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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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21634092 No.21634092 [Reply] [Original]


前 thread:

>> No.21634103

Fuck ankidrones
You don't study a language like you're studying for a test

>> No.21634133

i think abandoning anki is only worth it if u actually enjoy reading and can commit substantially more time to it in exchange for dropping anki

>> No.21634153

pretty much anyone who has ever gotten good fast at japanese who didn't use anki also claims to have read like 6+ hours a day. not using anki is inefficient as fuck.

>> No.21634157
File: 25 KB, 507x613, X0kDif8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After downloading this language pack the font still looks the same unfortunately, do I have to somehow manually set the font?

>> No.21634169

if u dont enjoy nihongo u aint gonna learn nihongo no matter how much anki u do

>> No.21634181

check out https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-start/japanese-text-displays-incorrectly-in-explorer/770c6bf7-609a-4b91-b34c-536c7eaf7a7d it might help

>> No.21634186

yeah thats what i think to but some people talk about timeboxing reading and shit and im like wtf so im not really sure why those people are even learning this language in the first place

>> No.21634196

timeboxing is just a strategy for avoiding distractions
it's not limited to doing things you don't like doing
people can timebox an activity and end up just doing much more than they planned because when they finally were able to concentrate, they did in fact enjoy the thing

>> No.21634199

I see value in how it can accelerate the process of memorizing tens of thousands of arbitrary facts, which is necessary to become fluent in any language

passive learning through immersion can only take you so far, sometimes you have to put in a little active effort to get something to stick

>> No.21634200


>> No.21634203

and in the beginning when people don't understand anything, reading takes a lot of mental energy and focus
easy to see why strategies like timeboxing would be helpful for people in that stage

>> No.21634217

this, today I told myself not to touch a game that's not in nihongo until two and I forgot about them til 5, even then I don't feel like play

>> No.21634232

anki is great when used strategically (starting out with 10 or so n+1(2) sentence cards a day as a beginner, as you progress only adding words you've seen before rather than adding every brand new word)
when used obsessively it can be harmful (adding every single word you see for the first time, not thinking it's possible to learn any words outside of anki, spending more time on anki than input past the very beginning stages)

>> No.21634241
File: 489 KB, 958x673, 1546912459610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's do what we want instead of theorizing about shit that is of no use to anyone

>> No.21634246

sounds more like basic self discipline than timeboxing

>> No.21634259

timeboxing is literally just boxing activities into set time restrictions
that's what he did

>> No.21634276

I like it good post Anon

>> No.21634278

i thought breaks were part of the point to improve concentration between the breaks but im not into that shit

>> No.21634279

don't we all have this? since we are learn Japanese and stuff

>> No.21634301

have fun making 40k anki cards
i would rather read a story

>> No.21634309

should have become a neet

>> No.21634313

I think it helps to keep up with anki at any point in your studies. 10 cards a day is plenty. If you overdo it, there's a good chance it will just feel overwhelming and not feel worth the pace of improvement you get. But when I don't use SRS at all, I feel a noticeable decline in my rate of improvement. It really helps iron out any weak spots, i.e. words you keep forgetting the proper meaning/reading of, words that you get confused for other words, or those kanji that you're only half-able to tell apart sometimes

>> No.21634336

by "read a story" I assume you mean read 80% of a story while guessing 10% and looking up the other 5%
some of us want to move past that point faster by actively focusing on vocabulary acquisition

>> No.21634338


>> No.21634369

Didn't help, so I copied my old anki folder from my old win7 partition into my new anki folder I installed on win10 and now the font works.

It only showed me the weird ching chong font on a new installation of anki, even after installing language packs and changing region.

>> No.21634371

or you can just read and look up every word you don't know.
that way you will run into all the words you need to know faster (not taking time to make anki cards or review them) and level them all up to fully acquired

>> No.21634381

anyone else here ever ruin their experience with a show they wanna watch by watching it in japanese before they can understand much

>> No.21634390

I'm trying to watch My Hero Academia raw and I can't. This show is just too fucking mediocre. How on earth it got so popular is beyond me, and I've heard all the cookie cutter explanations.

>> No.21634395

Stop watching it, it's shit. That's why I haven't seen a single episode of it.

>> No.21634396


>> No.21634398

my japanese learning goal is to be able to understand logh so i can tell quiz i liked it and we can be friends.

>> No.21634404

word of the day : 必要最低限

>> No.21634405

so i can just translate youna as x that is y right
e.g 疲れたような顔 tired face

>> No.21634409


>> No.21634411

no... https://jisho.org/word/%E6%A7%98-2

>> No.21634412


>> No.21634424


>> No.21634447

Are there any japanese songs that could be understood by someone with a weaker understanding of japanese?

>> No.21634463


>> No.21634483

So how do I do this meditation thing? If I try the focusing on my breath there's still a movie playing in my head every millisecond, this movie was about an argument with a dude I haven't met yet. Makes me question if I'm just fucked for the rest of my life, up until now this is harder than learning Japanese for 3 years.

>> No.21634490


>> No.21634497

>this movie was about an argument with a dude I haven't met yet.
are u aight tomodati

>> No.21634507

if learned words like 自殺 and 哲学的 without anki then so can you!

>> No.21634513
File: 44 KB, 1168x694, meditation LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just do whatever. the placebo effect will kick in.

>> No.21634534

Source on the pic? Its been a while since I was able to live without every second thinking of something. I can't even imagine eating something without thinking about the conversations that I will have in the rest of the day, looping the same thing over and over again with a full fledged scene in my head. I'd take any placebo effect at this moment.

>> No.21634538

Kys for spreading jew propaganda

>> No.21634555

the problem is that by looking up words once, most people tend to forget them unless they come up often enough in their immersion to be reinforced "organically"
there's a lot of semi-rare words past the mid intermediate level that might come up once every 2 months depending on what you're reading, and it's really hard to just absorb all of that through some kind of passive osmosis

>> No.21634580

so if you see it 2 months later and remember oh it's that word i saw 2 months ago that means it's somewhere in your memory and you are going to remember it anyways.

>> No.21634590

the more words u know the easier it is to pick up new ones
and u have to ask urself how much u want to ask urself if u want to put extra time into words uve seen once and u wont see for months

>> No.21634595

you might be completely forgetting a lot of them and not realizing that many "new" words aren't really new

>> No.21634608

unless u have actual memory problems thats prob not very common especially if u have a moderate size vocab already to be worrying about rarer words

>> No.21634619

that one word at that frequency level might not seem worth it, but there might be thousands and thousands of words at that level, and when you add them all up, it can contribute a lot to your general comprehension to know them

the average adult knows something like 30-40k words in their native language, and they're going to use all of them from time to time, and unless you eventually acquire them all you'll always have gaps in your understanding

>> No.21634633

right so in that case you can add every new word you encounter into anki like quizmaster and do anki for 6 hours a day.

let's not forget the fact that you get answers wrong in anki anyways (who has 100% answer rate?) so it doesn't work that well in the first place for learning languages.

so where would you rather forget and relearn a word, in anki or in reading? i say if you forget a word in anki you are totally wasting your time because you could have forgotten the word reading a book and then seen it used in a new context.

>> No.21634646

>right so in that case you can add every new word you encounter into anki like quizmaster and do anki for 6 hours a day.
nobody said that you strawmanning nigger, but doing a reasonable amount (like 30 minutes) of anki a day can help you remember vocabulary at a faster and more consistent rate than if you don't do it at all

it's like you have something against trying hard or some shit lmao

>> No.21634658

>let's not forget the fact that you get answers wrong in anki anyways (who has 100% answer rate?) so it doesn't work that well in the first place for learning languages.

This is one of the most retarded arguments ever, just because it doesn't provide 100% retention rates doesn't mean it's not better than nothing. I'm happy with 95% or even 90% retention, that's better retention that you'd get with no spaced repetition at all

>> No.21634665

but u will eventually acquire them whether u worry about it or not
also the rarer u get it starts to depend on ur actual interests they dont all know the same words
sure theres a lot of relatively rare words all natives know but ur also obviously going to run into words that a lot of natives dont know
btw active vocabulary is much smaller than passive vocabulary

>> No.21634666

*deletes ur anki*

>> No.21634669

also if u had 100% retention rate ud be wasting ur fucking time lol

>> No.21634676

no. the anki cult thinks srs helps you remember things due to the spaced repetition algorithm. if it helped you remember things 100% it would be worth using because you would never forget things you put in there but language just doesn't work like that.

>> No.21634687

Are you retarded?

>> No.21634690

nobody ever, ever said that SRS lets you remember 100% of what you put in it
but i would be willing to bet that you don't remember even 50% of the words that you look up in the dictionary a single time

>> No.21634711

the real srs cult knows that theres a retention sweet spot
100% retention means ur wasting time reviewing too often or only reviewing shit u know so well its useless to even have a card for it
>that you look up in the dictionary a single time
every failed review is equivalent to another dictionary lookup and every successful review is still like a quarter of a lookup worth of memory refreshment lol
pointless masturbation to say u remember a word uve only looked up once because u review it in anki

>> No.21634719

i'd rather spend 30 minutes a day reviewing anki and really nailing down the words i want to nail down rather than having a "fuzzy", passive-only understanding of the reading material i'm actually invested in

>> No.21634726

ur understanding is fuzzy anyway if u havent seen the word in so many sentences that u can feel it

>> No.21634730

what do you do when you get to a fuzzy part in your reading do you put all the words into anki and then rep them for a year then pick the book back up so you can finally understand it without using a dictionary? it would take forever to read a book like that

>> No.21634733

every word that i fail at first but later pass in anki is a word that i won't ever need to look up while reading eroge again

you're probably still at a low level if you're constantly encountering words that get repeated over and over again in the wild, of course you don't need anki for that shit

>> No.21634747

says the guy who thinks that not needing to look up a word cuz u memorized a definition means ur understanding isnt fuzzy lol

>> No.21634749

What makes you think you can't read with a dictionary just because you're doing anki?

>> No.21634763

yet you're the one who says you just look up words as you're going along to understand the written material you're reading

if that doesn't contribute to your understanding, then why bother?

what I mean by "fuzzy understanding" is only recognizing/knowing 90-95% of the words you're reading instead of 100% like someone proficient in the language would

>> No.21634764

i think you can. the person above said he wants to nail down his flashcards and then have a non-passive understanding of his stuff. which kind of sounds like do 40k flashcards before opening a book.

>> No.21634772

>which kind of sounds like do 40k flashcards before opening a book.
Wrong, you open lots of books and for-native-by-native material and pay special focus on the bits you don't understand so you can conquer them and actively grow in your skills

>> No.21634788

how many books have you read cover to cover?

>> No.21634796

do doujinshi and VNs count

>> No.21634808

Only if the text is good enough on its own to make you cum.

>> No.21634824

Do you niggas know of any somewhat entertaining Youtube channels that post videos with JP-subs?

