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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2166364 No.2166364[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Relatively speaking, 4chan is pretty popular in Japan

I wonder if that's curious Elevens or gaijins studying/teaching

>> No.2166372

They come to download images.

>> No.2166373

no, that's just me. I'm a heavy user.

>> No.2166374

When 4chan was really new, most of the visitors would be Japanese. But they'd only come here for the pics and never post, so moot blocked them.

He unblocked Japan for golden week some years ago and he never reblocked them after that.

>> No.2166376

Just like we visit futaba for pictures.

>> No.2166382

>South Korea - 1,1%

lol /jp/

>> No.2166386

it's me

i'm the suth efrican in the op

>> No.2166390

And no Japanese goes to /jp/. They goes to /v/.

>> No.2166396 [DELETED] 


Pretty sure it's just me and my endless host of dynamic IPs.

>> No.2166428

>Spain 1%

So how come I'm the only one of them that browses /jp/?

>> No.2166430


>> No.2166453
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Only 4.7? Huh.

>> No.2166465

Nope, there's at least two of us even on /jp/. Also, 0.8 is a fucking lot of people if you consider 4chan traffic.

>> No.2166467

Same here bro.

>> No.2166471

Try being one of the "other countries".

>> No.2166482

Brazil here

most of BRs just stay in /b/ though

>> No.2166487
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>> No.2166494

Oh nice.
Maybe 3 or 4 guys (with me) from Argentifag.

>> No.2166495

I like it how their flag says "Order and Progress."

Such irony.

>> No.2166497

lolwut @ Germany

Canadafag here, btw.

>> No.2166516

I know of only 3 colombians that lurk here. A dozen or so in /b/

>> No.2166524

Wow, a lot less Russians than I thought.

>> No.2166525

You know?
Even though I'm not American, my IP is, this is pure bullshit, nothing can be concluded from this.

>> No.2166527

It used to be a good country before it was taken by thieves, communists and potheads.

>> No.2166535

>Even though I'm not American, my IP is
/jp/ - Illegal Aliens

>> No.2166540

brazilian here too
Actually, most brazilians just lurk /b/ sometimes and pretend they are cool because they use memes around people that have no idea what a meme is
and I actually don't laugh like a retard

>> No.2166544

They are all banned, so they are using proxies from other countries.

>> No.2166548

Brazil was good and respectable before?

>> No.2166551

Isn't this based on that shitty Alexa Toolbar?

>> No.2166558

That makes absolutely no sense

>> No.2166559

Yes, for a while after it got its independance.

>> No.2166565

Indeed it was, and I'm not even brazilian

>> No.2166577

Brazil here.
moni pls.

It's probably what >>2166482 said.

>> No.2166589

We got unbanned a long time ago. I'm using a Russian IP right now.

>> No.2166592

Your ip probably ends in .net.

>> No.2166598

I meant hostname.

>> No.2166603

Most latinamerican countries share IPs, except Mexico and Brazil

>> No.2166614

Sure, which creates false statistical data.

>> No.2166616

Silly communist, go back to hiding behind the iron curtain.

>> No.2166625

Is AoC the only colombian on 4chan?

>> No.2166630

Where is Croatia?

>> No.2166643

There are ~50 million Britons.
and there are ~80 million Germans with a horrible anime community.

Why are you surprised?

>> No.2166652

Paraguay used to be the most advanced country in South American but the surrounding nations decided to fuck it up.

Believe it or not.

>> No.2166669

I don't think ASFARC militants like anime that much.

>> No.2166673

Hi /jp/ im from Perú.

>> No.2166689

No. There's the original AoC and my brother that I'm certain of. Plus the few ones that come here every blue moon. Most are in /b/ anyway. Not that there are many, a couple dozens at most.

>> No.2166695

Liking anime in latin american countries is common as fuck, believe or not. There's no such thing as being a weeaboo either, but 4chan is another thing.

>> No.2166723
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>> No.2166727

and yeah, forgot about original AoC, what happened to him?

>> No.2166746
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>> No.2166825

What the hell happened to Finland? I thought they beat out the UK for 4chan visitorship.

>> No.2166837
File: 37 KB, 789x738, 4chanStatsCountries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't this based on that shitty Alexa Toolbar?
Yes, which is why this graph can only be inaccurate.
People in non-English speaking countries who are fluent in English tend to be less retarded than average, so there's a much smaller chance that they use the toolbar.

>> No.2166864

Just use quantserve's data if that makes you more comfortable. It depends on a automatically loaded script, very few block them.

>> No.2166867

I block those.

>> No.2166872

>very few block them
I know I do.

>> No.2166888

I have their domain blocked in my hosts file, my firewall, and ABP. Fuck them with a rake.

>> No.2166895

Yes, but we're not the majority, unlike say adblockers.
Anyway, it's more trustworthy data than Alexa

>> No.2166902

Inaccurate as well

>> No.2166909

Cool, I also have quantserve blocked.

