueballed for once.

>> No.21693393

>got her and the monk on my 3rd 10 roll.
Way better than i was expecting, I'll wait to see how good the others are before I do any more.

>> No.21693399

>50 rolls and only one 4 star
>it's the monk dude the only character i didn't want
I fucking hate this game.

>> No.21693402
File: 2.10 MB, 1080x1920, 白猫_2019-07-14-03-11-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck

>> No.21693408

I now realize that Serena's the first 4* Runesaber that the game's actually given me despite all the ones I've tried to pull. Anyone mine giving me a quick rundown on what their gimmick is?

>> No.21693414

>9/10 stamp
>only MC left until compu
Gotta finish the event right away. I'm betting all of this on the guaranteed 5*.

>> No.21693418

>Meiseikai Kamome from jumbo
I guess it's better than only trash or dupes.

But he is gold SS on Famitsu.

A melee mage.

>> No.21693426

>But he is gold SS on Famitsu
I don't care i don't like his design and it's MC i wanted and now i'm forced to finally island reset to maybe get him.
I haven't gotten a character i wanted since
WE last year so of course i'm pissed.

>> No.21693428

There's a gauge on the side with 3 different runes, hers are
>Action skill strength +100%
>HP auto recovery
>SP auto recovery
Whenever you have a rune active, the gauge itself will tick down until you either cancel it or it hits zero. Whenever you don't have a rune on the gauge replenishes. Holding down the punicon to auto attack instead of mashing is also good for them.

>> No.21693453

Then find something else to do and stop blogging about it here.

>> No.21693459

Thanks, sounds nice and simple, I like it.

>> No.21693482

It seems the monk passives are similar to WE MC. He can't get buffs from other characters.

>> No.21693492

>scrap another 10 roll with anniv gems
>get MC
So i need to whine to roll what i want?

>> No.21693499 [DELETED] 

I can’t believe there’s a esports scene for monster strike

>> No.21693509
File: 2.67 MB, 1080x2246, Screenshot_2019-07-14-16-51-16-925_jp.colopl.wcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I finally got DR MC alright, but on the second stamp guarantee. Fuck.
Total damage incurred: 5k gems

>> No.21693532

His skill 3 where he auto dodges for 45 seconds seems like it'll be abusable at some point with skill extension equipment but I'm not sure if he'll be better than Yuka even with that since she can't die with Ruby's motif.

>> No.21693554

>wake up
>no char present

>> No.21693559

I'm feeling so regretful for rolling sh eleanor and blowing most of my gems before anni. FUCK ELEANOR

>> No.21693560

>everyone gold ss except the loli
Will variants ever be saved?

>> No.21693561

Do you mean 3rd stamp? There is a guaranteed one in 3750 gems.

>> No.21693565

Surprising literally no one. Variants will always be trash

>> No.21693566

It's weird that she is currently the highest on .me

>> No.21693568

Variant rework when?

>> No.21693579

Just noticed they didn't release a new class for anni like they did the past 2 years.

>> No.21693582


>Selena Gigas memes

>> No.21693586
File: 316 KB, 1079x818, _20190714_100915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nero as first character from first roll
>MC from second
>second stamp on second card now with only MC dupes on the way
Out of gems and hope now, sure didn't expect that initial luck would hold up, but it's still disappointing. At least I got the half I wanted more first, MC compu done.

Probably second stamp card, not stamp.

>> No.21693595

Good. They should focus on fixing existing classes

>> No.21693615

I just think releasing a new one every year was unsustainable, like we didn't get many variants this year

>> No.21693624

The last one before Nero was Lucifer back in November. They think they can just slap SP recovery on her S1 and make her class decent.

>> No.21693625

Priconne question:
Is there a point in the story where I'll absolutely need to increase stars of characters to 4 or 5?
Or is the story beatable with current max rank equipment and right characters?

>> No.21693667

>Used event gems to do another 10-roll
>Didn't even get dupe 4* project
Now this is Shironeko which I know. I wonder if I will be able to get enough gems for 2500 gems guaranteed since Dark Ragnarok gacha doesn't end until August 14. Just hoping it won't be Selena again.

>> No.21693714

Buying Fennika motif paid off now that I got the homo

>> No.21693814

Is there any change between original mode and extra mode for the new MC?

>> No.21693817

You don't need them but it makes things infinitely easily to 3* so you can spam skip tickets. You can get by using Tomo as a Muimi replacement for a lot of the story.

>> No.21693857

>Still no lotto tickets

I though they were going to give them tonight, what happened?

>> No.21693907

>decide to do a third 10pull instead of being satisfied with just Selena
>don't get any loading so just skip the animation
>spooked by MC
This is the best luck I've ever had in this fucking game. 2 event 4*s in just 3 pulls.