>> No.21634825

Yo, that's a pretty good site. I was wondering if there was a website with manga and books in Japanese. Any suggestions for light novels? (I'm N2 level)

>> No.21634832

>yet you're the one who says you just look up words as you're going along to understand the written material you're reading
i didnt say i did anything im just replying to bad arguments lol
>if that doesn't contribute to your understanding
it isnt sufficient on its own
it isnt useless either but over just checking a dictionary again its mostly just faster
not accounting for however much time u put into anki in the first place
>what I mean by "fuzzy understanding" is only recognizing/knowing 90-95% of the words you're reading instead of 100% like someone proficient in the language would
ur definition is strange
its fuzzy if u have to rely on a definition to understand the sentence whether u have the definition memorized or not
also no one knows every single word they read

>> No.21634833

I'm asking here since I don't know where else to ask (no light novel thread).
I'm about to finish th ln I was reading (8 pages left without the あとがき) and I was wondering wich ln I should read next beetween:
-Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria
-Anti Magic Academy “The 35th Test Platoon”
-inou battle become common place
-Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei

>> No.21634837

ヒカキン's videos are pretty kimochiii if you ignore the absolutely obnoxious editing and personality

>> No.21634846

what was your score on the test?

>> No.21634850

>its fuzzy if u have to rely on a definition to understand the sentence whether u have the definition memorized or not
What the fuck does that even mean? It's fuzzy if you have to know what words mean before understanding them?
That makes no sense. Once you know what a word means, it's pretty fucking easy to put two and two together when you see it in the wild again. Fuzzy would be more like understanding 90% of the words in a sentence but having to fudge/look up/guess based on context for everything else

>> No.21634860

I will be taking the N2 test this December for the first time. But as far as GVRK knowledge going I am at that level.

>> No.21634873

>Fuzzy would be more like understanding 90% of the words in a sentence but having to fudge/look up/guess based on context for everything else
having memorized a word from a flash card but not having encountered it enough in the wild to instinctively feel what it means is the same as looking it up its just faster cuz the definition is in ur brain
if u have to put two and two together in the first place its fuzzy

>> No.21634892

Not him but I checked it out and DAMN I couldn't last 30 seconds

>> No.21634897

it's significantly less fuzzy than the understanding you would have if you had no/little idea what you meant and had to take time out of what you're reading to look it up again

at that point it just becomes a reinforcement of something you already kind of know, which is better than having to re-remember it all over again, because it accelerates the process of reaching the point where you get a "feel" for it

i don't want to wait like 10 years for every single vocab word to come to me unconsciously

>> No.21634915

I'm 27 with a job and I spend my free time watching cartoons about Japanese middle/high schoolers in order to learn a language I'll never use in real life. What the fuck is wrong with me.

>> No.21634919

Assuming you know all of the 教育漢字 and have more or less covered the equivalent of everything up to the Uppper Intermediate section on Imabi's guide, you should be able to easily read LNs like ゼロの使い魔 or the 物語 series, even if you would occasionally have to look a few words up in a dictionary. As a matter of fact, anything that's not high fantasy or hard SF should not be much of a problem for you.

>> No.21634925

I'm pretty much in the same boat but I think that it's ultimately good for your brain and you never know what will happen in the future and whether you'll end up using it or not

>> No.21634933

Free time and recreation are part of real life too.
Instead of restricting yourself to English-language entertainment, you can access Japanese-language entertainment too.

>> No.21634945

>Both are Arial font
Arial doesn't contain Japanese glyphs, so no they aren't.

Since Arial doesn't have the glyphs in question, Anki is defaulting to something else which does. You can tell there's something fucked up by looking at the bottom one where it's using a (Simplified Chinese) serif font for the kanji and a sans font for the okurigana.

You need to tell Anki to actually use whatever Japanese font you have on your computer (probably Meiryo).

>> No.21634963

Thanks. I will check them out.

>> No.21634967

>You need to tell Anki to actually use whatever Japanese font you have on your computer
in the Styling section of your card formatting, that is

.card {
font-family: Meiryo;

replace "Meiryo" with whatever you want/have, e.g. IPAexGothic, Noto Sans CJK JP, etc.

>> No.21634968

you either use anki or you should just give up on learning japanese. that simple

>> No.21634979

Just give up on life altogether

>> No.21634990

>not reaching fluency in only 18 days by listening to japanese 24/7 including in your sleep and mining 10,000 i+1 sentences from eroge

>> No.21635006

Well I'll go with anti magic then, I'll just have to get use to the chunibyou vocabulary.

>> No.21635013

What the fuck is this # and ppm thing showing up in Nazeka now?
>#799 (全身:ぜんしん) (100.64ppm)

>> No.21635028

have u ever wondered why they talk about anki instead of japanese lol

>> No.21635036

Can anyone say how to reset an entire anki deck and start over?

>> No.21635041

step by step tutorial right here


>> No.21635048

export the deck without scheduling information. then import it.

but it doesn't matter.

>> No.21635050

as far as i know, people here talk about learning JAPANESE in anki, so i dont get why your butt hurt this much

>> No.21635052

but you don't 'learn' in Anki. Instead you remember

>> No.21635058

i thought remembering was a huge part on learning japanese (or any other thing)

>> No.21635060

Korean sounds like babble produced by a gum-chewing mouth in comparison to Japanese.

>> No.21635062


>> No.21635065

when u wrote ur post u didnt remeber every word u just wrote the post and unfortunately for all of us pressed the post botan

>> No.21635071

actually her japanese sounds like that too

>> No.21635073

wait... what?

>> No.21635076


>> No.21635082

Yeah, but it's at least got words I understand.

>> No.21635085

korean is like ching chong but less chingy and more chongy lol

>> No.21635087
File: 588 KB, 800x600, thinking touhou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the most annoying thing about the Japanese language

>> No.21635089

too many homosexual phones or whatever they're called. and similar sounding words in general.

>> No.21635091

Korean sounds like ch'ong ch'ang surum, whereas Japanese sounds more like korikorikoritachitachitsui to me.

>> No.21635093
File: 1.49 MB, 1520x2310, BE1EA20A-F4CB-405B-BC38-3FA1C6390273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id say dead touhous

>> No.21635096

its not the language thats annoying but the people who use it : )

>> No.21635104

You think she's still a virgin?

>> No.21635114

I think you are

>> No.21635117

delete this post

>> No.21635133

I can tell you have never heard a Korean speaking as if speaking to a king who is holding and completely willing to crush his farther's balls

>> No.21635145

The fact that it's not using the pre ww2 writing system

>> No.21635146

this channel posts let's plays of them playing games that use text boxes and they read out loud (sort of like subs). also youtube has a shitty auto sub generation feature now

>> No.21635150

Yep, homonyms.

When I punch しょう into the 漢字源, I get 539 hits.

539 characters which can all be pronounced as しょう. This is what happens when a language which already has a shitload of homonyms is mapped into one with far simpler phonology and phonotactics.

>> No.21635151

>what the fuck is wrong with me
you're me

>> No.21635162

It could be worse, you could be studying a language you're not interested in at all that you'll never use in real life t. college language major

>> No.21635166

Not sure if you're joking or not, but 歴史的仮名遣い actually does have advantages in that is serves to disambiguate words which would be indistinguishable from each other in modern orthography.

It really isn't that hard to learn either.

>> No.21635167

That's why you should've picked Software Engineering instead of Linguistics.

>> No.21635172

Heh. I used to be a programmer and database designer, then *later* ended up becoming a translator.

>> No.21635180

Do you translate technical/business writing or fiction? I'm gonna bet it's the former.

>> No.21635186

That is possibly why sentences pop up a lot in Japanese television. English has Homophones & Homonyms too, but we don't rely on it as much as the Japanese language, thankfully.

>> No.21635191

I actually did this except in only 1 day by cramming the entire core 10k deck. I ended up fluent the next day but forgot everything the day after that. It was a great day though. Totally recommend trying it if you're on the fence about learning Japanese and want to know if it will be worth it before putting in so many hours.

>> No.21635197
File: 62 KB, 288x274, JK4j7LSmCt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21635204

Do certain words have one less syllable pronounced?
I hear お巡りさん as おまりさん
and おすすめ as おすめ

>> No.21635205

Believe me, it will help with career, look around for places that administer the JLPT, passing that would definitely help with looking for a better job / position.

>> No.21635210

listen more

>> No.21635211
File: 62 KB, 700x418, 1553289134474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the human brain tends to let people forget things often but that sounds like a load of crap.

>> No.21635215


>> No.21635219


>> No.21635222

That's called making a false flag argument.

>> No.21635225

Yeah, academic stuff, research papers and the like.

It pays very well, partly because it requires high-level, specialised language, and partly because the usual weebs are fighting over who gets to translate the next major JRPG, so there is little competition for the work.

>> No.21635238

why can't westerners produce good hentai? it's like they don't want their languages to be learned and popular

>> No.21635253

English has a few dozen homophones, most of which are easily distinguished as they are generally different parts of speech.

Japanese has a few *thousand*, most of which are nouns.

Yeah, it's rough. And don't get me started on Chinese adjectives like 淅瀝 which no longer even remotely suggest the thing they were onomatopœically meant to suggest.

>> No.21635272

but he's right you know. there's no way anybody could do that not even me

>> No.21635295

There's a few Westerners who can produce good erotic drawings, even though they're not that good at writing h-scenes.

>> No.21635298


>> No.21635308

he was talking about the other post

>> No.21635309

happens to me too buddy. i think we're fucked.

>> No.21635314

can i be a successful translator if i have a low iq

if youre an iq denialist dont even respond

>> No.21635317

If you're diligent and rock the autism, sure.

>> No.21635318

honestly though how many people do you think learn japanese for hentai/eroge is. it's got to be at least 80%

>> No.21635330

i'd guess around 5% or less.

>> No.21635348

i think that's word frequency not sure about ppm

>> No.21635375
File: 24 KB, 294x302, steam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they do this?

>> No.21635383


>> No.21635388

if that's all u need to do that to reach fluency somebody wouldve already done it by now

>> No.21635412

idk how u guys play without text hookers manually putting in kanji into google for multiple words in a sentence is so annoying especially when i have to redraw them cause my mouse is trash i think there comes a point where quantity takes priority of quality cause this is so fuckin slow to read ill try again when i know more than 100 words idk thanks for reading my blogpost

>> No.21635424

some people think you have to skip most words you don't know. i don't get why. if i had to skip most words i wouldn't bother reading. i prefer hovering over all of them with yomichan to get the gist and move on.

>> No.21635435

Please learn to use English grammar properly before posting again. Your post was physically painful to read.

>> No.21635442

buy a pen tablet you fag

>> No.21635447

if u really want to then play without a text hooker for ur first few vns until u have a good amount of everyday vocab but once you no longer have to look up more than one word in a sentence u should consider dropping it

>> No.21635492

play games with furigana

>> No.21635501

The worst thing is games in which furigana cannot be disabled. Dragon Quest Builders 2, for example.