>> No.2166915

ONCE there was a post in Thai trying to troll me and I replied him with Japanese though.

>> No.2166921

What the hell is quantserve?

>> No.2166938
File: 16 KB, 536x199, whatthehell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is this?

>> No.2166939

>trying to troll me
But you are the troll.

>> No.2166945

did you read 1984 and Illuminatus? Combine those with Jews and it's kind of like that.

>> No.2166952

Since when did I troll anything.

>> No.2166956

Jesus fuck!

>> No.2166963


Well YOU are the troll.

>> No.2167277


Spanish here!

>> No.2167292


>> No.2167316
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Nice to know that I'm not alone.



>> No.2167328

>Philippines 0.7%

Haha, oh wow.

>> No.2167329

Spaniards are the worst, well, most of them, you're not

>> No.2167345

Theres like 2~4 guys from Croatia on 4chan.

>> No.2167350

Most humans are the worst, countries are irrelevant

>> No.2167367
File: 60 KB, 450x359, 1235196739503.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spaniards are the worst

Yes, unfortunately. But as >>2167350 said, there are retards everywhere.

>well, most of them, you're not

Thanks bro.

>> No.2167375

Spaniard here too.
At least, we aren't below 1%

>> No.2167709

Brazillian here too.

Well...there are many of us around in /a/ and /jp/ disguised....but probably there used to be more of us before most of our states got their IP blocked...

Anyway you may never know...

>> No.2167740

I've seen one of us in /tg/ too. He must have been a /jp/er as well, though.

>> No.2167784


>> No.2167789

>South Africa 1.2

>> No.2167852

I thought Brazil would be higher on that list, since mentioning the country at random seems to spawn a lot of 'lurkers' no matter what board.

>> No.2167871

Another Brazilian here. Damn I wish i knew people around me that played Touhou.

>> No.2167879

Oh wow, it's true.

>> No.2167905

Why not ask friends?

>> No.2167924


I play other games with them like Brawl. I showed them Touhou last week, they didn't enjoy it that much.

>> No.2167944

Glad to see that I make up 0.7% of 4chan's total population. People that live in this country go to places like Komica

>> No.2167973

Weird, I showed my friends how I 1cc'd PCB on lunatic, they were so amazed they just asked for all the games.

>> No.2167977

I've yet to find another belgian /jp/edo.

>> No.2167993

7.6% for other countries is quite a lot

>> No.2168001


I can only 1cc most of them on normal, but then again I've been playing Touhou for less then a month.

>> No.2168005

>1cc most on normal .. playing less than a month

>> No.2168014

Does this prove that most of all the things that ruin 4chan are actually americans? I mean, it's kindda their nature.

>> No.2168015

0.9%? I thought I was alone.

>> No.2168026

>Spain 1%

That reminds me of the time when I went to Gran Canaria for a vacation with my friends and I had a hard tie controlling myself when I noticed somebody had written "Hammertime" on a stop sign.

>> No.2168037

That's not how percentages work

>> No.2168043

Why control your power level? just let it out and look cool for knowing thing nobody else does.

>> No.2168051


Oh common it's not that hard. I did EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF and working my way with SA, which I'm finding the hardest of them yet. I started playing the games on the 6th of February.

>> No.2168053

>Netherlands 0.9%
0.9% of 4chan is probably more than the Netherlands has people.

>> No.2168071
File: 25 KB, 279x400, 776f57dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol baka gaijin.

>> No.2168075
File: 369 KB, 526x395, BADUMTSHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2168092

>wwwwwwwwww baka gaijin.

>> No.2168105

SA's definitely the hardest I've found also. I just suck at shmups.

>> No.2168126


>> No.2168148

Shit statistics are shit

>> No.2168192

>In household
That includes if the visitor happens to be said underage kid. Yup, it explains a lot.

>> No.2168218

you Indians need to stop browsing.
both of you

>> No.2168231

>both of you

>> No.2168270

France here . I'm missing .

>> No.2168443 [DELETED] 

Glad to see that I make up 0.7% of 4chan's total population. People that live in this country go to places like Komica

>> No.2168517

I think I am one of the only 3 venezuelans that browse 4chan, the other 2 are like 300 km. from where I live ;_;

>> No.2168534


Enjoy having Chavez forever. Seriously, how do you stand for that shit?

>> No.2168539

The are Venezuelans here?
Always thought you didn't even know what internet was

>> No.2168554

This graph tells me nothing, it only counts the dumb faggots that installed the Alexa toolbar on IE, heck, I'm guessing most of us don't even use that piece of shit Internet Explorer.

>> No.2168574

coercion, almost 2 million of public employes were forced to sign for the referendum and threatened with beign fired (included some of my friends) if they didn't vote for the pertetual relection, and also 5 million people of 16 million voters didn't vote, so you can't say he has a real popular support.

>> No.2168576

What's that?

>> No.2168649

lol Mexicans