>> No.21693913

>tfw get 2 and its the ones I wanted the least
Fucking Nero and the edgelord fist

>> No.21693916

That's not what I meant bro…

>> No.21693918

>About 750 gems from login and dailies until August 14
I guess I'm going to wait and see what's the next event before wasting more gems since it's probably impossible for me to get a total of 2k gems for the guaranteed. Maybe I should try getting the others from rerun gacha instead.

Kusopl only mentioned wait for news about when they will be given.

>> No.21693928

I hate these base quests so fucking much

>> No.21693946

Nice, congrats anon.

>> No.21693984
File: 778 KB, 720x1280, 1532860611338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent $30 on kusoneko for the second time in 3 years~ for the pack. Ended up with xsaber Tina.

Also this with the gems.

>> No.21694048
File: 47 KB, 639x145, variant life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like they had a change of heart.

>> No.21694076

Tfw finally saw Shironeko ending. The last boss coop is going to be awful to solo.

>> No.21694079

Is it a giant boss on edge of platform like the last 2 anniversaries or an actual enemy?

>> No.21694112

>every selena king minotaur video ends up 20-30 seconds left

>> No.21694119

The former with different gimmick for the 1st half although the problem is his attacks.

>> No.21694132

>Used the extra free 10-roll
>Two 4* project dupes

>> No.21694242

No character present until 19th

>> No.21694306

>Have to wait until the 19th if I want to exchange motif with those 2 blue memorial swords

>> No.21694319
File: 74 KB, 180x330, Fang-0-portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>name's Fang
>no fang

>> No.21694328

What's funny?

>> No.21694333

cute and funny?

>> No.21694355

>Sorey with a shark

You, anon, know who is the best boy in the entire franchise.

>> No.21694393

>SAO collab
time to start playing the game

>> No.21694431

But that's not Yuri?

>> No.21694606

I can't believe Kensei is fucking dead. Good thing I didn't roll for him lmao

>> No.21694657
File: 214 KB, 473x504, 1546368507634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Figure anni is good enough time to play some kusoneko more since stopping after rolling nothing I really want since between WE and Aisha's Chaguma
>3 free 10rolls on NY Emma give me 2 dupes of the literally who homo fire spear when going for Emma, Vicious or Kiara
>2 10rolls on dark ragnarok for 2 3*s
>Jumbo gives me a dupe of UT2 Judah
I can't even muster the will to play event stages.

>> No.21694723

>Selena does 200-300 million with her S2 on training dummy with Jona motif
Too bad she feels a bit more fragile and slow compared to WE Iris. I wish I got the monk or MC instead.

>> No.21694755

Any characters I should definitely focus on getting in Shironeko?

>> No.21694756

Dark Ragnarok villain is so boring. Seemingly overpowered yet still boring. In the end, no one can still top Uncle Lloyd and his phantom beast shenanigans.

>> No.21694767

In the current reruns? Probably WE Iris. Eleanor and MC are great too but Iris has had staying power the entire time thanks to her autobuffs

>> No.21694814

Also, get new MC in current gacha if you are rerolling.

>> No.21694825

Evens I save
Odds I waste gems going for MC to get compu

>> No.21694882

RIP Anon. Hopefully you will be lucky.

>> No.21695088

Still don't know why I bother rolling for every gacha in PriConne. Don't actually play outside of new story content, so twice a month, outside of logins. Spent 30k for the dumb summer cat and probably won't ever use her.

Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.21695171

>Current jumbo tickets in Shironeko can be used until December 2
I guess no more jumbo tickets until Xmas or New Year.

>> No.21695589
File: 287 KB, 1019x1438, D-w_dP1UEAAvpmC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Istaqa's season has finished in Compass. Ranking cutoffs this time around were around 3769 points for the top 20K and 4010 for top 10K.
Summer costumes are still running until the 1st August, and the next news stream will be on the 20th.

>> No.21695757

>that building from finishing 5th anni island
Too bad I don't have the character to see the story

>> No.21696460

Don't forget refusal to post in the right thread

>> No.21696479

Which thread would be correct?

>> No.21696484


>> No.21696652

This makes me a bit sad for the fallen one. I hope he's the first and last one on that epitaph. I'm not accustomed to canon deaths in my mobile games.

>> No.21696982

if they count it as canon and never let people vote for him in events i'll never stop laughing. the nips on 9db were excited about his voice actor so if they killed him off to not have to pay him again that'd be incredible.

>> No.21697571

Is the MC a big enough powercreep to keep rolling for? If he's not I think I'd rather for summer.

>> No.21697710

His kit is pretty unique and his S2 does almost 400m without skull or anything

>> No.21697762

Didn't realize Weiss is like WE MC and can't be buffed at all except by his S3. His S1 is pretty satisfying to use

>> No.21697771

I guess I can toss a couple more rolls to try to get him then. Thanks.

>> No.21697843

Anyone want to start making the new thread?

>> No.21697925

Making a new thread

>> No.21697932