>> No.21635508

Should I spend this night:
a) watching this documentary (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e076EeMtbZE)) on the legacy of Russian Revolution
b) reading another 10 pages of Kino's Tabi
c) do anki reps

>> No.21635665

Why don't you decide on your own, instead of asking us to make decisions for you?
Remember you're here to entertain others, and not vice-versa.

>> No.21635706

wrong this thread has entertained me for months lol

>> No.21635828

>I feel like the only way to "fix" myself is to move far away as possible
stop running away from yourself dude
i mean you can try but it won't work
the reason you feel like shit is INTERNAL you have old accumulated shit inside of yourself (your brain/mind, and as an extension your body) that you haven't healed
so go do that shit
a therapist can be helpful if you're (afraid? hesitant?) to try it by yourself
find one that focuses on working directly with difficult emotions
or just google "difficult emotions and loving kindness" and click literally any link that comes up

>> No.21635834

Just download a dictionary and a ch/jp handwriting keyboard onto your phone.

>> No.21635865

??? if you consume japanese media as a hobby then that IS "using it in real life"
if you don't consume japanese media or care about it then stop learning now and go do something else with your time
it's really that simple.

>> No.21635872

>Only if the text is good enough on its own to make you cum.
this comment was very homoerotic

>> No.21635934

he didn't even read the metastudy it came from, which there were multiple problems with in the first place. he's just determined to talk down on it any chance he gets, despite having never done it or learning what it actually entails. very strange behavior, just ignore him.
if you want to learn about meditation, try listening to culadasa/dr. john yates on this podcast
he's the neuroscientist who wrote the book "the mind illuminated", and in this podcast episode he goes into detail about what meditation does, why it helps, and the basics of the process. if what he says strikes a cord with you, get his book (i recommend the audiobook) and get started. it's really enriching, goes deep into the neuropsychological underpinnings, and guides the user step by step through stages of progress in skillfully training, healing and freeing the mind.
and even if you try other meditation techniques afterwards which is totally okay, having the instructions of that book as a foundation will help a lot.
i also recommend searching the book on amazon and read the reviews. lots of people telling their stories about how learning to meditate with it has transformed their minds and their relationship to it.

>> No.21635969

Y'know, after hearing that Sam Harris got a PhD in Neuroscience by studying the supposed "neural basis of belief, disbelief, and uncertainty", I kinda lost respect for this neuroscience bullshit.
Besides, how tf do you expect to get any empirical research done on beliefs with pseudo-metaphysical assumptions like meditation/yoga?

>> No.21636024

rank, frequency
ppm means parts per million

>> No.21636059

Why are you learning a dead language?

>> No.21636114
File: 2.16 MB, 1329x720, suicide.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 or 5 years of japanese study
>still don't know the language


>> No.21636134

except in the last screenshot qm posted it took him 15 minutes why do you make this shit up

>> No.21636160


>> No.21636198

Thankfully I had two majors unfortunately the other one was equally useless

>> No.21636215

>neural basis of belief, disbelief, and uncertainty
what do you know about this topic?

>> No.21636237
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>> No.21636242


>> No.21636244

>beliefs with pseudo-metaphysical assumptions like meditation/yoga
not all teachers of either have metaphysical beliefs though? and even those that do, what does that have to do with any non-metaphysical benefits of the practice? what you’re saying is like making the claim intermittent fasting can’t have any legitimate research done on it because it’s a religious tradition... despite the fact that non-religious people use it all the time for health and weight loss and the research on it in regard to those areas has been very positive.
the issues with meditation research so far come with discrepancy in methods (casual 6 week “mindfulness” courses vs. long-term, deeper practices, not to mention the specific contents of each). most people doing research on meditation now aren’t even concerned about anything “metaphysical”, they’re simply looking at effects on things like anxiety, depression and self-reported stress levels. many, might i add, with pretty positive findings, despite the flaws i’ve already noted.
not sure if you’re the person i originally replied to but if you are, the only way you’ll actually know if meditation will work for you is if you try it. no amount of debating will actually do the work of training your mind.

>> No.21636312
File: 156 KB, 1440x810, 47ca596ec4b14a61c0e5274c7f5c58c7a1e7f5871403567670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zenzen chigau zo

>> No.21636331


>> No.21636355

Spoken like someone who has never understood research or higher education

>> No.21636372


>> No.21636420

How do you remember """words""" like ぼかぼか or なかなか?
The words really don't make any sense, it's stupid.

>> No.21636423

>read hentai cos you are horny
>you arent horny so you dont want to read hentai any more
>any other manga doesnt interest me nearly as much as hentai when im horny

what do? i guess i should either not fap or find some non-hentai manga

>> No.21636425

i love girls with big eyebrows, they look cute

>> No.21636427

might have to kys

>> No.21636431

hiro gayboy

>> No.21636435

what does this mean

>> No.21636440
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comprehensible input

>> No.21636454


>> No.21636460


>> No.21636472

what single piece of media gave you huge gains in your nihongo study? could be at any point of your studying history, just pivotal enough

for me it was graded readers as my first reading of nihongo where i could see grammar that i read about in Tae Kim in use in simple sentences
then it was NHK News Easy for new vocab and grammar (altough both are very limited)
I'm starting to like reading manga more cos it keeps you hooked and you may eventually remember this difficult word you've never could remember with Anki alone

>> No.21636475


>> No.21636479

what's so hard to remember about this exactly?

>> No.21636488
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>> No.21636492
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>> No.21636514

kimi no neta wa, ittsumo dame dame

>> No.21636530


life in japan is shit

>> No.21636554
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not so hard
just that u have a different sound in English(?)

>> No.21636564

It's shit everywhere.

>> No.21636565

just u dont know the word kenson

>> No.21636601

>passive learning through immersion can only take you so far
t. Learned English as a baby

>> No.21636618

I mine around 50 words a day, but only SRS 15 per day, how can I ever catch up?

>> No.21636631

Anime with Japanese subtitles. Ongoing process.

>> No.21636635

At some point you will run out of words to mine.

>> No.21636646

think it has something to do with licensees not competing with sales in japan
you gotta want it enough
but theres nothin wrong avoidin it for your first few vns
its only a problem if youve read a few vns and you still dont play shit youre interested in cuz it cant be hooked
some people skip words even when they do hook but thats a separate argument
i dont do that but if you do skip shit it shouldnt be 90% of unknown words it should be info dump sentences that have like 6 unknown words each
the angle i took is to look up the words but if i still didnt understand the sentence after doin that then dont worry about it and move on

>> No.21636659

None of the above.

Good for you, manga isn't reading though.

>> No.21636662

big vocab gain: V[ぶい] - victory

>> No.21636667

can anyone give me the nastiest doujins about sagging girls' tits? i think i might have acquired a fetish of sagging perfectly nice boobs but can't find any material to research

>> No.21636679 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 922x563, 1562226732386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you translate this?

>This annoying thing that obstructs the way of this young man future, dissapear from this world!!!

>> No.21636716

sigh this https://exhentai.org/g/1143039/246bf00deb/ is the only thing with making tits saggy i found so far, i'll have to read it later to see if it's only one story or more... i feel sad bros... but my dick can't cry....

>> No.21636744

I'm not gonna sift through the whole thing to find whatever it is you're referencing.

>> No.21636747

the first story

>> No.21636777

Is Code Geass hard to understand?
I've only watched SoL stuff with jap subs and that was kinda alright to understand.

>> No.21636784

Military lingo will fuck you up the first time around but there is no avoiding it.

>> No.21636795

Where's a good place to watch Jap subtitled TV online?

>> No.21636811

Define TV. If you just mean regular daily TV program, nothing specific, the answer is either nowhere or that more than enough TV programs have some amount of subtitles in them already. For the rest you will just have to listen.

>> No.21636829

Hmm, I guess I'll just not mine it since it's "useless" vocabulary anyways.

>> No.21636837
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>> No.21636860
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>jlpt soon
>can do everything besides grammar
super worried that I might fail because of it.

>> No.21636944

which one are you taking
i’ve been doing the N2 grammar deck for the past 3 weeks and i feel totally ready now

>> No.21636952

I've never seen ppm used in this context before. Is it supposed to be estimating how many times you'll run into a given word on average per 1,000,000 words you read?

e.g. you would run into 全身 approx. 100 times per 1,000,000 words you read?

>> No.21636956

「垂れたおっぱい 同人」を検索してみて

>> No.21636962

not mine lol

>> No.21636963

when you stop adding cards to anki the number of cards you have to review each day goes down. just because someone has 15 minutes of reviews one day doesn't mean every day in the past was 15 minutes long...

>> No.21636991
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Trying n3 because wasnt confident to go for higher because of my grammar, I'm now going trough nihongo sou matome and mostly get 50% right.
My vocab and reading is at N1 btw, not to sure about my listening comprehension.

>> No.21636997

i don’t get how your reading can be at N1 but grammar at N3 if grammar is like half of what reading involves....

>> No.21637011
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When I have to choose what kind of grammar I have to put into a sentence I always make mistakes, but when I just read texts I can easily understand it. It's like how I suck at grammar for my own native language, but can still read hard things.

>> No.21637035

classic self-assessed n1

>> No.21637046
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Not self-assessed, did a course jap in uni and got put in N1 class for vocab and in N3 for grammar after placement test before starting it.

>> No.21637071

post more, guys
i’m bored

>> No.21637100

what was your passing score on the official n1 exam?

>> No.21637112
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Why are you so angry, please stop bullying.

>> No.21637296

>and the research on it in regard to those areas has been very positive.

>> No.21637304

thinkin about tryin out meditation cuz all my hobbies are useless so it seems like a perfect addition to the set

>> No.21637321

What kind of stuff have you been reading to be N1 in terms of vocabulary? Do you read newspapers and the like for fun?

>> No.21637351

The "higher" levels of "grammar" on academic-style aptitude tests like the JLPT and J-CAT amount to knowing the specific things that they teach in Japanese textbooks. You can do well on the grammar sections of these tests but be unable to produce interesting Japanese without making tons of grammar errors, and vice versa. Of course, you'll pass the JLPT N1 and ace the J-CAT no problem if you REALLY know Japanese, but the fact remains that using textbooks gives you an "unfair advantage" so to speak, in the sense that aptitude tests place too much emphasis on things that are taught in textbooks or vice versa.

By the way this is why the N2 and N1 don't actually have separate grammar sections.


>> No.21637371

Is there any failsafe way of learning how to speak grammatically correct Japanese, supposing that neither active immersion nor textbooks can actually help much with that?

>> No.21637372

This. Most people I know who pull trough continuously with this language have this on common.
It dosen't have to be anime or anything otaku. You have alot to chose from.

>> No.21637378


>> No.21637398

I'll take that as a "no".

>> No.21637399

Unironically watching more anime

>> No.21637402

is this funny?

>> No.21637411

actually it annoys me cuz its not authentic shes just roleplaying

>> No.21637414

anyway u know what time it is boyos


>> No.21637416


wise thread from matt

>> No.21637420

looks like hes setting up for his exit stage left finally cant say im surprised

>> No.21637428

What the fuck is the difference between 怖い and 恐い

both show up as Kowai

>> No.21637439

>My experience has been that, after a certain point, language learning becomes inherently boring. Simply memorizing arbitrary patterns. Ignoring that reality, and trying to manipulate yourself into finding a way to continue the process, is backward and delusional imo
based matt still cant figure out that languages exist to be used and not to be memorized lol

>> No.21637440

Talk to Japanese people.

>> No.21637452

imagining him pondering this concept while posed like the thinker on a japanese toilet lmao

>> No.21637453

is there a difficulty chart for light novels? I dunno which ones is suitable for n4

>> No.21637465

none of them are pin this post to the top of every thread

>> No.21637466

one hand under his chin the other holding his earbud sleeve up to his ear

>> No.21637469

>finished my reps
Feels good to free for the rest of the day

>> No.21637473
File: 820 KB, 2069x969, chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pick anything to the left of cross channel that interests u
unless ur actually n6 then maybe stay left of nasu but u can do almost anything u set ur mind to if u really want it

>> No.21637475

i cant read but u should still play eroge cuz its ftw

>> No.21637476

okay where is the 6 hours figure from except out of your ass because we have countless anki screenshots from quiz it’s never above 30 minutes

>> No.21637480

once i started making sharex cards my review time went up from like 7 minutes to 18 minutes because i spend more time listening to the audio repeatedly. since i'm trying to improve my listening.

and i gotta say, i hate it. but hopefully i can do this for a few months and i'll improve enough to where i won't have to listen to them as much, and input alone will suffice.

>> No.21637483

Go to the itazuraneko LN library, look for something that's got more than 1000 but less than 1500 kanji, read it with yomichan, mine the fuck out of it.

>> No.21637488

There is none. They are effectively identical with their 訓読み, so the choice of which kanji is just idiosyncratic.

>> No.21637494

you mean there isn't a difference in nuance like there is with 聞く and 聴く?

>> No.21637498

he said light novels my ninja

>> No.21637502

dont forget that ur also spending 20 minutes to make a single card

>> No.21637505

yeah see >>21637475

>> No.21637506
File: 19 KB, 489x163, i miss him.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not fair bros...

>> No.21637507

i mean when i see 1 kanji or the other i think of what other words they are used in and thats waht gives me the nuance if some1 intentionally writes something with a different than usual kanji tho i wouldnt do that on shit like 聞く and 聴く or 見る and 観る just cuz i intuitively know the difference already

>> No.21637509

yea i read that after i @ed u and was like maaaaaahh eeeyyyaan

>> No.21637511

I've consulted every dictionary I have -- and that's quite a few -- and found no significant difference in connotation between the two. The only variance is that one kanji is prefered in 常用 usage while the other is not. That's pretty much it.

>> No.21637512

one step closer to a 1500 post thread

>> No.21637513

Nah, it's fair. He didn't wanna read eroge or VNs, which is why he ain't got something to look out for for the sake of learning 日本語.

>> No.21637519

prolly not dude doesnt seem like theres much to nipah about lately so ive been enjoying the other aspects of natsu instead


>> No.21637530

go look in the archives yourself. you should be used to wasting time by now since you use anki

>> No.21637550

Watching documentaries about the dark side of japan depresses me
Do a lot of people have silicone sex dolls?

>> No.21637555

why buy inanimate dolls when u can buy real living ones

hows that for dark side of japan

>> No.21637556

someone really needs to teach matt how to use commas

>> No.21637566

I watched documentarieS, so shit like aum shinrikyou, loli trafficking,... as well
Sex dolls is mild but still sad

>> No.21637571

Watch documentaries about real shitholes, like Turkmenistan or the Democratic Republic of Congo, to make Japan seem comparatively better from your point of view.
Besides, some Japanese people are degenerate, but Americans do tons of embarrassing, degenerate shit too (visit /pol/ or /int/ for a few examples).
As a matter of fact, I bet you EVERY single country has lots of perverts and weirdos who keep weird shit at home, but who don't take it outside. It's probably kind of difficult to find people who actually don't have any kind of fetishes or niche interests. Even if they claim they don't, I bet you they probably do.

>> No.21637573

why not just teach him english while ur at it : )

>> No.21637582

ur in /jp/ and ur surprised by sex dolls ?

>> No.21637592

>Do a lot of people have silicone sex dolls?
Don't worry, a lot more people are going to start doing that globally too.
It only means more female attention for you, unless they start to buy those things too.

>> No.21637598


>> No.21637601

You can find tons of messed up shit like that in other countries, like Mexico, Brazil, South Korea, Thailand, etc. Japan ain't the worst, and you shouldn't expect Japan to be some kind of accelerationist cyberpunk shithole.
I know you probably idealize Japan to a certain extent because you relate it to anime and manga you've been learning Japanese for, but remember to keep your ideas of what fiction is separate from what real life is.

>> No.21637616

so many people either think japan is amazing or japan is a shithole
have u ever thought that maybe japan is just a country

>> No.21637633

okay there is none then retard

>> No.21637649

last time i checked countries are shit holes

>> No.21637670

Every country is shit to an extent. Only the people you interact with can make it good

>> No.21637684

if theres humans its shit

honestly the only place that is both 1st world and full of good people is hawaii

if u go to the third world theres a lot of good ppl cuz when life is simpler ppl are less mad all the time

ofc u can go to hawaii and find pockets of corruption and crime and u can go to the third world and get ganged by a bunch of spear chuckers who will rip ur body into a million pieces and fling them around everywhere but hey thats life lol

>> No.21637688

So, I'm learning about -teiru to say ongoing action. It's confusing because I don't understand ongoing action vs. present affirmative form of verb.
xさんはさかなをたべています says x is currently eating fish.
xさんはさかなをたべます say x is eating fish, right? I get the -teiru sentence, but it's fucking with my base understanding of verbs. What exactly dose present affirmative even mean?

>> No.21637695

if you look at crime rates, corruption, charity, etc. the best places in the world are 1st world countries, no exceptions. the question is which are less shit. now obviously those are gonna be somewhere in western europe since they're the most empathetic and generous people in the world.

>> No.21637704

たべますか ? y/n

>> No.21637706

not gonna lie u can just put this into google translate and clear it up instantly and stop worrying about it

>> No.21637707

the "right?" wasn't a part of the sentence translation. My bad.

>> No.21637714

the 1st world is only better cuz the competition is stiffer to be on top of the corruption and evildoing

it still all just a illusion that its better though just cuz u arent able to see the brutality both physical and non doesnt mean the repression and control isnt as or even more sinister than the 3rd world where the extent is just a simple display of physical superiority


>> No.21637719

>the competition is stiffer to be on top of the corruption and evildoing
no they flat out just have less corruption. much less. and that's part of why they're the 1st world. less corruption leads to better-functioning organizations. chinese corruption is what's held it back from reaching parity with taiwan or japan in various per capita metrics.

>> No.21637727

thats what i mean what better corruption is there than to have the majority believe they are free to do what they want when really ur just having them do what u told them : )

>> No.21637767

Pretty much the whole Europe is a meme

>> No.21637791

alright i'm starting to hear っことだ more

>> No.21637794

fuck meant ってことだ

>> No.21637850
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>> No.21637856

Any recs on how to get into database design?

>> No.21637858

at what point in the process does japanese stop sounding super fast and you're able to comprehend entire sentences?

>> No.21637861

when you have watched 1000 hours of JAV

>> No.21637863
File: 82 KB, 2048x1536, Screenshot_20190704-231214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this is still the go-to deck around here, but hooray I guess.

>> No.21637864

mostly read manga and ln, also added a shitload of words to my anki deck. I'm also starting to understand basic chinese sentences too because of it. There might be a few words I didnt learn yet, but also learned stuff that's not jlpt related.

>> No.21637868

Cool, I deleted it at 2k because it started to feel like a chore. But then again I finished RTK without real problems.

>> No.21637883

It is (was?) a chore, but I always work on it while watching youtube or something so it's less painful.

>> No.21637902

Manga isn't reading though.

>> No.21637924

tell us what you get on this

>> No.21637931

how useful is that deck actually?

>> No.21637943

i still think it's hilarious how he puts stuff like go to sleep and meditate on there talk about 余計なこと

>> No.21637980

Got to N2 with just that and Tae Kim, so pretty good, maybe? Also I feel like I understand more moon speak on movies and youtube and shit.

This is probably around my limit right now, anything harder than this busts my ass: https://youtu.be/woCXNGdWJEs

>> No.21638154
File: 146 KB, 460x360, 1464864729157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, just go to Japan and spend time in bars

>> No.21638159


Is this common in Japan?

>> No.21638164

he literally didn't do anything though

>> No.21638179

streamers are subhumans that guy is based

>> No.21638193

he literally didn't do anything though

>> No.21638208

What a bitch. Dude just didn't want to get his hair wet.

>> No.21638218

How do I search name readings? I found 咲 without readings, how should I read it?

>> No.21638222

Just feel it dude

>> No.21638229

anyone know any good japanese youtube channels that do political commentary? i can't find shit

>> No.21638231

I won't complain just because you have nice repeating numbers

>> No.21638233

god i hate women

>> No.21638241

you know the verb 咲く? like 花が咲く
take the く and turn it into き and shove it into the kanji

>> No.21638250

Thanks a lot, does that work with every verb/name?

>> No.21638269

not sure since im not good with names yet. i can think of 薙ぐ in 草薙(くさなぎ)and 成る 一成(かずなり) for example

>> No.21638274


>> No.21638287

that isn't very helpful in this case though since it gives like a dozen different ways that it can be read

>> No.21638314
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>> No.21638332


>> No.21638349

i think i'm just retarded case closed
i'll try this again a year down the line after eating at least a few manga and reading some more VNs

>> No.21638357

well if i can give you some advice i would say stick with the game if that's what you want to play. the more time you spend with it the more you will be able to understand it

>> No.21638363

lol she should look 2 invest in a larger at field lmao

>> No.21638371

i'm not that invested, just downloaded the trial to see how far i can get.
it seems to be a lot more big boy speech than stuff like FFtictacs advance, since that i can read just fine. but that game is aimed at literal children.
i'm not giving up on this ever though, regardless. thx4the encouragement

>> No.21638409



ごめん さよなら

>> No.21638448 [DELETED] 

This is basically always さく.

>> No.21638492

dont >_< delete >_< ur >_< posts

>> No.21638499

is there a single book that isn't an outright plain old dictionary that has all the most frequently used vocabulary?
I don't mean most frequently used kanji, just normal words for everything, preferably organized by categories like animals, kitchen utensils, tools, car parts, foodstuffs, clothes, kinds of trees and so on.
All the books emphasize the grammar, kanji is it's own thing and I just want to speak but there is never enough vocabulary in any textbook I own to cover all the most basic things and phrases.

>> No.21638514

when do you guys unsuspend your cards?

>> No.21638520

who the fuck still carries text books in this day and age

>> No.21638521


>> No.21638523

so you just never learn those cards? i wanna unsuspend mine cause i have like 200 and want to learn them

>> No.21638531

I only suspend cards that I know, and don't need to see ever again

>> No.21638537

you can look at a frequency dictionary of japanese... i don't know if it has things split up into categories like you want them to be though.

>> No.21638541

i suspend cards i suspect i may forget, but think i could learn quickly again given exposure.

>> No.21638555


>> No.21638567

categories just in general help me learn and search for words, and it appears the frequency dictionary has those too

>> No.21638586

>but that game is aimed at literal children
i wish y’all would stop caring about shit like this. japanese adults are playing these games more than kids are. there are 40 year olds playing youkai watch. and the “literal kids” playing games like FFA can’t even read a lot of what’s there because of the kanji. it’s still gains so stop devaluing it.

>> No.21638588

Pretty lame desu senpai. Here's a real banger

>> No.21638596

Well I've set up a MAL account for shit I've watched in Japanese/anime mined and it's not really much after all lol
told you guys I'm lazy and not doing much, well I do a shitton outside of Anime as well but it's still a bit disappointing

>> No.21638598

watch anime

>> No.21638599

Awful. This might be the worst black metal record I've ever heard.

>> No.21638600

Started the first stage of The Mind Illuminated, 15 mins every day. Just focusing on the sensation of breath in my nose at the moment, I realized have super levels of ADHD, a normal person probably doesn't have this I'm sure of it. There wasn't a millisecond of silence, I either started saying phrases in my head, hearing them, seeing visions even visualizations of what was in front of me while my eyes where closed, even visualizations of my fucking nose breathing. I could hold focus on the breath for around 10 minutes then I noticed slipping but I returned. Will report back in 2 weeks.

>> No.21638601

how completely unrealistic and deluded do you have to be to think you can comfortably play a game like final fantasy after EIGHT MONTHS of studying japanese when most native kids don’t even fully understand the dialogue in those games till they’re like 16.... oh my god stop with these unrealistic ass expectations

>> No.21638613

you really should get professional help, this level of attention seeking isnt normal

>> No.21638616

relax dude just let him play some final fanty if he wants to

>> No.21638621

I like it, I think it gets better the further it goes.

>> No.21638622

is baccano any good? i vaguely remember trying to watch it like 5 years ago and dropping it for some reason

>> No.21638623

what a surprise quiz tards watched less than 100 animes and thinks he knows japanese lmfao.

>> No.21638630

know more than you lol

>> No.21638633

How to know more Japanese?

>> No.21638635

didn't he do intensive watching though? looking up every new unknown word and making an anki card for it. i think that's a lot

>> No.21638639


>> No.21638641

wish i could pay some indian 5 bucks a day to sit next to me and make anime cards for the shit i watch

>> No.21638644
File: 21 KB, 320x207, DaAfKjAV4AE0H8T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u dont even understand the image im owning u with rn

>> No.21638650

>psychopass 5/10
>overlord 8/10
alright kys qm lol

>> No.21638653

idk why you think that I understand it perfectly just as I understand most normal Japanese perfectly

>> No.21638655

>u dont even understand the image im owning u with rn
This sounds like a good way to secretly ask for translations

>> No.21638671

thats not what i do tho i usually just post things only ppl who know japanese can appreciate and then lol with all my fluent friends on discord at retards with pitiful anime lists like qm

>> No.21638675

Overlord was fun Psycho Pass was boring as shit that's my only criteria
Psycho Pass is so flawed in so many ways btw but let's not get into that

>> No.21638677

also u can just easily google the translation so (im not supposed 2 tell u that)

>> No.21638684

the only good thing urobutcher wrote was saya fwiw (u prolly have no idea what any of that is cuz ur such a newborn baby lol)

>> No.21638692
File: 268 KB, 793x800, awoooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting reading Yotsubato with the reading guide after learning a bit of vocabulary through Anki, it's a nice feeling to understand a bit and see words you learned beforehand.
Thanks for the guide Anons I feel like I'm on the right path.

>> No.21638695

dude im so old my taste in anime is so epic lmaooooooooooooooooo

>> No.21638696

i'm not saying he shouldn't play it i'm saying he shouldn't expect to understand most or even half of it at 8 months, that's extremely unrealistic
but i guess we were all there once

>> No.21638700

>I feel like I'm on the right path.
you wont when the anti anki crowd gets in ur head lol

>> No.21638704

a lot of people better than you at japanese don't watch anime at all... lol
and 100 animes watched attentively without english subs and paying attention to all new vocab is worth 1,000 watched with english subs anyway, at least when it comes to learning japanese

>> No.21638706

no I've heard of it plenty of times but I don't read VNs much in fact I still got a shitton lined up I'll do those first
I mean ultimately I'm not in a rush I've reached a point where I understand most shit effortlessly while still encountering new words here and there which I just mine and it's all smooth sailing from here so I'm all good

>> No.21638711

Yea I mean you got to consider I got some +100 episode Animes in there that I completely anime mined front to back that's probably a lot more than watching normally

>> No.21638714

thats not true cuz 1000 anime with english subs is literally worthless unless you use the tkyosam method

>> No.21638723

if thats old to u we should talk about the real greats like densetsu kyojin ideon lol and just how epic tomino is in general

yah but i dont care about them maybe u should go to int or offa 4chan and to a more normie site ? im only interested in ppl who love anime and hentai

>> No.21638728

lowercase crew is buffclan btw.

>> No.21638730

>not using the Matto method

>> No.21638733

It seems like a useful tool to me, especially if it's only a supplement for activities like reading, not the main thing you do.
But I'm just at the beginning of learning, maybe it gets less useful later on, I will find out I guess.

>> No.21638734

i said u were old not the anime, getting senile with ur old age huh?

>> No.21638739

thats what i mean tho why wouldnt i talk about the shit more relative to my actual seishun then as opposed to newage garbage made post y2k lmfao reading comprehension much ??

>> No.21638740

What even are shows that are only available with hard subtitles? Nothing I've watched so far wasn't soft subtitled.

>> No.21638749

i couldn't find blood+ without hard-subs. it was also just a fucking transcript of the dub which sucked ass. cant remember if i knew what nyaa was at the time though so there might have been one with normal subs lol

>> No.21638753

i actually tried this a while ago and struggled but i think i immediately thought of a worthy contender

legend of condor hero 2

>> No.21638776

It's on AB

That shit was never released in Japanese so it doesn't even count it's some chink shit

>> No.21638786

enjoy ur fuckin hardsubs and cantonese dubs not my problem

>> No.21638788

I'm never watching chink shit in my life

>> No.21638790

dont have an account

>> No.21638795

wait till u find out that japanese ppl are just island chinks lol

>> No.21638796

lol i'm pretty sure you don't have ADHD. everyone's mind is like this in the beginning. the truth is that almost everyone's minds, absent of meditative training or some other means of regularly slowing the mind down, behaves exactly the way you described. constant thinking and/or images, urges/impulses to do something or make some kind of plan for the next action. we're just usually not aware of all this mental activity because we don't sit down to pay attention to what's really going on in the mind. it's not until we do decide to finally sit silently and train the mind, that we actually see what's been happening under the surface all these years!

and yes visualizing an image of whatever part of the body we're trying to feel the sensations of, is also extremely common. what you're seeing is how conditioned we are to not only think constantly, but to associate feelings with images of the body.
with practice you will see those conditioned associations start to weaken or fall away completely, the thinking start to quiet, and your ability to just feel the breath or the body as it is, go way up. and that's when the sublime peace starts to come. it's awesome.
a word of warning though! do not try to *force* your attention to stay with the breath. when it wanders, notice that it wandered, give yourself props for noticing (rather than punishing/insulting yourself for "letting it wander"!), then bring your attention back to the breath. its normal and GOOD if that process happens multiple times in your first several sessions (like 30~100 times each sit) but if you try to "squeeze" the attention onto the breath, to "make" it stay and not wander before the skill has actually developed, this won't allow the mind to become comfortable with and ease into sustained attention, and instead will actually create more tension in the body and mind. it's like trying to lift 200 pound weights your first day of the gym. you'll just injure yourself.
so try to relax into the breath, let it be a process of noticing and redirecting the attention rather than forcing it onto the breath, make sure to give yourself props for every "rep" of redirected attention, and you will definitely see progress and less mind-wandering over time!
big props to you for trying this btw.

>> No.21638797

I accidentally learned Chinese, because my JAV had Chinese subs

>> No.21638802

oh my fCUkjin god i didNOt read this

>> No.21638808
File: 71 KB, 608x395, translation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me help the scrubs out

>> No.21638816

chyea boy thats fuckin werd


>> No.21638824

you don't even have to put tape on your computer
just use a computer program like blackout to hide the part of the screen with subs on it

>> No.21638825
File: 49 KB, 340x200, translation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

joudan dayo joudan
heres the real certified perfect translation
picked up

>> No.21638835
File: 686 KB, 991x887, japs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in a non first world country. We have slum areas but we also have a lot of nice clean places. I find international documentaries bullshit as all their articles revolve around the extreme poverty cases here. These people make a living showing the worst of a country so people would watch them.
To be fair, my country is shit, but they make it look like we are all in extreme poverty.

If you are still curious, try asking a Japanese person I guess

>> No.21638841

......it wasn't for you in the first place though?

>> No.21638850

Not him, but good advice Anon

>> No.21638854

of course its all bullshit if u just keep telling the poors theyre poor they will keep being poor and teach their kids that they are poor

and then 1st world mega corps can come and outsource their labor to ur poor ppl while also grossly mistreating them

i read lots of posts that arent for me (like every post in this thread basically)

>> No.21638860


>> No.21638863

all my posts are for u
except when i try to help some poor kid

>> No.21638876

meditation timebox memes need to stop

>> No.21638888

so long and thanks for all the posts

>> No.21638902
File: 468 KB, 530x540, 1554746328908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meditation is so good

>> No.21638906

I'm convinced I haven't seen this shit since 2011 either.

>> No.21638920

should have said yous

>> No.21638924

i dont actually care about yous i just say it ironically sometimes to trigger ppl that do lol

>> No.21638925

I've tried FFXIV trial and played until like level 10 and it was decently fun but then I remembered how vain and pointless MMOs are and that I'd hit a paywall and be forced to pay monthly in no time for that shit and I noped the fuck out

>> No.21638937

imagining inviting quizmaster to my japanese final fantasy raiding fc and he just dies and wipes us and doesnt listen to the leader cuz he cant comprehend japanese and is sending me private messages asking what to do in english lol

>> No.21638945

Listen man I really doubt there is somebody in this thread that comprehends more Japanese than me

>> No.21638951

>tfw been learning for a year and still no nippon frens

>> No.21638955

but sex dolls are awesome. i will buy one that looks like a little girl when i move there, and hang it from the ceiling by a noose when people come over to visit.

>> No.21638977

ill tell u a funny mmo gaming moment i had with 1 of my home boys one of my japanese ninjas was offering to give him something and his response was just どうぞ and i asked him what his problem was and then he started saying it a bunch of times impersonating fuko from clannad and i got aids and died like nagisa lmao

>> No.21638988

nvm I don't want japanese friends anymore

>> No.21639009

>funny mmo gaming moment

>> No.21639018

mmo gaming was good 15 years ago my dude

>> No.21639019
File: 466 KB, 528x540, 瞑想は素晴らしい.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.21639027

This song is for all my cute nihongo learners

>> No.21639031

くそmed tranny早く死ねよ

>> No.21639034

>Not him, but good advice Anon
thanks dude
i hope it helps some people

>> No.21639068

welp, off to go get more compelling input
happy meditating to all who have chosen to walk this path of mental strength, clarity and inner peace! i salute you
to the naysayers, may you find the courage to confront your inner pain instead of attacking others in immature and toxic ways.

>> No.21639075

i think if u want to be zen more power to u but when u act smug and superior to anyone who doesnt suck ur dick its not a good look for ur supposed inner peace lol

>> No.21639083


>> No.21639101

>confront your inner pain
project much, some of us are happy without the need of spirituality.

>> No.21639122

Meditation doesn't need to be 'spiritual' and I'm not even sure if you can count it as such. It's more like the ultimate natural state of being.
But shoving it down peoples throat isn't going to help, and will only turn people off from it.

>> No.21639140

funny thing is no 1 attacked u

keep playin the victim and then meditate ur own shortcomings away lol when will u see meditation is just blinding ur third eye

take my hand and smile friend : )

>> No.21639161

i aint even gonna opine on if meditation is bullshit or not but everyone who has ever pushed it has a serious lack of introspection lol

>> No.21639188

your obsession with meditation is hilarious albeit a bit disturbing, tranny-kun

>> No.21639194

i mean meditation is a thing ppl do and thats cool but it has no place in my daily flashcards and yt link dump thread


>> No.21639252

just sat down on me bed and the air escaping from under my ballsack when it hit the mattress sounded like a deflating baloon

>> No.21639282
File: 44 KB, 484x534, angryasuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did this become the Daily Meditation Thread ? That's not how you learn nihongo

>> No.21639285

this thread has nothing to do with learning nihongo

>> No.21639295

but anon, the title is daily nihongo thread, am I deluded by my senses ?

>> No.21639309

and im a man and have never fucked a woman, whats your point

>> No.21639322

There are just evolutional dead ends. It is how it is. Millions of years of genetic recombination and you are the single point of failure.

>> No.21639331

thanks for the most obvious statement ever dipshit

>> No.21639335

>single point of failure

>> No.21639352

Totemo kanashii

>> No.21639391

while you fags were focusing on meditation I spent four hours reading today

>> No.21639393

is your grandma a virgin?

>> No.21639398

It was とりあえず all this time, not とりあいず wtf. My whole life was a lie

>> No.21639405

ur the failure of your own individual branch in the massive tree ?
if u look at the large scale instead of urself its obviously necessary that dead ends exist
ur doin a solid to the far future of humanity

>> No.21639434

what if by not reproducing u didnt bring the man who would destroy the world into the world

maybe not having sex is actually just so much win for those who are not having it ?

>> No.21639435

how do i pronounce this

>> No.21639441


>> No.21639457

how do i filter for all cards that happen to have something in a particular field

>> No.21639485

start > type appwiz.cpl > press enter > right click anki > click uninstall > follow the directions of the uninstall wizard

>> No.21639491

but i'm not interested enough in japanese media to read for the amount of required time to offset the loss in efficiency by dropping anki

>> No.21639502

then why are you learning japanese ? this is really dumb

>> No.21639503

ur just fucked do something else and thank me later

or come back in a few months when everything is still impossible and say u wish u listened to me like others have

>> No.21639513

wtf are you talking about it's because i want to enjoy japanese media
no we talked about this before there's nothing else in life

>> No.21639517

why is it so hard for retards to comprehend that you can want to learn this language, enjoy consuming media but not want to spend 5 fucking hours per day on either?

>> No.21639524
File: 2 KB, 200x85, キャプチャ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the greatest mystery enveloping japanese

>> No.21639559

ive seen exactly 0 anime movies cause im saving all of them till im fluent and can go in raw. better be worth it

>> No.21639567

anime shows are better so you won't be getting a lot out of this

>> No.21639578

who cares if you want to learn the language?
how much can you actually do with your minimal study effort?

>> No.21639579

they rally round tha family

with a pocket full of ghost in the shells

>> No.21639582 [DELETED] 

中黒(なかぐ nakaguro)は、約物のひとつで、「・」と書き表される。



>> No.21639583

no idea, i do 2 hours per day and then put it out of my mind and enjoy other things. if i make it i make it if i dont i dont it is what it is feel me

>> No.21639587

if u cant spend 5 hours a day on it thats too bad
but if u dont want to spend 5 hours a day on it ur fucked
and no one thinks u dont want to learn it
they think u dont want to use it
>if i make it i make it if i dont i dont it is what it is feel me
this is the smartest thing uve said

>> No.21639596

中黒(なかぐろ nakaguro)は、約物のひとつで、「・」と書き表される。




>> No.21639599

idk if u should be praising some1 for saying if i achieve or not its w/e

the smartest thing that can be said by anyone itt is nothing at all

>> No.21639601

so what you're saying is essentially that you can't learn anything unless you're completely infatuated with it to the point of wanting to do nothing else but that all day? uhuh ok dude

>> No.21639608

cant read any of this sorry im sure u had good intentions pasting something u googled for me but alas it amounts to nothing

>> No.21639619

i didnt say its smart though just its the highest hes reached
no im sayin that if u dont have so much nihongo content u want to consume that u wish u had more time to do it in then u are either gonna quit or ur gonna learn nihongo and wonder why u did

>> No.21639623

the thing is if u were gonna consume the shit u would just do it by any means necessary and not be in this thread

its time to just accept that by being here u drew the short straw in just life and everything


>> No.21639645

i have plenty of content i want to consume but i have other things in life i also enjoy. i also dont like to do things for hours and hours on end even if i love them. i dont play video games all day or hike all day or play football all day or wish i had the time to do those things all day. doesnt mean i dont love those things. or i guess it does in your worldview
jokes on you old man i already watched my anime for the day and am just shitposting a bit before bed

>> No.21639656


i did it. i encountered the word!

>> No.21639657

What are some easy light novels for a total beginner ? I really want to try Konosuba or Spice and Wolf but I'm afraid I won't be good enough, I've only been reading for two months and learning for five months

>> No.21639670

if ur fucked enough to be here uve prob known it for years
i think ur overanalyzing it lol

>> No.21639675

Why aren't you just trying to read those then you fuck? What do you think is gonna happen if its too hard? Scary light novels gonna jump you and break your neck?

>> No.21639679

wheres my ergo proxy dude at i got the stupid idea to actually watch it again thinking its prolly great compared to every single show i watched in the last 5 years

and then i got to this part and started laughing and quit the episode lol


>> No.21639689

If holo doesn't speak in kanbun i'm going to be both slightly happy and extremely disappointed

>> No.21639695

konosuba is really easy. it's also really bad.

>> No.21639697

>Scary light novels gonna jump you and break your neck?

>> No.21639699

You're prolly talking about me but the link doesn't work, says video unavailable

>> No.21639700

there are no "easy" light novels they are all written for adolescents who are fluent in japanese

>> No.21639703

if ur a total beginner everything is gonna be hard so u just pick somethin and read the prologue and keep goin
if u shouldnt read it ur gonna not feel like reading it anymore
either cuz u dont understand enough or cuz its boring
when that happens u pick somethin else
the only way u can fuck up is if u think that u have to finish what u started but u dont want to so u dont read anything

>> No.21639706

it does u just cant embed guess u gotta copy (dont do it)

>> No.21639707

i just downloaded KAKU for my android tablet and i can't believe it's taken me this long to do so
WOW this app is fucking great
not only can it instantly ocr AND define any app within a browser, but any images, apps, games etc as well
i need to give this guy some of my money

>> No.21639715

if you've only watched 10 anime in your life but you're learning japanese, you're a better anime fan than someone who's watched thousands but doesn't learn japanese.

>> No.21639717

gotta love the modern internet age where u have multiple dozen lifetimes worth of media to enjoy and u just sit there frozen picking nothing for ur entire life lmfao

>> No.21639719
File: 37 KB, 739x727, 1553001157277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't for me but i believe u and am confident im not missing anything

>> No.21639731

prolly a region block

>> No.21639732

if uve only watched 10 anime in ur life can u even honestly say u want to learn nihongo
unless its not ur medium of choice but then ud prob be postin about manga or somethin

>> No.21639736

ok chill with the marketing dude people already posted about it awhile ago

>> No.21639742

i started learning japanese because i heard plastic love on youtube and thought it sounded nice, not even memeing

>> No.21639745

2 lazy to download the episode again and clip it so it was the alphabet cereal with "awakening" floating up 1 letter at a time lol

>> No.21639748

Not necessarily, since that person who only watched 10 anime can be learn for other reasons, while at the same time the other guy could've not choose learned Japanese since the beginning "takes the enjoyment out of the anime due to not understanding 100%"

>> No.21639765

Based, reminds me of the reason I got into mahjong.

>> No.21639773
File: 87 KB, 992x681, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i started learning japanese cuz its the native language of the video game

>> No.21639776

By finding a mahjong set when I was in chinatown with a friend and thought "hey that looks cool"

>> No.21639787
File: 96 KB, 592x518, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it this manga about mahjong-playing lesbians?

>> No.21639789
File: 73 KB, 554x554, kirb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read kirby
not even kidding
its cute and very easy, furigana on everything
formatted just like an LN but for younger kids
still contains a lot of vocab and kanji you'll see in "big boy" LN's since its fantasy and adventure themed

>> No.21639791

I started learning Japanese because for some reason my brain can't stop being drawn to this language in all of its forms.

>> No.21639795

Naw this>>21639776

>> No.21639797

If there's one thing I've learned during by Japanese studies it's that. If there's 2 or more school girls in the same room, they can't keep their hands off each other.

>> No.21639803

Koto of the hi : 肉離れ

>> No.21639805

this actually seems great

>> No.21639817

Not sure about S&W, but I know that このすば is pretty damn easy. Sure, you'll probably have to mouse over lots of words with yomichan, but you'll get used to them after a few chapters or so. As a matter of fact, much of its vocabulary could make for some nice additions to a mined vocabulary deck.

>> No.21639819

i get shit on for giving the dorks here ehons about dead ghost moms and talking poop but kirby now thats some young reader lit

>> No.21639824

>But shoving it down peoples throat isn't going to help, and will only turn people off from it
i've noticed that simpy talking at all about things that aren't already considered the norm is often labeled as "shoving it down peoples throats"
people post all kinds of nonsense on here
no reason i can't talk about an interest, esp when there were others asking for advice and people here have expressed interest in the past
i never said everyone has to do it or insulted people who don't do it (unlike a lot of people here who do just that when it comes to the things they talk about, yet that's more acceptable for some reason)

>> No.21639825

how do u mouse over a book?

>> No.21639833

u post walls of shit about it in every thread that no 1 reads sorry dude but this guy was right >>21639161

>> No.21639834

I'd read that if I cared about Kirby, even though I don't think, considering my tastes and tolerance level, that I could last more than a chapter or so reading that.

>> No.21639836

Don't buy your first Japanese light novel physically that's asking to be hurt. Just read it in the resource section in the fucking op like a normal person.

>> No.21639837


>> No.21639842

im gonna say give it a chance to win u over dude u sohuld never *snorts* judge a book by its cover

>> No.21639850

honestly whether it's smart to drop/significantly reduce anki or not depends on your current level
advising beginners or low intermediates to drop it is just silly
that's one of the best things they could do for their retention and building vocab
when you're high intermediate or advanced, reducing use significantly or dropping it altogether is more reasonable
compelling input should always be part of the equation, but that ratio depends on your level
i think it should be something like

(time spent on input to time spent on anki)
beginner (1:1)
low intermediate (3:1)
high intermediate (5:1)
advanced (10:1)

>> No.21639859

lol you're ridiculous
i'm not the guy who made the app nor have i ever spoken to him, i just really like it

>> No.21639860

read ur post with this playing in the background


>> No.21639862

Get a text file of the book. Open up the file on Firefox (or Chrome, but it'd be better to use Firefox because Google is Jewish). Turn yomichan/rikaisama/nazeka on and see the definitions pop up.
In case you don't have a text file, you can use Google Translate's kanji drawing feature or search each kanji up by its radicals on Jisho/Wiktionary.
I know you're probably Jamal, so I doubt you'd care for my beginner-level advice, but I hope that somebody else might.

>> No.21639868

why do vns only work """perfectly""" with windows? windows is so shitty, even in small things like changing keyboards, using the IME, and not being able to copy paste with select + middle mouse button
literal trash that only plays games and even then, it's so fucking awful to get full japanese games running and with a controller
end me now

>> No.21639876

cuz they are "developed" for windows

go ahead and reverse engineer something like the engine used on all them mid 2000s giga games and just look at it lol

>> No.21639881

Is Chinese a tool for communication like English or a language like Japanese?

>> No.21639882

wait so light novels are literally books? are there illustrations and if so how frequent are they? im a retard lol

>> No.21639884

i appreciate ur post but could u possibly rewrite it to be less antisemitic plz ?

>> No.21639889



*saddens in ur path*

>> No.21639891

They usually have about 1 illustration every 30-50 pages, mostly for the sake of depicting new characters or ecchi scenes.

>> No.21639896

i cried at the end of guilty crown

>> No.21639901

It depends on the dialect

>> No.21639904

Every single human language that has ever fuckin existed was created as a tool for communication. Classical Latin? Yes. Sanskrit? Yes. Esperanto? Same principle applies.
Whenever you write or say something, you're communicating. It might not be the most efficient way of communicating that message, but it's still some kind of thought being communicated.

>> No.21639908

>he fell for it

>> No.21639916

just go fuckin download 1 off this thing called the internet and take a gander dude lol

thanks ur shit link reminded me of somethin actually legit good hard to believe its from this decade


>> No.21639932

the thing i posted is 10 times better than this wtf


>> No.21639945

>wait so light novels are literally books?
The Japanese call light novels what the west would call young adult fiction. Their themes, plotlines and characters are very much inspired by manga and / or anime or probably at this point it should be said that it's the other way round with half of the shit coming out being a light novel adaptation.

Consider them novelized versions of anime plots.

>> No.21639950

How different is Okinawan from Japanese?

>> No.21639954

whats ur problem

>> No.21639955

no way dude ur link made me go u know who else made a lot of shit garbage i hated those honeyworks fuckers but u know they did make that 1 realy good 1 ftw also shame on a ninja that links me the btooom op

>> No.21639957

tfw no murderous batshit insane chink pirate gf

>> No.21639963

u chose the wrong time to link that cuz now were really goin to shit city


>> No.21639973

op is about the only good thing about btoom. nanos dope af. not really sure what the deal is with these retarded music vids though

jesus that show looks retarded but i kinda dig the song desu, guess im just a fan of shit

>> No.21639975

Stop posting sad shit you fags, it makes me feel gay

>> No.21639982

btooom sure is trash all around cant deny that one of the worst animes ever

ill let u have the 1 good nano tho


>> No.21640002

ye love that one, speaking of trash though

actually whats ur top 5 anime from the past 10 years, all you do is shit on everything give me some good vibes
being afraid of your emotions is what makes u a fag, embrace the human experience to the fullest

>> No.21640010
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 1553486062472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>embrace the human experience to the fullest
I'd be glad to...

>> No.21640016

>The movie is almost over.
And yet here we all still are.

>> No.21640019

yeah dude ive been deep in the grips of anhedonia too, i still am to some degree but im trying to claw my way out. the feeling of observing your own life unfolding like a boring ass movie isn't fun at all i'll admit that much

>> No.21640034

fuck it im down t oplay with that 1

well for starters none of them is ur link but heres 5 that immediately came to mind that im pretty happy with but im sure theres more that i could put as top 5

青い花 (u did say 10 years so im holding u to that shit)

ur turn babey

>> No.21640045

like ping pong anime thats also top 5 ez

>> No.21640053

lol the oretuba anime was sick as hell thats a top 5er also theres 2 many animes that belong in my top 5

>> No.21640081

was not expecting that lol. didnt realize you were so into sol. is it cause u think other genres suck nowadays or? im gonna get mocked prolly but idgaf this is my real deal list

hunter x hunter
shinsekai yori
spice and wolf wew this just barely made it in 10 years

>> No.21640096

triple hana
im mad aku no hana ended with a montage

>> No.21640105

oh wait this came out over 10 years ago, got confused cause the sequel came out recently

hmmm fuck it i'll be honest with myself and say railgun season 1

>> No.21640124

honestly i think prioritising input over anki till u know 2k words is a waste of time

>> No.21640125

btw im too scared to watch ano hana because it seems extremely sad and i dont want to feel terrible for a week afterwards

>> No.21640128

idk how u infer sol im actually just into really bad romance with a tinge of sadness ? dont 4get i am or was a erogamer lol

ano natsu cuz its a "sequel" of sorts to onegai teacher/twins which i watched when those originally aired so it a was a really cool throwback even the art style and basically every other detail was a throw back it was a very nice show 4 me

horo musuko was actually only cuz it was written by the same person who wrote aoi hana so my hands were tied there and it was still really good and ftw

anyway i dont really have a problem with any of those except maybe u over value shiro bako but w/e i wont judge and also mushishi is 2005 or some shit dude just cuz there was a new season doesnt mean u can just cheat like that

same that stinger was the stinger of all stingers

>> No.21640148


>> No.21640149

honestly there hasnt been a anime that has done it as good as anohana since then so just do it and get fucken sad dude while we all wait for the next epic adolescent tear jerker adventure

>> No.21640175

lmao just go back to mushishi i cant accept this railgun is junk food anime and not of the quality of a top 5 anime

i bet u cant even remember anything from it besides kuroko saying jahdgemento and uiharus head becoming an unruly foliage overgrowth well in any case thats waht i remember

>> No.21640181

why not just 500

>> No.21640187

i wanna meet the guy that goes yosh i know 2000 words time to read so i can immediately destroy them by showing them they dont even know 100 words actualyl lol

>> No.21640192

u dont understand man i'm too emotional as it is. after i watched shinsekai yori i woke up feeling like crying every morning for a week and actually did cry a few times. i even cried at the ending montage for fuckin tokyo magnitutde 8.0 and at fmab. feels good to get that off my chest, i couldnt tell a soul that i sat in my apartment alone at 8 am crying over an anime i watched a week ago.
i liked the sisters arc but tbqh it was the first thing that popped in my head and i was too lazy to think of anything else

>> No.21640193

>even in small things like changing keyboards, using the IME
it takes literally one hotkey to switch between english and japanese though.

>> No.21640196

because with just 500 youll still be looking up multiple words per sentence frequently. u can still read during this time to get acquainted with japanese but anki should take priority overall

>> No.21640210

i couldnt cry at ssy cuz its gay

tm8.0 is legit fair game crying an u should cry that shits not fair what they did but i guess thats the point of the entire thing lifes not fair

hard to cry at fmab prolly cuz i was over fma after the first anime

as a tm8.0 crier i will tell u with 100% certainty ur gonna lose ur shit @ the end of anohana and its gonna be so much win

>> No.21640211

u think u wont be looking up multiple words a sentence after u memorize 2000 words in anki ?

>> No.21640218

btw me telling u ur gonna lose ur shit beforehand isnt really gonna matter cuz ur just gonna sit there arms crossed goin i dobut im gonna lose my shit and then tears are just gonna drip right down onto ur forearms and ur gonna break stance to wipe them and in that moment i will be in that room with u handing u a tissue in spirit

>> No.21640224

also just cuz u flashtard a word in the dictionary form doesn't mean you'll always be able to understand all the different inflections it will inevitably show up in different contexts so really anki is just pointless.

>> No.21640233

i think itll happen a lot less often than with 500. this is coming from a guy who went into reading with relatively little vocab but wishes wouldve spent more time in anki early on. probably couldve learned those 2k words in about a month or 2

>> No.21640236

>i dobut im gonna lose my shit
i dont wanna watch it cause im 100% sure it'll happen. i cant turn this shit off lol. but i kinda want watch it now for some reason even though i know i will regret it when its the first thing i remember in the morning when i wake up or when i get gut punched by remembering it as im taking a piss.

>> No.21640249

just fuckin watch it dude like i knew when it started running it was a instant classic and i can go back to it now and always appreciate it and be like yea this was right before anime fuckin died forever

>> No.21640253

the worst shit was i remember watching the nichijo anime right alongside it man what a fuckin stupid contrast i had to keep those separated lmao

>> No.21640262

i havent cried in like 3 months so maybe ill watch anohana for u

>> No.21640274
File: 34 KB, 420x420, キャプチャ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ankis not pointless u just have a 99.9% chance of using it ineffectively wrt to boosting language acquisition cuz no1 is teaching u how to use it right

but never fear my patreon and website will be online soon and i will ironically go down as the guy who saved all the flashtards


>> No.21640282


>> No.21640287

look a couple posts below that one

>> No.21640296

i dont think u can really dispute the 1st 1 anyway

>> No.21640344

Is it wrong to expect reading speed to magically increase over time as
familiarity with the language grows? How the hell do some people zip through
long VNs so quickly after they've just begun learning? Finally started reading
shit that isn't piss easy and found out I hit around ~35kb an hour, which is

>> No.21640350

can u guess the definition

>> No.21640365
File: 1.50 MB, 1440x1479, 1561544276886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw real life is weirder than anime
based tbqh

>> No.21640381

thing of happy think

>> No.21640382

beginners who "zip through long VNs" aren't comprehending stuff at a high level. they are skipping stuff they can't figure out and possibly are misunderstanding a lot of what they are reading.

your reading speed will magically increase once you read a lot yeah. your brain will get used to all the patterns and you'll just see the shapes of the sentence and your brain will automatically decode it instantly like your native language. it does take time though and there will be difficult parts that you will naturally read slowly too.

>> No.21640383

when i cant fall asleep i sing this to myself. gn

>> No.21640386

probably because they just skim over all the vocab with their text hooker and think that's learning lol

>> No.21640401

why do some eroge go full autsim on vocab i keep running into words in the 20-30k range of frequency

>> No.21640406

cuz they are written for adults : )

>> No.21640409

every form of japanese media is gonna have the occasional uncommon word it's not different to anything else

>> No.21640411

that's within the normal range of an adult's vocabulary

>> No.21640419
File: 449 KB, 680x553, 908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21640442

lol if you've just been learning for 2 to 6 months farming sentences from input and breaking down their vocab and grammar is your best bet for quick gains
that shit takes time, farming 20 sentences from input, getting the grammar, new vocab and everything on the card, and repping them will take at least an hour, hour and a half
then another hour and a half spent just reading stuff and looking up
sounds reasonable to me

>> No.21640452


>> No.21640456


>> No.21640458

then get in tune with ur body sensations
isn't that the obvious cure for anhedonia

>> No.21640488

get in tune w. this


>> No.21640550

>farming sentences

>> No.21640778

Why do the Japanese think it's cunning when you cheat on a test?

>> No.21640845

i just found my first banger!!!


>> No.21640847

Is it not?

>> No.21640915


Lowercasers need to let Steve know that he's approaching language learning incorrectly since he's not loving all of his input.

>> No.21640924

>Starting reading Yotsubato
No you didn't. Manga isn't reading.

>> No.21640962

reading manga

>> No.21640970

It's better than reading because you learn more

>> No.21640999
File: 67 KB, 290x267, dqP5Cki1iu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21641054

heh i've mastered copypasting ffmpeg scripts from google search results to convert h265 to h264 so i can watch any anime on video.fluentcards.com

>> No.21641059


she's ugly but i am too, and plus she appears to have big breasts but i could be missing something. i would definitely plow but i would need to find a way to get her to want to be plowed by me.

>> No.21641159

what manga you reading now?

>> No.21641171

When did you realize you weren't gonna make it? I've seen this sentence several times over the past few months since I occasionally reread stuff to see how I've progressed.
The 場所だ part kept tripping me up. Until I just realized it's referring to 世界っていうのは. How many other sentences have a sliver of nonsensicality simply because I miss one easy and obvious aspect to it? Christ.

>> No.21641177

yuyushiki and berserk

>> No.21641183


>> No.21641191

dont hate bro, it works
its just time consuming

>> No.21641248

>beginners who "zip through long VNs" aren't comprehending stuff at a high level. they are skipping stuff they can't figure out and possibly are misunderstanding a lot of what they are reading.

>your reading speed will magically increase once you read a lot yeah. your brain will get used to all the patterns and you'll just see the shapes of the sentence and your brain will automatically decode it instantly like your native language. it does take time though and there will be difficult parts that you will naturally read slowly too
i get goosebumps when someone makes this much sense on djt
anon tell me more

>> No.21641282

teach me this magic

>> No.21641438

20-30k isn't uncommon, the average adult sits at 30-40k words they passively know. Authors are gonna be the types who have an active vocabulary digging past the average of 10-20k active vocab that an adult would know.

>> No.21641566
File: 45 KB, 301x745, 恐竜.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u post walls of shit about it in every thread that no 1 reads
you obviously read enough of my posts to know they're about meditation in the first place hahaha

>> No.21641583

and like i said people have literally asked for advice/information on it so... stop hating bro and continue "ignoring" (lol) my posts

>> No.21641609
File: 687 KB, 789x444, Screenshot_2019-07-05 Is Early Output a Sin - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21641672
File: 15 KB, 603x120, HvrjgqrU7k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets make it happen

>> No.21641756
File: 304 KB, 1609x970, icantfinditpleasehelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where exactly can I find it in the resource section?

>> No.21641763

top kek

he should already afford it from the months of donations he got, i didnt see him boast about new equipment or anything with that money so it must be there, right?

>> No.21641768

>making a beginner resource site which beginners can't even fucking navigate

why do people who do good things have to be difficult asshole weirdos

>> No.21641795

imagine being as retarded as jamal
phew thats a scary thought

>> No.21641867

A Matt video where he:
1: Does not talk for an hour+
2: Gets to the point immediately without repeating himself over and over
3: Is right about something

Yo what the fuck has Matt been reading DJT?

>> No.21641870

could someone help find a Jap site that would aggregate all the best selling Japanese albums ever up to this point? I found a list of 250 titles up to 2010, but listened to it all and would like something updated, since I'm well aware that some albums broke records over the years

>> No.21641873

I'm too intelligent to relate to normies half the time, how do you expect me to pretend what the world is like through the lens of Jamal?

>> No.21641874

yes, Nuke did it too to the point he stopped making his retarded videos and shut in

>> No.21641880

nuke is sacrificing his patreons to learn japanese
he was making 420 before

>> No.21641912

i dont understand, can someone break it down for me please?

>> No.21641919
File: 1.95 MB, 1600x900, vlc_3Tryfbck1l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is fascinating stuff the white girl is hiding her nihongo abilities

>> No.21641931

here's a helpful tip for all my friends: start doing what you struggle to do first thing in the morning, it helps. if you start playing games or doing dum dum stuff instead you're ruining your mindset

>> No.21641949

Or I just have ADHD and I'm never gonna be normal and just work the hardest I can anyway instead of listening to a dekinai who things lifestyle changes are anything other than a meme normies do to receive the placebo benefits

>> No.21641952

no you're just low iq lol

>> No.21641955

Being low IQ is looking at "strategies to be successful" and thinking doing them will make you successful, and not realizing that it's successful people tending to be that way, and you're a loser who isn't going to make it whether or not you do what they do

>> No.21641956


>> No.21641958

no you're just low iq loser looking for excuses lol, ugh mommy my ADHD ;_;

>> No.21641961

btw ADHD doesn't even exist, you're simply a retard

>> No.21641972

realizing that your life is actually pretty damn great and it was just years of habitual negative thinking that kept you from seeing that >>>

>> No.21641975

Almost took the bait but you got too greedy

>> No.21641977

i’m mad she does that :/ flaunt it you lil bitch

>> No.21641982

no you're just a retard who lives in his tiny retard bubble and refuses to listen to voice of reason. you're just low iq, that's all. now stop responding to me you fucking ugly filth cuz im busy actually reading in japanese instead of crying about imaginary problems

>> No.21642022


>> No.21642144

Anyone keen to share tips for the actual JLPT exam? I've heard that time management is a big problem and you really have to rush through the readings.

>> No.21642148

unless you want to work in a japanese company its a waste of time

>> No.21642151

if you're fluent in japanese that should be no problem

>> No.21642193


now this is based

>The acquiring process of the first language is very rapid while the learning process of the second language can vary from language to language and from person to person, but can never be as rapid as the first language acquisition.
>The first language is ‘acquired’ and the second language is ‘learned’. The difference between these two words describes the qualities of the two languages. ‘Acquire’ means “to come into possession or ownership of” which indicates that the first language is like a dynamic and abstract property which comes into possession of a person. On the other hand, ‘learn’ means “to gain knowledge or skill by study, instruction, or experience” which indicates that there is nothing passive in second language learning.
>A first language is completely acquired with 100% proficiency within 6 years from the birth. However, a second language can never be learned as efficiently as a first language; though good competence can be achieved in the second language, the process is slow.
>The first language acquisition is always natural and there is no need for instruction in acquiring it. But a second language learning is not natural and it needs continuous guidance and instruction.
>The first language does not require any conscious effort; the acquisition process of the first language is subconscious. The second language requires constant conscious effort so that the learners can internalize the structures of the second language.

>> No.21642207
File: 142 KB, 500x500, kinmoza_alice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21642217


>> No.21642250

Is that the anki logo on her shirt?

>> No.21642253

but it goes to half-width alphanumeric, I have to take fullscreen out and go all the way down and click the A to change it to hiragana input

>> No.21642254


>> No.21642258

being low IQ is believing it’s impossible to learn things lmao

>> No.21642266

you don’t have yomichan? damn nikka just mouse over that shit stop complaining about having to read japanese when that’s what you’re trying to learn anyway dummy

>> No.21642283

I forget how to write kanji

>> No.21642298


>> No.21642300

Episode list
S1: Kin-iro Mosaic (2013)
S2: Hello!! Kin-iro Mosaic (2015)
OVA: Kin-iro Mosaic: Pretty Days (2017)


>> No.21642313



>> No.21642359

>wake up after 6 hours and can't go back to sleep
>too tired to think for my reps
this is so annoying, now i have to wait till i can fall asleep for an hour in the afternoon and then do them

>> No.21642392

That's very obviously not what he said but go off queen

>> No.21642436

Who's the Japanese PewDiePie?
What are some chill youtubers I can watch to get my immersion?

>> No.21642459

he straight up did
“you can’t learn good self management skills because your IQ isn’t high”

>> No.21642466

btw pewdiepie sucks ass

>> No.21642477

Do it like any other language test. Read the question, read the answer, find the right paragraph and ignore the rest.

>> No.21642555


>> No.21642643




>> No.21642707


>> No.21642744


>> No.21642785

This is based but there are still retards in those threads who think that at 8yo you're still not 100% proficiency in your first language

>> No.21642838


>> No.21642841

Does anyone have Calvin videos archives? Or all the videos are lost? So far I only have the 1 month MIA update.

>> No.21642903

calvins journey has ended dude hes just focused on graduating from college and becoming a fat monolingual cog

>> No.21642903,1 [INTERNAL] 

Don't say that about my boi Calvin, he's just gone MIA, one day he'll be back speaking Japanese and reading all the mangas. Calvin will succeed.
